NUMBER 1 JANUARY, 1980 VOLUME 52 Jf v- ZARJA - THE DAWN (ISSN 0044-1848) NO. 1 JANUARY, 1980 Member, Illinois Fraternal Cor.gress VOL.52 Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July A ugust — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupen Številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $6.00 — naročnina $6.00 letno za ne-člane. For Social Members, 40 per month za druiabne članice. 40 mesečno Publisher*S L O V EN!A N WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA ZARJA, 431 No. Chicago St. Joliet, III. 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editor. COR1NNELESKOVAR Editorial Office: 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone (312) 847-667') ONTHECOVKR. . . Wintertime ice forms on Lake Bled, Slovenia’s foremost summertime resort. This unusual photo shows the island with its famous church, surrounding shoreline and background sight of Triglav, the highest mountain in Slovenia. Tourists enjoy Lake Bled especially in the summertime when the Lake provides sports-lovers the medium for swimming, boating and relaxing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JANUARY National Officers: Jan. 6 — Irene Odorizzi, Cultural Heritage Officer, Reston, Va. Presidents: Jan. 1 — Alma Eppich, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Jan. 2 — Kay Juratovac, Br. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., O. Jan. 13 — Mary Stephenson, Br. 27, N. Braddock, Pa. Jan. 20 — Angela Mobilia, Br. 23, Dawn Club, Ely, Minn. Jan. 26 — Mary Moenigman, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Secretaries: Jan. 5 — Mary Jackovich, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. Jan. 8 — Agnes Lovetti, Br. 20, Joliet, 111. Jan. 12 — Mary Krall, Br. 37, Greaney, Minn. Jan. 14 — Virginia Zevkovich, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio Jan. 18 — Mitzi Swaggard, Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio Jan. 19 — Gabrielle Lustig, Br. 22, Bradley, 111. Jan. 24 — Mary Slaney, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY lyXQOrtf-' FORTUNA FUNERAL HOME 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Ml 1-0046 DATES TO REMEMBER Mar. I-2 — MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT, Joliet, III. June 22 — SLOVENIAN HERITAGE DAY, Joliet, III. f„ \ ao j/car Rose Scoff Regional President California- Washington-Oregon HAPPINESS OF THE SEASON Officers & Members Hr. 73, Warrensville Hgts., (). ..Dcr $clinapp£ no fun. to br drinliinci alone- a-’ii gtv o. VooK ! m Order copy your today! Send $6.00 plus .75 postage to: S.W.U. Home Office 431 N. Chicago St., Joliet, Illinois 60432 CIjftRTEKROaSE 3RR 150 Rooms & Suites • Restaurant & Lounge • Banquet Rooms • Business Meeting Rooms • Ballroom • Sauna Rooms 24800 Euclid is! • Enclosed Swimming Pool withTerrace Bar • Whirlpools • Exercise Room Barber Shop 261-0300 A NEW YEAR — A NEW DECADE by Fr. David Stalzer Assistant Pastor, St. John the Baptist Church, Winfield, Illinois It was New Year’s Day, 1863, a bright sunny day. Washington, D.C. was full of activity as diplomats from far and wide came to attend a reception and to view the signing of an important document in U.S. history. As the group gathered around the desk of the President, he told them that, “I never in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper.” Slowly and seriously he read again the lines of the famous document. With special emphasis he repeated these words: . . all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, henceforth, and forever free.. He took a firmer grasp of the pen and with body and soul signed his name — “Abraham Lincoln". President Lincoln had signed the famous “Emancipation Proclamation’’, the statement that all people of America were free regardless of race or color. This was the official end to all slavery! All people are now free! /4s we begin a new year and a new decade — the 80's, let us sign our own “Emanicipation Proclamation". As Christians we have been freed from all sin and evil. St. Paul tells us that we are slaves no longer because we are in Christ. The Spirit of God living within us! We need to show through our daily living that no one nor anything“holds us in chains and bondage. For some it maybe the chains of unkindnesses, gossip, jealousy, greed, slander, laziness or pride. We must work to break these chains of evil and sin and live in the freedom that God has so willed for us. Christ Jesus through his life, death and resurrection has signed with his own blood our personal “Emanipation Proclamation therefore let us be slaves no longer. President’s Message The beginning of a Mew Year is always filled with hope and the need to start a dean slate with new ideas and suggestions. Look to your members and officers for suggestions; then get rid of the winter doldrums. A vote of thanks to the outgoing officers who have worked diligently with their branches. / am sure you will continue to offer your assistance and experience when needed. To the new officers, / extend my best wishes for a successful term, filled with co-operation from your branch members. A few weeks ago. I visited the Motional Office with questions regarding the present campaign and was encouraged to learn that it is going pretty well. Rut that should not be enough. Our members before us. who founded this great organization, had many trying times and yet gave their best efforts to enlarge the membership. We still have a great number of ladies working unselfishly. There is a need to be endowed with some of the great zeal of Marie Prisland, tiara Kramer. Kate Triller and Albina Novak, to cite a few. Let's try to emulate them. We have much potential all around us. I am proud of you who have enrolled new members so far. Next month is February, the month of St. Valentine. A party to celebrate is always welcome. Invite your friends, so they may see first-hand how much you get out of the S. W.U. It cannot hurt to try, remember: “Nothing ventured, nothing gained". The S. W.U. Howling Tournament will be held in Joliet at the Rivals Lanes on March I and 2nd. Why not try to get a team from our local branches? It is not too late. Another good idea: Why not a mother-daughter team? Or a sister team? It is a fine myj r to get together for recreation and fun all year round. Branch 38 in Chisholm is celebrating their Golden Anniversary. I extend my heartiest congratulations for continued success. They must be doing something right to be together for such a long time. To all members who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month, my best wishes. Tor our ailing members our hope is for better health. I am sure you all join me in a prayer for our deceased members, with the hope God will give them eternal peace. May God walk with you. Marv Muller JANUARY 1980 1 CLASSIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP DUES & BENEFITS AGE CLASS A 14 YEARS TO 51 YEARS CLASS B 14 YEARS TO 61 YEARS JUNIORS Birth to 18 years .20 MONTHLY DUES DEATH BENEFIT .80 $100.00 $1.05 14- —30 yrs. $300.00 31- —40 yrs. $250.00 41- —45 yrs. $200.00 46- —56 yrs. $150.00 57- —60 yrs. $100.00 $100.00 A Junior member may join the adult group at 14 in either Class A or B, but may remain a Junior up to age of 18 years. A Junior member may transfer to the Adult Department and acquire the rights of an adult member when she attains the age of 14 years. She will not be obligated to pay any assessment for two (2) years after her transfer if she has been a member in good standing since birth, or for one (1) year if she has been a member in good standing for at least ten (10) years. 75 Yr. A 75 years to death .45 Death benefit same as at time of ad- mission 75 Yr.B 75 years to death .60 Death benefit same as at time of ad- mission SOCIAL 61 years and over .65 ZARJA only—No Death Benefit GOLDEN AURORA Our lodge celebration of the Golden Anniversary was on Sunday, Oct. 21, 1979. It was a beautiful Sunday and Mass sung by our Slovenian Choir was just so great. The church was filled with well-wishers praying for all our members, living and deceased. Father John Dolsina had beautiful words about our women and the society. The church dining hall was beautifully decorated with flowers and centerpieces of gold, commemorating our 50th year. The complete turkey dinner with all the trimmings was just out of this world. The speeches, too, were most interesting and to the point. Our president, Anna Rose Smolich, gave an interesting history of our lodge. Our two charter members, Mrs. Eli (Mary) Smolich and Mrs. John (Pauline) Pleveli gave short talks. Mrs. Smolich spoke of all the problems she remembered them having at the start of the lodge, beginning with just a few members. Later, more ladies joined. Our Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Ralph (Ann) Hodnik gave an interesting talk on how it all began. She recalled how Mrs. Marie Prisland gave them advice and counsel. There were 50 years of hard work. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Henry (Katherine) Hanka read several letters from members who could not be with us that day. All wished us the best of luck. Fritz Mishmash entertained us with beautiful selections on his button box accordian. Our ladies, dressed in beautiful national Slovenian costumes sang several Slovenian songs, accompanied by Anna Rose Smolich. Slides from Slovenia were shown and Father Dolsina commented on the pictures. Barbara Rosandich, National Auditor, presented our Mrs. Eli Smolich (Mary), Mrs. John Rosandich (Barbara) and Mrs. John Pleveli (Pauline) each receiving a gift from the SWU and Branch 35 at the rtcent anniversary celebration. charter members with gifts from the organization; each received a beautiful wallet-purse and card from the SWU. Our president presented each with a gold chain with charm engraved 50 years from our lodge, No. 35. Present at our guest table were several members 80 years of age and over, also, Angie Karish, past Minnesota Regional President. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Marcella Servatka and Mrs. Rose Putzel of Ely. Members from Ely and Biwabik came to help us celebrate. Thanks to them. Members of Mrs.Smolich’s and Mrs. Plevell’s families came to help them celebrate this great day, a day none of us will ever forget. God bless them all. KATHERINE HANKA ‘ 'Oh, Ta Svet ’ ’ must continue! CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF S.W.U. Reacting Zarja, with page after page of tributes to mother, makes us glow with pride to know that she tried to and succeeded in touching all of us by passing on the great resolve she lived for. We thank you for every comment in prose and poetry and the summary tribute by one of the Branches which said she "devoted her entire life to the Slovenian woman”. And the touching thought of knowing that mother’s picture was displayed with lighted candles in her memory. What better final note than "Gor Čez Jezero” so beautifully sung by Ann Fandak at the graveside. We know that mother aligned herself with a great race of women and we thank all of you for the many letters received with all your sympathies. We also express our gratitude in knowing that your demonstrations prove that all her efforts will continue to bear fruit. Marie Prisland children: Margaret Hermine Ted The beautiful upper midwest as seen from the air was a sight enjoyed by travelers from Cleveland last May on their way to the Convention in Duluth. ,6est wishe^|tor the New Year Good luck, go6d health, and happiness in the new year of 1980 to Corinne, our Editor, to all the National Officers, and Officers and Members of each branch across the country! Beginning with this new year, it is a perfect time to really give our officers full support with the new plans to be carried out throughout the year, hoping that new ideas have been suggested and will be tried. A sugegstion for something to do at monthly meetings to attract new members could be craft demonstrations, cooking and sewing. Many of our women are so gifted in these lines that it would be good to •each the younger generations. You know, it is hard to make strudels, poticas and flancate if you have never seen tham made. Invite a guest to those demonstrations and they may become welcomed new members. ALBINA UEHLEIN Womens’ Activity Director Changes adopted at the 18the National Convention held at Duluth, Minnesota, May 20—23, 1979. 9.02 An assessment will be paid on or prior to the first day of the month covered by the payment. The regular monthly assessments are as follows: a) Adult Dept. Class A: $ .80 b) Adult Dept. Class B: $ 1.05 c) Adult Dept. Class A over 75 years of age: $ .45 d) Adult Dept. Class B over 75 years of age: $ .60 e) Associate Dept. Class A: $ .80 0 Associate Dept. Class B: $1.05 g) Junior Dept.: $ .20 h) Social Dept.: $ .65 3.03 Change to 21st birthday as limit for junior membership. Delete second sentence from pp. 3.03 to read: Juniors: Children and young adults of either sex up to age 18. 4.09 First sentence change: Any Adult Dept, member is eligible to be a delegate or alternate to the National Convention if she is at least 18 years of age, a United States citizen, of the Catholic faith and a member in good standing. Fouyh sentence change: To be elected as a delegate or alternate, an individual member must receive a majority of the votes cast during her branch's delegate and alternate elections. 7.01 Fifth sentence change: Auditors will be eligible to serve one term in each of the offices as 3rd, 2nd or 1st Auditor. No more than two terms will be served by any other elected officer except National Secretary, National Editor and Scholarship Committee Chairman. 13.01 First sentence change: An annual meeting must be held by each branch in the month of October or November or December for the purpose of electing branch officers. The above reprint of the new By-laws is intended for those who wish to clip it out for the By-law book which has extra sheets for this purpose. COMBINED BRANCHES OF OHIO Our last meeting of the year 1979 was held at our regular meeting place. Absent was Mary Bostian who is not feeling up to par. Glad to see Frances Sietz back and Ann Markovich who were both ill. Albina Uehlein, National Women’s Activities Director has attended our last two meetings; missed her this time, however. Also, thanks to National Auditor, Irene Jagodnik for attending. Branches present were 10,14,21,25,32,42,47 and 50. We dispensed with regular reports of the branches due to election of officers and other important subjects. Frances Sietz gave a very good report on the Cotillion Ball that dealt with their plans for the near future and the financial report. The Cotillion Ball has donated $500 to Please turn the Scholarship Fund and will donate $500 to the Old Age Home on Neff Road. They believe in charity and we are all very happy. Due to many functions that go on every month in Cleveland and Euclid, we have also postponed our State Convention and will try to have it in early spring. We proceeded on with the election of officers for 1980. The officers stayed the same, president, Sophie Magayna, No. 10, vice-president, Vera Bajec, No. 14, financial secretary and trasurer, Stella Dancull, No. 21, recording secretary, Josephine Comenshek, No. 32, Auditors, Ann Tercek No. 50 and Mary Lou Prhne No. 42. I would like to thank all the officers for the past year, for all work and efforts. Hope we can all work together for 1980. Thanks to all the branches for attending the meetings - we learned a lot from one another. Thanks to all the ladies for the goodies for our Christmas Dinner which we all enjoyed. A Happy and Blessed New Year to all. SOPHIE MAGAYNA Regional President Thanks, Br. 32! A donation of $25 was sent to the ZARJA Publisher's Fund from Euclid, Ohio Br. 32. Our hearty thanks and wishes for the best New Year! EDITOR SLOVENIAN HERITAGE DAY On Sunday, June 22, 1980, The Slovenian Women’s Union of America under the direction of Joliet Branch No. 20 will hold the third Midwest Slovenian Heritage Day at St. Joseph Park in Joliet, Illinois. The past two Heritage Days have been great successes because of the hard work and unified efforts of our members and friends. We are hoping that this year will be no exception. We need your cooperation and good will. If you have something to offer and share with hundreds of other people who desire to preserve our Slovenian Heritage, why not come forward. Maybe it’s an exhibit, articles of hand-craft, memorabilia of your local branch or community. Do you play an accordian or button box? Then why not come and entertain us with your melodious sounds. We need you. Whatever you decide upon, be sure to decide to come to Heritage Day 1980. Why not get a group together and came to Joliet for the weekend. We promise you a very entertaining, educational, and enjoyable weekend. Help support and preserve our Slovenian Heritage by corning to Joliet on Sunday, June 22, 1980. For more information contact: General Chairman, Fr. David Stalzer, OS 233 Church Street, Winfield, Illinois 60190. Phone 312 — 668-0918. ACTIVITIES NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Plans were made at our November meeting for the Christmas dinner -meeting to be held at Johnnys Supper Club and we hoped there would be a good number present. It was decided on various matters brought up, to be held for discussion at the annual meeting. The meeting was then closed with a prayer which included for all the sick members and those departed from us. Our two hostesses Ruth Sheck and Anne Modiz, served dessert and coffee, which we all enjoyed and expressed our thanks to them. We extended our congratulations to our treasurer Dorothy Brezonik and to her husband John on their 30th wedding anniversary and wishing them good health and God’s Blessings! January meeting will be dispensed. A very Happy and Blessed New Year is our wish to each and everyone. MARGARET FISCHER Reporter NO. 2, CHICAGO, II.. January, the first month of the New Year and we, the officers, wish you a healthy and blessed year. Our Penny Social in November was well-aitended with members and friends from the suburbs as well as our regulars. Cakes were donated along with some of the prizes. A sincere thank you from all. The children’s Christinas Party was well planned by the appointed committee. A skii was played by (he girls from Nazareth Academy with a sing-a-long. A special visit from “Felix, the Clown” who entertained the children throughout the afternoon was especially entertaining. Felix is a police officer from the 10th District and with the permission of the Commander and his supervisors, volunteered to come to perform his acts. The children and adults all had a great time with Santa Claus making his grand entrance into the hall to distribute the gifts to the youngsters. Compliments were received on the decorating and seating arrangements along with praise for all the entertainment,food and gifts. “Thank you”, to the committee headed by our Secretary, Jean Zubek for a job well done. A special thank-you also to Ray Nusko and his son, David for helping with the lights and ceiling decorations, (lie reindeer and sleigh. Now for a few words of praise for our sunshine ladies. Ann Mladic, who was in charge of the Penny Social and did a fine job (here, too, has been mailing out (he birihday cards to members throughout (he year. What a beautiful “day brightener” it is to receive a card from Anne. Frances Zibert, our second Sunshine Lady, has been sending cards to the sick members and visiting them in hospitals, nursing homes and their own homes bringing little gifts and her sunny smile to wish them a speedy recovery. Our thanks to them. Let us know of a member who is ill, so a little cheer can be sent her way. Remember our sister, Jennie Merlak, in your prayers. She, along with our other departed sisters, should remain in our thoughts and prayers. January is the birthday month for many members. Our sincere wishes to you all. Hope to see you January 10th. ANN SCIESZKA NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Hello, ladies! I’m back on the list again, never thought that I’d get so many calls because there haven’t been any articles in ZARJA for a couple of months. Anyway, to bring A letter from our Home Office The new year is an occasion to look back and review our organization’s highlights of the past year. Among these are the golden anniversaries celebrated by many branches. A superb event was our tri-ennial convention in Duluth, which was an occasion for renewing acquaintances, making new friends and setting up new goals to help our growth. Growth involves the branch officers and very specially the secretaries. To all our hard-working members we are most grateful for our organization’s survival. Growth also involves membership for which a campaign, the 3 Ms, is happily on its way. To make it truly successful at least one new member from every branch would be a good sign of growth. Growth involves our finances for which a most unpopular decision was made at the convention. As your persona! living expenses have gone up, so have the “living expenses” of your organization. Your understanding and patience in the matter of dues is necessary for our financial stability. Sadness has touched our Zveza by the death of our spiritual director Rev. Claude Okorn and our foundress and past national president Marie Prisland. Both will be truly missed for their inspiration, encouragement and vision. Now, we close the 70s and enter a new decade. Our late foundress always planned Zveza’s growth. In her memory let us carry on her work and continue the preservation of our ethnic heritage. Be a part oj Zveza 's growth in the 80s! OlgaAncel, National Secretary Mary Marolt, National Treasurer you up to date, don’t forget the raise in your dues payments, everybody pays 25 cents more a month, for 1980. That’s not a very nice way for me to greet you in 1980, but that’s the way it goes! To all the ladies who attended our wonderful Bazaar,thank you. You were all swell. The ladies who so generously donated all those home made articles, thank you. And, also to all the ladies who donated all those nice baked goods. You know, our President, Ann Markovich was the big strudel maker. She showed us how to make it, and it turned out very well. We are quite proud of her. Mrs. Komidar entered the Hat Contest, but she did not wear the hat - it was a prize winner, anyway. The big winner in the Hat Contest was our Louise Fabec. Congrtulations, Lojzka! The other winner was Millie Lipnos of Br. 42. The whole Bazaar was a big success, we will have to do it again. Our meeting in November was well-attended, after our regular order of business we had election of officers and for 1980 the officers will remain the same. President is Ann Markovich, vice-president, Frances Zagar, secretary-treasurer, Sophie Magayna, recording secretary, Rezka Terraccioli, auditors Mary Kokal and Frances Zagar. At the start of the year we extend thanks to all who attended the funerals in the past year, and speaking of funerals, we lost member JANUARY 1980 Maria Paynich who resided at the Old Age Home. We felt really bad about Marie; there was no funeral or anything, she was just laid to rest. There will be a Mass for Marie from all of us. Hope she rests in peace. We will all remember her in our prayers. On the sick list we have Marie Benevol who is at Charity Hospital. We are wishing her a speedy recovery and hope good health returns to her quickly. In the same hospital is Eugene March, her son-in-law, a wonderful person. We wish him the best, too. The holidays are all around us, and the white stuff is coming, too. Hope you all stay healthy and take good care of yourselves. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year 1980. With lots of love to you all. SOPHIE MAGAYNA NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Thanks to the goodness of Jo Wilhelm, I was able to be present at our November meeting as 1 am still recuperating and am unable to drive. When I walked into the hall it was great to get such a big reception, and I was grateful for the chance to personally thank everyone for the prayers, good wishes and flowers that kept coming to wish me well. It all helped a lot and once again it proves that it pays to have friends and our Slovenian lodge on your side. All officers were present this time and reports were all well received. The upcoming spring card party was discussed with April being the favored month. Watch for our future announcements and in the meantime, if you have anything for a prize, either door or table, remember, save it for us. The Christmas luncheon was also discussed and it promised to be a very good affair. As usual, the same folks seem to come up with their help and suggestions. The Ethnic Village opening in December at the Museum was also discussed with several having received their invitations for the formal private opening before the public weekend opening. It’s really a worthwhile sight and we do have a Slovenian house there for all to see! Our Nursing Home members, too, will be remembered with visits and treats. Mrs. Plesko will bake a strudel and Sophie Stampfel will make a potica cake, so that the members get a taste of their homeland festival foods. Evelyn Laurich also volunteered to fix candy bags and we will be purchasing some fruit for each one. Hope I can drive to do the chauffering and visiting along with Frances Plesko and Sophie and anyone else who wants to go along to make their Christma.-, a little more pleasant. The chicken from No. 43’s card party was won by Mrs. Udovich for her Thanksgiving as well as other 5 prizes donated by members. The tables were all beautiful as reminders of the holiday, done by Jo Wilhelm and our luncheon ws certainly one to be “thankful for”, most of it donated by the birthday girls, Mary Starich, Theresa Sukys and Frances Plesko. Prayers were said for Rose Alpner, Angeline Fon who passed away. Our sympathy to their families. God rest their souls. Thanks to Father Jerome for making coffee for the ladies who attended the Mass for all living and departed members on the last Sunday in October. That was a very welcome treat and appreciated by all. Remember, your dues all go up 25 cents a month beginning January, 1980. That means for all members! Juniors are only accepted until their 18th birthday and afterward they can transfer to the adult We need these Juniors and more! Try to get someone to join us as our oldsters are really reducing the membership. Happy Holidays to all! MARY DEZMAN NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Branch 13 was honored with a visit from Supreme President Mary “Mayme” Muller. It was the frist visit from any Supreme Officer in many years. Mayme Muller charmed all the ladies with her wonderful personality. A lovely corsage was presented by President, Jo Aiuto. The ladies prepared a lovely lucheon with potica and all the trimmings. With lunch over, community singing was enjoyed by all. It was a day that will live in the memories of our ladies for a long time to come. Come back again, Mayme, our welcome mat is always out for you. Thanks, too, to all the ladies who worked to make this day a real success. I regret I was not able to attend due to a previous appointment but the reports 1 received were indeed a compliment, to our fine Supreme President. Once again we announce the death of one of our old time members, Margaret Krsak. In my youth this lovely lady came to the Slovenian Hall despite her busy days, and always talked about our Heritage so lovingly that it instilled a great pride in me. Margaret worked in City Government for years and introduced many an aspiring politician on our Hill. Her life was dedicated to the improvement of all Slavs, and this is why She will long be remembered. Sleep, Lovely Lady, you have well deserved your place in HEAVEN. Financial Secretary, Michelle Seril, daughter to President Jo Aiuto was married at the Church of the Nativity to Dennis Twers. It was one of the loveliest weddings it has been my pleasure to attend. The happiness we all felt for this lovely couple could be felt by all. Michele looked like a little dresden doll in her ecru chiffon dress with matching head piece, of course her size 3 figure complimented her dress to the fullest. Denny being 6 ft. tall just added to the smallness of Michele. Mamma Jo Aiuto looked like a bride herself in lovely pale pink. The church was so lovely in all white flowers and the Seven Hills where we all enjoyed a sit -down dinner was decorated in autumn mums. Altho it rained a little on her wedding day, it did not dampen the joy that reigned supreme for Denny and Michele. Happiness and a good life to two dear people. It is said when it rains on a bride it is the tears she will never shed. This is our wish for you, dear Michele. Happy New Year to all from Branch 13, Hope Santa filled your stockings with all the good things you could wish for. FRAN E. CHIODO NO 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS November was the month for election of new officers. We will greet 1980 with the same roster as all the officers were unaimously reelected. Congratulations on a fine job in the past and good luck in the future. A note of thanks was read from Father Leonard Bogolin for our gift in honor of his 45th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. President Marge Prebil led the members in a memorial prayer for Frances Kaczmarczyk. A thank you note was received from her family in appreciation of our participation at the funeral snd a donation was given in her memory to be used for the children’s Christmas party. Welcome to new members Elsie Grunhard and Betty Nattarelli who were present at our November meeting and to juvenile member, Erin Whalen. The members voted in favor of changing our games party from March to September. At the social following the meeting “Happy Birthday” was sung to Jean Franko, Emma Kralj and Tina Martin. Birthday greetings were also sent to Katie Triller who celebrated her 91st birthday and to Zora Yurkas who was recently hospitalized. Our wish for a speedy recovery is sent to Michael Karl who is recovering from injuries suffered in an accident. There will be no meeting in January. See you all on February 14, 1980. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter NO. 20, JOLIET, ILL. At the January 20th meeting, officers will be installed, refreshments and “B” to follow. Members who pay the 1980 dues by March 1st will be eligible for winning a year’s free dues. So, hurry up, you may be the lucky one! A $10.00 gift was presented to the Trinity School Day Care Center for the mentally retarded children. Marie Malnerick asked that members bring old jewelry for the school as students create bejeweled items for re-sale. Christmas Party Thank You’s to: Anne Fandak for leading us in caroling, Mary Lee Planinšek, Santa Claus, Diane Hrubos and Jackie Farkus, Angels organizing Junior Party, Theresa Schmidberger and Mrs. Klainsek making Santa’s surprise gifts (Santa Lapels for the Juniors and Potholders for the Adults) and thanks to all bakers of delicious goodies and those who assisted. Our sincere sympathies to Dolores Zbačnik on the death of her husband, Ludwig. May he rest in peace. Officers and members met at St. Joseph Church on Dec. 16th for a special commemorative mass offered for our Union on the 53rd anniversary and our late Founder, Marie Prisland. The Heritage Day Committee reported the event will take place next June and commence with a 4 pm Mass at St. Joseph Church. Entertainment will be centered at the Park with exhibits and demonstrations. Tickets of $5 will be given to members to help pay the expenses. Thanks to Margaret Stalzer who treated all of us with delicious pumpkin squares. The Halloween Party at the home of Agnes Lovati was a success. Judy and Kathy Lovati organized games and later lunch was served. The party was attended by 14 juniors and many mothers. Members running for Parish Council of St. Joseph Church include Marge Gasperich, Mary Mihelich, Marie Malnarich, Jonita Ruth and Mary Lou Golf. Good luck to all. from the National Officers —Y jL "i*4# lh~a«s A 6 jC^ j tL^a- ^ Y) ,'a-e '72* jI’u^.Jcftu/Qiikdtf C-^U d