ZARJA - THE DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ZENSKE ZVEZE V AMERIKI SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA NUMBER 7-8 JULY-AUGUST 1997 VOLUME 69 SWU Members and friends! ')Reunion in Las Vegas »»♦(umi fj October 24-26, 1997 ZARJA - THE DAWN (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Sand all changes of address to: ZARJA - THE DAWN, 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 NO. 7-8 JULY-AUGUST 1997 VOL. 69 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published eight times per year - osemkrat na leto. Annual Subscription for non-members, $15.00 — naročnina $15.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, IL All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615—1703 Telephone: (773) 548-8878 On the Cover... Read more about Las Vegas in “Kathleen’s Konnection” on page 3! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JULY & AUGUST National Officers: Jul. 2 - Dorothy Sleigh, Regional President of Western States, Enumclaw, WA Jul. 16 - Bonnie Prokup, Regional President of IL-IN Streamwood, IL Aug. 1 - PatriciaFigurowski.Nat’l Auditor, Joliet, IL Presidents: July 5 -July 6 -July 17 -July 21 - Ann Cooke, Br. 32, Euclid, OH Maria Selak, Br. 55, Girard, OH Mary Lou Terselic, Br. 103, Washington, D.C. AnnTercek, Br. 50, Cleveland, OH Aug. 4- Betty Matjašič, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., OH Aug. 7 - Rose Ivancic,Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN Aug. 22 - Mollie McIntyre, Br. 22, Bradley, IL Secretaries: July 7 - Eileen Kaplan, Br. 3, Pueblo, CO July 10 - Rosemary Donald, Br. 33, Duluth, MN July 19 - MaryPercic.Br. 67, Bessemer, PA July 23 - AlouiseEpley, Br. 73, WarrensvilleHts., OH July 27 - Marylou Matthews, Br. 108, Virginia Beach, VA Aug. 2- Mary Satkovich, Br. 97, Caimbrook, PA Aug. 2 - Dorothy Szumski, Br. 101, Bedford Hts., OH Aug. 7 - Moreen Spencer, Br. 13, San Fran., CA Aug. 13 - Virginia Bendich, Br. 59, Burgettstown, PA Aug. 16 - Frances Ulle, Br. 68, Fairport Hbr., OH ^ Aug. 19 - Dorothy Bruce, Br. 71, Strabane, PA Aug. 20 - Charlotte Perdan, Br. 32, Euclid, OH Aug. 30 - Evelyn Pipoly, Br. 50, Cleveland, OH MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY: Sep. 28 Oct. 5 OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 101, Bedford Hts., OH hosts. Mass at Holy Trinity church in Bedford Hts., followed by dinner at the City Hall Party Room ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION, hosted by Br. 24, La Salle, IL DATES TO REMEMBER July 20 ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, Br. 2, Chicago, IL hosts Aug. 6 NOON LUNCHEON, Br. 35, Aurora, MN at H J Country Club Sept. 14 MINNESOTA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 33, Duluth, MN Sept. 17 COMMEMORATIVE MASS, Br. 32, Euclid, OH at St. Christine’s Church, 7 p.m. Oct. 10-11-12 LAS VEGAS REUNION for all members, Contact Kathleen Emerson, Ph. (810) 370-0015 Oct. 15 CHINESE AUCTION, Br. 32, Euclid, OH Haberman — Zimmer Funeral Homes Traditional to Contemporary Funeral Services - Cremation Services 005 N. 6th Sheboygan Pre-Arranged Funerals - Title 19 Funeral Trusts Educational Programs - Serving AH Faiths 117 N. Wisconsin Dr. Howards Grove 457 7fi10 Mark S. Zimmer / / U1A -Serving Sheboygan A Sheboygan County Since At Your Service During Life’s Most Difficult Moments Louis “Ron" Zefran Frank J. Zefran Connie Rodriguez Je Debbie Zefran Jerry 1—800—249—9150 (773) 847-6688 SjhxnaxaL cJ-foms., ~l2td~ 1941 West Cermak Road, Chicago, IL 60608 Ron Strle Proprietor Sp** Stefanich's Restaurant 457 North Scott Street Joliet, Illinois 60432 (815)722-9751 Fax (815) 722-5750 TEZAK FUNERAL HOME “First In Service Since 1908” Licensed Producer's; Richard K. Tezak Lydia Marquardt LUTCF (741-0427) (Forethought Trust) American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) Call for information and a free booklet "For Future Reference (815) 722-0524 1997 Regional 115*788 JEAN KORSMAN, NATIONAL PRESIDENT VOLUNTEERING COMES NATURALLY TO US! One of the most enjoyable “duties” for me as the National President of SWU has been to accept the various invitations to attend local Branch meetings, summer picnics, Scholarship Award Ceremonies and “Mother of the Year" programs. 1 was privileged to attend such a dinner in Ely, Minnesota on May 12. As usual, I was greeted by Br. 23 members with an abundance of enthusiasm, proper protocol and the respect due the National Officers present. Our members are always “at their best” at these pleasant functions, and I am so proud to meet their “Guests of Honor” and hear of the love and respect the Branch members have for this individual. All the fond memories recalled, the praise and kind words spoken about the hon-orees are beautiful to listen to and well-deserved. The woman chosen in Ely, MN this year was Sally Pusovich Davidson; her story in our May-June ZARJA was eloquent indeed. But now for the REST OF THE STORY. In the past months you will have read or watched on TV about the meeting held in Philadelphia, PA where President Clinton, notables like retired General Colin Powell and other prominent public officials met in a conference to make a plea for VOLUNTEERISM. They hope to encourage everyone from the average citizen to the CEO’s of major Corporations to VOLUNTEER to support and strengthen our Country by joining together for causes that range from helping the homeless, aiding in our schools, cleaning up our neighborhoods, feeding the hungry, assisting the elderly and forging a broad support group for our preschoolers. One of the thoughts that came to my mind as 1 listened to the inspiring story of Ely’s Sally Davidson was of the extreme generosity of spirit and selfless good work accomplished by this ONE WOMAN! For many years she acted as the caretaker for her paraplegic mother, she VOLUNTEERED to deliver meals for the homebound, she was an active member of the “Moose Club Auxiliary and the American Legion Auxiliary, she VOLUNTEERED for her Church Circle, for the local Hospital and the Vermilion Interpretative Center, to list just a few; there seemed to be no end to her VOLUNTEERING. This incredible woman, now 81 years young, twice widowed, a mother, grandmother, great grandmother, friend and VOLUNTEER EXTRAORDINAIRE, has given her time, her energy and her talents to make life better for others, and in doing so has enriched her own life and inspired and challenged others to do the same. Recently our ZARJA Editor, Corinne Leskovar spoke to me of her concerns, thoughts and hopes of finding a way to unite our members of SWU across the country, young and old, and to encourage the enrollment of new, active members. After reading about President Clinton’s PUSH FOR VOLUNTEERISM and my impressive encounter with one of our very own SWU VOLUNTEERS, it would follow that “together we might make a difference, in our own lives and in the lives of others, by taking on, as a group, some specific action of VOLUNTEERISM! This joint effort would bring added life to Branches whose members struggle to keep active in some meaningful way other than birthday parties and card games. This active VOLUNTEER participation would excite others to join us and give added prestige to Slovenian Women’s Union in our own communities. Perhaps you have your own favorite VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY; perhaps you know of a SWU member (or Branch) that does many hours of VOLUNTEERING! I challenge all of you to write to us with your ideas for revitalizing our SWU Branches through just such a group effort! We would like to add stories of individuals and suggestions for VOLUNTEER projects in future editions of ZARJA. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Following the President’s push, and VOLUNTEERING to do some project under the banner of SWU would be a giant step in promoting our group as a progressive and caring Union of Women willing to accept the challenges of the 90's. God will surely continue to bless us for our efforts. Jean Korsman NATIONAL SECRETARY - - KEEPING UP-TO-DATE We are still amazed at the number of members who (insist) they were not informed about the direct billing and the increase in dues/assessments. Callers have even said “I don’t even belong to the organization” but state they do belong to ZARJA. Members question if their benefit will decrease, because they are paying a lower rate after age 75. One message in ZARJA was heeded, and to date only six small (dues) books have been received. A trickle of cash still is being sent, kinder notes are received. We consider the effort successful. The billing is completed. If you receive this issue of ZARJA and have not received your bill, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and return it with your payment. We will trace your membership and correct our records. We spent a great deal of time this year on updating information sent to us. We find Grandmas are very concerned that they receive the bills, not the family member. Many members in nursing homes have their financial matters handled by sons/daughters. All these notations are made ASAP. At the same time we are programming the computer for 1998. It all takes time, and we apologize for any delays. Secretaries, please take note of the following: When sending in new applications please take time to fill out the bottom portion of the application. Your signature is important, as is the date of the application and the branch number. Many, many applications have been received without this portion completed. We have no alternative but to assign the member to Branch No. 30, Home Office. If an application is given/sent to an outside party, this same information should be filled out. Also, when sending in a certificate for a death benefit, please note on the certificate if the beneficiary information is current, and if you want the benefit check mailed to the recipient or to you. All members did not respond to the request printed in ZARJA many, many months ago. When checking with Home Office records, we find numerous cases where children (beyond) the parents are deceased, leaving no true beneficiary. If the death certificate states “widowed” and our certificate lists the husband as beneficiary, you must check further. Doing this before you send the certificate(s) will help a great deal. Concern has been expressed because a deceased member received an invoice. When a certificate is sent to the Home Office, it is not immediately sent to us. When certificates are received here (Bedford, Ohio), we immediately notate the records DECEASED, just as we do CANCEL(lations). The period between the time of a death, the gathering of proper paperwork and the processing of the benefit can in no way be tabulated to avoid such errors. A simple “disregard” to family members calling you in such instances is all that is needed. All mail regarding any of the above should be forwarded to P.O. Box 46539, Bedford, Ohio to avoid delays. Mail concerning purchases from the Heritage Museum should be sent to 431 North Chicago Street, Joliet, Illinois 60432. Concerning our repairs at Home Office in Joliet, the portion of the office that was damaged by water in December has been repaired, plasterboard and ceiling tiles have been replaced, walls have been painted. Volunteers from the museum are doing somewhat of a spring cleaning, and the last item that will be taken care of is carpeting. The building is aging, and the most we can do is keep the working conditions comfortable. A major repair was undertaken in May, when the east wall of the building, below the ground level, had to be repaired to alleviate water seeping into the basement where records are kept. Consideration is being given to moving records to the second floor away from any possible future problems. Rest assured that your Board of Directors is working with one goal in mind, to keep our organization functioning as long as possible. We have started our seventy-first year, we are already looking forward to our seventy-second, and with help from everyone, yourself included, we will mark seventy-five years, our diamond jubilee. Respectfully, Evelyn A. Majercik, National Secretary If you have received ZARJA and if you have NOT received a statement for your annual dues, please fill out the following form, send it to us with your payment. Name: Address: Zip: Class A Member, under 75 yrs of age Class A Member, over 75 yrs of age Class B Member, under 75 yrs of age Class B Member, over 75 yrs of age Junior Member Social Member Make checks payable to: S.W.U. Check No.: Amount: _____ Br. No.: _ Certificate No.: $12.00 8.00 15.00 10.00 4.00 15.00 Mail to: Circle amount that applies to your membership. S.W.U. P.O. Box 46539 Bedford, OH 44146 athleen’s (9lS /\ onnection Everyone who knows me knows I love to travel, but there are other activities that we can do as a group. For those of you in the Cleveland area, or SNPJ Members across the country, you know that a group of people have organized to restore the Cleveland Cultural Gardens. My mother, Patricia Adamic, contacted them regarding the price of a new bust of Bishop Baraga. The cost is in the area of $3,000.00. It seemed like a good idea to present the proposal to the Board. 1 did and we elected to start a campaign to start a fund raising campaign to make the SWU a permanent part of the garden. Since this is a National campaign, I am hoping each member will consider a small donation and each branch make it a goal to make a donation. There is a separate article in ZARJA to give you the details! Although you may not live in or near Cleveland, they do have thousands of visitors each day, and if we are successful in collecting the necessary funds, the Slovenian Women’s Union will be a permanent part of the Garden as well. Who knows, your Branch may get new members as a result! Let’s keep our heritage alive. In the ZARJA (back cover) you will also find an ad for a book on Slovenia. Our Pots and Pans columnist, Marion Bowers, discovered this treasure. The profits from the sale of this book will go to our Convention Fund. We will only have it available for 1 year, so do not miss this opportunity to share the beauty of this land with all your friends and relatives and gain a lot of knowledge about Slovenia. Note to Moms and grandmoms: This is a perfect resource for students who have to write papers or make projects about their heritage. ON THE COVER: LAS VEGAS! At the recent National Board Meeting in Joliet, your National Officers were once again busy at work making decisions on what to do to keep our Zveza going strong. These meetings always remind us that our organziation needs to cultivate new members and new activities to keep them! Once again I have researched the possibility of organizing a trip to Las Vegas. Last year we found it too expensive to put together a package across the country including airfare and hotel. This year I have chosen to arrange the hotel portion only, in order to allow each city to take advantage of their local specials for airfare. I am pleased to announce that I have made the following arrangements. THE STARDUST HOTEL WELCOMES SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OCTOBER 24, 25, 26, 1997 $95.00 per room + tax, double occupancy The hotel has blocked 20 rooms for us for Friday and Saturday night, however if you want to arrive earlier or stay later, just let them know when you call them to book your room. Reservations are on a first come basis and you need to contact the Stardust at 1-800-824-6033 and speak with the Group Sales office to get one of our blocked rooms. I would also like to make reservations for us to attend a dinner show as a group on Saturday. If you are interested please notify me by phone or mail. Prices range from $30 - $40 which include the meal and show. I am leaning toward the Dinner Show at the Excalibur, which sounds like fun. Just a reminder, I am always open to suggestions for activities to promote the SWU and encourage new members to join. Please feel free to send your idea’s anytime. Kathleen M. Emerson, ^0 Women’s Activity Director 41 Sparrow Hill K Orion, Ml 48359 The Strategic Consumer: By Bernadette J. Kovačič ] Free Brochure Available to Assist in Choosing a Health Plan The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), in conjunction with the Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA) has published a new brochure, “Choosing and Using a Health Plan,” designed to aid consumers when choosing a health insurance plan and to help them understand the benefits provided under insurance plans. This guide will be helpful for consumers who have the option of choosing various health plans, as well as those who cannot choose their own health plan, but want to better understand the benefits and protection the plan provides. When choosing and using a health plan, consumers are more confident if they understand the basic benefits and are able to make an informed decision. The brochure outlines a comparison of plans, the services offered, choice of providers, quality, cost and location. Included are tips on how to obtain care for you and your family, how to better understand the plan’s hospitalization procedures and the strategy one can take in case there is dissatisfaction of care. You may receive a free copy of the guide by calling the Health Insurance Association of America clearinghouse toll-free at 888-844-2782. The guide can also be found on AHCPR’s web site by using a web browser, specifying URL http://www/ and clicking on “consumer health.” I!! SLOUEHM Here is something to keep you in touch with Slovenia, Slovenian culture, art, media, economy, education, holidays and other things Slovenian and put a book in your hands while you're waiting for the new SWU cookbook to be published. It is an up-to-date travel book titled SLOVENI A, a "Travel Survival Kit", (part of a series of travel books), by Steve Fallon of Lonely Planet Publications. The reader will find more current information packed into its 300 + pages than in any other book around. In addition, there are dozens of color photos, dozens of maps, dozens of drawings in this well-bound paperback. The first portion of the book is devoted to facts about Slovenia - history (especially WWI to the present), geography, flora, fauna, economy, arts, I'cxxJ, festivals, sporting events etc. There is a chapter devoted to Ljubljana plus extensive chapters for each of the eight provinces. The author is a very objective writer for he credits by name many, many Slovenians in Slovenia from government officials to museum curators who assisted him with the book. A Slovenian who has lived in Slovenia knows his or her province well, but he or she may learn more about other areas with this btxik, for as Father David Stalzcr of Joliet, Illinois said, "Even though Slovenia is a small nation, it is somewhat diverse in its customs, foods and practices." As mentioned in Love to Cook in the April issue of Zaija, "It is a well researched, detailed, current book and excellent armchair reading.." It is a must for anyone who is planning or has had a trip to Slovenia. And what better gift to give the younger generation or senior citizens than a book that speaks to their roots? It can be a gift for birthdays, graduation, Christmas or other holidays or special occasions. SLOVENIA can be given to a grandson or nephew after a grand-daughter or niece has been given a copy of the SLOVENIANS LOVE TO COOK BOOK. Maybe its a good idea to give each of them both books? And, while you're at it, why not give yourself this gift? To truly personalize SLOVENIA, the person giving it can write a lovely dedication inside the front cover, highlight or annotate the book throughout its pages, and, a big bonus, SLOVENIA has 10 blank pages titled, "Notes", where gift givers can further personalize the lxx)k with their own memories and special sentiments to the recipient. It is also a lund raiser (a beneficial arrangement has been worked out with Lonely Planet), so, by purchasing SLOVENIA from SWU, members will not only enjoy the contents of the bk but they will be helping to support ZVEZA! To order SLOVENIA, please send $16.00 ($13.95 + $2.05 packing and mailing) to: KATHY EMERSON DIRECTOR OF WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES 41 SPARROW HILL ORION MICHIGAN 48359 the new smvxMMJVs mvz emjc sumzjc recipe format So that you, the SWU members, can create a more understandable, harmonious and professional cookbook, your recipes arc going to be compiled in a uniform format as follows: A. Introduce your recipe with something interesting about it, such as a funny anecdote, history (origin), poetry, memories evoked, etc. Examples: Pretzels were "born" during Lent when a monk rolled leftover dough into a "rope" which he Imped to resemble "arms" lolded across the chest in prayer. (This interesting vignette was sent in by our national secretary, Evelyn Majcrcik.) A nice memory of childhcxxi was coming home from schl and having the delicious smell of homemade soup meet me at the d(x>r. Here is mom's recipe for GOVEJA JUHA (BEEF SOUP): B. Write rccipe titles in Slovenian followed by the English translation. Example: See above. C. Enter al| ingredients to be used in the recipe in a list above the preparation pr(x:cdurc, and list them in the order that they arc to be used. Example: See rccipes in this issue. D. Give exact measurements, when applicable, for all ingredients - with exceptions like "salt and pepper to taste" and "cover with tomato juice". Example: 1 cup milk, I tablespoon sugar, 2 teaspoons salt, I package (3 oz.) lime gelatin, 1 can (6 oz.) tuna fish. E. Spell out words like cup, tablespoon, teaspn etc. to avoid errors. (Abbreviations arc used in the recipes in Zarja only bccausc of the space restrictions of trying to get three recipes on one page). F. Include information about pan sizes, oven temperatures, cooking times, etc. Example: 9" x 13" casserole, Bake 375° for 35 minutes. G. Include the amount the recipe makes, if applicable. Example: Serves 4, Makes 3 dozen ctxikies, etc. H. Make your rccipc to test it for correctness and completeness before submitting it if you don't prepare it often. I. Pnx)frcad your rccipc yourself, plus have someone not familiar with the rccipc pnx>frcad it for undcrstandability, errors, etc. Incomplete or incorrect rccipcs cannot be used. J. Following the rccipe, you may wish to include options or suggestions. Example: Sec rccipcs in this issue. K. Include your name, address, and branch number so your name can be listed with your rccipc, and so it will be personalized with your name when you give it as a gift. &mV£nian* JM CGCUC Ua your S.l