SDM verfi S hriba September 2012 Številka 21 AVSTRALSKO SLOVENSKO SOCIALNO ŠPORTNO DRUŠTVO MELBOURNE INC AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN SOCIAL SPORTING ASSOCIATION MELBOURNE INC 82 Ingrams Road, Research, Vic. Australia PO Box 185 Eltham 3095 Ureja Anica Markič SPET OBUJAMO SPOMINE NA PRETEKLOST Letos poteka 40 let od nakupa zemljišča v Elthamu. Prva aktivnih skupin je bila balinarska sekcija. Balinišče za kurnikom je služilo razvedrilu v popoldanskih urah, po končanem delu. Bert Novak, Anica Markič, Peter Mandelj, Ivanka Špilar, Pavla Kalister, Frank Plut, Janez Dolenc, Nace Kalister, Vida Škrlj, Pepi Hervatin, Franc Grl, Zdravko Špilar, Alex Kodila, Jože Urbančič, Branko Žele, Sandra Krnel, Peter Krnel in Iva Mandelj Eni že pokojni, drugi se že težko prepoznamo sami sebe. BALINARJI SLOVENSKEGA DRUŠTVA MELBOURNE PRVIH LET, V □ASU NEUTRUDLJIVE ZAGNANOSTI IN UDEJSTVOVANJA V ŠPORTU, DELU IN RAZVEDRILU POZDRAVLJENI ROJAKI Prav lepe pozdrave v upanju da vam je to zimsko hladno in mokro vreme bolj prizaneslo kot meni in moji družini. Nam je resno zakuhala viroza. Kar ne da se pregnati pa naj uživamo čaje, limono, šnops ali antibiotike. Osebno komaj čakam toplih sončnih žarkov, da bo vsemu temu enkrat konec. Smo pa sledili olimpijadi. Avstralska medija kar ne more verjeti da nam na Olimpijadi 2012 ni uspelo osvojiti več zlatih medalj, posebno v plavanju. Preveč so računali, pisali in govorili o uspehu pred tekmovanji. Tudi srebrne in bronzne medalje nekaj pomenijo, še posebno ko se gre za dve stotinki sekunde. Sicer pa že biti izbran in se udejstvovati tekem je velika čast in ponos. Najboljši med najboljšimi na svetu. Ponosni smo lahko tudi na Slovence. Ena zlata, ena srebrna in dve bronzni medalji je lep uspeh za majhno deželico, kot je to naša domovina. Zlato je osvojila Urška Žolnir v judo, srebrno Primož Kozmus v metanju kladiva, ter bronzne medalje Rajmond Debevc v streljanju in Iztok Čop in Luka Špik v veslanju. Čestitke tudi od Avstralskih Slovencev. Slovensko društvo Melbourne pa se ponaša še z eno, v Avstraliji rojeno predsednico ali predsednikom, tokrat Frances Urbas -Johnson. Frances sledi Franku Proseniku, Andrew-ju Fistriču, Juliji Čampelj, dočim je Stan Penca bil rojen v Argentini. Frances, čestitke od članov SDM in pogumno naprej. Istočasno izrekamo prisrčno zahvalo Stankotu Penca za vso njegovo požrtvovalno delo v preteklem letu, kot predsednik društva, kljub slabemu zdravju. Upamo in želimo, da ti bo v bodoče zdravje veliko bolj naklonjeno. FROM THE PRESIDENT Pozrdavljeni! Thank you to all our members and supporters for the congratulations I have received in my new role. I am not worthy of your wonderful praise however, I am now even more motivated to deliver the best I can for our club, with your amazing support. For those who know me personally, you know that I speak openly and honestly. For those who do not know me, I speak openly and honestly. Firstly, I want to tell you about myself. I was born in Melbourne some time ago (don't ask me when!) to Slovenian immigrant parents. Slovenian was my first language; perhaps in the first instance, to my detriment. I am often reminded by my father of a language faux-pas during my preschool years. The preschool teacher held up a picture of a ladder and asked her budding students if they could put a name to the picture. Apparently, I thrust my arm in the air and yelled out "LOJTRA!" Oooops.... From then on, it was all downhill. My determined father (at this time, a single parent due to my mother's death at age 27) would take me, my sister and brother to SDM on Sundays for Slovenian school. As you can imagine, the popularity of this event amongst the three of us was extremely low. I recall sitting in the back seat of my Dad's Falcon station wagon, telling him that I couldn't attend school because I had not brought any pencils with me. Of course my father's retort was that there were plenty of pencils at the school so, problem solved. Back to square one for my eight year old brain. Throughout my childhood and my teenage years, I ended up participating in many events at SDM- dancing, reciting poetry and MC-ing. These experiences gave me the foundation of a second language and culture. Upon reaching my adulthood, I moved away from the Slovenian community and fully embraced the youthful Australian way of life: carefree, busy with studies and partying; the world revolved around me (well, I was 18 and I knew everything!!). Not until a few years ago did I contemplate interest in the Club - the preservation of my cultural heritage became stronger, and I felt compelled to become a member of the Club. I did this for a mere $25 (half yr pro-rata) and it is the best $25 I ever spent. I have the privilege of enjoying a beautiful venue that continues to blossom, I can catch up with Slovenian friends from my childhood; eating Kranjske klobase and drinking Lasko beer! Many things are happening at the Club now: We recently hosted a wine tasting afternoon and a fun-filled Fathers' Day lunch. You can read further about these events and check out the photos in the following pages. Renovations at the Club are continuing - new decking on our upper level and a new disabled access toilet downstairs. Baby change facilities on both levels and baby high chairs are also on the way. Up next is our biggest event of the year - our 1st Annual Slov-toberfest -Slovenian Oktoberfest! Save the date - Saturday 27th October from 12pm. This day will also see the re-launch of our shooting gallery at the Hunters' Lodge! The committee will be focusing on the strategic direction of the Club -creating plans for the short and long term, to ensure we continue to thrive for many years to come. Feel free to have your say in the future of the club - any constructive thoughts are welcome - email or call me on 9850 7929 or 0403 423 695. I look forward to seeing you soon! Se vidimo! Our first family — Frances, Grant, Sabrina and Evi AGM Wrap up Our Annual General Meeting was held on Sunday 22nd July, with over 70 members in attendance. The new Committee for 2012-13 comprises of: President: Frances Urbas-Johnson Vice President: Stanko Penca Secretary: Lily Conlan Treasurer: Julija Campelj Committee: Rudi Vizintin, Alek Kodila, Joze & Danila Stolfa, Werner Remsnik, Helen Trinnick. We warmly welcome new committee member Janko Tegelj and gratefully thank our outgoing committee members for their tireless efforts: Milka Kristan, Palma Asenberger and Stojan Zele. One position on the committee is still available if anyone wishes to join. As the club approaches its' 60th anniversary in 2014, we have an opportunity to reflect on the significant changes that have taken place during this time: society, environment, technology and an ageing population. All these factors have an impact on our club and we must be pro-active in our approach to plan for the future. The Committee is dedicated to delivering great benefits to our members and ensuring that our club continues to prosper. We will be focusing particularly on the strategic direction for the future and developing new ways to keep our club sustainable. Wine Tasting Day Sunday 12th August Congratulations to all winners in our Annual Wine Tasting Event. A lovely array of home-made wines was presented for tasting to our eager group of attendees on the day. And the winners are: Red Wine Category: 1st: Stefan Mavric 2nd: Joze Volcic 3rd: Karl Bevc White Wine Category: 1st: Karl Bevc 2nd: Pepi Caf 3rd: Stefan Mavric Rose Wine Category: 1st: Stefan Mavric 2nd: Pepi Caf 3rd: Karl Bevc Smallgoods Category: 1st: Stefan Mavric 2nd: Janez Zemljic 3rd: Tony Brans???????can't read the rest of the name!!! Evi Johnson Many people worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the day was a success, including our booking guru Sandra Krnel, Amanda Hervatin and partner Billy behind the bar, our newbie cashier Irena Loncar-McBean, Rudi Vizintin for organising raffle prizes, caretaker Viktor Lampe helping in all ways possible and of course, the effervescent Anita Fistric, who organised the décor. Not to mention everyone who attended the working bee prior to the day to ensure our Club looked its best. A big thank you to all involved! Fathers' Day Sunday 2nd September 2012 I love Fathers' Day. Forget the cynicism of retailers taking opportunities to make money - I believe the day is a chance for us to stop our busy lives for a brief moment and express our gratitude to our Dads, for all they have done for us. My Dad did so much for me in my early years and continues to be a pillar of support in my life. As a parent of young children, I have learnt that you never stop caring and worrying about your children - no matter what age they are. Being a parent is a huge responsibility and, on the other hand, an immensely joyful experience. Kranerjevi na praznovanju očetovskega dne I know that my life is better for the effort my Dad made for me. Our Fathers' Day celebration at SDM aimed to encapsulate the true meaning of fatherhood - spending quality time with family, enjoying great food and entertainment. A wonderful 3-course meal was prepared by our kitchen team, headed by g. Milka Kristan and g. Palma Asenberger. The ever-creative mastermind, g. Draga Gelt OAM, prepared a delightful cultural program, featuring MC Andrew Fistric, who never fails to entertain. Thanks to DJ Johno for the music and for being a patient husband! S. Draga Gelt in hčerka Frances z družino Congratulations to our lucky door prize winner, g. Tone Tomsic - we hope you enjoy spending your Bunnings voucher. Thanks to all who supported the Club in our raffle which sold out super quick! Prizor: Žena utrujena pride iz službe - Frances in Andrew Frances Urbas-Johnson Melissa in Leah Fistrič SLOVENIA 21 LET Mineva 21 let ko nas je rano zjutraj, 26. junija 1991 po avstralskem č asu, prebudila novica da je Slovenija proglasila svojo samostojnost. Telefon kar ni končal zvoniti. Žareli smo od veselja in ponosa, da smo ravno MI dočakali ta zgodovinski dan, tisoč letne sanje naših prednikov. Dobro smo se zavedali da ne bo šlo vse kar tako gladko. Še isti dan smo se Slovenci zbrali v naši cerkvici v Kew. Z razigranimi srci, istočasno tudi zaskrbljeni, smo molili za uspešen prehod v novo obdobje, za mir in za vse njene razkropljene otroke. Novi državici onkraj morja smo nazdravili s šampancem in pesmijo. Vse to je posnela medija. Kar naenkrat so bili seznanjeni z našo domovino Slovenijo tudi Avstralci. Že naslednji dan smo točili solze ko smo slišali da je JLA napadla Slovenijo. Vsa poročila avstralske medije, so poročala o dogodkih tam onstran morja, novinarji pa želeli govoriti s Slovenci živeč v Avstraliji in o njihovih mnenjih. Nastopajoči s torto - pozdrav Sloveniji V nedeljo 24. junija smo se zbrali pri SDM, proslavili in praznovali Dan slovenske drDavnosti. Dramska skupina verskega središDa v Kew je pod vodstvom Drage Gelt OAM v besedi in pesmi, predstavila kratek kulturni program. Popoldan se je nadaljeval ob zvokih slovenske glasbe. Slovenia vse najlepše za tvoj praznik! REDNA LETNA SKUPŠČINA 2012 Ta se je vršila v nedeljo 22. julija. Po ugotovitvi sklepšDnosti je ta potekala gladko, v prijetnem vzdušju in rekordnem Dasu. Dosedanji predsednik, Stanko Penca, se je zahvalil vsem za vso podporo in delo skozi leto, ter se odpovedal nadaljnemu Predsedniško mesto je prevzela Frances Urbas-Johnson, kot je De sama opisala. Hvala staremu odboru za vso skrb in vse storjeno skozi leto, novemu odboru pa veliko uspeha v bodoDem letu. POSKUŠANJE DOMAČIH VIN smo zavDili v nedeljo 12. avgusta. Po vseh poroDilih je to bil še en uspešen in prijeten dan kot to poroDa predsednica. Pogrešali smo nekatere redne pridelovalce vin, posebno smo pogrešali Ivana in Milenco Barat. Mislimo na vaju. PRAZNOVANJE OČETOVSKEGA DNE v nedeljo 2. septembra me je kar prijetno presenetila lepa udeleDba prisotnih. OdliDnemu in obilnemu kosilu je sledil kulturni program katerega je seveda ponovno pripravila neutrudljiva Draga Gelt OAM in Dlani dramske skupine kulturnega in verskega centra iz Kew. Evi Johnson je zaigrala na harfo, sledila je deklamacija Sivi oDe, nato prizor modernega Dasa, o prezaposleni mamici/Deni, katerega sta predstavila Andrew FistriD in Frances Urbas-Johnson, zapeli sta tudi Melissa in Leah FistriD nato pa še Andrew FistriD in Helena Trinnick komedijsko preurejeno pesem v slovenšDino Deana Martina. That is amore . Lep zabavni program kateremu je sledila zelo bogata loterija - hvala Rudiju Vizentin za darila. Ponovno seveda prav lepa hvala vsem prostovolcem, sicer deDurnim. Brez vašega poDrtvovalnega dela ne gre. ČESTITKE PATRU CIRILU za odlikovanje z redom za zasluge RS, katero mu je osebno izroDil dr. Danilo Turk, predsednik RS pred kratkim v Sloveniji za neprecenljivo delo pri ohranjanju slovenske kulture in jezika med Slovenci v Avstraliji. SLOVENCI IZ ZAMEJSTVA IN SVETA so se zbrali na vse slovenskem sreDanju v DrDavnem zboru v Detrtek 5. julija letos glede Medgeneracijskega sodelovanja. Tega pomembnega sreDanja se je udeleDila in tam spregovorila tudi naša Helena Leber. S L O V O Poslovili smo se še od enega Dlana. Tokrat nas je zapustil Ivan Barič. Ivan se je rodil leta 1936, MršeDa Vas na Dolenjskem. De vrsto let je bolehal in trpel ne da bi sploh koga poznal, tudi ne svojih najdraDjih. Umrl je 26. maja 2012 in je pokopan na Northern Memorial Park pokopališču, Glenroy. Ivan je bil zvest in delaven Dlan SDM, ter zaveden Slovenec. Vedno nasmejan in pripravljen prijeti za delo. Marsikaterega od nas je šokirala njegova rana bolezen zaradi katere je moral vse prerano v dom ostarelih, kjer je tudi umrl. SoDalje Deni Irmi, sinu John-niju in hDerki Majdi z druDiinami. Ivanu hvala za vso delo in doprinos. PoDivaj v miru. HITREGA IN USPEŠNEGA OKREVANJA Delimo vsem bolehajoDim katerih vas je vedno veD. Med številne spadajo Marija Krnel, Stan Penca, Darrin Webb , Miro Ogrizek - pa naj trdijo da pri balinanju ni nezgod. Pod noD, sicer niD hudo priDakujoDega se podaja v naslednjih dneh tudi Sandra Krnel. Prav vsem ki trpite na kakršen koli naDin: korajDno in uspešno naprej. Wishing you all a very speedy recovery. S L A V L J E N C I Med številne slavljence spadajo naši mlajši, sicer ne tako mladi. Pred nedavnim so praznovali 40 let rojstva Julie Krnel, David Markič in Damian Pišotek. Vse lepo in obilo zdravja. Happy 40th birthday to you our 'youngsters'. Oh, to be 40 again. Do I sound envious, you bet. POUK SLOVENŠČINE ZA ODRASLE DO YOU WISH TO LEARN SLOVENIAN FOR ADULTS 1st and 3rd Saturdays in the months 10am to 12noon Contact Draga Gelt 9756 0103 HELENA BLAGNE GOSTOVALA V AVSTRALIJI Svetovno znana slovenska pevka, prva dama, Helena Blagne je nastopila pri SDM v sodelovanju z bratom Hajnijem in sinom Kristijanom, kateri igra frajtonarco, v nedeljo popoldne 8. junija letos. Kristijana smo presenetili s »posebno torto« in mu zapeli Happy Birthday, saj je ravno tiste dni praznoval svoj 14. rojstni dan. V prisotnosti kakih 140 ljudi je Helena popestrila in razvedrila naš dan. Vzdušje prisotnih je bilo odliDno, da De dolgo ne tako. Prisoten je bil tudi Helenin moD. Helena Blagne z družino in bratom, Kristijanu presenečenje Ko sem se tako ozirala po dvorani, me je sicer kar malo stisnilo pri srcu. Med nami je bila oseba izvenrednega talenta. Kje je bilo veD Slovencev. Se res veD ne izplaOa organizirati takih in sliDnih gostovanj? Oseba hrvaškega rodu mi je sicer rekla: »Kakšni ste Slovenci? De bi to bila Hrvatica, bi jo vsi Hrvati prišli poslušat« S tem veliko povedano. PIKNIK RADIA 3 ZZZ ■ M Sonja Rupnik, Frances Urbas, Sonja Majcen, Marta Ogrizek, Katarina Peršič in Meta Lenarčič The Slovenian Community in Australia is fortunate to have dedicated radio time, during which we can listen to well-loved Slovenian songs and hear about our culture in the Slovenian language. Importantly, the English language is also featured in the SBS and 3ZZZ weekly broadcasts, so that our younger generations can also tune in and have a voice. On Sunday 3rd June the 3ZZZ Slovenian local broadcast held its annual fundraiser at SDM. Hosted by 3ZZZ convenor, Mrs Meta Lenarcic, the day was filled with fun - great music from our WANTED... Do you have quality lounge furniture that you are willing to donate to the club? We are currently seeking lounge suites, lounge chairs and coffee tables. Other quality items will also be considered Alpine Cocktail friends, David and Joe Jaksa. We thank all of the people that attended and gave generously to the fundraising raffle. Special mention to Katarina Persic for her 19 years of service to the broadcast - a wonderful contribution to the Slovenian community! Please send a photo of the item to Frances: SMS 0403 423 695 or email If you or your offspring are not able to send the photos via SMS or email, please call me on the above-mentioned mobile number and we will work something out. A big THANK YOU to Frank and Rezika Fekonja, for the generous donation. Both will be well utilized D at our Hunters' Lodge. We are also looking for donations of any unused bocce balls -our upcoming Oktoberfest event includes a 'come and try bocce' for all ages. We held a similar event at Summerdays which was extremely popular, so if anyone has any bocce balls they would like to donate to the club it would be much appreciated. OKTOBERFEST We are currently compiling rosters for our Oktoberfest event, to be held on Saturday 27th October from 12pm - are you willing to donate a helping hand? All that is required is a couple of hours of your time - then you can continue to enjoy the festivities with a Lasko or three! Rosters include a variety of tasks: bartending, food preparation, food service, Dusying, BBQing, tidying up kitchen, etc. Please consider how you may be able to assist in making the event a great success! Send us an email:, or call Frances Urbas-Johnson on 0403 423 695 if you can help. FAMILY WEDDING IN BEIJING, CHINA In November last year we kept up our regular skype contact with Steven Artig by sending wishes for his birthday. Steven, now living and studying in China, is the son of Andrew's cousin Andreas from Germany. ..."seeing that it is your birthday today, I wish you all the best, from Andrew in Oz". To which he replied, "Thank you very much! What does the OZ stand for? Also greetings from me and my fiancé from Beijing! You are all welcome to join our wedding in spring 2012 held in Beijing! Enjoy the upcoming Christmas season! Best wishes from me and Elvira! " Wow he's got engaged!! ..and getting married!!! "Thanks Steven congratulations on your engagement. Oz is what Aussies call Australia. It could be nice to attend a wedding in Beijing but ...seasons greetings from Andrew and Anita." And so this dialogue on skype prompted us to consider the feasibility of attending this wedding in China - a country and region that we had not previously travelled to and experienced yet. We thought it would be quite an adventure coupled with a re-union of family that we hadn't seen since 1998....."Good morning, Andrew!......- I think the others would be glad if you all join in. besides, I told my parents, also Christel, Hans and others that you and Anita are seriously planning on coming and they are all looking forward to meet you here in Beijing. Have a good one!" wrote Steven. The wedding on Monday the 2nd of April (a National holiday) was unique with the blending of many cultures. Steven, with a combination of German, Czech and Slovenian heritage and Elvira being of far eastern Russian Buryat (southern Siberian/Mongolian) heritage meant obviously guests from Russia, Germany and China would be there and now also Australians with Slovenian heritage. We arrived in Beijing 6 days before the wedding to visit tourist sites other than the group things Andreas and Steven had planned for us all once the other guests arrived. More importantly it was to get to know the bride to be, Elvira and catch up with Steven. They greeted us at the airport with flowers and were very pleased to see us and have us there as guests. As Steven was a local in Beijing he informed us of the main things to avoid, which made the city less daunting as a tourist that can't speak Chinese. He explained the subway system and how to use it, which gave us the freedom to experience this cosmopolitan city in a more personal way. Travelling in the crowded subways of a city with officially 17 million people and unofficially 25million people (2x Melbourne's population is there unofficially), it soon became obvious that we were different especially tall, blue eyed, blond haired people with shorts and a t-shirt on when all the Chinese people wore 2 or 3 layers of winter garments. They have a fantastic subway system though. Over the 2 weeks we saw many things some by ourselves and some as a group; and the greatest and most overwhelming experience was the amazing Great Wall. All this time we were also enjoying and sampling, the local cuisine in nearby restaurants of various standards and with ever increasing numbers of guests arriving. With a mixture of German and English, then throw in a little Russian and occasionally some Slovenian to help us all communicate. We called it the United Nations. Young and old all got on well with the excitement of the wedding day approaching. The highlight of the trip though was, of course, the wedding day. The German/Aussie-Slovenian group congregated in the lobby of our hotel as they were all staying there and the bride was getting ready there as well. Steven arrived and had to prove and pay his way up to the bride's room through her maid-of-honour and other girlfriends. Guests were congregated and waiting patiently in the lobby in their lederhosen-men, women- Bavarian costumes and an Australian in an Akubra hat and an Anthea Crawford dress representing outback and City Australia. "Dear Steven. Happy New Year. Anita and I are applying for a visa to China....." And so followed a fantastic fortnight of experiences and emotions! Then finally the bride and groom arrive in the lobby and who should the bridal couple meet in the elevator, the "Uncle as he was called" in the Slovenian National Costume representing the Slovenian heritage of Steven's Grandfather - Slavko Artig (Andrew's uncle). Slavko lived and worked in China in 1969, helping build a refinery, his son, Andreas, lived and worked in China for Audi setting up the production of Audi cars in China for the Chinese market and now Steven was living and working in China for Audi. He was the third generation. So the Russian's joined us in their bus, we got on our bus and the 2 large buses followed the wedding car through Beijing to the Amusement Park. Here they were doing the traditional Chinese wedding thing which is to walk through the park with the guests following the bridal couple as they have their photos taken. Steven and Elvira had actually got married in Siberia in January (a cold minus 30 degrees) in a Buddhist ceremony, so the walk down the aisle with dad and the exchange of vows and rings to each other that followed, were purely ceremonial and for the parents, family and guests that were here for the celebratory part of their marriage in January. This was held outside the reception venue which was lovely. Usual formalities of a wedding reception progressed with the speeches proving to be a challenge, translating into German Russian and English but it was kept to a minimum and of course with 2 bottles of vodka on each table people began to understand each other anyway. We all had a wonderful time, with the highlight being the cultural presentations: the Russian Buryat wedding tradition of welcoming Steven and dressing the now married couple into the traditional buryat costume. (photo). Andrew sang a traditional Slovenian love folksong to the couple and presented a posy to Elvira. The Germans sang a song as a group with Steven's parents, Andreas and Lenka, presenting Elvira with a traditional female Bavarian costume. A memorable photo slideshow presented side by side photos of each of them at the same age in their respective countries, their interests, what they were doing and then how they found each other in China and made each other happy. During the evening we presented them with the uniquely Australian gift we chose only one-off, handcrafted Australian Redgum bowl by an Australian of Slovenian heritage, well known woodturning artisan Andrew PotoDnik (his parents are original members of our club), and the Redgum used was specifically from a tree in our northern region of abode. The couple loved the gift and have since written from Germany that... "The wood bowl you presented us already has found its place in our new home in Ingolstadt. It will constantly remind us of our friends and family in 'downunder'. ... With best wishes and love from Germany and Russia. We presented it in an Australian flag gift bag with a kangaroo and koala key ring attached, as a personal individual little gift for the bridal couple. Thanks to Andrew PotoDnik, the gift was very much appreciated. To top the wedding day/night off we were asked to party on with the young ones after the reception at a Russian nightclub in Beijing as they were impressed with the Australian-Slovenian fun-loving uncle in costume and said,' come on Andrew 'yu will kill dem on de dance floor with that costume". But the dance floor nearly finished off Andrew and he came back and collapsed on the chair. All I could do is laugh and help him by tag teaming him to join the girls dancing. All good things come to an end and it was time for us to leave. After much interest and inquisition over the 2 weeks from all (young, old, Chinese, Czech, Russian etc) about Australia and what it is like, not to mention adjustment to some of our slang, there were now tears and lots of goodbyes with invitations to all to visit us "Downunder in OZ" Anita Fistric Vabljeni tudi za deurstvo na dan samega festivala ALI SE ZAVEDATE DA LAHKO NAJAMETE DRUŠTVENE PROSTORE Praznovanja rojstnih dnevov krstov porok NOVI ČLANI - NEW MEMBERS ESTABLISHED I05-4 Venue Main hall Dining room Outdoor BBQ area Playgroup /Room Birthday celebrations, Christenings, SDM member's price Non- member's price $300 $150 $50 $500 $280 $100 $75 See enclosed leaflet or contact Anita Fistric 9434 3870 or 0418 122 349 for more information. Conditions apply. Pokličite Anito Fistrič katera za časno sprejema rezervacije. Rade volje se bo z vami pogovorila in dogovorila . Natalie and Mario Brullo Michelle and Jason Gambin Sonia and Anthony Vandramini Frank (Jnr) and Greta Prosenik Drago prosenik and Julie Waugh Ivan Majcen Welcome to the above new members FOOTY TIPPING Congratulations to all involved in the 1st SDM AFL footy tipping competition. The competition was extremely close coming down to the last round. And so the winners are as follows: 1st 2nd 3rd Alex Natasha Michael Kodila Pisotek Kodila (151) (15C) (148) First prize will be sent directly to the Once again thanks to everyone involved in the tipping as well as the new Friday Footy Fever nights. It was great to see people come up to the club and enjoy the fantastic facilities and the company of other young Slovenians and non Slovenians. šE NOVOSTI IZ SLOVENIJE SLovenski Oktoberfest Že sEdaj vaBLjEm Na Oktoberfest, sicer Slov-toberfest KaTERi bo v soboto 27. oKToBRa letos od 12. ure daLjE na sLovEnskEm HRIBU v ELThaMu. Vabljeni tudi v soboto in nedeljo 20. in 21. oktobra na delavno akcijo da se hrib primerno poDisti in pripravi. V Sloveniji, na Barju je strmoglavil najveDji serijsko izdelan balon na svetu, edini v Sloveniji te velikosti. V nesreDi je umrlo 5 ljudi, 27 pa huje ranjenih. Doletele so jih hude opekline in zlomljene kosti. Med Drtvami so tudi tujci. Balon bi naj zajel zraDni vrtinec. Vročina in požari To poletje je v Sloveniji prevladovala huda vroDina, da De deset letja ne. Zbruhnili so tudi veDji poDari kot je to bilo na Drnem Kalu, pri Sv. Gori in v Osolnici. Festival kranjske klobase V Sori pri Medvodah je potekal festevil kranjske klobase. Festival je organizirala kulinariOna hiša Jezeršek skupno s športnim in turistiDnim društvom SORA. Ocenjevanju je sledil nastop folklornih skupin iz Slovenije in sosednje Avstrije nato pa še tradicijonalna kolesarska dirka na Osolnik. Zelo zanimivo. Kranjska klobasa postaja vedno bolj znana. Svojita si jo kot Slovenija tako tudi Avstrija. Tudi v Avstraliji lahko dobite kranjsko klobaso na veDih krajih, le redkokateri se zaveda njenega izvora. O tem se je na radiu 3AW oglasil pred j Dasom Lenti Lenk in Delel zadevo pojasniti Avstralski javnosti. Zgoraj navedene novice povzete iz Dasopisa Ve Der David Markic r Damian Pisotek in družba Julie Krnel, Maggie in Oscar Milka, Lyn in Ema Jože, Virgilij, Dragica in Marija Viktor in Helena Veronika, Joža in Stanko ■y y! Vlado, Alek, Lydia in Frances ? Stane, Tine in Tone Kew Pepe, Lojze, Virgilij, Jože Marija, Anka, Milka