Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians American Home Ameriška Domovina1 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER St. Vitus Church Needs New Roof Members of St. Vitus Altar Society with Fr. Joseph Boznar, Tony Oblak, and Tony Baznik on a pilgrimage to Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio on May 20._____________________ (Photo by frank sega) History of Slovenia Construction for the second St. Vitus Church began °n Oct. 19, 1930 as the needs of the parish cried for a new church to meet the growing congregation. Par->sh records indicate that during the first 14 years of the parish, (1893-1907), 1,343 marriages occurred as 'vell as 3,358 baptisms. The hrick church was completed in November, 1932, a two-year building project. The brick church was designed with the interior and exterior to reflect the historical and cultural dimensions of a Slovenian parish. The interior was a Byzantine-Slovenian decor while the exterior was a Lombard-Roman design. Pale yellow Falston brick was used as the finished brick exterior with twin Romanesque bell towers reaching 110 feet. A Holtkamp organ was installed as well as a crucifixion setting as the center motif in the church sanctuary. Marble was imported from Europe to further enhance |he use of materials in the interior. The architect, William •lansen, recommended the Use of Spanish (clay) tile as tEe finishing material for the r°of in comparison to slate 0r any other then known Material. The church roof, exclud-lng the parish rectory at-tuched to the church, retired nearly 27,000 pieces 0f tile. The life span of this Serial was calculated at 75 years. (Writer’s note: The Me on the church roof is 71 years old with a 75-year war-ranty with specific warranty c°nditions. This means the ! roof tile has or will shortly reach its intended life span. The tile begins to become more brittle with age when exposed to weather elements). The intricate detail work of the church roof is amplified with the use of terra cotta stone around thč twin church bell towers, ornate ridge cap type tiles, and the use of 16 oz. copper for flashing, valley, pan, downspouts and other places on or around the church to ensure .proper drainage as well as protection from weather elements of sun, rain, hail, and snow. For churches in Ohio there is only one company, Ludowici Co. that produces and provides clay tile material. They are located in central-south Ohio. In addition, the number of companies competent to properly handle and install a major roof project involving clay tile in northeast Ohio are few. The church roof has an added challenge as the design of the sanctuary has a far larger radius than most Catholic churches. The dimensions of the radius for the sanctuary of St. Vitus Church require a hand-made mold for each row of tile to ensure correct proportion for each row: as the next row is smaller than the prior row. The final two considerations for a roof such as the one on St. Vitus is the amount of masonary work that may be needed to be performed as well as ventilation needs that may not have been necessary seven or eight decades ago. jA. -Stane Kuhar lifil Centuries ago, Slovenia was. inhabited by Illyrian tribes. Around 400 BC they were joined by the Celtic tribes. In 200 BC they were ruled over by the Romans, who built military fortifications along new roads all the way to the Danube. The Germanic Langho-bards only settled in the territory when the power of the Roman Empire began to decline. After the downfall of the Roman Empire, at the end of the 6lh century, the Langhobards moved east to Italy, and the provinces they abandoned were settled by our ancestors - the Slovenians. At the same time, Roman social order based on slavery came to an end. The Slovenians based their social order on old tribal structures. Over a few following centuries, the Slovenians lived in freedom. Their princes were elected in Gosposvetsko polje (Saalfeld in Austrian Carinthia). Slovenian settlements were scarce and moreover, they were divided among different tribes which led to complete overrule by their Germanic neighbors in the 10th century. The land was fragmented and given to foreign dignitaries, aristocratic families and the bishops of Brixen, Freising and Salzburg. In that period the Slovenians accepted the Christian faith and culture. It was not until the 16th century that national consciousness started to spring up among rare intelligentsia. The Slovenian language was at first used only in Christian preaching. The first Slovenian grammar book was published. In the 18Ih century, Slovenian language came to a greater use. During the “spring of nations” in 1848, the Slovenian issue also came up in politics. A major character in the first political program called “Slovenia United” was the poet France Prešeren. After the downfall of the Hapsburg Empire one third of the Slovenian territory remained under Italy and the rest of it was together with Serbia and Croatia united into a new country. Its social order was Unitarian and centralist. Because of great cultural and national differences it could only be ruled by a strong hand. The state did not acknowledge all national rights to the Slovenians, either. The second world war left deep scars in the Slovenian nation. The Germans deported all intelligentsia, ecclesiastics and tens of thousands of farmers. Their homes were given to German immigrants. The Slovenian language was banned in public and from schools and churches; Slovenian books were burned and patriots shot. Soon after the occupation first partisan units sprang up from the underground and became part of the Yugoslav partisan army led by the Communist Party under the leadership of Josip Broz Tito. The army was also recognized by the Russians, Americans, and the British as their ally in the fight against the Germans. After WWII Slovenia as a part of Yugoslavia remained behind the iron curtain. Complete control was taken by the Communist Party. All companies and large estates were nationalized. Strict political control over society and centralized economy were introduced. After 1948 borders slowly began to open and the strict control tended to become less strict. It was only after Tito’s death in 1980 that modem civil society began to emerge in Slovenia. In those years Slovenia strongly resisted the resurrection of the strong hand of Belgrade. On December 23, 1990, more than 88% of the voters voted for a sovereign independent state. After that, Slovenia was no longer part of Yugoslavia. Six months after the promulgation of plebiscite results, Slovenia became legally independent by the Basic Constitutional Charter. —Guide Slovenia AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 17, 2003 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor -Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 28 July 17, 2003 MFLEcrmm by mm Odometer Made My Day by RUDY FLIS 99,000. What comes next? One hundred thousand. Right? This past week I saw my odometer as it turned to 100,000 miles. This was- truly a special event. So I called my wife, Therese. I asked her, “Guess what?” And then I gave her the exciting news of my odometer and its tremendous milestone of one hundred thousand miles. And do you know what she said to me? “Never mind that stupid odometer, watch the road.” If she could have been with me at that special moment, she would have felt differently. In the past 32 months, I have driven in snow and rain, cold and heat and mostly on Ohio roads. This day, on an Ohio road, in the rain, I saw 100,000 - exactly if only for a moment, on my odometer. If only I had more people in my car to share this rare driving experience. I didn’t feel it was necessary to write my old army buddies about how my car had just become 100,000 miles old, but I had hoped some of you may have had a similar experience as I have just had, and just might understand my feelings. I was lucky enough to notice my odometer at 99,977, just 23 miles from the magic moment. My odometer turned soon after each mile marker, and I kept checking and didn’t miss it. I didn’t just put my car in remote and stare at the odometer. That would put me to sleep. As I traveled down the highway, I paid attention to the road ahead, frequently looking into my rearview mirror and side-view mirror. I stayed between the white lane lines and close to the speed limit and at this moment, I saw all five nines roll over into 100,000 miles. It made my day. At one hundred thousand and sixty-four miles I was in Columbus and in my customer’s parking lot. What a great day. Come on 200,000. Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"'Area * 531-7700 — Emergencies — Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina TWO CHURCHES - ONE WEEK APART - SAME GOD! Or (NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE WAY OF GETTING A MESSAGE ACROSS) It all started on July 6, at a local Catholic Church’s 7:30 Mass. The usual visiting priest, who is generally in a very grumpy disposition, commented in the beginning of his sermon, that he observed some people dressed as if they were on the way to Cedar Point (amusement park) and not in the presence of the Lord - in Church. A middle age male at the end of my pew, a regular at this Mass, wearing walking shorts, sandals and a conservative shirt, grumbled under his breath about all the other problems that the priest should address, and walked out of the church. On July 12, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, carried an article titled “Church billboards spread the word”, written by Charley Gillespie of Associated Press. The article described the Episcopal campaign in the Southern Ohio Diocese, using humorous ads to get more people to come to Church, including, “to get more people in the pews by offering an unusual enticement: ‘Summer sermons will be shorter. Priests play golfjoo.’ The article also carried a picture of a billboard, with the following words: “Come as you are - our founder often wore sandals." The man in the walking shorts and sandals was not at the 7:30 Mass on July 13. Maybe he joined the Episcopal Church. The usual visiting pnest was not there either. Maybe he was on the beach - in shorts. News From Slovenia 12 Years of Independence “Slovenia is an established country in the international community, says Prime Minister Anton Rop on Wednesday, June 25. “It is regarded as a stable' country and the most successful one among all countries in transition. Rop described Slovenia’s 12 years of independence as successful stressing that a democratic society, sensitive to human rights and social questions, has been established. Former President Honored President Janez Drnovšek conferred the Golden Honorary Medal of Freedom, Slovenia’s highest state honor, to the former President, Milan Kucan, on Tuesday, June 24 for his out- standing merits in promoting freedom and Slovenia’s sovereignty, as well as for all he did for the country. “I have always worked for Slovenia’s prosperity and security, as well as to raise our country’s profile on the international scene,” Kucan said upon receiving the award. This is the first honor President Dmovsek has awarded since he assumed office last December. Parliamentary Group Concludes U.S. Visit on Sour Note Slovenian organizations in the U.S. are putting a lot of effort in preserving the Slovenian language and culture. However, there is a serious lack of interest for that among the young gen- erations, said member of the parliamentary commission for Slovenians abroad Bogomir Vuncec at the end of the Commission’s visit to the Slovenians in the U.S. on Wednesday, June 25. Army Promotes Military Careers As part of the professionalism of the Slovenian Armed Forces, the army has launched a campaign promoting military careers-Posters, leaflets and notebooks have been created to attract young people to join the army. Reports say it has been well received. _________ Submitted by Phil Hrvatin AMERICA’S SMART CHOICE New Partnership Same Superior Service Maaco of Eastlake, Ohio is under new partnership! Long time co-owner, Doug Smithson and new coowner, Edward Turk are automotive journeymen with over 65 years-combined experience in the --- industry. Since opening in 1982, Maaco Auto Painting and Bodyworks of Eastlake, Ohio has repaired and painted nearly 20,000 vehicles for area motorists Maaco s experience, technology, and staff make us North America's Smart Choice in body repair From dings to rust to dents - you name it we have the equipment and trained personnel'to restore your vehicle's original look. Call us today at (440) 946-0305. Our staff are here to help you choose the best services to meet your needs. Whether you are looking to get your vehicle painted or restored, nobody gives you more value than Maaco. Doug Smithson Edward Turk Owner/Operator ph: 440.946.0305 fax: 440.946.0307 35790 Curtis Blvd. Eastlake Ohio, 44095 Life in the Refugee Camps by ANTON ŽAKELJ translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ Saturday, Feb. 15, 1947 A letter arrived at the camp from our mother for Mici. We also received two letters from our friend Silva with ration cards for 12 pounds of flour and 2 pounds of meat. Cilka baked a potica. Sunday, Feb. 16, 1947 I wrote letters to my mother, to Mici, and others. I also listened to Joze’s radio. It’s a very good multi-band radio, but it does need some repair. The reception was also interrupted by frequent outages in our camp’s electricity. Monday, Feb. 17,1947 I put together a 10 pound package for my family in Slovenia. I send any extra clothes and food that I can obtain here. I know the shortages there are as bad, or worse, than here in the refugee camp. Tuesday, Feb. 18,1947 Mire finally returned to work with the loggers today, after resting for a week. They threatened to fire him if he didn’t return. Today is “Pust,” the last day before Lent. We had some special food to celebrate. In the evening, we attended a play put on by fellow refugees, but it was boring and poorly done. I took the radio in for repairs. I received another package from Silva - coffee and com flour. Wednesday, Feb. 19,1947 We had special prayers in chapel from 1 - 2 a.m. Franc Demšar (one of our roommates) is talking with °ther people now, but not 'yith me or Cilka. I don’t know why. Thursday, Feb. 20,1947 The radio is fixed - for 25 Shillings and 10 British ciga-reUes. Due to mmors about a required exchange of Aus-tfian money, the value of j-igarettes has almost dou-^‘ed. Some people prefer to he paid in cigarettes. British c'garettes are worth twice as rr>uch as the local brands. This afternoon I cut firewood. Everyone in our room ls supposed to help obtain and cut firewood (to heat our ro°m), but some of them Manage to evade that respon- sibility. Everyone in our room Reived mail today, except anko and Pavle. I received otters from my sister Julka od my friend Škofič. Julka ent to Skofic to retrieve j^ote shoemaking leather, I ®es and other things I had t with him when Cilka and o, ad to leave as refugees, to °,fic Sa^s lhe communists cIh everything he had, in-u 'ng the things I left with him. They even took his land. Friday, Feb. 28, 1947 This evening I sold 274 Shillings worth of bobbin lace at the hospital. After we pay our expenses (including the other lacemakers), Cilka and I divide our income into three parts: we keep one-third for ourselves, we send one-third to our families in Slovenia, and" we reinvest one-third in producing more lace. Saturday, March 1,1947 This morning I sold 175 Shillings worth of lace at the public health offices. Cilka, Mire and I have now saved enough food to provide adequate supplements to the camp food for 3 months. With the constant changes in the amount provided by the camp, it is very important to have a backup supply. Right now the camp food is very bad - mostly watery soup. (Editor’s note). Here is an excerpt from Mark Wyman’s book “DPs” to help you understand what the camp food was like: “Horrible food seemed universal at times. Some camps became infamous for unpalatable provisions, and this reputation helped steer DPs away. By common consent, however, one frequent item in the UNRRA menu was so distasteful and so frequently offered that the mention of it today causes former DPs to wrinkle their noses: split-pea soup. Latvian DPs called it ...’’green horror.” One Latvian recalled that a major problem with split-pea soup in the camps was its lack of meat -there was usually no meat whatsoever. As they entered the dining area, the cry went out: “Are we getting the green horror again?” A Slovenian echoed this, remembering with disgust that split-pea soup was served twice a day in his camp for some time: he said ‘I will never eat that again’.” “Sometimes there were other items, such as cabbage soup, potatoes and bread, but the usual problem was simply too much of one thing. That was one of the drawbacks with split peas, but it occurred as well with beans and com bread, among other items. (“The com bread would be weeks old: we had to soak it to use it. We would get nothing but com bread for months; then all split pea.”) Visitors said that such a diet could do nothing but maintain “a lusterless sort of physical life - it gives the DP look, which is not as gaunt and starved as it is tired and bloodless.”) (To Be Continued) Ope of my more complex patterns for a round doily. Drawn in the refugee camp near Judenburg on February 26. 1947. Keep the Massacre Memory Alive To the young generation: Some half a century ago we came to this country of freedom and prosperity and have established here our new home. You were bom here and the language that your parents taught you is your remembrance of Slovenia. Please don’t forget your heritage is in the beautiful country of Slovenia under the majestic Triglav mountain, where your parents and grandparents spend their youth. We had to leave our cities and villages because people of unacceptable philosophy came to power and did not tolerate any dissent. History finally proved them wrong on all counts, but a half century of their control left many vestiges of their single-minded ideology in two generations of Slovenians and will persist for some time to go. For 50 years of control of all public communications media they lied how the partisans waged a war of liberation against the Italian and German occupation. Discovered facts finally proved that the communist partisans killed many more Slovenians than Italians and Germans combined. And they called this a liberation?! Neither they nor their ideological successors now governing Slovenia would ever admit their secret dealings during the war with the Italian army nor the )944 Dolomitic agreement of mutual nonaggression with the Germany army. It is common knowledge that the Slovenian communists welcomed the Nazi invaders (the Soviet Union had at the time a non-aggression pact with Hitler). The so-called OF (Osvobodilna Fronta-Liberation front) started as Anti-imperialist Front, intended against the western allies (a typical Communist ploy). To counteract numerous murders of anticommunist Slovenians and to protect the innocent population, village guards were spontaneously formed. These later assembled into the Home Guard units (domobranci). They protected our homes during the rest of the war. Their motto was “God, Nation Homeland.” At the end of the war the Homeguard sought refuge with the British army in Austria, but were forcefully and deceitfully handed to the Yugoslav communists who murdered them en masse. They died because of their belief in “God, Nation, Homeland.” Their bones lie to this day in the pits of Kočevski Rog, Teharje and numerous other places throughout Slovenia. The government of Slovenia never admitted any guilt and never provided for a Christian burial. It is up to you, the young generation, to keep alive the memory of these tragic massacres of Slovenians by Slovenians. Let us not forget that many of them were your own relatives. Tabor organizes every year in June at the Slovenska Pristava a commemoration of these victims. This year we had the celebration on June 14 and 15 and were happy to see so many of you participating and attending a Memorial Mass at the chapel, which was built to remember the victims of the Slovenian holocaust. More national costumes are desirable to enhance the celebration. We hope you will attend this memorial celebration in future years. Let us keep the memory alive. --Tabor DSPB - S.V. First Order of Checks FREE □pen a GIB Free Checking Account and Receive Your First Order of' Checks Free. Offer valid with coupon only. Must present coupon when opening this account. expires ia.3i.O3OI® Checking you pay $0 s0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Unlimited Transactions Monthly Service Fee Cancelled Checks Returned CLB Dehit Card Monthly Statement Charge STAR ATM Use in Ohio ■OLB O’O•. iv ’ A7 V? .. -. IMo Hidden Fees. Mo Minimum Balance. No Fine Print. GIB GREAT LAKES BANK SCtce 1951 Main Office: ■7001 Center Street Mentor. OH 44060 'l‘40.9y*4.0000 & SIAR AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 17, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 4 News from St. Vitus Alumni © HAPpy News © fhe St. Vitus Alumni’s Annual Meeting was held on Thursday, July 10 at our ‘new’ meeting room, the “Slovenian Room” located in the new St. Vitus Village. This might be an incentive to have some of our new members come join us at future meetings. The last meeting was in January of this year, so this was like a reunion. The chitter, chatter of the “hello’s, and how are you?”, the hustle and bustle in the new kitchen, admiring the room, what ambiance, a visual trip back into the past, a bit of Slovenia. As always, the tables were set, decorated with centerpieces filled with goodies to be given to a lucky person that evening, all donated by our Membership Chairperson, Albina Pozelnik. Albina, you are ‘too good,’ you spoil us, but thanks... we love it. Keep it up. After months in the hospital and nursing home, who should walk in, but none other than our Vice President, Josie Perpar. He has answered our prayers, Jo. We told Him we need you and He said Okay, let her go, but she will have to work to get better, and believe me, ‘walking’ is work for her these days, so we should all count our blessings. Good to have you back, Jo. Another just back from the hospital cut up room was Josepha Strauss, looking great and in good voice, too. Heard her leading the song-fest after the meeting. Actually it turned out to be a choir with Tony Brodnik, Tony Baznik, Ed Arhar and Father Vic Cimperman adding their voices, along with Bemie Sajovec, Babe Cizel and Mary Lunder. Next time we will have to bring a recorder along. Hmm, maybe we can cut a tape. The Alumni Harmoneers. It was great having Gene Drobnič, the Scholarship Committee Chairman, back with us after her spending the winter in her Florida residence. She is also just out of the hospital; can’t keep her down, either. She attends our meeting by hook or by crook, with her ‘angel’ in the form of her granddaughter .Allyson, also from Florida. She also pitched right in helping with the kitchen duties. Good to have the young there. Thank you for all your help. Another recoveree from the hospital body shop and present at the meeting was Margie Batis... doing very well after hip surgery. And while on the subject of Body Shop Repairs, Tony Brodnik was there after his ‘overhaul; and getting the mechanical once over. Still ticking, still kicking. Just great to have you ALL back among us. God is good. Wonderful to see Stane Kuhar at the meeting. He is always the businessman, always in a hurry. Stane, you missed out on all the delicious food. Next time, stay a while so we can get to know you better. President Dan Reiger held a good meeting and brought it to the attention of the members that “Though St. Vitus School will no longer be, the Alumni will continue.” More to follow in a letter that will be received by all members in good standing. Everyone asks Secretary Daniella Avsec for her ‘Slovenian Sour Potato Salad’ recipe. It is wonderful, and she bakes a ‘mean cake,’ too. It was wonderful seeing Florence Hotujac back after her double knee job and with her new ‘svelte’ figure, looking good. By the way, that Jello Salad was um, um good. Our Sergeant-at-Arms Lou Shank enjoyed just being there. He is our ‘quiet little man,’ small in stature, but big at heart. The west end of town was represented by our photographer Tony Grdina and his charming wife, Betty. Great to . have you back after your summer of travels. You both look great. While on the subject of distance. Treasurer Ray Gobec comes in from Char-don, Ohio every time. His report is always ‘so thorough.’ Great job, Hvala lepa. Two lovely ladies, our “Grand Dames” of the Alumni, Anne Kern (88), and Mary Cimperman (90), graced us with their presence. And they are always smiling. We are so lucky to have them with us. We miss our ‘ailing’ members who used to attend without fail, Josie Ambrosic, Marie Orazem, 2067 Lake-shore Blvd., Euclid, OH 44123, and Fran Nemanich (Mt. St. Joseph). Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sisters Fran Forsythe and Lil Ribarich, wonderful members, wonderful bakers, um thanks for the goodies. They are always helpful. They are an asset to any club or organization. Marcie Mills, just back from Slovenia, kept Josie Tome spellbound with her tales from abroad while Annie Arhar roamed from table to table. Can’t keep track of her, but that’s our Annie... and we love her. With singing in the back- ground, the evening came to a happy end. Looking forward to next time, the first Thursday in October, to make preparations for the 2003 Honoree Day, Oct. 26 (mark your calendars). To be honored this year are: Posthumously, Class of 1934 ... Edward Mihevec Class of 1935: Jean Križman » Class of 1957: Lt. Col. Robert Jevec. * * * Our Guest of Honor for the evening was St. Vitus Grade School Principal, Jeanette Polomsky, along with her husband, Michael. She was presented .with a “Farewell Gift.” The center-piece made by Josie Perpar was presented to her by President Danny Reiger for her 25 years of service of which 15 were in the capacity of Principal. Thank you Jeanette for a job well done. Know that all you did was truly appreciated not only by students, but by others as well. Fond farewell. You will be missed. —Agnes Koporc Alumni Reporter Mollie, Lou Jurecic Mark 60th Anniversary Congratulations to Mollie and Lou Jurecic of Lyndhurst, Ohio who are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary today, July 17'\ Best wishes from family, and friends. Dolgan Signs New Sports Book Bob Dolgan, author of “Heroes, Scamps, & Good Guys” (101 profiles of Cleveland sports personalities) announces more appearances and autograph signings. Friday, July 18-7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Friends of the Cleveland Public Library, 325 Superior Ave., Cleveland. Thursday, July 24-7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Borders Books & Music, 9565 Mentor Ave., Mentor. Friday, Aug. 8-7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Borders Books & Music, Promenade of West-lake, 30121 Detroit Rd., Westlake, Ohio. Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119- (216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtlme@en.com http://stlmburysaccountlng.com imSKt to PtKtKM Bdon fit Inltmei Rm*nut Smtn StnnneJMhkinkC&poreimlSmUBiisimsts Fact of life: once you're over the hill, you pick up speed! Time used to drag 'til about 25, then WHOOSH But, when you're spending it with friends, the good time lasts! We had a nice turn-out in June: 184 members attended. 54 are still on the waiting list - patience!, and 114 are honorary members. The meeting began in a special way - our acting troupe, Myra, Sylvia, Bill Z., Matt Z., Joe, and Stash were called front and center and presented with great-looking certificates of achievement ( courtesy of Carl and Jennie Schultz and their computer savvy). They were surprised and touched, but all the members gave them a big hand. Hope they put together another skit soon, it was FUN! Mary Jo Ivec from Gateway Manor was very informative about the facilities and services available there. Her associates spoke about specialized care at the Family House and Health Center. People are invited to stop in and check things out. Many Slovenians reside at the Manor, it's almost a little Slovenian village. Now if only they put back the balinca court... A silent good-bye prayer was held for Jack Merrick(Marinko), who died in June. May he rest in peace: our sympathies to the family. Ann Beckert, A! Marn, and Gus Petelinkar are on the sick roster. Get well soon, you hear, we miss you 14 members celebrated June birthdays. A very special day for Louise Blanc, who is 91 yrs young. She sent greetings to all the "recycled teenagers" from her new home in sunny Punta Gorda, FL. Happy Anniversary was sung to Irene and Stan Gulick, 57 yrs; Elsie and Chuck Jacobs, 61 yrs; Vickie and Jim Kozel, 54 yrs; Ruth and Ed Morel, 49 yrs; Dorothy and Tony Spendal, 49 yrs; Jo and Harry Tomsich, double nickel 55 yrs; and Anne and Joe Zgonc, 63 yrs. These folks sure know how to hold on to a good thing, God bless them all! Fran Kajfez reminded us of upcoming trips which are happily all filled. Amish trip Oct. 3 was snapped up like hotcakes! Cambridge tour participants: please report to Euclid City Hall parking lot by 7am July 23. Be ready for LOADS of fun. For those who missed out on any trips, there is a waiting list available for all of them. Who knows? You might get lucky, (specially for Kewadin) Don't forget the Federation picnic Aug. 13 at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. Tickets are still available, just call Matt Z. at 440-943-3784. With Julie Zalar cooking, I don't have to tell you food will be great. Speaking of food - big THANK YOU to the Grinneretts for a lovely lunch last meeting! They do an outstanding job. THANKS Eleanor Delic, Louise Drobnich, Terry Knezevic, Mary Penca, Dorothy Spendal and Dorothy Zitko. Stay well, and be HAPpy! ©©©©© Mila Jera. A Voyage to Better Health! NORWEGIAN' CRUISE t I N E Norwegian Wind Fitness & Wellness Cruise Free Wellness Lectures Free jazzercise Classes 7-days, November Š-15, 2003 Exotic Western Caribbean Inside cabins: from $589pp* Outside cabins: from $689pp* (’Based on double occupancy, includes port charges and taxes ) Contact Mary or Donna 1-216-261-1050, 1-800-659-2662 cruise@cruisegiants.com Division of Euclid Travel 7mm Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane 5 by RAY MLAKAR Well, Ray is back in civilian life and enjoying it, eating real Slovenian food, no guard duty, no KP. I must have died and gone to heaven. 1 was most anxious to get hack to work and asked Dad what my chances were of getting back with the railroad as a freight handler, but Dad says, “No such luck. None of lhe men have been called hack since you were laid off before you joined the service. Dad convinced me to lay hack and collect unemployment compensation, which I did. Each week I had to go °ut to try two different firms with no luck and as I look hack, the unemployment situation was as bad then as h is today. Things were more or less at a stand-still. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that I should have stayed m the army, stayed at Fort Dix and re-enlisted and would have been a Sergeant and maybe even lucky to remain there for the time being and perhaps working Part time at the Red Lion fen, the Italian spaghetti Place out in the country. Unfortunately, 30 days had al-ready passed so I could not have an immediate reenlistment. Since the unemployment "'as running out, I had to make a move fast and deeded to go back to the funeral home for perhaps now being over 21 1 would land a better job driving, rather than Cutting grass and washing cars. They were glad to have ^e back, but can’t say the r........... money was that great when you think of the hours I put in. It was $40 a week regardless of hours and it seems that I always got stuck with an ambulance run just about quitting time. As time went on it seems I got my share of butt chewing. The one time I came back from an ambulance run after having dropped off the assistant I had on the job and was parked in the back of the funeral home changing the sheets, blankets, etc., when the special phone rang that we had in the front seat. We were always taught to have the phone turned on, just in case the funeral home staff was trying to get hold of us to make another run from where we were. Like a dummie, I answered the phone and the boss said, “Where are you now?” I said parked right behind the funeral home changing the bedding. “Get your butt in here right now and turn OFF the phone.” Well, when I walked into the office he chewed me up one side and down the other for answering the phone when I was right behind the funeral home. “Don’t you know that a call placed to the ambulance cost us a few bucks?” Well, I learned my lesson for I was not about to answer the phone again even if Pope Paul was on the other end. I never did get to drive the hearse in a funeral, or even the lead car, for they felt I was best suited with the flower truck getting the flowers to the cemetery before the funeral procession got there and decorate the funeral tent by hanging flower baskets from the tent pipes. If the funeral was going to a church service, I had plenty of time to get to the cemetery, but if it were a service held right at the funeral home, we all left at the same time and unfortunately, I had to stop for traffic lights where the funeral procession didn’t, and the procession was generally escorted to the grave by a car from the cemetery, where in my case, I had no one to show me the grave, and had to hunt for it and sometimes barely made it in time before the funeral procession got there. In a lot of cases when I got back to the funeral home, it was time for another funeral to leave in procession, and I was at it all over again. The one job I hated was chasing down doctors when the staff needed a death certificate signed by the doctor, and when I would go to his office, it seemed he would give preference to see regular patients before seeing me. I had a few names for him and they were not “doctor.” The one time I picked up a body at the hospital and as I was about to leave, the nurse ran after me with an item wrapped in a towel and said, “This goes with him.” I didn’t know what it was and simply put it inside the zip-pered body bag and proceeded to take him to the funeral home. After I got him in the embalming room the embalmer asked me why a part of the man’s rib cage was wrapped in a towel and not sewn in place. What are you asking me for, I did not do the operation. Maybe they felt it would not matter if the rib cage was sewn back. Jbt. Q/itai. Q/ittacjs. 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? Well then, St. Vitus Village may be the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a Urge, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency Monitoring, cable TV and much much more. Feel free to contact Rudy s*erk at (216) 361-0300 with any question on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community. I had more than my share of butt chewing. Some stories are too gruesome to get into print, but then after being there almost a year, I felt it was time for me to get something better. When I told them I planned on leaving, they said to stay on, we will give you a $10 raise. Fine I said, but I am still leaving in two weeks for I felt I had more than my share of butt chewing. Time for me to get down on my knees and ask God to find me a better job, a job among the living, a place where they would appreciate my efforts. Little did I know that God had a guardian angel looking out for me and you will read about that next week. Until then, May the Good Lord Bless and Watch over you. Opps, forgot the jokes this week, but it is not because I ran out and will make up for it next week, for in all this new freedom, I forgot the jokes, but then at times my head is just not screwed on tight. See you next week. Show Tickets for the Lion King Tuesday, Aug. 5, Cleveland State Theater - 7:30 p.m. Show Orchestra Seating, Main Floor TWO CHOICES • Purchase ticket(s) and travel on your own - Only $65 each (We have all the tickets you need, together). • OR Travel with Joey’s Bus Group (add $9 for Transportation) - $74 each (Bus departs from Euclid City Hall at 6:30 p.m.) • GUARANTEED SEATS TOGETHER Call Joey for ticket information: 216—481-1963 Independent and Catered Living • Private garden apartments • Housekeeping • Planned activities • Transportation • 24 hr. Emergency Pull Cord • Free Laundry Facilities • Nutritious Meals « No endowment or entrance fee Call us todayfor a lunch andlour 25900 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 261-8383 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 17, 2003 The Old Country - Europe 1937 ) 1 by JOE GLINŠEK e: tched in my mind forever is the sum-^mer of 1937. I spent four months of high adventure in Europe, or so it seemed to a boy nearing his 8th birthday. I made the Atlantic crossing with my parents in mid-June and returned in early October - the dates are on the passport which I’ve kept all these years. We needed only one passport with a family group photo, and I was listed as Master Joseph, a title no longer in common usage. I’ve also kept the travel agent’s itemized invoice. This simple receipt is a good example of relative costs and changes in the value of the dollar. The bill from John Mihelich - Travel Agent at East 65th and St. Clair, is a glimpse of the past. The first item is a round-trip third-class fare for two adults and one child, from New York to Bremen, Germany - $495.00. We sailed aboard the Bremen, the flagship of Germany’s Lloyd Line, and considered to be on a par with the better ships of Britain’s Cunard Line. The next charge is puzzling: U.S. War Tax - $15. We were not at war, but Hitler was already busy, and our destination was Germany. The remaining items on the receipt were the passport: $10.50; Jugoslav visa $3.25; Austrian visa $2.00; German visa $.50; round-trip train fares from Bremen to Ljubljana, Slovenia $66.63; American Express travelers checks $500; service charge $2.00, plus a ‘fee’ of $3.75 for a grand total of $1,098.23. The $500 in travelers checks was spending money for a trip of almost four months and seems less than adequate, even when considering that it’s almost half the total cost of the trip. However, we would spend most of this time with family and friends. The only cost of the trip not itemized, is our round-trip train fare from Cleveland to New York, which I’ll estimate at $50.00. Dad was listed on the passport as a ‘machine hand,’ a very lowly title in the factory worker hierarchy. I’m guessing he made less than $100 a month and was happy to have the work, but imagine how long it would take to save a thousand dollars while raising a family. It would require perseverance and a goal. He wanted to see his parents one last time, and have them see his wife and son. I’m certain that Dad was anticipating war in the near future, and his parents had already rejected any idea of coming to America at their advanced age, so he felt duty-bound to make this trip before it was too late. Because of that, I have memories of grandparents I would never have known, and the experience of enjoying the trip of a lifetime. I remember only bits and pieces of New York City, mainly a ride on the “El,” a train that ran above the streets of the city. As much fun as an amusement park ride, the cars were fast and noisy as they rattled around curves within arm’s length of windows in brick tenement houses. Unmade beds were visible as our car whizzed by, and you wonder how people could live and sleep with this racket right outside their open windows. We did visit the main library and I have a picture of Mom and I in front of this impressive structure. It was still daylight when we boarded the ship, and we slept at sea that first night away from home. In 1937 the Bremen was one of the larger luxury liners, although not quite the tonnage of Cunard Line’s Queen Mary. We had an opportunity to see the really luxurious parts of our ship when we boarded with baggage. Our large steamer trunk was carried by a pair of strong stewards or rolled on a dolly, and contained everything we would need on a four-month trip, except for the personal items which Dad carried in a valise. I was dazzled when we boarded the ship directly from the upper floor of a building on the dock. We stepped into the First Class level on the top deck and saw the opulent amenities of First Class only on that day, and again when disembarking. We had a good look at the grand ballroom, bars, gaming rooms and lounges. All were exquisitely finished in marble and exotic woods that one would expect in an elegant mansion. During the trip there would be no trespassing aboard ship, not even into Second Class. I became friends with a German boy my age and we wanted to explore the ship, but were politely but firmly turned away by stewards at every attempt. Class separation was strictly enforced. Our Third-Class accommodations were very nice and the meals, snacks and fancy teas were excellent. Stewards were polite and friendly to the few youngsters on board, even when we behaved like nosy brats. It was from them and my young friend, that I picked up modest conversational skills. From his first school years in Ljubljana, the political climate required that all courses be taught in German, forcing my dad to leam a second language very early. When I was grasping for a word, his fluency was a great help, and my mother was very quick to pick up almost any language. My ‘fractured German’ served me very well, and supports my opinion that foreign language should be taught at an early age. At seven, I wasn’t embarrassed by my poor grammar or pronunciation, especially with someone my own age ‘in the same boat’ trying to pick up English. But I managed to embarrass my mother a few times by monopolizing the little ‘finger sandwiches’ and broth offered each morning at 10. I had no shame or ‘bottom’ for these tidbits, and as my mother tried to shrink into her shoes, I loudly and proudly announced how many I had devoured. I was already well along the road to certification as a Master Trencherman. (To Be Continued) Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. Dental Assistant Dental Experience Required Benefits Available Highland Hts. Call: 440-461-8490 2 Bdrm. Apt. Garage Space No animals. Shared utilities. Richmond Heights (216) 531-3166 For Rent E. 200 & Neff Large one bedroom apt. New appliances and carpet. No pets. $450 a month. 440-951-3087 IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216—731-9780 St. Vitus parish picnic St. Vitus Parish in Cleveland will have iis annual summer picnic on July 20 at the recreational center of Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield, Ohio. The day begins with an outdoor Mass at 12:30 followed by a dinner of breaded pork chops and glazed chicken. Dinner tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for a child 12 years or younger. Entertainment by Jerry Suhar (2 to 3 p.m.), followed by the versatile Veseli Godci Orchestra (3 to 7 p.m.). The kitchen will open from 2:30 until 8 p.m. There is a swimming pool open with a nominal fee for non-members of Slovenska Pristava. There is no admission or parking fee on this date. Children’s games begin at 5:45 p.m. At 7 p.m. there will be special raffles (Hilton Head and Chinese) as well as the main raffle. All net proceeds from the parish picnic are targeted for the eventual repair or replacement of the church roof. The church roof is a Spanish-style tile design. The church is architecturally referred to as a “Byzantine-Lombard” style church. To reach Slovenska Pristava, take 1-90 going east until the Geneva exit (Route 534). Make a right turn, go south on Route 534. Go approximately two miles on Rte. 534. Make a right turn at South River Road. Go another one mile south on South River Road to Brandt Road (on the right). Turn right. Slovenska Pristava is about 'A mile down on the right. Highlights of Slovenia September 3-10 Stan Modic and Ibny Petkovšek (Fairport Harbor Slovenian Home) Slovenia in a Week Guarant’d Dept's (6 nights): 7/26, 8/30, 9/20 Guarant'd Dept’s (6 nts): 7/21, 8/25, 9/15 Cruising with Slovenian Style Music All Star Polkafest at Sea /Jan 25-Feb 1, 2004 Steve Meisner Band / Eddie Rodick Orchestra Adam Barthalt/ Nancy Seibert Hawaiian Cruise / Feb 29-March 7, 2004 Walter Ostanek / Gaylord Klančnik / Eddie __ Klančnik / Ron & Patty Sluga Button Box Extravaganza at Sea sW March 7-14, 2004 * Al Battistelli ♦ The Magic Buttons ♦ North. Ohio Button Box Club • The Mahoning Valley Button Box Club « Pauline Anderson • Denny Bucar • John Gerl ^ Sample Airfares: Cleveland/Ljubljana Summer: from $895 / Fall: from $595 For the best Airfares to Slovenia call: Tours of Slovenia for 2003 |p) Kollander World Travel 971 E 185 St ♦ Cleveland OH 44119 (800) 800-5981 ♦ (216) 692-1000 www.kollaiidcr-travcl.coni Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar Attorneys at Law Omni Bldg., Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue, near 1-90 Euclid, Ohio 44132 (261) -0200 - fax 261-7334 - Probate, Estate Planning Real Estate, Trusts and General Civil Practice Visit us at www.hribarlaw.com Left to right, Ron Sluga, Judge Ron Šuster, Tony Petkovšek, Senator George Voinovich, Charles Ipavec, Stan Modic, and Phil Hrvatin. Voinovich Galls Fairport Harbor ‘gold-mine’ -hyTONY PETKOVŠEK , Looking chipper follow-n§ his recent pacemaker operation, Senator George oinovich visited Fairport ^ arbor on July 3. He said it ad been a long time since e had visited the town. The annual Marti Gras Festival as in progress and the Tall h'P “Bounty” was in port "hich he visited. He then [arrie over to my condo at arbortowne Point for a radio interview. He was amazed to see the ^ anges taking place as he 0°k time to speak with Fair-0rt Mayor Sarosy. The j ay°r told Voinovich that c C Wants to develop a golf „ Urse, only the second one on the lake; the er located in the Toledo area. ^he Senator said the gen-aiw arCa Was a l80^"m*ne” ^ lhe mayor is planning to with all the resources pliable. The development (j u h be on the former in-strial site of Diamond s°mi amrock. encompassing ^ ^ HOO acres. The area ho • usec^ Lor further e development as the tjj ’^rrreutalists check out Vo' ViabiHty °L the land. etl ln°vich said he would Lak°Ura^e tbe state through tfy e County Metroparks to and ° rnaLe the right of way Wat access available to the 'he As an avid fisherman biy T^ator said it is proba-area . best walleye fishing ln America. He also 'he CS L°r steelhead and says htt access to rivers is also Gra^|.at'Ve> such as the thr0| Hiver which crosses t?a,' Painesville and he ^enator Voinovich said 0hloas Preparing remarks for 4’h bicentennial on the ofJuk 0ayt u'y as he was going to ^P$h0n t0 meet President together they will mark the 100Ih anniversary of the Wright Brothers initiating the very first flight. On another topic he spoke of his nationality background and emphasized once again his mother’s Slovenian side of the family with the Ber-nots who were living in the Collinwood area around Holmes Avenue. He said of America -“What a wonderful country” that an individual who started in such a humble way could take advantage of opportunities in America and become a US Senator. “Everyday I walk down this big flight of steps at the Senate and across the street look at the Supreme Court and to my right the Capitol itself with the Freedom statue at the top. I can’t help but think of my grandparents and pinch myself,” said Voi-novi'ch. “I really just can’t believe it. I just think and recollect and try to commit myself to try and make other people like George Voinovich ‘make it in this country’.” He was concerned and worried that more people in the Senate today are multimillionaires and it’s like you cannot be a Senator unless you are wealthy. He said he started out on the far east side of Cleveland as a state representative and until this day is still living in Collinwood, at the home on Rosecliff he bought in 1972 where he likes the lake atmosphere. He said he loves the neighborhood and isn’t moving anywhere. These guys in the Senate have big houses in Georgetown — they re multimillionaires and there s nothing wrong with that; some are very nice people. But the fact is, according to the Senator, is, he’s looking around and saying that somebody who starts out relatively humble, with a law office at E. 152 St. and Aspinwall; is it possible for other people to be able to do this or will everything be dominated by “big money” -so that people of ordinary means will never have an opportunity to serve? With that I presented him with the new Steve Popovich Jr. CD production of “Welcome to the Real Collinwood” where we narrate a little dissertation on the “Slovenian” happenings in the area with the “Collinwood Polka” by Joey Tomsick. Also included is Frank Longo with an “Italian” side. The new recording, available at the Polka Hall of Fame in Euclid and the Allegro Club in Wickliffe, also contains favorite Italian musical selections by the Gigolos and John Dibaltzo plus Collinwood polka artists Johnny Pecon, Eddie Habat, George Staiduhar, Johnny Vadnal, and Frankie Yan-kovic. Reaction has been great to this kind of a turnaround sequel to the Hollywood movie - “Welcome to Collinwood!” Following the radio interview the Senator and Janet went to a specially arranged dinner at the Fairport Slovene Club with Stan Modic, president, as the host. Their daughter-in-law and grandchildren joined them. Baraga's Corner Mackinac Island, St. Ignace, L’Anse, Rockland, Ontonagon, Hancock, Houghton, Eagle Harbor, Copper Harbor, Marquette, Sault Ste. Marie, and Sugar Island, all touched and affected by Fr. Frederic Baraga, beloved priest and bishop, Apostle of the Lakelands, and his beloved Indian people. Lemon Chicken in Wine Sauce This is one of Dorothy Bryan’s favorites. Ingredients: 10 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 egg whites, beaten Salt & pepper Chopped garlic Flour Butter & olive oil 1 t grated lemon rind 1 - 2 T lemon juice 2 T dry white wine or sherry Vi C whipping cream 1 C shredded cheese (Swiss, Monterey Jack, or Mozarella) Directions: Salt & pepper the chicken, then coat with egg whites and flour both sides. Melt butter and olive oil in skillet. Brown chicken on both sides, add lemon peel, lemon juice and wine to skillet, cover and simmer until chicken is done. Remove chicken to baking dish. Add cream to wine mixture in skillet. Cook and pour over chicken breasts. Sprinkle with cheese. Heat under broiler until browned. --Kim Ann Kaifesh ^ Our Family and Friends Recipes \ Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Festive Fred presents “A Polka Cilka-bration! 17 great hit polkas & waltzes Avsenik played Cleveland-style Featuring Cecilia Dolgan & Fred Ziwich and the International Sound Machine CDs $17 -includes postage Send to: Sidro Records, 2892 Istra Lane, Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 PAY-ONLINE OR PAY-BY-PHONE It has never been easier to pay your City of Cleveland Parking Tickets. * FAST, EASY & SECURE GO ONLINE AT Clevelandparkingtickets.com VISA & MASTERCARD OR ACCEPTED Use our convenient PAY-BY-PHONE service at 216-664-4744 EARLE B. TURNER, CLERK CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL COURT AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 17, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 17 g LEWIS STAFFORD Herman Stafford ~ W8LXS, called from New Mexico to say that his ' brother, Lew Stafford (Stavanja) has passed away. The Stavanjas lived on East 63rd Street north of St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland before World War II. Lewis was a licensed radio ham, originally W8LXS and also chief radio engineer for Eastern Airlines, working out of Atlanta, GA. Lew was a widower. Lewis loved to come up north to his old home town in the summer for Slovenian concerts presented at the Slovenian National Home and the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid. May he rest in peace, far, far away from home in the land of milk and honey. —Joe Zelle JOSEPH J. FROLLO Joseph J. Frollo, age 70, passed away in Ljubljana, Slovenia on July 9111 after a brief illness. Joe was bom in Johnstown, PA. He was a longtime resident of Cleveland. Mr. Frollo was active in the Slovenian Community and supported many groups and activities. He was a trustee of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home. He was a past Board member and Past President. He was a member of Waterloo Pensioners, Holmes Ave. Pensioners, AMLA #8 Kras, SNPJ #147 Vodnikov Venec, Euclid Men’s Club, Northeast Cleveland Little league, and was Basketball Coach for St. Christine Church and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Mr. Frollo was employed at Victory White Metal Co. as a shipping foreman for 30 years. He retired in 1995. Joe was the beloved husband of Celeste (nee Kozely); the loving father of Mary Jo (Mrs. Daniel) Sustar and Joseph Jr. (wife Andrea). He was grandfather of Jason, Madison and Michael Sustar and Jacob and Aaron Frollo; dearest son of George (deceased) and Helen (nee Mital) Frollo; brother of Paul, Sue Zilke, Irene Selem, Betty Ann Park,e, Cathy O’Brien and the following CARST-NACY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” deceased: George Jr., Mary Staton, Andy and Eva. Friends may call at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Friday, July 18 from 2 -9 p.m., where services will be held on Saturday at 10 a.m., and at St. Christine Church at 11 a.m. Burial in All Souls Cemetery. Donations in his memory to Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH 44110. JOSEPHINE MOREL Funeral services for Josephine Morel will be held on Thursday, July 17 at 10 a.m. at St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.). Josephine passed away in Poway, California, at her daughter’s home on July 9, 2003. She was a former resident of Cleveland. Josephine (nee Peterlin), age 89, was the wife of Paul (deceased); the mother of JoAnn (Stephen) Vasil and Marlene Fabritzky, both of California; grandmother of four; and sister of Rose Turovsky, and the following deceased: Louis, Joseph, Anton, Frank, and Agnes Trebar. Friends were received at the Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., where services will be Thursday at 9:15 a.m. In Memory Thanks to M. L. Zupančič of Broadview Hts., OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of Louis, Anna, and Mary Zupančič. In Memory Thanks to Mary Okicki of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of parents, Frank and Mary Zupančič. In Memory Thanks to Terri Grdina Koch and George Koch of Durham, NC who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Jerome Grdina and Edward Modic. In Memory Thanks to Carol Satej of Madison, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Jennie and Anton Satej. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 Welcoming Sandra M. Fakult, MD UHHS Richmond Hts. Hospital 27100 Chardon Rd., Suite 100 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 UniversityHospitals HealthSystem University Primary & Specialty Care Practices . l Why Buy Single Premium Whole Life Insurance? Because... 4- It provides your family with a tax-free death benefit! 4- It has immediate cash value! 4 It has one single payment! Sample one-time payment for non-smokers—for $10,000 of life insurance: AGE FEMALE MALE 60 $4,315.00 $4,895.00 65 5,045.00 5,655.00 Available 70 5,835.00 6,425.00 from ages 75 6,665.00 7,155.00 0-90 80 7,455.00 7,815.00 85 8,155.00 8,375.00 90 8,725.00 8,815.00 AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC UNION ♦ 2439 Glenwood Ave., Joliet, IL 60435 A Financial Family That Feels Like Home www.kskjlife.com 1-800-843-57# 1 Beautiful Slovenia in 2 Books VENICE, CA - “Books °f Slovenia” announces the arrival of two books of stun-!yn8 photography: “Slovenia: My_ Country”, and “Slovenia from the Air”. These books capture all fte beauty of Slovenia in some of the most accomplished photography of this sParking gem at the crossroads of Europe,” said Mark %avec, the president of Books of Slovenia. “I am Pleased to bring these books to the American market.” Slovenija from the Air -There is no better way to aPpreciate the natural beauty of Slovenia than from the air. Photographed by Jože Hanc and Stan Klemenc, this book Presents Slovenia by region, rom the Mediterranean to the Alps, from the plains of the east to the Ljubljana ba-^ln' Karst region and Soca °iver valley. With over 200 aerial color photos in its 242 Pages, “Slovenija from the *r presents a multitude of tlramatic views. An exten-Slve history and narration is Provided by writer Matjaž j^ttecl. Parallel texts are in nglish, Slovenian and Ger-Published by Mladinca Knjiga. Price - $90. 86-11-10645-8. Slovenia: My Country - This is one of the best photographic portraits of Slovenia ever published. It was produced by Joco Žnidaršič, the long-serving photo editor of DELO, the major daily newspaper in Slovenia. “My Country: captures the stunning beauty of Slovenia in 277 color photographs over its 200 pages. An English narration is written by Željko Kozinc. Published by Veduta AZ, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Price - $90. ISBN 961-90798-9-2. These two books join other travel aids offered by “Books of Slovenia,” including the Triglav Guide and Map, Slovenia roadmap, National Atlas of Slovenia, Atlas of Slovenia, Tourist Guide to Slovenia, Guide to Slovenian Museums, Architectural Guide to Ljubljana and Plečnik’s Market in Ljubljana. They can be ordered online by credit card at www.BooksofSlovenia.com or by sending a check (or purchase order) payable to Delphi Associates to 453 Rialto Avenue, Venice, CA 90291. For information or catalogue email Booksof-Slovenia@comcast.net or call (310) 392-4843. A PRAYER TO THE VIRGIN MARY q (Never known to fall) Host beautiful flower of Mount fruitful vine, splendor of Oj'n, Blessed Mother of the Son of Iroroaculate virgin, assist me in ^ becessity. O star of the sea, help • show me herein, you are my _ her, o Holy Mary. Mother of God, 01 heaven thout sin, pray for us who < J^onrse to thee. (Say 3 times) hand ^ary’ * p,ace l*1's cause 'n your y0llr 3 times). Thank you for S,y |,mercy ,0 me and mine. Amen. then h'S prayer *°r 3 consecutive days, jjrj Vou must publish & it will be e(l to you. Grateful thanks. V.R. “The Morse Code” - When you rearrange the letters you get “Here comes the dots.” Accordions For Sale Strasser Special Gold Plated 4-row GCFB Flat. Like new w/case $2,600. Model Uglasitev Melodya with case. 4-row GCFB Flat. Purchased new. Approx. 6 years old. Like new. $1,600. Call 330-422-1619 PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster 6396 Mentor Ave Mentor, Oh 44060 Office: 440-951-2123 Fox: 440-255-4290 JI Realty ll?? www.f»eit]m»e.tem "The Lucas Team" Roger Lucas v.m. 440-974-7207 Donna Lucas v.m. 440-974-7217 email: r.lucas@realtyone.com d.lucas@realtyone.com Coming Events In Memory Thanks to Anton Kos Sr, of Albuquerque, NM who renewed his subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of his wife. Donation Thanks to Joze Bernik of Slovenija who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Patricia Walton of Mentor, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Marie Quinn of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. In Loving Memory Lojze Bajc Died July 20,1998 For a lifetime of reasons We love you so much We will never let go of your memory And Always hold you close to our hearts. We only wish that you could have stayed A little longer here with us. Our prayer for you is that Our Father in Heaven holds you Now and Forever Near. Loved and missed by: Wife: Maria Daughters: Danica, Marijana, Karolina and families; and Johanna Son: Andrej arid family Saturday, July 19 Folklore Group Kres Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Ansambel Zreška Pomlad for entertainment. Dinner tickets pre-sale only until July 12. Sunday, July 20 St. Vitus parish picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Monday, July 21 Camp Pristava all week. Sunday, July 27 St. Vitus Slovenian School picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Mass at 12:30 followed by dinner of pork roast. Adults $10, child’s pasta dinner $5. Raffle and children’s games. Everyone invited. Sunday, July 27 Slovenian Cultural Society (Triglav) in Milwaukee, WI Mission Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Sunday, Aug. 3 Picnic by retirees of Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 10 Primorski Club picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, Aug. 13 Fed. of American Slovenian Senior Citizens Annual Picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd., Kirtland, OH. Dinner 1 p.m. Dancing to Frank Moravcik 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. For tickets see club members or call 216 481-0163 or 440-943-3784 before Aug. 5. Sunday, Aug. 17 St. Mary’s (Coll.) parish picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 17 Slovenian Cultural Society (Triglav) in Milwaukee, WI Second Picnic at Triglav Park in W’ind Lake, Wis. Sat., Sun., Sept. 13,14 Annual Bishop Baraga Days in Indianapolis. Saturday, Sept. 13 Folklore Group Kres performance at Slovenian National Home, Cleveland. Sunday, Sept. 14 Wine festival (Stan Mejac Band) at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Sept. 21 St. Vitus Altar Society annual dinner. Sunday, Sept. 28 Slovenian Cultural Society (Triglav) in Milwaukee, WI Wine Festival at Triglav park in Wind Lake, WI. Sunday, Sept. 28 Matching funds dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium, E. 61 and St. Clair Ave., Cleveland sponsored by Christ the King 226 and Sacred Heart of Jesus 172 KSKJ for benefit of Bishop’s School in Slovenia. Serving 11 a.m. to 1:30. Adults $12, children $6. AH welcome. Saturday, Oct. 4 Slovenski Dom, Toronto Sunday, Oct. 12 Koline dinner (Retirees Slovenska Pristava) at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Oct. 19 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) School Alumni annual banquet following 12 noon Mass. Sunday, Oct. 26 St. Vitus Alumni Honoree Day. Sunday, Nov. 9 Slovenian Junior Chorus Fall Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. Sunday, Nov. 16 Rev. Victor Cimperman celebrates 60Ih anniversary at 10:30 a.m. Mass in St. Vitus Church. Reception to follow. Sunday, Nov. 23 30lb Annual Artists & Crafts Show, 20733 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Free admission. Contact person: Justice Skok 1-216-261-1253 Saturday, Dec. 6 Slovenski Dom, Toronto. Saturday, Jan. 24 Pristavska Noč at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Slovenians Are Cool vrrus Picture JULY 2D, 2DD3 čil SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Outdoor Mass: Dinner: Entertainment: Bar Hours: Kitchen Hours. Open Swim: Children's Games: Breaded Pork Chops & Glazed Chicken . . . (Dinner Tickets: Adults: $12 and Children under 12yrs: $6) Jerry Suhar . . Veseli Godci Orchestra (Nominal Fee for Non-Members) Main Raffle and Special Raffles: ................................. (Including Hilton Head Raffle and Chinese Raffle) 12:30PM 1:00PM - 2:30PM 2:00PM -3:00PM - 3:00PM 7:00PM 1:00PM - 8:00PM 2:30PM - 8:00PM 11:00PM - 8:00PM 5:45PM 7:00PM AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 17, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 17, 2003 Roster of Organizations ---------— ---------- Imenik slovenskih društev Slovenski narodni domovi Slovenian National Homes FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES President: Tony Mannion; Ist Vice President: Robert Hopkins; 2nd Vice President: Patricia Ipavec Clarke; Financial Sec.: Jean Fabian; Recording Sec.: Helen Urbas; Executive Sec.: Charles Ipavec; Corres. Sec.: Celeste Frollo; Auditors: Anna Mae Mannion, Bob Royer, Ed Gabrosek; Historians: John Habat, Joe Petrie. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6417 St. Clair Ave. (216) 361-5115 E-mail: SNH6409@worldnet.att.net President Emeritus: Edward Kenik; President: Robert A. Hopkins; Vice President: Dale Lunder; Recording Secretary: Sylvia Plytnesser; Business Secretary: Geraldine Hopkins; Treasurer: Alex Spinos; Members: Joanne Fordyce, Patricia Ipavec-Clarke, Lawrence Hočevar, Antonia Zagar, David Hočevar, Deborah Davidson, Charles F. Ipavec, Marjanca Hočevar, Ellen Lunder, Shelli March, Richard Godic, Ann Opeka, Richard Trivisonno, Jeff Zabukovec, Healther Davidson, John Leonard. Alternates: Charles T. Ipavec, Scott Lunder, Zoeann Zak Morrell, Nick Vertosnik. COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME President: Evelyn Pipoly; Vice President: Deanna Miklich; Treasurer: Joyce Segulin; Financial Secretary: Alba Plutt; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Corresponding Secretary: Mary Blatnik: Auditors: Michael Pipoly ; John Plutt, Mary Podloger; Alternates: John Hozjan, Arlene Martin. House Committee: Dominic Cekada, John Plutt, John Hozjan. Alternate Steve Richard. Directors: Ann Dagg, Karen Richard. Alternate: Jane Hozjan. SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland 44110 216/481-5378 President: Celeste Frollo; Vice President: JoAnn Heinz; Secretary: Millie Bradač; Treasurer: Pat Nevar; Recording Secretary: Grace Marinch. Other Trustees: Dorothy Gorjup, Eleanor Godec, Al Marinch, Joe Frollo, Ken Kleinhenz, Gordon Luce, Tom Čebular, Joyce Plemel, Darlene Zele, Fred Nevar and Pam Ruma. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME President: Esther Podboy; Vice President: Stephanie Segulin; Secretary/Treasurer: Chris Hammond; Recording Secretary: Marion E. Bocian; Audit Chairman: Henry Kapel; Auditors: Donna Helmecy, Frank Korelec; House Committee: Max Jeric, Joe Bergoč, Valeria Korošec; Membership/Sunshine: Mary Frank. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN SENIOR CITIZENS President: Matt Kajfez; Vice President: Larry Hočevar; Secretary: Matt Zabukovec Treasurer: Pat Nevar; Auditors: Harry Brule, Dorothy Gorjup, Grace Marinch. ST. CLAIR PENSIONERS CLUB 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 President: Sylvia Plymesser (216) 391-9453; Vice President: Helen Snyder; Recording Secretary: Marcie Mills; Financial Secretary: Lawrence Hočevar, 1364 E. 43 St., Cleveland, OH 44103; Sunshine: Irene Toth; Auditors: Anthony Brodnik, Helen Pisek, Antoinette Krajc; Tour Coordinator: Valerie Baznik. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 1 p.m., in the Kenik Room of the St. Clair S.N.H. SLOVENIAN PENSIONERS CLUB OF EUCLID, OHIO President: Esther Podboy; Vice President: Jackie Ulle; Recording Secretary and Reporter: Lori Sierputowski; Financial Secretary and Membership: Jeanette Yert, 1854 Empire Rd„ Wickliffe, OH 44092-1137 (440) 944-8939; Treasurer: Frank Kosten; Historian: Marion Bocian; Sunshine Chair: Doris Pokopac, (440) 286-9627. Meetings held every first Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m., Recher Slovenian Home. HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS Honorary President: Gus Petelinkar; President: John Kozlevchar; Vice President: Matt Zabukovec; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Corresponding Secretary: Ann Beckett; Financial Secretary: Louise Fajda; Ser-geant-at-Arms: Frances Kajfez; Sunshine: Ann Eichler (731-9433); Auditors: Helen Pavšek, Hank Skarbez, Stan Bohinc. Meetings held the second Wednesday of the month at 12:30 p.m., at Collinwood Slovenian Home. BARBERTON SLOVENE PENSIONERS CLUB 114 - S'" St., N.E. Barberton, OH 44203 President: Sarah Kumse; Vice President: Betty Jevec; Secretary-Treasurer: Ann Novak; Recording Secretary: Shirley Fister; Auditors: Mary Poje, Mary Steiner, Betty Jevec; Fed. Reps.: Sarah Kumse, Betty Jevec, Ann Novak, Ray Palcic. Alternate: Bill Stopar. Meetings every first Thursday of the month at 12 noon at Prince of Peace Church, (formerly Sacred Heart Church) hall, 1263 Shannon Ave., Barberton. KLUB UPOKOJENCEV SLOV. PRISTAVE: Predsednik: Ivan Jakomin; Podpredsednika: Vinko Vrhovnik in Pepca Kastigar; Tajnica: Martina Štepec, 1958 Brushview Dr., Richmond Hts., OH 44143 (tel.: (440) 944-0016; Blagajnik: Pavle Intihar; Zapisnikar: Frank Urankar; Nadzorni Odbor: Minka Kmetich, Edi Veider; Odborniki: August Dragar, Julka Zalar, Marija Kocian, Mary Vrhovnik, Julka Mejač, Olga Kalar, Štefka Jarem, Tonckla Urankar, Štefka Zidar, in Tone Štepec. NEWBURGH-MAPLE HTS PENSIONERS CLUB President: Art Zanutic; Vice President: Florence Mirtel; Financial Secretary: Richard Galla (440) 234-9833; Recording Secretary: Clara Hrovat; Auditors: Tony Kaplan, Katherine Yurotovac, John Kužnik. FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB President: Tony Satej; Vice President: Julianne Centa; Treasurer: Carol Satej; Recording Secretary; Ann Purebar; Auditors: Jo Gomick, Jo Minello; Sgt.-at-Arms: Alice Martinčič: Ticket Sales: Dorothy Nemura. GLASBENA MATICA President: Dolores Sierputowski; Vice President: Vlasta Radisek; Secretary: Joanne Fordyce; Treasurer: Frank Culkar. Rehearsals held Monday evenings from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at the SNH, Room 2, 6409 St. Clair Ave. For information call (216) 261-5248. Holiday Concert: Dec. 14. KOROTAN Predsednica: Cvetka Rihtar; podpredsednica: Mary Ann Vogel; podpredsednik: Frank Lovšin; tajnica: Maruša Pogačnik, 7628 Chappin Falls Lane, Kirtland, OH 44094; blagnicarka: Helena Nemec; nadzorni odbor: Janez Nemec, Zdenka Zakrajšek, odborniki: Martina Jakomin, Cirila Kermavner, Mimi Režonja, Blažena Rihtar, France Rihtar, Milena Stropnik, pevovodja: Janez Sršen. SLOVENIAN JUNIOR CHORUS SNPJ YOUTH CIRCLE 2 Meetings 7 p.m., Thursdays September to May at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid Ohio. President: Kathy Matas; Vice President: Matt Kocin; Attendance Secretary: Mary Ann Kocin; Recording Secretary: Frannie Kocin; Treasurer: Kristy Zivkovich; Historian: Matt Skrajner. Music Director: Cecilia Dolgan. Fall Concert: Sunday, Nov. 9 at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. MISIJONSKA ZNAMKARSKA AKCU* (MZA - CMA) Predsednica: Marica Lavrisha; podpri’ sednica: Jelka Kuhel; tajnica, zapisnikarca Mari Celestina, 4935 Gleeten Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, tel.: (2 1 6) 381-529« Začasna blagajnika: Ani in Rudi Knez, Brian Ave., Cleveland, OH 44119, tel.: (2^ 481-3155. Nadzorni odbor: Ani Neme0' Tončka Urankar, Ivanka Tominec, bomiki: Viktor in Nežka Tominec, Marij* Ribič, Frank Kuhel, Tončka Lamovec, Vink0 in Mary Vrhovnik. Namestniki: Lovro R°z' man, Helena Gorshe, Mari Miklavčič. KLUB LJUBLJANA Meetings held the last Tuesday of tM month, 1 p.m., at Slovenian Society Hal'' 10713 Recher Ave., Euclid. President: Ann Bauha; Financial Secretary and Treasurer: Stephanie Segulin (2l6' 451-1876; Recording Secretary: Loui5{ Trunkley. Auditors are Ceil Zinder and Loo-ise Trunkley. Bartenders: Frank Sadar an Frank Skoda. Oltarno društvo fare Marije V nebo vret« Duhovni vodja: Rev. John M. Kumse: dnica: Ani Nemec; podpredsednica: MadJ Ribič; blagajničarka: Paula Hauptman, 2™ Highland Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, |e fon 481-1871; tajnica: Marica Lavriša; karica: Tončka Lamovec; nadzornice: Ton Urankar, Mary Podlogar, Maria Frank; zaSt,!|(l nošinja: Josepine Sežun. Skupno sv. obh«. vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu pri sv. maši ob dop. Isti dan popoldne ob 1.30 ura molitvi P blagoslovu pa seja v sobi za sestanke v šol*- ST. MARY’S HOLY NAME SOCIETY Spiritual Director: Rev. John Nu ^ President: Victor Nemec; Vice PreS'j^ Florian Osredkar; Treasurer: William Ho SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME LADIES AUXILIARY 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH 44119 President: Rose Kinnaird; Vice Prresi-dent: Marilyn Lazzara; Treasurer: Dorothy Kapel; Recording Secretary: Valeria Korošec; Audit Committee: Norma Hrvatin, Ann Adams, Betty Schukle, and - Ruth Korelec Alternate. LADIES AUXILIARY OF S.N.P.J. FARM - Heath Rd. President: B. Rotar; Vice President: S. Matuch; Recording Secretary: D. Dobida: Financial Secretary: V. Zak; Auditors: H. Sumrada, F. Mauric, E. Godec. WEST PARK SLOVENIAN HOME 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, OH 44135 President: Robert Royer; Vice President: Theresa Krisby; Recording Secretary: Marian Royer; Hall Treasurer: Rudy Pivik; Dances: Marie Pivik; Auditors: Ruth Lach and Michael Bartunik. WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB President: Pat Nevar; Vice President: John Prhne; Recording Secretary: Grace Marinch; Treasurer: Dorothy Gorjup; Auditors: Joann Heinz, Josie Kapla, Al Marinch. Meetings held every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. at Waterloo Hall. CATHOLIC order of foresters BARAGA COURT No. 1317 Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; Chief Ranger: Dr. Anthony F. Spech; Past Chief Ranger: Rudolph A. Massera; Vice Chief Ranger: Albert Marolt; Financial Secretary: Angelo W. Vogrig, 17220 Tarymore Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119, Ph: 531-2662; Treasurer: John J. Hočevar; Trustees: Albert Marolt, Frank J. Branisel, Robert Mills Sr.; Youth Director: Angelo W. Vogrig; Field Rep.: Richard Kuhar (Ph.: 838-1889). Meetings held the 3"' Thursday of the month. Call Fin. Sec. for location of meeting. JADRAN SINGING SOCIETY President: Betty Rotar; Vice President: Louis Zele; Secretary Treasurer: Dorothy Gorjup; Recording Secretary: Dolores Dobida: Auditors: Florence Unetich, Pat Nevar, Fred Nevar, Sophie Matuch, Alternate; Librarians: Florence Unetich, Angela Žabjek; Musical Director: Fred Ziwich; Accompanist: Reginald Resnik. Rehearsals are held every Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the SWH on Waterloo Road, Room 3. Everyone welcome! 2002 Concert Dates: April 13,h and November 1611’. SLOVENIAN SINGING SOCIETY ZARJA President: Richard Tomsic; Vice President: Vicky Kozel; Secretary: Josephine Rotter; Treasurer: Barbara Elersich; Director: Doug Elersich. For more information about Zarja please call Richard Tomsic at 481-1379. ST. MARY’S COURT No. 1640 s CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTL . Spiritual Director: Rev. John High Court Trustee: Alan Spilari yjCc Ranger and St. Ct. Tr. Kathleen Spilar; ,efl. Chief Ranger: Mary L. Jesek; SecrctaD' nie Jesek; Financial Secretary: John Py Treasurer: Vicki Skarbez; Trustees: \ White, Hank Skarbez, Alan Spilar; ^e.gg9; Agent: Dick Kuhar, Phone (440) 838- ^j. Youth Director: Toni Jo Kozak (21°/ 9373; Past Chief Ranger: Alan Spilar. Meetings every 4lh Wednesday °^CiV, if month: Jan, March, May, July, Sept-, ^ St. Mary’s school (meeting room), Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. ST. CLAIR RIFLE AND HUNTING CLUB President: Frank Zorman Jr.; Vice ” dent: Tony Umek, Jr.; Secretary: Greg ^ nik; Recording Secretary: Gus Babudef ^ correspondence to: Mr. Greg Pečnik, ,'5 225 St„ Euclid, OH 44123 Roster of Organizations ------------ -------— Imenik slovenskih društev Ameriška Sloveriska Katoliška Jednota American Slovenian Catholic Union ST. VITUS LODGE No. 25 KSKJ Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; President: Joseph S. Baškovič; Vice President: Joseph V. Hočevar; Secretary: John C. Turek, Tel: 531-0230; Treasurer: Al Orehek: Auditors: Charles Winter, Ron Fabo, Marty Turek; Youth and Athletic Director: Ralph Praznik; Sergeant-at-Arms: James Debevec. ST. JOSEPH LODGE No. 169 KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. John Kumse; preds: Eugene Kogovšek; podpreds: Philip Hrvatin; *n- taj.j; Anne Nemec, 708 E. 159 St., C1eveland, OH 44110 (541-7243); pom. ta-JUik: zapis: Karen Kretic; nadzorniki: Jennie unta, Matt Kajfez, Chris Chermely; direkt 23 zenske aktivnosti: Jennie Tuma, športni reT- John Nemec; por. v angleščini: Kristi Nemec; por. v slovenščini: Tone Nemec. Seje se vrše vsak tretji četrtek v mesecu °E 7.30 zvečer v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue v Collinwoodu. Društvo spredita člane od rojstva do 90. leta starosti za lvl)ensko zavarovalnino in anuitete. Ličen. Prodajalec: Kevin Ostrowski, 330-225-1474. , Odbor za pridobivanje novih članov: Jen-n|e Tuma, Tone Nemec, Milan Ribič. American MutaF Life Association ST. ANNE LODGE No. 4 AM LA President: Emilee Jenko; Vice President: Madeline D. Debevec; Secretary: Lil Novak; Treasurer: Dolores Kraus; Recording Secretary: Janet Krivacic; Auditors: Dorothy Stanonik and Ann Opeka; Youth Coordinator: Emilee Jenko; Reporter: Lil Novak. -bsabatqbo‘1 jnirnojb.i NAPREDNI SLOVENCI No. 5 AMLA President: Frank Stefe; Vice President; Edward Pečjak; Secretary and Treasurer: Frances Stefe; Recording Secretary: Harold Telich; Auditors: Joseph M. Chrzanowski DDS, Joe Zadel, and Frank Steffe Jr. Meetings 3rd Sunday of the month at 1482 Dille Rd„ Euclid, OH 44117. SLOVENSKI DOM No. 6 AMLA President: Joe Petrie; Vice President: Walter Frank; Secretary-Treasurer: Theresa Avani; Recording Secretary: Joe Petrie; Audit Chmn: Janice Verca; Auditors: Dorothy Lamm, Joseph Verch; Co-ordinators: Joe Petrie; Editor: Joe Petrie. SACRED HEART OF JESUS LODGE No. 172 KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; '-ustna predsed: Ludmila Glavan; Predsed-"'ca: Rela Zadnikar; Podpred.: Frank Kuhel; Tajnik-blag: Draga Gostic, 1440 Timbertland Eane, Twinsburg, OH 44087 (tel: 1-330-405-^T2; Zapisnikarica: Gabriel Kuhal Reviziji: Gabriela Kuled, Vilibald Zadnikar, luska Lekan; Athletic/Youth Director: ZjUska Lekan; Sergeant-at-Arms: Frank Ku- Meetings held every Third Friday at 1 Pit. KRISTUS KRALJ št. 226 - KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Jože Božnar; prednik: Joseph F. Rigler, tel (440) 256-3137; P°dpredsednik: Raymond Zak; tajnik in bla-®ajiik: Erika Kurbos, 1875 Braebum Pk Dr., r*c|id, OH 44117, tel (216) 383-1212; P'aiikarica; Rosemarie Zupančič, nadzorni 0r: Anthony L. Rigler, John Zupančič in Uc*c Potenga. Direktorica mladinskih ak-Vtlost: Judy A. Ryan; šports referent: Ron-8 vratarica: Bob McDonough. s Neje društva vsako drugo nedeljo v me-eca ob 12. uri v SND, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Meveland, Ohio. KSKJ vam nudi mnogovrstno življensko ^ovaijc za vsote od $lk,000 naprej. n ž*vUenskega zavarovanja vam KSKJ p 1 tudi večvrstne naložbe >annjties<. Vse br 2e‘° ugodnimi pogoji. Za podrobnosti se ez°bvezno obrnite na tajnika društva. OUR LADY OF FATIMA Lodge No. 255 KSKJ j, Pmtiml Advisor: Rev. John Kumse; *ackj ent ^°*,ert A. Schulz; Vice President: Schuf *Tanks; Secretary-Treasurer: Connie 4409sZ’t8908 Uxbr*dge Dr., Willowick, OH &Uo ’ el; (440) 944-2015; Auditors: Larry Daji Donna Duggan; Athletic Director: ne Schulz. 6:3o pCeI'n8s Wednesday of month at •ui- at Secretary/Treasurer home. KRAS No. 8 President: Vida Zak; Vice President: Celeste Frollo: Secretary / Treasurer: Anton Lavrisha, 1076 E. 176 St., (216) 531-3413, meti@aoI.com; Recording Sec.: Sophie Matuch. Meetings the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., at Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue in Cleveland except July and August. LODGE CLEVELAND NO. 9 AMLA President: Albert R. Amigoni; Vice President; Robert Menart; Secretary-Treasurer: Patricia C. Amigoni, 21051 Arbor Ave., Euclid, OH 44123, Ph: 216-531-8468; Recording Secretary: James Pavlik; l“ Auditor: Roseanne Jerina; 2nd Auditor: Gertrude Menart; F.A. Coordinator: Patricia Amigoni; Lodge Reporter: Mary Ziherl. Meets AMLA Home Office first Sunday of month at 10 a.m. LODGE No. 12 RIBNICA ST. CECELIA AMLA President: Louis Sile; Vice President. James E. Czeck; Secretary Treasurer: Carole Czeck; Lodge Reporter: Carole Czeck; Recording Secretary: Gina Ilacqua; President Audit Committee: Gina Ilacqua; Is1 Auditor: James E. Czeck; 2nd Auditor: Philip J. Yan, Sr.; Alternate: Jaime Lončar. Lodge Representatives: Slovenian National Home: Philip Yan, Slovenian Society Home - Recher: Lillian Bratina, James Czeck, and Philip Yan; Slovene Home for Aged: Philip Yan. Meetings July 14, Oct. 13 and Dec. 15 at 30417 Oakdale Road (president’s home). QUEEN OF PEACE Lodge No. 24 - AMLA President: Francis Cazin; Vice President: Dorothy Cabat; Secretary: Rosemary Poza-relli; Recording Secretary: Angie Musil; Auditors: Dolores Hrovat, Bernice Novak, Hattie Fashinpaur. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA National board 1999 - 2003 National President: Kathleen J. Dorchak; Vice President: Marjorie Church; Secretary: Bonnie Prokup; National Treasurer: Jonita Ruth; Scholarship Director: Mary Turvey; Junior Activities Director: Angela Stare; Auditors: Beverly Menart, Beverly Jackson, Fran Morison; Zarja Editor: Corinne Leskovar; Women’s Activities Director: Agnes Dobczyk. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION BRANCH #14, Euclid, OH President: Jennie Fitzthum; Vice President: Pat Habat; Recording Secretary: Addie Humphreys; Secretary/Treasurer: Diane Uar-ney; Auditors: Antoinette Zabukovec, Stana Grill; Reporter: Alice Kuhar; Sunshine: Jennie Fitzthum; Banner Lady: Josephine Kasti-gar; Spiritual Advisor: Father Frances Sterk. 2002 Mother of Year: - All the members will be honored. PSWA NATIONAL BOARD Headquarters: 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 President: Florence Unetich; Vice President: Joyce Plemel; Sec’y./Treas.: Vida Zak; Recording Secretary: K. Tomsic and L. Krashina; Auditors: A. Turk, M. Sterle, and M. Vogrig; Education and Welfare: Helen Joca (also historian); Julie Main, E. Rižnar, and M. Gombach. National Board meetings are held the second Monday of January, March, April, July, September and November at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH 44110 at 7:30 p.m. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA CIRCLE 1 President: Betty Rotar; Vice President: Dorothy Gorjup; Recording Secretary: Sophie Matuch; Financial Secretary: Vida Zak; Auditors: E. Rižnar, M. Meglich, A. Zak; Education and Welfare: E. Godec, J. Heinz, D. Gotjup. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 25 President: Frances M. Gazvoda; vice President: Josephine Perpar; Secretary and Sunshine Lady: Peggyann Moore, 4495 W. 62 St., Brooklyn, OH 44144; Recording Secretary: Janet Krivacic; Treasurer: Anne Clemons; Auditors: Emilee Jenko and Gene Drobnič. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 47 President: Olga Dorchak; Vice President: Ann Harsh; Secretary-Treasurer: Elsie Spel-lacy; Auditors: Kathleen Dorchak, Virginia Kemmerling; Reporter: Dorothy Squire. Meetings held first Saturday of the month. May and December, second Sunday of the month, March, Sept., Nov. at 1 o’clock at Maple Hts. Library. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch #50 Meetings held 3rd Wednesday of the month at Euclid Public Library, 1 p.m. President: Rose Mary Toth; Vice President: Cookie Maxim (Cathy); Treasurer: Mary E. Miller; Recording Secretary: Mary Maxin; Auditors: Dorothy Winters, Fran Kajfez; Dawn Reporter: Allison Hrovat. Mother of the Year: Mary Maxin. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA #2 President: Agnes Turk; Recording Secretary: Florence Zalokar; Financial Secretary: Karen Tomsic, 25571 Glenbrook, Euclid, OH 44117 (216) 481-1379; Sunshine: Chris Ujcich; Cookbooks: Agnes Turk (216) 531-7168 PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA #3 President: Dorothy Lamm; Vice President: Mary Sterle; Recording Secretary Diane Vamey; Financial Secretary: Karen Tomsic, 25571 Glenbrook Blvd., Euclid, OH 44117 (216) 481-1379; Sunshine and Cookbooks: Jennie Fitzthum (216) 261 -1196. P.S.W.A. CIRCLE 7 President: Lucy Glavač, Vice-Pres.: Jean H. Dragar, Rec.-Secy.: Pauline Krall; Treasurer: Frances B. Weyant; Auditors: Esther Larabee, Frances Forsythe, Lillian Ribarich; Reporters: Elsie Kozar, Jo Klein, Esther Larabee; Sunshine Lady: Frances Weyant; Bingo Chair: Pauline Krall. Meetings: First Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110. LITANY FOR A TEEN When I experience suffering and death of a loved one, — give me comfort, Oh Mary. When I have questions, guide me to the answers, Oh Mary. When I am feeling sorry for myself, open my eyes to other people’s problems, Oh Mary When I feel like hurting my brothers and sisters, give me the courage to accept the things I cannot change, Oh Mary. When my parents are upset, help me to show compassion, Oh Mary. When I come short of my goals, give me the strength to try again, Oh Mary. When I have been blessed by gifts and happiness, please help me to be humble, Oh Mary. When I have hurt others, give me the strength to say “I am sorry” Oh Mary When 1 am tempted to be a follower of misguided deeds, help me to be a leader, Oh Mary. When I feel overburdened with fear, lighten my heart, Oh Mary When my spirit is misguided, show me the path to righteousness, Oh Mary. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 17, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 17, 2003 V Roster of Organizations — Imenik društev — ST. VITUS HOLY NAME SOCIETY 6019 Glass Ave., Cleveland 44103 Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph Božnar; President: Charles Winter; Vice President: John Hočevar; Recording Secretary: Frank Cerar; Corresponding Secretary: Joseph Hočevar. Group Mass & Communion 9:00 a.m. Mass on second Sunday of month. Meeting follows in church hall. LOZKA DOLINA President: Charles Zgonc; Vice President: John R. Telich Sr.; Secretary: Louis Zig-mund; Auditing Committee: Matt Zabukovec, Adolph Kotnik, Joe Arko. Representative to lodges with St. Clair Slovenian Home and Collinwood Slovenian Home: Albert Marolt. Annual Meeting in January and Annual Social. ST. VITUS ALUMNI President: Danny Reiger; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Recording Secretary: Dan-iella Avsec; Treasurer: F. Raymond Gobec; Corresponding Sec’y.: Daniella Avsec; Sgt.-at-Arms: Louis Shenk; Trustee: Joseph Zelle. Meetings, 7 p.m., on the first Thursdays of January, April, July, and October in the Social Room of St. Vitus School. Dues are $5 per year. Officers are nominated in October and sworn into office in January. ST. VITUS CATHOLIC WAR VETS POST 1655 Commander: Robert W, Mills Sr.; First Vice Commander: Robert W. Mills Sr.; Second Vice Commander: Thomas Kirk; Third Vice Commander: Raymond K. Jasko; Officer of the Day: Edward Arhar; Welfare Officer: William Lipoid; Treasurer: Steve Pior-kowski; Historian: Bernard T. Bedingaus; Service Officer: Joseph Grdina; 3 Year Trustee: Frank Ljubi; 2 Year Trustee: Joseph S. Baškovič; 1 Year Trustee: James Logar; Adjutant: Thomas Kirk; Liaison Officer: Joseph Mismas; Judge Advocate: Albin Lipoid; House Chairman Richard Mott; Chaplin: Rev. Richard Evans, Rev. William Jerse, Rev. Joseph P. Boznar. ST. VITUS ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY President: Mrs. Ivanka Matic; Vice President and Recording Secretary: Mrs. Gabriela Kuhel; Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Julka Smole; Treasurer: Mrs. Maria Leben; Auditors: Mrs. Ivanka Pretnar and Mrs. Ann Arhar. KRES FOLK DANCERS President: Mark Tome; Vice President: Mark Sedmak; Treasurer: Erik Kobal; Public Relations: Lisa Ovsenik; Secretary: Franci Sever; Costumes: Sonia Domanko; Member-at-Large: Niko Percic. SKD TRIGLAV, MILWAUKEE Spiritual Leader: Rev. Dr. Jože Gole; President: Leon Sagadin; Vice President: Joe Omik; Treasurer: Anne Sagadin, Luke Kolman - taxes; Eveline Maierle: dinner sales; Recording Secretary: Marija Kadunc; Secretary: Mary Ann Sulik; Park Manager: Janez Mejač; Assistant Park Manager: Craig Frohna; Kitchen: Helen Frohna; Assistant Kitchen: Marta Mejac; Bar Manager: Dan Mejac; Choir Director: Mara Kolman; Sports Director: Frank Mejac; Delegate for Uspeh: Christina Carroll; Reporter for Ameriška Domovina: Mara Kolman; Auditors: Kathy Kaye, Joann Limoni, Vicky Schneider; Judges, Court of Arbitration: Mike Carroll, John Levičar, Tony Limoni. 2002 Triglav Picnics: First Picnic - June 23 Mission Picnic - July 14 Second Picnic - Aug. 18 Wine Festival - September 22 BELOKRANJSKI CLUB The annual meeting of the Belokranjski Club was held on January 24 at the Slovenian National Home. The following officers were elected for 2003: President: Theresa Smuk; Vice President: Marjanca Hočevar; Secretary: Amelia Maslac; Recording Secretary: Tony Smuk Jr.; Treasurer: Alenka Winslett; Refreshment Chair.: David Hočevar; Hospitality Chair: Milena Dovic. Auditing Committee President: Mark Blanchard; Auditing Committee: Ann Marie Morrison, Frank Smuk. ŠTAJERSKI KLUB President: Mimi Kozina, Jr.; Vice Preši- • dent: Roman Vitulich; Secretary/Treasurer: Marilyn Walentschak; Board Members: Angie Radey, Branko Radey, Jožica Vitulich, Martina Simicak, Mimi Kozina, Martin Walentschak, Eric Walentschak, Kristina Ferlinc, Tony Vitulich, Tonica Simicak, John Gorcian, Jože Ramšak, Kazimir Kozinski, Johnny Kozina, Frank Fujs. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION President: Anthony W. Hiti; Vice President; Dr. Alexander Ukmar; Secretary: Dana L. Leonard; Treasurer: Philip Hrvatin; At-Large: August B. Pust, Dr. Rudolph M. Susel, Ann M. Opeka; Past Presidents: Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, Frederick E. Križman, Esq., Hon. August Pryatel, Dr. Vladimir J. Rus, Edmund J. Turk, Esq., Joyce Ann Hribar, Esq., and Dr. Alexandra Ukmar. SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED President: Robert Klancher, Vice President: Philip Hrvatin; Treasurer: Celeste Frollo; Recording Secretary: Florence Unetich; Corresponding Secretary: Agnes Turk. Trustees: Douglas Elersich, Sutton Gi-rod, Rudolph Kozan, Jean Križman, Vera Marsic, Milan Ribic, Richard Tomsic, Edward Unetich, Frank Zak, Scott Zele; Alternates: Dale Luzar, John Pestotnik; Honorary Trustees: John Cech, Frederick Križman, Ronald Zele; Administrator: Anthony L. Ro-tolo, Ph.D.: Assistant Administrator: Jeffrey Sas. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL ART GUILD President: John Streck; Vice President: Patricia A. Habat; Treasurer: Lillian Bratina; Auditors: Ann Opeka and Dorothy Dybzin-ski; Sunshine: Eleanore Rudman; Historian: Emilee Jenko; Heritage: Doris Sadar; Membership: Millie Sray (216) 261-3263; Newsletter: Patricia A. Habat; Circulation: Dorothy Dybzinski. Meetings held the 3rd Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB President: Gene Drobnič; Vice-President: Emilee Jenko; Secretary: Terry Hočevar; Cor-res. Sec’y.: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Agnes Koporc. Meetings: 4 times a year. ODBOR DRAMSKEGA DRUŠTVA LILIJA Predsednik: Peter Dragar; Podpredsednik: Matija Grdadolnik; Podpredsednik: Srečo Gaser; Tajnik: Ivan Hauptman, 25922 Highland Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143; Zapisnikar: Frank Hren; Blagajničarka: Marija Maršič; Programski odbor: Matija Grdadolnik, Srečo Gaser, Peter Dragar, Ivan Hauptman, Ivan Jakomin, Mojca Slak, Zdenka Zakrajšek. Oderski mojster: Slavko Štepec; Kuhinja: Ani Nemec, Julka Zalar; Točaja: Tone Štepec, Rudi Hren; Reditelji: Jože Tomc, Ivan Tomc, Lojze Zupančič; Športni referent: Matija Grdadolnik; Nadzorni odbor: Marija Tominc, Frank Zalar, Štefka Smolič. BALINCARSKI CLUB SLOVENSKA PRISTAVE Častni Pred.: Felix Breznikar; Predsednik: Lojze Mohar; Pod. Pred.: Janez Švigelj; Taj.-Blag.: Tone Škerl. Odborniki: Ani Breznikar, Mici Mohar, Tončka Švigelj, Tone Vogel, Janez in Rezka Breznikar, Tone in Cilka Švigelj, Vera Žnidaršič, Marija Vrhovnik, Lojze in Angelca Debeljak, Tončka Berkopec, Zdenka Kavčič. Nadzorni odbor: Lojze Hribar, Vinko Vrhovnik, Jože Sojer. DRUŠTVO SLOVENSKIH PROTIKOMUNISTIČNIH BORCEV (D.S.P.B. Cleveland, Ohio Predsednik: Viktor Tominec (Tel.: 531-2728): Podpredsednik/Tajnik: Anton Oblak; Blagajnik: France Šega; Tiskovni referent: Lojze Drobnič; Nadzorni odbor: Stane Vidmar in Frank Kuhelj. • 'M % cup whole wheat flour Vž cup Quaker oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked) Vi cup toasted wheat germ 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder Vi teaspoon salt IVS cups fat-free milk SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA Predsednik: Milan Ribic; 1. Podredsed-nik: Mary Ann Vogel; 2. Podpredsednik: Frank Lovšin; Tajnica: Metka Zalar; Pomožna tajnica: Ani Sterle; Pomožni tajnik: Edi Sedmak; Blagajnik: Marjan Percic; Pom blagajničarka: Maria Leben; Zapisnikarica: Mimi Režonja. Nadzorni odbor: Sršen, Janez, Kmetic, Viktor, Roesmann, Mate; Razsodišče: Berlec, Ivan, Urankar, Frank; Kovačič, Frank; Zastopniki slovenskih sod: Sv. Vid: Dana Leonard; Sv. Marija Vnebovzeta: Kristjan Sedmak. SLOVENSKA PISARNA Predsednik: Fr. Jože Božnar; podpred-sednik-blagajnik: Anton Oblak; nadzorni odbor: Viktor Tominec in Frank Šega; od-borniki(-ce): Zalka Likozar, Milka odar, Ivanka Vidmar in Mara Cerar-Hull. Seje so po potrebi, v prostorih Slovenske pisarne na 6104 Lausche Ave., Cleveland 44103. Tel.’ 216-361-1603; fax: 216-361-1608. Pisarna je odprta ob sobotah od 10.00 do 12.00 ure in ob nedeljah od 9:30 do 12:00 ure. 1 egg, beaten 2 tablespoons vegetable oil ‘/4 cup dried cranberries iVž cups blueberries 1 jar (10 oz.) blueberry or blackberry fruit spread 1 tablespoon lemon juice In large bowl, combine first six ingredients; mix well. In medium bowl, combine milk, egg and vegetable oil; blend well. Add to dry ingredients; mix just until moistened. Stir in cranberries. Heat griddle over medium-high heat. Spray with cooking spray. For each pancake, pour scant Vi cup batter onto hot griddle; quickly top with 8 to 10 blueberries. Turn when edges look cooked. In microwavable bowl, heat fruit spread and juice on HIGH (100%) to 3 minutes until melted and smooth, stirring once. Serve with pancakes. NUTRITION INFORMATION: (per Vt of recipe): Cal. 245, Fat 4g (Sat. Fat 0.5g), Choi. Omg, Sodium 230mg, Garbs 48g, Fiber 4g, Pro. 5g. James A. Garfield, 20th President of the United States, could writ® in two different languages at the same time. large feet and an iron nose gently rocks crying infants to sleep wh®11 no one else will. J Go With The (Whole) Grain (NAPS)—Getting the recommended three servings of whole grains each day is easier than you may think. If you wake up to a bowl of oatmeal and eat a turkey sandwich on two slices of whole wheat bread for lunch, you’ve met your daily quota. The easiest way to know if you’re eating a whole grain product is to check the ingredient list. Look for key words like “whole grain oats” and “whole wheat” at the top of the list. Cran-Blueberry Whole-Grain Pancakes offer a double dose of whole grain goodness—rolled oats, whole wheat flour and wheat germ. CRAN-BLUEBERRY WHOLE-GRAIN PANCAKES About 16 pancakes FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, July 17, 2003 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Zopetna sprememba - ZDA končno dale soglasje za Johna Hutarja Na svoji seji pretekli četrtek je slovenska vlada razrešila državnega sekretarja in direktorja urada za Slovence po svetu in v zamejstvu Črtomira Špacapana, ki postaja generalni konzul Slovenije v Trstu (prej je bil Špacapan župan Nove Gorice). Na njegovo mesto je vlada imenovala vršilko dolžnosti v osebi Metodo Mikuž Bračkovič. O ^jeni preteklosti oziroma kvalifikacijah ni še nobenih podatkov. Ameriška vlada je končno, po več kot poldrugem letu namreč (tj. od 1. novembra 2001), dala soglasje Sloveniji za odprtje konzularnega predstavništva v San Francisu 'n imenovanje častnega konzula. Častni konzul bo John Matt Hutar, kar je že dalj ^usa znano, doma sicer iz Clevelanda, kjer )e bil njegov pokojni oče Matt Hutar zelo aktiven mdr. v Belokranjskem klubu. Septembra konvencija o Sloveniji Konvencija o prihodnosti Slovenije, to zaradi novih izzivov pred vstopom v NATO in EU, ki jo predlaga predsednik SDS Janez Janša in naj bi presegla strankarsko o-niejenost, naj bi odgovorila na poglavitna vPrašanja: kakšni so novi nacionalni cilji, katere so prioritete, kaj želi Slovenija doseči in katere so tiste stične točke, ki zdru-Hujejo državljanke in državljane. Vključili naj bi čimširši krogljudi, predsednik države Janez Drnovšek, ki je Janševo Pobudo podprl, pa je načelno pripravljen v°diti konvencijo. Delovati naj bi začela Septembra in do konca leta končala delo. Povabili naj bi slovenske intelektualce, vrhunske strokovnjake za različna področja, Slovence, ki so se uveljavili v Evropi in po svetu, predstavnike vlade in opozicije, eko-nomiste, filozofe, pravnike, pisatelje in dru- ge kulturnike, skratka vse, ki so že doslej prispevali različne ideje in predloge o prihodnosti Slovenije. Koroški Radio 2: pomaga lahko le Dunaj Zasebni slovenski Radio 2 na avstrijskem Koroškem, ki od preteklega petka zaradi pomanjkanja denarja vrti samo še “glasbo iz konzerve”, je očitno za dalj časa ustavil vodeni spored. Ponedeljkov sestanek predstavnikov manjšinskega radia in predstavnikov manjšine na uradu za Slovence v zamejstvu in pri ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve v Ljubljani ni prinesel nič novega. Na sesstanku z državnim sekretarjem Črtomirjem Špacapanom je koroška delegacija - v njej sta bila poleg poslovodje Radio 2 Marijana Pippa še predsednik NSKS Jože Wakounig in tajnik ZSO Valentin Sima -zvedela, da je Slovenija pripravljena ppma-gati, toda najprej mora Avstrija zagotoviti dolgoročno rešitev za celodnevni slovenski radijski program. Šele, ko bo Dunaj naredil svoje, naj bi se začela pogajanja o morebitni finančni premostitvi časa do štarta napovedane rešitve (financiranje slovenskega programa za šest ur na dan), ki naj bi stekla s 1. januarjem leta 2004. Urednik Dela Mitja Meršol razrešen Po daljšem zapletu je uspel poskus uprave osrednjega slovenskega dnevnika Delo, da razreši večletnega odgovornega urednika in nekdanjega newyorškega dopisnika Mitjo Meršola. Formalno bo razrešen šele, ko bo nadzorni svet dal soglasje k imenovanju novega odgovornega urednika. Meršol je rekel, da mu je v zadoščenje in podporo, da mu ni novinarski kolektiv izrekel podporo. Dva nova kovanca - Banka Slovenija je dala v obtok kovanca po 20 in po 50 tolarjev. Upodobljena sta štorklja oziroma; bik. “JAVNA BESEDA VSE BOU ODVISNA OD POLITIČNE OBLASTI IN KAPITALA” -°Pozicyski stranki SDS in NSi, ki se predstavljata pod skupnim imenom koahcua^S o-Venija, sta pred nedavnim v zakonodajni postopek vložili novelo zakona o medyih, k. Predvi(jeva ustanovitev sklada za pluralizacijo medyev. Pobuda je naletela na 1 ° tako s strani vladnih strank kot tudi obstoječih časopisov, v prvi vrst* ?a’. v *0tografiji (z leve): Janez Drobnič in Andrej Bajuk (oba NSi) ter Janez Janša m Jože Tank« (SDS). Ni pričakovati, da bo sedanji parlament zakonski predlog izglasoval. Iz Clevelanda in okolice KRES vabi na veselico— Folklorna skupina Kres vas vabi to soboto na večer zabave in veselja, ki bo na Slovenski pristavi. Večerja bo deljena od 5. do 8. zvečer (stejk $15, kokoš $12), za zabavo bo pa igral ansambel Zreška pomlad iz Slovenije. Za več informacij: Monika Povirk - 216-486-0713. Piknik zupnye sv. Vida— Letni piknik župnije sv. Vida bo to nedeljo na Slovenski pristavi. Začetek bo s sv. mašo pop. ob 12.30, sledilo bo kosilo (svinjske zarebrnice in piščanec). Dar je $12 za odrasle in $6 za otroke. Za zabavo bo igral Jerry Suhar od 2. do 3. pop., nato bodo igrali Veseli godci in sicer od 3. do 7. zvečer. Ves dan bo na voljo hrana in pijača ter posebni srečelovi. Piknik je pomemben vir dohodkov za župnijo. Novi grobovi Joseph J. Frollo Dne 9. julija je v Ljubljani, kjer je bil na potovanju po Sloveniji s skupino ameriških rojakov, po krajši bolezni umrl 70 let stari Joseph J. Frollo, rojen v Johnstownu, Pa., v Clevelandu živeč več desetletij, mož Celeste, roj. Kozely, oče Mary Jo Šuštar in Josepha ml., 5-krat stari oče, brat Paula, Sue Zilke, Irene Salem, Betty Ann Parke, Cathy O’Brien ter že pok. Georgea ml., Mary Staton, Andyja in Eve, zaposlen pri Victory White Metal Co. 30 let, do svoje upokojitve 1. 1995, zelo aktiven v slovenski skupnosti, med drugim član in bivši predsednik direktorija SDD na Waterloo Rd., član Kluba upokojencev na Holmes Ave. in na Waterloo Rd., AMLA št. 8, SNPJ št. 147 in več ameriških klubov in društev. Pogreb bo v soboto, 19. julija, v oskrbi Že-letovega zavoda dop. ob lOh, v cerkev sv. Kristine ob 11. uri, sledil bo pokop na Vernih duš pokopališču. Kropljenje bo jutri, v petek, od 2. do 9. zv. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110. (dalje na str. 16) Slov. šola pri sv. Vidu— V nedeljo, 27. julija, ima Slovenska šola pri sv. Vidu svoj vsakoletni piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Ob 12.30 bo sv. maša. Tako nato bo servirano kosilo s svinjsko pečenko. Cena je $10 za odrasle. Za otroke bodo servirali špageti kosilo, ki bo stalo $5. Popoldne bo poskrbljeno za okrepčila in pijačo ter veselo razvedrilo. Vsi ste prisrčno vabljeni! Primorski klub vabi— Primorski klub vas obvešča, da pripravlja svoj letni piknik na Slovenski pristavi za nedeljo, 10. avgusta. Začel se bo s sv. mašo ob 12. uri. Okrepčila in pijača bodo na razpolago po maši oziroma od Ih pop. dalje. Za zabavo bodo igrali in peli gostje iz Slovenije, to bo ansambel Modrijani. Vsi lepo vabljeni! Dodatek— V “Zahvali” za pok. Franceta Dejaka, ki je bil objavljen pretekli teden, ni bilo vključeno, da je imel poslovilni nagovor prof. dr. Edi Gobec. Dostavljeni rokopis tega podatka ni imel. KOLEDAR JULIJ 27. - Misijonska Znam- karska akcija v Mihvaukee-ju priredi piknik, na Triglavskem parku. AUGUST 3. - Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave ima piknik na SP. 17. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, priredi drugi piknik na Parku. 31. - Društvo SPB vodi romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, Ohio. Sv. mašo daruje č.g. dr. Pavle Krajnik ob 12. uri opoldne, druge pobožnosti ob 2.30. SEPTEMBER 13. - Folklorna skupina Kres ima celovečerno prireditev v SND na St. Clairju. 21. - Oltarno društvo sv. Vida ima vsakoletno kosilo v avditoriju pri sv. Vidu. 27. - Slovenska radijska družina priredi banket v proslavo 50. obletnice obstoja oddaje “Pesmi in melodije iz naše lepe Slovenije”. Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem z dogajanji v Sloveniji in tudi med nami samimi Pavle Borštnik Perry, Ohio DIES IRAE V zadnjih časih se v Sloveniji druga za drugo pojavljajo knjige, katerih avtorji nakazujejo, da sicer poznajo vso resnico o medvojnih dogodkih, da pa nimajo poguma, da bi iz te resnice napravili e-dini možni zaključek: v Sloveniji je med vojno in takoj po njej vladala morilska ideja, ki je ustrahovala celoten narod in mu sedla za vrat za polna štiri desetletja in več. Težko je dohajati vse te knjige, jih prebirati in analizirati. Tu in tam se pa že v nekaj kratkih stavkih pokaže vsa bedna previdnost, da ja ne bi nekomu stopili na prste, da ne bi kakokoli omalovaževali “vzvišenih idealov in dosežkov revolucije”, in da ne bi - Bog ne daj - prikazali enega ali drugega narodnega, ali katerekoli druge vrste, “heroja”, kot navadnega kriminalca. Tako je lani decembra v Ljubljani izšla na 688 straneh knjiga dr. Toneta Ferenca, z naslovom “Dies Irae", ki govori o “u-sodi slovenskih četniknov in Vaških stražarjev jeseni leta 1943”. Dr. Ferenc velja za kompetentnega zgodovinarja in v 31 knjigah, ki je je menda napisal o dogajanjih v Sloveniji med vojno in revolucijo, se trudi prikazati +Peter Pavlin WASHINGTON, D.C. - V Torontu je v nedeljo, 13. julija, umrl Peter Pavlin, v starosti 77 let. Že dalj časa je bolehal na srcu in letos je bil dvakrat v bolnici, kjer ga je zadela srčna kap. Peter Pavlin je po vojni v Gradcu študiral gradbeno tehniko in bil v Torontu poklicni geometer 41 let. Sodeloval je tudi pri gradnji znamenitega torontskega razglednega stolpa. Bil je eden redkih, ki je preživel Grčarice. Ko se je rešil iz kočevskih zaporov. Je pristopil k primorskim domobrancem in se ob koncu vojne z njimi umaknil na Koroško. Pokojni zapušča ženo Štefko, sina Petra, hčer-• ko Terezo in dva vnuka. Naj počiva v miru! S.Š. stvari tako, kot so se v resnici odvijale. To velja, načelno, tudi za knjigo o dogodkih leta 1943, se pravi o dogodkih, katerih 60-letnica nas pričakuje to jesen. Tudi ta članek je predvsem opozorilo bralcem, da si to knjigo po možnosti sami nabavijo. Pomembna je že zato, ker, kot pravi avtor sam, je s “skoraj knjigovodsko natančnostjo prikazal usodo okoli sedemsto ujetnikov iz (...) postojank, ki so jih porazili partizani”. Tako delo pa vsekakor pozdravljamo, saj bomo z njim lahko dopolnili svoje podatke. (Podroben pregled je pokazal, da so Ferenčevi podatki v glavnem zanesljivi, ima pa nekaj napak v krajevnih imenih, ki jih navaja.) Do tu je vse v redu. Ferenčeva knjiga se lepo uvršča v serijo “pričeval-ske literature", v katero bi - vsaj jaz - uvrstil še Snojevo “Metamorfozo groze”, Tršarjev “Dotik smrti” in pa Emila Wei-ssa pretresljivo pričevanje “Ne hodi naprej”. Weiss je bil partizan, njegov brat, kipar Belač, je padel s Kajuhom na Štajerskem. Toda to, kar je počela partija in njena zloglasna VOS z Emilom Weissom, presega vso možno domišljijo o človeški zlobi. Zadostuje naj, da je vsled te zlobe PO končani vojni preživel deset let v zaporih, od tega vrsto let na Golem otoku, odkoder se je vrnil do kraja ponižan, zlomljen in razočaran. Niti v tej knjigi, po vseh teh letih, pa si ne upa povedati vse resnice o dogodkih in ljudeh, ki so zlomili njegovo življenje. ^ tU Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik m 440-944-2538 Prof. Jože Veukonja 80-letnik V Seattlu v ameriški zvezni (Irtavi Washington je 17. aprila obhajal 80-letnico zaslutili profesor geografije tamkajšnje univerze, zdomski javni delavec in publicist dr. Jote Velikonja. Rodil se je v Ljubljani kot eden izmed 13 otrok nečakinje škofa Jegliča Ivanke in pisatelja ter povojne žrtve komunizma Narteja Velikonje. Študiral je v Ljubljani, Rimu, Montrealu in Chicagu. V letih 1947-55 je bil profesor na slovenskem učiteljišču in klasični gimnaziji v Trstu, kjer je tudi sestavil šest učbenikov. Od leta 1958 do upokojitve leta 1993 je predaval na več ameriških univerzah, najdlje na univerzi države Washington, kot gostujoči profesor pa tudi v Evropi. Nastopil je na številnih strokovnih kongresih in izdal vrsto študij o izseljevanju in prisotnosti Italijanov in Slovencev v ZDA, o slovenski identiteti in vlogi slovenske dia- spore. /lil je med pobudniki Družbe za slovenske študije v ZDA in njenih publicističnih ter kongresnih dejavnosti. S prof Radom Lenčkom je v dveh izdajah r angleščini objavil ameriškoslovenski “Kdo je kdo'’ (1992 in 1995). Kot kulturni delavec v zdomstvu se oglaša v Ameriški domovini, drugih listih v zdomstvu, zamejstvu in matici, večkrat tudi v naši Mladiki. Predaval je že na študijskih dnevih v Dragi in v Društvu slovenskih izobražencev. Članek zgoraj je posnetek iz tržaške MLADIKE, št. 4, 2003. Čestitkam ob 80. rojstnem dnevu se pridružujemo tudi vsi pri AD, v prvi vrsti, če se smem tako izraziti, urednik slovenskega dela, ki bom vedno cenil številna srečanja tekom kar že nekaj desetletij ter več pogovorov po telefonu. Človek se vprašuje, kako morejo današnji slovenski ljudje, predvsem še inteligentni, prebirati te in podobne knjige in ne uvideti, da jim današnja nesrečna “kontinuiteta”, ki vzdržuje “velike tradicije in revolucionarne dosežke”, vlada v imenu morilcev in zločincev prejšnje generacije; da je ta prejšnja generacija načrtno in namenoma uvedla v svojem svetu isto neusmiljeno grozo, ki jo je sama očitala industrijski buržoaziji, in da se je toliko opevana diktatura proletariata sprevrgla v diktaturo NAD proletariatom in priredila človeštvu strahotne pokole v Rusiji, Španiji, Kitajski, Kambodži in, ne nazadnje, tudi v naši nesrečni Sloveniji - in da se je vse to dogajalo kot v posmeh vsej in vsakršni človeški morali. Žal, tudi dr. Ferenc tega ne priznava. “Ko človek piše takšne knjige,” pravi v uvodu, “ne more ostati ravnodušen (...) zlasti do usmrtitve ranjencev in (...) do nekaterih drugih zlih pojavov na partizanski strani.” Maček okrog vrele kaše! To niso bili nikakršni zli “pojavi”! To je bila načrtna, premišljena politika. Tako je takrat partija ravnala z ljudmi, ki se ji niso brezpogojno uklonili. To ZLO je srčika ideologije, ki se je za-žrla v slovenski narodni organizem. To zlo je slovenskemu človeku nagnalo v kost in žile STRAH, ki se ga drži še danes. V tem zlu je odgovor, zakaj ljudje ob vseh teh knjigah molčijo, zakaj ne dvignejo glav in pesti in zakričijo do neba: “Dovolj, ta burka je stara že 60 let.” In to zlo je tisto, ki tudi dr. Ferenc, na žalost, dopušča samo to, da ni ravnodušen ob teh “pojavih”. Nas, ki prebiramo te knjige v tujini, kjer “podplat je koža čez in čez postala”, pa vsaka izmed njih še enkrat oplazi prav tam, kjer najbolj boli... Dies irae, jezni dnevi... V času nastajanja teh vrstic, vrtijo v ameriških kinodvoranah film “Pianist” Romana Polanskega. Osrednja in končna poanta te grozotne alegorije iz Varšavskega geta, je popolnoma nepričakovana in komaj verjetna manifestacija človečnosti človeka, ki je bil sicer še eno kolo v preciznem mehanizmu takrat še vedno vsemogočne nacistične ideologije. V ideologiji-ki je morila med nami. se zaman oziramo za kakršnokoli sledjo kakršnekoli človečnosti. Ferenčeva knjiga, tako piše Primorski Dnevnik, vsebuje “1341 pojasnil, opomb, virov in literature pod črto, s podrob- smrti...” (!) nim opisom trpljenja in — VABILO na romanje v Lemont :leveland, o. - Na prijaznem gričku malo odmaknjenem od precej orometne ceste, stoji sa- _ ± i C-m- /-1 r*' i :: škanov. V sredi stavbe je cerkvica, v kateri kraljuj6 Marija Pomagaj. K tej Kraljici Slovencev že dolgo romajo članic6 Oltarnih društev iz naš6' ga mesta in okolice. Tu' di za letos je že naročen avtobus, ki bo odpelji vse, ki se bodo prijavil6 za romanje, in to v soboto zjutraj, 9. avgusta- (DALJE na str. AVSTRIJSKO LJUDSKO ŠTETJE 2001 - ANALIZA Društvo slovenskih izobražencev Trst “LAZ - VEČJA LAZ - STATISTIKA Ugotavljanje etnične ali narodne pripadnosti je v mnogoterih primerih osnova za diskriminacijo Približno takole so nam v prvem letniku študija na fakulteti v uvodnem predavanju pri predmetu z imenom statistika nazorno hoteli prikazati eno od možnih zlorab vede o zbiranju podatkov o množičnih pojavih. Normalno je, da vsaka organizirana skupnost poskuša o svojih različnih segmentih kvantitativno določiti njihove razsežnosti. Ena od teh možnosti (metod) je tudi Popis prebivalstva. Seveda se pri tem ne moremo izogniti nevarnosti, da je tovrstne podatke možno tudi zlorabiti. Popis po etnični ali narodni pripadnosti sodi nedvo-nino v to kategorijo. Čeprav je enakopravnost vseh državljanov neke države ne glede na njihovo etnično, rasno in versko pripadnost zagotovljena vsem enako, je ugotavljanje teh njihovih značilnosti v mnogoterih pri-merih osnova za njihovo diskriminacijo. XXXVIII. STUDIJSKI DNEVI DRAGA 2003 Park Finžgarjevega doma - Opčine Dunajska cesta, 35 Petek, 5. septembra 2003 Ob 16.30 (4.30 pop.) - Črtomir Špacapan SLOVENCI NA OBEH STRANEH MEJE PO VSTOPU SLOVENJIE V EVROPSKO ZVEZO 1. maja 2004 bo Slovenija formalno postala članica EU, v zelo kratkem obdobju bo to veljalo tudi v praksi. Ali bosta slovenska država in družba na eni strani in manjšina na drugi strani meje znali izkoristiti priložnost in ustvariti enoten prostor ne samo za kulturo, pač pa tudi za delo, gospodarstvo, šport? Se zavedamo, kaj lahko to pomeni za Primorsko, smo na to pripravljeni? Sobota, 6. septembra 2003 Ob 16.30 (4.30 pop.) - prof. Frane Adam MAJHNE DRŽAVE IN NJIHOVA IDENTITETA V DOBI GLOBALIZACIJE Globalizacija je dejavnik koordinacije in sodelovanja ter novih odnosov med državo in družbo. To velja še posebej za male države. Perspektive slovenske družbe in države v okviru Evropske zveze: gre Slovenija kot tipična majhna država lahko po poti Irske in Finske? Kaj to pomeni z vidika nacionalne samozavesti in ohranjanja inkluzivne nacionalne identitete? Kaj lahko to pomeni za slovenske manjšine v sosednjih državah? Nedelja, 7. septembra 2003 Ob 10. uri - p. Mirko Pelicon, S.J. MLADI IN KRŠČANSTVO V POSTMODERNI DOBI Prehod v postmoderno dobo je izzval Cerkev, da posodobi način komunikacije in pristopa do posameznika. Ta prehod ni brez težav, saj se mora neko krščanstvo otresti sterilnega moralizma, legalizma in ekle-ziocentričnosti ter se osredotočiti v jedro evangeljskega univerzalnega oznanjevanja: to je osvobojeni človek, ki je spoznal novost ljubezni Jezusa iz Nazareta. Mladi s svojimi upi, hrepenenji in težavami so povsod v svetu zarja tega novega obdobja. Ob 16. uri (4. pop.) - Alojzij Ambrožič, kardinal in nadškof v Torontu NEKAJ MISLI O SOCIALNEM POSTANSTVU KRISTJANA Nastop slovenskega kardinala, ki Je na Dragi predaval v daljnem letu 1977 na temo “Luči in sence v pokoncilski prenovi”, bo zaključil študijske dneve Draga 2003. O ♦ O V nedeljo, 7. septembra, ob 9. uri bo za udeležence Drage sv. maša, ki jo bo daroval tržaški nadškof msgr. Evgen Ravignani. ♦ DSI - Ul. Donizetti 3 - 34133 Trst, Italija Tel. ++39 040 370846 - faks ++39 040 633307 El. naslov: uprava@mladika.com O ♦ Če se ustavimo pri narodnih manjšinah, potem dokaj kmalu ugoto-Wino, da imajo probleme s popisi pravzaprav vse manjšine. Ponavadi je tako, da razen v izjemnih Priimerih popisi manjšin služijo v prvi vrsti za u-gotavljanje, v koliki meri v BLAG SPOMIN OB PRVI OBLETNICI Minka s lak roj. Likozar dojena 23. avg. 1921 Predoslje, Slovenija Umrla 20. julija 2002 A/e si x • >. naša ljuba mamica, t,* j? Tvoj obraz, Jfovesa pred letom dni , xJe bUa, teike l x’ lju^ tocitve spomin se budi; ezen do Tebe pa vedno v Je iivo, "ošem živijenju kot lučka Sori. V m- l- nec' Vokalna skupina peja ^ Je za začetek od-, anadsko in sloven-• ° kimno. Sledni Preri 80 pozdravi 8ednikov raznih or- ganizacij: John Kuri v imenu Slovenskega letovišča; France Rihar v imenu Kanadskega slovenskega kongresa, ki je tudi sporočil, da je nabi-ralna akcija v pomoč vračajočim v Slovenijo izseljencem iz Argentine dobro uspela in da bo ta denar kmalu odposlan v Ljubljano predsedniku Rafaelove družbe, župniku Janezu Rihtarju; Florijan Markun, ki je tudi vse povabil k sodelovanju pri radio oddaji Glas kanadskih Slovencev ter dvomesečniku Glas kanadskih Slovencev, to v imenu Vseslovenskega kulturnega odbora; Jože Škulj, v imenu Slovensko kanadskega sveta, ki je med drugim zaželel, da bi slovenski dnevi tudi v prihodnosti uspešno nadaljevali slovensko sporočilo. Nato je številne navzoče pozdravila in jim govorila veleposlanica Slovenije v Kanadi Veronika Stabej. Tekst njenega govora sledi temu poročilu v celoti. Po govoru se je predstavila folklorna skupina Nagelj, pod vodstvom C. Soršaka, s šestimi plesi. Nastopajoči so bili oblečeni v sedmih različnih pokrajinskih nošah, s Prekmurja do Primorske. Za dolgoletno sodelovanje v skupini sta prejela priznanje Lidija Fotivec in Edi Smoljanovič. V imenu slovenske mladine je nastopil s svojim odlično pripravljenim nagovorom Robert Letnik iz Hamiltona. Vodilna misel njegovega govora je bila: “Zakaj hočem ostati član slovenske skupnosti.” Vrnila na oder se je skupina Plamen in zapela tri slovenske narodne. Mladinca Christopher Slavinec in Millie Muhič sta izemnično recitirala Prešernovo pesnitev “Že- lezna cesta”. Prisotni sta ju nagradili z velikim a-plavzom. Nato je predsednik Hranilnice in posojilnice Slovenije Stanko Žoldoš izročil letošnjo kulturno nagrado Lojzetu Žižku za zasluge in izredno prizadevanje na področju slovenskega športa, za njegovo nesebično sodelovanje pri starostnem domu LIPA, in pri vodenju prekmurske kulturne skupine v Torontu. Mladinski pevski zbor Novi rod se je predstavil s tremi pesmimi in požel aplavz. Zbor vodi ga. Mojca Dimperio in je dejansko duša mladinskega kulturnega ustvarjanja v župniji Brezmadežni. Zadnja točka kulturnega program je bil nastop plesne skupine Planika, ki je prešerno odplesala tri plese. Mlada skupina je pokazala, da jo vodi sposobna voditeljica ga. Mary Tratnik. Na koncu programa so prebrali pozdrav in čestitke federalnega vodje opozicije Ste-phena Harperja. Program je sklenil Stane Kranjc, ki se je vsem prisotnim zahvalil za obisk in jih hkrati tudi povabil na prihodnji Slovenski dan. Vsem prisotnim je zaželel veselo družabno popoldne ob igranju ansambla Ekart iz Slovenije. Za zaključek tega poročila pa sledeče besede: Letošnji Slovenski dan je bil odlično organiziran tako pri nedeljskem bogoslužju kot pri kulturni prireditvi. Dejstvo, da je bila prisotna zelo številna slovenska mladina in da je dejansko izvajala skoraj ves kulturni program, to je naravnost spodbudno ne samo za organizatorje, ampak predvsem za vso slovensko skupnost v velikem Torontu. To dejstvo daje upanje, da se bodo Slovenski dnevi nadaljevali še dolgo let. Slovenskemu letovišču, g. J. Kuriju in g. Stanetu Kranju gre vse priznanje za tako odlično izpeljan 44. Slovenski dan. -an Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM 44. SLOVENSKI DAN Tekst slavnostnega govora veleposlanice RSIovenije v Kanadi ge. Veronike Stabej Drage Slovenke in Slovenci, spoštovani prisotni! Veseli me, da vas lahko pozdravim in nagovorim na srečanju 44. Slovenskega dneva, kjer se vsako leto zberete v velikem številu. Srečanja, kot je to, so dokaz, da slovenska beseda, slovenska kultura in misel še vedno živi tudi na tej strani Atlantika, v Kanadi. Slovenija je, številčno gledano, morda res majhna država, vendar jo marsikaj dela veliko. Tudi vi, Slovenci, ki živite izven Slovenije, ki skrbite za ohranjanje slovenskega jezika in kulture po svetu in ki si vsakodnevno prizadevate, da se ne pozabi vaša prva domovina. Slovenijo delajo veliko tudi pomembni dosežki zadnjih let. Vse od osamosvojitve pred 12 leti in priznanja, h kateremu ste tudi vi pripomogli, do u-veljavljanja v mednarodni skupnosti kot članica OZN in drugih pomembnih mednarodnih organizacij, pa vse do zaključnega dela pridruževanja dvema najpomembnejšima organizacijama tega časa -Evropski uniji in zvezi NATO. 1. maja 2004 bo Slovenija postala polnopravna članica Evropske unije. S tem se bo dokončno uvrstila med naj razvitejše evropske države, tako z vidika gospodarstva kot tudi demokracije. Ne bo več le ena od “novo nastalih” držav, ampak bo del močne in v svetu pomembne skupnosti. Vsi slovenski državljani bomo obenem državljani EU. Evropska unija res temelji na gospodarskem sodelovanju in združevanju, na gospodarski in finančni enotnosti. Obenem pa daje veliko poudarka ohranjanju identitete vsake države članice, njene kulture in jezika. Zato nas ne skrbi, da bi izgubili svoj jezik ali kulturo. Nihče nam ju ne želi vzeti. Prihodnost našega jezika in kulture je odvisna samo od nas samih, Slovencev. Vsak lahko pripomore k temu, da se ne le ohranjata, ampak tudi razvijata. Članstvo v Evropski uniji je bil prednostni cilj Slovenija in naša dolgoročna usmeritev, saj smo politično, gospodarsko in kulturno umeščeni v evropski prostor, ki kljub nacionalnim razlikam temelji na skupni kulturni in zgodovinski dediščini. V zadnjih letih je Slovenija dosegla velike uspehe na gospodarskem področju. Že sedaj, tik pred vstopom v EU, po bruto družbenem proizvodu presega nekatere države članice, in ni potrebno posebej poudarjati, da ima tudi najboljše gospodarske kazalce med pristopnicami. Realna rast BDP se je v letu 2002 okrepila v primerjavi z 1. 2001. Poleg tega je v lanskem letu prišlo do sedaj največjega pritoka neposrednih tujih investicij. Bruto družbeni produkt Slovenije na prebi-valca je ne le med najvišjimi med najvišjimi med državami pristopnicami, ampak tudi višji od portugalskega in grškega. Po širitivi EU bo slovenski BDP na prebivalca dosegal približno 74% povprečja EU (vključno z vsemi novimi članicami). Danes se Slovenija po indeksu človekovega razvoja uvršča med prvih trideset držav v svetu. To je izjemen uspeh, še posebno glede na to, da je pred samo dvanajstimi led razpadla prejšnja država, s katero je bila9 Slovenija močno gospodarsko prepletena. Marsikdo je dvomil, da bo nova komaj dvo-milijonska država preživela. Zavedamo pa se, da je treba še veliko postoriti, da bi zagotovili dostojno življenje in delo vsem državljanom. (daUe na str. 19) Intervju za rubriko “Naš pogovor” v Družini 6. julija 2003 vodil msgr. Franci Petrič Dr. France Habjan iz Kanade o slovenstvu, emigraciji in spravi Ostajam optimist O O Gospod dr. Habjan! Za vami je že več kot petdeset let življenja zunaj domovine. Mladost ste preživeli v Ljubljani. Kako je bilo takrat? Minilo je že 58 let odkar sem zapustil domovino. Mladost sem veselo in srečno preživljal v ljubljanskem predmestju Moste, ki so bile v tistem času eno največjih industrijskih področij s številnim delavstvom. V družini nas je bilo pet bratov. Oče je bil železničar. Že kot mladoletnik se je pridružil Krekovi mladini in pozneje Jugoslovanski strokovni zvezi. Janezu Evangelistu Kreku je ostal zvest vse življenje. Z leto starejšim bratom sva bila dolgo let mašna strežnika pri karmeličankah na Selu v Mostah, kjer sva stregla vsako prvo sredo škofom Jegliču, Rožmanu, kardinalu Piazzi iz Benetk, znanemu vojnemu kuratu iz prve svetovne vojne Francu Bonaču in vsako jutro akademskemu slikarju, pravemu puščavniku frančiškanu p. Blažu Farčni-ku. V srednješolskih letih sem bil zelo dejaven član Slovenske dijaške zveze ter športnega društva Planina na ljubljanskem stadionu. Z začetkom vojne leta 1941 pa so leta mladostne sreče odšla v neznano in se niso več vrnila. Leta 1942 so mene in brata Italijani ob “racijah” poslali v koncentracijsko taborišče Gonars, kjer sem preživel enajst mesecev stradanja in več kot mesec dni krvave driske. Joseph L. FORTUNA Ambulanta na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. % CENE NIZKE rPO VAŠI ŽELJI! Sodelovali ste v domobranski vojski in verjetno ste zadnje čase spremljali sprejemanje zakona o grobiščih v našem parlamentu. Se Vam zdi zakon potreben? Kakšno je Vaše stališče o napisu, ki so ga zdaj izbrali za spomenike na grobiščih? Moje osebno mnenje je, da bi morala slovenska oblast za urejevanje grobišč vseh vrst z zakonom ustanoviti poseben zavod za pokop in ureditev grobov žrtev vojne in revolucije in bi se s tem izognili ponovnemu prerekanju, ki tokrat že dobiva političen ton ... Nerazumljivo je, da komisija odvzema domobrancem status vojaka, potem ko je mogoče brati v spomenici, ki jo je pripravila borčevska organizacija 1995, sledeče: “... človeško tragiko ljudi med vojno na obeh straneh bojne črte”. Potemtakem sta bili na obeh straneh oboroženi sili. Po mnenju komisije pa so bile samo na eni strani oborožene sile, kdo pa je bil na drugi? Morda kakšna folklorna skupina v narodnih nošah ali celo gasilska organizacija? Nekdanja okupatorja Italija in Nemčija imata v Ljubljani lepo urejeni vojaški pokopališči, zakaj potem odtegujejo pokop domobrancem na vojaških grobiščih? Če bo ta zakonski predlog sprejet, bo to korak nazaj v slovensko razdvojenost, namesto da bi bil predlogv vladne komisije naravnan v slovensko spravo. Čudim se članu komisije, ki je bil v letih slovenskega osamosvajanja in nastajanja Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa tako zagnan, tako prizadeven in tako zavzet za slovensko narodno spravo. Zakaj tak zasuk? Od komisije zahtevani napisi ne bodo mogli na noben način zatajiti revolucije in je izbrisati iz slovenske zgodovine, preveč je zgodovinsko dognanega. .Naj ob tej priložnosti ponudim vladni komisiji mnenje predsednika dr. Janeza Drnovška, ki je na zadnjem soočenju s predsedniško kandidatko Barbaro Brezigar, ki je predlagala enoten napis Našim mrtvim, odgovoril na vprašanje glede enotnega napisa padlim in pobitim sledeče: “Ni treba izsiljevati z enim napisom. Za kaj takega ni potrebne ne razlogov, saj so bili na 'različnih straneh’, četudi si vsi zaslužijo pieteto. Različna grobišča bi lahko opremili z različnimi tablami, vsi napisi pa bi bili spoštljivi do mrtvih.” Če bi se vladna komisija oprijela Drnovškovega nasveta, bi bil to velik korak v slovensko narodno spravo. Kaj menite o prizadevanjih za spravo? O spravi sem veliko razmišljal, še več bral in veliko razpravljal s prijatelji, in to zelo zagnano. Vprašal sem se že pred mnogimi leti, ali je Slovencem narodna sprava potrebna? Prepričan sem, da ni samo potrebna, ampaj je nujna. Zakaj? Slovenci smo močno sprti. Med državljansko vojno je bilo na obeh straneh storjeno nešteto krivic. Nekatere je mogoče popraviti z zakonodajo, recimo vrnitev zaplenjene imovine, vrnitev časti itd., toda nasilni odvzem življenja in z njim trpljenje se ne da popraviti z nobeno zakonodajo. To je nepopravljiva krivica, katero more popraviti samo sprava. Krivico je treba priznati in obžalovati. Posledica pomanjkanja slovenske narodne sprave je sprtost, ki odseva tudi v političnem in družbenem življenju. Španija je že kdaj prerasla kruto revolucijo in danes doživlja pravo demokracijo. Nepremišljeno je, da bo Slovenija vstopila v mednarodne povezave sprta in razdeljena. Sprava je moralno dejanje, ki nas očisti, hkrati razbremeni in osvobodi pretekle zadolženosti. BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš lisi! Dr. France Habjan je rojen 2. januarja 1924 v Mostah v Ljubljani v delavski družini. Maturiral je v begunskem taborišču v Lienzu leta 1945. Septembra istega leta se je odpravil v Firence, kjer seje vpisal na univerzo. Leta 1952 je na tržaški univerzi doktoriral iz gospodarskih ved. Devet let je poučeval na slovenskih srednjih šolah v Trstu. Leta 1955 se je z družino odselil v Toronto-Tu je 30 let sodeloval v odborih hranilnice J. E. Kreka-Z župnikom Andrejem Prebilom sta leta 1967 ustanovil* slovensko skavtsko organizacijo, bil je pet let član pa*' totalnega odbora pri župniji Marije Pomagaj, od let* 1989 pa se je ves posvetil Svetovnemu slovenskemu kongresu (SSK) in Kanadskemu slovenskemu kongresu (KSK). Poročen je z Mihajlo Brežnik iz Gorice. Imata sina Andreja in hčer Aleksandro, danes oba zdravnika- S spravo se odpovedujemo maščevanju in širjenju sovraštva v prihodnosti. S spravo prerastemo nasprotja med nami. Ko se bomo osebno vsi izčistili s priznanjem in obžalovanjem krivde in napak, si bomo mogli zopet pogledati iz oči v oči. Z osebno spravo bi se tako približali slovenski narodni spravi, ki je mogoča le med zrelimi in pokončnimi ljudmi. V Kanadi ste si ustvarili dom in družino. Kaj je glavno, če hoče neka družina ohraniti slovensko zavest v popolnoma tujem okolju? Če hoče družina ohraniti slovensko zavest, mislim, da je najbolj važno, da vzbudimo pri svojih otrocih ponos narodne pripadnosti in jih seznanjamo ne samo z lepotami Slovenije, ampak Jim približamo vrednote, ki smo jih starši prinesli iz “stare" domovine. Običaji so bolj folklora. Vzporedno s tem dogajanjem v družini pa hi morali dati velik poudarek že v rosni mladosti vključevanju v slovensk0 skupnost: v župnije, slovenske sobotne šole, mladinske organizacije ... Vredno je omeniti, da se na slovenskem letovi' šču v Bol tonu pri Torontu poraja novo mladinsko žarišče, kjer se mladW3 iz obeh župnij ob športu in družabnih srečanjih c srečuje in spoznava in tem krepijo svojo nar0' dno zavest. Poudariti pa morah11 da je v Kanadi velik0 laže ohraniti narodno vest in pripadnost k marsikje drugje po sve- tu. V Kanadi vlada m ul' tikulturnost, kjer ohr*' njevanje narodnosth skupin in njihove kultute podpira država. SPrl tega dejstva lahko uPa mo, da bo tudi slove1^ ska skupnost obstala tem mozaiku narodnosti-(dalje na str. 19) 44. SLOVENSKI DAN Tekst slavnostnega govora veleposlanice RSIovenije v Kanadi ge. Veronike Stabej (NADALJEVANJE s str. 17) Kanada ima z Evropsko unijo dobre odnose in °be strani si prizadevata za še tesnejše sodelovanje. Kanada in EU sta sklenili razne sporazume, ki bodo tudi Slovencem omogočili dostop do različnih ugodnosti, ki jih Prej morda nismo imeli. Med drugim tudi štipendije, izmenjavo študentov In podobno. Letos so bili podpisani Pristopni protokoli k zve-zl NATO. Članstvo v tej ZVezi, ki danes predstavlja enega od stebrov mi-111 in varnosti v svetu, Lo Sloveniji prineslo dodatno varnost, obenem Pa omogočilo sodelovanje Pri oblikovanju prihodno-sd sveta, kar daleč pre-Sega samo najožje slovenje interese in vpliv. Slo-Venija bo s tem postala država, ki soodloča o najpomembnejših zadevah današnjega sveta. enako mnenje gle- Kanada si je kot ena °d ustanovnih članic NA-^ že ob sami ustanovili zveze prizadevala, da ^ATO ne bi imel le ob-rambne funkcije, ampak bi si prizadeval tudi mir m varnost v sve- ,' Kanada in Slovenija delita marsikaterega vpraša-d-k* zato bo sodelovanje °kviru te zveze ne le nas zelo pomembno, Pak gotovo obojestran-Sk“ koristno. v ^ članstvom Slovenije m NATO bo prišlo s do drugačne ravni ^delovanja med Slovenijo Kanado, državo, kjer Ste el ^ S1 ustvarili svojo dru-domovino. Kanada in ^ 0venija morda nista ta-različni. Geografsko je Ja at*a resda veliko več-$ ’ Vendar se glede polo-h0jd v svetu in morda še •lot ^ede osnovnhi vred-^ ue razlikuje veliko sj _^l°venije. Obe državi ^ edta osnovne demo- Priz ^ne P°Sledo, obe si ta Odevata za mir v sve-Cr uilroljubno reševale sP°rov, obe podpirata sodelovanja in hWUSUm- kl so J‘h °bor * e V0Jne ab drugi Kantn1 SP0padL da in Slovenija si ^sho died sodelujeta narodnih več organizaci- jah - sta med nosilnimi članicami Mreže za človeško varnost, ravno tako sta v prvi vrsti pri prizadevanju za razminiranje (Slovenija je usta-onvila Sklad za razminiranje, s katerim je še u-trdila svojo vodilno vlogo na tem področju, Kanada pa je ena največjih finan-cerk), in ne nazadnje tudi obe državi podpirata vlogo Mednarodnega kazenskega sodišča kot enega največjih uspehov na področju varstva človekovih pravic zadnjih let. Morda se kdo sprašuje, zakaj se je tako mlada država, kot je Slovenija, odločila za vstop v EU in NATO, še posebno po slabi izkušnji z nekdanjo federacijo. Vendar je treba poudariti, da so temelji teh zvez povsem drugačni. Zato smo se s splošno ljudsko voljo v komaj dvanajstem letu samostojnega življenja naše države odločili za vstop v EU in NATO. S tem smo si zagotovili toliko enakopravnosti in varnosti, kot jo ta svet lahko nudi. Z vključevanjem v evroatlantske povezave Slovenija odgovarja na izzive, s katerimi se srečujejo države v času globalizacije ter uvaja dosežke sodobne evropske gospodarske in institucionalne kulture, ki je že dosedaj državam članicam omogočila doseganje najvišje stopnje materialne in duhovne blaginje. Slovenija je v zadnjih dvanajstih letih dosegla zelo veliko, tega se zavedamo in to nam priznavajo tudi drugi. Upravičeno smo na to ponosni, kar nam daje zadovoljstvo, obenem pa nas tudi spodbuja k nadaljnjemu napredku. Večkrat je že bilo omenjeno, da ste veliko pripomogli k današnjemu položaju Slovenije v svetu in k dobrim odnosom s Kanado. Sodelovali ste pri referendumu o vstopu Slovenije v EU in NATO in vaši glasovi so bili u-poštevani. Tudi v bodoče boste imeli možnost sodelovati pri pomembnih odločitvah. Veste, da se v Sloveniji veliko stvari spreminja. Intervju: dr. France Habjan (NADALJEVANJE s str. 18) Marsikaj se modernizira, marsikaj se prilagaja normam Evropske unije. Celotna državna uprava je v procesu sprememb. Spreminjajo se tudi nekateri zakoni, ki vas posredno ali neposredno zadevajo. V zadnjem času so bili tako spremenjeni zakon o državljanstvu, zakon o tujcih, zakon o evidenci volilne pravice in drugi. Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve. Urad za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu ter seveda Veleposlaništvo v Ottawi si prizadevamo, da smo vam v pomoč in na razpolago, ko nas potrebujete. Naredili ste veliko delo glede utrjevanja in ohranjanja slovenstva v Kanadi. Dokazali ste, da to dobro znate. Sedaj prihajajo vedno mlajše generacije. Slovenci, rojeni v Kanadi. Kanadčani, Kanadski Slovneci. Morda Kanadčanislovenskega rodu. Poimenovanje ni pomembno. Pomembno pa je mladim ljudem, katerim je verjetno Kanada prva domovina, omogočiti, da ne samo poznajo svoje korenine, ampak tudi, da živijo v dveh - morda treh (saj je tudi Kanada večkulturna) kulturah. Da so sposobni in željni ustvarjati, raziskovati, živeti tudi v slovenskem jeziku. To je gotovo prednost, in želeli bi si, da bi se tega zavedali tudi najmlajši, ki bi včasih raje igrali nogomet kot šli v sobotno slovensko šolo. Vi sami najboljše veste, kako pomembno je to, in kako to doseči. Mi smo tu, da pri tem pomagamo. Omenjeno je že bilo, da v Sloveniji poteka veliko sprememb, ki jih zahteva čas in naša želja biti uspešni, odgovarjati na izzive sodobnega časa. Morda podobno čutite tudi vi, pri vaših organizacijah in oblikah dela in druženja. Če je temu tako, smo pripravljeni sodelovati, po naših naj- Včasih slišimo tožbo tistih, ki so odgovorni za organizirano življenje v slovenski skupnosti. da imajo premalo podpore s strani domovine. Kaj menite o pomoči in sodelovanju slovenske države pri ohranjanju narodne zavesti? Kakšne izdatne finančne pomoči iz domovine ni pričakovati, saj vsakdo ve, da v Sloveniji gospodarsko še ni vse utečeno, vendar je občutiti precej dobre volje pri Uradu za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, pri sofinanciranju gostovanj zborov in kulturnih skupin iz Slovenije in obratno iz Kanade v Sloveniji. Naj omenim, da Slovenija zadnja leta pripravlja tečaje za učitelje v slovenskih šolah ter vabi maturante slovenskih šol na “delovne” počitnice v Slovenijo. Letos je povabila na poseben tečaj tri slovenske časnikarje. Najbolj bi Slovenija podprla ohranjevanje slovenske zavesti, če bi Slovenijo napolnili z dušo, kot je dejal pred nedavnim predsednik dr. Janez Drnovšek in bi naredili domovino prijetno in prijazno za bivanje. S tem bi podoba Slovenije tudi med nami vsemi na novo zablestela in postala še vabljivejša. Ob dejstvu, da bo v bližnji prihodnosti vedno boljših močeh in zmož-onstih. Z veseljem bomo poskusili pomagati pri iskanju odgovorov na izzive časa, morda na področju učenja slovenskega jezika, morda na katerem drugem. Na koncu ml dovolite, da vam čestitam ob prazniku, se zahvalim vsem in vsakemu posebej, ki ste pripomogli k uspehom, ter vam zaželim še veliko takšnih srečanj. manj slovenskih državljanov in vedno več rojakov brez slovenskega državljanstva, bi bilo modro, da bi Slovenija omogočila tem rojakom neki pravni položaj. Svetovni slovenske kongres je že pred štirimi leti vložil parlamentarni komisiji v postopek zakonski osnutek “Poseben status za Slovence brez slovenskega državljanstva”. Ta položaj bi dal rojakom zavest, da prihajajo v Slovenijo kot Slovenci, ne kot navadni turisti. Vloženi zakonski osnutek predlaga, da bi imeli upravičenci v Sloveniji pravico do izobraževanja in gospodarskih dejavnosti kot drugi slovenski državljani, le volilne pravice ne bi imeli. Država Slovenija se ima za poznanje in uveljavitev v veliki meri zahvaliti tudi rojakom po svetu. Slovenci v Kanadi ste pomagali na različne načine. Kako ste pomagali naši domovini v njenih dvanajstih letih obstoja? Na tem področju je bila slovenska skupnost resnično velikodušna. Leta 1991 smo nabrali več kot 600.000 dolarjev za popravo vojne škode občinam. Isto leto smo nabrali in odposlali Karitas v Ljubljani za pomoč po-plavljencem v Savinjski dolini 130.000 dolarjev. Veliko je bilo zbranega (da)je na str. 20) V BLAG SPOMIN ob šesti obletnici našega dragega, nepozabnega moža in očeta Milana Dovič Oh! usoda, Ti nemila, ves zaklad si nam razbila. Kar nam je najljubše bilo, srce naše je izgubilo. Tvoji žalujoči: žena Milenca sin John hčerka Anna Maria Mor-risson in mož Brian ter vnukinja Jillian BRICKMAIM & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1485. Finančno poročilu o pikniku MZA Pretekli teden sem v tej misijonski koloni obljubila, da bomo prihodnjič že lahko podala poročilo o pikniku Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije, ki je bil v nedeljo, 29. junija, na Slovenski pristavi. Poročilo sledi: Na pikniku je bilo: Dohodki: Kuhinja in pijača ..................... $ 2481 Darovi ...................................... 7137 Srečelov .................................... 1213 Nabirka pri sv. maši ......................... 362 Pecivo ....................................... 313 Ročna dela ................................. 114 Rože .......................................... 66 Skupaj: $11,686 Izdatki: Pristava - najemnina ($100 predplačilo) .... $ 425 Čiščenje ..................................... 105 Članska izkaznica ............................. 25 Dovoljenje za pijačo .......................... 75 Za kuhinjo .................................. $332 Skupaj: $962 Vsi dohodki ........................... $ 11,686 Vsi izdatki .................................. 962 Čisti dohodek: $10,724 Dalje: vsa pijača podarjena, kar iskrena hvala! Dobrotniki, ki so darovali svoj dar ob pikniku, so naslednji: S. Kosem $1000 in F. Kosem $300 - $1300; M. Celestina (Karmel-Sora $100, bog. $350, R.O. $60, dr. Praprotnik $50, 4 sv. maše $40) $600; T. Celestina (Karmel-Sora $250, R.O. $60, za vse $90) $400; F.M. Hren (za rev. Mavrič $200, za najbolj potrebne $800) $1000; A. Lipold $300; N.N. $250; N.N. (za bog. $150, za vse $50) $200; MZA (za bog.) $200; R.V. Kolarič $200; Z. Likozar $150. Dalje: V.M. Vrhovnik $100; F.T. Urankar $100; V.R. Zadnikar $100; I. Pretnar $100; I.P. Hauptman $100; J.A. Štempihar $100; F. Šega (za R.O. $50, za vse $50) $100; R.A. Knez $100; R. Knez (za s. K. Knez) $100; A.M. Lavrisha $100; A.E. Cupar (za dve sv. maši, ostalo za vse) $70; I. Košir $60; I. Cenkar $50; U. Štepec (za dve sv. maši, ostalo za vse) $50; M. Tavčar $50; F. Omahen $50; A.M. Vegel $50; V.M. Stefančič $50; I. Berlec (za salezijance) $50; A.M. Frank $50; D.M. Kranjc $50; M. Stanonik $50; A. Dragar $50; M. Bajc $50; A. Lamovec (v posebni namen) $50; V. N. Tominec (za rev. Opeka) $60; S.J. Zorc (za rev. Lisjak $50, za pošto $2) $52. SEZNANJAJTE NAŠE BRALCE O AKTIVNOSTIH VAŠIH DRUŠTEV! V BLAG SPOMIN NAŠIM LJUBLJENIM STARŠEM ANA JESENKO JAKOB JESENKO Umrla 31,.julija 1991 Umrl 12. julija 1972 Odkar sta odšla od nas, počivata oba v miru v mehki ameriški zemlji. Bog Vama daj večni pokoj. Žalujoči ostali: AhM Lekan — hčer Myron Jesenko — sin Rutli Abbott — hčer Eugede Abbott — tast Vnuki, vnukinje, pravnuki in pravnukinje. In še: M. Avžlahar $40; T.M. Štepec $40; H. Nemec $40; M. Stropnik $40; M. Leban (za dve sv. maši) $25; F. Vasle $20; V. Jakomin $20; I. Volčjak $20; O. Kalar $20; M. Cugel $20; M. Vogel $20; H.V. Škarbez $15; M. Starlen $10; J.M. Grum $10; M. Kristanc $10, V. Švajger $10; M. Vogel $5. Iskrena hvala vsem dobrotnikom in vam vsem, ki ste razumeli naše vabilo na pikniku, se ga udeležili ali pa zaradi kake zadeve niste se udeležili in ste poslali svoj dar v ta namen, naš iskren: Bog povrni! Teden za tednom vnašamo pisma naših misijonarjev, ki poročajo o življenju njihove okolice. Marsikdo zmaguje vso to bedo le z upanjem na božjo pomoč, saj sam lahko da le dobro besedo. Če bi zaunislili, bi moral to biti dan naše zahvale za vse prejete milosti, katerih ni malo, saj po Božji Dobroti prejemamo vse, kar potrebujemo za življenje. Tako smo slišali v nedeljskem evangeliju. Bogu hvala za vse! Prav lep misijonski pozdrav v imenu vseh sodelujočih! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44110 Intervju: dr. France Habjan (NADALJEVANJE s str, 19) denarja za potres v Soški dolini. Vse štiri škofijske gimnazije so bile deležne darov rojakov. Kanadski slovenski kongres je leta 1993 odposlal v Slovenijo dva velika ladijska zabojnika zdravniške opreme in zdravil. Opremo je daroval ministrstvo za zdravstvo Ontaria. Seveda pa so slovenske organizacije v času slovenskega osamosvajanja naravnost bombardirale zunanjo ministrico Kanade Barbaro McDou-gall in kanadsko vlado s spomenicami o potrebi čimprejšnjega mednarodnega priznanja Slovenije. Kanada je bila za Vatikanom prva država, ki je priznala Slovenijo. Še bi lahko našteval, ampak zato ni časa. Po odmevnih prireditvah. ki jih pripravlja in o katerih nam za Družino napišete tudi kakšno poročilo, se zdi, da je Kanadski slovenski kongres krovna organizacija rojakov ... Ni krovna, ampak samostojna organizacija, včlanjena v Svetovni slovenski kongres, in ima svoja zastopstva širom po Kanadi. Že od ustanovitve dalje leta 1989 KSK sledi programu in namenu, ki je bil sprejet na ustanovnem kongresu SSK leta 1991 v Ljubljani. Glavni namen kongresa je povezovanje Slovencev doma in po svetu in s tem ustvarjanje enotnega slovenskega kulturnega prostora. Od začetka do danes je bilo marsikaj postorje- nega: arhiv osmih velikih zabojev more to potrditi. Velik korak je bil napravljen, ko je leta 1993 KSK dosegel od slovenskega zunanjega ministra Lojzeta Peterleta pooblastilo slovenskim župnikom, da morejo overiti podpise na javnih dokumentih. Ob vsakem letnem občnem zboru pripravimo kulturno prireditev, na katero povabimo vidne osebnosti slovenskega verskega, kulturnega in gospodarskega življenja. Leta 1996 in 2001 je KSK sodeloval s federalnimi oblastmi pri izvedbi štetja prebivalstva v Kanadi. Obveščali smo vsa slovenska društva od Montreala do Vancouvra in posamezne rojake, naj se pri štetju javijo kot Slovenci. Uspeh ni izostal. Leta 1991 se je javilo 8050 Slovencev, leta 1996 pa 27.800 in leta 2001 skoraj 30.000! Projekt, ki ga KSK sedaj uresničuje, je nabirka, namenjena v pomoč slovenskim rojakom, ki se vračajo iz Argentine. Poleg vsega omenjenega, pa sodelujemo pri slovenskem radiu, pri Glasilu kanadskih Slo- vencev in pri drugih skupnih nastopih. Slovenska skupnost v Kanadi je za tisto v Argentini med najbolj dejavnimi in dobro organiziranimi. Imate društva, župnije, celo svoje hranilnice. Iz vaših vrst so izšli uspešni poslovneži, ugledni znanstveniki in umetniki. Kaj je največji uspeh diaspore v Kanadi? Priznati je res treba, da je slovenska skupnost v Kanadi dobro organizl' rana. Imamo štiri slovenske župnije in ob njih prostorne dvorane, dva denarna zavoda (Hranil' nico J. E. Kreka ter župnijsko hranilnico Slovenija). ki danes pokažeta v finančnih poročilih več kot 100 milijonov dolarjev dobroimetja. Ponos slovenske skup' nosti je sodoben starostni dom LIPA in številna društva s svojimi poletni' mi letovišči. Številni slo-venski rojaki so dane5 uspešni lastniki družin skih podjetij gradbene-mehanične, strojne stroke, nekatera že prehajaj0 v industrijo in eno v leindustrijo. Mladina Pr* dno študira in daneS imamo zdravike, odvetn* ke, inženirje, teolog6, znanstvenike. Kako vidite prib0<* nost slovenske skupn0 sti v Kanadi? Absolutno nisem PeS* mlad1 odboi"11 LIP* mist. Opažam, da rod že prevzema vodil116 funkcije v slovensld podjetjih, v obeh denar nih zavodih, v starostnega doma so mladi v večini. To me navdaja z mizmom. Sodim, da župnije vogelni slovenske skupnosti Kanadi, okoli katerih bodo rojaki še dolg0 sa zbirali. (KONEC) opd' s° v s« Prijatel’s Pharma«#, St. Clair & E. 68 St. J61 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVl ZA RAČUN POMOČ1 p DRŽAVE OHIO - AID THE AGED PREŠČIPNI M PesmiTii j• »n Melodije iz Naše Lepe Slovenije Radijska Družina Cleveland ED MEIAC Vodja Radijske Družine- WCSB 89.3 FM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive ^ Willoughby Hills, OH 440-953-1709 TF.l/FAX wkd: www.wcsb.org