VESTNIK 2021 | VESTNIK 2021 | 187 VESTNIK 2021 | 189 VESTNIK 2021 | 191 BINKOŠTI PENTECOST SUNDAY SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 21/57 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 23. 5. 2021 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Darovi sv. Duha Binkoštni praznik z veliko nocjo in božicem ustvarja trilogijo najpomemb-nejših in najljubših praznikov kršcan-skega izrocila. Današnje bogoslužje nam predstavlja dve slovesni praznova-nji binkoštnega praznika v Novi zavezi: tisto, ki ga evangelist Janez postavlja na samo veliko noc (»na vecer istega dne«), in tisto, ki ga omenjajo Apostol-ska dela in se ujema z dnevom judov-skih binkošti 50 dni po veliki noci, na praznik, ki je poveliceval dar novega stvarjenja v Duhu (»Dam vam novo sr-ce, novega duha vam vlijem v vašo no-tranjost in storim, da boste ravnali po mojih zakonih« (Ez 36,26-27). Naše premišljevanje bomo usmerili na Janezovske binkošti, v katerih Sveti Duh skoraj neposredno priteka iz Kristusovega križa, simbolicno pa je prikazan kot voda iz njegove strani: »Eden izmed vojakov je s suli-co prebodel stran in takoj je pritekla kri in voda« (Jn 19,34; 7,37-39). Takoj ko se je prikazal apostolom, Jezus ni zaman »pokazal svoje roke in stran«. Scena se dogaja na dveh vzporednih tirih. Na prvem je postav-ljen kot simbolicno znamenje »vdihniti«; to znamenje je za nas zahod-njake tuje in nerazumljivo, vendar pa je jasno svetopisemskemu cloveku, ki se takoj spomni na odlomek iz Prve Mojzesove knjige, ki pravi, da je »Bog vdahnil v oblicje oživljajocega duha« (2,7). Dih je življenje, je nacelo moci in bivanja. V tem pogledu je bil znaci-len obred vdihavanja med kopti, kristjani v Egiptu: aleksandrijski patri-ah je vdahnih v meh svoj »posvecevalni« izdih, nato je meh zaprl in ga poslal po Nilu v Etiopijo, kjer naj bi ga »vdahnil« tisti, ki je moral postati voditelj etiopske Cerkve! Tudi Jezus je v nocnem pogovoru z Nikodemom porabil simbol vetra, ko je govoril o Svetem Duhu, ki »veje, kjer hoce« (Jn 3,8). Duh je torej tista oživljajoca in posvecujoca moc, ki jo vstali Kristus podarja svoji Cerkvi; je pocelo novega cloveka, ki se rodi iz prahu preteklosti in smrti in tako postane stvarjenje, doloceno na vecno življenje. Na drugi ravni Janezove pripovedi se srecuje-mo z besedami, ki jih Jezus spregovori, da bi v polnosti razodel pomen simbolicnega znamenja. Ko ponavlja stavek iz slovesne »velikoduhovniške molitve«, ki jo je molil na zadnji vecer svojega zemeljskega življenja: »Kakor si mene poslal na svet, sem tudi jaz nje poslal v svet« (Jn 17,18). Jezus sedaj slavi veliko postavitev apostolov za njihovo poslanstvo z besedami: »Prejmite Svetega Duha!« Apostoli so napolnjeni z božjim Duhom, ki jih posveti in jih naredi za orodje v božjih rokah, da bi uresnicili novo stvarjenje. To stvarjenje temelji na duhov-nem prerojenju: »Komur grehe odpustite, so jim odpušceni.« Že tretjic se v evangelijih naglaša naloga, zaupana apostolom - odpušcati grehe. Tako je v simbolu kljucev Jezus dal Petru oblast »zavezovati in razvezovati« ter tako voditi ljudi v božje kraljestvo (Mt 16,19). Nato Jezus to po-navlja vsem apostolom: »Kar koli boste zavezali na zemlji, bo zavezano tudi v nebesih« (18,18). Po daru Duha so nekateri deležni posebne božje moci odpušcati grehe. Veliki dar odpušca-nja je zaupan rokam apostolov, ki tako božjo ljubezen naredijo vidno. Sveti Duh je torej v Cer-kvi vir odpušcanja, veselja, novosti. Po Svetem Duhu, ki ga prejmemo po spravi, naši grehi »podobni škrlatu postanejo beli kot sneg« (prim. Iz 1,18). Binkoštni praznik je podoben jutranji zarji, ki odpira novo stran clovekovega življenja. V njem zaznavamo tudi pricakovanja mnogih, ki išcejo Boga in ga ljubijo s cistim srcem, ceprav v vsej omejenosti njihovega izkustva. Perzijski mistik (10. do 11. stol.) je takole molil: »Moje telo se je upognilo pod težo mojih grehov. Go-spod, zakaj me ne držiš za roko? Moja dejanja niso takšna, kar bi morala biti zaradi tebe in tvoje slave, toda v tvojem Svetem Duhu imam to, kar me lahko ozdravi in me spremeni!« - (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2005-2006, št. 3) 186 | VESTNIK 2021 188 | VESTNIK 2021 190 | VESTNIK 2021 192 | VESTNIK 2021 Illustration The American priest and writer Lawrence Lovasik wrote, “Kind words are a creative force, a power that concurs in the building up of all that is good, and energy that showers blessings upon the world.” Lovasik recognised the power of words to transform and to be constructive. Among all the animals, human beings, as rational animals, are the experts at words. Other animals communicate with gestures and noises, but only humans have the power of articulate speech. Language is endlessly creative, from street slang to the greatest works of literature. We can think of how these great works penetrate our culture, the Odyssey of Homer, the Divine Comedy of Dante, the sonnets of Shake-speare. Traditional cultures transmit stories and his-tories by word of mouth, so ensuring continuity in their way of life. We also know that words can deceive and de-stroy. St James says that the tongue is like a small flame which can set alight huge forests. We all know the corrosive effect that gossip and lies can have on a person’s life, and the life of whole communities. Human beings thrive on the truth. It is part of our nature to want to know and communicate the truth, and language is at its most noble when it tells the truth. Truthful language reflects reality and builds up community. To tell the truth about God, who is beyond our understanding, we need divine inspira-tion. Gospel Teaching The Gospel today is the promise that Jesus makes to send the Holy Spirit, and Pentecost is the fulfilment of that promise. At Pentecost the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and were able to proclaim the truth of Jesus. Jesus also teaches the connection between the gift of the Spirit and the truth. Without the divine inspiration that comes from God we are unable to fully express the richness of God’s being and love. This giving of the Holy Spirit takes place on two levels, the collective and the personal. At the collective level the Spirit is given to the whole Church, starting with the apostles. The Spirit em-powered the apostles to speak many different lan-guages, and also to speak the truth about the love and goodness of God. They were able to convince people of the reality of the death and resurrection of Jesus. On an individual level we receive the Spirit at baptism, and we are given the gifts of faith, hope and charity. As St Paul puts it, we become temples of the Holy Spirit. We are empowered to know and love God and to bear witness to the saving truth. At the annunciation the Holy Spirit overshad-owed Mary so she could give birth to the human body of Christ; at Pentecost the Holy Spirit hovers over the Church to give birth to the mystical body of Christ. At our baptism the Holy Spirit comes to us to empower us. This is a participation in the life of the Trinity. Application We live the life of Pentecost primarily through participating in the sacraments, through a life of prayer and good works. The Holy Spirit works through each of the sacraments to heal and illumi-nate us, to help us live a life of community with God and with each other. The Holy Spirit gives us what are known as the seven gifts, to empower us to pray, to enter ever deeper into the life of the Trinity. As well as the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit there are also the fruits of the Holy Spirit. This, as given in today’s second reading, is a beautiful list of the re-sults of living a life in the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentle-ness and self-control. The Holy Spirit dwelling in us does not make us puppets, but empowers us to be genuinely free and achieve our potential as children and co-workers of God. There is one very concrete way in which we can bear witness to the truth of Jesus and the Gos-pel. Guided by the Spirit, we can speak of the things of God, we can speak honestly, speaking the truth in love. This can go from explaining our faith to others, to saying kind and encouraging words to each oth-er, the sort of words that build up, and not those that destroy. So the Holy Spirit makes us children of God, but also helps us mature in Christ to the full-ness of truth; as an ancient hymn puts it, the Holy Spirit is the Father’s promise, “teaching little ones to speak and understand”. PENTECOST SUNDAY Response: Lord, send forth your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. First Reading Acts 2:1-11 The apostles are empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak a multitude of languages to help preach the Gospel. Second Reading Galatians 5:16-25 St Paul contrasts the fruits of sin with a beau-tiful litany of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, who dwells within us. Gospel John 15:26-27; 16:12-15 Jesus promises the coming of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the Church and helps us under-stand the truth. “When the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth.” Cilj naše kampanje je v treh letih zbrati vsoto $200,000.00 za našo župnijo. Nekateri še vedno ne razumejo, da vse, kar boste darovali preko te kampanje, bo prejela naša župnija in še 10% iz skupnega sklada. Škofijski uradi pa bodo vodili vse racunovodske zadeve, tako, da nam ne bo potrebno tega dela urejati. V Vestniku vsak teden objavimo koliko ste »obljubili« da boste darovali za kampa-njo za našo župnijo preko škofijskega racuna in koliko je že dejansko »vplacanega«. Iz škofije nam tedensko poš-ljejo tekoce stanje na našem racunu. Na racunu »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« za na-šo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velike-ga sta številki: $96,759 - Pledged - obljubili $55,514 - Paid - ste že vplacali Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Smo že skoraj na polovici zastavljenega cilja. FAITH AND SCIENCE By Margaux Yannacci Faith and science are often viewed as antonyms; however, this is not the case. In all actuality, faith and science work together better than one might think. To understand how this relationship between reason and religion can exist, you have to under-stand what questions each study seeks to answer. All areas of science seek to answer the question of “how?” Seismology tries to decode how the pat-terns of earthquakes and fault lines came to be. Anatomy tries to decipher how each clump of cells and batch of tissue can come together to make a living being. Religion, on the other hand, answers a much different question; it answers the question “why?” Why does the world have such a sprawling and per-fectly crafted web of fault lines? Why do all forms of life exist? And at what point do we become alive? These are questions that science has a very hard time answering. And unfortunately, this partnership between faith and science has become muddied and lost over the millennia. Oftentimes, what drives people away from the Church is its seeming rejection of science. Smart young people are unwilling to place themselves in a camp and condemn science as going against God’s wishes, the field of study ironically most intertwined with God’s creation. So, they find themselves in a hard position: give up Catholicism or give up on reason; reason often wins this battle. However, not everyone forgoes their religion for a life of faith in reason. Many, when faced with this conundrum, shut out science and focus solely on God. People like this often bemoan the state of the world and the way science has taken precedence over the Church. Some even go as far as to deny entire scientific the-ories and fields as bogus to maintain their beliefs. Both of these stances are completely incorrect; they ignore how these two superficially warring belief systems are actually one and the same. Some of the greatest scientists of all time; in-cluding George Lemaitre, the creator of the Big Bang Theory; were Christians. Even Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, stated that he, personally, never saw any conflict between his Theory of Evolu-tion and the Bible. A lot of important truths like these, slip through the cracks of history, only leav-ing behind evidence of conflict and bitter debate. Many people create these false dichotomies to feel like they have the morally higher ground over the other side and pose as persecuted truth-tellers in a world that’s against them. This is why recognizing the relationship between faith and science is so crucial. When we recognize science for what it truly is, a form of natural revelation that seeks to appreci-ate God's creation by understanding it, this rivalry between the two completely falls apart. If religion and reason can work together instead of ignoring and scorning each other, then we may be confronted with clear proof of not only God’s existence but also how God interacts with our world. One example of the results of this relation-ship is the aforementioned Big Bang Theory. Coined by George Lemaitre, this theory for the creation of the universe posits that the universe rapidly ex-panded from an extremely hot and dense point into all of creation. The Big Bang Theory is currently the most widely accepted scientific creation theory; however, it raises many questions. Why did the Big Bang happen? What initiated it? And for these ques-tions there seems to be only one answer: someone or something outside of our understanding set this chain of events into motion, it must have been something that existed outside of the confines of linear time and existed in some way outside of and before the universe; this is known as the Kalam cos-mological argument. This description sounds eerily similar to Thomas Aquinas’s argument from efficient cause, one of his five proofs of the existence of God. In this line of reasoning, we see clear proof of God’s existence. A popular argument against the Kalam argu-ment states that, if everything must have a cause, then so must God and so must the being that creat-ed God and so on and so forth. This points to a se-vere flaw in the Kalam argument; the law of causali-ty does not lead one to proving the existence of God but rather being caught in an endless cycle of cause and effect. However, this counterargument arises from a fundamental misunderstanding of the mean-ing of the causal principle. The law of causality, con-trary to popular belief, does not argue that every-thing must have a cause; it states that every effect must have a cause. This statement is inherently true; by the very nature of being an effect, it must have a cause. There are many easily observable effects in our world that have causes: the sunset we see every night that is caused by our planet’s rotation or the tides of the ocean that are caused by the gravita-tional pull of the moon. But God is not an effect and therefore, God has no cause but Himself. In any case, this whole religious argument that was just laid out before you could not have existed without the scientific discovery of Georges Lemaitre, only further solidifying the deep and interesting relationship between science and faith. When sci-ence makes its greatest breakthroughs and most impressive discoveries, it is never without the help of faith and vice versa. Science tells us how the uni-verse came into existence, but we need religion to show us why. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS DONATIONS - DAROVI Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $100 - Anica Letnik z družino v spomin na pokojnega Ivana Petek - $50 - Družina Škrban namesto cvetja na grob pokojnega Ivana Petek - $100 - Družina Škrban - $500 - Š.E. darovala za gradbeni sklad. Oltarnemu društvu so darovale za rože: $40 Marija Žvan; $200 Š.E. Hvala vsem za vaše darove. OGNJIŠCE Narocniki, prišla je majska številka Ognji-šca. Ko pridete naokrog me spomnite, da vam jo dam. COVID-19 - KDAJ SE ODPRO CERKVE Kakor ste lahko slišali, je ontarijska vlada sprejela nacrt, kako se bo provinca odpirata. Tokrat so ubrali drugacno pot kot lansko leto. Ne bomo šli vec v »barve« ampak v tri stopnje odpiranja. Prva stopnja se zacne 14. junija in se odpirajo vecinoma tisto, kar se dogaja zu-naj. Ta stopnja bo traja tri tedne. Ce bodo številke »prave«, bomo po Canada Day prešli v drugo stopnjo in takrat naj bi se odprle tudi cerkve s 15% zasedenostjo. Tudi druga stopnja naj bi trajala naslednje tri tedne, to je skoraj do konca julija. Potem pa, ce bo vse kot predvidevajo, naj bi stopili v tre-tjo stopnjo, ko naj bi se vec in bolj odprli. Sicer pa bomo ob svojem casu dobili iz škofije kaj vec navodil. Zaenkrat ostajamo pri tem, kar je bilo do sedaj. Še naprej bomo nadaljevali s prenosom maš po Facebooku vsako nedeljo ob 10h dopoldne. Upamo, da se situacija že prej izboljša in da bodo morda kaj prej odprli kot so za sedaj napovedali. Vse je odvisno od številk pozitiv-no obolelih in seveda tudi cepljenih. Zaenkrat kaže kar dobro. Priporocimo se božji Materi Mariji, Pomoc-nici kristjanov katere god jutri obhajamo. Naj nas ona varuje in nam pomaga tudi v teh ca-sih preizkušenj. Z današnjo nedeljo - Binkoštno - se zaklju-cuje velikonocni cas. Velikonocna sveca bo zopet romala nazaj h krstilniku. Prihodnjo nedeljo je praznik Sv. Trojice, nato pa praznik sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi in potem nadaljujemo z nedeljami med letom. Kako bo vse šlo, bomo videli v prihodnjih dneh. Z našim prvim obhajilom zaenkrat še ne bo nic, dokler ne odpremo cerkva. Potem pa bomo pohiteli, da cimprej tudi to izpeljemo. Prihodnji mesec, 25. junija, bo 30 let od samostojne Slovenije. Obicajno smo najbližjo nedeljo obhajali Slovenski dan. Letos žal ga še ne bomo mogli skupaj obhajati. Pripravljamo pa kratek videlo predstavitev praznovanja »naših slovenskih dnevov«. Prvega smo obha-jali v naši župniji 17. junija 1990. Na tisti dan je bilo vse skupaj: ocetovski dan, banket in pa Slovenski dan za društva v južnem Ontariu. S praznovanjem teh dni smo tako zaceli že eno leto pred Slovensko osamosvojitvijo. Preberite, kaj smo sklenili že leta 1989. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFES-SIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Knaus Karel May 24, 1991 Dolmovic Frank May 24, 2009 Gomboc Ivanka May 27, 2010 Kolar Martina Kristina May 28, 2013 Kastelic Milka May 28, 2019 Pona Jan May 30, 2014 SLOVENSKE ORGANIZACIJE ZA OKROGLO MIZO - ZAPISNIK IZ LETA 1989 Preteklo nedeljo (leta 1989) so se srecali predstav-niki treh slovenskih društev in slovenske župnije z željo po boljšem medsebojnem sodelovanju. Posamezni predstavniki Slovenskega parka, Lipa parka, društva Bled in župnije sv. Gregorija, so najprej osebno spregovorili o potrebi in nacinu takšnega sode-lovanja. Že tak razgovor je dokazal, da je prišlo do nekate-rih zakljuckov: 1. Tekoci dogodki v domovini tudi nas Slovence v tujini še bolj povezujejo med seboj. 2. Meddruštveni nesporazumi v preteklosti so bili najveckrat posledica neobvešcenosti, ker ni bilo for-malnih pogovorov med slovenskimi organizacijami. 3. Vse slovenske organizacije bogatijo kulturno in družabno življenje Slovencev. Slovenska župnija pa poleg kulturnega in družabnega življenja skrbi tudi za verske potrebe Slovencev v okolici. 4. Prireditve, ki služijo Slovencem v tem delu On-tarija, naj bodo pripravljene z medsebojnim sodelova-njem slovenskih organizacij (Ne pa z nekakšnim tek-movanjem za isto število Slovencev). 5. Predlog, naj bi vsako leto priredili vseslovensko srecanje vseh slovenskih organizacij v tej okolici, je bil z navdušenjem sprejet. Prvi tak vseslovenski piknik bo junija 1990. Sledil je pregled družabnega in kulturnega progra-ma posameznih organizacij za naslednje leto, primer-java datumov, prilagajanje drug drugemu in podobno. Sprejeto je bilo, da se predstavniki slovenskih organizacij sestanejo na tak nacin dvakrat na leto. Za sodelovanje se obvesti in povabi tudi slovensko druš-tvo "Sava" iz Kitchenerja. Naslednje srecanje bo v nedeljo, .5. marca 1990 ob 11. uri. Zapisnik: nedelja, 10. dec. 1989 SV. KRST - PABTISM V soboto, 22. maja 2021 je zakrament sv. Krsta prejel Elliott Ignac Mesojedec, sin matere Jodie, roj. Detweiler in oceta Andre Mesojedec. Iskrene cestit-ke družini ob krstu drugega otroka. Naj jo spremlja božji blagoslov in priprošnja nebeške Matere Marije. SVETE MAŠE - MASSES od 23. 5. 2021 do 30. 5. 2021 BINKOŠTI PENTECOST SUNDAY 23. MAJ Socerb, mucenec †† † † Za žive in rajne župljane Ivan in Veronika Obal Elizabeth Ferko Veronika Curic 10:00 A.M. ON FACEBOOK - - - - - - - - - Toni in Marija Franc Jožica Novak z družino Kathy Prša PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 24. MAJ Marija Pomocnica Binkoštni ponedeljek †† † V cast Mariji Pomocnici Pavel in Paul Richard Novak Anita Žakelj Slomškovo oltarno društvo Helen Špiler Sestricna Joža Šušteršic z druž. TOREK - TUESDAY 25. MAJ Gregor VII., papež †† † Bogu in Materi Božji v zahvalo Jože in Vera Vincec (TO) Janez Oberman, obl. Karol in Milka Ferko Marija Hocevar Sestra Stanka Malevic z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 26. MAJ Filip Neri, duhovnik † Na cast presvete krvi Jezusove Eileen MacKenzie Ana Tadic N.N. CETRTEK - THURSDAY 27. MAJ Alojzij Grozde, muc. † † Štefan Hozjan Milka Skale Žena in otroci Mimi Lukežic PETEK - FRIDAY 28. MAJ Ignacij, škof † †† Martina Kolar, obl. Veronika in Leopold Gimpelj, Mož Štefan z družino Sin Jože Gimpelj SOBOTA - SATURDAY 29. MAJ Pavel Vi., papež Maksim Emonski, škof kvatre † †† †† †† † † † Karel Volf Stanko (obl.) in Marija Ferencak Stanko (obl.) in Marija Ferencak Venci in Marija Ferencak Joe Lackovic Jože Kozlar (TO) Franc Saje Žena Marija Alojz in Dragica Ferencak Martin in Regina Nedelko Martin in Regina Nedelko Žena Vera z družino Vera Lackovic z družino Angela Kobe z družino SVETA TROJICA THE MOST HOLY TRINITY 30. MAJ Kancijan, mucenec † †† †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Maks Pavlic Marija in Franc Klemencic Štefan in Irma Geric Ignac Žalik 10:00 A.M. ON FACEBOOK - - - - - - - - - Žena Milka Hci Zorka Rev z družino Marjan in Elizabeth Hozjan Štefan Petek z družino obl. kristjanov