Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 22/56 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 31.5.2020 Binkošti Pentecost Sunday Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Sveti Duh uči in spominja Kolikokrat nas spomin izda in spravi v neprijeten položaj. Pomagamo si z rokovniki', koledarji, urniki beležkami starejši z vozli na robcih itd. Jezus je poznal omenjeno človekovo slabost. Vedel je, da je lahko za človeka usodno, če bi pozabil na velika božja dela, predvsem pa na njegovo ljubezen in na svojo poklicanost. Zato pove, da odhaja k Očetu, da on pošlje Svetega Duha, kijih bo učil in spominjal vsega, kar jim je povedal (prim.Jn 14, 26), In res, Sveti Duh jih je spominjal besed, ki so jih slabo slišali, ko je Jezus npr. govoril o trpljenju in učil tisto, česar niso razumeli. Še več, niso se le spomnili in razumeli, v moči Svetega Duha so tudi prepričljivo pričevali za Kristusa. Osvobodili so se sebe in strahu pred drugimi ter pogumno zastavili življenje za Gospoda. Apostoli so prvi izku-sili, kar izpovedujemo v veroizpovedi, da je Sveti Duh »Gospod, ki oživlja«. On je namreč prinašalec življenja, on je tisti, ki nas iz duhovne smrti oživlja in dviga k deležnosti pri božjem življenju. On je tisti, ki nas na novo ustvarja in nas prerodi v božje otroke, dediče nebes. Odrešenje in z njim večno življenje, ki nam ga je omogočil Jezus, nam po zakramentih podarja Sveti Duh; on je že pri krstu razlit v naša srca, on razvnema našo vero, našo ljubezen in upanje. Samo v njem moremo v srcu govoriti: Jezus je Gospod in naš odrešenik. Brez Svetega Duha bi bila božja beseda mrtva črka, cerkve muzeji, molitev blebetanje, svet puščava, človekovo srce pa brez ognja ljubezni. Zato na današnjo nedeljo kristjani prosimo v molitvi: »Pridi, Sveti Duh, napolni srca svojih vernih. Vžgi v njih ogenj svoje ljubezni. Prenovi obličje zemlje.« Samo on, ki je človekovo srce ustvaril, ga more zares napolniti in izpolniti, mu dati pravih navdihov in v njem vžgati ogenj navdušenja za vse resnično, lepo in dobro. On more pregnati iz človeka malodušnost in brez-dušnost in tako prenoviti obličje zemlje. VESTNI K 2020 | 25 Božja beseda nas dvakrat usmeri v dvorano zadnje večerje. Oče in Sin sta mladi Cerkvi kar dvakrat poslala Svetega Duha in obakrat se je to zgodilo v dvorani zadnje večerje. Prvič - tretji dan po Jezusovi smrti - se je to zgodilo v tihoti zaklenjenega prostora za intimno, osebno potrditev apostolov v veri v Jezusovo vstajenje; drugič - o binkoštih - pa v slišnem in vidnem viharju in ognju pred očmi javnosti in zanjo. Sveti Duh namreč deluje v obeh razsežnostih: v skritosti in v očitnosti. Tako naj bi se tudi vsak kristjan Svetemu Duhu odpiral in ga izpričeval v obeh razsežnostih: v skritosti svojega srca in v očitnosti svojega javnega življenja in delova-nja. Za to nas usposabljata dva zakramenta: krst in birma. Sveti Duh, ki smo ga prejeli pri krstu, mi pomaga, da osebno rastem in zorim v veri v vstalega Kristusa in v ljubezni do Boga Očeta. Navdihuje me in vodi v duhovnem življenju, odstranjuje ovire na poti povezanosti z Bogom, bodri in tolaži me v osebnih stiskah in težavah; predvsem pa mi daje milost in moč za odkrivanje in uresničevanje božjega načrta z menoj. V zakramentu birme pa prejmemo polnost Svetega Duha, ki nas usposablja tudi za javno izpovedovanje vere. Naš binkoštni praznik je prav dan naše birme. Kakor je Jezus poslal apostole, utrjene v Svetem Duhu, pošilja tudi nas v svet, v našo razdeljeno in sprto stvarnost, med ljudi, ki jih kljub vsemu slabemu, ki tiči v njih, vendarle žeja po resnici in ljubezni, po spravi in strpnem sožitju, po notranji svobodi, odrešenju in miru. Binkoštni kristjan ni zgolj nemi opazovalec svojega okolja in časa, temveč je soustvarjalec nove zgodovine. Sveti Duh ga navdihuje, da živi sedanjost v luči prihodno-sti in pričakuje prihodnost tako, da se dejavno posveča sedanjosti - tu in sedaj je sol, kvas in luč, ki kaže pravo pot v prihodnost. Človek, ki je napolnjen s Svetim Duhom, je lahko pravi prenovitelj časa in družbe. Zato goreče prosimo: Pridi, Sveti Duh, napolni srca svojih vernih in prenovi obličje zemlje! - (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2005) - Pentecost Sunday Response: Lord, send fort your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth! First Reading Acts 2:1-11 All people heard their own language being spoken by the disciples from Galilee. Second Reading ICorinthians 12:3-7. 12-13 There are many different spiritual gifts but always the same Spirit. Gospel John 20:19-23 The Lord says to the disciples twice, "Peace be with you," then he says, "Receive the Holy Spirit" and gives them authority. "As the Father sent me, so am I sending you." Cj , ;;> Illustration At an ordination recently the bishop said to the young man he was ordaining, "Who do you think you are? What on earth gives you the cheek to stand before all of us and ask for the gift and the grace of ordination?" Many people in the congregation were horrified and looked shocked. Fortunately the man had been told beforehand by the bishop that this was what he was going to say, so he sat there smiling, quite calm as the bishop was seemingly belittling him. The bishop went on to say, "I know who you are and I, and those involved with your formation, know that you have been called personally and deeply by our Lord and God. Moreover you know that, and are convinced by it." The bishop then went on to to say, "Be not afraid." Sage advice for every one of us. Be not afraid, because you know that you 254 | VESTNI K 2020 have been called personally and deeply by our Lord and God. The Lord has a special mission for each of us. What is it exactly? God knows what it is. As St John Henry Newman said, "I have my mission. I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next." Be not afraid. Gospel Teaching Often we seem to lose our focus on our religious and spiritual lives. It seems to us that if things are not going well for us that God has lost interest and cares little or not at all for us. Today's feast is a reminder to us of what it is all about: the Lord gives the gift of peace and the gift of the Holy Spirit to his disciples. It is good to notice that in today's Gospel Jesus says, "Peace be with you" twice. Is it possible or conceivable that they would not have heard this message the first time Jesus spoke, as this was the first time he appeared to them after having risen from the dead? He says it again to make sure that they will get the message and the wonderful gift of the Lord's peace. After they know that peace is truly theirs, Jesus goes on to gift them with the Holy Spirit. He breathes on them and simply says, "Receive the Holy Spirit." This gift is given, then instructions follow; Jesus further gifts the disciples, but this time with authority. The Lord entrusts them with the power to either forgive or withhold forgiveness over sin. While all this is going on it ought to be recognised that they are looking at the wounds in Jesus' hands and side. They are delighted to know that it is the Lord and they are sure of this because they can see his hands and his side. The man who is giving them peace, giving them the Holy Spirit, giving them authority, is Jesus who was tortured and crucified and died on the cross. This is not a fairy tale, but a real story with a powerful ending, an ending that involves all of us here today. We are here today because this story has been passed down through the generations, gifted by the same Spirit that the disciples received on this feast. Application This birthday celebration of ours, that is the Church's, is a time for us to realise that exactly the same gifts are given to us. The peace of the Lord is ours today and the Holy Spirit is poured afresh on us. Each one of us needs to know the peace of Jesus, needs to feel the consolation of Jesus and needs to know the serenity of Jesus. With this knowledge comes the ability to be able to cope with whatever life has to throw at us, knowing that we do not stand alone, but with Jesus always by our side. The Holy Spirit is at the same time our guiding force that encourages us forward in proclaiming the risen Lord. The Holy Spirit is the power that drives away our fears and empowers us to do what we never thought we would be capable of doing. The Holy Spirit is our joy that enables us to be real people of Jesus Christ, unafraid, much like the first disciples, to go and announce the good news in all the corners of our world. VESTNI K 2020 | 255 FIRST EVER SLOVENSKI PARK VIRTUAL ON-LINE ELECTRIC JELLO DANCE PARTY FEATURING DJ JOE With the restrictions in place to keep us safe during COVID 19, we have not been able to gather and have fun at our various Slovenian Organizations. Even though Slovenski Park is closed, we want to keep our members engaged ... So, we hosted a VIRTUAL MAY 24 CELEBRATION. Usually we celebrate Victoria Day Long Weekend with our annual ELECTRIC JELLO DANCE PARTY with the awesome band Slo-Beat, Basketball and Balinca Tournament, and on Sunday, Holy Mass followed by "Lunch with Father Drago." But this year, due to government regulations to keep us protected due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, it had be different - social/ physical distance style. So, since members could not go to Slovenski Park to celebrate this year, Slovenski Park decided to bring the Dance Party to it's members. Over 600 views and over 1,000 people joined us On-Line Sat May 23, 2020 at 8:00 pm. via Facebook. DJ Joe played his tunes. Members joined in the live chat. Viewers sang and danced along to Slo Park's choice songs - rock, pop, classics, polkas, best of the new, and all time favourites. The Live feed was supposed to be from 8:00pm - 10:00 PM, but true to DJ JOE style, the music keep going till after midnight. Joe was joined by his lovely wife Carmen and without an audience; DJ Joe spread joy to a thirsty crowd. He interacted with viewers, we stopped for "shooter time," watched a special on-line virtual experience from Slo-Beat, watched classic music videos, and believed we were up at the Park dancing the night away. Fun was had by all. Promotional videos were posted on Facebook to get everything ready for a rocking party. Thanks to members Michelle Pusic Ryall for "How To" Make 256 | VESTNI K 2020 Party Snacks Slo Park Style, Amanda Demšar Purdon for "How To" Make Jello Shooters, and Heidi Pinter Rumohr for "How To" Workout Slovenian Style. These video are still posted on Facebook for viewing. Then the party started - live streamed from DJ Joe's living room to ours. You didn't have to be a Slovenski Park member to join in the fun - this event was open to all Slovenians, their families, and friends. All Slovenian organizations were welcomed to invite their members and friends. All members were encouraged to share with their friends and social media networks. Slovenski Park's first attempt at a Virtual Event was our way to stay connected during the challenges of the Covid 19 Pandemic We all must make the best of social and physical isolation while having to stay inside away from family and friends. We are so pleased that our invitation to "Let the good times rock and roll in your home - together apart" with our VIRTUAL MAY 24 ELECTRIC JELLO DANCE PARTY with DJ JOE was such an overwhelming success. DJ Joe or DJ Jožko his online tag via Mixcloud viewing platform, had this to say: "Although it seemed that I was at Slovenski Park, I was actually in the basement of my home. I used some blue fabric that I hung on the wall behind me and then setup a web camera for the video. Using a piece of software called "Open Broadcast Studio" and a picture of the empty stage at the park I was able to make myself appear to be there by making whatever was blue disappear. The video was then streamed up to the internet via MixCloud Pro which allowed me to play copyrighted music legally and without being shutdown. It was a great night and a lot of fun fooling everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed it!" And enjoyed it we did. This truly was a group effort, even though we never gathered as a group. Still, we must extend special thanks to DJ Joe for his technical prowess and creative ingenuity. I am so proud to be a member of this fantastic community, and I can't wait to see what our next event, live at Slovenski Park, or virtual in our homes, will look like. Your friends at Slovenski Park - A Tradition and A Legacy. Mary Ann Demšar Chairperson, Board of Directors, Slovenski Park VESTNI K 2020 | 257 What a Night! A Slovenian Community Comes Together ¡n Song to Raise Money for a Great CausE It is truly amazing what a community can accomplish when they come together, when distance, age and time are no longer barriers! The Slovenian community in Southern Ontario, along with their friends including Croa-tians, Italians, Germans, and Americans to name a few, came together for a worthy and deserving cause. During this pandemic, with so many feeling isolated, the joy of the evening reminded us that we are not alone. A group of musicians, once known as Murski Val, and who in their time enthralled a community with their ability to turn Slovenian music into a special evening, came together online to entertain and inspire us one more time. Their goal was to raise money for the Viktoria Fund, a Canadian-Slovenian organization that provides assistance to individuals and families in the community. As I write this article, over $13,000.00 had been raised. Corporations, organizations, businesses and private individuals have made donations in support of the Viktoria Fund. The initial fundrais-ing goal was $2000.00 - to say that they achieved their goal and so much more is an understatement. What can we learn from this experience? More than ever, I believe that despite our differences, we all dearly cherish our Slovenian culture and heritage. We want to dance, sing, laugh and enjoy the traditions of the land of which we are descendants. Moving forward, I believe we need to step up to protect these traditions and events whenever possible. We need to introduce a new generation to our traditions, otherwise we risk slowly losing them. If it means simply attending Slovenian mass, banquets, picnics or other events hosted at local Slovenian clubs, we should be encouraging all to join and embrace our heritage - even if only for a few of days of the year. Your attendance will guarantee that the community will prosper. Having been involved in many facets of the community since I was a child, nights like this restore my faith that there will always be a genuine desire to come together and continue our Slovenian traditions. A night with Murski Val brought together Slovenians around the world. Let's build on that by reaching out to those of Slovenian descent in our cities and towns who may not be aware of the way our vibrant community comes together, and encourage them to experience the traditions of their heritage. Our community has clubs, organizations, a plethora of bands and musicians to enjoy, but most importantly, we have what all Slovenians are said to have the most of... HEART. Frank Gimpelj On the Sidelines 258 | VESTNI K 2020 ANSAMBEL MURSKI VAL Koncert v živo pREko FACEbookA V četrtek , 28. maja 2020, zvečer ob sedmih so se člani ansambla Murski val zbrali, da bi pripravili »enourni koncert« v podporo Victoria Fund. Ker zaradi razmer, v katerih smo trenutno, ni bilo mogoče imeti prireditve za ljudi v dvorani, so izkoristili možnost prenosa v živo na platformo Facebook. Naša župnija jim je posodila dvorano in opremo za prenos - saj to že uporabljamo za prenos nedeljskih maš - in je bilo veliko lažje samo prenesti vse v dvorano. Kristjan Razpotnik, ki je že vajen dela za računalnikom , je pripravil vse potrebno (naslove in besedila za pesmi) in tako je zadeva stekla. Že v sredo večer so prišli in vse smo nastavili, »uglasili« instrumente in mikrofone, da je prenos lahko dobro potekal. Na začetku koncerta smo kratko zmolili, potem pa je šlo vse kot po maslu - tudi inter-netna povezava za zdržala do konca. Ker so se stvari lepo odvijale, sredstva so pritekala na posebej odprt račun; Monika, ki je povezovala v živo vse, kar se je dogajalo tudi na Faceboo-ku, je ob ansamblu res ustvarila čudovito vzdušje. Tudi člani ansambla so uživali ob igranju, še bolj pa tisti doma pri računalnikih ali televizijah. To se je videlo po številu komentarjev, ki so jih objavljali in nekatere je Monika tudi prebrala, prav tako darovalce. Zgleda, da so se člani ansambla tako razživeli, da kar niso mogli končati - iz ene ure se je koncert razširil na tri ure. Odigrali ves predviden program potem pa so dodali še pesmi po željah poslušalcev. Uspešnost koncerta se je videla tudi po zbranih sredstvih - že v času koncerta je številka presegla 13 tisoč, do danes, ko to pišem pa je presegla 15 tisoč. Hvala ansamblu in vsem sodelavcem. VESTNI K 2020 | 259 260 | VESTNI K 2020 Te dni je naša okolica cerkve zacvetela. Hvala Jožici in Majdi, ki sta se potrudile, da so bile rože kupljene in posajene in da bo sedaj bolj lepo v naši okolici. Prav tako hvala Olgi, ki skrbi, da ima tudi naša cerkev vedno sveže rože pri oltarju, kljub temu, da nimamo maš z ljudstvom v cerkvi. Upajmo, da počasi tudi to pride nazaj. VESTNI K 2020 | 261 Obvestila - Announcements Pick One! Ask for an Increase in One of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit This Pentecost By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB I - The Gift of the Fear of the Lord What? I thought we were always taught that because God loves us so much we should never be afraid of the Lord? He is not a vengeful God who wants to smite us for our sins. So why should I ask for an increase in fearing Him? God is like a wonderful parent and/ or a very understanding boss at your place of employment - it's a pleasure to have Him as our leader, guide and mentor. Naturally, that would bring a strong desire to do our duties well and to please Him, and a little fear that if we get sloppy about things we'll disappoint! Do you need to work on "respecting" God more? Being more "awed" by His amazing goodness? Being so appreciative of Him that you "keep on your toes"? II - The Gift of Piety Piety is a wonderful thing. The ability to enjoy praying is such a cool gift. Piety makes the practice of religion not burdensome! Prayer is a joy, a delight, not a chore! Can you imagine if you could go from, "Gee, I gotta go to mass to fulfill the obligation of the third commandment," to "I can't wait till Sunday to go to mass!" That's the gift of piety - an enthusiasm for prayer and holy things. III - The Gift of Fortitude The gift of courage is so necessary in today's world. The soul needs the fortification of the Holy Spirit against natural fears and exaggerated and created hysteria and phobias. • May the Holy Spirit give us swagger to do tough things • May the Holy Spirit help us deal with peer pressure - the pressure to conform to the secular culture • May we receive the fortitude necessary to walk away from sin and trouble • May we receive the fortitude to endure tough situations and hurtful misunderstanding IV - The Gift of Knowledge This Pentecost are you asking for the gift of supernatural common sense? The ability to see things as they truly are? If you ask for the gift of knowledge you might finally start to see more clearly - to see AS GOD SEES • You'll start to see THE EMPTINESS OF IDOLS • You'll see THE EMPTINESS OF UNHEALTHY RESPONSES TO LIFE'S HURTS • You'll be able to read people, situations and scenarios a lot better It's a great gift to be able to see "a dead end" coming up ahead and turn around before it's too late. V - The Gift of Understanding An increase in this gift can help you. It can help you to grasp the truths of our Catholic faith, our religion. When we understand our faith more we appreciate it and even relish in it. Now things like the: • Bible • Sacraments • Liturgy Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 262 | VESTNI K 2020 • Devotions are grasped and valued. With comprehension comes greater commitment. "I get it - I'm all in!" VI - The Gift of Counsel I love this gift. I think it is so cool that the Holy Spirit can give you the ability to make split second 'good' decisions. Counsel is the gift of supernatural prudence! It is the ability to judge promptly and rightly... to see the task, remember the goal - and act on it! And with NO SERIOUS SECOND GUESSING YOURSELF. GIVE ME THIS GIFT this Pentecost, Lord! VII - The Gift of Wisdom Wisdom is the gift whereby we see things through God's eyes - with the eyes of faith! In the Old Testament book of Wisdom, it says: "All good things come to her (wisdom) and innumerable blessings arrive through her hands." Do you need a more enlightened mind? A mind enlightened is able to discern what the next move in life should be. PICK ONE AND ASK FOR AN INCREASE IN IT! večna luč_ V mesecu maju je večna luč svetila za pokojnega Florjana Miklavčič, po namenu žene Anice. V mescu juniju pa bo svečna luč svetila za pokojne starše Vengar po namenu hčerke Rose Marie Gage. prvi petek in sobota_ Ta teden je prvi petek v mesecu juniju. Ker še ne moremo imeti bogoslužja v cerkvi, lahko sami opravite molitve v čast Srcu Jezusovemu, kateremu je posvečen mesec junij. darovi - donations_ Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $ 100 Joe in Ana Prša v spomin na pokojnega Joe Lackovič. - $70 Majda Lukežič namesto rož na grob pokojnega Vladota Dim. Odbor društva svetega Jožefa je na zadnjem sestanku sklenil, da so zopet darovali $1000 za potrebe naše cerkve. Hvala in Bog vam povrni za vašo velikodušnost. Hvala tudi vsem, ki prinesete ali pošljete dar (nedeljske kuverte) za našo cerkev. V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Kaplan John June 1, 1969 Oswald Anna June 1, 1988 Marusich Anton June 1, 2001 Kotze Marcus June 2, 1973 Volf Ferdinand June 2, 2013 Selsek Anika Anna June 4, 2009 Fticar Štefan June 4, 2013 Bukvic Marija June 4, 2019 Pirc Karolina June 5, 1977 Mozetič Alfonz June 5, 2000 Grdun Franc June 5, 2007 Rev Šrecko June 6, 1995 Gimpelj Marjeta June 6, 2018 Volcansek Karl June 7, 2011 # i # SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNI K 2020 | 263 odo31: 2020 svete mase - masses Za žive in rajne župljane Binkoštna nedelja t Jerry Ponikvar 10:00 a.m. Frank Erzar z družino 31. Maj tt Rudi in Ana Hanc, obl. v zlvo na Olga Hanc z družino tt Stanko in Marija Ferenčak Facebooku Martin in Regina Nedelko Pentecost Sunday tt Stanko in Marija Ferenčak naše Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak z dr. Marijino obiskanje tt Venci in Marija Ferenčak zupnije Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak z dr. tt Vlado Dim, 30. dan po pogrebu Zena Francka z družino Ponedeljek - Monday t Maks Pavlič Marija Korošec z družino 1. Junij t Ivan Kirec Marija Korošec z družino Marija Mati Cerkve Bogu v zahvalo N.N. Torek - Tuesday tt Pokojni Vehovec Slava Gomboša 2. JUNIJ t Ferdinand Volf, obl. Družina Marcelin in Peter, muc. t Kristina Bakarič Milka in Karol Ferko Za zupljane in njihove družine KZZ - CWL Sreda - Wednesday . . „ „ ' n .. . . t .. . T Anton Vengar Rose Marie in Tony Vengar z dr. 3' UNIJ T Matilda Vengar Rose Marie in Tony Vengar z dr. Karel Lwanqa, muc. T Angela in Franc Urh Rose Marie in Tony Vengar z dr. četrtek - Thursday f Marija Bukvič, obl. Družina Bukvič 4. Junij f Marija Bukvič, obl. Mož z družino Frančišek Caracciolo, f Vlado Dim Majda Lukežič f Janez Kosednar Diana Kastelic z družino Prvi Petek - First Friday f Matija Vlašič Žena in otroci 5. Junij f Jerry Ponikvar Marija Korošec z družino Igor, knez f Ivan Kirec Janez Lovrenčec f Jože Bregar Janez Lovrenčec t Srečko Rev, obl. Zena in otroci Sobota - Saturday t Franc in Vera (obl.) Pavlin Hči Alenka Košir z družino 6. Junij t Darinka Babnik Slava Gomboša Norbert, škof t Irma Dorenčec Stan in Ana Gjerek (TO) kvatre t Ivan Sobočan Joe in Kathy Prša t Vid Kastelic Diana Kastelic z družino Sveta Trojica 7. Junij Most Holy Trinity Robert, opat Za žive in rajne župljane ff Vinci in Marija Ferenčak ff Mike in Rozina Novak ff Jože in Matilda Stanko f Karel Volčanšek, obl. ff Marjeta Jožica Gimpelj, obl. 10:00 a.m. v Zivo na Facebooku naše zupnije Martin in Regina Nedelko Martin in Regina Nedelko Hči Olga Hanc z družino Družina Volčanšek Mož Jože Gimpelj 264 | VESTNI K 2020