S.K.D. S.C.A. ^iovusiioH^ Q-OHO^oiv Q^^Hhcia^Hoii. p^l JhoHiioia^ 127 Sovereign Cove, Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA R2V 4X1 Phone (204) 632-5699 • Fox (204) 694-3685 • bmaiigec@shaw,ca July August Septennber 2010 Volunne 6 Issue 3 LEP POZDRAV NAŠIM ČLANOM IN PRIJATELJEM HELLO TO ALL OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS As I promised you in our lost news brief, I will give you details about the summer holidays and plans for this foils events, First I would like to start with vocations in Slovenia, There were o few families from Winnipeg visiting Slovenia at the same time. We did met in Slovenia, Our member Mrs, Morija Jakob did a wonderful job organizing her family gathering in Slovenia, It was my privilege to be a guest at the Jakob family celebrations, Marijo was surrounded by her family members from Slovenia and Canada, This event was well planned and prepared. Our member Morija Jakob organized o surprise wedding anniversary part/ for her sister in Slovenia ,This event was held in a Kot sem vam obljubil v našem zadnjem časopisu , da vam bom opisal dogodke od poletnih dopustov in načrtih SKD v Mb za bodoče prireditve ,in bom poskušal do vas o tem informiram. Najprej bi rad začel z dopustom v naši domovini Sloveniji ,je bilo več družin iz Winnipega in Kanade in smo v domovini preživeli lep čas v druženju , Članica našega društva ga. Morija Jakob je priredila čudovito skupno srečanje v domovini in bilo mi je v veliko čast do sem bil povabljen no takšno srečanje družin Jakob iz Slovenije in raznih mest v Kanadi, To srečanje je bilo odlično načrtovano in organizirano , našo članica Morija Jakob je Continued from page 1 gorgeous restaurant in Poljcane, I was annazed at peoples happiness and aiso tlie friendiy atnno-spliere, Tlie food was sonnetliing to rennennber, weii prepared by a iocai clief, For entertainnnent tliere was a iocai band piaying traditional nnusic for filis party, Marija was an exceiient speaker i congratuiate iier for a weii prepared speecii, Maria we fiiankyou for your invitation and we wisii you and your fanniiy nnany nnore iiappy vacations iike fiiis one in our beioved Siovenia, At file end everybody in attendance received a group and individual pictures taken by a professional photographer, This will stay in our nnennorles for ever, I wish the Jakob fanniiy will have nnany nnore gatherings like this one. Thank you nnanna Marija, Thank you Jakob fanniiy For nnyself I can say yes it was great to visit close fanniiy and especially to see nny nnother, she was celebrating her 87th Birthday with all of us around her. My wife Evelyn was happy to see nny nnother after 27 years, I visited a few of nny good friends in Slovenia, I cherish those nnonnents, Evelyn also noticed how good Slovenia did as an independent country She noticed what a good job Slovenia did on its infrastructure, new highways, new bridges, tunnels, shopping nnalls yes Slovenia, congratulations on all those achieve-nnents. We are proud of you as a country, and as I always stated in nny connnnents, business people in Slovenia jointly with governnnent, please look after our people in Slovenia, let thenn have a decent life. Pay thenn accordingly for their skills and work. We would like to see Slovenians staying in Slovenia, there is no need for this new generation to look for jobs and future outside of Slovenia like we did. No doubt that Slovenia is green and beautiful and EU should be proud to have nnennbers like Slovenia, On that note I'nn proud of the European connnnissioner for Environnnent, Mr, Janez Potočnik, I have had the pleasure to nneet hinn a few years back, I said to nny friends at honne, this young nnan is the nnost skilled politician and intellectual Slovenian that I have ever nneet, and today - just recently he beconne connnnissioner for the EU, congratulations Mr, Potocar. On behalf of our Executives and nnennbers I would like to thank you all for your loyal support, Branko Maligec priredila poročno obletnico svoji sestri v donnovini, To praznovanje je bilo prirejeno v čudovitenn gostišču Jug v nnestu Poljčane , Jaz senn bil prijetno presenečen na vzdušje in praznično veselje vseh navzočih , posebnost je bilo kosilo in se vse kar je sledilo ,to je bilo pripravljeno z donnačinni dobrotanni, in za prijjetno veselje so poskrbeli donnačini z donnačinn ansannblonn ki je igral krasno Slovensko narodnozabavno glasbo ga, Marija je innela lep nagovor, jaz ji čestitann za lep govor, vsi navzoči snno bili prijetno presenečeni , Marija nni se ti zahvaljujenno za tvoje vabilo in ti želinno da se ta vaš družinski dogodek, srečanje vaše družine v donnovini in iz Kanade priredi kot vaš praznik, in želinn vaši družini Jakob da se zbe-rete vtako prazničnenn vzdušju vsako leto , Hvala nnanna Marija , hvala družini Jakob za gostoljublje in prijetne trenutke v Sloveniji, Zase lahko rečenn , bilo je zelo lepo , ker sva z ženo preživela prijetne trenutke z nnojo družino , posebnost obiska je bilo skupno praznovanje nnanninega 87, Rojstnega dneva , Moja žena Evelyn je bila zelo vesela da se je srečala z nnojo nnanno po 27 letih , Tokrat senn obiskal nekaj nnojih dobrih prijateljev po Sloveniji in to nni bo ostalo v doživljenjskenn sponninu , Evelyn je opazila kako velike sprennennbe je Slovenija naredila v 27 letih odkar je ona bila na zadnjenn obisku , seveda sedaj kot sannostojna država Slovenija gradi svojo suvernost v EU in posebnost je infrastruktura v gradnji hitrih cest, nnostov, tunelov ogronnnih trgovskih centrov, Čestitanno Sloveniji v vseh uspehih , in kot senn vedno poudarjal v nnojih pisanjih in razmišljanjih , apeliram na vse podjetnike, in lastnike Slovenskega kapitala , in Državnega zbora R,S, da vsi skupaj vlagate v bodočnost Slovenskega naroda , in da jih primerno nagradite za njihove delovne sposobnosti, tako da ne bi bilo več selitev Slovencev v svet kot je bilo v časih moje mladosti. Komentar o naravnih lepot Slovenije ni potreben ker je resnično čudovita dežela , in je pravi zeleni dragulj Evrope , Jaz sem kot Slovenec ponosen da je EU izbrala sposobnega Slovenca kot Evropskega komisarja za okolje in naravo g, Janeza Potočarja , jaz sem ga srečal pred nekaj leti v Ljubljani in on je naredil name vtis kot spoštovanja vredna oseba , Je zelo izobražen in po mojem mišljenju ima velik Continued on page 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS Slovenian, Canadian Association of Manitoba is iiaving a voi-unteer's appreciation nig lit & Haiioween party on October 30/2010 at, Royai Canadian Legion 1335 Main St, Tickets are oniy $ 12,00 per person, aiso for fun evening tiiere wiii be 3 costunne prizes and 50/50 draw. Our iong serving executive and nnennber of Slovenian Canadian Association of Mb,,Nevenka Gacnik, is nnoving to Vancouver, We wouid iike to see you aii witii us to say goodbye and tiiank Nevenka for iier contribution to our Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba, Nevenka was our nnennber fronn the first day of registering our new club, she served us well, we all are going to nniss her, but also we wish her the best of luck in her new destination, Nevenka was great asset to us, we hope that her Slovenian roots and love for Slovenia will continue in her new province of British Colunnbia, Thank you Nevenka , we will re-nnennber you. You are always welconne to visit us. This October Marjan Jakob, Tanya Jakob and Evelyn Maligec will be celebrating their birthdays, on behalf of all nnennbers, happy birthday to all Continued from page 2 potencljal v EU in v Sloveniji za osebno napredovanje v Slovenski ali Evropski politiki, g, Potočar hvala ti za skrb v EU in Slovenije v sedanjenn EU položaju ti želinn še več uspehov v tvoji bodočnosti, Vsenn bralcenn in članonn lep pozdrav in hvala za vaše sodelovanje , naše društvo vas vse v VVinnipegu vljudno vabinno na vse prireditve SKD v Mb, Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba Board of Directors for 2010 - 2012 President: Branko Maligec Vice President: Mike Dovidija Treasurer: Marjan Jakob Secretary: Draga Znidaric Directors: Heidi Jakob Marjan Snidaric Toni Klanchar 1^1 SLOVENIAN BASKETBALU Sixty years ago no one could even have dreanned that one day a Slovenian national teann would be playing at the World channpi-onshipl the Slovenian teann's eighth place at the 2010 FIBa World channplonshlp in turkey is a great success for national basketball, given that the teann was effectively nnissing its starting five.vujačič, nesterovič, lorbek, snnodiš and Bene udrih are all experienced players and for-nner NBA stars, but for various reasons they were not part of the teann in Istanbul, even so, the teann acquitted itself extrennely well under the expert guidance of coach nnenni Bečirovič and for the first tinne in its history won itself a place annong the top eight teanns in the world, The final tally was five victories and four defeats, Unfortunately, hosts Turkey proved too strong in the quarter final, if not for thenn, Slovenia could perhaps have ended the World channplonshlp just below or even on the world throne, a collective spirit of all for one and one for all prevailed in the Slovenian teann. The visible sparks of happiness that were apparent after every successful play, after every basket and after every victory are an excellent sign for the next big connpetitions. Alongside veterans lakovic, slokar, Bečirovič, Brezec and nachbar, a nunnber of new players perfornned well at the tournannent, notably the excellent centre gasper vidnnar, sanno udrih, hasan rizvič and Jaka Klobučar, They showed that Slovenia need not fear for its basketballing future. In connpetitive ternns, Slovenia played sonne excellent nnatches. After their opening win against tunisia they lost to the USA, but then enjoyed a run of three consecutive victories, beating Croatia, Brazil and Iran, the 80:77 victory against Brazil was particularly exciting, a suprenne perfornnance in which OF THE W0R0 Slovenia broke down the resistance of the south annericans in the dying nnonnents of the nnatch. Facing Australia in the eighth-finals, Slovenia played the ganne of their life and scored their biggest victory in the channplonshlp. The World channplonshlp was also a real festival for Slovenian supporters, nnore than 4,000 of thenn nnade the journey to turkey's biggest city, loudly cheering the Slovenian players to victory As influential turkish daily hurriyet put it; 'the usa are the world channpions but the title of best supporters goes to Slovenia,' and it is true. With such encouragennent and fanatical support, it is not difficult to play at the very highest level. The quarter-final nnatch between Slovenia and turkey was watched by the Presidents of the two countries, danilo turk and abdullah gul, Slove- nia becanne one of the handful of countries to be watched by a head of state connplete with supporter's scarf and other signs of enthusiastic support, turkey were the better teann on the day and at the end of the nnatch we shook their hands and wished thenn the best of luck for the rennainder of the tournannent, and, for the first tinne in history turkey reached the final, where, however, they ultinnately conceded defeat to the excellent players of the usa. After losing to russia in the battle for seventh place Slovenia was left with a consolation - an eighth place which is the best result that independent Slovenia has achieved to date in a world channplonshlp connpetition. The next big challenge for Slovenian basketball is to qualify for the 2012 olynnpic gannes in london. With such teann spirit, connnnitnnent to connnnon goals and outstanding supporters, this objective too is probably achievable. Although dr Jannes naisnnith 'invented' basketball in 1896, the first World channplonshlp did not take place until 1950, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, European channpionships have been contested since 1935 and basketball has been an olynnpic sport since 1936, the fornner yugoslavia was annong the teanns to contest the first World channplonshlp in 1950; its national side included the Slovenian basketball player nnirko annon, then playing for ljubljana club Zeleznicar, Basketball was only just starting to develop in Slovenia in those days, and although Sonne sources clainn that it was already being played in as early as 1920, there is no solid evidence of this. The following players appeared for Slovenia: Uroš Slokar, Jaka Lakovič (captain), Hasan Rizvič, Gašper Vidnnar, Jaka Klobučar, Boštjan Nachbar, Goran Jagodnik, Sanno Udrih, Sani Bečirovič, Goran Dragič, Miha Zupan and Prinnož Brezec, The coach was Menni Bečirovič, Slovenia's results: Preliminary round; Tunisia 80;56, USA 77;99, Croatia 91 ;84, Brazil 80; 77, Iran 65;60, 1/8 final; Australia 87;58, 1/4 final; Turkey 68;95, 5th to 8th place; Spain 80;97, Russia 78;83 WORLDl^'^ Former US Secretary of State, General Colin Powell: I appeal for greater optimism In solving problems, If the world was able to hold out during the period of nuclear threat In the Cold War a full 20 years ago, then If It Is united, and In partnership, It will also solve the current problems. The world Is no longer In a time of superpowers, but Is a world of partnerships, and In this world small countries will play an Increasing part. This also applies to Slovenia,The driving force for the future In the world will be primarily the creation of wealth, since this drives progress In the USA and Europe, as well as In China, Here there Is also a need to create jobs, since this gives people dignity; In this way stability will be created In the world. In this period, Europe has made an exceptional journey, and among the greatest achievements of united Europe I would highlight the open Schengen area, Slovenia has 20,000 square kilometres, two million Inhabitants, a total of 7,000 soldiers, but look at the role It plays. Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar: Slovenia's diplomatic corps Is striving to open the door for Slovenian companies, and they In turn are capable of exploiting this. This shows that alongside the Vegrads, Slovenia also has companies that are capable of looking Into the future and that believe In forums, and that we have companies that believe In economic diplomacy and regard cooperation with the foreign ministry as successful private-public partnership. Director for Global Energy Dialogue at the International Energy Agency, UI rich Benterbusch: A revolution In energy If we wish to stay on a sustainable path. Is urgently needed. Without major help from developing countries, we will not succeed; countries such as China, India and Brazil are already working on this and they have ambitious programmes for efficiency and renewable energy sources. European Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik: In Europe, too, the lack of water Is a serious problem, especially In the Mediterranean, The boundary between threatened and non-threatened areas Is shifting north, owing to climate change, and the areas where water problems are appearing are expanding,The Issue of water management does not Involve just the Issue of water shortages, but also the quality of water resources. On the Issue of water resource management, the European Union has taken the approach of directives, meaning that the Union sets a common goal, which the Member States then try to achieve through various national approaches. The EU's Water Framework Directive was adopted In 2000,The assumption for successful water management lies In regional cooperation and the bottom-up principle. Success In this area also requires the Integration of aspects of water resource management Into other policies, such as agriculture, transport. Industrial policy and spatial planning,There are major differences among Member States In the Implementation of EU legislation In the area of water, Slovenia Is among 11 countries that have not yet presented a response to the Commission In due time regarding measures relating to the management of water catchment areas, and that have therefore received their first reminders from Brussels, Yves Leterme, Prime Minister of Belgium, which currently holds the EU Presidency: Mutual dependence In the world Is growing In all areas, from the economy to politics, security and climate change. In seeking solutions to what might be local problems, we need to think In a broader, global framework. For this the world needs global leadership, but In this there should be a shift In the balance of power In Institutions, The G20 group Is a good framework for resolving the world's problems. 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