W. SKONECZNY: THE STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY OF THE SURFACE OF DUPLEX LAYERS ... 845–850 THE STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY OF THE SURFACE OF DUPLEX LAYERS AFTER SATURATION OF THE BASE LAYER WITH CARBON STRUKTURA IN MORFOLOGIJA POVR[INE DUPLEKS PLASTI PO NASI^ENJU OSNOVNE PLASTI Z OGLJIKOM W³adys³aw Skoneczny University of Silesia, Ul. ¯ytnia 10, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland Wladyslaw.Skoneczny@us.edu.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-05-29; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-12-15 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.108 The paper presents a new method of obtaining aluminium-oxide-based, duplex-type layers. In the first stage, the base layer is produced via the hard anodising of aluminium alloys in order to obtain the optimal structural and morphological properties. Following anodising, the samples with an Al2O3 layer are rinsed in distilled water in order to remove the electrolyte. Graphite was introduced into the structure of aluminium oxide during a thermal treatment in a solid medium consisting of graphite dust. Afterwards, the properties of the obtained layers were determined using a scanning electron microscope, a transmission electron microscope and an atomic force microscope (AFM), as well as X-ray diffraction. The structure of the duplex-type layers con- tains carbon and other precipitates, which are typical for an alloy with additions of Fe, Mn, Cr and other elements. Carbon precipitates have a relatively weak connection with the matrix, as an envelope with numerous discontinuities forms around each carbon precipitate. Carbon precipitates are considerably larger than alloy precipitates, have micrometre dimensions, occur in groups and are composed of small grouped nanometric particles that form larger agglomerates. This means that there are nano- metric particles inside the micrometric ones. Keywords: aluminium alloys, nano-layers, SEM, AFM, EDS ^lanek predstavlja novo metodo za izdelavo dupleksne plasti aluminijevega oksida. V prvi stopnji se izdela osnovna plast s trdim anodiziranjem aluminijevih zlitin, da se dobi optimalno strukturo in morfolo{ke lastnosti. Po anodizaciji so vzorci z Al2O3 plastjo potopljeni v destilirano vodo, da se izpere elektrolit. V strukturo aluminijevega oksida se uvede grafit med toplotno obdelavo v trdem mediju, ki je vseboval grafitni prah. Potem so bile dolo~ene lastnosti dobljenih plasti, s pomo~jo vrsti~nega elektronskega mikroskopa, presevnega mikroskopa in mikroskopa na atomsko silo (AFM), kot tudi z rentgensko difrakcijo. Struktura dupleksnih plasti je vsebovala izlo~ke ogljika in druge izlo~ke, ki so zna~ilni za zlitine, z dodatkom Fe, Mn, Cr in drugih elementov. Izlo~ki ogljika imajo relativno {ibko povezavo z osnovo, saj nastaja okrog vsakega izlo~ka ogljika ovojnica s {tevilnimi diskontinuitetami. Izlo~ki ogljika so mnogo ve~ji kot izlo~ki zlitin, imajo mikrometrske dimenzije, se pojavljajo v skupinah in so sestavljeni iz malih gru~ nanometri~nih delcev, ki tvorijo ve~je skupke. To pomeni, da so znotraj mikrometrskih delcev prisotni nanometrski delci. Klju~ne besede: aluminijeve zlitine, nanoplasti, SEM, AFM, EDS 1 INTRODUCTION Aluminium alloys and the composite layers formed on them are widely used in engineering (components of heat engines and power machines, in aircraft and space industries) owing to their very good thermal conducti- vity, low density and high strength. Oxide layers obtained via hard anodising may, to a large degree, change their properties, depending on the process conditions. Thanks to their characteristic porous structure, Al2O3 layers can be used in a number of tech- nology fields. Oxide coatings have been used in surface engineering as protective-decorative or electro-isolating layers for many years. In recent years, Al2O3 layers have been used for the sliding couples in heat engines:1–6 • cylinder bearing surfaces in lubricant-free compres- sors, • combustion-engine pistons, • cylinder bearing surfaces in lubricant-free pneumatic servo-motors, • shock-absorber components. One of the most recent applications of oxide layers are the moulds used for producing nano-elements with a diameter of 4–200 nm.7 Machine components produced from aluminium or its alloys with a specially prepared surface layer are used more and more frequently. The main arguments for broadening the scope of applications for aluminium- oxide-based, duplex-type layers in surface engineering are as follows: • easy access to devices and very inexpensive oper- ation, • the possibility of conducting a surface treatment on all Al groups and its alloys, • high efficiency of the duplex-type treatment, • the possibility of obtaining electro-isolating and pro- tective-decorative coatings, as well as hard, abrasion- resistant layers, • satisfactory quality of the surface after processing, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 845–850 845 UDK 669.058:620.198:669.715:537.533.35 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(6)845(2016) • the possibility of forming surface layers with a gradient, composite and, first of all, an amorphous structure. The wear of materials used in machine building takes place mostly on the surface and determines the ope- rational durability of a given appliance. The past few years have been a period of intensive development in state-of-the-art, duplex, hybrid technologies. It seems that only a combination of different surface-engineering technologies, which is the foundation of the duplex technology can lead to surfaces with versatile qualities that are to meet the requirements of modern technology. As the name indicates, the duplex technology involves a sequential application of two defined surface-engineer- ing technologies to produce a surface composed of com- bined properties, unattainable by any other individual form of surface engineering. This paper presents a wide range of possibilities to shape the properties of aluminium-oxide-based surface layers using the duplex method. For technological reasons, hard anodising is applied for lubricant-free sliding couples. The most widespread method so far has been anodising in sulphuric or oxalic acids at lowered temperatures, from 263 K to 278 K, depending on the type of electrolyte. Therefore, research has been conducted for years on anodizing at elevated temperatures. The purpose of the research has been to apply such an electrolyte that would make it possible to obtain hard oxide layers at room temperature. Elimina- tion of the electrolyte cooling stage would considerably reduce the cost of producing oxide coatings. It would be possible if hard anodising could be conducted at tempe- ratures of 293–313 K and higher. At the same time, coatings with better properties could be obtained owing to the Al2O3 oxide phase transition at a temperature of 293 K. An increase in temperature accompanying the oxidation process is conducive to etching aluminium oxide fibres. As a consequence, an oxide cell of a more regular (ideal) structure is formed.1,8,9 Increasing the electrolyte temperature would also have a considerable effect on the porosity of the oxide coating.1–4 The porosity of the obtained oxide layers is of major import- ance to their utilisation for a sliding interaction with plastic materials. Adding organic substances with surface-active properties to the electrolyte has a large influence on the mechanism of the formation of oxide coatings on aluminium. The mechanism of the influence of organic substances depends on the properties of the addition and on the composition and properties of the electrolyte. A supposition can be made that under proper conditions, surface-active substances fully or partly cover the surface of the anode (on active places), as a result of which the oxidation of aluminium is considerably hindered. On the other hand, the adsorption of organic substances at the anode – the electrolyte interface causes the secondary dissolution of the layer by the electrolyte to stop. The role of this mechanism is performed precisely by the addition of the above-mentioned organic (dicarboxylic) acids. The method developed in the Division of Upper Layer Technologies, University of Silesia, does not require cooling and the process heat is used to control the properties of the obtained oxide coatings. Controlling anodising parameters allows, within some limits, programming the selected functional properties of future upper layers.3–12 The above-mentioned method consists of oxidising aluminium and its alloys in three-component electro- lytes. Dicarboxylic acid is added to the mixture of sulphuric and oxalic acids. These acids have an aliphatic chain of various lengths in their structure and are arranged in a row: 1) malonic acid - CH2(COOH)2 2) succinic acid - (CH2)2(COOH)2 3) glutaric acid - (CH2)3(COOH)2 4) adipic acid - (CH2)4(COOH)2 5) pimelic acid - (CH2)5(COOH)2 6) suberic acid - (CH2)6(COOH)2 7) azelaic acid - (CH2)7(COOH)2 8) sebacic acid - (CH2)8(COOH)2 9) phthalic acid - C6H4(COOH)2. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The hard anodising method developed in the Division of Upper Layer Technologies, University of Silesia, is the basis for the production of surface layers from aluminium oxide by means of duplex methods. It enables the control of process parameters, which allows, within some limits, programming the selected functional pro- perties of the obtained upper layers. According to the method proposed, anodising is conducted in a three-com- ponent water electrolyte that consists, of among others, sulphuric and oxalic acids as well as an addition of succinic acid. Research was carried out on the alumi- nium alloy AlMg2. The electrolyte temperature during anodising falls within the range 293–313 K, whereas the anodic density of current was between 2 A/dm2 and 4 A/dm2. Such a range of temperatures means that the anodising process can be initiated at an ambient temperature. Tests of the structure and morphology of the surface of Al2O3 layers were conducted using a Phi- lips XL30 scanning microscope (SEM). An atomic force microscope (AFM) of the VEECO company, MULTOMODE model, operating in the standard contact mode, was used for the examination of the micro-unevenesses of the obtained oxide layers via the electrochemical method in three-component electro- lytes after graphite saturation. A DRON-2 diffractometer was used for an X-ray phase analysis of the obtained Al2O3 and duplex layers. Al2O3 layers have a columnar (fibrous) structure, which is shown in Figure 1. The technology of obtaining duplex layers based on aluminium oxide consists of a two-stage production W. SKONECZNY: THE STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY OF THE SURFACE OF DUPLEX LAYERS ... 846 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 845–850 process. In the first stage, the base layer is produced via hard anodising in order to obtain the optimal structural and morphological properties (gradient structure and high porosity). Prior to the oxidation process, the samples are etched for 40 min in a 5 % solution of KOH and next, in order to reverse the etching reaction, tinned for 10 min in a 10 % HNO3 solution. The etching and tinning processes are followed by rinsing in distilled water. In the first phase, the surfaces are subjected to anodic oxidation in an electrolyte composed of an aqueous solution of sulphuric, succinic and oxalic acid. Following anodising, the samples with an Al2O3 layer are rinsed in distilled water in order to rinse out the electrolyte. Graphite was introduced into the structure of the aluminium oxide during the thermal treatment in a solid medium consisting of graphite dust. Samples sprinkled with graphite dust are tightly closed in boxes and heated in an electric oven at the following tempe- ratures: (343, 363, 383 and 403) K for (24, 36 and 48) h for each temperature. When the process ends, the sam- ples were cleaned with compressed air. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A fibrous structure causes micro- and nanoporosity of the Al2O3 layer. An example of the morphology of the surface of the Al2O3 layers, obtained via hard anodising, is shown in Figure 2. The measurement results of the diameter of fibres and the number of fibres and nanopores are juxtaposed in Table 1. Tests of the structure of the duplex-type layers after graphite infiltration were conducted using a transmission electron microscope. The results of the tests of the structure of duplex-type layers after carbonisation of the Al2O3 layers via saturation are presented in Figures 3 and 4. An analysis of the chemical composition was also made using a Philips XL30 scanning electron micro- scope with an EDS attachment. The results of the tests of W. SKONECZNY: THE STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY OF THE SURFACE OF DUPLEX LAYERS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 845–850 847 Figure 2: SEM image of nanopores in the Al2O3 layer Slika 2: SEM-posnetek nanopor v plasti Al2O3 Table 1: The dimensions, the number of fibres and the number of pores Tabela 1: Dimenzije, {tevilo vlaken in {tevilo por Production parameters Fibre diameter (nm) Number of fibres per mm2 Number of pores per mm2 j= 2 A/dm2 t = 293 K 100 100 × 10 6 200 × 106 j= 2 A/dm2 t = 303 K 120 64 × 10 6 128 × 106 j= 2 A/dm2 t = 313 K 200 25 × 10 6 50 × 106 j= 3 A/dm2 t = 293 K 110 81 × 10 6 162 × 106 j= 3 A/dm2 t = 302 K 140 49 × 10 6 98 × 106 j= 3 A/dm2 t = 303 K 160 36 × 10 6 72 × 106 Figure 1: Cross-sectional SEM image a columnar-fibrous structure of an oxide layer Slika 1: SEM-posnetek preseka stebrasto-vlaknaste zgradbe oksidne plasti Figure 3: Top view of the surface of a duplex-type layer after satu- ration with graphite, with spectra (transmission microscope) Slika 3: Slika povr{ine dupleksne vrste plasti po nasi~enju z grafitom, s spektri (presevni mikroskop) the change in the chemical composition of these layers obtained during carbonisation at the temperatures of 383 K are presented in Figure 5. The structure of the duplex-type layers contains carbon and other precipitates, which are typical for the alloy, with additions of Fe, Mn, Cr and other elements. Carbon precipitates have a relatively weak connection with the matrix, as an envelope with numerous discon- tinuities forms around each carbon precipitate. Carbon precipitates are considerably larger than alloy precipi- tates, have micrometric dimensions, occur in groups and are composed of small grouped nanometric particles that form larger agglomerates. This means that there are nanometric particles inside micrometric ones. Therefore, the structure of carbon particles is complex. The results of the tests of duplex-type layers obtained via the electrochemical method in three-component electrolytes after graphite saturation are presented in Figure 6. The following is shown: a) a topographic three-dimensional image, b) the geometric microstruc- ture and a histogram. X-ray diffractograms of the Al2O3 layer obtained on a crystalline alloy of AlMg2 aluminium and aluminium oxide, as well as a duplex layer are presented in Figure 7. An X-ray phase analysis has shown that the obtained Al2O3 layers are amorphous and also contain two peaks characteristic for the crystalline form of Kappa Al2O3, a phase of an indeterminate structure type, entered into the crystallographic data catalogue under the number 04-0878. A very strong typical peak from the graphite phase called chaolite (22-1069) is also present. W. SKONECZNY: THE STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY OF THE SURFACE OF DUPLEX LAYERS ... 848 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 845–850 Figure 5: Changes in the chemical composition of duplex-type layers obtained after saturation at the temperature of 383 K: a) change in the oxygen and aluminium content, b) change in the graphite content Slika 5: Spreminjanje kemijske sestave dupleksne plasti, dobljene po nasi~enju na temperaturi 383 K: a) spreminjanje vsebnosti kisika in aluminija, b) spreminjanje vsebnosti grafita Figure 6: a) AFM images of the surface (3D) of duplex-type layers and b) micro-unevennesses of the surface, and a histogram; anodising process parameters: j = 3 A/dm2, T = 303 K, t = 1 h; carburisation parameters: T = 343 K, t = 24 h Slika 6: a) AFM-posnetek povr{ine (3D) dupleksnih plasti in b) mikro-neravnine na povr{ini in histogram s parametri procesa anodizacije : j = 3 A/dm2, T = 303 K, t = 1 h; parametri naoglji~enja: T = 343 K, t = 24 h Figure 4: Cross-sectional of a duplex-type layer after saturation with graphite, with spectra (transmission microscope) Slika 4: Presek dupleksne plasti po nasi~enju z grafitom, s spektri (presevni mikroskop) The porosity of the Al2O3 layers has a significant in- fluence on their properties, including their wear resis- tance, the capacity for the sorption of lubricants, the possibility of a sliding film forming from a plastic (containing graphite) and first of all the susceptibility to further modification, which is used for obtaining layers via the duplex method. It is the micro- and nanoporosity of the Al2O3 layer that was used during the second stage of the dual technology to form duplex-type surface layers. The second technology used to produce duplex- type layers consisted of infiltration with graphite. Owing to this, it will become possible to fill the above-described structure of the Al2O3 layer that is obtained via hard anodising with graphite. 4 CONCLUSIONS The technology of obtaining aluminium-oxide-based duplex layers consists involves a two-stage production process. In the first stage, the base layer is produced via hard anodising in order to obtain optimal structural and morphological properties (gradient structure and high porosity). Following anodising, the samples with an Al2O3 layer are rinsed in distilled water in order to rinse out the electrolyte. Graphite was introduced into the structure of aluminium oxide during the thermal treat- ment in a solid medium consisting of graphite dust. 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