SOME PROBLEMS OF THE ACQUISITION AND THE USE OF FOREIGN SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS IN POLAND Henryk Szarski Biblioteka Glowna i Osrodek Inform aciji Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw, Poland Scientific periodicals are the most important source of information inflow necessary for the research work being carried out in our country. Particularly valuable are the publications imported from the capitalist countries, especially those from the United States of America, Great Britain, Federal Republic of Germany, and France. The purchase of the periodicals requires laying out amounts in foreign currency. The persistent economic crisis in Poland has caused severe cuts in the allocations for such purposes. The acquisition of foreign periodicals is effected centrally, on a nation­ wide scale, from the funds of our Ministry of National Education. The Ministry is also the co-ordinating body for this activity. The Library of the Technical University in Wroclaw, one of the three main technical libraries in Poland, is responsible for the acquisition and circulation of periodicals related to selected areas of science and technol­ ogy. The exercise of this task needs close co-operation with libraries at home and abroad. 22 Knjižnica. Tematska št. IA T U L 1989