VESTNIK 2020 | 28. NEDELJA MED LETOM 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 41/56 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 11. 10. 2020 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ Pesem o gostiji Prejšnjo nedeljo nam je Izaija zapel »pesem o vinogradu«; danes pa nam poje »pesem o gosti- ji«. Gostija je v vseh kultu- rah veliko sredstvo za izražanje prijateljstva, pogovora, intimnosti. »Pred mano pogrinjaš mizo ..., moja čaša je pre- polna.« To so besede zadnje kitice slavnega psalma o Pastirju, ki ga danes beremo in pojemo v liturgiji. Toda sedaj poslušajmo Izaijevo pesem. Na Sionu pripravlja Gospod sijajno gostijo, kraljevsko; povab- ljeni so vsi ljudje, ne glede na raso in položaj. Povabljeni pa morajo, preden pridejo na gostijo, odstraniti slepoto svojih oči in zagrinjalo solza, ki zastirajo pogled. Človeška revščina mora biti uničena. Še več, smrt sama bo umrla in odprlo se bo obzorje sreče in upanja za vse povabljene, ki so pod vodstvom »Gospodove roke«. Vemo, da je Jezus imel rad znamenje gostije tako v svojem življe- nju kakor v svojih besedah. Pomislimo samo na prvi čudež, ki ga je naredil na svatbi v Kani, na obed veselja zaradi poklica Mateja med apostole, na odpuščanje grešnici v hiši Simona Gobavca, na rešitev Zaheja, ki je bil uslužbenec davčne uprave, na prijateljski obed Lazarja, Marije in Marte, na me- sijansko obilje na zelenih galilejskih travnikih s pomnožitvijo kruha. Predvsem pa pomislimo na velikonočno večerjo zadnjega večera nje- govega življenja, na obed razodetja v oni skromni hiši v Emavsu, na pečeno ribo, ki jo je vstali Kristus pripravil na obali Tiberijskega je- zera. Spomnimo se prilike o veliki večerji, ki jo je zapisal Luka, druge prizore prilike o desetih devicah z oljenkami, Jezusove izjave glede 458 | VESTNIK 2020 Illustration The German composer Carl Maria von Weber wrote his Invitation to the Dance originally for the piano. It begins majestically, reflecting the formality of the request being made between the partners. Once acceptance is assured the music changes com- pletely, sweeping the couple away in a crescendo of melody and movement. There can be successful invitations, a delight to all concerned. However, invitations may also be fraught with complications. Think of weddings: who is to be invited, who exclud- ed? Modern weddings in the Western world can be expensive and very demanding of all involved. There are lists of desired presents sent out on behalf of the bride and groom. For parents, there are children’s parties to think about, where again the problem of whom to invite comes to the fore. Again there’s the question 28TH SUNDAY IN OT Response: I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long. First Reading - Isaiah 25:6-10 We exult and rejoice because the Lord in whom we hoped has saved us. Second Reading Philippians 4:12-14. 19-20 The Lord gives us the strength to be ready for anything, anywhere. Gospel - Matthew 22:1-14 The Lord invites us all to his celebratory feast. “Tell those who have been invited that I have my banquet all prepared… Come to the wed- ding.” načina, kako povabljeni sprejemajo svoja me- sta pri mizi, mize božjega kraljestva, ki je pri- pravljena za vsa ljudstva Vzhoda in Zahoda. Danes nam Matej pripoveduje neko drugo sijajno Jezusovo priliko, umeščeno na slove- sno gostijo. Gre pravzaprav za dve priliki, ki sta med seboj povezani: prva se nanaša na povabljene na bogato večerjo, o kateri govori tudi Luka v besedilu, ki smo ga omenili; drugo ima samo Matej, ki vzame za izhodišče sva- tovsko oblačilo, znamenje dostojanstva in vrednosti osebe. Vsebina prve pripovedi je zelo preprosta: ob odrešenjskem in ljubezenskem Kristuso- vem obedu so odzivi nasprotni: zavrnitev in sprejem. Prav prvi povabljeni in privilegirani odgovorijo z brezbrižnostjo, z občutkom ne- prijetnosti, še več: s sovražnostjo in z zaniče- vanjem. To je reakcija, ki jo Jezus izkuša med svojimi poslušalci. Njegov poziv vsebuje izzi- valno vprašanje za površnega in sebičnega človeka: da mu namreč božje kraljestvo in njegova pravičnost prinašata več kot udele- žba pri dobičku. Toda sledi nenaden razplet: božji obed ni preklican, povabilo tudi ne, še več: slišijo ga tujci, ki jih nihče ne bi rad imel poleg sebe med obedom, postreženim z belimi prti in iz- branimi jedili. Gre za svet ubogih, izrinjenih in izključenih od uradnih obedov. In to je no- va skupnost blagrov. Toda - tako nadaljuje Matej v drugi priliki - tudi med njimi se lahko zgodi nekaj dramatičnega. Dejansko je lahko tudi med njimi lažni učenec, ki ga mora raz- krinkati samo Jezus. To je tisti, ki kliče »Gospod, Gospod!«, toda v resnici ne izpolnju- je Očetove volje; je tisti, ki »je prišil le novo zaplato na staro obleko«. Kristus pa zahteva povsem novo obleko in v skrivnem razodetju beremo naslednji stavek: »Tančica so namreč pravična dela svetih« (Raz 19, 8) . (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2005-2006, št 1) VESTNIK 2020 | 459 of what present should be brought, and the parents of the child whose party it is have to sort out fun bags of gifts for those attending. Now there are even professional party organis- ers, who are intended to take away the burden of these decisions, organise the fun in a venue of choice and allow the parents to sit quietly chatting and nursing a drink. Gospel Teaching Against such a background it is reassuring to know that Jesus himself had problems with invitations. Not that he disliked or refused them; rather the opposite. In the Gospels he accepts invitations whenever offered, is ac- cused by his detractors of dining with public sinners, and even, as is the case with Zacchae- us, engineers an invitation before it has been offered. Nor is he always the easiest of guests. When dining with Pharisees he never misses an opportunity to upbraid them for their be- haviour, which might seem rather churlish in our polite world of dinner parties. It is in his parables that Jesus faces up to the big problem in certain invitations. Normally we would be only too eager to accept an invitation to an important event, but he gives examples of kings or lords holding prestigious weddings, and those invited refusing to come. Not only do they refuse to come but can go so far as to maltreat and kill the messengers sent to tell them of the event. Today’s story runs two parables together, one with the conclusion that all are to be invited now that the origi- nal guests have refused, the second to do with how we are expected to respond to an invitation with good faith. What Jesus is really exposing is how God constantly in- vites us to come and celebrate, and how we resolutely refuse. Application God’s invitation to us is to celebrate with God in the Eucharist. It is in this celebration that we make present once again the mysterious act of salvation brought about by Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection. The format in which we celebrate is a mixture of the synagogue service, welcoming God’s word among us, and the Last Supper at which Jesus anticipated, through the blessing and gift of the bread and wine, the sacrifice he was about to under- go. Why are so many reluctant to accept the invitation? The reasons given may be similar to the parables. We have other more pressing, more important things to do. There is also a failure in us to appreciate the full nature of the celebration, and we sometimes blame the celebrant or the form the liturgy takes for our drifting away. The liturgy is too traditional, too modern, too boring, too dull ­– and in our modern need for entertainment it can be all of these things. Any human attempt to express what is hap- pening will fall short, though that does not take away the responsibility to try to catch something of the essence of God being among us as we gather in God’s name. The problem is that if we do cut ourselves off in this way we run the risk of becoming isolated and losing the sense of meaning in our lives. God does not abandon us, but when we abandon God we certainly do not make God’s attempt to love us any easier. 460 | VESTNIK 2020 One Heart, One Soul Campaign comes to St. Gregory the Great The Diocese of Hamilton’s One Heart, One Soul Cam- paign has raised more than $17 million so far, with most of it benefiting parishes and the projects of their choosing. Our parish will kick off its participation in the campaign on October 24-25. For the next few weeks, we’ll feature Frequently Asked Questions about the campaign, beginning with questions related to COVID-19. For the full list of FAQs and much more about the campaign, visit Q. Why are we doing the campaign? With the virus, shouldn’t we be focused on other priorities? A. From the beginning, this campaign has been pri- marily about strengthening our parishes. Because of the pandemic, our parishes have even greater needs than when we started. Because the campaign is in place, we are in a better position than almost any dio- cese in North America to help our parishes recover from the blows suffered from COVID-19. The campaign offers parishes the opportunity to better fulfill their missions. There is no greater priority than that. Q. How can we ask for money from people who lost their job or are otherwise hurting financially be- cause of the virus? A. We certainly are very sensitive to the struggles pa- rishioners are facing, whether related to the virus or not. That’s why we work with pastors and leaders at parishes to set and review request amounts. That pro- cess will be even more important throughout the rest of the campaign. It is not foolproof, though. Pastors do not know every parishioner’s situation. But there is never an intention to be insensitive to a parishioner’s suffering. Meanwhile, some parishioners are in a posi- tion to give now, and they want to help. The campaign gives them the opportunity to help and the confi- dence of knowing how the money will be used. Be assured that only those who are able to give are ex- pected to do so, and ultimately the decision is be- tween the donor and the Lord. Thank you to our campaign volunteers St. Gregory the Great is so grateful for parishioners who are working on preparations for the One Heart, One Soul Campaign, which kicks off here in two weeks. With their help and yours, we believe the campaign will strengthen our parish in important ways and help build a culture of stewardship. For the full list of FAQs and much more about the campaign, visit Q. What changes are being made to the campaign process because of the current situation? A. The options for parish projects that utilize campaign funds are even wider now and can include efforts to stabilize operating budgets. Pastors and parish leaders are encouraged to further review request amounts and their use to be sensitive to parishioners’ changing situations. Also, options have been expanded on how and whether personal visits are conducted. Face-to- face meetings have been an important piece of the campaign, but safety is paramount, and a number of alternatives, such as phone calls, will be utilized so that every parishioner’s situation is handled safely, sensitively and appropriately. Q. Won’t giving now make it harder for a lot of pa- rishioners? A. The campaign is founded on stewardship, our belief that we give back in gratitude a portion of what we’ve been given by God. Stewardship isn’t just for the good times in life, when we can give easily; it’s for all times, including the bad. We may adjust how much we give, or to whom we give, but we continue to give – in grat- itude for and in proportion to what we’ve been given. A truly sacrificial gift demonstrates our trust that God will provide what we need, though not necessarily what we want. Stewardship isn’t what KEEPS us from getting through the tough parts of life; it’s what HELPS us get through them. VESTNIK 2020 | 461 Eno Srce, Ena Duša nabiralna akcija prihaja tudi v našo župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega V okviru škofijske kampanje - nabiralne akcije Eno Srce, Ena Duša, so župnije, kjer je kampanja že v teku, do sedaj zbrale 17 milijonov dolarjev. Večino od teh sred- stev bodo porabile za zastavljene cilje. Naša župnija se bo pridružila kampanji 24. - 25. oktobra. V nekaj na- slednjih tednih, se bomo posvetili vprašanjem, ki vas verjetno najbolj zanimajo, v prvi vrsti glede COVID-19. Odgovore na vsa vprašanja boste našli tudi na inter- netni strani: Vprašanje: Zakaj imamo to kampanjo? Ker živimo v tem času »virusa«, ali naj ne bi bile v ospredju druge, bolj pomembne stvari? Odg.: V prvotnem načrtu je bil namen kampanje, da bi se župnije bolj utrdile, povezale. A prav zaradi pande- mije, se je pokazala še večja potreba, kot je bila v za- četku. Ker je kampanja v teku, smo na boljšem kot katerakoli druga škofija v Severni Ameriki; kampanja nam bo pomagala, da se bodo župnije lažje opomogle od prizadetosti zaradi Covida-19. Kampanja daje žup- nijam priložnost, da bi boljše izpolnile svoje poslan- stvo. Dejansko ni druge bolj pomembne prioritete kot je ta. Vprašanje: Kako naj prosimo za denar ljudi, ki so izgu- bili službe in so tako ali drugače finančno prizadeti zaradi virusa? Odg.: Gotovo, da se zavedamo, da se mnogi farani soočajo s problemi, ki so povezani z Covid-19. Zato vodstvo kampanje sodeluje z župniki in sodelavci v župnijah glede prispevka, ki naj bi ga posamezna dru- žina prispevala za svojo župnijo. Ta proces bo še veliko bolj pomemben v nadaljevanju kampanje. Duhovniki ne poznajo situacije vsake družine. V ospredju je ve- dno najprej dobrobit župljanov. Nekateri lahko poma- gajo zdaj in to tudi želijo. Kampanja jim daje tako pri- ložnost, da pomagajo kot tudi zagotovilo za kaj se bodo zbrana sredstva porabila. Bodite prepričani, da samo od tisti, ki lahko pomagajo, pričakujemo, da to storijo; in konec koncev odločitev, koliko sem priprav- ljen prispevati, bo vedno med darovalcem in Bogom. Zahvala gre tudi vsem prostovoljcem Župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega je hvaležna vsem fara- nom, ki sodelujejo v pripravi te kampanje Eno Srce, Ena Duša, ki se bo začela čez dva tedna. Z njihovo in vašo pomočjo, smo prepričani, da bo ta kampanja našo župnijo povezala, zbližala in pripomogla graditi zavest da je vsak faran odgovoren za dobrobit župnijo. Vprašanje: Ali se je oblika kampanje spremenila zaradi novonastalih razmer? Odg.: Župnije imajo sedaj celo več potreb, za katere naj bi uporabila zbrana sredstva; kampanja bo župni- jam pomagala utrditi tudi finančno stanje. Duhovniki in voditelji so spodbujeni, da pregledajo naprošene vsote in uporabo le teh, da bodo odraz spremenjenih razmer. Prav tako se je spremenil način izpeljave kam- panje - marsikje prav zaradi nastale situacije, zardi varnosti osebni kontakti ne bodo mogoči in bo potreb- no več stvari urejati po telefonu ali elektronski pošti. Vprašanje: Ali bo ta prispevek otežil življenje faranov? Odg.: Kampanja temelji na oskrbništvu - našemu vero- vanju, da čutimo dolžnost darovati del od tega, kar smo prejeli od Boga. Oskrbništvo ni samo za takrat, ko so časi dobri, ko lahko z lahkoto darujemo; mora biti prisotno vedno, tudi ko časi niso rožnati. Se bomo od- ločili koliko lahko darujemo, komu dar namenimo, vendar bomo še vedno nekaj darovali - v zahvalo za vse kar smo prejeli. Ko naš dar pomeni tudi žrtev, smo s tem potrdili našo vero, da nam bo Bog pomagal po- skrbeti za najnujnejše, ne nujno za kar bi radi imeli. Oskrbništvo ni nekaj kar nas obvarovalo pred težkimi trenutki v življenju; je namreč to, kar nam pomaga prebroditi težke trenutke. 462 | VESTNIK 2020 Dear Parishioners: Given the recent rise in numbers of those who have recently contracted the COVID-19 Virus, and what appears to be the beginning of a second wave of infections, it is opportune to remind everyone of the protocols in force in our churches in the Diocese of Hamilton. Some of the following norms clarify those which were published in June 2020; others have been added in view of more recent directives provided by the Ontario government and local health authorities. These protocols are in place to ensure, as much as possible, the safety of all. Entrance is not permitted to those who have an elevated temperature, or are suffering from cough, sputum production, shortness of breath, undue fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle aching, runny nose, chills involving shakes, loss of sense of smeli or taste. If you are sick, you are kindly asked to stay at home. Anyone who has travelled outside Canada with- in the past 14 days, is not to enter the church until having completed the period of self-isolation. Everyone must use band sanitizer provided up- on entry to the church. In accord with the current government legisla- tion, all persons are required to wear a mask or face covering upon entry into the church. This includes priests and other liturgical ministers. Only the priest, reader and cantor are permitted to remove their masks when in the sanctuary at a distance of four metres from the members of the assembly. Those who are unable to wear a mask because of an underlying medical condition which inhibits their ability to wear a mask, are to be admitted to the church, and are to be seated in a designated area at least four metres away from others. They may not come forward to receive Communion with others; the priest or extraordinary minister will bring them Communion where they are seated. Only 30% of the seating capacity of the church is permitted by govemment regulations at this time. Ushers will direct parishioners to the available des- ignated seats. All members of the assembly are to maintain a two-metre distance at all times: when seated and when approaching the altar and returning from receiving Communion. (Members of one household are permitted to sit together, provided they are two metres away from other parishioners.) No hymnals or song sheets are permitted in the pews. During Mass, minimal singing is permitted, led by a single cantor. No choirs are permitted at this time. Only one Iector will proclaim the readings before the Gospel, and the petitions. There is no collection and presentation of the bread and wine at the usual time. Parishioners are invited to deposit their offering in the basket/ receptacle as they leave the church. Before Communion, following the prayer (Lord, I am not worthy...) the Priest will say once: The Body of Christ. All will respond together: Amen. Commun- ion will be received in silence. The Priest and Extraordinary Minister(s) of Com- munion must sanitize their hands before and after distributing Communion. Communion can be received only in the hand at this time. There are absolutely no exceptions to this norm. Those receiving Communion are to extend their hands, placing one hand upon the other to BISHOP OF HAMILTON UPDATE ON COVID-19 PROTOCOLS VESTNIK 2020 | 463 THIS IS NATIONAL CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE WEEK 2020, and it is sponsored by the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada (CHAC)! The theme of the week is AWAKEN: Revealing the Courageous Gift of Catholic Health Care. A few facts about Catholic Health Care in Canada: There are 129 Catholic health care organizations in Canada, offering 19,575 beds. Staff numbering 88,000+ serve more than 5 million people annually, with a 6 billion dollar oper- ating budget! Catholic Health Care in Canada is in- spired by the example of the Founding Sisters – visionary women who for generations advocated and cared for the most destitute people in their communities. Their ministry has become the mis- sion of a multitude of leaders and this mission makes the Canadian health care system and Canadi- an society stronger! What a blessing you are for us! SPECIAL MASSES WILL BE OFFERED IN THE PAR- ISHES throughout the Diocese this weekend for all those who died during the COVID shutdown – whether they died from the dreaded virus, or from any other cause. Parishes have provided names of the deceased which have been collated and re- turned to the Parishes to be laid on the altars or posted on bulletin boards. There are over 14 pages of names listed. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed in the mercy of God rest in peace! THE ANNUAL AWARD FOR SERVICE TO CATHOLIC EDUCATION sponsored by the Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board will be presented to three recipients at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King on November 24, 2020 (by invitation only due to COVID restrictions). This year’s award recipi- ents are Paola Pace-Gubekjian, Andy Burns, and Teresa Hartnett. The award recognizes those who have made an outstanding contribution to the Catholic school system! The event is always a high- light of the school year – and this year is no differ- ent! Congratulations to the honourees. receive the Body of Christ. Communion from the chalice is not permitted at this time. Ushers will direct parishioners, row by row while maintaining physical distancing, to approach the Priest or extraordinary minister of Communion. Following the dismissal, parishioners are di- rected to leave the church, row by row, following the directions of the ushers. They are to maintain physical distancing and are to refrain from socializ- ing in the church. No bulletins are available at this time. Crying rooms and adoration chapels and Recon- ciliation rooms remain closed at this time. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament may take place at sched- uled times in the church provided there is staff to supervise and to sanitize the space as needed. The Sacrament of Reconciliation may be celebrated at scheduled times in a larger space which provides privacy and permits the necessary social distancing. The number of persons permitted to participate in the celebration of Baptisms, Marriages, and Fu- nerals is determined by the size of the church and the 30% capacity limit of each church. Because par- ticipants in these celebrations are frequently visitors to our churches, attendance with contact infor- mation is to be obtained when they enter the church. Those who are elderly or whose immune system is compromised, and those who are hesitant to re- tum to church at this time, are reminded that the obligation to participate at Sunday Mass is suspend- ed until further notice. Let us continue to be united in prayer for one another, for all who are suffering in any way be- cause of the pandemic, and the many people who are responding in love to those in special need at this time. Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton October 7, 2020 Heart to Heart 464 | VESTNIK 2020 Jacob Sean ANTOLIN Marcus CURKOVIČ Gwyneth Seren DAVIES David Ignacious HORVAT Kristopher Thomas KANC Robert James KANC Julia Adriana LABRICCIOSA Sofia Isabella LABRICCIOSA Mia Anne LAVRIČ Alec Joseph MARINKO Melanie Ann MARINKO Gabriella Anna MIKLAVČIČ Alexandra Natasha NOVAK Antonio Daniel PLEŠA Joseph Florian PLEŠA Danijel Gusti ŠKRBAN Alyssa Kayley TAYLOR Jace Anthony THOMAS Lukas Van TRAN BIRMA - CONFIRMATION Včeraj smo imeli s kandidati za birmo kratko srečanje, se s podrobnosti, kako bo potekal obred birme. Škofija je izdala po- sebna navodila za obhajanje tega zakra- menta v času Covid-19. Letos imamo največje število birman- cev v zadnjem času, kar 19. Upamo, da bo vse lepo potekalo. Priporočamo mlade v molitev, da bi tudi po tem zakramentu postali zrelejši kristjani. Ob zahvalni nedelji iskrena hvala vsem župljanom. Dolg bi bil seznam, če bi hotel naštete vse, katerim gre zahvala. Vsi se zavedamo, da župnijska skupnost lahko obstaja in raste sa- mo ob sodelovanju vseh in vsake- ga. Vsak na svoj način prispeva, da gre vse delo v župniji naprej. Naj vas vse Bog blagoslavlja in poma- ga, da bi še naprej skrbeli za naše skupno dobro. VESTNIK 2020 | 465 466 | VESTNIK 2020 Za lažje razumevanje kako poteka pridobi- tev stanovanja v Villa Slovenia, Upravni Odbor ponovno sporoča kandidatom sledeče: Trenutno je vseh 30 stanovanj zasedenih. 19 stanovanj je zasedeno s stanovalci z mest- nim dodatkov najemnine, 11 stanovalcev pa, ki plačujejo polno ceno najemnine. Ob polni zasedenosti stanovanj je za kan- didate, ki so na sezamu čakanja za stanovanje nemogoče predvideti kdaj bo naslednje sta- novanje na razpolago. Upravni odbor se zavzema, da daje prednost našim rojakom, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje mesta Hamilton in so primerni za pridobitev bivanja v Vili Slovenia. Upravni odbor Villa Slovenia ponovno vabi k razumevanju, da je dom upokojencev voden po določenih vladnih pravilih. Pred leti je to nadzorstvo od provincialne vlade prevzela mestna občina Hamilton, ki od takrat naprej redno preverja delovanje doma. Zgradba ima 30 stanovanj od teh je 26 enosobnih in 4 dvo- sobna stanovanja. Pomembno pa je razmerje stanovanj, ki so določeni koliko jih mora biti na razpolago tistim, ki lahko prejemajo mestni občinski dodatek za najemnino torej tistim, ki so s svojim nizkim letnim dohodkom deležni te podpore. Za kandidate, ki bi plačevali pol- no ceno najemnine stanovanja podatki o let- nem dohodku niso potrebni. Čakalni seznam za kandidate z mestnim dodatkom vodi občina Hamilton, ki podrobno preverja finančno stanje kandidata. Odobreni kandidat se potem vpise na čakalni seznam, ki ga vodi mestna občina. Ko se v domu izprazni stanovanje, mesto pošlje nekaj kandidatov z njihovega seznama v presojo Upravnemu od- boru društva sv. Jožefa, ki potem dokončno odobri najbolj primernega kandidata za nove- ga stanovalca Villa Slovenia. Uradno razmerje, ki ga mesto narekuje je 22 stanovanj, ki preje- majo mestni dodatek in 8 stanovanj name- njen stanovalcem, ki plačujejo polno ceno najemnine. Sedanje razmerje 19: 11 je preko- račeno za 3 stanovanja v korist polno plačanih stanovanj, kar za zdaj mesto še dovoljuje. Morebitni bodoči kandidati za stanovanja v Villa Slovenia naj pokličejo TAG Mana- gement za podrobna dodatna navodila na številko: Monika Grabek, tel. 905 333-5506 ext. 55 Slovensko društvo sv. Jožefa Hamilton, Upravni odbor - - - - - - - - - - For a better understanding of how to ob- tain a residency at Villa Slovenia, the Board of Directors is again informing candidates about the process: Currently, all 30 units of the Villa are occupied. 19 residents are subsidized by the city and 11 residents are paying the full market rent. At the current full capacity, it is impossible to predict the next apartment opening. The Board of Directors is giving Slovenian candi- dates who meet the city's criteria to qualify for Villa's residence their first consideration. However, to avoid misunderstandings, the Board of Directors wish to inform you again how the decision making is taking place for obtaining a residency at Villa Slovenia. The control for placing residents is being done by the City of Hamilton, which regularly inspects the operation of the home. The home has 30 apartments, of which are 26 one- Villa Slovenia - How to obtain Residence VESTNIK 2020 | 467 SLOVENSKA ŠOLA UPDATE I wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe return to school! I know things have been stressful with coping with COVID19 over the last few months, but things seem to be re- turning to a new normal with the re-opening of schools. I’d like to give everyone an update on Šola for the 2020/2021 session. Šola will be run- ning online this year. Lorie and I will be trans- ferring our program from the classroom to online and this will take some time and effort on our parts. At this point, we are still waiting on specific instructions from the International Languages Program but we anticipate that online classes will start the week of October 19, 2020. Whether the classes run, will de- pend on numbers. As I mentioned, it will take some time and effort to transfer the program to an online platform, so we are hoping that parents and students will be willing to put in their time and effort once the program starts. Aside from going online, there will also be another change. Rather than running the class on Saturdays, we are considering pick- ing a weeknight instead so that everyone has the weekends free for relaxing and family time. We will canvass a convenient time with participating families. We have 11 students who have signed-up this week and would love to see some new faces too! If your child is interested and would like to take part, please email Sandy at sferlet- Please feel free to share this with anyone you think might be interested. See you soon! Sandy Ferletič bedroom and 4 two-bedroom apartments. The City of Hamilton provides rent subsidies for those who have an income that does not meet the affordability of market rent. Villa Slo- venia has been designated by the govern- ment to have only 8 apartments available for candidates with higher yearly income for full market rent. Candidates for a market rent do not have to provide financial records, simply complete a rental application and submit it to TAG Management and is then placed on a waiting list. When a market rent apartment becomes available, St. Joseph Society can se- lect a suitable tenant from this waiting list. The government has designated 22 Villa apartments for individuals who qualify for subsidized rent. To qualify for a subsidized rental apartment, the person must apply to the City of Hamilton Access to Housing de- partment to see if they qualify. If they qualify, they can be placed on the TAG Management Villa Slovenia waiting list. For subsidized apartments, St. Joseph Society can only select tenants that are on this waiting list which is created by the City of Hamilton. Currently, Villa Slovenia is occupied by 11 market rent apartments and 19 subsidized apartments. The City of Hamilton does not allow any more market rent apartments as Villa Slovenia has already 3 more than it is al- lowed. If a tenant moves out, the Board of Di- rectors can select a new tenant to meet the City of Hamilton criteria for Villa Slovenia rent- als. Anyone interested in moving into Villa Slo- venia in the future should contact Monica Grabek at TAG Management 905 333-5506 ext. 55 Slovenian Society of St. Joseph, Board of Directors 468 | VESTNIK 2020 INVITES YOU TO OKTOBERFEST MEAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17TH, 2020 AT THIS COVID FRIENDLY EVENT Curbside pick-up between 3:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. Featuring the following traditional meal choices:  Sausage ($20)  Snitzel or pulled pork ($25 each),  Štrudel 3 pieces for $10 All meals include sauerkraut and pota- toes, plus a choice of imported Beer or Laško. Please contact TOMAŽ MES at 905-971-3831 or email: for details and to place your orders. E-transfer payment to email. All preorders must be received by Wed. Oct. 14! BLED SLOVENIAN CULTURAL CLUB presents "FOODS TO THE FOLKS" Lipa Park is participating in this Folk Arts-sponsored event on Saturday, October 17, 2020 All food MUST be pre-ordered and paid for by October 10, through the Folk Arts website: Click on the individual food items to begin or- dering. Menu:  Schnitzel on a bun with sauerkraut and pota- to salad....$12  Sausage on a bun with sauerkraut and potato salad....$12  Barbecued pork from spit with fresh bread and potato salad....$18  Family package: 2 sausages on buns, 2 schnit- zels on buns,  potato salad, sauerkraut, and 4 pieces of stru- del....$50 Curbside pick-up from 1 to 5 p.m. Pick-up times to be assigned upon ordering. Address: Lipa Park...2850 Oille Street...Pelham, Ontario Notes: There are limited quantities of each menu item. Orders are online and in advance only, through the Folk Arts website. Folk Arts is co-ordinating all the orders and payments. VESTNIK 2020 | 469 MINISTER OF THE WORD WORKSHOP In light of COVID-19, the Liturgy Office will replace the one-day workshop with a virtual (on-line) workshop in a series of three Monday evenings, to be held October 19th, 26th and No- vember 2nd, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. with a thirty- minute break. Participants are asked to attend all three workshops. For more information and to regis- ter, please ask interested Ministers of the Word to contact Deacon John Moss at the Liturgy Of- fice. More information to follow. PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH Parenting Tip #123: The present pandemic has brought chang- es that have been stressful for families, but it has also allowed for some positive develop- ments. The pandemic has allowed most peo- ple and families more time to relax. Have you taken advantage of the extra time to build family ties? Playing board games or cards, going for walks or hikes, or joining, as a family, to engage with music or art - these are all great ways to relax together! Additional relaxing time also gives us more time to engage as a family in prayer - as we eat together, engage in nighttime bedtime rituals together, or as we take time to offer prayers for our family and those in need. Experiencing these positive times together will help to counteract the stress everyone feels thinking about the safety of those they love. MARRIAGE TIP OF THE MONTH Marriage Tip #103: Touch is a vital component for every hu- man being; our bodies are created for rela- tionship and touch is an important compo- nent of communication. Our touch conveys both caring and love, but also sends a mes- sage about closeness. The more intimate the relationship the more touch matters. Loving touch has proven health benefits as well, so reach out and hold your spouse’s hand, give their back or shoulder a little rub now and then, give them a hug and/or kiss as you begin and end each day (and maybe just be- cause!) and let them feel your love. Touch fills the others heart and mind with the knowledge that they are loved, which is a great boost to every marriage. EXPERIENCING STRESS IN YOUR MARRIAGE? Thinking about Separation or Divorce? – Is your marriage not what you hoped it would be? Are you, or a relative or friend, heading for a possible divorce? Retrouvaille is designed to help marriages regain their health. The Retrouvaille program is highly successful in saving marriages and in helping them to thrive. For confidential information about, or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on Oct. 23, 2020, please call 905- 664-5212 or email: or visit the website at INFORMATIONS FROM THE DIOCESE OF HAMILTON 470 | VESTNIK 2020 O BVESTILA - A NNOUN CEMENTS Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, sub- scribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at BIRMA - CONFIRMATION Birmo bomo imeli v soboto, 17. oktobra 2020 ob 10:30 a.m. Birmovalec bo naš škof Douglas Crosby. Birma ne bo s sveto mašo, kot je bila to navada prej, am- pak zaradi razmer v katerih smo, so škofje odločili, da bodo do naslednjega leta vse birme samo z bogoslužjem božje besede. Ker imamo letošnje leto veliko birmancev, bo v cerkvi prostora samo za birmance, botre in njihove družine. Vsi ostali sorodniki pa bodo imeli priložnost, da spremljajo obred v naših dvora- nah, kjer bo video prenos v živo. Včeraj dopoldne smo se na vaji, s starši in birmanci, dogovorili tudi glede vseh podrob- nosti poteka same birme. ČIŠČENJE CERKVE Za letošnje leto so naslednje skupine, ki bodo poskrbele za čiščenje cerkve:  Oktober 23: Jožica Vegelj and team  November 6: Novak Peter & Frank families  November 20: CWL  December 4: M. Lukežič - M. Volčanšek  December 18: Pamela & Joe Gosgnach Daily Mass - high touch point cleaning:  Mon-Friday - Majda Lukežič  Saturday - Ferenčak family  Sundays, Funerals - Gosgnach family MAŠA ZA BOLNIKE Tudi letos bomo imeli, v sredo po zahval- nem dnevu, t.j. 14. oktobra ob 11:00h dopol- dne, sveto mašo za bolne in starejše. Med sve- to mašo boste lahko prejeli tudi zakrament bolniškega maziljenja. DRUŠTVO SAVA Prvotno je bila maša pri društvu Sava načrto- vana za to nedeljo. Ker pa imajo mnoge družine praznovanje zahvalnega dneva, so prosili, da bi jo prestavili na nedeljo, 18. oktobra ob 1:00 po- poldne. Sveta maša se bo darovala za vse pokoj- ne člane društva Sava in še po naslednjih name- nih: † Frank Jurman by Društvo Sava † Rudi Krivec by Family Mirt † Marija Šerbec by Zinka Mirt In the evening of October 2nd, 2020, Frank Jurman from Kitchener passed away. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be an- nounced in Kitchener Record. Pokojni Frank naj počiva v božjem miru, dru- žini pa iskreno sožalje. VILLA SLOVENIA Upravni odbor obvešča stanovalce in rojake, da bo skupna soba v Villa Slovenia ostala do nadaljnjega zaprta zaradi povečanega širjenja virusa. Odbor bo v bodoče sproti obveščal gle- de datuma odprtja sobe in začetka torkovih dru- žabnih večerov. VESTNIK 2020 | 471 SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 7:00 P.M., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slovenian), 11:00 A.M. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MAR- RIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 - 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: THANKYOU - ZAHVALA The family of Donna (Diane) Kopač would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our family, friends and members of our parish for their prayers and support during this difficult time. We are grateful to all who came to the visitation, shared memories, sent flowers, and made donations in memory of Donna. A special thank you to the members of the choir. Your beautiful hymns during the Mass were a great comfort to us all. We would like to thank Father Drago for the beautiful Mass and for visiting and providing support to our family. We are sincerely grateful. The Family of Donna Kopač PGREB - FUNERAL V četrtek, 8. oktobra 2020, je Bog poklical k sebi po več- no plačilo našo faranko Katari- no Kapušin, roj. Cunjak. Pokoj- na bi skoraj dopolnila 80 let. Od pokojne Katarine se bolse lahko poslovili v Smith's Funeral Home, 454 Highway #8, Stoney Creek v nedeljo in ponedeljek med 3h do 5h in 7h do 9h zvečer. Za pokoj njene duše bomo sku- paj molili v ponedeljek ob 8:30 zvečer. Pogrebno sveto mašo bomo za pokoj nje- ne duše darovali v torek, 13. oktobra 2020 ob 10:00 dopoldne, po maši pa pokojno Katarino položili k večnemu počitku na Our Lady of the Angels pokopališču, Mud Street, Stoney Creek. Iskreno sožalje možu Francu, sinu Joe-ju in hčerki Sony-ji z družinama. Pokojni Katarini pa večni mir in pokoj. Za slovo od pokojne v pogrebnem zavodu se morate prijaviti tako, da pokličete 905-664- 4222 in vam bodo povedali ali lahko pridete ob določenem času. Skalij Marija October 12, 1994 Pust Frances October 12, 2015 Ferko Frančiška October 14, 2018 Hozjan Verona October 16, 1976 Balažic Steve October 16, 1979 Palčič Ivan October 16, 1994 Intihar Katarina October 17, 2010 Gerič Irma October 17, 2016 472 | VESTNIK 2020 28. NEDELJA MED LETOM Janez XXIII., papež 11. OKTOBER 28TH SUNDAY IN OT † † †† †† † †† †† † † Za žive in rajne župljane Viktor Glavač Danica Ančimer Pokojni iz družine Vegelj Marija in Evgen Ferletič Ivan Kirec Ivan in Ana Zver Paula in Franc Pelcar Joe Lackovič Francka Pust, obl. 10:00 A.M. ---------- Rajko Kovač Sestrična Magda Udovč Stanko in Jožica Vegelj Milan in Sandy Ferletič Žena z družino Ana Kirec z družino Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z druž. Joe Gerič z družino Družina Pust PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 12. OKTOBER Maksimiljan Celjski, muč. † † Tom Kastelic Za božji blagoslov Viktor Glavač Maks in Maksimilijan Sagadin 7:00 P.M. Diana Kastelic z družino Ivka Pašalić Društvo sv. Jožefa (1) Julija Sagadin z družino TOREK - TUESDAY 13. OKTOBER Koloman, muč. † †† †† Ivan Zver Gizella in Štefan Ray Na čast Kristusovi krvi Marija in Dane Bukovac 7:00 P.M. Olga Glavač z družino Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš z družino Ana Tadić Maryann SREDA - WEDNESDAY 14. OKTOBER Kalist I., papež † †† Za bolne in trpeče Karel Volf Pokojni starši, sestra in brata 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Maša z maziljenjem Joe Fotivec (TO) Jožica Novak z družino ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 15. OKTOBER Terezija Avilska, uč. †† † † Anton in Marija Svoljšak Marija Grobelnik Viktor Glavač 7:00 P.M. Družina Svoljšak Sestra Jožica z družino Terezija Prša PETEK - FRIDAY 16. OKTOBER Marjeta, redovnica † † Na čast Kristusovi krvi Slava Gomboša Slava Gomboša 7:00 P.M. Ana Tadić Frank Erzar z družino Društvo sv. Jožefa (1) SOBOTA - SATURDAY 17. OKTOBER Ignacij Antiohijski, škof in mučenec Florencij, škof † †† † † † †† † † BIRMA — CONFIRMATION Franc Verdinšek Starši Terezija in Štefan Marinič Marija Nemec, obl. Joe Lackovič Štefan Gonza Starši Kuzma Gizella Ray Viktor Glavač 10:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Škof Douglas Crosby Družina Raduha Družina Raduha Družina Recek Sonneveld Family Franc in Tončka Smodiš Hči Jožica Vlašič z družino Jožica Vlašič z družino Družina Šemen 29. NEDELJA MED LETOM Luka, evangelist Misijonska nedelja 18. OKTOBER 29TH SUNDAY IN OT † † † † † † †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Viktor Glavač Joe Prša Ivan Zupančič, obl. Vera Zelko Gizella Ray Spomenka Anton, John (obl.) in Anica Malevič Pokojni člani društva Sava 10:00 A.M. 1>00 P.M. - - - - - - - Rudi in Marija Horvat Ana Kirec z družino Žena z družino Matilda Bratuž Matilda Bratuž Sestra Družina Malevič Maša pri društvu Sava SVETE MAŠE - MASSES od 11. 10. 2020 do 18.10. 2020