Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (2) 5 Review article MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING IN THE ASSESSMENT OF FETAL CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ANOMALIES Edina SALKIĆ1, Fuad JULARDŽIJA2,3*, Adnan ŠEHIĆ2,3, Merim JUSUFBEGOVIĆ2,4, Amela SOFIĆ5, Meris JUŠIĆ6, Jasmina BAJROVIĆ2,4 1 MSc student, Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 Department of radiology technologies, Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 Insitute for health development, Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 Radiology clinic, Clinical center of Sarajevo University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 5 Radiology department, General hospital “Prim. dr Abdulah Hakaš”, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 6 PhD student, Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina * Corresponding author: Fuad Julardžija, Department of radiology technologies, Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo, Stjepana Tomića 1, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina e-mail: Received: 22. 11. 2021 Accepted: 11. 1. 2022 Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (2) ABSTRACT Introduction: Fetal central nervous system (CNS) anomalies are among the most severe and common anomalies, with an incidence of 1: 100 to 1: 500 in newborns. Depending on the type of anomaly, the diagnosis can only be made at specifi c periods of pregnancy. The prenatal ultrasound (US) is an eff ective primary imaging modality for depicting these anomalies, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a method that provides useful confi rmation and resolves any doubts regarding the diagnosis made on prenatal ultrasound. In situations where ultrasound examination is diffi cult, fetal MRI can provide superior information owing to its many advantages. The aim of this study was to determine the importance of prenatal MRI in making an accurate diagnosis and assessment of fetal CNS anomalies after neurosonographic doubt and in detecting additional anomalies that might have been overlooked on ultrasound, which infl uences clinical decision making and anomaly outcomes. Material and methods: For this research, which was designed as a systematic review of the primary scientifi c research literature, numerous articles were used, i.e.17 scientifi c research papers, published in relevant scientifi c research online databases such as PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar, and the same were published in English in the period from 2015 to 2021. Results: From the assessment of the quality of studies with a cohort design, most studies used in this systematic review are high-quality studies (11 in total) and a smaller number are medium-quality studies (6 in total). Out of 575 cases, MRI confi rmed the ultrasound diagnosis and agreed with it in 59.8% of cases, while in 20.2% of cases, it changed the diagnosis, i.e., in 16.5%, it rejected the ultrasound diagnosis. Additional anomalies detected only on MRI occurred in 236/1225 cases, which totals 19.3% of additional anomalies. Termination of pregnancy was reported in 82/317 cases, accounting for 25.9%, while in 176 cases, the pregnancy continued. A total of 11 cases of neonatal death were reported, and the number of stillbirths or deaths after birth was reported in 8 cases. Conclusion: MRI using T2W SSFSE sequences in 3 planes, T1W and DWI in the axial plane, is a complementary modality to prenatal ultrasound in making an accurate diagnosis and assessment of CNS anomalies and detecting associated anomalies previously overlooked on ultrasound. Keywords: fetal magnetic resonance imaging, fetal neurosonography, fetal central nervous system anomalies, prenatal diagnosis. 6 Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (2) Salkić E. et al./ Magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of fetal central nervous system anomalies INTRODUCTION Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the fetus or prenatal MRI is a non-invasive imaging method that shows the anatomical structures of the fetus without using ionizing radiation (1). Due to a higher contrast resolution than ultrasound, fetal MRI allows better diff erentiation of normal and abnormal tissue, thus providing detailed imaging data on fetal structures, especially the brain (2). MRI of the fetus is not recommended in the fi rst trimester of pregnancy unless the fetus is life- threatening. The use of intravenous contrast agents is not recommended to reduce the potentially harmful eff ects on the fetus (3). The key function of fetal MRI is early detection of congenital anomalies incompatible with life that require termination of pregnancy or the detection of those anomalies that will undergo surgery (1). Although fetal ultrasound (US) is the fi rst and basic screening method and an eff ective primary imaging modality for a depiction of central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities, MRI is a recognized complementary method for identifying fetal CNS pathology. It can provide additional and diagnostically important information, thus adding security to ultrasound diagnosis and assisting in parent counseling (4,5). The CNS anomalies are among themselves the most severe and common anomalies, with an incidence of 1: 100 to 1: 500 in newborns (6). Depending on the type of anomaly, the diagnosis can only be made at certain periods of pregnancy. Half of the anomalies are such that they lead either to the death of the fetus or signifi cantly disrupt life after birth, which is why timely detection and treatment are of great importance (7). In situations where ultrasound examination is diffi cult, fetal MRI can provide superior information, owing to its advantages such as superior contrast resolution, increased visual fi eld, the ability to shoot smoothly due to ossifi ed skull, increased amounts of adipose tissue on the front abdominal wall, oligohydramnios, fetal bones, a small amount of amniotic fl uid, the movements themselves, and an unfavorable position of the fetus are cases where MRI is a method of choice (8,9,10). In addition, a complete examination of the fetal CNS in the three spatial planes is obtained more consistently in the second and third trimesters by MRI than by ultrasound only (11). Prenatal fetal imaging has several challenges that require sequences that can minimize the eff ects of fetal movement and maternal breathing. The quality and resolution of the image should be such that they can adequately display essentially small anatomical details, and the diff erences in low tissue contrast should be made as large as possible to adequately defi ne the brain parenchyma (12). The development of a fast retrieval sequence from a single image with refocused echo (T2 weighted) has revolutionized fetal MRI because it has a layer acquisition time of less than a second and allows for eff ective “freezing” of fetal movements (13). Typically, the fetal CNS assessment protocol includes T2 weighted images following three planes of the fetal head, axial and coronal T1 weighted images, axial diff usion images (DWI), and/or diff usion tensor images (DTI); and additional sequences are performed as needed (9). The aim of this study was to determine the importance of prenatal MRI in making an accurate diagnosis and assessment of fetal CNS anomalies after neurosonographic suspicion and in detecting additional anomalies missed on ultrasound, which infl uences clinical decision-making and anomaly outcomes. MATERIAL AND METHODS Numerous articles were used for this research, designed as a systematic review of the primary scientifi c research literature. There were 17 scientifi c research papers published in relevant scientifi c research online databases such as PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar, and the same were published in English. Based on them, an analysis was conducted, and the basic characteristics of the study were selected (country, author, year of publication, title, type, study objectives, research method, results, and study conclusion). The studies used in this paper were published from 2015 to 2021. Based on them, we compared the results of the two modalities (ultrasound and magnetic resonance). We tried to determine the advantage of magnetic resonance imaging in the accurate assessment of CNS anomalies and the detection of associated anomalies and their impact on decisions about further pregnancy. The criterion for inclusion in the study included those studies that included pregnant women who were diagnosed or suspected of certain CNS abnormalities on prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of the fetus and who were then subjected to magnetic resonance imaging. At the same time, the exclusion criterion included the omission of any inclusion criterion, studies published in the period before 2015, then studies involving other abnormalities outside the CNS, and cases with contraindications for performing magnetic resonance imaging, such as claustrophobia, implanted pacemakers, prostheses, etc. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) fl ow diagram was used to document and report on all decisions made during the study selection process for this review paper, including the initial number of identifi ed studies, the number of excluded and included studies, and the reasons for their exclusion from the research (Diagram 1). The search keywords were: fetal magnetic resonance imaging, fetal neurosonography, central nervous system anomalies, prenatal diagnosis Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (2) 7 Salkić E. et al./ Magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of fetal central nervous system anomalies Total number of potential scientifi c research papers identifi ed by database search (n=291) Number of papers identifi ed after duplicate removal (n=261) Excluded papers (n = 145) Published before 2015 (n = 54) Other anatomical area outside CNS included (n = 18) Not in English (n = 13) Review papers / case reports, MERIDIAN studies / comments (n = 53) Pediatric population (n = 4) Not available for review (n = 3) Full text papers excluded (n=99): Abstract only / without full text (n = 25) No comparison of ultrasound and MRI / no data on ultrasound and / or MRI (n = 28) No data on CNS anomalies and / or additional CNS anomalies / present anomalies outside the CNS (n = 21) Not relevant (n = 25) Papers reviewed by title and abstract (n = 261) Full text papers considered suitable for research (n=116) Studies included in the systematic review (n=17) Id en tifi c at io n PRISMA model Sc re en in g In cl ud ed Diagram 1. PRISMA model RESULTS The quality assessment of the included cohort design studies (Table 1) was made according to the quality assessment tools developed by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) in 2013 (14). Studies in which all or nearly all criteria are met and the weaknesses of the study cannot change, the study's fi ndings are qualifi ed as high-quality studies. Furthermore, medium- quality studies are considered to be those studies in which some of the criteria from the checklist are not met or if the criteria are not satisfactorily described. However, it is assumed that there is little chance that the weaknesses could have changed the study's fi ndings. In addition, there are inadequate/low- quality studies that include those studies that meet several or no criteria from the checklist and in such studies, weaknesses may mean that the conclusion of the study is wrong (14) 8 Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (2) Salkić E. et al./ Magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of fetal central nervous system anomalies Table 1. Quality assessment of included studies with a cohort design Main author, year, country, title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total assessment quality The ENSO Working Group, 2020, Italy, Role of prenatal magnetic resonance imaging in fetuses with isolated mild or moderate ventriculomegaly in the era of neurosonography: an international multicenter study Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Medium quality Tanacan A. et al., 2020, Turkey, Prenatal diagnosis of central nervous system abnormalities: Neurosonography versus fetal magnetic resonance imaging Y Y Y Y Y Y U Y Y Y Y Y High quality Sefi dbakht S. et al., 2016, Iran, Fetal Central Nervous System Anomalies Detected by Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Two- Year Experience Y Y Y Y N Y U Y Y Y Y Y Medium quality Mazor MM. et al., 2018, Israel, Added Value of Fetal MRI in the Evaluation of Fetal Anomalies of the Corpus Callosum: A Retrospective Analysis of 78 Cases Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y High quality Raafat RME. et al., 2020, Egypt, The prevalence and the adding value of fetal MRI imaging in midline cerebral anomalies Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y High quality Turkyilmaz G. et al., 2019, Turkey, Utilization of neurosonography for evaluation of the corpus callosum malformations in the era of fetal magnetic resonance imaging Y Y Y Y Y Y U Y Y Y Y Y High quality Irwin K. et al., 2016, Australia, Utility of fetal MRI for workup of fetal central nervous system anomalies in an Australian maternal-fetal medicine cohort Y Y Y Y U Y U Y Y Y Y Y High quality Linh LT. et al., 2021, Vietnam, Detecting Fetal Central Nervous System Anomalies Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ultrasound Y Y Y U Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Medium quality Raafat M. et al., 2021, Egypt, Fetal brain MRI: how it added to ultrasound diagnosis of fetal CNS anomalies-1 year experience Y Y Y Y Y Y U Y Y Y Y Y High quality Jarre A. et al., 2017, Spain, Value of brain MRI when sonography raises suspicion of agenesis of the corpus callosum in fetuses Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y High quality Kandula T. et al., 2015, Australia, Isolated ventriculomegaly on prenatal ultrasound: what does fetal MRI add? Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y High quality Mahmod M. et al., 2021, Egypt, The impact of adding fetal MRI to sonographically diagnosed intrauterine ventriculomegaly: a prospective cohort study Y Y Y U Y U U Y Y Y Y Y Medium quality Yilmaz E. et al., 2018, Turkey, Additional Findings from Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Prenatal Sonographic Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Abnormalities Y Y Y Y Y Y U Y Y Y Y Y High quality Ziaulhaq P. et al. 2020, India, The comparative study of antenatal magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound in the evaluation of fetal central nervous system abnormalities Y Y Y Y N U N Y Y Y Y Y Medium quality Velipaşaoğlu M. et al. 2018, Turkey, Assessment of the Additional Value of Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Prenatal Ultrasound in a Single Institution Y Y Y Y N U N Y Y Y Y Y Medium quality Katz JA. et al. 2018, USA, Utility of prenatal MRI in the evaluation and management of fetal ventriculomegaly Y Y Y Y Y U U Y Y Y Y Y High quality Frick N. et al. 2015, Austria, The Reliability of Fetal MRI in the Assessment of Brain Malformations Y Y Y Y Y U U Y Y Y Y Y High quality Checklist for cohorts studies (1) Is the purpose of the study formulated? (2) Were subjects recruited for the cohort satisfactorily? (3) Was the exposure accurately measured? (4) Was the outcome accurately measured? (5) Have the authors identifi ed and/or taken into account all- important/known possible confounders in the design and analysis of the study? (6) Were any of the people in the cohort followed up? (7) Were the people followed up long enough? (8) What is the result of this study? (9) Do you trust the results? (10) Can the results be transferred to practice? (11) Do the results of this study fi t with the results of other available studies? (12) What are the implications of this study for practice? (Answers Yes: Y; No: N; Unclear: U) Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (2) 9 Salkić E. et al./ Magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of fetal central nervous system anomalies From the above assessment of the quality of studies with cohort design, it can be concluded that most of the studies used in this systematic review are in the category of high- quality studies (11 in total), with a smaller number of medium- quality studies (6 in total). Table 2 determines the importance of prenatal magnetic resonance imaging in making an accurate diagnosis and assessment of CNS anomalies after neurosonographically determined suspicions. Signifi cance was observed through several cases in which prenatal magnetic resonance imaging confi rmed the diagnosis of previously established suspicion on ultrasound. Even more signifi cant is the number of cases in which MRI changed the ultrasound diagnosis and thus established a fi nal, accurate diagnosis. It also ruled out certain cases of CNS anomalies and declared them a normal fi nding without the presence of anomalies. Also, the total percentage (%) for each group of the cases mentioned above is shown. Table 2. Signifi cance of prenatal magnetic resonance imaging in making an accurate diagnosis and assessment of central nervous system anomalies after neurosonographically determined suspicion Main author/ year of publication MRI confi rmed ultrasound diagnosis (n/%) MRI changed ultrasound diagnosis or added information (n/%) MRI ruled out ultrasound diagnosis (normal fi ndings) (n/%) UZ provided additional information for MRI (n/%) Tanacan al./2020. 59/110 (53,6%) 13/110 (11,8%) 38/110 (34,6%) 0 Mazor MM. et al./2018. 50/78 (64,1%) 9/78 (11,5%) 19/78 (24,4%) 0 Raafat RME. et al./2020. 21/37 (56,8%) 16/37 (43,2%) ND 3/37 (8,1%) Turkyilmaz G. et al./2019. 33/36 (91,7%) 3/36 (8,3%) ND 0 Irwin K. et al./2016. 26/57 (45,6%) 31/57 (54,4%) 6/57 (10,5%) 0 Raafat M. et al./2021. 23/40 (57,5%) 6/40 (15%) NP 0 Jarre A. et al./2017. 38/78 (48,7%) 12/78 (15,4%) 28/78 (35,9%) 0 Mahmod M. et al./2021. 45/60 (75%) 1/60 (1,6%) ND 0 Ziaulhaq P. et al./2020. 9/23 (39,1%) 11/23 (47,8%) 2/23 (8,7%) ND 1/23 (4,4%) Frick N. et al./2015. 40/56 (71%) 12/56 (21,4%) 4/56 (7,1%) 0 Total percentage (%) 59,8% 20,2% 16,5% 0,8% (Notes and abbreviations (since several cases from these studies were used in Table 3, the total percentage in this table is below 100%; ND- no data) Sequence protocols on which the success of MRI detection itself depends and the importance of magnetic resonance imaging in making an accurate and precise diagnosis of CNS anomalies were also analyzed. Table 3 lists the primary data (magnetic fi eld strength, type of MRI device, sequences used, and sequence parameters) relevant to each study used in this review and related to magnetic resonance imaging of the fetal CNS. 10 Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (2) Salkić E. et al./ Magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of fetal central nervous system anomalies Table 3. Technical parameters based on which magnetic resonance imaging was performed Main author/year of publication Magnetic fi eld strength/ type of MRI device Sequence protocol The ENSO Group/2020. ND ND Tanacan al./2020. 1,5 T Siemens T2W HASTE (TR/TE 2290/185ms, thickness 3mm); T1 FLASH (TR/TE 140/2,4; FA=70º); DWI (TR/TE 4800/116ms; bmax 600s/mm2 Sefi dbakht al./2016. 1,5 T Siemens Avanto T2W HASTE and TRUFI SP (thickness 4-6mm); T1 FLASH Mazor MM. et al./2018. 1,5 T GE Optima T2W SSFSE (TR/TE 1298/90ms; matrix 320x224; FOV 24-30cm; thickness/ gap 3-4/0mm); spoiled T1 GRE(TR/TE 160/2,3ms; FOV 40cm; thickness/ gap 4/0,5mm); DWI (b= 0 and 1000 or 700s/mm2) Raafat RME. et al./2020. 1,5 T Philips Achieva XR T2W SSFSE; SSTSE; spoiled T1 GRE Turkyilmaz G. et al./2019. 1,5 T GE- Explorer T2W SSFSE (thickness 2-3mm); T1 WI Irwin K. et al./2016. 1,5 T Siemens Avanto T1, T2 (HASTE, FLASH), DWI (thickness 3-5mm) Linh LT. et al./2021. 1,5 T GE Signa HD T2W SSFSE in 3 planes; axial T1W and DWI Raafat M. et al./2021. 1,5 T Philips T2W B-FFE (TR/TE 3,5/1,7ms; matrix 256x256; FOV 300-400mm; thickness/ gap 5/0mm; FA=80º); T2W SSFSE (TR/TE 1500/120ms; matrix 169x256; FOV 200-300mm; thickness/gap 3-4/0,5mm; FA=90º); T1W (TR/TE 120/4ms; matrix 166x256; FOV 300mm; thickness/gap 5/0,5mm; FA=70º) Jarre A. et al./2017. 1,5 T Siemens Avanto1,5 T GE Signa Excite T2W FSE (HASTE/SSFSE) (thickness/gap 3/0,3mm); True Fisp/FIESTA (thickness/gap 4/0,4mm; FOV 260-320mm); EPI DWI (b=600s/mm2) Kandula T. et al./2015. 1,5 T Siemens Avanto T2W HASTE Mahmod M. et al./2021. 1,5 T Philips ND Yilmaz E. et al./2018. 1,5 T Siemens T2W HASTE (TR/TE 1200/91ms; matrix 192x256; thickness 3mm, FOV 207x100; FA 150º); axial T1 FLASH(TR/TE 199/4ms; matrix 134x256; thickness 4mm; FOV 300x75; FA 70º); sag and cor T1 FLASH in suspected bleeding and parenchymal lesions Ziaulhaq P. et al./2020. 3T Siemens Skyra T2W SSFSE; DWI (b=0-600s/mm2) Velipaşaoğlu M. et al./2018. 3T GE SSFSE (CUBE) sequence (ND) Katz JA. et al./2018. 1,5T and 3T GE T2W SSFSE sequence in 3 planes (ND) Frick N. Et al/2015. 1,0T Siemens 1,5T Ingenia Philips 3T Achiva Philips T2W SSFSE (TR/TE 2100/90ms; thickness 5mm; FOV 330x300mm; matrix 138x256; acquisition time 40s); T1W axial; TRUFI SP-sag; DWI; FLASH; FLAIR (rarely used sequences) Abbreviations: T (Tesla); DWI (diff usion weighted imaging); W (weighted); HASTE (Half-Fourier Acquired Single-shot Turbo spin Echo); FLASH (fast low angle shot); SSFSE (single shot fast spin-echo); TR/TE (time to repeat/time to echo); TRUFI SP (True FISP); FOV (Field of view); FA ( fl ip angle); GE (General Electric); GRE (gradient echo); SSTSE (single shot turbo spin-echo); B-FFE (Balanced Fast Field Echo); FIESTA (Fast Imaging Employing Steady-state Acquisition); EPI (Echo-planar imaging); WI (weighted imaging); sag (sagital); cor (coronal); FLAIR (fl uid attenuated inversion recovery ); ND (no data) Then, if additional anomalies detected only by magnetic resonance are considered, Table 4 was created for this purpose in which the incidence of fetal CNS anomalies missed on ultrasound imaging and diagnosed on magnetic resonance imaging was analyzed. Relevant data from 12 studies were used for this analysis, which off ered the exact number of cases in which MRI revealed additional anomalies missed on prenatal ultrasound. For easier analysis, in addition to the number of cases of additional anomalies, the table also lists the initial ultrasound suspicions or diagnoses and, most often, additional anomalies detected within each study by magnetic resonance Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (2) 11 Salkić E. et al./ Magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of fetal central nervous system anomalies Table 4. Anomalies of the central nervous system missed on ultrasound and detected by prenatal magnetic resonance imaging Main author/year of publication Initial ultrasound suspicion/ diagnosis Additional anomalies were identifi ed on MRI and missed on ultrasound (n / N /%) Most common additional anomalies (n) The ENSO Group/2020. Isolated mild or moderate VM 30/556; 5,4% ICH (8); polymicrogyria (6); lissencephaly (4); hypoplasia of CC (2) Sefi dbakht al./2016. Suspicion of CNS anomalies / the most common indication of isolated VM 18/107; 16,82% DW variants (3); Chiari II malformation (3); PACC, CACC, aqueductal stenosis (2) Mazor MM. et al./2018. Suspicion of corpus callosum anomalies 22/78; 28,2% Calpocephaly (13); intrahemispheric cysts (4); ventricular asymmetry and gyration disorder (2) Turkyilmaz G. et al./2019. Suspicion of corpus callosum anomalies 3/36; 8,1% PFA (1); cortical malformations (2) Linh LT et al./2021. Suspicion of CNS anomalies 8/66; 12,1% Intracranial hemorrhage (6); vascular malformations (2) Raafat M. et al./2021. Suspicion of CNS anomalies 11/40; 27,5% Meningocele (4); polymicrogyria (2); PACC (2); vermian hypoplasia (2) Jarre A. et al./2017. Suspected agenesis of the corpus callosum 28/45; 62,2% VM (22); cortical malformations (15); PFA (7); midline malformations (3) Kandula T. et al./2015. Bilateral or unilateral VM 10/59; 17% ICH; lesions of the corpus callosum; periventricular anomalies; CSP anomalies (1) Mahmod M. et al./2021. Isolated ventriculomegaly 14/60; 23% CC and CSP lesions (29%); PFA (28%); cortical malformations (21%) Yilmaz E. et al./2018. Suspicion of CNS anomalies / the most common indication of VM 22/54; 40% Subependymal nodules (2); cortical tuber (2) Velipaşaoğlu M. et al./2018. The most common indication is isolated ventriculomegaly 12/50; 24% Posterior fossa defects (36,4%) Katz JA. et al./2018. All cases of ventriculomegaly 58/74; 78% Cortical anomalies; PFA; midline; additional vascular anomalies Total percentage (%) 19,3% Abbreviations: UZ (ultrasound), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CNS (central nervous system), VM (ventriculomegaly), ICH (intracranial hemorrhage), CC (corpus callosum), CSP (cavum septum pellucid), PFA (posterior fossa anomalies), DW (Dandy-Walker), CACC/PACC (complete/partial agenesis of corpus callosum) Finally, Table 5 depicts an analysis of the impact of prenatal magnetic resonance imaging on clinical decision-making and outcomes of central nervous system anomalies. Data from 7 studies were used for this analysis, which provided information on the number of cases of termination and continuation of pregnancy and data on neonatal death and the number of stillbirths. In several studies, some cases were lost for follow- up. In contrast, in others, postnatal MRI was not available, so only certain studies could compare their data with postnatal MRI data and provide information on the outcome of the anomalies. 12 Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (2) Salkić E. et al./ Magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of fetal central nervous system anomalies Table 5. The impact of prenatal magnetic resonance imaging on clinical decision making and outcomes of central nervous system anomalies Clinical outcomes ACCEPTABLE STUDIES Ta na ca n A . e t a l./ 20 20 . Tu rk yi lm az G . e t a l./ 20 19 . Irw in K . e t a l./ 20 16 . Ra af at M . e t a l./ 20 21 . Ja rr e A . e t a l./ 20 17 . Ka nd ul a T. e t a l./ 20 15 . Zi au lh aq P . e t a l. /2 02 0. Termination of pregnancy 14/72 12,7% 18/36 50% 11/57 19% 7/40 17,5% 21/30 47,7% 4/59 6,8% 7/23 30,4% Continuation of pregnancy ND 17/36 47,2% 46/57 81% 33/40 82,5% 9/30 20,5% 55/59 93,2% 16/23 69,6% Neonatal death 3/72 2,7% ND 1/46 2,2% 4/40 10% ND 3/55 5,5% ND Stillborn 2/72 1,8% 1/36 2,8% 2/46 4,3% 2/40 5% 1/9 11% ND ND Characteristics of the study Termination of pregnancy in 50% of cases of ACC Normal neurodevelopment in 8 cases and developmental delay expected in the remaining 8 cases Developmental delay in 14/43 cases; childbirth (33%) 27/40 (67.5%) studies resulted in childbirth In 8 live births, postnatal MRI confi rmed the prenatal diagnosis of ACC Greater MRI specifi city results in additional important information that can help advise parents on the clinical outcome, the likelihood of recurrence The study did not provide data on postnatal imaging and follow-up of patients Abbreviations: ND (No data), ACC (agenesis of corpus callosum), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) DISCUSSION In the 10 studies applied in Table 2 and 575 cases, MRI confi rmed the ultrasound diagnosis in 59.8% of cases. In contrast, in 20.2% of cases, it changed the diagnosis established on ultrasound, or in 16.5% of cases in which ultrasound established the diagnosis, MRI confi rmed the normal fi nding. Our results are consistent with the results of the study conducted by Jarvis D. and colleagues (32), who in their meta-analysis confi rmed the agreement of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in 55% of cases; discrepancy in 23% of cases and 25% of cases in which ultrasound established the diagnosis, MRI confi rmed the normal fi nding. Also, Van Doorn M. and colleagues (33) noted in 65% of cases the agreement of these two modalities; in 26% of cases, MRI provided additional or diff erent pathology, and 12% rejected ultrasound diagnosis. In our study, only 2/10 of the studies, conducted by Raafat RME et al., and Ziaulhaq P. et al. (19,28), provided data in which ultrasound provided additional information to magnetic resonance imaging. These rates were 8.1% (19) and 4.3% (28) and mainly related to facial abnormalities and restriction of intrauterine growth, which can be explained as technological advances in ultrasound and the skills of the radiologist performing the examination. While Rossi AC. and colleagues (34) in their study recorded only 2% of cases in which ultrasound was more accurate than MRI. Consequently, based on the data from Table 3, it is possible to conclude that a 1.5T MRI device was most often used to record the fetal CNS, while 3T devices were used in our work in only 4/17 studies. As the best protocol based on the data off ered by our studies, we can accept the one that contains the fi rst SSFSE (HASTE) T2 weighted sequences in the sagittal, coronal and axial planes, as they are key to reducing fetal movement (thus reducing artifacts). In addition, most studies as additional sequences, and depending on the indications themselves, most often used T1 weighted sequences (FLASH, GRE) in the axial plane, which proved to be the best for detecting bleeding, fat and calcifi cations or myelin; and DWI sequences in the axial plane which, as an advanced technique, enable the distinction between developmental and destructive pathologies. Based on our results in Table 4, anomalies missed on ultrasound and detected on MRI occurred in 236/1225 cases, totaling 19.3% of additional anomalies. The most common additional anomalies were: intracranial hemorrhage; cortical anomalies, medial anomalies; and PFA. This rate of additional Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (2) 13 Salkić E. et al./ Magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of fetal central nervous system anomalies anomalies in the study conducted by Reda AM. and colleagues (35) was slightly higher, 22.5%. Also, studies conducted by Jarvis D. and colleagues and Rossi AC. and colleagues (32,34) were reported additional information provided by MRI in 15% and 22.1% of cases, respectively. Most authors claim that the risk of fi nding additional CNS abnormalities in fetuses with isolated ventriculomegaly is high and that it increases with the increasing severity of ventriculomegaly (36,37). This confi rms that in 7/12 of the studies used in Table 4, with a signifi cant incidence of associated anomalies, the initial suspicion or diagnosis on ultrasound was precisely ventriculomegaly. This is also supported by the study results conducted by Di Mascio D. and colleagues (37), who reported 3.5% and 22.6% of associated anomalies detected on MRI and missed on ultrasound in fetuses with isolated mild, that is, moderate ventriculomegaly. The detection of these additional anomalies by MRI indicates its importance in making clinical decisions and enabling parents to make a more conscious decision about their pregnancy. All of our 7 studies from Table 5 were provided information on the number of terminations of pregnancy that occurred in 82/317 cases, accounting for 25.9%. One study that was used did not provide data on the continuation of pregnancy, so based on the remaining studies, the pregnancy was continued in a total of 176 cases. Data on neonatal deaths were not available in the 3 studies used, and 11 cases of neonatal death were recorded in other studies. The number of stillbirths or deaths after birth was reported in 8 cases, as 2 studies did not provide data. Di Mascio D. and colleagues (37) sought to determine whether the detection of associated anomalies by MRI led to a change in prenatal management of pregnancy due to a higher risk of abnormal neurodevelopment outcomes. They proved that 4.6% of fetuses who had an isolated VM on ultrasound and then an additional anomaly on MRI had a signifi cant change in perinatal treatment (mostly termination of pregnancy at the parents' request). Furthermore, in their study Mazor MM. and colleagues (18) state that MRI contributed to a change in management of pregnancy for 28 fetuses (35.9%), of which 25 fetuses (32.1%) are in favor of preserving pregnancy. CONCLUSION Ultrasound is the standard way of recording anomalies in the second and third trimesters. Still, MRI using T2W SSFSE sequences in 3 planes, T1W and DWI in the axial plane, is a complementary modality to prenatal ultrasound in making an accurate diagnosis and assessment of CNS anomalies off ering a signifi cant percentage of change cases or complete exclusion of previously established ultrasound suspicion. 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