19/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 11. 5. 2014 4. VELIKONOČNA NEDELJA 4th SUNDAY OF EASTER Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca Web page www.carantha.com Hall rentals 905-518-6159 IT.NTAJK ( Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church Dobri pastir V 2. berilu se Peter kar razneži, in človek raskavih ribiških rok govori prisrčno in mehko: »Če voljno prenesete, ko dobro delate, pa morate trpeti, je to Bogu všeč.. To je nenavaden, nov nauk, a ta novost odrešuje. Vsi moramo trpeti. A če trpiš, ker si dober, ker si zvest, ker si pravičen, je to bolečina, ki rojeva bisere. Potem to res mora' biti Bogu všeč. Apostol si upa trditi, da smo k prenašanju težav zaradi dobrote »poklicani, ker je tudi Kristus trpel in vam zapustil zgled, da bi hodili po njegovih stopinjah.. Res, živimo samo enkrat, in vsako stopinjo lahko naredimo samo enkrat. Kakšna škoda, kako večnostno usodno bi torej bilo, če bi stopali v prazno, če bi zašli v slepo ulico. Peter, jaz, ti in vsak človek. Kako bi morali velikokrat v duhu gledati te rane, ki so cena našega odrešenja! Tako smo se kot »izgubljene ovce ... obrnili k pastirju in varuhu naših duš«. Tega velikega, edinega dobrega Pastirja, Kristusa, srečamo v evangeliju, kjer nam opisuje pastirja, ki prihaja vedno skozi vrata ... in ovce poslušajo njegov glas. Kdor prihaja drugače do nas, ga Jezus označuje kot tatu in roparja. Da ne bi bilo pomote, za koga gre, Jezus jasno pove zase: »Jaz sem vrata: kdor vstopi skozi mene, bo rešen«. Ta vrata, Kristus, pa se ne odpirajo v nekakšno ozkost ali revščino, ampak v pravo bogastvo življenja: »Jaz sem prišel, da bi imeli življenje in ga imeli v izobilju«. Izobilje pravega življenja nam Kristus obljublja. Ali si ne želimo prav tega? Vidimo, kam je svet priše brez teh Vrat v življenje. Stoji pred vrati smrti. Kristjanu, Kristusovemu učencu, pa se vrata v življenje, ki ne mine, na široko odpirajo. Ob Dobrem Pastirju pa Cerkev razmišlja o njegovih sodelavcih ali o duhovnih poklicih. V soboto, 3. maja 2014, je bilo v Slovenskem parku zelo slovesno ob spomladanskem banketu v sklopu praznovanja 50. letnice društva. Večer je povezoval Dani Demšar, Magda Razpotnik in župnik Fr. Drago Gačnik, sta navzoče na katko pozdravila. Dan je dal priznanje članom, ki so v društvu od samega začetka. Plesalci plesne skupine Mladi glas iz Toronta so odplesali nekaj plesov, Murski val je razveseljeval z glasbo, v kuhinji pa so poskrbeli za dobro večerjo. Lep večer za vse, ki so se ga udeležili. SLOMŠKOVO OLTARNO DRUŠTVO_ V nedeljo, 4. maja 2014 smo se ob treh zbrali k šmarnični pobožnosti, petim litanijam Matere Božje in blagoslovu. Nato so se članice Slomškovega oltarnega društva zbrale še k srečanju ob čaju in pecivu. Pogovorile so se, kako se bodo za naprej srečevale: ne več vsak mesec ampak nekajkrat na leto in sicer: za sreačnje bolnikov, za mašo za pokojne članice in na prvo nedeljo v maju. Izvolile so tudi novo vodstvo Oltarne društva. Tako so izvolile Francko Cestnik za predsednico, Terezijo Prša za tajnico, Jožico Vegelj za blagajnika in Olga Glavač, ki skrbi za krašenje cerkve. Iskrene čestitke vsem, ki so sprejele dolžnosti. Naj vse spremlja božji blagoslov in priprošnja Marije Pomočnice in blaženega Antona Martina Slomška. SVETI KRST_ Zakrament sv. krsta je v nedeljo, 4. maja 2014, prejela LUNA SERAPHINA SOPHIA BAEZ, hči Ane Yolande Baez in očeta Claudia. Iskrene čestitike ob krstu prvega otroka. Naj jo premlja božji blagoslov in priprošnja Matere Božje. 4th Sunday of Easter Response: Lord, you will show me the path of life. First Reading Acts 2:14. 36-41 Peter's proclamation, that the Jesus who was crucified is in fact "Lord and Christ", cuts his hearers to the heart; and he urges them to be converted. Second Reading 1 Peter 2:20-25 Peter reminds those newly baptised that they are called to follow in the footsteps of the suffering Jesus, by whose wounds we are healed. Gospel John 10:1-10 Jesus is both the good shepherd and the gateway to the sheepfold. "The sheep follow him because they know his voice." Illustration In 1940 the battleship Bismarck was commissioned for the German navy. It was one of the largest warships the world had ever seen and would soon dominate the seas, sinking tons of allied shipping, including the battle cruiser HMS Hood, pride of the British fleet. With its powerful guns and massive armour plating, Bismarck was thought to be virtually unsinkable. But the boast of invincibility was shattered in May 1941 when the crippled Bismarck sank in the Atlantic Ocean, with the loss of more than two thousand of those aboard. Its fate had been sealed by a torpedo fired from a British Fairey Swordfish bomber. It struck the rudder area of the German ship. The crew were unable to repair the damage, and so the great ship, now rudderless, could only circle round and round. There was no hope of its ever reaching the safety of a friendly port. Without a rudder to direct it, a ship is doomed, no matter how large, no matter how powerful it may be. Gospel Teaching Today's readings do not speak of mighty warships, but take us rather to the other extreme - towards a flock of frail sheep. But they too need the equivalent of a rudder: without their shepherd - his guidance, his care, his wisdom, his experience - they would surely not survive for long. As today's psalm makes clear, Jesus' contemporaries were used to the idea of calling God their shepherd; they even spoke of their kings as shepherds of the people. But what Jesus proclaimed was that in him their divine shepherd had now drawn very close to them and was deeply concerned for each one of them. In Jesus' day a shepherd would sometimes risk his life for his flock, lying down at night across the entrance to the sheepfold and making himself into a human shield that would protect the sheep against marauders - whether of the animal or the human variety. In this Easter season our risen shepherd carries in his body the marks of the sufferings he endured to protect us, his flock. The wounds in his hands and feet and side tell us that he has walked through "the valley of darkness" before us, and done so on our behalf. "He was bearing our faults in his own body on the cross," says St Peter in today's second reading, "through his wounds you have been healed". No single image can convey all that Jesus means to us. As the first reading makes clear, this good shepherd of ours who was crucified is Lord and Christ; he is the long-awaited Messiah; he is God in our midst. He is not only our shepherd, says the Gospel, but the gateway that leads to life in all its fullness. Application "Listening" is a favourite word in St John's Gospel: it appears more than fifty times. Today's reading very appropriately draws our attention to the way in which sheep listen for the voice of their shepherd; and then, when they "hear" it, are ready to respond. Arriving at the pen where several flocks were lodged for the night, a shepherd would call his own sheep and, recognising his voice, they would follow him, padding along immediately and trustingly. We live in a world where many alluring voices are raised, where it's so easy to hear and be swayed by what the Gospel calls "the voice of strangers" - the powerful voices of the media, of politicians, of celebrities, of our own peer group, even when they promote ideas and aspirations that are quite contrary to those of our shepherd. Today we are invited once again to listen carefully for the voice of our good shepherd: on the one hand, not allowing it to be drowned out by other voices; on the other, recognising that it is to be heard in many, and even in some unlikely, situations. Clearly, it is heard here at Mass; but it's also heard when we read the Bible prayerfully, even on our own; it's heard in the secret sanctuary of our own conscience, directing us towards what is good and away from what is evil; it's heard when we are alert to it speaking to us through the events of daily life. It's a voice that always speaks truth, a voice that always speaks with love, a voice that is always concerned with our best interests. It is the voice of the good shepherd whose supreme desire for us is that we should "have life and have it to the full". We remember ... December 11, 1960: The fist St. Nicholas Festival took place. February 1, 1961: Another step forward was taken: Property on Highway #20 was purchased to erect a building. POKOJNI_ 5. maja 2014 je Bog po daljši bolezni poklical k sebi našega farana JOŽETA BREGARJA. Pokojni je bi star 85 let. Za pokoj njegove duše smo molili v Markey Dermodi Funeral home v sredo zvečer, v četrtek dopoldne ob desetih pa smo v naši cerkvi darovali pogrebno sveto mašo. Po maši smo ga pokopali na Our Lady of the Angels pokopališču. Iskreno sožalje ženi Mariji, otrokom in vnukom in vsem sorodnikom. Pokojni Jože pa naj v miru počiva. Obvestila - Announcements ZBOR - PEVSKE VAJE Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so v sredo po večerni maši. Naslednjič zbor poje 25. maja, ko bo v naši župniji praznik prvega svetega obhajila in birme. Maša je takrat samo ob desetih dopoldne. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ Nedelja 25. maj: OBHAJILO in BIRMA. Maša je samo ob 10:00 a.m. Med nami bo hamiltonski škof Douglas Crosby. ♦ Nedelja, 1. junij ob 2:00 p.m. - London-Triglav, procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa. ♦ Nedelja, 8. junij ob 1:00 p.m. - Slovenski park, Maša, procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in praznovanje 40-letnice postavitve kapelice. ♦ Nedelja, 15. junij, ob 12:30 - Bled-Beamsville, maša ob praznovanju očetovskega dneva. ♦ Nedelja, 22. junij: SLOVENSKI DAN pri sv. Gregoriju Velikem v Hamiltonu - 25-letnica Slovenskih dnevov; maša ob 10:00 dopoldne, kosilo, kulturni program, otroška olimpiada in družabni večer ob melodijah ansambla SPOTLIGHT. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - »TRIP«_ The Slovenian Society of St. Joseph/Društvo Sv. Jožefa has organized a very exciting 5 days/4 nights excursion to New York City/Washington D.C. September 11-15, 2014. Tour Highlights include two nights stay at the Fairfield Inn, Lyndhurst, NJ & 2 nights at the Hilton Gardens just outside of Washington; 4 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners. Manhattan full island cruise; 911 Memorial; Guided tour of Washington, DC; Arlington Cemetery; visit National Catholic Basilica with Mass; spectacular guided tour of the Washington Capitol Building. Cost per person: $819. Dbl. & $ $749. Tpl. For information and booking: contact Frank Erzar 905-643-0285 or Jerry Ponikvar 905-333-5813. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA_ Zaključek TORKOVIH VEČEROV, za prvi del letošnjega leta bo, v torek 13. maja 2014 v prostorih društva sv. Jožefa v Villi Sloveniji. Poskrbljeno bo tudi za večerjo. Vsi člani ste lepo vabljeni in vas pričakujemo. The Monday Afternoon BINGO at Villa Slovenia will conclude (until the Fall)on Monday, May 12th at 1:30 PM. V ponedeljek, 12. maja ob 1:30 popoldne bo tudi zadnji Bingo v tem prvemu delu leta. Nadaljevali ga bomo v jeseni, do takrat pa lepe počitnice. MLADI GLAS DANCE GROUP 40™ Anniversary_ Mladi Glas Dance Group is Celebrating its 40th Anniversary with a special performance Saturday May 24th at JOHN PAUL ll POLISH CULTURAL CENTRE 4300 CAWTHRA RD ( CAWTHRA & HWY 403) MISSISSAUGA For more information please see website WEBSITE www.mladiglasplanika.org or contact John Kajin [mailto:johnkajin@hotmail.com] SLOVENIAN SCHOLARSIPH FOUNDATION Our 26th Annual Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, May 31st at Rockway Glen Golf Course followed by the banquet hosted at Lipa Park. Cost is $130. per person-package includes: golf & cart, donuts and coffee, hot dog/sausage on a bun & beverage, dinner, draw and prizes. Come and join us and support our Slovenian youth bursary and scholarship awards. For further information and registration: contact: Karl Ferko @ 905-578-5890 or Jerry Ponikvar @ 905-333-5813 DAROVI_ V spomin na pokojno Elizabeto Ferko so darovali za cerkev: $100 Kathy in Martin Simončič; $40 Amanda Smid. Mešani pevski zbor je daroval za 4 svete maše za pokojno elizabeto Ferko. V spomin na pokojnega Jožeta Bregarja so darovali: $50 Marija Volf; $20 Anton in Marija Šverko; $50 Društvo sv. Jožefa + za 5 svetih maš. SLOVENIA CREDIT UNION_ Slovenia Credit Union would like to remind all members of the summer office hours. All SCU offices will be closed Saturdays starting May 17th, 2014 until after the Labour Day weekend. For further information about branch hours, special rates or community news,' visit our website www.sloveniacu.ca Thank you for your valued membership. Have a safe and enjoyable summer. ZLATA POROKA_ V petek, 9. maja 2014 sta ANICA in KAZIMIR ŽIŽEK v krogu svojih domačih praznovala 50. letnico skupnega življenja. Med sveto mašo sta prejela blagoslov in si obljubila zvestobo še za naprej obenem pa prosila božjega blagoslova in priprošnjo Matere Božje. Iskreno čestitko ob tem pomembnem jubileju! ob materinskem dnevu čestitke vsem materam - happy mother's day to all mothers in our parish. 4tf svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561 -5971. DON BOSCO Od 11. 5. 2014 Do 18. 5. 2014 svete mase - masses 4. Velikonočna nedelja 4TH Sunday of Easter 11. Maj Estella Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. f Tončka Demšar Demšar-Scarcelli f Frank Gimpelj 11:00 a.m. Tony in Marilyn Letnik MATERINSKI DAN 12:00noon ŽUPNIJSKA DVORANA poNEDELJEK f Blaž Čulig 7:00 p.m. Olga Čulig Monday ff Starši Vinčec in sestra Olga Čulig 12. MAJ ff Anica in pokojni iz druž. Kološa Olga Čulig Angel, mučenec f Jakov Šverko Anton Šverko z družino Torek Tuesday 13. Maj f Elizabeta Ferko 7:00 p.m. Brat Franc Pinter z družino f Elizabeta Ferko Sonja Langenfus f Elizabeta Ferko Karl in Joanne Ferko f Janko Demšar Družina Demšar Dominik Savio f Bregar Jože Torkovih večer- Sv. Jožefa Sreda f Anton Gomboša 7:00 p.m. Žena Slava Gomboša Wednesday f Janez Hočevar Marija Hočevar 14. Maj f Franc Pelcar Aljana Horvat Gizela, opatinja f Jožefa Lukšič Hči Jospehine Četrtek f Alojz Ipavec 7:00 p.m. Marija in Ivan Ipavec Thursday Bogu in Materi B. v zahvalo Majda Salajko 15. Maj ff Viktor in Ivanka Šivic Hči Zdenka Bonifacij, papež ff Štefan in Barbara Kovač Marija Korošec z družino Petek f Marija Ipavec 7:00 p.m. Marija in Ivan Ipavec Friday ff Janez in Pavla Horvat Elizabeth Gimpelj 16 maj f Olga Balažic Janez Lovrenčec Izaija, prerok ff Ferdo in Verona Smodiš Franc Smodiš Sobota Saturday 17. Maj Job, svetopismeski mož Za zdravje f Vinko Marinko f Ivan Obal, obl. f Frank Gimpelj f Marija Mes f Ivan Vučko 8:00 a.m. Lojzka Saje 5:30 p.m. Žena z družino Žena Veronika z družino Jože Gimpelj z družino Olga Čulig Olga Čulig 5. Velikonočna nedelja 5TH Sunday of Easter 18. Maj Estella Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. f Rudi Kerec, obl. Vera z družino f Matija Tibaut 11:00 a.m. Elizabeta Gerič z družino ff Za pokojne člane društva 1:00 p.m. SLOVENSKI PARK