PROPOSED METHODOLOGy OF VULNERABILITy AND CONTAMINATION RISK MAPPING FOR THE PROTECTION OF KARST AQUIFERS IN SLOVENIA PREDLOG METODOLOGIJE KARTIRANJA RANLJIVOSTI IN TVEGANJA ZA ONESNAŽENJE VODA ZA VAROVANJE KRAŠKIH VODONOSNIKOV V SLOVENIJI Nataša RAVBAR 1 & Nico GOLDSCHEIDER 2 Izvleček UDK 551.44:556.388(497.4) Nataša Ravbar & Nico Goldscheider: Predlog metodologije kartiranja ranljivosti in tveganja za onesnaženje voda za va­ rovanje kraških vodonosnikov v Sloveniji Upoštevajoč posebnosti slovenskega krasa smo na podlagi smernic evropskega projekta COST Action 620 predlagali splošen pristop k ocenjevanju ranljivosti in tveganja kraški� voda za onesnaženje. Tako imenovani Slovenski pristop us- treza slovenski okoljski zakonodaji in omogoča primerjavo z razmerami v Evropi. Metoda pri ocenjevanju ranljivosti pod- talnice upošteva časovno �idrološko spremenljivost, ponuja možnost povezovanja zaščite površinski� in podzemni � voda ter predlaga nove smernice za zaščito podzemne vode in vod- ni� virov, za kar je bil razvit nov faktor K (pretakanje kraški � voda v zasičeni coni). Slovenski pristop predvideva obširno analizo tveganja, ki temelji na oceni naravne ranljivosti, dejan- ski� in potencialni � obremenjevalcev ter pomembnosti vod - nega vira oziroma podzemne vode. Predlagana metodologija je bila prvič uporabljena v zaledju vodnega vira Podstenjšek v jugoza� odni Sloveniji, rezultati pa preverjeni s pomočjo dve� sledilni� poizkusov, ki sta skupno zajemala šest injicirni � točk. Rezultati kart naravne ranljivosti, obremenjevalcev in tveganja so zadovoljivi. Preverjanje potrjuje ocenjeno naravno ranljivost reprezentativni� točk, izbrani � za injiciranje sledila. Končne karte omogočajo izpopolnjeno razmejitev vodovarstveni� pa - sov ter označujejo območja neustreznega ravnanja, nudijo pod- lago za reorganizacijo dejavnosti in za boljše rešitve v pri� od- njem načrtovanju. Ključne besede: Slovenski pristop, ranljivost podzemne vode, tveganje za onesnaženje, kraški vodonosnik, zaščita in uprav- ljanje z vodnimi viri, preverjanje kart ranljivosti. 1 Karst Researc� Institute SRC SASA, Titov trg 2, SI-6230 Postojna, Slovenia, e-mail: 2 Centre of Hydrogeology, University of Neuc� âtel, 2009 Neuc� âtel, Switzerland, e-mail: nico.goldsc� eider@unine.c� Received/Prejeto: 14.09.2007 COBISS: 1.01 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3, 397-411, POSTOJNA 2007 Abstract UDC 551.44:556.388(497.4) Nataša Ravbar & Nico Goldscheider: Proposed methodology of vulnerability and contamination risk mapping for the pro­ tection of karst aquifers in Slovenia On t� e basis of work accomplis� ed by t� e European COST Action 620, a compre� ensive approac� to groundwater vulner - ability and contamination risk assessment is proposed, taking into account t� e special c� aracteristics of Slovene karst aqui- fer systems. The Slovene Approac� is consistent wit � national environmental legislation and enables comparison across Eu- ropean countries. The met� od integrates temporal � ydrologi- cal variability in t� e concept of groundwater vulnerability and offers a new possibility to combine surface and groundwater source and resource protection, w�ic � required t � e develop- ment of a new K factor (karst groundwater flow wit�in t � e saturated zone). The risk analysis considers intrinsic vulnera- bility, contamination � azards and t� e importance of t� e source or resource. It � as been first applied to t� e Podstenjšek springs catc�ment in sout � western Slovenia and validated by means of two multi-tracer tests wit� a total of six injection points. The resulting vulnerability, � azard and risk maps are plausible, and t� e validation confirmed t� e vulnerability assessment at t� e representative sites t� at were selected for tracer injection. The maps provide improved source protection zones and make it possible to identify land mismanagement and to propose better practices for future planning. Keywords: Slovene Approac�, groundwater vulnerability, contamination risk, karst aquifer, water source protection and management, validation of vulnerability maps. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 398 Karst springs are t� e most important drinking water sources in Slovenia, because of t� eir good quality and suf- ficient amount. Unfortunately, in t� e Slovene legislation on water sources protection, t� e special c� aracteristics of karst aquifers are insufficiently taken into consideration (Ravbar & Kovačič 2006). Alt� oug� t � e quality of karst waters is relatively �ig �, individual examples of contami - nation illustrate t� e s� ortcomings of water management even in unin� abited alpine karst areas, w�ic � are ordi - narily very favourable for protection. In some ot� er countries, groundwater vulnerability and risk maps are used for protection zoning and land use planning in karst. Thus, different met� ods � ave al- ready been developed and implemented in numerous test sites worldwide. Moreover, in some European countries, vulnerability mapping � as been integrated in t� e state protection legislation. However, in Slovenia experiences of suc� applications are very modest – only two karst spring vulnerability studies � ave been done so far (Janža & Prestor 2002; Petrič & Šebela 2004). In order to provide comparable guidelines for t� e protection of carbonate aquifers in individual regions of Europe, COST Action 620 developed a general concep- tual framework for vulnerability and risk mapping (Daly et al. 2002; Zwa� len 2004). There are two types of vul- nerability: t� e intrinsic vulnerability only depends on t� e � ydrogeological c� aracteristics of an area determining its protective function against contamination; t� e specif- ic vulnerability additionally considers t� e properties of specific contaminants. Vulnerability and risk maps can be prepared for a groundwater resource or for a specific source, suc� as a tapped spring or a pumping well. On t�is basis, a compre � ensive approac� for ground - water vulnerability and contamination risk assessment is proposed as an alternative to t� e existing karst ground- water management in Slovenia. The Slovene Approac� includes t�ree elements: t � e intrinsic vulnerability map, t� e � azard map and t� e contamination risk map. The met� odology takes into account special c� aracteristics of Slovene karst aquifer systems; it is consistent wit� na - tional environmental legislation and enables comparison across European countries. The Slovene Approac� offers a new possibility to in - tegrate surface and groundwater protection. In addition, it includes two new aspects for t� e intrinsic vulnerability mapping, w�ic � � ave not yet been sufficiently addressed in t� e previous met� ods. Temporal � ydrologic variabil- ity is particularly important for contaminant transport (Ravbar & Goldsc� eider 2006; Göppert & Goldsc� eider 2007) and � as t� us been integrated in t� e concept of groundwater vulnerability assessment. Furt� ermore, t� e met� od considers groundwater flow and transport pro- cesses wit�in t � e saturated zone t� at are crucial for source protection. The European Approac� was completed by including t� e importance of a water resource or source into t� e risk analysis. The proposed approac� includes relatively detailed assessment sc� emes and is t� us most appropriate for aquifers and spring catc�ments w � ere ex- tensive data are available or can be obtained, and w� ere small-scale land use planning is considered important. However, for t� e application in data-poor environments and/or on larger scales, t� e met� od can be generalised and adapted to t� e local conditions. INTRODUCTION SLOVENE APPROACH TO GROUNDWATER VULNERABILITy MAPPING According to t� e European Approac� , groundwater vulnerability mapping is founded on t� e assessment of basic factors t� at control infiltration of water and con- taminants from t� e land surface towards t� e groundwa- ter, suc� as Overlying layers (O), Concentration of flow (C) and Precipitation regime (P). There are two general approac� es of water protection: resource protection aims to protect t� e w� ole groundwater body, w� ile source protection aims to protect a particular spring or well. In t� e first case, t� e mostly vertical seepage of water t� roug� t� e unsaturated zone to t� e uppermost groundwater surface is considered; in t� e second case, t� e lateral flow route wit� in t� e saturated zone s� ould be included as well. Thus an additional factor for t� e Karst saturated zone (K) � as to be considered (Daly et al. 2002). The Slovene Approac� to intrinsic vulnerability as - sessment is partly based on t� e Spanis� COP met � od (Vías et al. 2006; Andreo et al. 2006), w�ic � represents an integral interpretation of t� e European Approac�. Al - t� oug� t � e COP met� od � as been successfully applied in different karst areas, it � as some weaknesses. Therefore, it � as been modified, complemented and extended for source vulnerability mapping. The resource vulnerability map is obtained by combining t� e O, C and P factors, w� ereas t� e source vulnerability map is obtained by su- NATAŠA RAVBAR & NICO GOLDSCHEIDER ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 399 perimposing t� e resource vulnerability map and t� e K factor (Fig. 1). OVERLy ING LAy ERS (O FACTOR) The O factor indicates t� e effectiveness of layers overly- ing t� e groundwater surface to protect it against poten- tial contamination (Daly et al. 2002). The O factor assess- ment t� erefore takes into account t� e residence time of t� e percolating water (and/or contaminant) t�roug � t � e soil and t� e rocks composing t� e unsaturated zone, con- siderably affected by t� e t�ickness, porosity and perme - ability of eac� layer. The evaluation of t� e soil protection function, w� ere present, is based on its texture (i.e. grain size distribu- tion), soil structure (i.e. t� e presence of aggregates and macropores) and its t�ickness. W � en assessing soil dept� (especially of patc� y soils) t� e percolation time t�roug � t� e soil, providing its effective t�ickness, s � ould be con- sidered. Furt� ermore, t� e protection function of t� e unsaturated zone is quantified by t� e lit� ological c� aracteristics and t�ickness of eac� stratum (determining � ydrogeological properties, effective porosity and � ydrau- lic conductivity), as well as by t� e degree of fracturation and/or karstification of t� e carbonate rocks. In Slovene karst regions, deep karst plateaux prevail, for w�ic � an immedi - ate infiltration of rainwater and fast verti- cal draining are c� aracteristic. The dept� of t� e unsaturated zone can reac� 1500 m and more. In general, t� e protective cover of soil and sediments is t�in or completely absent. Alt� oug� great t �icknesses of t � e unsaturated zone may provide some de- gree of protection, bare karrenfields con- nected wit� deep s � afts (e.g. t� e Kaninski Podi, t� e Kriški Podi, t� e Rombonski Podi in t� e Alps and t� e Ždrocle on t� e Snežnik mountain) can provoke rapid percolation bypassing t� e overlying layers. A very low protective value is consequently assigned to suc� areas. Confined circumstance of t� e aqui- fer is considered as well. In cases w� ere an aquifer under consideration is overlain by anot� er relevant aquifer, t� e vulnerabil- ity of t� e �ig � est one � as to be considered and grap�ically symbolized on t � e map, as it is done in t� e PI met� od (Goldsc� eider 2005). CONCENTRATION OF FLOW (C FACTOR) The C factor distinguis� es areas of different infiltration conditions. It identifies t� e existence of allogenic point rec� arges and expresses t� e degree to w�ic � t � e overly- ing layers are bypassed. The evaluation of t� e C factor is based on t� e zoning of t� e swallow � ole rec� arge area, and t� e rest of t� e area. Wit�in t � e catc�ment of sinking surface waters, t � e distance to t� e swallow � ole and t� e distance to t� e sink- ing stream or lake are considered. Most existing met� ods classify swallow � oles, sinking streams and t� eir catc� - ment areas as zones of �ig � or extreme vulnerability. Examples from t� e Slovene karst s� ow t� at, due to fast and strong groundwater level oscillations, some swallow � oles are frequently or permanently active, w�ile ot � - ers operate only during exceptional � ydrological events, sometimes less t� an once per year. However, only in case of a permanently active point infiltration, would a con- taminant release always and rapidly reac� t � e groundwa- Fig. 1: principle of the Slovene Approach to groundwater vulnerability mapping. PROPOSED METHODOLOGy OF VULNERABILITy AND CONTAMINATION RISK MAPPING FOR THE PROTECTION OF KARST ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 400 ter wit� out significant attenuation, w� ereas it mig� t not directly enter t� e karst groundwater in case of an occa- sionally active one (Ravbar & Goldsc� eider 2006). If t� e swallow � oles are not permanently active, t� e temporal variability sub-factor (tv) s� ould be considered, reducing vulnerability in dependence on t� e frequency and dura- tion of t� e swallow � ole activity. Furt� ermore, sinking streams in Slovenia are some- times tens of kilometres long and drain catc�ments of � undreds of km 2 (e.g. t� e Reka river, t� e Temenica river); t� ere are also examples of large lakes drained by swal- low � oles (e.g. t� e lake of Cerkniško Jezero). Regarding t� e concept of swallow � oles and sinking surface waters being extremely vulnerable, t�is would lead to extremely large areas to be protected at t� e �ig � est level. We propose to assign a lower degree of vulnerability more t� an 5 km upstream from t� e swallow � ole, w� ere surface waters and t� eir catc�ments s � ould be protected independently from groundwater vulnerability issues, as proposed by existing European and national water protection poli- cies. Areas t� at drain out of t� e karst system under con- sideration, eit� er wit� out contact to t� e groundwater or via gaining streams, s� ould be assigned a low degree of vulnerability. In t� e autogenic rec� arge area, surface karst land- forms (karren, dolines and ot� ers) as well as �ig � ly frac- tured areas s� ould be identified, as t� ose represent zones of preferential infiltration and flow concentration (Ford & Williams 2007). W� en sediments and soils overly t� ese landforms, t� e protection is increased. The infiltration of water is also controlled by slope inclination, vegetation cover and flow type, t� e last of t� ese � aving t� e strongest impact on t� e vulnerability evaluation. These aspects are considered in t� e sv sub- factor, applicable for bot� point or diffuse infiltration conditions. The dominant flow process is controlled by t� e permeability of t� e layer at or closely below t� e sur- face. W� ere layers are less permeable, surface or s� al- low subsurface flow often occurs on very flat and even � orizontal surfaces. It may eventually infiltrate in more or less concentrated mode, e.g. into a swallow � ole. On t� e ot� er � and, even steep slopes of permeable ground may drain underground and direct infiltration predomi- nates. Furt� ermore, t� e sv sub-factor attributes �ig � er vulnerability to steeper slopes and sparser vegetation. Denser vegetation always provides protection to ground- water due to less runoff, more intermediate storage and t� us slower infiltration. PRECIPITATION REGIME (P FACTOR) The precipitation regime influences t� e rates of infiltra- tion, percolation and groundwater flow and t� us con- taminant transport in t� e aquifer (Daly et al. 2002). The P factor considers t� e quantity and intensity of precipita- tion events based on t� e daily precipitation amount for at least a 30-year period. Hig� er rainfall quantities and intensities mean more surface flow, �ig � er transport ve- locities, s� orter transit times, more turbulent flow, more effective transport of sediments, microbial pat� ogens and particle-bound c� emical contaminants, mobilisation of DNAPLs (Dense Non-Aqueous P� ase Liquids), etc., and t� us �ig � er vulnerability. Two sub-factors s� ould be considered to describe t� e number of major and extreme precipitation events t� at enable significant contaminant mobilisation and rapid transport: The rd sub-factor indicates t� e num- ber of days wit� major rain quantities (20–80 mm/day), w�ile t � e se sub-factor indicates t� e number of extreme storm events (> 80 mm/day). KARST SATURATED ZONE (K FACTOR) The K factor represents t� e predominantly lateral groundwater flow in t� e saturated zone of t� e karst aq- uifer towards t� e spring or well. This factor needs to be considered for source vulnerability mapping, toget� er wit� t � e t�ree factors included in t � e resource vulner- ability assessment (O, C and P). The K factor does not only consider t� e degree of karstification, but mainly describes t� e dynamics of groundwater flow and � ow a particular zone is connected to t� e spring or well, em- p� asized and implemented also by Andreo et al. (manu- script in preparation). In karst aquifers, underground flow pat� s are often not known. Also t� e classification of t� e karstification degree can be very subjective. Therefore, t� e detailed dis- tribution of t� e K factor is difficult to map. Size, connection and density of groundwater flow passages is a reliable source of information on t� e karst network, � owever, even a relatively small degree of karst- ification (e.g. conduits 5 cm wide and inaccessible to cav- ers) can result in very rapid flow and contaminant trans- port wit� out significant attenuation. Groundwater divides in karst aquifer systems are often not identical to topograp�ic divides and are of - ten difficult to determine. Furt� ermore, t� e position of groundwater divides is often not stable but may vary for several � undreds of metres or even kilometres as a func- tion of t� e � ydraulic conditions (Ravbar & Goldsc� eider 2006). However, t� e size of a catc�ment is particularly crucial for source vulnerability assessment. In addition, catc�ments of several individual springs often overlap or are � ydraulically connected over long distances. The K factor s� ould ideally reflect t� e following aspects (after Goldsc� eider et al. 2001; Daly et al. 2002; Brouyère 2004): NATAŠA RAVBAR & NICO GOLDSCHEIDER ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 401 - t� e travel time of a contaminant arrival at t� e source, - t� e relative quantity of contaminants t� at arrive at t� e source, - t� e contaminant concentration at t� e source and - t� e duration of a contamination of t� e source. The evaluation of t� e K factor considers t�ree sub- factors and includes information on groundwater travel time, variability of t� e drainage divides and information on underground water flow pat� s. Duration of a contam- ination could be an optional aspect. The t sub-factor considers t� e groundwater travel time in t� e saturated zone during �ig �-flow conditions. The proposed classes are < 1 day, 1–10 days and > 10 days, but t� ese limits could be adapted to national legislation. Travel times can best be obtained from artificial tracer tests, if possible supplemented by geological, speleologi- cal and natural tracer data. Due to aquifer � eterogeneity, it is very difficult to draw precise isoc�rones. Nevert � e- less, travel times s� ould be included in t� e assessment sc� eme using t� e best possible estimates. The r sub-factor expresses t� e degree of connection and contribution of different parts of t� e aquifer system to t� e source. The proposed assessment sc� eme consid- ers t� e � ydrogeological structure of t� e aquifer system by distinguis�ing between inner, intermediate and outer zones. The Iris� Groundwater Protection Sc � emes use a similar system, but define 100 days as t� e limit between an inner and an outer zone (DoELG/EPA/GSI 1999). The inner zone comprises parts of t� e system t� at always con- tribute to t� e spring and t� at are directly connected to t� e spring. The inner zone is classified as most vulnerable. The outer zone comprises parts of t� e system t� at contribute only marginally to t� e spring disc� arge (e.g. because t� ey essentially drain towards anot� er spring), areas t� at contribute only temporarily (e.g. during �ig � water conditions), areas t� at are indirectly connected to t� e spring (e.g. because t� ey are separated by an aqui- clude), as well as areas for w�ic � we are not sure if t � ey contribute to t� e source. Very remote parts of a spring catc�ment could also be included into t � e outer zone. The outer zone is classified as less vulnerable; a moderate vulnerability is assigned to intermediate situations. The information required for t� e r sub-factor assessment can also be obtained from tracer tests and general � ydrogeo- logical considerations. The n sub-factor indicates t� e presence of an active conduit network and assigns �ig � er vulnerability to t� e wider area above t� ose conduits. In many cases, suc� in - formation is not available, and it is widely known t� at t� e absence of explorable conduits does not mean t� at t� ere are no conduits. However, if t� ere is direct evidence about active groundwater flow pat� s, t� e vulnerability assessment can be improved by including t�is informa - tion. SOURCE INTRINSIC VULNERABILITy ASSESSMENT Source vulnerability is obtained by combining t� e re- source vulnerability assessment and t� e K factor vulner- ability evaluation (Fig. 2). The source vulnerability map can be used as a basis for t� e delineation of source pro- tection zones. SLOVENE APPROACH TO CONTAMINATION RISK MAPPING Vulnerability mapping is not always a sufficient criterion for proper land use planning, since it does not s� ow t� e degree to w�ic � t � e aquifer is already under pressure, and � ow important t� e groundwater is for water sup- ply or ot� er purposes. On t� e basis of t� e conceptual framework proposed by COST Action 620 (De Ketelaere & Daly 2004), t� e Slovene Approac� provides a com - pre� ensive risk analysis, w�ic � takes into account t �ree elements: t� e intrinsic vulnerability of t� e groundwater resource or source, t� e contamination � azards, and t� e importance of t� e resource or source. HAZARD ASSESSMENT The goal of � azard mapping is to identify and illustrate t� e locations and types of � uman activities t� at pose a t� reat to groundwater quality. The � azard evaluation considers t� e type, noxiousness and quantity of t� e contaminants, as well as t� e likeli� ood of a contaminant release (De Ketelaere et al. 2004). The � azard level is ac� ieved by assessing t� e so- called � azard weig� ting, ranking and reduction values. The weig� ting factor (H) distinguis� es � azard � armfulness on t� e basis of a qualitative comparison of t� e potential damage to t� e groundwater or source. The main criteria for weig� ting different � azards concern t� e toxicity of relevant substances associated wit� eac � type of � azard as well as t� eir properties regarding solubility and mobility. A detailed table of t� e weig� ting values for different � azard types, ranging between 10 and 100, can be found in t� e Final Report of COST Action 620, p. 95- 96 (De Ketelaere et al. 2004). PROPOSED METHODOLOGy OF VULNERABILITy AND CONTAMINATION RISK MAPPING FOR THE PROTECTION OF KARST ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 402 Fig. 2: The Slovene Approach intrinsic vulnerability assessment scheme. NATAŠA RAVBAR & NICO GOLDSCHEIDER ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 403 Hazards of t� e same type but wit� different c � ar- acteristics (size, etc.) can be compared using a � azard ranking classification. According to COST Action 620, t� e ranking factor (Qn) ranges between 0.8 and 1.2. The Slovene Approac� provides ranking values for selected � uman activities, developed for Slovene circumstances (Fig. 3). The reduction factor (Rf) expresses t� e probability of a contamination event to occur. Therefore, t� e tec� ni- cal status, level of maintenance, surrounding conditions, security measures and ot� er factors s� ould be consid- ered. The values s� ould range between 0 and 1. The re- duction factor is 1 w� en no suc� information is available. Lower values imply positive information concerning t� e reduction of t� e likeli� ood. However, it is recommended to use small deviations from 1 in order to avoid minimi- zation of t� e effects of � azards wit� � ig� toxic potential (De Ketelaere et al. 2004). For eac� activity its � azard level is assessed by mul- tiplying t� e � azard weig� ting value H, t� e ranking factor Qn and t� e reduction factor Rf (Fig. 4). EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF A GROUNDWATER SOURCE OR RESOURCE The importance of a groundwater source or resource de- pends on its actual or potential use for drinking water purpose, agriculture or ot� er � uman activities, and on t� e ecological value of t� e ground or spring water and associated surface waters. The quantity of t� e used water and t� e size of t� e population and animal stock depend- ing on t�is water also determine t � e importance. The ir- replaceability also needs to be considered, i.e., is it t� e Fig. 3: h azard ranking. PROPOSED METHODOLOGy OF VULNERABILITy AND CONTAMINATION RISK MAPPING FOR THE PROTECTION OF KARST ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 404 Fig. 4: h azard level assessment. only possible water source, or are t� ere ot� er available options? On t� e basis of t� ese criteria, a simple assess- ment sc� eme for t� e importance of karst water sources and resources is proposed (Fig. 5). Four sub-factors need to be evaluated and summed up. The importance evalu- ation enables prioritisation procedure for protection and sanitation programme on a local or regional scale. RISK ASSESSMENT The “risk intensity” is obtained by combining t� e vul- nerability and t� e � azard assessment. The �ig � est risk of groundwater contamination is present w� ere danger- ous � azards occur in a �ig � ly vulnerable zone. The “total risk” additionally considers t� e importance of t� e water resource and source (Fig. 6). A �ig � risk consequently in - dicates t� e necessity to act by c� anging land use practices or removing existing � azards. FIRST APPLICATION AND VALIDATION OF THE SLOVENE APPROACH Hy DROGEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TEST SITE The catc�ment of t � e Podstenjšek springs stretc� es over about 9 km 2 in t� e Upper Pivka valley in sout� west- ern Slovenia. The catc�ment area occupies moderately karstified Cenomanian limestones and limestone brec- cias, and Palaeogene limestones t� at are over-t�rusted to t� e impermeable Eocene flysc� (Šikić & Pleničar 1975), t� us forming a s� allow karst aquifer. Due to t� e fast and strong � ydrologic variations in response to precipitation events or snowmelt, groundwater table fluctuates for sev- eral tens of meters. There is no permanent surface stream rec� arging t� e springs � owever, owing to groundwater fluctuations and weak connections between different karst conduits, two intermittent lakes (Šembijsko Jezero, Nariče) appear w� enever groundwater level is sufficient- ly �ig �. In t � e area of t� e intermittent lakes, alluvial de- posits can be found, and in t� e uplifted dry valley at t� e outskirts of t� e catc�ment, t � ere is periglacial material deposited in t� e dolines. S� allow c�romic Cambisol interwoven wit � Ren - dzina layers appears in patc� es. The t�ickest soil layers can be found in t� e bottom of t� e concave relief s� apes, w�ile t � e rest of t� e surface is pretty rocky. Most of t� e area is overgrown wit� forest and meadows or is used for low-intensity agriculture. For t� e catc�ment delineation and application of t� e Slovene Approac�, a compre � ensive study was done, including tracer tests, detail structural-lit� ological and geomorp� ological mapping, electrical resistivity imag- ing, as well as � azard mapping. Continuous monitoring of t� e springs’ p� ysico-c� emical c� aracteristics � as been performed for t� e � ydrograp� analyses, water balance calculation and aquifer be� aviour compre� ension (Rav- bar 2007). APPLICATION OF THE SLOVENE APPROACH AND RESULTS The proposed Slovene Approac� � as been first applied to t� e Podstenjšek springs catc�ment, t � us allowing its development, completion and testing. Based on t� e geo- logical and geomorp� ological settings, tracer test results and t� e springs’ � ydrodynamic be� aviour t� e catc�ment can be subdivided into an inner and an outer zone. In t� e area t� at is always, directly and fully contributing to t� e disc� arge of t� e springs (i.e. t� e inner zone) t� e geomor- p� ological features (karren, �ig � ly fractured areas, caves, karst edge) and outcrops along t� e roads w� ere soil cover is absent or rarely exceeds 20 cm were identified as �ig � ly vulnerable. Hig� degree of vulnerability is also assigned to t� e estavelle (s� own in t� e zoomed inset) w� ere oc- casional point rec� arge occurs. Moderate vulnerability � as been assigned to t� e bare karst landscape or karst covered by s� allow soils, as well as to t� e karren and dry valleys in t� e area of t� e partial or occasional contribu- tion to t� e springs (i.e. t� e outer zone). The bottoms of intermittent lakes and dolines covered by t�icker soils or sediments are of low vulnerability, as well as rest of t� e outer zone (Fig. 7). NATAŠA RAVBAR & NICO GOLDSCHEIDER ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 405 Fig. 5: Assessment scheme to evaluate the importance of a karst groundwater resource or source. Fig. 6: The Slovene Approach to contamination risk assessment. PROPOSED METHODOLOGy OF VULNERABILITy AND CONTAMINATION RISK MAPPING FOR THE PROTECTION OF KARST ... In t� e Šembije village, t� e only settlement in t� e catc�ment, about 200 in � abitants live. The � ouses � ave been linked to t� e public sewage system since 1998 and connected to t� e wastewater treatment plant located out- side t� e catc�ment. The intensity of agricultural activity is relatively low. There are some smaller waste disposal and excavation sites. The � azards found in t� e test site are mainly classified as low or very low; � owever, in more t� an � alf of t� e area no � azards � ave been identified (Fig. 8). The Podstenjšek water source supplies only a few � undred people and is scantily used for animal breed- ing and gardening. However, it is t� e only water source. Furt� ermore, t� e presence of proteus Anguinus � as been ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 406 reported in t� e nearby cave (Krivic et al. 1987). There- fore, importance of t� e source � as been evaluated as medium. By superimpos- ing source vulnerability, � az- ard and source importance maps, t� e total contamina- tion risk evaluation � as been obtained. In general, t� e risk degree strongly depends on t� e � azard level and its dis- tribution. Most of t� e catc� - ment is exposed to low risk; only urban areas, roads, dumps and excavation sites represent medium degree of contamination risk (Fig. 9). RELIABILITy OF THE RESULTS The source vulnerability map s� ows zones of low, medium and �ig � degree of vulner - ability, w�ic � can be t � e ba- sis for t� e protection zoning. However, vulnerability maps are conservative simplifica- tions of natural conditions and t� e results are influenced by diverse aspects (e.g. quali- ty and accuracy of data, t� eir interpretation, selection and evaluation of different pa- rameters, etc.). Therefore t� e results need to be validated. Goldsc� eider et al. (2001) proposed using trac- er tests for t� e validation of vulnerability maps and con- sidered t�ree criteria t � at can be obtained from tracer breakt�roug � curves: t � e peak time (time of maxi- mum tracer concentration), t� e recovery rate (R), and t� e maximum concentration normalised by t� e injected tracer mass (C/M). This approac� � as t�ree minor drawbacks: t� e time of first arrival is often more relevant for problems of water con- Fig. 7: Source vulnerability map of the podstenjšek springs catchment, maps of the individual parameters and location of the validation points. Fig. 8: h azard map of the podstenjšek springs catchment. NATAŠA RAVBAR & NICO GOLDSCHEIDER ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 407 tamination; R and C/M are interdependent; and R de- pends directly on t� e spring disc� arge Q. Therefore, we propose to use only two modified validation criteria: t� e time of first tracer detection, and t� e normalized tracer recovery R N , w�ic � is defined as: It is a way of expressing t� e tracer recovery indepen- dent of t� e spring disc� arge. W� en R N is used for validation, t� e same degree of vulnerability would be attributed to a small spring and to a big spring if t� e tracer breakt� roug� curves at bot� springs are similar, i.e. similar maximum concentration and duration of t� e tracer (or potential con- tamination event) appearance. The origin (injection point) presents � ig� vulnerability for t� e observed target (most commonly a source), if rapid infiltration and fast flow in conduits are t� e dominant conditions. Resulting travel times are t� us very s� ort, minimizing also t� e sorption, degradation, cation exc� ange, dispersion and dilution of a solute matter. In suc� conditions t� e possible contami- nation would reac� t� e water source very rapidly and its concentration at t� e outlet, as well as t� e relative quantity of t� e recovered tracer, would be � ig� . In contrast, t� e ori- gin (injection point) presents low vulnerability for t� e ob- served target (most commonly t� e source), if t� e tracer is mostly absorbed in t� e sediments and soil. Consequently, t� e possible contaminant arrival is retarded and its con- centration significantly reduced or t� e contaminant does not arrive at all. Intermediate situations correspond to me- dium vulnerability (Fig. 10). By carrying out two multi-tracer tests in t� e stud- ied area, we examined and verified t� e adequacy of t� e obtained vulnerability map and gained additional infor- mation on t� e mec� anism of potential contaminant trans- port under different � ydro- logical conditions. The first tracer test, car - ried out in Marc� 2006, was made under � ig� water con- ditions and was followed by several intense precipitation events so t� at immediate infiltration and transport of tracers towards t� e springs took place. Two tracers were injected; 94 g of sulfor� oda- mine B was injected in an es- tavelle t� at was empty at t� e time of injection (injection point A) and 500 g of eosin was injected in karren (injec- tion point B). The estavelle was c� aracterised as � ig� ly vulnerable and t� e area below t� e Milanka mountain as of low vulnerability (Figs. 7 and 11). Bot� tracers more or less simultaneously appeared t� ree days after t� e injection in t� e Podstenjšek springs. Sulfor� odamine B was detected in t� e springs’ samples for few days wit� maximal concentration of 1.65 ppb and ap- peared again in lower concentrations after t� e subsequent Fig. 9: Total risk map of the podstenjšek water source. Fig. 10: Diagram setting up the tracer test results for source vulnerability validation purposes. Due to the lack of consensus regarding the vulnerability classification between different methods a universal class distribution is provided. To enable general applicability of the diagram definite boundaries between vulnerability classes are omitted. PROPOSED METHODOLOGy OF VULNERABILITy AND CONTAMINATION RISK MAPPING FOR THE PROTECTION OF KARST ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 408 rainy events. Altoget� er 52.5% of t� e sulfor� odamine B � as been recovered. On t� e contrary, t� e eosin appear- ance does not s� ow a typical breakt� roug� curve and only few samples were eosin positive. The peak concentration of 0.2 ppb and t� e total recovery of 0.95% were observed at t� e Podstenjšek springs. The greater portion (81.2%) flowed to t� e nearby Bistrica spring (Figs. 11 and 12). The second experiment, carried out in November 2006, was made under low water conditions. A more in- Fig. 11: Results of the two multi-tracer tests performed in the podstenjšek spring catchment during high and low water conditions. tense rainy event did not occur until 15 days after t� e in- jection. Four tracers were injected in four locations. On t� e bottom of t� e Šembijsko Jezero 500 g of uranine was spread over several metres t� ick soil and sediment cover (injection site 1). Over t� e Nariče w� ere soil and sediments occur in pockets and t� e limestone rock base outcrops in places 400 g of sulfor� odamine G was spread (injection site 2). Two tracers were spread over t� e limestone surface, partially covered by scarce soil and vegetation cover. At in- jection site 3 a total of 5 kg of lit� ium c� loride was used and at t� e injection site 4 a total of 5 kg of potassium iodide was used. The first t� ree injection sites are classified as of low and t� e last one as of moderate vul- nerability (Fig. 7). Only iodide, used in in- jection site 4 was detected at t� e Podstenjšek springs (Fig. 12). It was first detected two days after t� e injection and its appearance lasted for addi- tional two days wit� maximal concentration of 3.2 ppb. Al- toget� er 0.63% of t� e injected iodide was recovered. Lit�ium was only detected in t� e Piv- ka spring and even after six mont� s of sampling no fluo- rescent tracers � ave been de- tected in any of t� e observed springs (Fig. 11). These results confirm t� e vulnerability assessment; t� e tracer injected in t� e area classified as �ig � ly vulnerable rapidly reac� ed t� e spring, its concentrations and recovered quantities were �ig �. The trac- er injected on t� e area classi- fied as moderately vulnerable rapidly reac� ed t� e spring, t� e concentrations were �ig �, but t� e recovered quantities very low. The tracers injected on areas classified as low vulner- ability zones did not arrive at t� e spring at all or t� e tracer only arrived in small propor- tions and was detected in low concentrations. NATAŠA RAVBAR & NICO GOLDSCHEIDER ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 409 Fig. 12: particular tracer appearance at the podstenjšek spring (the location of the injection sites are shown on Fig. 7). CONCLUSION The proposed Slovene Approac� is so far t � e most com- plete interpretation of t� e European Approac� to vul - nerability and risk mapping, as it can be used for bot� resource and source vulnerability mapping and also in- cludes an assessment of contamination � azards, an eval- uation of t� e value or importance of t� e groundwater, and different types of risk maps. The resulting maps can be used as a basis for t� e delineation of protection zones and ot� er land use planning issues. Suc� maps could also be used to focus pollution investigations and pollution prevention inspections of �ig � risk premises. The test site application and validation wit� tracer tests confirmed t� at t� e intrinsic vulnerability map is plausible and reliable. Furt� ermore, t� e validation also justifies t� e integration of � ydrological variability into vulnerability mapping: t� e tracers injected in sites of occasional direct infiltration during low flow condi- tions were not detected in any of t� e springs, but were absorbed by t� e soil and sediments, w�ile t � e tracer in- jected during �ig � flow conditions arrived at t � e springs. The � azard and risk maps also s� ow t� at t� e water source is not at �ig � risk. The few water quality analyses s� ow- ing its �ig � quality confirm t �is evaluation. The study � as s� own t� e new Slovene Approac� gives justified results and provides improved source pro- tection zoning. Furt� ermore, we identified land misman- agement and proposed better practices for future plan- ning. Thus, t� e Slovene Approac� could be proposed as t� e basis for t� e delineation of karst source protection zones and included to t� e state protection sc� emes. Al- t� oug� t � e met� od considers karst-specific infiltration conditions, it is not restricted solely to karst but can also be used in non-karst areas. Moreover, since we believe t� at vulnerability met� ods s� ould not be limited to t� e individual countries’ borders, t� e Slovene Approac� could be a basis for t� e furt� er work concerning ground- water protection elsew� ere. PROPOSED METHODOLOGy OF VULNERABILITy AND CONTAMINATION RISK MAPPING FOR THE PROTECTION OF KARST ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 410 REFERENCES Andreo, B., Goldsc� eider, N., Vadillo, I., Vías, J.M., Neu- kum, C�., Sinreic �, M., Jiménez, P ., Brec � enmac� er, J., Carrasco, F., Hötzl, H., Perles, J.M. & F. Zwa� len, 2006: Karst groundwater protection: First applica- tion of a Pan-European Approac� to vulnerabil - ity, � azard and risk mapping in t� e Sierra de Líbar (Sout� ern Spain).- Science of t� e Total Environ- ment 357, 54-73. 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