UDK 5 Annales, Ser. hist. nat., 32, 2023, 2, pp. 143-375, Koper 2023 ISSN 1408-533X Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia Naturalis, 33, 2023, 2 KOPER 2023 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia Naturalis, 33, 2023, 2 UDK 5 ISSN 1408-533X e-ISSN 2591-1783 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies ISSN 1408-533X UDK 5 Letnik 33, leto 2023, številka 2 e-ISSN 2591-1783 UREDNIŠKI ODBOR/ COMITATO DI REDAZIONE/ BOARD OF EDITORS: Alessandro Acquavita (IT), Nicola Bettoso (IT), Christian Capapé (FR), Darko Darovec, Dušan Devetak, Jakov Dulčić (HR), Serena Fonda Umani (IT), Andrej Gogala, Daniel Golani (IL), Danijel Ivajnšič, Mitja Kaligarič, Marcelo Kovačič (HR), Andrej Kranjc, Lovrenc Lipej, Vesna Mačić (ME), Alenka Malej, Patricija Mozetič, Martina Orlando- Bonaca, Michael Stachowitsch (AT), Tom Turk, Al Vrezec Glavni urednik/Redattore capo/ Editor in chief: Darko Darovec Odgovorni urednik naravoslovja/ Redattore responsabile per le scienze naturali/Natural Science Editor: Lovrenc Lipej Urednica/Redattrice/Editor: Martina Orlando-Bonaca Prevajalci/Traduttori/Translators: Martina Orlando-Bonaca (sl./it.) Oblikovalec/Progetto grafico/ Graphic design: Dušan Podgornik, Lovrenc Lipej Tisk/Stampa/Print: Založništvo PADRE d.o.o. Izdajatelja/Editori/Published by: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko - Koper / Società storica del Litorale - Capodistria© Inštitut IRRIS za raziskave, razvoj in strategije družbe, kulture in okolja / Institute IRRIS for Research, Development and Strategies of Society, Culture and Environment / Istituto IRRIS di ricerca, sviluppo e strategie della società, cultura e ambiente© Sedež uredništva/Sede della redazione/ Address of Editorial Board: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Morska biološka postaja Piran / Istituto nazionale di biologia, Stazione di biologia marina di Pirano / National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran SI-6330 Piran /Pirano, Fornače/Fornace 41, tel.: +386 5 671 2900, fax +386 5 671 2901; e-mail: annales@mbss.org, internet: www.zdjp.si Redakcija te številke je bila zaključena 23. 12. 2023. 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Navodila avtorjem in vse znanstvene revije in članki so brezplačno dostopni na spletni strani https://zdjp.si/en/p/annalesshn/ The submission guidelines and all scientific journals and articles are available free of charge on the website https://zdjp.si/en/p/annalesshn/ Le norme redazionali e tutti le riviste scientifiche e gli articoli sono disponibili gratuitamente sul sito https://zdjp.si/en/p/annalesshn/ ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies UDK 5 Letnik 33, Koper 2023, številka 2 ISSN 1408-53 3X e-ISSN 2591-1783 VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE / CONTENTS SREDOZEMSKE HRUSTANČNICE SQUALI E RAZZE MEDITERRANEE MEDITERRANEAN SHARKS AND RAYS Christian CAPAPÉ, Christian REYNAUD & Farid HEMIDA The First Substantiated Records of Smoothback Angelshark Squatina oculata (Squatinidae) from the Algerian Coast (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea) ...................... Prvi utemeljeni zapis o pojavljanju pegastega sklata Squatina oculata (Squatinidae) iz alžirske obale (jugozahodno Sredozemsko morje) Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL Perspective on Great White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the Northwestern Mediterranean and Recommendations for Further Field Research ............................................ Pogled na velikega belega morskega volka (Carcharodon carcharias) v severozahodnem Sredozemlju in priporočila za nadaljnje terenske raziskave Hakan KABASAKAL A Preliminary Social Media Survey of Sharks and Batoids Captured in North Aegean Sea Commercial Fisheries ............................................. Preliminarna raziskava o morskih psih in skatih, ujetih v komercialnem ribištvu severnega Egejskega morja na osnovi podatkov iz socialnih medijev Farid HEMIDA, Christian REYNAUD & Christian CAPAPÉ On The Occurrence of Norwegian Skate, Dipturus nidarosiensis (Rajidae) on the Algerian Coast (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea) ................. O pojavljanju norveške raže, Dipturus nidarosiensis (Rajidae), ob alžirski obali (jugozahodno Sredozemsko morje) Alen SOLDO The First Record of Complete Albinism in Common Stingray Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) ..................................................... Prvi zapis o najdbi popolnega albinističnega primerka navadnega morskega biča, Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) Christian CAPAPÉ, Christian REYNAUD & Farid HEMIDA Capture of a Giant Round Fantail Stingray Taeniurops grabatus (Dasyatidae) from the Algerian Coast (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea) ...... Ulov okroglega morskega biča (Taeniurops grabatus) (Dasyatidae) iz alžirske obale (jugozahodno Sredozemsko morje) IHTIOFAVNA ITTIOFAUNA ICHTHYOFAUNA Nicola BETTOSO & Diego BORME Recent Record of the Atlantic Pomfret Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Scombriformes: Bramidae) in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea) ........... Recentni zapis o pojavljanju kostanjevke Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Scombriformes: Bramidae) v Tržaškem zalivu (severno Jadransko morje) Alan DEIDUN, Bruno ZAVA, Alessio MARRONE, Johann GALDIES, Arnold SCIBERRAS & Maria CORSINI-FOKA The Confirmed Occurrence of Schedophilus medusophagus (Cocco, 1839) and Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758 in Maltese Waters, Central Mediterranean ............................................ Potrjeno pojavljanje meduzojedca, Schedophilus medusophagus (Cocco, 1839), in morskega piškurja, Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758, v malteških vodah, osrednje Sredozemsko morje Gianni INSACCO, Gildo GAVANELLI, Bruno ZAVA & Maria CORSINI-FOKA An Overlooked Finding of Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) in the Adriatic Sea ........................ Spregledana najdba vrste Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) v Jadranskem morju Borut MAVRIČ, Lovrenc LIPEJ, Jelena BELAMARIĆ, Dule BULAJA, Matea ŠPIK & Petar KRUŽIĆ Additional Data on the Bump-Head Sunfish, Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) in the Adriatic Sea ................................................... Dodatni podatki o pojavljanju grbastega morskega meseca, Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) v Jadranskem morju 151 143 165 187 193 213 207 221 229 199 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 Lana KHREMA, Amina ALNESSER, Adib SAAD & Christian CAPAPÉ First Substantiated Record of Painted Eel Echelus myrus (Ophichthidae) from the Syrian Marine Waters (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) ............. Prvi utemeljeni zapis o pojavljanju pisane jegulje, Echelus myrus (Ophichthidae), iz morskih voda Sirije (vzhodno Sredozemsko morje) BIOTSKA GLOBALIZACIJA GLOBALIZZAZIONE BIOTICA BIOTIC GLOBALIZATION Deniz ERGUDEN, Deniz AYAS & Zafer KUŞATAN The Presence of Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838, in the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea .......... Pojavljanje morskega konjička vrste Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838, v severovzhodnem Sredozemskem morju Christian CAPAPÉ & Adib SAAD Confirmed Occurrence of Pharaoh Cardinal Fish Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Osteichthyes: Apogonidae) from the Syrian Coast (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) ................................... Potrjeno pojavljanje faraonskega kraljička Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Osteichthyes: Apogonidae) iz sirske obale (vzhodno Sredozemsko morje) Deniz ERGUDEN, Deniz AYAS & Cemal TURAN First Record of Epinephelus areolatus (Epinephelidae) from the South-Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey ............................................ Prvi zapis o pojavljanju rdečepikčaste kirnje Epinephelus areolatus (Epinephelidae) v jugovzhodnem Sredozemskem morju (Turčija) FAVNA FAUNA FAUNA Andrea LOMBARDO & Giuliana MARLETTA First Record of the Marine Heterobranch Spinoaglaja wildpretii (Ortea, Bacallado & Moro, 2003) (Cephalaspidea: Aglajidae) in Sicily (Ionian Sea) with Notes on Its Biology and Ecology ........................................... Prvi zapis o pojavljanju morskega zaškrgarja vrste Spinoaglaja wildpretii (Ortea, Bacallado & Moro, 2003) (Cephalaspidea: Aglajidae) na Siciliji (Jonsko morje) z zapiski o njeni biologiji in ekologiji Marco FANTIN, Saul CIRIACO, Lisa FARESI, Chiara SCRIGNER, Juri VECCHI, Domen TRKOV & Lovrenc LIPEJ First Evidence of the Presence of Okenia picoensis Paz-Sedano, Ortigosa & Pola, 2017 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) in the Adriatic Sea .................................................. Prvi zapis o pojavljanju vrste gološkrgarja Okenia picoensis Paz-Sedano, Ortigosa & Pola, 2017 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) iz Jadranskega morja FLORA FLORA FLORA Amelio PEZZETTA & MARCO PAOLUCCI La flora di Lama dei Peligni (Abruzzo, Italia): aggiornamento sistematico e nuove segnalazioni ................................................ Flora občine Lama dei Peligni (Abruci, Italija): sistematična posodobitev in nove najdbe MISCELLANEA Al VREZEC Bird (Aves) Descriptions of Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723-1788): General Overview ................................................. Opisi ptic (Aves) Joannesa Antoniusa Scopolija (1723-1788): osnovni pregled OCENE IN POROČILA RECENSIONI E RELAZIONI REVIEWS AND REPORTS Mitja KALIGARIČ Recenzija knjige: Podobe iz modrine ................................................. IN MEMORIAM Elide CATALFAMO Ricordo del professor Guido Bressan ...................... Kazalo k slikam na ovitku ................................... Index to images on the cover .............................. 249 243 255 263 235 327 279 369 271 365 371 371 6 SREDOZEMSKE HRUSTANČNICE SQUALI E RAZZE MEDITERRANEE MEDITERRANEAN SHARKS AND RAYS 7 Claudio BATTELLI & Neža GREGORIČ: FIRST REPORT OF AN AEGAGROPILOUS FORM OF RYTIPHLAEA TINCTORIA FROM THE LAGOON OF STRUNJAN ..., 61–68 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 143 received: 2023-09-19 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.18 THE FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORDS OF SMOOTHBACK ANGELSHARK SQUATINA OCULATA (SQUATINIDAE) FROM THE ALGERIAN COAST (SOUTHWESTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA) Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, Université de Montpellier, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: christian.capape@umontpellier.fr Christian REYNAUD Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire en Didactique, Education et Formation, Université de Montpellier, 2, place Marcel Godechot, B.P. 4152, 34092 Montpellier cedex 5, France Farid HEMIDA École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l’Aménagement du Littoral, BP 19, Bois des Cars, 16320 Dely Ibrahim, Algiers, Algeria ABSTRACT In this paper, the authors report the captures of three specimens of smoothback angelshark Squatina oculata Bonaparte, 1840 from the eastern region of the Algerian coast. Two of the specimens were males, measuring 1555 mm and 1520 mm in total length (TL) and weighing 25.5 and 21 kg in total body weight (TBW), respectively. The third specimen was a female, measuring 1600 mm in TL and weighing 27 kg. The female exhibited fully yolked oocytes ready to be released from both ovaries. The diameter of 10 of the oo- cytes was measured, ranging between 58 and 70 mm (mean = 63.2 mm ± 4.8 mm). These findings constitute the first substantiated records of S. oculata in the Algerian ichthyofauna. However, while the occurrence of a viable population in the area cannot be totally ruled out, the species needs a management plan to prevent its drastic decline. Key words: Squatina oculata, distribution, viable populations, first record, ovarian fecundity PRIME SEGNALAZIONI COMPROVATE DI SQUADRO PELLE ROSSA, SQUATINA OCULATA (SQUATINIDAE), LUNGO LA COSTA ALGERINA (MEDITERRANEO SUD-OCCIDENTALE) SINTESI In questo articolo gli autori riportano le catture di tre esemplari di squadro pelle rossa, Squatina oculata Bonaparte, 1840, provenienti dalla regione orientale della costa algerina. Due degli esemplari erano maschi, misuravano 1555 mm e 1520 mm di lunghezza totale (TL) e pesavano rispettivamente 25,5 e 21 kg di peso corporeo totale (TBW). Il terzo esemplare era una femmina, misurava 1600 mm in TL e pesava 27 kg. La femmina mostrava ovociti completamente maturi pronti per essere rilasciati da entrambe le ovaie. È stato misurato il diametro di 10 ovociti, compreso tra 58 e 70 mm (media = 63,2 mm ± 4,8 mm). Questi risultati costituiscono le prime testimonianze documentate di S. oculata nell’ittiofauna algerina. Tuttavia, anche se non si può confermare del tutto la presenza di una popolazione vitale nella zona, la specie necessita di un piano di gestione per prevenirne il drastico declino. Parole chiave: Squatina oculata, distribuzione, popolazioni vitali, prima segnalazione, fecondità ovarica ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 144 Christian CAPAPÉ et al.: THE FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORDS OF SMOOTHBACK ANGELSHARK SQUATINA OCULATA (SQUATINIDAE) FROM THE ..., 143–150 INTRODUCTION The smoothback angelshark Squatina ocu- lata Bonaparte, 1840 is present along the eastern tropical Atlantic coast from Morocco (Lloris & Rucabado, 1998) to Angola (Roux, 1984). In some areas, such as the coast of Senegal, S. oculata holds an important economic interest and is targeted by craft fisheries (Diatta et al., 2009). The relative abundance of the species has allowed researchers to gather some insights into its reproductive biol- ogy (Capapé et al., 2002). Squatina oculata occurs in the Mediterranean Sea together with two congeneric species: the sawback angelshark, S. aculeata Cuvier, 1829, and the common angelshark, S. squatina (Lin- naeus, 1758). According to Roux (1984), S. oculata was previously unknown off the Medi- terranean coast of France (Capapé et al., 2000). Conversely, Tortonese (1956) noted its presence in Italian waters, and Zava et al. (2016) collected 4 juvenile specimens from the Strait of Sicily. More recently, Zava et al. (2022) reported of 21 specimens observed off the Malta Islands and six specimens detected between 2005 and 2021, while Ounifi-Ben Amor et al. (2023) reported the capture of two additional specimens in Tunisian marine waters. In the eastern Mediterranean, S. oculata was first reported in the Levant Basin, off the Syrian coast, by Ali (2003, 2018), and later confirmed off the Lebanese coast by Bariche & Fricke (2020). Ergüden et al. (2019) and Akyol et al. (2023) have reported all instances of S. oculata in Turkish wa- ters, where it is sporadically caught and considered a rare species. With regard to the Algerian coast in particular, S. squatina is the single squatinid species reported by Dieuzeide et al. (1953), whereas Refes et al. (2010) noted the occurrence of S. oculata, but no specimen was available for confirmation. Scientific investigations regularly conducted in this area have allowed us to collect some specimens of S. oculata, which are described herein along with comments on the distribution of the species. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present specimens of S. oculata were sampled at the main fish market of Algiers, where fish caught from areas along the Algerian coast, between the Moroccan and Tunisian borders, are landed. During the sampling period, which extended from 2010 to 2020, only these three specimens were observed. They were captured by commercial trawl at a depth of 100 m, on sandy- muddy bottoms off Annaba, in the eastern region, at 35°42’35”N and 1°22’17”W (Fig. 1). They were carefully examined and identified using field guides and ichthyological fauna. They were also photographed and measured for total length (TL) to the nearest millimetre, while the total body weight (TBW) to the nearest kilogram was provided by fishermen and/or sellers. In general, obtaining morphometric measurements proved challenging since the specimens were sold rapidly, mainly in large quantities, for local consumption. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The first specimen was captured on 27 March 2012. It was a male measuring 1555 mm TL and Fig. 1: Map of the Algerian coast, with the black star indicating the capture site of the specimens of Squatina oculata (redrawn from Capapé et al., 2023). Sl. 1: Zemljevid alžirske obale z označenim območjem ulova primerkov vrste Squatina oculata (prirejeno po Capapé in sod., 2023). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 145 Christian CAPAPÉ et al.: THE FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORDS OF SMOOTHBACK ANGELSHARK SQUATINA OCULATA (SQUATINIDAE) FROM THE ..., 143–150 weighing 25.5 kg TBW (Fig. 2). The second speci- men, caught on 26 December 2016, was also a male. It measured 1520 m TL and weighed 21 kg. The third specimen, a female measuring 1600 mm in TL and weighing 27 kg, was caught on 16 De- cember 2020. All three specimens were identified as S. oculata based on the combination of main morphological characters: external nasal flap with two barbels bordering a fringed median lobe (Fig. 3, 1); dermal folds on sides of head slightly undulate (Fig. 3, 2); pectoral fins very high and broad with rounded rear tips; hind tips of pelvic fins not reaching level of first dorsal fin origin; dorsal surface rough with a median line of small spines on front margin of pectoral and pelvic fins; teeth pointed, slightly curved at the distal end and with triangular base; colour greyish-brown with several white spots, belly beige. The description and coloration of the three specimens were in complete accordance with those provided by Roux (1984), Capapé & Roux (1980), Compagno (1984), Kabasakal and Kabasakal (2014), Ergüden et al. (2019), Rafrafi-Nouira et al. (2022), and Akyol et al. (2023). Based on these findings alone, it would not be unreasonable to consider S. oculata as present in Algerian marine waters and include it in the local ichthyofauna. The dissection of the female specimen revealed the presence of 24 fully yolked oocytes ready to be released (Fig. 3), with 18 in the left uterus and 6 in the right uterus (Fig. 4). The value of ovarian fecundity in this specimen was slightly higher than that found in specimens from the Tunisian and Senegalese coasts, where it ranged between 6 and 10 oocytes (Capapé et al., 1990) and between 8 and 20 oocytes (Capapé et al., 2002), respectively. This difference is likely due to the larger size of the Algerian specimen. In fact, as noted by Mel- linger (1989), both ovarian and uterine fecundity consistently increase with size in elasmobranch viviparous species. In contrast, the diameter of the fully yolked oocytes in the present specimen was similar to those recorded in other regions and ranged between 58 and 70 mm (n = 10; mean = 63.2 mm; ± 4.8 mm). Each fully yolked oocyte appeared to be enveloped by a fine diaphanous membrane (Fig. 5, 1), and together, they were enclosed within a single membranous capsule (Fig. 5, 2). Similar structures were previously described in a pregnant female bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre, 1788) from the Tunisian coast (Ounifi- Ben Amor et al., 2017; Oddone & Capapé, 2022). Unfortunately, we were unable to extract the eggs from the ovaries and weigh them. Initially, Roux (1984) reported that the maximum TL for S. oculata is 1500 mm; subsequently, Ergüden et al. (2019) suggested that the species can reach up to 1600 mm TL, with a common TL of 1200 mm. Large Fig. 2: Male specimen of Squatina oculata. 1. Space showing that the hind tip of the pelvic fin (Pel. Fin) does not reach the level of the first dorsal fin origin (First Dors. Fin). Cl = clasper. Scale bar = 200 mm (Photo: F. Hemida). Sl. 2: Samec vrste Squatina oculata. 1. Presledek kaže, da zadnja konica trebušne plavuti (Pel. Fin) ne doseže začetka korena prve hrbtne plavuti (First Dors. Fin). Cl = klasper. Merilo = 200 mm (Foto: F. Hemida). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 146 Christian CAPAPÉ et al.: THE FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORDS OF SMOOTHBACK ANGELSHARK SQUATINA OCULATA (SQUATINIDAE) FROM THE ..., 143–150 Fig 4: Ventral surface of specimen female of Squatina oculata exhibiting fully yolked oocytes, scale bar = 100 mm (Photo: F. Hemida). Sl. 4: Trebušna površina samice vrste Squatina oculata z oocitami z razvitim rumenjakom. Fig. 3: Male specimen of Squatina oculata with front of head showing: 1. Dermal folds on the sides of the head slightly undulate. 2. Barbels bordering a fringed median lobe. 3. White spots. Scale bar = 50 mm (Photo: F. Hemida). Fig. 3: Samec vrste Squatina oculata s sprednjim delom glave, ki kaže: 1. Kožni gubi sta na straneh glave rahlo valoviti. 2. Mesnati izrastki mejijo na resasti sredinski reženj. 3. Bele pege. Merilo = 50 mm (Foto: F. Hemida). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 147 Christian CAPAPÉ et al.: THE FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORDS OF SMOOTHBACK ANGELSHARK SQUATINA OCULATA (SQUATINIDAE) FROM THE ..., 143–150 specimens have recently been recorded in the Tunisian coast, measuring between 1350 and 1700 mm (Rafrafi- Nouira et al., 2022; Ounifi-Ben Amor et al., 2023), and this is consistent with the present specimens, which measured between 1450 and 1555 mm TL. Captures of S. oculata are considered rare in the study area, as only 3 specimens were observed over two decades and also the information provided by fishermen suggests that squatinid species are captured only sporadically and sometimes discarded at sea. S. oculata has been reported in various regions of the Mediterranean Sea. For instance, Ergüden et al. (2019) and Akyol et al. (2023) documented the captures of specimens from the eastern Mediterranean indicat- ing a continuous presence of the species in the region despite the infrequency of captures. Zava et al. (2022) and Ounifi-Ben Amor et al. (2023) have observed a relative abundance of the species in the central Medi- terranean. However, the unexpected discovery of the three Algerian specimens described herein raises some questions. Their presence could suggest that, locally, the elasmobranch species has not been thoroughly investigated. It is also possible that the species is en- tirely absent in the region, and the observed specimens migrated from nearby areas, likely the Tunisian coast, as they were captured in the proximity of the Tunisian bor- der. Similar patterns have been reported by Capapé et al. (2022) for the marbled stingray, Dasyatis marmorata (Steindachner, 1892), and by Capapé et al. (2023) for the round fantail stingray Taeniurops grabatus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817). Regardless, as noted by Kabasakal (2021), Zava et al. (2022), Akyol et al. (2023), and Ounifi-Ben Amor et al. (2023), due to its k-selected reproductive char- acteristics, the species requires preservation to prevent a drastic population decline and potential extinction in the short term. Therefore, it is essential to implement a management plan within local fisheries and engage fishermen in efforts to preserve a viable population of S. oculata in the area. Fig. 5: Fully yolked oocytes from the female of Squatina oculata. 1. Oocytes, each enveloped by a fine diaphanous membrane. 2. All oocytes together enclosed in one single membranous capsule. Scale bar = 100 mm (Photo: F. Hemida). Sl. 5: Oocite z razvitim rumenjakom pri samici vrste Squatina oculata. 1. Oocite, zavite v fino prosojno membrano. 2. Vse oocite so skupaj zaprte v eno membran- sko kapsulo. Merilo = 100 mm (Foto: F. Hemida). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 148 Christian CAPAPÉ et al.: THE FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORDS OF SMOOTHBACK ANGELSHARK SQUATINA OCULATA (SQUATINIDAE) FROM THE ..., 143–150 PRVI UTEMELJENI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU PEGASTEGA SKLATA SQUATINA OCULATA (SQUATINIDAE) IZ ALŽIRSKE OBALE (JUGOZAHODNO SREDOZEMSKO MORJE) Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, Université de Montpellier, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: christian.capape@umontpellier.fr Christian REYNAUD Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire en Didactique, Education et Formation, Université de Montpellier, 2, place Marcel Godechot, B.P. 4152, 34092 Montpellier cedex 5, France Farid HEMIDA École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l’Aménagement du Littoral, BP 19, Bois des Cars, 16320 Dely Ibrahim, Algiers, Algeria POVZETEK Avtorji v pričujočem prispevku poročajo o ulovih treh primerkov pegastega sklata Squatina oculata Bona- parte, 1840 iz vzhodnega dela alžirske obale. Dva primerka sta bila samca, ki sta merila 1555 mm in 1520 mm v totalno dolžino (TL) in tehtala 25,5 in 21 kg celokupne telesne mase (TBW). Tretji primerek je bila samica, ki je merila 1600 mm v dolžino in tehtala 27 kg. Samica je imela oocite z razvitim rumenjakom, pripravljene na sprostitev iz obeh jajčnikov. Izmerili so premer 10 oocit, ki so merile med 58 in 70 mm (v povprečju 63,2 mm ± 4,8 mm). Te ugotovitve predstavljajo prve utemeljene zapise o pojavljanju vrste S. oculata v alžirski ihtiofavni. Čeprav ne izključujejo dejstva, da bi se na tem območju lahko pojavljala populacija sposobna preživetja, avtorji menijo, da ta vrsta potrebuje načrt upravljanja, da bi s tem preprečili njen drastični upad. Ključne besede: Squatina oculata, razširjenost, viabilna populacija, prvi zapis o pojavljanju, plodnost jajčnikov ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 149 Christian CAPAPÉ et al.: THE FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORDS OF SMOOTHBACK ANGELSHARK SQUATINA OCULATA (SQUATINIDAE) FROM THE ..., 143–150 REFERENCES Akyol, A., T. Çoker, H. Bernil Toprak & C. Capapé (2023): Capture of a rare smoothback angelshark Squatina oculata (Squatinidae) in Turkish waters, with updated records from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Nat. Engin. Sci., 8(1), 38-45. Ali, M. (2003): Taxonomic economic study of the Chondrichthyes fish in Syrian marine water. MSc Thesis. Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University. Syria, Lattakia. 184 pp. [In Arabic with abstract in English]. Ali, M. (2018): An updated checklist of marine fishes from Syria with an emphasis on alien spe- cies. Medit. Mar. Sci., 19(2), 388-393. Bariche, M. & R. 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ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 151 received: 2023-06-20 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.19 PERSPECTIVE ON GREAT WHITE SHARKS (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) IN THE NORTHWESTERN MEDITERRANEAN AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER FIELD RESEARCH Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL Nature Biodynamics, 3 Place Guy Hersant, 31031 Toulouse, France e-mail: tcarpaye.nature.biodynamics@gmail.com ABSTRACT We put into perspective the knowledge about white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the Mediterranean Sea to identify if the northwestern part is an area of interest and the most efficient methodologies to highlight the presence of the species. We have compiled the main peer-reviewed works, officials’ reports and theses, both worldwide and more specifically in the Mediterranean. We focused on studies that allow us to define a more precise framework to search the species. In the Mediterranean, a particular link has been highlighted with bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). The northwestern Mediterranean Sea has unique characteristics com- pared to other parts of the sea regarding primary productivity, surface temperature, presence of tuna, and is bordered by two white sharks’ hotspots. We list methodologies for detecting the species worldwide, including BRUVS and environmental DNA. We also make recommendations for field studies. Keywords: white sharks, Mediterranean, distribution, diet, recommendations PROSPETTIVA SUI GRANDI SQUALI BIANCHI (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) NEL MEDITERRANEO NORD-OCCIDENTALE E RACCOMANDAZIONI PER ULTERIORI RICERCHE SUL CAMPO SINTESI Gli autori hanno messo in prospettiva le conoscenze sul grande squalo bianco (Carcharodon carcha- rias) nel Mediterraneo per identificare se la parte nord-occidentale del bacino sia un’area di interesse e le metodologie più efficaci per evidenziare la presenza della specie. Hanno esaminato i principali articoli scientifici, i rapporti ufficiali e le tesi di laurea, sia a livello mondiale che più specificamente nel Mediterraneo. Si sono concentrati sugli studi che hanno permesso di definire un quadro più preciso per la ricerca della specie. Nel Mediterraneo è stato evidenziato un legame particolare con il tonno rosso (Thunnus thynnus). Il Mediterraneo nord-occidentale presenta caratteristiche uniche rispetto ad altre parti del bacino per quanto riguarda la produttività primaria, la temperatura superficiale e la presenza di tonni, ed è delimitato da due hotspot di squali bianchi. Vengono elencate le metodologie per il rilevamento della specie a livello mondiale, tra cui il BRUVS e il DNA ambientale. Si formulano inoltre raccomandazioni per gli studi sul campo. Parole chiave: squali bianchi, Mediterraneo, distribuzione, dieta, raccomandazioni ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 152 Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL: PERSPECTIVE ON GREAT WHITE SHARKS (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) IN THE NORTHWESTERN ..., 151–164 INTRODUCTION The great white shark Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758) is a charismatic but vulnerable species at a global scale (Rigby et al., 2019). Some preferred sites have been identified even though the species has a wide distribution from temperate to tropical waters (Bonfil et al., 2005; Duffy et al., 2012; Christiansen et al., 2014). The main identi- fied hotspots are the northeast Pacific, South Af- rica, Australia, New Zealand, the Mediterranean, and the east coast of the United States of America (Christiansen et al., 2014). The reasons put forward for this wide-ranging distribution are many. The first reason is food availability (Becerril-García et al., 2020; Bradford et al., 2020), including the productive areas at- tracting prey (Bradford et al., 2020). The environ- ment also impacts the species’ distribution, with occupation preferences depending on temperature and depth (Boustany et al., 2002; Coxon et al., 2022). Breeding sites (Domeier et al., 2012; Domeier & Nasby-Lucas, 2013) and nurseries also contribute to the distribution of the species (Weng et al., 2007; Domeier & Nasby-Lucas, 2013; Oñate-González et al., 2017). Stages of develop- ment can also induce a wide-ranging spatial dis- tribution (Bruce, 2008). In the Mediterranean little is known about the distribution of white sharks (De Maddalena & Heim, 2012). Genetical studies based on sequencing the mitochondrial control region of Mediterranean specimens demonstrated key findings (Gubili et al., 2010). The examined specimens showed little genetic differentiation from Indo-Pacific lineages. They exhibited strong separation from geographi- cally closer Atlantic/western Indian Ocean haplo- types. The genetic proximity of individuals from the Mediterranean to those from the Pacific lightens the origin of the population (Gubili et al., 2015). Three recent studies provide a global view of this species’ past and current distribution over the en- tire Mediterranean basin (De Maddalena & Heim, 2012; Boldrocchi et al., 2017; Moro et al., 2020). A census of the Mediterranean’s observations and catches has been published (De Maddalena & Heim, 2012). The distribution and ecology of the species have also been studied (Boldrocchi et al., 2017), and the hypothesis of the presence of several nurseries in the Mediterranean has been developed: the Sicily Channel (Fergusson, 1996; Fergusson et al., 2000; Boldrocchi et al., 2017), the Adriatic Sea and the Aegean Sea (Kabasakal, 2014, 2020). These studies pointed out a decline in the Mediterranean population, where the spe- cies is considered as critically endangered (Dulvy et al., 2016). This phenomenon is illustrated by a reconstruction of the presence of white sharks in the Mediterranean from the 19th century to the present (Moro et al., 2020). Other studies have focused on specific sectors of the Mediterranean by carrying out analyses on a sub-regional scale. For the central part of this sea, the distribution of sightings and catches of this species was carried out off Sicily at Lampedusa (De Maddalena & Heim, 2012; Micarelli & Sperone, 2016) and Tunisia (Saïdi et al., 2005; Rafrafi-Noui- ra et al., 2015; Zaouali et al., 2020). Predation on a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) has also been detected in this area (Celona et al., 2006). It is not known whether this presence is linked to the narrow and compulsory passage between the two Mediterranean basins. Further east, sightings have been studied in the Adriatic Sea (De Maddalena, 2000; Soldo & Jardas, 2002; Soldo & Dulčić, 2005). A peak of presence in August and Septem- ber was highlighted (De Maddalena, 2000). In the Sea of Marmara and the waters of the Bosphorus, there may be synchronicity between the decline of T. thynnus and C. carcharias (Kabasakal, 2016). Several studies exist for the northwestern Mediterranean, where this species is recorded e.g. in the Balearic Islands (Morey et al., 2003). Sightings in this area could be related to food availability in winter with the presence of Thun- nus thynnus (Barrull & Mate, 2001). For the French waters of Corsica, the reports about the species are also listed (Maliet et al., 2013). A study fo- cused on observations and catches of the species more widely in the French Mediterranean (De Maddalena & Zuffa, 2009). A publication reported a large individual captured in France in 1956 and then taxidermied (De Maddalena et al., 2003). However, this type of capture remains exceptional and opportunistic since this species is considered rare in the Languedoc region of southern France (Capapé et al., 2000). This study is mainly based on peer-reviewed publications on white sharks in the Mediterranean and worldwide. The work aims to be innovative by providing a different point of view on the is- sue of the presence of this species in this specific spatial framework. This study is divided into three parts: The first part concerns the diet of the white shark in the world, focusing on the knowledge acquired in the Mediterranean, particularly re- garding the bluefin tuna. Then the second part will propose hypotheses on potential spatiotemporal frameworks for white sharks in the northwestern Mediterranean based on knowledge of prey avail- ability and environmental data. Finally, the third part will submit realistic field ideas to highlight their presence considering the small amount of this population. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 153 Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL: PERSPECTIVE ON GREAT WHITE SHARKS (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) IN THE NORTHWESTERN ..., 151–164 MATERIAL AND METHODS Publications included are based on library and electronic databases containing Google Scholar, Web of Science, ResearchGate, and HAL. To find scientific studies, we used different combinations of keywords: white shark, Mediterranean, diet, food, trophic level, ecology, bluefin tuna, Car- charodon carcharias, Thunnus thynnus, BRUVS, eDNA, primary production, temperature, France, Spain, distribution, world, seamount. We recognize that electronic database research may lead to miss articles, so we used library databases and cited important works from initial findings. We have chosen works written in English, since we believe we have minimized the bias because most current studies are written in English. We also searched for articles in French or Italian, and identified reviews referring to them. We have mainly studied work that has been published in the Mediterranean. We have focused on the north-western part because it has been little studied compared to other areas and has some unique features detailed in this work. But we have also used those carried out on popu- lations worldwide when it could bring ideas to missing knowledge in the Mediterranean. From the information available in the scientific literature, we have chosen to focus on three main parts. We have therefore gathered the information according to the white shark’s diet, ecology, and effective in situ study methods. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Our paper focuses on studies already published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and “grey” literature like reports or theses. A total of 97 pub- lished studies were included in this perspective, published between 1996 and 2023. Diet of white sharks in the world and the Mediterranean Worldwide Adult white sharks are known to have a varied diet composed of elasmobranchs (Hussey et al., 2012; Grainger, 2022), cetaceans (Hussey et al., 2012; Grainger, 2022), teleosts (Hussey et al., 2012; Grainger, 2022), turtles (Heithaus et al., 2008), pinnipeds (Skomal et al., 2012) and ceph- alopods (Becerril-García et al., 2020; Grainger, 2022). The main food sources for adult speci- mens are fish for the North Atlantic (Hamady, 2014); tuna for offshore food and pinnipeds for coastal food in the northeast Pacific (Jaime-Ri- vera et al., 2014); elasmobranchs and teleosts in Australia (Hussey et al., 2012); and pinnipeds at least seasonally in the different oceans (Hussey et al., 2012; Semmens et al., 2013; Jaime-Rivera et al., 2014; Francis et al., 2015). Dietary differ- ences are known between developmental stages and sexes (French et al., 2018). Nevertheless, in general, the trophic level and the prey size will increase with the age of the shark (Estrada et al., 2006; Hussey et al., 2012). Thus the trophic level of an individual exceeding 278 cm is between 4.5 and 5 for individuals from the Northwest Atlantic (Estrada et al., 2006). The trophic level calculated for adult individuals from South Africa is broadly similar, ranging between 4.2 and 5 (Hussey et al., 2012). The species is highly adaptable, and food sources can vary according to their availability de- pending on the geographical area (Hamady, 2014; Jaime-Rivera et al., 2014). Indeed, white sharks are known to be highly migratory and capable of moving from one ecosystem to another (Bonfil et al., 2005; Weng et al., 2007; Carlisle et al., 2012; Duffy et al., 2012). Mediterranean Sea The stomach content analysis of 24 white sharks caught in the Mediterranean indicate a diverse diet (Fergusson, 1996; Fergusson et al., 2000). Pelagic bony fish such as bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus, Atlantic skipjack Sarda sarda, broad-billed swordfish Xiphias gladius and bullet tuna Auxis rochei were recorded in the diet (Fergusson et al., 2000). Elasmobranchs are also found, including the blue shark Prionace glauca, the shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus and the stingrays Dasyatis spp. In the Mediterranean, the population diet comprises dolphins such as Tursiops truncatus, Delphinus delphis and Stenella coeruleoalba (Fergus- son, 1996; Fergusson et al., 2000). A predation mark is noted on a living bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus in Lampedusa (Celona et al., 2006), or sometimes on green turtles Chelonia mydas and loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta (Fergusson et al., 2000). Finally, it is still possible to find organic or non-terrestrial waste and mollusks. Only one pinniped species exists in the Mediterranean basin, the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus. Given the number of individuals, this critically endangered species (Aguilar & Lowry, 2010) does not seem to meet the white shark’s energy needs (Semmens et al., 2013). In addition, we have not identified any recent predation, and only one juvenile individual has already been identified in white shark stomach contents (De Maddalena & Zuffa, 2009). De- spite recurrent predatory behaviors of white sharks on pinnipeds worldwide (Hamady, 2014), this food source cannot be predominant in the Mediterranean (Semmens et al., 2013; Pethybridge et al., 2014). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 154 Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL: PERSPECTIVE ON GREAT WHITE SHARKS (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) IN THE NORTHWESTERN ..., 151–164 Particular attention is given to bluefin tuna, which have been found most often in the stomachs of Mediterranean white sharks (Boldrocchi et al., 2017). Large numbers of white sharks have been caught in tuna traps, including 27 individuals in 38 observations in the Balearic Islands, Italy, and France (Morey et al., 2003; De Maddalena & Heim, 2012). A sighting in continental France even mentions a school of tuna followed by a shark (De Maddalena & Heim, 2012). It is noted that tuna is identified as the primary diet for white sharks in the northeastern Pacific (Jaime-Rivera et al., 2014). Therefore, the relationship between wild bluefin tuna and white sharks has already been studied and highlighted (De Maddalena, 2000; Barrull & Mate, 2001; Soldo & Jardas, 2002; De Maddalena & Heim, 2012; Kabasakal, 2014, 2016; Boldrocchi et al., 2017; Moro et al., 2020). An adult white shark diet hypothesis was suggested based essentially on the bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus in the Mediter- ranean in the face of a poor choice of prey (Moro et al., 2020). Isotopic analysis of two individuals shows that this population may feed mainly on fish and cephalopods rather than marine mam- mals (Bevacqua et al., 2021). So we focus on the exploited bluefin tuna species to identify possible hunting areas on hotspots, but we do not consider that this shark feeds exclusively on it. The problem of the drastic reduction in bluefin tuna numbers has allowed the accumulation of new research on this species, in particular for the French Mediterranean. Productive waters and frameworks of the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the northwestern Mediterranean Mediterranean bioregions can be classified according to non-coastal phytoplankton develop- ments from satellite data (Lavigne et al., 2013). It shows only one non-coastal bloom bioregion in the Mediterranean: the “Bloom North-West” bioregion covering the Liguro-Provencal basin. It’s the most productive non-coastal area in primary produc- tion (Lavigne et al., 2013). Therefore, there is a significant and transient development of biomass from March to May. The attraction of bluefin tuna to another upwelling area of the Mediterranean is known (Battaglia et al., 2022). From Spring to Fall, the Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) has been located in areas with the highest primary pro- ductivity levels available in the California Current ecosystem (Boustany et al., 2010). It is, therefore, likely to find bluefin tuna in the “Bloom North- West” bioregion in the Spring, which is in agree- ment with the known distribution of the species (Cermeño et al., 2015). A key area of high presence of bluefin tuna was identified (Fromentin & Lo- puszanski, 2014; Bauer et al., 2017) and is located at coordinates 4–6 °E and 43–41 °N. A greater dis- persion of animals in this sector was noted for the Spring season. It is noted that a possible fidelity of bluefin tuna to its tagging site may be a bias in the representation of the movements of tuna from other regions visiting these waters. In contrast, the Gulf of Lion is a feeding habitat for bluefin tuna (Druon et al., 2011), where adults are less abundant than individuals in their maturing stages (Bauer et al., 2015). Possible spatial and temporal frameworks of the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in the northwestern Mediterranean Possible link with bluefin tuna distribution To suggest potential habitat zones, we used the knowledge acquired on populations worldwide. The inshore behaviors of white sharks are consist- ent with a pinniped hunting strategy (Weng et al., 2007). While their behavior in offshore waters is hypothesized to be at least partially related to pelagic prey (Jorgensen et al., 2012). From this information applied to the context of the Mediter- ranean basin, we can hypothesize a link between the habitat of bluefin tuna and the white shark in offshore waters (De Maddalena & Heim, 2012). We note that the western Mediterranean sectors are important for the reproduction and feeding of blue- fin tuna (Cermeño et al., 2015). This species and the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) are both apex predators, and it could be interesting for them to move to areas with significant prey biomass for energy reasons (Korsmeyer & Dewar, 2001; Sem- mens et al., 2013). Moreover, the demography of the great white shark could be linked to one of its main prey (Moro et al., 2020). Understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of the studied bluefin tuna in the “Bloom North-West” biore- gion can restrict the search areas of white sharks. A recent statistical analysis of the observations identifies three hotspots in the Mediterranean: the Balearic Islands, Corsica, and Malta (Moro et al., 2020). Two of these three hotspots border the “Bloom North-West” bioregion. Because of the diet supposedly based mainly on bluefin tuna and the recorded presence of the white shark, we suspect the Provencal basin to be a frequented sector. The presence of the white shark at least seasonally seems likely during the Spring bloom based on historical observations, which does not mean this is still the case today. Data from scientific literature also support the hypothesis of a seasonal presence in the Provencal basin. Thus in the Balearic Islands, catches of white ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 155 Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL: PERSPECTIVE ON GREAT WHITE SHARKS (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) IN THE NORTHWESTERN ..., 151–164 sharks are more important just before Spring (Morey et al., 2003) in neighbouring waters of the “Bloom North-West” bioregion. One study speculated that sightings in the Balearic Islands were related to food and appeared to occur in winter (Barrull & Mate, 2001). During this season, bluefin tuna are present on the north coast of Mallorca, according to a study of Bauer et al. (2017), when a greater presence of white sharks was identified in these months in his- torical data (Barrull & Mate, 2001). The migratory character of bluefin tuna (Richardson et al., 2016) is known for its high energy requirements (Brill, 1996). The bioregion “Bloom North-West” could be important at least seasonally. This presence in the western Mediterranean is perhaps partially linked to the area’s environmental characteristics. Movements related to environmental variables and possible bias in the observations The white shark Mediterranean population is genetically distinct from the Atlantic (Gubili et al., 2010), and evidence of migration has already been provided in other parts of the world for males (Boustany et al., 2002) and females (Bonfil et al., 2005). The hypothesis of movements only within the Mediterranean Sea remains the most credible to explain this genetic distinction but is not yet confirmed. Individuals could have differences in spatial occupancy depending on sex or age, like for example in South Africa (Kock et al., 2013) or Aus- tralia (Robbins & Booth, 2012). Therefore, sexual and size segregation may exist in the Mediterranean Sea in relation to environmental variables. The temperature range in which the world’s great white sharks evolve is wide, tolerating 5 to 25°C (Boustany et al., 2002; Bonfil et al., 2010; Skomal et al., 2017; Ebert et al., 2021). It is noted that the northwestern Mediterranean sector is unique for its low sea surface temperature (SST) in Spring compared to the entire basin (Pisano et al., 2020). The Mediterranean can offer a wide range of temperatures, as shown by the great diversity of ingested prey feeding on habitats of different types (Boldrocchi et al., 2017). A movement pat- tern of white sharks following a latitudinal dis- tribution has already been observed (Skomal et al., 2017); it is unknown if the same happens in the Mediterranean. The numerous observations in the south-central Mediterranean is, therefore, not in opposition to the presence of hotspots in the northwestern Mediterranean (Moro et al., 2020), due to the thermal amplitude of the two areas. In addition, the northwest sector could instead be a seasonal feeding sector for adults, while the central-south (Fergusson, 2002; Saïdi et al., 2005) and Turkish waters (Kabasakal, 2020) could be considered as nurseries sectors. Site fidelity and seasonality are reported for white sharks in the northeast Pacific (Jorgensen et al., 2009). Offshore migration is also known in Spring for eastern North Pacific sharks (Weng et al., 2007). It could be helpful to conduct a statistical study combining the satellite data monitoring white sharks world- wide with their environmental data. This analysis could highlight the compatibility between the waters of the northwestern Mediterranean and the habitat of white sharks. Thus it would be possible to say whether the surface temperature in these areas is similar to the regions visited by this spe- cies in the other parts of the world according to a potential latitudinal distribution. We can hypothesize about promising areas within the northwest bioregion in Spring (Fig. 1). Fine-scale structures in the open ocean (Wurtz & Rovere, 2015) must be checked first in these areas because of an increasing fish concentration effect (Fiori et al., 2016; Baudena et al., 2021). Balearics are interesting during February according to the seasonal increase in observations (Morey et al., 2003), with possible fine-scale structures such as Sóller, Bertran and Cresques seamounts. Just after the bloom, the more offshore part of the high-use area of bluefin tuna in May has unique conditions in the Mediterranean of low SST and tuna-rich waters. Possible fine-scale structures are Aragó seamount, La Renaixença hills, Felibres hills and Calypso hills. Finally, offshore Corsica’s west coast during April-May is of interest because of the proximity of this hotspot (Moro et al., 2020) with productive and cool waters. We should have bycatch or recent observations if white sharks were present annually in French Mediterranean waters. However, today’s low fish- ing pressure in the Provencal basin (Micheli et al., 2013) and the important reduction of individuals (Moro et al., 2020) may explain the subsided pro- portion of white shark catches. The contemporary observations are more numerous in the south-cen- tral Mediterranean than in the Gulf of Lion (Moro et al., 2020). Hypotheses can be formulated to ex- plain this phenomenon, but without confirmation so far: attraction for a nursery in the south-central Mediterranean (Fergusson, 2002), more coastal behavior in the south-central Mediterranean like in South Africa (Johnson et al., 2009), change in behavior or number comparing to the past distri- bution in northwestern Mediterranean, important historical fishing leading to the disappearance of nurseries in Europe as in Croatia (De Maddalena & Heim, 2012) in favor of North African nurseries, the historical disappearance of pinnipeds from the french Mediterranean coast (Karamanlidis et al., 2016), more observation or fishing effort in the ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 156 Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL: PERSPECTIVE ON GREAT WHITE SHARKS (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) IN THE NORTHWESTERN ..., 151–164 south-central Mediterranean (Micheli et al., 2013), the poor transmission of historical data in south- central Mediterranean countries. Suggestions for field research Choice of methodologies We are entitled to question the veracity of the hypotheses proposed above. To verify or reject them, we can rely on several complementary meth- odologies that highlight the presence of shark spe- cies (Boussarie et al., 2018). Thus we can use meth- odologies based on environmental DNA, baited remote underwater videos (BRUVs), opportunistic underwater visual census, opportunistic observa- tions census by participatory sciences (Bargnesi et al., 2020) and fisheries registration (Baum & Blanchard, 2010). These last three techniques re- quire considerable sampling effort to increase the number of current observations. We will focus on methodologies with a better chance of achievement Fig. 1: Variables of interest in the northwestern Mediterranean to better understand the distribution of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias). (a) Mean sea surface temperature (SST) field (oC) from 1982 to 2018 in the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) Mediterranean area (inspired by Pisano et al., 2020). (b) Spatial distribution of the non-costal bloom and intermittent bloom obtained from the DR09 methodology applied on a weekly climatology calculated from a 16-year database (inspired by Mayot et al., 2016). (c) Utilization Distributions of tagged bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) (inspired by Cermeño et al., 2015). (d) Spatial distribution of the highest cumulative fishing impact (all fishing types combined) (inspired by Micheli et al., 2013). (e) Hotspots of white sharks (inspired by Moro et al., 2020) with histograms of observations for the Balearic Islands (data from Morey et al., 2003). Black: white sharks catches. Grey: attacks upon cetaceans or turtles). (f) Biological illustration of a white shark hunting a school of bluefin tuna. Illustration by Juliette Vallin, digital improvements by Tanguy Carpaye-Taïlamée. Sl. 1: Ključne spremenljivke v severozahodnem Sredozemlju za boljše razumevanje porazdelitve belega morskega volka (Carcharodon carcharias). Legenda: a) Polje srednje površinske (oC) temperature morske vode od 1982 do 2018 v sredozemskem območju Kopernikove službe za spremljanje morskega okolja (CMEMS) (po vzoru Pisano in sod., 2020). b) Prostorska porazdelitev cvetenja stran od obale in občasnega cvetenja na podlagi metodologije DR09 in tedenske klimatologije, izračunane iz 16-letne baze podatkov (prirejeno po Mayot in sod., 2016). C) Razširjenost modroplavutega tuna (Thunnus thynnus) (prirejeno po Cermeño in sod., 2015). D) Prostorska porazdelitev največjega kumulativnega ribolova (vse vrste ribolova skupaj) (prirejeno po Micheli in sod., 2013). E) Vroče točke pojavljanja belih morskih volkov (po Moro in sod., 2020) z opazovanji na Balearih (po Morey in sod., 2003). Črna: ulovi belih morskih volkov. Siva: napadi na kite ali želve. F) Biološka ilustracija belega morskega volka, ki lovi jato modropla- vutega tuna (ilustracija Juliette Vallin, digitalna izboljšava Tanguy Carpaye-Taïlamée). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 157 Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL: PERSPECTIVE ON GREAT WHITE SHARKS (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) IN THE NORTHWESTERN ..., 151–164 depending on their cost and chances of success. Therefore, the two methodologies selected are environmental DNA and BRUVS. Use of environmental DNA Environmental DNA has a proven track record for detecting shark species (Bakker et al., 2017). This methodology could highlight the presence of this unidentified species in these sectors as they were identified in the Sicilian Channel (Jenrette et al., 2023). Increasing the eDNA sampling effort could make it possible to detect species in the sector where it was not yet detected (Boussarie et al., 2018). Today different methods exist for eDNA sam- pling, but the method of filtration is the most adapted to our situation in offshore waters (Tsuji et al., 2019). The eDNA of this fish is most likely to be captured by 1-10 µm pore size filters (Turner et al., 2014). Glass microfiber can be used to increase the efficacy of eDNA collection (Tsuji et al., 2019). A first water sampling method could be a Niskin rosette sampler with a CTD attached that can take samples from great depths (Truelove et al., 2019). Another possibility in water sampling could be using a remotely controlled vehicle (ROV) equipped with Niskin collection bottles (Truelove et al., 2019). A water pump could be another pos- sibility with adequate pressure, flow rate and water volume (Thomas et al., 2018) applied to offshore waters. In any case, there could be no detection of a species of interest with a low amount of DNA in the ocean environment because of DNA degrada- tion (Jenrette et al., 2023). Therefore, it is neces- sary to play on several variables to maximize the chances of results to overcome this problem. The constraints on field variables are e.g. calm mete- orological conditions before and during sampling without strong currents, having a large number of replicas, the depth of sampling in the water column (Andruszkiewicz et al., 2017; Curtis et al., 2021). It is possible to change the sampling depth, targeting the probable locations and depths of appearances of adult white sharks in offshore waters. Several depths of interest are mentioned in the literature: 300-500 m depth range dur- ing the day and in the 50-250 m range at night (Nasby-Lucas et al., 2009), 100-600m depth range (Skomal et al., 2017), 200-900 m depth range (Bonfil et al., 2005). Depths correspond- ing to temperatures between 20-22.5°C are also interesting (Nasby-Lucas et al., 2009). Surface waters could be occupied even if there are no pinnipeds (Bonfil et al., 2005). More globally, the mesopelagic zone is known to be a major feed- ing habitat for white sharks (Le Croizier et al., 2020). These depths remain suggestions without confirmation of the presence of genetic material in the Mediterranean Sea. Use of BRUVs BRUV stations are used worldwide for white shark studies (Harasti et al., 2019). Pelagic stereo or mono BRUVs are alternative sampling methods that are non-intrusive and non-lethal (Santana- Garcon et al., 2014). Some studies contradict each other on their efficiencies: complementa- rity with other so-called “standard” methods has already been identified (Boussarie et al., 2018). Conversely, comparable proportions of species of the family Carcharhinidae have already been shown using specific procedures (Santana-Garcon et al., 2014). However, BRUVs are known to have highlighted the presence of juvenile white sharks on the coast of Australia (Harasti et al., 2019). Stereo-BRUVs allow continuous behavioral re- cordings for the target species or other mobile animals (Santana-Garcon et al., 2014). In our case, standardization is interesting over broad spatiotemporal scales and to determine the rela- tive abundance of the species (Santana-Garcon et al., 2014). BRUV could be interesting to use in areas of great depth and far from shore, which differs from what has already been done in Australia for juveniles. Tuna, particularly tropical, are known to aggregate under “fish aggregating devices” (FAD) (Pérez, 2021) and placing BRUVs on these FADs could be another option to increase the likelihood of identifying white sharks. This kind of device equipped with a camera may be an idea to develop, the attracted tuna acting as live bait. Due to the remoteness of the study site in the Mediterranean, there are many constraints for multiple monthly deployments, unlike coastal studies (Harasti et al., 2019). Pelagic low-cost BRUVs have been proposed for pelagic sharks, but we must retrieve the device before and after (Torres et al., 2020). Because of the possibility of a strong swell with the winds causing seasonal bloom, equipment must be waterproof and solid to resist. In a favourable environment for observations in Australia, one shark was recorded approximately every 15 hours (Harasti et al., 2019). We there- fore assume that in our unfavourable situation the required deployment time should be much longer to obtain a single sighting. It will also be possible to verify the presence of declining species like other large sharks. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 158 Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL: PERSPECTIVE ON GREAT WHITE SHARKS (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) IN THE NORTHWESTERN ..., 151–164 CONCLUSIONS There is no spot with a strong coastal presence of white sharks in the Mediterranean compared to other areas worldwide. We had to make assump- tions about this species to define plausible spatial and temporal frameworks, including the assumed main diet. We do not know if the species’ current distribution is representative of historical observa- tions due to strong anthropogenic impacts. Despite all the precautions, the chances of identifying white shark DNA in the offshore environment are probably very low. However, this remains the most efficient and cheapest identification technique for an effective long-term study of this rare species in some areas of the Mediterranean (Jenrette et al., 2023). It would therefore be interesting to carry out this type of analysis on the observation hotspots in the Mediterranean, namely the Balearic Islands, Corsica and Malta (Moro et al., 2020). However, the main priority in the Mediterranean remains the reduction of threats to the conservation of the spe- cies (Huveneers et al., 2018). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank all those who gave us re- commendations on this work and their views on the subject. Special thanks to Jan Kohlrus who helped us improve the English version of our manuscript. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 159 Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL: PERSPECTIVE ON GREAT WHITE SHARKS (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) IN THE NORTHWESTERN ..., 151–164 POGLED NA VELIKEGA BELEGA MORSKEGA VOLKA (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) V SEVEROZAHODNEM SREDOZEMLJU IN PRIPOROČILA ZA NADALJNE TERENSKE RAZISKAVE Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL Nature Biodynamics, 3 Place Guy Hersant, 31031 Toulouse, France e-mail: tcarpaye.nature.biodynamics@gmail.com POVZETEK Avtorji so preiskali znanje o belih morskih volkovih (Carcharodon carcharias) v Sredozemskem morju, da bi ugotovili, ali je severozahodni del območja zanimiv in analizirali najbolj učinkovite metode za ugo- tavljanje prisotnosti vrste. Analizirali so vsa razpoložljiva recenzirana dela, uradna poročila in teze tako v svetovnem merilu kot tudi na nivoju Sredozemskega morja. Osredotočili so se na raziskave, ki so omogočale določitev natančnejšega okvira pojavljanja vrste. Še posebej je bila poudarjena povezava z modroplavutim tunom (Thunnus thynnus) v Sredozemskem morju. Severozahodni del bazena ima v primerjavi z drugimi deli edinstvene značilnosti kot so primarna produkcija, površinska temperatura in pojavljanje tunov, poleg tega pa meji na dve vroči točki pojavljanja belih morskih volkov. Avtorji navajajo metode za odkrivanje vrste po vsem svetu, vključno z metodami BRUVS in okoljske DNK. Poleg tega podajajo priporočila za terenske raziskave. 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The present study provides a regional example of good practice in using social media films for gathering additional and complementary information on the sharks and batoids in the northern Aegean Sea. A total of 67 shark and batoid individuals representing 8 orders, 15 families, and 21 species appeared in the examined video footages. The majority of the identified elasmobranchs consisted of sharks. Incidental captures of identified elasmobranchs mostly occurred in association with demersal fishing gears, frequently in demersal long-line fishery. The incidental captures of newborn specimens of blue shark and common angel shark support the suggestion that the northern Aegean Sea may serve as a parturition and/or nursery ground for both species. Keywords: Elasmobranchs, captures, conservation, social media, opportunistic sampling INDAGINE PRELIMINARE BASATA SUI SOCIAL MEDIA SU SQUALI E BATOIDI CATTURATI NELLA PESCA COMMERCIALE DEL MAR EGEO SETTENTRIONALE SINTESI Negli ultimi anni, l’uso dei filmati pubblicati sui social media è stato sempre più considerato un metodo promettente nella ricerca sugli elasmobranchi. Il presente studio fornisce un esempio regionale di buona pratica nell’uso dei filmati dei social media per raccogliere informazioni aggiuntive e complementari su squali e batoidi dell’Egeo settentrionale. Nei filmati esaminati sono apparsi un totale di 67 individui di squali e batoidi che rappresentano 8 ordini, 15 famiglie e 21 specie. La maggior parte degli elasmobranchi identificati era costituita da squali. Le catture accidentali degli elasmobranchi identificati si sono verificate soprattutto in associazione con attrezzature da pesca demersali, principalmente durante la pesca con palangari. Le catture accidentali di esemplari neonati di verdesca e pesce angelo supportano l’ipotesi che l’Egeo settentrionale possa fungere da area di nascita e/o crescita per entrambe le specie. Parole chiave: elasmobranchi, catture, conservazione, social media, campionamento opportunistico ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 166 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 INTRODUCTION Assessment of species diversity and abundance in chondrichthyans is an important step in the evaluation of their conservation status (Serena et al., 2020). In the Mediterranean Sea, chondrichthyans, particularly large predatory sharks, have experienced a dramatic decline in numbers over the last two centuries (Ferretti et al., 2008; Bargnesi et al., 2020); therefore, every ef- fort devoted to contributing to a better understanding of their life histories, distribution, etc., is valuable. For over 50 years, research programs have investigated the occurrence and distribution of chondrichthyans throughout the Mediterranean Sea, enhancing our in-depth understanding of their richness in the region (e.g., Capapé, 1989; Başusta et al., 1998; Barrull et al., 1999; De Maddalena & Pisticelli, 2001; Storai, 2004; Kabasakal & Kabasakal, 2004; Capapé et al., 2006; Storai et al., 2006; İşmen et al., 2009; Damalas & Megalofonou, 2012; Sperone et al., 2012; Ragonese et al., 2013; Rafrafi-Nouira et al., 2015; Ennajar et al., 2022). Tracing the material and methods sections of these references, it becomes evident that the majority of the sampling has been carried out either using con- ventional methods of systematic scientific sampling or through opportunistic sampling in commercial fishing operations. Undoubtedly, monitoring the bycatch of commercial fisheries is a prolific source of data in chondrichthyan research (Kabasakal & Kabasakal, 2004; Kabasakal et al., 2017; Mancusi et al., 2020; Bonanomi et al., 2018, 2022; Gallo et al., 2022). However, the mining of social media has become an increasingly applied alternative method for collecting data in shark and batoid research (Boldrocchi & Sto- rai, 2020; Kabasakal & Bilecenoğlu, 2020; Mancusi et al., 2020; Taklis et al., 2020; Kesici et al., 2021; Gallo et al., 2022; Bargnesi et al., 2020, 2022). The chondrichthyan fauna of the northeastern Aegean Sea has been investigated both in general ichthyological inventory studies (Eryılmaz, 2003; İşmen et al., 2009; Cengiz et al., 2011; Gönülal, 2016), and in a shark-specific survey (Kabasakal & Kabasakal, 2004). In this paper, the author reports the incidental captures of chondrichthyans in com- mercial fisheries operating in the northern Aegean Sea between September 2021 and August 2023, mainly based on data mined from mainstream so- cial media channels. As a secondary objective, the author provides notes on the sharks and batoids that appeared in the examined footages. MATERIAL AND METHODS Area of investigation and type of fishery The present study mostly covers the marine area surrounding the Gökçeada island and the mouth of Saroz Bay in the northeastern Aegean Sea (Fig. 1). In this region, artisanal fishermen deploy trammel nets with a 42 mm knot-to-knot mesh opening (lo- cally known as “marya” nets), along with demersal long-lines. In these fisheries, the primary targeted species include bony fishes such as the common dentex, Dentex dentex (Linnaeus, 1758), angler fish, Lophius piscatorius (Linnaeus, 1758), tub gurnard, Chelidonichthys lucerna (Linnaeus, 1758), and hake, Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758). Commercial species of secondary importance include crustaceans, such as the European lobster, Homarus gammarus (Linnaeus, 1758) and European spiny lobster, Palinurus vulgaris Latreille, 1804, and cephalopods, such as Octopus sp. and Sepia sp. On rare occasions, pelagic teleosteans such as swordfish, Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758, and lit- tle tunny, Euthynnus alletteratus (Rafinesque, 1810) may also be captured. Sampling methodology The sampling approach in the present study was a typical example of opportunistic research (Jessup 2003), with data obtained solely from social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. To ex- tract data from these platforms, a regular data mining survey was carried out once a week using the “Date Posted” filter in order to identify the most recent posts (Taklis et al., 2020). The data search covers the period from September 2021 to August 2023. Furthermore, video footages recorded by local fishers between September 2021 and August 2023, documenting their catches and including scenes of incidentally captured elasmobranchs, were shared with the author for spe- cies identification. A total of 31 video footages (with a combined duration of 9 hours, 10 minutes, and 5 seconds) were analysed. An individual elasmobranch record was considered valid if the specimen depicted in a digital photograph was clearly visible in a side view; in the case of video footage, the specimen had to be visible for approximately 5 seconds, allowing for the capture of a still image for species identifi- cation (Kabasakal & Bilecenoğlu, 2020). To achieve this, the “Image Capture” function of the VLC Media Player was used. To facilitate the search and filter the information from the web, we used the following hashtags in Turkish (Kim et al., 2016): “köpekbalıkları [sharks], yakalandı [captured], camgöz [dogfish], domuz köpekbalığı [angular rough shark], keler [angel shark], sapan balığı [thresher shark], mavi köpekbalığı [blue shark], büyük beyaz [great white shark], canavar (sea monster), kuzey Ege [north Aegean], Gökçeada [Gökçeada island], Saroz [Saroz Bay]”. To avoid repetition or duplication of records and to confirm their provenance, the owner of the original post was contacted for every incidence. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 167 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 Fig. 1: Maps showing the approximate locations of capture of sharks (a) and batoids (b) in the northern Aegean Sea. Circles on the small maps indicate the locality of investigation in the Aegean Sea, as well as on the globe. Sl. 1: Zemljevidi s prikazi lokacij ulova morskih psov (a) in skatov (b) v severnem Egejskem morju. Krogci na manjših zemljevidih označujejo obravnavano območje v Egejskem morju, katerega lega je prikazana na planetarnem nivoju. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 168 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 Since online communities and website adminis- trators may react negatively to the utilisation of their online content by researchers, all internet content scraping activity was performed responsibly, fol- lowing the ethical code proposed by Monkman et al. (2017) and avoiding compromising any personal data or image. Species identification follows Bar- one et al. (2022), while taxonomic nomenclature follows Froese and Pauly (2023). The IUCN Red List status of the identified elasmobranchs in the Medi- terranean Sea follows Otero et al. (2019). Wherever possible, the following information was collected for each identified species through contacts with the owner of the post: total length (TL), total weight (TW), depth of capture (image of the echosounder screen), and locality of deployment. To determine the sex of the specimens, the best image depict- ing the genital opening (for females) or claspers (for males) was captured, and the time code of the image was recorded. Neonates are defined as post-hatching or post-birth free-swimming young bearing fresh, unhealed, or healing umbilical scars in the case of placental species, or those at or near- birth size in the case of aplacental or ovoviviparous species (Castro, 1993). Juveniles include all post- neonatal individuals prior to sexual maturation (Castro, 1993). The downloaded source videos as well as the captured frames of the identified species are preserved in the author’s archives and available upon request for further examination. Fig. 2: Numerical occurrence of identified sharks and batoids with respect to fishing gear. Sl. 2: Število primerkov določenih morskih psov in skatov glede na ribolovno orodje. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 169 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 Data analysis Differences in the number of identified elas- mobranch species and the respective numbers of specimens were analysed with regards to type of fishing gear, depth of capture, and season of capture using Welch ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, and Dunn’s post hoc tests. The latter was performed us- ing Bonferroni-adjusted p-values (Parab & Bhalerao, 2010; Özaltındiş et al., 2021). The chosen p-value was set at 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed employing PAST-Palaeontological statistics, version 4.03 (Hammer et al. 2001). RESULTS Total elasmobranchs A total of 67 shark and batoid specimens rep- resenting 8 orders, 15 families, and 21 species appeared in the examined video footages. In ad- dition to the identified species, there were several specimens identified at the generic level (a total of 6 genera). The identified species are presented in Tab. 1 in taxonomic order. Collated data regard- ing the date of capture, depth of capture, type of fishing gear used, species observed, and individual Fig. 3: Numerical occurrence of identified sharks and batoids with respect to depth of capture. Sl. 3: Število primerkov določenih morskih psov in skatov glede na globino ulova. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 170 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 Tab. 1: Taxonomic order of elasmobranch species identified in the video footages, along with the respective number of specimens (n=67) and the percentages of occurrence in the total number of specimens. DD: Data Deficient; LC: Least Concern; NT: Near-Threatened; VU: Vulnerable; EN: Endangered; CR: Critically Endangered. The asterisk (*) denotes species protected by law in Turkish seas. Tab. 1: Taksonomski pregled prepoznanih vrst hrustančnic v videoposnetkih, število primerkov (n=67) in delež pojavl- janja glede na celotno število primerkov. DD: Pomanjkljivi podatki; LC: Najmanj ogrožene; NT: potencialno ogrožene; VU: ranljive; EN: ogrožene; CR: skrajno ogrožene. Zvezdica (*) označuje z zakonom zaščitene vrste v turških morjih. TAXONOMICAL ORDER N % of Total N IUCN Red List Status for Mediterranean HEXANCHIFORMES Hexanchidae Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre, 1788) 2 1.34 LC LAMNIFORMES Lamnidae Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810* 1 0.67 CR Alopiidae Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre, 1788)* 1 0.67 EN CARCHARHINIFORMES Scyliorhinidae Scyliorhinus canicula (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 0,67 LC Scyliorhinus stellaris (Linnaeus, 1758) 3 2.01 NT Scyliorhinus sp. 3 2.01 Triakidae Mustelus asterias Cloquet, 1819 1 0.67 VU Mustelus mustelus (Linnaeus, 1758) 3 2.01 VU Carcharhinidae Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758)* 2 1.34 CR SQUALIFORMES Dalatiidae Dalatias licha (Bonnaterre, 1788) 2 1.34 VU Oxynotidae Oxynotus centrina (Linnaeus, 1758)* 2 1.34 CR Squalidae Squalus blainville (Risso, 1827)* 9 6.03 DD SQUATINIFORMES Squatinidae Squatina oculata Bonaparte, 1840* 1 0.67 CR Squatina squatina (Linnaeus, 1758)* 11 7.37 CR TORPEDINIFORMES Torpedinidae Torpedo marmorata Risso, 1810 2 1.34 LC Torpedo sp. 1 0.67 RAJIFORMES Rajidae Dipturus sp. 1 0.67 Leucoraja naevus (Müller & Henle, 1841) 1 0.67 NT Leucoraja sp. 1 0.67 Raja clavata Linnaeus, 1758* 4 2.68 NT Raja miraletus Linnaeus, 1758 1 0.67 LC Raja sp. 1 0.67 Rostroja alba (Lacepède, 1803) 1 0.67 EN MYLIOBATIFORMES Dasyatidae Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 0.67 VU Dasyatis sp. 2 1.34 Aetobatidae Aetomylaeus bovinus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1817) 2 1.34 CR Myliobatidae Myliobatis aquila (Linnaeus, 1758) 7 4.69 VU ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 171 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 remarks are presented in Appendix 1. The major- ity of the identified elasmobranchs consisted of sharks (n=42; 62.69%), whereas batoids comprised 37.31% (n=25) of the identified species. The most frequently observed species was Squatina squatina (n=11; 7.37%), followed by Squalus blainville (n=9; 6.03%), and Myliobatis aquila (n=7; 4.69%) (Tab. 1). As seen in Table 1, the percentage of occur- rences for the remaining elasmobranchs was less than 6 percent of the total sample. Demersal elas- mobranchs comprised the majority of the identified elasmobranchs (n=63; 94.03%), with only 5.97% of the total sample (n=4) represented by pelagic sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus, Alopias vulpinus, and Prionace glauca) (Tab. 1). Elasmobranch species vs. fishing gears Incidental captures of identified elasmobranchs mostly occurred in association with demersal fish- ing gears, with 50.75% (n=34) of the total sample captured in demersal long-line fishery, followed by trammel netting (n=27; 40.30%). Pelagic long-lining (n=3) and recreational angling (n=3) individually comprised 4.48 percent of the total captures (Fig. 2). When analysing the captures based on the type of fishing gear used, there was no statistically significant difference (Kruskal-Wallis test, p>0.05, p=0.24). Since most of the captures (91.04%) oc- curred in demersal long-lining and trammel net- ting, a second analysis was conducted, focussing solely on catches in these two fisheries. However, no statistically significant difference was observed between demersal long-lining and trammel netting (Welch ANOVA, p>0.05, p=0.68; Kruskal-Wallis test, p>0.05, p=0.32). Elasmobranch species vs. depth of capture Depth of capture information was recorded for 51 specimens (76.12% of total elasmobranchs). The deepest depth of capture ranged from 500 to 600 Fig. 4: Numerical occurrence of identified sharks and batoids with respect to season of capture. Sl. 4: Število primerkov določenih morskih psov in skatov glede na sezono ulova. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 172 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 m, with recreational anglers deploying a purpose- made shark tackle for game fishing targeting blunt- nose sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus); however, the majority of captures occurred at depths between 51 and 100 m (n=23; 45.10%), followed by the 0-50 m, 101-200 m (n=11; 21.57% for both strata), and >200 m depth ranges (n=6; 11.76%) (Fig. 3). No sta- tistically significant difference was found between the numerical distribution of captured specimens and depth of capture (Kruskal-Wallis test, p>0.05, p=0.38). Elasmobranch species vs. season of capture The seasonal distribution of elasmobranch cap- tures is depicted in Figure 4, showing occurrences throughout the year. Captures were most abundant in August (n=16; 23.88%), followed by April (n=13; 19.40%), July (n=10; 14.93%), and January (n=9; 13.43%). The percentage of elasmobranch species present in commercial catches during the remain- ing months was less than 10 percent (ranging from 8.96% to 1.49%) (Fig. 4), with a complete absence of any elasmobranch species in the video footages of commercial catches in May and October. Nev- ertheless, no statistically significant difference was found in the seasonal distribution of elasmobranch captures (Kruskal-Wallis test, p>0.05, p=0.17; Dunn’s post hoc test, p>0.05). Notes on reproductive biology of several rare and endangered elasmobranchs observed in the studied videos A close examination of the video footage (n=31; total duration 9:10:05 hours) in this study has revealed remarkable data suggesting that the northeastern Aegean Sea may serve as a potential nursery and/or breeding ground for several rare and endangered elasmobranchs. On 30 July 2023, a young-of-the-year bluntnose sixgill shark (H. griseus; TL ca. 150 cm) was inciden- tally captured in trammel net fishery at a 46-60 m depth range (Fig. 5a, b). The shark was completely motionless during the retention period onboard, and its post-release survival is uncertain. On 22 June 2023, a newborn blue shark (P. glauca; TL ca. 50 cm) with a healing umbilical scar visible on the ventral surface between the pectoral fins, was incidentally captured in demersal long- lines deployed at a depth of 109 m (Fig. 5c, d). The newborn blue shark was released alive. On 14 April 2022, a pregnant female common angel shark (S. squatina) became entangled in trammel nets deployed at a depth range of 19 to 25 m off the southwestern coast of Gökçeada is- land. The specimen aborted an unknown number of near-term embryos onboard. On 3 March 2023, another pregnant female of S. squatina (TL ca. 170 cm) was captured by recreational anglers at a depth of 33 m, and aborted 5 near-term embryos upon being pulled onboard (Fig. 6a, b). In both instances, the pregnant females and pups were all released alive; however, their post-release survival status is not known. Available data suggest that mature and pregnant females, and juveniles (TL ca. 30-40 cm) frequently aggregate in the shallow areas (<25 m depth) off the southwestern coast of Gökçeada island, while adult males occur more frequently in deeper areas (~60 m depth) between the island and the Gallipoli Peninsula. Two mature females of Mustelus mustelus (TL ca. 110 cm and ca. 140 cm) and one year-of-the- young specimen (TL ca. 40 cm) were incidentally captured. Both females were retained and landed. A juvenile shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrin- chus; TL ca. 100 cm) was captured by a recreational angler off the northern coast of Gökçeada on 5 August 2023 (Fig. 6c). Two female kite fin sharks (Dalatias licha; both TL >100 cm) were captured upon entanglement in trammel nets at a depth range of 171 to 300 m (Fig. 6d). Their swollen bellies suggested possible pregnancy, as preying on other specimens after be- coming ensnared in trammel net, unlike when they get tangled in cod-ends of bottom trawls, may not be possible. Similarly, two mature female angular rough sharks (Oxynotus centrina; both TL ca. 60 cm) were captured individually in demersal long- lining and trammel netting in the northern littoral waters of Gökçeada. Their swollen bellies suggested potential pregnancy. No data were obtained on the reproductive biology of other elasmobranchs identified from the video footages. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS For the last 50 years, the chondrichthyan fauna of the northern Aegean Sea has been investigated by several researchers through gen- eral ichthyological inventory studies, megafauna observations, or elasmobranch-specific studies. In a general ichthyological inventory study, Pa- paconstantinou and Tortonese (1980) reported 15 species of demersal elasmobranchs from the Gulf of Thermaikos (northwestern Aegean Sea). Ulutürk (1987) identified 13 species of demersal and pe- lagic chondrichthyans in the waters surrounding the Gökçeada island (northeastern Aegean Sea). In a more recent general ichthyological inventory study, Eryılmaz (2003) documented 15 species of demersal sharks and batoids in the waters of the island of Bozcaada (also northeastern Aegean Sea). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 173 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 Fig. 5: (a, b) Juvenile specimen of Hexanchus griseus (TL ca. 150 cm); (c, d) newborn specimen of P. glauca (TL ca. 50 cm), arrow indicating the unhealed umbilical scar. Sl. 5: (a, b) Mladostni primerek vrste H. griseus (dolžina približno 150 cm); (c, d) novoskoteni primerek vrste P. glauca (dolžina približno 50 cm), puščica označuje nezaceljeno poporodno brazgotino. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 174 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 In one of the few studies specifically focussed on sharks, Kabasakal and Kabasakal (2004) recorded 20 species in the region, including megafauna members such as Carcharodon carcharias and Cetorhinus maximus, and rare squaliform sharks such as D. licha and O. centrina. According to Cengiz et al. (2011), the fish fauna of the Gulf of Saroz comprises 28 chondrichthyan species, including the rare lamniform shark, Carcharias taurus. However, since the authors have no in- formation on where the examined specimen of the latter was deposited, this record is consid- ered questionable. In an extensive study on the biodiversity of the northern Aegean Sea, Altuğ et al. (2011) reported the presence of 12 species of demersal sharks and batoids in the study area. In a recent survey on deep-sea fishes of the northern Aegean Sea, Gönülal (2016) recorded 13 species of chondrichthyans occurring in depths ranging between 500 and 1000 m. The common feature of the studies mentioned so far is that the sampling method has always been extractive sampling, carried out using fish- ing gears such as bottom trawl, beam trawl, tram- mel net, gill net, or demersal longline. Also, for many years, fishery-dependent surveys have been the primary, if not the only, source of scientific information on most chondrichthyan species in the northern Aegean Sea and in the Mediterranean Sea (e.g., Kabasakal & Kabasakal, 2004; Damalas & Megalofonou, 2012; Sperone et al., 2012; Ka- basakal et al., 2017). In recent years, however, the contribution of local ecological knowledge (LEK) and citizen science has steadily increased. And although social media-based data mining as a research method cannot substitute traditional stratified/random in situ surveys in the studies on chondrichthyans in the northern Aegean Sea, it can provide complementary data to fill the knowledge gaps arising from financial constraints or a shortage of researchers. A recent study carried out by Taklis et al. (2020) underscored the value and importance of social media in collecting baseline information, while identifying and/or addressing important conservation issues related to sharks in Greece, with a specific mention of chondrichthyan re- cords from the northern Aegean Sea. Kabasakal and Bilecenoğlu (2020) compiled an inventory of rare and large shark species in Turkish waters solely from internet-based news, which also included current northern Aegean records. Ma- rine top predators found in the waters around Gökçeada have been investigated in a study that used LEK as a supporting tool for data collection (Kesici et al. , 2021) and reported rare occur- rences of C. carcharias (n=2) and I . oxyrinchus (n=4) around the island. Following data mining digital archives and gathering supportive data from citizen science and social media, Mouto- poulos et al. (2022) examined historical records of shark presence during the early developmental phases of the Greek fishery, highlighting histori- cal records of C. carcharias and C. maximus in the northern Aegean Sea. As corroborated by the cited current studies (Kabasakal & Bilecenoğlu, 2020; Taklis et al. , 2020; Kesici et al. , 2021; Moutopoulos et al. , 2022), social media have proven to be an increasingly eff icient tool in the efforts for the conservation of and raising awareness on large predatory sharks, which can notably supplement the monitoring of the carti laginous fish status in a certain region and time interval (Boldrocchi & Storai, 2021; Casola et al. , 2022). Fishery-dependent extractive surveys have revealed that chondrichthyan species are being incidentally captured in multi-modal fisheries operating across an extensive area of the north- ern Aegean Sea, ranging from the shallows of the continental shelf to bathyal grounds (≤ 1000 m depth) (Papaconstantinou & Tortonese, 1980; Ulutürk, 1987; Eryılmaz, 2003; Kabasakal & Kabasakal, 2004; Gönülal, 2016). The majority (>90%) of shark and batoid species identified in the present study were captured by small-scale fishermen (trammel-netters and demersal long- liners). This is consistent with the findings of Giovos et al. (2021), who emphasised that the underreporting of catches by small-scale fisher- ies poses a threat to elasmobranchs. According to Giovos et al. (2021), commercial gill-netting and demersal long-lining each contribute to over 40 percent of the bycatch of sharks and batoids in the north Aegean Sea. With the implementa- tion of laws aimed at protecting cartilaginous fish, fishers tend to not report such catches, as highlighted by Giovos et al. (2021). Therefore, an ethical examination of the videos uploaded by fishermen on social media, driven as much by the desire to showcase their (legal) catches as by self-promotion (Monkman et al., 2017; Shiffman, 2018), can be an effective method of recording previously unreported cartilaginous fish catches. The present preliminary study relies on the examination of 31 video footages, but a more comprehensive understanding of the bycatch impact would require the implementation of a questionnaire and onboard monitoring involv- ing fisheries observers, and social media-based investigations complementing the data collected through large-scale fisheries surveys. The present data set provides useful obser- vations on the potential reproductive areas for ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 175 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 several elasmobranch species in the area encom- passing the islands of Gökçeada and Semadirek, the Gulf of Saroz, and the Gallipoli Peninsula. Previous occurrences of newborns, juveniles, and pregnant females in this region can be summarised as follows: Newborn specimens of H. griseus (TL 660 mm) and D. licha (TL range 338-372.5 mm), observed bearing unhealed um- bilical scars, have been reported from the upper slope waters off the northern coast of the island of Gökçeada (Kabasakal & Kabasakal, 2002, 2004). Rare occurrences of newborn specimens of O. centrina observed in bottom-trawling have been reported from the Gulf of Thermaikos (TL Fig. 6: (a) Pregnant female of Squatina squatina (TL ca. 170 cm) aborting near-term embryos while retained on board, with the arrow indicating the aborted specimen; (b) a near-term embryo of S. squatina before being released alive; (c) juvenile specimen of Isurus oxyrinchus (TL ca. 100 cm); (d) the arrow indicates a female specimen of Dalatias licha with two tub gurnards (Chelidonichthys lucerna) on the right. Sl. 6: (a) Breja samica vrste Squatina squatina (dolžina približno 170 cm), ki je na krovu splavila skoraj razvite zarodke, s puščico, ki označuje splavljen primerek; (b) skoraj popolno razvit zarodek vrste S. squatina, preden so ga živega izpustili; (c) mladostni primerek vrste Isurus oxyrinchus (dolžina približno 100 cm); (d) puščica označuje samico vrste Dalatias licha z dvema velikima krulcema (Chelidonichthys lucerna) na desni. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 176 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 248 mm; Papaconstantinou & Tortonese, 1980) and off the southwestern coast of the island of Bozcaada (TL 225 mm; Eryılmaz, 2003). On 22 September 2008, a mature female of O. centrina carrying 12 developing ova (TL 651 mm) was captured in a scientific bottom-trawl survey in the Gulf of Saros (Yığın et al., 2016). Taklis et al. (2020) reported captures of juvenile specimens of P. glauca (TW range 2000-5000 g) in com- mercial fisheries in various locations across the northern Aegean Sea. The capture of a newborn blue shark in demersal long-lining (which was subsequently released alive), documented in the present study, supports the suggestion that the northern Aegean Sea may serve as a parturition and nursery ground for P. glauca. Recent records of newborn specimens of I. oxyrinchus and C. carcharias from several locations in the northern Aegean Sea have been mentioned in Kabasakal (2015), Tunçer and Kabasakal (2016), Taklis et al. (2020), and Kabasakal et al. (2022). While not included in the present study, juvenile specimens of Etmopterus spinax (TL range 120-227 mm), incidentally captured in commercial bottom-trawling at depths of 300 to 400 m, have also been reported (Kabasakal & Ka- basakal, 2004). A juvenile specimen of Squatina oculata (TL 300 mm) and a subadult specimen of S. squatina (TL 750 mm) have been reported off the island of Gökçeada (Kabasakal & Kabasakal, 2004). İşmen et al. (2009) reported the observa- tion of a newborn S. squatina (TL 232 mm) in the Gulf of Saros. In the present study, observations of newborn specimens and pregnant females of S. squatina confirmed the presumed areas of reproduction for the common angel shark in the northern Aegean Sea. Last but not least, pregnant females of Mustelus asterias (TL 1530 mm; bear- ing 21 near-term embryos) and of S. blainville (TL 870 mm; bearing 7 near-term embryos) have been incidentally captured in the Gulf of Saros (Kabasakal & Kabasakal, 2004). Therefore, past and recent occurrences of newborns, juveniles, and pregnant females in the studied region sup- port the possibility of multiple elasmobranch nurseries across the shelf and bathyal grounds of the northern Aegean Sea. This has led to the designation of an Important Shark and Ray Area (ISRA) and an Area of Interest (AoI) (Jabado et al., 2023). The geographical area in which the study was conducted falls within the boundaries of the proposed buffer zone of the recently designated Thracian Sea Shelf ISRA on account of the pres- ence of threatened species (e.g., A. bovinus), range-restricted species (Raja radula), reproduc- tive areas (e.g., S. canicula), and undefined ag- gregations (D. pastinaca) (Jabado et al., 2023). Furthermore, the geographical boundaries of the Truva Shelf AoI, where potential reproduc- tion areas for Squatina species are assumed to exist, overlap with the southern part of the area investigated in the present study (Jabado et al., 2023). As a result, the findings of this study contribute supportive new data that reinforce the establishment of the Thracian Sea Shelf ISRA and the Truva Shelf AoI. Eight of the species identified in this study are protected in Turkish seas. In addition, the majority of these species (n=16; 76.19%) fall within the susceptible categories of Near Threat- ened, Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered of the IUCN Red List (Otero et al., 2019). The majority of captured elasmobranchs (n=63; 94.02%) were released alive without prolonged retention on deck and harsh handling, which is promising for the survival of bycaught elasmobranchs in the region. The fishermen’s statements in the examined footages demonstrate their awareness of conservation laws as well as recognition of protected (e.g., Squatina spp., O. centrina) or vulnerable species (e.g., D. licha), as does their release of the captured specimens back to the sea. This corroborates the suggestion by Boldrocchi and Storai (2020) that social me- dia can play a crucial role in raising fishermen’s awareness about cartilaginous fish and bridging knowledge gaps. To conclude, this study presents a regional example of a good practice in using social media films to gather additional and complementary information about the life histories and current status of elasmobranch species in a specific re- gion. In recent years, the utilisation of footage published on social media films has emerged as an increasingly promising data collection meth- od and an approach supported by the findings of various researchers (Boldrocchi & Storai, 2020; Mancusi et al., 2020; Taklis et al., 2020; Kesici et al., 2021; Bargnesi et al., 2020, 2022; Gallo et al., 2022). Compared to traditional systematic scientific sampling, it is clear that this study ap- proach still presents some uncertainties (e.g., TL information dependent on the statements of the fishermen) and weaknesses (e.g., the intervals at which the fishermen upload footage may not accurately reflect the true periodicity of fishing days). However, considering the K-selected life history characteristics of elasmobranchs (e.g., slow growth, late maturation, low fecundity, etc.) and the current extinction crisis that threat- ens their survival (Fowler et al., 2005; Dulvy et al., 2021), this non-invasive and non-extractive visual sampling method, if applied according to ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 177 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 the methodology described herein, can comple- ment traditional systematic sampling by address- ing the knowledge gaps that arise from limited research staff or expansion of the study area. Last but not least, the present study evidently suffers from a very small sample size. Therefore, more effort is needed before drawing any conclusions about the impact of bycatch on the populations of sharks and batoids in the northern Aegean Sea. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author thanks the fishermen who shared the footages of their commercial captures on so- cial media or personally with the author. Special thanks go to two anonymous reviewers for their critical revisions, which improved the content and quality of the article. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 178 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 A pp en di x 1: E la sm ob ra nc h sp ec ie s (n =6 7) c ap tu re d in c om m er ci al fi sh er ie s in th e no rt he rn A eg ea n Se a an d ap pe ar in g in s oc ia l m ed ia v id eo s, al on g w ith fi sh in g da ta , r em ar ks a bo ut th e ob se rv ed sp ec im en s, an d so ur ce s o f v id eo fo ot ag es . S pe ci m en ti m e co de in di ca te s t he ti m e in te rv al d ur in g w hi ch a n el as m ob ra nc h sp ec im en is vi sib le in th e re sp ec tiv e vi de o. Pr ilo ga 1 : H ru st an čn ic e (n =6 7 vr st ), uj et e v ko m er ci al ne m r ib ol ov u v se ve rn em E ge js ke m m or ju , k i s e po ja vl ja jo v v id eo po sn et ki h v so ci al ni h m ed iji h, s ku pa j s po da tk i o u lo vu , o po m ba m i v z ve zi z o pa zo va ni m i p ri m er ki in v ir i v id eo po sn et ko v. Č as ov na k od a pr im er ka o zn ač uj e ča so vn i i nt er va l, v ka te re m je b il pr im er ek op až en v d an em v id eo po sn et ku . D at e Lo ca lit y D ep th (m ) Fi sh in g ge ar Sp ec ie s N r Sp ec im en tim e co de s Re m ar ks So ur ce 14 S ep 20 21 G ök çe ad a, o ff Yı ld ız Ba y 85 -9 2 D em er sa l l on g lin e M us te lu s m us te lu s 1 9: 49 -1 2- 26 Fe m al e, T L ca . 1 10 c m ; t ak en o n bo ar d ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =L eN Lm XC Kk m 0 14 S ep 20 21 G ök çe ad a, o ff Yı ld ız Ba y 85 -9 2 D em er sa l l on g lin e Ra ja c la va ta 1 12 :5 8- 13 :3 8 Fe m al e, D W c a. 4 0 cm ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =L eN Lm XC Kk m 0 14 S ep 20 21 G ök çe ad a, o ff Yı ld ız Ba y 85 -9 2 D em er sa l l on g lin e Ra ja c la va ta 1 13 :4 8- 14 :1 4 Fe m al e, D W c a. 5 0 cm ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =L eN Lm XC Kk m 0 14 S ep 20 21 G ök çe ad a, o ff Yı ld ız Ba y 85 -9 2 D em er sa l l on g lin e Ra ja c la va ta 1 15 :2 5- 15 :5 0 M al e, a du lt, c la sp er s ve ry lo ng er th an p el vi c fin s an d vi si bl e at th e tim e co de (1 5: 29 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o; D W c a. 7 0 cm ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =L eN Lm XC Kk m 0 14 S ep 20 21 G ök çe ad a, o ff Yı ld ız Ba y 85 -9 2 D em er sa l l on g lin e M us te lu s m us te lu s 1 16 :4 0- 19 :2 0 Fe m al e, g en ita l o pe ni ng is v is ib le a t t he ti m e co de (1 9: 01 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o, T L ca . 1 40 c m ; t ak en on b oa rd ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =L eN Lm XC Kk m 0 20 N ov 20 21 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, o ff SW o f Se m ad ire k is la nd , be tw ee n En ez a nd G ök çe ad a 10 2- 10 7 D em er sa l l on g lin e Sq ua lu s bl ai nv ill e 1 22 :1 7- 22 :3 6 Fe m al e, g en ita l o pe ni ng is v is ib le a t t he ti m e co de (2 2: 30 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o, T L ca . 5 0 cm ; re le as ed a liv e; d ep th in fo rm at io n gi ve n at th e tim e co de s (1 8: 32 a nd 3 3: 55 ) ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =P N cC Ay t7 f7 g 20 N ov 20 21 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, off S W o f S em ad ire k is la nd , b et w ee n En ez an d G ök çe ad a 10 2- 10 7 D em er sa l l on g lin e M yl io ba tis a qu ila 1 22 :4 4- 23 :0 8 Fe m al e, D W c a. 1 00 c m ; d or sa l fi n is b eh in d pe lv ic fi ns (2 2: 48 ); re le as ed a liv e; d ep th in fo rm at io n gi ve n at th e tim e co de s (1 8: 32 a nd 33 :5 5) ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =P N cC Ay t7 f7 g 15 D ec 20 21 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 90 -3 20 D em er sa l l on g lin e Sc yl io rh in us st el la ris 1 21 :1 5- 21 :5 3 Fe m al e, T L ca . 1 00 c m ; r el ea se d al iv e; d ep th in fo rm at io n is g iv en a t t he ti m e co de s (3 :1 8- 3: 21 ) of th e so ur ce v id eo ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =r Tr 1_ W gV A 84 15 D ec 20 21 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 90 -3 20 D em er sa l l on g lin e M yl io ba tis a qu ila 1 29 :5 7- 30 :3 5 Fe m al e, D W c a. 1 00 c m ; n o cl as pe rs (3 0: 31 ); do rs al fi n is b eh in d pe lv ic fi ns (3 0: 35 ); re le as ed al iv e; d ep th in fo rm at io n is g iv en a t t he ti m e co de s (3 :1 8- 3: 21 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =r Tr 1_ W gV A 84 15 Ja n 20 22 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t ? D em er sa l l on g lin e M yl io ba tis a qu ila 1 8: 45 -8 :5 6 D W c a. 6 0 cm ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =l H fY uO w N oI k 15 Ja n 20 22 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t ? D em er sa l l on g lin e Sq ua lu s bl ai nv ill e 1 16 :0 4- 16 :2 6 TL c a. 4 0 cm ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =l H fY uO w N oI k ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 179 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 15 Ja n 20 22 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t ? D em er sa l l on g lin e M us te lu s m us te lu s 1 21 :4 9- 22 :0 4 TL c a. 4 0 cm ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =l H fY uO w N oI k 1 A pr 20 22 G ök çe ad a- Bü yü kk em ik li 50 0- 60 0 Ro d an d re el H ex an ch us g ris eu s 1 14 :4 0- 19 :4 5 C ap tu re d w ith a p ur po se -m ad e sh ar k rig fo r b ig ga m e fis he ry , b ai te d w ith b on ito , S ar da s ar da , re le as ed a liv e, T L ca . 4 50 c m , f em al e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =k 6T -L jX 8k N 0 7 A pr 20 22 Tu zl a 14 -1 6 Tr am m el n et Sq ua tin a sq ua tin a 1 1: 43 -2 :2 7 A ll fe m al e an d re le as ed a liv e Vi de o pr ov id ed b y th e fis he rm an a nd a va ila bl e on re qu es t 14 A pr 20 22 Be tw ee n Ka şk av al ca pe a nd K ba te pe o n m ai nl an d 70 D em er sa l l on g lin e A et om yl ae us bo vi nu s 1 6: 10 -6 :3 0 C la sp er s ar e vi si bl e be tw ee n th e tim e co de s (6 :1 0- 6: 30 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o, re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =b F8 lw ek 96 sc 14 A pr 20 22 Be tw ee n Ka şk av al ca pe a nd K ab at ep e on m ai nl an d 70 D em er sa l l on g lin e A et om yl ae us bo vi nu s 1 14 :1 9- 14 :5 4 C la sp er s ar e vi si bl e at th e tim e co de (1 4: 44 ) o f th e so ur ce v id eo , r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =b F8 lw ek 96 sc 14 A pr 20 22 Be tw ee n Ka şk av al ca pe a nd K ab at ep e on m ai nl an d 70 D em er sa l l on g lin e M us te lu s as te ria s 1 9: 15 -9 :5 0 La nd ed fo r a uc tio n ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =b F8 lw ek 96 sc 14 A pr 20 22 Be tw ee n Ka şk av al ca pe a nd K ab at ep e on m ai nl an d 70 D em er sa l l on g lin e O xy no tu s ce nt rin a 1 10 :2 8- 12 :4 6 Fe m al e, T L ca . 6 0 cm , g en ita l o pe ni ng is v is ib le at th e tim e co de (1 1: 56 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o, re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =b F8 lw ek 96 sc 14 A pr 20 22 Be tw ee n Ka şk av al ca pe a nd K ab at ep e on m ai nl an d 70 D em er sa l l on g lin e D ip tu ru s sp . 1 13 :1 0- 13 :3 2 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =b F8 lw ek 96 sc 14 A pr 20 22 Pi rg os 19 -2 5 Tr am m el n et Sq ua tin a sq ua tin a 1 1: 15 -1 :3 0 Pr eg na nt fe m al e, a bo rte d ne ar te rm e m br yo ns on bo ar d, a ll re le as ed a liv e bu t t he ir po st -r el ea se su rv iv al s ta tu s un ce rta in Vi de o pr ov id ed b y th e fis he rm an a nd a va ila bl e on re qu es t 6 Ju n 20 22 Te pe kö y co as t 10 -1 5 m Tr am m el n et To rp ed o sp . 1 12 :5 1- 13 :0 0 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =i N bV V Q oQ s- g 10 Ju n 20 22 Ke fa lo z 20 Tr am m el n et Sq ua tin a sq ua tin a 1 0: 00 -1 :0 7 4 ad ul t f em al es (T L 80 -9 0 cm a nd T W 1 0- 20 k g) 4 ju ve ni le s (T L 30 -4 0 cm ), se xe s no t r ep or te d Vi de o pr ov id ed b y th e fis he rm an a nd a va ila bl e on re qu es t 11 A ug 20 22 Be tw ee n Ka şk av al ca pe a nd K ab at ep e on m ai nl an d 60 Tr am m el n et To rp ed o m ar m or at a 1 5: 43 -5 :4 6 13 :3 7- 13 :5 0 Sp ira cl e te nt ac le s an d do rs al te xt ur e ar e vi si bl e be tw ee n th e tim e co de s (1 3: 37 -1 3: 39 ) o f t he so ur ce v id eo , r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =W v3 ck 9w C sq U 11 A ug 20 22 Be tw ee n Ka şk av al ca pe a nd K ab at ep e on m ai nl an d 60 Tr am m el n et Sq ua tin a sq ua tin a 1 7: 31 -7 :5 0 M al e, c la sp er s ar e vi si bl e at th e tim e co de (7 :4 0) of th e so ur ce v id eo , r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =W v3 ck 9w C sq U 11 A ug 20 22 Be tw ee n Ka şk av al ca pe a nd K ab at ep e on m ai nl an d 60 Tr am m el n et Sq ua tin a sq ua tin a 1 7: 59 -8 :0 1 Sp ec im en is v is ib le a t t he ti m e co de s (7 :5 9- 8: 01 ) of th e so ur ce v id eo , r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =W v3 ck 9w C sq U 11 A ug 20 22 Be tw ee n Ka şk av al ca pe a nd K ab at ep e on m ai nl an d 60 Tr am m el n et Sq ua tin a sq ua tin a 1 9: 52 -1 0: 12 Sp ec im en is v is ib le a t t he ti m e co de s (9 :5 2- 10 :1 2) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o, ju ve ni le m al e w ith m in ut e cl as pe rs s ho rte r t ha n pe lv ic fi ns (1 0: 09 ), re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =W v3 ck 9w C sq U 17 A ug 20 22 N or th c oa st o f G ök çe ad a ? D em er sa l l on g lin e M yl io ba tis a qu ila 1 10 :1 8- 10 :2 4 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =f gX lK x2 dU To ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 180 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 17 A ug 20 22 N or th c oa st o f G ök çe ad a ? D em er sa l l on g lin e Sc yl io rh in us ca ni cu la 1 23 :2 0- 23 :2 9 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =f gX lK x2 dU To 2 Se p 20 22 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 95 -1 00 D em er sa l l on g lin e Ro st ro ra ja a lb a 1 13 :3 9- 14 :0 3 Im m at ur e m al e, s ho rt cl as pe r i s vi si bl e at th e tim e co de (1 3: 49 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o; s no ut v er y lo ng a nd p oi nt ed (1 3: 51 ); tip o f p ec to ra l fi ns an gu la r ( 13 :5 2) ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =r gt YV aH oL PI 1 Ja n 20 23 N or th c oa st o f G ök çe ad a 11 7- 17 1 D em er sa l l on g lin e Sq ua lu s bl ai nv ill e 1 13 :5 1- 14 :1 0 Fe m al e, g en ita l o pe ni ng is v is ib le a t t he ti m e co de (1 4: 08 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =3 b0 gH Fv SQ yE 14 Ja n 20 23 Be tw ee n Ke fa lo z po in t an d Ka ba te pe o n m ai nl an d 27 Tr am m el n et Le uc or aj a na ev us 1 12 :3 9- 12 :5 0 M al e, c la sp er s ar e vi si bl e at th e tim e co de (1 2: 43 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o, re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =L Bk x3 zF G E- Y 14 Ja n 20 23 Be tw ee n Ke fa lo z po in t an d Ka ba te pe o n m ai nl an d 27 Tr am m el n et Sq ua tin a sq ua tin a 1 15 :3 3- 16 :0 0 Su ba du lt m al e, c la sp er s ar e vi si bl e at th e tim e co de (1 5: 52 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o, re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =L Bk x3 zF G E- Y 14 Ja n 20 23 Be tw ee n Ke fa lo z po in t an d Ka ba te pe o n m ai nl an d 27 Tr am m el n et Sq ua tin a sq ua tin a 1 16 :3 2- 16 :5 2 Su ba du lt m al e, c la sp er s ar e vi si bl e at th e tim e co de (1 6: 33 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o, re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =L Bk x3 zF G E- Y 14 Ja n 20 23 Be tw ee n Ke fa lo z po in t an d Ka ba te pe o n m ai nl an d 27 Tr am m el n et Sq ua tin a sq ua tin a 1 17 :0 0- 17 :1 1 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =L Bk x3 zF G E- Y 14 Ja n 20 23 Be tw ee n Ke fa lo z po in t an d Ka ba te pe o n m ai nl an d 27 Tr am m el n et Le uc or aj a sp . 1 17 :4 6- 17 :5 5 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =L Bk x3 zF G E- Y 14 Ja n 20 23 Be tw ee n Ke fa lo z po in t an d Ka ba te pe o n m ai nl an d 27 Tr am m el n et Sq ua tin a sq ua tin a 1 19 :3 4- 19 :4 8 Bo th re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =L Bk x3 zF G E- Y 3 Fe b 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 23 1 D em er sa l l on g lin e M yl io ba tis a qu ila 1 11 :3 1- 11 :3 8 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =n Xo 9p PN U cv k 3 Fe b 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 23 1 D em er sa l l on g lin e Sq ua lu s bl ai nv ill e 1 12 :0 3- 12 :2 8 Fe m al e, g en ita l o pe ni ng is v is ib le a t t he ti m e co de (1 2: 26 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o; n o an al fi n; T L ca . 5 0 cm ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =n Xo 9p PN U cv k 3 Fe b 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 23 1 D em er sa l l on g lin e Sq ua lu s bl ai nv ill e 1 15 :1 4- 15 :2 7 Fe m al e, g en ita l o pe ni ng is v is ib le a t t he ti m e co de (1 5: 16 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o; n o an al fi n; T L ca . 5 0 cm ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =n Xo 9p PN U cv k 3 Fe b 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 23 1 D em er sa l l on g lin e M yl io ba tis a qu ila 1 16 :2 0- 16 :2 3 D W c a. 1 00 c m , r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =n Xo 9p PN U cv k 3 M ar 20 23 Ç an ak ka le S tra it, so ut he rn e nt ra nc e ? Re cr ea tio na l an gl in g Sq ua tin a sq ua tin a 1 0: 00 -1 :2 0 1 pr eg na nt fe m al e, T L ca . 1 70 c m , g iv in g bi rth o n bo ar d; 5 n ew bo rn s; a ll re le as ed a liv e, b ut p os t- re le as e su rv iv al is u nk no w n ht tp s: //w w w .in st ag ra m .c om /re el /C pU ZY M O gh m z/ ?i gs h id =Y m M yM TA 2M 2Y = ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 181 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 22 A pr 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 86 D em er sa l l on g lin e Sq ua lu s bl ai nv ill e 1 7: 20 -7 :4 2 Fe m al e, g en ita l o pe ni ng is v is ib le a t ( 7: 40 ); tim e co de s of th e de sc rip tiv e ch ar ac te rs in th e so ur ce vi de o ar e as fo llo w s: fr ee re ar ti ps o f p ec to ra l fin s, a nd c on tin ou s po st er io r e dg e of c au da l fin (7 :4 0) , s pu rs in fr on t o f d or sa l fi ns (7 :4 1) , re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =T bS dp 2- F0 Tg 22 A pr 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 86 Tr am m el n et Sc yl io rh in us st el la ris 1 11 :5 9- 13 :0 2 Fe m al e, g en ita l o pe ni ng is v is ib le a t t he ti m e co de (1 2: 54 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o, T L ca . 1 00 cm ; d es cr ip tiv e ch ar ac te rs a re v is ib le a t t he fo llo w in g tim e co de s: w id el y se pa ra te d na sa l fla ps (1 2: 35 ), do rs al ly p os iti on ed lo ng e ye s (1 2: 35 ), re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =T bS dp 2- F0 Tg 12 Ju n 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 10 3 Tr am m el n et Sq ua lu s bl ai nv ill e 1 9: 04 -1 0: 22 A ll re le as ed a liv e; ti m e co de s o f t he d es cr ip tiv e ch ar ac te rs in th e so ur ce v id eo a re a s f ol lo w s: w hi te co lo ra tio n of th e po ste rio r e dg e of fi rs t d or sa l fi n (9 :1 0) , w hi te c ol or at io n an d co nt in ou s c on to ur o f th e ve nt ra l e dg e of u pp er c au da l l ob e (9 :1 2) , f re e re ar ti p of p ec to ra l ( 9: 13 ) a nd sp ur (1 1: 53 ) ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =P eg js dV PF M g 12 Ju n 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 10 3 Tr am m el n et M yl io ba tis a qu ila 1 15 :2 1- 15 :3 5 Fe m al e, g en ita l o pe ni ng is v is ib le a t t he ti m e co de (1 5: 29 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o; s om e ot he r d es cr ip tiv e ch ar ac te rs a re v is ib le a t t he fo llo w in g tim e co de s of th e sa m e vi de o; w hi p- sh ap ed ta il (1 5: 30 ), sh or t an d ob tu se s no ut (1 5: 32 ) r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =P eg js dV PF M g 19 Ju n 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s 30 0 Tr am m el n et D al at ia s lic ha 1 0: 00 -0 :1 1 N ot a liv e, th e sw ol le n be lly o f t he s pe ci m en su gg es ts th at it w as a p re gn an t f em al e, T L > 10 0 cm ht tp s: //w w w .in st ag ra m .c om /re el /C tq e3 IU A Sp c/ ?i gs hi d= M zR lO D Bi N W Fl ZA == 8 Jly 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 12 5 D em er sa l l on g lin e D as ya tis p as tin ac a 1 16 :1 3- 16 :2 4 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =H XF lrV va yR 8 15 Jl y 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 17 1 Tr am m el n et D al at ia s lic ha 1 10 :3 5- 10 :4 5 N ot a liv e, th e sw ol le n be lly o f t he s pe ci m en su gg es ts th at it w as a p re gn an t f em al e, T L > 10 0 cm ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =y 8y U 1b gr fJM 15 Jl y 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s ? Pe la gi c lo ng lin e fo r s w or d fis h A lo pi as v ul pi nu s 1 1: 30 -1 :5 2 Fe m al e, T L ca . 4 00 c m Vi de o pr ov id ed b y th e fis he rm an a nd a va ila bl e on re qu es t 15 Jl y 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s ? Pe la gi c lo ng lin e fo r s w or d fis h Pr io na ce g la uc a 1 0: 00 -1 :0 0 Fe m al e, T L 25 0- 30 0 cm Vi de o pr ov id ed b y th e fis he rm an a nd a va ila bl e on re qu es t 22 Jl y 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 10 9 D em er sa l l on g lin e Pr io na ce g la uc a 1 14 :1 4- 15 :2 3 N ew -b or n fe m al e; T L ca . 5 0 cm , h ea lin g um bl ic al sc ar o n ve nt ra l s ur fa ce is v is ib le a t t he ti m e co de (1 4: 52 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o, re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =- Bt S0 0_ D N 8Q 30 Jl y 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 46 -6 0 Tr am m el n et Sc yl io rh in us s p. 1 10 :2 9- 10 :3 1 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =Z X6 V gl N w dc M ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 182 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 30 Jl y 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 46 -6 0 Tr am m el n et O xy no tu s ce nt rin a 1 16 :4 8- 17 :4 3 Fe m al e, T L ca . 6 0 cm , g en ita l o pe ni ng is v is ib le at th e tim e co de (1 7: 35 ) o f t he s ou rc e vi de o; re ta in ed in a re ci rc ul at in g w at er c on ta in er to re co ve ry , t he n re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =Z X6 V gl N w dc M 30 Jl y 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 46 -6 0 Tr am m el n et H ex an ch us g ris eu s 1 19 :2 8- 21 :3 4 TL c a. 1 50 c m , j uv en ile , t he fo llo w in g de sc rip tiv e ch ar ac te rs a re v is ib le a t t he ti m e co de s of th e so ur ce v id eo : 6 g ill s lit s (2 1: 05 ), si ng le d or sa l fin (2 1: 06 ) a nd d en tit io n (2 1: 15 ); th e sp ec im en sw al lo w ed a p ie ce o f n et a nd s pi ra l v al ve is ex te nd ed o ut fr om th e cl oa ca (1 9: 30 -1 9: 35 ); fis he rm en re le as ed th e sp ec im en , b ut it ‘s p os t- re le as e su rv iv al is n ot c er ta in ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =Z X6 V gl N w dc M 30 Jl y 20 23 Be tw ee n G ök çe ad a an d Se m ad ire k is la nd s, a ro un d Zü ra fa ro ck s po in t 46 -6 0 D em er sa l l on g lin e D as ya tis s p. 1 38 :2 3- 38 :3 7 Br ea ke th e lin e an d es ca pe d ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =Z X6 V gl N w dc M 31 Jl y 20 23 Sa ro z Ba y 33 Re cr ea tio na l an gl in g To rp ed o m ar m or at a 1 0: 00 -0 :2 3 In th e fo ot ag e it is v is ib le th at th e he ad a nd pe ct or al fi ns a re fu se d, h ea d- pe ct or al fi n co m pl ex m ov in g w ith c on tin ou s un du la tio ns , an d th e or ig in o f t he s ec on d do rs al fi n is a t t he le ve l o f p el vi c fin ti ps ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .in st ag ra m .c om /re el /C vU LG Bn N 4w R/ ?i gs hi d= M Tc 4M m M 1Y m I2 N g= = 4 A ug 20 23 En tra nc e of S ar oz B ay , Bü yü kk em ik li ? D em er sa l l on g lin e Sq ua lu s bl ai nv ill e 1 5: 16 -5 :2 8 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =j A ly Q D -U 2a s 4 A ug 20 23 En tra nc e of S ar oz B ay , Bü yü kk em ik li ? D em er sa l l on g lin e Ra ja s p. 1 5: 31 -5 :4 6 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =j A ly Q D -U 2a s 4 A ug 20 23 En tra nc e of S ar oz B ay , Bü yü kk em ik li ? D em er sa l l on g lin e D as ya tis s p. 1 5: 48 -6 :0 3 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =j A ly Q D -U 2a s 4 A ug 20 23 En tra nc e of S ar oz B ay , Bü yü kk em ik li ? Tr am m el n et Sc yl io rh in us s p. 1 14 :1 6- 14 :2 3 Re le as ed a liv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =j A ly Q D -U 2a s 4 A ug 20 23 En tra nc e of S ar oz B ay , Bü yü kk em ik li ? Tr am m el n et Sc yl io rh in us s p. 1 22 :3 2- 22 :5 0 TL c a. 1 00 c m ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =j A ly Q D -U 2a s 4 A ug 20 23 En tra nc e of S ar oz B ay , Bü yü kk em ik li ? Tr am m el n et Sq ua lu s bl ai nv ill e 1 24 :2 3- 24 :4 5 TL c a. 5 0 cm ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =j A ly Q D -U 2a s 5 A ug 20 23 G ök çe ad a ? Pe la gi c lo ng lin e fo r s w or d fis h Is ur us o xy rin ch us 1 0: 00 -0 :3 8 TL c a. 1 00 c m ; n o um bl ic al s ca r i s vi si bl e be tw ee n pe ct or al fi ns o n ve nt ra l s ur fa ce ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .ti kt ok .c om /@ ag as on fis hi ng / vi de o/ 72 63 39 13 05 47 08 72 83 7? _t =8 eg jC Q nM nZ d& _ r= 1 8 A ug 20 23 G ök çe ad a 22 4- 30 0 Tr am m el n et Ra ja m ira le tu s 1 5: 46 -6 :0 0 D W c a. 4 0 cm ; r et ai ne d on bo ar d ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =u 2p Lc di KC ds 8 A ug 20 23 G ök çe ad a 22 4- 30 0 Tr am m el n et Sq ua tin a oc ul at a 1 11 :4 2- 12 :2 0 Fe m al e, T L ca . 1 20 c m ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =u 2p Lc di KC ds 8 A ug 20 23 G ök çe ad a 16 0 D em er sa l l on g lin e Sc yl io rh in us st el la ris 1 21 :2 0- 21 :2 5 Fe m al e, T L ca . 1 00 c m ; d ep th in fo rm at io n is gi ve n at th e tim e co de (1 6: 44 -1 6: 46 ) o f t he so ur ce v id eo ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =u 2p Lc di KC ds 8 A ug 20 23 G ök çe ad a 16 0 D em er sa l l on g lin e Ra ja c la va ta 1 22 :0 1- 22 :1 2 Fe m al e, D W c a. 5 0 cm ; r el ea se d al iv e ht tp s: //w w w .y ou tu be .c om /w at ch ?v =u 2p Lc di KC ds ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 183 Hakan KABASAKAL: A PRELIMINARY SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED SURVEY OF SHARKS AND BATOIDS CAPTURED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES OF THE NORTHERN ..., 165–186 PRELIMINARNA RAZISKAVA O MORSKIH PSIH IN SKATIH, UJETIH V KOMERCIALNEM RIBIŠTVU SEVERNEGA EGEJSKEGA MORJA NA OSNOVI PODATKOV IZ SOCIALNIH MEDIJEV Hakan KABASAKAL İstanbul University, Institute of Science, Fisheries Technologies and Management Program, Süleymaniye, Esnaf Hastanesi 4. Kat, 34116 Fatih, İstanbul, Türkiye WWF Türkiye e-mail: kabasakal.hakan@gmail.com POVZETEK V zadnjih letih so filmi v socialnih medijih vedno bolj uporabni kot obetavna metoda za pridobivanje po- datkov o hrustančnicah. Pričujoča raziskava predstavlja primer dobre prakse pri uporabi filmov v socialnih medijih za zbiranje dodatnih in dopolnilnih informacij o morskih psih in skatih v severnem Egejskem morju. V pregledanih videoposnetkih je avtor prepoznal 67 primerkov morskih psov in skatov, ki so pripadali 8 redovom, 15 družinam in 21 vrstam. Večina je bilo morskih psov. Naključno ujete hrustančnice so bile ujete s pridnenim ribolovnim orodjem, pri čemer so dobro polovico primerkov ujeli s parangalom. Naključni ulovi novoskotenih primerkov sinjega morskega psa (Prionace glauca) in navadnega sklata (Squatina squatina) podpirajo domnevo, da lahko predstavlja severno Egejsko morje jaslice za obe vrsti morskih psov. 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ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 187 received: 2023-08-28 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.21 ON THE OCCURRENCE OF NORWEGIAN SKATE, DIPTURUS NIDAROSIENSIS (RAJIDAE) ON THE ALGERIAN COAST (SOUTHWESTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA) Farid HEMIDA École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l’Aménagement du Littoral (ENSSMAL), BP 19, Bois des Cars, 16320 Dely Ibrahim, Algiers, Algeria Christian REYNAUD Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire en Didactique, Education et Formation, Université de Montpellier, 2, place Marcel Godechot, B.P. 4152, 34092 Montpellier cedex 5, France Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, Université de Montpellier, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: christian.capape@umontpellier.fr ABSTRACT The authors report the capture of several specimens of the Norwegian skate Dipturus nidarosiensis (Storm, 1881) off the western Algerian coast. These are predominantly large specimens ranging between 141 cm and 164 cm in total length and between 69 cm and 71.5 cm in disc width. It is likely that these specimens originated from the eastern Atlantic and entered the Mediterranean through the Straits of Gibraltar, which would make D. nidarosiensis a Herculean species. The relatively high abundance of captures off the Algerian coast suggests that at present, a viable population may be successfully established in the region. Keywords: Dipturus nidarosiensis, Rajidae, migration, Straits of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Sea PRESENZA DELLA RAZZA NORVEGESE, DIPTURUS NIDAROSIENSIS (RAJIDAE), AL LARGO DELLA COSTA ALGERINA (MEDITERRANEO SUD-OCCIDENTALE) SINTESI Gli autori riportano la cattura di diversi esemplari della razza norvegese Dipturus nidarosiensis (Storm, 1881) al largo delle coste algerine occidentali. Si tratta prevalentemente di esemplari di grandi dimensioni, compresi tra 141 cm e 164 cm di lunghezza totale e tra 69 cm e 71,5 cm di larghezza del disco. È probabile che questi esemplari provengano dall’Atlantico orientale e siano entrati nel Mediterraneo attraverso lo stretto di Gibilterra, il che renderebbe D. nidarosiensis una specie erculea. L’abbondanza relativamente elevata di catture al largo della costa algerina suggerisce che attualmente una popolazione vitale si sia stabilita con successo nella regione. Parole chiave: Dipturus nidarosiensis, Rajidae, migrazione, Stretto di Gibilterra, Mediterraneo ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 188 Farid HEMIDA et al.: ON THE OCCURRENCE OF NORWEGIAN SKATE, DIPTURUS NIDAROSIENSIS (RAJIDAE) ON THE ALGERIAN COAST ..., 187–192 INTRODUCTION The Norwegian skate, Dipturus nidarosiensis (Storm, 1881), is known off the eastern Atlantic coast from Iceland, southern Norway, and Ireland to northern Mauritania and South Africa (Geraci et al., 2019). It was first recorded in the Mediterranean Sea off the southeastern coast of Sardinia (Follesa et al., 2010), where further captures have been reported (Follesa et al., 2012). The species was also found in the Adriatic Sea (Cariani et al., 2017) and in the Ionian Sea (Carbonara et al., 2019). Massi et al. (2017) suggested the presence of the species in the Strait of Sicily, off the Island of Pantelleria, following the discovery of an empty egg case. The occurrence of the species was confirmed by the capture of a male specimen in a trawl survey at a depth of 551 m (Geraci et al., 2019). Westward the species is also reported in the Alboran Sea, where specimens were captured between 2013 and 2016 (Ramírez-Amaro et al., 2017). Following Silva et al. (2012), rajid species (skates) remain an important component of fish assemblages in several marine areas, including the Algerian coast, where investigations that have been continuously conducted since Dieuzeide et al. (1953) (see Hemida, 2005; Refes et al., 2010; Capapé et al., 2023) have confirmed the presence of about 15 skate species. While some species have been regularly cap- tured in Algerian marine waters, others appear to be notably rare, caught only sporadically or absent from the fishmongers’ stalls (Hemida, 2005). The present paper aims to report unusually high records of D. nidarosiensis, a species considered rare and endangered, and classified as near threatened by Stehmann et al. (2015). The Norwegian skate had been previously cited from the Algerian coast (Hemida et al., 2015), but no specimen was de- scribed, making confirmation unavailable. This report confirms the occurrence of the species off the Algerian coast, enhancing and expanding the knowledge of its distribution in the study area and in the wider Mediterranean Sea. MATERIAL AND METHODS The specimens of D. nidarosiensis were observed at primary fish markets in Algiers, where catches from areas along the Algerian coast, spanning from the Moroccan to the Tunisian border, are landed. Between 2000 and the present, at least one hun- dred specimens have been captured by trawlers at a depth of 330 m on sandy-muddy bottoms in the western region off Bouzedjar, located at 35°42’’35” N and 1°22’17” W (Fig. 1). They were often caught together with the spiny lobster Palinurus elephas (Fabricius, 1787), the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus, 1758), the angler fish Lophi- us piscatorius Linnaeus, 1758, the slender rockfish Scorpaena elongata Cadenat, 1943 (Fig. 2), and occasionally with the cuckoo ray Leucoraja naevus (Müller and Henle, 1841). The specimens studied in this paper were carefully examined and identi- fied using field guides to ichthyological fauna. They were photographed and, when possible, measured. Obtaining morphometric measurements was chal- lenging, as the specimens were rapidly sold for local consumption. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The specimens were identified as D. nida- rosiensis based on the following morphological Fig. 1: Map of the Algerian coast indicating the capture site of the Norwegian skate, Dipturus nidarosiensis, off Bouzedjar (black star). Sl. 1: Zemljevid alžirske obale z označbo lokacije ulova norveške raže, Dipturus nidarosiensis, v vodah blizu Bouzedjarja (črna zvezdica). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 189 Farid HEMIDA et al.: ON THE OCCURRENCE OF NORWEGIAN SKATE, DIPTURUS NIDAROSIENSIS (RAJIDAE) ON THE ALGERIAN COAST ..., 187–192 characters: disc broadly rhombic, wider than long, with acute outer corners; snout very long, pointed and pronounced; tail strong and rather short with a median row of 40–50 thorns up to the first dorsal fin, and 1–3 small thorns between the dorsal fins; upper surface smooth with one pair of pre-orbital thorns, one post-orbital thorn; colour greyish- brown dorsally and entirely dark ventrally, with darkly pigmented ampullary pores (Fig. 3). These characteristics are in total accordance with previ- ous descriptions of the species (Stehmann & Bürkel, 1984; Ebert & Stehmann, 2013; Last et al., 2016; Geraci et al., 2019). They confirm the presence of D. nidarosiensis on the Algerian coast, warranting its inclusion in the local ichthyofauna. The Norwegian skates captured off the Algerian coast consisted mainly of large specimens, including both males and females. The total lengths of the 20 specimens randomly selected for observation ranged between 1410 mm and 1640 mm, with disc widths ranging between 690 mm and 715 mm. This suggests that a viable population of D. nidarosiensis may have successfully established itself in Algerian marine wa- ters, though, admittedly, no juvenile specimens were observed, and the captures were rather restricted to the western region (Fig. 4). According to the survey conducted by Geraci et al. (2019) D. nidarosiensis currently inhabits the Mediterranean Sea. However, the species has not been recorded to date in the eastern basin, possibly due to warmer waters in that Fig. 2: Specimens of Dipturus nidarosiensis caught together with the spiny lobster Palinurus elephas (1), the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus (2), and the angler fish Lophius piscatorius (3) off the Algerian coast (photo by F. Hemida). Sl. 2: Primerki vrste Dipturus nidarosiensis ujeti skupaj z rarogi, Palinurus elephas (1), škampi, Nephrops norvegicus (2) in morskimi žabami, Lophius piscatorius (3) ob alžirski obali (foto: F. Hemida). Fig. 3: Specimens of Dipturus nidarosiensis caught off the Algerian coast, scale bar = 200 mm (photo by F. Hemida). Sl. 3: Primerki vrste Dipturus nidarosiensis, ujeti ob alžirski obali, merilo = 200 mm (foto: F. Hemida). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 190 Farid HEMIDA et al.: ON THE OCCURRENCE OF NORWEGIAN SKATE, DIPTURUS NIDAROSIENSIS (RAJIDAE) ON THE ALGERIAN COAST ..., 187–192 region compared to the western basin. This distribu- tion pattern could also explain the higher frequency of captures in the areas closer to the Straits of Gibral- tar, such as the Alboran Sea and the western Algerian coast, and only sporadic catches in the Italian seas, for instance (Geraci et al., 2019). Golani et al. (2021) noted that the exotic spe- cies found in the Mediterranean Sea are either Lessepsian migrants (sensu Por, 1971), i.e., origi- nating from the warm or warm-to-temperate waters of the Red Sea, or Herculean migrants (sensu Golani et al., 2000), i.e., having an origin in the eastern tropical Atlantic. Since the occurrence of D. nidarosiensis in the Mediterranean Sea is likely the consequence of migrations from the eastern Atlantic coast through the Strait of Gibraltar, the species could be classified as a Herculean migrant. However, the main question is whether to consider it as an exotic species deserving of inclusion in Golani et al. (2021). Geraci et al. (2019) reported that D. nida- rosiensis is the deepest living skate species, with recorded depths ranging from 600 to 1400 m in the Mediterranean Sea according to Cannas et al. (2010) and over 1000 m in the northeastern Atlantic (Stehmann & Bürkel, 1984). The scarcity of sightings of this species may be attributed to the limited commercial fishing and bottom trawl sur- veys carried out in these deep areas (Geraci et al., 2019). Following Geraci et al. (2019), trawl surveys at depths exceeding 1000 m will be necessary to increase the captures of D. nidarosiensis and gener- ally gain a more comprehensive knowledge of this and other deep-sea elasmobranch species. Fig. 4: Map of the Mediterranean Sea indicating the locations of records of Dipturus nidarosiensis. South- eastern coast of Sardinia: 1. Follesa et al. (2010), 2. Follesa et al. (2012). Adriatic Sea: 3. Cariani et al. (2017). Ionian Sea: 4. Carbonara et al. (2019). Strait of Sicily, off the Island of Pantelleria: 5. Massi et al. (2017), 6. Geraci et al. (2019). Alboran Sea: 7. Ramírez-Amaro et al. (2017). Algerian coast off Bouzedjar: 8. this study. Sl. 4: Zemljevid Sredozemskega morja prikazuje lokacije zapisov o pojavljanju vrste Dipturus nidarosiensis. Jugovzhodna obala Sardinije: 1. Follesa et al. (2010), 2. Follesa et al. (2012). Jadransko morje: 3. Cariani et al. (2017). Jonsko morje: 4. Carbonara et al. (2019). Sicilijanska ožina, ob otoku Pantelleria: 5. Massi et al. (2017), 6. Geraci et al. (2019). Alboransko morje: 7. Ramírez-Amaro et al. (2017). Alžirska obala ob Bouzedjarju: 8. Ta študija. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 191 Farid HEMIDA et al.: ON THE OCCURRENCE OF NORWEGIAN SKATE, DIPTURUS NIDAROSIENSIS (RAJIDAE) ON THE ALGERIAN COAST ..., 187–192 O POJAVLJANJU NORVEŠKE RAŽE, DIPTURUS NIDAROSIENSIS (RAJIDAE), OB ALŽIRSKI OBALI (JUGOZAHODNO SREDOZEMSKO MORJE) Farid HEMIDA École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l’Aménagement du Littoral (ENSSMAL), BP 19, Bois des Cars, 16320 Dely Ibrahim, Algiers, Algeria Christian REYNAUD Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire en Didactique, Education et Formation, Université de Montpellier, 2, place Marcel Godechot, B.P. 4152, 34092 Montpellier cedex 5, France Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, Université de Montpellier, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: christian.capape@umontpellier.fr POVZETEK Avtorji poročajo o ulovu več primerkov norveške raže Dipturus nidarosiensis (Storm, 1881) ob alžirski obali. Večinoma so bili veliki primerki, ki so merili med 141 cm in 164 cm totalne dolžine in med 69 cm in 71,5 cm v premeru diska. Primerki verjetno izvirajo iz vzhodnega Atlantika in so prišli v Sredozemsko morje skozi Gibraltarsko ožino, zato gre za Herkulove migrante. Relativno veliko število ulovov kaže, da se je na obravnavanem območju ustalila populacija te vrste, ki je sposobna preživetja. Ključne besede: Dipturus nidarosiensis, Rajidae, selitev, gibraltarska ožina, Sredozemsko morje ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 192 Farid HEMIDA et al.: ON THE OCCURRENCE OF NORWEGIAN SKATE, DIPTURUS NIDAROSIENSIS (RAJIDAE) ON THE ALGERIAN COAST ..., 187–192 REFERENCES Cannas, R., M.C. Follesa, S. Cabiddu, C. Porcu, S. Salvadori, S.P. Iglesias, A.M. Delana & A. Cau (2010): Molecular and morphological evidence of the occur- rence of the Norwegian skate Dipturus nidarosiensis (Storm, 1881) in the Mediterranean Sea. Mar. Biol. Res., 6, 341-350. Capapé C., C. Reynaud & F. 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Serena & F. Fiorentino (2017): First finding of Dipturus nidarosien- sis (Storm, 1881) (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Rajidae) egg capsule in the Strait of Sicily. Biol. Mar. Medit., 24, 194-195. Por, F.D. (1971): One hundred years of Suez Ca- nal- A century of lessepsian migration: retrospect and viewpoints. Systems Biol., 20(2), 138-159. Ramírez-Amaro, S., F. Ordines, M.Á. Puerto, C. García, C. Ramon, B. Terrasa & E. Massutí (2017): New morphological and molecular evidence confirm the presence of the Norwegian skate, Dipturus nidarosien- sis (Storm, 1881) in the Mediterranean Sea and extend its distribution to the western marin basin. Medit. Mar. Sci., 18, 251-259. Refes, W., N. Semahi., M. Boulahdid & J.-P. Quig- nard (2010): Inventaire de la faune ichthyologique du secteur oriental de la côte algérienne (El Kala; Skikda; Jijel; Bejaïa). Rapp. Com. Inter. mer Médit., 39, 646. Silva, J.F., J.R. Ellis & T.L. 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Its mor- phological characteristics corresponded with the descriptions of the common stingray Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758), however, the specimen observed was entirely white on the dorsal and ventral surfaces, including the tail, except for the tips of the spines. Furthermore, the iris of the specimen lacked pigmentation and exhibited an abnormal orange-yellow (xanthochromic) coloration. This discovery marks the first recorded instance of complete albinism in this particular species and a rare occurrence among elasmobranchs in general. Keywords: Dasyatis pastinaca, common stingray, albinism, leucism, Adriatic Sea PRIMA DOCUMENTAZIONE DI ALBINISMO COMPLETO NELLA PASTINACA DASYATIS PASTINACA (LINNAEUS, 1758) SINTESI Una razza dai colori insoliti è stata videoregistrata il 15 agosto 2022 nell’Adriatico centro-orientale. Le sue caratteristiche morfologiche corrispondevano alle descrizioni della pastinaca Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758), tuttavia l’esemplare osservato era interamente bianco sulle superfici dorsale e ventrale, coda compresa, ad eccezione delle punte delle spine. Inoltre, l’iride del campione mancava di pigmentazione e mostrava una colorazione giallo-arancio anomala (xantocromica). Questa scoperta segna il primo caso registrato di albinismo completo in questa particolare specie e un evento raro tra gli elasmobranchi in generale. Parole chiave: Dasyatis pastinaca, pastinaca, albinismo, leucismo, mare Adriatico ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 194 Alen SOLDO: THE FIRST RECORD OF COMPLETE ALBINISM IN COMMON STINGRAY DASYATIS PASTINACA (LINNAEUS, 1758), 193–198 INTRODUCTION Various types of abnormal coloration have been observed in wild and farmed fishes. These disor- ders occur either as a deficiency of pigmentation (hypomelanosis), e.g., albinism, leucism, piebald- ism, and xanthism, or an excess of pigmentation (hypermelanosis), e.g., melanism (Dawson & Heal, 1976; Jawad & Ibrahim, 2018). In most cases, the exact cause of such abnormal coloration remains unclear, as it can result from different factors or their combination, including non-pathological genetic mutations, skin pathologies, hormonal imbalances, specific diets, and interspecific hy- bridization (Quigley et al., 2016). Albinism is a genetically inherited disorder characterized by a congenital absence of pigmentation in the skin and iris (eyes). It is caused by a disruption to the enzy- matic pathway responsible for producing melanin. In contrast, leucism is associated with abnormal skin pigmentation caused by a prenatal enzyme de- ficiency involved in melanin metabolism. Leucism differs from true albinism in that it is characterized by a reduction in melanin over the entire or part of the body, while the retinal coloration remains nor- mal (Ball et al., 2013; Bigman et al., 2015; Quigley et al., 2016). Sometimes leucism is referred to as partial albinism, but such a condition is, by defini- tion, impossible. The common stingray Dasyatis pastinaca (Lin- naeus, 1758) is a coastal demersal species found in temperate waters with a depth range of 5 to 200 m, but typically inhabiting shallower areas between 20 and 60 m in depth. It is distributed along the coasts of the eastern North Atlantic, in the Mediter- ranean and the Black Sea. It is a yolk-sac viviparous species, with a gestation period of approximately 4 months. Litters range from 4 to 9 young, whose size at birth is about 8 cm in disc width. The common stingray feeds mainly on demersal invertebrates, such as crustaceans, but also on small mollusks and fishes (Ebert & Stehmann, 2013; Ebert & Dando, 2021). With its whiplash tail intact, it can reach a maximum total length of about 250 cm; its disc can attain a maximum width of 60 cm. In the Mediter- ranean, females mature at about 28 to 38 cm, and males at 26 to 32 cm disc width (Ebert & Stehmann, 2013; Ebert & Dando, 2021). Soldo & Lipej (2022) classified the common stingray as an occasional species in the Adriatic based on several published records. However, they noted that recent reports from citizen science sug- gested it might be more common than previously believed and speculated about the presence of a small Adriatic population. The common stingray can be found throughout the Adriatic Sea, primar- ily in the channel areas of the eastern part (Jardas, 1984). In Croatia, D. pastinaca is strictly protected as a vulnerable species (Soldo & Lipej, 2022), with its conservation status consistent with the rest of the Mediterranean area (Dulvy et al., 2016). The usual color of the common stingray is plain greyish, olive or brown dorsally and white ventrally, with broad greyish-brown margins on the disc and pelvic fins, and a dark whiplash tail section (Ebert & Stehmann, 2013; Ebert & Dando, 2021). This paper describes the first observed record of complete albinism in D. pastinaca. MATERIAL AND METHODS The author of this paper was contacted by a professional diver who made several videos (total- ing over 5 minutes in length) of a uniquely colored stingray on 15 August 2022 in the eastern central Adriatic. The videos were recorded at a depth of 21 m, on the northern side of the Krk Island, near the town of Omišalj (Fig. 1). In all videos, including close-ups, the white stingray can be seen resting on or swimming above a rocky bottom (Fig. 2). The videos also showcase two other specimens of the same species of stingray, but with their usual color. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The videos show two specimens of stingray characterized by diamond-shaped discs, very short snouts, and a greyish to olive dorsal coloration, with a clearly visible white underside, as well as broad dark margins on the disc and pelvic fins, and a dark whiplash tail section. These characteristics are consistent with the descriptions of the com- mon stingray D. pastinaca found in the literature Fig. 1: Map of the observation area ( indicates the ex- act location) of the albino specimen of common stingray. Sl. 1: Zemljevid obravnavanega območja z označeno lokaliteto ulova () albinističnega primerka navadnega morskega biča. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 195 Alen SOLDO: THE FIRST RECORD OF COMPLETE ALBINISM IN COMMON STINGRAY DASYATIS PASTINACA (LINNAEUS, 1758), 193–198 (Ebert & Stehmann, 2013; Ebert & Dando, 2021). Additionally, a third specimen with the same body characteristics, including two visible spines, was observed. However, this specimen had an en- tirely white dorsal surface with only sporadic small darker spots of different sizes scattered across it. The underside was also completely white, as was the tail, except for the tips of the spines. The size comparison of the common stingray to other fish in the vicinity indicated that it was an adult indi- vidual, likely female, as no claspers were observed. Additionally, the presence of small darker spots visible on the ventral side suggested that this might be a case of leucism rather than complete albinism. However, a closer examination of this specimen in the video revealed that even the irises lacked pigmentation; in fact, the specimen exhibited an abnormal orange-yellow (xanthochromic) eye col- oration, while retinal pigmentation was clearly vis- ible in the other two normally colored specimens. Fig. 3. Comparison between (a) the Dasyatis pastinaca from this study and (b) the southern stingray Hypanus americanus specimen reported by Wakida-Kusunoki (2015). Sl. 3: Primerjava primerka vrste Dasyatis pastinaca (a) iz pričujoče študije s (b) primerkom južnega morskega biča, o katerem je poročal Wakida-Kusunoki (2015). Fig. 2. Extract from the video showing the white dorsal and ventral sides of the albino specimen of common stingray. Sl. 2: Izsek iz videoposnetka, ki prikazuje hrbtno in trebušno stran albinističnega primerka navadnega morskega biča. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 196 Alen SOLDO: THE FIRST RECORD OF COMPLETE ALBINISM IN COMMON STINGRAY DASYATIS PASTINACA (LINNAEUS, 1758), 193–198 Given the specimen’s extremely whitish coloration, we can conclude that this is the first known case of true complete albinism in the common stingray. This finding is consistent with the results presented by Wakida-Kusunoki (2015), who first reported an instance of complete albinism in another stingray species, Hypanus americanus (Hildebrand & Schroeder, 1928). A comparison of the photos of the specimens clearly shows that both specimens have very similar coloration: they are entirely white, except for a few darker spots dorsally, and with unpigmented irises (Fig. 3). So far, no case of complete albinism has ever been reported for D. pastinaca. Only partial albi- nism has been observed in this species by Capapé & Pantoustier (1975). In contrast, complete albinism has been reported for H. americanus by Schwartz & Safrit (1977), and more recently by Wakida- Kusunoki (2015). These are the only instances, to date, of complete albinism in the Dasyatidae fam- ily, which is consisted of 99 valid species (Fricke et al., 2023). Moreover, out of the approximately 1,300 species of sharks, rays and chimeras (Fricke et al., 2023), complete albinism or leucism has been reported in fewer than 60 species of elasmobranchs (Bigman et al., 2015; Wakida-Kusunoki, 2015; Quigley et al., 2018). Among these reports, more species are described as leucistic than fully albino. Therefore, albinism remains a very rare condition, especially among the adult population, probably because the lack of coloration in albinos can increase an indi- vidual’s susceptibility to predation or make them less attractive for reproduction (Sandoval-Castillo et al., 2006). However, since large albino elasmo- branchs have been reported, although more rarely than immature ones, it would seem that albinism does not necessarily lead to a lower chance of survival in elasmobranchs (Bigman et al., 2015). It is worth noting that the reported albino species are predominantly pelagic elasmobranchs, implying that coloration may not play as significant a role in the water column, while flattened demersal fishes would be highly visible whilst foraging despite their burying behavior (Ben Souissi et al., 2007; Ball et al., 2013). In addition to being only the second record of complete albinism within the Dasyatidae family, this record represents the second instance of albi- nism in elasmobranchs inhabiting the Adriatic Sea. Out of the 60 species of sharks and rays reported from the Adriatic (Soldo & Lipej, 2022), complete albinism had only been previously documented in the marble electric ray Torpedo marmorata Risso, 1810 (Lipej et al., 2011), when juvenile male and female albino specimens were caught by trawl in the northern Adriatic, off Piran. While the rarity of albinism records in elasmo- branchs can partly be explained by their relatively low natural abundance in nature (Bottaro et al., 2005), it is more reasonable to conclude that the lack of coloration makes them highly visible while foraging for prey, which is a great disadvantage for these general predators. Furthermore, the absence of iris pigmentation in full albinos is likely linked to poor eyesight. Therefore, it can be expected that albinism, particularly in its full form, will remain rare among this group of predatory fishes. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 197 Alen SOLDO: THE FIRST RECORD OF COMPLETE ALBINISM IN COMMON STINGRAY DASYATIS PASTINACA (LINNAEUS, 1758), 193–198 PRVI ZAPIS O NAJDBI POPOLNEGA ALBINISTIČNEGA PRIMERKA NAVADNEGA MORSKEGA BIČA, DASYATIS PASTINACA (LINNAEUS, 1758) Alen SOLDO Department of Marine Studies, University of Split, Ulica Ruđera Boškovića 37, 21000 Split, Croatia e-mail: soldo@unist.hr POVZETEK V vzhodnem srednjem Jadranu so 15. avgusta 2022 posneli videoposnetek nenavadno obarvanega morskega biča. Na podlagi morfoloških značilnosti so ga določili za navadnega morskega biča Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758), primerek pa je bil povsem bel na hrbtni in trebušni strani trupa in repa, le vrhovi bodic niso bili beli. Brez pigmenta je bila tudi šarenica, ki je imela oranžno-rumeno (ksantokromično) obarvanost. Najdba predstavlja prvi evidentirani primer popolnega albinizma pri tej vrsti, ki je obenem tudi redek primer med hrustančnicami nasploh. Ključne besede: Dasyatis pastinaca, navadni morski bič, albinizem, levizem, Jadransko morje ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 198 Alen SOLDO: THE FIRST RECORD OF COMPLETE ALBINISM IN COMMON STINGRAY DASYATIS PASTINACA (LINNAEUS, 1758), 193–198 REFERENCES Ball, R.E., C.S. Jones, A. Lynghammar, L.R. Noble & A.M. Griffiths (2013): The first confirmed cases of full albinism in rajid species. J. Fish. Biol., 82, 1433-1440. Ben Souissi, J., D. Golani, H. Merji, M. Ben Salem & C. Capapé (2007): First confirmed record of the Halave’s Guitarfish, Rhinobatos halavi (Forsskal, 1775) (Chondrichthyes: Rhinobatidae) in the Mediterranean Sea with a description of a case of albinism in elasmo- branchs. Cah. Biol. Mar., 48, 67-75. Bigman, J.S., J.D.S. Knuckey & D.A. Ebert (2015): Color aberrations in Chondrichthyan fishes: first records in the genus Bathyraja (Chondrichthyes: Rajiformes: Arhynchobatidae). Mar. Biodivers., 46(3), 579-587. Bottaro, M., S. Ferrando, L. Gallus, L. Girosi & M. Vacchi (2005): First record of albinism in the deep- water shark Dalatias licha. Mar. Biodivers. Rec., 1, 1-4 Capapé, C. & C. Pantoustier (1975): Anomalies chez quelques Sélaciens des côtes tunisiennes. Arch. Inst. Pasteur. de Tunis., 52(3), 251-260. Dawson, C.E. & E. Heal (1976): A bibliography of anomalies of fishes. Supplement 3. Gulf Research Reports, 5(2), 35-41. Dulvy, N.K., D.J. Allen, G.M. Ralph & R.H.L. Walls (2016): The Conservation Status of Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras in the Mediterranean Sea. IUCN: Malaga, Spain, 14 pp. Ebert D.A. & M. Dando (2021): Field Guide To Sharks, Rays & Chimaeras Of Europe And The Mediter- ranean. Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey, 385 pp. Ebert D.A. & M.F.W. Stehmann (2013): Sharks, batoids, and chimaeras of the North Atlantic FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 7. Rome, FAO, 523 pp. Fricke, R., W.N. Eschmeyer & R. Van der Laan (Eds.) (2022): Eschmeyer’s Catalogue of Fishes: Genera, Species, References. 2022. Available online: http:// researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/ichthyology/ catalog/fishcatmain.asp (accessed on 5th June 2023). Jardas, I. (1984): Adriatic Chondrichthyes from biogeographical standpoint. IOR Notes 1984, 59, 1-7. Jawad, L.A. & M. Ibrahim (2018): Partial xanthism and xanthic phenotype in two fish species from Jubail City, Arabian Gulf Saudia Arabia. Cah. Biol. Mar., 59(1), 37-42. Lipej, L., B. Mavrič, V. Žiža & C. Capapé (2011): First cases of albinism recorded in the marble electric ray Torpedo marmorata (Chondrichthyes: Torpedini- dae). Cah. Biol. Mar., 52, 261-267. Quigley, D.T.G., R. Lord, D. MacGabhann & K. Flannery (2016): First records of xanthochromism in thee-bearded rockling Gaidropsarus vulgaris (Cloquet, 1824) and pollack Pollachius pollachius (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 33(6), 1208- 1210. Sandoval-Castillo, J.E., C. Mariano-Melendez & C. Villavicencio-Garayzar (2006): New records of albi- nism in two elasmobranchs: the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier and the giant electric ray Narcine entemedor. Cybium, 30(2), 191-192. Soldo, A. & L. Lipej (2022): An Annotated Checklist and the Conservation Status of Chondrichthyans in the Adriatic. Fishes, 7, 245. https://doi.org/10.3390/ fishes7050245. Wakida-Kusunoki, A.T. (2015): First record of total albinism in southern stingray Dasyatis americana. Rev. Biol. Mar. Oceanogr., 50(1), 135-139. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 199 received: 2023-05-11 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.23 CAPTURE OF A GIANT ROUND FANTAIL STINGRAY TAENIUROPS GRABATUS (DASYATIDAE) FROM THE ALGERIAN COAST (SOUTHWESTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA) Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, Université de Montpellier, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: christian.capape@umontpellier.fr Christian REYNAUD Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire en Didactique, Education et Formation, Université de Montpellier, 2, place Marcel Godechot, B.P. 4152, 34092 Montpellier cedex 5, France Farid HEMIDA École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l’Aménagement du Littoral (ENSSMAL), BP 19, Bois des Cars, 16320 Dely Ibrahim, Algiers, Algeria ABSTRACT The authors document the capture of a large specimen of round fantail stingray Taeniurops grabatus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817) from the coast of Algeria. The individual T. grabatus measured 2.90 m in disc width and its total body weight was assessed to 300 kg. The specimen stands as the largest known to date, probably surpassing other dasyatid species and warranting recognition as a giant specimen. Additionally, this capture serves as evidence that Algerian marine waters provide favorable conditions for the species to thrive, with a viable population already successfully established in the region. Keywords: Stingray, Taeniurops grabatus, population, size, total body weight CATTURA DI UN GRANDE TRIGONE AFRICANO TAENIUROPS GRABATUS (DASYATIDAE) LUNGO LA COSTA ALGERINA (MAR MEDITERRANEO SUD-OCCIDENTALE) SINTESI Gli autori documentano la cattura di un grande esemplare di trigone africano Taeniurops grabatus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817) lungo le coste dell’Algeria. L’individuo di T. grabatus in questione misurava 2,90 m di larghezza del disco e il suo peso corporeo totale è stato stimato a 300 kg. L’esemplare è il più grande finora ritrovato e probabilmente supera altre specie di dasiatidi. Viene pertanto riconosciuto come esemplare gigante. Questa cattura serve inoltre come prova del fatto che le acque marine algerine forniscono condizioni favorevoli alla prosperità della specie, con una popolazione vitale già stabilita con successo nella regione. Parole chiave: trigone, Taeniurops grabatus, popolazione, taglia, peso corporeo totale ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 200 Christian CAPAPÉ et al.: CAPTURE OF A GIANT ROUND FANTAIL STINGRAY TAENIUROPS GRABATUS (DASYATIDAE) FROM THE ALGERIAN COAST ..., 199–204 INTRODUCTION The round fantail stingray Taeniurops grabatus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817) has been document- ed along the western African coast from Mauritania to Angola, as well as around the Sào Tiago Island in the Cape Verde archipelago and the Azores (Ben Amor et al., 2019). T. grabatus is distributed throughout the southeastern Mediterranean, with reports of its occurrences in Turkish waters (Tunka Bengil & Basusta, 2018), the Levant Basin (Golani, 2005), and the Syrian and Lebanese coasts, which represent the easternmost extension of its range (Ali et al., 2013; Bariche & Fricke, 2020). One iso- lated case recorded in the north Tyrrhenian Sea was an accidental catch by an artisanal fishing vessel (Serena et al., 1999). A viable population of T. grabatus was ini- tially documented in the Gulf of Gabès, southern Tunisia, by Capapé (1989), but subsequently – probably prompted by interspecific competition pressure from other dasyatid species and the ris- ing temperature of marine waters due to global warming (sensu Francour et al., 1994) – the spe- cies migrated to the Gulf of Tunis (Boudaya et al., 2018) and further north to the area off the city of Bizerte (Ben Amor et al., 2019). T. grabatus also migrated westward, reaching the Algerian coast, where it was recorded for the first time (Capapé et al., 2023). Subsequent observations have cor- roborated the occurrence of T. grabatus in Alge- rian marine waters, with most of these specimens attaining considerable sizes, including the largest one described in the present paper. MATERIAL AND METHODS All T. grabatus specimens from Algerian waters were collected in a region located off the eastern coast, between Skikda and Annaba, at 37°10’ N and 7°15’ E (Fig. 1), in the period from 1999 to 2020, and landed at the great fish market of Al- giers. The largest specimen, a female captured on 16 April 2016, was measured for disc width (DW), while the fishermen provided an estimate of its total body weight (TBW). Morphometric measure- ments were not feasible because the specimen was sliced and promptly sold for local consumption. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The specimen under study was identified as Taeniurops grabatus following McEachran & Capapé (1984) and Ben Amor et al. (2019): disc nearly circular, wider than long; the distal part of the tail was missing, but at its beginning, it ap- peared to be compressed and with a membranous fold underneath; dorsal surface almost entirely rough, exhibiting several rows of spines extend- ing from the middle of the disc to the beginning of the tail; dorsal surface brown with irregularly arranged dark blotches and vermiculations, belly beige (Fig. 2). McEachran & Capapé (1984) and Capapé (1989) previously reported that the maximum disc width of T. grabatus could reach up to 1 m. However, the specimen described by Ben Amor et al. (2019) surpassed this measurement with a disc width of 1.12 m, along with a total length of 2.7 m and Fig. 1: Map of the Algerian coast, with a circle indicating the area between Skikda and Annaba where the giant female specimen of Taeniurops grabatus was caught (adapted from Capapé et al., 2023). Sl. 1: Zemljevid alžirske obale s krogcem, ki označuje predel med Skikdo and Annabo, kjer je bila ujeta orjaška samica vrste Taeniurops grabatus (prirejeno po Capapé et al., 2023). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 201 Christian CAPAPÉ et al.: CAPTURE OF A GIANT ROUND FANTAIL STINGRAY TAENIUROPS GRABATUS (DASYATIDAE) FROM THE ALGERIAN COAST ..., 199–204 a total body weight of 110 kg. It was considered the largest and heaviest T. grabatus ever recorded in Tunisian waters and possibly across the entire Mediterranean and beyond. In comparison, the present T. grabatus, with a disc width of 2.50 m and an estimated total body weight of 300 kg (but possibly more, as its tail was not preserved in its entirety to avoid sting injuries) was larger and heavier than the specimen from Ben Amor et al. (2019). Its remarkable size and weight could qualify it as a giant T. grabatus and one of the largest dasyatid specimens known to date. The discovery of such a large specimen suggests that T. grabatus has found in Algerian marine waters the most favorable conditions for development and possibly reproduction on a global scale. Capapé et al. (2023) noted that the occurrence of the species in the region could be a result of migrations from the Tunisian coast, where the species is captured in relative abundance. While this hypothesis is possible, regular observations of specimens and information provided by fishermen indicate that a viable population of T. grabatus is now success- fully established in the study area. Fig. 2. Giant female specimen of Taeniurops grabatus captured off the Algerian coast, scale bar = 50 cm. Photo by Farid Hemida. Sl. 2: Orjaška samica vrste Taeniurops grabatus, ujeta ob alžirski obali. Merilo = 50 cm. Foto: Farid Hemida. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 202 Christian CAPAPÉ et al.: CAPTURE OF A GIANT ROUND FANTAIL STINGRAY TAENIUROPS GRABATUS (DASYATIDAE) FROM THE ALGERIAN COAST ..., 199–204 This discovery also serves as evidence that large elasmobranch species continue to inhabit the Mediterranean Sea; in fact, several instances of such species have been reported from the Maghreb shore for several decades, particularly off the Algerian coast (Hemida et al., 2002; Capapé et al., 2005; Hemida & Capapé, 2008; Hemida et al., 2022). In full agreement with Giovos et al. (2019, 2022) and Kabasakal (2021), it is vital to imple- ment a management plan within local fisheries that would involve an active participation of local fishermen, who already play an important role in preserving these species and preventing their possible extinction in areas where they habitually aggregate. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 203 Christian CAPAPÉ et al.: CAPTURE OF A GIANT ROUND FANTAIL STINGRAY TAENIUROPS GRABATUS (DASYATIDAE) FROM THE ALGERIAN COAST ..., 199–204 ULOV OKROGLEGA MORSKEGA BIČA (TAENIUROPS GRABATUS) (DASYATIDAE) IZ ALŽIRSKE OBALE (JUGOZAHODNO SREDOZEMSKO MORJE) Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, Université de Montpellier, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: christian.capape@umontpellier.fr Christian REYNAUD Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire en Didactique, Education et Formation, Université de Montpellier, 2, place Marcel Godechot, B.P. 4152, 34092 Montpellier cedex 5, France Farid HEMIDA École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l’Aménagement du Littoral (ENSSMAL), BP 19, Bois des Cars, 16320 Dely Ibrahim, Algiers, Algeria POVZETEK Avtorji poročajo o ulovu velikega primerka okroglega morskega biča Taeniurops grabatus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817) iz alžirske obale. Meril je 2,90 m v premeru diska, težo pa so ocenili na 300 kg. Gre za orjaka, saj je do zdaj eden največjih izmerjenih primerkov, verjetno pa tudi eden največjih primerkov iz družine morskih bičev nasploh. Poleg tega ta ulov dokazuje, da alžirske morske vode nudijo ugodne razmere za uspevanje vrste, ki je v tem okolju že ustaljena, njena populacija pa je vitalna in sposobna preživetja. Ključne besede: morski bič, Taeniurops grabatus, populacija, velikost, telesna teža ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 204 Christian CAPAPÉ et al.: CAPTURE OF A GIANT ROUND FANTAIL STINGRAY TAENIUROPS GRABATUS (DASYATIDAE) FROM THE ALGERIAN COAST ..., 199–204 REFERENCES Ali, M., A. Saad, C. Reynaud & C. Capapé (2013): First records of the round fantail stingray, Taeniura grabata (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae), off the Syrian coast (eastern Mediterranean). Zool. Midd. East., 59, 176-178. Bariche, M. & R. Fricke (2020): The marine ichthyo- fauna of Lebanon: an annotated checklist, history, bio- geograpphy, and conservation status. Zootaxa, 4775, 1-157. Ben Amor, M.M., M. Bdioui, K. Ounifi-Ben- Amor, C. Reynaud & C. Capapé (2019): Unu- sual record of round fail stingray Taeniurops grabata (Chondrichthyes:Dasyatidae) from the Tunisian coast. Annales, Ser. Hist. Nat., 29, 223-228. Boudaya, L., L. Neifar & L. Euzet (2018): A new genus and three new species of Anthocephaliidae (Ces- toda, Rhinebothriidae) from the round fantail stingray, Taeniurops grabata (Chondrichthyes, Dasyatidae) from the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean . J. Hel- ment., 1-11. Capapé, C. (1989): Les Sélaciens des côtes méditer- ranéennes: aspects généraux de leur écologie et exem- ples de peuplements. Océanis, 15, 309-331. Capapé, C., J. Ben Souissi, H. Méjri, O. Guélorget & F. 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Mar. Freshwater Ecosystems, 29, 881-890. Giovos, I., D. Katsada, R.N.A Spyridopoulou., D. Poursanidis, A. Doxa, S. Katsanevakis, P. Kleitou, V. Oikonomou, V. Minasidis, R.N.A Oztük, D. Petza, M. Sini, C.C. Yigin, E.K.M Meyers., J. Baker, D. Jiménez- Alvarado & A.R. Hood (2022): Strengthening angel shark conservation in the northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10, 269, 1-17. Golani, D. (2005): Check-list of the Mediterranean Fishes of Israel. Zootaxa, 2005(947), 1-200. Hemida, F., R. Seridji, N. Labidi, J. Bensaci & C. Capapé (2002): New data on Carcharhinus spp (Chon- drichthyes: Carcharhinidae) from off the Algerian coast (southern Mediterranean). Acta Adriatica, 43, 83-93. Hemida, F. & C. Capapé (2008): On the occurrence of the longfin shark, Isurus paucus (Chondrichthyes: Isuridae) off the Algerian coast (southwestern Mediter- ranean). Acta Adriatica, 49, 185-189. Hemida, F., C. Reynaud & C. Capapé (2022): Observations on the fresher shark, Alopias vulpinus (Chondrichthyes: Alopiidae) from the coast of Algeria (southwestern Mediterranean Sea). Annales, Ser. Hist. Nat., 32, 1-8. Kabasakal, H. (2021): Chapters from life history of common angel shark Squatina squatina, from Turkish waters:a historical, ethnoichthoylogical and contempo- rary approach to a little-known shark species. J. Black Sea/ Medit. Environ., 27, 317-341. McEachran, J.D & C. Capapé (1984): Dasyatidae. In: Whitehead, P.J.P., M.L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen & E. Tortonese (eds): Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Vol. 1. Unesco, Paris, pp. 197-202. Neifar, L., L. Euzet & O.K. Ben Hassine (1999): Trois nouveaux Heterocotyles (Monogena, Monocotylidae) parasites branchiaux de Taeniura grabata (Euselachii, Dasyatidae) en Tunisie. Zoosystema, 21, 157-170. Serena, F., R. Silvestri & A. Voliani (1999): Su una cattura accidentale di Taeniura grabata (E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817) (Chondrichthyes, Dasyatidae). Biol. Mar. Medit., 6, 617-618. Tunka Bengil, E.G. & N. Basusta (2018): Chon- drichthyan species as by-catch: a review on species inhabiting Turkish waters. J. Black Sea/ Medit. Environ., 24, 288-305. 205 IHTIOFAVNA ITTIOFAUNA ICHTHYOFAUNA 206 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 207 received: 2023-10-17 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.24 RECENT RECORD OF THE ATLANTIC POMFRET BRAMA BRAMA (BONNATERRE, 1788) (SCOMBRIFORMES: BRAMIDAE) IN THE GULF OF TRIESTE (NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA) Nicola BETTOSO Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente del Friuli Venezia Giulia (ARPA FVG), Via Cairoli 14, 33057 Palmanova (UD), Italy e-mail: nicola.bettoso@arpa.fvg.it Diego BORME National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS, 34151 Trieste (TS), Italy ABSTRACT On 20 June 2023 a specimen of Atlantic pomfret Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Bramidae) was caught by trammel net at 5 m depth in the Gulf of Trieste. B. brama is a pelagic neritic oceanodromous species distributed throughout temperate and warm-temperate oceans at depth ranging from 0 to 1,000 m and oc- casionally coming close to the shore. It is considered a rare species in the eastern Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea. The present record is the most recent in the Gulf of Trieste, after those historical deposited in the Natural History Museum of Trieste. Keywords: Atlantic pomfret, Brama brama, Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea RECENTE SEGNALAZIONE DEL PESCE CASTAGNA BRAMA BRAMA (BONNATERRE, 1788) (SCOMBRIFORMES: BRAMIDAE) NEL GOLFO DI TRIESTE (ALTO ADRIATICO) SINTESI Un esemplare di pesce castagna Brama brama (Bonneterre, 1788) è stato catturato il 20 giugno 2023, con una rete tramaglio alla profondità di 5 metri. B. brama è una specie oceanodroma neritico-pelagica distribuita in tutti gli oceani temperati e temperato-caldi a profondità comprese tra 0 e 1.000 m, ma che occasionalmente si avvicina alla costa. Nel Mediterraneo orientale e nell’Adriatico è considerata una specie rara. La presente segnalazione è la più recente per il Golfo di Trieste, dopo quelle storiche depositate nel Museo di Storia naturale di Trieste. Parole chiave: pesce castagna, Brama brama, Golfo di Trieste, Alto Adriatico ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 208 Nicola BETTOSO & Diego BORME: RECENT RECORD OF THE ATLANTIC POMFRET BRAMA BRAMA (BONNATERRE, 1788) (SCOMBRIFORMES: BRAMIDAE) ..., 207–212 INTRODUCTION Pomfrets belong to a relatively small family (Bramidae) comprising 7 genera and 22 species of highly migratory, oceanodromous, pelagic, benthopelagic and bathypelagic marine fishes, found in tropical and warm temperate waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans (Quigley, 2008). The Atlantic pomfret Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) is the unique species representing the genus Brama in the Mediterranean Sea and its occurrence in this basin is considered rare (Golani et al., 2006; Ergüden et al., 2019). B. brama is a pelagic neritic oceanodromous species found throughout temper- ate and warm-temperate oceans at depths ranging from 0 to 1,000 m, generally on the continental slope (Bianchi et al., 1999), occasionally coming close to the shore (Smith, 1986; Bensahla-Talet, 2020). Being a cosmopolitan and highly migratory species, its geographical distribution is widespread from 65°N to 70°S of latitude and 180°W to 180°E of longitude (Bensahla-Talet, 2020). In the eastern Atlantic it occurs from central Norway to Algoa Bay in South Africa. B. brama is considered a valuable by-catch resource of semi-industrial fishing, purse seines, trawls, gillnets, but it becomes a seasonal target only for the semi-pelagic longlines in Gali- cia (North western Spain), Portugal and off North West Africa (Quinzán et al., 2016). It is also oc- casionally caught in the western Mediterranean (Bensahla-Talet, 2020). The species is classified as Least Concern in the IUCN Red List (Bensahla- Talet, 2020). On regard the Mediterranean Sea, this species reaches some economic importance in the Strait of Gibraltar and in the Ligurian Sea (Lobo & Erzini, 2001; Czerwinski et al., 2008), but it is rare in the eastern Mediterranean (Golani et al., 2006; Corsini-Foka, 2009; Mytilineou et al., 2013; Bo et al., 2020). Perugia (1866) included this species in his catalogue of Adriatic fishes, while Stossich (1876) described it as rare in the eastern Adriatic (then identified as Brama rayi Bloch). Later, Jardas (1996) considered it fairly rare in the Adriatic Sea. The last official record in the Adriatic dates back to 2002, when a specimen was caught with a bottom trawl in the central Adriatic (Dulčić et al., 2003). The present paper represents the most recent record of this species for the Gulf of Trieste, the northernmost area of the Adriatic Sea and also the Mediterranean. MATERIAL AND METHODS A specimen of Brama brama was caught on 20 June 2023 by a trammel net targeting cuttlefish. The capture site was located close to Grado (45° 41’ 35” N; 013° 17’ 43” E) (Fig. 1) at 5 m depth on a Cymodocea nodosa meadow. The fisherman photo- graphed the specimen with a smartphone (Fig. 2), weighed it and sold at the Marano Lagunare fish market and therefore it was not possible to obtain the main morphometric data. The species identifica- tion was based on Bensahla-Talet (2020), who gave Fig. 1: Map of the recent record of B. brama in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea). Sl. 1: Zemljevid najnovejšega primera pojavljanja vrste B. brama v Tržaškem zalivu (severni Jadran). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 209 Nicola BETTOSO & Diego BORME: RECENT RECORD OF THE ATLANTIC POMFRET BRAMA BRAMA (BONNATERRE, 1788) (SCOMBRIFORMES: BRAMIDAE) ..., 207–212 the following morphological description according to Haedrich (1986) and Gomes (1990): moderate body height and somewhat compressed; head very compressed with a very convex dorsal profile; very rounded interorbital space; large sloping mouth; wide and scaly upper jaw extending at least to the centre of the eye; lower edge of the mandibles in close contact on the ventral median line behind the symphysis, with the isthmus between them not vis- ible; pectoral fins extending beyond the lobe of the anal fin; pelvic fin inserted below the base of the pectoral fins or slightly further back and surmounted by a large axillary scale; lateral line barely visible in adults; smooth scales, with uneven edges, cover- ing the head, the body and extending to the anal fins; coloration characterized by a silvery black, anal fins slightly lighter. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The total weight (TW) of the specimen was about 700 g, while the total length (TL) was estimated between 400 and 450 mm. The commercial catches of Atlantic pomfrets off the coast of Morocco and Mauritania consisted mainly of large adult fish, with a TL between 400 and 480 mm (Gulyugin & Maslyankin, 2019). The maximum TL of B. brama was reported to be 1,000 mm in the waters of Cuba, the published maximum weight was 6,000 g (Claro, 1994), while longevity was estimated to be at least 25 years (Paul et al., 2004). The largest specimen in the Mediterranean was recorded in the Greek waters of the Aegean Sea, with 710 mm TL and 5,696 g TW (Akyol & Ulaş, 2019). The specimens analyzed by Ergüden et al. (2019) in the eastern Fig. 2: Lateral view of the body without the caudal fin of the Brama brama specimen caught in the Gulf of Trieste on 20 June 2023; scale bar = 10 cm (Photo: M. Regeni). Sl. 2: Pogled s strani na primerek kostanjevke brez repne plavuti, ujete 20. junija 2023 v Tržaškem zalivu. Merilo = 10 cm (Foto: M. Regeni). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 210 Nicola BETTOSO & Diego BORME: RECENT RECORD OF THE ATLANTIC POMFRET BRAMA BRAMA (BONNATERRE, 1788) (SCOMBRIFORMES: BRAMIDAE) ..., 207–212 Mediterranean (Turkey) were caught at a depth of around 35 m, with TL ranging from 211 to 342 mm and TW from 103.14 to 401.44 g, while the single specimen analyzed by Bensahla-Talet (2020) from the western Mediterranean (Algeria) had a TL of 850.53 mm. On regard the Adriatic Sea, Dulčić et al. (2003) recorded one specimen in 2002, caught by bottom trawl in the Pomo Pit, at about 150 m depth (TL=406.2 mm and TW=644.2 g). Earlier records in the eastern Adriatic were reported in local newspa- pers (1980, 1981 and 1982 near Rijeka, Croatia), while another record appeared in 1984 in the Kaštela Bay-Split area with a TL=457 mm (Pallaoro & Jardas, 1996). Finally, it is noteworthy that for the first time two larval stages were recorded at a depth of 22 m (Neretva estuary, Croatia) (TL=4.36 mm and TL=5.00 mm) (Dulčić, 1999). One specimen is deposited in the Ichthyological Collection of the Natural History Museum in Rijeka, but without data (Kovačić, 1998). Seven specimens are deposited in the Civic Museum of Natural History of Trieste: the only two specimens with documented location in the Gulf of Trieste were caught in 1906 (Ic-1539) and on 18 September 1930 (Ic-1540) (Tomasin & Bressi, pers. comm.). The Atlantic pomfret is a seasonal migrant occur- ring in small schools and its movements seems to be temperature related (Jardas, 1996). B. brama feeds opportunistically on small fishes, cephalopods, amphipods and euphausiids (Haedrich, 1986). The spawning period is generally comprised between July and October in the eastern Atlantic (Gulyugin & Maslyankin, 2019), with the spawning area located in the tropical waters and the feeding grounds in the northern areas of the ocean (Quinzán et al., 2016). B. brama reaches sexual maturity at a TL >300 mm, which corresponds to the 3rd year of life (Lobo & Erzini, 2001). On this basis, Gulyugin & Maslyankin (2019) aged the specimens with a TL between 400- 480 mm to 5-9 years. Dulčić et al. (2003) still considered B. brama a rare species in the Adriatic Sea and, to our know- ledge, the specimen caught near Grado represents the most recent record in the Gulf of Trieste. It is also interesting that this adult specimen was caught at a very shallow depth (5 m), as this species is more characteristic of deeper areas. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank fishermen Moreno Regeni and Tiziano Ghenda from Marano Lagunare. Special thanks are also due to Gianfranco Tomasin, Nicola Bressi and Fulvio Tomsich Caruso from the Civic Museum of Natural History of Trieste. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 211 Nicola BETTOSO & Diego BORME: RECENT RECORD OF THE ATLANTIC POMFRET BRAMA BRAMA (BONNATERRE, 1788) (SCOMBRIFORMES: BRAMIDAE) ..., 207–212 RECENTNI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU KOSTANJEVKE BRAMA BRAMA (BONNATERRE, 1788) (SCOMBRIFORMES: BRAMIDAE) V TRŽAŠKEM ZALIVU (SEVERNO JADRANSKO MORJE) Nicola BETTOSO Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente del Friuli Venezia Giulia (ARPA FVG), Via Cairoli 14, 33057 Palmanova (UD), Italy e-mail: nicola.bettoso@arpa.fvg.it Diego BORME National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS, 34151 Trieste (TS), Italy POVZETEK Dvajsetega junija 2023 so ribiči v trislojno mrežo ujeli primerek kostanjevke Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Bramidae) na 5 m globine v Tržaškem zalivu. B. brama je pelaška neritična oceanodromna vrsta, ki se pojavlja povsod v zmernih in toplih morjih v globinskem razponu med 0 in 1000 m globine, občasno pa se približa obali. V vzhodnem Sredozemskem morju in Jadranskem morju jo smatrajo za redko vrsto. Pričujoči zapis je najnovejši v Tržaškem zalivu, so pa znani zgodovinski zapisi, katerih primerki so shranjeni v Tržaškem prirodoslovnem muzeju. Ključne besede: kostanjevka, Brama brama, Tržaški zaliv, severni Jadran ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 212 Nicola BETTOSO & Diego BORME: RECENT RECORD OF THE ATLANTIC POMFRET BRAMA BRAMA (BONNATERRE, 1788) (SCOMBRIFORMES: BRAMIDAE) ..., 207–212 REFERENCES Akyol, O. & A. Ulaş (2019): Occurrence of the Atlantic pomfret, Brama brama (Bonnaterre 1788) (Per- ciformes: Bramidae) in the Aegean Sea (Sığacık Bay, Turkey). Aquat. Res., 2(1), 32-35. Bensahla-Talet, L. (2020): New record of the Atlan- tic pomfret Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Scom- briformes: Bramidae) for Ghazaouet Bay, western Mediterranean Sea. Bol. Lab. Hidrobiol., 30(2), 1-8. Bianchi, G., K.E. Carpenter, J.P. Roux, F.J. Molloy, D. Boyer & H.J. Boyer (1999): FAO species identifica- tion guide for fishery purposes. Field guide to the living marine resources of Namibia. Rome, FAO, 265 pp. Bo, M., S.A. Al Mabruk, P. Balistreri, M. Bariche, I.E. Batjakis, F. Betti, M. Bilan, S. Canese, R. Cattaneo- Vietti, M. Corsini-Foka, F. Crocetta, A. Deidun, J. Dulčić, J. Grinyó, T.E. Kampouris, V. Ketsilis-Rinis, V. Kousteni, M. Koutsidi, H. Lubinevsky, S. Mavruk, C. Mytilineou, A. Petani, P. Puig, M. Salomidi, V. Sbraga- glia, C.J. Smith, N. Stern, M. Toma, K. Tsiamis, B. Zava & V. Gerovasileiou (2020): New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea (October 2020). Medit. Mar. Sci., 21(3), 608-630. Claro, R. (1994): Características generales de la ictiofauna. In: Claro, R. (Ed.). 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ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 213 received: 2023-08-31 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.25 THE CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF SCHEDOPHILUS MEDUSOPHAGUS (COCCO, 1839) AND PETROMYZON MARINUS LINNAEUS, 1758 IN MALTESE WATERS, CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN SEA Alan DEIDUN Department of Geosciences, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta e-mail: alan.deidun@um.edu.mt Bruno ZAVA Wilderness studi ambientali, via Cruillas 27, 90146 Palermo, Italy Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Comiso, Via degli Studi 9, Comiso (RG), Italy e-mail: wildernessbz@hotmail.com Alessio MARRONE Department of Geosciences, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta e-mail: alessio.marrone@um.edu.mt Johann GALDIES Department of Geosciences, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta e-mail: johann.galdies@um.edu.mt Arnold SCIBERRAS The Exterminator Ltd. 5, The Service Hub, Triq San Gorg, Naxxar NXR 2541 Malta e-mail: bioislets2@gmail.com Maria CORSINI-FOKA Institute of Oceanography, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research. Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes, Cos Street, 85100 Rhodes, Greece e-mail: mcorsini@hcmr.gr ABSTRACT Specimens of two uncommon fish species, Schedophilus medusophagus and Petromyzon marinus, were recently collected in nearshore waters off the island of Malta in the central Mediterranean. Several morphological and biologi- cal parameters for the specimens are described. The findings ascertain the occurrence of the two species in the area and corroborate furthermore the substantial contribution to wildlife sightings made through social media and by citizen scientists, thus further increasing knowledge on Mediterranean biodiversity. Keywords: Centrolophidae, Petromyzontidae, Malta, Mediterranean Sea, citizen science PRESENZA CONFERMATA DI SCHEDOPHILUS MEDUSOPHAGUS (COCCO, 1839) E PETROMYZON MARINUS LINNAEUS, 1758 NELLE ACQUE MALTESI, MEDITERRANEO CENTRALE SINTESI Esemplari di due specie di pesci non comuni, Schedophilus medusophagus e Petromyzon marinus, sono stati recentemente raccolti nelle acque dell’isola di Malta nel Mediterraneo centrale. Alcuni parametri morfologici e biolo- gici degli esemplari sono descritti. I ritrovamenti accertano la presenza di queste due specie nell’area, corroborando inoltre l’importante contributo che i social media e i citizen scientists danno per quanto concerne le osservazioni in natura e quindi per un ulteriore incremento della conoscenza della biodiversità del Mediterraneo. Parole chiave: Centrolophidae, Petromyzontidae, Malta, Mediterraneo, citizen science ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 214 Alan DEIDUN et al.: THE CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF SCHEDOPHILUS MEDUSOPHAGUS (COCCO, 1839) AND PETROMYZON MARINUS LINNAEUS, ..., 213–220 INTRODUCTION In the Mediterranean Sea, four species of the fam- ily Centrolophidae are known: Hyperoglyphe perci- formis (Mitchill, 1818), Centrolophus niger (Gmelin, 1789), Schedophilus ovalis (Cuvier, 1833) and Sche- dophilus medusophagus (Cocco, 1839) (Kovačić et al., 2021). According to Borg et al. (2023), in the waters around the Maltese archipelago, the occur- rence of C. niger and S. ovalis is well documented, while the presence of S. medusophagus requires confirmation. In the same basin, two species of Petromyzonti- dae occur, Lampetra fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758, of which only the latter species has been previously reported from the Maltese Islands (Borg et al., 2023). Through the cooperation with citizen scientists, individuals of S. medusophagus and P. marinus were collected from Maltese waters. The main morpho- logical features and meristic characters of the indi- viduals were described. The present note confirms the occurrence of both species in Maltese waters and adds knowledge on the characteristic fish diversity in this area of the central Mediterranean Sea. MATERIAL AND METHODS On 10 February 2023, a slowly-swimming individual of S. medusophagus was scooped by a fisher from the surface at Pieta yacht marina, island of Malta (coordinates 35°53’38.21”N, 14°29’52.49”E), by means of a handnet. On 23 March 2023, a dead individual of P. marinus was observed stranded on the beach, after a severe storm, at Fomm ir-Rih, along the north-west coast of the island of Malta (35°54’24.17”N; 14°20’27.90”E); the individual was collected by an angler. Both fishes were unusual to those who collected them, such that they immediately contacted one of the authors (A.D.) through the “Spot the Alien Fish” citizen science platform on Facebook (https://www.facebook. com/aliensmalta), a campaign implemented since 2017 within the Department of Geosciences at the University of Malta. The samples of S. medusophagus and P. marinus are currently preserved in the collection of the Department of Geosciences at the University of Malta under the catalogue numbers OMRG/GS/01/2023 and OMRG/ GS/02/2023, respectively. Abbreviations used: Total length, TL; Standard length, SL; Head length, HL. Fig. 1: The de-frozen specimen of Schedophilus medusophagus collected in Malta in 2023 (scale bar = 10 cm). [Detail: freshly caught specimen]. Sl. 1: Odmrznjen primerek meduzojedca (Schedophilus medusophagus), ujetega na Malti v letu 2023 (merilo = 10 cm). [Detajl: sveže ujeti primerek]. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 215 Alan DEIDUN et al.: THE CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF SCHEDOPHILUS MEDUSOPHAGUS (COCCO, 1839) AND PETROMYZON MARINUS LINNAEUS, ..., 213–220 RESULTS Schedophilus medusophagus (Cocco, 1839) The specimen was a juvenile with TL 145 mm and weight 39.3 g. Brief description (Fig. 1): body compressed and high; a single long dorsal fin, its origin before pectoral fin origin; snout short, slightly less than eye diameter; pectoral and pelvic fins in- serted at the same level; caudal fin bilobate; lateral line relatively curved anteriorly, over the operculum and the pectoral fin. Dorsal fin rays III+46; Anal fin spines plus soft rays 32; Pectoral fin rays 19; Ventral fin rays 5; Caudal fin rays 22; gill rakers 11+1+6 on first gill arch; 15 spines on preoperculum. Body depth 47, head length 28.3, predorsal 25.4, preventral 31, preanal 54.6, all as % of SL; caudal peduncle length 52.2, eye diameter 21.6, preorbital distance 18.8, postorbital 59.1, all as % of HL (Tab. 1). Col- our of fresh and de-frozen specimen were similar: background of body light blue; irregular darker grey patches and wavy horizontal stripes on sides, some patches extending at the base of dorsal and anal fins; pectoral and pelvic fins dark; a continuous dark stripe at the middle of the dorsal and anal fins (Fig. 1). Petromyzon marinus (Linnaeus, 1758) The lamprey was an adult with TL 505 mm and weight 360 g. Main morphological characters: body anguilliform, two dorsal fins in the posterior half of the body (Fig. 2A), the base of the first 65 mm long, the base of the second 142 mm; eye length 5.9 mm. Six branchial openings on the left side (Fig. 2B), seven on the right; branchial length 48 mm; interbranchial opening distance 10.3 mm. Oral disc (Fig. 2C): length 38.5 mm; teeth on concentric series; one bicuspid supraoral tooth, 4 endolateral bicuspid teeth on each side, bilobed lingual teeth, infraoral lamina with 8 unicuspid teeth. Colour: body mottled black dorsally and laterally, in a marbled pattern and uniformly pale ventrally. DISCUSSION The morphological and meristic characters as well as the colour of the Centrolophidae specimen under study were in full agreement with the descrip- tion of S. medusophagus given by Tortonese (1959), Heidrich (1986), Fahay (2007) and Milana et al. (2011). Our specimen differed from its close relative S. ovalis by virtue of its soft and limp body (rigid and firm in S. ovalis) and based on differences in the dorsal fin count: S. ovalis is generally characterized by 30-32 rays in its dorsal fins, whilst our specimen displayed 46 dorsal fin rays (Heidrich, 1986; Rafrafi- Nouira et al., 2015a). The Cornish blackfish S. medusophagus is a mesopelagic fish encountered in the temperate waters of the north Atlantic and the Mediterranean, prevalently within the western half of the basin, but also in the Adriatic Sea and in the central Mediter- ranean, such as in Tunisia and within the Strait of Sicily (Bauchot, 1987; Dulčić, 1998; Dulčić & Lipej, 2002; Bradai et al., 2004; Bañón et al., 2012; Battaglia et al., 2014; Rafrafi-Nouira et al., 2015a; Hattour & Koched, 2017; Kovačić et al., 2020). Up to date, no records of the species are documented in the eastern side of the basin (Golani et al., 2006; Bilecenoğlu et al., 2014; Akel & Karachle, 2017; Ali, 2018; Bariche & Fricke, 2020; Golani, 2021) and its presence in Hellenic waters is considered Measurements mm Total length (TL) 145 Standard length (SL) 113 Maximum body depth 53 Minimum body depth 10.8 Caudal peduncle length 16.7 Head length (HL) 32 Eye diameter 6.9 Preorbital distance 6 Postorbital distance 18.9 Interorbital distance 12.6 Dorsal fin base length 88.1 Anal fin base length 42 Pectoral fin length 24 Ventral fin length 23.8 Predorsal length 28.7 Preventral length 35 Preanal length 61.7 Maximum height of dorsal fin 24.4 Maximum height of anal fin 14.8 Tab. 1: Morphometric measurements (mm) of the Schedophilus medusophagus specimen from Malta. Tab. 1: Morfometrične meritve (v mm) primerka me- duzojedca (Schedophilus medusophagus) iz Malte. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 216 Alan DEIDUN et al.: THE CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF SCHEDOPHILUS MEDUSOPHAGUS (COCCO, 1839) AND PETROMYZON MARINUS LINNAEUS, ..., 213–220 questionable (Papaconstantinou, 2014). It reaches a maximum TL of 50 cm; adult specimens are mainly found at 300-900 m of depth. Juveniles are usually detected at the surface, as in the present case, fre- quently associated with jellyfish (Haedrich, 1986; Bauchot, 1987), especially Pelagia noctiluca (family Pelagiidae), that constitute the main food source for adults and juveniles of this species (Garibaldi et al., 2010; Battaglia et al., 2014). In March and May 2022, during a bloom of Pelagia noctiluca, unknown centrolophids, pos- sibly S. medusophagus, were repeatedly observed in the surface waters around the Maltese Islands, and photos were submitted to the above-mentioned Maltese platform (cf. Deidun et al., 2022), but samples were not retained. The Cornish blackfish S. medusophagus and the Imperial blackfish S. ovalis may be sometimes confused with each other, especially at juvenile stage, or may be confused with species of other families (see Nour et al., 2022; Borg et al., 2023). In the case reported in the present study, the availability of a sample allowed the authors to ascertain the identity of the same as belonging to S. medusophagus and to confirm the occurrence of the species in Maltese waters. There- fore, S. medusophagus can be added to the list of 349 bony fish species that are to date confirmed as occurring in the same waters (Borg et al., 2023). The morphological characters, dentition, and other associated structures of the oral disc, as well as the colour of the lamprey under study fully agreed with the description of L. marinus given by Bauchot (1987) and Renaud (2011). The latter cited literature and the work by Maitland (1972) allowed us to discard L. fluviatilis when identify- ing the specimen, by virtue of the marbled dark pattern on its back and along the sides (uniform colour pattern in L. fluviatilis), the occurrence of closely-packed teeth in radiating rows on the oral disc (teeth are widely-spaced in L. fluviatilis) as well as the occurrence of two large teeth in the supra-oral dental plate (one small tooth at most in L. fluviatilis). The number of branchial open- ings, six instead of seven on the left side of the body, was probably a morphological aberration. Six branchial openings on one side, generally on the left, as well as multiple tails, have been ob- served in rare cases in lampreys (Renaud, 2011; Fig. 2: The whole de-frozen specimen of Petromyzon marinus collected in Malta in 2023 (A), the abnormal six gill openings in the left side (B) (scale bars in A and B= 10 cm) and the oral disc, 38.5 mm in length (C). Sl. 2: V celoti odmrznjen primerek morskega piškurja (Petromyzon marinus), ujetega na Malti v 2023 (A), nena- vadnih šest škržnih rež na levi strani (B) (merilo za A in B = 10 cm) in oralni disk, 38,5 mm v dolžino (C). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 217 Alan DEIDUN et al.: THE CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF SCHEDOPHILUS MEDUSOPHAGUS (COCCO, 1839) AND PETROMYZON MARINUS LINNAEUS, ..., 213–220 Hume et al., 2014). It is to be noted that in the P. marinus specimen from Syria reported in Saad et al. (2021), the first dorsal fin appears positioned in the anterior half of the body, while in the Petromyzontidae both dorsal fins are usually po- sitioned in the posterior half. This could perhaps be another type of morphological abnormality in lampreys, although, to our knowledge, this is as yet unreported in the literature. The sea lamprey P. marinus occurs at depths ranging between 1 m and 4000 m, in the marine, freshwater and brackish waters of the north Atlantic Ocean, the western and central Mediterranean Sea and in the Adriatic (Catalano et al., 1997; Renaud, 2011; Milana et al., 2011; Karachle & Machias, 2014; Rafrafi-Nouira et al., 2015b; Tutman et al., 2020; Giglio & Sperone, 2021; Froese & Pauly, 2023; Antognazza et al., 2023). Scattered records of the species have also been reported from the eastern Ionian Sea (Karachle & Machias, 2014), the north Aegean (Economidis et al., 1999; Papacon- stantinou, 2014) and the southeastern Aegean Sea (Filiz et al., 2012), as well as from the Levantine Sea waters of Turkey and Syria (Çevik et al., 2010; Saad et al., 2021). Sea lampreys are parasitic on sharks, large bony fishes and marine mammals. The sample studied here probably has lost its host during the men- tioned storm, and after death it was washed up on the beach. The sea lamprey has been historically reported in coastal waters of the Maltese archipelago, but there are no recent records (Borg et al., 2023), suggesting that this species is uncommon. In the Tunisian coasts, close to the Maltese Islands, the species is recorded as an occasional visitor, and it is not considered to have established viable populations (Rafrafi-Nouira et al., 2015b). The finding described in the present study indicates that P. marinus occasionally occurs in the wider area around the Maltese islands. Nevertheless, it is difficult to ascertain if there is a viable popu- lation of this anadromous species established within Maltese waters given the non-retrieval of live individuals but only of a stranded one; in addition, along the Maltese coastline, there is a lack of freshwater systems suitable for its repro- duction in the area. The GBIF database was consulted on the 24th of August 2023 and, although several Mediter- ranean Atlantic findings exist within the database for both S. medusophagus and for P. marinus, no specimens of these species are listed for Maltese waters. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors thank Mr Eric Zarb and Mr Kevin Gauci, the citizen scientists who kindly provided to the authors the Schedophilus medusophagus and Petromyzon marinus specimens respectively and shared information on their collection. They also are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on the manuscript. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 218 Alan DEIDUN et al.: THE CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF SCHEDOPHILUS MEDUSOPHAGUS (COCCO, 1839) AND PETROMYZON MARINUS LINNAEUS, ..., 213–220 POTRJENO POJAVLJANJE MEDUZOJEDCA, SCHEDOPHILUS MEDUSOPHAGUS (COCCO, 1839), IN MORSKEGA PIŠKURJA, PETROMYZON MARINUS LINNAEUS, 1758, V MALTEŠKIH VODAH, OSREDNJE SREDOZEMSKO MORJE Alan DEIDUN Department of Geosciences, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta e-mail: alan.deidun@um.edu.mt Bruno ZAVA Wilderness studi ambientali, via Cruillas 27, 90146 Palermo, Italy Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Comiso, Via degli Studi 9, Comiso (Rg), Italy e-mail: wildernessbz@hotmail.com Alessio MARRONE Department of Geosciences, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta e-mail: alessio.marrone@um.edu.mt Johann GALDIES Department of Geosciences, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta e-mail: johann.galdies@um.edu.mt Arnold SCIBERRAS The Exterminator Ltd. 5, The Service Hub, Triq San Gorg, Naxxar NXR 2541 Malta e-mail: bioislets2@gmail.com Maria CORSINI-FOKA Institute of Oceanography, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research. Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes, Cos Street, 85100 Rhodes, Greece e-mail: mcorsini@hcmr.gr POVZETEK V malteških vodah osrednjega Sredozemskega morja so avtorji pred kratkim ulovili primerke dveh manj pogostih vrst, meduzojedca (Schedophilus medusophagus) in morskega piškurja (Petromyzon marinus). Opisujejo številne morfološke in biološke parametre primerkov. Ugotovitve dokazujejo pojavljanje obeh vrst na obravnavanem območju in potrjujejo pomemben prispevek socialnih medijev in ljubiteljske znanosti, s čimer se dodatno povečuje poznavanje o biotski raznovrstnosti Sredozemskega morja. Ključne besede: Centrolophidae, Petromyzontidae, Malta, Sredozemsko morje, ljubiteljska znanost ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 219 Alan DEIDUN et al.: THE CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF SCHEDOPHILUS MEDUSOPHAGUS (COCCO, 1839) AND PETROMYZON MARINUS LINNAEUS, ..., 213–220 REFERENCES Akel, E.H.Kh. & P.K. Karachle (2017): The Marine Ichthyofauna of Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. Fish., 21(3), 81-116. 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Via Cruillas, 27, 90146 Palermo, Italy e-mail: wildernessbz@hotmail.com Maria CORSINI-FOKA Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Oceanography. Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes, Cos Street, 85100 Rhodes, Greece e-mail: mcorsini@hcmr.gr ABSTRACT The identity of a large sunfish, stranded in 1999 on a beach of the north-western Adriatic Sea, has been shifted from Mola mola (Linnaeus, 1758) to Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839), considering the recent taxonomic revision of the family Molidae. The faithful fiberglass model of the specimen is displayed at the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Comiso, Ragusa, Italy. The record of the species is the second one ascertained in the Adriatic Sea and one of the few records of the Bumphead sunfish documented to date in the Mediterranean Sea. Keywords: Molidae, Mola mola, Mola alexandrini, Mediterranean Sea UN RITROVAMENTO SOTTOVALUTATO DI MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) NEL MAR ADRIATICO SINTESI L’identità di un pesce luna di notevoli dimensioni, spiaggiato nel 1999 su un litorale del mar Adriatico nord-oc- cidentale, è stata corretta da Mola mola (Linnaeus, 1758) a Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839), tenendo in considerazione le recenti revisioni tassonomiche della famiglia Molidae. Il modello in fibra di vetro che riproduce fedelmente l’esemplare è esposto al Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Comiso, Ragusa, Italia. La segnalazione della specie è la seconda accertata nell’Adriatico e una delle poche documentate finora nel Mediterraneo. Parole chiave: Molidae, Mola mola, Mola alexandrini, Mediterraneo ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 222 Gianni INSACCO et al.: AN OVERLOOKED FINDING OF MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA, 221–228 INTRODUCTION Recent comprehensive reviews, based on mor- phological and molecular studies, ascertain three valid species in the genus Mola (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae): Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839), Mola mola (Linnaeus, 1758) and Mola tecta Nyegaard et al. 2017, with M. alexandrini senior synonym of Mola ramsayi (Giglioli, 1883) (Nyegaard et al., 2018a,b; Sawai et al., 2018; Froese & Pauly, 2023; WoRMS Editorial Board, 2023). The Bumphead sun- fish M. alexandrini was described for the first time as Orthragoriscus alexandrini by Ranzani (1839), based on a specimen collected from the Adriatic Sea. According to Sawai et al. (2018), the holotype of M. alexandrini is the old specimen preserved and displayed at the Museo di Zoologia dell’Università di Bologna (MZUB), Italy. The so-called rediscovery of M. alexandrini and the existence of the holotype of the species at the MZUB is nevertheless confuted by Britz (2022). For a long time, M. alexandrini was regarded as a junior synonym of M. mola all over the world oceans (Sawai et al., 2018). Therefore, M. alexan- drini was not included in the Mediterranean fish diversity (Bauchot, 1987; Quignard & Tomasini, 2000; Psomadakis et al., 2012), as well as in the regional fish checklists, where only M. mola was reported (Bradaï et al., 2004; Relini & Lanteri, 2010; Papaconstantinou, 2014; Bilecenoğlu et al., 2014; Akel & Karachle, 2017; Béarez et al., 2017; Ali, 2018; Báez et al., 2019; Bariche & Fricke, 2020; Kovačić et al., 2020; Golani, 2021; Borg et al., 2023). Due to the above mentioned taxonomic researches and clarifications, M. alex- andrini is presently listed as a component of the fish diversity of the Mediterranean basin (Kovačić et al., 2021). Our brief note documents the second ascertained occurrence of M. alexandrini in the Adriatic waters. Morphological characters and measurements of the fish are presented. Fig. 1: The specimen of Mola alexandrini stranded at Cervia, Italy, in 1999 (A), its cleaning and weighing (B) and steps of the plaster mould preparation (C, D) (Photos: Archives MSNC). Sl. 1: Nasedli primerek vrste Mola alexandrini iz Cervie (Italija) iz leta 1999 (A), njegovo čiščenje in tehtanje (B) in nadaljnji koraki za pripravo mavčnega kalupa (C, D) (Fotografije: arhiv MSNC). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 223 Gianni INSACCO et al.: AN OVERLOOKED FINDING OF MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA, 221–228 MATERIAL AND METHODS A large sunfish was found stranded on the beach of Cervia, Ravenna, Italy (north-western Adriatic Sea), on 24 March 1999 (44°15’30.22”N, 12°21’46.61”E). The regional scientific community was alerted and the staff of the Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali di Faenza, Ravenna, immediately activated, under the technical coordination of one of the authors (G.G.) of the Agenzia Regionale Pre- venzione e Ambiente dell’Emilia Romagna (ARPA). The stranded fish (Fig. 1A) was photographed, weighed (Fig. 1B) and some measurements were taken grossly. At field, a plaster mould of the whole fresh fish was accurately done by an expert taxidermist (Figs. 1C, 1D). Anatomical samples of the specimen (one eye, a piece of gill, heart and brain) were preserved before the final disposing of the fish. A fiberglass model reproducing faithful- ly the body shape, size, color and details of the original specimen, was later produced. Initially the model was displayed at the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Faenza. In 2019 the model was acquired by the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Comiso (MSNC), Ragusa, Italy, for public display (Catalogue number MSNC 4504) (Fig. 2). Also, the above anatomical samples are stored. The specimen was identfied following Nyegaard et al. (2018a) and Sawai et al. (2018) RESULTS The large sunfish (Fig. 1A) was an adult male with a weight of 900 kg obtained by a platform scale (Fig. 1B). The specimen (Figs. 1 and 2) shows the following main characteristics: body deep and laterally compressed, head bump from above eyes to front of dorsal-fin base, bumped chin, small mouth and eyes, small and oval gill openings, located in front of pectoral fins, pectoral fins small and rounded, dorsal fin located opposite anal fin, and both with straight anterior and curved poste- rior margin, a rounded unlobed clavus, a band at base of clavus between dorsal and anal fins, lateral ridges from head, above and below eyes, to beyond pectoral fins. Measurements were taken according to Yoshita et al. (2009) from the model (Fig. 2) and they are given as absolute values and as % of total length (TL), in parenthesis: total length 226  cm, head bump length 36.9  cm (16.3  %), pre-clavus band length 186 cm (82.3 %), body depth 138 cm (61.1  %), total body depth 269 cm (119  %). Ap- proximate number of rays obtained from the model: Pectoral fin rays 10-11, Dorsal fin rays 16, Anal fin rays 15, clavus rays 16. Colour of the stranded specimen (Fig. 1A): gray dorsally and along the ridges, dusky white ventrally and between the ridges, all fins gray, irregular pale patches over the body. Colour of the fiberglass model (Fig. 2): grayish dorsally and along the ridges, creamy-gray ventrally and between the ridges, all fins grayish, many large or small paler spots and irregular pat- tern over the body. DISCUSSION According to Sawai et al. (2018), the main characters to distinguish M. alexandrini from M. mola are: the head profile with bump, the chin with bump, the body scales rectangular and the round- ed unlobed clavus with an average of 17 fin rays (14-24) and 12 ossicles (8-15) on the rear margin. It is to be remarked that among these characters, the bump on the head may be not considered as a distinctive character of M. alexandrini, since appar- ently Eastern Atlantic M. mola can have a bump on the head similar to M. alexandrini, as underlined by Wirtz & Biscoito (2019). The sample reported in the present study was initially identified as an Ocean sunfish Mola mola, following the literature existing in the past (e.g., Tortonese, 1986; Bauchot, 1987). Recently, the sample was re-examined and, on the basis of the body features, morphological characters and proportions and colour described above, its identi- fication was corrected and assigned to an adult of the Bumphead sunfish M. alexandrini, according to Nyegaard et al. (2018a) and Sawai et al. (2018). The results of fin rays’ counts, although not complete- ly reliable because they were recorded from the model, appear included in the ranges reported for M. alexandrini by Sawai et al. (2018). The weight of 900 Kg given for the TL of our specimen (226 cm) exceeded the weight of 730 kg obtained from the length-weight relationship of M. alexandrini by Sawai & Nyegaard (2022). The recent comprehensive taxonomic reviews of Molidae (Nyegaard et al., 2018a; Sawai et al., 2018) allowed reexamining the distribution of Mola spp. all over the world as well as the reassignment of sunfish specimens identity preserved in museum collections and the reassessment of data on catches and their biological characteristics in Southwest Pacific (Nyegaard & Sawai, 2018; Nyegaard et al., 2018b; Sawai et al., 2018). The above studies re- vealed that the pelagic-oceanic fish M. alexandrini is a circumglobal taxon, widely distributed in the world oceans of both hemispheres, except for the polar regions, and can reach a maximum TL of 330 cm (Sawai et al., 2018; Sawai & Nyegaard, 2022). The Bumphead sunfish M. alexandrini is to date the bony fish holding the world’s primacy in weight: 2744  kg, for a specimen 325  cm of TL caught in 2021 in the oceanic archipelago of the Azores, ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 224 Gianni INSACCO et al.: AN OVERLOOKED FINDING OF MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA, 221–228 mid-north-east Atlantic, Portugal (Gomes-Pereira et al., 2022). According to the IUCN Red List of threatened species, the Ocean sunfish M. mola is assessed as a Vulnerable species at global level (Liu et al., 2015), and as Data Deficient at European level (Rijnsdorp & Papakonstantinou, 2015). In addition to the works of Nyegaard & Sawai (2018), Sawai et al. (2018), Sawai & Nyegaard (2022), Nyegaard et al. (2018a,b), further revi- sions of Mola specimens preserved in museum collections as well as an accurate examination of published Mola findings and of old and recent available photographic material and/or underwater videos of sunfishes all over the world (cf. Wirtz & Biscoito, 2019; Pedersen et al., 2022, 2023), will probably lead to the identification as M. alexan- drini other sunfish specimens previously assigned to M. mola. This will improve knowledge on the global distribution of the Bumphead sunfish, in- cluding the Mediterranean Sea and, in parallel with the re-elaboration of data on sunfish catches and Fig. 2: The fiberglass model of Mola alexandrini realized by Ermano Bianchi and displayed at the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Comiso (MSNC). (Photo: Archives MSNC). Sl. 2: Model, ki ga je izdelal Ermano Bianchi iz steklenih vlaken in je prikazan v prirodoslovnem muzeju v Comisu (MSNC) (Foto: Arhiv MSNC). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 225 Gianni INSACCO et al.: AN OVERLOOKED FINDING OF MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA, 221–228 strandings, will contribute to assess the status of both species populations. In the Mediterranean Sea, ascertained records of M. alexandrini are the oldest one from the Adri- atic Sea (Ranzani, 1839) and more recently those from Turkey, Spain, Libya, and Malta (Ahuir-Baraja et al., 2017; Nyegaard et al., 2018a; Sawai et al., 2018). The finding of M. alexandrini described in the present study appears therefore the second confirmed record for the Adriatic Sea and could in- dicate that this species is a permanent inhabitant of this basin, although uncommon, as its sympatric M. mola (Dulčić et al., 2007; Lipej et al. 2007; Pastore, 2009). Considering the above cited taxonomic re- visions of Molidae, other sunfishes detected in the past in the Adriatic Sea and identified as M. mola, could be probably assigned to M. alexandrini, as in our case. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are indebted to the scientific com- mittee of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Faenza, especially to the manager Enzo Bagnaresi, to the taxidermist Ermano Bianchi (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano), to prof. Dino Scaravelli (University of Bologna) and prof. Filippo Spadola (University of Messina) for their valuable assistance and the final transfer of the exhibit from Faenza to Comiso. The authors warmly thank furthermore the Banca Agricola Popolare di Ragusa and the SCAR Modica for contributing in the purchase and transport of the model. Finally, they are grateful to anonymous reviewers for providing substantial and constructive suggestions on a previous draft of the manuscript. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 226 Gianni INSACCO et al.: AN OVERLOOKED FINDING OF MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA, 221–228 SPREGLEDANA NAJDBA VRSTE MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) V JADRANSKEM MORJU Gianni INSACCO Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, via degli Studi 9, 97013 Comiso (Ragusa), Italy e-mail: g.insacco@comune.comiso.rg.it Gildo GAVANELLI Via Cavalazzi, 168, 40027 Mordano (Bologna), Italy Bruno ZAVA Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, via degli Studi 9, 97013 Comiso (Ragusa), Italy Wilderness Studi Ambientali. Via Cruillas, 27, 90146 Palermo, Italy e-mail: wildernessbz@hotmail.com Maria CORSINI-FOKA Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Oceanography. Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes, Cos Street, 85100 Rhodes, Greece e-mail: mcorsini@hcmr.gr POVZETEK Avtorji so na podlagi recentne taksonomske revizije družine Molidae razrešili identiteto velikega mor- skega meseca, ki ga je 1999 naplavilo na obalo plaže v severozahodnem Jadranu, za katerega se je izkazalo, da gre za vrsto Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) in ne za vrsto Mola mola (Linnaeus, 1758). Izdelan model tega primerka iz steklenih vlaken je shranjen v prirodoslovnem muzeju v Comisu (Ragusa, Italija). Gre za drugo najdbo te vrste v Jadranu in eno redkih v Sredozemskem morju. Ključne besede: Molidae, Mola mola, Mola alexandrini, Sredozemsko morje ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 227 Gianni INSACCO et al.: AN OVERLOOKED FINDING OF MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA, 221–228 REFERENCES Ahuir-Baraja, A.E., Y. Yamanoue & L. Kubicek (2017): First confirmed record of Mola sp. 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ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 229 received: 2023-08-30 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.27 ADDITIONAL DATA ON THE BUMP-HEAD SUNFISH, MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA Borut MAVRIČ & Lovrenc LIPEJ Marine Biology Station Piran, National Institute of Biology, Fornače 41, Piran, Slovenia e-mail: Borut.Mavric@nib.si Jelena BELAMARIĆ External associate of NP Kornati, Murter, Croatia Dule BULAJA Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development Sunce, Split, Croatia Matea ŠPIK Association for research and nature protection Codium, Split, Croatia Petar KRUŽIĆ Department of Biology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia ABSTRACT On 3 June 2017, a group of divers mapping benthic habitats in a locality south of Dubrovnik, Croatia, spotted and photographed a giant specimen of sunfish accompanied by a school of imperial blackfish (Schedophilus ovalis) at a depth of 40 m. The specimen was identified as a bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839). This is one of the few records of this little-known and overlooked species in the Adriatic Sea and one of the few cases in the whole Mediterranean. Keywords: Mola mola, Mola alexandrini, Adriatic Sea, Schedophilus ovalis NUOVI DATI SUL PESCE LUNA MERIDIONALE, MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) NEL MARE ADRIATICO SINTESI Il 3 giugno 2017, un gruppo di subacquei che ha mappato gli habitat bentonici in una località a sud di Dubrovnik, in Croazia, ha avvistato e fotografato un esemplare gigante di pesce luna accompagnato da un banco di centrolofo viola (Schedophilus ovalis) a una profondità di 40 m. L’esemplare è stato identificato come pesce luna meridionale Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839). Si tratta di una delle poche segnalazioni di questa specie poco conosciuta e trascurata nel mare Adriatico e uno dei pochi casi nell’intero Mediterraneo. Parole chiave: Mola mola, Mola alexandrini, mare Adriatico, Schedophilus ovalis ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 230 Borut MAVRIČ & Lovrenc LIPEJ et al.: ADDITIONAL DATA ON THE BUMP-HEAD SUNFISH, MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA, 229–234 INTRODUCTION Three species of sunfish (family Molidae) have been reported for the Adriatic Sea so far. While the presence of Ranzania laevis (Pennant, 1776) (Jardas & Knežević, 1983; Dulčić et al., 2007) and Mola mola (Linnaeus, 1758) (Jardas & Knežević, 1983; Dulčić et al., 2007; Kovačić et al., 2020) has been well known in this region for quite some time, the third molid species was confirmed only recently, when Insacco et al. (2023) identified a large sunfish stranded in 1999 on a beach in the northwestern Adriatic Sea as a Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839). This was actually the second recorded instance of this species in the Adriatic Sea – the first specimen, however, discov- ered in an unspecified location in the Adriatic, was clas- sified by Ranzani (1839) as Orthragoriscus alexandrini. The comprehensive overview of the Adriatic fish fauna published by Kovačić et al. (2020), who analysed the Adri- atic ichthyological populations with an evidence-based approach, does not mention M. alexandrini. However, the species is included in a subsequent survey of the Mediter- ranean ichthyofauna by Kovačić et al. (2021), with a note that the holotype is preserved at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm. Historically, there were numerous taxonomic confu- sions within the Mola genus resulting in many misidenti- fications, but recent studies have begun to address these issues (e.g., Yoshita et al., 2009; Nyegaard et al., 2017). In 2018, Sawai et al. realised that Mola alexandrini (Ran- zani, 1839) was synonymous with M. ramsayi (Giglioli, 1883) and provided a revised description of the species based on the rediscovered holotype and 21 fresh and preserved specimens. MATERIAL AND METHODS On 3 June 2017, a group of divers from the NGO “Sunce” performed a mapping of the sea bottom eco- systems south of Dubrovnik near Cavtat, in an area just below Velje brdo (42°31’14.78”N, 18°17’43.04”E) (Fig. Fig. 1: Locations in the Adriatic Sea where Mola alexandrini was confirmed after the species was discovered by Ranzani (1939) at an unspecified location in the Adriatic. Legend: A – Cervia (Ravenna), 24 March 1999 (Insacco et al., 2023) and B – southern Adriatic (near Cavtat), 3 June 2017 (this paper). Sl. 1: Lokalitete v Jadranskem morju, kjer je bilo potrjeno pojavljanje vrste Mola alexandrini, potem, ko je Ranzani (1939) opisal vrsto na neznani lokaliteti v Jadranu. Legenda: A – Cervia (Ravenna), 24. marec 1999 (Insacco et al., 2023) in B – južni Jadran (blizu Cavtata), 3. junij 2017 (ta prispevek). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 231 Borut MAVRIČ & Lovrenc LIPEJ et al.: ADDITIONAL DATA ON THE BUMP-HEAD SUNFISH, MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA, 229–234 1). They surveyed a sea grass meadow of Posidonia oceanica along sampling transects at a depth of 33 m. At a depth of 40 m, they spotted and photographed a giant specimen of sunfish (Fig. 2). It was gliding slowly, moving its perpendicular fins from left to right. The sun- fish was accompanied by a group of imperial blackfish (Schedophilus ovalis) (Fig. 3). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The specimen was identified based on photographs taken at the time of sighting. The bump-head sunfish (Mola alexandrini) can be distinguished from the similar ocean sunfish Mola mola by having a distinct bump on the head and another one on the chin (Sawai et al., 2018) (Figs. 2 and 4). In addition, its body scales are rectangular, the clavus is rounded, without indents (Figs. 2 and 4), and Mola alexandrini has 14–24 rays in the clavus (Sawai et al., 2018), while M. mola typically exhibits a lower number. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that, according to Wirtz & Biscoito (2019), the bump on the head can also be found in Mola mola specimens from the eastern Atlantic populations. The studied specimen was grey on the upper part of the body and paler on the ventral side, with large pale patches present all over the trunk and on the dorsal and anal fins. It was not measured; however, the divers estimated the size of the fish to be approximately 3 metres from the tip of the dorsal fin to the tip of the anal fin. Fig. 2: Bump-head sunfish (Mola alexandrini) photographed on 3 June 2017 in the waters off Dubrovnik. Diag- nostic features: a – rounded clavus with no indentations, b – bulbous head with bump, c – bump on the chin (A); close-up of the head with clearly visible bumps on the head and chin (B); (Photos: J. Belamarić). Sl. 2: Grbasti morski mesec (Mola alexandrini), fotografiran 3. junija 2017 v vodah blizu Dubrovnika. Diagnostični znaki: a – zaobljen klavus brez zajed, b – zaokrožena glava z grbo, c – grba na bradi (A); bližinski posnetek glave z očitnimi grbami na glavi in bradi (B); (Fotografije: J. Belamarić). Fig. 3: The imperial blackfish (Schedophilus ovalis) swimming together with the specimen of bump-head sunfish (Photo: J. Belamarić). Sl. 3: Cesarski črnuhi (Schedophilus ovalis), ki plavajo poleg primerka grbastega morskega meseca (Foto: J. Belamarić). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 232 Borut MAVRIČ & Lovrenc LIPEJ et al.: ADDITIONAL DATA ON THE BUMP-HEAD SUNFISH, MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA, 229–234 The bump-head sunfish was previously believed to inhabit only the southern hemisphere (Parkinson, 2021). However, recent Mediterranean records (Kovačić et al., 2021; Insacco et al., 2023; this paper) and findings in Atlantic (Wirtz & Biscoito, 2019) suggest its presence in the northern hemisphere as well. Due to the revision of species within the genus Mola and the related misiden- tification with Mola mola, it is highly probable that new cases of overlooked M. alexandrini will emerge in the future (sensu Parkinson, 2019). This prediction is further supported by the fact that photographic identification is now considered a valid source of data on species presence (Colombo & Langeneck, 2013; Bello et al., 2014). Although no specific studies have been conducted on the diets of Mola mola and M. alexandrini, the bump-head sunfish can mainly be considered a predator of gelatinous planktonic animals, such as salps and siphonophores (Pope et al., 2010; Parkinson, 2021). The specimens accompanying the sunfish were identified as imperial blackfish (Schedophilus ovalis). This species is also poorly known in the Adriatic Sea and was considered very rare by Jardas (1996). Previously, it was mostly observed in the southern part of the Adriatic Sea (Dulčić et al., 2003), while during the recent decades, it has been reported to be spreading to its northern areas as well (Dulčić et al., 2012). Some authors emphasised that the occurrence of both species of the genus Schedophilus (S. ovalis and S. medusophagus) is influenced by environmental factors, including higher temperatures (Dulčić, 1998; Corsini- Foka & Frantzis, 2009), and suggested that the northward expansion of S. ovalis was related to sea warming. The imperial blackfish is known as an obligate gelativore, so it seeks gelatinous organisms together with the bump-head sunfish. The sighting of species from the genus Schedophi- lus alongside the bump-head sunfish has previously been noted by Parkinson (2021). In the past, the Mola mola species and molids in gen- eral received only sporadic scientific attention, and even scarcer are the data regarding M. alexandrini. To ascertain the actual presence of the bump-head sunfish in the Adriatic Sea and to elucidate its status within the region, a thorough review of the photographic material depicting specimens previously identified as Mola mola is necessary (Insacco et al., 2023). In fact, during the preparation of this article we uncovered at least one other possibly overlooked case of the bump-head sunfish’s presence in the Adriatic Sea through various web sources. On 10 April 1933, a specimen of what appears to be a bump-head sunfish was caught off the coast of Rimini (Colonia Bolognese) and exhibited for public viewing in several Italian locations. Still, this report requires further detailed investigation to be fully confirmed. Counting the record presented in this paper, the total number of confirmed specimens of M. alexandrini in the Adriatic Sea presently stands at three. This work highlights the importance of photo documentation and thorough analysis of various photo archives and other historical data that can be valuable in shedding light on the presence of certain species over time and in different locations, espe- cially those that are rare and not well known. Nyegaard et al. (2023) have shown that photographs can also be used to identify individuals and even observe their behaviour and growth when a comprehensive photo collection is available. This further underscores the importance of thoroughly analysing the already extensive amount of photographic material that is expanding rapidly due to the availability of high-quality and affordable photo cameras and the growing community of underwater researchers, divers, and enthusiasts. However, it is essential to exercise caution when assessing the reliability of sources and the accompanying data, especially regarding the location and time of the photographed events. Fig. 4: The differentiation between M. mola (left) and M. alexandrini (right) based on key morphological characteris- tics. Legend: a – clavus, b – head bump, c – head profile, and d – chin bump (Drawing: M. Šiško). Sl. 4: Ločevanje med vrstama M. mola (levo) in M. alexandrini (desno) na podlagi ključnih morfoloških znakov. Legenda: a – klavus, b – grba na glavi, c – profil glave, in d – grba na bradi (risba: M. Šiško). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 233 Borut MAVRIČ & Lovrenc LIPEJ et al.: ADDITIONAL DATA ON THE BUMP-HEAD SUNFISH, MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA, 229–234 DODATNI PODATKI O POJAVLJANJU GRBASTEGA MORSKEGA MESECA, MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) V JADRANSKEM MORJU Borut MAVRIČ & Lovrenc LIPEJ Marine Biology Station Piran, National Institute of Biology, Fornače 41, Piran, Slovenia e-mail: Borut.Mavric@nib.si Jelena BELAMARIĆ External associate of NP Kornati, Murter, Croatia Dule BULAJA Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development Sunce, Split, Croatia Matea ŠPIK Association for research and nature protection Codium, Split, Croatia Petar KRUŽIĆ Department of Biology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia POVZETEK Skupina potapljačev je 3. junija 2017 pri popisovanju pridnenih habitatov na lokaciji blizu Dubrovnika (na Hrvaškem) opazila in fotografirala orjaški primerek morskega meseca, ki ga je spremljala jata cesarskih črnuhov (Schedophilus ovalis) na globini 40 m. Primerek so določili za grbastega morskega meseca, Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839). To je eden izmed redkih zapisov o pojavljanju te slabo poznane in spregleda- ne vrste v Jadranskem morju in eden od redkih primerov v Sredozemskem morju nasploh. Ključne besede: Mola mola, Mola alexandrini, Jadransko morje, Schedophilus ovalis ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 234 Borut MAVRIČ & Lovrenc LIPEJ et al.: ADDITIONAL DATA ON THE BUMP-HEAD SUNFISH, MOLA ALEXANDRINI (RANZANI, 1839) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA, 229–234 REFERENCES Britz, R. (2022): Comments on the holotype of Orthra- goriscus alexandrini, Ranzani 1839 (Teleostei: Molidae). Zootaxa, 5195(4), 391-392. https://doi.org/10.11646/ zootaxa.5195.4.6. Corsini-Foka, M. & A. Frantzis (2009): First docu- mented record of imperial blackfish, Schedophilus ovalis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Centrolophidae), in the Aegean Greek waters, Acta Ichthyol. Piscat., 2009, 39, 47-49. Dulčić, J. (1998): First record of the alexand blackfish Schedophilus medusophagus (Pisces: Centrolophidae) larvae from the Adriatic Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. UK, 78, 1035-10. Dulčić, J., G. Beg Paklar, B. Grbec, M. Morović, F. Matić & L. Lipej (2007): On the occurrence of ocean sunfish Mola mola and slender sunfish Ranzania laevis in the Adriatic Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 87, 789-796. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025315407053842. Dulčić, J., A. Pallaoro, V. Onofri, D. Lučić & I. Jardas (2003): New additional records of imperial blackfish, Schedophilus ovalis (Cuvier, 1833), white trevally, Pseu- docaranx dentex (Bloch & Schneider, 181), and Atlantic pomfret, Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788), in the eastern Adriatic. Annales, Ser. Hist. Nat., 13(2), 149-154. Dulčić, J., D. Skaramuca, B. Dragičević, R. Grgičević, V. Bukvić & B. Škaramuca (2012): On the Additional Oc- currences of the Imperial Blackfish, Schedophilus ovalis (Cuvier, 1833). Annales, Ser. Hist. Nat., 22(1), 63-68. 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Djohani (2023): Rapid physiological col- ouration change is a challenge – but not a hindrance – to successful photo identification of giant sunfish (Mola alexandrini, Molidae).- Front. Mar. Sci., 10, 1179467. Doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1179467. Parkinson, K. (2021): Bump-head Sunfish, Mola alexandrini (Ranzani 1839). https://australian.mu- seum/learn/animals/fishes/bump-head-sunfish-mola- alexandrini/. Pope, E.C., G.C. Hays, T.M. Thys, T.K. Doyle, D.W. Sims, N. Queiroz, V.J. Hobson, L. Kubicek & J.D.R. Houghton (2010): The biology and ecology of the ocean sunfish Mola mola: a review of current knowledge and future research perspectives. Rev. Fish Biol. Fisheries, 20, 471-487. Sawai, E., Y. Yamanoue, M. Nyegaard & Y. Sakai (2018): Redescription of the bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini (Ranzani 1839), senior synonym of Mola ramsayi (Giglioli 1883), with designation of a neotype for Mola mola (Linnaeus 1758) (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Ichthyol. 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WEB SOURCES https://www.famijarciunesa.org/il-pesce-luna-a- riccione https://www.facebook.com/storiedirimini/photos/a.1 12678547023034/145626643728224/?type=3 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 235 received: 2023-10-19 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.28 FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORD OF PAINTED EEL ECHELUS MYRUS (OPHICHTHIDAE) FROM SYRIAN MARINE WATERS (EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA) Lana KHREMA & Amina ALNESSER Marine Sciences Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria Adib SAAD Manara University, Lattakia, Syria Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, Université de Montpellier, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: christian.capape@umontpellier.fr ABSTRACT The present paper reports the first substantiated record of the painted eel Echelus myrus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the coast of Syria. The specimen measured 591 mm in total length, with a total body weight of 220 g. This record confirms the occurrence of this species in Syrian marine waters and the Levant Basin, filling the gap between the coast of Lebanon and other areas of the eastern Mediterranean, including the coast of Turkey. Keywords: Echelus myrus, Ophichthidae, distribution, Levant Basin PRIMA IDENTIFICAZIONE COMPROVATA DEL MIRO, ECHELUS MYRUS (OPHICHTHIDAE), DALLE ACQUE MARINE SIRIANE (MAR MEDITERRANEO ORIENTALE) SINTESI Il presente articolo riporta la prima segnalazione documentata del miro, Echelus myrus (Linnaeus, 1758), lungo le coste della Siria. L’esemplare misurava 591 mm di lunghezza totale, con un peso corporeo totale di 220 g. Questo ritrovamento conferma la presenza della specie nelle acque marine siriane e nel bacino del Levante, colmando il divario tra la costa del Libano e altre aree del Mediterraneo orientale, compresa la costa della Turchia. Parole chiave: Echelus myrus, Ophichthidae, distribuzione, Bacino del Levante ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 236 Lana KHREMA et al.: FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORD OF PAINTED EEL ECHELUS MYRUS (OPHICHTHIDAE) FROM SYRIAN MARINE WATERS ..., 235–240 INTRODUCTION The painted eel Echelus myrus (Linnaeus, 1758) occurs in the waters of the northeastern Atlantic, spanning from the Bay of Biscay to the coast of Portugal (Quéro et al., 2003). South of the Straits of Gibraltar, E. myrus has been reported from Morocco (Lloris & Rucabado, 1998), Mauritania, and Senegal (Maurin & Quéro, 1981), extending to the Gulf of Guinea (Blache, 1968), and as far as Angola according to Bauchot (1986). E. myrus oc- curs throughout the Mediterranean, though some- what more abundantly in southern and western areas (Bauchot, 1986; Golani, 2005), and in the Adriatic Sea (Lipej & Dulčić, 2010). The species is very rarely found off the Tunisian coast and has only been recorded in the southern Gulf of Gabès by Ben Othman (1971) and off Ras Jebel city on the northern coast of Tunisia (Rafrafi-Nouira et al., 2015). Eastward, E. myrus has been documented along the Mediterranean shore of Egypt and the coast of Turkey (Bilecenoglu et al., 2014), as well as in the Levant Basin (Golani, 2005; Bariche & Fricke, 2020). The species had been previously reported from the Syrian coast by Sbaihi (1994), but no specimen was available for confirmation, nor does E. myrus appear in the fish species list compiled for this region by Saad (2005) and Ali (2018). Regular investigations conducted in the Syrian marine waters and the assistance of local fishermen have allowed for the capture of the specimen that is herein described and accompa- nied by remarks about the species distribution. MATERIAL AND METHODS On 3 June 2023, a specimen of painted eel Echelus myrus was captured by an angler at a depth of 9 m, off Jableh city on the Syrian coast (35°22’12.33”N, 35°54’50.82”E) (Fig. 1). All meristic counts and morphometric measurements, with the length recorded to the nearest millimetre and the total body weight to the nearest gram, are included in Table 1. The specimen was preserved in 10% buffered formaldehyde and deposited in the Ichthyological Collection of the Marine Sci- ences Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, with catalogue number MSL 1/2023. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The specimen measured 591 mm in total length (TL), its total body weight was 220 g. Compared to the maximum TLs noted by Tortonese (1970) and Bauchot (1986), 800 mm and 1 m, respec- tively, it was a medium-sized specimen. It was identified as E. myrus based on the combination of the following diagnostic characters: body very elongate, compressed posteriorly, anus slightly anterior to midbody; snout subconical; anterior nostril tubular, directed downward and with tri- lobate edge, opening near snout tip; posterior nostril an oval pore covered by a dermal fold, opening before eye, in margin of upper lip; rictus of mouth below posterior edge of eye; dorsal and anal fins well developed, folding into a deep dermal groove; dorsal fin origin slightly behind pectoral fin base; teeth conical, long, slightly acute and curved on both jaws, shorter, almost granular on vomer; colouration greyish mixed with dark yellow or brownish, darker dorsally; cephalic lateral lines unpigmented; dorsal and anal fins blackish in posterior third, lighter ante- riorly (Fig. 2). Fig. 1. Map of the Syrian coast with a star indi- cating the capture site of the studied specimen of Echelus myrus (ref. MSL 1/2023), off Jableh. Sl. 1: Zemljevid sirske obale z označeno lokacijo ulova (zvezdica) primerka vrste Echelus myrus (ref. MSL 1/2023) ob Jablehu. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 237 Lana KHREMA et al.: FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORD OF PAINTED EEL ECHELUS MYRUS (OPHICHTHIDAE) FROM SYRIAN MARINE WATERS ..., 235–240 The general morphology, morphometric measurements, meristic counts, and colour of the specimen were in total agreement with previous descriptions of the species by Dieuzeide et al. (1954), Tortonese (1970), Bauchot (1986), and Rafrafi-Nouira et al. (2015). This capture confirms the occurrence of E. myrus in Syrian marine wa- ters and the species can therefore be included in the local ichthyofauna. This makes E. myrus one of the 3 species of the family Ophichthyidae present in the area, alongside the longjaw snake eel, Ophisurus serpens (Linnaeus, 1758), and the armless snake eel Dalophis imberbis (Delaroche, 1809), as documented by Al Shawy et al. (2019) and Capapé et al. (2021). E. myrus generally inhabits soft bottoms up to 110 m in depth (Tortonese, 1970), however, horizontal and vertical migrations occur according to the sea- son, with specimens approaching shallow coastal waters in spring and summer (Rafrafi-Nouira, 2016). The species is considered rare in all areas, but es- pecially in Tunisian marine waters, where it holds low economic interest and is likely discarded at sea after capture (Rafrafi-Nouira et al., 2015). E. myrus is believed to be a carnivorous species (Bauchot, 1986), and preliminary observations carried out on specimens caught off the northern Tunisian coast confirm this opinion (Rafrafi, pers. comm., 2023). Reproduction occurs at the end of summer off the Al- gerian coast (Dieuzeide et al., 1954) and throughout Tab. 1: Morphometric measurements in mm and as percentages of total length (% TL) recorded in the Echelus myrus specimen (ref. MSL-1/2023) captured off Jableh, compared with the respective data recorded in a specimen (ref. FSB-Ech-myr.01) captured off Ras Jebel in northern Tunisia (Rafrafi-Nouira et al., 2015). Tab. 1: Morfometrične meritve v mm in delež telesne dolžine (% celotne dolžine) primerka vrste Echelus myrus (ref. MSL-1/2023), ujetega ob Jablehu, v primerjavi s podatki primerka (ref. FSB-Ech-myr.01), ujetega ob lokaciji Ras Jebel v severni Tuniziji (Rafrafi-Nouira et al., 2015). Morphometric measurements This study (MSL 1/2023) Rafrafi-Nouira et al. (2015)(FSB-Ech-myr.01) mm %TL mm %TL Total length 591 100.0 550 100.0 Body depth 29 4.9 23 4.1 Head length 57 9.6 42 7.6 Preanal length 250 42.3 250 45.4 Predorsal length 80 13.5 91 16.6 Prepectoral length 61 10.3 68 12.3 Dorsal fin length 491 83 457 83 Anal fin length 331 56 304 55.2 Pectoral fin length 17 2.8 7 1.2 Eye diameter 7 1.2 11 1.8 Preorbital length 12 2 15 2.7 Interorbital length 10 1.7 8 1.4 Length of upper jaw 18 3.1 28 5.0 Length of lower jaw 16 2.7 26 4.6 Meristic counts Number of pores in linea lateralis 114 103 Pectoral fin soft rays 12 13 Total body weight in grams 220 129 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 238 Lana KHREMA et al.: FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORD OF PAINTED EEL ECHELUS MYRUS (OPHICHTHIDAE) FROM SYRIAN MARINE WATERS ..., 235–240 the summer in the Italian seas, as corroborated by the discovery of eggs with a diameter of 3–3.8 mm in the Straits of Messina (Tortonese, 1970). Taylan & Aydin (2021) provide additional information on certain aspects of the species’ reproduction based on specimens from the Aegean Sea. The capture of this specimen in Syrian ma- rine waters confirms the presence of a viable population in the Levant Basin and fills the gap between the coast of Lebanon and other areas in the eastern Mediterranean, including the coast of Turkey. Fig. 2. A. The specimen of Echelus myrus (ref. MSL 1/2023), captured off Jableh, scale bar = 100 mm. B. Insert with the arrow indicating the teeth of the same specimen, scale bar = 5 mm. Sl. 2: A. Primerek vrste Echelus myrus (ref. MSL 1/2023), ujet ob Jablehu, merilo = 100 mm. B. Prikaz, na katerem puščica označuje zobovje raziskanega primerka, merilo = 5 mm. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 239 Lana KHREMA et al.: FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORD OF PAINTED EEL ECHELUS MYRUS (OPHICHTHIDAE) FROM SYRIAN MARINE WATERS ..., 235–240 PRVI UTEMELJENI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU PISANE JEGULJE, ECHELUS MYRUS (OPHICHTHIDAE), IZ MORSKIH VODA SIRIJE (VZHODNO SREDOZEMSKO MORJE) Lana KHREMA & Amina ALNESSER Marine Sciences Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria Adib SAAD Manara University, Lattakia, Syria Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, Université de Montpellier, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: christian.capape@umontpellier.fr POVZETEK Avtorji poročajo o prvem utemeljenem zapisu o pojavljanju pisane jegulje, Echelus myrus (Linnaeus, 1758) iz sirske obale. Primerek je meril 591 mm v celotno dolžino in tehtal 220 g. Ta zapis potrjuje pojavl- janje te vrste v sirskih vodah in v Levantskem morju, s čimer je zapolnjena vrzel o razširjenosti te vrste med obalo Libanona in drugimi območji vzhodnega Sredozemskega morja, vključno s turško obalo. Ključne besede: Echelus myrus, Ophichthidae, razširjenost, Levantski bazen ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 240 Lana KHREMA et al.: FIRST SUBSTANTIATED RECORD OF PAINTED EEL ECHELUS MYRUS (OPHICHTHIDAE) FROM SYRIAN MARINE WATERS ..., 235–240 REFERENCES Ali, M. (2018): An updated checklist of the marine fishes from Syria with emphasis on alien species. Medit. Mar. Sci., 19, 388-393. Alshawy, F, A. Ibrahim,C. Hussein & M Lahlah (2019): New distribution of the serpent eel Ophisurus serpens (Linnaeus, 1758) in eastern Mediterranean: First record from the Syrian marine waters. Inter. J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 6, 50-52. Bariche, M. & Fricke (2020): The marine ich- thyofauna of Lebanon: an annotated checklist, his- tory, biogeograpphy, and conservation status. Zootaxa, 4775(1), 1-157. Bauchot, M.-.L. (1986): Ophichthidae. pp. 577- 585. In: Whitehead P.J.P., Bauchot, M.L., Hureau J.C., Nielsen J. & Tortonese. E. (eds),. Fishes of the North-western Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Vol II. UNESCO, Paris. Ben Othman, S. (1971): Observations hy- drologiques, dragages et chalutage dans le sud-est tunisien. Bull. Inst. natl. Sci. Tech. Océanogr. Pêche Salammbô, 3, 29-94. Bilecenoglu, M., M. Kaya, B. Cihangir & E. Çiçek (2014): An updated check list of the marine fishes of Turkey. Turk. J. Zool., 38, 901-929. Blache, J. (1968): Contribution à la connaissance des Poissons anguilliformes de la côte occidentale d’Afrique. Bull. Inst. Fond. Afr. Noire, Série A, 1501- 1539. Capapé, C., A. Saad, A. Soliman, I. Barakat & W. Sabour (2021): First substantiated record of armless Dalophis imberbis (Osteichthyes: Ophichthidae) from the Syrian coast (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Annales, Ser. Hist. Nat., 31, 101-106. Dieuzeide, R., M. Novella & J. Roland (1954): Catalogue des poissons des côtes algériennes, Volume II. Ostéoptérygiens. Bull. Sta. Aquic. Pêche, Castigli- one, n. s. 6, II, 1-258. El Sayed, H., K. Akel. & P.K. Karachle (2017): The marine ichthyofauna of Egypt. Egyptian J. Aquat. Biol. Fish., 21(3), 81-116. Golani, D. (2005): Check-list of the Mediterranean Fishes of Israel. Zootaxa, 947, 1-200. Lipej, L. & J. Dulčić (2010): Checklist of the Adriatic Sea fishes. Zootaxa, 2859, 1-92. Lloris, D. & J. Rucabado (1998): Guide FAO d’identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche. Guide d’identification des ressources marines vivantes pour le Maroc. FAO, Rome, 263 pp. Maurin, C. & J.-C. Quéro (1981): Poissons des côtes nord-ouest africaines (campagnes de la «Thalassa» 1962, 1968, 1974, 1972). Rev. Trav. Inst. Pêch. Marit., 45, 5-71. Rafrafi-Nouira, S. (2016): Catalogue raisonné des espèces de poissons capturées devant Ras Jebel et au- tres régions marines de Tunisie septentrionale: aspects morphologiques, biométriques et bio-écologiques. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, University of Carthage (Tunisia), 509 pp. Rafrafi-Nouira, S., O. El Kamel-Moutalibi, C. Rey- naud, M. Boumaïza & C. Capapé (2015): Additional and unusual captures of elasmobranch species from the northern coast of Tunisia (central Mediterranean). J. Ichthyol., 55, 337-345. Saad, A. (2005): Check-list of bony fish collected from the coast of Syria. Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 5, 99-106. Sbaihi, M. (1994): Study of fishes in marine water of Syria (Eastern Mediterranean). MSc. Thesis, Faculty of Sciences, Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria, 264 pp. [In Arabic, with abstract in English]. Taylan, B. & I. Aydin (2021): Determination of re- productive characteristics of Echelus myrus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Aegean Sea. Turk. J. Agric.-Food Sci. Technol., 9, 531-535. [In Turkish, with abstract in English]. 241 BIOTSKA GLOBALIZACIJA GLOBALIZZAZIONE BIOTICA BIOTIC GLOBALIZATION 242 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 243 received: 2023-06-21 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.29 THE PRESENCE OF HIPPOCAMPUS FUSCUS RÜPPELL, 1838, IN THE NORTHEASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA Deniz ERGUDEN Marine Science Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Iskenderun Technical University, 31220 Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey e-mail: derguden@gmail.com; deniz.erguden@iste.edu.tr Deniz AYAS Fishing and Seafood Processing Technology Department, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Mersin, Mersin, Turkey Zafer KUŞATAN Climate Change and Zero Waste Department, Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, Mersin, Turkey ABSTRACT In the present study, five specimens of seahorse Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838 are reported from the northeastern Mediterranean waters. The visual records were obtained during an underwater scuba survey conducted from 27 to 30 March 2007 and on 5 April 2007, in a depth range of 2-3 m in Mersin port (Mersin Bay, Turkey). This is the first occurrence of H. fuscus in the northeastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey, specifically in Mersin Bay, and the second record in Turkish Mediterranean waters. Furthermore, the presence of many adults and juveniles (n>10) in the observations indicates that this species has established a population in the region that has adapted well to the environment. This study addresses a significant gap in the literature and will be helpful for scientists working on fisheries, as well as providing an important contribution to the forthcoming Red List assessment in the Mediterranean. Keywords: seahorse, Syngnathidae, extension, Mersin Bay, Turkey PRESENZA DI HIPPOCAMPUS FUSCUS RÜPPELL, 1838, NEL MAR MEDITERRANEO NORD-ORIENTALE SINTESI Nel presente studio vengono segnalati cinque esemplari di cavalluccio marino Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838 provenienti dalle acque del Mediterraneo nordorientale. Le registrazioni visive sono state ottenute durante un›indagine subacquea condotta dal 27 al 30 marzo 2007 e il 5 aprile 2007, ad una profondità di 2-3 m nel porto di Mersin (baia di Mersin, Turchia). Questo è il primo ritrovamento di H. fuscus lungo la costa mediterranea nord-orientale della Turchia, in particolare nella baia di Mersin, e la seconda segnalazione nelle acque turche del Mediterraneo. Inoltre, la presenza di numerosi adulti e giovani (n>10) indica che questa specie ha stabilito nella regione una popolazione che si è ben adattata all’ambiente. Questo studio affronta una lacuna significativa nella letteratura e sarà utile per i ricercatori che lavorano nel settore della pesca, oltre a fornire un importante contributo alla prossima valutazione della Lista Rossa nel Mediterraneo. Parole chiave: cavalluccio marino, Syngnathidae, estensione, baia di Mersin, Turchia ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 244 Deniz ERGUDENet al.: THE PRESENCE OF HIPPOCAMPUS FUSCUS RÜPPELL, 1838, IN THE NORTHEASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA, 243–248 INTRODUCTION The genus Hippocampus Rafinesque, 1810, is represented by three species in Mediterranean waters: the short-snouted seahorse Hippocampus hippocampus (Linnaeus, 1758), the long-snouted seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus (Cuvier, 1829), and the seahorse Hippocampus fuscus Rüppel, 1838 (Golani et al., 2006). The seahorse Hippocampus fuscus is a member of the Syngnathidae family and is found in shal- low coastal waters of the western Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Mediterranean Sea (Golani & Fine, 2002; Lourie et al., 2016; Froese & Pauly, 2023). The occurrence of H. fuscus in the Mediterra- nean basin was first reported from the Israeli coast (Golani & Fine, 2002), and only later recorded in Turkish Mediterranean waters (Gokoglu et al., 2004). Recently, Mahapatro et al. (2017) reported the presence of this species in the Bay of Bengal in the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean. In Turkey, Hippocampus fuscus was first re- ported in the Bay of Antalya by Gokoglu et al. (2004). Subsequently, it was included in the annotated checklist of fish of Turkey (Fricke et al., 2007). However, up to now, no specimens of H. fuscus were reported from the northeastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey (Mersin Bay). In the present study, we report the presence of confirmed H. fuscus specimens from the northeastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey, specifically Mersin Bay. This study not only fills an important gap in the literature, but also dem- onstrates the spread of this species towards the northeastern Mediterranean coasts of Turkey. MATERIAL AND METHODS From 27 to 30 March 2007 and on 5 April 2007, two adult and three juvenile specimens of H. fuscus were observed at a depth of 2 to 3 m during a scuba dive in Mersin port (Mersin Bay) (36°47’11.2” N, 34°37’58.3” E) (Fig. 1). The specimens were photographed and recorded us- ing a video camera (Canon PowerShot G12) (Fig. 2). The morphological descriptions and colora- tion of H. fuscus agree with those presented by Lourie et al. (2004) and Golani & Fine (2002). Fig. 1: Map indicating the capture site (•) of specimens of seahorse Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838 in Mersin Bay (northeastern Mediterranean). Sl. 1: Zemljevid obravnavanega območja z označeno lokaliteto ulova primerkov morskega konjička vrste Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838 v zalivu Mersin (severovzhodno Sredozemsko morje). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 245 Deniz ERGUDENet al.: THE PRESENCE OF HIPPOCAMPUS FUSCUS RÜPPELL, 1838, IN THE NORTHEASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA, 243–248 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The following morphological features were observed in the two adult specimens: The bodies consisted of bony rings arranged in dermal plates and exhibited no spines. The total lengths of the speci- mens were 12.0 and 12.5 cm, respectively. The dorsal fin in each had 16/17 rays, the anal fin 4 rays, the pectoral fin 15/16 rays. The specimens had 11 trunk rings, 34/36 tail rings, their head lengths equalled 4.2 and 5.4 of their total lengths, respectively. The snouts were cylindrical in shape, and their lengths measured 2.4 and 2.5 times the head lengths, respectively. They each exhibited a prominent spine above the eyes. Their coronets were only slightly elevated and had tiny protrusions, and their heads were not larger than the bodies. There were no skin flaps on the heads. Their body coloration varied from dark or pale brown to bright yellow and brown, featuring white spots on the trunk and head. To date, three species of the genus Hippocampus have been known to inhabit the Mediterranean (Go- lani et al., 2006). Among these, H. fuscus is typically found in seagrass beds, particularly among stones and gravel, and often in the calm waters of harbors and bays (Golani et al., 2021). It feeds on zooplankton. In terms of physical appearance, male H. fuscus individu- als have proportionally longer tails and shorter snouts compared to females (Vincent, 1990). The female lays eggs into the male’s brood pouch located under its tail, where they remain for the entire gestation period (Breder & Rosen, 1966), which is approximately 14 days, but may vary depending on water temperature (Lourie et al., 1999). Fig. 2: Photographs of adult (a) and juvenile (b) specimens of Hippocampus fuscus from Mersin port, Turkey. Sl. 2: Fotografiji odraslega (a) in juvenilnega primerka vrste Hippocampus fuscus iz zaliva Merein, Turčija. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 246 Deniz ERGUDENet al.: THE PRESENCE OF HIPPOCAMPUS FUSCUS RÜPPELL, 1838, IN THE NORTHEASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA, 243–248 H. fuscus usually occurs in the size range of 3 to 14 cm (Golani et al., 2021). The maximum recorded adult length for this species in the Mediterranean Sea is 14.4 cm (Golani & Fine, 2002). Individuals are commonly found at depths of 0–10 m (Foster & Vincent, 2004). In this study, seahorse specimens were discovered at a depth of 2–3 m, clinging to a rope. This depth range is in full agreement with the existing literature. Subsequent Scuba observations revealed an even greater abundance of seahorses. The seahorse H. fuscus closely resembles the short-snouted seahorse Hippocampus hip- pocampus (Linnaeus, 1758), which also inhabits the Mediterranean Sea. However, in comparison, H. fuscus has a smaller body with a smoother surface, fewer tail rings, and a coronet that is not significantly raised above the arch of the neck. In contrast, H. hippocampus has more dorsal fin rays and fewer pectoral fins. Additionally, the snout length in the studied specimens of H. fuscus was approximately 2.5 times the head length, while for H. hippocampus it typically measures 2.8 times the head length. Compared to the third species of the genus Hippocampus present in the Mediterranean, Hippocampus guttulatus, H. fuscus lacks dorsal spines and dermal flaps on the head and neck (Go- lani et al., 2021). H. fuscus is listed under Appendix II of the Conven- tion on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (Froese & Pauly, 2023). According to CITES, all seahorse specimens in trade should have a minimum height of 10 cm (CITES  II, since 5.15.04). The main threats to this species are incidental capture in trawl fisheries, habitat degrada- tion, and pollution. However, H. fuscus has not yet been considered for inclusion in the IUCN Red List category (IUCN, 2023). Although Zenetos et al. (2008) mentioned in their study that H. fuscus is likely established in the Bay of Antalya, there was no information on its range ex- pansion since it was first recorded and reported from this region in 2003. This current record is, therefore, the first suggestion of an eastward migration for H. fuscus in the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, and the first confirmation of the presence of H. fuscus in the northeastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey, specifi- cally in Mersin Bay. Moreover, the presence of numer- ous adults and juveniles (n>10) in the observations indicates that this species has established a popula- tion in this region and has successfully adapted to the environment. CONCLUSIONS There is limited information regarding changes in numbers and habitat status of seahorse species along Turkey’s Mediterranean coast. Therefore, this study is very important for monitoring seahorse populations in the Mediterranean and determining and assessing their conservation status. Moreover, the findings of this study can provide valuable insight for decision- makers and fisheries managers. However, it is essen- tial to emphasize the need for further monitoring and additional studies in this area. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 247 Deniz ERGUDENet al.: THE PRESENCE OF HIPPOCAMPUS FUSCUS RÜPPELL, 1838, IN THE NORTHEASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA, 243–248 POJAVLJANJE MORSKEGA KONJIČKA VRSTE HIPPOCAMPUS FUSCUS RÜPPELL, 1838, V SEVEROVZHODNEM SREDOZEMSKEM MORJU Deniz ERGUDEN Marine Science Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Iskenderun Technical University, 31220 Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey e-mail: derguden@gmail.com; deniz.erguden@iste.edu.tr Deniz AYAS Fishing and Seafood Processing Technology Department, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Mersin, Mersin, Turkey Zafer KUŞATAN Climate Change and Zero Waste Department, Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, Mersin, Turkey POVZETEK Avtorji poročajo o pojavljanju petih primerkov morskega konjička vrste Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838 v severovzhodnih sredozemskih vodah. Opazili so jih potapljači z avtonomno potapljaško opremo na podvodnih vzorčenjih med 27. in 30. marcem 2007 in 5. aprila 2007, opravljenih v globinskem pasu 2-3 m v pristanišču Mersin (zaliv Mersin, Turčija). To je prvi zapis o pojavljanju vrste H. fuscus v severovzhodnem Sredozemskem morju v Turčiji, natančneje v zalivu Mersin, in drugi zapis o pojavljanju v turških sredozemskih vodah. Poleg tega kaže pojavljanje velikega števila odraslih in mladostnih primerkov (n>10), da se je vrsta v tem okolju že ustalila in na njega dobro prilagodila. Ta raziskava odpravlja veliko vrzel v strokovni literaturi in bo v pomoč strokovnjakom, ki se ukvarjajo z ribištvom, obenem pa bo pomembno prispevala k oceni v prihajajočem Rdečem seznamu v Sredozemlju. Ključne besede: morski konjički, Syngnathidae, širjenje areala, zaliv Mersin, Turčija ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 248 Deniz ERGUDENet al.: THE PRESENCE OF HIPPOCAMPUS FUSCUS RÜPPELL, 1838, IN THE NORTHEASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA, 243–248 REFERENCES Breder, C.M. & D.E. Rosen (1966): Modes of repro- duction in fishes. T.F.H. Publications: Neptune City, New Jersey, 941 pp. Fricke, R., M. Bilecenoglu & H.M. Sarı (2007): Annotated checklist of fish and lamprey species of Tur- key, including a Red List of threatened and declining species. Stuttgart. Beitr. Naturkund., Serie A (Biologie), 706, 1-169. Foster, S.J. & A.C.J. Vincent (2004): Life history and ecology of seahorses: implications for conservation and management. J. Fish Biol., 65(1), 1-61. Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Eds.) (2023): FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www. fishbase.org. Version (02/2023) (Last accession: 27 May 2023). Gokoglu, M., T. Bodur & Y. Kaya (2004): First re- cords of Hippocampus fuscus and Syngnathus rostel- latus (Osteichthyes: Syngnathidae) from the Anatolian coast (Mediterranean Sea). J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. UK., 84, 1093-1094. Golani, D. & M. Fine (2002): On the occurrence of Hippocampus fuscus in the eastern Mediterranean. J. Fish Biol., 60, 764-766. Golani, D., B. Ozturk & N. Başusta (2006): Fishes of the eastern Mediterranean. Publication. No. 24, Turkish Marine Research Foundation: Istanbul, Turkey, 260 pp. Golani, D., E. Azurro, J. Dulčić, E. Massuti & L. Orsi-Relini (2021): Atlas of exotic fishes in the Mediterranean Sea. 2nd Edition. (F. Briand ed.). CIESM Publishers, Paris, Monaco, 365 pp. IUCN, (2023): The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-2.  Available at: www.iucn- redlist.org. (Last accession: 26 May 2023). Kuiter, R.H. (2000): Seahorses, Pipefishes and their relatives: A comprehensive guide to Syngnathiformes. TMC, Chorleywood, 240 pp. Lourie, S.A., A.C.J. Vincent & H.J. Hall (1999): Seahorses: an identification guide to the world’s spe- cies and their conservation. Project Seahorse, London, 214 pp. Lourie, S.A., S.J. Foster, E.W.T. Cooper & A.C.J. Vincent (2004): A guide to the identification of Sea- horses. Project Seahorse and TRAFFIC North America. University of British Columbia and World Wildlife Fund, Washington D.C, 114 pp. Lourie, S.A., R.A. Pollom & S.J. Foster (2016): A global revision of the seahorses Hippocampus Rafin- esque 1810 (Actinopterygii: Syngnathiformes): tax- onomy and biogeography with recommendations for further research. Zootaxa, 4146(1), 1-66. Mahapatro, D., R.K. Mishra & S. Panda (2017): Range extension of a vulnerable Seahorse Hippocam- pus fuscus (Actinopterygii: Syngnathidae) on the northeastern Bay of Bengal coast. Mar. Biodiv. Rec., 10(6), 1-6. Vincent, A.C.J. (1990): Reproductive ecology of seahorses. Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge University, Cam- bridge, UK. 101 pp. Zenetos, A., E. Meric, M. Verlaque, P. Galli, C.F. Boudouresque, A. Giangrande, M.E. Cinar & M. Bi- lecenoglu (2008): Additions to the annotated list of marine alien biota in the Mediterranean with special emphasis on Foraminifera and Parasites. Medit. Mar. Sci., 9(1), 119-165. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 249 received: 2023-06-01 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.30 CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF PHARAOH CARDINAL FISH APOGONICHTHYOIDES PHARAONIS (OSTEICHTHYES: APOGONIDAE) FROM THE SYRIAN COAST (EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA) Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, case 104, Université de Montpellier, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: christian.capape@umontpellier.fr Adib SAAD Al-Andalus University, Tartus, Syria ABSTRACT The paper documents the capture of a second specimen of pharaoh cardinal fish Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Bellotti, 1874) from the Syrian coast. The specimen was an adult measuring 97 mm in total length (TL), 75 mm in standard length (SL), and weighing 19 g. This capture serves as confirmation of the presence of a viable population of A. pharaonis in the area, indicating it has found here adequate resources for development and reproduction. Key words: Apogonidae, distribution, population, Levant Basin PRESENZA CONFERMATA DI APOGONICHTHYOIDES PHARAONIS (OSTEICHTHYES: APOGONIDAE) LUNGO LA COSTA SIRIANA (MAR MEDITERRANEO ORIENTALE) SINTESI L’articolo documenta la cattura di un secondo esemplare di Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Bellotti, 1874) lungo le coste siriane. L’esemplare in questione è un adulto di 97 mm di lunghezza totale (TL), 75 mm di lunghezza stan- dard (SL) e 19 g di peso. Questa cattura conferma la presenza di una popolazione vitale di A. pharaonis nell’area, indicando che la specie abbia trovato qui risorse adeguate allo sviluppo e la riproduzione. Parole chiave: Apogonidae, distribuzione, popolazione, Bacino del Levante ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 250 Christian CAPAPÉ & Adib SAAD: CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF PHARAOH CARDINAL FISH APOGONICHTHYOIDES PHARAONIS ..., 249–254 INTRODUCTION The pharaoh cardinal fish Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Bellotti, 1874) is a Lessepsian migrant (sensu Por, 1971), originating from the Red Sea and the western Indian Ocean, which entered the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal. The first recorded instances occurred off Port-Saïd, Egypt (Norman, 1927) and subsequently in the Palestin- ian coast, but the species was initially misidenti- fied as Apogon taeniatus by Haas & Steinitz (1947). A. pharaonis has since been reported in various areas of the eastern Mediterranean, particularly the Levant Basin, where a viable population is success- fully established (Golani et al., 2021). To the west, the species has been recorded off the Egyptian coast (Ragheb et al., 2019) and as far as Libyan waters (Al Mabruk et al., 2021). The first specimen of A. pharaonis was recorded from the Syrian coast in 1992, but was originally misidentified as A. taeniatus following Sbaihi & Saad (1995). Subsequent investigations focussing on non-indigenous species, conducted in Syrian marine waters, and actively supported by local fishermen, allowed the researchers to collect the A. pharaonis specimen that is herein described in detail and provided with comments about the spe- cies’ distribution. References Sbaihi & Saad (1995) This study Morphometric measurements mm % TL mm % TL Total length 105 100.0 97 100.0 Standar length 93 88.6 75 77.3 Body depth 34 32.4 32. 32.9 Head length 32 30.4 32 32.9 Eye diameter 8 7.6 8 8.2 Length of dorsal fin base - - 14 14.4 Length of Anal fin base - - 13 13.4 Pre-pectoral length - - 30 30.9 Pre-anal length - - 52 53.6 Pre-pelvic length - - 28 28.9 Meristic counts First dorsal fin rays VII VII Second dorsal fin rays I +8 I +8 Ventral fin rays - I +5 Pectoral fin rays - 15 Anal fin rays II + 6 II + 6 Total body weight in gram - 19 Tab. 1: Morphometric measurements with percent- ages of total length (TL), counts and total body weight recorded in the specimen reported by Sbaihi & Saad (1995) and in the present specimen. Tab. 1: Morfometrične meritve z deležem totalne dolžine, merističnim štetjem in celokupno težo primerkov, ki ju navajata Sbaihi in Saad (1995) in iz pričujoče raziskave. Fig. 1: Map of the Syrian coast indicating the capture sites of the two Apogonichthyoides pharaonis specimens, with the black star marking the specimen collected in the pre- sent study and the black circle representing the specimen described in Sbaihi & Saad (1995). Sl. 1: Zemljevid sirske obale z označenimi lokalitetami ulova dveh primerkov vrste Apogonichthyoides pharaonis. Črna zvezdica označuje lokaliteto ulova primerka iz pričujoče raziskave, črni krogec pa označuje lokaliteto ulova primerka iz raziskave Sbaihi in Saad (1995). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 251 Christian CAPAPÉ & Adib SAAD: CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF PHARAOH CARDINAL FISH APOGONICHTHYOIDES PHARAONIS ..., 249–254 MATERIAL AND METHODS The present specimen of A. pharaonis was caught on 22 September 2022, by a spear fisher at a depth of 12 metres, on sandy-pebbly bottom, south of Banias, a city located on the Syrian coast (at 35°63’45’’ N and 35°53’12’’ E, Fig. 1). The measurements of the specimen were taken using callipers and recorded to the nearest millimetre; its total body weight (TBW) was determined and rounded to the nearest gram. Morphometric meas- urements with percentages of total length are pro- vided in Table 1, along with data pertaining to the specimen discovered by Sbaihi & Saad (1995). The more recently captured specimen was fixed in a 10% buffered formaldehyde solution, preserved in 75% ethanol, and deposited in the collection of the Marine Sciences Laboratory at Tishreen University, catalogue number MSL 24-2023. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This particular specimen of A. pharaonis meas- ured 97 mm in total length (TL), 75 mm in standard length (SL), and weighed 19 g in TBW (Fig. 2). It was identified as A. pharaonis based on a combination of distinct morphological characters: body oblong and laterally compressed; two distinct dorsal fins, the first displaying two very short spines and a longer third one, and the second exhibiting a single spine; origin of the pelvic fin under the base of the pectoral fin; truncate tail; relatively large eyes; three vertical black bars on a grey-brown background, with the first bar located under the first dorsal fin and featuring a black eye-like spot encircled by a yellow ring at the midside, the second bar starting under the second dorsal fin and extending to the tip of the fin, and the third bar positioned on the caudal peduncle; a fourth brownish bar was noted Fig. 2. Specimen of Apogonichthyoides pharaonis captured off Banias, Syrian coast (scale bar = 20 mm). Sl. 2: Primerek vrste Apogonichthyoides pharaonis, ujet v vodah pri lokaliteti Banias ob sirski obali (merilo = 20 mm). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 252 Christian CAPAPÉ & Adib SAAD: CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF PHARAOH CARDINAL FISH APOGONICHTHYOIDES PHARAONIS ..., 249–254 at the base of the caudal fin. The patterns observed in the present specimen were consistent with those documented by Sbaihi & Saad (1995). The descrip- tion, measurements, counts and coloration are in complete agreement with Gon & Randall (2003), Al Mabruk et al. (2021), and Golani et al. (2021). The pharaoh cardinal fish is one of the earliest non- indigenous fish species documented in the Mediter- ranean Sea (Golani et al., 2021). This second discovery of this Lessepsian migrant in Syrian waters, occurring approximately 30 years after its first record, provides unequivocal confirmation that A. pharaonis has become part of the Syrian ichthyofauna. The current finding could also indicate that a viable population of A. pharaonis has successfully established itself in the studied area, mirroring the situation observed in the entire Levant Basin. It should be noted that, based on its initial record, the pharaoh cardinal fish has been recognised as an established Lessepsian species in Syr- ian waters (Ali, 2018). The common size range of A. pharaonis individuals is between 50 and 80 mm, with a maximum reported size of 120 mm (Golani et al., 2021) and the smallest mature female on record attain- ing only 34 mm in total length (Gon & Randall, 2003). Consequently, both A. pharaonis specimens caught in Syrian waters were large adult individuals, suggesting that the species is able to find sufficient resources for growth and reproduction in the region. However, A. pharaonis still appears to be relatively uncommon in the area, likely due to a combination of factors. Its small size and lack of a streamlined swimmer mor- phology may render the fish vulnerable to predators, thus limiting its abundance. Also, being small, it can easily escape through the meshes of fishing nets and is most often caught by spear fishers (see Al Mabruk et al., 2021), as was the case in our study. Finally, monitoring the species’ abundance is challenging due to its nocturnal habits, and its relatively low economic value further discourages thorough observation. Ad- ditionally, it is likely that, as in other Mediterranean regions (Ragheb et al., 2019), A. pharaonis is discarded by fishermen in Syria after capture. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 253 Christian CAPAPÉ & Adib SAAD: CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF PHARAOH CARDINAL FISH APOGONICHTHYOIDES PHARAONIS ..., 249–254 POTRJENO POJAVLJANJE FARAONSKEGA KRALJIČKA APOGONICHTHYOIDES PHARAONIS (OSTEICHTHYES: APOGONIDAE) IZ SIRSKE OBALE (VZHODNO SREDOZEMSKO MORJE) Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, case 104, Université de Montpellier, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: christian.capape@umontpellier.fr Adib SAAD Al-Andalus University, Tartus, Syria POVZETEK Avtorja poročata o najdbi drugega primerka faraonskega kraljička, Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Bellotti, 1874), iz sirske obale. Primerek je bil odrasel in meril 97 mm v celokupno dolžino (TL), 75 mm v standardno dolžino (SL) in tehtal 19 g. Ta ulov potrjuje prisotnost viabilne populacije vrste A. pharaonis na obravnavanem območju in kaže, da je tu našla primerne vire za razvoj in razmnoževanje. Ključne besede: Apogonidae, razširjenost, populacija, levantski bazen ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 254 Christian CAPAPÉ & Adib SAAD: CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF PHARAOH CARDINAL FISH APOGONICHTHYOIDES PHARAONIS ..., 249–254 REFERENCES Ali, M. (2018): An updated Checklist of marine fishes from Syria with an emphasis on alien spe- cies. Medit. Mar. Sci., 19, 388-393. Al Mabruk, S.A.A., B. Zava, A. Abdulghani, M. Corsini-Foka & M. Deidun (2021): The first record of the pharaoh cardinal fish Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Apogo- nidae) from Libyan waters. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat., 51(1), 113-118. Golani, D., E. Azzurro, J. Dulčić, E. Massuti & L. Orsi-Relini (2021): Atlas of Exotic Fishes in the Mediterranean Sea. Second edition. [F. Briand, Ed.]. CIESM Publishers, Paris, Monaco, 365 pp. Gon, O. & J.E. Randall (2003): A review of the cardinal fishes (Perciformes: Apogonidae) of the Red Sea. Smithiona Pub. Aquat. Biodiv. Bull., 1, 1-46 Haas, G. & H. Steinitz (1947): Erythrean fishes on the Mediterranean coast of Palestine. Nature, 160(4053), 28 pp. Norman, J.R. (1927): XXV. Report on the fishes. In: Cambridge expedition to the Suez Canal, 1924. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 22(3), 375-389. Por, F.D. (1971): One hundred years of Suez Ca- nal- A century of Lessepsian migration: retrospect and viewpoints. Systems Biol., 20(2), 138-159. Ragheb, E., E.H.K Akel & S.I. Rizkalla (2019): Analyses of the non-target catch from the Egyptian Mediterranean trawlers, off Port-Saïd. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., 45(3), 239-246. Sbaihi, M. & A. Saad (1995): The existence of 4 immigrant fish species from the Red Sea in the Syrian coast (the oriental Mediterranean). Rapp. Comm. inter. Mer Médit., 34, 257. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 255 received: 2023-05-08 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.31 FIRST RECORD OF EPINEPHELUS AREOLATUS (EPINEPHELIDAE) FROM THE SOUTH-EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, TURKEY Deniz ERGUDEN Marine Science Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Iskenderun Technical University, 31220 Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey e-mail: deniz.erguden@iste.edu.tr; derguden@gmail.com Deniz AYAS Fisheries and Fish Processing Department, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Mersin, Mersin, Turkey Cemal TURAN Marine Science Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Iskenderun Technical University, 31220 Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey ABSTRACT The present paper represents the first report of areolate grouper Epinephelus areolatus Forsskal, 1775, from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. A specimen of E. areolatus was caught by hook and line, at a depth of 8 m, off the coast of Arsuz in the Bay of Iskenderun, on 22 April 2023. The captured specimen of E. areolatus measured 28.5 cm in total length and 23.5 cm in standard length. This species entered the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal. The current record increases the number of exotic grouper species reported in the Mediterranean Sea, Turkey, to five. Key words: exotic grouper, new record, migration, Turkish coast PRIMA SEGNALAZIONE DI EPINEPHELUS AREOLATUS (EPINEPHELUS) NEL MEDITERRANEO SUD-ORIENTALE, TURCHIA SINTESI L’articolo riporta la prima segnalazione della cernia areolata Epinephelus areolatus Forsskal, 1775 lungo la costa mediterranea della Turchia. Un esemplare di E. areolatus è stato catturato con un amo e una lenza a una profondità di 8 m, al largo della costa di Arsuz, nella baia di Iskenderun, il 22 aprile 2023. L’esemplare catturato di E. areolatus misurava 28,5 cm di lunghezza totale e 23,5 cm di lunghezza standard. Questa specie è entrata nel Mediterraneo attraverso il Canale di Suez. Il presente ritrovamento aumenta a cinque il numero di specie esotiche di cernia segnalate nel Mediterraneo, in Turchia. Parole chiave: cernia esotica, nuovo record, migrazione, costa turca ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 256 Deniz ERGUDEN et al.: FIRST RECORD OF EPINEPHELUS AREOLATUS (EPINEPHELIDAE) FROM THE SOUTH-EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, TURKEY, 255–260 INTRODUCTION The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 allowed many species originating in the Red Sea to enter the Mediterranean Sea. This ongoing process continues to exert a significant ecological impact on the Mediter- ranean (Heemstra & Randall, 1993). To date, ten grouper species of the Epinephelidae family have been known to inhabit the Mediter- ranean Sea (Heemstra & Randall, 1993; Froese & Pauly, 2023). Among these, six species are Lessep- sian migrants, i.e., originating from the Red Sea: Epinephelus areolatus (Forsskål, 1775), E. coioides (Hamilton, 1822), E. fasciatus (Forsskål, 1775), E. geoffroyi (Klunzinger, 1870), E. malabaricus and E. merra Blotch, 1793 (Parenti & Bressi 2001; Golani et al., 2002; Lelelong, 2005; Golani et al., 2015; Schembri & Tonna, 2011; Bariche & Heemstra, 2012; Rothman et al., 2016); and four come from the Atlantic Ocean: E. aeneus (Geoffroy Saint- Hilaire, 1817), E. caninus (Valenciennes, 1843), E. costae (Staindachner, 1878), and E. marginatus (Lowe, 1834) (Heemstra & Randall, 1993; Heemstra & Randall, 1999; Froese & Pauly, 2023). The areolate grouper E. areolatus was first re- corded in 2015 in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel and documented by Rothman et al. (2016). Subsequently, this species was captured the second and third times off the coast of Lebanon, as reported by Bariche & Edde (2020). More recently, E. areolatus has been reported in Syrian waters by Al Mabruk et al. (2021). Previously, there have been four exotic grouper species recorded in Turkish Mediterranean waters (Engin et al., 2016; Gokoglu & Ozvarol, 2015; Erguden et al., 2021; Yapici & Sevingel, 2020; Gokoglu & Bicer, 2022), namely the yellowfin hind Cephalopholis hemistiktos Rüppell, 1830, the or- ange-spotted grouper E. coioides (Hamilton, 1822), the blacktip grouper E. fasciatus (Forsskål,  1775), and the creole fish Paranthias furcifer (Valenciennes, 1828). With the addition of this new record, a new exotic grouper species has been identified within the marine ichthyofauna of Turkey. Fig. 1: Map of the Eastern Mediterranean indicating the capture sites of the specimen pre- sented in the study (black dot) and of previous records of Epinephelus areolatus (arrows). Sl. 1: Zemljevid vzhodnega Sredozemskega morja z označeno lokaliteto, kjer je bil ujet prim- erek vrste Epinephelus areolatus (črni krogec) in prejšnji zapisi o pojavljanju vrste (puščice). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 257 Deniz ERGUDEN et al.: FIRST RECORD OF EPINEPHELUS AREOLATUS (EPINEPHELIDAE) FROM THE SOUTH-EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, TURKEY, 255–260 Although E. areolatus has been sighted in eastern Mediterranean waters, there have been no previ- ous reports of its presence in Turkish waters. Thus, the present marks the first record of this species from the Mediterranean Sea coast of Turkey (Bay of Iskenderun). MATERIAL AND METHODS A single specimen of E. areolatus was caught by hook and line off the coast of Arsuz (Konacik) in the Bay of Iskenderun (at 36º29’ N, 35º78’ E) on 22 April 2023 (Fig. 1). The fish was solitary and swimming at a depth of 8 m. The surface tem- perature of the sea was 22.5 ºC. The morphometric measurements were taken using digital calipers and recorded to the nearest 0.1 cm, and the specimen’s total body weight was determined and recorded to the nearest 0.1 g (Fig. 2). The mor- phological and colour descriptions used for the identification of this specimen of E. areolatus have been presented by Heemstra & Randall (1993) and Rothman et al. (2016). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The captured specimen of E. areolatus measured 28.5 cm in total length (TL), 23.5 cm in standard length, and weighed 529.0 g in total weight. The species typically exhibits a moderately elongated body and a large head, with a large mouth contain- ing two rows of teeth. The continuous dorsal fin with interspinous membrane is slightly incised. The anal, pectoral, and pelvic fins are rounded, while the caudal fin is slightly emarginated in adults. The posterior edge of the pre-operculum is serrated with larger serrations (Golani et al., 2002). Dorsal fin with XI, 15 rays, pectoral fin rays 17, anal fin rays III, 8. Caudal fin rays 17. Head length (HL) is 33.16% of TL; body depth is 26.84% of TL; eye diameter is 14.73% of HL; interorbital width is 12.63% of HL; snout length is 18.84% of HL. Colour: The body’s background colour was whitish, with closely-set orange-brown or green- ish-yellow spots, most of which were sub-equal to the diameter of the eye. The posterior margin of the caudal fin was white and the pectoral fins pale, featuring small dark spots on the rays (in agreement with Heemstra & Randall, 1999; Allen & Erdmann, 2012). Although E. areolatus shares similarities with other grouper species, such as E. coioides, E. mar- ginatus, and E. geoffroyi, it differs from them in the size of spots on its body and its distinct colour pattern. The areolate grouper E. areolatus is widespread in the Indo-Pacific Ocean, its range extending from the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and Natal in South Africa in the west, to Fiji in the east, Japan in the north, and northern Australia in the south (Froese & Pauly, 2023). The distribution of the species in Mediterranean waters, as presented in Fig. 1, is based on previous capture records and the present Fig. 2: The Epinephelus areolatus captured in the Iskenderun Bay. Sl. 2: Primerek vrste Epinephelus areolatus ujet v zalivu Iskenderun. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 258 Deniz ERGUDEN et al.: FIRST RECORD OF EPINEPHELUS AREOLATUS (EPINEPHELIDAE) FROM THE SOUTH-EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, TURKEY, 255–260 report from the Bay of Iskenderun. E. areolatus is a reef-associated species, typi- cally found in seagrass beds or near rocky habitats (Heemstra & Randall, 1993) in shallow continental waters. It feeds on fish and large invertebrates (Ran- dall & Heemstra, 1991). The areolate grouper is a protogynous hermaphrodite, with females maturing at 20 cm TL, and males at 30 cm TL. Most indi- viduals measure between 20 and 40 cm TL, with a recorded maximum length at 47 cm TL (Moran et al., 1988). In this study, E. areolatus was captured at a depth of 8 m in the Bay of Iskenderun (Arsuz, Turkey), within a rocky area partly covered with algae. Randall et al. (1990) reported a depth range of 6 to 200 m for this species. Thus, the observed depth of 8 m aligns with the literature (Froese & Pauly, 2023). CONCLUSIONS Our finding from the Bay of Iskenderun repre- sents the first occurrence and evidence of E. areo- latus along the south-eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. This current record brings the number of exotic grouper species recorded in the Mediter- ranean Sea coast of Turkey to five. The presence of this new grouper species is likely a result of migrations from the eastern Mediterranean basin. However, further monitoring studies are necessary to confirm the establishment of a viable population in this region. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the fisherman Isa TURAN for providing the sample. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 259 Deniz ERGUDEN et al.: FIRST RECORD OF EPINEPHELUS AREOLATUS (EPINEPHELIDAE) FROM THE SOUTH-EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, TURKEY, 255–260 PRVI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU RDEČEPIKČASTE KIRNJE EPINEPHELUS AREOLATUS (EPINEPHELIDAE) V JUGOVZHODNEM SREDOZEMSKEM MORJU (TURČIJA) Deniz ERGUDEN Marine Science Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Iskenderun Technical University, 31220 Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey e-mail: deniz.erguden@iste.edu.tr; derguden@gmail.com Deniz AYAS Fisheries and Fish Processing Department, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Mersin, Mersin, Turkey Cemal TURAN Marine Science Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Iskenderun Technical University, 31220 Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey POVZETEK Avtorji poročajo o prvi najdbi rdečepikčaste kirnje Epinephelus areolatus Forsskal, 1775, iz sredozemske turške obale. Primerek vrste E. areolatus so ujeli 22. aprila 2023 na trnek na globini 8 m ob obali Arsuza v zalivu Iskenderun. Ujeti primerek je meril 28,5 cm totalne dolžine in 23,5 cm standardne dolžine. Ta vrsta je v Sredozemsko morje prišla skozi Sueški prekop. Pričujoči zapis povečuje število eksotičnih vrst kirnj, potrjenih v turškem Sredozemskem morju, na pet vrst. Ključne besede: eksotična kirnja, nova najdba, migracija, turška obala ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 260 Deniz ERGUDEN et al.: FIRST RECORD OF EPINEPHELUS AREOLATUS (EPINEPHELIDAE) FROM THE SOUTH-EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, TURKEY, 255–260 REFERENCES Al Mabruk, S., I. Giovos & F. Tiralongo (2021): New record of Epinephelus areolatus in the Mediter- ranean Sea: First record from Syria. Annales, Ser. Hist. Nat., 31(1), 23-28. Allen, G.R. & M.V. Erdmann (2012): Reef fishes of the East Indies. Perth, University of Hawaii Press, Volumes I-III. Tropical Reef Research. Australia, 1292 pp. Bariche, M. & D. Edde (2020): First records of ex- otic marine fish species (Morone saxatilis, Himantura leoparda, Epinephelus areolatus, Diodon hystrix) from Lebanon. In: New Alien Mediterranean Biodiversity Records. Medit. Mar. Sci., 21(1), 129-145. Bariche, M. & P.C. Heemstra (2012): First record of the blacktip grouper Epinephelus fasciatus (Teleostei: Serranidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Mar. Biodiv. Rec., 5, e1. Erguden, D., M. Gurlek & C. Turan (2021): First record of orange spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton, 1822) from the Iskenderun Bay, the north- eastern Mediterranean. NESciences, 6(3), 218-222. Froese R. & D. Pauly (Eds.) (2023): FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org. version (Last accession: 04 May 2023). Golani, D., G.A. Askarov & Y.Y. Dashevsky (2015): First record of the Red Sea spotted grouper, Epinephe- lus geoffroyi (Klunzinger, 1870) (Serranidae) in the Mediterranean. BioInvasions Rec., 4, 143-145. Golani, D., L. Orsi-Relini, E. Massuti, J.P Quig- nard, J. Dulčić & E. Azzurro (2002): CIESM Atlas of Exotic Fishes in the Mediterranean. www.ciesm. org/atlas/appendix1.html. (Last accession: 22 April 2023). Gokoglu, M. & Y. Ozvarol (2015): Epinephelus coioides (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Serranidae). A new Lessepsian migrant in the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat., 45(3), 307-309. Gokoglu, M. & E. Bicer (2022): Second record of the blacktip grouper Epinephelus fasciatus (Teleostei: Serranidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Acta Aquatica: Aquat. Sci. J., 9(2), 101-102. Engin, S., E. Irmak & D. Seyhan (2016): New record of the temophilic Cephalopholis taeniops (Osteichthyes: Serranidae) in the Aegean Sea. Zool. Middle East, 63(2), 184-186. Heemstra, P.C. & J.E. Randall (1993): FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 16. Groupers of the world (family Ser- ranidae, subfamily Epinephelinae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the grouper, rockcod, hind, coral grouper and lyretail species known to date. Rome, FAO. FAO Fish. Synop., 125(16), 1-382. Heemstra, P.C. & J.E. Randall (1999): Serranidae. In: K.E. Carpenter & V.H. Niem (eds.): FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 4. Bony fishes part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae). FAO, Rome, pp. 2442-2547. Leleong, P. (2005): Capture d’un macabit, Epinephe- lus merra Blotch, 1793 (Poisson, Serranidae), en Medi- terranee nord-occidentale. Marine Life, 15, 63-66. Moran, M., J. Jenke, C. Burton & D. Clarke (1988): The Western Australian trap and line fishery on the Northwest Shelf. Western Australian Marine Research Laboratories. FIRTA Project 86/28, Final Report, 79 pp. Parenti, P. & N. Bressi (2001): First record of the orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides (Per- ciformes: Serranidae) in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Cybium: Inter. J. Ichthyol., 25(3), 281-284. Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen & R.C. Steene (1990): Fishes of the Great barrier reef and Coral Sea. Univer- sity of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii, 506 pp. Randall, J.E. & P.C. Heemstra (1991): Revision of Indo-Pacific groupers (Perciformes: Serranidae: Epinephelinae), with descriptions of five new species. Indo-Pac. Fish., 20, 1-332. Rothman, S.B.S., N. Stern & M. Goren (2016): First record of the Indo-Pacific areolate grouper Epinephelus areolatus (Forsskål, 1775) (Perciformes: Epinephelidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Zootaxa, 4067(4), 479-483. Schembri, J.P. & R. Tonna (2011): Occurrence of the Malabar grouper Epinephelus malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider,1801) (Actinopterygii, Perciformes, Ser- ranidae), in the Maltese Islands. Aquat. Invasions, 6(Suppl. 1), S129-S132. Yapici, S. & N. Sevingel (2020): First record of the creole-fish Paranthias furcifer (Valenciennes, 1828) in the Aegean Sea. A New Alien Mediterranean Biodiver- sity Records (October 2020). Medit. Mar. Sci., 21(3), 631-652. 261 FAVNA FAVNA FAVNA 262 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 263 received: 2023-07-26 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.32 FIRST RECORD OF THE MARINE HETEROBRANCH SPINOAGLAJA WILDPRETII (ORTEA, BACALLADO & MORO, 2003) (CEPHALASPIDEA: AGLAJIDAE) IN SICILY (IONIAN SEA) WITH NOTES ON ITS BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY Andrea LOMBARDO University of Catania, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Via Androne 81, 95124 Catania, Italy e-mail: andylombardo94@gmail.com Giuliana MARLETTA Polytechnic University of Marche, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy e-mail: giulianamarletta93@gmail.com ABSTRACT The present note documents the first report of the Aglajidae Spinoaglaja wildpretii along the central-eastern coast of Sicily, a coastal stretch which has been recently examined regarding marine heterobranchia fauna. This rare sea slug was found discontinuously in its distribution range by both enthusiasts and specialists (Canary Islands and Mediterranean Sea) from the time of its description until today. In this short note, all the available biological and ecological information about S. wildpretii is here reviewed and discussed. From resumed and new data about this species, it can be hypothesized that S. wildpretii can be a generalist marine heterobranch species, having been found in very ubiquitous habitats during most of the months of the year and in a large range of temperatures. Key words: Head-shield marine slugs, Heterobranchia, Ionian Sea, Philinoidea, sea slugs PRIMA SEGNALAZIONE DELL’ETEROBRANCO MARINO SPINOAGLAJA WILDPRETII (ORTEA, BACALLADO & MORO, 2003) (CEPHALASPIDEA: AGLAJIDAE) IN SICILIA (MAR IONIO) CON CENNI SULLA SUA BIOLOGIA ED ECOLOGIA SINTESI La presente nota documenta il primo ritrovamento di Spinoaglaja wildpretii (Aglajidae) lungo la costa centro- orientale della Sicilia, un tratto costiero che è stato recentemente esaminato per quanto riguarda la fauna a etero- branchi marini. Questa rara specie è stata rinvenuta sia da appassionati che specialisti in maniera discontinua nel suo areale di distribuzione (Isole Canarie e mar Mediterraneo) da quando è stata descritta. In questa breve nota vengono riviste e discusse tutte le informazioni disponibili riguardanti la biologia ed ecologia di S. wildpretii. Dai nuovi dati e da quelli raccolti su questa specie, può essere ipotizzato che S. wildpretii sia una specie di eterobranco marino generalista, essendo stata rinvenuta in diverse tipologie di ambienti, durante la maggior parte dei mesi dell’anno e a un ampio range di temperature. Parole chiave: cefalaspidei, Heterobranchia, mar Ionio, Philinoidea, lumache di mare ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 264 Andrea LOMBARDO & Giuliana MARLETTA: FIRST RECORD OF THE MARINE HETEROBRANCH SPINOAGLAJA WILDPRETII (ORTEA, BACALLADO ..., 263–270 INTRODUCTION Spinoaglaja Ortea, Moro & Espinosa, 2007 is one of the 16 genera belonging to the family Aglajidae Pilsbry, 1895 (1847) (MolluscaBase, 2023a), the second richest in species family of the order Cephalaspidea (Zamora-Silva & Malaquias, 2018). Members of this genus are mainly characterized by: a cephalic shield narrower than the shell region and with its posterior edge following horizontally the body level; a fully calcified internal shield- shaped shell with a variable number of spiniform processes attached to the protoconch; caudal lobes of the body similar in shape and size; and a head devoid of sensory whiskers (Ortea et al., 2007). Nowadays this genus is represented by a total of five species: Spinoaglaja aeci (Ortea & Espinosa, 2001); S. navia Ortea, 2022; S. orientalis (Baba, 1949); S. petra (Ev. Marcus, 1976) and S. wildpretii (Ortea, Bacallado & Moro, 2003) (MolluscaBase, 2023b). Every species of this genus shows a char- acteristic chromatic pattern that makes them easily distinguishable. This genus seems to be prevalently distributed in the western part of the Atlantic [Costa Rica, Bahamas and Cuba for S. aeci (Ortea & Espinosa, 2001; Ortea et al., 2007); French Guiana for S. navia (Ortea, 2022); Bahamas, Tobago, Mar- tinique and north of Brazil for S. petra (Ornelas- Gatdula & Valdés, 2012)]. However, two species of this genus, S. orientalis and S. wildpretii, are distributed in other areas of the world: the former in the Indo-Pacific (Gosliner et al., 2018; Nakano, 2019), while the latter in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands. In the last decade, one of these five species, S. wildpretii, has aroused the interest of several marine heterobranch specialists in both the Macaronesian and Mediterranean areas due to its presumed rarity and its discontinuous find- ings (Ballesteros et al., 2016; Horst et al., 2021) (Fig. 1 and Tab. 1). Spinoaglaja wildpretii was documented for the first time in 1998 for the Canary Islands through a photo posted in 2001 on the famous Bill Rudman’s website, Sea Slug Forum, by one of its users (Koehler, 2001). This species was officially described only five years later under the name Melanochlamys wildpretii by Ortea et al. (2003) through the examination of three specimens collected at Sardina del Norte Fig. 1: Map of the Mediterranean and Macaronesian reports of Spinoaglaja wildpretii. Sl. 1: Zemljevid Sredozemskega morja in Makaronezije z najdbami vrste Spinoaglaja wildpretii. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 265 Andrea LOMBARDO & Giuliana MARLETTA: FIRST RECORD OF THE MARINE HETEROBRANCH SPINOAGLAJA WILDPRETII (ORTEA, BACALLADO ..., 263–270 Tab. 1: Available information about Spinoaglaja wildpretii from scientific literature, books and websites. The ques- tion marks indicate absence of data concerning the mentioned type of information. Tab. 1: Razpoložljivi podatki o vrsti Spinoaglaja wildpretii iz strokovne literature, knjig in spletnih strani. Vprašaj označuje pomanjkanje podatkov v viru. References Dates N° of specimens Location Substrates Depth (m) Temperature °C Koehler, 2001 ?-?-1998 1 Gran Canaria Island (Canary Islands, Spain) on alge covered by detritus 1 ? Ortea et al., 2003 18-06-2003 3 Gáldar (Canary Islands) on and below muddy sediment covered by rocks 4-15 ? Manousis et al., 2012 ? 2 (shells) Cape (Epanomi, Greece) Zostera 0.2 ? Trainito & Doneddu, 2014a; 2014b 27-11-2012 1 Punta Saline (Olbia, Italy) on a leaf of Posidonia oceanica 3 ? 12-12-2012 1 Punta Saline (Olbia, Italy) detritus/sediment 3 ? 28-10-2013 2 Lido del Sole Bay (Olbia, Italy) on a valve of dead Pinna nobilis 5 ? 7-12-2013 1 Porto San Paolo Bay (Loiri Porto San paolo, Italy) on stolons of Caulerpa cylindracea 5 ? Horst & Juan, 2015 23-07-2012 1 Les Vieilles (Anthéor, France) on a tile covered by Acetabularia sp. and Liagora sp. 3 ? Romani & Pagli, 2015 ? 1 (shell) Port of Livorno (Livorno, Italy) muddy bottom 10 ? ? 1 (shell) Zannone Island (Latina, Italy) coralligenous bottom 36 ? Ballesteros et al., 2016 13-12-2011 1 Tossa de Mar (Spain) among Posidonia oceanica and masses of photophilic algae ? ? 5-12-2013 1 Sa Tuna (Begur, Spain) among Posidonia oceanica and masses of photophilic algae ? ? 3-10-2014 1 Morro del Vedell (Palamós, Spain) among Posidonia oceanica and masses of photophilic algae ? ? 31-10-2015 1 Cap de Creus (Spain) among Posidonia oceanica and masses of photophilic algae ? ? Prkić et al., 2018 ? 1 Kasjuni (Split, Croatia) ? 25 ? Furfaro et al., 2020; Salento Sommerso, 2023 ?-11-2015 1 Porto Cesareo (Lecce, Italy) on dead algae 0.2 ? 23-02-2023 1 Porto Badisco (Otranto, Italy) on a sponge 10 11-12 Horst et al., 2021 16-05-2016 1 L’Eglise (Cagnes-sur-mer, France) on and below sand 7 ? 21-09-2017 1 Golfe de Lava (Appietto, France) above turf of filamentous algae on Posidonia oceanica matte 4 ? Present note 17-07-2023 1 Acque fredde (Santa Tecla, Italy) on a thallus of Halopteris scoparia 6.2 24-25 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 266 Andrea LOMBARDO & Giuliana MARLETTA: FIRST RECORD OF THE MARINE HETEROBRANCH SPINOAGLAJA WILDPRETII (ORTEA, BACALLADO ..., 263–270 (Gáldar, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands). Subse- quently, Ortea et al. (2007) included this species in the new genus Spinoaglaja Ortea, Moro & Espinosa, 2007 due to the presence in the shell of this species of conic spines on the protoconch. For almost a decade, no live specimen of S. wild- pretii was found. Indeed, the only finding of this species was that of two shells reported for Cape Epanomi in Greece (as Melanochlamys wildpretii) (Manousis et al., 2012). However, after the publication of this Greek report, the first Mediterranean record of a living S. wildpretii specimen was published by Horst and Juan (2015) for the waters of Les Vieilles (Anthéor, France). Almost in the same period, Trainito and Doneddu (2014a; 2014b) reported the finding of five specimens for the areas of Olbia and Loiri Porto San Paolo (Sardinia, Italy), while Romani and Pagli (2015) documented two shells of this species at Livorno (Italy) and Zannone island (Italy). Sub- sequently, four specimens of this Aglajidae were found in four locations along the Catalan coast (Spain) (Ballesteros et al., 2016) and one in the area of Kasjuni (Split, Croatia) (Prkić et al., 2018). Other additional findings of this mollusc were documented from 2015 to 2023 by Furfaro et al. (2020) and Salento Sommerso (2023) for Italy (two specimens reported for Apulia) and by Horst et al. (2021) for France (one for the French Riviera and the other one for western Corsica). Recently, during a scuba dive a specimen of S. wildpretii was found in a site of the central-eastern coast of Sicily (Ionian Sea). Consequently, the pre- sent note here documents the first report for Sicily of this rare species with a brief review of all the information available from scientific articles, books and websites about this marine heterobranch. MATERIAL AND METHODS The specimen of Spinoaglaja wildpretii was found during a morning dive carried out on 17 July 2023 at Acque fredde (37°38’15.5”N, 15°10’51.1”E), a site located within the hamlet of Santa Tecla (Mu- nicipality of Acireale). Acque fredde is one of the only three sites along the central-eastern coast of Sicily in which there is a stable and healthy popula- tion of Ericaria zosteroides (C. Agardh) Molinari & Guiry (Marletta & Lombardo, 2023) and thus it pre- sents general good environmental conditions. The encountered specimen was not collected but was documented photographically through an Olympus TG-4 underwater camera. Through the examination of the photos and the pertinent literature (see refer- ence) it was possible to identify the individual as S. wildpretii. In addition, through the observation of the photos, it was possible to determine even the substrates in which the specimen was found. The depth and temperature were registered at the mo- ment of the finding via a Suunto D6i dive computer. Moreover, to measure the specimen and obtain the best photographic output, the specimen was put on a black plastic board. RESULTS The specimen of Spinoaglaja wildpretii (Fig. 2 A-G) was found in a turf composed of several thalli of the brown algae Halopteris scoparia (Linnaeus) Sauvageau (6.2 m of depth, 24-25°C). In particular, the individual was found at the base of a thallus of H. scoparia among/above a mix of detritus/sand, filamentous and laminar small algae. Overall, the animal presented a rest/contract position that gave him a general stubby aspect. Once removed from the substrate and placed above a plastic board, the animal became immediately active (crawling rapidly) and regained its normal body shape (about 13 mm in length). DISCUSSION With the present note the cephalaspidean Spinoaglaja wildpretii is reported for the first time along the coasts of Sicily, specifically for the central-eastern coast of this island, a coastal stretch that has been recently studied regarding the marine Heterobranchia fauna (Lombardo & Marletta, 2020). Due to the scant findings and its inconspicuous lifestyle, this species is gener- ally considered rare (Trainito & Doneddu, 2014a; Horst et al., 2021). Moreover, as can be seen through the documented findings of this species, S. wildpretii’s preferential habitats are, almost always, those with a soft substrate (sand, mud, detritus), a coverage (more or less dense) of differ- ent types of marine plants (seagrasses and algae) or rocks and pebbles. In these habitats, the find- ing of sea slugs is often difficult and it is possible only either when they move to less shaded areas [e. g. on the upper part of plants (Koehler, 2001; Trainito & Doneddu, 2014a; Ballestero et al., 2016; Horst et al., 2021) or on uncovered areas (Ortea et al., 2003; Trainito & Doneddu, 2014a; Horst et al., 2021) or on conspicuous substrates (Trainito & Doneddu, 2014a; Horst & Juan, 2015; Furfaro et al., 2020; Salento Sommerso, 2023)]. Consequently, the life habitat of this species plays an important role in its inconspicuousness and presumed rarity. Regarding the geographical origin of this spe- cies, in the last years two possible hypotheses were assumed. The first one is by Trainito and Doneddu (2014a) and Ballesteros et al. (2016), who stated ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 267 Andrea LOMBARDO & Giuliana MARLETTA: FIRST RECORD OF THE MARINE HETEROBRANCH SPINOAGLAJA WILDPRETII (ORTEA, BACALLADO ..., 263–270 that due to the location of the reports documented at the time, S. wildpretii might be an Atlanto- Mediterranean species. The second hypothesis was stated also by Ballesteros et al. (2016) who, follow- ing the information reported in a study of another Spinoaglaja species (S. petra) (Ornelas-Gatdula & Valdés, 2012), suggested that the distribution of S. wildpretii may indicate the existence of two sympatric-cryptic species, a Canarian and a Medi- terranean one. In particular, the case of S. wildpretii seems to be halfway between that of O. picoensis, with few reports in the Macaronesia versus a huge quan- tity of findings in the Mediterranean (Lombardo & Marletta, 2021; Trainito et al., 2022); and that of T. mazda, with a single record for the Macaronesia and two for the Mediterranean basin (Lombardo, 2023). Although the difference in the number of reports, the geographical pathway made by these species from the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea is very similar. Moreover, due to the presumed similarity in the pattern of findings of these three species, understanding one of them could permit us to assume that of the other two. Regarding the biology of this species, there is very little and scattered information among litera- ture and websites (Tab. 1). In general, S. wildpretii is a burrowing animal that lives in sandy and muddy environments with half-buried stones (Ortea et al., 2003; Ballesteros et al., 2016). However, through the examination of published data, S. wildpretii does not seem a complete burrower animal. In- deed, in many reports, it was documented above different solid substrates. Consequently, although this species has probably burrowing habits, it can easily adapt to several types of substrates, but always in proximity of covered areas. As concerns this, meadows of seagrass, turfs of macroalgae and Fig. 2: The specimen of Spinoaglaja wildpretii found at Acque fredde. A) the individual, with a stubby aspect, at the moment of the finding; B) the specimen relocated on its substrate; C) anterodorsal view of the animal; D) left dorsolateral view; E) right dorsolateral view; F) dorsal view; G) left lateral view (photos by A. Lombardo). Sl. 2: Primerek vrste Spinoaglaja wildpretii, najden na lokaliteti Acque fredde. A) čokat primerek v trenutku najdbe; B) primerek v njegovem okolju; C) anterodorzalni pogled na žival; D) levi dorzolateralni pogled; E) desni dorzolateralni pogled; F) hrbtni pogled; G) pogled z levega boka (fotografije: A. Lombardo). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 268 Andrea LOMBARDO & Giuliana MARLETTA: FIRST RECORD OF THE MARINE HETEROBRANCH SPINOAGLAJA WILDPRETII (ORTEA, BACALLADO ..., 263–270 rocks fit perfectly in this category. Overall, this species was found: once in February (Furfaro et al., 2020; Salento Sommerso, 2023), once in May (Horst et al., 2021), once in June (Ortea et al., 2003), twice in July (Horst & Juan, 2015; present note), once in September (Horst et al., 2021), three times in October (Trainito & Doneddu, 2014a; Bal- lesteros et al., 2016), twice in November (Trainito & Doneddu, 2014a; Furfaro et al., 2020; Salento Sommerso, 2023) and four times in December (Trainito & Doneddu, 2014a; Ballesteros et al., 2016). Therefore, most reports were documented during autumn months. Moreover, although tem- perature data were registered only twice (Salento Sommerso, 2023; present note), it can be assumed that S. wildpretii is a eurytherm species, having been found both at 11-12 °C (Salento Sommerso, 2023) and 24-25 °C (present note). As regards the bathymetric range of S. wildpretii (considering live specimen records), this species was found from under the level of seawater to 25 m of depth (Salento Sommerso, 2023; Prkić et al., 2018). To conclude, from the sum of the new data reported here and those taken from the literature, it would appear that S. wildpretii can be found in various marine habitats, for most months of the year and over a wide range of temperatures. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 269 Andrea LOMBARDO & Giuliana MARLETTA: FIRST RECORD OF THE MARINE HETEROBRANCH SPINOAGLAJA WILDPRETII (ORTEA, BACALLADO ..., 263–270 PRVI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU MORSKEGA ZAŠKRGARJA VRSTE SPINOAGLAJA WILDPRETII (ORTEA, BACALLADO & MORO, 2003) (CEPHALASPIDEA: AGLAJIDAE) NA SICILIJI (JONSKO MORJE) Z ZAPISKI O NJENI BIOLOGIJI IN EKOLOGIJI Andrea LOMBARDO University of Catania, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, 95124 Catania, Italy e-mail: andylombardo94@gmail.com Giuliana MARLETTA Polytechnic University of Marche, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy e-mail: giulianamarletta93@gmail.com POVZETEK Avtorja poročata o prvem zapisu o pojavljanju vrste Spinoaglaja wildpretii iz družine Aglajidae na obalnem odseku vzdolž srednjevzhodne obale Sicilije, kjer sta raziskovala polže zaškrgarje. Tega redkega morskega polža so od njegovega opisa tako strokovnjaki kot navdušenci do danes v njegovem arealu le občasno našli (Kanarsko otočje in Sredozemsko morje). V tej beležki avtorja podajata vse razpoložljive biološke in ekološke podatke o vrsti S. wild- pretii. Na podlagi razpoložljivih in novih podatkov domnevata, da je S. wildpretii med zaškrgarji vrsta generalista, ki jo najdemo v zelo različnih habitatih večino mesecev v letu in v velikem razponu temperatur. Ključne besede: Cephalaspidea, Heterobranchia, Jonsko morje, Philinoidea, polži zaškrgarji ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 270 Andrea LOMBARDO & Giuliana MARLETTA: FIRST RECORD OF THE MARINE HETEROBRANCH SPINOAGLAJA WILDPRETII (ORTEA, BACALLADO ..., 263–270 REFERENCES Ballesteros, M., E. Madrenas & M. Pontes (2016): First record of the gastropod Philinopsis wildpretii (Ortea, Bacallado and Moro, 2003) (Cephalaspidea, Aglajidae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Mar. 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Zamora-Silva, A., & M.A.E. Malaquias (2018): Mo- lecular phylogeny of the Aglajidae head-shield sea slugs (Heterobranchia: Cephalaspidea): new evolutionary lineages revealed and proposal of a new classification. Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 183(1), 1-51. https://doi.org/10.1093/ zoolinnean/zlx064. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 271 received: 2023-10-02 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.33 FIRST EVIDENCE OF THE PRESENCE OF OKENIA PICOENSIS PAZ-SEDANO, ORTIGOSA & POLA, 2017 (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA Marco FANTIN Shoreline Soc Coop, Area Science Park Padriciano 99, Italy Saul CIRIACO WWF Miramare MPA, Via Beirut 2/4, Trieste, Italy e-mail: saul@ampmiramare.it Lisa FARESI ARPA FVG, Via Cairoli 14, 33057, Palmanova, Italy Chiara SCRIGNER Strada del Friuli 107, 34136 Trieste, Italy Juri VECCHI Via Paolo VI 26029 Soncino, CR, Italy Domen TRKOV & Lovrenc LIPEJ Marine Biology Station Piran, National Institute of Biology, Fornače 41, Piran, Slovenia e-mail: Lovrenc.Lipej@nib.si ABSTRACT The authors report the finding of some specimens (8 sightings) of Okenia picoensis (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) at three different sites in Croatia (northern Adriatic Sea). Although this seaslug species has only recently been described, this record confirms its rapid spread throughout the Mediterranean Sea. This finding represents the first substantiated record in the Adriatic Sea. Key words: Heterobranchia, spreading, northern Adriatic Sea PRIME PROVE DELLA PRESENZA DI OKENIA PICOENSIS PAZ-SEDANO, ORTIGOSA & POLA, 2017 (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA) NEL MARE ADRIATICO SINTESI Gli autori riportano il ritrovamento di alcuni esemplari (8 avvistamenti) di Okenia picoensis (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) in tre diversi siti della Croazia (Adriatico settentrionale). Sebbene questa specie di nudibranco sia stata descritta solo di recente, i dati confermano la sua rapida diffusione in tutto il Mediterraneo. Questo ritrovamento rappresenta il primo ritrovamento documentato nell’Adriatico. Parole chiave: Heterobranchia, espansione, Adriatico settentrionale ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 272 Marco FANTIN et al.: FIRST EVIDENCE OF THE PRESENCE OF OKENIA PICOENSIS PAZ-SEDANO, ORTIGOSA & POLA, 2017 ..., 271–276 INTRODUCTION Heterobranch gastropods have been gaining increasing attention from the scientific com- munity, with fresh evidence consistently being published in specialised scientific literature. A significant contribution to their knowledge also comes from citizen science, which is recognised for its efficacy in collecting valuable and depend- able data for diverse research purposes, as high- lighted by Langeneck et al. (2022). According to Trainito et al. (2022), the intense fascination with ‘nudibranchs’, along with the technological de- velopment of increasingly powerful cameras, and their widespread use by divers have made diving a basic documentation tool for most research- ers, as demonstrated by Bohnsack (1979) and Cattaneo-Vietti & Mojetta (2021). Moreover, with the growing number of underwater photographers (Parera et al., 2020), discoveries of new, rare, or lesser-known heterobranchs are rapidly shared through social media, leading to the publication of many new heterobranch detections (e.g., Fortič et al., 2021; Kousteni et al., 2022; Montesanto et al., 2022; Trainito et al., 2023). The team of authors gathered around this article testifies to the well-established cooperation between underwater photographers and researchers, confirming it with a new sighting of Okenia picoensis Paz-Sedano, Ortigosa & Pola, 2017 in the northern Adriatic Sea. This species was originally described from the Azores by Paz-Sedano et al. (2017), who identified two colour patterns: one white with yellow tips of the rhinophores and cerata, and the other pale yellow with orange tips (Paz-Sedano et al., 2017). The first record of O. picoensis in the Mediter- ranean Sea was reported by Pontes and Madrenas (2022) at four different localities in Malta and off the coast of Almuñécar (Granada), Spain. Later, specimens of O. picoensis were recorded in differ- ent locations in Sicily (Crocetta et al., 2021; Lom- bardo & Marletta, 2021). Afterwards, Trainito et al. (2022) published the first record of this species in Sardinia and provided a comprehensive list of all thirty documented sightings in the Mediterra- nean Sea to date, based on published records and specialist portals (DORIS; OPK-Opistobranquis). They noted that almost all the records were de- rived from reports by non-specialists. Trainito et al. (2022) concluded that the spreading of O. picoensis involves the entire Mediterranean Sea save the Adriatic Sea. Fig. 1: Locations of sighting. The red square indicates the location of the investigated area in the Adriatic Sea. Sl. 1: Lokacije opazovanj. Rdeč okvir označuje lokacijo raziskanega predela v Jadranskem morju. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 273 Marco FANTIN et al.: FIRST EVIDENCE OF THE PRESENCE OF OKENIA PICOENSIS PAZ-SEDANO, ORTIGOSA & POLA, 2017 ..., 271–276 Herein, we report the first record of O. picoen- sis in the Adriatic Sea and discuss the accompany- ing information obtained in the region. MATERIAL AND METHODS A first specimen of Okenia picoensis was found in December 2022 at a depth of 11 m in Kostrena (Rijeka, Croatia) (Fig. 1). Subsequently, in April and May 2023, three more specimens were discovered at a depth of 6-7 m at the Marco Polo diving site near Rijeka, not far from the first location (Tab. 1). Finally, in June, the species was observed in the waters off Rabac (reef near the Girandella diving centre) in the eastern part of the Istrian Peninsula at a depth of 17 m, and again in August in the Kostrena area at a depth of 23 m. The specimens were identified using the diagnos- tic features described by Paz-Sedano et al. (2017). The validity of the Latin name was checked against the World Register of Marine Species [WoRMS]. The specimen from Kostrena was photographed using a Canon M50 with a mini flash backscatter, while the specimens from Rijeka were shot using a Nikon D800 and a Seacam150 flash with a macro lens Inon ucl67. The first specimen is now housed in the collection of the Marine Biology Station Piran (NIB). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Eight specimens of Okenia picoensis (Gas- tropoda: Nudibranchia) were recorded at three different sites in Croatia (northern Adriatic Sea). The discovery areas were characterised by rocky bottom boulders of varying sizes and small inlets covered with a sciaphilous assemblage at depths ranging from 7 to 27 m. All the individuals were found on Codium bursa algae. According to pub- lished monographs and scientific papers (Betti, 2011; Ciriaco & Poloniato, 2016; Zenetos et al., 2016; Lipej et al., 2018; Prkić et al., 2018, Ciriaco et al., 2023), the species had not been previously recorded in the Adriatic Sea (Fig. 2). Since O. picoensis has only recently been de- scribed, its ecological and biological characteris- tics are still poorly known. This sighting is the first documented record of this species in the Adriatic Sea. Considering the map of all records summarised by Trainito et al. (2022), which confirmed records for all parts of the Mediterranean except the Adri- atic Sea, a first record in the latter was expected. In the northern Adriatic, O. picoensis was found at shallower depths (6 to 17 m) compared to other areas, where depths ranged from 15 to 34 m (Orfa- nidis et al., 2021; Crocetta et al., 2021; Lombardo & Marletta, 2021; Trainito et al., 2022). According to Pola et al. (2019), to date, at least five species of the genus Okenia have been recorded in the Adriatic Sea: Okenia elegans (Leuckart, 1828), O. mediterranea (Von Ihering, 1886), O. aspersa (Alder & Hancock, 1945), O. longiductis (Pola, Paz-Sedano, Macali, Minchin, Marchini, Vitale, Licchelli & Crocetta, 2019), O. problematica (Pola, Paz-Sedano, Macali, Minchin, Marchini, Vitale, Licchelli & Crocetta, 2019). All of these were also reported in the northern region of the Adriatic. The present finding of O. picoensis Date Site Coordinates n Depth (m) HabitatN E 1 dec. 22 Kostrena 45.30323 14.48866 1 11 Rocky bottom on Codium bursa 2 apr. 23 Marco Polo Diving 45.34083 14.37235 3 7 Rocky bottom on Codium bursa 3 jun. 23 Girandella diving 45.07949 14.17512 1 27 Rocky bottom on Codium bursa 4 jun. 23 Marco Polo Diving 45.34083 14.37235 1 22 Rocky bottom on Codium bursa 5 jun.23 Girandella diving 45.07949 14.17512 1 17,5 Rocky bottom on Codium bursa 6 aug. 23 Kostrena 45.30323 14.48866 1 23 Rocky bottom on Codium bursa Tab. 1: Findings of Okenia picoensis specimens in the studied area with data about dates, sites, coordinates, number of specimens, depths, and habitats. Tab. 1: Podatki o datumih, lokalitetah, številu primerkov, globinah in habitatih najdenih primerkih vrste Okenia picoensis na obravnavanem območju. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 274 Marco FANTIN et al.: FIRST EVIDENCE OF THE PRESENCE OF OKENIA PICOENSIS PAZ-SEDANO, ORTIGOSA & POLA, 2017 ..., 271–276 brings the total number of species in the Adriatic Sea to six for this genus. Trainito et al. (2022) expressed some doubts regarding the status of O. picoensis as an alien spe- cies, suggesting that it might be more reasonable to consider O. picoensis a native species of the entire Atlanto-Mediterranean region. This consideration raises the question whether the species has spread to the Adriatic from a specific part of the Medi- terranean Sea or is simply a case of a previously overlooked nudibranch. Due to its rapid expansion throughout the Medi- terranean Sea, it is realistic to expect reports of this species from other parts of the Adriatic Sea as well. Fig. 2: A white morph of Okenia picoensis. A, B – a specimen photographed in Kostrena (Rijeka, northern Adriatic Sea) in December 2022 (photo: J. Vecchi); C, D – specimens photographed at the Marco Polo Diving Centre (Rijeka, Croatia) in April 2023 (photo: C. Scrigner). Sl. 2: Bela različica vrste Okenia picoensis. A, B – primerek, fotografiran v Kostreni (Rijeka, severno Jadransko morje) v decembru 2022 (foto: J. Vecchi); C, D – primerka, fotografirana na lokaciji Marco Polo Diving Centre (Rijeka, Hrvaška) v aprilu 2023 (foto: C. Scrigner). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 275 Marco FANTIN et al.: FIRST EVIDENCE OF THE PRESENCE OF OKENIA PICOENSIS PAZ-SEDANO, ORTIGOSA & POLA, 2017 ..., 271–276 PRVI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU VRSTE GOLOŠKRGARJA OKENIA PICOENSIS PAZ-SEDANO, ORTIGOSA & POLA, 2017 (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA) IZ JADRANSKEGA MORJA Marco FANTIN Shoreline Soc Coop, Area Science Park Padriciano 99, Italy Saul CIRIACO WWF Miramare MPA, Via Beirut 2/4, Trieste, Italy e-mail: saul@ampmiramare.it Lisa FARESI ARPA FVG, Via Cairoli 14, 33057, Palmanova, Italy Chiara SCRIGNER Strada del Friuli 107, 34136 Trieste, Italy Juri VECCHI Via Paolo VI 26029 Soncino, CR, Italy Domen TRKOV & Lovrenc LIPEJ Marine Biology Station Piran, National Institute of Biology, Fornače 41, Piran, Slovenia e-mail: Lovrenc.Lipej@nib.si POVZETEK Avtorji poročajo o najdbi osmih primerkov vrste Okenia picoensis (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) na treh različnih lokacijah na Hrvaškem (severno Jadransko morje). Čeprav je bila ta vrsta šele pred kratkim opisana, pričujoči podatki potrjujejo, da se hitro razširja po Sredozemskem morju. Te najdbe predstavljajo prvi zapis o pojavljanju te vrste v Jadranskem morju. Ključne besede: Heterobranchia, razširjanje, severno Jadransko morje ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 276 Marco FANTIN et al.: FIRST EVIDENCE OF THE PRESENCE OF OKENIA PICOENSIS PAZ-SEDANO, ORTIGOSA & POLA, 2017 ..., 271–276 REFERENCES Betti, F. (2011): Il regno dei nudibranchi. Editrice la Mandragora, 198 pp. Bohnsack, J.A. (1979): Photographic quantitative sam- pling of hard–bottom benthic communities. Bulletin Marine Science, 29, 242-252. Cattaneo-Vietti & A. Mojetta (2021): The Essential Role of Diving in Marine Biology. Bulletin of Environmental and Life Sciences, 3, 1-44. Ciriaco, S. & D. Poloniato (2016): Guida illustrata ai nudibranchi del Golfo di Trieste. Pandion Edizioni, Roma, 88 pp. Ciriaco, S., M. Fantin, C. Scrigner, L. Faresi, G. Furfaro, E. Trainito, M. 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Marine Ecology, 37(6), 1239-1255. 277 FLORA FLORA FLORA 278 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 279 received: 2023-07-10 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.34 LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI Amelio PEZZETTA Via Monteperalba 34 - 34149 Trieste, Italy e-mail: fonterossi@libero.it Marco PAOLUCCI Contrada Sant’Antonio 24 – 66041 Atessa (Ch) e-mail: Maiella@virgilio.it SINTESI Il Comune di Lama dei Peligni è situato in Provincia di Chieti (Regione Abruzzo), è parzialmente compreso nel Parco Nazionale della Maiella e occupa la superficie di 31,33 km². Il presente lavoro segue un altro del 2011 e ha la finalità di riportare un elenco floristico aggiornato dei taxa presenti nell’ambito di studio. La compilazione di una nuova check-list è indispensabile poiché dopo il 2011, i nuovi studi hanno portato a rimaneggiamenti tassonomici, altre segnalazioni e l’esclusione di taxa in precedenza considerati presenti. L’elenco floristico attuale comprende 1360 taxa tra cui 94 specie endemiche che accrescono l’importanza fitogeografica dell’area di studio. Lo spettro corologico mostra che i taxa censiti appartengono a 52 diversi corotipi, ripartiti in 9 contingenti geografici. Parole chiave: Lama dei Peligni, Maiella, Abruzzo, flora, fiume Aventino THE FLORA OF LAMA DEI PELIGNI (MAIELLA NATIONAL PARK, ABRUZZO, ITALY): SYSTEMATIC UPDATE AND NEW REPORTINGS. ABSTRACT The territory of Lama dei Peligni covers 31,33 km², is located in the province of Chieti, Abruzzo Region (Italy) and is a part of the National Maiella Park. This work follows another from 2011 and aims to report a new updated checklist of floristic species present in the study area. This compilation is essential because after 2011 the new studies carried out led to taxonomic changes, other reports and the exclusion of various taxa previously considered present. The current floristic list consists of 1360 taxa including 94 endemic species which increase the phytogeographic importance of the study area. The chorological spectrum shows that all taxa belong to 52 different chorotypes divided into 9 geographical contingents. Key words: Lama dei Peligni, Maiella, Abruzzo, flora, Aventino River. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 280 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 INTRODUZIONE Nel territorio di Lama dei Peligni Pezzetta (2011) segnalava 937 taxa. In seguito, i rimaneggiamenti tassonomici e le nuove ricerche di Ciaschetti et al. (2015), Conti et al. (2019, 2020), Di Santo & Pezzetta (2012), Pezzetta et al. (2022), Tesei et al. (2021) e Ubaldi (2012) hanno ampliato le cono- scenze esistenti segnalando nuove entità ed esclu- dendo taxa che in precedenza si consideravano presenti. Alla luce di questi fatti si rende necessaria la compilazione di un nuovo elenco floristico con tutte le novità riscontrate. Inquadramento dell’area d’indagine Lama dei Peligni è un Comune abruzzese (Fig. 1) situato all’altitudine media di 669 metri s.l.m. e che occupa la superficie di 31,33 km². La popola- zione residente è costituita da 1057 individui, con una densità media di circa 34 abitanti/km² (Demo ISTAT, 2022). Essa vive in gran parte nel capoluogo e il resto costituito da poche centinaia d’individui è sparso in varie frazioni. Il territorio comunale (Fig. 2), compreso tra le altitudini di 286 e 2690 metri s. l. m., si può ripartire in un settore montuoso posto sul versante orientale del massiccio della Maiella e uno colli- nare percorso nella parte più bassa dal fiume Aven- tino, un affluente del Sangro. Il settore collinare presenta una pendenza media di circa il 12% ed è costituito dai nuclei abitati, infrastrutture viarie, ambiti incolti, pochi terreni coltivati e lembi di bosco sparsi. A sua volta quello montuoso, com- pletamente disabitato è caratterizzato da una forte acclività tra l’altitudine di 750 e 1500 metri, dal pendio più dolce sino a 2400 metri e oltre questa quota da estesi pianori altitudinali. Nel Comune si osservano diverse formazioni sedimentarie che iniziarono a depositarsi nel Giurassico Superiore e proseguirono nelle ere geologiche successive: rocce calcaree e detriti di falda del settore montuoso; terreni calcarei, depo- siti alluvionali quaternari, rocce conglomeratiche, argillose, marnose, sabbiose e flyschoidi presenti in quello collinare. Mentre i terreni calcarei sono di natura per- meabile, gli strati argillosi sono impermeabili. Su di essi si osservano stagni e ruscelli più o meno temporanei e scorrono le acque meteoriche che in alcune zone hanno provocato profonde incisioni dando origine a fenomeni calanchivi. Nelle zone di contatto tra terreni argillosi e calcarei affiorano sorgenti che in passato hanno rivestito una notevole importanza per l’irrigazione e l’approvvigionamen- to idrico. Altre meno numerose affiorano anche in alcuni ambiti del settore montuoso e un tempo erano utilizzate dai pastori e i loro armenti. Per quanto riguarda il clima è da evidenziare che il territorio lamese gode di una favorevole esposizione alla luce solare, mentre il retrostante massiccio montuoso lo protegge dai venti freddi settentrionali e crea le condizioni per gli incre- menti dei valori termici locali. Tuttavia, a causa dell’ampia escursione altitudinale non è possibile definire per l’area un’unica tipologia del clima locale. I valori medi dei parametri climatici sotto riportati sono stati ottenuti dall’elaborazione dei Fig. 1: Posizione della Regione Abruzzo in Italia e di Lama dei Peligni (indicata in rosso). Sl. 1: Geografska lega regije Abruci in predela Lama dei Peligni (označen z rdečo barvo). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 281 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 dati statistici dal 1920 al 2010 che sono stati forniti alcuni anni fa dal Servizio Idrografico di Pescara e dall’Ufficio Coordinamento servizi vivaistici e agri meteo di Scerni (CH). In seguito, i dati elaborati sono stati inseriti nel saggio di Pezzetta (2011). Nel centro abitato si registrano i seguenti para- metri termo-pluviometrici che sono tipici di un clima submediterraneo di transizione: temperatura media annua 12°C; mese più freddo (gennaio) con 4°C; mese più caldo (agosto) con 23°C; precipi- tazioni medie annue circa 800 mm; stagione con precipitazioni più abbondanti l’autunno con circa 244 mm; stagione con precipitazioni minime: l’estate con circa 133 mm. Nel resto del territorio posto ad altitudini diverse, come hanno rilevato Frattaroli et al. (2006), si osservano altre tipologie climatiche che in base al metodo di classificazione di Rivas-Martinez (1996), sono caratterizzate dai seguenti termotipi che esprimono la componente termica del clima e ombrotipi, a loro volta sono legati alle precipitazioni: il termotipo mesotem- perato superiore e l’ombrotipo umido/subumido che sono tipici della fascia altitudinale posta sino a 800 metri; il termotipo collinare-montano e l’ombrotipo umido che comprendono la fascia altitudinale tra 800 e 1500 metri; il termotipo montano-subalpino e l’ombrotipo umido inferiore che caratterizzano la fascia tra 1500 e 2200 metri; il termotipo orotemperato inferiore e l’ombrotipo iperumido inferiore che caratterizzano le aree poste oltre 2200 metri. Il paesaggio e le formazioni vegetali Le formazioni vegetali del territorio lamese sono molto varie e la conseguenza delle caratteristiche geo-morfologiche locali, della rilevante escursione altimetrica e della plurimillenaria pressione antro- pica (Pezzetta, 1991, Di Santo & Pezzetta, 2012). L’ambito in esame è abitato dalla preistoria e per diversi millenni, la popolazione vi ha operato per ricavare terreni coltivabili, pascoli, legna da ardere e materiali da costruzione. Queste pratiche hanno portato alla fondazione di aree urbane, abitazioni secondarie sparse, la riduzione delle superfici fo- restali e la formazione di terreni aperti. I pochi di Fig. 2: Il territorio comunale di Lama dei Peligni (circondato dalla linea rossa). Sl. 2: Občinski teritorij Lame dei Peligni (obkrožen z rdečo črto). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 282 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 lembi di bosco presenti sino a un recente passato testimoniavano l’aspetto che aveva il paesaggio vegetale prima che l’uomo iniziasse a trasformarlo. Ora la popolazione residente ha registrato una forte flessione, la pastorizia è quasi assente e l’attività agricola è limitata alla cura di pochi terreni e colture specializzate (orti, uliveti e vigneti). A causa della pressione antropica molto ridotta e della conseguen- te bassa azione di disturbo si osserva la riduzione dei terreni aperti e il progressivo aumento della super- ficie occupata dalla vegetazione prenemorale e dal manto forestale. Il paesaggio attuale è costituito da un mosaico che associa boschi in espansione, centri abitati, antichi pascoli, terreni agricoli e aree incolte. Le principali formazioni vegetali che lo compongono sono le seguenti: boschi ripariali disposti lungo le sponde del fiume Aventino; formazioni idrofile va- rie situate presso le sorgenti, i bordi di strade con ruscellamenti, i fossi e le aree con ristagni d’acqua; formazioni vegetali sinantropiche situate presso le abitazioni, le aree incolte, marginali e i campi col- tivati o abbandonati; prati aridi disposti sui terreni calcarei e le aree argillose interessata da un’attività erosiva; formazioni arboreo-arbustive sparse; boschi termofili misti di caducifoglie con infiltrazioni di essenze arboree mediterranee sclerofille; una faggeta termofila mista posta in località Valle di Sant’Angelo; formazioni glaericole e rupestri poste a varie altitudi- ni; due pinete artificiali a pino nero; pascoli montani di derivazione secondaria posti tra 1200-2200 metri di altitudine; formazioni arbustive alto-montane con pino mugo e ginepro nano in fase di espansione sui pascoli abbandonati; praterie alpine primarie poste oltre 2200 metri d’altitudine. Alla loro composizione concorrono le entità riportate nell’elenco floristico che segue. Le ricerche botaniche a Lama dei Peligni Le prime esplorazioni floristiche dell’ambito di studio iniziarono nel XIX secolo con il botanico napoletano Michele Tenore (1832) che lo visitò nel 1831 e l’anno dopo pubblicò i dati delle sue ricer- che. Nelle escursioni del territorio lamese Tenore fu accompagnato da Marco Cocco, un contadino analfabeta che alcuni decenni dopo fornì a Gennaro Finamore (1889, 1894) notizie e piante utilizzate per la medicina popolare locale. A questi personag- gi, nella seconda metà del XIX secolo si aggiunse Cesati (1872) che citò alcune specie presenti nel territorio lamese. A inizio del nuovo secolo Abbate (1901) segnalò altri ritrovamenti floristici. Le nuove e più consistenti segnalazioni floristi- che si ebbero agli inizi degli anni 80 del secolo scorso, con la pubblicazione di una ricerca di Feoli-Chiapella (1979-80). Qualche anno dopo Tammaro (1986) in un saggio cita oltre 50 specie presenti a Lama dei Peligni. Altre notizie sulla flora e/o vegetazione di Lama dei Peligni sono riportate nei saggi dei seguenti autori: Caprara (1986), Pez- zetta (1991, 2012, 2019), Conti (1993, 1997, 1998, 2003), Daiss & Daiss (1997), Ubaldi et al. (1998), Del Pizzo (1999), Martelli (1997), Manzi (1999, 2001, 2003, 2006), Comitato Scientifico Filippo Di Donato del Club Alpino di Pescara (2002), Fratta- roli et al. (2006), Di Pietro et al. (2008), Gottlisch (2009), Di Santo & Pezzetta (2012), Ubaldi (2012), Ciaschetti et al. (2015), Conti et al. (2008, 2019, 2020), Bartolucci et al. (2019), Tesei et al. (2021) e Pezzetta et al. (2022). Anche Di Francesco (2004) e Di Fabrizio (2006), due laureandi, per la stesura delle loro tesi si sono occupati della flora e vege- tazione lamese. All’incremento delle conoscenze floristiche ha contribuito anche il personale del Giardino Botanico Michele Tenore, fondato a Lama nel 1995. Esso ogni anno pubblica in rete un index seminum in cui riporta l’elenco dei semi raccolti in giardino ed in natura, specificando per questi ultimi la località di raccolta. MATERIALI E METODI L’elenco aggiornato della flora di Lama dei Pe- ligni deriva dalla rilettura di vari saggi precedenti, i dati ricavati dalla nuova letteratura consultata e le ricerche sul campo effettuate dopo il 2011 da Pezzetta e Paolucci. L’elenco floristico attuale comprende le specie e le sottospecie, mentre non sono stati considerati gli ibridi e le varietà cromatiche e morfologiche. La nomenclatura adottata e l’ordine di elencazione delle varie famiglie e taxa seguono Conti et al. (2020), con l’eccezione di alcuni taxa per i quali la nomenclatura è stata rivista recentemente. Accanto ad ogni taxon sono riportati: il tipo corologico, gli autori che l’hanno segnalato ed eventuali note o osservazioni. Al fine di non ripetere troppe volte gli autori delle segnalazioni si è deciso di utilizzare al loro posto delle sigle costituite da lettere maiuscole. Esse hanno il seguente significato: AH: Tenore, 1832; AK: Tenore, 1842; AX: Cesati, 1872; AY: Abbate, 1901; BK: Feoli Chiapella, 1979-80; BX: Tammaro, 1986; CK: Pezzetta, 1991; CX: Conti, 1993; DK: Conti, 1997; DN: Conti, 1998; DX: Daiss & Daiss, 1997; DY: Erbario Parco della Maiella; EK: Pellegrini, 1997; EX: Ubaldi et al., 1998; EY; Del Pizzo, 1999; FK: Manzi, 1999; FX: Manzi, 2001; FY: Comitato Scientifico Filippo Di Donato, 2002; GH: Conti, 2003; GK: Di Francesco, 2004; GX: Blasi et al., 2005; GY: Di Fabrizio, 2006; IK: Frattaroli et al., 2006; IX: Conti et al., 2008; IY: Di Pietro et al., 2008; KH: Gottschli- ch, 2009; KX: Di Santo & Pezzetta, 2012; KY: Index seminum, 2012; LK: Index seminum, 2014; LX: ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 283 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 Ciaschetti et al., 2015; LY: Index seminum, 2016; LW: Index seminum, 2018; MX: Conti et al., 2019; MY: index seminum, 2019; OK: Pezzetta, 2019; OX: Conti et al., 2020; OY: index seminum, 2020; PX: Index seminum, 2021; PY: Tesei et al., 2021; QX: Index seminum, 2022; QY: Pezzetta et al., 2022; RX: Di Santo, informazione personale; RY: Manzi, informazione personale; SX: Paolucci, osservazione personale; SY: Pezzetta, osservazione personale. Si riportano anche in tale lavoro le segnalazioni di Aurelio Manzi e Daniele Di Santo, utilizzate in Pezzetta (2011). I taxa che dopo il corotipo sono contrassegnate da un asterisco non erano riportati nel precedente saggio sulla flora lamese (Pezzetta, 2011). Per l’assegnazione dei tipi corologici si è tenuto conto di quanto riportato in Pignatti (2018) tranne i seguenti due casi. Al corotipo Subendemico sono stati assegnati i taxa con un areale che comprende qualche regione italiana e altre di stati europei. Al corotipo Appennino-Balcanico sono stati asse- gnati i taxa presenti solo nel territorio delimitato dai seguenti confini fisici (Pezzetta 2010): a) per la Penisola Italiana, le isole e l’arco appenninico dalla Liguria all’Aspromonte; b) per la Penisola Balcanica, Creta, le isole dell’Egeo e il territorio continentale posto a sud dell’asse fluviale che va dalle sorgenti della Sava alle foci del Danubio e dal Mar Nero all’Adriatico-Ionio. Nella compilazione della Tabella 1 è stato uti- lizzato il concetto di “Contingente Geografico” e in tale voce sono stati fatti dei raggruppamenti di corotipi in base al seguente schema: • nel Contingente “Endemico e Subendemico” sono inclusi i corotipi con la stessa dicitura; • nel Contingente “Mediterraneo” sono inclusi i corotipi Eurimediterraneo, Mediterrane- o-Macaronesico, Mediterraneo-Occidentale, Mediterraneo-Orientale, Mediterraneo-Mon- tano, Nord-Mediterraneo, Nord-Est-Me- diterraneo, Nord-Ovest-Mediterraneo, Stenomediterraneo, Sud-Mediterraneo, Sud-Est-Mediterraneo e Sud-Ovest-Mediter- raneo; • nel Contingente “Eurasiatico” sono inclusi i corotipi Europeo-Caucasico, Eurasiatico s.s., Eurosiberiano, Mediterraneo-Turania- no, Paleotemperato, Pontico, Subpontico e Sud-Europeo-Sud-Siberiano; • nel Contingente Nordico sono inclusi i coro- tipi Artico-Alpino e Circumboreale; • nel Contingente “Europeo” sono inclusi i corotipi Europeo s.s., Orof. Centro-Europeo Orof. Sud-Ovest-Europeo, Orof. Sud- Euro- peo, Orof.  Sud-Est-Europeo, Orof. Sud-O- vest-Europeo, Centro-Europeo, Sud-Est-Eu- ropeo, Sud-Europeo, Sud-Ovest-Europeo e Appennino-Balcanico; • nel Contingente “Atlantico” sono inclusi i corotipi Atlantico, Mediterraneo-Atlantico e Subatlantico; • nel contingente Avventizio ed Extraeuropeo sono inclusi i corotipi Americano, Nord-A- mericano, Sud-Americano, Avventizio, Asiatico, Asiatico-Centro-Occidentale, Asia- tico-Orientale, Neotropicale, Paleotropicale e Pantropicale; • nel contingente Cosmopolita sono inseriti i corotipi Cosmopolita e Subcosmopolita. La bibliografia comprende tutti i saggi consultati che riportano segnalazioni floristiche riguardanti il territorio in esame. RISULTATI E DISCUSSIONE L’elenco floristico è costituito da 1360 taxa ripartiti in 105 famiglie (Appendice 1). Le entità non riportate nell’elenco floristico precedente am- montano a 446. Le nuove ricerche non hanno con- fermato le seguenti entità segnalate in precedenza: Blechnum spicant (L.) Roth, Cupressus arizonica Green, Gypsophila repens L. Borbás, Mandragora autumnalis Bertol., Minuartia graminifolia (Ard.) Jáv. ssp. clandestina (Port.) Mattf, Orlaja daucorlaja Murb., Pinus pinea L., Potentilla tabernaemontani Asch., Rosa pendulina L., Thymus glabrescens Willd., ssp. decipiens (Heinr. Braun) Domin. e Veratrum nigrum L. L’area ospita il 13,7% della flora vascolare italiana che in base alle ricerche più recenti (Barto- lucci et al., 2022) raggiunge il valore di 9948 taxa. La flora lamese costituisce anche il 58,9% della flora del Comprensorio del Parco Nazionale della Maiella che ammonta a 2310 taxa (Stinca et al., 2021) e il 37,7% della flora abruzzese, a sua volta costituita da 3604 entità (Bartolucci et al., 2022). Le famiglie vegetali più rappresentate sono le seguenti: Asteraceae (162 taxa). Fabaceae (139), Poaceae (106), Brassicaceae (70), Lamiaceae (62), Apiaceae (58), Cariophyllaceae (54), Rosaceae (49), Orchidaceae (47), Ranunculaceae (42) e poi seguono le altre con valori minori. L’elenco comprende oltre 60 taxa alloctoni dei quali alcuni invasivi, altri utilizzati a fini ornamen- tali, per le alberature stradali, i rimboschimenti e coltivati che si sono spontaneizzati e continuano a vegetare nei terreni abbandonati. Nell’elenco sono riportati i seguenti taxa che ad avviso di Conti et al. (2020) raggiungono nel Parco della Maiella il limite meridionale di distri- buzione geografica in Italia: Campanula spicata, Centranthus angustifolius subsp. angustifolius, Delphinium peregrinum, Epilobium alsinifolium, Erigeron alpinus, Gentiana orbicularis, Hornungia alpina subsp. alpina, Iberis saxatilis subsp. saxatilis, ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 284 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 Contingenti geografici Numero taxa % Contingenti geografici Numero taxa % Endemico e Subendemico 99 7,3 Orof. Sud-Europeo 29 Endemico 94 Orof. Sud-Est-Europeo 10 Subendemico 5 Orof. Sud-Ovest-Europeo 5 Mediterraneo 491 36,1 Ovest-Europeo. 5 Eurimediterraneo 255 Sud-Est-Europeo 26 Stenomediterraneo 121 Sud-Europeo 8 Mediterraneo-Macaronesico 1 Sud-Ovest-Europeo 4 Mediterraneo-Montano 71 Atlantico 25 1,8 Mediterraneo-Orientale 9 Atlantico 3 Mediterraneo-Occidentale 13 Mediterraneo-Atlantico 11 Nord-Mediterraneo 6 Subatlantico 11 Nord-Est-Mediterraneo 1 Nordico 77 5,7 Nord-Ovest-Mediterraneo 3 Artico-Alpino 24 Sud-Mediterraneo 8 Circumboreale 53 Sud-Ovest-Mediterraneo 2 Cosmopolita 70 5,1 Sud-Est-Mediterraneo 1 Cosmopolita 41 Eurasiatico 311 22,9 Subcosmopolita 29 Eurasiatico s. s. 118 Avventizio ed Extraeuropeo 63 4,6 Europeo-Caucasico 26 Avventizio 22 Eurosiberiano 27 Asiatico 7 Mediterraneo-Turaniano 21 Asiatico-Centro-Occidentale 1 Paleotemperato 79 Asiatico-Occidentale 3 Pontico 37 Asiatico-Orientale 3 Subpontico 1 Americano 5 Sud-Europeo-Sud-Siberiano 2 Nord-Americano 8 Europeo 224 16,5 Sud-Americano 4 Appennino-Balcanico 65 Neotropicale 2 Centro-Europeo 15 Pantropicale 2 Europeo s. s. 56 Paleotropicale 4 Orof. Centro-Europeo 1 Subtropicale 2 Tab. 1: Corotipi della flora di Lama dei Peligni. Tab. 1: Horotipi flore občine Lama dei Peligni. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 285 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 Isatis apennina, Malcolmia orsiniana subsp. orsinia- na, Oreomecon alpina subsp. alpina, Ranunculus seguieri subsp. seguieri e Trifolium noricum subsp. praetutianum. Athamanta sicula, invece raggiunge il limite settentrionale di distribuzione geografica. Queste entità accrescono l’importanza naturalisti- ca del territorio in esame e del Parco stesso. La Tabella 1 riporta i risultati dell’analisi fitogeogra- fica, con la ripartizione percentuale dei vari elementi corologici. Da essa si osserva che i taxa si ripartiscono in 52 diversi corotipi raggruppati in 9 contingenti geografici, un dato confermativo che il massiccio della Maiella e l’Abruzzo, essendo situati al centro della penisola, costituiscono un importante crocevia di flussi floristici che ha ricevuto ondate migratorie di diversa origine geografica. Questa configurazione arealica è anche la conseguenza delle diverse condizioni am- bientali causate dall’ampia escursione altitudinale, la presenza di aree esposte ai venti freddi settentrionali e nord-orientali e di altre riparate e molto soleggiate che nel loro insieme consentono l’attecchimento di piante con esigenze ecologiche molto varie. In partico- lare, nell’area di studio sono presenti taxa artico-alpini, eurosiberiani, circumboreali, subatlantici, europei, etc. tipici di ambiti mesofili e microtermici e altri termofili che attecchiscono alle basse quote del settore collinare e ad altre insolite costiuite dalle isole di mediterraneità poste sul massiccio della Maiella. Dalla Tabella 1 si rileva che nel complesso domina il contingente Mediterraneo con 491 taxa (36,1% delle entità censite). Esso è seguito dai contingenti Eurasiatico con 311 taxa (22,9%), Europeo con 224 taxa (16,5%), Endemico con 99 taxa (7,3 %), Nordico con 77 taxa (5,7%), Cosmopolita con 70 taxa (5,1%), Avventizio ed Extraeuropeo con 63 (4,6%) e Atlantico con 25 taxa (1,8%). L’alta presenza di taxa mediterranei e eurasiatici dimostra che l’area è dominata da una componente floristica a baricentro sud-orientale. Un contingente molto importante è quello endemico con circa il 7,3% dei taxa censiti, un valore percentuale inferiore a quello dell’intero comprensorio del Parco della Maiella che comunque conferma l’importanza naturalistica dell’area d’indagine. La maggior parte degli endemismi del territorio lamese è collocata in ambiti molto specializzati e con scarsa competizione vegetale quali le praterie alpine, subalpine e gli am- biti glareicoli e rupestri. Tra essi Aquilegia magellensis, Crepis magellensis e Pinguicula fiorii sono esclusivi del massiccio della Maiella. I taxa del contingente Avventizio ed Extraeuropeo invece sono presenti solo nel settore collinare e alle basse quote di quello montuoso. Sono degni di nota anche 24 taxa appartenenti al corotipo Artico-Alpino e 65 a quello Appennino-Bal- canico poiché entità relittiche che documentano le migrazioni floristiche avvenute nel corso di diverse ere geologiche da nord in direzione sud e da est in direzione ovest. Anche tra la flora mediterranea censi- ta sono presenti entità relittiche, in questo caso dette “xerotermiche”, che si diffusero durante le ere geo- logiche caratterizzate da un clima caldo e secco. Un tempo esse erano presenti in territori più vasti, mentre ora sopravvivono solo in ambiti ristretti molto riparati e caldi. Appartengono a questa categoria: Anethum pi- peritum, Catananche lutea, Ephedra major ssp. major, Laurus nobilis, Lomelosia crenata ssp. crenata, Ononis viscosa ssp. breviflora, Pyracantha coccinea, Quercus ilex, Rhamnus alaternus ssp. alaternus, Rosa semper- virens, Umbilicus horizontalis ed altre. Le migrazioni floristiche sono state favorite anche dall’uomo che con la sua attività ha creato nuove nicchie e corridoi eco- logici. In particolare, nell’area in esame, l’agricoltura e la pastorizia esercitate per millenni hanno favorito la diffusione delle archeofite e delle specie tipiche delle aree pascolative. Al fine di ricavare altre informazioni fitogeografiche, in accordo con Poldini (1991), sono stati fatti tre rag- gruppamenti di corotipi definiti macrotermici, mesoter- mici e microtermici. Il raggruppamento macrotermico che comprende i contingenti Mediterraneo (escluso il corotipo Mediterraneo-Montano), Avventizio Extra-Eu- ropeo e i corotipi Sud-Est-Europeo, Sud-Europeo, Sud-Ovest-Europeo, Pontico e Subpontico nell’area in esame è rappresentato da 559 taxa (41,1%). Poiché nel gruppo è presente il maggior numero di taxa, si dimo- stra che nella flora lamese primeggia una componente termofila. Il raggruppamento mesotermico con i corotipi Appennino-Balcanico, Atlantico, Centro-Europeo, Cosmopolita, Europeo, Eurasiatico, Eurosiberiano, Mediterraneo-Atlantico, Mediterraneo-Turaniano, Ovest-Europeo, Europeo-Caucasico, Paleotemperato, Sud-Europeo-Sud-Siberiano, Subcosmopolita e Suben- demico è rappresentato da 503 taxa (37%). Il raggruppamento microtermico in cui sono stati inclusi i corotipi Subatlantico, Circumboreale, Artico-Alpino, Mediterraneo-Montano, Orof. Cen- tro-Europeo, O. Sud-Europeo, O. Sud-Est-Europeo e O. Sud-Ovest-Europeo è rappresentato da 204 taxa (15%). Questo raggruppamento è caratterizzato dal minor nu- mero di taxa, a dimostrazione che nel territorio lamese ci sono limitate aree in cui attecchiscono entità tipiche di ambiti freschi, riparati e con temperature medie molto basse. Gli altri corotipi non sono stati considerati poiché di difficile collocazione in uno dei tre gruppi. In partico- lare, non sono stati considerati i taxa endemici poiché ci sono alcuni che prediligono gli ambiti microtermici delle alte quote e altri mesofili o spiccatamente termo- fili che si rinvengono più in basso. La presenza contemporanea dei tre raggruppamenti conferma che il territorio in esame è un ambito di tran- sizione fitogeografico con varie tipologie ambientali, climatiche e di corrispondenti fasce vegetazionali. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 286 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 RINGRAZIAMENTI Per l’assistenza prestata e/o le informazioni fornite si ringraziano: Fabrizio Bartolucci, Mirella Di Cecco, Valter Di Cecco, Andrea Di Fabrizio e Giulia Gagliardi. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 287 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 Appendice 1: Elenco floristico aggiornato dei taxa presenti sul territorio di Lama dei Peligni. Legenda: * Specie non riportata in Pezzetta (2011). ## Specie nuova per il Parco Nazionale della Majella. °° Il taxon raggiunge nel Parco Nazionale della Majella il limite meridionale di distribuzione geografica in Italia. Priloga 1: Posodobljen floristični seznam taksonov, prisotnih na teritoriju Lame dei Peligni. Legenda: * Vrste, ki jih Pezzetta (20112) ne omenja, ## nova vrsta za Nacionalni Park Majella, °° na območju Nacionalnega parka Majella takson dosega svojo južno mejo razširjenosti v Italiji. Elenco floristico Elenco floristico TIPO COROLOGICO AUTORI E OSSERVAZIONI 1 Equisetum arvense L. ssp. arvense Circumboreale EY, SX, SY 2 Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. Circumboreale SX 3 Equisetum telemateja Ehrh Circumboreale SX 4 Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw Subcosmopolita IY 5 Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn ssp. aquilinum Cosmopolita SX, SY 6 Adiantum capillus-veneris L Pantropicale EK, EX, GK 7 Cystopteris alpina (Lam.) Desv Cosmopolita BX, SX 8 Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Cosmopolita BX, SX 9 Asplenium ceterach L. Eurasiatico EX, SY 10 Asplenium fIssum Kit. ex Willd. Orof. Sud-Est-Europeo SX 11 Asplenium lepidum C. Presl ssp. l epidum Orof. Sud-Est-Europeo BK, BX 12 Asplenium onopteris L Subtropicale * SX 13 Asplenium ruta-muraria L. ssp. ruta-muraria Circumboreale SX, SY 14 Asplenium scolopendrium L. ssp. scolopendrium Circumboreale * SX 15 Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D.E. Mey Cosmopolita EX, SX 16 Asplenium viride Huds. Circumboreale SY 17 Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott Cosmopolita EY 18 Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth Eurimediterraneo * SX 19 Polystichum lonchitis (L.) Roth Circumboreale SY 20 Polypodium cambricum L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 21 Ephedra major Host ssp. major Sud-Mediterraneo * LX, MX, OX 22 Abies alba Mill. Orof. Sud-Europeo EY, SY. Utilizzato per rimoboschimenti 23 Abies cephalonica Loudon Avventizio RX. Utilizzato per rimoboschimenti 24 Cedrus atlantica (Endl) Carrière Sud-Ovest-Mediterraneo RX 25 Cedrus libani A. Richard Sud-Est-Mediterraneo RX. Utilizzato per rimoboschimenti 26 Pinus halepensis Mill. Stenomediterraneo EY, SY 27 Pinus mugo Turra ssp. mugo Eurasiatico EK, EX, GK, SY 28 Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold ssp. nigra Sud-Europeo CK, EK, EX, EY, GK, PY, SY. Utilizzato per rimoboschimenti 29 Cupressus sempervirens L. Mediterraneo-Orientale RX, SY PTERIDACEAE CYSTOPTERIDACEAE ASPLENIACEAE DRYOPTERIDACEAE POLYPODIACEAE EPHEDRACEAE GYMNOSPERMAE PTERIDOPHYTA EQUISETACEAE OPHIOGLOSSACEAE DENNSTAEDTIACEAE PINACEAE CUPRESSACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 288 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 30 Juniperus communis L. Circumboreale CK, EK, EX, GK, PY, SY 31 Juniperus deltoides R. P. Adams Eurimediterraneo EK, EX, GK, SY 32 Juniperus sabina L. Circumboreale EK, GK 33 Platycladus orientalis Est-Asiatico * SX 34 Taxus baccata L. Paleotemperato EK, GK 35 Laurus nobili s L. Stenomediterraneo EY, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 36 Aristolochia lutea Desf. Eurimediterraneo * SX 37 Arum italicum Mill. ssp. italicum Stenomediterraneo SY 38 Alisma lanceolatum With. Subcosmopolita SX 39 Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick & Wilkins Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 40 Colchicum neapolitanum (Ten.) Ten. ssp. neapolitanum Endemico * SY 41 Paris quadrifolia L. Eurasiatico SY 42 Veratrum album L. Eurasiatico * SY 43 Smilax aspera L. Stenomediterraneo EX 44 Gagea villosa (M. Bieb.) Sweet Eurasiatico RX 45 Lilium bulbiferum L. ssp. croceum (Chaix) Jan Orof. Centro-Europeo RX 46 Lilium candidum L. Mediterraneo-Orientale * SY. Coltivato, naturalizzato 47 Lilium martagon L Eurasiatico EX 48 Anacamptis coriophora ssp. fragrans (Pollini) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase Eurimediterraneo QY 49 Anacamptis morio (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase Europeo-Caucasico EK, EX, GK, KX, OK, QY 50 Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) Rich. Eurimediterraneo. EK, KX, OK, QY 51 Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce Eurimediterraneo EX, KX, OK, PY, QY 52 Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) Fritsch Eurasiatico DX, KX, OK, QY 53 Cephalanthera rubra (L.) Rich. Eurasiatico KX, OK, QY 54 Dactylorhiza maculata ssp. saccifera (Brongn.) Diklić Paleotemperato QY, SX 55 Dactylorhiza sambucina (L.) Soó Europeo KX, OK, QY 56 Dactylorhiza viridis (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase Circumboreale * QY 57 Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser Europeo EK, KX, OK 58 Epipactis helleborine ssp. helleborine (L.) Crantz Paleotemperato EK, EX, KX, OK 59 Epipactis microphylla (Ehrh.) Sw. Europeo-Caucasico QY, SX 60 Epipactis muelleri Godfery Centro-Europeo * QY 61 Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. in W.T. Aiton Eurasiatico EX, KX, OK, QY ARACEAE ALISMATACEAE DIOSCOREACEAE COLCHICACEAE MELANTHIACEAE SMILACACEAE TAXACEAE ANGIOSPERMAE LAURACEAE ARISTOLOCHIACEAE LILIACEAE ORCHIDACEAE Elenco floristico Elenco floristico TIPO COROLOGICO AUTORI E OSSERVAZIONI 1 Equisetum arvense L. ssp. arvense Circumboreale EY, SX, SY 2 Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. Circumboreale SX 3 Equisetum telemateja Ehrh Circumboreale SX 4 Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw Subcosmopolita IY 5 Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn ssp. aquilinum Cosmopolita SX, SY 6 Adiantum capillus-veneris L Pantropicale EK, EX, GK 7 Cystopteris alpina (Lam.) Desv Cosmopolita BX, SX 8 Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Cosmopolita BX, SX 9 Asplenium ceterach L. Eurasiatico EX, SY 10 Asplenium fIssum Kit. ex Willd. Orof. Sud-Est-Europeo SX 11 Asplenium lepidum C. Presl ssp. l epidum Orof. Sud-Est-Europeo BK, BX 12 Asplenium onopteris L Subtropicale * SX 13 Asplenium ruta-muraria L. ssp. ruta-muraria Circumboreale SX, SY 14 Asplenium scolopendrium L. ssp. scolopendrium Circumboreale * SX 15 Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D.E. Mey Cosmopolita EX, SX 16 Asplenium viride Huds. Circumboreale SY 17 Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott Cosmopolita EY 18 Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth Eurimediterraneo * SX 19 Polystichum lonchitis (L.) Roth Circumboreale SY 20 Polypodium cambricum L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 21 Ephedra major Host ssp. major Sud-Mediterraneo * LX, MX, OX 22 Abies alba Mill. Orof. Sud-Europeo EY, SY. Utilizzato per rimoboschimenti 23 Abies cephalonica Loudon Avventizio RX. Utilizzato per rimoboschimenti 24 Cedrus atlantica (Endl) Carrière Sud-Ovest-Mediterraneo RX 25 Cedrus libani A. Richard Sud-Est-Mediterraneo RX. Utilizzato per rimoboschimenti 26 Pinus halepensis Mill. Stenomediterraneo EY, SY 27 Pinus mugo Turra ssp. mugo Eurasiatico EK, EX, GK, SY 28 Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold ssp. nigra Sud-Europeo CK, EK, EX, EY, GK, PY, SY. Utilizzato per rimoboschimenti 29 Cupressus sempervirens L. Mediterraneo-Orientale RX, SY PTERIDACEAE CYSTOPTERIDACEAE ASPLENIACEAE DRYOPTERIDACEAE POLYPODIACEAE EPHEDRACEAE GYMNOSPERMAE PTERIDOPHYTA EQUISETACEAE OPHIOGLOSSACEAE DENNSTAEDTIACEAE PINACEAE CUPRESSACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 289 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 62 Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann Eurimediterraneo KX, OK, QY 63 Limodorum abortivum (L.) Sw. Eurimediterraneo DX, EK, GK, KX, OK, QY 64 Neotinea maculata (Desf.) Stearn Mediterraneo-Atlantico KX, OK, QY 65 Neotinea tridentata (Scop.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase Eurimediterraneo KX, OK, QY 66 Neotinea ustulata (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M. W. Chase Europeo-Caucasico KX, OK, QY 67 Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. Eurasiatico EK, KX, QY 68 Neottia ovata (L.) Bluff & Fingerh. Eurasiatico * KX, OK, QY 69 Ophrys apifera Huds. Eurimediterraneo EK, GK, KX, OK, QY 70 Ophrys argolica ssp. crabronifera Faurh. Endemico * SX 71 Ophrys bertolonii ssp. bertolonii Moretti Appennino-Balcanico KX, OK, QY 72 Ophrys bombyliflora Link Stenomediterraneo DN, DX, KX, OK, OX, QY 73 Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter ssp. appennina (Romolini & Soca) Kreutz Endemico * QY 74 Ophrys holosericea ssp. gracilis (Büel, O. Danesch & E. Danesch) Büel, O. Danesch & E. Danesch Endemico * SX 75 Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter ssp. dinarica (Kranjcev & P. Delforge) Appennino-Balcanico *. QY 76 Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter ssp. pinguis (Romolini & Soca) Kreutz Endemico* SX 77 Ophrys holosericea ssp. tetraloniae (W.P. Teschner) Kreutz Appennino-Balcanico DX, KX, OK, QY 78 Ophrys incubacea Bianca ssp. incubacea Stenomediterraneo EY, KX, OK, QY 79 Ophrys lutea Cav. Stenomediterraneo KX, OK, QY 80 Ophrys molisana Delforge Endemico *. SX 81 Ophrys promontorii O. Danesch & E. Danesch Endemico KX, OK, QY 82 Ophrys sphegodes ssp. sphegodes Mill. Eurimediterraneo EK, GK, KX, OK, QY 83 Ophrys sphegodes ssp. tommasinii ( Vis.) Soó Appennino-Balcanico OK, QY 84 Orchis anthropophora (L.) All. Mediterraneo-Atlantico KX, OK, QY 85 Orchis italica Poir. Stenomediterraneo KX, OK, QY 86 Orchis mascula L.ssp. mascula Centro-Europeo * QY 87 Orchis militaris L. Eurasiatico EK, KX, OK, QY 88 Orchis pauciflora Ten. Stenomediterraneo KX, OK, QY 89 Orchis purpurea Huds. Eurasiatico CK, DX, EK, GK, KX, OK, QY 90 Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rchb. ssp. bifolia Paleotemperato KX, OK, QY 91 Platanthera chlorantha (Custer) Rchb. Eurosiberiano * KX, OK, QY 92 Pseudorchis albida (L.) A. Löve & D. Löve Artico-Alpino * EX 93 Serapias parviflora Parl. Stenomediterraneo * SX 94 Serapias vomeracea (Burm.f.) Briq. ssp. vomeracea Eurimediterraneo * QY, SX 95 Crocus neapolitanus (Ker Gawl.) Loisel. Eurimediterraneo SY 96 Gladiolus italicus Mill. Eurimediterraneo SY 97 Iris florentina L. Avventizio SY 98 Iris germanica L. Avventizio SY 99 Iris marsica I. Ricci & Colas. Endemico RY 100 Asphodeline liburnica (Scop.) Rchb. Appennino-Balcanico * LW, MY. La segnalazione del taxon è dubbia 101 Asphodeline lutea (L.) Rchb. Mediterraneo-Orientale EX, SY IRIDACEAE A SPHODELACEAE 30 Juniperus communis L. Circumboreale CK, EK, EX, GK, PY, SY 31 Juniperus deltoides R. P. Adams Eurimediterraneo EK, EX, GK, SY 32 Juniperus sabina L. Circumboreale EK, GK 33 Platycladus orientalis Est-Asiatico * SX 34 Taxus baccata L. Paleotemperato EK, GK 35 Laurus nobili s L. Stenomediterraneo EY, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 36 Aristolochia lutea Desf. Eurimediterraneo * SX 37 Arum italicum Mill. ssp. italicum Stenomediterraneo SY 38 Alisma lanceolatum With. Subcosmopolita SX 39 Dioscorea communis (L.) Caddick & Wilkins Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 40 Colchicum neapolitanum (Ten.) Ten. ssp. neapolitanum Endemico * SY 41 Paris quadrifolia L. Eurasiatico SY 42 Veratrum album L. Eurasiatico * SY 43 Smilax aspera L. Stenomediterraneo EX 44 Gagea villosa (M. Bieb.) Sweet Eurasiatico RX 45 Lilium bulbiferum L. ssp. croceum (Chaix) Jan Orof. Centro-Europeo RX 46 Lilium candidum L. Mediterraneo-Orientale * SY. Coltivato, naturalizzato 47 Lilium martagon L Eurasiatico EX 48 Anacamptis coriophora ssp. fragrans (Pollini) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase Eurimediterraneo QY 49 Anacamptis morio (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase Europeo-Caucasico EK, EX, GK, KX, OK, QY 50 Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) Rich. Eurimediterraneo. EK, KX, OK, QY 51 Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce Eurimediterraneo EX, KX, OK, PY, QY 52 Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) Fritsch Eurasiatico DX, KX, OK, QY 53 Cephalanthera rubra (L.) Rich. Eurasiatico KX, OK, QY 54 Dactylorhiza maculata ssp. saccifera (Brongn.) Diklić Paleotemperato QY, SX 55 Dactylorhiza sambucina (L.) Soó Europeo KX, OK, QY 56 Dactylorhiza viridis (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase Circumboreale * QY 57 Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser Europeo EK, KX, OK 58 Epipactis helleborine ssp. helleborine (L.) Crantz Paleotemperato EK, EX, KX, OK 59 Epipactis microphylla (Ehrh.) Sw. Europeo-Caucasico QY, SX 60 Epipactis muelleri Godfery Centro-Europeo * QY 61 Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. in W.T. Aiton Eurasiatico EX, KX, OK, QY ARACEAE ALISMATACEAE DIOSCOREACEAE COLCHICACEAE MELANTHIACEAE SMILACACEAE TAXACEAE ANGIOSPERMAE LAURACEAE ARISTOLOCHIACEAE LILIACEAE ORCHIDACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 290 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 102 Asphodelus fistulosus L. Subtropicale * SX 103 Asphodelus macrocarpus Parl. ssp. macrocarpus Mediterraneo-Montano SY 104 Allium cepa L. Ovest-Asiatico SY. Coltivato e spontaneizzato 105 Allium longispathum Redouté Paleotemperato SY 106 Allium lusitanicum Lam. Eurasiatico SY 107 Allium moschatum L. Sud-Est-Europeo RY 108 Allium nigrum L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 109 Allium polyanthum Schult. & Schult.f. Avventizio * SX 110 Allium roseum L. ssp. roseum Stenomediterraneo * SX 111 Allium sativum L. Asiatico-Centro-Occidentale SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 112 Allium sphaerocephalon L. Paleotemperato EX, LY 113 Allium tenuiflorum Ten. Stenomediterraneo * SX 114 Allium ursinum Eurasiatico SY 115 Allium vineale L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 116 Galanthus nivalis L. Sud-Est-Europeo EX, SY 117 Narcissus poeticus L. Orof. Sud-Europeo RX 118 Narcissus x medioluteus Mill. Ovest-Europeo * SX 119 Stenbergia lutea (L.) Ker Gawl. ex Spreng. Mediterraneo-Montano IX, MX, OX 120 Anthericum liliago L. Subatlantico RX, SX 121 Asparagus acutifolius L. Stenomediterraneo CK, EK, EX, EY, FK, FX, GK, PY 122 Asparagus officinalis L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 123 Bellevalia romana (L.) Sweet Eurimediterraneo * SX 124 Loncomelos brevistylum (Wolfner) Dostál Sud-Est-Europeo SY 125 Loncomelos pyrenaicum (L.) L. D. Hrouda Eurimediterraneo * SX 126 Ornithogalum comosum L. Mediterraneo-Montano RX 127 Muscari comosum (L.) Mill. Eurimediterraneo RX, SY 128 Muscari neglectum Guss. Ex Ten. Eurimediterraneo EX, LY, SY 129 Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All. Eurasiatico RX 130 Prospero autumnale (L) Speta ssp. autumnale Eurimediterraneo SY 131 Ruscus aculeatus L Eurimediterraneo EK, EY, GK,SY 132 Scilla bifolia L. Europeo EX 133 Yucca gloriosa L. Nord-Americano * SX 134 Typha angustifolia L. Circumboreale * SX 135 Typha latifolia L Cosmopolita SY 136 Juncus articulatus L. Circumboreale * SX 137 Juncus bufonius L. Cosmopolita * SX 138 Juncus inflexus L. Paleotemperato SX 139 Oreojuncus monanthos (Jacq.) Záv.Drábk. & Kirschner Artico-Alpino EK 140 Carex caryophyllea Latourr. Eurasiatico EX 141 Carex digitata L Eurasiatico * SX 142 Carex distachya Desf. Stenomediterraneo * SX 143 Carex distans L. Eurimediterraneo * SX TYPHACEAE JUNCACEAE CYPERACEAE AMARYLLIDACEAE ASPARAGACEAE 62 Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann Eurimediterraneo KX, OK, QY 63 Limodorum abortivum (L.) Sw. Eurimediterraneo DX, EK, GK, KX, OK, QY 64 Neotinea maculata (Desf.) Stearn Mediterraneo-Atlantico KX, OK, QY 65 Neotinea tridentata (Scop.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase Eurimediterraneo KX, OK, QY 66 Neotinea ustulata (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M. W. Chase Europeo-Caucasico KX, OK, QY 67 Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. Eurasiatico EK, KX, QY 68 Neottia ovata (L.) Bluff & Fingerh. Eurasiatico * KX, OK, QY 69 Ophrys apifera Huds. Eurimediterraneo EK, GK, KX, OK, QY 70 Ophrys argolica ssp. crabronifera Faurh. Endemico * SX 71 Ophrys bertolonii ssp. bertolonii Moretti Appennino-Balcanico KX, OK, QY 72 Ophrys bombyliflora Link Stenomediterraneo DN, DX, KX, OK, OX, QY 73 Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter ssp. appennina (Romolini & Soca) Kreutz Endemico * QY 74 Ophrys holosericea ssp. gracilis (Büel, O. Danesch & E. Danesch) Büel, O. Danesch & E. Danesch Endemico * SX 75 Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter ssp. dinarica (Kranjcev & P. Delforge) Appennino-Balcanico *. QY 76 Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter ssp. pinguis (Romolini & Soca) Kreutz Endemico* SX 77 Ophrys holosericea ssp. tetraloniae (W.P. Teschner) Kreutz Appennino-Balcanico DX, KX, OK, QY 78 Ophrys incubacea Bianca ssp. incubacea Stenomediterraneo EY, KX, OK, QY 79 Ophrys lutea Cav. Stenomediterraneo KX, OK, QY 80 Ophrys m lisana Delforge Endemico *. SX 81 Ophrys promontorii O. Danesch & E. Danesch Endemico KX, OK, QY 82 Ophrys sphegodes ssp. sphegodes Mill. Eurimediterraneo EK, GK, KX, OK, QY 83 Ophrys sphegodes ssp. tommasinii ( Vis.) Soó Appennino-Balcanico OK, QY 84 Orchis anthropophora (L.) All. Mediterraneo-Atlantico KX, OK, QY 85 Orchis italica Poir. Stenomediterraneo KX, OK, QY 86 Orchis mascula L.ssp. mascula Centro-Europeo * QY 87 Orchis militaris L. Eurasiatico EK, KX, OK, QY 88 Orchis pauciflora Ten. Stenomediterraneo KX, OK, QY 89 Orchis purpurea Huds. Eurasiatico CK, DX, EK, GK, KX, OK, QY 90 Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rchb. ssp. bifolia Paleotemperato KX, OK, QY 91 Platanthera chlorantha (Custer) Rchb. Eurosiberiano * KX, OK, QY 92 Pseudorchis albida (L.) A. Löve & D. Löve Artico-Alpino * EX 93 Serapias parviflora Parl. Stenomediterraneo * SX 94 Serapias vomeracea (Burm.f.) Briq. ssp. vomeracea Eurimediterraneo * QY, SX 95 Crocus neapolitanus (Ker Gawl.) Loisel. Eurimediterraneo SY 96 Gladiolus italicus Mill. Eurimediterraneo SY 97 Iris florentina L. Avventizio SY 98 Iris germanica L. Avventizio SY 99 Iris marsica I. Ricci & Colas. Endemico RY 100 Asphodeline liburnica (Scop.) Rchb. Appennino-Balcanico * LW, MY. La segnalazione del taxon è dubbia 101 Asphodeline lutea (L.) Rchb. Mediterraneo-Orientale EX, SY IRIDACEAE A SPHODELACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 291 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 144 Carex divisa Huds. Atlantico * SX 145 Carex divulsa Stokes Eurimediterraneo * SX 146 Carex flacca Schreb. ssp. erythrostachys (Hoppe) Holub Europeo * SX 147 Carex flacca Schreb. ssp. flacca Europeo EX 148 Carex halleriana Asso Eurimediterraneo * SX 149 Carex humilis Leyss. Eurasiatico SY 150 Carex kitaibeliana Degen ex Beck. Appennino-Balcanico EK, EX, GX, GY, IY 151 Carex macrolepis DC. Appennino-Balcanico EX 152 Carex myosuroides Vill. Artico-Alpino GY 153 Carex otruba e Podp. Atlantico * SX 154 Carex parviflora Host Mediterraneo-Montano SY 155 Carex pendula Huds. Eurasiatico SX, SY 156 Carex sylvatica Huds. Eurasiatico * SX 157 Cyperus longus L. Paleotemperato SY 158 Luzula campestris (L.) DC. Europeo SY 159 Luzula multiflora (Ehrh.) Lej ssp. multiflora Appennino-Balcanico * EX 160 Luzula spicata (L.) DC. ssp. italica (Parl.) Arcang. Endemico GY 161 Luzula sylvatica (Huds.) Gaudin ssp. sieberi (Tausch) K. Richt. Orof. Sud-Europeo * SX 162 Scirpoides holoschoenus (L.) Soják Eurimediterraneo * SX 163 Achnatherum bromoides (L.) P. Beauv. Stenomediterraneo * SX 164 Achnatherum bromoides (L.) P. Beauv. Stenomediterraneo * SX 165 Agrostis stolonifera L. Circumboreale * SX 166 Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. ssp. myosuroides Paleotemperato SX 167 Anisantha diandra (Roth) Tzvelev Eurimediterraneo * SX 168 Anisantha madritensis (L.) Nevski ssp. madritensis Eurimediterraneo * SX 169 Anisantha sterilis (L.) Nevski Mediterraneo-Turaniano SX 170 Anisantha tectorum (L.) Nevski Paleotemperato EX 171 Anthoxanthum nipponicum Honda Artico-Alpino IK 172 Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Eurasiatico * IK, SX 173 Briza media L. Eurosiberiano RX, SY 174 Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv. Ex J. & C. Presl ssp. elatius Paleotemperato AH,SY 175 Arundo donax L. Subcosmopolita SY 176 Arundo plinii Turra Stenomediterraneo SY 177 Avellinia festucoides (Link) Valdés & H. Scholz Stenomediterraneo * SX 178 Avena barbata Pott ex Link – Eurimediterraneo Eurimediterraneo IK 179 Avena fatua L. ssp. fatua Eurasiatico IK 180 Avena sativa L. Avventizio SY. Coltivato, naturalizzato 181 Avena sterilis L. Eurimediterraneo EX 182 Bellardiochloa variegata (Lam.) Kerguélen ssp. variegata Orof. Sud-Europeo EX 183 Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng Cosmopolita * SX 184 Brachypodium genuense (DC.) Roem. & Schult. Orof. Sud-Europeo EX, IK 185 Brachypodium distachyon (L.) P. Beauv. Mediterraneo-Turaniano RY 186 Brachypodium rupestre (Host) Roem. & Schult. Subatlantico EK, EX, GK, PY 187 Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) P. Beauv. Paleotemperato * SX 188 Bromus arvensis L. ssp. arvensis Eurosiberiano AH, SX 189 Bromus commutatus Schrad. ssp. commutatus Europeo * SX POACEAE 102 Asphodelus fistulosus L. Subtropicale * SX 103 Asphodelus macrocarpus Parl. ssp. macrocarpus Mediterraneo-Montano SY 104 Allium cepa L. Ovest-Asiatico SY. Coltivato e spontaneizzato 105 Allium longispathum Redouté Paleotemperato SY 106 Allium lusitanicum Lam. Eurasiatico SY 107 Allium moschatum L. Sud-Est-Europeo RY 108 Allium nigrum L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 109 Allium polyanthum Schult. & Schult.f. Avventizio * SX 110 Allium roseum L. ssp. roseum Stenomediterraneo * SX 111 Allium sativum L. Asiatico-Centro-Occidentale SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 112 Allium sphaerocephalon L. Paleotemperato EX, LY 113 Allium tenuiflorum Ten. Stenomediterraneo * SX 114 Allium ursinum Eurasiatico SY 115 Allium vineale L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 116 Galanthus nivalis L. Sud-Est-Europeo EX, SY 117 Narcissus poeticus L. Orof. Sud-Europeo RX 118 Narcissus x medioluteus Mill. Ovest-Europeo * SX 119 Stenbergia lutea (L.) Ker Gawl. ex Spreng. Mediterraneo-Montano IX, MX, OX 120 Anthericum liliago L. Subatlantico RX, SX 121 Asparagus acutifolius L. Stenomediterraneo CK, EK, EX, EY, FK, FX, GK, PY 122 Asparagus officinalis L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 123 Bellevalia romana (L.) Sweet Eurimediterraneo * SX 124 Loncomelos brevistylum (Wolfner) Dostál Sud-Est-Europeo SY 125 Loncomelos pyrenaicum (L.) L. D. Hrouda Eurimediterraneo * SX 126 Ornithogalum comosum L. Mediterraneo-Montano RX 127 Muscari comosum (L.) Mill. Eurimediterraneo RX, SY 128 Muscari neglectum Guss. Ex Ten. Eurimediterraneo EX, LY, SY 129 Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All. Eurasiatico RX 130 Prospero autumnale (L) Speta ssp. autumnale Eurimediterraneo SY 131 Ruscus aculeatus L Eurimediterraneo EK, EY, GK,SY 132 Scilla bifolia L. Europeo EX 133 Yucca gloriosa L. Nord-Americano * SX 134 Typha angustifolia L. Circumboreale * SX 135 Typha latifolia L Cosmopolita SY 136 Juncus articulatus L. Circumboreale * SX 137 Juncus bufonius L. Cosmopolita * SX 138 Juncus inflexus L. Paleotemperato SX 139 Oreojuncus monanthos (Jacq.) Záv.Drábk. & Kirschner Artico-Alpino EK 140 Carex caryophyllea Latourr. Eurasiatico EX 141 Carex digitata L Eurasiatico * SX 142 Carex distachya Desf. Stenomediterraneo * SX 143 Carex distans L. Eurimediterraneo * SX TYPHACEAE JUNCACEAE CYPERACEAE AMARYLLIDACEAE ASPARAGACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 292 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 190 Bromopsis erecta (Huds.) Fourr. Paleotemperato EK, EX, GK, IK 191 Bromopsis ramosa (Huds.) Holub ssp. ramosa Eurasiatico * SX 192 Bromus hordeaceus L . ssp. hordeaceus Cosmopolita EX, IK, SY 193 Bromus lanceolatus Roth Paleotemperato * SX 194 Bromus squarrosus L. Paleotemperato AH, IK 195 Catapodium rigidum (L.) C. E. Hubb. ex Dony ssp. rigidum Eurimediterraneo EX, IK 196 Cleistogenes serotina (L.) Keng Eurimediterraneo * SX 197 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Cosmopolita SX, SY 198 Cynosurus cristatus L. Europeo-Caucasico * SX 199 Cynosurus echinatus L. Eurimediterraneo EX, IK 200 Dactylis glomerata L. ssp. glomerata Paleotemperato EX, IK 201 Dactylis glomerata L. ssp. hispanica (Roth) Nyman Stenomediterraneo IK 202 Dasypyrum villosum (L.) P. Candargy Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 203 Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Cosmopolita EX 204 Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. Cosmopolita * SX 205 Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv Subcosmopolita * SX 206 Elymus repens (L.) Gould ssp. repens Circumboreale BX, EY 207 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Vignolo ex Janch. Cosmopolita * 208 Festuca alfrediana Foggi & Signorini ssp. ferrariniana F oggi, Parolo & Gr. Rossi Endemico BX, EY 209 Festuca circummediterranea Patzke Eurimediterraneo EX, IK 210 Festuca inops De Not. Subendemico IK 211 Festuca laevigata Gaudin Orof. Sud-Ovest-Europeo CK, IK. Assegnate al taxon le precedenti segnalazioni di Festuca robustifolia Markgr.-Dann. 212 Festuca myuros L. ssp. myuros Subcosmopolita * SX 213 Festuca rubra L. ssp. commutata (Gaudin) Markgr. -Dann. Circumboreale EX 214 Festuca stricta Host ssp. trachyphylla (Hack.) Patzke e Pils Centro-Europeo * SX 215 Festuca violacea Ser. ex Gaudin ssp. italica Foggi, Gr. Rossi & Signorini Endemico * GX, GY, IY 216 Gastridium ventricosum (Gouan) Schinz & Thell. Mediterraneo-Atlantico * SX 217 Glyceria notata Chevall. Subcosmopolita *. SX 218 Helictochloa praetutiana (Parl. ex Arcang.) Bartolucci, F. Conti, Peruzzi & Banfi ssp. praetutiana Endemico EX, GX, IY 219 Holcus lanatus L. Circumboreale * AX, SX 220 Hordelymus europaeus (L.) Harz. Europeo-Caucasico SY 221 Hordeum marinum Huds. Mediterraneo-Occidentale * SX 222 Hordeum murinum L. ssp. murinum Circumboreale CK 223 Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare Avventizio SY. Coltivato e inselvatichito 224 Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf ssp. hirta Paleotropicale * SX 225 Koeleria splendens C. Presl Endemico BX, EX. Ricondotte al taxon le segnalazioni di Koeleria lobata (M. Bieb.) Roem. & Schult. 226 Leucopoa dimorph a (Guss.) H. Scholz & Foggi Subendemico CK, EK, EX, GK 144 Carex divisa Huds. Atlantico * SX 145 Carex divulsa Stokes Eurimediterraneo * SX 146 Carex flacca Schreb. ssp. erythrostachys (Hoppe) Holub Europeo * SX 147 Carex flacca Schreb. ssp. flacca Europeo EX 148 Carex halleriana Asso Eurimediterraneo * SX 149 Carex humilis Leyss. Eurasiatico SY 150 Carex kitaibeliana Degen ex Beck. Appennino-Balcanico EK, EX, GX, GY, IY 151 Carex macrolepis DC. Appennino-Balcanico EX 152 Carex myosuroides Vill. Artico-Alpino GY 153 Carex otruba e Podp. Atlantico * SX 154 Carex parviflora Host Mediterraneo-Montano SY 155 Carex pendula Huds. Eurasiatico SX, SY 156 Carex sylvatica Huds. Eurasiatico * SX 157 Cyperus longus L. Paleotemperato SY 158 Luzula campestris (L.) DC. Europeo SY 159 Luzula multiflora (Ehrh.) Lej ssp. multiflora Appennino-Balcanico * EX 160 Luzula spicata (L.) DC. ssp. italica (Parl.) Arcang. Endemico GY 161 Luzula sylvatica (Huds.) Gaudin ssp. sieberi (Tausch) K. Richt. Orof. Sud-Europeo * SX 162 Scirpoides holoschoenus (L.) Soják Eurimediterraneo * SX 163 Achnatherum bromoides (L.) P. Beauv. Stenomediterraneo * SX 164 Achnatherum bromoides (L.) P. Beauv. Stenomediterraneo * SX 165 Agrostis stolonifera L. Circumboreale * SX 166 Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. ssp. myosuroides Paleotemperato SX 167 Anisantha diandra (Roth) Tzvelev Eurimediterraneo * SX 168 Anisantha madritensis (L.) Nevski ssp. madritensis Eurimediterraneo * SX 169 Anisantha sterilis (L.) Nevski Mediterraneo-Turaniano SX 170 Anisantha tectorum (L.) Nevski Paleotemperato EX 171 Anthoxanthum nipponicum Honda Artico-Alpino IK 172 Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Eurasiatico * IK, SX 173 Briza media L. Eurosiberiano RX, SY 174 Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv. Ex J. & C. Presl ssp. elatius Paleotemperato AH,SY 175 Arundo donax L. Subcosmopolita SY 176 Arundo plinii Turra Stenomediterraneo SY 177 Avellinia festucoides (Link) Valdés & H. Scholz Stenomediterraneo * SX 178 Avena barbata Pott ex Link – Eurimediterraneo Eurimediterraneo IK 179 Avena fatua L. ssp. fatua Eurasiatico IK 180 Avena sativa L. Avventizio SY. Coltivato, naturalizzato 181 Avena sterilis L. Eurimediterraneo EX 182 Bellardiochloa variegata (Lam.) Kerguélen ssp. variegata Orof. Sud-Europeo EX 183 Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng Cosmopolita * SX 184 Brachypodium genuense (DC.) Roem. & Schult. Orof. Sud-Europeo EX, IK 185 Brachypodium distachyon (L.) P. Beauv. Mediterraneo-Turaniano RY 186 Brachypodium rupestre (Host) Roem. & Schult. Subatlantico EK, EX, GK, PY 187 Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) P. Beauv. Paleotemperato * SX 188 Bromus arvensis L. ssp. arvensis Eurosiberiano AH, SX 189 Bromus commutatus Schrad. ssp. commutatus Europeo * SX POACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 293 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 190 Bromopsis erecta (Huds.) Fourr. Paleotemperato EK, EX, GK, IK 191 Bromopsis ramosa (Huds.) Holub ssp. ramosa Eurasiatico * SX 192 Bromus h rdeaceus . ssp. hordeaceus Cosmopolita EX, IK, SY 193 Bromus lanceolatus Roth Paleotemperato * SX 194 Bromus squarrosus L. Paleotemperato AH, IK 195 Catapodium rigidum (L.) C. E. Hubb. ex Dony ssp. rigidum Eurimediterraneo EX, IK 196 Cleistogenes serotina (L.) Keng Eurimediterraneo * SX 197 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Cosmopolita SX, SY 198 Cynosurus cristatus L. Europeo-Caucasico * SX 199 Cynosurus echinatus L. Eurimediterraneo EX, IK 200 Dactylis glomerata L. ssp. glomerata Paleotemperato EX, IK 201 Dactylis glomerata L. ssp. hispanica (Roth) Nyman Stenomediterraneo IK 202 Dasypyrum villosum (L.) P. Candargy Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 203 Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Cosmopolita EX 204 Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. Cosmopolita * SX 205 Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv Subcosmopolita * SX 206 Elymus repens (L.) Gould ssp. repens Circumboreale BX, EY 207 Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Vignolo ex Janch. Cosmopolita * 208 Festuca alfrediana Foggi & Signorini ssp. ferrariniana F oggi, Parolo & Gr. Rossi Endemico BX, EY 209 Festuca circummediterranea Patzke Eurimediterraneo EX, IK 210 Festuca inops De Not. Subendemico IK 211 Festuca laevigata Gaudin Orof. Sud-Ovest-Europeo CK, IK. Assegnate al taxon le precedenti segnalazioni di Festuca robustifolia Markgr.-Dann. 212 Festuca myuros L. ssp. myuros Subcosmopolita * SX 213 Festuca rubra L. ssp. commutata (Gaudin) Markgr. -Dann. Circumboreale EX 214 Festuca stricta Host ssp. trachyphylla (Hack.) Patzke e Pils Centro-Europeo * SX 215 Festuca violacea Ser. ex Gaudin ssp. italica Foggi, Gr. Rossi & Signorini Endemico * GX, GY, IY 216 Gastridium ventricosum (Gouan) Schinz & Thell. Mediterraneo-Atlantico * SX 217 Glyceria notata Chevall. Subcosmopolita *. SX 218 Helictochloa praetutiana (Parl. ex Arcang.) Bartolucci, F. Conti, Peruzzi & Banfi ssp. praetutiana Endemico EX, GX, IY 219 Holcus lanatus L. Circumboreale * AX, SX 220 Hordelymus europaeus (L.) Harz. Europeo-Caucasico SY 221 Hordeum marinum Huds. Mediterraneo-Occidentale * SX 222 Hordeum murinum L. ssp. murinum Circumboreale CK 223 Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare Avventizio SY. Coltivato e inselvatichito 224 Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf ssp. hirta Paleotropicale * SX 225 Koeleria splendens C. Presl Endemico BX, EX. Ricondotte al taxon le segnalazioni di Koeleria lobata (M. Bieb.) Roem. & Schult. 226 Leucopoa dimorph a (Guss.) H. Scholz & Foggi Subendemico CK, EK, EX, GK ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 294 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 227 Lolium arundinaceum ( Schreb.) Darbysh. Paleotemperato * SX 228 Lolium multiflorum Lam. Eurimediterraneo * SX 229 Lolium perenne L. Circumboreale * SX 230 Lolium temulentum L. Subcosmopolita SY 231 Macrobriza maxima (L.) Tzvelev Paleotropicale * SX 232 Melica ciliata L. ssp. ciliata Eurimediterraneo AH, EX 233 Melica uniflora Retz Paleotemperato EX 234 Oloptum miliaceum (L.) Röser & H.R. Hamasha Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 235 Oloptum thomasii (Duby) Banfi & Galasso Stenomediterraneo * SX, SY 236 Parapholis cylindrica (Willd.) Romero Zarco Eurimediterraneo * SX, SY 237 Parapholis incurva (L.) C.E. Hubb Mediterraneo-Atlantico * SX, SY 238 Parapholis strigosa (Dumort.) C.E.Hubb. Mediterraneo-Atlantico * SX 239 Phalaris brachystachys Link Stenomediterraneo * SX 240 Phalaris canariensis L. Avventizio SY 241 Phalaris coerulescens Desf. Stenomediterraneo * SX 242 Phalaris paradoxa L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 243 Phleum hirsutum Honck. ssp. ambiguum (Ten.) Tzvelev Mediterraneo-Montano EX, IK 244 Phleum pratense L. Centro-Europeo * SX 245 Phleum rhaeticum (Humphries) Rauschert Sud-Europeo GY, IY 246 Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. ssp. australis Cosmopolita SY 247 Poa alpina L. ssp. alpina Circumboreale GX, GY, IK, IY 248 Poa angustifolia L. Cosmopolita EX 249 Poa annua L. Cosmopolita SY 250 Poa badensis Haenke ex Willd. Mediterraneo-Montano GY. Dubbia presenza sul massiccio della Maella (Conti et al., 2019, 2020) 251 Poa bulbosa L. ssp. bulbosa Paleotemperato IK 252 Poa molinerii Balb. Sud-Est Europeo EX, GX, IY 253 Poa nemoralis L. ssp. nemoralis Circumboreale * SX 254 Poa pratensis L. ssp. pratensis Circumboreale SY 255 Poa trivialis L. Eurasiatico SX 256 Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Breistr. ssp. viridis Paleotropicale * SX 257 Rostraria cristata (L.) Tzvelev Paleotemperato *. SX 258 Sclerochloa dura (L.) P. Beauv. Eurimediterraneo * SX 259 Sesleria juncifolia Suffren ssp. juncifolia Appennino-Balcanico EK, EX, GK, GX. Ricondotte al taxon le segnalazioni di S . apennina Ujhelji e S . tenuifolia Schrad 260 Sesleria nitida ssp. nitida Ten. Endemico EK, EX, GK, IK, PY 261 Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. ssp. viridis (L.) Thell. Subcosmopolita SY 262 Setaria verticillata ( L.) P.Beauv. Cosmopolita * SX 263 Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Cosmopolita * SX 264 Stipa dasyvaginata Martinovsky ssp. apenninicola Martinovsky & Moraldo Endemico SY 265 Thinopyrum acutum (DC.) Banfi Eurimediterraneo * SX 266 Triticum aestivum L. ssp. aestivum Avventizio SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 267 Triticum turgidum L. Avventizio SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 295 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 268 Triticum vagans (Jord. & Fourr.) Greuter Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 269 Berberis vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris Eurasiatico CK 270 Actaea spicata L. Eurasiatico RX 271 Adonis aestivalis L. Eurasiatico SY 272 Adonis annua L. Eurimediterraneo SY 273 Adonis distorta Ten. Endemico BX, EK, FY, GK, IY,SY 274 Anemonastrum narcissiflorum (L.) Holub, ssp. narcissiflorum Artico-Alpino EX, SY 275 Anemone apennina. L. ssp. apennina Sud-Est-Europeo RX 276 Anemone hortensis L. ssp. hortensis Nord-Mediterraneo SX, SY 277 Anemonoides nemorosa (L.) Holub Circumboreale RX 278 Anemonoides ranunculoides (L.) Holub Europeo-Caucasico SY 279 Aquilegia magellensis F. Conti & Soldano Endemico EK, EX, GK 280 Clematis flammula L. Eurimediterraneo EX, FX, PX 281 Clematis recta L. Eurosiberiano * PY 282 Clematis vitalba L. Europeo CK, FK 283 Delphinium consolida L. Eurimediterraneo SY 284 Delphinium fissum Waldst. & Kit. ssp. fissum Eurasiatico AH 285 Delphinium halteratum Sm. Stenomediterraneo * SX 286 Delphinium peregrinum L. Sud-Est Europeo °° SY 287 Ficaria verna Huds. subsp. fertilis (Lawalrée ex Laegaard) Stace Eurasiatico SY 288 Helleborus foetidus L. ssp. foetidus Subatlantico EX, EY, SY 289 Hepatica nobilis Mill. Circumboreale EX 290 Nigella damascena L. Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 291 Pulsatilla alpina (L.) Delarbre ssp. millefoliata (Bertol.) D.M. Moser Circumboreale CK, EK, FY, GY, IK 292 Ranunculus acris L. ssp. acris Cosmopolita SY 293 Ranunculus apenninus. (Chiov.) Pignatti Endemico EX, SY 294 Ranunculus arvensis L. Paleotemperato SX, SY 295 Ranunculus brevifolius Ten. Appennino-Balcanico EK, FY, GX, IY 296 Ranunculus breyninus Crantz Orof. Sud-Europeo GY 297 Ranunculus bulbosus L. Eurasiatico SX, SY 298 Ranunculus illyricus L. Appennino-Balcanico * SX 299 Ranunculus lanuginosus L. Europeo-Caucasico * SX 300 Ranunculus magellensis Ten. Endemico CK, EK, FY, IK 301 Ranunculus millefoliatus Vahl Mediterraneo-Montano * SX 302 Ranunculus monspeliacus L. ssp. monspeliacus Nord-Ovest-Mediterraneo * SX 303 Ranunculus muricatus L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 304 Ranunculus neapolitanus Ten. Nord-Est-Mediterraneo * QX 305 Ranunculus pollinensis. (N. Terracc.) Chiov. Endemico BX, GX 306 Ranunculus repens L. Eurasiatico * SX 307 Ranunculus sceleratus L. Paleotemperato * SX 308 Ranunculus seguieri Vill. ssp. seguieri Mediterraneo-Montano °° FY, GX, GY, IY 309 Ranunculus trichophyllus Chaix Europeo * SX 310 Thalictrum minus L. ssp. minus Eurasiatico SY 311 Trollius europaeus L. ssp. europaeus Artico-Alpino SY BERBERIDACEAE RANUNCULACEAE PAPAVERACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 296 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 312 Chelidonium majus L. Eurasiatico KY 313 Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigger & Kōrte ssp. cava Europeo * SX 314 Fumaria capreolata L. ssp. capreolata Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 315 Fumaria officinalis L. ssp. officinalis Paleotemperato SX, SY 316 Fumaria vaillantii Loisel. Eurimediterraneo IK 317 Oreomecon alpina (L.) Banfi, Bartolucci, J. M. Tison & Galasso ssp. alpina Endemico °° CK, EK, GK, GX 318 Papaver dubium L. ssp. dubium Eurimediterraneo IK 319 Papaver rhoeas. L. ssp. rhoeas Mediterraneo-Orientale CK, EY 320 Papaver somniferum L. Subcosmopolita EY 321 Roemeria sicula (Guss.) Galasso, Banfi, L.Sáez & Bartolucci Mediterraneo-Turaniano SY 322 Pseudofumaria alba (Mill.) Lidén ssp. alba Appennino-Balcanico SY 323 Hylotelephium maximum (L.) Holub Centro-Europeo * SX 324 Petrosedum montanum (Songeon & E.P. Perrier) Grulich Mediterraneo-Montano IK 325 Petrosedum rupestre (L.) P.V. Heath Europeo EX, IK, SY 326 Petrosedum sediforme (Jacq.) Grulich Stenomediterraneo * SX 327 Phedimus stellatus (L.) Raf. Stenomediterraneo * SX 328 Sedum acre L. Europeo EX, GY, IY, SY 329 Sedum album L. ssp. micranthum (Bast. ex DC.) Syme Eurimediterraneo AH, EX, FX, SY 330 Sedum annuum L. Artico-Alpino SY 331 Sedum atratum L. Mediterraneo-Montano GX, IY, SY 332 Sedum caespitosum (Cav.) DC. Stenomediterraneo * SX 333 Sedum dasyphyllum L. ssp. dasyphyllum Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 334 Sedum hispanicum L. Pontico EX 335 Sedum magellense Ten. ssp. magellense Endemico SY 336 Sedum rubens L. Eurimediterraneo AH, SX 337 Sedum sexangulare L. Europeo EX 338 Sempervivum arachnoideum L. Orof. Sud-Europeo BX, GY, IY, SY 339 Sempervivum tectorum L. Mediterraneo-Montano EX, SY 340 Umbilicus horizontalis ( Guss.) DC. Stenomediterraneo FX, LY, SY 341 Umbilicus rupestris (Salisb.) Dandy Mediterraneo-Atlantico * PX 342 Ribes uva-crispa L. Eurasiatico * SX 343 Saxifraga adscendens L. ssp. adscendens Mediterraneo-Montano GX, IY 344 Saxifraga caesia L Mediterraneo-Montano SY 345 Saxifraga callosa Sm. ssp. callosa Orof. Sud-Ovest-Europeo AH, CK, EK, EX 346 Saxifraga exarata Vill. ssp. ampullacea (Ten.) D. A. Webb Endemico GX, GY, SY 347 Saxifraga granulata L. ssp. granulata Subatlantico EX 348 Saxifraga italica D. A. Webb Endemico SY 349 Saxifraga oppositifolia L. ssp. oppositifolia Artico-Alpino GY, IY, SY 350 Saxifraga paniculata Mill. Artico-Alpino AH, GX, GY 351 Saxifraga porophylla Bertol. ssp. porophylla Endemico AH, EK, GK, SY 352 Saxifraga rotundifolia L. ssp. rotundifolia Mediterraneo-Montano RX 353 Saxifraga tridactylites L. Eurimediterraneo IK,SX CRASSULACEAE GROSSULARIACEAE SAXIFRAGACEAE VITACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 297 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 354 Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera Avventizio EY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 355 Anthyllis montana L. susbp. jacquinii (A Kern.) Rohlena Orof. Sud-Est-Europeo BK, EX 356 Anthyllis vulneraria L. ssp. poliphylla (DC.) Nyman Sud-Est-Europeo EX 357 Anthyllis vulneraria L. ssp. pulchella (Vis.) Bornm. Sud-Est Europeo GX, IY 358 Anthyllis vulneraria L. ssp. rubiflora (DC.) Arcang. Eurimediterraneo CK, EX, GY, IK. Ricondotte al taxon le segnalazioni di A . vulneraria L. ssp. maura (Beck) Maire 359 Anthyllis vulneraria L. ssp. weldeniana (Rchb.) Cullen Appennino-Balcanico SY 360 Argyrolobium zanonii (Turra) P.W. Ball ssp. zanonii Mediterraneo-Occidentale * SX 361 Astragalus australis (L.) Lam. Eurasiatico EX 362 Astragalus depressus L. ssp. depressus Eurasiatico BX, EX, BX, IY 363 Astragalus glycyphyllos L. Eurasiatico * SX 364 Astragalus hamosus L. Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 365 Astragalus monspessulanus L. ssp. monspessulanus Eurimediterraneo EX, SY 366 Astragalus sempervirens Lam. Mediterraneo-Montano EX 367 Astragalus sesameus L. Stenomediterraneo SX 368 Astragalus sirinicus Ten. ssp. sirinicus Appennino-Balcanico SY 369 Astragalus vesicarius L. ssp. vesicarius Sud-Europeo- Sud-Siberiano * SX 370 Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) C. H. Stirt Eurimediterraneo EX 371 Cercis siliquastrum L. ssp. siliquastrum Pontico SX, SY 372 Cicer arietinum L. Pontico SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 373 Colutea arborescens L. Eurimediterraneo EY, SY 374 Coronilla minima L. ssp. minima Mediterraneo-Occidentale EX 375 Coronilla scorpioides (L.) W. D. J. Koch Eurimediterraneo LY, PX, SY 376 Coronilla vaginalis Lam. Sud-Est-Europeo. IK 377 Coronilla valentina L. Sud-Ovest-Mediterraneo EK, EY 378 Cytisophyllum sessilifolius (L.) O. Lang Sud-Ovest-Europeo EX, FX 379 Cytisus hirsutus L. Eurosiberiano * SX 380 Cytisus spinescens Sieber ex Spreng. Appennino-Balcanico AH, EX, IK, PY, SY 381 Emerus major Mill. ssp. emeroides (Boiss. & Spruner) Soldano & F. Conti Pontico CK, EX, PY 382 Emerus major Mill. ssp. major Centro-Europeo * QX 383 Ervilia sativa Link Eurimediterraneo AH 384 Ervum gracile DC. Stenomediterraneo * SX 385 Galega officinalis L. Pontico CK 386 Genista januensis Viv. Sud-Est-Europeo * SX 387 Genista sagittalis L. Europeo SX, SY 388 Genista tinctoria L. Eurasiatico EX 389 Hippocrepis biflora Spreng. Eurimediterraneo * SX 390 Hippocrepis ciliata Willd. Stenomediterraneo * SX 391 Hippocrepis comosa L. ssp. comosa Europeo EX, IK, SY 392 Laburnum anagyroides Medik. ssp. anagyroides Eurimediterraneo EK, EX, GK, PY, SY 393 Lathyrus annuus L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 394 Lathyrus aphaca L. ssp. aphaca Eurimediterraneo SX 395 Lathyrus cicera L. Eurimediterraneo MX, OX FABACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 298 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 396 Lathyrus clymenum L Stenomediterraneo * SX 397 Lathyrus hirsutus L. Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 398 Lathyrus nissolia L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 399 Lathyrus ochrus (L.) DC. Stenomediterraneo * SX 400 Lathyrus odoratus L. Endemico * SX 401 Lathyrus pratensis L. Paleotemperato * SX 402 Lathyrus sativus L. Eurimediterraneo SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 403 Lathyrus sphaericus Retz. Eurimediterraneo * SX 404 Lathyrus setifolius L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 405 Lathyrus sylvestris L. ssp. sylvestris Europeo CK, SX 406 Lathyrus venetus (Mill.) Wohlf. Pontico EX 407 Lathyrus vernus (L.) Bernh. Eurasiatico * SX 408 Lotus corniculatus L. ssp. alpinus (DC.) Rothm. Mediterraneo-Montano CK, EX, IK 409 Lotus herbaceus (Vill.) Jauzein Pontico * SX 410 Lotus hirstus L. Eurimediterraneo RX 411 Lotus ornithopodioides L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 412 Lotus tenuis Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. Paleotemperato * SX 413 Lotus tetragonolobus L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 414 Medicago arabica (L.) Huds. Eurimediterraneo * SX 415 Medicago disciformis DC. Stenomediterraneo * ## SX 416 Medicago falcata L. ssp. falcata Eurasiatico RX 417 Medicago lupulina L. Paleotemperato CK, EX, IK 418 Medicago minima (L.) L. Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 419 Medicago monspeliaca (L.) Trautv. Eurimediterraneo * SX 420 Medicago orbicularis (L.) Bartal. Eurimediterraneo * SX 421 Medicago polymorpha L. Subcosmopolita * SX 422 Medicago prostrata Jacq. ssp. prostrata Pontico EX 423 Medicago rigidula (L.) All. Eurimediterraneo * SX 424 Medicago sativa L. Eurasiatico * CK. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 425 Medicago scutellata Mill. Eurimediterraneo * SX 426 Medicago truncatula Gaertn. Stenomediterraneo * SX 427 Onobrychis alba (Waldst. & Kit.) Desv. ssp. alba Appennino-Balcanico EX 428 Onobrychis caput-gallli (L.) Lam. Stenomediterraneo SY 429 Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. Mediterraneo-Montano SX, SY 430 Ononis cristata MIll. ssp. apennina Tammaro & Catonica Endemico OX 431 Ononis mitissima L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 432 Ononis pusilla L. ssp. pusilla Eurimediterraneo EX, SX 433 Ononis reclinata L. Mediterraneo-Occidentale * SX 434 Ononis spinosa L. ssp. spinosa Eurimediterraneo SY 435 Ononis viscosa L. ssp. breviflora (DC.) Nyman Sud-Mediterraneo * SX 436 Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC. ssp. campestris Circumboreale EX, GX, GY, IY 437 Oxytropis neglecta Ten. Orof. Sud-Europeo DY, GX 438 Pisum sativum L. ssp. biflorum (Raf.) Soldano Eurimediterraneo KY 439 Pisum sativum L. ssp. sativum Subcosmopolita SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 440 Robinia pseudacacia L. Nord-Americano CK, EK, EY 441 Scorpiurus muricatus L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 442 Securigera securidaca (L.) Degen & Dorf. Eurimediterraneo SY utus ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 299 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 443 Securigera varia (L.) Lassen Sud-Est Europeo RX 444 Spartium junceum L. Eurimediterraneo CK, EK, EX, GK 445 Sulla coronaria (L.) Medik. Mediterraneo-Occidentale CK. Coltivato, naturalizzato 446 Trifolium alexandrinum L. Eurimediterraneo RY, SX 447 Trifolium alpestre L. Europeo SX 448 Trifolium angustifolium L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 449 Trifolium arvense L. ssp. arvense Paleotemperato EX, IK 450 Trifolium campestre Schreb. Paleotemperato EX 451 Trifolium echinatum M. Bieb. Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 452 Trifolium fragiferum L. ssp. fragiferum Paleotemperato AY, BX 453 Trifolium incarnatum L. ssp. incarnatum Eurimediterraneo * SY 454 Trifolium incarnatum L. ssp. molinerii (Balb. ex Hornem.) Ces. Eurimediterraneo * SX 455 Trifolium lucanicum Gasp. ex Guss. Eurimediterraneo * SX 456 Trifolium nigrescens Viv. ssp. nigrescens Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 457 Trifolium noricum Wulfen ssp. praetutianum (Savi) Arcang. Appennino-Balcanico °° GY, IY 458 Trifolium ochroleucon Huds. Pontico EX 459 Trifolium pallidum Waldst. & Kit. Mediterraneo-Orientale * SX 460 Trifolium pratense L. ssp. pratense Eurasiatico CK, EX 461 Trifolium pratense L. ssp. semipurpureum (Strobl) Pignatti Endemico EX, GX, IK 462 Trifolium repens L. ssp. repens Paleotemperato SY 463 Trifolium resupinatum L. Paleotemperato * SX 464 Trifolium scabrum L. ssp. scabrum Eurimediterraneo SX 465 Trifolium squamosum L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 466 Trifolium squarrosum L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 467 Trifolium stellatum L. Eurimediterraneo EX, IK, SY 468 Trifolium thalii Vill. Mediterraneo-Montano EK, EX, GX, GY, SY 469 Trigonella alba (Medik.) Coulot & Rabaute Eurasiatico SX 470 Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Eurimediterraneo SY 471 Trigonella officinalis (L.) Coulot & Rabaute Eurasiatico * CK 472 Trigonella sulcata (Desf.) Coulot & Rabaute Sud-Mediterraneo * QX, SX 473 Trigonella woijciechowskii . Coulot & Rabaute Stenomediterraneo * MX, OX 474 Vicia angustifolia L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 475 Vicia bithynica (L.) L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 476 Vicia cracca L. Eurasiatico SY 477 Vicia dasycarpa Ten. Eurimediterraneo SY 478 Vicia ervoides (Brign.) Hampe Pontico * SX 479 Vicia disperma DC. Mediterraneo-Occidentale IK 480 Vicia faba L. Stenomediterraneo SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 481 Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray Paleotemperato EX 482 Vicia hybrida L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 483 Vicia incana Gouan Eurimediterraneo * SX 484 Vicia johannis Tammasch Sud-Europeo-Sud-Siberiano MX, NX, OX 485 Vicia lathyroides L. Eurimediterraneo * ## SX 486 Vicia lentoides (Ten.) Coss. & Germ. Stenomediterraneo * ## SX 487 Vicia lutea L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 488 Vicia peregrina L. Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 489 Vicia sativa L. ssp. sativa Eurimediterraneo RY ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 300 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 490 Vicia sepium L. Eurosiberiano * SX 491 Vicia tenuifolia Roth ssp. tenuifolia Eurasiatico * SX 492 Polygala alpestris Rchb. ssp. angelisii (Ten.) Nyman Endemico SX. Ricondotte al taxon le segnalazioni di P . alpestris Rchb. 493 Polygala major Jacq. Pontico EX, IK 494 Polygala nicaensis W. D. J. Koch ssp. Mediterranea Chodat Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 495 Platanus orientalis L. Appennino-Balcanico SY 496 Agrimonia eupatoria L. ssp. eupatoria Subcosmopolita SX, SY 497 Alchemilla alpina L. Artico-Alpino * SY 498 Alchemilla colorata Buser Eurasiatico SY 499 Amelanchier ovalis Medik. ssp. ovalis Mediterraneo-Montano EK, GK 500 Aphanes arvensis L. – Subcosmopolita. (RX). 501 Aremonia agrimonoides (L .) DC. ssp. agrimonoides Sud-Europeo * PY 502 Cotoneaster integerrimus Medik. Pontico BX, EK, GK 503 Crataegus monogyna Jacq. Paleotemperato CK, EK, EX, EY, FX, GK 504 Cydonia oblonga Mill. Ovest-Asiatico EY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 505 Dryas octopetala L. ssp. octopetala Artico-Alpino AH, CK, EK, EX, SY 506 Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. Eurosiberiano RX, SY 507 Filipendula vulgaris Moench Centro-Europeo * SY 508 Fragaria vesca L. ssp. vesca Eurosiberiano SX, SY 509 Geum urbanum L. Circumboreale * SX 510 Malus domestica (Borkh.) Borkh. Eurasiatico FX, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 511 Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill. Centro-Europeo EY 512 Mespilus germanica L. Pontico EY, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 513 Potentilla apennina Ten. ssp. apennina Appennino-Balcanico * GY 514 Potentilla caulescens L. ssp. caulescens Mediterraneo-Montano AH, CK, EK, EX, GK 515 Potentilla crantzii ( Crantz) Beck ex Fritsch ssp. crantzii Artico-Alpino EX, GY, IY 516 Potentilla pedata Willd. ex Hornem Eurimediterraneo SX 517 Potentilla reptans L. Paleotemperato *. SX 518 Potentilla rigoana Th. Wolf Endemico SX, SY 519 Poteriuum sanguisorba L. ssp. balearica (Bourg. Ex Nyman) Stace Sud-Ovest-Europeo EX, IK 520 Prunus armeniaca L. Europeo-Caucasico SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 521 Prunus avium L. ssp. avium Pontico EX, EY, SY 522 Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. – Pontico Pontico EY, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 523 Prunus cerasus L. Pontico EY, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 524 Prunus domestica L. Europeo-Caucasico SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 525 Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb Eurimediterraneo EY, SX, SY 526 Prunus mahaleb L. Pontico SY POLYGALACEAE PLATANACEAE ROSACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 301 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 527 Prunus persica (L.) Batsch Asiatico EY, FX, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 528 Prunus spinosa L. ssp. spinosa Europeo CK, EX, EY, FK, FX 529 Pyracantha coccinea M. Roem. Stenomediterraneo SY 530 Pyrus communis L.L. ssp. communis Avventizio FX, SX, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 531 Rosa arvensis Huds. Mediterraneo-Atlantico SY 532 Rosa canina L. Paleotemperato EK, EX, EY, FK, FX, GK 533 Rosa dumalis Bechst. Europeo-Caucasico SY 534 Rosa sempervirens L. Stenomediterraneo SY 535 Rubus caesius L. Eurasiatico SY 536 Rubus canescens DC. Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 537 Rubus hirtus Waldst. & Kit. Europeo EY 538 Rubus saxatilis L. CIrcumboreale * SY 539 Rubus ulmifolius Schott Mediterraneo-Atlantico CK, EX, EY 540 Sibbaldia procumbens L. Artico-Alpino SX, SY 541 Sorbus aria (L.) Crantz ssp. aria Paleotemperato AH, EK, EX, FK, FX 542 Sorbus aucuparia L. ssp. aucuparia Europeo EK, GK 543 Sorbus domestica L. Eurimediterraneo EK, EX, EY, SY 544 Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz Eurasiatico EK, GK 545 Atadinus alpinus (L.) Raf. Mediterraneo-Occidentale *. EX 546 Atadinus pumilus (Turra) Hauenschild ssp. pumilus Mediterraneo-Montano EK, GK 547 Paliurus spina-christi Mill. Pontico CK 548 Rhamnus alaternus L. ssp. alaternus Stenomediterraneo SY 549 Rhamnus saxatilis Jacq. – ssp. saxatilis Pontico * GK 550 Rhamnus saxatilis Jacq. ssp. infectorius (L.) P. Fournier Sud-Est-Europeo AH, BX, CK, EX 551 Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Avventizio EY. Coltivato, naturalizzato 553 Ulmus minor Mill. ssp. minor Europeo-Caucasico CK, EY 554 Celtis australis L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 555 Humulus lupulus L. Circumboreale * SX 556 Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. Asiatico-Orientale * MX. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 557 Ficus carica L. Eurimediterraneo EY, SX, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 558 Morus alba L. Asiatico EY, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 559 Morus nigra L. Asiatico EY, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 560 Parietaria judaica L. Eurimediterraneo SY 561 Parietaria officinalis L . Europeo AH, CK 562 Urtica dioica L . Cosmopolita CK, EX, EY 563 Urtica membranacea Poir. Sud-Mediterraneo * SX RHAMNACEAE ULMACEAE CANNABACEAE MORACEAE URTICACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 302 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 564 Urtica urens L Subcosmopolita * SX 565 Fagus sylvatica L. Centro-Europeo EK, EX, EY, GK, SY 566 Quercus cerris L. Eurimediterraneo EK, EX, EY 567 Quercus ilex L. ssp. ilex Stenomediterraneo EK, EX, EY, GK, PY, SY 568 Quercus pubescens Willd. ssp. pubescens Pontico BX, CK, EK, EX, EY, GK, PY 569 Juglans nigra L. Nord-Americano * SX, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 570 Juglans regia L. Asiatico SX, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 571 Alnus cordata (Loisel.) Duby Sud-Est Europeo RX, SY 572 Alnus glutinosa L. Gaertn. Paleotemperato RX, SY 573 Carpinus betulus L. Europeo SX, SY 574 Carpinus orientalis Mill. ssp. orientalis Pontico EK, EY, SY 575 Corylus avellana L. Europeo CK, EK, EY, FX, GK 576 Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. Pontico CK, EK, EX, EY, GK, PY 577 Bryonia dioica Jacq. Eurimediterraneo SX 578 Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai ssp. lanatus Paleotropicale * SY, Coltivato, spontaneizzato 579 Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich. Eurimediterraneo EY, SY 580 Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. Avventizio * SX 581 Euonymus europaeus L Eurasiatico EK, EX, EY, GK 582 Parnassia palustris L. ssp. palustris Eurosiberiano SY 582 Oxalis articulata Savigny Sud-Americano * SX 583 Oxalis corniculata L. Cosmopolita * SX 584 Oxalis latifolia Kunth Americano *. SX 585 Viola alba Besser ssp. dehnardii (Ten.) W. Becker Eurimediterraneo EX, PY 586 Viola arvensis Murray ssp. arvensis Eurasiatico * SY 587 Viola eugeniae Parl. ssp. eugeniae Endemico CK, EX, FY, GX, GY, IK, IY 588 Viola kitaibeliana Schult. Europeo-Caucasico * SX 589 Viola majellensis Porta & Rigo ex Strobl Appennino-Balcanico BX, CK, EK, FY, GK, GX, GY, IY 590 Viola odorata L. Eurimediterraneo EY, SX, SY 591 Viola riechenbachiana Jord. ex Boreau Eurosiberiano SX. Ricondotta al taxon la segnalazone di Viola umbrosa Hoff (Cesati, 1872) presso la Fonte della Spogna di Lama 592 Populus alba L. Paleotemperato BX, EY, FX, SY 593 Populus nigra L. Paleotemperato CK 594 Populus tremula L. Eurosiberiano CK, EY CUCURBITACEAE CELASTRACEAE OXALIDACEAE VIOLACEAE SALICACEAE FAGACEAE JUGLANDACEAE BETULACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 303 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 595 Salix alba L. Paleotemperato CK, EY 596 Salix eleagnos Scop. ssp. eleagnos Mediterraneo-Montano SY 597 Salix purpurea L. ssp. purpurea Eurasiatico CK, SX 598 Salix retusa L. Europeo EK, GX, IY 599 Salix triandra L. ssp. triandra Eurosiberiano CK 600 Linum alpinum Jacq. Mediterraneo-Montano EX, IK, SY 601 Linum bienne Mill. Subatlantico SX, SY 602 Linum capitatum Kit. ex Schult. ssp. serrulatum (Bertol.) Hartvig Appennino-Balcanico EX, IK 603 Linum catharticum L. Eurimediterraneo * EX 604 Linum corymbulosum Rchb. Stenomediterraneo * SX 605 Linum nodiflorum L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 606 Linum strictum L. Stenomediterraneo SX 607 Linum tenuifolium L. Pontico EX, SY 608 Linum tryginum L. Eurimediterraneo EX 609 Linum usitatissimum L. ssp. angustifolium (Huds.) Thell. Eurimediterraneo * AH 610 Linum viscosum L. Orof. Sud-Europeo * SX 611 Hypericum hyssopifolium Chaix Orof. Sud-Europeo * DY, LX, MX 612 Hypericum montanum L. Europeo-Caucasico * SX 613 Hypericum perforatum L. ssp. perforatum Eurimediterraneo CK, EX, IK 614 Hypericum richeri Vill. ssp. richeri Orof. Sud-Europeo EX 615 Hypericum tetrapterum Fr. Paleotemperato * SX 616 Euphorbia amygdaloides L. Europeo SX 617 Euphorbia chamaesyce L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 618 Euphorbia characias L. Stenomediterraneo BX, CK, EX, IK 619 Euphorbia cyparissias L. Europeo SY 620 Euphorbia exigua L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 621 Euphorbia falcata L. Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 622 Euphorbia helioscopia L. ssp. helioscopia Cosmopolita SX, SY 623 Euphorbia lathyris L. Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 624 Euphorbia maculata L. Nord-Americano * SX 625 Euphorbia myrsinites L. ssp. myrsinites Pontico EX, IK 626 Euphorbia nicaensis All. ssp. nicaensis Eurimediterraneo SY 627 Euphorbia peplus L. Cosmopolita * SX 628 Euphorbia platyphyllos L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 629 Euphorbia prostrata Aiton Nord-Americano * SX 630 Euphorbia spinosa L. ssp. spinosa Nord-Mediterraneo * GK, SX 631 Mercurialis annua L. Paleotemperato SX 632 Mercurialis ovata Sternb. & Hoppe Pontico EX 633 Mercurialis perennis L. Europeo RX 634 Erodium alpinum L’Hér. Endemico IK 635 Erodium ciconium (L.) L'Hér. Eurimediterraneo * SX 636 Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Hér. Cosmopolita SX, SY 637 Erodium malacoides (L.) L’Her. Eurimediterraneo SX 638 Geranium columbinum L. Subcosmopolita * SX 639 Geranium dissectum L. Eurasiatico * SX LINACEAE HYPERICACEAE EUPHORBIACEAE GERANIACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 304 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 640 Geranium lucidum L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 641 Geranium molle L. Eurasiatico AH, BX, SY 642 Geranium nodosum L. Mediterraneo-Montano SY 643 Geranium purpureum Vill. Eurimediterraneo * SX 644 Geranium pusillum L. Europeo SY 645 Geranium pyrenaicum Burm. f. ssp. pyrenaicum Eurimediterraneo EX, IK 646 Geranium robertianum L. Cosmopolita SX, SY 647 Geranium rotundifolium L. Paleotemperato * SX 648 Geranium tuberosum L. ssp. tuberosum Sud-Europeo * SX 649 Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. Circumboreale * SY 650 Epilobium alsinifolium Vill. Artico-Alpino °° AH 651 Epilobium hirsutum L. Paleotemperato SY 652 Epilobium montanum L. Eurasiatico * SX 653 Epilobium parviflorum Schreb. Paleotemperato * SX 654 Epilobium tetragonum L. ssp. tetragonum Eurimediterraneo CK 655 Lythrum salicaria L. Cosmopolita RY 656 Punica granatum L. Asiatico EY, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 657 Pistacia terebinthus L. ssp. terebinthus Eurimediterraneo EK, GK 658 Acer campestre L. Europeo-Caucasico CK, EK, EX, EY, GK, PY 659 Acer monspessulanus L. ssp. monspessulanus Eurimediterraneo EX, GK 660 Acer negundo L. Nord-Americano * SX 661 Acer opalus Mill. ssp. obtusatum (Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.) Gams Appennino-Balcanico EK, EX, GK, PY 662 Acer pseudoplatanus L. Europeo-Caucasico EX, SX 663 Aesculus hippocastanum L. Sud-Est-Europeo SY. Utilizzato per le albearture stradali 664 Ruta chalepensis L. Stenomediterraneo FX 665 Daphne laureola L. Subatlantico EK 666 Daphne mezereum L. Eurosiberiano AH, EK 667 Daphne oleoides Schreb. Eurimediterraneo EK, EX, GK 668 Thymelaea passerina (L.) Coss. & Germ. Eurimediterraneo * SX 669 Cistus creticus L. ssp. creticus Stenomediterraneo * BX, QX, SY 670 Cistus creticus L. ssp. eriocephalus (Viv.) Greuter & Burdet Stenomediterraneo KY 671 Cistus salviifolius L. Stenomediterraneo CK, EY 672 Fumana ericifolia Wallr. Stenomediterraneo SX 673 Fumana procumbens (Dunal) Gren. & Godr. Pontico EX 674 Fumana thymifolia (L.) Spach ex Webb Stenomediterraneo SX 675 Helianthemum appeninum (L.) Mill. ssp. apenninum Sud-Ovest-Europeo EX, IK, SY 676 Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. ssp. grandiflorum (Scop.) Schinz & Thell. Europeo-Caucasico EX 677 Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. ssp. obscurum (Celak) Holub Europeo-Caucasico EX SAPINDACEAE RUTACEAE THYMELACEAE CISTACEAE ONAGRACEAE LYTHRACEAE ANACARDIACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 305 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 678 Helianthemum oleandicum (L.) Dum. Cours. ssp. alpestre (Jacq.) Ces. Orof. Sud-Europeo GX, GY, IY 679 Helianthemum oleandicum (L.) Dum. Cours. ssp. incanum (Willk.) G. Lopez Europeo-Caucasico EX, SX 680 Helianthemum oelandicum (L.) Dum.Cours. ssp. italicum (L.) Ces. Orof. Sud-Ovest-Europeo * SX 681 Helianthemum salicifolium (L.) Mill. Eurimediterraneo * SX 682 Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle Avventizio CK, EK, EY 683 Abutilon theophrasti Medik. Eurasiatico * SX 684 Alcea rosea L. Avventizio SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 685 Malope malacoides L. Eurimediterraneo SY 686 Malva multiflora (Cav.) Soldano, Banfi & Galasso Stenomediterraneo * SX 687 Malva neglecta Wallr. Paleotemperato AX, SX 688 Malva pusilla Sm. Eurosiberiano SY 689 Malva setigera K.F. Schimp. & Spenn. Eurimediterraneo * SX 690 Malva sylvestris L. ssp. sylvestris Eurosiberiano AX, CK 691 Malva trimestris (L.) Salisb. Stenomediterraneo * SX 692 Tilia cordata Mill. Europeo SY 693 Tilia platyphyllos Scop. ssp. platyphyllos Europeo EK, EY, GK, SY 694 Reseda alba L. ssp. alba Eurimediterraneo SY 695 Reseda lutea L. ssp. lutea Europeo AH 696 Reseda luteola L. Circumboreale LK 697 Reseda phyteuma L. Eurimediterraneo* SX 698 Aethionema saxatile (L.) R. Br. ssp. saxatile Mediterraneo-Montano AH, BX, EX, IK, SY 699 Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande Eurasiatico * SX 700 Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L. Eurimediterraneo * SY 701 Alyssum cuneifolium Ten. Endemico AH, EK, GX, GY, IY, SY 702 Alyssum diffusum Ten. ssp. diffusum Mediterraneo-Montano AH, EX 703 Alyssum montanun L. ssp. montanum Pontico 704 Alyssum strigosum (Banks & Sol.) Jalas Mediterraneo-Orientale BX, SX 705 Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Paleotemperato EX, SX 706 Arabis alpina L. ssp. alpina Artico-Alpino IK, SY 707 Arabis alpina L. ssp. caucasica (Willd.) Briq. Mediterraneo-Montano EX, GY 708 Arabis auriculata Lam. Orof. Sud-Europeo * SX 709 Arabis collina Ten. ssp. collina Mediterraneo-Montano SX 710 Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. Orof. Sud-Europeo * SX 711 Arabis surculosa N. Terracc. Appennino-Balcanico BX, GX, GY 712 Aubrieta columnae Guss. ssp. columnae Endemico AH, AX 713 Aurinia sinuata (L.) Griseb. Appennino-Balcanico * SX 714 Barbarea vulgaris W.T. Aiton Eurosiberiano * SX 715 Biscutella laevigata L. ssp. australis Raffaelli & Baldoin Endemico SX, SY 716 Brassica nigra (L.) W. D. J. Koch Eurimediterraneo SY 717 Brassica oleracea (L.) Ovest-Europeo SY 718 Brassica rapa L. ssp. rapa Eurimediterraneo SY 719 Bunius eucago L. Eurimediterraneo SY SIMAROUBACEAE MALVACEAE RESEDACEAE BRASSICACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 306 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 720 Calepina irregularis (Asso) Thell. Mediterraneo-Turaniano * QX 721 Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. ssp. bursa-pastoris Cosmopolita SX, SY 722 Capsella rubella Reut. Cosmopolita * LW, MY, OY 723 Cardamine amporitana Sennen & Pau Subendemico * SX 724 Cardamine enneaphyllos (L.) Crantz Appennino-Balcanico BX 725 Cardamine graeca L. Nord-Mediterraneo * SX 726 Cardamine hirsuta L. Cosmopolita SX 727 Cardamine kitaibelii Bech. Orof. Sud-Europeo * SX 728 Cardamine monteluccii Brilli-Catt. & Gubellini Endemico CX, MX, OX 729 Clypeola jonthlaspi L. ssp. jonthlaspi Stenomediterraneo IK, SX 730 Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC. ssp. erucoides Stenomediterraneo FK, FX 731 Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC. Mediterraneo-Atlantico * SY 732 Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC. Subatlantico SY 733 Draba aizoides L. ssp. aizoides Mediterraneo-Montano AH, EX, GX, GY, IY 734 Draba aspera Bertol. Mediterraneo-Montano BX 735 Draba aizoides L. ssp. aizoides Mediterraneo-Montano AH, EX, GX, GY, IY 736 Drabella muralis (L.) Fourr. Circumboreale * SX 737 Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav. Eurimedterraneo SY 738 Erysimum cheiri (L.) Crantz. Eurimedterraneo * SX 739 Erysimum majellense Polatscheck Endemico EX, IK 740 Erysimum pseudorhaeticum Polatscheck Endemico BK, IK, SY 741 Fibigia clypeata (L.) Medik Orof. Sud-Est Europeo SX 742 Hesperis laciniata All. ssp. laciniata Nord-Mediterraneo * SX 743 Hornungia alpina (L.) O. Appel ssp. alpina Mediterraneo-Montano °° BX, GY 744 Hornungia petraea (L.) Rchb. ssp. petraea Eurimediterraneo SY 745 Iberis saxatilis L. ssp. saxatilis Mediterraneo-Montano °° BX, FY, GX, IY 746 Iberis violacea W.T. Aiton Mediterraneo-Montano DY 747 Isatis apennina Ten. ex Grande Subendemico °° EK, FY 748 Isatis tinctoria L. ssp. tinctoria Eurasiatico EX, IK, SY 749 Lepidium campestre (L.) W.T. Aiton Europeo-Caucasico * SX 750 Lepidium draba L. ssp. Draba Mediterraneo-Turaniano SX 751 Lepidium graminifolium L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 752 Lunaria annua L. Sud-Est Europeo RX 753 Lunaria rediviva L. Europeo RX 754 Malcolmia orsiniana (Ten.) Ten. ssp. orsiniana Appennino-Balcanico °° BK, BX 755 Matthiola incana (L.) R. Br. ssp. incana Stenomediterraneo. SX, SY 756 Microthlaspi perfoliatum (L.) F. K. Mey Paleotemperato IK, SX 757 Mummenhoffia alliacea (L.) Esmailbegi & Al-Shehbaz Mediterraneo-Atlantico * SX 758 Nasturtium officinale W.T. Aiton Cosmopolita * SX 759 Noccaea stylosa (Ten.) Rchb. Endemico FY, GX, GY, IY 760 Pseudoturritis turrita (L.) Al-Shehbaz. Stenomediterraneo EX 761 Raphanus raphanistrum L. ssp. landra (Moretti ex DC.) Bonnier & Layens Stenomediterraneo * SX 762 Rapistrum rugosum (L.) Arcang. Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 763 Sinapis alba L. ssp. alba Mediterraneo-Orientale * SX 764 Sinapis arvensis L. ssp. arvensis Stenomediterraneo * SX 765 Sisymbrium irio L. Paleotemperato * SX 766 Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. Eurasiatico * SX 767 Sisymbrium orientale L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 768 Turritis glabra L. Artico-Alpino * SX ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 307 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 769 Loranthus europaeus Jacq. Europeo EY 770 Osyris alba L. Eurimediterraneo BX, EK, EX, GK, PY 771 Thesium humifusum DC. Eurimediterraneo EX 772 Thesium linophyllon L. Sud-Est Europeo IK 773 Thesium parnassii A. DC. Appennino-Balcanico IY 774 Viscum album L. ssp. album Eurasiatico RX PLUMBAGINACEAE 775 Armeria gracilis Ten. ssp. gracilis Endemico GX 776 Armeria gracilis Ten. ssp. majellensis ( Boiss.) Arrigoni Endemico CK, EK, EX, GY, IY 777 Plumbago europaea L. Stenomediterraneo FX 778 Bistorta officinalis Delarbre Circumboreale * EY 779 Bistorta vivipara (L.) Delarbre Artico-Alpino GX, IY 780 Fallopia baldschuanica (Regel) Holub Eurasiatico * SX 781 Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á.Löve Circumboreale * SX 782 Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) Delarbre Cosmopolita * SX 783 Polygonum aviculare L. ssp. aviculare Cosmopolita EX, EY 784 Rumex acetosa L. ssp. acetosa Circumboreale BX, EX 785 Rumex conglomeratus Murray Eurasiatico * SX 786 Rumex crispus L. Cosmopolita SX 787 Rumex nebroides Campd. Appennino-Balcanico SX, SY 788 Rumex pulcher L. ssp. pulcher Eurimediterraneo * SX 789 Rumex scutatus L. ssp. scutatus Mediterraneo-Montano EK, EX, EY, FK, FX, GK 790 Tamarix africana Poir. Mediterraneo-Occidentale * SX 791 Tamarix gallica L. Eurimediterraneo RX 792 Tamarix parviflora DC. Mediterraneo-Orientale * SX 793 Agrostemma githago L. Eurasiatico SY 794 Arenaria bertoloni Fiori Endemico IK 795 Arenaria grandifora L. ssp. grandifora Mediterraneo-Montano AX, GX, GY, IY 796 Arenaria serpyllifolia L. ssp. serpyllifolia Subcosmopolita SX, SY 797 Cerastium arvense L. ssp. arvense Paleotemperato CK, EX, IK, IX 798 Cerastium arvense L. ssp. suffruticosum (L.) Ces. Orofita Sud-Europeo IK 799 Cerastium brachypetalum Desp. ex Pers. ssp. brachypetalum Eurimediterraneo SX 800 Cerastium brachypetalum Desp. ex Pers. ssp. roeseri (Boiss. & Heldr.) Nyman Eurimediterraneo * EX 801 Cerastium cerastoides (L.) Britton Artico-Alpino. 802 Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. Cosmopolita * SX 803 Cerastium pumilum Curtis Eurimediterraneo SY 804 Cerastium thomasii Ten. Endemico EX, GX, GY, IY 805 Cerastium tomentosum L. Ovest-Europeo EK, EX, EY, FX, IK, SY 806 Dianthus carthusianorum L. ssp. tenorei ( Lacaita) Pignatti Endemico SX, SY 807 Dianthus ciliatus Guss. ssp. ciliatus Appennino-Balcanico AH, EK, EX 808 Dianthus deltoides L. Eurasiatico * EX CARIOPHYLLACEAE LORANTHACEAE SANTALACEAE POLYGONACEAE TAMARICACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 308 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 809 Dianthus hyssopifolius L. Mediterraneo-Montano EX 810 Dianthus virgineus L. Stenomediterraneo IK 811 Drypis spinosa L. ssp. spinosa Appennino-Balcanico AH, CK, EK, EX, EY, FX, GK 812 Heliosperma pusillum (Waldst. & Kit.) Rchb. Mediterraneo-Montano. 813 Herniaria bornmuelleri Chaudhri Endemico. 814 Herniaria incana Lam. Eurimediterraneo AH 815 Holosteum umbellatum L. ssp. umbellatum Paleotemperato * SX 816 Mcneillia graminifolia (Ard.) Dillenb. & Kadereit ssp. rosanoi (Ten.) F. Conti, Bartolucci, Iamonico & Del Guacchio Endemico AK, GH, SX 817 Minuartia glomerata (M. Bieb) Degen ssp. trichocalycina (Ten. & Guss.) F. Conti Endemico DK, DN 818 Moehringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. Eurasiatico * SX 819 Paronykia kapela (Hacq.) A. Kern. ssp. kapela Appennino-Balcanico EK, EX, LK 820 Pethroragia prolifera (L.) P. W. Ball & Heywood Eurimediterraneo IK 821 Pethroragia saxifraga (L.) Link ssp. saxifraga Eurimediterraneo CK, EX, IK 822 Polycarpon tetraphyllum L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 823 Sabulina tenuifolia (L.) Rchb.ssp. tenuifolia Paleotemperato * SX 824 Sabulina verna (L.) Rchb. ssp. verna Eurasiatico EX, GX, GY, IK, IY 825 Sagina apetala Ard. Eurimediterraneo * SX 826 Sagina glabra (Willd.) Fenzl Orof. Sud-Ovest-Europeo * GX 827 Sagina saginoides (L.) H. Karst. ssp. saginoides Artico-Alpino GY 828 Saponaria ocymoides L. ssp. ocymoides Mediterraneo-Montano. 829 Saponaria officinalis L. Eurosiberiano RX 830 Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. ssp. bryoides (Jord.) Nyman Artico-Alpino CK, EK, EX, GX, GY, IY 831 Silene catholica (L.) W. T. Aiton Appennino-Balcanico AH 832 Silene cattariniana Ferrarini & Cecchi Endemico IK 833 Silene ciliata Pourr. ssp. graefferi (Guss.) Nyman Appennino-Balcanico EX 834 Silene conica L. Appennino-Balcanico EX 835 Silene italica L.) Pers. ssp. italica Eurimediterraneo EX, IK, PX 836 Silene latifolia Poir. Paleotemperato SY 837 Silene multicaulis Guss. ssp. multicaulis Appennino-Balcanico GY 838 Silene nemoralis Waldst. & Kit. Eurimediterraneo. 839 Silene nocturna L. ssp. nocturna Mediterraneo-Macaronesico* SX 840 Silene notarisii Ces. Endemico EX come Silene parnassica 841 Silene otites (L.) Wibel ssp. otites Eurasiatico EX, PX 842 Silene paradoxa L. Appennino-Balcanico IK 843 Silene roemeri Friv. ssp. staminea (Bertol.) Nyman Endemico * EX. Ricondotta al taxon la segnalazione di Silene graminea Vis. 844 Silene viridiflora L. Eurasiatico * SX 845 Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke ssp. Vulgaris Paleotemperato EX 846 Stellaria media (L.) Vill. ssp. media Cosmopolita SX 847 Amaranthus deflexus L. Sud-Americano* SX 848 Amaranthus graecizans L. Paleotemperato * SX 849 Amaranthus retroflexus L. Cosmopolita SY AMARANTHACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 309 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 850 Atriplex hortensis L. ssp. hortensis Eurasiatico * SX 851 Atriplex patula L. Circumboreale RX 852 Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC. Circumboreale * SX 853 Beta vulgaris L. ssp. maritima (L.) Arcang. Eurimediterraneo * SX 854 Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris Eurimediterraneo SX . Coltivato, spontaneizzato 855 Blitum bonus -henricus (L.) Rchb. Circumboreale EX, GX 856 Chenopodiastrum murale (L.) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch Subcosmopolita * SX 857 Chenopodium album L. ssp. album Cosmopolita CK 858 Chenopodium opulifolium Schrad. ex W.D.J.Koch & Ziz Paleotemperato* SX 859 Chenopodium vulvaria L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 860 Portulaca oleracea L. Subcosmopolita *. Foglie utilizzate a fini alimentari 861 Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill. Neotropicale SY 862 Cornus mas L. Pontico CK, EK, EX, FK, FX, GK, PX 863 Cornus sanguinea ssp. hungarica (Kàrpàti) Soò Eurasiatico CK, EK, EX, FX 864 Androsace mathildae Levier Endemico EK, GY 865 Androsace villosa L. ssp. villosa Eurasiatico EK, EX, FY, GX, GY, IY 866 Androsace vitaliana (L.) Lapeyr. ssp. praetutiana (Sund.) Kress Endemico CK, EX, FY, GX, GY, IY 867 Cyclamen hederifolium Aiton ssp. hederifolium Stenomediterraneo FX 868 Cyclamen repandum Sm. ssp. repandum Nord-Mediterraneo GK 869 Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U. Manns & Anderb. ssp. arvensis Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 870 Lysimachia linum-stellatum L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 871 Primula auricula L. ssp. ciliata (Moretti) Ludi Mediterraneo-Montano SY 872 Primula veris L. ssp. columnae (Ten.) Maire & Petitm. Eurimediterraneo BK. Ricondotta al taxon la segnalazione di Primula veris L. ssp. suaveolens (Bertol.) Guterm. et Ehdf. 873 Primula vulgaris Huds. ssp. vulgaris Europeo SY 874 Samolus valerandi L. Subcosmopolita * SX 875 Arbutus unedo L. Stenomediterraneo * EK, GK 876 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. Artico-Alpino EK, EX, GK 877 Moneses uniflora (L.) A. Gray Circumboreale * EK, EX 878 Monotropa hypopitys L. Circumboreale EX, SX 879 Orthilia secunda (L.) House Circumboreale EK 880 Vaccinium myrtillus L. Circumboreale * EX 881 Asperula aristata L. s.l. Mediterraneo-Montano SX, SY 882 Asperula arvensis L. Mediterraneo-Montano SX, SY PORTULACACEAE CACTACEAE CORNACEAE PRIMULACEAE ERICACEAE RUBIACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 310 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 883 Asperula cynanchica L. s.l. Mediterraneo-Montano SX, SY 884 Asperula purpurea (L.) Ehrend. ssp. purpurea Mediterraneo-Montano SX, SY 885 Cruciata laevipes Opiz Mediterraneo-Montano SX, SY 886 Cruciata pedemontana (Bellardi) Ehrend. Eurimediterraneo * SX ## 887 Galium album Mill. ssp. album Eurasiatico EX, PY 888 Galium anisophyllon Vill. Mediterraneo-Montano EX, IK 889 Galium aparine L. Eurasiatico EX, SY 890 Galium lucidum All. ssp. lucidum Eurimediterraneo EX, IK 891 Galium magellense Ten. Endemico GX, IY 892 Galium mollugo L. Eurasiatico CK 893 Galium murale (L.) All. Stenomediterraneo * SX 894 Galium parisiense Eurimediterraneo * SX 895 Galium rotundifolium L. ssp. rotundifolium Eurasiatico IK 896 Galium tricornutum Dandy Eurimediterraneo * SX 897 Galium verum L. ssp. verum Eurasiatico EX, SY 898 Rubia peregrina L. ssp. peregrina Stenomediterraneo EK, GK 899 Rubia tinctorium L. Eurasiatico FX 900 Sherardia arvensis L. Eurimediterraneo SX 901 Theligonum cynocrambe L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 902 Blackstonia perfoliata (L.) Huds. ssp. perfoliata Eurimediterraneo SY 903 Centaurium erythraea Rafn ssp. erythraea Paleotemperato EX, LY 904 Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce Paleotemperato * SX 905 Centaurium tenuiflorum (Hoffmanns. & Link) Fritsch ssp. acutiflorum (Schott) Zeltner Paleotemperato * SX 906 Gentiana dinarica Beck Appennino-Balcanico AH, CK, EK, EX 907 Gentiana lutea L. ssp. lutea Orofita Sud-Europeo EX, SX, SY 908 Gentiana nivalis L. Artico-Alpino SY 909 Gentiana orbicularis Schur Orofita Sud-Europeo °° EK, FY, GK, SY 910 Gentiana verna L. ssp. verna Eurasiatico EX, GX, IY, SY 911 Gentianella columnae (Ten.) Holub Endemico RX 912 Gentianopsis ciliata (L.) Ma ssp. ciliata Mediterraneo-Montano RX 913 Nerium oleander L. Sud-Mediterraneo * SX 914 Vinca major L. ssp. Major Eurimediterraneo SY 915 Vinca minor L. Europeo * SX, SY 916 Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Medik. ssp. hirundinaria Eurasiatico * PY, SX. A Lama dei Peligni con il vincetossico si curavano i morsi dei serpenti (Finamore, 1894) 917 Convolvulus arvensis L. Paleotemperato CK 918 Convolvulus cantabrica L. Eurimediterraneo EX, PX, SY 919 Convolvulus sepium L. Eurasiatico * SX 920 Convolvulus silvaticus Kit. Sud-Est-Europeo * SX 921 Cuscuta campestris Yunck. Nord-Americano * SX 922 Cuscuta europaea L. Paleotemperato RX 923 Cuscuta planiflora Ten. Eurimediterraneo AH GENTIANACEAE APOCYNACEAE CONVOLVULACEAE SOLANACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 311 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 924 Atropa bella-donna L. Mediterraneo-Montano CK 925 Datura stramonium L. ssp. stramonium Cosmopolita SY 926 Hyoschamus albus L. Eurimediterraneo FX 927 Lycium europaeum L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 928 Solanum dulcamara L. Paleotemperato CK 929 Solanum lycopersicum L. Americano SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 930 Solanum tuberosum L. Sud-Americano SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 931 Solanum villosum Mill. Eurimediterraneo * SX NYCTAGINACEAE 932 Mirabilis jalapa L. Avventizio* SX 933 Aegonychon purpurocaeruleum (L.) Holub. Pontico RX 934 Anchusa azurea Mill. Eurimediterraneo CK, SY 935 Asperugo procumbens L. Paleotemperato SY 936 Borago officinalis L. Eurimediterraneo BX, EY, SY 937 Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I. M. Johnst. Eurimediterraneo DY 938 Cynoglossum magellense Ten. Endemico EK, GK, SY 939 Cynoglottiss barrellieri (All.) Vural & Kit Tan. ssp. barrellieri Appennino-Balcanico RX 940 Echium italicum L. ssp. italicum Eurimediterraneo CK 941 Echium plantagineum L. Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 942 Echium vulgare L. ssp. vulgare Europeo BX, CY 943 Lithospermum offcinale L. Eurosiberiano RX 944 Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill ssp. arvensis Eurasiatico * SX 945 Myosotis graui Selvi. Endemico EK, GK, GX, IY, SY. Ricondotte al taxon le segnalazioni di Myosotis alpestris F. W. Schmidt e M. ambigens (Bég.) Grau. 946 Myosotis incrassata Guss. Appennino-Balcanico RX 947 Myosotis ramosissima Rochel ssp. ramosissima Eurasiatico * SX 948 Myosotis sylvatica Hoffm. ssp. sylvatica Paleotemperato SY 949 Onosma echioides (L.) L. Appennino-Balcanico SY 950 Pulmonaria vallarsae A.Kern. ssp. apennina (Cristof. & Puppi) L. Cecchi & Selvi Endemico SX, SY 951 Symphytum bulbosum K.F. Schimp. Sud-Europeo * SX 952 Heliotropium europaeum L. Eurimediterraneo SY 953 Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl subsp. oxycarpa (M.Bieb. ex Pontico* SX 954 Fraxinus ornus L. ssp. ornus Pontico CK, EK, EX, EY, GK, PY 955 Ligustrum lucidum W.T. Aiton Est-Asiatico. * MX, SY 956 Ligustrum vulgare L. Europeo CK, EX 957 Olea europaea L. Stenomediterraneo GK, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 958 Phillyrea latifolia L. Stenomediterraneo EK, GK 959 Syringa vulgaris L. Mediterraneo-Montano * CK BORAGINACEAE HELIOTROPIACEAE OLEACEAE PLANTAGINACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 312 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 960 Antirrhinum latifolium Mill. Nord-Ovest-Mediterraneo * SY 961 Antirrhinum majus L. Avventizio SY 962 Chaenorhinum minus (L.) Lange ssp. minus Eurimediterraneo IK 963 Cymbalaria muralis Gaertn., B. Mey & Scherb. subsp muralis Subcosmopolita EX, SY 964 Cymbalaria pallida (Ten.) Wettst. Endemico EK, GK 965 Digitalis ferruginea L. –Nord-Est Mediterraneo. Endemico RX 966 Digitalis micrantha Roth ex Schweigg. Endemico EX, PY, SY 967 Erinus alpinus L. Mediterraneo-Montano BK, DN, EK, GK, SY 968 Globularia bisnagarica L. Mediterraneo-Montano EY 969 Globularia meridionalis (Podp.) O. Schwarz. Appennino-Balcanico EX, IK, SY 970 Kickxia spuria (L.) Dumort. ssp. spuria Eurasiatico SX 971 Linaria alpina (L.) Mill. Mediterraneo-Montano EK, EX, GK, GX, GY, IY 972 Linaria purpurea (L.) Mill. Endemico EX, IK, SY 973 Linaria simplex (Willd.) Desf. Eurimediterraneo * SX 974 Linaria vulgaris Mill. ssp. vulgaris Eurasiatico CK, IK 975 Misopates orontium Raf. ssp. orontium Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 976 Plantago afra L. ssp. afra Stenomediterraneo * SX 977 Plantago atrata Hoppe ssp. atrata Mediterraneo-Montano GX, GY, IY 978 Plantago coronopus L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 979 Plantago lanceolata L. Eurasiatico BX, EX, IK 980 Plantago major L. Eurasiatico SX, SY 981 Plantago media L. ssp. media Eurasiatico SY 982 Plantago sempervirens Crantz Eurimediterraneo EX 983 Plantago serraria L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 984 Veronica alpina L. Artico-Alpino SY 985 Veronica anagallis-acquatica L. ssp. anagallis acquatica Cosmopolita 986 Veronica aphylla L. ssp. aphylla Mediterraneo-Montano. 987 Veronica arvensis L. Cosmopolita IK 988 Veronica beccabunga L. ssp. beccabunga Eurasiatico SX 989 Veronica cymbalaria Bodard ssp. cymbalaria Eurimediterraneo * SX 990 Veronica hederifolia L. ssp. hederifolia Eurasiatico BX 991 Veronica orsiniana Ten. ssp. orsiniana Orofita Sud-Europeo IK, SY 992 Veronica persica Poir. Eurasiatico SX 993 Veronica polita Fr. Subcosmopolita SX 994 Veronica praecox All. Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 995 Scrophularia canina L. Eurimediterraneo AH, PX 996 Scrophularia juratensis Schleicher Orofita-Sud-Europeo SY 997 Scrophularia scopolii Hoppe ex Pers. Eurasiatico * SX 998 Scrophularia umbrosa Dumort. . ssp. umbrosa Subatlantico * SX 999 Scrophularia vernalis L. Europeo-Caucasico * SX 1000 Verbascum blattaria L. Paleotemperato SY 1001 Verbascum longifolium Ten. Appennino-Balcanico IK 1002 Verbascum phlomoides L. Eurimediterraneo AH, SY 1003 Verbascum pulverulentum Vill. Centro-Europeo * SX 1004 Verbascum sinuatum L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1005 Verbascum thapsus L. ssp. thapsus Europeo EX, EY SCROPHULARIACEAE. LAMIACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 313 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 1006 Ajuga reptans L. Europeo-Caucasico RX 1007 Ballota nigra L. ssp. meridionalis (Bég.) Bég. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1008 Clinopodium menthifolium (Host) Merino ssp. menthifolium Europeo * SX 1009 Clinopodium nepeta (L.) Kuntze ssp. nepeta Mediterraneo-Montano EX, EY 1010 Clinopodium vulgare L. ssp. vulgare Circumboreale CK, EX 1011 Galeopsis angustifolia Hoffm. ssp. angustifolia Eurimediterraneo AH, RX 1012 Hyssopus officinalis L. ssp. aristatus (Godr.) Nyman Eurasiatico AH, AX, EK, EY 1013 Lamium amplexicaule L. Eurasiatico * SX 1014 Lamium bifidum Cirillo ssp. bifidum Stenomediterraneo * SX 1015 Lamium bifidum Cirillo ssp. balcanicum Velen. Orof. Sud-Est-Europeo * SX 1016 Lamium garganicum L. ssp. longiflorum (Ten.) Kerguélen Mediterraneo-Montano * AH 1017 Lamium garganicum L. ssp. striatum (Hayek) Sm. Appennino-Balcanico SX 1018 Lamium maculatum L. Eurasiatico SX, SY 1019 Lamium purpureum L. Eurasiatico * SX 1020 Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Stenomediterraneo * SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 1021 Lycopus europaeus L. Circumboreale * SX 1022 Marrubium incanum Desr. Circumboreale * SX 1023 Marrubium peregrinum L. Sud-Est-Europeo AH, BX 1024 Melissa officinalis L. Euromediterraneo * SX 1025 Melittis melissophyllum L. ssp. melissophyllum Europeo * SX 1026 Mentha aquatica L. Paleotemperato * SX 1027 Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. Paleotemperato FX 1028 Mentha pulegium L. ssp. pulegium Eurimediterraneo FX 1029 Mentha spicata L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1030 Micromeria graeca (L.) Benth. ex Rchb. ssp. graeca Stenomediterraneo IK 1031 Micromeria juliana (L.) Benth. Ex Rchb. Stenomediterraneo BX, EX 1032 Ocimum basilicum L. Asiatico FX 1033 Origanum majorana L. Avventizio SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 1034 Origanum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare Eurasiatico AH, CK, EX, EY 1035 Phaseolus vulgare L. Americano SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 1036 Prunella laciniata (L.) L. Eurimediterraneo SY 1037 Prunella vulgaris L. Circumboreale * SX 1038 Salvia glutinosa L. Eurasiatico RX 1039 Salvia officinalis L. Stenomediterraneo AH, SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 1040 Salvia pratensis L. ssp. pratensis Eurimediterraneo SY 1041 Salvia rosmarinus Spenn. Stenomediterraneo EY, FX. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 1042 Salvia sclarea L. Eurimediterraneo RX 1043 Salvia verbenaca L. Eurimediterraneo * PX 1044 Satureja hortensis L. Eurimediterraneo SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 1045 Satureja montana L. ssp. montana Orof. Sud-Europeo AH, CK, EX, EY 1046 Satureja subspicata Bartl. ex Vis. ssp. liburnica Silic. Appennino-Balcanico AH. Segnalato come Satureja hissopifolia (Tenore, 1 832) e mai più ritrovato ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 314 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 1047 Scutellaria columnae All. ssp. columnae . 1048 Stachys annua (L.) L. ssp. annua Stenomediterraneo* SX 1049 Stachys italica Mill. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1050 Stachys germanica L. ssp. germanica Endemico AH, GY, KY, LK, SY 1051 Stachys germanica L. ssp. salviifolia (Ten.) Gams. Eurimediterraneo LK, SY 1052 Stachys montana (L.) Peruzzi & Bartolucci ssp. montana Appennino-Balcanico SY 1053 Stachys ocymastrum (L.) Briq. Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 1054 Stachys romana (L.) E. H. L. Krause Mediterraneo-Occidentale * SX 1055 Stachys recta L. ssp. grandiflora (Caruel) Arcang. Stenomediterraneo KY 1056 Stachys recta L. ssp. recta Mediterraneo-Orientale * EX 1057 Stachys thirkei C. Koch Mediterraneo-Montano EX 1058 Stachys thymphaea Hausskn. Appennino-Balcanico DN, MX, OX, SY 1059 Teucrium capitatum L. ssp. capitatum Appennino-Balcanico EX, SX, SY 1060 Teucrium chamaedrys L. ssp. chamaedrys Stenomediterraneo BX, FX, GK 1061 Teucirum flavum L. ssp. flavum Eurimediterraneo CK, EX, IK, PX, PY 1062 Teucrium montanum L. Stenomediterraneo BX, CK 1063 Thymus longicaulis C. Presl. ssp. longicaulis Mediterraneo-Montano AH, EX, SY 1064 Thymus praecox Opiz ssp. polytrichus (Borbàs) Jalas Eurimediterraneo EX 1065 Thymus vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris Appennino-Balcanico GX, GY, IK, IY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 1066 Ziziphora acinos (L.) Melnikov Stenomediterraneo EY 1067 Ziziphora capitata L. ssp. capitata Eurimediterraneo * SX 1068 Ziziphora granatensis (Boiss. & Reut.) Melnikov ssp. alpina (L.) Bräuchler & Gutermann Subpontica * SX Orofita Sud-Europeo GX, GY, IK, IY 1069 Bellardia trixago (L.) All. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1070 Bellardia viscosa (L.) Fisch. & C.A. Mey. Eurimediterraneo * SY 1071 Euphrasia italica Wettst. Subendemico EX 1072 Euphrasia salisburgensis Funck ex Hoppe Europeo SX, SY 1073 Euphrasia stricta D. Wolff. Ex J. F. Lehm. Europeo SX, SY 1074 Melampyrum arvense L. ssp. arvense Eurasiatico * SX 1075 Melampyrum barbatum Waldst. & Kit. ssp. carstiense Ronniger. Appennino-Balcanico AK. Segnalato da Tenore (1832), da confermare 1076 Melampyrum italicum Soò Endemico RX 1077 Odontites luteus (L.) Clairv. Eurimediterraneo EX, IK 1078 Odontites vernus (Bellardi) Dumort. ssp. serotinus Corb. Eurasiatico BX , SX 1079 Orobanche caryophyllacea Eurimediterraneo RX 1080 Orobanche crenata Forssk. Mediterraneo-Turaniano RX 1081 Orobanche gracilis Sm. Europeo-Caucasico * SX 1082 Orobanche hederae Vauchere ex Duby Eurimedieterraneo * SY 1083 Orobanche minor Sm. Paleotemperato * SX 1084 Parentucellia latifolia (L.) Caruel Eurimediterraneo SY 1085 Pedicularis comosa L. ssp. comosa Mediterraneo-Montano EX, SX 1086 Pedicularis elegans Ten. Endemico BX, EX, GX, GY, IY 1087 Pedicularis petoliaris Ten. Appennino-Balcanico SY 1088 Pedicularis verticillata L. ssp. verticillata Artico-Alpino * LK 1089 Phelipanche nana (Reut.) Soják Paleotemperato * SX OROBANCHACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 315 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 1090 Rhinanthus alectorolophus (Scop.) Pollich ssp. alectorolophus Centro-Europeo IK 1091 Rhinanthus wettsteinii (Sterneck) Soò Endemico EX 1092 Verbena officinalis L. Paleotemperato CK, FX. Le foglie di verbena si utilizzavano a Lama dei Peligni per calmare i dolori (Finamore, 1894) 1093 Pinguicula fiorii Tammaro & Pace Endemico * EK 1094 Ilex acquifolium L. Subatlantico EK, GK 1095 Campanula bononiensis L. Centro-Europeo * SX 1096 Campanula cochleariifolia Lam. Mediterraneo-Montano SY 1097 Campanula erinus L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 1098 Campanula fragilis Cirillo ssp. cavolinii Ten. Endemico AH, CK, EK, GK 1099 Campanula glomerata L. Eurasiatico EX 1100 Campanula rapunculus L. Paleotemperato LY, SY 1101 Campanula scheuchzeri Vill. ssp. scheuchzeri Mediterraneo-Montano AH, EX, GX, GY, IK, IY. Ricondotta al taxon la segnalazione di Campanula linfolia Cesati (1872) 1102 Campanula spicata L. Orofita Sud-Europeo °° BK, BX, CY 1103 Campanula tanfanii Podlech Endemico GX 1104 Campanula trachelium L. Eurasiatico * SX 1105 Edraianthus graminifolius (L.) A. DC. ssp. graminifolius Appennino-Balcanico CK, EK, EX, GX, GY, IY 1106 Legousia falcata (Ten.) Fritsch Stenomediterraneo * SX 1107 Legousia hybrida (L.) Delarbre. Atlantico * SX 1108 Legousia speculum-veneris (L.) Chaix Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 1109 Phyteuma orbiculare L. Mediterraneo-Montano IY 1110 Achillea ageratum L Mediterraneo-Occidentale BX, SY 1111 Achillea barrellieri Ten. ssp. barellieri Endemico EK, GX, GY, IY 1112 Achillea collina Becker ex Rchb. Sud-Est Europeo EX 1113 Achillea millefolium L. ssp. millefolium Eurosiberiano EX, SY 1114 Achillea setacea Waldst. & Kit. ssp. setacea Sud-Est-Europeo CK 1115 Achillea stricta (W. D. J. Koch) Schleich. Ex Gremli Orofita Sud-Europeo IK. Segnalazione dubbia (Conti et al. 2019, 2020) 1116 Achillea tenorii Grande Endemico EX 1117 Adenostyles australis (Ten.) Iamonico & Pignatti Endemico SY. Ricondotta al taxon la segnalazione di Adenostyles glabra 1118 Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn. Circumboreale RX 1119 Anthemis arvensis L. ssp. arvensis Subcosmopolita SY 1120 Anthemis cretica l. ssp. petraea (Ten.) Greuter Endemico GY VERBENACEAE LENTIBULARIACEAE AQUIFOLIACEAE CAMPANULACEAE ASTERACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 316 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 1121 Arctium lappa L. Eurasiatico FK 1122 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1123 Artemisia absitnthium L. Subcosmopolita SY 1124 Artemisia alba Turra Sud-Europeo AH, BX, EX, SY 1125 Artemisia eriantha Ten. Orofita Sud-Europeo EK, GY, IY 1126 Artemisia vulgaris L. Circumboreale * SX 1127 Aster alpinus L. ssp. alpinus Circumboreale EX, GX 1128 Bellis perennis L. Circumboreale EY,LW 1129 Bellis sylvestris Cirillo Stenomediterraneo * SX 1130 Bombycilaeana erecta (L.) Smoljan Eurosiberiano SX 1131 Calendula arvensis L. Eurimediterraneo SY 1132 Cardopatum corymbosum (L.) Pers. Appennino-Balcanico RX 1133 Carduus affinis Guss. ssp. affinis Endemico * EX 1134 Carduus carlinifolius Lam. ssp. carlinifolius Mediterraneo-Montano AH, AX, BX, EX, IK 1135 Carduus chrysacanthus Ten. ssp. chrysacanthus Appennino-Balcanico SY 1136 Carduus corymbosus Ten. Endemico * SX 1137 Carduus nutans L. ssp. nutans Ovest-Europeo EX, SY 1138 Carduus pycnocephalus L. ssp. pycnocephalus Eurimediterraneo SY 1139 Carlina acaulis L. ssp. caulescens (Lam.) Schubl. & G. Martens Europeo EX 1140 Carlina corymbosa L. Stenomediterraneo EX, SY 1141 Carlina lanata L. Stenomediterraneo SX, SY 1142 Carlina vulgaris L. ssp. spinosa (Velen.) Vandas Nord-Mediterraneo SY 1143 Carthamus lanatus L. ssp. lanatus Eurimediterraneo SY 1144 Catananche lutea L. Sud-Mediterraneo * SX 1145 Centaurea ambigua Guss. ssp. ambigua Endemico AH, SY 1146 Centaurea calcitrapa L. Eurimediterraneo RX 1147 Centaurea ceratophylla Ten. ssp. ceratophylla Endemico EK, EX 1148 Centaurea cyanus Stenomediterraneo SY 1149 Centaurea diluta Aiton Mediterraneo-Occidentale * SX 1150 Centaurea jacea L. ssp. jacea Eurasiatico RX 1151 Centaurea solstitialis L. ssp. solstitialis Stenomediterraneo SY 1152 Centaurea tenoreana Willk. Endemico EK, EX, IK 1153 Centaurea triumfetti All. Europeo EX, SY 1154 Chondrilla juncea L. Eurosiberiano SY 1155 Cichorium endivia L. ssp. endivia Stenomediterraneo AH. Coltivato, spontaneizzato, dev'essere confermato (Conti et al ., 2019, 2020) 1156 Cichorium endivia L. ssp. pumilum (Jacq.) Cout. Stenomediterraneo AH, BX 1157 Cichorium intybus L. Paleotemperato AY, CK, EY 1158 Cirsium acaulon (L.) Scop. ssp. acaulon Eurasiatico IK 1159 Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Eurasiatico IK 1160 Cirsium creticum (Lam.) d'Urv. ssp. triumfettii (Lacaita) K. Werner Appennino-Balcanico * SX 1161 Cirsium lobelii Ten. Endemico SY 1162 Cirsium tenoreanum Petr. Endemico EX 1163 Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten. Paleotemperato SY 1164 Cota altissima (L.) J. Gay Sud-Europeo-Sud-Siberiano * SX 1165 Cota tinctoria (L.) J. Gaj ssp. tinctoria Pontico EX, IK ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 317 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 1166 Crepis aurea (L.) Cass. ssp. glabrescens (Caruel) Arcang. Appennino-Balcanico GX, GY 1167 Crepis lacera Ten. Appennino-Balcanico AH, EX, IK 1168 Crepis magellensis F. Conti & Uzunov Endemico IY, MX 1169 Crepis neglecta L. ssp. neglecta Eurimediterraneo EX 1170 Crepis pygmaea L. Orofita Sud-Ovest-Europeo GY 1171 Crepis sancta (L.) Babc. ssp. nemausensis (P. Fourn.) Babc. Mediterraneo-Turaniano IK, SY 1172 Crepis vesicaria (L.) Subatlantico * SX 1173 Crupina vulgaris Cass. Eurosiberiano EX 1174 Cynara cardunculus L. ssp. cardunculus Stenomediterraneo SY 1175 Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter Eurimediterraneo * SX 1176 Doronicum columnae Ten. Orofita Sud-Europeo FY 1177 Echinops ritro L. ssp. ritro Stenomediterraneo BX, SY 1178 Echinops siculus Strobl Endemico * SX 1179 Erigeron alpinus L. Eurasiatico °° SY 1180 Erigeron bonariensis L. Americano BX 1181 Erigeron canadensis L. Nord-Americano * SX 1182 Erigeron epiroticus (Vier.) Halàcsy Appennino-Balcanico FY, GX, GY, IY 1183 Erigeron sumatrensis Retz. Americano SX, SY 1184 Eupatorium cannabinum L. ssp. cannabinum Paleotemperato CK 1185 Filago pyramidata L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1186 Galactites tomentosus Moench. Stenomediterraneo * SX 1187 Galatella linosyris (L.) Rchb. f. Eurimediterraneo RY 1188 Geropogon hybridus (L.) Sch.Bip. Stenomediterraneo * SX 1189 Glebionis coronaria (L.) Spach Stenomediterraneo CK 1190 Hedypnois rhagadioloides (L.) F.W. Schmidt Stenomediterraneo * SX 1191 Helianthus tuberosus L. Nord-Americano RX 1192 Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don ssp. italicum Eurimediterraneo CK, EK, EX, GK 1193 Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub Eurimediterraneo SY 1194 Hieracium amplexicaule L. s. l. Mediterraneo-Montano EX 1195 Hieracium racemosum Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. ssp. pulmonarifolium Endemico EX, KH 1196 Jacobaea erucifolia (L.) G. Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. ssp. erucifolia Eurasiatico * SX 1197 Hyoseris scabra L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 1198 Hypochaeris achyrophorus L. Stenomediterraneo EX 1199 Jurinea mollis (L.) Rchb. ssp. mollis Sud-Est Europeo EX 1200 Lactuca perennis L. Europeo * SX 1201 Lactuca saligna L. Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 1202 Lactuca sativa L. ssp. sativa Avventizio SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 1203 Lactuca sativa ssp. serriola (L.) Galasso, Banfi, Bartolucci & Ardenghi Eurimediterraneo IK 1204 Lactuca viminea (L.) J.& C. Presl. ssp. viminea Eurimediterraneo AH, SY 1205 Lapsana communis L. ssp. communis Paleotemperato * SX 1206 Leontodon crispus Vill. Sud-Europeo EX, IK, IY 1207 Leontodon hispidus L. ssp. dubius (Hoppe) Pawłowska Orofita Sud-Europeo * MX 1208 Leontodon hispidus L. ssp. Hispidus Europeo-Caucasico IY 1209 Leontodon rosanoi (Ten.) DC. Nord-Ovest-Mediterraneo SY ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 318 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 1210 Leontopodium nivale (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. Appennino-Balcanico CK, EK, EX, FY, GX, IY 1211 Leucanthemum pallens (J.Gay ex Perreym.) DC. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1212 Leucanthemum tridactylites (Kern. & Huter) Huter, Porta & Rigo Endemico SY 1213 Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. ssp. vulgare Eurimediterraneo SY 1214 Mantisalca duriaei (Spach) Briq. & Cavill. Stenomediterraneo SX 1215 Matricaria chamomilla L. Subcosmopolita SY 1216 Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort. ssp. muralis Eurasiatico * SY 1217 Omalotheca diminuta (Braun-Blanq.) Bartolucci & Galasso Appennino-Balcanico BX, GX, GY, IY 1218 Onopordum acanthium L. Eurasiatico * SX 1219 Onopordum illyricum ssp. illyricum Stenomediterraneo RX 1220 Pallenis spinosa (L.) Cass. ssp. spinosa Eurimediterraneo BX, SY 1221 Pentanema montanum (L.) D. Gut.Larr., Santos-Vicente, Anderb., E.Rico & M.M. Mart.Ort Mediterraneo-Occidentale EX 1222 Pentanema salicinum (L.) D. Gut.Larr., Santos-Vicente, Anderb., E.Rico & M.M. Mart.Ort. Eurasiatico * SX 1223 Pentanema squarrosum (L.) D. Gut.Larr., Santos-Vicente, Anderb., E.Rico & M.M. Mart.Ort Centro-Europeo AH, EX 1224 Petasites albus (L.) Gaertn. Europeo SY 1225 Petasites hybridus (L.) P. Gaertn. B. Mey. & Scherb. Eurasiatico 1226 Picris hieracioides L. ssp. hieracioides Eurosiberiano EX, LY 1227 Pilosella cymosa s. l. (L.) F.W. Schultz & Sch.Bip. Europeo * KH 1228 Pilosella lactucella (Wallr .) P.D. Sell & C.West Europeo KH 1229 Pilosella officinarum Vaill. Europeo-Caucasico * EX, GX, GY, IK, IY, KX, PY 1230 Pilosella piloselloides (Vill.) Soják ssp. praealta (Vill. ex Gochnat) S. Bräut. & Greuter Europeo * EX, GX, GY, IK, IY, KX, PY, SX 1231 Pilosella ziziana (Tausch) F.W. Schultz & Sch.Bip. Orofita Sud-Europeo KH 1232 Prenanthes purpurea L. Europeo SY 1233 Pseudopodospermum hispanicum s. l. (L.) Zaika, Sukhor. & N. Kilian Sud-Est-Europeo * SX 1234 Ptilostemon strictus (Ten.) Greuter Appennino-Balcanico EX 1235 Pulycaria dysenterica (L.) Bernh. Eurimediterraneo RX 1236 Reichardia picroides (L.) Roth Stenomediterraneo EX, IK 1237 Rhagadiolus stellatus (L.) Gaertn. Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 1238 Robertia taraxacoides (Loisel.) DC. Endemico AH, EX, IK 1239 Santolina chamaecyparissus L. Avventizio EY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 1240 Scolymus hispanicus L. Eurimediterraneo CK 1241 Scorzonera cana (C.A. Mey.) Griseb. Pontico * SX 1242 Scorzonera laciniata L. ssp. laciniata Paleotemperato RX 1243 Scorzoneroides cichoriacea (Ten.) Greuter Mediterraneo-Montano SY 1244 Scorzoneroides montana (Lam.) Holub ssp. breviscapa (DC.) Greuter. Endemico GX, GY, IY. 1245 Senecio doronicum (L.) L. ssp. orientalis J. Calvo. Appennino-Balcanico EX 1246 Senecio inaequidens DC. Avventizio * SX 1247 Senecio scopolii Hoppe & Hornsch. ssp. floccosus (Bertol.) Greuter Endemico SY 1248 Senecio squalidus L. ssp. rupestris (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter Orofita Sud-Est-Europeo GY, KY 1249 Senecio vulgaris L. Eurimediterraneo CK, IK 1250 Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Eurimediterraneo EY ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 319 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 1251 Solidago virgaurea L. ssp. virgaurea Circumboreale RX 1252 Sonchus arvensis L. ssp. arvensis Eurosiberiano * SY 1253 Sonchus asper (L.) Hill. ssp. asper Cosmopolita * SX 1254 Sonchus bulbosus (L.) N. Kilian & Greuter Stenomediterraneo * SX . Non riportato in Conti et al. (2019, 2020) 1255 Sonchus oleraceus L. Eurasiatico * SX 1256 Symphyotrichum squamatum (Spreng.) G.L.Nesom Neotropicale * SX 1257 Tanacetum corymbosum (L.) Sch.Bip. ssp. achilleae (L.) Greuter Sud-Est-Europeo * SX 1258 Taraxacum apenninum (Ten.) Ten. Endemico EK, FX, GX, GY, IY 1259 Taraxacum glaciale E. & A. Huet. ex Hand.-Mazz. Appennino-Balcanico GX, GY 1260 Taraxacum officinale Weber Circumboreale CK, EY 1261 Tragopogon eriospermus Ten. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1262 Tragopogon porrifolius L. ssp. porrifolius Eurimediterraneo EX, FK, FX 1263 Tragopogon pratensis L. Eurosiberiano EY 1264 Tragopogon samaritanii Heldr. & Sartori ex Boiss. Orof Sud-Est-Europeo * SX 1265 Tusillago farfara L. Paleotemperato FX, SX, SY 1266 Urospermum dalechampii (L.) F. W. Schmidt Eurimediterraneo EX, LY 1267 Urospermum picroides (L.) Scop. ex F.W. Schmidt Eurimediterraneo * LY, PX 1268 Xanthium spinosum L. Sud-Americano * SX 1269 Xanthium strumarium L. ssp. strumarium Cosmopolita SY 1270 Xeranthemum cylindraceum Sm. Eurasiatico SX 1271 Xeranthemum inapertum ( L.) Mill. Pontico * SX 1272 Sambucus ebulus L. Eurimediterraneo SX, SY 1273 Sambucus nigra L. Europeo CK, EY 1274 Viburnum lantana L. Eurasiatico * CK 1275 Viburnum tinus L. ssp. tinus Stenomediterraneo EK, GK 1276 Lonicera caprifolium L. 1277 Lonicera etrusca Santi Pontico. EX 1278 Cephalaria leucantha (L.) Roem. & Schult. Sud-Europeo BX, EX 1279 Cephalaria transsylvanica (L.) Roem. & Schult. Pontico * SX 1280 Dipsacus fullonum L. Eurimediterraneo EY, FX, SY 1281 Knautia calycina (C. Presl) Guss. Endemico EX, IK. Assegnate al taxon le precedenti segnalazioni di Knautia purpurea 1282 Lomelosia crenata (Cirillo) Greuter & Burdet ssp. crenata Sud-Mediterraneo AH, EX 1283 Lomelosia crenata (Cirillo) Greuter & Burdet subsp. pseudisetensis (Lacaita) Greuter & Burdet Endemico * SX 1284 Lomelosia graminifolia (L.) Greuter & Burdet ssp. graminifolia Mediterraneo-Montano 1285 Scabiosa columbaria L. ssp. columbaria Eurasiatico * PY 1286 Scabiosa columbaria L. ssp. portae (Huter) Hayek Sud-Est-Europeo EX 1287 Scabiosa holosericea Bertol. Orofita Sud-Est-Europeo IK 1288 Scabiosa pyrenaica All. Sud-Ovest Europeo AH, MX, OX 1289 Scabiosa uniseta Savi Endemico SY 1290 Sixalix atropurpurea (L.) Greuter & Burdet Stenomediterraneo SX VIBURNACEAE CAPRIFOLIACEAE . DIPSACACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 320 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 1291 Centranthus angustifolius (Mill.) DC. ssp. angustifolius Mediterraneo-Occidentale °° MX, OX 1292 Centranthus ruber (L.) DC. ssp. ruber Stenomediterraneo SY 1293 Valeriana montana L. Mediterraneo-Montano LK, SX) 1294 Valeriana saliunca All. Orofita Sud-Europeo GX, GY, IY 1295 Valeriana tripteris L. ssp. tripteris Mediterraneo-Montano AH 1296 Valeriana tuberosa L. Mediterraneo-Montano EX, IK 1297 Valerianella carinata Loisel. Eurimediterraneo IK 1298 Valerianella coronata (L.) DC. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1299 Valerianella echinata (L.) DC. Stenomediterraneo * SX 1300 Valerianella eriocarpa Desv. Stenomediterraneo * SX 1301 Valerianella locusta (L.) Laterr. Subcosmopolita * SX 1302 Hedera helix L. ssp. helix Mediterraneo-Atlantico EX, EY, PY, SY 1303 Ammi majus L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1304 Anethum foeniculum L. Eurimediterraneo LY, SX 1305 Anethum graveolens L. Avventizio EY 1306 Anethum piperitum Ucria Sud-Mediterraneo * SX 1307 Angelica sylvestris L. Eurosiberiano * SX 1308 Apium graveolens L. Paleotemperato EY 1309 Athamanta sicula L. Sud-Ovest-Mediterraneo * SX. Raggiunge sul massiccio della Majella il limite settentrionale di distribuzione geografica 1310 Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville Circumboreale* SX 1311 Bifora testiculata (L.) Spreng. Stenomediterraneo * SX 1312 Bunium bulbocastanum L. Ovest-Europeo * SX 1313 Bunium petraeum Ten. Endemico * CK 1314 Bupleurum baldense Turra Eurimediterraneo EX, IK 1315 Bupleurum falcatum L. ssp. cernuum (Ten.) Arcang. Orofita Sud-Europeo AH, EX, IK 1316 Buplerurum praealtum L. Pontico EX , SX 1317 Bupleurum subovatum Link ex Spreng. Eurimediterraneo * MX, OX 1318 Carum heldreichii Boiss. Appennino-Balcanico AH 1319 Caucalis platycarpos L. Mediterraneo-Turaniano * QX 1320 Cervaria rivini Gaertn. Eurosiberiano * SX 1321 Chaerophyllum magellense Ten. Endemico * EX 1322 Chaerophyllum nodosum (L.) Crantz. Stenomediterraneo * SX 1323 Chaerophyllum temulum L. Eurasiatico * SX 1324 Conium maculatum L. ssp. maculatum Eurimediterraneo EX 1325 Coristospermum cuneifolium (Guss.) Bertol. Endemico EX 1326 Daucus broteroi Ten. Appennino-Balcanico EX . Dev'essere confermato (Conti et al ., 2019, 2020) 1327 Daucus carota L. ssp. carota Paleotemperato CK, EX, FX) 1328 Eryngium amethystinum L. Sud-Est-Europeo CK, EX, IK 1329 Eryngium campestre L. Eurimediterraneo RX 1330 Ferula glauca L. Stenomediterraneo SY VALERIANACEAE ARALIACEAE APIACEAE ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 321 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 1331 Helosciadium nodiflorum (L.) W.D.J. Koch ssp. nodiflorum Eurimediterraneo * SX 1332 Katapsuxis silaifolia (Jacq.) Reduron, Charpin & Pimenov Sud-Est-Europeo* SX 1333 Oreoselinum nigrum Delarbre Europeo-Caucasico EX 1334 Orlaya grandiflora (L.) Hoffm. Centro-Europeo * SX 1335 Orlaya platycarpos W.D.J. Koch . Stenomediterraneo SX 1336 Pastinaca sativa L. ssp. urens (Req. ex Godr.) Celak. Subcosmopolita FK, FX 1337 Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Fuss Eurimediterraneo SY 1338 Pimpinella anisum L. Asiatico SY. Coltivato, spontaneizzato 1339 Pimpinella saxifraga L. ssp. saxifraga Europeo EX 1340 Pimpinella major (L.) Huds. Europeo-Caucasico * SX 1341 Pimpinella peregrina L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1342 Pimpinella tragium Vill. Eurimediterraneo EX 1343 Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl. Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 1344 Sanicula europea L. Mediterraneo-Montano SX, SY 1345 Scandix australis L. ssp. australis Stenomediterraneo * SX 1346 Scandix pecten veneris L. Eurimediterraneo SX 1347 Seseli libanotis (L.) W.D.J. Koch Centro-Europeo * SX 1348 Seseli montanum L. ssp. montanum Mediterraneo-Montano SY 1349 Seseli tommasinii Rchb. Sud-Est-Europeo EX. Ricondotte al taxon le segnalazioni di Seseli pallasii Besser. 1350 Siler montanum Crantz ssp. garganicum (Ten.) Iamonico, Bartolucci & F. Conti Mediterraneo-Turaniano BK, BX. Il taxon dev'essere confermato (Conti et al ., 2019, 2020) 1351 Siler montanum Crantz ssp. siculum ( Spreng.) Iamonico, Bartolucci & F. Conti Endemico EX 1352 Sison amomum L. Subatlantico * SX 1353 Thapsia asclepium L. Stenomediterraneo * SX 1354 Tordylium apulum L. Stenomediterraneo EX 1355 Tordylium maximum L. Eurimediterraneo * SX 1356 Torilis africana Spreng. Subcosmopolita * SX 1357 Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link Subcosmopolita * SX 1358 Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertn. ssp. nodosa Mediterraneo-Turaniano * SX 1359 Trinia dalechampii (Ten.) Janch. Appennino-Balcanico CK, EX, GX, HY, IY 1360 Xanthoselinum venetum (Spreng.) Soldano & Banfi Europeo * SX Nell’appendice Phaseolus vulgare L. è inserito erroneamente nella famiglia delle Lamiaceae. Il taxon appartiene alla famiglia delle Fabaceae. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 322 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 FLORA OBČINE LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUCI, ITALIJA): SISTEMATIČNA POSODOBITEV IN NOVE NAJDBE Amelio PEZZETTA Via Monteperalba 34 - 34149 Trieste, Italy e-mail: fonterossi@libero.it Marco PAOLUCCI Contrada Sant’Antonio 24 – 66041 Atessa (Ch) e-mail: Maiella@virgilio.it POVZETEK Občina Lama dei Peligni se nahaja v provinci Chieti (regija Abruci), je delno vključena v nacionalni Park Maiella in pokriva 31,33 km² površine. Pričujoči prispevek se naslanja na prispevek iz leta 2011 in v njem avtorja poročata o posodobljenenu florističnemu prikazu taksonov, prisotnih na obravnavanem območju. Ses- tava novega seznama vrst je bila nujna, saj so po letu 2011 nove študije vodile do sprememb, novih najdb in izločitve taksonov, ki so prej veljali za prisotne. Trenutni floristični seznam šteje 1360 taksonov, med katerimi je 94 endemičnih vrst, ki povečujejo fitogeografski pomen obravnavanega območja. Horološki spekter kaže, da pripadajo zabeleženi taksoni 52 različnim horotipom, razdeljenih v devet geografskih kontingentov. Ključne besede: Lama dei Peligni, Maiella, Abruci, flora, reka Aventino ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 323 Amelio Pezzetta & Marco PAOLUCCI: LA FLORA DI LAMA DEI PELIGNI (ABRUZZO, ITALIA): AGGIORNAMENTO SISTEMATICO E NUOVE SEGNALAZIONI, 279–324 BIBLIOGRAFIA Abbate, E. (1903): La flora. In: Guida d’Abruzzo. CAI, Roma, pp. 62-115. Allegrezza, M., S. Pesaresi, S. Ballelli, G. Tesei & C. 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Micologia e Vegetazione Mediter- ranea, 13(2), 177-192. 325 MISCELLANEA 326 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 327 received: 2023-10-11 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.35 BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW Al VREZEC National Institute of Biology, Večna pot 121, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: al.vrezec@nib.si Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: avrezec@pms-lj.si University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia ABSTRACT Author of at least 175 new bird taxa, of which 59 taxa are still valid today, Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723-1788) is one of the most important creators of ornithological history worldwide, yet often overlooked because his ornithological legacy remains poorly researched and known. His most important scientific work was conducted in Carniola (present-day Slovenia) between 1754 and 1769 and resulted in numerous publications. These include bird studies published in Annus I. Historico Naturalis, Descriptiones Avium (1769), while later studies were devoted to the revision of other explorer datasets, the most important being descriptions of birds from Pierre Sonnerat’s expeditions. The paper presents an overview of the all new bird taxa described by Scopoli. Key words: history of science, ornithology, collection, taxonomy, type specimens, zoological nomenclature DESCRIZIONI DEGLI UCCELLI (AVES) DI GIOVANNI ANTONIO SCOPOLI (1723-1788): PANORAMICA GENERALE SINTESI Autore di almeno 175 nuovi taxa di uccelli, di cui 59 taxa ancora validi oggi, Giovanni Antonio Scopoli (1723-1788) è uno dei più importanti creatori di storia ornitologica a livello mondiale, ma spesso trascurato perché la sua eredità ornitologica rimane poco studiata e conosciuta. Il suo lavoro scientifico più impor- tante fu condotto in Carniola (l’attuale Slovenia) tra il 1754 e il 1769, e portò a numerose pubblicazioni. Queste includono studi sugli uccelli pubblicati in Annus I. Historico Naturalis, Descriptiones Avium (1769), mentre gli studi successivi furono dedicati alla revisione di altri set di dati di esploratori, le più importanti furono le descrizioni degli uccelli delle spedizioni di Pierre Sonnerat. L’articolo presenta una panoramica di tutti i nuovi taxa di uccelli descritti da Scopoli. Parole chiave: storia della scienza, ornitologia, collezione, tassonomia, esemplari tipo, nomenclatura zoologica ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 328 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 INTRODUCTION Although Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723-1788; Fig. 1) was one of the first adherents of modern Linnean classification of organisms and pioneered the study of biodiversity, including birds, in the previously unexplored part of SE Europe, little is known about his work related to ornithology. In fact, Scopoli is not mentioned at all (Bezzel & Prinzinger, 1990, Mearns & Mearns, 1998, Birkhead, 2008, Chansigaud, 2009) or only very briefly (Walters, 2003; Gebhardt, 2006) in many compilations on the history of ornithology, although he was one of the first descriptors of birds in Europe after Carl Linneaus (1707-1778) and also one of his correspondents (Soban, 2004). In the letters, Scopoli and Linnaeus discussed taxonomic issues concerning various bird species, including the Wallcreeper (Tichodroma mu- raria), which was later described by Linnaeus (1766) according to Scopoli’s description (Barbagli et al., 1997). Scopoli’s main works were based on original field observations made by Scopoli himself or by his correspondents such as Franz Xaver Wulfen (1728- 1805), Count Josef Brigido von Bresowitz (1733- 1817), Balthasar Hacquet (1739-1815), and others (Petkovšek, 1977), mainly in the territory of Carniola (Slovenia), Carinthia (Austria), and Friuli (Italy). Sco- poli’s fundamental works concern plants (Scopoli, 1760, 1772), insects and other arthropods (Scopoli, 1763), and birds (Scopoli, 1769). His most important field studies took place between the years 1754 and 1769, when he was appointed by imperial decree as a physician to Idria (W Slovenia), but from there he conducted several expeditions to different parts of Carniola, nowadays mostly W Slovenia (Petkovšek, 1977; Vrezec et al., 2017; Vrezec, 2023). After leav- ing Idria and Carniola in 1769, he devoted more time to professorship and cabinet study of written sources or material brought to him by correspondents, and to building his collection. The first and most important ornithological work by J.A. Scopoli was Annus I. Historico Naturalis, Descriptiones avium, published in 1769, in which Scopoli described 254 bird taxa. The descriptions were based on Scopoli’s personal examination of bird specimens in the field (and in his own collection), in the bird collection of Count Francesco Annibale Della Torre (germ. Franz Hannibal von Thurn), and the examination of live bird specimens at the imperi- al ZOO Schönbrunn in Vienna. The ZOO specimens came mainly from the expedition of the Viennese chemistry and botany professor Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817), who undertook an expe- dition to South America (West Indies, Venezuela, Carthagena) between 1754-1759 (Fitzinger, 1853). Bird specimens, which were brought alive to Vienna, were collected mainly by Giovanni Buonamici and Fernando Barculli, who joined Jacquin’s expedition (Fitzinger, 1856). Scopoli (1769) was the first to sci- entifically describe bird species from Jacquin’s South American expedition, while illustrations of the birds with additional descriptions were later provided by Jacquin’s son Joseph Franz von Jacquin (1766-1839) in Beiträge zur Geschichte der Vögel (Jacquin, 1784). Scopoli’s (1769) Descriptiones avium was written in Latin, but it was so important that it was translated into German by Friderich Christian Günther the very next year after its publication (Scopoli, 1770). Günther’s German translation was in fact the first revision of Scopoli (1769), as Günther attempted to combine Scopoli’s Latin names with existing German bird names. Günther believed, as he explained in the preface, that it was important for Germans (Austria, including Carniola, was then part of the German Holly Roman Empire) to read about their nature in their own native language. However, this revision was not checked or approved by Scopoli himself, as Günther stated in the preface, although Scopoli men- tions F.C. Günther among his collaborators in his au- tobiography Vitae Mea Vices, published in Deliciae Flora et Fauna Insubricae (Scopoli 1788). Following Günther’s interpretations, which did not aim to tax- onomically revise Scopoli’s bird names, there were several taxonomic revisions of Scopoli (1769) de- Fig./Sl. 1: Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723-1733). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 329 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 scriptions in 19th century, which were summarized by Hartert (1903, 1905, 1912, 1913, 1920a, 1920b, 1921a, 1921b). However, Hartert (1903, 1905, 1913, 1920a, 1921b) wrongly interpreted type localites from Carniola, what was criticized and corrected by Scheibel (1919), although these corrections were not fully adopted in later taxonomic revisions and over- views (e.g. Vaurie 1959, 1965; Mayr & Paynter 1964; del Hoyo et al., 2005). Recently, Gregori (2008) presented an overall revision and interpretation of all descriptions in Scopoli (1769), with some taxa being still unresolved. However, Descriptiones avium (Scopoli, 1769) was not Scopoli’s only ornithological publication. In 1777, Scopoli published another work that includ- ed birds, Introductio ad historiam naturalem sistens genera lapidum, plantarum et animalum (Scopoli, 1777). This publication, however, was intended as a high-level taxonomic contribution dealing with the classification of minerals, plants, and animals based on Linnean systematics, classifying and de- scribing genera rather than species. Scopoli (1777) also introduced some new genus names for birds in this work. Other ornithological publications, while not as comprehensive, were nevertheless important to modern ornithology and were first summarized by Newton (1882). Scopoli described birds in sev- eral treatises published in three volumes of his last work, Deliciae Flora et Fauna Insubricae (Scopoli 1786a, 1786b, 1788). In Part I (Scopoli 1786a) he revised the species described under the generic name Alauda (De Alaudis Nostratibus), including seven species. Part II (Scopoli 1786b) described the species Falco rufus (synonym of the Red-foot- ed Falcon Falco vespertinus Linnaeus 1766), for which he also provided the illustration, and the Linnean nomenclatural revision of the mammal and bird descriptions of the French naturalist Pierre Sonnerat (1748-1814). Sonnerat published his ex- tensive observations from expeditions in Southeast Asia and Africa, including fauna (Sonnerat, 1776, 1782), which he did not describe according to new Linnean principles of naming. In Part III (Scopoli, 1788) there is only a description of Fringilla alpina, synonym of the Citril Finch Carduelis citrinella (Pal- las, 1764), with an illustration. Although Scopoli made and published many illustrations especially of plants and insects, he provided only two original and above-mentioned illustrations of birds. In the paper an overview of Scopoli’s ornitholog- ical work is given with a review of the new bird taxa described by Scopoli. Since Scopoli’s legacy is still unresolved with respect to the taxa he described, all existing bird figures used by J.A. Scopoli for his new bird taxa are presented, including tracking of bird collections with Scopoli’s type specimens with comments on their current status. Published on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of J.A. Scopoli’s birth, this work is intended to serve as an overview of current status of Scopoli’s bird names and de- scriptions as a baseline for further historical studies of Scopoli’s ornithological work, and for conducting further taxonomic and faunistic studies of birds in a period when accurate scientific data on avifauna were rare. This review is therefore not aiming in taxonomic revision of Scopoli’s descriptions, but to highlight main taxonomic challenges connected to Scopoli’s bird taxa. MATERIAL AND METHODS For determing new bird taxa described by Scopoli all four ornithological works were taken into consideration (Scopoli, 1769, 1786a, 1786b, 1788). Scopoli (1777) was not considered as it deals only with descriptions of taxa at genus level. Each described taxon was checked wether Scopoli listed already known taxon published in previous works of other authors that described species following Linnaean nomenclature system. Scopoli usually cited reference works, but in some cases I considered already published taxon also if Scopoli used the same name for the same species that was used already in preceding publications, but without exact citation given by Scopoli. For defined new Scopoli’s taxa I have collected type localities stated by Scopoli in his descriptions. Following previous studies the localities cited in Scopoli (1769) were considered reliable (Hartert, 1903, 1905, 1913, 1920a, 1921b; Scheibel, 1919), while taxa published in other works less so. In particular Scopoli (1786b) descriptions of birds from Sonnerat (1776, 1782) the referred localities are known to be frequently wrong and mislead- ing, partly because of inaccurate redescriptions of Sonnerat’s localities in Scopoli’s interpretations (Newton, 1882), but mostly because Sonnerat himself was giving wrong localities in his bird descriptions (Stresemann, 1952; Clancey, 1959; Mees, 1972). Therefore, beside original localities cited by Scopoli, possible interpretations of type localites at country level have been given folow- ing taxonomic review literature (only for current- ly valid bird taxa) or my own interpretations of them (interpretations of localities from Scopoli (1769)). For each described taxon the collections containing types given by Scopoli or interpreted from his descriptions is given as a baseline for further museological research of possible surviv- ing Scopoli’s type specimens. From the available literature and online sources also existing or newly designated types of Scopoli’s taxa were extracted, but these data might be still incomplete since type specimens holdings from all museums ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 330 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 are still not published or available. Form Scopoli’s descriptions citations of figures of described taxa were collected and presented as a key reference material for further historical taxonomic interpre- tations. For each taxon published interpretations of (sub)species identity were collected, but not all Scopoli’s taxa were interprated and analysed yet. Some additional identity suggestions are given based on cited reference figures, which were compared with global avifaunal overview (del Hoyo, 2020). According to collected identifi- cations the current taxonomic status of Scopoli’s new bird descriptions was derived. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION New bird taxa described by Joannes A. Scopoli As new species J.A. Scopoli described 175 bird taxa (Appendix 1). In Scopoli (1769) mainly birds from Carniola (nowadays Western Slovenia) were described with some specimens from Friuli and south Tyrol (NE Italy), Carinthia (South Austria), and non-European species mainly from South America. In all descriptions Scopoli refered to specimens from three collections he examined himself. Specimens were most likely examined also in Scopoli (1786a, 1788), although collec- tions were not specified. On the other hand, Scopoli (1786b) exotic bird taxa mainly rely on figures and text from Sonnerat (1776, 1782), and not by examing the specimens. Therefore, figures from Sonnerat (1776, 1782) can be regarded as figures of types. According to the currently valid bird taxonomy (Gill et al., 2023), J.A. Scopoli authors 59 valid bird taxa (34 % of all of his described new taxa), 52 species and 7 subspe- ces, and in addition 3 genera. The genus name Apus was established after Belon (1555) (Scopoli, 1777), while the genuses Sylvia and Branta were first proposed in Scopoli (1769). Furthermore, I have found that at least 11 Scopoli’s bird taxa (6 %) are senior synonyms and were apparently overlooked in past taxonomic revisions, although at least some are already known (e.g. Oberholser, 1918), among them 6 taxa at species and 5 at subspecies level. There are additional 38 taxa (22 %) being still unresolved according to the current revisons and are in need of further examination taking into account all Scopoli’s references, text and figure references, as well as other historical backgrounds to restore Scopoli’s taxonomic heri- tage. Altogether I have tracked only three types of Scopoli’s bird taxa preserved in museum collec- tions, all of them in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, which originated from the Sonnerat’s collection (Voisin et al., 2004; Voisin & Voisin, 2008, 2010). Additionally, the neotype of Halcyon albiventris (Scopoli, 1786), a female specimen from Mount Edgecombe near Durban (South Africa), was designated and stored in the Natal Museum collection in South Africa (Clanc- ey, 1959) with no further information available. Bird descriptions in Scopoli (1769) followed the taxonomic standards, which includes name proposal, overview of current knowledge by citing key references including figures, detailed mor- phological diagnosis, reference collection (types were not designated at that time), and additional descriptive notes about species morphology and life history. Some species were supplemented with vernicular names in Carniolian (Slovenian), Italian and German languages. Unfortunately, according to current knowledge Scopoli did not prepare any illustrations of his bird specimens published in Scopoli (1769), although they might exist as sepa- rate illustrations as recently found illustrations of Scopoli’s fungi and lichnens by Thomas Hörmann in museums in Paris and Vienna (Piltaver, 2023). I identified 70 bird taxa as new descriptions in Sco- poli (1769) and 56 of them are considered resolved and among them 13 taxa are today valid species or subspecies. However, there are 6 taxa which can be considered as senior synonyms, and some were resolved only recently (Gregori, 2008). For exam- ple, the Capercaille male was described by Scopoli following Linnaeus (1758) description of Tetrao urogallus, but female was described separately as Tetrao nemesianus referring also to the figure from Aldrovandi (1637) (Fig. 8) as revealed by Gregori (2008). Both, Aldrovandi figure and Scopoli’s specimen from Della Torre collection origined from southern Capercaille population that belongs to the subspecies Tetrao urogallus major Brehm, 1831 (Madge & McGowan, 2002). The subspecies was recently renamed to Tetrao urogallus crassiros- tris Brehm, 1831 since Tetrao major Brehm, 1831 was preoccupied by Tetrao major Gmelin, 1789, the name for the other species (Trust for Avian Systematics, 2021). Older Scopoli’s name was apparently overlooked since the name Tetrao uro- gallus nemesianus Scopoli, 1769 would be correct following the Principle of Priority (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999). New taxa described in Scopoli (1769) should be explored more with designation of neotypes to sta- bilize names and type localities as already pointed out by Scheibel (1919). In describing birds according to Sonnerat (1776, 1782) or even in transcribing Sonnerat’s descriptions according to the principles of Linnean nomenclature (Newton, 1882), Scopoli did not see any of Sonnerat’s specimens preserved in Paris (Berlioz, 1950). Howev- er, in 1785 Scopoli bacame a member of Agricultural ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 331 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Fig./Sl. 2: Corvus maximus Scopoli, 1769, Jonston (1650), Tab. 16 (Corvus). Fig./Sl. 3: Corvus vulgaris Scopoli, 1769, Meyer (1752), Tab. 99. Fig./Sl. 4: Corvus rusticus Scopoli, 1769, Jonston (1650), Tab. 17 (Pica). Fig./Sl. 5: Anas subterranea Scopoli, 1769, Steinberg (1758), Tab. 22. Fig./Sl. 6: Mergus albulus Scopoli, 1769, Jonston (1650), Tab. 47 (Albulus aquaticus). Fig./Sl. 7: Procellaria diomedea Scopoli, 1769, Jonston (1650), Tab. 46 (Diomedea avis). Fig./Sl. 8: Tetrao nemesianus Scopoli, 1769, Aldrovandi (1637), Lib. 13, Cap. 18. Fig./Sl. 9: Motacilla boarula Scopoli, 1769, Aldrovandi (1637), Lib. 17, Cap. 25. Fig./Sl. 10: Sylvia muscipeta Scopoli, 1769, Jonston (1650), Tab. 45 (Muscipeta). Fig./Sl. 11: Alauda turdina Scopoli, 1786, Aldrovandi (1637), Lib. 17, Cap. 26. 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 11 05 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 332 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 12 13 16 14 17 18 22 19 21 2624 23 25 15 20 27 Fig./Sl. 12: Falco rufus Scopoli, 1786, Scopoli (1786), Tab. 19. Fig./Sl. 13: Vultur radiatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 103. Fig./Sl. 14: Vultur calvus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 104. Fig./Sl. 15: Vultur indicus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 105. Fig./Sl. 16: Lanius phillippinus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 25. Fig./Sl. 17: Lanius nasutus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 70. Fig./Sl. 18: Lanius ruber Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 71. Fig./Sl. 19: Lanius albus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 72. Fig./Sl. 20: Lanius rufus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 106. Fig./Sl. 21: Lanius chinensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 107. Fig./Sl. 22: Psittacus papou Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 111. Fig./ Sl. 23: Psittacus signatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 42. Fig./Sl. 24: Psittacus quianensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 43. Fig./Sl. 25: Psittacus pileatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 44. Fig./Sl. 26: Psittacus cingulatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 41. Fig./Sl. 27: Psittacus melanopterus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 40 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 333 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 28 29 32 30 33 33 37 34 36 4039 38 39 31 35 41 Fig./Sl. 28: Psittacus lunulatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 39. Fig./Sl. 29: Psittacus leucopthalmos Scopoli, 1786 (upper/zgoraj), Psittacus pumilus Scopoli, 1786 (lower/spodaj), Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 38. Fig./Sl. 30: Psittacus polychloros Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 30. Fig./Sl. 31: Psittacus guenbyensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 109. Fig./Sl. 32: Psittacus ater Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 110. Figs./Sl. 33: Buceros panayensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 82, 83. Fig./Sl. 34: Buceros birostris Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 121. Fig./Sl. 35: Buceros pica Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 121 (second Pl. 121). Fig./Sl. 36: Oriolus cothurnix Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 105. Fig./Sl. 37: Oriolus lineatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 24. Fig./Sl. 38: Oriolus ocellatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 33. Figs./Sl. 39: Xanthornus holosericeus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 68, 69. Fig./Sl. 40: Paradisea rex Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 95. Fig./Sl. 41: Paradisea penicillata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 97. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 334 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 42 43 46 44 47 48 52 49 51 5654 53 55 45 50 57 Fig./Sl. 42: Paradisea viridis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 99. Fig./Sl. 43: Gracula caerulea Scopoli, 1786, Sonner- at (1782), Pl. 108. Fig./Sl. 44: Gracula cristata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 109. Fig./Sl. 45: Trogon luzonensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 34. Fig./Sl. 46: Cuculus variegatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 78. Fig./ Sl. 47: Cuculus flaviventris Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 79. Fig./Sl. 48: Cuculus viridis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 80. Fig./Sl. 49: Cuculus merulinus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 81. Fig./Sl. 50: Picus guineensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 35. Fig./Sl. 51: Picus menstruus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 36. Fig./Sl. 52: Picus lucidus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 37. Fig./Sl. 53: Picus maculatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 77. Fig./Sl. 54: Alcedo coromandeliana Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 118. Fig./Sl. 55: Alcedo albiventris Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 31. Fig./Sl. 56: Alcedo collaris Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 33. Fig./Sl. 57: Alcedo undulata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 106. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 335 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 58 59 62 60 63 64 68 65 67 7270 69 71 61 66 73 Fig./Sl. 58: Alcedo variegata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 107. Fig./Sl. 59: Merops bruneus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 100. Fig./Sl. 60: Merops maximus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 101. Fig./Sl. 61: Certhia canora Scopoli, 1786 (1), Certhia malacensis Scopoli, 1786 (2), Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 116. Fig./Sl. 62: Certhia coccinea Scopoli, 1786 (1), Certhia trigonostigma Scopoli, 1786 (2), Certhia grisea Scopoli, 1786 (3), Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 117. Fig./Sl. 63: Certhia lutea Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 119. Fig./Sl. 64: Certhia quadricolor Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 30-A, B. Fig./Sl. 65: Apterodita longirostris Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 113. Fig./Sl. 66: Apterodita longirostris Scopoli, 1786, Pennant (1781), Pl. 14. Fig./Sl. 67: Apterodita platirhingos Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 114. Fig./Sl. 68: Sterna anaethetus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 84. Fig./Sl. 69: Sterna pileata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 85. Fig./Sl. 70: Sterna multicolor Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 55. Fig./Sl. 71: Platalea alba Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 51. Fig./Sl. 72: Platalea cristata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 52. Fig./Sl. 73: Tantalus rufus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 47. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 336 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 74 75 78 76 79 80 84 81 83 8886 85 87 77 82 89 Fig./Sl. 74: Tantalus variegatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 48. Fig./Sl. 75: Tringa fasciata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 96. Fig./Sl. 76: Tringa chirurgus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 45. Fig./Sl. 77: Charadrius dubius Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 46. Fig./Sl. 78: Charadrius cristatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 49. Fig./Sl. 79: Otis sec- retarius Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 79. Fig./Sl. 80: Pavo malacensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 99. Fig./ Sl. 81: Pavo malacensis Scopoli, 1786, Edwards (1747), Tab. 67. Fig./Sl. 82: Phasianus rouloul Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 100. Fig./Sl. 83: Tetrao pintadeanus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 97. Fig./Sl. 84: Tetrao madagarensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 98. Fig./Sl. 85: Columba nitidissima Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 101. Fig./ Sl. 86: Columba chinensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 102. Fig./Sl. 87: Columba nivea Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 20. Fig./Sl. 88: Columba luzonica Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 21. Fig./Sl. 89: Columba cinerea Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 22. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 337 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 90 91 93 91 94 95 99 96 98 103101 100 102 92 97 104 Fig./Sl. 90: Columba myristicivora Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 102. Figs./Sl. 91: Columba viridis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 64, 65. Fig./Sl. 92: Columba pileata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 66. Fig./Sl. 93: Columba bicolor Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 103. Fig./Sl. 94: Columba pulcherrima Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 67. Fig./Sl. 95: Alauda malabarica Scopoli, 1786 (1), Alauda grisea Scopoli, 1786 (2), Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 113. Fig./Sl. 96: Turdus malacensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 110. Fig./Sl. 97: Ampelis malabarica Scopoli, 1786 (1), Sylvia lutea Scopoli, 1786 (2), Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 114. Fig./Sl. 98: Emberiza signata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 75. Fig./Sl. 99: Tanagra macroura Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 74. Fig./Sl. 100: Motacilla luzonensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 29. Fig./Sl. 101: Muscicapa caeruleocephala Scopoli, 1786 (1) Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 26. Fig./Sl. 102: Muscicapa macroura Scopoli, 1786 (1), Muscicapa tessacourbe Scopoli, 1786 (2), Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 27. Fig./Sl. 103: Muscicapa goiavier Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 28. Fig./Sl. 104: Muscicapa panayensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 73. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 338 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Fig./Sl. 105: Muscicapa malabarica Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 111. Fig./Sl. 106: Sylvia capensis Sco- poli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 115. Fig./Sl. 107: Parvus nelicourvi Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 112. Fig./Sl. 108: Hirundo gutturalis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 76. 105 106 107 108 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 339 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Society in Paris (Soc. Regia Oeconomica Parisiensis) and among his correspondents Scopoli listed also french naturalist Michel Adanson (1727–1806) (Scopoli, 1788; Voss, 1881). The correspondence between Scopoli and Adanson was not yet studied, and Adanson might gave more data on Sonnerat's specimens that were accessible to Scopoli beside Sonnerat’s figures and texts. There is no evidence that Scopoli and Sonnerat would have any direct correspondence. Anyhow, there is no evidence that Scopoli would travel outside Holy Roman Empire (Voss, 1881; Petkovšek, 1977), so he could not had seen Sonnerat’s specimens stored in Paris. His descriptions were therefore based exclusively on Sonnerat’s writings and especially on illustrations. Sonnerat and, consequently, Scopoli based their descriptions mainly on adult males, but not in all cases, e.g., females in Asian Blue Quail Synoicus chinensis lineatus (Fig. 37) and Nelicourvi Weaver Ploceus nelicourvi (Fig. 107), or non-breeding or immature birds in Pheasant-tailed Jacana Hydropha- sianus chirurgus (Fig. 76), Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus (Fig. 68), and African Spoonbill Platalea alba (Fig. 71). Since Scopoli’s descriptions are not based on type specimens, but only on figures an important taxonomic question raises here. If figures were the only material background of new species descriptions, then they should be regarded as types as well. In botany this is solved with designation of iconotypes (Silva, 1993), which are lacking in zoology (International Commission on Zoological Nomencla- ture, 1999). The Scopoli’s descriptions of Sonnerat birds are not the only descriptions that were based solely on figures (and text) and not on specimens, since this was practicised also by other early Linnean taxonomists, including Carl Linnaeus himself (e.g. Linnaeus descriptions of the Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria and the Fat Dormouse Glis glis in Linnaeus (1766) were based solely on written descriptions of Scopoli and not by specimens examinations; Barbagli et al., 1997; Kryštufek et al., 2021). However, there is no review yet that would evaluate non-specimen based descriptions in ornithology or zoology neither what value these illustrations have as types in zoological nomenclature and taxonomy. However, clear historical identification of specimens, that served in the prepara- tion of key figures (Voisin et al. 2004), or designation of neotypes (Kryštufek et al., 2021) are needed to stabilize the taxon names and define type localities. The most interesting illustration of Sonnerat, however, is that of the Buff- spotted Flameback Chrysocolaptes lu- cidus. Four woodpecker figures are illustrated in Sonnerat (1776), and two of them refer to a larger woodpecker, Pl. 36 (Fig. 51) and 37 (Fig. 52). However, Scopoli (1786b) made a mistake and referred Pl. 36 to two descriptions, Picus menstruus and Picus lucidus. Newton (1882) sug- gested a correction and assigned Pl. 37 to Picus lucidus, while Stark (1903) assigned Picus menstruus to African species Dendropicos griseocephalus (Boddaert, 1783). The scaly pattern of the underside of the woodpecker at Pl. 37 certainly fits the adult Buff-spotted Flameback, but the specimen illustrated has no crest, a dark upper- part including the head, and particularly conspicuous white spots on the tail forming a white tail band, which Sonnerat (1776) also specifically refers to in the text. No such large woodpecker is currently known from the Philippines, from where this species was described, nor are there any similar large woodpeckers elsewhere (Winkler et al., 1995). It is therefore possible that the specimens on Pl. 37 actually represents a currently undescribed and possibly extinct species. All currently known recent extinctions of woodpeckers (Picidae) are from the New World (Hume & Walters, 2012), and this would be the first example from Asia. Indeed, this would not be the first discovery of an extinct species in the writings of Pierre Sonnerat, what is also the case of the extinct shrew Diplomesodon sonnerati from southern India (Cheke, 2011). There is one extant specimen of the Buff-spotted Flameback in the Sonnerat collection held at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris (Fig. 110), but of an atypical dark juvenile female Fig./Sl. 109: Fringilla alpina Scopoli, 1788, Scopoli (1788), Tab. 18. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 340 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 (Voisin & Voisin, 2010), which does not resamble the bird on Pl. 37 (Fig. 52). Collections with Scopoli’s type specimens and their preservation status Scopoli’s type specimens were stored in at least four collections (Appendix 1): (1) own Scopoli’s collection (coll. Joannes A. Scopoli), (2) collection of count Francesco Annibale Della Torre (coll. Franz Hannibal von Thurn), (3) Imperial ZOO in Vienna (here Scopoli observed only live speci- mens) and (4) collection of Pierre Sonnerat (Coll. Pierre Sonnerat), which Scopoli had used only indirectly since he made his descriptions only on Sonnerat’s figures and texts and not by examining the specimens. 1.) Collection of Joannes Antonius Scopoli In Idria, J.A. Scopoli built a large natural history col- lection of plants, insects, and vertebrates, including birds (Stresemann, 1923; Gregori, 2008), which were described in Scopoli (1769). The collection included type material for at least 34 new bird taxa. In addition, there was probably also a type specimen of the Wallcreeper Tichodroma mu- raria described by Linnaeus (1766) to be sent by Scopoli to Linneaus, but it is not clear from the letters that Scopoli actually sent it and that Linneaus based the description only on Scopoli’s letters (Barbagli et al., 1997; Soban, 2004). No specimen of the Wallcreeper is preserved in the Linnaeus collection at the museums in Uppsala and Stockholm (Wal- lin, 2001; U. Johansson, pers. comm.). When Scopoli left Idria in 1769, he probably took his collection with him and eventually brought it to Pavia (Italy), Scopoli’s last residence, Fig. 110: Atypical specimen of young female of Chrysocolaptes lucidus (Scopoli, 1786) collected by Pierre Sonnerat between 1769 and 1775 on Philipines (MNHN-ZO-2009-955; Muséum Na- tional d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris). Sl. 110: Netipični primerek mlade samice vrste Chrysocolaptes lucidus (Scopoli, 1786), ki jo je Pierre Sonnerat ujel med leti 1769 in 1775 na Filipinih (MNHN-ZO-2009-955; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Pariz). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 341 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 where he also died in 1788. The ornithological part of the collection in Pavia consisted of 250 bird specimens, which were kept in the Natural History Museum of the University of Pavia, but unfortunately the collection did not survive (Steinheimer, 2005; Violani & Rovati, 2010). However, Scopoli also exchanged material with other collectors, as evidenced by letters to Linnaeus, so some specimens may survive in other collections. Scopoli’s successor in Idria, Baltazar Hacquet, built a large collection that was later stored in Ljubljana (Jezernik, 2009). With the exception of the herbarium (now stored in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History; Praprotnik, 2015), all other parts of the collection were destroyed. Albegger (2015) reported that some specimens of Scopoli and Hacquet may have survived in the collection of Count Egger of Carinthia, which came to the Universalmuseum Joanneum in Graz in 1815, although further study of this historical collection is needed because the original labels have been lost. 2.) Collection of count Francesco Annibale Della Torre (germ. Franz Hannibal von Thurn) In the letter of 7 March 1765, Scopoli reported to Lin- naeus about the bird collection of Della Torre (Aves Musaei Torriani) in Vienna, which he had visited in 1763, as can be seen from the letter of 22 October 1763, in which he writes about his three-month stay in Vienna (Soban, 2004). From the Della Torre collection, Scopoli (1769) described at least 27 new bird species (Appendix 1). Scopoli (1769) described that this was a collection of Count Francesco Annibale Della Torre (Excell. Comitis Francisci Annib. Turriani). Count Francesco Annibale Della Torre (1699-1768) was born in Gradisca near Gorica in Italy near the Italian-Slovenian border and was a member of the Friulian noble family Della Torre, Lords of Duino (Dorsi 2021). He studied law and theology in Graz, Salzburg, Parma, and Rome, but his uncle Raimondo Ferdinando Rabatta, archbishop of Passau, helped him become an official archbishop’s representative in Vienna (Santon, 2011). He died in Vienna in 1768. Since he was a celibate clergyman, he appointed his brother Federico Luigi Della Torre (1709-1773), Lord of Duino, as his heir (Dorsi, 2021), but the bird collection was tak- en by Jesuits after his death in 1768 (Fitzinger, 1856). In 1773 after abolishment of Jesuit order the collection was handed over to the University of Vienna (Fitzinger, 1856; Stresemann, 1923) and stored in zoological collection at the Faculty of Life Sciences, where no certain specimens are found (Steinheimer, 2005). The origin of the specimens in the Della Torre collection is not known, although they probably came mainly from NE Italy (Friuli, Duino) and the northern Adriatic (Friuli Venezia Giulia), although some ex- otic specimens came from menegeries, probably in Austria. 3.) Imperial ZOO Schönbrunn (Vivarium Caesareum) The imperial ZOO Schönbrunn (der Menagerie zu Schönbrunn) was a rich collection of exotic and rare animals, mainly mammals and birds, collected during various expeditions by naturalists on behalf of the Austrian emperor (Fitzinger, 1853). The first managerie was founded in 1552 by Maximilian II., but later ceased to operate con- tinuously. The third establishment was founded in 1716 by Prince Eugene of Savoy and was purchased by Emperor Carl VI. after his death. In 1732 the menagerie was moved to Schönbrunn by Emperor Franz I. Stephan, the husband of Maria Theresa. J. A. Scopoli probably visited ZOO in 1763, as stated in a letter to Linnaeus dated on 22 Octo- ber 1763, in which he briefly mentioned the Della Torre collection and the Imperial ZOO (Soban, 2004). Fitzinger (1853) gives a detailed overview of the animals that ZOO owned at that time, and some of them were also illustrated (Jacquin, 1784). Unfortunately, no Schönbrunn specimens from this period are preserved in the museum collection (von Pezeln, 1890). According to Scopoli (1769), there was at least 8 new species described from Imperial ZOO, but not all are resolved as a revision of Scopoli’s descriptions of birds from the Vivarium Caesareum, provided in part by Gregori (2008), is needed in comparison with the list of Fitzinger (1853) and the illustrations of Jacquin (1784). 4.) Collection of Pierre Sonnerat The bird descriptions in Scopoli (1786b) were based on two publications by the French naturalist Pierre Sonnerat on his expeditions to Indonesia, the Philippines, the Sey- chelles, and parts of Africa (Sonnerat, 1776) and to China, India, Malaysia, Madagascar, and Mauritius (Sonnerat, 1782). Sonnerat actually did not land on New Guinea, which is mentioned by several species as type locality, but he visited nearby island Pulau Gebe (Pasfield, 1892). In 1768 Sonnerat joined the expedition to Mascarene Islands with naturalist Pierre Poivre (1719 – 1786), Sonnerat’s uncle, and secondly in 1771 to Moluccas (Pasfield, 1892), where both naturalists collected also bird specimens, therefore Poivre’s specimens were later also included into Sonnerat’s collection (Streseman, 1952). Sonnerat’s descriptions were accompanied by illustrations made from collected material. Sonnerat’s bird specimens were kept in the King’s Cabinet in Paris (Berlioz, 1950), which was curated by Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707- 1788). Although J.A. Scopoli never saw specimens of Son- nerat, but only illustrations based on them, the specimens of Sonnerat and Poivre can be considered syntypes for the descriptions of Scopoli (1786b), 101 new bird taxa. Today, the collection is kept at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris (Berlioz, 1950), and at least eight bird taxa collected by Sonnerat are still preserved according to the published specimen catalogue (https://science.mnhn. fr/institution/mnhn/collection/zo/item/search/form). Two specimens are referred to as syntypes of the descriptions of Scopoli (1786b) (Appendix 1; Voisin et al., 2004): Mauri- tius Blue Pigeon Alectroenas nitidissimus (Fig. 111, cf. Fig. 85) and Seychelles Blue Pigeon Alectroenas pulcherrimus (Fig. 112, cf. Fig. 94). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 342 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Fig. 111: The syntype of Alectoenas nitidissimus (Scopoli, 1786), today extinct species, collected by Pierre Sonnerat be- tween 1769 and 1781 on Mauritius (MNHN-ZO-MO-2000-727; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris). Sl. 111: Sintip vrste Alectoenas nitidissimus (Scopoli, 1786), danes izumrle vrste, ki jo je ujel Pierre Sonnerat med leti 1769 in 1781 na Mavricijusu (MNHN-ZO-MO-2000-727; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Pariz). Fig. 112: The syntype of Alectoenas pulcherrimus (Scopoli, 1786) collect- ed by Pierre Sonnerat between 1769 and 1775 on Seychelles (MNHN- ZO-MO-2002-138; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris). Sl. 112: Sintip vrste Alectoenas pulcherrimus (Scopoli, 1786), ki jo je ujel Pierre Sonnerat med leti 1769 in 1775 na Sejšelih (MNHN-ZO- MO-2002-138; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Pariz). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 343 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 In the collection of Sonnerat at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris there is another specimen designated as a type specimen of Psittacus guenbyensis Scopoli, 1786 (Fig. 113; MNHN-ZO-MO -2004-129). The specimen is currently referred to as a holotype (Voi- sin & Voisin, 2008), which is clearly incorrect because the specimen was not referred to as a holotype by Sco- poli, nor had Scopoli seen it, so the correct designation would be a syntype or lectotype. The description by Scopoli (1786b) was based on Pl. 109 (Fig. 31) in Son- nerat (1776). However, the taxon is a senior synonym of Eos squamata riciniata (Bechstein, 1811) and therefore does not conform to the concept of the Principle of Priority, whereby the valid name of a taxon is the oldest available name applied to it (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1999), what was already proposed by Oberholser (1918). The Sonnerat-Piovre bird collection in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris still must be studied in terms of determing syn- types of Scopoli’s bird taxa. CONCLUSIONS The aim of this work was to review the existing knowledge on the new bird taxa descriptions by Joannes Antonius Scopoli, a still underestimated early European or- nithologist. With respect to Scopoli’s ornithological legacy, there are still many questions to be addressed, especially considering still incomplete taxonomic revision of his bird descriptions, some of which are the first scientific descrip- tions after Linnaeus (1758) and should be considered in the concept of the Principle of Priority and validation of scien- tific bird names (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999). Secondly, from a museological point of view, there are still open questions regarding the existence of Scopoli’s type specimens that could be kept in some museum collections. This article summarizes some basic information from published and online sources, but further work should focus on researching archives and museum collections. Moreover, in museums worldwide there are few specimens of birds from type localities in Carniola (Slovenia) described by Scopoli (1769), so the Slovenian Museum of Natural History in Ljubljana could serve as a potential set of neotypes for future taxonomic studies. From Carniola (Slovenia) there are at least 28 new bird taxa described by J.A. Scopoli with type localities in Slovenia (all described in 1769). Five of them are also valid species today: Little Crake Zapornia parva (Scopoli, 1769), Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides (Scopoli, 1769), Little Owl Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769), Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris (Scopoli, 1769) and Black-Headed Bun- ting Emberiza melanocephala Scopoli, 1769. Fig. 113: Syntype (referred to as holotype) of Psittacus guenbyensis Scopoli, 1786 collected by Pierre Sonnerat between 1769 and 1772 on Pulau Gebe Island, Halmahera / Maluku Islands (MNHN-ZO-MO-2004-129; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris). Sl. 113: Sintip vrste (smatran kot holotip) Psittacus guenbyensis Scopoli, 1786, ki ga je ujel Pierre Sonnerat med leti 1769 in 1772 na otoku Pulau Gebe / otočje Maluku (MNHN-ZO-MO-2004-129; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Pariz). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 344 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks St rix g iu Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m O tu s sc op s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Re y (1 87 2) , H ar te rt (1 91 3)   St rix s yl ve st ris Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     un ce rta in   La th am (1 78 1) , G m el in (1 78 8) , Re y (1 87 2) , H ar te rt (1 91 3) , Po ne bš ek (1 91 7) , V re ze c (2 00 9) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rth er : t he ta xo n is at tri bu te d to S tr ix a lu co L in na eu s, 1 75 8 (R ey 1 87 2) o r S tr ix u ra le ns is P al la s, 1 77 1 (L at ha m 1 78 1, G m el in 1 78 8, H ar te rt 19 13 , P on eb še k 19 17 , V re ze c et a l. 20 07 , V re ze c 20 09 ) St rix a lb a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Fr iu li- G iu lia (I ta ly ) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Ty to a lb a (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 91 3) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   St rix n oc tu a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Lj ub lja na (S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n A th en e no ct ua (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 91 3) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   St rix ru fa Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Id rij a (S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m St rix a lu co Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 Re y (1 87 2)   Ps itt ac us fo rm os us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     se ni or sy no ny m Pe zo po ru s w al lic us (K er r, 17 92 ) G re go ri (2 00 8) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rth er : u nd er th e sa m e na m e La th am (1 79 0) d es ci be d di ffe re nt s pe ci es , s o Sc op ol i’s d es cr ip tio n w as re ga rd ed d ou bt fu l ( Sl av ad or i 1 89 1) . G re go ri (2 00 8) a ttr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to Pe zo po ru s w al lic us (K er r, 17 92 ). Ps itt ac us m er ul in us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     ju ni or sy no ny m A ra tin ga so ls tit ia lis (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us k ra m er i Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (S en eg al ) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Ps itt ac ul a kr am er i (S co po li, 1 76 9) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A pp en di x 1: O ve rv ie w o f ne w b ir d ta xa d es cr ib ed b y Jo an ne s A . S co po li lis te d in c hr on ol og ic al p ub lic at io n or de r w ith r em ar ks o n ty pe lo ca lit ie s ci te d by S co po li (in b ra ck et s ar e gi ve n co un tr ie s in te rp re te d ac co rd in g to g iv en e xa ct t yp e lo ca lit ie s or i n va lid t ax a co un tr ie s w er e co rr ec te d ac co rd in g to ta xo no m ic r ev is io n si nc e or ig in al t yp e lo ca lit es m ig ht b e w ro ng , e sp ec ia lly in s pe ci es n am es f ol lo w in g So nn er at 's d es cr ip tio ns ; t yp e lo ca lit ie s on o th er de sc ri pt io ns r em ai ne d un re so lv ed ), ci te d co lle ct io ns w ith t yp es , fig ur e re fe re nc es o f ty pe s or s pe ci es i llu st ra tio ns , ov er vi ew o f su rv iv ed e xi st in g ty pe s in m us eu m c ol le ct io ns , c ur re nt t ax on om ic s ta tu s of S co po li’ s bi rd t ax a w ith li te ra tu re in te rp re ta tio n of ( su b) sp ec ie s id en tit y, in te rp re ta tio n so ur ce s an d re m ar ks e xp la in in g ex is tin g ta xo no m ic is su es a nd fu rt he r ex am in at io n ne ed s. F ig ur es o f S on ne ra t ( 17 76 , 1 78 2) h as b ee n co rr ec te d ac co rd in g to N ew to n (1 88 2) . C ou nt ri es o f o ri gi n of t he n am e- be ar in g ty pe s pe ci m en a cc or di ng t o th e la st t ax on im ic r ev is on s ar e ex tr ac te d fr om d el H oy o et a l. (1 99 2, 1 99 4, 19 96 , 1 99 7, 1 99 9, 2 00 1, 2 00 2, 2 00 4, 2 00 5, 2 00 7, 2 00 8, 2 00 9) & A vi ba se d at ab as e: h tt ps :/ /a vi ba se .b sc -e oc .o rg /) . Pr ilo ga 1 : P re gl ed ta ks on ov p tic , k i j ih je k ot n ov e op is al Jo an ne s A . S co po li. Ta ks on i s o ra zv rš če ni p o kr on ol oš ke m v rs tn em re du o bj av lja nj a z do da ni m i t ip sk im i lo ka lit et am i, ki ji h je n av ed el S co po li (v o kl ep aj u so p od an e dr ža ve lo ka ci j t ip sk ih lo ka lit et g le de n a so do bn e in te rp re ta ci je p od an e v ta ks on om sk ih re vi zi ja h, sa j so o ri gi na ln o na ve de ne lo ka ci je la hk o na pa čn e, z la st i p ri ta ks on ih iz S on ne ra to vi h op is ov ; t ip sk e lo ka ci je o st al ih o pi so v so n er az re še ne ), na ve de ni m i z bi rk am i s tip sk im m at er ia lo m , r ef er en čn e ilu st ra ci je , p re gl ed o hr an je ni h tip sk ih p ri m er ko v v m uz ej sk ih z bi rk ah , t re nu te n ta ks on om sk i s ta tu s Sc op lij ev ih ta ks on ov p tic z ob ja vl je ni m i i nt er pr et ac ija m i ( po d) vr st ne id en tit et e in li te ra tu rn im i v ir i t er o po m be s ta ks on om sk im i o br az lo ži tv am i i n po tr eb am i p o na da ljn jih št ud ija h. Š te vi lk e So nn er at ov ih (1 77 6, 1 78 2) r is b so b ile p op ra vl je ne p o N ew to nu (1 88 2) . I zv or ne d rž av e tip sk ih p ri m er ko v gl ed e na z ad nj e ta ks on om sk e re vi zi je s o po vz et e po de l H oy o et a l. (1 99 2, 1 99 4, 1 99 6, 1 99 7, 1 99 9, 2 00 1, 2 00 2, 2 00 4, 2 00 5, 2 00 7, 2 00 8, 2 00 9) & A vi ba se d at ab as e: h tt ps :/ /a vi ba se .b sc -e oc .o rg /) . ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 345 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Ps itt ac us ru be r Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in       Ps itt ac us p ile at us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (B ra si l) C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     va lid ta xo n Pi on op si tta pi le at a (S co po li, 1 76 9) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ps itt ac us cy an oc ep ha lu s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     no m en nu du m Pi on us m en st ru us (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ) th e na m e Ps it ta cu s cy an oc ep ha lu s w as p re oc cu pi ed b y Ps it ta cu s cy an oc ep ha lu s Li nn ae us , 17 66 f or an ot he r sp ec ie s (S al va do ri 1 89 1) C or vu s m ax im us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i Jo ns to n 16 50 , Ta b. 1 6 (C or vu s) (F ig . 2 )   ju ni or sy no ny m C or vu s co ra x Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 90 3)   C or vu s vu lg ar is Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i M ey er 1 75 2, Ta b. 9 9 (F ig . 3 )   ju ni or sy no ny m C or vu s co ro ne Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 G re go ri (2 00 8)   C or vu s ru st ic us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i Jo ns to n 16 50 , Ta b. 1 7 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Ta b. 18 ) ( Pi ca ) ( Fi g. 4 )   ju ni or sy no ny m Pi ca p ic a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 90 3)   C or ac ia s ca rt ag en en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ta ge na (C ol om bi a) Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     un ce rta in       C er th ia v iri di s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     un ce rta in       A na s le uc oc ep ha la Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (I ta ly ? ) C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     va lid ta xo n O xy ur a le uc oc ep ha la (S co po li, 1 76 9) Bl an fo rd (1 89 8) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A na s m on ac ha Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Br an ta b er ni cl a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) G re go ri (2 00 8)   A na s ru fic ol lis Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Ay th ya fe rin a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Re y (1 87 2) , H ar te rt (1 92 0a ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) R ey ( 18 72 ) at tr ib ut ed t he t ax on to B ra nt a ru fic ol lis ( Pa ll as , 17 69 ), bu t at tr ib ut io n to m or e co m m on A yt hy a fe ri na ( Li nn ae us , 17 58 ) is m or e po ss ib le ( H ar te rt 1 92 0a , B ak er 1 93 0b ) A na s m el au ra Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in       Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 346 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 A na s su bt er ra ne a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C er kn ic a La ke (S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i St ei nb er g 17 58 , Ta b. 2 2 (F ig . 5 )   un ce rta in   Sc he ib el (1 91 9) , H ar te rt (1 92 0a ), V re ze c (2 02 3) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: r ef er re d ill us tr at io n in S te in be rg (1 75 8) in n ot de ta ile d en ou gh fo r in te rp re ta tio n, b ut di ffe re nt a ut ho rs s o fa r at tr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to d iff er en t s pe ci es : A yt hy a m ar ila (L in na eu s, 1 76 1) (L in na eu s in a le tte r to S co po li; S co po li hi m se lf di sa gr ee d w ith L in na eu s; S ob an 2 00 4) , A yt hy a fu lig ul a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) (S ch ei be l 19 19 ), Ta do rn a ta do rn a (L in na eu s, 17 58 ) ( H ar te rt 1 92 0a ), A yt hy a ny ro ca (G ül de ns tä dt , 1 77 0) (V re ze c 20 23 ) Br an ta to rr id a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     un ce rta in       Br an ta a lb ifr on s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (I ta ly ? ) C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     va lid ta xo n A ns er a lb ifr on s (S co po li, 1 76 9) Bl an fo rd (1 89 8) , H ar te rt (1 92 0a ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   M er gu s gu lo Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m M er gu s m er ga ns er Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 0b ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b)   M er gu s ae th io ps Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Lj ub lja na (S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m M er gu s m er ga ns er Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 0b )   M er gu s al bu lu s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i Jo ns to n 16 50 , Ta b. 4 7 (A lb ul us aq ua tic us ) ( Fi g. 6 )   ju ni or sy no ny m M er ge llu s al be llu s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Re y (1 87 2) , H ar te rt (1 92 0b ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b)   M er gu s pa nn on ic us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m M er ge llu s al be llu s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 92 0b )   Pl ot us c au di ca ns Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in   H ar te rt (1 92 0b ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: H ar te rt (1 92 0b ) a ttr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to G av ia s te lla ta (P on to pp id an , 1 76 3) , w hi le B ak er (1 93 0b ) t o G av ia a rc tic a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Pr oc el la ria di om ed ea Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (I ta ly ) C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a) Jo ns to n 16 50 , T ab . 46 (D io m ed ea av is ) ( Fi g. 7 )   va lid ta xo n C al on ec tr is di om ed ea (S co po li, 1 76 9) Pe te rs (1 93 1) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol ym bu s ni gr ic an s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Ta ch yb ap tu s ru fic ol lis (P al la s, 1 76 4) H ar te rt (1 92 0b )   C ol ym bu s vu lg ar is Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     se ni or sy no ny m Po di ce ps gr is eg en a (B od da er t, 17 83 ) H ar te rt (1 92 0b )   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 347 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 La ru s ci ne re us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m La ru s ca nu s Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   La ru s al bu s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     se ni or sy no ny m H yd ro co lo eu s m in ut us (P al la s, 1 77 6) H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   La ru s m er ul in us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m C hl id on ia s ni ge r (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   La ru s qu ad ric ol or Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     se ni or sy no ny m La ru s au do ui ni i Pa yr au de au , 1 82 6 H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   La ru s bi co lo r Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in   H ar te rt (1 92 1a ), G re go ri (2 00 8) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rth er : H ar te rt (1 92 1a ) a ttr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to S te rn a hi ru nd o Li nn ae us , 1 75 8, w hi le G re go ri (2 00 8) to S te rn ul a al bi fro ns (P al la s, 1 76 4) La ru s st er na Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m St er na h iru nd o Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   La ru s co lu m bi nu s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m St er na h iru nd o Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   A rd ea ru fa Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m A rd ea p ur pu re a Li nn ae us , 1 76 6 H ar te rt (1 92 0a )   A rd ea ra llo id es Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n A rd eo la ra llo id es (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 92 0a ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A rd ea n iv ea Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Eg re tta g ar ze tta (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) G re go ri (2 00 8)   Sc ol op ax ru fa Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Pl eg ad is fa lc in el lu s (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) H ar te rt (1 92 0a ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G re go ri (2 00 8)   Sc ol op ax au st ra lis Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in       Sc ol op ax p ic a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m H ae m at op us os tr al eg us Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   Sc ol op ax le uc op te ra Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in       Sc ol op ax g lo tti s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     se ni or sy no ny m G al lin ag o m ed ia (L at ha m , 1 78 7) G re go ri (2 00 8)   Tr in ga p or za na Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     un ce rta in       Fu lic a fu lig in os a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Fu lic a at ra Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1b )   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 348 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Fu lic a al bi ve nt ris Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Fu lic a at ra Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1b )   Ra llu s la rif or m is Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     un ce rta in       Ra llu s pa rv us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Za po rn ia p ar va (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 92 1b ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ra llu s fu lic ul a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Lj ub lja na (S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Po rz an a po rz an a (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) H ar te rt (1 92 1b )   Te tr ao ne m es ia nu s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a) A ld ro va nd i 1 63 7, Li b. 1 3, C ap . 1 8 (F ig . 8 )   se ni or sy no ny m Te tr ao u ro ga llu s cr as si ro st ris Br eh m , C L, 1 83 1 G re go ri (2 00 8)   Te tr ao b et ul in us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Ly ru ru s te tr ix (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 92 1b )   C ol um ba m ug ie ns Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     ju ni or sy no ny m G ou ra c ris ta ta (P al la s, 1 76 4) La th am (1 82 3) , G re go ri (2 00 8)   C ol um ba te tr ao id es Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     un ce rta in       A la ud a br um al is Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Ty ro l ( Ita ly ) no t s pe ci fie d (p ro ba bl y co ll. Sc op ol i)     ju ni or sy no ny m A nt hu s pr at en si s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Sc op ol i ( 17 86 a) , G re go ri (2 00 8)   St ur nu s co lla ris Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (N W Sl ov en ia ), C ar in th ia (A us tri a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Pr un el la c ol la ris (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 90 5) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3) ac co rd in g to o pi no n of S ch ei be l (1 91 9) th e ty pe lo ca lit y is o nl y C ar ni ol a (W S lo ve ni a) Lo xi a to rr id a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (V en ez ue la ) Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     va lid ta xo n Sp or op hi la an go le ns is to rr id a (S co po li, 1 76 9) Pa yn te r & S to re r (1 97 0) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Em be riz a m el an oc ep ha la Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (S W Sl ov en ia ) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Em be riz a m el an oc ep ha la Sc op ol i, 17 69 H ar te rt (1 90 3) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3) as ty pe lo ca lit y  Sc he ib el (1 91 9) su gg es te d ar ea n ea r th e co as t i n C ar ni ol a (S W S lo ve ni a) Em be riz a ba rb at a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Em be riz a ci a Li nn ae us , 1 76 7 H ar te rt (1 90 3)   Em be riz a br um al is Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Ty ro l ( Ita ly ) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m C ar du el is ci tr in el la (P al la s, 1 76 4) H ar te rt (1 90 3)   Em be riz a lu ct uo sa Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     ju ni or sy no ny m Fi ce du la hy po le uc a (P al la s, 1 76 4) H ar te rt (1 90 3)   Fr in gi lla m ar io ps a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     ju ni or sy no ny m Pa ss er in a ci ris (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) G re go ri (2 00 8)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 349 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 M ot ac ill a bo ar ul a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i A ld ro va nd i 1 63 7, Li b. 1 7, C ap . 2 5 (F ig . 9 )   ju ni or sy no ny m M ot ac ill a fla va Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 G re go ri (2 00 8) Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) p ro ba bl y m ad e m is ta ke an d at tr ib ut ed n am e M ot ac ill a fla va to th e M ot ac ill a ci ne re a Tu ns ta ll, 1 77 1, an d M ot ac ill a bo ar ul a to M ot ac ill a fla va L in na eu s, 1 75 8. Sy lv ia z ya Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Sa xi co la ru be tr a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 90 5)   Sy lv ia m us ci pe ta Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i Jo ns to n 16 50 , T ab . 45 (M us ci pe ta ) (F ig . 1 0)   ju ni or sy no ny m Sa xi co la ru bi co la (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) H ar te rt (1 90 5)   Pa ru s ba rb at us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Pa nu ru s bi ar m ic us (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) G re go ri (2 00 8)   H iru nd o al pi na Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Ty ro l ( A us tri a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Ta ch ym ar pt is m el ba (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 91 2) , G re go ri (2 00 8)   H iru nd o ru pe st ris Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Ty ro l ( A us tri a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Pt yo no pr og ne ru pe st ris (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 90 5) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A la ud a tu rd in a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 a) In su br ia , T yr ol (I ta ly ) no t s pe ci fie d (p ro ba bl y co ll. Sc op ol i) W ill ug hb y 16 76 , Li b. 2 , § 1 0: ci te d th er ei n A ld ro va nd i 1 63 7, Li b. 1 7, C ap . 2 6. (F ig . 1 1)   ju ni or sy no ny m A nt hu s tr iv ia lis (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Za nd er (1 85 3) A ld ro va nd i (1 63 7) f ig ur e in di ca te s Pr un el la m od ul ar is ( Li nn ae us , 17 58 ) or e ve n Pr un el la c ol la ri s (S co po li , 17 69 ) A la ud a tu rlu Sc op ol i ( 17 86 a)   no t s pe ci fie d (p ro ba bl y co ll. Sc op ol i)     un ce rta in       Fa lc o ru fu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) D uc at u M ed io le ns i (It al y) no t s pe ci fie d (p ro ba bl y co ll. Sc op ol i) Sc op ol i 1 78 6b , Ta b. 1 9 (F ig . 1 2)   ju ni or sy no ny m Fa lc o ve sp er tin us Li nn ae us , 1 76 6 N ew to n (1 88 2)   Vu ltu r r ad ia tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) M ad ag as ca r (M ad ag as ca r) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 10 3 (F ig . 1 3)   va lid ta xo n Po ly bo ro id es ra di at us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Pe te rs (1 93 1) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Vu ltu r c al vu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) In di a (In di a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 10 4 (F ig . 1 4)   va lid ta xo n Sa rc og yp s ca lv us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Vu ltu r i nd ic us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  (I nd ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 10 5 (F ig . 1 5)   va lid ta xo n G yp s in di cu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   La ni us ph ill ip pi nu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Ph ili pp in es C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 25 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 1 6)   ju ni or sy no ny m A rt am us le uc or yn ch us (L in na eu s, 1 77 1) W al de n (1 87 7)   La ni us n as ut us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 70 (F ig . 1 7)   va lid ta xo n La ni us s ch ac h na su tu s Sc op ol i, 17 86 W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 350 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 La ni us ru be r Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 1 (F ig . 1 8)   un ce rta in       La ni us a lb us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 2 (F ig . 1 9)   ju ni or sy no ny m La ni us e xc ub ito r Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 Sh er bo rn (1 90 2)   La ni us ru fu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 06 (F ig . 2 0)   no m en nu du m D en dr oc itt a va ga bu nd a (L at ha m , 1 79 0) Pi tti e & D ic ki ns on (2 01 0) th e na m e La ni us ru fu s w as p re oc cu pi ed by L an iu s ru fu s Li nn ae us , 1 76 6 fo r an ot he r s pe ci es (P itt ie & D ic ki ns on 2 01 0) La ni us c hi ne ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) (C hi na ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 10 7 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 2 1)   va lid ta xo n Pt er or hi nu s ch in en si s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ps itt ac us p ap ou Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (N ew G ui ne a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 11 (F ig . 2 2)   va lid ta xo n C ha rm os yn a pa po u (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ps itt ac us si gn at us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 2 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Pl . 4 7) (F ig . 2 3)   ju ni or sy no ny m Ps itt ac ul a cy an oc ep ha la (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us qu ia ne ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 3 (F ig . 2 4)   un ce rta in       Ps itt ac us p ile at us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 4 (F ig . 2 5)   ju ni or sy no ny m Ta ny gn at hu s lu ci on en si s (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us ci ng ul at us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 1 (F ig . 2 6)   ju ni or sy no ny m To ui t b at av ic us (B od da er t, 17 83 ) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us m el an op te ru s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 0 (F ig . 2 7)   ju ni or sy no ny m Lo ric ul us ph ili pp en si s (M ül le r, 17 76 ) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us lu nu la tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 9 (F ig . 2 8)   va lid ta xo n Bo lb op si tta cu s lu nu la tu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ps itt ac us le uc op th al m os Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 8 (u pp er ) (F ig . 2 9)   se ni or sy no ny m Lo ric ul us ph ili pp en si s ch ry so no tu s Sc la te r, 18 72 W al de n (1 87 7) , Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us p um ilu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 38 (l ow er ) ( Fi g. 2 9)   ju ni or sy no ny m Lo ric ul us g al gu lu s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us po ly ch lo ro s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (I nd on es ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 08 (F ig . 3 0)   va lid ta xo n Ec le ct us po ly ch lo ro s (S co po li, 1 78 6) St re se m an n (1 95 2) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 351 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Ps itt ac us gu en by en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 09 (F ig . 3 1) ho lo ty pe (M N H N - ZO -M O -2 00 4- 12 9; M us éu m N at io na l d’ H is to ire N at ur el le , Pa ris , F ra nc e) se ni or sy no ny m Eo s sq ua m at a ric in ia ta (B ec hs te in , 1 81 1) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ), O be rh ol se r ( 19 18 )   Ps itt ac us a te r Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (N ew G ui ne a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 10 (F ig . 3 2)   va lid ta xo n C ha lc op si tta a tr a (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Bu ce ro s pa na ye ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 8 2, 83 (F ig . 3 3)   un ce rta in   W al de n (1 87 7) , Fi ns ch (1 90 3) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: th e ta xo n is c ur re nt ly a ttr ib ut ed to th re e di ffe re nt sp ec ie s, P en el op id es p an in i ( B od da er t, 17 83 ), Pe ne lo pi de s m an ill ae (B od da er t, 17 83 ), an d Pe ne lo pi de s af fin is Tw ee dd al e, A 1 87 7 Bu ce ro s bi ro st ris Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C ar om an de l ( In di a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 21 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Pl . 1 19 ) ( Fi g. 3 4)   va lid ta xo n O cy ce ro s bi ro st ris (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Bu ce ro s pi ca Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) M al ab ar (I nd ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 12 1 (se co nd P l. 12 1 in So nn er at ) ( Fi g. 3 5)   ju ni or sy no ny m A nt hr ac oc er os co ro na tu s (B od da er t, 17 83 ) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a)   O rio lu s co th ur ni x Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 10 5 (F ig . 3 6)   un ce rta in   In te rn at io na l C om iss io n on Zo ol og ic al N om en cl at ur e (1 96 3) Th e In te rn at io na l C om is si on o n Zo ol og ic al N om en cl at ur e de cl ar ed th e na m e as d ub io us ta xo n an d su pp re ss ed it fo r t he p ur po se s of th e La w o f P rio rit y. O rio lu s lin ea tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 4 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 3 7)   va lid ta xo n Sy no ic us ch in en si s lin ea tu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   O rio lu s oc el la tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Lu zo n (P hi lli pp in es ), N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 3 (F ig . 3 8)   va lid ta xo n Tu rn ix o ce lla tu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Xa nt ho rn us ho lo se ric eu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 6 8, 6 9 (F ig . 3 9)   va lid ta xo n A m bl yr am ph us ho lo se ric eu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Pa ra di se a re x Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 9 5 (F ig . 4 0)   ju ni or sy no ny m C ic in nu ru s re gi us (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Ire da le (1 95 4) su bs pe ci es C . r . r ex (S co po li, 1 78 6) is no w in cl ud ed in C . r . r eg iu s (L in na eu s, 17 58 ) ( Be eh le r & P ra tt 20 16 ) Pa ra di se a pe nc ill at a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 9 7 (F ig . 4 1)   ju ni or sy no ny m Pa ro tia s efi la ta (P en na nt , 1 78 1) Ire da le (1 95 4)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 352 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Pa ra di se a vi rid is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 9 9 (F ig . 4 2)   ju ni or sy no ny m M an uc od ia ch al yb at us (P en na nt , 1 78 1) Ire da le (1 95 4)   G ra cu la c ae ru le a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (C hi na ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl .1 08 (F ig . 4 3)   va lid ta xo n M yo ph on us ca er ul eu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , Be eh le r & P ra tt (2 01 6)   G ra cu la c ris ta ta Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl .1 09 (F ig . 4 4)   ju ni or sy no ny m Py cn on ot us jo co su s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Bl yt h (1 84 5)   Tr og on lu zo ne ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 4 (F ig . 4 5)   se ni or sy no ny m Ps ilo po go n ha em ac ep ha lu s ro se us (D um on t, 18 05 ) W al de n (1 87 7)   C uc ul us va rie ga tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 8 (F ig . 4 6)   un ce rta in       C uc ul us fla vi ve nt ris Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 9 (F ig . 4 7)   un ce rta in   Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , W al de n (1 87 7) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: Sw in ho e (1 87 1) a ttr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to H ie ro co cc yx h yp er yt hr us (G ou ld , 1 85 6) , a nd W al de n (1 87 7) to H ie ro co cc yx p ec to ra lis (C ab an is & H ei ne , 1 86 3) C uc ul us v iri ds Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 8 0 (F ig . 4 8)   va lid ta xo n C en tr op us v iri di s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C uc ul us m er ul in us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 8 1 (F ig . 4 9)   va lid ta xo n C ac om an tis m er ul in us (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Pi cu s gu in ee ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 5 (F ig . 5 0)   se ni or sy no ny m D en dr op ic os fu sc es ce ns (V ie ill ot , 1 81 8) N eu m an n (1 90 0) , Pe te rs (1 94 8)   Pi cu s m en st ru us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 6 (F ig . 5 1)   ju ni or sy no ny m D en dr op ic os gr is eo ce ph al us (B od da er t, 17 83 ) St ar k (1 90 3)   Pi cu s lu ci du s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 7 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Pl . 3 6) (F ig . 5 2)   va lid ta xo n C hr ys oc ol ap te s lu ci du s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , Pe te rs (1 94 8) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3) Th er e is a s pe ci m en o f a ty pi ca l f em al e fro m S on ne ra t c ol le ct io n pr es er ve d in M us éu m N at io na l d ’H is to ire N at ur el le , Pa ris , b ut s ee d is cu ss io n fo r f ur th er de ta ils . Pi cu s m ac ul at us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 7 (F ig . 5 3)   va lid ta xo n Yu ng ip ic us m ac ul at us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Pe te rs (1 94 8) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A lc ed o ca ro m an de lia na Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl .1 18 (F ig . 5 4)   se ni or sy no ny m H al cy on co ro m an da (L at ha m , 1 79 0) C as si n (1 85 2) , Sh ar pe (1 86 8- 71 ), Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 353 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 A lc ed o al bi ve nt ris Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (S ou th A fri ca ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 1 (F ig . 5 5) ne ot yp e (T he N at al M us eu m , So ut h A fri ca ) va lid ta xo n H al cy on al bi ve nt ris (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sh ar pe (1 86 8- 71 ), C la nc ey (1 95 9) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A lc ed o co lla ris Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 3 (F ig . 5 6)   va lid ta xo n To di ra m ph us ch lo ris c ol la ris (S co po li, 1 78 6) C as si n (1 85 2) , Sh ar pe (1 86 8- 71 ), W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A lc ed o un du la ta Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 06 (F ig . 5 7)   ju ni or sy no ny m D ac el o no va eg ui ne ae (H er m an n, 1 78 3) C as si n (1 85 2) , Sh ar pe (1 86 8- 71 )   A lc ed o va rie ga ta Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)   C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 07 (n ot c ite d by S co po li) (F ig . 5 8)   un ce rta in   C as si n (1 85 2) , Sh ar pe (1 86 8- 71 ) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: C as si n (1 85 2) a nd S ha rp e (1 86 8- 71 ) at rr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to H al cy on ch el ic ut i ( St an le y, 1 81 4) , b ut it d oe s no t s ui te th e re fe re nc e fig ur e, a nd its lo ng le gs d oe s no t s ui t a ny o f C or ac iif or m es s pe ci es e ith er M er op s br un eu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 10 0 (in co m pl et el y ci te d by S co po li) (F ig . 5 9)   ju ni or sy no ny m Ep im ac hu s fa st os us (H er m an n, 1 78 3) Ire da le (1 95 4)   M er op s m ax im us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)   C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 10 1 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 6 0)   ju ni or sy no ny m Ep im ac hu s fa st os us (H er m an n, 1 78 3) Ire da le (1 95 4)   C er th ia c an or a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C ap e of G oo d H op e C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 16 -1 (F ig . 6 1)   U nc er ta in       C er th ia m al ac en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C ap e of G oo d H op e (M al ay si a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 16 -2 (F ig . 6 1)   va lid ta xo n A nt hr ep te s m al ac en si s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C er th ia c oc ci ne a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 61 (1 17 )-1 (F ig . 6 2)   ju ni or sy no ny m D ic ae um cr ue nt at um (L in na eu s 17 58 ) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a)   C er th ia tr ig on os tig m a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (M al ay si a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 61 (1 17 )-2 (F ig . 6 2)   va lid ta xo n D ic ae um tr ig on os tig m a (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C er th ia g ris ea Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 61 (1 17 )-3 (F ig . 6 2)   U nc er ta in       C er th ia lu te a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C ar om an de l C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 19 (F ig . 6 3)   U nc er ta in       C er th ia qu ad ric ol or Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 30 -A , B (F ig . 6 4)   ju ni or sy no ny m Le pt oc om a ze yl on ic a (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 354 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 A pt er od ita lo ng iro st ris Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 13 (F ig . 6 5) , Pe nn an t 1 78 1, Ta b. 1 4 (F ig . 6 6)   ju ni or sy no ny m A pt en od yt es pa ta go ni cu s M ill er , 1 77 8 C he ck lis t C om m itt ee (O SN Z) (2 02 2)   A pt er od ita pl at irh in go s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 14 (F ig . 6 7)   U nc er ta in       St er na an ae th et us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 8 4 (F ig . 6 8)   va lid ta xo n O ny ch op rio n an ae th et us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , W al de n (1 87 7) , Bl an fo rd (1 89 8) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   St er na p ile at a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 8 5 (F ig . 6 9)   va lid ta xo n A no us s to lid us pi le at us (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   St er na m ul tic ol or Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 5 5 (F ig . 7 0)   un ce rta in     re fe re nc e fig ur e su gg es ts D en dr oc yg na vi du at a (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) Pl at al ea a lb a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (S ou th A fri ca ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 5 1 (F ig . 7 1)   va lid ta xo n Pl at al ea a lb a Sc op ol i, 17 86 St ar k (1 90 6) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Pl at al ea c ris ta ta Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)   C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 5 2 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 7 2)   un ce rta in     re fe re nc e fig ur e su gg es ts P la ta le a re gi a G ou ld , 1 83 8 Ta nt al us ru fu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 7 (F ig . 7 3)   un ce rta in       Ta nt al us va rie ga tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 8 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 7 4)   va lid ta xo n N um en iu s ph ae op us va rie ga tu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , H ar te rt (1 92 1a ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Tr in ga fa sc ia ta Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) In di a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 9 6 (F ig . 7 5)   no m en nu du m Pt er oc le s in di cu s (G m el in , 1 78 9) H ar te rt (1 92 0b ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) th e na m e Tr in ga fa sc ia ta w as p re oc cu pi ed by T rin ga fa sc ia ta G m el in , 1 77 4 fo r an ot he r s pe ci es Tr in ga c hi ru rg us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 5 (F ig . 7 6)   va lid ta xo n H yd ro ph as ia nu s ch iru rg us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ha ra dr iu s du bi us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 6 (F ig . 7 7)   va lid ta xo n C ha ra dr iu s du bi us Sc op ol i, 17 86 W al de n (1 87 7) , Bl an fo rd (1 89 8) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 355 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 C ha ra dr iu s cr is ta tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a, C ap e of G oo d H op e C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 9 (F ig . 7 8)   no m en nu du m M eg ap od iu s cu m in gi i D ill w yn , 1 85 3 W al de n (1 87 7) th e na m e C ha ra dr iu s cr is ta tu s w as pr eo cc up ie d by C ha ra dr iu s cr is ta tu s Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 fo r an ot he r sp ec ie s, ho w ev er r ef er en ce fi gu re s ho ul d be fu rt he r ex am in ed a s it do es n ot re se m bl e su gg es te d ta xo n M eg ap od iu s cu m in gi i D ill w yn , 1 85 3 O tis s ec re ta riu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Ph ili pp in es , C ap e of G oo d H op e C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 5 0 (F ig . 7 9)   ju ni or sy no ny m Sa gi tta riu s se rp en ta riu s (M ill er , 1 77 9) Sc la te r ( 19 03 )   Pa vo m al ac en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a (M al ay si a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 9 9 (F ig . 8 0) ; Ed w ar ds 1 74 7, Ta b. 6 7 (F ig . 8 1)   va lid ta xo n Po ly pl ec tr on m al ac en se (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ph as ia nu s ro ul ou l Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a (M al ay si a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 00 (F ig . 8 2)   va lid ta xo n Ro llu lu s ro ul ou l (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Te tr ao pi nt ad ea nu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a  (C hi na ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 9 7 (F ig . 8 3)   va lid ta xo n Fr an co lin us pi nt ad ea nu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Te tr ao m ad ag ar en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a  (M ad ag as ca r) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 9 8 (F ig . 8 4)   va lid ta xo n M ar ga ro pe rd ix m ad ag ar en si s (S co po li, 1 78 6) G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba ni tid is si m a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a (M au rit iu s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 01 (F ig . 8 5) sy nt yp e (M N H N -Z O - M O -2 00 0- 72 7; M us éu m N at io na l d’ H ist oi re N at ur el le , Pa ris , F ra nc e) va lid ta xo n A le ct ro en as ni tid is si m us (S co po li, 1 78 6) G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba ch in en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a  (C hi na ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 02 (F ig . 8 6)   va lid ta xo n Sp ilo pe lia ch in en si s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba n iv ea Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Lu zo n (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 0 (F ig . 8 7)   no m en al te rn at iv um G al lic ol um ba lu zo ni ca (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) Sc op ol i d es cr ib ed le uc is tic in di vi du al o f G al lic ol um ba lu zo ni ca (S co po li, 1 78 6) C ol um ba lu zo ni ca Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Lu zo n (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 1 (F ig . 8 8)   va lid ta xo n G al lic ol um ba lu zo ni ca (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba c in er ea Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  L uz on (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 2 (F ig . 8 9)   un ce rta in   Bl yt h (1 84 5) , W al de n (1 87 7) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rth er : t he n am e w as c at eg or iz ed a s do ub tfu l ( Bl yt h 18 45 , W al de n 18 77 ), bu t f ur th er e xa m in at io n of th e re fe re nc e fig ur e is re qu ire d Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 356 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks C ol um ba m yr is tic iv or a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Lu zo n  (In do ne si ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 02 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Pl . 1 03 ) ( Fi g. 9 0)   va lid ta xo n D uc ul a m yr is tic iv or a (S co po li, 1 78 6) M ee s (1 97 2) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba v iri di s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 6 4, 6 5 (F ig . 9 1)   ju ni or sy no ny m Tr er on v er na ns (L in na eu s, 1 77 1) W al de n (1 87 7)   C ol um ba p ile at a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 6 6 (F ig . 9 2)   ju ni or sy no ny m C ha lc op ha ps in di ca (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) A   C ol um ba b ic ol or Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (N ew G ui ne a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 03 (n ot c ite d by S co po li) (F ig . 9 3)   va lid ta xo n D uc ul a bi co lo r (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , Bl an fo rd (1 89 8) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba pu lc he rr im a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (S ey ch el le s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 6 7 (F ig . 9 4) sy nt yp e (M N H N -Z O - M O -2 00 2- 13 8; M us éu m N at io na l d’ H ist oi re N at ur el le , Pa ris , F ra nc e) va lid ta xo n A le ct ro en as pu lc he rr im us (S co po li, 1 78 6) G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A la ud a m al ab ar ic a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (I nd ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 13 -1 (F ig . 9 5)   va lid ta xo n G al er id a m al ab ar ic a (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A la ud a gr is ea Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na  (I nd ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 13 -2 (F ig . 9 5)   va lid ta xo n Er em op te rix gr is eu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Tu rd us m al ac en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 10 (F ig . 9 6)   un ce rta in     sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: th e re fe re nc e fig ur e su gg es t o ne o f t he A si an P itt a sp ec ie s A m pe lis m al ab ar ic a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na  (I nd ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 14 -1 (F ig . 9 7)   va lid ta xo n C op sy ch us m al ab ar ic us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3) B ak er (1 93 0) a s w el l a s pu bl ic ta xo no m ic d at ab as es (G IB IF , A V IB A SE ) w ro ng ly r ef er to M us ci ca pa m al ab ar ic a as p ro to ny m o f C op sy ch us m al ab ar ic us (S co po li, 1 78 6) ; c or re ct p ro to ny m is A m pe lis m al ab ar ic a, w hi le M us ci ca pa m al ab ar ic a w as d es cr ib ed a s ot he r sp ec ie s Em be riz a si gn at a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 5 (F ig . 9 8)   un ce rta in     sh ou ld b e ex am in ed f ur th er : th e re fe re nc e fi gu re s ug ge st o ne o f th e V id ua s pe ci es , m os t pr ob ab ly V id ua hy po ch er in a V er re au x & V er re au x, 18 56 Ta na gr a m ac ro ur a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 4 (F ig . 9 9)   un ce rta in       ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 357 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks M ot ac ill a lu zo ne ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Lu zo n (P hi lli pp in es ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 9 (F ig . 1 00 )   se ni or sy no ny m M ot ac ill a al ba le uc op si s G ou ld , 1 83 8 W al de n (1 87 7) , O at es (1 89 0)   M us ci ca pa ca er ul eo ce ph al a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  L uz on C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 6- 1 (F ig . 1 01 )   ju ni or sy no ny m H yp ot hy m is az ur ea (B od da er t, 17 83 ) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a)   M us ci ca pa m ac ro ur a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 7- 1 (F ig . 1 02 )   un ce rta in       M us ci ca pa te ss ac ou rb e Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 7- 2 (F ig . 1 02 )   un ce rta in   In te rn at io na l C om is si on o n Zo ol og ic al N om en cl at ur e (1 96 3) Th e In te rn at io na l C om is si on o n Zo ol og ic al N om en cl at ur e de cl ar ed th e na m e as d ub io us ta xo n an d su pp re ss ed it fo r t he p ur po se s of th e La w o f P rio rit y. M us ci ca pa go ia vi er Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s)   C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 8 (F ig . 1 03 )   va lid ta xo n Py cn on ot us go ia vi er (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   M us ci ca pa pa na ye ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 3 (F ig . 1 04 )   va lid ta xo n A pl on is pa na ye ns is (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   M us ci ca pa m al ab ar ic a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 11 (F ig . 1 05 )   un ce rta in     sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: w ro ng ly in te rp re te d by B ak er (1 93 0) a s C op sy ch us m al ab ar ic us (S co po li, 17 86 ); th e re fe re nc e fig ur e su gg es ts D ic ru ru s re m ife r (T em m in ck , 1 82 3) Sy lv ia lu te a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (C hi na ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 14 -2 (F ig . 9 7)   va lid ta xo n Le io th rix lu te a (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Sy lv ia c ap en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)   C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 15 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Pl . 20 8- 1) (F ig . 1 06 )   un ce rta in       Pa rv us n el ic ou rv i Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na   (M ad ag as ca r) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 12 (F ig . 1 07 )   va lid ta xo n Pl oc eu s ne lic ou rv i (S co po li, 1 78 6) G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   H iru nd o gu ttu ra lis Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 6 (F ig . 1 08 )   va lid ta xo n H iru nd o ru st ic a gu ttu ra lis (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Fr in gi lla a lp in a Sc op ol i ( 17 88 )  T re nt in o (It al y) no t s pe ci fie d (p ro ba bl y co ll. Sc op ol i) Sc op ol i 1 78 8, Ta b. 1 8 (F ig . 1 09 )   ju ni or sy no ny m C ar du el is ci tr in el la (P al la s, 1 76 4) N ew to n (1 88 2)   ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 358 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 OPISI PTIC (AVES) JOANNESA ANTONIUSA SCOPOLIJA (1723-1788): OSNOVNI PREGLED Al VREZEC Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Večna pot 121, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija e-mail: al.vrezec@nib.si Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, Prešernova 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija e-mail: avrezec@pms-lj.si Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija POVZETEK Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723-1788), avtor opisov najmanj 175 novih taksonov ptic, od katerih je 59 še vedno veljavnih, je bile eden najpomembnejših tvorcev ornitološke zgodovine v Evropi in na svetu, kljub temu pa je pogosto spregledan, njegova ornitološka zapuščina pa slabo raziskana in poznana. Dopisoval si je z Linnéjem in tako vplival na zgodnji razvoj razvoj sistematike in klasifikacije organizmov. Njegovo naj- pomembnejšo znanstveno delovanje je bilo med letoma 1754 in 1769 na Kranjskem (današnja Slovenija) in se je odrazilo v številnih publikacijah, ki temeljijo na njegovih izvirnih terenskih raziskavah. Med temi so ornitološke raziskave, objavljene v Annus I. Historico Naturalis, Descriptiones Avium (1769), medtem ko so bile kasnejše študije posvečene reviziji podatkov in opisov drugih raziskovalcev, med katerimi so najpomembnejši opisi iz odprav francoskega raziskovalca Pierra Sonnerata. Prispevek predstavlja pregled vseh taksonov ptic, ki jih je opisal Scopoli, kot nove (1) s pregledom interpretacij identitete in trenutnega taksonomskega statusa ter (2) s pregledom zbirk, ki vsebujejo tipske primerke vrst, ki jih je opisal Scopoli, s podatki o njihovem zgodovinskem in trenutnim statusom. 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Knjiga »Podobe iz modrine« profesorja Lovren- ca Lipeja je posebnost v slovenskem slovstvu, saj imamo pred seboj berljivo knjigo polno zanimi- vosti, anekdot, nenavadnih primerjav in miselnih razponov, ki priča o avtorjevi široki, enciklope- dični razgledanosti v biologiji, naravoslovju, a tudi širše o vsem, kar je človekovemu zanimanju lastno. Po drugi strani pa je knjiga znanstveno in strokovno korektna, vsebuje sodobna dognanja in – kjer je potrebno – relevantne podatke o vsaki tematiki. Knjig o morskem življu v Jadranu oziroma – ožje – v slovenskem morju, je bilo že nekaj. Ver- jetno je »Življenje našega Jadrana« Miroslava Zeia in Jana Zhanela iz leta 1947 prvo tovrstno delo, ki je skušalo podvodni svet približati slovenskemu bralcu. Nato je leta 1951 izšla prav tako Zeieva knjjga »Iz ribjega sveta«, ter leta 1956 delo istega avtorja »Morja bogati zakladi«, ki je profesorju Lipeju burila domišljijo že v zgodnjem otroštvu, kot sam zapiše v predgovoru. Gre za izbor esejev o morju in življenju v njem, ki jih je avtor pisal skozi leta v časopisu Primorske novice, nekaj pa tudi v časopisu Slovenske Pota- pljaške Zveze - Potapljaču. Eseji so smiselno zbrani v poglavja, v katerih so podpoglavja, skozi katere bralec vselej sledi rdečo nit... na primer poglavja o mehkužcih, o tujerodnih vrstah, o posledicah podnebnih sprememb, o pticah, o morskih psih, itd. Vsako od sedemnajstih poglavij je na koncu knjige opremljeno z viri, znanstvenimi in strokov- nimi, od katerih je veliko avtorjevih originalnih, in v katerih so sicer subjektivno obarvani eseji objektivno »preverljivi«. Knjiga se bere z lahkoto, in težko jo je odložiti tudi zato, ker je polna res zanimivih dejstev, ob- časno tudi humorja, vseskozi pa so eseji nabiti s podatki tako iz imenoslovja, zgodovine, biologije morskih organizmov, ekologije morja, pa vse do uporabne vrednosti morskih organizmov in vsak- danjega življenja z morjem. Potapljače bo knjiga pritegnila, ker jim morda odkriva skrite svetove, na videz morda drobne, na prvi pogled nezanimive. Koliko je, na primer, drobnih ribic pisanih barv in nenavadnih oblik že v priobalnem pasu, v plitki vodi! Kaj vse skrivajo podmorski travniki, kaj vse najdemo v mulju, ali pod skalami...avtor se na primer še posebej posveča drobnim babicam in sprehajalčkom, a bralca pritegnejo tudi »Nenavadne ribe«, kjer se srečamo s pravo eksotiko – ali pa poglavje »Tragični junaki«, kjer se avtor posveti morskim psom, temi, ki ga še posebej pritegne in je na- pisana s posebnim žarom, osebno, a hkrati zelo verodostojno. Podvodni svet največkrat vidimo skozi oči podvodnih ribičev, ribe »merimo« v dolžino, meh- kužci nas zanimajo, ko so na mizi. Prepričan sem da bo ta knjiga vzbudila zanimanje za vse skrite svetove, ki jih ponuja morje. Še več, nevsiljivo bralcu daje vpogled v pojem in pomen biodiver- zitete in predoči njeno upadanje; prav tako bralcu konkretno ponudi primere vpliva podnebnih spre- memb na morske organizme in združbe. Podaja nam primere za homogenizacijo v naravi in vpliv človeka na različnih nivojih. Pa vendarle nam daje vseskozi vedeti, da ni za obupati: narava se spreminja, vendar ni kritično ogrožena, kar nam ilustrira na primerih. V knjigi ne manjka primerjav iz leposlovja, mitologije, sveta filma in kulinarike...Dogodki in ljudje so popisani verodostojno, ne manjkajo celo datumi. Imena in opisi organizmov so nedvo- umni, jasni in vselej opremljeni s slovenskimi in ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 366 OCENE IN POROČILA, 365–366 znanstvenimi imeni. Avtor »skoči« tudi na kopno, če gre za »pernate ribiče«. Pojasni tudi številne ekološke zakonitosti in biogeografske orise. Na koncu naj vendarle omenim, da se z avtorjem poznava že zelo dolgo. Sošolca sva bila že takrat, ko je nastala črnobela fotografija na strani 101, kjer radoveden, še ne desetletni fantič na dosegu roke zre v trimetrskega mor- skega psa šesteroškrgarja, ulovljenega v izolskih vodah. Kdo bi si mislil, da bo čez več kot pol stoletja fotografija našla mesto v avtorjevi knjigi in tako potegnila življenjski lok skozi avtorjevo otroštvo v ribiškem mandraču, mladost ob morju, študij v Ljubljani in Zagrebu, ter profesionalno pot znanstvenika in pedagoga, ki je vseskozi povezan s taistim morjem, ki se mu je posvetil ne le profesionalno, ampak tudi kot potapljač, ornitolog, fotograf, iskalec zgodb in sploh vsega novega. Naj bo pisana vsebina knjige motivacija in vir zanimivih informacij za vsakogar, ki si nadane potapljaško masko in se zazre v skrivnostni svet podvodne modrine! Mitja Kaligarič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko 367 IN MEMORIAM 368 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 369 IN MEMORIAM RICORDO DEL PROFESSOR GUIDO BRESSAN Nato il 13 gennaio 1944 a Trieste Scomparso il 6 settembre 2023 a Trieste La notizia è giunta all’improvviso anche se da anni non partecipava alla vita pubblica per ragioni di salute. L’ultima partecipazione nel 2019 alla ma- nifestazione di conferimento del “Tridente d’oro”. Veniva premiata la sua attività di subacqueo come sportivo, ricercatore e docente. Il premio, conse- gnatogli dall’archeologo professor Luigi Fozzati lo accomunava ai più grandi nomi della subacquea mondiale in tutti i settori, dalla medicina all’arche- ologia, allo studio dell’ambiente marino. Guido Bressan si era laureato in Scienze Biologi- che, nel 1970, all’Università di Trieste che da qual- che anno aveva risvegliato la trascorsa tradizione di eccellenza nello studio del mare. Esisteva a Trieste una lunga tradizione di studi di biologia marina, negli ultimi decenni del milleottocento la Stazio- ne Zoologica di Sant’Andrea era sede di studiosi provenienti da tutta l’Europa. La Prima guerra mon- diale ed i diversi assetti politici che ne seguirono spensero l’interesse per il mare per lungo tempo. I primi anni sessanta del Novecento riaccendono gli studi sul mare all’università di Trieste con l’attiva- zione del Corso di Laurea in Scienze Naturali. Dopo qualche anno, segue il Corso di laurea in Scienze Biologiche. I tempi sono maturi per fare dell’Uni- versità di Trieste un riferimento internazionale di studio del mare. Il Professor Bressan dedica all’algologia e alla fitoecologia marina le sue ricerche appassionando allo studio dell’ambiente marino molti studenti grazie al meto- do partecipativo dei suoi cor- si. Ogni estate, per decenni, gli studenti di biologia marina trasferiscono l’apprendimento teorico dei corsi in pratica. Il mare ricco di specie vegetali e animali di Salvore, in Croazia, diviene per due settimane la palestra di studio sul campo, in immersione, degli studenti, guidati per la biologia marina vegetale dal professor Bressan. Sono gli anni di Oceanest, esperienza tra ricerca, studio e didattica “in situazione”. Dopo i primi anni dedicati solo agli studenti apre anche all’aggiornamento dei molti docenti di Scienze Naturali che all’insegnamento della biologia marina erano interessati. Dal duemila al duemilaquattro, in qua- lità di rappresentante del Dipartimento di Biologia dell’Università di Trieste, cura la verifica scientifica di un Progetto Europeo di Ecologia Marina “ Mare e Vita” (Sea & Life), unico corso didattico/scientifico approvato dal Comitato dei progetti Comenius, Azione 3.1. È un progetto che vede impegnati a pro- durre materiale scientifico/didattico sulla vita nel mare esperti e docenti francesi, greci e spagnoli. È altrettanto difficile, quando si ripercorrono le esperienze di vita culturale del professor Guido Bressan, scindere la ricerca dallo studio di interpre- tazione dei dati e dalla trasposizione in didattica attiva. Sono percorsi strettamente interconnessi perché l›obiettivo non era mai solo produrre lavori scientifici di qualità ma condividere i risultati di ogni ricerca con i giovani che seguivano i suoi corsi. Anche questa disponibilità alla cooperazione con studenti, docenti e colleghi lo porta già dagli anni ottanta ad impegnarsi non solo in ambito uni- versitario ma anche con le Istituzioni Scientifiche Italiane e internazionali. È docente presso l’UNE- SCO dove tiene i corsi in francese, partecipando ai progetti Erasmus per i quali svolge seminari di studio dal 1993 al 2002. Tiene corsi professionali specifici in francese alla Blue School. È docente alla Mediterranean Association for Marine Biology and Oceanology, sempre con l’Unesco. Tiene corsi universitari in molte università italiane. Si impegna a diffondere le sue conoscenze alla SSIS (Scuola di Specializzazione per l’insegnamento Secondario), Il prof. Guido Bressan con un gruppo di studenti dell’università di Trieste durante uno stage estivo a Salvore (foto: archivio della famiglia Bressan). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 370 consapevole dell’utilità di questa attività per far entrare in ruolo nella Pubblica Istruzione i tanti docenti precari del sistema scolastico italiano. Sul versante accademico era diventato già nel 1976 assistente ordinario alla cattedra di Fisiologia Vege- tale per gli studenti di Scienze Naturali. È nominato poi professore incaricato di Algo- logia e dal 1981 è professore associato sempre alla Facoltà di Scienze dell›Università di Trieste. Dal 1982 al 1989 dirige il Laboratorio di Biologia Marina dei Filtri di Aurisina, a Trieste. È proprio dall›attività di studio degli organismi del mare in questa struttura, che rinasce a Trieste una scuola di specialisti che intesse una rete di relazioni scien- tifiche con tutto il mondo. Coordina molti progetti di ricerca, sulla tossicità da alghe, sullo sviluppo del fouling in ambiente tossico, sulle barriere arti- ficiali sommerse. In tutti questi anni, oltre alla ricerca, continua ad impegnare gran parte del suo tempo all’aggior- namento degli insegnanti di Scienze, utilizzando la sua straordinaria disposizione naturale alla didattica. Propone in modo originale e scientifico l’approccio maieutico grazie al quale conquista l’attenzione di tutti, studenti e insegnanti, duran- te le sue lezioni e conferenze. Lavoro scientifico svolto sul campo, con immersioni guidate, capacità relazionali, attenzione alle esigenze culturali di chi allo studio del mare, con particolare riferimento alle alghe, vuole dedicarsi, fanno del professor Bressan un raro esempio di connubio tra qualità della ricerca e capacità di divulgazione. Ha pub- blicato circa duecento lavori su riviste scientifiche internazionali, nazionali e locali. Pubblica su Bo- tanica Marina, Phycologia, Marine Ecology, Marine Sciences, Vie et Milieu, Biblioteca Psicologica, ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea), Acta Adriatica, Cahiers de Biolgie marine, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Oebalia, Giorn. Bot. Ital., Periodicum Biologorum, Optima, Inf. Bot. ital., Boll. Soc. Adriat. di Scienze, Atti Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Nova Thalassia. Approfondisce le ricerche sulle Alghe calcaree. Lavora sulla de- terminazione degli organismi vegetali su una nave romana integra, individuata casualmente in laguna da un pescatore e battezzata Julia Felix. Pubblica manuali di divulgazione con metodo innovativo (Glossario Atlante) per il riconoscimen- to delle Alghe. Sul volumetto (rivisto anni dopo, all’interno del progetto europeo Comenius) per uso didattico “Alghe del Golfo di Trieste” (pubbli- cato nel 1990 da Pro Natura Carsica e scritto in collaborazione), si trova una breve recensione del Professor Sandro Pignatti, il suo Maestro, con la quale si conclude questo parziale excursus sulla vita professionale di Guido Bressan. Excursus nel quale non si trovano le parole giuste per le qualità umane che gli sono valse la stima e l’affetto di chi ha avuto il piacere di collaborare con lui: “Guido Bressan conosce bene questo argomento, anche dal lato più difficile e specialistico… per molti anni la passione per il mare lo portava a dividersi tra l’atti- vità di ricerca e quella sportiva (come subacqueo e come velista)... Questo libro è soltanto una premes- sa, quasi la punta dell’iceberg, di un’opera ben più impegnativa riguardante le alghe, questa a livello scientifico, alla quale egli da anni sta lavorando... la ricchezza ed interesse dell’ambiente marino, oggi da tante parti minacciato nella sua integrità, lo richiedono”. Elide Catalfamo Presidente onoraria sezione ANISN FVG (Associazione Nazionale degli Insegnanti di Scienze Naturali del Friuli Venezia Giulia) Al prof. Guido Bressan nel 2019 è stato conferito il “Tridente d’oro” per la sua attività di subacqueo come sportivo, ricercatore e docente (foto: archivio della famiglia Bressan). 371 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 KAZALO K SLIKAM NA OVITKU SLIKA NA NASLOVNICI: Včasih je bil črnoglavi strnad (Emberiza melanocephala) pogosta vrsta v kulturni krajini slovenske Istre, danes pa je zelo redek gnezdilec. Opisal ga je Janez Anton Scopoli. (Foto: D. Tome) Sl. 1: V zadnjih letih se vrstijo nova odkritja polžev gološkrgarjev v Jadranskem morju, k čemur velik delež prispeva ljubiteljska znanost. Med odkritelji so namreč pogosto navdušenci med potapljači in podvodnimi fotografi, ki so tokrat odkrili vrsto Okenia picoensis. (Foto: M. Fantin) Sl. 2: Janez Anton Scopoli (1723‒1788) je bil eden najpomembnejših tvorcev ornitološke zgodovine v Evropi in na svetu, toda njegova ornitološka zapuščina je slabo raziskana in poznana. Letos praznujemo 300. obletnico njego- vega rojstva. Med mnogimi vrstami ptic, ki jih je opisal, je tudi mali deževnik (Charadrius dubius). (Foto: E. Vrezec) Sl. 3: Med pticami, ki jih je opisal Janez A. Scopoli, je tudi beločela gos (Anser albifrons), ki je v Sloveniji redna zimska gostja. (Foto: E. Vrezec) Sl. 4: Eno izmed največjih rib kostnic, grbastega morskega meseca (Mola alexandrini), so v Jadranskem morju potrdili šele pred kratkim. Tudi sicer je o tem velikanu zelo malo znanega. Na sliki je model iz steklenih vlaken v prirodo- slovnem muzeju v Comisu. (Foto: Arhiv MSNC) Sl. 5: Mala tukalica (Zapornia parva) je skrivnostna prebivalka trstišč v mokriščih. Z dolgimi prsti na nogah se brez težav prebija po blatu ali oprijema rastlinja. (Foto: E. Vrezec) Sl. 6: Planinsko pevko (Prunella collaris) naj bi Scopoli opisal po primerkih iz severozahodne Slovenije. Najdemo jo predvsem v planinskem svetu nad gozdno mejo. (Foto: E. Vrezec) INDEX TO PICTURES ON THE COVER FRONT COVER: The black-headed bunting (Emberiza melanocephala) was once a common species in the cultural landscape of Slovenian Istria. However, it is now considered a very rare breeder. This species was first described by J. A. Scopoli. (Photo: D. Tome) Fig. 1: In recent years, there have been frequent new findings of nudibranch sea slugs in the Adriatic Sea, thanks in large part to citizen science. Many of these discoveries are, in fact, made by divers and underwater photographers, who, on this occasion, found a nudibranch species known as Okenia picoensis. (Photo: M. Fantin) Fig. 2: Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723‒1788) was one of the most important contributors to ornithological history, both in Europe and worldwide, yet his legacy remains poorly investigated and relatively unknown. This year marks the 300th anniversary of his birth. One of the many bird species he documented is the little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius). (Photo: E. Vrezec) Fig. 3: Among the birds described by Joannes A. Scopoli is the greater white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons), a regular winter visitor in Slovenia. (Photo: E. Vrezec) Fig. 4: One of the largest bony fishes, the bumphead sunfish (Mola alexandrini), has only recently been confirmed in the Adriatic Sea, and very little is known about this giant species in general. The photograph displays a fiberglass model from the Municipal Museum of Natural History of Comiso. (Photo: Archive MSNC) Fig. 5: The little crake (Zapornia parva) is an enigmatic inhabitant of reed beds in wetlands. With its elongated toes, it effortlessly wades through mud or clings to vegetation. (Photo: E. Vrezec) Fig. 6: Scopoli is said to have described the alpine accentor (Prunella collaris) based on specimens from northwestern Slovenia. This species is mainly found in mountainous regions above the tree line. (Photo: E. Vrezec) 372 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies UDK 5 Letnik 33, Koper 2023 ISSN 1408-53 3X e-ISSN 2591-1783 VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE / CONTENTS 2023(1) BIOTSKA GLOBALIZACIJA GLOBALIZZAZIONE BIOTICA BIOTIC GLOBALIZATION Andrea LOMBARDO A New Mediterranean Record of the Sacoglossan Thuridilla mazda (Mollusca, Gastropoda) with a Review of its Distribution, Biology and Ecology .......................... Nov sredozemski zapis o pojavljanju polža zaškrgarja vrste Thuridilla mazda (Mollusca, Gastropoda) s pregledom njene razširjenosti, biologije in ekologije Deniz ERGUDEN, Sibel ALAGOZ ERGUDEN & Deniz AYAS On the Occurrence of Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskål, 1775) in the South-Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey .................. O pojavljanju mangrovskega rdečega hlastača Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskål, 1775) v jugovzhodnem Sredozemskem morju (Turčija) Adib SAAD, Lana KHREMA, Amina ALNESSER, Issa BARAKAT & Christian CAPAPÉ The First Substantiated Record of Areolate Grouper Epinephelus areolatus (Serranidae) and Additional Records of Pilotfish Naucrates ductor (Carangidae) from the Syrian Coast (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) ................................ Prvi potrjen zapis o pojavljanju rdečepikaste kirnje, Epinephelus areolatus (Serranidae), in dodatni zapis o pojavljanju pilota, Naucrates ductor (Carangidae), iz sirske obale (vzhodno Sredozemsko morje) Okan AKYOL & Vahdet UNAL Additional Record of Sillago suezensis (Sillaginidae) from the Aegean Sea, Turkey .......... Nov zapis o pojavljanju rdečemorskega mola Sillago suezensis (Sillaginidae) v turškem Egejskem morju SREDOZEMSKI MORSKI PSI SQUALI MEDITERRANEI MEDITERRANEAN SHARKS Hakan KABASAKAL, Uğur UZER & F. Saadet KARAKULAK Occurrence of Deep-Sea Squaliform Sharks, Echinorhinus brucus (Echinorhinidae) and Centrophorus uyato (Centrophoridae), in Marmara Shelf Waters ......................................... Pojavljanje dveh globokomorskih morskih psov Echinorhinus brucus (Echinorhinidae) in Centrophorus uyato (Centrophoridae), v vodah Marmarskega šelfa Khadija OUNIFI-BEN AMOR, Mohamed Mourad BEN AMOR, Marouène BDIOUI & Christian CAPAPÉ Additional Captures of Smoothback Angel Shark Squatina oculata ( Squatinidae) from the Tunisian Coast ................... (Central Mediterranean Sea) Nova ulova pegastega sklata Squatina oculata (Squatinidae) iz tunizijske obale (osrednje Sredozemsko morje) Alessandro DE MADDALENA, Marco Giovanni BONOMO, Andrea CALASCIBETTA & Lorenzo GORDIGIANI On a Large Shortfin Mako Shark Isurus oxyrinchus (Lamnidae) Observed at Pantelleria (Central Mediterranean Sea) .................................. O velikem primerku atlantskega maka, Isurus oxyrinchus (Lamnidae), opaženega blizu Pantellerie (osrednje Sredozemsko morje) 27 37 43 1 13 7 19 373 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 IHTIOFAVNA ITTIOFAUNA ICHTHYOFAUNA Christian CAPAPÉ, Christian REYNAUD & Farid HEMIDA The First Well-Documented Record of Maltese Skate Leucoraja melitensis (Rajidae) From the Algerian Coast (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea) ............ Prvi potrjeni primer o pojavljanju skata vrste Leucoraja melitensis (Rajidae) iz alžirske obale (jugozahodno Sredozemsko morje) Alessandro NOTA, Sara IGNOTO, Sandro BERTOLINO & Francesco TIRALONGO First Record of Caranx crysos (Mitchill, 1815) in the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) Suggests Northward Expansion of the Species ........... Prvi zapis o pojavljanju modrega trnoboka Caranx crysos (Mitchill, 1815) v Ligurskem morju (severozahodno Sredozemsko morje) dokazuje širjenje vrste proti severu Alen SOLDO The First Marine Record of Northern Pike Esox lucius Linnaeus, 1758 in the Mediterranean Sea ....................................... Prvi morski zapis o pojavljanju ščuke Esox lucius Linnaeus, 1758 v Sredozemskem morju Mourad CHÉRIF, Rimel BENMESSAOUD, Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA & Christian CAPAPÉ Diet and Feeding Habits of the Greater Weever Trachinus draco (Trachinidae) from the Gulf of Tunis (Central Mediterranean Sea) ........................ Prehranjevalne navade morskega zmaja Trachinus draco (Trachinidae) iz Tuniškega zaliva (osrednje Sredozemsko morje) Laith A. JAWAD & Okan AKYOL Skeletal Abnormalities in a Sphyraena sphyraena (Linnaeus, 1758) and a Trachinus radiatus Cuvier, 1829 Collected from the North-Eastern Aegean Sea, Izmir, Turkey ........... Skeletne anomalije na primerkih vrst Sphyraena sphyraena (Linnaeus, 1758) in Trachinus radiatus Cuvier, 1829, ujetih v severovzhodnem Egejskem morju (Izmir, Turčija) Deniz ERGUDEN, Sibel ALAGOZ ERGUDEN & Deniz AYAS A Rare Occurrence and Confirmed Record of Scalloped Ribbonfish Zu cristatus (Osteichthyes: Trachipteridae) in the Gulf of Antalya (Eastern Mediterranean), Turkey .......... O redkem pojavljanju in potrjeni najdbi čopaste kosice Zu criistatus (Osteichthyes: Trachipteridae) v Antalijskem zalivu (vzhodno Sredozemsko morje), Turčija FAVNA FAUNA FAUNA Nicola BETTOSO, Lisa FARESI, Ida Floriana ALEFFI & Valentina PITACCO Epibenthic Macrofauna on an Artificial Reef of the Northern Adriatic Sea: a Five-Years Photographic Monitoring ...................................... Epibentoška makrofavna na umetnem podvodnem grebenu v severnem Jadranu: pet letni fotografski monitoring Roland R. MELZER, Martin PFANNKUCHEN, Sandro DUJMOVIČ, Borut MAVRIČ & Martin HEß First Record of the Golden Coral Shrimp, Stenopus spinosus Risso, 1827, in the Gulf of Venice ................................... Prvi zapis o pojavljanju koralne kozice, Stenopus spinosus Risso, 1827, v Beneškem zalivu Abdelkarim DERBALI, Nour BEN MOHAMED & Ines HAOUAS-GHARSALLAH Age, Growth and Mortality of Surf Clam Mactra stultorum in the Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia ................................. Starost, rast in smrtnost koritnice Mactra stultorum v Gabeškem zalivu (Tunizija) Cemal TURAN, Servet Ahmet DOĞDU & İrfan UYSAL Mapping Stranded Whales in Turkish Marine Waters .......................................... Popisovanje nasedlih kitov v turških morskih vodah OBLETNICE ANNIVERSARI ANNIVERSARIES Martina ORLANDO-BONACA & Patricija MOZETIČ Šestdeset let morskega biologa Lovrenca Lipeja ..... Kazalo k slikam na ovitku ................................... Index to images on the cover .............................. 113 119 141 51 75 55 61 67 89 99 127 139 141 374 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 UDK 5 Letnik 33, Koper 2023 ISSN 1408-53 3X e-ISSN 2591-1783 VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE / CONTENTS 2023(2) SREDOZEMSKE HRUSTANČNICE SQUALI E RAZZE MEDITERRANEE MEDITERRANEAN SHARKS AND RAYS Christian CAPAPÉ, Christian REYNAUD & Farid HEMIDA The First Substantiated Records of Smoothback Angelshark Squatina oculata (Squatinidae) from the Algerian Coast (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea) ...................... Prvi utemeljeni zapis o pojavljanju pegastega sklata Squatina oculata (Squatinidae) iz alžirske obale (jugozahodno Sredozemsko morje) Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL Perspective on Great White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the Northwestern Mediterranean and Recommendations for Further Field Research ............................................ Pogled na velikega belega morskega volka (Carcharodon carcharias) v severozahodnem Sredozemlju in priporočila za nadaljnje terenske raziskave Hakan KABASAKAL A Preliminary Social Media Survey of Sharks and Batoids Captured in North Aegean Sea Commercial Fisheries ............................................. Preliminarna raziskava o morskih psih in skatih, ujetih v komercialnem ribištvu severnega Egejskega morja na osnovi podatkov iz socialnih medijev Farid HEMIDA, Christian REYNAUD & Christian CAPAPÉ On The Occurrence of Norwegian Skate, Dipturus nidarosiensis (Rajidae) on the Algerian Coast (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea) ................. O pojavljanju norveške raže, Dipturus nidarosiensis (Rajidae), ob alžirski obali (jugozahodno Sredozemsko morje) Alen SOLDO The First Record of Complete Albinism in Common Stingray Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) ..................................................... Prvi zapis o najdbi popolnega albinističnega primerka navadnega morskega biča, Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) Christian CAPAPÉ, Christian REYNAUD & Farid HEMIDA Capture of a Giant Round Fantail Stingray Taeniurops grabatus (Dasyatidae) from the Algerian Coast (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea) ...... Ulov okroglega morskega biča (Taeniurops grabatus) (Dasyatidae) iz alžirske obale (jugozahodno Sredozemsko morje) IHTIOFAVNA ITTIOFAUNA ICHTHYOFAUNA Nicola BETTOSO & Diego BORME Recent Record of the Atlantic Pomfret Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Scombriformes: Bramidae) in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea) ........... Recentni zapis o pojavljanju kostanjevke Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Scombriformes: Bramidae) v Tržaškem zalivu (severno Jadransko morje) Alan DEIDUN, Bruno ZAVA, Alessio MARRONE, Johann GALDIES, Arnold SCIBERRAS & Maria CORSINI-FOKA The Confirmed Occurrence of Schedophilus medusophagus (Cocco, 1839) and Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758 in Maltese Waters, Central Mediterranean ............................................ Potrjeno pojavljanje meduzojedca, Schedophilus medusophagus (Cocco, 1839), in morskega piškurja, Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758, v malteških vodah, osrednje Sredozemsko morje Gianni INSACCO, Gildo GAVANELLI, Bruno ZAVA & Maria CORSINI-FOKA An Overlooked Finding of Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) in the Adriatic Sea ........................ Spregledana najdba vrste Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) v Jadranskem morju Borut MAVRIČ, Lovrenc LIPEJ, Jelena BELAMARIĆ, Dule BULAJA, Matea ŠPIK & Petar KRUŽIĆ Additional Data on the Bump-Head Sunfish, Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) in the Adriatic Sea ................................................... Dodatni podatki o pojavljanju grbastega morskega meseca, Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) v Jadranskem morju 151 143 165 187 193 213 207 221 229 199 375 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 Lana KHREMA, Amina ALNESSER, Adib SAAD & Christian CAPAPÉ First Substantiated Record of Painted Eel Echelus myrus (Ophichthidae) from the Syrian Marine Waters (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) ............. Prvi utemeljeni zapis o pojavljanju pisane jegulje, Echelus myrus (Ophichthidae), iz morskih voda Sirije (vzhodno Sredozemsko morje) BIOTSKA GLOBALIZACIJA GLOBALIZZAZIONE BIOTICA BIOTIC GLOBALIZATION Deniz ERGUDEN, Deniz AYAS & Zafer KUŞATAN The Presence of Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838, in the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea .......... Pojavljanje morskega konjička vrste Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838, v severovzhodnem Sredozemskem morju Christian CAPAPÉ & Adib SAAD Confirmed Occurrence of Pharaoh Cardinal Fish Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Osteichthyes: Apogonidae) from the Syrian Coast (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) ................................... Potrjeno pojavljanje faraonskega kraljička Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Osteichthyes: Apogonidae) iz sirske obale (vzhodno Sredozemsko morje) Deniz ERGUDEN, Deniz AYAS & Cemal TURAN First Record of Epinephelus areolatus (Epinephelidae) from the South-Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey ............................................ Prvi zapis o pojavljanju rdečepikčaste kirnje Epinephelus areolatus (Epinephelidae) v jugovzhodnem Sredozemskem morju (Turčija) FAVNA FAUNA FAUNA Andrea LOMBARDO & Giuliana MARLETTA First Record of the Marine Heterobranch Spinoaglaja wildpretii (Ortea, Bacallado & Moro, 2003) (Cephalaspidea: Aglajidae) in Sicily (Ionian Sea) with Notes on Its Biology and Ecology ........................................... Prvi zapis o pojavljanju morskega zaškrgarja vrste Spinoaglaja wildpretii (Ortea, Bacallado & Moro, 2003) (Cephalaspidea: Aglajidae) na Siciliji (Jonsko morje) z zapiski o njeni biologiji in ekologiji Marco FANTIN, Saul CIRIACO, Lisa FARESI, Chiara SCRIGNER, Juri VECCHI, Domen TRKOV & Lovrenc LIPEJ First Evidence of the Presence of Okenia picoensis Paz-Sedano, Ortigosa & Pola, 2017 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) in the Adriatic Sea .................................................. Prvi zapis o pojavljanju vrste gološkrgarja Okenia picoensis Paz-Sedano, Ortigosa & Pola, 2017 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) iz Jadranskega morja FLORA FLORA FLORA Amelio PEZZETTA & MARCO PAOLUCCI La flora di Lama dei Peligni (Abruzzo, Italia): aggiornamento sistematico e nuove segnalazioni ................................................ Flora občine Lama dei Peligni (Abruci, Italija): sistematična posodobitev in nove najdbe MISCELLANEA Al VREZEC Bird (Aves) Descriptions of Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723-1788): General Overview ................................................. Opisi ptic (Aves) Joannesa Antoniusa Scopolija (1723-1788): osnovni pregled OCENE IN POROČILA RECENSIONI E RELAZIONI REVIEWS AND REPORTS Mitja KALIGARIČ Recenzija knjige: Podobe iz modrine ................................................. IN MEMORIAM Elide CATALFAMO Ricordo del professor Guido Bressan ...................... Kazalo k slikam na ovitku ................................... Index to images on the cover .............................. 249 243 255 263 235 327 279 271 369 365 371 371