f^^dw razen »oboi nedeH I in praznikov. . daily except Saturday*, ^^nday. ** Holidays PROSVETA •> * GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE ' = Uredniški in upravniški prostori: 1697 South Lavndala Ave. Office of Publication: 2657 South Uwndak Am .YEAR xxxvin ltata le $64)0 *w»«l-«la» matter Juiuary It. 1MJ. at Um poat-offtc« alOUcaao. IlUncap, under the Act ot Contrmm ot March «. 1*7« CHICAGO 23. ILL. SREDA. It. JUNIJA (JUNE 12). 1946 Subacrlptlon $6.00 Yearly ŠTEV.—NUMBER 114 Acceptance for mailing al special rate of postage provided for i« section 110S, Act of Oct. X 1917. authorised on June 4. 1918 lajlflvič obtožen podžiganja I vojne v Jugoslaviji lelovanje z Nemci in Italijani razkrito na obravnavi jtanek z ameriškim častnikom Beipad, 11. jun. — General i« Mihajlovič, bivši povelj-fetnikov in vojni minister v slovanski begunski vladi v Ionu, in trinajst drugih ob-_.»cev je slišalo obdolžitev, da premišljeno podžigali civilno ijno v Jugoslaviji pod pretve-borbe proti komunistom, ko je pričela obravnava pred vo-n sodiščem v poslopju vo-šole v Topčideru, belgraj-predmestju. _,aško sodišče treh članov izreklo obsodbo. Predsednik •a je polkovnik Mihajlo lievič, načelnik srbskega ivnega sodišča, ki se je boril Nemcem in Italijanom v partizanski armadi. Dru-dva sodnika sta polkovnik Lackovič in polkovnik Ij Jankovič. Jtvni tožilec je polkovnik Mi-č, Srb in bivši član par-ike armade. V sodno dvoje prišlo čez tisoč ljudi, temi čez sto dopisnikov zu-ih in jugoslovanskih liftov, t je pričela obravnava. Toni zahteval smrtne kazni za ijloviča in druge obtožence, se smatra za značilno. Pole sodišče, naj naloži ob-m ka/.en, kakršno zasluzi storjene zločine, itoznics omenja med drugim je Mihajlovič 1. 1943 dobil na od nekega britskega častit naj likvidira komuniste \ laviji. Naslednje leto se jc (ki polkovnik Robert H well udeležil konferenc* Mihajlovičem in Nemceir ibacherjem, načelnikom ad istracijskega šta& nacijske vojaškega poveljništva v Sr-McDowell se je m§sec dn neje ponovno sestal z Mih*j fcni in namestnikom Neuba p. McDowell je dejal Mi-»Jloviču: Američani se nt zanimamo z* I borbo z Nemčijo. Neme •Jo biti pognani iz dežele 2 '«niško akcijo. Vi morate 'ti med svojimi ljudmi. Ame 1 vključno pomagala v*n Podpirala vaše gibanje v Ju waviji.'* , Ft »hajlovič ie prvi izmed obto *v prišel v dvorano v .star uniform.. Dočim so g; W si ke kazale kot teles uerpano osebo, je terfWa Poročila, da te napol slep M* uvajalna. Mihajlovič je , , r*2l<*no v mikrofon. Po-^ ,J*. da ie bil rojen v Iva ' brblja, 27 aprila \ ,893 * »voJega očeta in matere £ 0z^Jen in oče dveh otrok ^obtoženci so tudi dal ki y * Podatke °jnic; ^enja, da je Mi . prvo of™zivo pro j*«*skim silam l 1941 x l-veljstva * M;hajiovičevi čet- proti boru * naslednje le- Xtr^Z J«tvom in bili ST?1 z ,ullJ^nskmi čete-ifr»„ '-vali poaebne ■fifr>»rju in moki kF. - 'Id v slr«J'V0 in ■k. " Italijanov Hi. — četniki W ",ni Ciganov in k -«r,om. It * da ^ je ■«vf, t ' preden ie začel t;,;'; Atlanta al-k««, Cah ,n ^'»raku. V * on„njon Konatan- Laboriti odobrili notranjo politiko Mnenja izražena na konvenciji stranke Bournemouth. Anglija. 11. jun. —Zadovoljstvo z notranjo politiko delavske vlade, katere predsednik je Clement Attlee, je bilo izraženo na konyenciji delavske stranke, ki se je včeraj pričela v tem mestu. Člani levičarskega krila so istočasno dali raztf-meti, da se ne strinjajo s politiko zunanjega ministra Ernesta Bevina. lV " Voditelji stranke so naglašali v svojih govorih uspehe, katere je dosegla vlada v desetih mesecih svojega obstanka. .Dolga borba, da se iztrga premogovnike 12 rok privatnih kompanij, je bila zaključena s podržavljanjem. Železnice, jeklo, železo, elektrika* in plin bodo prišli pod državno kontrolo v prihodnjih mesecih. Delavska vlada se je odločila sa uveljavljenje jetniških reform. Zadevno zagotovilo je dale, ko je prišla na krmilo, in besedo bo držala. Protidelavski zakoni, sprejeti pod prešnjo konservativno vlado, to bili preklicani. Ne konvencijo delavske stranke je prišlo 1179 delegatov. Ti reprezentirajo čez 3,250,000 or< , načelnik "ekseku tivnega odbora stranke, je v svojem govoru pozdravil odločitev delavske vlade, da bo Indi-ia dobila neodvisnost. On je pohvalil tudi oc^očitev glede odpoklica britskih čet iz Egipta, naeno pa je naglaail potrebo u-trditve prijateljskih vezi med Veliko Britanijo in sovjetsko Rusijo. V svojem govoru je Laski obsodil grškega kralja Jurija, ki ie v izgnanstvu v Londonu. On se ne sme vrniti v Grčijo, ker bi bil povratek žalosten konec iunaške torbe grškega ljudstva oroti restavriranju monarhije. Odmerki živil za begunce znižani Frankfurt, Nemčija, 11. jun.— Odmerki ž^vil za begunce v a-neriški okupacijski coni so bili mižani za 3(k> kalorij dnevno. Zdaj znašajo 2000 kalorj. Čez iPO.OOO beguncev se nahaja v e-meriški okupacijski coni. 3- i ' • omumsti zunaj uši je petokolonci Auckland, Nova Zelandija, 11. jun.—W. S. Cornish, član vrhovnega sodišča, je dejal, da je dosti komunistov zunaj Rusije, ki fa natično verujejo, da Je Sovjet ska un Chicago.—V predmestju Ber-wynu Je v nedeljo umrla Mary Darovic, rojena Bele, doma iz Gornje Straže pri Toplicah, Dolenjsko, v Ameriki od 1895. Mož Je umrl pred par leti. Zapušča štiri sinove, štiri hčere in več vnukov in vnukinj. Njeno truplo leži v pogrebnem zavodu na 5704 W. Cermak rd., Cicero, pogreb pa se vrši v četrtek ob 9:30 zjutraj.—V bližnjem Argu pa Je zadnje dni umrla Johana Sku bel. rojena v Bevkah pri Ljub ljani, v Ameriki od 1009. . Not grob v IlllnoUu Wenona, 111.—Dne 2fl. maja Je umrla Johana Archull. stara 62 let. doma iz Viševca pri Žužem berku. v Ameriki od 1904. I* Nemčite je prišla v Rutland, III., leta 1924 se z družino preselila v Chicago, leta 1936 Da v to naselbine. Bil« Je članica društva SNPJ. Zapušča moža. sina štiri hčere, štiri vnuke, dve ses tri in brate. Seja varnostnega sveta odložena New York, IL Jun —Seja članov varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov, ki bi ae imela vršiti v torek, je bila odložena. Naznanilo pravi, da se bo pričeli jutri Člani sveta bodo razpravljali o španskem vprašanju. Poaebni pod odsek je v svojem poročilu priporočal pretrgan je diplomat ičnih in ekonomskih odnotejev med državami v okvi Mussolini podpiral britske fašiste Mosley dobival $250,000 letno ' London. 1L jun. — Oswald Mosely, bivši vodja britske fašistične unije, j^ prejemal od Benita Mussolinija $250,000 letno v obliki subvencij. To je razkril notranji minister James Chuter Ede v parlamentu. Mosley, ki je bil aretiran v vojnem času in bil v zaporu čez tri leta brez obravnave, je zanikal obdolžitev. Ede je izrekel obdolžitev na podlagi Mussolini-jevih pisem grofu Dinu Grandi-ju, bivšemu italijanskemu poslaniku v Londonu.: Ta pisma so bila najdena med Mussolinijevi papirji. V enem pismu, datiranem 30. januarja 1943, je Grandi izrazil v imenu Mosleyj* zahvalo Mus-soliniju, ker mu jc poslal veliko vsoto denarja. Vismb vsebuje tudi zagotovilo, da bo Mosley dor bil še več. Na 1. marca 1. #935 je Grandi pisal Mussolinifu: "Mi trošimo velike vsote denarja v Angliji. Mosley je dobival od vas 3,500,-000 lir letno v mesečnih obrokih. Ta denar je bil vržen stran. Ako bi jaz dobival etip desetinko tega, kar dobiva l|Cosley, bi bili uspehi večji'" Mosley je zahteval, naj brit-ska vlada podpre obdolžitev z dokazi. Pove npj, kdaj in kako je fašistična organizacija dobivala denar od Ifutsolinlja v vojnem času, ko io bile vse finančne transakcije pod vladno kontrolo. Apel nemške " cerkve zavrnjen > Formiranje denaci-fikacijskih sodiič Berlin. H. jun.^Gentral Lucius D. Clay, pomožni ameriški vojaški foverner, je zavrnil apel nemške evangelske cerkve ta a-mendiranje zakona glede formiranja denacifikacijskih sodišč v ameriški okupacijski coni. V pismu vrhovnemu svetu te cerkve je naglasil, da je namen zakona, omogočiti nemškim sodiščem in prosekutorjem kaznovanje nacistov, po prestani kazni pa se madež izbriše. . "Ameriška vojaške vleda je od začetka podpirala popolno versko svobodo," je dejal Clay. "Zanašala se jc na kooperacijo cerkvenih avtoritet v prizedeva njih za odstranitev z važnih pozicij in uradov onih, ki so se družili z organizacijami nacijske stranke, katere je demonstrirala, da se ne zmeni za božje zakone in Je brezobzirno teptala človeške pravice" s Člani vrhovne«a sveta evan gelake cerkve so izjavili, da Je zakon preoeter proti onim, ki so postali člani nacijske stranke pred 19. majem L 1937, ko nje ne zlobe še niso bile vidne. Od vetniki, zdravniki in drugi pro fetionalci so postali člani nacij-ske stfanke avtomatično, ko je slednja prevzela kontrolo nad nilhoviml organizacijami. Po-koriti ao se morali svoji vladi. Rudar ii na antracitu se vrnili na delo Scranton, Pa 11. Jun —Ru darjl na polju trdega premoga, ki so zastavkali 31. maja, so ae na oster konflikt med Člani vrhovnega sodišča Sodnik Jackson napadel sodnika Blacka v hablogramu KONGRESNA PREISKAVA SE OBETA Waehlngton, D. C.. 11. jun,— Robert H. Jackson, član federalnega vrhovnega sodišča in ameriški prosekutor na obravnavi proti vodilnim« nemškim ntci-stom v Nuernbergu, jo poslal članom senatnega in kongresnega odseka za justične zadeve ka-blogram z ostrim napadom na H. Blacka, člana vrhovnega sodišča. Jackson Je obdolžil Blacka obnašanja, ki ograža ugled vrhovnega tribunala v Ameriki. Jackson je $ svojim napadom na Blacka razgalil konflikt med člani vrhovnega sodišča. Obdolžil je Blacka med drugim, da je skušal ustrahovati svoje kolege z namenom, da zakrije dejstva v sodnem slučaju, v katerem je Crampton Harris iz Birmlng-hama, Ala., reprezentiral zmagovito stranko. Harris je bivši Blackov odvetniški partner. Očitno je, da je predsednik Truman razkačil Jacksona, ker je imenoval federalnega zakladnika Vinsona za načelnika vrhovnega sodišča. Ta pozicija je bila izpraznjena, ko je umrl Harlan Stone. Jackion je pričakoval, da bo on dobil pozicijo načelnika sodišča. Krivdo, da je ni dobil, je zvrnil na Blacka. Noben član vrhovnega aodi-Ščn, odkar Je bilo ustanovljeno pred 150 leti, ni rabifffiko ostrih besed proti svojemu kolegu kot jih Jackson. V kablogramu je naglasil, Mako bodo Black In nj« govi prijatelji napovadall vojno, bom pobral vrženo ml rokavico. Bojeval se bom z orožjem v odprti borbi, ne z orožjem tajnih atentatorjev." • Sodnik Black nI hotel komentirati Jackaonovega napada na svojo oaebo. "Podal nisem nobene izjave, odkar sem član vrhovnega sodišča," je "rekel na sestanku s časnikarji. "Tudi zdaj je ne bom podal. Na vaša vprašanja ne bom odgovarjal." Kongres, vznemirjen zaradi konflikta med člani vrhovnega sodišča, bo, kakor vse kaže, od redil preiskavo, Razpravljal bo o obdolžitvah, katere je izrekel Jackson v svojem napadu na Blažka. Preiskave bo morda rezultirela v obtožbi in zahtevi, da morata oba, Jackson in Black, resigniratl. Italija zabredla v novo krizo Kralj Humbert se ie oklepa prestola Rim. 11. Jun.—Premfar Alcide de Gasperi je razglasil narodni praznik ob rojstvu italijanske republike, ki pa Je povzročilo novo krizo. Kralj Humbert ae še vedno trdno oklepa prestola. Besedniki monarhiatov se izja-| vili, da Humbert ne bo zapustil Italije, dokler ne bo vrhovno sodišče uradno razglasilo njegovega poraza. V Neaplu ao se ponovili nemi ri. Vojaške £ete In policijske e note so bile mobilizirane za akcijo, da se prepreči izgrede. Vladni krogi trdijo, da je treba vrnili na delo Nova pogodba . išl. med unijo UMWA In operatorji ] ns)tl izhod iz kritične si uaclje, je bila podpisana zadnji psisk. ] daje lulljajzogiio^lvilnl vojni, Skoro vsi prem ogovniki v tem d istrl k tu so obtiovtli obrat V stavki Je Wlo zavojevanlh okrog 75 000 rudarjev ru Združenih narodov in fail stičnim režimom špenskefa diktatorja Franca rtemier De Geaperi In člani njegove vlade so zagotovili Italijanske republikance, da zmage. katero ao Izvojevali pri splošnih volitvah, ne bo iztrgana Iz njihovih ritk. V lzgr«?'h v Neaolu, monar hietlčni trdnjavi. |e bila ena o seba ubita, trinajst pe ranjenih Reorganiziranje kongresa Zadevni načrt sprejet v senatu. Waehlngton. D. Cm 11. jun.— Načrt, ki določa reorganiziranje kongresa in moderniziranje njegovega ustroja, je bil sprejet v senatu s 49 proti 16 glasovom. Sprejet je bil tudi predlog, da se plača članom kongresa zviša od $10,000 na $15,000 na leto, zviša pokojnina članom^ ki gredo v pokoj, in glede večje kontrole nad federalnimi financami. Avtor načrta je senator La Follette, progrealvec iz Wiscon-slna. Debata je.trajala pet dni in izgledalo je, da načrt ne bo sprejet. La Follette je končno pridobil opozicijo na ivojo stran. Glavne provizije načrta določajo: Zvišanje plače na $15,000, To je prvo zvišanje po 31 letih. Člani kongreaa, ki alužijo 30 let, bodo prejemali pokojnino $7500 na leto. Dalekosežne spremembe v organizaciji senata, število odsekov, ki ja zdaj 33, ae zniža na 16. ' Odseki za apropriacije obeh zbornic določijo federalni proračun. V slučaju, da stroški prekašajo dohodke, kongres lahko zviša vsoto proračuna. Načrt dalje določa javna zaslišanja pred Člani odsekov ip apropriacije o vseh zadevah, ki ■e nanašajo na federalne finance, • Nemški ujetniki prihajajo v Anglijo Vlada odlaia z repatriacijo London, 11. jun.—Zadnja skupina nemških vojnih ujetnikov je dospela iz Amerike v Anglijo, kjer bodo upoaleni v tovarnah ln na poljih. V ameriških taboriščih ae je nahajalo čei 120,000 nemških ujetnikov. Nadaljnjih 34,000 nemških u-jetnlkov bo prišlo v Anglijo iz Kanade^, ,v prihodnjih tednih. Število nemških in italijanskih ujetnikov v Angliji je čeg 400,-000. Britske delavska^vjada bo naredila $250,000,000 profita letno od dela vojnih ujetnikov. Ona daje ujetnike v najem delodajalcem, ki nimajo dovolj delavcev. Delodajalci plačujejo vladi $15 do $20 za delo vsakega ujetnika, vlada ujetnikom pa dvajset centov na dan, ppleg tega pa jim daje hrano in stanovanje. Osta la vsota od zaslužka ujetnikov gre v vladno'blagajno. Le nekaj kritikov te je oglasilo In obsodilo kupčije z ljudmi. Vlada odgovarja kritikom, da so ujetniki še vedno nemški voja ki. Kadar se bodo vrnili v Nem čijo, bo morala nemška vlada prevzeti odgovornost ln Jim Izplačati nabrano vsoto kot vojakom In ujetnikom. Vlada odlaša z repatriacijo in trdi, da repatrleclja nI mogoča, dokler ne bo podpiaena mirovna pogodba z Nemčijo. Pogodba ne mora blU podpisana, ker Nemčije nima vlade. Ona je pod kontrolo zavezniških okupa cijsklh sil. Člani parlamenta, ki ao sku šali dobiti od vlade informacije^ kdej a« bo repatrleclja nemških vojnih ujetnikov pričela, ao dobili odgovor, da bodo ujetniki ostali v Angliji še najmanj dve leti. Spopadi 00 bili med policijo in monerhlstl. Delavci v Milanu, Turlnu ln Genovi, središčih republikancev, ao zapretill z oklicem generalne •tavke. če ne bo Humbert za 4>ustil Italije Neki član vlade je dejel, da monerhiatlčna klika pritiska ne Ifumhrrta, na) oata ne v Italiji. sovjetska kritika bevino-vega govora Britski zunanji minister ponovil Churchillove besede POSKUSI USTRAHO-VANJA RUSIJE Moekva. 11. Jun,—Pravda, glasilo komunistične stranke, je komentirala govor britakega zunanjega ministra Erneata Bevina v parlamentu zadnji teden in ga obsodila. Izjavila je, da je imel značaj psiholoških priprav za popolno zavržnje načel kolaboracl-je med zavezniškimi državami. (Bevin je dejal v parlamentu med drugim, da sovjetsko stališče glede varnoatl in zaščite, demonstriram) na pariški konferenci zunanjih ministrov štirih velesil, je največja ovira miru. Premier Attlee Je rekel, da Rusija Ignorira proviglje potsdam-akega dogovora, Churchill, vodja konservativne stranke ln blvil premier, pa je dejal, da se aeme nove svetovne vojne aeje v državah vzhodne Evrope, ki ao pod sovjetaklm vplivom.) Pravda očita Bevinu, da Je zagovarjal svoja stališče, katero je zavzel na pariški konferenci, pred parlamentom, aaeno pa je Izražal željo, naj ae ruaka delegacija vrne v Pariz in apreime britsko-ameriške predloge glade sklenitve mirovna pogodbe i Avstrijo, začrtanja nov« meje mad Jugoslavijo in lUUio, o bodočnosti italijanskih kolonij v Afriki, italijanskih reperaoijah, plev bi na Donavi in druge. "Prave Bevinove namen« j« razgalil zunanji miniaUr Molo-tov na pariški konfarwcl," pile Pravda. "TI so razširjanje brit* •klh poseščln, Interesov in privilegijev v severni in severno-vzhodni Afriki. B«vin j« ponovil besede in fras« Churchilla, kat«re je slednji izrekel v svojem govoru v Fultonu, Mo. Kakor Churchill, je tudi Bevln govoril o železnem saatoru. Radijski komentator Mihajlov je oplazil Attleeja in Churchilla. "Obrekovanja ne morajo zakriti milijonom ljudi triumfalne sovjetske demokraeije, resnične ljudske demokraeije," je dejal. "Britski in ameriški poakuai Ktrahovanja sovjetak« Rusije ie do izjalovili na vaej črti." Green zapretil z odprto revolto Obaodta protista vkovnega načrta Chicago. 11. Jun. — William Green, predsednik Ameriške delavske federacije, je dejal, da bo šlo sedem milijonov članov njegove organizacije v odprto revolto, če bo Truman podpisal protistavkovni in protidelavski načrt, ki Je bil sprejet v kongresu Avtor načrta je kongrao-nik Case Skoro gotovo Je, da se bo Truman udal pritisku organiziranih delavcev ln vetirai načrt. Gre«*n je govoril na konvenciji unije Amalgamated Aeaociation of Street Kali way k Motor Coach Kmployees, ki se Je pričela v hotrlu Congress, lis kon< vencljo je prišlo okrog 600 delegatov. ki predstavljajo čez 200,-000 članov unije v Ameriki ln Kanadi "PosluJUli se bomo ekonomske in politične sile za poraz ptoU-delavskega načrta, kakor tudi kongresnikov in aenatorjev, ki ao glasovali 'zanj," je rekel Green. "U ver Jen sem, da bo Truman vetirai načrt, ki bi, 6« bi I*»staI zakon, potisnil ameriške delavce v tlsčanstvo." Uradne Testi društev SNPJ drugega. Pridite na sejo v«, da bomo imeli kaj izbrati, ker tajniški pote! je najtežji in viak Calumet, Mick. — Članstvo izkoriščanje bolniške podpore, član ni za to delo. To «cm na-društva 62 SJfPJ je vljudno vab- Sedaj imamo bolniške »klade na vedel, ker imam izkušnje iz ljeno, da »e udeleži seje 16. ju- dobri podlagi, ako pa bomo od- prejšmh let v tajniškem poslu. pravili točko 72., potem bomo Blaš Koa. blagajnik, imeli pa zopet izredni aaeament. ■ > Tcfej vii na sejo dne 16. ju-] Ely, Minn^-Clanstvo društva nija, pričetek ob dveh popoldne. Seja bo važna, kajti volili bomo delegata za prihodnjo konvencijo. Pridite v velikem številu. ' Joseph Pechawer, tajnik. fllcaa Landing, Pa. — Nazna njam članstvu društva Slavček 501 SNPJ, da bomo na redni seji 16. junija volili delegata in namestnika za 13. redno konven cijo, zato je potrebno, da se članstvo udeleži seje v veMkem šte vilu, da bomo izvolili takega delegata, ki bo deloval za napre dek društva in jednote. Matthew Barich, tajnik. Wslsenburg, Colo. — Opozarjam članstvo društva 2*0 SNPJ na prihodnjo sejo, ki se bo vr Šila 16. junija. Na dnevnem re du bo volitev delegata in na mestnika za 13. redno konvencijo SNPJ. Dolžnost slehernega člana in članice je, da se gotovo udeleži te seje, da izvolimo delegata, ki bo delal v korist društva ln jed note in da bo članstvu po volji. Louise Zupančič, tajnica. St. Louie, Moni.—Opoza r j a m članstvo društva 679 SNPJ, da se gotovo udeleži prihodnje društvene seje, ki se bo vršila 16. junija v običajnem prostoru. Kakor vam je znano, smo se združili z društvom 567 iz Sprlngfielda, 111., v svrho izvolitve skupnega delegata in namestnika za prihodnjo konvencijo. Članstvo tudi prosim, da bi bolj redno plačevalo svoj ases-ment. Ni treba zaostajati dva ali tri mesece, ker jaz ne vem $T1 bom dobil povrnjen denar a II ne. Če bi pa koga suspend I ral ln se bi zgodila nesreča, bi pa mene krivili, če«, zakaj nisem založil asesment. Torej udeležite se seje 16. junija v velikem številu. Prank Pavletlch, tajnik. Virginia. Minn.—Članstvo društvi 338 SNPJ je vabljeni na prihodnjo sejo, ki se bo vršila 16. junija v običajnem prostoru, začetek ob dveh popoldne. Kakor vam je znano, smo se združili z društvom 61 iz Gilber-*ta v svrho izvolitve skupnega delegata in namestnika za pri hodnjo konvencijo, ki se bo vr lila to poletje v Evelethu. Udeležite se te važne seje v velikem številu! Angela Schneller. tajnica. nija, pričetek ob desetih dopol- Rudar 251 SNPJ je vabljeno, da dne. John Pecar. tajnik. ge udeleži redne mesečne seje --16. junija, pričetek ob sedmih Gowanda, N. nedeljo, zvečer v spodnji dvorani Jugo- 16. junija, se bo vršila seja dru- slovanskega narodnega doma. štva 325 SNPJ, na kateri bomo Na dnevnem redu bo volitev de volili delegata in namestnika legata za 13. redno konvencijo, skupno s članstvom društva 728. Naše društvo se je združilo z Članstvo je vljudno vabljeno, da društvom 194 iz Keewatena, Minn. je! Prosim, udeležite se se-Aodrtw Plrts. tajnik. se udeleži te važne seje v veli kem številu, kajti to je zadnja seja za volitev delegata in namestnika za 13. redno konvenci- Cleveland, O. — Sporočam jo. Vsi na sejo, da ne b° P°zne-1 članstvu* društva 135 SNPJ, da je kakšnega pregovarjanja, češ, L ^ ^^ §eja tretj0 nedeljo, to in ono ni pravilno. t0 je 16 junija ^tek ob pol Mary Stlbil, tajnica itreh popoldne, ob štirih pa bo- mo imeli skupno sejo s tremi društvi in volitev delegata. Pro-šeni ste, da ste gotovo navzoči. Mary Oblak, tajnica. 325 SNPJ. — * Forest City. Pa^—Naznanjam vsem Članom in članicam društva 124 SNPJ, da se bo vršila redna mesečna seja 16. junija,1" - <*Mfln«tvo začetek ob desetih dopoldne v , ■»JJ** ™ Claiwtvo Zvonovi dvorani. Na dnevnem društvai 345 je vabljeno na redno redu bo volitev delegata in na- ^ « se bo vršila 16 junija, mestnika za 13. redno konven pricetefc ob dveh popoldne na-cijo, zato je potrebno, da ste vsi mesto ob eni. Članstvo naj vza- navzočl, tako da bomo Izvolili ♦akega delegata, ki bo delal v korist društva in jednote. Lotila Saaeo, tajnik. Diamond vi lie, Wyo,—Pozivam članstvo društva Bratje miru 253 SNPJ, da se gotovo udeleži v velikem številu prihodnje društvene seje, ki se bo vršila 16. funlja. Kakor je članstvu znano je nreminul tajnik br. Joe Kolih in notrebno je, da si izvolimo novega tajnika. Spodaj podpisani prevzel tajnlSke posle samo »ačaano. to je do prihodnje seje. ra naprej pa moramo izvoliti me to obvestilo na znanje in se udeleži seje, kakor tudi plača društveni asesment ob pravem času. Nlck Mahali, tajnik. Cleveland, O. — Opozarjam članstvo društva Vipavski raj 312 SNPJ, da se v velikem številu udeleži prihodnje seje, ki se bo vršila v petek, 21. junija. Na dnevnem redu bomo fmell volitev delegata in namestnika za 13. redno konvencijo SNPJ. Poleg tega imamo ukreniti veliko stvari, ki so vvzvezi s 30-letnlco, ki se bo vršila v mesecu oktobru. John Strancar, tajnik. Glasovi iz naselbin Detroit, Mick. — Obveščam članstvo društva 518 SNPJ, da se gotovo udeleži prihodnje se je, ki se bo vršila v nedeljo, 16 junija, pričetek ob desetih po poldne v Slovenskem delavskem domu. Volili bomo delegata in namestnika za 13. redno konvencijo, ki se bo pričela 12. avgusta v Evelethu, Minn. Konvencija bo zelo važna, zato Je dolžnost članstva, da se u-deleži seje in izvoli za delegata vnetega člana za društvo In jed noto. Prav tako je potrebno, da delegat razume delovanje SNPJ in današnji svetovni položaj. Naše društvo danes šteje v obeh oddelkih 300 članoV, zato naj članstvo preskrbi, da bo društvo zastopal na konvenciji dober delegat ali delegatinja. Frank Tehovnlk, tajnik. Calumet. Mich. — Članstvo društvs Brstske sloge 62 SNPJ je vabljeno na prihodnjo sejo, ki se bo vršila 16, junija, pričetek točno ob dveh popoldne. Na dnevnem redu IxhJo volitve de* legs t a in namestnika za 13. red IM konvencijo SNPJ. AKTIVNOSTI DRUltVA SVOBODE 748 SNPJ Cleveland. O. — Zelo malo ali pa nič hI poročano v Prosvetl 0 našem ženskem društvu Svobodi 748 SNPJ. Kakor po večini pri drugih društvih, tako tudi pri našem delajo v korist organizacije le ene ln iste članice. Kljub temu, da je društvo majhno, pa vseeno obdržujemo redne mesečne seje v najlepši slogi. ' Vsako leto na velikonočno nedeljo priredimo veselico* Pred nekaj leti je naša pokojna sestra Barbič predlagala, da se vrši veselica na ta dan in od tedaj naprej jejo naš običajni dan.Letošnja veselica je še posebno lepo finančno uspela, zato smo na zadnji seji odločile $100 za otro-Ako bolnišnico ln $50 pa za spomenik našim fantom vojakom. Poleg tega pa še nekaj manjših vsot za razne druge namene. Članice društva Svobode so zaeno po večlrrt tudi članice Progresivnih Slovenk, krožek št. 1. Na bolniški postelji se nahaja *e od minule jeseni sestra Jennie Gorjup. Dokler ji je dopuščalo zdravje, je bila zelo aktivna v naših vrstah. Želimo ji, do bi se ji ljubo zdravje čimprej povrnilo. Članice pa ste proše-ne, da jo obiščite, za kar vam bo hvaležna. Naša redna mesečna seja se ho vršila v petek zvečer, 14. junija. Udeležite se vse članice! Thereaa Gor Jane. vala ln bila sva skupaj. Rečem, če ne bi bilo Snoyja, ne bi bilo socialističnega kluba v Brldge-portu. Prav tako je bil zelo vnet agitator za SNPJ in splošen napredek. Dragt Jože, prehitro si se ločil od nas. Delal si za napredek in bil prepričan, c^ bo Tvoje delo rodilo sadove, Ki Jih bodo drugi vživali. Toda kaj hočemo! Narava je gospodar čez vse, kar živi, in tako m moramo ločiti vsi -^nekateri prej, drugi pozneje! Vsi bomo prišli za Teboj. Naj Ti bo lahka ameriška zemlja, kjer si pustil vsa svoja mlada leta. Mirno počivaj, brat Jože Snoy! Moje globoko sožalje užaloščeni družini! Florlan Pishelc. V SLOVO JOŽETU SNOYJU Neff. O.—Zelo me je pretresla vest o smrti našega sodruga Jožeta Snoyja. Od njega sem do-" '"j i bil pismo, naj se udeležim klu- se v velikem številu. Rad'bi£ " tudi videl, d« bi naročili na *,cn' ™ odgovoril, da ne dnevnik Pro,veto, ki je najbolj Pr'tl ter Pravna člana ši slovenski delavski list. f Anton Turk, predsednik. " * 8 v ^nišnl- 'co, drttgi dan pa na operacijo. Yale. Kana. Opozarjam vse Člsne in članire društvs 9 SNPJ. Izrazil se je, da želi imeti vse v redu, v slučaju, da se ne bi več MATERINSKI DAN IN POTOVANJE V ST. MARYS Gowanda, N. Y. — Odkar posluje tukaj krožek SNPJ, je navada, da se vsako leto priredi ene aH druge vrste zabavo y po-čast našim materam na Materin-fcki dan. Tako so tudi letos voditeljice krožka preskrbele za FARMA NA PRODAJ Prodam S »krov oranle farmo Sest sobna hiša, na dobrem proatoru, blizo glavne ceite št. 06. Imam več hiš na prodaj blizo Kaizerjeve tovar ne. Na prodaj imam tudi dobro obstoječ restavrant Tu je velika tlovenaka naselblns* Slovenci tiveči v tej okolici, ako telite prodati vaše hiše ali posestva, pridite v moj urad —Office—da ac pogovorimo. Po jas nila o vsem tem daje laatnik ln srni I j liki podjetnik. ANTON JORDAN. 460 Foot Hill. Fontana, California —*{< White—to care for 3 year old girl. Housework Mother employed Plain cooking - Stay - $25.00 LONGBEACH 1270 N. Y., Sheffielda, Caudersporta, Brookporta, Ridgewayja, Portland Millsa, James Cityja, Johns-burga, Mount Jewetta in drugih naselbin, katere pa se nisem zapomnil. Deževalo je kar naprej, mi pa smo morali iti na pot. Neradi smo se poslovili od vesele družbe. Br. Uljan nas je čakal pred svojo hišo in se nam zahvalil za poset, nato pa se poslovil po slovenski navadi. Hvala, Gabriel! V časopisu iz St. Marysa sem opazil nekaj pomot, toda vseh ne bom navajal Želim omeniti samo to, da je ime voditeljice našega krožka Frances Straus in da nisem jaz aranžiral vožnjo z busom, temveč samo pomagal sestri Evi Klancer. Najlepša hvala vsem za gostoljubnost, posebno pa družinama Uljan in Bon! Društvu pa želim veliko uspeha! . John Maiekovich. PRISPEVKI ZA OTROŠKO BOLNICO Muse, Pa.—Tudi v naši naselbini smo se odločili, da prispevamo za otroško bolnišnico po svojih močeh. Darovali so sledeči: Društvo 517 SNPJ $25; po $5: Gregor Kostelich, Math Kranz in žena, Frank Stainer in žena, Matilda in Veronika Stainer, William Popich in žena, Anton VLOGE v te) posojilnici zavarovana de 15,000.00 po Federal Savings * Loan Insurance Corporation, Washington, D. C. Sprejemamo osebne in društvene vloge LIBERALNE OBRESTI St. Clair Savii^s k Loan Ca 6235 St. Clair Avenue - Hend. 5670 CLEVELAND. OHIO Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN * SURGEON 3714 W. 26th Street ir «o Answsa call austxh em OVTXCS HOURS t JO to 4~P. M.—6 JO to S JO V. U. Except Wednesdays, Saturday* and m. „,,«».. • • Sundays -i— »»»r...*;,:, 2216 S. Rldgeway Ave. NA PRODAJ IMAM dobro stoječo gostilno, kjer se pro-dsjs pivo in vino. Poleg tega je tudi 3 akre zemlje pomarančni vrt 200 dreves. Kokošnjak in 200 kokoši zraven. Vsa potrebna poslopja, nahaja se ob glavni 66 Highway cesti v Fontana, Calif. Cena za vse to je $10,500. Pojasnila daje: ANTON JORDAN 460 Foot Hill, or 66 Highway, Phone 750 Fontartfe, California "PR O L STAR EC" Glasilo Jugoslovanska soc. zveze in Prosvetna matica. Pisan v slovanskem in angleškem jeziku. Stane |3 sa sala. 61.75 sa poL 81 ss šetrt lata. NAROČITI SI GA 1 Naslov: PROLETAREC <301 South Lawndale Ai CHICAGO 23. ILL. V POLETNI VROČINI • Vsaka kuharica je v poletni vročini često v zadregi, kaj naj da na mizo, da bo zadovoljila svoje omizje, kajti mnoga jedila in pijače, ki so dobrodošla pozimi, oz. v hladnem vremenu, niso niti dobra, niti vabljiva v vročih poletnih dneh—SLOVENSKO-AMERIŠKA KUHARICA vam nudi zelo mnoge jedi in pijač, glede katerih skoro ne more biti dvoma, da bi jih vaše ozmizje ne sprejelo z zadovoljstvom in s hvaležnostjo kuharici za njen "trit," za njeno skrbnost in umnost.—Ako še ni te važne in koristne knjige v vaši kuhinji, je v interesu Vaše družine in Vas samih, da si jo takoj naročite, kajti ta obsežna in praktična njiga je vsakdanja svetovalka in pomočnica vsaki kuharici v vsakem letnem času.—Naročite Jo lahko po postnem povaetlu, ali pa pošljite S5 nat Ivanka Za-krajiek, 302 E. 72nd St.. New York 21. N. Y. Kumar ln žena. Dve ose6l po $1, skupaj $57. Denar je bil poslan Franku Kressu v Pittsburgh. V imenu društva in nedolžnih slovenskih otrok se vsem darovalcem najlepše zahvaljujem. Bodite prepričani, da bo denar oddan, za kar je bil namenjen. Naj še omenim, bratje in sestre, da bi bilo potrebno, da bi se bolj redno udeleževali društvenih sej, kajti dostikrat sploh ne moremo seje obdržavati, ker je premalo članov navzočih. Pridite na aejo 16. junija, pričetek ob dveh popoldne v običajnem prostoru. Frank Stainer, blagajnik. Ustavite tigto braxos pat *ko««ao*Z za ^letK-nTn*™ brivno arbečico in dm./!!' if kob* »rw! brezmadt duh*. brezmld* te en dolar ali kost, na BRAXON CO £ 322 So. CUrk tt., Chic£ vam pošljemo /o, poitnin^n Povrnitev denarja jamčena V Prosvetl so dnevna na ln delavske reaM. Ali čitata vsak dan? Naznanilo in zahvala Žalostnega srca naznanjam tušno veat, da je po dolgi bolttni prt minul moj ljubi soprog ln oče CHARLES BRATSCHU1M Vm*I je 13. maja 1646. Doma je bU is vaai Veternik pri Brtiicah m Dolenjskem. Ob smrti star 73 leta. Najlepša hvala T>*m. ki n« J kojnika obiakali ob mrtvaškem odru in ▼•am, ki it« mu podarUi krasna vence v sadnje slovo. Srčna hvala T»em, ki >ta ga .prtmm k mirnemu počitku na mirodror. Lepa hvala druitTu it It) u S. M. P. Jednoti sa točno in hitro izplačilo poamrtnina inM t* kar ste nam dobrega storili v uri žalosti. Tebi. dragi soprog in oc« pa Šalimo, počivaj v miru in lahka naj TI bode ameriika ttmlii. Ostaneš ham 4 ipominu do konca naših dni—Žalujoči osiali-Jo sephlna Bratschun, soproga. Albia, Iowa. Sin in druiina t Chi-I1L. ter omošeaa hči Mary Zimerman in hčerka. | enako članstvo društvs 2.15 P™*™11 4« bolnice. SNPJ s katerim smo se združili v svrho Izvolitve skupnega de-legsta, da se gotovo udeleže pri hodnle ae|e. Dolfnoet sleherne-«** člans le d« se udeleži seje. vrlle termi na «e ne. pa naj se Mm nile ali nnomln)s. donlenikl prlnnmčsln, nst hi AT*»etl1l toNro 72., ki do ločs Hntn«ške obiskovalce. Opo zarjam vam. da bodo lahko zopet prišli slabi Čaat in s njimi MoJe mnenje je, da Je slutil konec. Govorila sva kake tri tedne poprej, ko se je podal v bolnišnico, in Je zelo tožil, da se slabo počuti. Sicer pa se mu Je poznalo na obrazu, da je slab. Mnogi ga bomo pogrešali. Midva sva sodelovala akupaj v vseh oalrih, bodisi za SANS ali sa druge organizacije, čeravno sva bila oddaljena drug od drugega. Samo ena dopisnica je sadosto- VETERAN!.. G. I. (Posojila sa vaš dom) HOME LOAN SERVICE Naj Bo vaš glavni atan sa G. I posojila aa vaš tam WANTED TO RENT AparttpenO or Houses for Ward Executives WILL LEASE OR OCCUPY ON MONTH-TO-MONTH BASIS Thrse high-type officials of our Company are willing and able to pey top rentals and will give excellent care to your property. Call or Write W. A. BROWN REAL ESTATE DEPT. SUPERIOR 6200, EXT. 35S5 NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS PARK RIDGE 1216 Montgomery Ward 619 W. Chicago Are. • Chicago 7. III. M Naznanilo in zahvala ŽaloMM,. »re. nun.nj.mo sorodnikom, xn.nc.rn in prijal.ly.rn tuiao VMi. pa kruta uaoda ni bila nama aaila In neerečna »mr ^ p Is naše arede ese oreagoda). BU si ljubljen te »(»»' pričel ogromen Tvoj pogreb. "J ■ ta v«a m«M .. -a« «• MOTOM ••) Ti ~ m M« OT 4.m au a Počivaj sladko po trudapolnem šlvljenju v Joči ostali: Margaret Rolih. soproga; Ray te r ram- ta K*** hči la set: Mary Lumbert Prevteh. teatra: IjT* vnuki Mary In nečahteJL V Pine Ave. Frank V kreje pa Predkonvenčne razprave JROČILA IN NASTVEtl * TAJNICE ■r^Z malo poročati 12 ] Z» Naše društvo št. 3 »i ie v dveh tednih izgubilo di člana. Prva je premi-, petra Paich, drugi pa An-Lunka Tako smrt pobira ne vpraša, greš ali ne, tem-moraS. Tako nastajajo vr-v naših društvenih vrstah, ere moramo sproti napolniti, nočemo nazadovati. Med naj- ie]ša vprašanja spada brez „oma agitacija. B /a se 13. redna konvenci-SNPJ V Pros veti vidim le «10 razprav o pravilih. Kar bolniških obiskov, bi bila proti, da bi bili bolniki poboma brez nadzorstva. Ne jim vzroka, zakaj bi bili bol-užaljeni, če jih sem «in tja društveni tajnik. Do da-9 ^ nisem pri takem obisku izila nevolje, pač pa vsak rad ,lo pokramlja. Seveda, da bi kdo bolniku vedno za peta-ii, ni priporočljivo. Na splošno ■ članstvo pošteno in ne lamo simulantov. Kadar obiskat bolnega člana ali iico, to storim iz prijatelj: ne pa da bi vohunila za Bil pa je že slučaj,, fcoi prišla obiskat težko bolno jieo na želodcu, jo je mož si* opravljati vsa hišna dela, da-avno je hotel tudi bolniško iporo. V tem slučaju je prav obisk pomagal, da je precei m ozdravela. Z lepo beseda ji Dovedala, da škoduje sa-sebi. Zdravnik prepove delo bolni a on ga ne more nadzoro-Imamo gotove bolezni; ko orajo imeti bolniki absoluter »citek, da pomagajo zdravila Uestirala bi. da ne bi Članom poškodbami, ali če se podaje dan v bolnišnico, odtrgal'' irih treh dni, ampak jim nake-bolniško podporo s prviir Imamo lestvico za razne mi. ki določa do koliko jr upravičen. sga *važnar stvar Jer kafcb*ob» pčfROCTLA ti članstvo? Agitator je lah vsak član ali članica, a taj je duša, okrog katere se suče napredek društva. Brez po-vovalnega, aktivnega tajnik«' napredka pri nobenem dru u, pa četudi je tajnik v "kik Res je še veliko članov, ki pripravljeni žrtvovati čas ir snar za napredek svojega dru a. ali tudi to ima svojo me-Iz izkušenj vem, da je več at tajnik na izgubi, medteir »mnogo članov meni, da jr ka pfciča zadostna zanj, če pf kateri izmed njih slučajne odbornik, pa mu ni nikda* ti. Vem, da so odborniki za svoje delo prav lepr "ani in ne store ničesar brez a veljati pa hočejo zr jboljše. ot pri našem društvu tak< pn drugih mora tajnik sto sem in tja, če hoče obdr člane. Komercialne družbr io svoje agente, ki niso le do izvežbani. ampak tudi dobr< ■čanl. da kolektajo po hišah »krbe da je na plačilni dar '•iprvo plačan njihov prispe * Tako nam je zelo težkr bnkurirati v tem oziru. Zelr j»h je. ki rajši plačajo tu milo vrv komercialni zavaro družbi, samo da plačujejo »Pevke doma in nimajo po P® nobene brige. Vedno več članov je, ki mi re jo pr, agitaciji, kako bodo pla-tsesment. Drugi zope' kaj bo, ko bo nastopi S« Hjnik. Taki in podobn Vj*P<>vsod. Javno po « bi bila za svojo oeeb' 2'' n* Ulitem v denarnerr jjj^ h. m. bila tajnica. Taj-1' pia«a TTI pokrije voznr T.,da naj ni r* misli, da pišem zr t" niki velike sitnosti. V slučsju sumnje, naj društvo samo določi dva dobra člana ali Članici, da pr&ščeta stanje bolnika. Kandidata, ki še ni izpolnil 35 let, se naj sprejme brez zdravniške- preiskave, ako se zavaruje samo za smrtnino do $1000, ako pa se želi zavarovati tudi za odškodnino, se mora podvreči zdravniški preiskavi. Seveda tajniki naj bi pazili, da je tak kandidat res zdrav. Glavni odborniki naj bi vsa taka priporočila pretresli in jih predložili konvenciji, katera ne bi smela trajati vfeč kot teden dni. Delegacije ne hi bilo t(pba znižati, kajti v enem t«'dnu se lahko iz vrši veliko delu. : Na Članstvo društva 107 pu ponovno apelirum, da ne pozabi seje, ki se bo vršila 21. junija v Jožeta Snoyja ni več... Anton Garden "Joseph Snoy umrl v petek ob 9:05 zvečer"—se je glasil kratek telegram, ki je prišel od mrs. Snoy zadnjo soboto na uredniško mizo Prosvete. Dodatna vest je povedala, da je umrl 36 ur po operaciji na želodčnih uljesih. 182 se vsem prav lepo zahvaljujeva, ki so priskočili s svojimi darovi na pomoč za ta plemeniti, I namen. Anton Žganj ar, tajnik 182 SNPJ, Andro Žagar, tajnik 61 SNPJ SNPJ. in ne smrtnino, se lahko izplača dvorani Jeffla. Poravnajte tudi članom, kateri imajo certifikate, asesment ob pravem času. v katerih je določeno, koliko na- i Ciril Medved, tajnik. Hudo nas je presumia ta vest —vse njegove prijatelje in znance. Ampak taka vest pride prej ali slej za slehernega . . . Danes meni, jutri tebi . . . Tak je zakon narave. In ta zakon je pravičen. Le da je v Joietovem slučaju prišel prehitro—mnogo let prehitro! Bil je star komaj 52 let. Jožeta je moral imeti vsakdo rad, kdor gp je poznal. Po naravi je bil blaga duša, dobrega srca, uljuden, preprost, pošten do temena, priden kot mravlja, povsem nesebičen in delavsko zaveden. Če so še kake druge dobre lastnosti, ki jih kdo poseduje, bi jih pri Jožetu Snoy ju gotovo našli. Če se je kdaj komu zameril, tega ni storil iz zlobnih namenov, marveč radi svoje odkritosrčnosti in pa vsled tega, ker ie bil vedno na delu za ideje in gibanja, v katera Je veroval. In veroval je v unijsko gibanje, v socializem, v zadružništvo, v SNPJ, v delavsko časopisje. Skratka: živel je za bolj' šo človeško družbo, sa nov svet socialne pravičnosti, ki ae poraja v naši dobi z velikimi mukami in težavami. 2ivel je seveda tudi za svojo družino, ki je v njem izgubila idealnega odeta in moža, očeta, ki je znal prikleniti družino nase z lepo besedo, premišljenimi nauki in dejanji kot zamore to storiti le oni, ki zasluži v polnem pomenu besede ime "oče". In Jože je bil zelo skrben in razumen oče< Z njim sva se poznala pred nekako 22, 23 leti. Vrnil sem se na Glencoe iz Brookwooda in šel za Proletarca na agitacijo po tsmkajšnjih naselbinah. Jože je nekaj let prej prišel z družino iz Kansasa v Bridgeport. Napram JSZ je bil takrat preoej hladen, kot tudi napram socialističnemu gibanju. Jote je bil namreč takrat precej—"revolucionaren" in socialisti "prepočas ni". Morda Je imel prav. Z nJim sva takrat dolgo debatirala in končno sem ga pridobil toliko, da mi je pomagal agitirati. Ko sem se nekaj mesecev pozneje preselil v Bridgeport, sva postala dobra prijatelja in šla na agitacijo ter ustanovila soc. klub. Oba'sva delala v majni, vsak v drugem rovu, dokler ava imela delo. Jaz sem potem odšel v Cleveland, Jože pa je postal duša vsega, kar je bilo tam naprednegit. Postal je Proletarčev zastopnik, tajnik kluba, organiziral okrožno gibanje Prosvetne matice, bil aktiven v društvu 13 SNPJ in pozneje tudi v zadrugi, katero je pomagal ustanoviti in bil menda ves čas član direktorija in več let tudi predsednik. Delavskih in socialističnih idej se je bil na-vzel v knrisaških premogarskih naselbinah še pred in v teku prve svetovne vojne. Tem idejam »e Je potem v Brldgeportu znova posvetil in postale so zopet njegova gonilna tila. Postal je pravi "Jimmy Higgins". Premogar-ski poklic je odloftil še pred veliko stavko leta 1927 in dobil delo v jeklarni v Martins Ferryju, nekaj let potem pn je dobil službo šolskega hišnika tik svojegs doms. Skoraj ves svoj prosti las je posvetil agitaciji v svojem Od časa do (asa okrožju in tudi i*veiv~za Proletarca, za JSF, za SNPJ in še za marsikaj drugega. Pridno je tudi dopisoval v Prosveto in Proletarca. Vsega tega dela Jože Snoy ne bo več opravljal—nič več tajni- imel° *ej° 111 P*tl?k. kuk°r j* bi-koval svojemu društviT ali klu-1,0 ž* P0™*®™ poprej in nazna-ou. nič več agitiral za delavski nJ,no M«n®tvu z dopisnicami. To tisk, nič več pridobival novih P01 ** 1)0 Počela seja pol ure članov jednoti in Prosveti ali ^ kot P° ™vadi, namreč ob poroča in komentira MIlan Medveiek Društvo Slavila 1 SNPJ bo Proletarcu novih naročnikov, nič' več delal za Društveni dom, za federacijo, za Prosvetno niatico, za zadrugo, za ducat drugih stvari, tudi ne bo več pisal dooisov. Svoj zadnji spis je napisal /a jubilejno izdajo Prosvete in pridobil šest novih naročnikov Prosveti pred svojim odhodom v bolnišnico. Slednje je bilo zelo karakteristično od njega. Proti koncu aprila se je na nasvet zdravnikov odloČil, da se poda v bolnišnico, toda prej bi še rad pridobil Prosveti nekaj novih naročnikov. Ves bolan se Je podal na agitacijo in Prosveti jc poslal šest novih n&rotmkuv. To .ie storil, kot je pisal, kot svujo dolžnost-- ker je veroval v jed-tioto, v Prosveto, v delavske cilje in idoqje, Nnjbrle ni nied nami niti enega ki bi v « \tkem položaju storil to, kar je storil Jože Snoy, In to no samo tik pred svojim odhodom v bolnišnico, marveč vsa zadnja leta, odkar ga je bolezen—uljesi na želodcu—zelo mučila, Dostikrat je tako trpel, da si je želel smrti, kljub temu pa vedno agitiral tli pisal za stvari, v katere je veroval z vso svojo nesebično dušo, ki je bila prepojena z najčistej šim idealizmom. Zdaj Jožeta Snoyja ne bomo več videli ne doma, ne na sejah, ne na agitaciji, ne na konferencah, ne nt konvencijah, Vsi se ga bomo pa ie dolgo spominjali kot dobrega človeka, iskrenega borca sa boljše življenje za vse, pravega delavskega Idealista, ki je za realiziranje velikih socialističnih in človekoljubnih , idej prispel veš kot svoj delež. Imel je borno, trnjevo življenje, ki pa ga je na svoj način obogatil toliko kot ga sploh more obogatiti kak delavec. In obogatil ga je s svojim vztrajnim delom za blagor človeštva, s prebujanjem svojih delavskih trpinov, katprim je pomagal kazati pot k !»olncu. Naj bo svetal vzgled svojim sinovom in hčeri, kakor tudi nam vsem, Častem mu spomin! Park Tivoli t Ljubljani Na Mu za stari kraj pol osmih zvečer, kajti na dnevnem redu bomo imeli volitev delegata in namestnika za 13. redno konvencijo SNPJ in razpravo o pravilih. Torej članstvo se naj udeleži te važne seje v velikem številu. Asesment pa bom pričel pobirati že ob pol sedmih. • Governor Frank Lausche jo obljubil, da se bo zavzel za upravičene težnje naših bratov in sester v stari domovini in posredoval pri državnemu tajniku Byrnesu in predsedniku Truma-nu, da bi prišel Trst, Julijska krajimt in Istra pod Jugoslavijo. Prejel sem poročilo, da ao bili pri governerju Lauschetu v av-dijencl v soboto, 9. junija, zastopniki federacije clevelandsklh društev SNPJ, vseh treh podruž- * nic organizacije SANS in Progresivnih Slovenk. Clevelandsko federacijo SNPJ sta zastopala Louis Kaferle in Cam Zamik, podružnico 39 SANSa Kriat Stoke! in Joseph Okoren, podružnico št. 4fi SANSa Rudy Llsch, podružnico št. 106 SANSa Frank Česen in Progresivne Slovenke Joaephine Zakrajšek. Governor Lausche je zastopnike, katere vse osebno dobro pozna, sprejel zelo prijazno in pogovarjali ao se po večini v slovenščini. Lausche je izvajanjam deputa-cije pazno sledil in nato Obljubil svojo pomoč, da bo atopil v zvezo z državnim tajnikom Byr-nesom in predaednikom Truma-nom. Deputactja Je bila dobro organizirana, kateri je načeloval poznani gl. odbornik SNPJ Rudy Uaoh, za razlagatelja in pojasnjevala pa je bil poznani kulturni delavec Louis Kaferle. De-putacija je imola s seboj semlje-vido in pojasnjevala governerju, kje bi morala biti meja med Italijo in Jugoslavijo. S seboj so imeli tudi pisma od aorodnikov, da so lahko podprli, kaj ljudje v stari domovini mislijo, kako se I počutijo v novi Jugoslaviji Jn zakaj se zavzemajo za Trst In Julijsko krajino. Zastopniki so vzeli s seboj tudi apel predsednika K8KJ Grma, kateri Je pozlvsl društva omenjitne organizacije, naj pošljejo prošnje in zahteve v Washington za priključitev Trsta In Primorske k Jugoslaviji. Čestitam clevelandsklm naprednim društvom, ki so storila Is korsk. Razumljivo, Lausche ne more storiti čudežev, vendsr I a jo možnost, da bi vsaj malo omajal državnega tajnika Hyr-nesa, kateri ima tako malo smi-' Najlepši naravni park v Jugoslaviji J« Ijubljsnslci Tivoli obdaa od m.lih hribčkov. Id se pril)uh Ileal kratki sprefcotfl Ljubljančanov. Na sliki viltle glavno promenado v Tivolija, ki Je podaljšek Aleksandrova ceete. Na levi strani v osadja vidite Ljubljanski grad. m desni pa aebotltnlk. (Sli ko dal d/. Rudolph P. Zaletel) TUDI V OILBERTU NA DELU ZA SLOVINSKO DKCO Gilbert, Mlnn.ly naše naselbine, kakor tudi Iz države Min neeote, Je le malo poročil v Pro sveti, akoravno se bo tu vršila letos konvencija naše največje organizacije SNPJ. Danes ne mislim pisati o konvenciji ali pravilih, ampak o slo I *» »M' ki J^j v boju venskih sirotah, ki so toliko pre j proti nclfašizmu izgubil več živ-trpele pod nsci fašizmom in do- Men J kot Amerika in Anglija mačimi Izdajalci. Ko čltamo pi- »kupaj; Važno pa je sedaj, da rema iz stare domovine, ki priča- 1 o Lausche svojo obljubo Izpol-jo o silnem trpljenju nsših so- M osebno do državnega rodnikov v stari domovini, nahi>ajnika Byrnesa in predsednika vse boli v dno srca, jTrumana, kajti s svojim drama- V Gilbertu Imamo dve druš ln »apatičnim nastopom t vi, ki spadata pod okrilje SNPJ. vsekakor veliko več dosegel Sedaj dela članstvo obeh druš*,kot » P*»mom tev, št. 61 In 182, roka v roki za Poleg te deputacije bo obiskal staro domovino. Odločili smo,, M>v. Lauscheta, če ga ni že, tudi da gremn "d hiše /io hiše pobirat Janko Hogel in mu podal še go-p ros to volj ne prispevke za ot ro» , tove druge podatk«. ško bolnišnico v Sloveniji, In re- Situacija glede Julijske krajt-zultat je bil precej povoljen. ne ni rožnata, kajti Amerika in Zbrali srno skupaj $233.50. Anglija v/trajata, da Trst ne Dsrovali so sledeči: Anton t. j pride pod Jugoslavijo in prav l*pp, župan mesta Gilberta, $10; t/*ko velik del Julijske krajine, po $5: Niek Plesha, Mike Koola- Temu se nI čuditi, kajti zapadni rovieli, Joseph Potočnik, Anton narodi so vedno odrivali Slove-Zganjat', Jack Murphy, John ne m jih bodo toliko časa, do-Prancel, John Malovrh, Jakob kier jih bodo mogli, čim bolj j Maikun, Andro Žagar, Andro nas odrivajo toliko bolj energjč-j liar le, društvo 61 SNPJ, Tony Ho se moramo boriti za svoje J (ah Sel, Jack Drobnlck in ptavlce Danes je tisti kritični Charles Klanchar. Dva sts TTrS«J^09RokopUi UtaTLro*?!!*^ (6rtiee, ltd.) se rrnejo pošUJetelJu le e slučaju, 6e Je will net be returned, eta. will be of oomimuHcratlo— Other returned to Naslov aa vse, kar ima silk s listami PROSVETA W7 M So. Lawadale Are. Chicego, Illinois Datum v oklepaju na primer (June 30, 1046), poleg vaiega na naslovu pomeni, da vam Je s tam datumom potekla naročnina, rita Jo pravočasno, da se vam list ne ustavi imena Pooo- Potreba povečanja angleške sekcije Zadnjo sredo smo se na tem mestu detail viige Prosvete in deloma Glasa mladine, ki jo igrata v življenju jednote. Ta predmet res ni nov, toda je potrebno, da se o njem od časa'do časa pogovorimo, posebno ps pred konvencijo. / > , Z vlogo, katero igra Pros veta, posebno dnevnikoma samo v živ ljenju naše Jednote, marveč tudi v življenju slovenskega delav stva v tej deželi, smo lahko zadovoljni in nanjo ponosni. To je posebno resnica, kar se tiče dnevnika, ki je predvsem posvečen duševnim ali vzgojnim potrebam našega delavstva t tej deželi. Sigurno je, da bi brez Prosvete, posebno našega dnevnika, delavska misel ne bila prodrla med nami tako Široko kot je in tudi jed-nota bi ne imela svojega močnega delavskega karakterja. In ta značaj je dal jednoti predvsem nai dnevnik, ki bo s prvim jult Jem praznoval svoj 30-letni jubilej in bo 3. Julija v ta namen tudi izšla posebna priloga. , Ampak zadnjič smo rekli, da se bomo v tem članku dotaknili angleške sekcije, kjer je po našem mnenju potrebna reforma. Ta potreba je v povečanju te sekcije, da bi med angleško govorečimi člani mogla vsaj v neki meri vršiti del tiste vloge kot jo vrli dnew nlk Prosvete med starejšo generacijo. To potrebo najbrže čuti marsikak član, kajti včasih je kdo že sugestiral, da bi del našega dnevnika spremenili v angleško sekcijo za delavsko vzgojo mladine. Ta sugestija do danes še ni dobila odmeva med članstvom, toda »a priti čas, ko bomo uvideli tudi to potrebo. * Angleška sekcija vrftl približno isto vlogo v življenju organize clje kot jo vrftl slovenski del sredine izdaje ali tednika Prosvete. To je služi predvsem potrebam jednote in posameznim društvom "gossips", Id morda ne ustvarja prestiža listu, toda je del šivlje-nja ljudi po deieli in po meetih. Tega "gossips" je polnA tudi ameriško dnevno časopisje, ki Specializira na ,imastne" vesti, šund romanizem in podobno. In tako je ta "gossip" zašel že zgodaj tudi v našo angleško sek djo — sploh v slične sekcije vseh dvojejeiičnih glasil vseh jugo slovanskih podpornih organizacij. In ker je to tudi pri nas posta la le nekakšna tradicija — poročanje o osebnih in brezpomembnih malenkostih z nekakšno iolarsko razigranostjo ln mentalitsto — bo stvar težko odpraviti ali reformirati. Če bi v uredništvu izluščili ves ta "gossip", bi bila samers in bi lahko škodovalo društvenim aktlvnoetlm, kajti ta "gossip" navadno prihaja od aktivnih članov. Zato bomo morali tudi v bodoče potrpeti, dokler članstva ne pretzobrazimo, ako je to sploh mogoče. Potrpeti bo treba kljub temu, da ta "gossip" vzame precej kolon prostora, katerega bi lahko porabili v bolj koristne namene. Druga stvar, ki vzame doeti prostora v angleški sekciji, je atletika. Zadnjih par let, ko je vsled vojnih razmer trpela tudi atletike pri naših društvih, tega materiala sicer ni bilo toliko in smo tu ln tsm lahko posvetili Kakšno kolono tudi "težjemu" materialu — dobrim člankom, vestem iz delavskega in sadruftnsga gibanja etc. Ampak s vrnitvijo v normalne razmere se je začela obnavljati tudi atletika, kar bo, oziroma je še dobilo odsev tudt v naši angleški sekciji. Ker spada to v društvene aktivnosti, mora seveda dobiti prostor tudi v Prosveti; vse, kar je mogoče, je te atvarl sem ln Um skrajšati. * In tako se znajdemo pred vprašanjem. kaj storiUT Zadnjič smo ne tem mestu dejali, da smo pri Prosveti ln sploh vodstvu jednote v preteklosti veliko grešili, ker smo posvečsll premslo vsgojne važnosti pri sngleškl sekciji. Ta sekcija je rasla po potrebi, povsem neplsnlrsno. Začela se je pred približno 20 leti, po wsuke-genski konvenciji, ko so se pričels ustanavljati angleško poslujoča društva. Najprvo Je bile ta sekcija v obliki par kolon, potem Je narasla na eno stran, se raztegnila na dve strani, po člkaški konvenciji, leta 1929 pa je dobila še eno stran. V tej velikosti je ostels vss ta lsts. Ts sekcljs sicer le danes odgovarja navadnim potrebam organizacije in poročilom angleško poslujočih društev. Ampak v preteklosti smo grešili, ker nismo posvetili vaaj ene strani te sekcije za "težji," to je vzgojni material, nanalajoč se na politična, gospodarska In socialna vprašanja, kar uključuje tudi delavsko, zadružno in druga progresivne gibanja Ena stran tedensko sicer nI veliko. toda je skrajno potrebna, ako hočemo tudi med mladino vrliti vsaj del tlatega vzgojnega dela kot ga vrši dnevnik Prosvete mej starejšo gensrsrljo. Priobčili bi Ishko vssj psr dobrih člankov In krsjlih vesti Iz delsvskegs, zadružnega In aorodnege gibsnjs. Am-psk zdaj navsdno še tegs ne moremo. Z drugo besedo: priporočilo vsšega urednika je, da povečamo angleško sekcijo na štiri strani, od katerih na) bo ens poevečeiM zgolj vzgojnemu in informativnemu materialu in po možnosti tudi oris le tri strani, kolikor bi prostor dopuščal. Mi bi rsdl čsstokrat ponatisnili msrsikak dober članek, toda ni prostora — material, ki drugače ne pride pred naše či t atelje razen v zelo redkih Jzjemsh. Vemo dobm, da hi ta material ne zantnul vseh. najbrže niti večine čiUteljev, ker ne vsebuje "goesipa", atletike sli drugih malenkosti Ampak dati moramo nekaj duševnega gradiva onim članom, ki so dostopni zs "težje" stvsrt in vzgojiti ksder delavsko In če hočete, socialistično orientiranih članov med tuksj rojeno generacijo, ds bodo v jednoti videli to, ksr vidimo mi in se je oklenili k dušo In telesom Na tem polju smo sicer le veliko zamudili. O tem se bomo le pogovorili. JUGOSLOVANSKI DAN Cleveland, 0<-Preteklo je leto dni, odkar se je vršil zelo uspešen slovenski dan na prijaznem vrtu Slovenskega društvenega doma v Euclidu. Vsled svoje pestrosti in privlačnosti je ta dan ostal nedvomno mnogim posetnikom v spominu. Ker je bil slovenski dan nadvse pričakovanja uspešen/se je sklenilo, da se bo letos na istih prostorih vršil "jugoslovanski dan," ki bo po obsegu in sporedu daleč nadkrilil lanskega. ^ Jugoslovanski dan se bo vršil v nedeljo dne 23. junija na vrtu Slovenskega društvenega doma v Euclidu, Ako poudarjamo "jugoslovanski," s tem nič ne pretiravamo, ker bodo sodelovali Slovenci, Hrvatje, Srbi in Ma cedonci. Piknik se bo vršil pod pokroviteljstvom Združenega odbora elevelandskih Jugoslovanov, Id obstoja iz SANSovih podružnic,• Progresivnih Slovenk, Hrvatskega narodnega vi-ječa, Srbskega vidovdanskegs kongresa in Macedonske obram-bene organizacije. V slovenščini bo govoril STANE KJIA&5VBC,- kateri se je pravkar vrnil Iz Slovenije. Njega je jugoslovanska vlada ponovno poslala na važno misijo v Amerika Iti ker je strokovnjak v gospodarskih zadevah, nam bo povedal marsikaj zanimivega lz rodne domovine. V srbo-hrva-ščini bo pa govoril Šimen Balen, ftaše za informacije pri jugoslovanskem poslaništvu. Tudi on je pravkar prišel iz Jugoslavije. Poleg teh so bili povabljeni: župan mesta Euclida K. Sims in governor 7. J. Lausche. Ker se nobena naših večjih priredb ne konča brez petja, tako bo tudi jugoslovanski dan dobro zastopan s pevci. Po najnovejših podatkih bodo ne tej pri redbi zastopani sledeči pevski zbori: Slovan iz Euclida, Zarja ln Glasbena matica iz St. Clair-ja, Jadran iz Collinwooda in PJanfoa iz Maple Heights*.. Seveda tudi bres godbe ne bo. Za razvedrilo občinstvu ln za ples zvečer v dvorani bodo igrali iz-vežbani hrvaški tamburaši. Pravijo, da bo tudi za žejne In lačne dobro preskrbljeno—Hrvatje govorijo o celi čredi jancev, Slovenci pa o rogatl živini. -Del čistega preostanka je namenjen sa mladinsko bolnišnico v Sloveniji, drugo pa za ostale dele Jugoelavlje. Na tej priredbi bodo oddani trije krasni dobitki, in sicer: ledenica, prslni stroj in čistilnik za preproge. Poleg tega ae bo vršil srečelov. Ker se te stvari danee sploh ne dobijo v trgovinah, bo nekatere doletela ree izredna srečs. V sveti t to priredbo te vršijo ogromne priprsve. Številni odbori ee trudijo, da bi čimbolj zadovoljili občinstvo. V danih o-colščlnah ni to malenkost, ampak Slovenci so iznajdljivi. O Itevilu poaetnlkov se mnenja križajo. Večina trdi, da jih bo od 8 do 10 tisoč. No, vpričo zanimanja bi ne bili nič presenečeni. Priredba se bo vršila tudi ob slabem vremenu. Da bo piknik tembolj slikovit, se apelira na lenake, da pridejo v narodnih nošah. pBpr smo prepričani, da ljudje hrepenijo v prosto naravo na oddih, vam kličemo, da ti nedeljo, 23. junija, rezervirate Izključno za Mjugoslovanaki dan" na Rccher Ave. Poleg duševnega n telesnega ulltks boste Imeli tudi prijetno zavest, da ste pomagali gmotno vašim krvnim bratom v rodni domovini. Frank PRITISK PENNSYLVAN-SKEGA DRUŠTVA NA GOV. LAUSCHETA HermlaU. Pa,—Na zadnji aeji društva 87 smo razpravljali o odprtem pismu, ki fn je pisal pomožni urednik Prosvete Mllsn MedveŠek ohljtkemu governor ju Franku Lauschetu, nakar smo sklenili, da pošljemo sledeče pi-smo našemu rojaku governer Ju Lauschetu v Columbus in fs ta-eno objavimo v uradni IVoeveti Pismo se glssi: Dragi governer Frank Lau-ache* Društvo št 87 SNPJ, Her. minie, Pit, jr razpravljalo o od- začasno plesišče. Odbor je stvar preštudiral in prišel do zaključka, da ae preuredi v plesišče staro hišo na hribu. In res so šli člani farme pridno na delo in izgotovili plesišče v kratkem času, tako da imamo sedaj nekaj strehe v primeru dežja. Kakor hitro se bodo razmere izboljšale in blagajna povečala, bomo postavili udobnejše plesišče, tako da bo odgovarjalo vsaki veliki priredbi. Kadar imata, priliko, obiščite naše prijazne izletniške prostore, kjer boste vedno prijazno postreženi. Theresa Gor J sne. / zapisnikarica. XII. PENNSYLVAN8KI DAN SNPJ Moon Run. Pa. — Dvanajsti pennsylvanski dan zapadne Pen-ne, katerega prirejata skupno slovenska Vin angleška federacija, se bo vršil 30. junija v South Parku, to je na Istem -prostoru kot lantko leto? South Park je moderno urejen in eden največjih parkov v tem okraju, zato se je odbor ponov Angliji je pa vse let^TT^ kratično. Toda nar*^ dobro vedo, kje in J L ? to*. ^kricii: ^ tem prihodnjo sredo °, I ako ^te Sj^ Sterling »89 PROSVETA | [ SREDA, 1? nv,r. PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT GLAMOjO m LASTNINA SLOVENSKE NAAODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Oefsa ei »—:——• MO 0. KUHIL------- cot zvr an^-"-- HALO J. LOTJUCH—-- dolpu uacu . fPQji BHULA*. predaednlk— avk vkatakich-- ?kk barbič—--— Tgrw VIDKICH.......— bphwe močnik-- —J»r So. Lawndale Aw , Chleafo n, HI. ---------171» Snowden. Detroit 81. Mtek. J31 So. Proapect Ave. Clarendon Sill«. QL -------J8 Weatclox Ave., Peru, Hi. _________1997 E. flOth St. Cleveland 9. Ohio lANK ZAITZ, prtdaednlk. £lW CHUM.---- S MALG AI------ gpH nrOLT --- Ne o.II*telle t Pojil« provided VeeaUle pralakalen Dm. Petre Ho-boko. T« Jo vol kot edvajsloe — laludtoa tenika adreyilo — umi II rMi.ih »tilavtlnili .ellU, korrnin la ovetje. Sptivl iiaiuM Iww k delu. Fmuii odpravili mmIiU tveriao— edlone «U|>| Ijo plin« ia vadlisnja— 4« leloleu ll.ll |»rlj«.nl ebtulek. dovoljuvo la lepleie. P«$ori Rabilo Nabavila al noboko v rail aaw4MI. plwudCla'lLlPl lEoHu— NAMEČEK stss- u Kokal) ... Vakar ........ ftldck...... jftiit 1'iuiTiiZ.Z Vartachntk » »toetcii Brtkar *°*0ClL0 0 •OLNIfiKI HARMONIKE NA PRODAJ NI" prodaj imam fino nemške harmoniko. Pridito osebno pogledat Zmerna cona. Mrs. PRANCES KROPIL, 879 N. Mosart St., Chicago 21, Illinois. TO JE FAKT! Noben drugi trgovec vam ne plača več sa vašo karo—automobll kot "MANIAC" Pri CALIFORNIA CAR COMPANY Kli&tei Mansfield 3700 In vprašajte sa Mr. Stanley. (Po 0. url P. M. kličite Hyde Park 0S41.) IŠČE BRATA Rada bi Itvedela sa mojega brata FRANKA SMREKAH. Pred par leti je bival v Clevelandu, Ohio. IMo ga njegova sestra Mary Herman. Ako bo sam čltal ta oglas, prosim ga, da ml oglaal, ako bi on ne čltal, tedaj proalm rojaka, ako kdo ve sa njegov naalov, da ga ml pošlje, sa kar bom selo hvaletna.—Mre, Mary Herman, Box 170, Huntington, Arkansas. WOMEN Curtain Stretchers and Finishers. Only air conditioned curtain shop in elty. Experience not neceaaary. White help only. Hours 8 to 4:30;. ft or 0 day week. RICE & RICE Curtain Sl Drapery Co. sots N. CENTRAL AVE. NATIONAL 1870 AU OLEDATE ZA DOBRO PLAČO IN STABILNOST? Teloloa kompanlje • ima neka) takih prilik hišnice (J ANITRKBSES) Takoj ad seletka plača TtVfcs m uro, pesteh saNseth^TT Mii^aa uro ure ženske za čiščenje v vseh delih mesta Delovna ura od 8:10 pop. do II ura ponoči Oglasite os psi illinois bell telephone company e uposlovalnem uradu sa lanske v prit Ulju 90S W. WASHINGTON ST. ALI TRPITE' VSUD • glavobola • uradnosti želodca • neprebavnosti • nervoznosti • sgube spanca • vzdiganje plina povsročono vslod • rednega zaprtja Slavao *l lat fl m m mm mm Pošljite U "Posebne , Ponudbe" Kupon — Beda) i | Q Prllo$eno je 9100. P&jlte ml | □C. O. I fta.« I Naslov . 1 Mai M.|i t oT htbi will? a ioni co,"'i I Oapl. MI-MO | I S'lgffir ^nnifts'mVi "rla 1 Immm m m mm mm m mm mm mm mm mt mm «•( V Proeveti so dnevna svetov* no ln delavsko vesli. AU lih Mlete vsgk dsn? kampanja za 1000 novih naročnikov f Sesti odziv v kampanji je ppinesel 36 novih v Kampanj naročnikov, skupaj 308 Jaha Korala. ChUholm. Mina Mary Koada. Butto. Meni. Mary S upori, B. Helena. Mani. Jo* M.«lich. Berberlon. Ohio Jacob Cucaneleh. Cleveland. Ohio Andrew Pesder, Cleveland. Ohla Lauis Zadeli. Jerome, Pa. Jaseph Saba«. Stroke ae, Po. Aalon Seael, Milwaukee. Wis. Amelia Bi«)ak. Milwaukee. Wis. Malt Vlnsek. Milwaukee, WU. Jahn Pinter. Hudson. Wye. Martin Kenik. Toronto, Oat.. Canada Jaha Spolar. Toronto.. Out, Canada Andy PeenilL W. Toronto. Onl. Can. Prancka Bltaac. Dobronja. Jufaelavla Ivan SkoriOok. Yugoslavia. Europe želimo dobiti v najem stanovanja ' apartment« in hiie za Wardove izvršne uradnike Vzamemo "Lease" ali pa najamemo na podlagi od meseca do meseca Tt višje vrste uredniki naše drulbe so pri volji in arnotni plačati najvišjo najemnino In bodo ekaelontno posili na vaše posestvo. 'JjZ* ^^ I . Pokličite - ali pa pišite w. A. BROWN REAL ESTATE DEPT. SUPERIOR 6200, EXT. 3555 ZVEČER IN OB NEDEUAH PA PARK RIDGE 1216 Montgomery Ward 619 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago 79 111. sreDAO^^ Slovenska Narodna HS7.8I so. Lawn dalle Ave. na Podporna Jednota Chicago 23. Illinois GLAVNI ODBOR CXimCA*. tL pradsadnih K^vus IA*mOLA^ podpr.itaadolk-»—»04 -------Boa 04. Oeivaapt ft. W. 07th St. Cleveland I. Ohio l JOHN ZAVZRTNEK... 2219 So. 1 rr 1 . 1 Chicago 9. 111. IZKAZ OPERACIJ IK pDŠKODNIN IZPLA V maju 1S46 REPORT ON OPERATSQlVS AND DISABILITIES ' Paid in. May- ISIS 1 TSSTli PROSVETA IZKAZ IZPLAČANIH SMRTNIN ♦ v maju 1S4S REPORT ON DEATH CLAIMS PAID IN MAT. INI iMiill'ii. M.-^- 1 ai*-" •ft reveal CUT. 0TT Raatoa. W.ak 40T CovevOale, Pa. | Km o. I........ 'O. ________________ 400 Waterloo. Iowa «..„. So ctuoaeT m^ on cMsoeo. m. 0M Chlpsfit. UL i,. Miwti,. tOI Naaty Ola. ft. ■WW"""' SkuMl—ToUl ... 71 John Eatntck $90. 77 VlnoandJa Kokalj 0S0. 01 Roaalla H<>«ei 990JO, Joaaph Deratven-■ok 000, John Oracnar 004. Jacob Rot- pet ooo. 00 Dorothy Butya $00, Stave Arch 090. dtom Oswald |IS. 01 Anton Vatovac 07. John rttx 000, Anton Klamenclc $90, Autuat Kortylak no. 00 Joe Kosal |17, Ansel. Nleo 014. 00 Mary Botik 090. Joaaphlna HaupUnan CM, Frank SolcmtUar 000, John Mo-cilar 117, Franco. Kaatlsar 000. 104 Ursula Belakar ISO. Mirko Cmkovlc 940. Joseph Qorovac HO. 100 Prank Blazic 914. Atna. Vahar 90. Katarina Kokalj 910. Loula Truanovlc 9», Loula Truanovlc 9SI, Joaaph Sarin 990. 100 Franoaa Parma 917. Margaret Colaric 91040, Francos Glaaparlin 917. 1U Mary Perptch 9». Margaret Sever 9». 114 Frank. Balah 900. 100 Frank Kranja 9S1. Francca Turk 907. 130 Mary KrUman 914JO, Franca. Stefla 199, Anna Klnkela 900. Mary Vrbe-nlj. 9SD, Franco. K.pl. W. Frsnco. Borganini 900. Julia Johnson fcOO. 191 Joaaph Oracnar 990. Thomaa Karhll-kor OlOJO. Thomaa Karhllkar ML Franco. Prolaanlk 990. Anna Ooloblah 900, Angola Bortol 900 199 Peter J.lor 914. Rum Mikllc 904. Helen Zupan 900. Ooorga Pavlch 990. 140 Thomaa Jakovoc 910, Lena Staudohar H«. 141 Anthony Mohorle 90. Ward Clegg 010. 147 Steve Baalch 000. v « 159 Jara Doblekar 990. Anna KrlapU 919, Mary Oblak 919 JO. 115 Martin Mlklloh 9*0, John Brson 910 JO. 101 Martin Boslc 909. 109 MelHa Kosmaeh 900 170 Victor Vouk 911. Adolph Klarlc 900. 179 Annie Satan 941. 179 Anna Kaatalle 919, Loula Borle 090. 174 Ursula Mllavac 914. Ursula MUavee 990. Frank Koeevar 000. Frank Kooa-var 909. Anton Tauaali 914 00. ' 101 Frank Oaaparae 00. John Plaaa 919. 1S4 Mary Kramsar 90S. Frank Volk 904. Frank Volk 904. 100 Nikolaj Oorgurea 901. Catherlaa Senf- 901 KLiml M leak 900, Valentin Marin-aek 194. Peter Rtbieh 900, Mary Btrnot 909. 919 Albert Bonko 910. 010 Dorothy HuJton 90S, Bara Bkok 909. 017 Valentin Fun tar 900. 901 Agoas RoaoU 909. Anton Utonic 9117. ■ Mary Kutehan ISO. 993 Bvangellna Pollock Oil. 9M BOglna Pompo 900. 900 Frank Bircoly 914. Frank Bobar 900. Leo Sagadia 9S7. Joaaph FriU 910. Mary Kate 917. 040 Andrew Beblak 014JO. Zftl MaRdslAe Slogar 904. 004 Mary Koran 919. John Boole 904. 990 Freak Svoealk 910. Andrew Baje 907. Jacob PrtmoBtc 010JO. John Kedrtoh 090. aril Furtan 910. Booa Oarm 914. 007 Jaoob AnUtla 9ST. Loula Sajevlc 917. Branlalsva Turley 970. John Krclantk 914. John Krilanlk 914. 090 Anna Poaovtch S07. 970 Franco. Dakravee 9*0. Jaaw SeeT. —r- UL Joaaph Vidmar 010, Mary Tomaie 000. 400 Frank Oragorlch 09» Joaaph Oom-bach Sr. 014. Joaeph Hrvatln 900. An- MMa draw Jerman 99l..!PHje 404 Rado. Medenica 910 Joaeph BUpnlk too 404 Mljo Vuklch 400 Anna Zubek 470 Anton Soreh 999. r-< 470 Nick Rupoteh 044. 477 Julia Bartol 0S4J John Bradae 99. Frank Koaaatabo SSl. Frank Konaata-bo 9n. i,. 400 Budy Seplch 919.' ' 090 Marko Oovorcln 909 090 Jeeeph Irman 199. John OBroaa 990. Frank Kotar 997. ' 000 Johana Boaane 070 Johanna Sain 991. Frank Kastoiic 990. Michael DanjeUc 900. John Volk 114, John Volk 000 Frank Dermota 091 000 Catharine "fti frm Bovec 014 wm 000 Sam Blip 091 Frank Be Una 990, Rudolph TrybaUkl 000JO, Leonard Staerlilnek 910. 040 Mary Longer 900. Anna Hasper 919. 000 Jennie Punter 999. 007 Frank Burlch 999.00. Michael ManoJ- lovtch 900- ___ 000 John Zimmerman IB. • 000 Jennie Cajhen 900. / John K lancer NN. Frank Fihi»ich 910. Jaoob Jane 919. Anton Kapta 900. Daisy Novekovlch »3o 00, Antonla Orach 999. ^Catherine Margate 904. Matilda Zorlch 094. lovlsn 990. Matt Petran Frank Mucar John $$aran John Plakur $00 070 001 Frank Snyder 114, Prank Cisolc 000, Anton Stefflcr OT, Aaton Steffler 907. Joaeph Koetpllo IB Frank Burina 900 ix.rothy Thomaa 999. Joaeph < ipoth 9SV, Albena Kralnc $90, Frank Oenter 040. Fred Oarbaa 919. Bleener Merar land IfflM Btuefca iii. . ......- Banko »4, Franco. (Mil US. vian Bur dick 910, Anna Brarsn 010 00. Louis Bon m. Freak Zitko $04 fBJWB S^et Valeria*'' Joaeph Krlee 949. Peter Stork 9B0, Peter Stork 940. John Vukovteh 000 Jobn Btembul 999, Stephen Antolo vie 000 Helen Janulewtes $7 Freak maH 917 Sophia Debelak OOSJO, Bmll Vuvan 010 Katharine Blarieh 010. Frank Forenee-vie 99. Maraetle Btomboffsr 914. Helen Hue. 990. Roman Pltol 9*. Beman Ft to I 900 790 Opel Meyers 990. Opel Meyer. $». Me Bel Croea $1$ 70S Frank Cerno 711 Joseph Kolobar |90. Mike MajaUovIa SSL Zupente 190, Berbera Stoter 010. Oo«.rse Uldbteae 99090. MI Ik a J.lun 700 Trm^KoX^mTrrmmam Korber 744 ?ulteMfeCaIl SlOJS J^to Tevael 001. Btenley Wajda Jr. 90 749 Jennie Oorjup 91410 SKUPAJ TOT Al. 110.100 Ja '.AWBBNCB OBADtBKK. tel. kol edd.^«BS y S B ttept DOPISNIKOM III CLANOM JEDNOT8 . Kadar piUU Proavotl all v «Uvb1 srol BMP J. bo poseMlo w 11 eels !■ aaprevitl polt no Ho- Slovan* Na? I Ben«fit Society in 43rd Year of Fraternal Sarvice-1904-1946 PROSVETA ENGLISH SECTION - Twentieth Anniver$ary of SNPJ EnglUh Speaking Lodge Movtn*« = PAGE SIX For Member* of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovene* Trieste and Its Hinterland WE SAID LAST WEEK THAT the Slovene American National Council (SANC) is carrying on an extremely important work here in the interest of our people in Slovenia aa well as in the interest of a durable world peace based on justice for all. Besides carrying on the relief work, SANC is also conducting our political action for a justifisble settlement of the Jugoslav-Italian frontier dispute. While we all agree that its humanitarian work, is of tremendous importance to our people in the old country, we must realize that a just solution of the territorial dispute is even more vital to the future welfare of the Slovene nation as a whole. Similarly, important as the campaign for a Children's Hospital in Slovenia is, we must realize the fact that it is absolutey necessary that all Slovene lands in the Slovene Littoral (Primorje), along with Trieste, be reunited with their mother country. We wish to emphasize that this must be done in the interest not only of the Slovene nation, but also in the interest of a lasting world peace! We repeat what we said last week: The Slovenes do not want any foreign land! All they ask Is that their own lands be returned to their mother country! They must not be denied this justifiable claim! Trieste and its entire hinterland if on Slovene soil, and It has never been Italian except since after the First World War when it was given to Italy as a prize for her participation in the war on the side of the Allies, after she deserted her former Allies, Germany aqd Austria. However, the role has since been reversed: Italy !s a defeated country and cannot be rewarded with foreign lends! it it it THE TERRITORY 18 A COMPONENT part of Slovenia ethnically and economically, as it is also politically and geographically. It la an established fact that the population around Trieste, including its four suburbs, is entirely Slovene; in fact, ita entire environs are inhabited by our people, and the population of the city itself is also largely Slovene or Slav, but the Trlestlnos use the Italian language partly as un established commercial convenience. Therefore, there is no valid ground for giving Trieste and its hinterland to Italy, because the territory is preponderate-ly Slovene or Slav, that is, Slovene and Croatian, the latter occupying the southern half of the Istrian Peninsula, which includes the naval baae of Pola and the seaport of Pjume. The Slovenes and Croats have been living on this territory for almost fourteen centuries and did not settle there recently, as many Italians did in Trieste and other cities especially after World War I. According to the last Austrian census of 1910, the population of this territory was composed of nearly 500,000 Slovenes, 118,-970 Croats, and 208,17« Italians. We must remember that neither the Slovenes nor the Croats were favorites of the Austrian government, and consequently we can consider these figures to give a reliable picture of the distribution according to nationality. At this point we wish to emphatic that Slovenia's claim to this territory Is not based on narrow nationallatic or chauvenlstic ground. On the contrary, the chief claim is based on equality and justice. Since the great majority there is Slav, naturally, the natives demand that their land be included Into Jugoslavia, whose democratic constitution guarantees equal rights to all minority groups within its borders. * * * IT 18 TO BE NOTED THAT IN the present dispute, Russiu alone stands firmly behind the just claim of Jugoslavia, while Britain and America along with France ore playing the imperialistic game of power politics. Britain and America want to give Trieste and its hinterland to Italy which is under their domination politically and economically. On the other hand, Russia and all the countries in Central Europe have a vital interest in obtaining an ouffetHo the Mediterranean through Trieste. It is this factor that is the real cause of the tug of war between the great powers for the domination of the territory and notably the seaport. The small Slovene nation must not be made a pawn in this predatory game of British politics! It was Foreign Minister Molotov of Russia who steadfastly demanded at the Paris conference that Trieste and ita hinterland be returned to Jugoslavia, and it was Foreign Minister Bevin of Britain and our own Secretary of State Byrnes who openly stated that they were willing to sell purely Slovene lands to Italy. The latter two repeated this shameful scheme over tho radio. This weekend, the foreign ministers will again meet in Paris Pennsylvania SNPJH Day Sunday, June 30 UNIVERSAL, PA.*—The moat enthuaiaatic news in connection with the 12th Annuel Pennsylvania SNPJ Day la that the oommittee has engaged the professional service« of two young SNPJ members from Milwaukee. Louis _ , come to our next meeting which will and will take up the Trleate laaue once again. The queation is: be Monday. July 1st, at 7:30 p. m Will Rusaia give In, or will the other big powers come to their senses and abandon their selfish stand in favor of aettling the diapute on a just basis? This is indeed m crucial moment for the small Slovene nation. In fict, it is a crucial moment for world peace. Therefore, It is in the interest of universal peace that this problem Is settled justly. Our voice mu«t be heard now' The very being of the Slovene nation is dependent on its outcome. They are Louis and Dolores Ivancich, members of the SNPJ Ju venile Department and both under fifteen years of age. These two ire promlrient dancers, and they have been On the stage since Dolores was five years of age. They will be accompanied by an accordionist, and will be given the assistance of Frank P or ovne'« orchestra who will be featured alap for the gpneing in both the afternoon and evening. We are quite excited about the participation of these two youngsters on our program. They will inspire the audience with entertainment of a high standard, and it is only because of their deep fondness for the SNPJ t bat we have been successful in engaging them. HThey will render three dances. One will be s Slovene dance, another an acrobatic adagio, and the third will be a Viennese waltz. Thi« will be highly entertaining to everyone present. In addition to these expert entertainers, we will have Frank Porovne and his Musical Styllsta for dancing from 2 to 5 p. m., and from 8 to 11 p. m. Brother Frank Zaitz of Chicago, chairman of the Supreme Supervising Committee and editor of Proletarec will be the principal speaker on the program. Brother Zaftz is a wonderful speaker, and we are sure he will impart a wealth of knowledge on current events, Thus, June 30 at the "Lodge" at South Park should prove to be a great day of fun and enjoyment for all of us. Keep the date in mind and attend. ' There will be music, dancing, speaking, sports, and everything else required for a jolly good time. The softball game between the Strabane Pioneers and the Am-bridge Revellers will feature the sports program. And the chances are still good that there will be a softball gamo between two juvenile teams. Besides all of this, there will be contests for juveniles, young adult members, and the oldaters. Everybody out to the "Lodge" at South Park on June 30. News and Views There has never been a doubt about the liberal and progressive philocophy of our Society. It i« this philosophy that has made the organization thrive: it is thU that has kept It alive and has made it the largest and financially sound organisation that it decidedly is. Its real character can best be expressed by the strik« fund set up by the Supreme Board in February, This strike fund waa used to good ad- Sharon Keystoners SHARON, JPA -Oor June month-ly meeting was fairly attended. By the way, where, ia that O. I. promise, boys? Remember saying, "We'll try to attend every meeting from now on"? It seems that you're not trying too hard. Rudy I.ocnlkar. Dogs" K v oca k and Max Macek will do the bawling out, since they attended every meeting so far, and want more of you boya to come. We can accompliah so much more in a short time if you all cooperate..Isn't that true? So, give it a little thought and Lincolnite News proud parenta of theae children. Congratulations are to be extended for the fine work that Freda Klasing and Ftunrea Laser are doing with theae juvenile member« See you all Sunday, June 16. at the Dom. llth and Kahaaa ata MARY AIDICH. Rec Secy. SI'ltlNdKIKl l>. ILL-The regu lar imetin« «*f I odg« i.iocolnttea No 167 will Im- held at th«- I»«»m on Sun day. June IS. at 3 p m. We are to elect a delegat«* and uncinate to the national convention tout we urge all ————— membeia to t* pr« *rnt in order that, Attention, Members O full vote ran be counted After the meeting a lommitlre ha« planned a party for nil of our lodf* member* return«-« 1 from mivIit ir.i aim to welcome th«- new member* admitted into omt led«' riunn« re twftt months. Our meetings every month have bren gaining In etteodan.« end a good time I« always In stoi. for thm, who attend Follow mg ou< Mat the Juvenile C*r» I« mem for us asul earh lit He gtri and boy gave a delightful all tha A light lunch will be served after the x meeting at the Hall lawn by Mr« Kathryn Stelbly. Won't you come? Stan Paulenich attended a two-day 20th anniversary celebration of Ixxtge Ml at St Marya. Sorry that more of our Keystoners couldn't attend. But we do wish you all the aucceaa in the world. And may you vantage in numerous strike«, but the significant ones were the auto workers where $2,000 was contributed; and to the Westinghouse employees strike fund where $1,000 waa recently donated. That is the kind of spirit we want to maintain in our Society. Numerous Chicago folks have been in this area recently. Mr. and Mm. Luke Groser were guests here for sixteen days, and we enjoyod entertaining them. Last week Brothers Cainkar and Vider, together with Brothers Petrovich and Gorshe of Cleveland, were in Pittsburgh on a business trip. Brother Cainkar took the opportunity to visit Universal for a short time. MICHAEL R. KUMER, Comrades' Nota M J. F. Flfolf Wiener Roast June If CLEVELAND.—Last call for Comrades' first event of the summer season, wiener roast at Roy and Lee Hoyt's place. They are located on Eagles Road, which run« off of Char-don Road. If you drive on Chardon, turn left juat before the Gaitfeld school. Call Pauline Spik if you intend to be with us Bring your flashlights and some beer. Transferred Member* We welcome to our midst Paul Po-virk, transferred from Lodge 739, also Betty Kaushep from Lodge 600, Johnstown. Come around to the meetinga and let's get acquainted. Have You Any Toolaf At our next meeting, an appeal from the American Association for Reconstruction in Jugoslavia will be read. Donation of any type of tools, machines, etc., 1« requested, saws, hammer«, etc, Qn this committee our friend Andy Qrurn from Detroit is a representative of the auditing grOUp. ;; \ u, « General Tony Modie is all set again, his old trouble, feet, has been bothering him. Congratulations to Charlie and Mary Samsa on their recent arrival, a girl, happily welcomed. Plans for the July 14 affair by tho Norwood Community Council are progressing nicely. The event will be held at the Gordon Park Shell on Sunday, July 14, at 7:30 p. m. From our neighborhood, talent in -the form qfrPete Srnick and hI« orchestra, the Richman Choral gtoup and members under the direction of Mim Karlin-ger, participating In Slovene singing and dancing, wilTbe provided. On Saturday, July \i, the program will be advertised on one of Cleveland's radio stations and the writer has been asked to speak. The dust was flying around in Cleveland last week; the Smoles Wire in town, John, Rose and Carole, looking fine, fit and dandy. Their stay waa short but pleasant. They asked that we say hello to the gang and were very sorry they could not stop for a chat with more of tllelr friends, also that their visit could not have been this Saturday. Vera Mang is seeing the sight« in Hollywood and dropped me the fol* lowing note: More we are and it'a grand and warm. Sew two radio ahowa, Grauman's Theatre, Hollywood Bowl, Beverly Hills, San Fernando Minion, etc. Having a swell time." v ~ O. I. Banquet . You'll recall the Cleveland Federation was thinking of sponeoring auch an event the« dropped the idea The writer nuggested aome time later tat poaaibly aome at the local lodges J.Z. Jr. Bright Spots LIBRARY, PA.—"June la Buatto' Out All Over" and It won't be long until it will be time for the "I2th\ Annual SNPJ Dor" which will really put the finishing touches to the month of June. Plans are well under way for a most enjoyable day. There will be various contest games for juveniles; softball game; profeasibnal entertainment; dancing from 2 to 5 in the afternoon and" from 8 to 11 in the evening to Frank Perovne's orchestra. Be cure and get an early start in order to take a few advantages of our County Park. The golf course is very handy to the "Lodge" as are the tertnis courts add swimming pool. Although we will have all kinds of refreshments (you get what I mean) it would be nice to pack-a family basket and stay until all hours. The committee will be therefrom 8 a. m. until sweeping time. From now until June 30 make all plans io be in attendance at the South Park "Lodge*' not only to enjoy the program but to visit with the boys who have returned from the services and haven't been with us in many a year. Let us give them a royal welcome. • * • "The Bells Are Ringing for M* and Mp OoL" On Saturday, May 11, Stella Ambroslc became the wife of-Ira Atcheson of Nemacolin, Pa. Many of Stella's friends and relatives had a grand time at the wedding eception. On Saturday, June 1st, "Beechy" Bruce, late of Detroit, U.S. Army, now a resident of Broughton, Pa., took unto himself a wife, Louise-Pfelfer also of Broughton. This Saturday, June 15, Rose Pod' lesnik will be given away in wedlock by her father to Eugene Rocka-cy of Castle Shannon, Pa. To all of you, from all of us of Lodge 6SK our sincerest wishes for much happiness and lots of luck are extended. * • ■ "Homo. Home on the Rano*." John Boback and Aldo Furno are leading a civilian's life since their discharge from the Army. This makes all the members who were intho services "home again." Glad to have you back and do try and get to the meetings. • • • "Rock a By* Baby." On April 16, Dorothy and Jake Vidmar became the proud parents of a bouncing baby girl. All three are doing well; and you shoAld see the proud pop grinning from ear to ear. Oh May 20—"It is a boy" was announced by "Pop" Charles Waggett. Helen is doing well and Aunt Frances just barely survived. Congratulations and thanks a lot, for the new members. ^ * * * This n* That—The writer was elected delegate to the convention and Frank Ambroslc Jr. the* alternate. The J. Z. Jrs, are planning to sponsor a dance in July, watch for the date. The next J. Z. Jr. meeting will be on July 3rd. FRANCES DERMOTTA, 662. I really do ap- two-day celebration predate It. Mr and Mr a. Hank Rupert of Detroit and their two lovely daughters »pent a week in Sheron viaitlng Hank's family and their many friends Welcome beck to your 9NP1 I r*Aom Na 94fl hom* ,own' 11 w*s "ur* »well and arerj i.ofige no. fun ulkinf -bou| oM tJmwl rh? BKNTI.EYVILLE. PA —Notice to pWmm. ,llrlKl th# Circlea Father'« member« of SNPJ I^atg« 240 The j*y d-ncr ^ Sund^. al g p m al regular meeting for June will be 1hr *Wnc Dom .n Sharon Musk held June IS, mated of June 30., wl„ ^ ^ lha| w<,„ known Z^XZXSSiX Ludwif Mrdv.- aouvenir booklet concerning the •ek. apark plug of lodge Napre), called the other day and ata ted that hI« lodge, Lunder Adamič and a few other« thought the idea a good one ■•nri aetted Comrades to join In. Knowing the generality of Comrades in giving up hell dates, they wondered if thts could be don* again Subject will be dlaeuaarri at our next neetlhg. P 8 Don't forget the "weenie" roast. Come well fortified Šadgerland News WEDNESDAY,-JUhTiTT CO! wa important notice to member of o.s. service | | If te Important that members and Lodge Committee, r.,; fully tho following resolution adopted by the SupreiL a.j whjcfc provides compensation for members In U. S Servi ^ wore bodily injured in tho war. This would eliminate unnacl! correspondence and explanation. RESOLUTION for members who suffered lose of limbs or total and oem.^a disability In World War II ^ WHEREAS, the Twelfth Regular Convention of the Slov National Benefit Society held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania m S<4 tember, 1941, adopted a resolution which provides that a com« tee shall prepare a practical plan affecting members who enlist or were drafted into the armed forces of the United States durii the present war (World War II), under the provisions of whit plfein it will be possible for the Society to grant the maximum cessions; and WHEREAS, under, the Provisions of the By-Laws, members the armed forces are not entitled to any regular benefits for abilities or sicknesses contracted on the battle fields of the and .i' • WHEREAS, the Slovene National Benefit Society has a fun known as "Special Benefit Fund" from which donations are mu to members in financial distress or to those not entitled to regu bAiefits; therefore, be it / RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee is empowered the Supreme Board to mAke payments out of* the Special Fund follbws: "A"—To members who were insured for disability at the tin of enlistment or induction into the armed forces of our countr drid who suffered loss of liipb or limbs Or total and permanent oi the use thereof, through injuries and/or sickness incurred the line of military duty— 1) Loss or total paralysis of one hand or arm from . , wrist up, or loss or total paralysis of one leg from ankle up.............................................................$200.00 2) Anatomical loss of one eye or 5/200 loss of one eye.........................................................................$200.00 3) Loss or total paralysis of both arms or legs........$400.00 4) Anatomical loss of both eyes or 5/200 loss of both eyes.....................................................A..............$600.00 5) Loss of four fingers at first or second joints or loss of foot up to the ankle..................................- $ 75.00 "B'—Meihbers Who were InsurediOr sick benefit at the timet enlistment or induction into the armed forces, who signed waivi and are rejected for reinstatement of previous insurance for benefit on account of injuries or sicknesses contracted while sen ing in the armed forces, shall be paid as follows: 1) To those who were insured in the $1 Sick Benefit Class, for each year of insurance up to the maximum of $150.00. 2) To those who were insured in the $2 Sick Benefit Clan, for each year of insurance up to the maximum of $250.00. "C"—And furthermore, in special cases, when necessary satisfactory evidence and proof are submitted that such a memt has a family of his own and/or parents dully dependent on hi or if such member has suffered greater disabilities than specifl under "A", the Executive Committee is empowered to make high payments than are provided, but in no case shall the total amoui payabll to any member under provisions "A", "B", and "C, arately or combined, exceed the sum of $700.00. "DM—To those members who are insured for disability and benefit and their assessment is paid for the said insurance benefits are paid in the amounts as stipulated in the By-Lawt All payments under the provisions of this resolution are to considered aa.apecial benefits (donations) and in no way whii ever aa obligations of the Society. All applications coming m the provisions of this resolution .shall be held (considered) w ■ dressed to the benevolence of the Executive Committee, and sw "hot be made the basis of any legal claim or liability against MILWAUKEE, WIS—Mr« D. Society. Grasse and young son are visiting _ ' , , . .. „ at>< in Ely, Minn., for a few weeks. Special benefits under this resolution arc . In behalf of the B«!g«r lodge, proval of the Executive Committee, only to members, ho^ discharged from military service. No beneficiary or e^ie have any right or claim to any benefit payable under tnis lution. pd- The Executive Committee shall prescribe proper forms or « tional forces in the army. cations to be filled out and signed by the member »PP'W Have been informed that baeeball such special benefit: practice is held every Tuesday and | Lodge Officers are also requested to Inform returning due to the SNPJ Day at South Park, which will he held on thla day This ia for thla month only Would hke t«» are more member« attend the mr><*tins* Alao. how about everyone turning out Bundav, June SO. at Houth |»erk and en)oy youraelvee and get acquainted with our luem-»»n of the SNPJ FRANCES SKEKUrrZ. Sec y. BaMlone Sten Novak and Rill Sharon The Circle will give a program for father« at 4 p m No charge for the progrem l.uneh will he served efter the Circle meet in a which will teke uloee at I p m Note* The program ta open to anyone, not only father« FRANCE« NOVAK. Pres. Attention* Members SNPJ Lodge No. 62 CALUMET. MICH -All members of SNPJ Lodgr No 62 are aaked to 'ttend Hie regular meeting Sunday. June li. at 2 p. m as there will be an election for delegate and the officer* would appr^etatc a large at-unuNNa. JOSEPH PBCHAWIR, Sec y Thursday night at Veiw Park, S 4th and W. National. All you aspiring big leaguer« are asked to come out, so a team can be {Ait in operation if end when the midwest leegue starts operating. {good reading. So keep this in mind, Again must stre« the fa« that too i member*, and do your part to keep many of you people are a!way* be- the Badger lodge in the new* at *K hind in yotir due* The secretary ! j time«. SALTY, 5S4 job is no snap on any given day. *o - try to be more cooperative in the Attention, M em berg future. We never know when sick- c t V - -a ug t At neas may strike, and being in good "NTJ Lodge NO. 747 •tending aasures you of prompt pay-1 MILWAUKEE. WIS —Member« of ment when K la needed eaoet. L«ige Violet No. 747 SNPJ As you Bro Harry Uh* has been on a , know, with the shortage of beer our few fiahing trip« lately, but never hall ha« been ctoeed on Sunday« bring« any flah homo 'What seems Accordingly, at our last meeting the to be the trouble. Harry' member« voted on the 3rd Thursday We again aak you good people to j of each month Hope to are you all help u« keep thla column going ! here Adding a little new« Our Pteaae jot down any new* of member« or youreelves and drop It off at the aec office It will moke our )ob a little easier as H i« impossible for two of ua to be all over and get new« week efte/weefc without you' cooperation Time and again we haJ new« month« too late to be of iruch interest, where a little cooperation on the povt of the members at the time of happening would hgv« mode tali 111 members about the above resolution which provide* compensation to thooe who are^entltled. F. A. VIDER^Secretsf^ TwoXodgc* Charter But for Pernu SNPJ Day, Sunday, **** PITTSBURGH. P^Jgj been charter Diy to br W Sunday. June » for g ft. 1* nior Lodge 111 m Members a" -vo-,n touch with their re^ ^ secretane«. or nrmrvatkm« » "^ June II The fa*'** ^ ^ IS II II P" P^Uamr 1 leave the 8k>v. " * * and miller its *< '£ \ H^ Ssssst-E* Honor » • prior of wbKh" gk flaw. Secretary Prances Potiak Is getting married Saturday. June 22 Best FYanees PRANK KERCNER. Pre« By Louis Boni«** world EVEKTS, writes Donald * TinLabor, provided much VCTuSTtU biggest of .U election, in franco S J> but ignores completely the ** .„ Czechoslovakia, which S^iy Tmportant as they Erf! definite left trend .lections in France changed A -u slightly as far^as the Jl main part.es are concerned^ STm R P^largely composed of LoUc liberals, now has 162 seat. National Assembly, the Com-^t.145 and the Socialuts lM. ^TL ^e last elecUon, the M. K. p «med about 500,000 votes, the Lnmunists about 300,000, and the HX lort about 200,000. Thus see that the American loan, 'ouated by Socialist Leon Blum S before the election, did not help b "»win«" the vote. The three parties mentioned are ill leftist parties and the conserva-Jles did not gain any power In Vance. W ITALY, the monarchy was ocked out by the Italian people and I* Savoy dynasty is no more. In Italy, as in Franpe, the leftists (dominate. The Catholic Chris-iin Democrats eiperged as the trongest party, with the Socialists pd Communists as second and Hid, respectively. There is no doubt that the Pope's Iterference in the election helped fee Christian Democrats, but his reifht thrown in support of the (owrchy failed to save the Savoy (jnasty. In fact, the Pope went out of ut way to appeal to French and Ulian voters not to cast their bal-ou for any radical party candidates, rhich shouldn't be any of his business He should stick strictly to his religious business and not meddle p politics. I0HEMIA. or Czechoslovakia, ihowed a much more definitely "leftist" trend than either France or Italy. In Czechoslovakia, the Communis and Socialists received the most rotes, with the Catholic Party a poor third. Although Czechoslova kit is a much smaller country both n size and population than either ftance or Italy, the election results ire still very important. On the whole, Europe is rapidly ihfting to the left, that is, to labor parties, and reaction everywhere is being pushed aside, which of course Beans, that capitalism is losing pound in Europe and socialization k gradually taking place. All this speaks well for European ations, and particularly for the writing people. Capitalism, baaed » exploitation and private profit, k definitely on the way out. Oood riddance! SNPJ Wolverines DETROIT —Once again our seers-Hry requests all members who Ksve m M yet turned in their dance tick- to do so at once. Please send Mil tickets or money to Rudy Ber-Hek, 4553 Rosalie, Dearborn, Mich. Juno has always been the month o. brides and keeping right with tradition are Esther Hostnik and «y Verlich, who were married on jjne 8 and the club on John R. was of the wedding reception Jtoeymooning in Detroit sre Bes-jxy Bruce and his lovely bride from »»ughton. Pa. Babies are the center of attention Z My sister Evelynn and Jr husband are the proud psrenta P! b"by Kirl named Gsyle. Jo-Wirne Parker report, a new sddl-r:Uj family but didn't say If L, a, *** Rirl. The Hsrry £.7* a,R" have a girl in their ZS' 10 to all you KiiSinWee,hOPeth'tthey t0 the Wolverine. C?! ^ry Prodne. Nraku/B ^ at lhe CrostUn U' y Sunday was Mimi Selak. P« Yerman report, that her son pn. x.nrved hia "mi,yr K *:" are here sgsin. CL^T Slovenes are now kurr alrwd* returned Z :: f"r''nt ,poU- Resder. Ker, ff l?U'rr,t«1 in knowing i^i ut u^ d»y» " drop me TW Vn n°Uf r*»d«™. and Joe Pen k ^UnT r for ! month'» ** * ** nlv P»-. to * 10 th« '»mily P Cur? ,yW, iti- All the way ^Cvp/1^ «>me« Nv, . ,P:t rfhnlk i4nd Mr.. Rick- children's hospital for slovenia -full family PROTECTION By Michael Vrhovnlk Children's Hospital for Slovenia is * subject and a movement with which every member of the SNPJ should try to familiarize himself and support. No doubt you have read in the Prosveta or hav^e been informed through your lodge that the Slovak American National Council (SANC), whose headquarters are located in Chicago—only a few blocks from the Main Office of ŠNPJ, is now conducting an extensive drive throughout the country to raise a fund of $150,000 or more for the Children's Hospital. This campaign was launched several months ago through appeals sent to all Slovene organizations and their local branches. The response, so far, has been very generous for already nearly two-thirds of the goal has been reached. However, despite the urgent need for hospital facilities in Slovenia and the excellent results obtained, there are still many who have taken no actioij, and some who have refused to support the cause, either because they do not understand its full significance or have been wilfully misinformed, and others, too, who have given, but have not given enough. We lit the 8NPJ should not overlook the fact that the people of Slovenia are our people, brothers and sisters by heritage, even though an ocean and a generation or two separates them from us. And none pf us, regardless of nationality—Slovenes, Polish, Russian, Irish, Italian, etc., should forget the very important fact that, today, the whole world is one world and all of its people, no matter what the race, religion, customs or political belief, are one neople. The modern means of transportation and communication, swifter than sQund itself, and great scientific discoveries make us next door neighbors to every living person on earth. Their misfortunes and needs and sufferings are ours. We cannot escape them entirely. Instead, we must learn to share their burdens and troubles and help them all we can, if this world is to become a better place in which men will live in peace and friendship. Ask yourself—How much has my lodge contributed to the Children's* Hospital Fund? How much have I given in money and service? How much more can we give? Remember that every donation, no matter how small, will bring us that much closer to the quota of $150,000 and mean so much more with which to Work to lessen the suffering and save the lives of thousands of children who are sick, especially with tuberculosis, in Slovenia. Every donation by lodge or individual member will help to preserve and strengthen that small nation of people who gave so much of their blood and health to insure liberty and justice for the common people everywhere. Mail all contributions through your local branches or direct to Slovene American National Council, 3935 W. 26th St., Chicago 23, 111. * * More family protection . . . Should applicants for membership or those who are already members of the SNPJ, who are over .35 years of age, be permitted to insure for larger mortuary benefits? Under the present By4aws adult members, 35 years of age or younger, may insure for a maximum of $3,000, but if one is from 36 do 45 years of age, he is limited to only $1,000 and, if older than 45 do 50, to an amount of $500. To insure greater protection for the family, the benefits for these two age groups should be increased. Certainly tTie Society is strong enough to afford the added risk of such expansion. The records show that the average life of men and women steadily improving and this will continue with each new discovery in the field of medicine, surgery and hospital care. Addi tional safeguards in mines, mills and shops, as well as easier methods and systems of operation has lowered the danger of accidents and death considerably over what it was years ago and widened the life span of the workers. A fact worthy of special mention is that the solvency rate of our mortality funds grew all through the war in spite of the sharp rise in deaths. The records also show that the mortality rate for a number of years has been approximately 25% less than expectancy (the number upon which the American Experience Table of assessments is based), which substantiates the proof that the general health of the membership has been and is excellent. Another point to keep in mind in these times and( perhaps, for many years to oome is that $1,000 insurance is hardly enough to give one a decent burial and to pay the doctor *id hospital bills. Nor should we overlook the eventuality that many members, who are insured under the Twenty Year Payment Life plan, will want additional insurance protection when their present certificates become fully paid up, but will have to look elsewhere for it unless our benefits in the upper age brackets are increased. Per yeaaon« stated above, the family, through their respective heads, should be given opportunity of greater protection in the SNPJ, if they desire »and can afford it and are insurable, so that with their Social Security benefits and the sum received from Jhe SNPJ, they will be sufficiently protected to tide them over a difficult period. Once this becomes established, we should then concentrate our efforts in higher insurance for our members, rather than be »tisfied to write up a prospect tor only $500. Our aim should be family protection. The SNPJ has peached a stage of progress in which it can afford to do more for the working class of people In the line of financial protection, than any time in its entire history. More, perhaps, than any other organization in its class. We should take advantage of this opportunity and advertise it with ever increasing consistency among the members. Full family protection, along with dur program of labor ideology and enlightenment, social, cultural^nd* recreational activities, will give us an unbeatable combinatS>n Juvenile Circles Of till SNPJ Perfect Circle No, 26 Planning Picnic Juno 30 CHICAGO.-**rlec t Circle 2« held itt regular meeting on June 6 at ,0:45 a. m. The meeting wa. called to order by President Marian Csr-venks. Attendance wsa taken by Sylvls Trojar, our secretary, and from iU result we decided that quite a fsw member, had forgotten sbout ths meeting. The minutes were read and approved snd the correspondence was also reported on. We received s cuts little csrd from the Ssnnemsnns to let sll ths Cirels member, know of their new sddress. Thank you. We then discussed new business which turned out to be s mixture of new arid old. Naturally we dls-cuued our trip to South Chicago and all the fun we had. We alio made plan, for our picnic which will be held on June 30. As yet we have not decided where it will be held. Suggestions are requested from Circle members and their parents. The month of July will be a quiet ons for the Circle but we sre going to work on some project. Meetings sre going to be suspended altogether for the morith of AugUft. We reslly sre looking forwsrd to our fsll sesson becsuse there sre going to be s lot )f good times for everyone. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30. The Circle boys and some of the older girls hsd intended to go to the Gary playground to play base-ball after the meeting but slrfce such small number attended and the meeting begsn So late we decided not ts. The older girls played baseball outsids of ths SNPJ hsll. ELLA MAE SELAK. r w iD-rirf . "" pNuk rJ/J';w w~ks with Ma ^ UUr '' r*,Urn tr*P the« NM„ ' ' ,pp,n« Chicago. Ti. „. V* and Hock Spring.. Vr ."I"11 . ' m California - wc now get our P>"k!y Prosveta on jjfd « Saturday It's I ■ » *nk Rupert, to re- HrRNICK. «77. willingness ** * hard wttfc. am Spirit-o-Grams By Whoosli * ST LOUIS. MO —A. our meeting wss pushed ahead s toff dsys on account of a carnival being held at Concordia Hall, which will occupy the whole building, we were unable to bold our meeting on our rsgulsr meeting night. The meeting wss held on Wed., June 12. of which sll member, were notified by csrd. The next thing coming up Is our plenic -on June 23 st Corondelot Psrk. for further detsils wsteh nsxt week'. Prosveta. The bowling plans are completed i which s bo will be printed In ths Prosvets. Anyone wishing to know further dHsli. csll President Sury ley Hervstln, Hllsnd 8197 Frsncis gtthsler'. wedding bells win be ringing on June II st Rhine-land. Mo The brtde-te-bs Is Mar-or lis Grace Strut t man CongrstuU Uons to both at you. lUcsptkm st S p. m. at ft. Revised Booklet of U. S. Postage Stamps The Port Office Depsrtfnent ha. prepared snd offers for ssle a rs* /ised edition of ths off lets I booklet conUlnlng descriptions snd Illustration. of sll United Ststes postage stamps from the dste of their introduction in 1S47 to Msrch II, I Mi. including piste number, snd qusntl-tie. issued of commemorative snd sir mstl »tamps The new booklet*msy be obtained through ths office of the Superintendent of Document« st 10 cents per copy, which Include. Che cost of delivery ^ . 41 All mall seders for this booklet should be s«rs.ssl as follows. Superintended of Documents, Government Printing Office, Wssh!ng ton 21. D C. „ Remittance »coorrpenyinc order« for the booklet msy be In the form of portal money orders, postal notes. w checks Forward, Loyalties! CLEVELAND, O—Trylng to beat that Monday deadline sgsin, so this column will once sgain be .brief snd to the point. I esn thank my three co-columnists for being sble to sup plemsnt my columns by other, of a lengthier typs when their turn roll, sround. We'd like to remind all of you again to make plans to attsnd the LOYALITE FOURTH OF JULY FIELD DAY. We're really working hard to msks that dsy m an event ful one ss those days wsre befon the P&irth. Evsryone is invited snd we are pretty sure that you wlll^all have a swell 4fme. There'll be plenty of refreshments because the committee on that Is really doing i food job of persuading the Loyal ites to donate alt least one of their rations for a good cause. Incidentally, all you other Loyslitss—how sbout making it a 100/% cooperative sffslr? The committee hesded by Shorty Zsdell or Rossmsry Rsine. or the Social Committee Chairman, A1 Raines, will renumerate you immediately. • We'll sll sppreciste it greatly, ^ Our sincere sympathy goes to ths husbsnd of Sistsr Jennie Skllba who psssed swsy Isst week. She will be mourned grestly by sll who knew her becsuse hers was an outstanding and charming personality. The Loyalite boys who have come-home from the wars are reminded thst it promises to be s reslly gsls time thst the girls srs planning for the Servicemen's psrty. Ths dste Is set for this rail snd the Loyslite. g if is »re making surs thst tho veterans who s/e Loyslite. will sll hsve s good time. Lsst Sunday ths SNPJ Fsrm hsd its opening dsy. Although it wss a bit cool, ths attendance waa good We are looking forward to many good times there this year. The attendance has bssn stesdily tncressing st the meetings, Msny of our re-organi/ation problems sre slowly but sursly being straightened out snd ws hope thst with the cooperation of all the members we will soon be back to where we were before the war We've welcomed snd been glsd to have the visitors from the Utopians and other lodges, Ws sppreciste their willingness to help with suggestions. The Utopians and Loyslite. srs setting up s god example In their attendsncs st ssch other's meetings The friendly spirit Is very, welcome Blond le Fsdei and Rom Ratne* hsve promised to supply sendwiche* for the next meeting snd they're sending out sn SOJ. for some of ths fellows to see thst the other part of the refreshments will be taken cere of. As this goes is pram we lesrn thst Al Raines won one of the prises the Young Americana drawing Nice going. Al. You're doing pretty good st North Randall on Saturday s DOROTHY ROSSA, M0 Ed note Your sir msil-speclsl delivery letter pnrtmsrked June 4 at I a. m reached MS the same dsy St 210 p m, too I rte for Isst week'. NOTATIONS By Francs. L. Rak CHICAGO—Among msny things discussed at last Saturday's Perfect Okcls meeting was the picnic to be leld st the end of the month for members and psrents. Who wsnts to go on s hsyride? Thst is ths question. So, bring in your suggestions for both the picnic snd s hsyride tor the next meeting June 22. PIONEER PICNIC—Our picnic dste of August 3rd is getting closer. PUsen Psrk. whsre the picnic will tske place, will hsve the necessary tigns and what not by the Ernest Drashsr-Leo Vider-Frsnk Vidmsr trio. The subscriptions sales have been good lately, looks like so msny people went to win thst 1M* Ford csr. " Wonder who will be the lucky person and from whose book it was purchased? The first three hundred Juveniles accompanied by parents will receive ~ handaome gift. Souvenir Books which will hsvs the pictures of all our G.I.s and ex-G.I.s in it, will be distributed. Plate lunchss will bs served agsln with Mary Andras as ths chief cook. Ostes will be open st 4 p. m. An Invitation is sxtended to sll SNPJ lodges In snd sround Chicago to at-! tend one of the largest pienios of the year. • OBITUARIES—Our deepest sympathies to the Zvoke! family in the loss of their father. Llkewiae to the family of Frank Flor, whoss desth occurred lsst week. They were good SNPJ members snd will be missed at the social affairs. Our lodge was also visited by the grim reaper. Little Stephen Kovach, Juvsnlls member, passed away last wssk. Funsrsl services were hsld by Pioneers with the following Juvs-nils members scting ss pallbearers: Thomas Hlnes, Larry Lotrich Jr., Frank Michalak, Frederick Reven, Lewis Reven snd Chsrles Zordani. John Rsk, the president of Pioneers, officlsted both st the chapel and the grave. To the family our hsartfolt sympathies. Jossph Snoy—Saturdsy morning we were informed that Jossph Snoy, of Lodge 13 SNPJ, Bridgsport, Ohio, pssssd sway. We had known that hs wsan't in the bsst of heslth for msny yssrs, but it wss quite s shock to us. I still remember the dsy I first met Snoy, I wss a junior in high school whsn he came to Johnstown (Pa.) on ati agitating trip for Prole tarec. Whenever sny JSF or SNPJ personality cams to Johnstown, the Lsngsrholc family wsrs always ths hosts, and likewise to Snoy. Snoy wss deeply interested in the Labor movement, snd wss very sc-tlve in the JSF and SNPJ work. He was always cspectslly hsppy to tslk to young folks, and Inspire them to do the same. I was one of those young folks st that time. In the year« that followed we met quite frequently at JSF conventions, and he made the auto trip with Frank Podboy and myself to thnt Continental Congress back in May of 1033, and I still remember How sick he was during that trip. Snoy's friendship for the family grew stesdily, so he brought his wife snd chlldran to Johnstown on s visit. 8sversl yssrs Ister we msde a return visit to Bridgeport, Ohio, thst wss bsek In 'M, and I believe that wss the Isst Urns ws mst. Despite the fact thst Snoy was very ill st nesrly all time, we met snd telked to him. he csrried on his work fsithfully. Hs wss known ss the £Jlmmle Higgins" of Proletarec. He did much for the Socialist movement snd for ths SNPJ. He ll be grestly miSMd by hi. family snd his very msny friends in msny ststea. To Lueills, h la wife, and hia sons snd daughters, ws extend our hesrt-felt tympsthies. • ALL-A ROUND—A n n and Leo Komuehsr were at a banquet at Morrison Hotel lsst Ssturday with the msny Internstionsl Harvester employee..—Little Johnnie Rodman will celebrate hi. second birthday Wednesday. Congratulation.!—Mary and Alice Reven's brother JPete wss wed lsst Saturdsy.—Ernest Reven spent Isst week in Chicsgo visiting with his brothers Ssm, Frank and Lewis.—June 31 Is faceting date of Pioneers,'with spccial attraction of moviea to be shown.—We had a very nice time with the D.T.J.'a at their outing at Indiana State Park laat Saturdsy. We msde new snd net many old acqusintsncvs. Until again. Singing Sov. Svoboda Will Meet on June 27 DETROIT, MICH.—At one of our meetings back In 1M3, the Singing Society Svoboda began a Soldier's Fund. This fund was gotten by profits msde on vsrious affair, from then tUI the prasent. The few of us who wers setlvs did all we could, though male voices were lacking, to carry on the old Slngina Club. Wit!) the return of the boys the membership Is more than anxious to start again and wishes to hare new voice, present. At our next meeting on Friday, June 27, at I p m on John R.. Wa will discuss the future of our club snd just how to dispense with the money in the Soldier's fund If you sre st all Interested in what we of Svoboda are doing and whet we can de, won't you pleass make sn sppetrsnce'on Fri-dsy, June 27, st I p. m on John R ? ■ VIMI POTOCHWK. Rec Hec'y. Lincolnite News SPRINGFIELD, ILL - Would like to Inform the members of Lodge M7 that we srs holding our meeting June I« instead of the 23rd We pl#n on holding our election of dele gates for the convention Would like to hsvs sll members present possible, Ws hsvs some new members sni ws also plan a psrty for them to be held sfUt the meeting So let's sll mske a special effort to attend as ws would like to be able to send a delegate this year We were able to rttrr0e with Lodge 471 st St Lot/is The meeting will be held at the Dom. i Ilk end Kernes sta., et I o'clock Please be present RUDOLPH KERAR. Sec y Burial Co-Ops Win Long Fight in Iowa KANSAS CITY, MO. (CNS)-i lows co-op burial asaoclationa now may go their way in peace, it would seem from a unanimous decision of the stste supreme court, handed down May 7 in Des Moines. Hsrrsssed in court sftcr court (or 12 long yesrs, the state's 11 burial co-ops have at last forced from Iowa's highest court a clear-cut decision in the case of the Stste vs. Winneshiek Cooperative Burisl Association, Decorsh. Under pleasure from organ laud morticians seeking to maintstn the high cbat of dying, John M. Rankin, state attorney gelteral, brought suit more than a year ago sgalnst th-northeast Iowa eo-op. The stste chsrgsd thst the Dem-rsh co-op wss not properly Incor porsted, that ss s corporation It could not legally practice and could not be licensed Co practice the em bslming profession, snd that for a co-op to practice embalming is contrary to public policy and in viols tlon of law. Martin M. Coonsy, judge of the 13th judicial district of Iowa, hsld for the co-op and dismissed the action, April 18, 1043. Attorney (Jen ners) Rsnkin appealed the esse, and ths supreme court's decision this month upheld the lowsr court's ds cision in its entirety. This nsgging litigation against Iowa burial co-ops began In 1M4 when Iowa's attorney general brought suit against the group at Fremont, la. The csss wss lost by the co-op in both dlstrlot snd su preme courts beesuss of fsulty ar tides of incorporation. Thsse wsre smendsd, and ths urgsnitstlon continues to serve its member, as before, Two years later, the board of Iowa smbslmers threatened to revoke the licensss of employes of the Pells Coopsrative Burisl Association beesuss they wsre working for s co-op. A cooperative, so the argument ran, being s corporation cannot engage In this "Isarned'' proles • slon. The threst failed Tried In Polk eountry district court, Des Moines, the csss wss thrown out after two days' argument. Then bills were Introduced into lows's senate snd house to legislate burial co-ops out of existence This attempt failed, In IM2, the attorney general's office brought suit against the Keystone Burial Association, maointaln Ing it was engsged In the profession of embslming In violstton of the Isw under which It Is Incorporated. This suit wss thrown out sfte»s day in the district court of Vinton, June IS, IMS. Esrly to I04A the suit sgslnst the Decorah co-op wsa filed. Burisl eo-ops in lows srs loested st Deeorsh, Eddy villa, Fremont, George, Huxley, Keys tone, Lost Nation, Pells, Ssriborn, Sioux Center, and Whitttng, snd they srs orgsn-iced In the Iowa Stste Federation of Cooperative Burial Associations President of the federation Is Reuben Schskel, msnsger of Farmers Union Cooper stive Marketing Assn cist Ion, Pells, and director of the regional eo-op, Consumers Cooperative Assoclstlon which has hesdqusrters In Kanass City, Missouri O. J. Hevereld. Huxley, ts »e< t et a ry-treasurer of the federation Attention, Members SNPJ Lodge No. 346 SOUTH FORK, PA—Lodge MS will hold its next reguisr meeting Sunday, June II, st 3 p m. Instead of 10 S. m Member, please take no t Ice of the change in time and be present for the meeting and pay your due. on time. NICK MEH ALL, Secy, Very Murh So I The other day a woman burst Into teers in eouri and told the msg-latrste that she had been jilted four lime, in the laat two years Th* eaperlencc hsd nsturslly unmanned Mf. .—»,• m~ .« • Veronian News VERONA, PA.—The month bf June started with a dance which wss thoroughly/ epjoysd by all and many new faces were seen. Glad to have such a nice crowd and to mention only a few out-of-towners, we saw Frank Vidmsr of the Chicsgo Pioneers, slso Margie Skerl of Presto, Ps. and the crowd from Harwick ind Lawrencevills, and hope to see them back again soon. There sre still quite s few of our members in service, snd some sre coming home grsduslly, ons by one. During the psat fsw weeks we ssid welcome home to Buddy Kumarco and Joe Tomsalck. Right sfter being diachsrged Joe was laid Up fur few weeks with pneumonis, but ws are glad, to see him up snd sround sgsin. ' Our juvsnilss are csrtainly growing up fsst for soms of the older ones sre getting transferred into the VerQnisn lodge snd othsrs art* contemplating enlisting In one of the U. S. forces One of the first to enlist is Willie Martincic, who chose the Navy, snd we want to wish him success in being a sailor. Whils on ths subjsct of sgs, wsnt to sxtsnd s couple of bslatsd birthday wishes to Tommy Ferguson snd slso little Csrol Anns Lipesky. June bslng the month of msr-riagss, several of our members aru abiding by same and ws want to oongrstulste Alice Mormur and Ernie Markovitch, who wsrs marrisd Juns fl, snd slao Anne Csstnik snd Frank Slossr who sre to be married June 17, snd want to wish them svery success. Msrge Markovitch sntertsined Madge Cestnik of Lswrenceville uvn til© weekend, and the Frank Petikas played hosts to Mr, and Mrs. Psul Martin. Kate Mehejlc returned front Chicago sfter completing s course at one of the schools there. Now with the warm weather setting In the juveniles can come duwn to the club and participate in aome of the activities there, for thctr director, Mrs. Mary Boxic has purchased a gymnastic set— tec-saw, wading pool, and of course the volleyball Is always in use. After losing several gsmes during the past w4eks, ths Veronians rallied through and won s couple, At the end of the Boosters Club game the Veronisna were shesd with s •Core of 0-7 snd took over Union Switch & Signsl with a score of lili, Both gsmes were exciting and competition was aplenty. Tony Tratei-was thu winning pitcher for tha first gsms and Anoy Sepelyak for the second. Hsvs you paid your transporta-Uon fes for tho South Park picnic? U not you'd better get busy and get your plans In order soon foi SNPJ Day is only a few weeks off. Wonder if the Coquettes srs getting In practice to entertain at this affair for every so often they get to-nether st the elub and hstmonlfe, or are they just singing for their awn pleasure? This affair I« always one that Is enjoyed by all. Tttls ysst during ths afternoon there will be dsncing to Frank Perovne's Musical Stylists, or you csn wstch ths softhsll game to be played, then a ptngram is planned, and oh so many things to do. To end ths svenlng there will again be dancing, so we know a good time Is in store for you Rerrember, get in ' touch with Marge Markovitch, Marge Zibreg or myself if you are traveling by bus Because of the softbsll game at Strahane, the Veronians canceled their meeting until a later Sunday as msny of the members followed the team to root and cheer for them, Ask the steward, Mike Pavelko as to when the meeting will be held or get In touch with Presy Klmor Clffler. As yet the bowling bsnquet hss not been deckled on The bowlers will be notified ss soon ss ssv% hss been scheduled. COKNKL1.A GOR UN, AS0 Lodge Delavec Affair Was Very Successful SO CHICAGO- The homecoming program and dance sponsored by SNPJ lriant business will take place Be '»resent MICHAEL ClIAHDICfC, Pres. To* stateat *TV>ea your husband lie awake at nlrht** Yes, snd he lies in his sleep, ss wsa" / ) Report on New Jugoslavia The following report on New Jugoslavia was made by eleven members of the British Parliament: Norman Dodds, Lester Hutchinson, A. J. Lewis, Leah Manning, W. Oldtield, John PlattfeMills, E. Popplewell, S. Tiffany and K. Zilliacus, all members of the British Labor Party; Neil McPherson, Liberal National Psrty, and Emrys RoberU, Liberal Party, who in November 1045 visited Jugoslavia, observed the national elections held on Nov. 11, and then, with this report, helped to bring about the quick decision of the British and American governments, announce in late December, to recognize the new Jugoslav Republic. 1. Nature end Status of the Group The nine Labor, one Liberal and one Liberal National M. P s who formed our group loat no opportun ity of emphasising both privately and publicly that we were in no sense an Official Delegation. We as id that we had no mandate from the Government or Parliament or even from the parties to which we belonged. We were purely s group of 11. P.'s who had on our own responsibility svsiled ourselves of the genersl invitation extended by the Jugoslav Oovprnment through the press to come to Jugoslsvie as tie Government's guasts, in order to see the aountry for ourselves st th« time when the Jugoslav peoples were electing their Constituent Assembly. The invitation included transport to and from England in a Jugoslav government plane. In sddition to the eleven M P.'s who sign this report our group consisted of the following: Lt. Col. B. Davidson, M. C„ thu Paris correspondent of The Times. Mr. K. Syers of the News Chronicle. Mr. Kings ley Martin, editor of the New Statesman and Nation Major John Ennals, acting for us as interpreter and also acting as the Daily Herald correspondent. Miss McCSurg of the BBC European Serv ice; Mrs. M. Lloyd, secretary of ttv? Jugoslav Emergency Committee in ^ondon, and Mr.'Leo Mattes, Prgss Attsche, of the Jugoslsv Embassy in London. The unofficial nature of our group was fully understood by our Jugo slav hosts. This wss emphasised by Marshal Tito at his final conference with the group. He told us thst, whereas the Jugoslsv Government could not of course admit the right of arty official delegation to examine the conduct of the general election as thst might Imply acceptance of aorna form of tutelage, they welcomed visits by honest "private" inquires. He wss anxious, precisely because we were divested of any official character, that we should see everything for ourselves and report on the truth ss we found it. It was continually brought home to us that we were looked upon as friends who were expected snd encouraged to be candid. We had full liberty to go anywhere and see anyone we wanted without notice and with our own interpreter. It »ray be mentioned that in sddition to Major En-nails, Lt. Col Dsvidson and Mr. Syers ware formerly Britiah Officers fighting with th£ Psrtisans and as such knew the Isnguage snd the country well snd were extremely popular They gsve us s grest deal of help for which we ware grateful. It may also be mentioned thst our Jugoslsv hosts deliberately refrained from publicising our visit in any way until after polling day. They did so in order to avoid even seeming to take advantage of our presence. V- ) < 2. Scope el Our VisU It is impossible to know s country in s week We did not sttempt to acquire in a few days the information necessary to hold our own with experts who had lived In the country for years or even alt their lives But it is a mistake to believe that there is a body of ascertainable truth on which all who know a country well h re agreed, but which in the nature of things is hidden from temporsry visitors. Ot the contrary, the experts «*» Jugoslavia. irrespective of nationality, differ widely and often violently from each other and hold vailed and conflicting views on practically every issue Our job as politicians was to hear at many points of view from aa many reaponsihjg people as poaaible and then U» draw our own conclu-»iona It was not so much a matter of poaaetaing the requisite knowl-m of atking the right queations of thos«. who did know snd of being abl«- to sense political stmoaphertfs and to ai/e up the reliability of persons we interviewed Wr saw many people cotlectively and individually, acting as a party, in »mall giouos and aingly. W< saw Waders snd suppoiters of the Na. t tonal Front, members of the oppoai tkm. co-operators, trsde -unioniata; »omen s organisations; youth otgan-Itattfrfts. ptaaants and woikers; UN RMA officials; journalists both Ju goslev «nd foreign; British service perM*in*l; He Several of us had long talks off the rtcord with the AmrtM-an. British Csechoalovak. French. Polish, Soviet. Swiss and Turkish Ambassadors or Ministers .Wt %*4U