CALIBRATION YIELD IMPROVEMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL OF SMART SENSORS Matej Možek, Danilo Vrtačnik, Drago Resnik, Slavko Amon Laboratory of Microsensor Structures and Electronics (LMSE), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Key words: smart sensor, failure analysis, digital temperature compensation, adaptive calibration Abstract: Concept and realization of an adaptive closed loop system for calibration of smart pressure sensors is presented. Closed loop concept enables the analysis of sensor properties and optimization of calibration procedure. System quality control mechanisms enable automatic sensor classification. Statistical data enable sensor quality information for failure analysis and quality control of calibrated sensors. System enables optimal digital temperature compensation based on sensor data acquisition and digital evaluation of sensor characteristic. Proposed digital temperature compensation reduces typical sensor temperature error after calibration to 0.05%FS, based on calibration of a lot with 34422 MAP sensors. Calibration yield was improved from 93.7% to 96.8%, achieved by adaptive evaluation of sensor properties such as offset and sensitivity. Proposed calibration system shortens the total time for calibration of smart sensors, by implementing the input testing of sensor parameters as well as final testing of the calibrated sensors, achieving calibration time of 42 seconds per sensor in system current calibration capability. Izboljšava izplena umerjanja in nadzor kakovosti pametnih senzorjev Kjučne besede: pametni senzor, analiza napak, digitalna temperaturna kompenzacija, adaptivno umerjanje Izvleček: V prispevku sta predstavljeni zasnova in realizacija adaptivnega zaprtozančnega sistema za umerjanje pametnih senzorjev tlaka. Predstavljeni zaprtozančni koncept omogoča analizo lastnosti senzorjev in optimizacijo postopka umerjanja. Mehanizmi za nadzor kakovosti senzorjev omogočajo avtomatsko klasifikacijo umerjenih senzorjev. Pridobljeni statistični podatki sistema za umerjanje nudijo vpogled v kvaliteto izdelanih senzorjev, obenem pa omogočajo analizo napak umerjanja senzorjev. Sistem zagotavlja optimalno digitalno temperaturno kompenzacijo na osnovi digitalnega opisa senzorske karakteristike. Na podlagi rezultatov umerjanja serije 34422 MAP senzorjev smo dosegli tipično temperaturno napako senzorjev 0.05%FS. Izkoristek umerjanja se ob uporabi zaprtozančne strukture sistema za umerjanje poveča z 93.7% na 96.8%, kar smo dosegli z adaptivnim ovrednotenjem senzorskih lastnosti kot sta ničelna napetost in občutljivost. Predlagana izvedba skrajša čas umerjanja na 42 s na senzor pri trenutni kapaciteti sistema, kar smo dosegli z vključevanjem testnih parametrov senzorja v zaprtozančno strukturo sistema za umerjanje. 1 Introduction Smart sensors represent an attractive approach in sensor applications due to their adaptability, achieved by means of digital signal processing. Sensor adaptability can be further turned into a major advantage by introduction of smart calibration systems. Smart sensors are generally integrated with signal conditioning circuits. Signal conditioning circuits are needed to adjust the offset voltage and span, for compensation of temperature effects of both offset voltage and span, as well as to provide an appropriately amplified signal. The proposed approach is based on a special case of smart pressure sensors, but the developed calibration system is generally applicable for any kind of smart sensor. In manufacturing of modern electronic devices achieving and maintaining high yield level is a challenging task, depending primarily on the capability of identifying and correcting repetitive failure mechanisms. Yield enhancement is defined as the process of improving the baseline yield for a given technology generation from R&D yield level to mature yield. Yield enhancement is one of the strategic topics of ITRS (International Technology Roadmap for Sem- iconductors) /1/. This iterative improvement of yield is based on yield learning process, which is a collection and application of knowledge of manufacturing process in order to improve device yield through the identification and resolution of systematic and random manufacturing events /2/. Yield improvement process will consequentially increase the number of test parameters and hence the calibration system complexity. One of advantages of increasing system complexity is the ability to integrate the input testing processes and output final testing processes into the calibration process itself, thus shortening the total time for calibration. Several types of smart sensors with integrated signal conditioning have been presented over the past few years /3, 4/. The calibration processes and temperature compensating methods for these sensors are based either on analog, digital or mixed approaches. Analog approach usually comprises an amplifier with laser trimmable thin film resistors /5, 6/ or off-chip trimmable potentiometers /7, 8/ , to calibrate the sensor span and offset voltage and to compensate for their temperature drift. Analog compensation techniques are relatively slow, inflexible and cost-ineffective. In digital approach, sampling for raw digital pressure and temperature values is first performed, followed by an evaluation of the output digital values via polynomials for describing sensor characteristic, and finally converting the computed pressure values to according analog voltages /9, 10/. Mixed approach retains strictly the analog signal conversion path, while smart sensor offset and span are adjusted by setting of operational amplifiers by digital means /11/. This paper will focus on the problem of adaptive calibration any quality control of smart sensors with digital temperature compensation, which is one of the most time consuming steps in sensor production. In order to advance calibration system performance, smart calibration system is conceived as a digitally controlled closed loop system capable of adaptive learning. Presented concept of calibration system is directly implemented in the iterative yield enhancement process in the production of piezoresistive pressure sensors for automotive applications. The calibration system operation and quality control is illustrated on the case of Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensors. The emphasis will be on MAP sensors, although the proposed approach can be implemented in other fields of application. 2 Calibration procedure Main calibration procedure starts with measurement of sensor coarse gain and offset and optimization of sensor parameters to the sensor signal conditioner front end stage. After initial optimization procedure the calibration conditions are set according to calibration scenario. Raw sensor readouts of supplied reference quantities are acquired at each calibration point. After acquisition, digital description of sensor characteristic is evaluated and the results are stored back to sensor. A detailed description of calibration procedure is given in /12/. Calibration scenario defines the sequence of reference quantities, which are applied to sensors under calibration. In case of temperature compensation of pressure sensor, the reference quantities are pressure and temperature. Minimal number of calibration points is 4. This is defined by using the lowest (i.e. linear) degree of polynomial for sensor characteristic description /9, 10/ in the temperature and pressure direction. Maximal number of calibration points is primarily limited by total calibration time. In case of pressure sensors, both calibration axes consist of three calibration points, thus enabling compensation of second order non-linearity in both directions, as depicted in Figure 1. Maximal number of calibration points for pressure sensor can cover nonlinearities up to third order in pressure direction. Actual number of calibration points is a compromise between calibration precision and total calibration time. To shorten total calibration time, the slower settling axis should be used for definition of the calibration points order. In case of MAP sensor, the temperature axis defines the calibration scenario. 4P MID Pm....... ......©..............