UDK 666.3/.7:66.091 ISSN 1580-2949 Izvirni znanstveni članek MTAEC9, 38(6)313(2004) THE SYNTHESIS OF Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 CERAMICS SINTEZA KERAMIKE Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3 Matjaž Spreitzer, Matjaž Valant, Danilo Suvorov Advanced Materials Department, "Jožef Stefan" Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia matjaz.spreitzerŽijs.si Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) ceramics were solid-state synthesized by reacting materials at 800 °C and 850 °C. After the sintering, minor weight losses and a change of symmetry of the NBT unit cell from cubic-like to rhombohedral were observed. The existence of cubic-like symmetry for the NBT unit cell at room temperature during the preparation of the ceramics has not been reported previously. Using scanning electron microscopy we observed the presence of the NaBiTi6O14 secondary phase in the sintered samples; however, X-ray powder-diffraction analysis was found to be insufficiently sensitive to detect this phase. With prolonged sintering at 1100 °C, or higher, the secondary phase decomposed to form NBT and TiO2. Such a heat treatment resulted in dense NBT ceramics with only traces of the TiO2 secondary phase. Key words: Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3, Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3, synthesis, solid-sate reaction, cubic-like symmetry Sintezo keramike Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3 (NBT) smo izvedli z reakcijo v trdnem pri 800 °C in 850 °C. Po sintranju smo opazili manjšo izgubo mase vzorca in spremembo simetrije osnovne celice NBT iz kubični podobne v romboedrično. Pri pripravi keramike do sedaj še niso poročali o obstoju kubični podobne simetrije osnovne celice NBT pri sobni temperaturi. Pri analizi sintranih vzorcev z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom smo opazili sekundarno fazo NaBiTi6O14, medtem ko se je rentgenska praškovna analiza izkazala kot nezadostna pri njenem detektiranju. Pri podaljšanem sintranju pri 1100 °C ali višje je sekundarna faza razpadla v NBT in TiO2. Po takšnem postopku žganja smo pripravili gosto keramiko NBT, ki je vsebovala le sledove TiO2 sekundarne faze. Ključne besede: Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3, Bi0,5Na0,5TiO3, sinteza, reakcija v trdnem, kubični podobna simetrija 1 INTRODUCTION The most commonly used electric-field tunable devices are phase shifters, tunable filters, tunable capacitors, etc 1. Such applications demand high values of dielectric tunability, low dielectric losses and a low temperature dependence of permittivity. The relative dielectric tunability is defined as the relative change in the permittivity after applying a DC-bias electric field (e(0) - L(E0)) / L(0). The investigations of tunable materials have been focused mainly on paraelectric modifications near the ferroelectric transition. Among these materials it is mostly the modified incipient ferroelectrics, like SrTiO3 and KTaO3, that have been investigated 2, in particular (Ba1-xSrx)TiO3-based materials 1. The paraelectric modifications of these materials can exhibit high values of permittivity, and consequently tunability, due to their high Curie-Weiss constant, low dielectric losses due to the absence of ferroelectric domains and a low temperature dependence of permittivity 3. However, it was found that the tunability and the dielectric losses are related in such a way that the dielectric losses increase with an increase in the tunability of a particular material 4. Apart from these materials, the behavior of antiferroelectrics and their paraelectric modifications under a DC-bias field and an assessment of their use in tunable devices have been poorly investigated. Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) is a complex perovskite compound. Above 540 °C the symmetry of NBT is cubic; between 400 °C and 500 °C it is tetragonal; and below 255 °C it is rhombohedral 5. The maximum in the permittivity occurs at about 320 °C 6, which is not at the temperature of the phase transition. This is a somewhat unusual behavior for a dielectric property because the maximum of the permittivity normally occurs at the temperature of the ferroelectric transition. In the temperature ranges from 500 °C to 540 °C and from 255 °C to 400 °C the coexistence of the cubic and the tetragonal, and the tetragonal and the rhombohedral phases, respectively, was found2. In spite of many recent studies the information about the nature of the phase transitions is still not coherent 7. However, it has been observed that NBT, when modified with compounds like BaTiO3 8, PbTiO3 9 and SrTiO3 10, exhibits regular anti-ferroelectric hysteresis loops at elevated temperatures. NBT ceramics have already been prepared by solid-state reaction 7, hydrothermally 11, mechanochemically 12, by a sol-gel method 13 and by a citrate-gel method 14, although the reaction mechanism has been much less investigated and discussed than the phase transitions. In the literature the most frequently described method for preparing NBT ceramics involves a solid-state reaction, see Table 1. In our preliminary investigations we repeated the described procedure. The obtained ceramics were not single phase according to our analysis with a scanning electron microscope. In the literature the NBT ceramics produced in this way are always MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 38 (2004) 6 313 M. SPREITZER ET AL.: THE SYNTHESIS OF Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 CERAMICS described as being single phase, but this information is only based on X-ray powder diffraction. Table 1: Processing parameters for NBT ceramics Tabela 1: Parametri procesiranja keramike NBT Synthesis Reaction temperature and time Sintering temperature and 1. firing 2. firing time 1* 800 °C, 2h / milling CIP 1100 °C, 1h 2 800 °C, 5h 850 °C, 5h milling CIP 1100 °C, 20 min 3 UP 1100 °C, 10 h 4 UP 1150 °C, 20 h * = in the literature the most frequently described method for preparing NBT ceramics CIP = cold isostatically pressed with 750 MPa UP = uniaxially pressed with 100 MPa In this study we investigated the synthesis of NBT ceramics produced by solid-state reaction. The results of this study will further serve for the preparation of, and tunability measurements on, antiferroelectrics and their paraelectric phases. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The starting materials were Bi2O3 (Alfa Aesar, 99.975 %), TiO2 (Alfa Aesar, 99.8 %) and Na2CO3 (Alfa Aesar, 99.997 %). A stoichiometric mixture of the starting materials for the preparation of the NBT ceramics was homogenized and treated as indicated in Table 1. The procedure, which was carried out under number 1, is the most frequently described in the literature. It consists of 2 h of firing of the stoichiometric mixture at 800 °C, milling, cold isostatic pressing and sintering at 1100 °C for 1 h 15. The X-ray powder-diffraction (XRD) studies were performed with Bruker AXS D4 Endeavor diffracto-meter using Cu K? radiation. The XRD data were collected from 10° < 2? < 80° with a step of 0.02°, a counting time of 2 s, and a variable V12 slit. The composition of the sintered samples was also analyzed with a Jeol-5800 scanning electron microscope (SEM), while their porosity was visually inspected with an Olympus B203 optical microscope (OM). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The XRD pattern of the sample after 2 h of firing at 800 °C (Figure 1a) showed that the sample contained an NBT matrix as well as some other crystalline phases, mainly a compound that is isostructural with Bi4Ti3O12. The fraction of secondary phases decreased after a prolonged reaction time, i.e., 5 h, at the same temperature (Figure 1b). Because the starting mixture for the preparation of the NBT ceramics contained Na2CO3, the weight of the mixture should decrease during the reaction due to the evaporation of CO2. After the complete reaction of Na2CO3 the weight of the mixture should be equal to stoichiometric NBT. Weight-loss measurements during our experiments showed that the weight of the sample after the reaction was higher than that of stoichiometric NBT, which indicated that the Na2CO3 did not react completely and was therefore still present in the sample. The XRD pattern of a sample after a subsequent 5 h of firing at 850 °C (Figure 1c) showed the presence of only the NBT phase. Similarly, XRD patterns of all the sintered samples did not show the presence of any additional phase (Figure 1d). However, a detailed examination of all the patterns revealed that during the Figure 1: XRD patterns of samples after 2 h of firing at 800 °C (a), 5 h of firing at 800 °C (b), 5 h of firing at 850 °C (c) and after 20 min of sintering at 1100 °C (d) (N = NBT, I = intermediate products) Slika 1: Rentgenski difraktogrami vzorcev po 2 h žganju pri 800 °C (a), 5 h žganja pri 800 °C (b), 5 h žganja pri 850 °C (c) in 20 min sintranja pri 1100 °C (d) (N = NBT, I = vmesni produkti) Figure 2: XRD diffraction lines at 2? ? 68° of samples after 5 h of firing at 800 °C (a) and after 10 h of sintering at 1100 °C (b) (R: rhombohedral split) Slika 2: Rentgenske uklonske linije pri 2? ? 68° vzorcev po 5 h žganja pri 850 °C (a) in po 10 h sintranju pri 1100 °C (b) (R: rombo-edrična cepitev) 314 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 38 (2004) 6 M. SPREITZER ET AL.: THE SYNTHESIS OF Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 CERAMICS m * * *¦ ., .' . ? * ' r *¦ lOlHTt | 10 pm Figure 3: SEM images of samples sintered at 1100 °C for 1 h (a), at 1100 °C for 20 min (b), at 1100 °C for 10 h (c) and at 1150 °C for 20 h (d) Slika 3: SEM posneteki vzorcev, sintranih 1 h pri 1100 °C (a), 20 min pri 1100 °C (b), 10 h pri 1100 °C (c) in 20 h pri 1150 °C (d) sintering process the symmetry of all the diffraction peaks changed from cubic-like to rhombohedral (Figure. 2). The latter is identical with the rhombohedral symmetry described in the literature 2. The existence of a cubic-like symmetry for NBT at room temperature has been reported once, for an NBT single crystal produced by the Czochralski method 16. Although NBT single crystals have been produced by this method many times, they have always been found to be rhombohedral, except for this one example. SEM images of all the sintered samples are shown in Figure 3. Except for the case of prolonged sintering at 1150 °C, all the images revealed the presence of the same secondary phase, even thought it could not be seen from the XRD patterns. The composition of the secondary phase was determined with EDS analysis to be NaBiTi6O14. During the sintering of all the samples we detected weight losses of less than 1 wt. %. With regard to the presence of the NaBiTi6O14 secondary phase in the sintered samples and the stoichiometric NBT, the weight losses could be associated with the evaporation of sodium- and bismuth-rich compounds. In cases 2, 3 and 4 the samples after the second firing were sintered under different conditions (Table 1). According to the SEM analyses of these sintered samples the fraction of NaBiTi6O14 secondary phase decreased with increasing sintering time and temperature (Figures 3b, 3c and 3d). This is in agreement with the literature data that indicates that the NaBiTi6O14 decomposes to form NBT and TiO2 at 1100 °C 17. We observed that it completely decomposed when the sample was exposed to 1150 °C for 20 h. In this sample we found that no NaBiTi6O14 phase was present; however, we observed traces of a secondary phase, which is most likely TiO2. Figure 4: OM images of samples sintered at 1100 °C for 1 h (a) and at 1100 °C for 20 min (b) Slika 4: OM posnetka vzorcev, sintranih 1 h pri 1100 °C (a) in 20 min pri 1100 °C (b) C j MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 38 (2004) 6 315 M. SPREITZER ET AL.: THE SYNTHESIS OF Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 CERAMICS An exact EDS analysis was not performed due to the small volumes of this phase. In case 1 we sintered a sample at 1100 °C for 1 h after only one firing, when the sample still contained intermediate products as well as some initial Na2CO3. According to the SEM analysis of a sintered sample the fraction of NaBiTi6O14 secondary phase was lower than in case 2, when the sample was sintered at 1100 °C for 20 min after double firing (Figures 3a and 3b). From this it appears that when the synthesis of the NBT was completed during the sintering, less secondary phase was formed. However, this is not an appropriate procedure for the development of the microstructure because of the evaporation of CO2. The porosity of the sintered sample is shown in Figure 4a, and it is much higher than in case 2 (Figure 4b). 4 CONCLUSIONS We found that the synthesis of NBT ceramics follows a different reaction mechanism than described in the literature. Single-phase NBT ceramics have not been well documented, even though the properties of NBT ceramics have been extensively discussed. From our study we believe that this can be due to low XRD sensitivity when it comes to detecting the NaBiTi6O14 secondary phase. We observed that during the preparation of NBT ceramics the symmetry of the unit cell changed from cubic-like to rhombohedral. This change can be associated with a different stoichiometry of the unit cell, which would, on the basis of the existing phase relations in the Bi2O3-Na2O-TiO2 system, result in weight losses and the formation of the NaBiTi6O14 phase. However, with optimization of the heat-treatment conditions we managed to prepare dense NBT ceramics with only traces of TiO2 secondary phase. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. 5REFERENCES 1 O. G. Vendik, E. K. Hollmann, A. B. Kozyrev, A. M. Prudan, Journal of Superconductivity, 12 (1999), 325–338 2 G. Rupprecht, R. O. Bell, Physical Review, 135 (1964), A748–A752 3 A. K. Tagantsev, V. O. Sherman, K. F. Astafiev, J. Venkatesh, N. Setter, J. of Electroceramics, 11 (2003), 5–66 4 X. X. Xi, H. C. Li, W. Si, A. A. Sirenko, I. A. Akimov, J. R. Fox, A. M. Clark, J. Hao, J. of Electroceramics, 4 (2000), 2–3, 393–405 5 G. O. Jones, P. A. 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