Nataša Logar, Ana Bojinović Fenko, Mira Vončina, Mirjam Kotar, Irena Vipavc Brvar, Andreja Krnjajić, Borut Kirar, Tina Kalan Guidelines for writing and editing professional and scientific works at the Faculty of Social Sciences Ljubljana, 2022 Guidelines for writing and editing professional and scientific works at the Faculty of Social Sciences Authors: Nataša Logar, Ana Bojinović Fenko, Mira Vončina, Mirjam Kotar, Irena Vipavc Brvar, Andreja Krnjajić, Borut Kirar, Tina Kalan Working and consultative group: assoc. prof. dr. Ana Bojinović Fenko, Nataša Godec, lect. dr. Nina Gorenc, Borut Kirar, mag. Mirjam Kotar, Andreja Krnjajić, assist. prof. dr. Nataša Logar, assist. dr. Jure Požgan, prof. dr. Dejan Verčič, mag. Irena Vipavc Brvar, Mira Vončina, Petra Miklavčič, Luka Radičević, Tina Kalan. Translation: Nina Gorenc, Tina Kalan Publisher: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2022 Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID 102730243 ISBN 978-961-295-019-4 (PDF) The use, dissemination and reproduction in new documents is only permitted for non-commercial purposes, with consistent reference to the source: Logar, N., Bojinović Fenko, A., Vončina, M., Kotar, M., Vipavc Brvar, I., Krnjajić, A. in Kirar, B., Kalan, T. (2022). Navodila za pisanje in oblikovanje strokovno-znanstvenih del FDV. Fakulteta za družbene vede. This work is licensed under the terms of Attribution-Non-commercial 4.0 International license. 2 Preface to the first edition Language for professional purposes includes various forms of specialised expression. It is implemented in both, oral and written form, namely in the form of lectures, presentations, round table discussions and similar, or in the form of seminar papers, scientific essays, film criticism etc. During the course of your studies you will be in constant contact with both of the forms, while also having to create and actively use many of the genres within the two forms. With oral presentations and the writing of professional and scientific texts you will demonstrate not only your knowledge of the subject area, but also your research, methodological and linguistic skills. The focus of the Guidelines for writing and editing professional and scientific works at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) (from here on referred to as Guidelines) is on written works, and they are founded upon basic content, design and bibliographical elements of the final work that students are required to produce upon finishing their first, second and third study level, namely diploma thesis, master's thesis and doctoral dissertation. The Guidelines are compulsory both, for the listed final works, as well as for the preparation of other professional and scientific study papers (e.g. seminar papers, essays and similar). They are further supplemented with the advices of the supervising mentor. Our goal was to write a structured and clear text, enabling a swift adaptation to the new guidelines. The form, i.e. the format or the image will thus come to be seen as secondary to what is more important, namely the content; the form will become a routine, and adherence to academic honesty consistent. For the same reason the Guidelines aim at fundamental knowledge and skill of scientific writing on the basis of most common practices, and not all that exist at the moment or are still in the process of evolving. The Guidelines are a translation of the original text titled Navodila za pisanje in oblikovanje strokovno-znanstvenih del FDV into the English language. The present translation is intended for foreign language students, who have not yet mastered Slovenian language sufficiently to follow the Slovenian guidelines; therefore the guidelines offer additional information in Slovenian language in the part where examples are provided, as they are based on the premise that these students should start to write their professional texts in Slovenian as soon as possible. Examples of prescribed APA citation style in Slovenian are available here. Foreign students who will submit their works in English only can find the instructions for content formation and design of their works in these Guidelines; however, the original English examples of prescribed APA citation style can be found in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (available at the Central Social Sciences Library). To form APA style bibliographic record in English we also recommend to use cite and export options in 3 DiKUL, and reference management options in Endnote, Zotero or other reference management software (see chapter 5). Authors 4 Contents Preface to the first edition .................................................................................................... 3 1 STRUCTURE OF CONTENT AND FORM OF PROFESSIONAL OR SCIENTIFIC WORK ....................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Introductory part ..................................................................................................... 7 1.1.1 Front page ........................................................................................................ 7 1.1.2 Title page ......................................................................................................... 8 1.1.3 Acknowledgments ............................................................................................ 9 1.1.4 Author's Declaration or Declaration of authorship.............................................. 9 1.1.5 Title, summary and key words ........................................................................... 9 1.1.6 Table of contents ............................................................................................ 10 1.1.7 List of used abbreviations and symbols ............................................................ 11 1.2 Central part ........................................................................................................... 11 1.2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 11 1.2.2 Theoretical-empirical part ............................................................................... 11 Tables and figures ........................................................................................ 12 Notes ........................................................................................................... 12 Referencing and quotations .......................................................................... 13 Plagiarism ........................................................................................ 14 1.2.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 14 1.3 Final part .............................................................................................................. 14 1.3.1 Sources .......................................................................................................... 14 1.3.3 Appendices..................................................................................................... 15 2 LANGUAGE OF PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORKS .................................. 16 3 SCOPE AND OUTLOOK OF FINAL PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORK ..... 17 4 IN-TEXT CITATIONS ................................................................................................... 18 4.1 Elementi virov ...................................................................................................... 19 4.1.1 Author ............................................................................................................ 20 4.1.2 Date ............................................................................................................... 21 4.1.3 Title ............................................................................................................... 21 4.1.4 Source of the material ..................................................................................... 21 4.1.5 Missing information........................................................................................ 22 4.2 Reference to a complete source.............................................................................. 23 4.2.1 Secondary sources .......................................................................................... 23 4.2.2 Primary sources – documents .......................................................................... 25 4.3 Citation to parts of sources .................................................................................... 27 4.4 Indirect citing and summarizing ............................................................................. 28 4.5 Citing and summarizing non-archived personal communication and interviews ....... 28 4 5 FORMATTING A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST OF SOURCES ....................................... 30 5.1 Internet sources: Digital object identifier, internet links dividing, hyper connectivity31 5.2 Formatting a list of bibliographical data in chapter Sources .................................... 31 6 BEFORE SUBMISSION ................................................................................................ 33 7 SOURCES ..................................................................................................................... 34 5 1 STRUCTURE OF CONTENT AND FORM OF PROFESSIONAL OR SCIENTIFIC WORK Scientific work has an exactly defined subject of analysis, which is presented in new way, by bringing to the front new findings or new connections between already familiar findings related to the subject of analysis. The knowledge is upgraded in a way that other researchers cannot bypass it, and includes all the data needed for the verification of hypotheses and conclusions (Verovnik, 2001, pp. 10–12). The difference between professional work and scientific work lies mainly in the fact that the former does not contribute new findings on the topic dealt with, or at least not in a relevant scope. However, there are also many characteristics they have in common, and the present guidelines deal with a few of them. The title of the document, namely ‘professional and scientific’ embraces both; however, the work will be initially focused on the student's final work, as explained already in the preface. Elements of the final work can be devided into three groups: introductory part, central part, and final part (for more on this see Verovnik and Logar, 2001; Logar, 2016, pp. 14–19; Krnjajić, 2017). Within these three groupings, the constituent parts (and these are not intended as chapter or subchapter titles) must be in the following order: Introductory part (front matter): Front page Title page Indication of the doctoral dissertation assessors ( valid for doctoral students who submitted the application for the topic of the doctoral dissertation after 14 October 2017) Acknowledgments (optional) Author's Declaration or Declaration of authorship Title of the work, summary and keywords in Slovenian and English language Table of contents List of abbreviations and symbols (optional) Central part (body matter): Introduction Theoretical-empirical part Conclusion Final part (back matter): Abstract in Slovenian (only when the work is written in English; 500 – 1,000 words) Sources 6 Subject and name index (only for doctoral dissertations) Appendix (optional) In the case the work is written in English, a structure defined in the relevant FSS rules needs to be complied with. 1.1 Introductory part 1.1.1 Front page UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA DRUŽBENE VEDE Author's name and surname Thesis title in Slovenian Thesis title in English Diplomsko delo/Magistrsko delo/Doktorska disertacija Ljubljana, year According to the relevant FSS rules the front page is written in Slovenian language, except for the title which has to be written in both languages when the work is completed in English. The sample provided above contains all the elements required on the front page: at the top and written in capital letters (upper 7 case) is UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, below it FAKULTETA ZA DRUŽBENE VEDE. What follows is written in lower case and capitalized, namely the name and surname of the author, the title of the work (in both languages: Slovenian and English) and a subtitle Diplomsko delo (or Magistrsko delo / Doktorska disertacija, Essay / Seminar paper / Report etc., if this is a course assignment). At the bottom of the page we write Ljubljana, followed by the year. The entire text is centrally aligned and written in font Times New Roman. Font size for the title is 16, and for the rest of the text 14. The title of the work is written in bold type, the remaining text in normal. 1.1.2 Title page UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA DRUŽBENE VEDE Author's name and surname Mentor/mentorica: Mentor's academic title and name Somentor/somentorica: Co-mentor's academic title and name Naslov zaključnega dela Thesis title Diplomsko delo/Magistrsko delo/Doktorska disertacija Ljubljana, year The title page is also written in Slovenian language, except for the title which has to be written in both languages when the work is completed in English. The title page contains the same information as the front page and in addition the academic title, name and surname of the mentor and a co-mentor, if one 8 was involved. This is placed above the title of the work, with the full academic (pedagogic or research) title preceding the name(s) of the mentor(s). Formatting is equal to the formatting on the front page. 1.1.3 Acknowledgments Acknowledgments are not compulsory. When included, they must be placed on the lower third of a separate page. In the acknowledgments we thank, by name, all the people who have in any way contributed to the successful completion of the final work, and the companies that have supported the research financially, by providing required data or in any other way. 1.1.4 Author's Declaration or Declaration of authorship The declaration form is available in the student’s web office (bachelor and master degree) and on the faculty’s web page for the doctoral programmes. The form needs to be printed out in the pre-defined form, signed by hand and included in every printed copy of the thesis (it is not included in electronic final document). The declaration form precedes the page with the title, summary and key words. 1.1.5 Title, summary and key words The title of the work should be short, concise and focused on the analysed problem. It should not be a rewritten research question or a (hypo)thesis. A good title reflects both, a conceptual approach to the problem and the empirical side of the research. Should the author wish to formulate the title attractively, it can be done in the first part of the title, while the second part should place the content of the thesis in the professional and scientific framework. In case of a subtitle, it is written after the colon and in lower case letters (unless it is a proper name). Examples of good titles with subtitles: Regionalization of active employment policy measures in Slovenia: the case of Savinja region Russian divide et impera: causes of inconsistency in the implementation of the Slovene energy policy Analysis of threats to international peace and security by contemporary maritime piracy: the case of piracy off the coast of Somalia Examples of poor or bad titles: Youth and political participation Reading culture Reasons behind success stories of online dating, dangers arising from the lack of IT proficiency, and the importance of immaturity of young people when starting partnerships 9 The title of the work (placed after the author’s declaration) is formatted in lower case letters and in bold. There is no abbreviations in titles or subtitles (the same applies to tables, figures etc.). The title is followed by an empty line, followed by the summary. The Summary is a concise presentation of the content of the work, without explanatory or critical comments. It consists of a brief description of the research problem, goals, methods used, and key findings. It usualy consists of a single pragraph. In a diploma and master's thesis the word count shoud be between 150 and 250 words, and in a doctoral dissertation from two to four pages (for doctoral students who submitted an application for the topic of the doctoral dissertation before 14 October 2017) or up to 300 words (for doctoral students who submitted the application for the topic of the doctoral dissertation after 14 October 2017). Line spacing for the summary is single (line spacing for the rest of the thesis is 1.5 – for more see chapter 3). In the line below the summary are the keywords. There are three to four keywords in a diploma and master’s thesis, and at least five in a doctoral dissertation. There is no need for keywords in shorter assignments. Keywords are words and phrases (they can also be proper names) that best reflect the content of the work. When defining the keywords you can use the bilingual (Slovenian and English) search engine of subject headings ODKJG. The title, summary and keywords are translated into English (or Slovenian where the work is written in English). In a diploma and master’s thesis the title, summary and keywords in both languages must be printed on the same page. 1.1.6 Table of contents The table of contents is compulsory, while other lists (the index of tables, the index of figures) are only added if there are at least three entries (at least three tables or at least three figures). The table of contents must include the complete titles of all the chapters and subchapters with the indication of the page numbers where the individual chapters or subchapters begin. Chapters and subchapters are decimally numbered at more levels (1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1 etc.). Introduction is marked with number 1. If there are appendices to the final work, the table of contents first lists the heading Appendices, and below entire titles of all appendices listed with the coresponding first page number. Appendices are destinguished with capitalized letters. To find out more about formatting appendices see subchapter 1.3.3. 10 The table of contents is followed by (providing there are more than three entries) the index of tables and index of figures. In these indexes we use consecutive numbers and titles of tables or figures, as well as their page numbers. To find out more about numbering tables and figures, see subchapter 1.1.7 List of used abbreviations and symbols The list of used abbreviations and symbols provides an explanation of (a) abbreviations and symbols, created by the authors for the needs of their own text, and (b) abbreviations and symbols, known only to a restricted group of experts. Generally known and familiar abbreviations and symbols, e.g. EU, VAT, GDP, €, are neither explained nor included in this list. The list is alphabetically ordered and structured in three columns (1. abbreviation/symbol; 2. origin of acronym or abbreviation when not in English language, it has to be written in italics; 3. English translation, provided the acronym or abbreviation is not in English), e.g.: GI genetic engineering ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross WHO World Health Organization ZZZ Zakon o zunanjih zadevah Foreign Policy Act 1.2 Central part 1.2.1 Introduction In the introduction a reader is acquainted with the topic. Premises and goals of the work are analyzed, and a short but content-wise relevant professional framework or a description of the area related to the selected problem is provided. Based on the academic literature we summarize the already known solutions and assess their importance for our work. We also identify research questions that will be dealt with, or claims (theses) that will be reinforced or weakened, or hypotheses that will be verified (for more see Bučar, Šabič and Brglez, 2002). Research methods are identified, structure of the work outlined and eventual research limitations exposed. 1.2.2 Theoretical-empirical part Content-wise this is the most important part of the work. It is divided in chapters and subchapters that are reasonably connected and decimally numbered. It is important to keep focus on the length of 11 individual titles, which are not supposed to be too long or too complex. The text should not be scattered. It is recommended that the work does not exceed three subheading levels. Most often the text is broadly divided into two parts. In the first, theoretical part, we describe and, based on critical reading, assess the state of research related to the analyzed problem, relying on the information available in the local and foreign scientific literature. Already known theoretical findings and thoughts are summarized in a coherent and clear manner. In the empirical part we discuss a detailed implementation of our own research and present the results. Presentation of results is systematic, with a degree of (self)criticism added in the discussion. When appropriate and relevant, results are also presented in the form of tables and figures. Tables and figures The inclusion of tables and figures is desirable when they contribute to the understanding and transparency of the work; their goal is to present a synthetic view on the gathered data and findings. We only use generic terms ‘table’ (tabela) and ‘figure’ (slika) and not terms such as chart, sketch, scheme etc. (these are figures) or grid (this is a table). Tables and figures should be labelled with a specific title with a high explanatory value. The title is above a table or figure and is numbered separately, with a two-digit numbering system. The first number defines the number of the main chapter, while the second is a consecutive number of the table or figure in this chapter. There is no period after the table or figure title. Each table or figure must be mentioned at least once in the text (e.g.: see Table 2.1; we can see on Figure 2.1 that ...), and when necessary explained. Tables and figures should be inserted as close as possible to the part of the text where they are referred to (and not, for example, two pages after the mention). If a table or figure is taken from another source, this must be defined below the table or figure, in the form of a citation (more on this in chapters 4 and 5). Below the table or figure we write the word Source, followed by a colon and a reference. Notes Notes are formatted as footnotes and consecutively numbered from the beginning of the work to its end (this is technically done by selecting Insert footnote in the Text editor menu). The number of a footnote follows the preceding character and is not preceded by a space. Footnote should be inserted immediately after the part of the text that we want to explain further (or after a selected word that will be defined in the footnote, or at the end of the sentence if we need to explain and complement the meaning of the 12 entire sentence). In principle, footnotes are not used within titles and subtitles, and are rarely used in introductions and conclusions. Footnotes are written in font size 10 and the text alignment is justify. Each footnote begins with a capital letter and ends with a comma. Uniform resource locator (URL) address links are not permitted in footnotes. We do not define sources of quotes or summaries in the footnotes, unless they happen to be indirect summaries or citations (see next paragraph). Footnotes are either related to the content or they can be of a technical nature (Bojinović Fenko and Požgan, 2016, p. 12). Content footnotes provide detailed explanation of an informative nature which is not of key importance for the governing topic of our discussion. We can also state the authors dealing with a certain topic, which is not central to our research and thus we decided not to focus on it in our work. Technical footnotes relate in particular to indirect citing: we use them to write down bibliographical data about the source A, which we quoted and summarized indirectly, namely from source B (for more on this see also subchapters and 4.3). Technical footnotes can contain basic data about primary sources, as well as more detailed data when required for the analysis (e.g. number of contracting states in an international treaty), while bibliographical data or the URL link are not included. Referencing and quotations Any type of text that is not your own and was used in writing, always needs to be referenced by citing the text or data source. This applies both to direct citing as well as stating ideas and findings of other authors in your own words (summarizing). Citing is marked by double quotation marks. If the original author has already used quotation marks in the text we are citing, we have to change the quotation marks from double to single ('x' instead of "x"). When citing or summarizing it is compulsory to write page numbers, the only exception being references to the entire work (for more on this see subchapter 4.1). When possible we cite the original work. Citing secondary sources is permitted only if the original work is not available. Citations of five lines or less are included in the text without having to form a new paragraph. Double quotation marks indicate the beginning and the end of the citation. The source is referenced in the phrase introducing the citation or at its end. If the citation exceeds five lines, it should begin on a new line and the entire paragraph should be indented (1.5 cm) from the left margin. Font size is smaller (11) and line spacing is single. In this case the quotation marks are omitted (if there were quotation marks used in the original, they are not changed into single quotation marks but remain as used in the original; see above). The source of citation is included in the sentence introducing the citation and is not part of the citation paragraph. 13 In text we refer to other sources with citations, in line with the examples provided in chapters 4 and 5. Plagiarism Plagiarism is one of the violations of academic honesty. Every professional work is based on knowledge, understanding, analysis and information of other authors, written and reported in books, articles, documents, media contributions etc., collected in databases or presented orally in interviews, consultations etc. The use of these sources must be referenced and clear in the text. Presentation of the work and knowledge of another author as your own, without source reference, is plagiarism. Plagiarism stands for a theft of intellectual property and disregard of scientific ethics, therefore it represents a major infringement of the Rules on disciplinary responsibility of students at the University of Ljubljana (Pravilnik o disciplinski odgovornosti študentov Univerze v Ljubljani). 1.2.3 Conclusion In the conclusive part of the text research results are critically and comprehensively evaluated and if possible, compared with the results of other authors. We provide answers to the research questions, reinforce or weaken the theses, and confirm or reject the hypotheses defined in the introduction. We expose the most surprising and important findings and eventual problems and weaknesses of the work. We do not provide new data and in general, we no longer refer to other sources. We assess whether the objectives defined in the introduction have been met, and present the ideas that emerged during the course of the research, and could be the subject of a new or supplementary research. We also introduce eventual open questions and indicate guidelines for their solution. Conclusions must be exact, short and clear. 1.3 Final part 1.3.1 Sources Sources are the deposit of data and knowledge. We can differentiate between primary, secondary and tertiary sources (Južnič, 1992, pp. 106–142). Primary sources are documents (legal, legislative, executive and other, i.e. government strategies, rules, minutes), statistical data (survey data, data from databases), interviews data (published or not), data from qualitative research (ethnographic data, focus groups, in-depth interviews, experiments, observations etc.). Speeches, addresses of e.g. a politician, can also be treated as a primary source. Secondary sources are the texts analyzing and interpreting primary and other secondary sources, and on their basis arrive at new findings and considerations (scientific monographs, text books, scientific and professional articles, contributions at scientific conferences, 14 diploma and master's theses, doctoral dissertations, data from the websites of institutions, encyclopaedias, lexicons etc.). Tertiary sources are lists of already compiled sources (e.g. citation indexes, glossaries, bibliographies, book catalogues). In the chapter titled Sources (and not Literature index, Sources and literature, Literature etc.) we list all the works we have referred to in our text. The works we have not referred to are not included in this list. When citing in the text and formatting the list of sources, it is important to strictly adhere to the rules presented in chapters 4 and 5. 1.3.2 Subject and name index Final works on the first and second level do not contain a subject and name index, whereas one is compulsory in doctoral dissertations. It can be formatted as a single common index, or as two separate indexes. A subject index contains an alphabetical list of key subjects, terms from the text, with reference to the pages on which they are mentioned. If a term is used very often, we limit page reference to ten most important occurrences. Name index contains an alphabetical list of people appearing in the text. They are listed by surname, with the first name preceded by the comma – the same as in the subject index, – a reference to the pages on which they are mentioned follows. Thus we enable the reader to effectively learn about the authors of concepts, and to make printed text searches easier. 1.3.3 Appendices Appendices contain all information required to show the integrity of the work, but are considered a potential obtrusion with the main message of the work, since they could distract the reader or are simply too long to be included in the text. However, they are seen as important for the credibility of the work and consist of, for example, long lists, interview transcripts, survey questionnaires etc. Appendices must be titled and consecutively labelled with capital letters (Appendix A, Appendix B etc.). If appendices are further divided, we mark individual sub-units with Arabic numerals (e.g. Appendix A.1). There has to be at least one reference to each appendix in the main text. As in the text, it is important to state (publish, use) data in accordance with the applicable legislation in the field of personal data protection (ZVOP-1, GDPR) and copyright (ZASP), as well as the Code of Ethics for Researchers (Etični kodeks za raziskovalce) and the Rules on Student Disciplinary Responsibility at the University of Ljubljana (Pravilnikom o disciplinski odgovornosti študentov Univerze v Ljubljani). 15 2 LANGUAGE OF PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORKS The final thesis is written in Slovenian language. Any possible exceptions (writing in English and consequently relevant structure of the work) are defined and regulated in the Rules on final thesis in first and second cycle study programs, and in the Exerts from the Rules on Doctoral studies (valid till 30 September 2018) and Rules on organization and implementation of the Interdisciplinary doctoral study program Humanities and Social sciences (valid from 1 October 2018). Professional-scientific works must be clear, exact, and concise. Their purpose is mainly to describe, define, analyze, substantiate, and explain. Their primary task is of informative- cognitive nature. Errors of spelling and grammar, as well as inadequate or less adequate vocabulary, should not appear in professional – scientific texts. Special attention goes to professional terminology. It is important to use established terminology, which is coherent with literary standards. If there are more denominations or terms for the same content, we have to be consistent in always using the same. If there are both, a default and a Slovenian term, the Slovenian one would normally be preferred in works written in Slovenian. Regarding the contents that have not yet acquired a Slovenian term, a proper Slovenian equivalent should be suggested. When the term is mentioned for the first time, we write the original denomination in brackets, and from this point forward consistently use the proposed Slovenian equivalent. 16 3 SCOPE AND OUTLOOK OF FINAL PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORK The scope of a diploma thesis varies depending on the study program, while the envisaged scope of a master's thesis is from 45 to 80 pages (or from 15,000 to 20,000 words), and for a doctoral dissertation from 160 to 350 pages (appendices are not included in this scope). Margins are 2.5 cm, text is aligned from both sides, font Times New Roman, size 12. Line spacing is 1.5 (with the exception of longer citations – for more see subchapter, and summary – see subchapter 1.1.5). Paragraph spacing is 10pt bellow and 10pt above (first line of the paragraph is not indented to the right). Exceptions are the numbered, indented, or otherwise marked paragraphs – in order not to space the lines too much, such paragraphs do not have the additional 10pt spacing. Each main chapter (but not a subchapter) starts on a new page. Titles of main chapters are followed by an empty line, while subchapters only have the empty line above; however, from the third subheading level on, the empty line can be omitted (i.e. when preceding the subtitle numbered for example 1.2.3). The header is empty, and in the footer there are only page numbers (footnotes are not a part of the footer). Page numbers must be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals from the (inner) title page to the last page (including the numbers of appendices; if appendix pages could not be numbered in the e-document, they have to be numbered manually). The page number is aligned centrally at the bottom of the page, and numbers are shown from (including) the Table of contents on (preceding pages are counted, but the page number is not visible). Technical instructions on formatting page numbers in Word are available on the faculty’s web page. The work is submitted in print, in A4 format. From and including the introduction on, the print is two-sided. The binding of a diploma and master's thesis is soft, whereas non-final versions of doctoral dissertation are spiral-bound. Hard binding is only required for all final copies of doctoral dissertations. The dissertation is bound in black cloth with lettering in gold. More on the submission of final works is defined in the Rules on final thesis in first and second cycle study programs, and in Exerts from the Rules on Doctoral studies (valid till 30 September 2018) and Rules on organization and implementation of the Interdisciplinary doctoral study program Humanities and Social sciences (valid from 1 October 2018). 17 4 IN-TEXT CITATIONS Knowledge is an amalgam of the work of several individuals and by citing, the author places himself/herself in the context of other reserachers. Only works that have directly affected the text are cited. As defined in subchapter, anything used by the author of the text in writing (but also in oral presentations of professional contents), that is not his/her own, both quotes and summariziation, always needs to be referenced by citing the source. This also applies to pictures, tables (no mater if they are available in open acess), as well as survey questionnaires, statistics, maps and (other) annexes, such as transcripts of interviews or focus groups. Source citation can be found in two places: in the text we refer to the source in the form of a citation, and at the end of the work the source is given a full bibliographic citation and is identified in the chapter titled Sources. Every source cited in the text must be exactly referenced in Sources, and vice versa. There are only two exceptions that are cited in text only, but not in Sources, namely the works such as: (a) the Bible and Koran, since their chapters or parts of them have been standardized in all editions, and (b) non-archived personal communication (for more on this see subchapter 4.5). Citations are also not necessary in the case of general mention1 about internet sites, journals, programs or when quoting epigraphs. Foreign students who will submit their works in English only can find original citation rules, in-text citation examples, and reference examples in the 7 th edition of the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2020), available at the Central Social Sciences Library and on the official web page. There they can also find the examples of citation style elements. Foreign students who will submit their works in Slovenian are invited to consult the in-text citations rules as defined in the prescribed APA style in Slovenian language (Navodila za pisanje in oblikovanje strokovno-znanstvenih del FDV). However, should non-Slovenian speakers want to study Slovenian scientific works, they can consult the interpretation of in-text citations in Slovenian language provided below. In creating the rules for formatting references and indexes in chapter Sources in Slovenian, we complied with the 7th edition of the Publication manual of the 1 A general mention is the illustrative statement of information known to the general public without giving more precise information, e.g. "The predominant religion in Europe is Christianity." If you're in a dilemma, you can always include a citation. 18 American Psychological Association (2020). Below are examples of citation style elements that have been slovenized from English. Table 4.1: Citation style elements in English and Slovenian Citation style element Citation style element English (English) (Slovenian) and others et al. in drugi page, pages p., pp. str. in the same place ibid. prav tam and Precede the final name in a multiple-author citation in running text and & in In parenthetical material, in tables and captions, and in the reference list, join the names by an ampersand (&) as cited in as cited in v retrieved from, available retrieved from, available pridobljeno s, dostopno at at na editor, editors Ed., Eds. ur. in in v edition ed. izd. volume vol. zv. circa ca. pribl. advance online advance online predobjava na spletu publication publication 4.1 Elementi virov When formatting references, it is important to know whether we are referring to the entire source or just a part of it (e.g. individual pages), how many authors there are for a certain source, are they known, is this a non-typical professional or scientific source (namely not a book, article, or a chapter in the proceedings). Citation of sources includes all the necessary elements to identify the source used by the author of the scientific work. Listings in the chapter Sources include answers to the questions "who?", "When?", "What?" and "where?". The citation of the source in the text can be done as a quotation or as a current 19 citation in the text, and refers to the bibliography with the indication of the first two elements ("who" and "when"). The elements are separated by a full stop. Picture 4.1: Correspondance between a Source list entry and an in-text citation author year title (who) (when) (what) Lovec, M. (2017). Limits to a power game: Negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in agriculture and food. Teorija in praksa, 54(2), pp. 265–283. The source (can be a journal, a web page, a book etc.) (where) Parenthetical citation: … (Lovec, 2017) … Narrative citation: … as stated by Lovec (2017), … Parenthetical citation: … (Ustava Republike Slovenije, 2006, 3.a člen) … Narrative citation: … as stated in Ustava Republike (2006), in article 3.a … Slovenije Parenthetical citation: … (Ustava Republike Slovenije, 2006, article 3.a) … Narrative citation: … as stated in Ustava (2006), in article 3.a … Source: Concise guide to APA Style (2020, p. 182). 4.1.1 Author The author is the person or group responsible for the work. This includes not only the authors of articles, books and other works, but also editors, film directors, podcast hosts, etc. When citing the author (in the list of sources), the last name is always written first, followed by the first letter of the first name. Exceptions are usernames and special titles, which are written out in full. In the case of two authors, 20 they are separated by "and", and in the case of more than two authors, up to 20 are listed in the list of sources, and always only the first in the citations. In the case of groups, give the full name followed by a period. In case the author is not mentioned, the first element of the description is the title. A corporate author is group of people is listed as the author of a work. These can be government organizations, companies, research groups, etc. When citing, it is important to write the full name in the “Sources” section, and the name used is the most precise. In doing so, the parent organization is mentioned first only if it is stated in the resource or if this is necessary for the sake of clarity. Eg Fakulteta za družbene vede, Inštitut za družbene vede, Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij [Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, Center for Public Opinion and Mass Communications Research] Ministrstvo za obrambo, Notranjerevizijska služba [Ministry of Defense, Internal Audit Service] Ministrstvo za finance, Notranjerevizijska služba [Ministry of Finance, Internal Audit Service] Examples are given in subsection 4.2.1. 4.1.2 Date The second element of the source is most often cited in the form of a year, but it can also be specified in more detail and include the month, an exact date, a time of year or a time range. In the case of websites, the year stated on the site is not necessarily related to the article, but may be ment for the website itself, so the abbreviation “n. d.” (no date) is used for web resources that do not have a specific publication date (Slovenian: ‘b.d.’ (brez datuma)). 4.1.3 Title Regarding the title, we distinguish between materials that are autonomous and components. The former, for example books, magazines, reports, final assignments, films, social media, websites (as a whole), etc., have the title printed in italics. Components such as articles in journals, articles on websites or chapters in books are not written in italics, but the title for the source is highlighted in italics – in these cases the journal, website or book in which the component was published. The title ends with a full stop, unless a question mark or exclamation mark is substituted at the end. 4.1.4 Source of the material For components, the journal or book is listed as the location, along with the DOI or URL where available. For autonomous works, in addition to the DOI or URL, this element lists the publisher, database or archive, social media, or website. At the location of the source, provide all the necessary 21 information, e.g. in the case of journals, in addition to the title, the year, number and pages of the article (except where they are not listed), and in the case of proceedings, editors, the title of the proceedings, pages and publisher. Websites and social networks are somewhat special. They are mentioned only when the content is originally from this source, otherwise the page from which the content was accessed from (and is linked to) is given. The title itself (e.g. Twitter, BBC News) is not quoted in italics. This is followed by a period and the URL. In the case of web pages, the title in the source is omitted if it is the same as the title of the article we are citing. When quoting web addresses, the DOI is given, if possible, and the URL is provided if the work does not have a DOI – in both cases the web address is given in the form of a (verified) hyperlink. 4.1.5 Missing information One or more elements may not be listed in the resource that was used in the research and we want to include it in the text. In this case, the record is adjusted. Table 4.1: Citing in the case of missing information Missing Solution Source list entry In-text citation element Nothing – all Provide the author, date, title and source Author. (Date). Title. (Author, date) elements are of the work Source. present Author Provide the title date, and source of the Title. (Date). Source. (Title, date) work Date Provide the author, “n. d.” for “no date,” Author. (n. d.). Title. (Author, n. d.) and then the title and source of the work Source. Title Provide the author and date, describe the Author. (Date). (Author, date) work in square brackets, and then add [Description of work]. the source of the work Source. Author and Provide the title, write “n. d.” for “no Title. (n. d.). Source. (Author, n. d.) date date,” and add the source of the work Author and Describe the work in square brackets [Description of work]. ([Description of work], title and then provide the date and source (Date). Source. date) 22 Date and title Provide the author, “n. d.” for “no date,” Author. (n. d.). (Author, n. d.) describe the work in square brackets, [Description of work]. and then add the source of the work Source. Author, date Describe the work in square brackets, [Description of work]. ([Description of work], and title add “n. d.” for “no date,” and provide (n. d.). Source. n. d.) the source of the work Source of the Cite as personal communication no “Source” list entry (Author, personal material communication, date) Source: Concise guide to APA Style (2020, p. 215). 4.2 Reference to a complete source 4.2.1 Secondary sources If we refer to a complete work with a known author (person or institution), we state the author's surname or the name of the institution, and, after a comma, the year of the publication, all bracketed, e.g.: (Sullivan, 2013) (Global Environment Coordination, 1994) If the authors are two authors, we write both surnames, separated by ‘&’ (‘in’), e.g.: Slovenian: (Macionis in Plummer, 2012) English: (Macionis & Plummer, 2012) If there are more authors, we write only the first author, followed by ‘et al.’, e.g.: Slovenian: (Della Porta in drugi, 2003) English: (Della Porta et al., 2003) In all these examples we maintain the authors' order as stated in the resource (namely we do not ’correct’ it to alphabetical order). When referring to more works of the same author published in the same year, we add alphabet letters immediately after the year of publishing. The letter ‘a’ is assigned to the first work in the alphabetical 23 order, ‘b’ to the second one, and so forth. If we refer to such works in the same place, we list them after the comma, but we do not repeat the author’s surname, e.g.: (Bojinović Fenko, 2016a, 2016b) We proceed in the same way when a work was written by more authors and their order in the resource is exactly the same. If we refer to more works at the same time, we separate them by a semicolon, e.g.: Slovenian: (Moynihan, 1997; Weinstein, 1998/1999; Brezovšek in Črnčec, 2010) English: (Moynihan, 1997; Weinstein, 1998/1999; Brezovšek & Črnčec, 2010) In such cases we cite the oldest sources first, and use alphabetical order for the sources published in the same year. If we refer to the same source (i.e. to the same work of the same author and the same page) consecutively and without an excessive intermediate distance (for example, two pages), we do not repeat the quote, but write ‘ibid.’ (in Slovenian: "prav tam") in brackets. If the pages have changed, we do the same, but change the page information, e.g.: Slovenian: Avtorja ugotavljata, da je kriminalizacija postala norma (Zavratnik in Šori, 2016, str. 28) in da se je oblast na vstajo odzvala z uporabo represivnega aparata (prav tam, str. 29). English: As argued by the authors, criminalization has become the norm (Zavratnik & Šorli, 2016, p. 28) and the authorities responded with violent means (ibid., p. 29) The titles of chapters or web pages with an unknown author or group authorship, titles of periodicals, books, brochures or reports with unknown author or group authorship we use italic instead of quotation marks, as opposed to the title of newspaper articles, e.g.: ( Merriam-Websterś collegiate dictionary, 2005) As in quoting a source with a known author, in the above described cases we use ‘ibid.’/’prav tam’ in brackets when referring to the same source (i.e. the same work of the same author) in the text. 24 4.2.2 Primary sources – documents Documents can be of legal, legislative, executive and other types (for examples see table 5.1). Legal sources are basically judgments of national and international courts. Legislative sources are the decisions adopted by political organs; they can be national (constitution, laws, statutory instruments etc.) and international (decisions adopted by a decision-making organ of an international governmental organization). Executive documents are materials and strategic documents of a national (governmental) organ and organs of an international governmental organization. Other documents are minutes, regulations, etc. Documents are obtained from trustworthy official institutions that originated them. A document is entered in the text with its title and (usualy) the year of its creation. If the document we are dealing with is written in a foreign language, we use a Slovenian translation of the document's title in the text (we do not refer to the original title in a foreign language). At the same time we identify the source in a footnote with all the data, except for the accessibility information – for legal and legislative documents but not for executive ones. In the list of sources we write the source exactly in the same manner as in the footnote, with the addition of accessibility data (e.g. as an annex to a monograph or on the web page of the organization of its origin). In the text the only titles written in italics are the court judgements, while in the list of sources the title of the source in a foreign language is also written in italics (if such a source was analysed). Instead of the document's title, we can introduce an acronym or an abbreviation, or an established adaptation of the name already in use in professional circles. However, this can only be used in text, and not in the footnotes or in the list of sources. We can also abbreviate the names of institutions, organizations, corporations, and similar. The same as with source titles, we do so when referring to them for the first time by abbreviating the name in brackets after the word ‘hereinafter’, and from that point on continue to use the abbreviated form, e.g.: Slovenian: Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (dalje SURS) zbira podatke o ... English: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter SORS) collects data on … or Slovenian: V Deklaraciji o načelih mednarodnega prava o prijateljskih odnosih in sodelovanju med državami v skladu z Ustanovno listino Združenih narodov (dalje Deklaracija sedmih načel) je določeno, da ... 25 English: In the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations (hereinafter Declaration of seven principles) it is stated that … In such case, the abbreviated form is used also in the reference, e.g. for the last given example: Slovenian: (Deklaracija sedmih načel, 1970) English: (Declaration of seven principles, 1970) In the text following the document title we write the year of the documents' creation for all documents but international treaties, as they are signed at a certain place on a certain date, but after that the signatories have to ratify them in national parliaments, therefore the date when a sufficient number of signatory states ratified the treaty is even more important, as the treaty thus enters into force. No dates are written in the text, and both dates (the date of signature and the date of ratification) are written in the footnote and the list of sources (Bojinović Fenko and Požgan, 2016, pp. 5–6). The only exception in quoting the documents are strategic documents of national (governmental) organs and organs of international governmental organizations (e.g. the ministry strategies or the White Paper of the European Commission), which are referred to as secondary sources by the author of the document and without notes, e.g.: U. N. Charter article 512 Prosecutor vs. Radislav Krstić (2001)3 Executive documents are written a bit differently then legal and legislative ones. Executive documents, which are usually strategic documents of a national (governmental) body or bodies of an international governmental organization (e.g. a ministry strategy or a European Commission White Paper), are listed as a secondary source according to the author of the document and without a footnote, e.g.: European Commission (2017) The name of the institution the source is referring to – be that a secondary source (report, web page data), or an executive document –, is quoted in the language of the source. If we analysed a European Commission report in Slovenian, the author is Evropska komisija. If we want to quote data from the World Trade Organization web page, where texts are written in English, the author is the World Trade 2 Charter of the United Nations, signed on June 26 1945 in San Francisco, came into force October 24 1945 3 Prosecutor v. Radislav Krstić (trial judgement). (2001). IT-98-33-T. ICTY, August 2. 26 Organization. Organization names in this case are not written in italics, since they are seen as proper names of the institutions, which were the authors of the report. If the cited source is in a foreign language, its title must be translated into Slovene in the list of sources, in square brackets. 4.3 Citation to parts of sources If citing only a part of a source, we have to cite the pages of the work that are relevant as well. If a reference to an article, point, chapter, picture, table, equation, and similar makes more sense, we write the year, which is followed by the article, point, chapter etc. If the works' pages are not numbered, we either define them by counting, if that is possible and sensible (e.g. in a PDF- document), or we simply leave the page number out. In case of a quotation, the page numbers of the citation's origin are explicitly defined. If we refer to one page only (or in primary sources to one article, one point and similar), we define only that page (or that article, point and similar). If the citation in the original text covers several pages without interruption, we quote the entire range. If we summarize from several pages, but with interruptions, we only state the pages summarized. However, if the entire range is of relevance, we state the first page, where we started to summarize, and following a dash (not a hyphen), the last page in this range, e.g.: Slovenian: (Sullivan, 2013, str. 26) (Global Environment Coordination, 1994, str. 5, 9, 12) (Macionis in Plummer, 2012, str. 14–16) (Ustava Republike Slovenije, 2006, 14. člen) (Dublinska uredba, 2013, preambula) English: (Sullivan, 2013, p. 26) (Global Environment Coordination, 1994, pp. 5, 9, 12) (Macionis & Plummer, 2012, pp. 14–16) (Ustava Republike Slovenije, 2006, art. 14) (Dublin Regulation, 2013, preamble) 27 4.4 Indirect citing and summarizing If a citation or summary was not taken from the original work, because it was not accessible, this has to be defined in the brackets after the preposition ‘in’ (Slovenian "v"), e.g.: Slovenian: ... kot je ugotavljal že Prijatelj (1908, str. 50, v Lukšič, 2015, str. 715) … English: … argued by Prijatelj (1908, p. 50, in Lukšič, 2015, p. 715) Meaning that we quoted Prijatelj's thought, published in 1908 on p. 50, from Lukšič's work, p. 715, published in 2015. Lukšič's work is cited in the final bibliographical list of sources, while Prijatelj's work with all the bibliographical data is citad in the text, namely in the footnotes (see description of technical notes in subchapter When formatting the entry of such a source in footnotes (first surname, then abbreviated name, then the year in brackets etc.), we comply with the rules from subchapter 4.2. 4.5 Citing and summarizing non-archived personal communication and interviews Non-archived personal communication refers to texts whose existence cannot be proven, as we do not (or no longer) have it stored. Such texts are not listed in the chapter Sources, and are only quoted in text. Author who shared his/her thoughts and that we want to cite or summarize in the form of personal communication (consultations, interview, letter and similar), is quoted by writing the abbreviated first name, entire surname, and then a bracketed reference as follows: Slovenian: ... po ekologu J. Mohlhenrichu (osebno komuniciranje, 2008, 5. januar)… English: … referring to J. Mohlhenrich (personal communication, 2008, January 5)… If we cannot provide the date, we have to, when possible, write the month (in the form: January 2008), or at the very least the year. If such communication is stored in our personal archive, e.g. in the form of an e-mail, a screen shot, a preserved letter etc., the source is still not written in the list of sources, and the reference is formatted as follows: Slovenian: (Pahor, osebno pismo, 2015, 17. maj) 4 4 Osebno pismo je na voljo pri avtorju/avtorici. 28 English: (Pahor, personal letter, 2015, May 17) 5 Immediately after the brackets we add a footnote stating: Personal letter is available from the author. If this is an interview, whose record is stored only in a personal archive and is thus publicly unavailable, it is also not cited in the list of sources, and the reference is formatted as follows: Slovenian: (Pahor, osebni intervju, 2015, 17. maj)6 English: (Pahor, personal interview, 2015, May 17)7 In this case we also add the following footnote: Audio recording of the interview, in the form of raw data, is available from the author. Or: Audio recording and the interview transcript, in the form of raw data, are available from the author. If these are documented, published or in a research data archive or media archive stored interviews that are publicly available, we cite them in the list of sources and refer to them in the form of a normal reference, e.g.: (Smith, 1989) 5 Personal letter is available from the author. 6 Zvočni posnetek intervjuja je v obliki surovih podatkov na voljo pri avtorju/avtorici. 7 Audio recording of the interview, in the form of raw data, is available from the author. 29 5 FORMATTING A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST OF SOURCES All the sources, that we referred to in the text, must be cited with complete bibliographical information in the chapter Sources. Citing of works we have not referred to is ethically questionable and thus not permitted. Final works that have been proven to contain such elements are sanctioned. In the chapter Sources we do not differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources – they are all included in the same list. All units are ordered alphabetically by surname of the first author or institutions that published the work, or by the work title in the case of unknown authorship. The list is marked with Arabic numerals and has the form of hanging paragraphs (numeral is thus aligned with left margin, while the remaining lines are slightly indented to the right). In the list of sources we write the names of the authors as follows: surname first, then name initial. If a source has up to twenty authors, we include all of them. If there are more then twenty authors, we list the first ninteen, add a comma and three periods with intermittent spacing, and finish with the last cited author. More works of the same author are listed by the year of publishing from the oldest to the most recent. If we cite a work that is being published, we list it as the last one on the list. If there are more works of the same author (or the same authors in identical order) published in the same year, we add lowercase letters a, b, c, etc. to the year. Letters are added by alphabetical order of the work titles. In the titles of English books, articles, reports etc., we capitalize only the first word of the title and subtitle, as well as proper names, while in the names of the magazines and conference proceedings we capitalize all the words with a full lexical meaning (excluding articles, prepositions and conjunctions). In other languages we follow their rules of spelling. When citing sources written in a non Latin language (in Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew and other scripts), the name of the author and the work title must be transcribed in Latin characters (for more on this see pravopis/datoteke/Pravopis_Pravila.pdf from article 1106 onwards). To facilitate understanding we can opt for a translation of the title, which is then reported in square brackets immediately after the title in original. 30 5.1 Internet sources: Digital object identifier, internet links dividing, hyper connectivity In both professional and scientific publications the citing of digital object identifier (DOI) has become increasingly widespread. DOI is intended for providing persistent internet connection to up-to-date information about a digital object (including its web location). DOI is given as a URL-address: If in doubt about, the correctnes of a DOI number can be checked at When internet links have to be divided for the reasons of length, it is important to keep them functioning. The link is divided with a space after a slash (/), underscore (_), hyphen (-), equal (=), period (.) or any other punctuation mark, but never in the middle of the word or immediately after a http://. Internet links are formatted as active hyper connections. The phrase "Retrieved …. from" is used only in cases when it is necessary to indicate the date of access (such is the case with websites where the content changes, e.g. online encyclopedias). 5.2 Formatting a list of bibliographical data in chapter Sources When writing we have to be consistent with APA citation style – meaning we adhere to the rules of writing in abbreviations (e.g. abbreviations of names or words such as ed., p., and others), punctuation marks (brackets, periods, commas, colons etc.), font style (regular or italic), or wording. As mentioned in the preface, the Guidelines are based on the premise that foreign students should start to write their professional texts in Slovenian as soon as possible. These students can find reference examples in t he prescribed APA style in Slovenian language in Navodila za pisanje in oblikovanje strokovno-znanstvenih del FDV. Foreign students who will submit their works in English only can find reference examples in the 7th edition of the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (available at the Central Social Sciences Library) as well as the official web page To form APA style bibliographic records in English we also recommend to use cite and export options in the Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana (DiKUL). 31 Picture 5.1: Example of English cite options APA style in DiKUL: Source: DiKUL We also recommend the use of reference management software such as Endnote (more information here), Zotera etc. 32 6 BEFORE SUBMISSION Before submitting the text it is advisable to check the following: are the abbreviations uniform, have we consistently used the same type of quotation marks, have we inserted too many spaces, has any of the titles remained alone (unaccompanied by the text) in the last line of the previous page. The final glance should be reserved for the index page, which enables us to assess once more the accuracy, relevance of the subdivision, and cohesion in style and language of all titles. We should rearrange the central text if the index page is not systematically structured or it reveals imbalances and incoherence. Prior to the submission, we should also check whether the internet links that we referred to actually work. 33 7 SOURCES 1. American Psychological Association. (2009) . Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6. izd.). American Psychological Association. 2. American Psychological Association. (2020) . Concise guide to APA style: the official APA style guide for students (7th ed.). (2020). American Psychological Association. 3. Bojinović Fenko, A. & Požgan, J. (2016). Pravila znanstvenega pisanja: navodila za študente pri predmetu Osnove znanstvenega pisanja. Fakulteta za družbene vede, interno gradivo. 4. Bučar, B., Šabič, Z. & Brglez, M. (2002). Navodila za pisanje: seminarske naloge in diplomska dela. Fakulteta za družbene vede. 5. Diplomsko delo: številčenje strani v urejevalniku besedil Word. (n. d.). Fakulteta za družbene vede. stopnje/diplomsko-delo-stevilcenje-strani.docx?sfvrsn=12 6. International DOI Fundation. (2016). DOI handbook. 7. Izjava o avtorstvu diplomskega dela. (n. d.). Fakulteta za družbene vede. pravila-in-obrazci/obrazci 8. Južnič, S. (1992). Diplomska naloga: napotki za izdelavo. Amalietti. 9. Krnjajić, A. (2017). Najpogostejše napake pri pisanju diplomskega dela. Fakulteta za družbene vede, interno gradivo. 10. Logar, N. (2016, julij). Slovenski znanstveni jezik: učbeniki, priročniki in fakultetna navodila – pregled. Fakulteta za družbene vede, interno gradivo. 11. Pravilnik o disciplinski odgovornosti študentov Univerze v Ljubljani. (n. d.). Univerza v Ljubljani. porocila/predpisi_statut_ul_in_pravilniki/201307121441614/ 12. Pravilnik o zaključnem delu na programih prve in druge stopnje (2017, revised 2019). Fakulteta za družbene vede. studij-1-stopnje/pravilnik-o-zaključnem-delu-na-programih-prve-in-druge-stopnje- doc.pdf?sfvrsn=4 13. Pravilnik o študiju na programu tretje stopnje (2009, revised 2014). Fakulteta za družbene vede. studiju-na-programu-tretje-stopnje.pdf?sfvrsn=42 34 14. Pravilnik o organizaciji in izvajanju interdisciplinarnega doktorskega študijskega programa Humanistika in družboslovje (2018, revised 2019). Fakulteta za družbene vede. organizaciji-in-izvajanju-interdisciplinarnega-doktorskega-študijskega-programa- humanistika-in-družboslovje.pdf?sfvrsn=14 15. Predmetne oznake ODKJG. (n. d.). Fakulteta za družbene vede. https://www.fdv.uni- 16. Predstavitveni zbornik študijskih programov 1. stopnje. (b. d.). Fakulteta za družbene vede. %c5%a1tudijskih-programov-1-stopnje.pdf?sfvrsn=37 17. Toporišič, J., Ahlin, M., Dular, J., Gantar, K., Jakopin, F., Menart, J., Moder, J., Pogorelec, B., Suhadolnik, S., Dular, J., Hajnšek - Holz, M., (ed.). (2001). Slovenski pravopis. ZRC SAZU. 18. Verovnik, T. (2001). Izbira teme in iskanje literature. In N. Logar & T. Verovnik (ed.), Nastajanje strokovnih in znanstvenih besedil: med pisanjem in družbenim kontekstom (pp. 10–19). Študentska založba. 19. Verovnik, T. & Logar, N. (2001). Zgradba zaključnega strokovnega in znanstvenega dela. In N. Logar & T. Verovnik (ed.), Nastajanje strokovnih in znanstvenih besedil: med pisanjem in družbenim kontekstom (pp. 20–35). Študentska založba. 35