TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 60, 4/2023 875 Christopher Blattman Why We Fight: The Roots of War and the Paths to Piece Penguin Books UK, 2023 400 str., 15 EUR (ISBN 978-0-241-98925-8) Christopher Blattman is Canadi- an-American political scientist and economist specialising in a variety of issues, mostly global conflicts, inter- national development and poverty. Since 2016, he has been working as E. Pearson Professor of Global Conflict Studies at the University of Chicago, the Harris School of Public Policy and the Pearson Institute. He is also known for his blog about internation- al relations and global development, which for over 15 years has been very popular. Blattman also regularly contributes to The New York Times, The Washington Post or Foreign Af- fairs Journal. By writing the book Why We Fight: The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace as his first commercial book, Blattman’s aim was to bring his re- search and ideas closer to a general audience. In the presented book, the author deals with a framework to understand the reasons that drive violence and result in conflicts. On the other hand, Blattman attempts to offer solutions to achieve a stable environment through several strate- gies. The book combines knowledge from various disciplines, not only international relations, but also eco- nomics, sociology and history. Over 11 chapters, the author focuses on the importance of: the costs of wars, enforcement of values, sufficient ac- cess to information, motivation to en- ter conflicts, peace persisting, ensur- ing the stability of society, as well as many other phenomena associated with fights and peace. The book begins with a brief in- troductory chapter on game theory, serving as a foundation for a bet- ter understanding of the events de- scribed in subsequent chapters. In this part, the author also presents the concept of balance of power where he describes how actors can function stably in an uneven environment. At the end of the first chapter, reference is also made to the theory of realism – through the idea that an attack on another actor does not always have a bad intention. The first section of the second chapter, entitled Unchecked Inter- ests, illustrates the causes of fighting with the example of Liberia. Liberia was selected as an example of many decolonised states where the au- tocratic leaders did not reflect the needs of society, which caused ris- ing tensions and led to a protracted civil war. In addition, Blattman notes that Africa is not the only region where a war bias is considered to be the cause of fights; it has happened throughout history all around the world. Unchecked interests, which are directly related to war bias, are presented by the author as one of the fundamental causes of the fights in pre-modern Europe and America; in Africa, the war bias, as a cause of wars, appeared just prior to post-co- lonial times. Alongside the events in BOOK REVIEWS 876 TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 60, 4/2023 related to the fact that many actors deliberately send out mixed infor- mation about themselves in order to unsettle their rivals. In the book, un- certainty is also shown to be linked to the concept of reputation; the prob- lem is that reputation may not reflect the current conditions. As an exam- ple of uncertainty associated with a bad reputation, the author presents the USA’s invasion of Iraq. In that time, both sides were sending mixed signals to confuse the opponent and suffered reputational damage from their reckless actions. In the fifth chapter, the book deals with Commitment Problems, which are directly connected with leaders’ abilities and their responsibility for the decisions. It is stated that the most accurate example of commitment problems is a “preventive” war. It is interesting that the author considers Germany’s actions which started the First World War as a preventive act since Germany’s primary goal could have been to cause a shift in power. The violation of the Thirty Years Peace between Sparta and Athens is also mentioned as an example of commitment problems being the rea- son for the start of fighting. Despite the valid truce, Sparta pre-emptively attacked Athens with the aim of pre- venting Athens’ domination of the ancient Greek world. Civil wars are seen as an even more extreme exam- ple of commitment problems since the state is unable to fulfil its com- mitment to protect its population. At the end of the fifth part, readers can find reflections on the fact that many Liberia, Blattman illustrates war bias by referring to events in medieval Italy and the fights for American in- dependence. This time difference is explained on the basis that war bias is the main cause of the conflicts when there is a lack of democracy, absence of rules as well as an excessive con- centration of power. The third chapter, Intangible In- centives, is devoted to non-material objectives, which also play a key role as a trigger for fights. Ideals and values, such as freedom and justice, proved to be crucial during the Arab Spring. The book points to the val- ues of unfairness and willingness as some of the major values that were the cause of many fights. The author describes the gain of better status and fame as other intangible motivations of the fight; this happened mainly during both world wars. Blattman further notes that the prospect of gaining fame and status is not only a trigger for wars, but also a means of keeping warriors motivated. The sec- ond part of the chapter refers to ide- ologies and their role as one cause of fights. The primary issue with ideolo- gy is considered to be the fact that its proponents often view the enforce- ment of their ideology as the only vi- able solution. At the end of the chap- ter, the author reflects on whether people are inherently violent, which he tries to point out through the the- ory of parochialism. The fourth chapter describes Un- certainty; according to Blattman, un- certainty stems chiefly from a lack of information. Uncertainty is also 877 TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 60, 4/2023 undertaken during Reagan’s presi- dency, the concept of détente is il- lustrated. Blattman builds on the idea that interdependence is an effective peace strategy when it benefits all actors involved. If the actors are iso- lated economically or politically, they are much more prone to provoke fights. Social interdependence is pre- sented as an effective strategy for preventing civil wars as the barriers between the population of the state are erased. The author also presents the concept of moral interdepend- ence, which is based on the premise that so long as dignity is granted to all people the level of violence will be lower. The eight chapter focuses on the concept of Checks and Balances, which is related to the decentralisa- tion of power. The author stresses that effective enforcement of the concept of checks and balances calls for transparent institutionalisation – whether on the corporate, sub-state, state or international level. The con- cept of checks and balances is also clarified via the theory of polycen- trism. Polycentrism refers to situa- tions, where polities with a lack of decentralisation of power (e.g., dic- tatorship or military juntas), are more susceptible to cause conflicts. The chapter ends with the author reflect- ing on the fact that the current setup of the international system supports greater centralisation, which can dis- rupt the stability of the international environment. The ninth chapter is dedicated to Rules and Enforcement; the existence conflicts could have been avoided had the leaders better considered their actions; this is also linked to the observance of domestic and interna- tional commitments. The sixth part is entitled Misper- ceptions. In this chapter, Blattman deals with psychological and emo- tional aspects, which can have mas- sive impact on the start of fights. However, it is stated that the degree to which psychological and emotion- al factors are involved as triggers of fights is difficult to study since there are no quantifiable data. The author points to some interesting examples showing that there is almost no dif- ference between inexperience, panic, fear and self-preservation. The start of a fight is also caused because each actor might hold a different point of view on a given situation. The influ- ence of psychological factor is also described through group decision- making. The bigger the groups, the more the opinions of the members vary, which creates pressure to adopt the final decision. The last pages of the chapter describe how every per- son has certain tendencies towards hatred and destruction. However, as indicated in the book, whether and how strong they are manifested de- pends on the current circumstances. While the first part of the book is devoted to the causes of fighting, the second part documents the possibili- ties of peace strategies. The seventh chapter, Interdependence, begins with one of Ronald Reagan’s famous statements: “Peace is not the absence of conflict”. Based on some actions 878 TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 60, 4/2023 operations or humanitarian military interventions. Facilitating is illustrat- ed through using the art of media- tion; with mediation between Israel and Egypt or the situation in Liberia serving as examples. The idea of so- cialisation is discussed through the education of society towards non-vi- olence. The tenth part concludes with the incentivising strategy, which is connected with the idea of free elec- tions and their contribution to peace in society. The eleventh chapter, entitled Wayward Paths to War and Peace, offers an interesting perspective on changes in the organisation of so- ciety as possible tools for conflict prevention. Blattman first explains the strategy of putting more women in charge as a possible way of en- suring peace. In this case, it is men- tioned that, even though women have a greater inclination for paci- fism, whether leadership by a woman brings more peace would depend on the person involved. There is also an interesting view about whether reducing poverty would also lead to more peace, where once again the correlation is not confirmed. Here, the author also reflects on where the line is between the positive conse- quences of war and the share of the costs, whether financial or human. The final part of the book is en- titled The Peacemeal Engineer. In ten separate parts, Blattman tries to explain why social and political problems cannot be solved as easily as happens in other sectors. He also presents a theory about how difficult of these two elements is necessary to maintain order in every society. Emphasis is placed on the thesis that society can these days only be fully stable if the state has full control over it and has effective mechanisms in place to enforce order. Hobbs’s theory of anarchy is used as proof of this statement, when in the absence of rules: “A man is a wolf to another man”. In the second part of the chap- ter, Blattman shows that the enforce- ment of rules on the international lev- el is much more difficult than on the state level. The reason for this is the non-existence of central authority, as well as the uneven distribution of power across almost 200 states. At the end of the eighth chapter, the author asks whether wars could be prevent- ed if there were some type of “world government”. Nevertheless, Blattman currently sees the effective function- ing of international and regional or- ganisations as the most effective way of preventing inter-state violence. The tenth chapter is concerned with Interventions and their contri- bution to obtaining and maintaining peace. Blattman illustrates peace- keeping interventions through five selected strategies – punishing, en- forcing, facilitating, incentivising and socialising. International/foreign sanctions are mentioned as an ex- ample of punishing. This section of- fers an interesting debate about the effectiveness of sanctions as well as whether excessive sanctions lead to an increase in tensions. Enforc- ing is presented through the actions of third parties – UN peacekeeping 879 TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 60, 4/2023 it is to resolve conflicts – although we have many examples of how peace was achieved, most situations are fundamentally different, and it is fre- quently impossible to apply previous solutions. In this context, the book ends with the author writing: “For the path of peace today there is no uni- versal template. I can give you some concepts, tools…”. A positive aspect of the book is that one can find many situations taken from everyday life being used as examples to ensure better under- standing of the motivations for the actions by important actors through- out history. Also interesting is the fact that at the beginning of several chap- ters the author describes a story from the environment of gangs, where he looks for subsequent parallels be- tween gang rivalries and conflicts on a much larger scale. Blattman thereby seeks to illustrate the situa- tions where the causes of ‘everyday’ violence are not so different from the causes of massive conflicts and their resolution. The book is recommended main- ly for because it offers many inter- esting instances and reflections that would be overlooked without the impulses that are mentioned. Chris- topher Blattman used his years of experience as a blog writer, as well as a contributor to major newspapers, to write an interesting and engaging book. While the peer-reviewed book is a valuable addition to the library of all students of social and politi- cal sciences, it is additionally recom- mended to anyone interested in the functioning of society and its chang- es that lead to either the unleashing of a conflict or the establishment of a path to peace. Tomáš ŽIPAJ Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani Mike Hulme Climate Change Isn’t Everything: Liberating Climate Politics from Alarmism Polity Press, Cambridge, 2023, 200 strani, Paperback 17,00 EUR (ISBN 9781509556168) Kako prepoznamo dobre knjige, še preden jih preberemo? Zame je priporočilo vedno na prvem mestu. Me je pa nekoliko presenetilo, ko je na dogodku Univerze v Mariboru De- diščinska znanost in podnebne spre- membe Johanna Leissner (predstav- nica Inštituta Fraunhofer v Bruslju in aktivna članica več evropskih pobud na področju podnebnih sprememb in kulturne dediščine) s posebno vznesenostjo priporočila relativno »staro« knjigo Mika Hulma Why We Disagree About Climate Change? (2009). Fotografijo naslovnice je na dogodku pospremila z besedami, da bi to knjigo moral prebrati vsak, ki deluje v polju podnebnih sprememb. Knjigo z očitno družboslovnim, celo komunikološkim naslovom priporo- ča kemičarka, ki dela v humanistič- nem polju kulturne dediščine? Hulme je res avtor, ki ga tudi jaz priporočam v branje vsem v polju t. i. 880 TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 60, 4/2023 »zelenega prehoda« – naravoslovcem morda še prej kot družboslovcem, če- prav so teme izrazito družboslovne. Ko sem odložila Why We Disagree About Climate Change?, sem vzela v roke še druga njegova dela. Tudi njegovo zadnje delo z namenoma provokativnim naslovom Climate Change Isn’t Everything je vsekakor vredno branja, gre pa Hulme tokrat v svojem razmišljanju še precej dlje kot v preostalih delih, čeprav je osrednje ideje začel izrisovati že v knjigah Why We Disagree About Climate Change? in Weathered: Cultures of Climate. Mike Hulme je večino svojega živ- ljenja posvetil raziskovanju učinkov podnebnih sprememb in opozarja- nju na njihove negativne posledice. Je profesor družbene geografije na Univerzi Cambridge s častitljivo zgo- dovino raziskovanja. Med drugim je bil med letoma 1995 in 2001 tudi član Medvladnega panela za podnebne spremembe pri Združenih narodih (IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change) in je pomagal pri pisanju 2. in 3. poročila IPCC (2021 je izšlo 6. poročilo) – tistih dveh poročil, ki sta avtorjem IPCC leta 2007 »prislu- žila« Nobelovo nagrado za mir; med soprejemniki je bila tudi dr. Lučka Kajfež Bogataj. Čeprav je naslov mogoče brati dvoumno, pa Hulme nikakor ne go- vori o tem, da podnebne spremembe ne bi obstajale in da ne bi bile rezul- tat jasno znanih razlogov povečanih izpustov toplogrednih plinov. Tudi ne govori, da ni potrebno ukrepanje. Slednje v monografiji izrecno in več- krat izpostavi, saj se zaveda, da bi bilo njegovo delo lahko hitro izrabljeno kot orožje v javni razpravi o podneb- nih spremembah v smislu pozicije t. i. »zanikovalca« podnebnih sprememb (angl. climate denayer). Pri čemer pa tudi ne nasprotuje javni razpravi, temveč nasprotno: celotno delo je prežeto z idejo pomembnosti javne razprave, saj bodo, opozarja, le na tak način politike podnebnih sprememb ubežale depolitizaciji. Depolitizacijo vidi v časovni in vsebinski zožitvi raz- prav o podnebnih spremembah. Časovno zožitev razprav vidi v alarmiranju, ko se s pritiskanjem za takojšnje in hitre odločitve sprožajo ukrepi izrednega stanja, nevarnega za demokracijo. Na tem mestu pre- poznava, da se mu bo verjetno vsaj deloma upravičeno pripisovalo po- zicijo t. i. »upočasnitelja« (angl. »cli- mate delayer«), s tem ko opozarja na zmernost pri alarmiranju – ne zato ker ukrepanje ne bi bilo potrebno, temveč ker s pozivom na izredne razmere ožimo polje razmišljanja o podnebnih spremembah v urgentnih razmerah. Vsebinska zožitev razprav ima po njegovem mnenju več razsežnosti, na tem mestu izpostavim tri: (a) v pou- darjanju enega cilja pred vsemi osta- limi, (b) v enovzročnih obrazložitvah, ki kompleksne probleme ožijo zgolj na vidik podnebnih sprememb, in (c) v nedemokratičnem izključevanju drugače mislečih in dogmatičnemu sledenju lastnemu prepričanju. V prvi vrsti vidi vsebinsko zožitev razprav o podnebnih spremembah v priseganju na podnebne cilje nad vsemi ostalimi. Blaženje podnebnih 881 TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 60, 4/2023 sprememb ne bi smelo biti nad cilji, ki so vsebinski argumenti za blaženje podnebnih sprememb: dobrobit in zdravje ljudi, biodiverziteta, družbena pravičnost. Nabor tovrstnih argumen- tov je v prvi vrsti odvisen od vsako- kratnega vrednotnega sistema družb. Namesto priseganja na zgolj en cilj, ki da naj bo nad vsemi ostalimi, Hulme opozarja na pomembnost hkratnega prepoznavanja raznolikih ciljev. Bolj primeren kot je cilj 1,5 °C povprečne globalne temperature nad industrij- sko dobo Pariškega sporazuma, je po Hulmu pristop SDG 2030 Ciljev trajnostnega razvoja do leta 2030, ki skrb za globalni ekosistem umeščajo ob skrb za socialne pravice in demo- kratičen razvoj družb. Hulme s tem razširi kritiko o tiraniji metrik(e), ki jo sicer poznamo iz kritičnih razprav o vsepomembnosti BDP-ja, tudi na področje podnebnih sprememb, pri čemer se boji, da v želji po čim večji učinkovitosti z osredotočanjem na zgolj en cilj (globalna povprečna tem- peratura ali svetovni ogljični odtis) spregledamo inherentno kompleks- nost problemov in teh problemov v najboljšem primeru ne rešujemo, v najslabšem pa povzročamo nove ali pa izvirni problem še poslabšamo. Prepoznavanje zgolj enega cilja pred vsemi ostalimi lahko namreč po Hulmu prehitro pripelje do per- verznih učinkov: od maladaptacije do socialnih krivic ali celo večje ener- getske odvisnosti od drugih držav, namesto manjše. Eden izmed prime- rov tovrstnih nezaželenih učinkov je nenačrtovan rezultat zmanjšanja podpore zahodnih držav projektom, ki so povezani s fosilnimi gorivi v dr- žavah svetovnega juga. Kar 2,5 mili- jarde ljudi, približno 30 % globalnega prebivalstva, živi v gospodinjstvih, ki za kuhanje uporabljajo odprti ogenj ali peči na kerozin, oglje, gnoj ali druge oblike biomase. Po podatkih WHO (v Hulme 2023, str. 126) lahko 3,8 milijona preranih smrti pripišemo tovrstnemu načinu kuhanja, kar pri- marno zadeva ženske in otroke. Ker pa se je zmanjšala finančna podpora zahodnih držav za projekte fosilnih goriv, je to vključevalo tudi podpo- ro menjavam nevarnih kuhalnikov za najcenejšo in glede na trenuten tehnološki razvoj najprimernejšo al- ternativo – gorilnike na plin. Slednji imajo sicer za približno 30 % manjše izpuste toplogrednih plinov kot alter- nativa, a še pomembneje: zamenjava ima izredno velike učinke na zdravje in življenja predvsem žensk in otrok; njihova dobrobit je navadno prvi ar- gument, zakaj sploh v boj proti pod- nebnim spremembam. V knjigi so predstavljeni še drugi primeri, npr. v Evropi najbolj znan primer poslabša- nja stanja na globalnem trgu hrane in krčenju gozdov za monokulture v na- men biogoriv. Drugič in povezano, vsebinsko zožitev razprav o podnebnih spre- membah Hulme vidi v enovzročni/ monokavzalni naravi podnebnih diskurzov. »Monokavzalne razlage so navadno napačne in včasih ne- varne« (Hulme, 2023, str. 14). Mono- kavzalnost vidi v vse pogostejšem pripisovanju vzrokov za komplek- sne družbene fenomene podneb- nim spremembam, npr. razumevanje 882 TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 60, 4/2023 sirijske vojne kot posledice suše za- radi podnebnih sprememb – inter- pretacija, ki sicer ustreza Asadovemu režimu, saj spregleda pomembnost zgodovinskih odnosov v državi in politično odgovornost režima. Drug zapomnljiv primer je vprašanje upravljanja delte reke Mekong, ki leži zgolj meter nad morsko gladino in se počasi potaplja. Hulme opozori, da bi ozko razmišljanje o prihodnosti te delte naslovilo zgolj vprašanje dviga- nja morske gladine (napovedano za 30 do 70 cm v naslednjem stoletju). Ozka osredotočenost zgolj na vplive podnebnih sprememb na dvig mor- ske gladine bi usmerjala aktivnosti v globalno zmanjšanje ogljičnega od- tisa. Spregledala pa bi širšo in kom- pleksnejšo sliko stanja v delti in pri- mernega prepleta ukrepov: grajenje jezov onemogoča nanose sedimen- tov, rudarjenje v kanalih odnese 54 megaton peska vsako leto, intenzivna agrikultura in preprečevanje poplav sta nadomestila naravne vodne poti in mangrove z nasipi in akvakulturo, varovanje pred poplavami z betoni- ranjem nasipov pa z rigidnostjo vo- dnih strug pomeni še več poplavlja- nja (Kondolf idr. 2022 v Hulme 2023, str. 158). Dvig morske gladine je torej zgolj manjši del mozaika trajnostnega upravljanja delte Mekonga. Kot tretje, depolitizacijo javne razprave o podnebnih spremembah Hulme prepoznava v drži »če nisi z nami, si proti nam«. Hulme uvede koncept »ideologije klimatizma«, ki ga prepoznava v dogmatičnih dis- kurzih »vseobsegajočih narativ« in »polarizirajočega moralizma«. Prvo predstavlja podnebne spremembe kot enostavno in koherentno obra- zložitev delovanja sveta, drugo jasno zgodbarsko slikanje dobrega in zle- ga, oboje prepleteno z apokaliptično retoriko, ki ponuja religiji podobno dogmatično iskanje smisla lastnega obstoja in politične akcije. Vendar pa Hulme opozarja, da problem podnebnih sprememb ni enostavna zgodba zlikovcev proti pogumnim herojem, temveč komple- ksen (»wicked«) problem, za katerega ni ene enostavne rešitve, temveč mo- rajo v prvi vrsti biti prepoznane plu- ralnosti vrednot, možnosti specifič- nih aplikacij in pluralnosti ciljev – kar Hulme imenuje »nerodne rešitve«. Z »nerodnimi rešitvami« se Hulme vrne k osrednjim idejam »Why We Disa- gree About Climate Change« in opo- zori na nujnost umeščanja podneb- nih sprememb v širše zgodovinske in politične kontekste, predvsem pa v razmerja do drugih družbenih prob- lemov in ostalih družbenih trendov. Če sklenem, Climate Cange Isn’t Everything je delo vredno branja, ki pomaga k refleksiji razlogov, zakaj se sploh borimo proti podnebnim spremembam. Monografijo v prvi vr- sti berem kot opozorilo o družbenih dejavnikih, v katere je umeščena raz- prava o podnebnih spremembah, s tem pa tudi kot poziv o pomembno- sti vloge družboslovnega in humani- stičnega pristopa k zelenemu preho- du. Odlikuje jo razumljiv, mestoma celo pogovorni slog pisanja. Posebno vrednost daje pisanju tudi neposred- no naslavljanje potencialnih protiar- gumentov in s tem preobrazba teksta 883 TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 60, 4/2023 iz monologa v razpravo z zamišljeni- mi kritiki (npr. »Če se je treba zoper- staviti kapitalistični potrošniški ideo- logiji, mar za družbeno mobilizacijo ne potrebujemo protiideologije, kot je klimatizem?«, str. 154). Prednost delu daje tudi prilože- no poglavje »Nadaljnje branje«, kjer nam Hulme predstavi osrednja pi- sanja, na katerih gradi ključne ideje in predvsem vrednote lastnega pri- stopa. Pri tem pa naletimo tudi na eno izmed ključnih pomanjkljivosti monografije – šele v tem priloženem poglavju izvemo zelo na kratko o tem, da svoje misli uvršča v »ekomo- dernizem«, ki da je »tretja pot« med la- issez-fair ekonomijo in antikapitaliz- mom. V monografiji pogrešam pred- vsem razpravo o tej poziciji in kako je usmerjala pisanje dela Climate Chan- ge Isn’t Everything. Maja TURNŠEK Univerza v Mariboru Fakulteta za turizem