PREDŠOLSKA BRALNA ZNAČKA "MAVRIČNA RIBICA" IN NJEN VPLIV NA KASNEJŠE BRALNE NAVADE Slavka Kristan, Knjižnica Mirana Jarca, Novo Mesto UDK 028.5:373.2 UDK 37.036:379.2:82 Povzetek Projekt Koraki do knjige poteka na oddelku za mladino Knjižnice Mirana Jarca Novo mesto in vključuje predšolske otroke - male šolarje iz novomeške, šentjer- nejske in škocjanske občine. Malček lahko predšolsko bralno značko - Mavrično ribico (priponko) pridobi v knjižnici s pripovedovanjem štirih pravljic (ali pes- mic), ki so mu jih doma pripovedovali ali brali starši. Družinsko priznanje pa je skupno za otroke in starše. Projekt je nastal v želji, da bi se zmanjšala medijska zasvojenost otrok in bogatila duhovna vez med starši in otroki s pomočjo knjige. Smoter te aktivnosti je razvijati in bogatiti otrokov govor in mišljenje ter mu pomagati oblikovati pozitivno samopodobo. Z družinskim branjem smo priteg- nili v knjižnico poleg malih šolarjev tudi njihove starše in jih navajamo na redno uporabo knjižničnega gradiva. Mnenja staršev, knjižničark, učiteljic in vzgojiteljic so zelo vzpodbudna in tudi sodelovanje malčkov je vsako leto boljše. Ključne besede: bralne značke, predšolski otroci UDC 028.5:373.2 UDC 37.036:379.2:82 Summary The project called Footsteps to the Book is being carried out at the youth depart- ment of the Library Miran Jarc in Novo mesto; in it, preschool children from the municipalities Novo mesto, Šentjernej and Škocjan participate. The child wins the reading badge - Iridescent Little Fish vvith a pin - by telling four stories (or poems) in the library that havebeen told or read to him by his parents. Family appreciation can be vvon by both parents and children. The project has been started vvith the intention of lessening the impact of media upon children, and of strengthening the spiritual bondage among parents and children through reading. The purpose of the above mentioned activity is to develop and enrich child's language and thinking and help him form positive self esteem. Through family reading, we tried to attract to the library not only small children but also their parents and to get them accustomed to the regular use of library materials. The opinions of parents, librarians, teachers and educators are very encouraging and the cooperation of children is better each year. KRISTAN, Slavka: Pre-school reading badge called "Iridescent Little Fish" and its impact on reading habits later in life. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 41(1997)4,105-122