23/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 03. 06. 2012 SV. TROJICA The Most HOLY TRINITY Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca Web page www.carantha.net VESZ.NIK Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church V TROEDINEM BOGU Zgodovina krščanske umetnosti nam večkrat posreduje podobe največje krščanske skrivnosti troedinega Boga. Teologije vseh časov krščanstva so poskušale približevati tisto bivanje človeka, ki se porodi ob krstu »v imenu Očeta in Sina in Svetega Duha«. V to neizrekljivo skrivnost troedinega Boga smo, dobesedno, potopljeni že po svojem rojstvu, bivanju, krstu, rasti, pričakovanju. Začetek vsake prave vere je spoštljivi padec na kolena, molk, češčenje, molitev, kakor nam govori primer prvih očakov vere Abrahama in Mojzesa. »Tedaj je Abraham padel na svoje obličje in Bog je govoril z njim« (1 Mz 17,3). Za Mojzesa pa je rečeno. »Tedaj si je Mojzes zakril obraz« (2 Mz 3,6). Bogu se približujemo najprej skozi »tihi val zrenja«, ki naj bi nas osvobodil številnih varljivih prividov in utvar. Vse vere govorijo o Bogu. Posebnost naše krščanske vere je, da verujemo v razodetega troedinega Boga Očeta in Sina in Svetega Duha. Bog je polnost življenja. Že v davnih časih je Tertulijan izrekel prispodobo: »Oče je kot skrita korenina, Sin kot iz nje rastoče deblo, in Duh kot pretakajoči se sok.« Iz večne tišine Očeta izhaja Beseda, ki izpoveduje resnico Duha. Bog je tako troedini. Kar pomeni, da Bog ni neka v sebi mirujoča resničnost, marveč nenehno tekoča življenjska, ljubezenska polnost. V to božjo resničnost življenja pa smo tudi mi vraščeni! Verovati v troedinega Boga ne pomeni mučiti se z raznimi predstavami o božjih osebah, marveč vcepiti rast svojega bitja v božje, troedino življenje samo. Kaj pomeni verovati v Boga? Sv. Avguštin odgovarja: »Verujoč ga ljubiti in postati njegovi prijatelji, verujoč vstopiti v njegovo intimo ter se utelesiti v njegove ude (Cerkev). Verovati v Boga pomeni torej težiti k njemu, napotiti se vsakega dne k njemu, dokler se z njim ne združimo, z ognjem ljubezni. Bližati se pomeni verovati: kdor veruje, se približuje, kdor ne veruje, se oddaljuje. Duša ne potuje z nogami, marveč z občutjem srca.« V soboto, 26. maja 2012 smo po večerni maši s članicami Slomškovega oltarnega društva blagoslovili prenovljeno kapelo in sprejeli tudi novo članico Jožico Erzar. Nato so se članice zbrale še na zaključnem družabnem srečanju. V soboto, 26. maja popoldne sta zakrament prejeli sestri Bailey Amber Lynn Titley in Skylar Amanda Lynn Titley. Pri krstu so sodelovale tudi dekleta iz »Girls Club«, ker je Skylar tudi članica te skupine. Iskrene čestitke obema. SLOVENSKA ŠOLA je z učiteljicami in starši pripravila GRADNJA DVIGALA - /sliki spodaj/ - zunaj se ni »Garage sale«. Veliko se je vsega nabralo, celo vreme je veliko spremenilo, zabetonirali so temelje dvigala. zdržalo brez dežja in tudi najmljaši so se dobro vključili Znotraj pa počasi rastejo zidovi za nova stranišča, v dejavnost: vabili so z reklamo ob vhodu na parkirišče. pripravljajo stene za nove prostore. Sunday's Readings The Most Holy Trinity First Reading Deuteronomy 4:32-34. 39-40 From the beginning of time God the creator of all has loved his people and cared for them; they, in turn, are called to respond in love by keeping God's laws and commandments. Second Reading Romans 8:14-17 The Holy Spirit unites us to Christ as part of his mystical body and through him to the Father who for us is "Abba" - the familiar, loving word used by children for their father. Gospel Matthew 28:16-20 The apostolic Church receives the commission from Christ to baptise in the name of the Trinity and to evangelise beyond the confines of Israel. 'The Spirit himself and our spirit bear united witness that we are children of God. Gospel Teaching Since the seventeenth century, the Piazza di Spagna in Rome has been a place where tourists have converged and where artists, musicians and writers have stayed, notably the English poet John Keats, who lived there for some months until his death in 1821, aged twenty-five, at what is now the Keats-Shelley Memorial House. Equally well known are the Spanish Steps, which one can ascend from the Piazza. At all times of the year they attract great crowds but especially in the early summer when azaleas are displayed in a glorious array of colour. The steps date from the eighteenth century and were designed by Francesco de Sanctis. Not many people today would attach any religious meaning to them. However, they are divided into three flights and three landings, not simply for aesthetic or structural reasons, but because the architect wanted to draw attention to the fact that they lead up to the Church of the Holy Trinity (Trinita dei Monti), a church that has stood at the top of the hill since long before the steps were built. It was an ingenious way of communicating the Christian belief in the oneness of God in whom there are three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Gospel Teaching The Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and the source of all other mysteries of faith yet, not surprisingly, it is perhaps the most difficult to communicate, for it deals with the inner life of God, the mystery of who God is. Even the apostles to whom Jesus had revealed the Father, and who had witnessed Jesus' life, teaching, death and resurrection, were slow to believe. So is it any wonder that we stumble along in our efforts to approach this mystery? "How rich are the depths of God," exclaimed St Paul. Yet, as Paul said elsewhere, Christ "is the image of the unseen God". In the Gospel today there were some who hesitated in the presence of the risen Lord. Like others in the resurrection appearances, they could not believe their eyes. They, like us, struggled to comprehend the wonder of God. Yet the early Church had no doubts about the mission it had received from Christ, namely to evangelise and baptise in the name of the Trinity. In today's second reading St Paul rejoices in the power of the Spirit who unites us to Christ and brings us into a new relationship with the Father. The Spirit moves us to call God "Father" in the most personal and intimate way. Even our sufferings are a share in Christ's sufferings and they lead to our "inheritance" as adopted sons and daughters of the Father - that is, to a share in Christ's glory. Application None of this can be grasped immediately or fully as we make our pilgrimage on earth. It is as if we have to climb a stairway, take one step at a time, then rest awhile and give ourselves time to think and pray about God's relationship with us and ours with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Perhaps this is what Francesco de Sanctis had in mind when he designed the Spanish Steps with three flights and three landings. Though John Keats now ranks among the highest in stature as a poet, he was belittled by many in the literary establishment of his day. His death in the house near the Spanish Steps was from tuberculosis and was preceded by a long period of intense suffering. In the end his faith in Christ was revived through the devoted care of his Christian friend, the painter Joseph Severn. Two years before Keats died, he wrote in a letter, "Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul?" John Keats' inspired poetry was God's gift to him. The Spirit is always at work in different ways, leading us through Christ to the Father - to the eternal vision of God. Catholic Women's League members and Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Drago enjoyed a beautiful closing Mass /Sunday May 27th/ and banquet to celebrate the Annual 92nd Catholic Women's League Hamilton Diocesan Convention in Guelph. Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor bodo v četrtek po večerni maši. Vadimo za procesijo sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi in Slovenski dan. CWL - KZZ Our last monthly general meeting, before we break for the summer will be held this Wednesday, June 6 immediately following 7 pm mass. We have some important issues to address therefore members attendance would be greatly appreciated. We always welcome any ladies to our meetings who would like to consider membership. SLOVENIA CREDIT UNION Slovenia Credit Union would like to remind all members of our summer office www.sloveniacu.ca hours. All SCU offices will be closed Saturdays starting May 19th, 2012 until after the Labour Day weekend. For further information consult our website at www.sloveniacu.ca Thank you for your valued membership and have an enjoyable summer. SLOVENSKI DAN 2012-prevoz z avtobusom The 2012 - Slovenski Dan / Slovenian Day Celebration and Picnic will be held on June 24th at Club Triglav in London, Ontario. For this special occasion, Društvo sv. Jožefa / St. Joseph Society is chartering a bus for the day. The coach will depart from St. Gregory the Great Parking lot 9:00 AM sharp and return, leaving London at 7:00 PM. Cost of the coach and admission ticket to the park is $35 per person. Reservations with payment may be made by contacting Frank Erzar at 905-643 -0285. Prvi avtobus je poln. Če se še zanimate pokličite in če bo dovolj zanimanja bodo naročili še drugi avtobus. THE SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION 2012 Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation Awards: All youth of Slovenian background in the Hamil-ton/Wentworth, Halton and Niagara Regions entering college or university or whose studies are in progress are encouraged to apply. Successful recipients will be recognized with a scholarship or bursary and will be honoured at the SCSF Annual Banquet to be held at BLED Hall, Beamsville on Saturday, October 20th. Applications are available in the rack at the back of the Church. Any inquiries may be directed to Teresa Zupancic: 905-664-6013, Karl Ferko: 905578-5890 or Jerry Ponikvar: 905-333-5813. MAŠA na pokopališčih: »Gate of Heaven« in »Holy Sepulchre« - V soboto 9. junija ob 11:00 a.m. bo škof Anthony F. Tonnos daroval sveto mašo na Gate of Heaven pokopališču /mavzolej/. V soboto 23. junija ob 11:00 a.m. bo sveta maša na pokopališču Holy Sepulchre. Mašo bo vodil hamiltonski škof Douglas Crosby, OMI, DD. Vsi vabljeni, da se maše udeležite. POKOJNI_ V Odrancih, v Sloveniji, je 30. maja 2012, umrl STANKO FERENČAK star 64 let. Pokojni je brat naših faranov Lojzeta Ferenčaka, Regine Nedeljko in Gizele Žalik /Montreal/. Pogreb pokojnega bo v domači župniji, 3. junija. Iskreno sožalje vsem najbližjim. Pokojni Stanko pa naj v domači zemlji uživa večni mir in pokoj. DAROVI_ Ob pogrebu Ivana Sobočana so namesto cvetja darovali za potrebe cerkve: Štefan in Vera Gonza $50, Bernard in Joanne Sabolsky $25, Tom Miklavčič $200, Romana Novak $40, Viktor in Magda Benc $20, Josephine Hapke $100, Veronika Čurič $50, Ivan in Ana Nedelko $100, Kathy in Martin Simončič $50, Marija in Janez Hočevar $100, Julija Sagadin $100, Farkaš Elizabeth $100, Viktor in Olga Glavač $50. Lojzka Saje daruje $50 za misijone namesto cvetja za +Ivana Sobočana. V spomin + Matija Pivar Julija Sagadin daruje $100 za cerkev. Za dvigalo so darovali: $50 Elizabeta Gerič, $50 Shelly in Joe Gerič, $100 Cecilija Sobočan. $50 Daruje Elizabeth Farkaš za klopi. Hvala vsem darovalcem za velikodušnost. ZAHVALA_ Veronika Obal z družino se prav srčno zahvaljuje vsem, ki ste jim izrekli sožalje. V tako lepem številu ste obiskali dragega Ivana v pogrebni kapeli in lepo zapeli tudi pri sveti maši. Hvala gospodu župniku za sveto mašo. Hvala vsem, ki ste pospremili Ivana n njegovi zadnji poti tja do groba, darovali za sv. maše in druge namene. Hvala ga. Amaliji in ga. Gizeli za dobro kosilo, g. Mirku za delo v baru, vsem gospem za pecivo, ki so ga spekle. Še enkrat vsem nepopisna hvala za vse. Hvaležna Veronika Obal z družino. BARAGOVI DNEVI: 21. - 24. september 2012 Kot se že seznanjeni, je škof Friderik Baraga, po zadnjem napredovanju postopka v Rimu, dobil naziv »častitljivi«. To pomeni, da se ga sedaj lahko uradno postavi in priporoči v češčenje in priprošnjo. Letošnje naše romanje v Baragove kraje -MARQUETTE, bo od 21. do 24. septembra 2012. Avtobus imamo rezerviran in je samo še dobrih 10 prostih mest. Te dni sta Terezija in Vera našle tudi prenočišča - letos zaradi oddaljenosti prespimo trikrat. Ker se v tistem času v Marquettu dogajajo še druge prireditve, je bilo kar težko najti hotel. Vendar tudi to nam je uspelo. Zaenkrat smo preračunali vse stroške, ki vključujejo trikratno spanje v hotelu z »Continental« zajtrkom, dva banketa in prevoz z avtobuom in vse skupaj znese po prvih izračunih približno $350. Natančno ceno bomo izvedeli, ko dobimo uradni račun iz hotela. Kdor bi se še zanimal za to romanje, naj se čimprej prijavi Tereziji Sarjaš /905-560-1218/ ali Veri Gonza /905-560-0089/. KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - JUNIJ 2012 ♦ Odslej so ob TORKIH maše zjutraj ob 8:00am ♦ V nedeljo, 10. junija 2012 je zunanji praznik Sv. REŠNJEGA TELESA in KRVI. Po slovenski maši imamo procesijo. Prosimo, da se dogovorite, kdo bo pripravil oltarje in nosil bandera - vsako društvo naj na to misli. V nedeljo bo sveta maša ŽE ob 9:00 ZJUTRAJ - zapišite si, da ne boste pozni. ♦ V nedeljo, 10 junija 2012 je sveta maša in procesija tudi pri društvu Triglav v Londonu in sicer ob 1:00 p.m. pri društveni dvorani. ♦ V nedeljo 17. junija je OČETOVSKI DAN, sveta maša pri društvu Bled bo kot običajno ob 12:30 nato družabno popoldne. ♦ V nedeljo 24. junija, na praznik Janeza Krstnika imamo SLOVENSKI DAN, ki ga letos gosti slovensko društvo TRIGLAV - LONDON. Ob 11:00 dopoldne je tam skupna sveta maša pri kateri poje župnijski zbor, nato je kosilo in ob 2:00 p.m. bo začetek kulturnega programa, ki mu sledi otroška OLIMPIJADA in nato družabno popoldne z »THE GOLDEN KEYS«. Vstopnina za odrasle je $8, za študente pa $4. od 03. 06. 20,2 svete mase - masses Do 10. 06. 20,2 Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. t SVETA TROJICA t 03. Junij t Karel Lwanga, muč. t t t za žive in rajne župljane Cecilija Globočnik 9:30 a.m. Anton Vengar 11:00 a.m. Tončka Demšar 1:00 p. m. Tončka Demšar Mici Janežič Janez Adamič Hčerka Romana Žena Tilka z družino Družina Kuzma Družini Demšar-Scarcelli Družina Adamič Družina Mrmamor Jr. Procesija na Slovenskem parku Ponedeljek - Monday G4. Junij Franšiček Caracciolo Torek - Tuesday 05. Junij Bonifacij, škof Sreda - Wednesday 06. Junij Norbert, škof t Marija Dolinar t Ivan Sobočan t Marta Zver t Ivan Sobočan t Matija Vlašič tt Tončka Demšar t Ivan Sobočan t Karl Zorčič, obl. t Srečko Rev t Ivan Sobočan Po namenu 7:00 p.m. Francka Cestnik Društvo sv. Jožefa/torkovi večeri/ Matilda Prša z družino _Manja Erzetič_ 8:00 a.m. Žena in otroci Družina Bregar Štefan in Gizella Ray 7.00 p.m. Jožica Vegelj Žena in družina Marija Hočevar CWL - KŽZ Četrtek- Thursday 07. Junij Sv. Rešnje telo in kri t Karl Volčanšek, obl. t Karl Volčanšek, obl. tt Družina Balažic t Ivan Sobočan 7:00 p.m. Družina Ivan in Angela Antolin Matilda Bratuž Amalija Štadler in Mirko Zorko Petek - Friday 08. Junij Medard, škof tt Jožef Pust t Štefka Rihar t Ivan Obal t Frank Hanc 7:00 p.m. Bratranec Polde Lovšin /Slo/ John in Ann Božnar Karl Ferko z družino Sorodniki Šemen Sobota - Saturday t Anton Vengar 8:15 a.m. Pavel Novak z družino 09. Junij t Stane Napast 5:30 p.m. Franšička Napast z družino t Tončka Demšar Janez Selšek Primož in Felicijan t Edward Zekš, obl. žena 10. NEDELJA MED LETOM + ? ™ejn j župljane QnftAM „ |M , , t Frank Novak 9:00 a.m. Pavel Novak z družino . UNIJ t Jernej in Lucija Ponikvar 11:00 a.m. Družina Ponikvar Bogumil, skoj tt Pokojni člani društva Triglav 1:00 p.m. LONDON - TRIGLAV Procesija: - Hamilton/9 AM/ - London-Triglav svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian -11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. 111 poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation don bosco (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.