VOLUME XXXIV May / pour some tea For you, Grandma? ZARJA' DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor— REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President•—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. * * * HOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan. Wisconsin President—ANTONIA TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago S, Illinois Treasurer JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—F'RANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Jo-liet, III. , , , DIRECTORS of Women’s Youth and Sports Activities IVotnen's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Junior Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. ^ Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan—- ELLA STARIN 17814 Dillcwood Rd., Cleveland, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabanc, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-W ashington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San F'rancisco, Cal. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, III. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: ANTONIA TANKO, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TANKO, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Ilome Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription S2.00 —- Naročnina S2.00 letno For SWU members S1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ S1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA. 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946. at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice, do 5 v mesecu. HAPPY BIRTHDAY II\ MAY! Supreme Officers: May 1—Marie Floryan, Supr. Vice-Pres., West,Allis, Wise. May 15—Josephine Železnikar, Supr. Treas., Chicago, 111. May 10—Mary Tomsic, State President of Pa. Strabane. May 26—Frances Gaspich, Supr. Auditor, Joliet, 111. Branch Presidents: May 4—Emma Tomse, Br. 30, Aurora, 111. May 5—Ann Satovich, Br. 5G, Hibbing, Minn. May 15—Jennie Sataj, Br. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio May 17—Mary Tezak, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. May 18—Anna Jakovich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. May 21—Angela Voje, Br. 84, New York, N.Y. May 22—Helen Kovali, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. May 25—Frances Yerman, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio May 30—Mary Snezic, Br. 67, Bessemer, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! OI\ THE COVER Having a tea party are grandma, Mrs. Gabriella Spret-njak, and her granddaughter Gail Marie on whose darling little face is a look of pride and accomplishment. Grandma, too, is willing to enjoy the party as much as possible—with the tiny tableware and china, and service by Gail Marie. This is a picture of love and devotion all our readers will surely enjoy this Mother’s Day. There’s more to the story of Mrs. Spretnjak, member of Br. No. 16, in the English sect'.on on our Mothers-of-the-Year. DATES TO REMEMBER May 1—Banquet, Br. 23, Dawn Club, Ely, Minn. May 2 Mother’s Day Pot Luck Supper, Br. 21, Cleveland. O. May 3—Mother’s Day Party, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio May 6—Mother’s Day Party, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. May 9—Mother’s Day Banquet, 6 p. m. Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. May 10—Mother’s Day Banquet, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio May 10—Anniversary Party, Br. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. May 11—White Elephant Sale, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. May 14—Mother’s Day Meeting, Br. 25, Cleveland .Ohio. May 20—Banquet at Hillside Cafe, 6 p. m., Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. May 25,—Chicken Dinner, Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. May 26 — Excursion to Europe via S. S. France June 2-—Bake Sale, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. June 5—Luncheon and Card Party, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa., Slov. Hall, 7 p. m. June 8—25th Anniversary Dinner, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. June 16 — Excursion to Europe via Alitalia Jet June 17—Penna. Zveza Day, Br. 104, Meadowlands, Pa. July 15 — Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2, Leanont, 111. July 18-23 Excursion to St Ann De Beaupre, Canada August 19 Excursion to Hawaii Oct. 27—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXIV — NO. 5 MAY,. 1962 LETO XXXIV — ŠT. 5 REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. Mother’s Day OTHER’S day is approaching. We give tribute to our mothers. Let us see in the following what they think about themselves. A young mother — very true to her role of mother and at the same time very artistic—got the idea of comparing her role with that of cloistered sisters. Between her washing, her cooking and the care of her youngest, she managed to compose 'I'he Psalm of Young Mothers. It is full of love, full of spontaneity. Every young mother will recognize herself in the passages we are quoting: M mi “O my God, like our sisters in the cloister we have left all for you: we have not imprisoned the youth oj our faces in a Ruimpe and under a veil, and though we have cut our hair, it is not in any spirit of penance . . . Deign nevertheless, 0 Lord, to cast a look of complaissance On the humble little sacrifices which we offer you all day long, since the day our groaning flesh gave life to all these little Christians we are rearing for you. Our liberty, 0 God, is in the hands of these little tryants who claim it every minute. The house has become our cloister, our life has its unchanging Rule, and each day its Office, always the same; the hours for dressing, and for walks the hours for feeding and for school, we are bound by thousand little demands of life. Detached by necessity every moment from our own will, we live in obedience. Even our nights do not belong to us; we too have our nocturnal Office, when we must rise quickly for a sick child, or when between midnight and two o’clock when we are in the full sleep we need so badly a little untimely chanter begins to sing his Matins. We practically live retired from the world', there is so much to be done in the house there is no possibility of going out anyway without a faithful sitter for the little ones. We measure out the time for visits parsimoniously. Now we can understand a little better the meaning of saying: The woman’s work is never done, Mothers are really great creatures of God. Happy mother’s day to all mothers. Dan mater R A V J O, da je mesec Maj najlepši mesec tP v celem letu. Nič čudnega. Saj je to mesec k* Zelenja, cvetja, novega življenja. Nič nenavadne-rOtl ga ni potem, da svet v tem mesecu slavi matere ki so vse to, kar smatramo za lepo in dobro. Razumljivo je tudi da sveta mati cerkev posveča mesec majnik nebeški in naši skupni materi, Marij. Še posebej jo častimo, ker nam jo je njen umirajoči sin dal za mater. S križa so spregovorile njegove smrtno blede ustnice: “Žene glej tvoj sin, sin glej tvoja mati”. Kako čudovito. Ne samo, da nam je Marija dala Življenja samo, ampak obenem tudi Odrešenika. Kdo ne bi bil hvaležen taki materi in kdo ji ne bi izkazal dane časti. Bus se je ustavil. Grupa ljudi se je rinila proti vratom, da vstopi. V tej množici je bila tudi mati z otrokom. Končno sta našla prostor v busu. Otrok se je stisnil k materi in zašepetal: "Mati”. Zaposlena s kupovanjem voznega listka in med ropotanjem motorja, mati ni slišala otrokovega šepeta. Otrok se je še bolj stisnil k materi in skoraj napol glasno rekel "Mati”, Tedaj ga je slišala in ga ljubeznivo pogledala. Ko je otrok videl, da je mati pozorna se je ojunačil in pol glasno izrekel: Mati ljubim te. Mati se nasmehnila in to so napravili tudi potniki. Bus je postal kraj veeelja zaradi otrokovih preprostih besed: Mati gubim te. Nekaj podobnega bomo mi napravili na materinski dan. Vzeli si bomo časa iz vsakdanjega prerivanja sem in tja, da poiščemo tisto, kateri toliko dolgujemo. Ne pričakuje darov. Pričakuje ljubezni. Danes je morda prilika, da izrečemo tisto majhno besedo, ki bo pomenila, da jo prosite odpuščanja. Kako je Bog dober. Z materino ljubeznijo zdravi rane, ki jih je zadalo življenje. Mnoga mati se že nahaja na stezah nebeškega vrta. Duhovni šopek zanjo v obliki molitve, sv. obhajila, svete maše, bo izraz hvaležnosti in dokaz, da materina podoba še vedno sveti v temo življenja. Velikokrat v duši vstane misel, kako bi bilo lepo, če bi mati še živela. Ko pregledujemo svoje življenje, se spomnimo, kako je mati znala pomiriti otroke. Kako je znala s trdno in iskušeno roko urediti majhne prepire med sinovi in hčerami. Kako je znala zaščititi slabotnega in zavrniti močnega. Bila je zares največji pospeševatelj miru v družini in ga je tudi dosegla. Kar pa je mati družini, to je Marija otrokom sveta. Potrebujejo matere tako kot še nikoli. Narodi so sprti med seboj. Samo ona kot mati vsega sveta jih lahko pomiri. To je tudi njena pravica. Ker je Mati Boga človeka je postala tudi naša Mati. Zaradi tega jo ljudje častijo in njej zaupajo. Sama je rekla o sebi: “Velike reči mi je storil On, ki je mogočen in čigar ime je sveto. Odslej me bodo blagrovali vsi rodovi na zemlji.” Z mislijo na našo rodno mater in z zaupanjem na našo nebeško mater bomo zmogli prevzeti še naprej bremena in odgovornost življenja. Bog živi naše matere. OUR SISTERS — YOUR MOTHERS — GOD’S BLESSING ON EARTH! We pledge devotion and revere our chosen Mothers-of-the-Year! Anna Stark Br. No. 13, San Francisco, Cal. The members in San Francisco have a very willing helper in their chosen Mother. She has participated in many events by serving on various committees and is a member for 29 years. The date of her birth is Sept. 10, 189G in Laurium, Mich., where she grew up. As Anna Tebor, she married and became Anna Stark and there were two children born to the couple. Now she already claims three grandchildren! Baking, sewing and making artificial flowers are Mrs. Stark’s hobbies in which she excells. The members are most grateful to her for her diligence and loyalty. Christine Menart Br. No. 7, Forest City, Pa. There are few of us who can count 200 new members enrolled in S.W.U., but Christine Menart has done this as a very conscientious officer and member. She has been the secretary for 10 years and holds a 28 year membership with Br. 7. Included in the branch are most of Chris’ relatives — her two daughters, four grandchildren, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews and cousins. Her duties as the Director of Juvenile Activities for S.W.U. have kept her interested in seeing that the large juvenile circle in Forest City is kept busy and growing. Christine Glavach Menart is a native of that town, born there on Sept. 4, 1907. In 1926 she married, but, she has been a widow for ten years. Her happiness is her family — and when time permits, she joins friends in popular games, or stays home to crochet, her favorite handwork. She is a good saleslady, too. T he resa M u It ich Br. No. 20, Joliet, III. Theresa Muhich is a very deserving member — one who is dependable in everything to be performed for the good of the branch — so say her sister-members. She has been a member for 22 years and an officer for 10 years. Of her three children, two daughters have been members for 17 years. Mrs. Muhich is the former Theresa Bambich, born in Joliet on Aug. 22, 1908. She was married at St. Joseph’s church, one of the largest Slovenian parishes in the midwest. Embroidering and knitting are her favorite types of handwork — that and enjoying her five grandchilden. Gahriella Spretnjak Br. No. 16, So. Chicago, III. Our Mother of Br. 16 is seen on the Cover of this issue, enjoying the company of her granddaughter, Gail Marie. There are five grandchildren all together, and she considers it her greatest pastime to be with them. Mrs. Spretnjak lives at 10727 Ave. O, and her daughters are Marge and Sylvia Spretnjak and Mrs. Pauline Druga. All 3 are very active in Branch No 16 and have made and donated many beautiful table decorations and other items. Marge is an expert photographer and has a beautiful collection of slides taken at our annual Children’s Christmas Party. Mrs. Spretnjak also has two sisters in Branch No. 16, Mrs. Josephine Krai who is our Vice President and Mrs. Frances Wine. Jan. 18, 1900 is the birthdate of Mrs. Spretnjak, nee Kulovic, and she was born in Ursna Sela, Slovenia. On Oct. 15, 1922 she was married at Sacred Heart church in So. Chicago and the marriage was blessed with four children. She has been a member of B. 16 since 1916. Gladys Buck, sec’y. Ann Pelcic Br. No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. Br. 21 has selected Ann Pelcic for Mother of the Year, an honor most deserving. As an officer, Ann has been secretary for 14 years and an auditor 20 years. For the last 19 years, she has been the able recording secretary. Her heart is pure gold; she donates constantly to all the branch activitieis and has always been a kind and considerate person as well as a cooperative worker for our Union. She loves to be in her garden at 13320 Crossburn Ave., planting flowers and taking care of them. May God reward her lor her many good deeds. Her daughter-in-law, Dorothy, and all the lour grandchildren are members of our branch. Stella Dancull, Sec’y Barbara Kosandieh Br. No. 23, Ely, Minn. Barbara Rosandicli has been a member of the S.W.U. lor 29 years and an officer for about 26 of them. She was a Supreme Vice-President and for the past six years holds the title of State President of Minnesota. pwwmm Vicki Faletič Br. No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Readers of Zarja know Vicki Faletič for her active campaigning during the last membership drive in which she herself enrolled 80 members. She has a total credit of 153 members in the past few years. The members of Br. 25 feel fortunate that Vicki has accepted the secretaryship of that branch, the largest in the Union with well over 1000 members. On every occasion, Vicki has been a spark-plug promoting her branch and the Union in her own inimitable way. She was elected as Supreme Trustee at the last National Convention and has taken an active part in organizing junior activities in her home city of Cleveland. Of course, being a member for 20 years, she knows many officers and members in that great metropolitan area and has attended hundreds of functions. She was born; in Cleveland on Feb. 12, 1910 and is one of the well-known Koporc sisters who did a lot of singing years ago. She married in 1933 and has four sons, Fred, Frank, James and Michael. When time permits, she enjoys bowling, baking, and string craft and has untiring ambitions. Barbara presided at many S.W.U. functions and has attended nearly every event in her state and other states. She also serves on the Ely Bloomenson Hospital Auxiliary, is a Chief Ranger for the Catholic Women’s Foresters and an excellent fundraiser for St Anthony’s church. She also belongs to the Slovenian church ohoir. Barbara and her husband, John, were married April 29, 1931 right in Ely. They have three children, two daughters and a son and two grandchildren. All her children have been given the highest education. The family home is at 1212 E. Sheridan. Barbara is very good at hand work; Anna Stanfel Br. No. 28, Calumet, Mich. As a charter member of her branch, Anna Stanfel holds a very important distinction as the members look to her good example with pride. She was an officer for a total of 19 years, secretary for 13 years and trustee for G years. She is always on hand to aid in all the branch’s activities and church affairs. The members love to see her attending the meetings regularly. Mrs. Stanfel was born right in Calumet on March 31, 1891. She was married there, too, on June 2, 1915 when she changed her name from Anna Strutzel. Four children were born, and now she has thirteen grandchildren to make her happy. One son, Edward, lost his life in Africa during the World War II and another, James, also served with Uncle Sam. In her spare time, she loves to work in her garden raising flowers and vegetables. Sophie Grisnian Br. No. 30, Aurora, III. Mrs. Sophie Dahn Grisman is a native of Aurora and a loyal member of her branch for eight years. She is also an officer for the past 2 years She doesn’t have children of her own, but, iB like a mother to two of her nieces and one nephew. She took them into her home when their parents separated and has taken care of them since. The children’s father, (Sophie’s brother) also lives with the Grismans. Sophie is a quiet person, with a warm heart. She is admirably efficient. The members of the branch wanted very much for her to be their chosen member. Emma Tomse and during the long winter months in the cold north, she spends her leisure time sewing, crocheting and knitting. The fun of card playing is also on her leisure time schedule. Mary Mrak Br. No. 33, Duluth, Minn. Mrs. Mrak is the mother of twelve children, five of whom are still living. She is also one of our oldest mothers paid tribute in this issue and certainly one of the most deserving. She has been a member for 32 years. She is a native of Slovenia where she was born Mary Sadler on Nov. 26, 187G. She married in the year 1901 in Calumet, Mich., but for the most part,lived in Duluth, Minnesota. For the past 10 years, she resided with one daughter, Katherine Holniberg at 3366 N. 38th St., Milwaukee, Wis., altho her four sons are living in Duluth. Mrs. Mrak has 18 grandchilden, 18 great grandchildren and a sister. She spends most of her time crocheting and reading. f Anne Yapel Br. No. 34, Soudan, Minn. This beloved mother is being honored posthumously by the sisters of Br. 34 as her death came on Feb. 15, months after her selection as Mother of the Year. She was born Sept. 2, 1910 in Ely and was married there on June 2S, 1937. Seven children were born to Joesphine Stavec Br. No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio A charter member of Br. No. 42, Mrs. Stavec is considered a pillar of the Maple Hgts. S.W.U. which was organized in 1930 by the late Rose Glavic. As Josephine Kovach, she came to America on May 18, 1910, from Dole pri Litiji in Yugoslavia from a family of six children. On June Gth. of that same year she married Frank Stavec who as an Austrian soldier some 3 years previous had already begun to shape her destiny. They settled down to housekeeping in the old “Newburg” area surrounding St. Lawrence’s Church. Mrs. Stavec says she knew absolutely nothing about cooking. In the days before Sara Lee, Betty Crocker and Ann Pillsbury this could prove catastrophic, so she became an ardent pupil of our own Mama Prhne, Maple Hgts’s most renowned culinary artist. For some of the more ordinay menus she relied on our past president, Antonia Legan, at the time a young bride living in the same house. Mrs. Stavec’s most vivid recollection of these early years concerns a gentleman who came to board with them and was reputed to have a tremendous appetite. It seems he was forever imploring her to make him a "smorin.” With the aid of her friend, Mrs. Legan, the enthusiastic ladies Anne and Peter Yapel, who survive her now; Peter, Jr., Joseph, Kathleen, Mary Ann and Richard (twins), Margaret and Patricia. Her mother, Mrs. Katherine Spreitzer of Ely, 3 brothers and 8 sisters also survive. Anne was very well-liked by the members and attended the meetings regularly — she was enthusiastic about all the branch’s doings, but because of her extremely high blood pressure, was unable to work actively on the committees due to her doctor’s orders. Anne’s memory is sweet and in her we find the best qualities of all mothers. May God grant her the most wonderful of all heavenly rewards — peace with Him and His mother, Mary. Mary Hribernik Br. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Another wonderful cook and baker is Mary Hribernik who is known for specialties, strudel and potica! Her culinary art has delighted not only her own family of five children, but the branch members as well. She is a native of Loke, Štajersko in Slovenia and her birthdate is June 21, 1888. She came to St. Louis, Mo. in 1907 as young Mary Zadnik and met and married her husband, Joseph here on Feb. 10, 1908. Six children were born; but one, Anne is deceased. The others are Joseph, Louis, Mary, Anthony and Frank and all are married. True to her heritage, she loves gardening and baking above all other hobbies. produnced such a masterpiece the poor fellows was sick for a week from overindulgence! In 1917 Mr. and Mrs. Stavec moved to Maple Hgts., a budding young suburb of Cleveland. The next 45 years saw them rear a family of six children — two girls, Mary and Justine and four boys, Frank Jr., Joseph, Henry and Milan. Throughout this time Mrs. Stavec played an active role in the development of our little town as a member of The Ladies Cooking Club. This group cooked for all the Slovenian National Home Affairs, lodge picnics and “veselicas”. It is interesting to note that in this enterprise, Mrs. Stavec first cooked professionally along with Mama Prhne for the wedding of our own member, Olga Ponikvar, who this year marks her 25th. Silver wedding anniversary. As the years have gone by Mrs. Stavec saw her children grow up, marry and present her with 14 grandchildren. Two years ago she experienced the joy of her 50th. Golden wedding anniversary with her man at her side, and then the following year knew deep sorrow in losing him Roselyn Shuster Br. No. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio This lovely mother is a charter member of branch 47 and during all the years has been an active participant in their functions. She and daughter, Irene, treasure their membership and the friendships they have made in the S.W.U. Mrs. Shuster is the mother of 9 children, one of whom is deceased. There are also G grandchildren to date which makes her very happy. She loves to be with them and to spend her time working with flowers in and around her home which is at 12113 Marguerite Ave. She is a native of Minnesota, born at St. Stephan, Minn, on March 17, 1903. She was Roselyn Blenkush, then. In addition to her other activities, she enjoys taking part in church affairs. after a lingering illness. Throughout, hardship and despair she has con tinued to maintain the calm, unceasing trust befitting a true mother. This lovely lady who just turned 75 on Feb. 27th. is looking forward to an eventful year; the 25th. Silver wedding anniversary of her oldest daughter, Mary Lecy; the college graduation of her granddaughter, Bonnie Lecy and the high school graduation of her grandson, Harold Lecy. Through the years the neat little house at 508G Stanley Ave. has represented the true American spirit of the European immigrant. Although Mrs. Stavec has always preferred to work in the yard as a hobby, she feels it’s a little too much for her now. Her favorite color is red and she just loves television’s “Queen for a Day”. Well, Teta Stavec, you certainly are our Queen for a Day and truly our Mother of the Year! Lillian Sadowski, reporter Sophie Zagorc Br. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio Sophie Zagorc was bom in Sharon, Pa., but shortly afterward, traveled with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. John Francelj, to Europe. There the family lived and Sophie went to school at Rapljevo, Struge na Dolenjskem. She sang In the church choir and spent her girlhood there. After she returned to America, she lived a time with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Valetincic in Sharon, Pa., and in 1941 she came to live in Cleveland. In 1947, she married John Zagorc and they became the happy parents of three sons, Raymond, Johnny and Donald. They are now 12, 10 and 4 years old respectively. The two oldest are Boy Scouts at St. Vitus and enjoy all boy’s sports. They are also altar boys and enjoy singing, a talent they inherited from their mother. Sophie was a member of die famed singing society, Glasbena Matica in Cleveland and still loves to sing. When listing her hobbies, she notes crocheting, knitting, tatting, embroidering and poison ivy on all important occasions! During 1959-60, Mrs. Zagorc reigned as Queen of Br. No. 50 for selling the largest number of contest tickets for the state conventions. She was crowned by her own members at a special ceremony in her honor. Celia Politano Br. No. 52, Hibbing (Kitzville) Minn. Celia Dimatteo was born In Italy on Feb. 2, 1901, and came to this country as a very young girl. She was married on Aug. 31, 1918 at Hibbing, Minn., where she has resided since. The family home is at 320% Mitchel Ave. Four children comprise the Politano family; two daughters who spent some years working in Washington D.C. and two sons, Louis who served CELIA POLITANO overseas in World War II and is now married and living in Hibbing and Lt. Dennis Politano, now serving in the U.S. Air Force. Daughters, Jeanette Rovenger and Lenore Sutton are both married and reside in Dallas, Texas. Mrs. Politano has four grandchildren and three of them living in Texas only see grandma on special occasions. She loves her garden and flowers and spends lots of time with them. She’s also a good baker and contributes to the branch’s bakes sales and other money-raising functions. She has been a member for 13 years. Katherine Anzicek Br. No. 55, Girard, Ohio Katherine Anzicek has been selected to represent Br. 55 as Honored Member of 1962. She was born May 4, 1889 in Yugoslavia, and was married at St. George Church, Kenosha, Wise., to John Anzicek on July 10, 1906. They live in a comfortable home at 27 Smithsonian St. in Girard. Katherine Anzicek has been a member since Br. 55 was organized; although she is not an officer, she is active and dependable. She has baked many delicious hams for our dances and picnics. Katherine is rated high among our good Slovenian cooks. We hope she will be blessed for her generosity; when she visits the sick she always has a gift of fruit or goodies along. She has never refused to do a task or give a donation when asked. Gardening is one of her most enjoyable hobbies. God bless you, Mrs Anzicek and we wish you many, many more years of good health so you will go on being of Honored Member for a long time. Mary Ann Mehalco Mary Ponikvar Br. No. 54, Warren, Ohio Mary Ponikvar is the chosen mother of this branch for many, many reasons. First of all, she is a charter member and was the first secretary. She was the vice-president for a number of years and also pres, of the auditing committee. She represented her sister-members at one of the national conventions as well. She is a true and loyal member, a good Catholiic mother and a very busy one. She spends her free time with handwork and in her garden which she loves so much. Two sons and seven grandchidren are all proud of their beautiful mother and grandma. Her two daughters-in-law and all the little ones are members of Br. 54. Mrs. Ponikvar was born on June 1. 1903 in Eveleth, Minn, and came to Cleveland Ohio where she was married in 1927. The family home in Warren is at 740 Kenilworth S.E. KATHERINE ANZICEK AND HUSBAND, JOHN Frances Puhek Br. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Our scribe from Br. 56 is their chosen mother, Frances Puhek. She is one of the first members of their branch, in good standing for 28 years and for 20 of them has been in one office or another. She has served as treasurer, secretary, vice-president and president for seven years. She also attended two of the S.W.U. national conventions, in Pueblo and in Cleveland. Her mother, Mrs. Frances Petrich, who is 84 years old and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Puhek, who is 79 years old as well as sister, Mary, are all in the branch with Frances. She has enrolled a number of other members, too. Frances was born in Hibbing, on Dec. 15, 1904, was married on Sept. 29, 1923 in Chisholm and moved back to Hibbing, where she and her family make their home at 1817 12th Ave E. In the John Puhek family are three sons, John, Jr., Robert and Kenneth and seven grandchildren. Frances collects Hats! She wears them to her many social functions Mary Moler Br. No. 57, Niles, Ohio Another reporter for our Zarja is Mary Moler, the Mother of the Year for Br. 57. Mary is a good “mixer” and has lots of friends among the members — so, she knows what’s news to write about in our publication. Mary Bizjak was born on Aug. 1, 1909 in Herminie, Pa., and was married there, too, on Nov. 15, 1926. She and her husband reared five children, 3 boys and 2 girls. She especially loves her garden and during the long winter months, to crochet nice things. As a member of five years standing and an officer for one year, she has been quite active on various committees. She has seen to it that her daughter, daughter-in-law' and grandson are all members of S.W.U. and w'hen she goes traveling which is one of her favorite activities. At home she is good at making ceramics and knitting besides her regular household duties. Ellen Nortnik Br. No. 63, Denver, Colo. 4519 Logan St., in Denver is the home of our chosen Mother, Ellen Nortnik. In fact, the city of Denver is her native city and she has never left it. Anyone who has been there should know why. That beautiful city rests oil top of the world and so high that even the air tastes good! Denverites are happy, warm and hospitable people and so is Ellen Nortnik who has helped her branch by cooking and helping when called upon. She was on the committee for last year’s State Day and was a delegate for the State Convention held in Denver. She has five members of her family enrolled in the branch and she is a member for 14 years writh two years’ service as an officer. The statistics on Mrs. Nortnik are: birthday, May 22, 1918 and wedding day, Nov. 26, 1938. She is the mother of 3 children, two boys and a girl. Naturally, being such a good cook, cooking becomes her favorite hobby as well as sewing. Frances Cholich Br. 65, Virginia, Minn. The Stephan Cholich’s celebrated their golden Wedding Anniversary last Nov. 19th. and our Mother of the Year of Br. 65 is the happy bride who recalled that day fifty years ago when she started on her life’s path with her new husband at her side. They were married in Yugoslavia, the place of their birth, in 1911 — Frances Pintar and Stephan Cholich. Of the union, two daughters were born and they too were present at the Anniversary festivities along with their families. Six grandchildren complete the family circle. Mrs. Cholich counts 75 years in age, her birthday being last March 9th. She’s happy at home working in her garden or making beautiful articles by hand. She joined the branch 27 years ago and served as an officer or 8 of those years Whenever it was possible, she aided in the activities of the Virginia group and even attended a national conveintion as well as the Minnesota State Convention which she enjoyed very much. On the Honored Mother’s picture are seen her husband and two daughters, Ann Antonini and Mary Boufford. STEPHAN CHOLICH FAMILY Louise Ser jak Br. No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. A native of Škofja Loka in Slovenia is Mrs. Louise Serjak who was born there on May 29, 1S97 as Louise Maček. She has borne the sadness of of losing two husbands; however, a large family remains to keep her active and happy. She has seven children, nine grandchildren and two great grandchidren as well as five step-children and 10 step-grandchil-dren! How lucky they are to have such a wondedful mother and how lucky is she to have so much love surrounding her! As usual with our hard-working mothers, Mrs. Serjak has been very helpful to the branch and the members are grateful for her willingness to work for the success of every venture. Their branch suppers are where Louise helps the most. She has been a member for 25 years and an officer for 10 years. She lives right in Bessemer and loves her home, garden and the hours spent in crocheting. Lucy (Lucija) Lubanovich Br. No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Mrs. Lubanovich was born Dec. 10. 1894 in Selo Visci Vrh, Zumberak, Yugoslavia. She came to the U.S. in 1913 at the age of 19 and was married to Peter G. Lubanovich at St. Paul’s Croatian church in 1915. They have lived at the present address, 22817 Miles Ave., Warrensville Hgts., since 1920. Mrs. Lubanovich has five sons and one daughter, they are: Peter, Prank, Edward, John, David and Helen. Also, there are three grandchildren. Mrs. Lubanovich has been a member of Br. 73 for over 20 years and is a good member, well-liked by everyone. Her hobby is taking care of the family and her home which is immaculate all the time. She is famous for making "krofe” at all our doings and whenever we call on her, she never refuses. God bless her and keep her! Reporter Betty Ann Murphey Br. No. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. One of our youngest mothers celebrating Mother’s Day this year will be Mrs. Betty Ann Murphey of 1G12 Walz St., in Pittsburgh, Pa. She is the mother of two, Michael, age 3% and Maureen, age 1 y2 years. They are on the picture of last Easter, 1961, with mom and dad, Betty and Edward. Since 1961, Betty has been the president of Br. 77 and a very energetic oficer she is. Both her mother, Elizabeth Conway, Honored Mother of 1960, and grandmother, Anna Bosko-vic, now deceased,were charter members of the branch; Betty has seen to it that both her children are members, too. Young mother Betty was born on March 20, 1937 in Pittsburgh and was married on July 4, 1957. With two small children and the branch presidency to occupy her time, very little of it is left for bowling, sewing and swimming, but she manages to keep up her favorite hobbies, at least a little! LUCY LUBANOVICH Anna Lokovšek Br. No. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Our far-western branch in the State of Washington, has chosen one of their charter members for the Honored Mother title this year. When the first meeting of Br. 79 was called in May, 1936, she was on hand, therefore, she is a member for 26 years. Anna Sevsek Lokovšek conies from Laško in Slovenia, born there on June 13, 1907. The place and date of her marriage is Sept. 2G, 1926 at Rimske Toplice. Mrs. Lokovšek is the mother of seven children and the family has grown to include nine grandchildren now. Two of her daughters are members and her own membership being one of long-standing, is loyal and true. Th garden at the Lokovšek home. Rt. 1, Box 672, is her pride and joy. Della V. Kovalovich Br. No. 83, Crosby, Minn. Mrs. Kovatovich was born in Iron-wood, Mich., one of 7 daughters in a Irish family of 10 children. Her name then was Della Veronica Ryan. She married her husband, a young Croatian lad on Oct. 13, 1913 and reared nine children, five girls and four boys. Her hobbies are taken in with housework — keeping her lage family happy, especially with 24 grandchildren ! She lias been member since the branch was organized and always very willing to help in their activities. Mrs. Kovatovich is also a member of the Catholic Foresters for over 23 years — which shows her loyalty to her heritage. The members are indeed grateful to her for her fine work and she, in turn, thinks her sister-members are really the finest ever. (Picture on page 72.) DELLA KOVATOVICH Mary Zakrajšek Br. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. The members love Mary! She is a grand person, very conscientious and willing to help others. Nothing is too hard or too much for Mary! She is one of the more active members of the branch and of the Catholic Women's Council. She was a delegate last year for the Minnesota State Coinvention and attended them in previous years as a guest. Mary Laurich was born on March 8, 1915 at Glidden, Wise. Sh left that state when a baby and lived in Eve- MARY ZAKRAJŠEK leth, Minn, until she was 19 years old. She married her husband, John, on Nov. 19, 1934 in Eveleth and one son Richard completes the family. Richard served in the army for two years, saw action in Korea and now works in St. Paul. Mary’s hobbies, besides catering to small and large parties, is gardening and she really has a beautiful garden in the summer. The family home is at 602 — 2nd. St. She, too, is a member of some years — since 1939, and has served as the recording secretary of Br. 86 for the past 10 years. THE WHITE CARNATION is one of the most fragrant flowers that grow; and a Mother's Love is one of the sweetest things in the world. MAY 13th IS MOTHER’S DAY the day on which the entire nation pauses to pay tribute to Mothers. Our Mothers mean so much to us that it is difficult to express in words the feeling of love and reverence we have for them. No matter how young or old we may be, there is no one who can take the place of Mother! We dedicate this issue to all our Mothers and Grandmothers. . . and, to the memory of our dear ones gone before, for whom we pray, “God Bless You and Grant You the Eternal Crown of Happiness!'' Angeline Ferranle Br. No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. As their most worthy mother, the members of Br. 91 chose Angeline Ferrante, who was bom in Palermo, Italy, Sept. 1904. She came to America with her parens when she was only 2 years old. Angeline was a bride at 16, and she and her husband, Anthony had seven children, four sons and three daughters. Now, four are married and with their families, totaling 9 grandchildren, their visits to grandma’s house are frequent. She loves having them about! She is a member of the branch since 1942 and likes to come to the meetings and doings where she meets all her friends. She is also an excellent cook for which many, young and old, can vouch! Frances Saya Br. No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Mrs. Saya is a native of Crested Butte, located in the Rocky Mountains of our great west — and she was married there, too; but, the Saya family home is in Paonia, Colorado. The members of the Pine Tree Lodge respect their charter member and one-time president, and thus, selected her for the honor this year. Mrs. Saya was born on March 21, 1907. As a seventeen year old girl, she was married to John Saya on June 29, 1924. Their two boys, John T. and Kenneth E., are now grown up and on their own. John is a teacher in a Junior College and Kenneth is in the Marine Corps. Four grandchildren complete the family circle. Mary Simunic Br. No. 95, So. Chicago, III. We are happy to present once again our Mother of the Year, Mary Simunic, who resides at 9539 Exchange Ave , with her husband, Pete. The mother of two, a son, Tony and daughter, Mary Brozynski, also our member, Mary Simunic, our chosen mother finds her greatest happiness being with her two grandchildren, her prize possessions! She is a native of Croatia, Yugoslavia where she was born Nov. 11, 1902, Her reputation for enrolling new members is well-known and has become a tradition. A leader in community enterprises and actively engaged in church work, she donates constantly to all these various doings and supplies baked goods whenever possible. She is a regular “meeting-go-er” and has been doing this for twenty years. She is always ready to commit herself to the things in which she believes, lives up to the standards she chose to adopt and fights for their preservation when they are endangered. Her philosophy for daily living is never to be afraid of con- ACT1V1T1ES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. Now that the warmer weather is here and the days are longer, I hope everybody is raring to go! And, we wish for a good attendance at our meetings which aren’t too long; it’s always nice to get together for a while. Our Card Party will be held on Sept. 12th and chairman, Ruth Sheclc, is hoping you will give a helping hand when called upon. We will honor our Mother of Year, Josephine Kotnik, on Mother’s Day and also a Junior party will be held with program and refreshmer ts. Lucille Picone Br. No. 101, Bedford Hgts., Ohio We are honored to present our Mother of the Year for Br. 101. She is Lucille Picone, a mother of fifteen children and a grandmother of fifteen grandchildren. She is truly a devoted wife and mother. She and her husband celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary on Sept. 18, 1961 which was a family reunion. Our Mother of the Year, “Lucy” Picone, is active in church and other affairs in our city. We wish her all the happiness in the world; we also -.vish her a good year and very good health for many years to come. Helen Hoerl, Rec. Sec’y troversy or to be afraid to exert leadership; that each of us must establish guideposts and goals to live for, and try for and die for. The Mother of the Year is our most treasured annual feature which carries with it our best wishes to you and your family, Mrs. Simunic, for a happy lifetime. Mildred James, Pres. We welcome new social members, Louise Petich of Sacramento, Cal. and Anna Zidar of Alberta, Canada. Our two Class B members are Josephine Ku!k oi' Sheboygan and Josephine Kraemer of Milwaukee. Condolences to the families of Agnes Skube and Miss Rose Francis. God grant eternal rest to oui departed. Wishing all our sack members a speedy recovery and all our birthday girls a happy birthday — with wishes to see you all at the next meeting. Mary Vertacic. Julia Panzica Br. No. 105, Detroit, Mich. The members of Br. 105 have wonderful meetings; but, since many of their members live distances apart, they find it a little problem to get together. One of the many good deeds Julia Panzica, Uie Mother of the Year, does, is to drive the members around so that as many of them as possible attend the meetings. She is never too busy to do this, or to aid in any way, her sister-members and friends. She also does beautiful sewing in her spare time and enjoys visiting the sick. As a widow for the past eight years, Julia finds it necessary to work — and she holds a full time job — adding to her busy schedule. She lives at 11395 Grandmont Ave., was born on Feb. 11, 1906 in Barberton, Ohio and her maiden, name is Žnidaršič. She has two sons, three grandsons and, three granddaughters. She has been a member for 7 years and has served as the branch president for 5 happy years. On the picture is Julia with her sister-in-law. No. 7 Forest City, Pa. At our regular meeting plans were made to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the organization. A Banquet will be held May 20, 1962 which is the 3rd Sunday in May. It will be held at the Hillside Cafe, Hudson St. at 6 o’clock P.M. The affair will be for adult members only and each member may bring a friend. The dead line for reservations will be May 10. Anyone wishing to attend this affair is asked to contact the following officers : INVITATION TO ZVEZA DAY SAN FRANCISCO, Br. 13, will have “Zveza Day” on SUNDAY, MAY 20, 19G2 with Holy Mass at 9:30 a.m. at the Church of the Nativity. Breakfast will be served after Mass at the Del Webb Towne House. The committee is planning on a good time with many surprises for all. Please come and bring a new member or friend with you. We would also like to see some of our Junior Members on that day! Rose Scoff, State President Christine Menart, Main St. Vand-ling, Pa.; Anna Kameen, 87 Depot St Forest City, Pa.; and Josephine Gostisha, N. Main St. Forest City, Pa. Miss Mary J. Kameen, Forest City, is publicity Chairman. May God Bless all the good mothers of the world, and may God grant eternal rest to those who have departed from this world. Mary J. Kameen No. 7, Forest City Pa. Winter has gone — spring has come. Hoping to see our shut-in members soon. Plans for our 35th Aniversary are not as yet complete. The next few meetings will be important for this. Juniors are working hard to start their treasury and get it growing — let’s all help to see what we can do. Ask mother, sisters and brothers to help. A sincere thank-you to all for the cards, letters, spiritual bouquets and flowers received by my family since the recent loss of may brother, John Glava^h, who passed away Feb. 24tli Gone but not forgotten — may he and all our departed rest in peace. May I wish everyone a happy Mother’s day! Christine No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. Discussion at the March meeting was mostly on the 35th Anniversary of our branch last April 1st. We welcome back our past vice-pres., Louise Čebular who has been very ill. It’s so nice to have you with us again, Mrs. Čebular! The ladies surely missed you. I volunteered to attend a meeting at the Slov. Home on St. Clair last March representing our branch. All Cleveland societies, clubs, etc., were invited to meet and discuss plans to hold a Slovenian Day once a year much the same as the Irish do on St. Patrick’s Day. We also celebrated three birthdays: Mrs. Koren who has just returned from Florida, Mrs. Camloh, our beloved secretary and Mrs. Komidar, our treasurer. The ladies treated us with usual goodies after the meeting to quench our thirsts. Happy Belated Birthday to all our members who celebrated in March and April as well as May. Especially to my sister, also a member, Frances Zagar who counted hers on St. Patrick’s Day. We have a wonderful time at our meetings and wish more members would attend — to all sick members, a speedy recovery. Jo«le (Sophie) Magayna No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Our Dinner plans are progressing with a committee already dedicated to our happiness. Mary Stariha will cook and supervise, Katie Plut, Mary Plut and Anna Stark (our Mother for 19G2) will assist and supervise the dinning room. Wfth this fine group of workers, and from former dinners these fine ladies prepared, we know our every want will be satisfied. Don’t forget our Dinner, Sunday, September 30th. Cocktails will be served from 5 p.m. until dinner hour at G p.m. A good time is promised. Thanks gals for allowing us to draft you once again with all the work but its gals like you that we can truly depend on to satisfy all... Mary Ansel is back on her two feet again and ptogressing so nicely after her broken leg. She is our Treasurer for 19G2, holding her old job like a good gal. Nice to see you at the usual swing Mary. Sister Tillie and Mary bake those fine cakes we so enjoy. Runs in the family as Betty Doherty is a daughter of Tillie and niece to Mary. See what I mean? When daughter Margaret was left alone with three small children, Ann in her quiet sweet way helped raise these three little ones until now they are young ladies and gentlemen who show their grandmother love and attention in each deed they do. They are lovely children and I’m sure Ann is proud of the part she has played in their upbringing. Ann could have enjoyed many trips and luxuries; but, instead, every odd cent went to the children. Very few people have known of her many sacrifices as Ann has never talked much about herself but knowing her and her family all these years we have not been blind to her wonderful deeds. Sundays would find Ann at 8 a. m. Mass so that her grandchildren could go to “OUR CHURCH” which is a good distance from her home and of course not driving, this meant a long and timely bus trip, but there sat Ann smiling and greeting one with a pleasant “good morning.” It is said God loves a Mother here, and this one God will truly love and bless. Yes, Ann, you have done a fine job of raising your daughters, Margaret and Agnes and your second family of three, you have known many hours of happiness and also pain, but yours is a rich harvest with your fine family. Fran Chiodo No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. I do hope that by now all members know that the Zarja will cost 2zier, co-chairman and Matilda Cigolle was chairman for the refreshment committee. Her aid, Josephine Gorenc, was unable to attend due to illness. Get-well wishes were sent to her and Mary Lukz. Received a thank-you note from Beth Ann Wolford’s mother for all BK. 50’s HAPPY HEARTS AND FACES . . . Celebrating Valentine’s Day at their meeting in February. the prayers and cards she received. We were happy to hear Beth Ann is getting along just fine. Deepest sympathy was sent to Dr. and Mrs. Richard Juvančič and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lukz on the loss of their daughters. Also, to Provie Costeralla on the loss of her beloved mother. At the end of the meeting, hot chocolate was served and games played with prizes going to Nancy Dombrosky, Marie Cvetnic and Mary Ann Mehalco. Our best wishes to you all for health and happiness until you hear from us again. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Our March meeting was saddened by the death of one of our members, Helen Dolinich. She was a faithful member while living in Hibbing, but, in recent years, she lived with a daughter in New York because of ill health. The branch paid their last respects and to her we wish eternal rest and to the family — our deepest sympathy. We had a very good attendance at our March meeting along with signing up a new member, Ann Mainericli. Not much in the line of business was taken up but cards were played and the following were winners: Mary Meadows, Mrs. Marino, Mrs. Muhvich and our new member Ann Mainerich. As you all know, we will honor our Mother of the Year, namely, Frances Puhek, at our May meeting. We would like to see a nice attendance. Frances Puhek has been a member of good standing for many years and a very diligent worker for Zveza. She has had several offices, including presidency of our branch and also, she represented us at one of the conventions as a delegate. She really has Zveza at heart and enjoys doing anything for the branch. She resides with her husband, John, at 1847 12th Ave. E and is the mother of three sons, John, Jr., Robert, and Kenneth. She has been active in civic groups. From the branch, we extend our heartiest congratulations and may she have many more years with us and may God bless her. So, until Mary meeting, my best wishes to all our sick members and to them, a speedy recovery. Anne B. Satovich, Pres. No. 56, Niles, Ohio. We had a very nice group at the March meeting when we further discussed the Bake Sale on June 2nd at Kresge’s at the McKinley Hgts., Plaza. Only if everyone gets busy and helps with the baking will this sale be a success. So, get busy, ladies and make up some of those delicious strudels and poticas! Our Mother’s Day Banquet will be at King’s Tables on Rt. 422. All reservations must be in early — call our secretary, Mary Macek. Congratulations to Mary Ann Lea-nard on the arrival of a new baby girl. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ignace Logar. Our deepest sympathy to our president, Frances Yerman, on the loss of her father. A very warm welcome to our new members, Mary Daffalo, Joyce Daf-falo and Marjory Demalio. We send get well wishes to Frances Kosance, Frances Hribar and Betty Majovsky. To all who have birthdays in April and May, a very happy birthday wish. See you at the next meeting. Mary Moler No. 62, Connaut, Ohio. Hello again, from Branch 62! During Lent we have been having meals at our meetings without dessert. In March we had a cabbage roll supper prepared by Stella Anderson and Tess Vignal. In April, we enjoyed a Lazagna supper at the home of Julia Mundy prepared by the hostess and Ann Mundi. The members of our club have been busy going to showers for future brides. There are so many weddings in May that we had to cancel our meeting for the month. In our small friendly community, the whole club sees each other at every social and religious function. The members are all attending the mission at our church — and it is a very rewarding experience. Mrs. Anna Mundi is gaining a new daughter-in-law in June. Barbara Madonna is gaining a new brother-in-law next month and Julia Mundy is expecting a new grandchild in June, her first! Everyone is excited for her. We are all awaiting the next meeting, June 2nd. It is pot luck supper at the home of Shirley Rose. Maybe it will finally be summer by then. We are all looking forward to having weiner roasts and going swimming at the Lake. The April meeting roll call was answered by the members as they named their favorite TV show. We also had a guest from Geneva, Ohio, Mrs. Carol Pasqualone. See you this summer. Peggy Gurto, Sec’y No. 66, Canon City, Colo. Greetings! Our meeting was held on April 1st at the home of member, Jennie Lu-kezic with 15 members present. Delicious poticas and coffee was served by the Rainbo Park group. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lukezic celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary Feb. 16. We wish them many more years of happiness. (See photo p. 94) Arlene Legan became Mrs. Darold Busch at a beautiful wedding at St. Michael Catholic Church. Mrs. Joanne Lippis has a new baby born in February. Our best wishes to all our sick members. Mrs. Hannah Adamic was hospitalized in March. Happy vacationing to everyone. Cecile Adamic Sec’y No. 67 Bessemer, Pa. With the coming of Spring, I hope more of our members will attend our meetings. At our January meeting we made plans to celebrate our 26th Anniversary which was Feb. 2 by going to a Valentine dance in Girard, Ohio. This was held Feb. 10, at the Slovenian Hall there. We all enjoyed ourselves dancing, meeting old friends, and making new ones. At our January meeting Mary Ko-zul got the prize and in February Mary Brodesko and March, Mary Dobrich. It looks like the name Mary took over. We wish all our Zarja friends and members a Happy Easter, also our sick members a speedy recovery. God Bless you all. Mary Percic, Reporter No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. Our March meeting was fairly well-attended. The discussion at our meeting was mostly about our Mothers’ Day Dinner which will take place in June. Our Mother of the Year honor was given to worthy member, Lucy Ijo-bonovic. (By the way, Mrs. Lobonovic became a grandmother again in February.) We hope the members will participate as well as they have in the past. Hostesses for our March Meeting were Helen Kunka, Josephine Turk, Caroline Wisniewski and Catherine Papez. Our deepest sympathy to Virginia Cherosky and family on the death of her father, Mr. Noblee. Also deepest sympathy to Irene and Betty Chase and family on the death of their father, Mr. Dombos. Best wishes to all for a very happy Mother’s Day. Joyce Braham, reporter No. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Here it is the month of May, when we celebrate our mother’s special day. We pay our honor to them and pray for our departed mothers whom we can never forget To all the mothers of ZVEZA — Good Health and God’s Blessing to you! At our March meeting, our covered dish supper was a fine success. It was very well attended and everyone enjoyed herself. It looked just like a banquet! We hope to have many more get-togethers like it. For Mother’s Day, on May 20th, we plan a similar event. We send our congratulations to Mrs. Sophie Gorup who became a grandma twice in one week and con gratulations to Frances Domitrovich on the birth of a son, and Marion Gorup on her new baby daughter. They are members of our lodge and we wish them all well. A speedy recovery to any sick mem bers and we wish them all the best. Hoping to see quite a few of you at the May meeting and Mother’s Day celebration — we’ll be looking for you. Mary Habich, Pres. No. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. All th officers of our branch wish to extend belated Easter greetings to each of you and your families. As you ladies know May is our branch’s anniversary. We will have our annual anniversary party, playing our favorite game, on May 10th, promptly at 8:00. I hope each of our members will come and bring a nice gift we can u*e in our game. Also bring a friend along. At this t'me I would like to offer the sincere sympathy of our members to the family of Anna Jaksa Filak, in her 71st year, who passed away March 26th, after a very long illness. We are having one high mass and one low mass read for the repose of her soul. We also sent a lovely basket of flowers. All the members of Branch No. 77 would like to offer their sympathy to the family of Frances Yankovic Dobrozdravic, in her GGth year, who passed away March 31 at her home, I would like to wish a very Hanpv Mother’s Day to all mothers, especially to my mom, Elizabeth Conway. — Yours truly, Betty Ann Murphey, Pres. No. 83, Crosby. Minn. There was a nice turnout at the March meeting which was held in my home. After the meeting, pres. Helen Kovali said, now is the time to make plans for our branch’s 25th Anniversary. We finally decided to go out for dinner on June 8th. Sister Merkonich is recuperating after a serious operation and is coming along fine. Sister Ger-vall also returned from the hospital after a two week stay. We wish them speedy recoveries and hope to see them at the next meeting. Sorry to report the death of sister Margaret Maurlcli, who passed away Dec. 30th after a lingering illness. Our deepest sympathy to the family. May her soul rest in peace. I would like to close by wishing each and everyone a happy springtime and Mother’s Day. Molly Domin CLIP AND SAVE ... The directions for mixing the Walnut Potica Filling was incomplete in the last issue. We reprint the corrected instruction: Melt butter. Add honey, sugar, and milk. Bring to a rolling boil. Add this mixture to the ground walnuts, add well beaten eggs and lemon juice. Cool the mixture. Whip cream and add to walnut mixture. Marie Prisland: ill I? " f! i v] illpiiiiiliiiillilljii * * * . * FOR THE BRIDE Every girl dreams of a beautiful wedding. And one way to be sure it is all you dream of is to begin planning in plenty of time. Making plans for a wedding is one of the pleasures of being a bride Your wedding can be all you wanted it to be — big or little, lavish or simple, fancy or plain. It can be a lavish little one, or a simple big one. Whatever the type, it will be advance planning that makes it possible for you to be relaxed and serene on that most important of days when you trade the Miss for Mrs. Not every bride wants a large wedding. Many prefer the small reception with only immediate relatives and close friends present. Often this impressive but simple reception is held at the home of the bride. The menu for a home reception shall be simple. Wedding cake and punch can be the basic choices with two cakes; one for the bride and one for the bridegroom. The bride’s cake is round, the groom’s square. As there are cakes for both the bride and the groom, there also are two punches; a pink and pretty one for the bride and a wine blend for the bridegroom. — The none alcoholic punch will be espeoially essential when there are youngsters among the guests. LEMONADE-WINE BRIDEGROOM PUNCH Ingredients: 1 can (G ounces) frozen concentrated lemonade, thawed 41/2 cans water 1 bottle (% quart) champagne, chilled 1 bottle (% quart) sauterne, chilled 2 packages (10 ounces each) frozen strawberries halves, thawed or 1 pint fresh strawberries, halved Fresh mint leaves Combine the concentrated lemonade and water, mixing well. Pour into two ice cube trays and freeze. Crush the lemonade ice cubes and press firmly into a small bowl. Invert molded ice in punch bowl and pour champagne and wine around it, stirring gently around the ice to blend. Add strawberries and juice; garnish with mint leaves. Serve in punch cups with some of the crushed lemonade ice in each cup. Makes 25 servings four ounces each. STRAWBERRY-GRAPEFRUIT BRIDAL PUNCH Ingredients: 2 packages (1 pound each) frozen sliced strawberries, partially thawed, 2 cans (6 ounces each) frozen concentrated grapefruit juice, 4 cups water 4 bottles (7 ounces each) soda water Ice cubes Press strawberries through a sieve or ricer until smooth. Discard seeds. Place fruit puree in a punch bowl. Add grapefruit juice and water. Mix well. Just before serving, add soda water and ice cubes. Garnish with thin orange slices. Makes 25 servings, four ounces each. TRADITION HAS ALWAYS BEEN IN CEREMONY “Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue” are all traditional items of bridal apparel. According to customs the “old” should come from another’s happy marriage. The “new” is easy — gown, shoes, gloves. The “borrowed” can be anything, but an object of gold is regarded as good guarantee of wealth of success. The “blue” is symbolic of blue skies and true love. Modem brides usually wear a frilly blue garter. RECEIVING LINE Receiving line for the wedding reception begins with the mother of the bride. Next to her is the mother of the groom, then the bride, bride-maids. The father of the bride circulates among the guests, as does the father of the groom. Ushers mingle with the guests and, therefore, are not in the receiving line. CONGRATULATIONS We offer congratulations to the bridegroom, not the bride. We wish the bride happiness. A BRIDE OF FORMER YEARS No. 85, DePue, III. We held our first meeting of the year on March 18th with 8 members present. After the routine business was taken care of, our president, Mrs. Mary Stupar, announced that in December we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary. Our president asked us to be thinking of plans for the celebration; so let’s get together and make our anniversary a memorable one. A speedy recovery to all who are ill, especially to Mrs. Anna Kerzan in the hospital. Hoping to see many more members at the next meeting — since spring has finally arrived. Frances Machek No. 89, Oglesby, III. First of all,the members would like to express their deepest sympathy to our president, Frances Meglich, whose husband passed away, and to his sisters and mother who are also members of Br. 89. During the meetings which fell in the Lenten season, the By-laws of our lodge were discussed and reviewed. No social time was held in keeping with the season. Two bowling teams participated in the Midwest Tournament in Chicago April 7-8. May brings our annual dinner at which we will honor our Mother of the Year and Best Worker of the Year Wishes for better health are sent to our sick members and may we see them soon at the meetings. Mary Kernz No. 95, So. Chcago, III. Table decorations using a birthday theme were lovingly prepared by the following hostesses who were on hand to serve the tasty delicacies they prepared and donated: Ann Nagoda, Ann Pave, Ann Pearson and Viola Spitz. The following ladies generously contributed cash: Manda Posen $2; Mary Mazor $1; Lucy Sarich, $1.60; and Eva Starcevich, Helen Zeffiro, Marie Zeffiro each $1. I wish to thank you most sincerely for your services and cash donations. Recipient of a gift was Rose Posen; $4 05 was realized. Incapacitated as patients unfortunately are: Rose Boener, Rose Kova-cevich aiid Josephine Zadro. A speedy recovery to all of our shut-ins. Mary Perkovich with her husband and group of friends are bound for Europe by jet on a sightseeing trip. Bon Voyage, Mary! Many happy returns of the day to the following May celebrants: Mary Barcevac, Veronica Cacija. Johanna Malcich, Mary Mazar, Mary Prebeg, Margaret Rozich, Josephine Seto, Lucille Svalina and Matilda Turica. I failed to mention Helen Spelich’s warm hospitality and her willing helpers in the kitchen who prepared and served an excellent dinner after the funeral of our beloved sister, Mary Markezich. Thanks, Helen! Since so much depends on the receipts of our booklets, and a considerable amount of work is involved in preparing them, kindly make your returns at our May 2nd meeting when we honor our Mother of the Year, Mary Simunic. It will not only be dedicated in a special way to her, but to all our mothers of the branch. Love will be the theme of Mother’s Day; be sure to offer your communion for mother, be she living or deceased, and always, remember “Blessed art the hands that labored for you.” And, on that day, permit me please to send you all my love. Members are urged to come spend an enjoyable evening with us, May 2nd at 7:30 p. m. Mildred James, Pres. ES. 5-5789 No. 96, Universal, Pa. My sincere thanks to all the members for the beautiful wedding gilt I received from them. Special thanks to Mary Klemenčič. We had our meeting at the home of Frances Velicic and after the meeting, we enjoyed a table laden with delicious things to eat. We'd like to thank Eva and Florence for the wonderful service, too The next meeting is June 10 at (i p. m. Everyone is invited to attend at my home, 2820 Reiter Rd., Pgh. 35, Pa. On Sept. 9, 1962 at G p. m. the meeting will be held at the home of Kathryn Raybik, Maple, St., Renton, Pa. We urge you all to keep up the payments on your membership; in case you are behind, the secretary would like to see you and straighten things out — especially if you owe back dues and are no longer interested in belonging. Please take care of this. Hope to see you all at the meetings and my best wishes to all. Paula Kokal No. 100, Fontana, Cal. Our branch activities have slowed down somewhat this past month and there isn't too much to relate, thus giving me the opportunity to pick up the space otherwise used to impress upon our members the need for support in the near future (date as yet undecided) to make our Rummage Sale a huge success. This is our second attempt ,it this type of profitable venture. If memory serves me correctly, we made approximately $130 at our first sale three years ago; all prolil at that! So, you can understand why I am appealing for full cooperation. At our last gathering, a quarter-annual party was held for the birthday celebrants of Jan., Feb., and March. 1 missed out as I was keeping company with the flu bug, but, I under tand that our charming hostesses Mary Evanich and Anna Petrich served beautiful calories and coffee. Congratulations to John and Johanna Telban of Br. No. 2 in Chicago on their 60th Wedding Anniversary. I personally wish you continued years of togetherness. A speedy recovery is asked for a'l our sick members and also for Mrs. Rose Yelonchan of E. Pittsburgh, Pa. God bless you all. See you next month. Branch No. 100 members, old and new, Once again, we call on you. We need a host of things to sell, And, working together our funds will swell. If you’re an “old-used treasure-keep-er,” We hope you’ll dig a little deeper; Gather all those useful things, Like clothes or rags or ancient rings. If you’ll look in all the nooks, You might find some magazines and books, Chairs and tables, coats and sables, Shoes and boots and good men’s suits. Just anything as you can see, Will make our goal a reality. You have received my poetic call; So, come one, come all! Join in, save up, Let’s have a ball! Now you know the “gist” of this mail, An appeal for a successful Rummage Sale . . . Nuff said. Edith Drawenek No. 105, Detroit Mich. March meeting at Gail Simon’s home was grand. In her lovely home we had a lovely luncheon! Also, a hostess’ gift was given and it went to our secretary, Kathryn Musick. It also was her birthday, so our president. Pauline Adamic made a beautiful birthday cake for her. Kathryn received a small gift from the ladies in thanks for her good work as our secretary and for accepting the duty for another year. To Julia Panzica, our out-going president, another gift was presented in thanks for her four years as top officer. Our next meeting will be at Mrs. Ann McGee’s home after Easter. Hope every member has the opportunity to attend this meeting and you can show off your Easter outfits!! How about it? Mrs. Alice Kocjan made a trip to Warren, O., to pick up her parents for a vacation in Florida. They intend to spend about 3 weeks there. Have a nice time and rest while you are there, Alice! This year, we are honoring our past president, Julia Panzica, as Mother of the Year. She was a good president. She raised two sons and now has 5 grandchildren. Her hobby is sewing and we are very happy that she was chosen this year. Hope that Marie Nezbeda is recovering from her illness. Belated Birthday greetings to Alice Kocjan and Anna Plazar who celebrated in March and the same good wishes to Lillian Ault, Julia Zrimec and Zorka Maisel who celebrate in May. See you all at the next meeting. Rose Jamnik MINUTES OF THE DIRECTORS’ SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING Home Office, Chicago, 111., Feb. 26, 27, 1962 (continuation) SECRETARY’S REPORT Greetings and welcome to our coid-in-weather but warm-in-heart Chicago! During the last six months o£ 19G1 business at the Home office has been mostly routine. However, I would be much happier if the branches would show more activity, especially as far as the membership is concerned, since death has again taken 81 membem from our midst. In the financial report published last month, the members will note that we paid out $8,150.00 in funeral benefits. There were 74 cases in class A, six in class B and one juvenile. The campaign for new members has thus far brought in a total of 254 new members: class A, 26, class B, 76 and 152 in the juvenile department. I’m very proud of our Supreme Auditor and, as of this year, secretary of branch No. 25, Mrs. Vicki Faletič who has qualified for the top prize, the round trip paid to Washington, D. C., plus $35.00 expense money. I hope that there will be a few more before the close of the campaign which is not too far off. Because of the distance for members to travel to meetings Branch No. 73 in Warrensville He:ghts, Ohio has consented to have a branch in Bedford Heights, Ohio, thereby enabling a good number of the members to attend regular meeting. We now welcome Branch No. 101 in Bedford Hgts., Ohio and I hope that both branches will have more activity with this convenient arrangement. The commemoration of the 30th anniversary of Branch No. 50 in Cleveland, Ohio, which took place on November 12, 1961, was one of the nicest affairs I have attended in a long time. Being the founder of the branch, it was a big treat to get together with the familiar faces and longtime friends and relatives. I’m deeply grateful for the thoughtful remembrance, statue of the Infant of Prague, beautifully dressed by one of the members. It’s one of my most cherished gifts. Thanks a million for everything. I’m also deeply grateful to our President, Mrs. Tanko for the hospitality and all accomodations while in Cleveland. We will soon approach the excursion season. Mrs. Tanko and Mrs. Zefran are doing their best in making arrangements for the Washington and Canada trips. The trips to Slovenia escorted by Mrs. Tanko and myself also show signs of a good success. Here’s hoping that all excursions will be enjoyable and that all will return home safe and sound. Most of our secretaries are working in harmony among their respective members and cooperating very diligently with our office and to them and all the offices I wish to express my deepest gratitude. I am hopeful that we will be able to come to a feasible conclusion regarding the high cost of material and postage which has increased the cost of printing and mailing of our Zarja and that the members will contribute towards the rising cost over which we have absolutely no control We know, however, that our Zarja is one of the most important visitors every month in the homes of the members and Zarja friends. With kindest greetings Albina Novak. REPORT OF SUPREME TREASURER Dear Sister Supreme Officers, Since this is the first meeting of the year 1962, I wish you all a warm welcome and may we have a profitable meeting — so that our problems will be solved in the best way for the betterment of our membership. My report on the business operation will be for the total six month period just past, because the detailed report is given by the Supri me Secretary, Albina Novak and Finance Committee Secieiary, ivinrie Prisland. Therefore, the totals are as follows: Six months income — 6 mes. dohodki ................$36.421.42 Six months disbursements — 6 mes. stroški .... 23,809.55 Six months gain in all funds — 6 mes. prebitek $12,611.87 Balance June 30, 1961 — prebitek 30. junija ... .$450,769.95 Total assets in all funds — skupni prebitek . .. .$463,381.82 3% depreciation on property 3% znižanje na veljavi posestva ...................... 371.82 Grand total in all funds — skupno premoženje ■ -$463,010.00 We have been able to realize a gain because of the good interest rate received on our bonds. I wish to thank sister, Albina Novak for the mutual cooperation she has given me. Since we are still in the campaign period, and there is one more month before it closes, it is my sincere wish that we will have a successful result and that those diligent workers who have been active will continue to work for future progress. My congratulations to the top workers for they have shown their faith and loyalty to the organization. Let us work together for the benefit of our grand society. Josephine Železnikar REPORT OF THE FIRST SUPREME AUDITOR Heartfelt greetings to all of you assembled here today at our annual meeting. May we have many profitable and helpful discussions and suggestions for the betterment and growth of our great organization. We have examined the ledgers of the past six months, of the Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasurer, Editor of Zarja and President of the Scholarship Fund and found them in perfect order. Also, we have examined the investments, that is, bonds and savings in the safety deposit box of Metropolitan State Bank and they, too, were found in excellent order. Thanks to our very efficient officers. Since our last meeting, Mrs. Prisland, our Founder and Mrs. Livek, past President, have been reported ill. I certainly hope God has restored them their good health. In the membership campaign which is now in progress we have, so far, enrolled 12 adult members and 8 juvenile members and we are working hard to secure more before the campaign comes to a close. Congratulations to Vicki Faletič, Supreme Auditor, who has already 35 points and will receive the top award. Who shall be next? Minnesota Zveza Day being held in Chisholm on Sept. 10th last 3 ear, was a huge success. We, in Minnesota, can surely be proud, regardless what branch is hostess, that each gathering is bigger and better. The Christmas Party held for our juveniles was very well accepted by our youth; 50 children were present. This concludes my report. Best wishes to you all and a safe return home. Ann Podgoršek REPORT OF THE SECOND SUPREME AUDITOR Welcome and sincere greetings to our supreme board of directors and fellow officers assembled at this biannual meeting of 1962. The auditing and examination of papers, ledgers and important business records proved up-to-date, concise and in complete order. Serving in the capacity of supreme auditor has given me the delightful opportunity of personally meeting members of Zveza’s many branches. Also regular write-in articles for Zarja keeps me in touch with our branch members. A brief summary on the activities of Branch No. 25: a junior bowling league has been formed, junior drill teams, baton corps, dancing groups and ladies bowling teams. Membership is increased when interest is given. Some 150 new members have been signed into Branch No. 25 in approximately a little over a year. Coming out on top is No. 25 the first in securing the 35 new members for the “Class B — Jubilee Membership Campaign.” This was all made possible through the cooperation of our officers, members and especially my good friend, Mrs. Mary Otoničar who has been an inspiration and an excellent guidance for Branch No. 25. Very affectionately I wish to thank our Zarja editor, Corinne Leskovar for her wonderful assistance in placing written articles “just perfectly” into the Official Organ of the Slovenian Union of America, making it an interesting and first rate reading magazine. With God’s blessing may the Slovenian Women’s Union Organization flourish in every respect as it has in the past. Respectfully submitted. Vicki Faletič REPORT OF THIRD SUPREME AUDITOR My hearty greetings to all my sister directors. In working with the auditing committee yesterday, I was happy to find all books and accounts of the S.W.U. in the best order. We examined the books of the Supreme Secretary, Treasurer, Editor and Secretary of Finance Committee and completed our task in detail. I must say that we found the office operation running smoothly. May I extend to you the greetings and good wishes from Br. 20. The branch is working hard to keep our activities going and in regard to the membership cam-pa'gn, we may not be on top, but we won’t be last, either. We already have some new members and expect to enroll more. We have the best branch there is; and I’m very proud of them. Someday we will be in first place when another campaign rolls around, because of the fine cooperation of our members. We have an eight team bowling league bowling regularly for the past 26 years with Josephine Sumic, the president of the Midwest Bowling Ass’n, as a very active officer and leader. We are all proud of all our girls and I’m sure the organization is proud of them as well. This concludes my report. I am very happy to be on the Board and I wish you all well. Frances Gaspich EDITOR’S REPORT A very warm welcome to all. Our publication, Zarja, is, as always, one of our main topics today and rightly so, since it reflects the progress of our organization and the activity of the membership. We have just passed one of the busiest years as far as the Union is concerned. The 35th Anniversary of the organization was observed in December, 1961 with festivities in Sheboygan honoring the Union and its Foundress, Mrs. Marie Prisland. Nos. 2 in Chicago and 3 in Pueblo observed the 35th year since their founding as the first SWU branches with gala celebrations. Zveza Days and State Conventions have increased, so that we have a major event scheduled yearly in almost every state. Reports on these events, plus the many extra features were numerous. Members reading Zarja have found many items of interest besides reports from the branches. In the Pots, Pans & Pastimes column by Mrs. Prisland, in the energetic ideas and encouragements written by Mrs. Tanko, our Supreme President, in the spiritual write-ups of Father Claude Okorn, in the inviting comments of our active State Presidents and in the reports of our around-the- workl travelers. Yes, the trend toward group travel is growing. The trips to Slovenia and Europe received general attention and the first SWU excursion to the new State of Hawaii was successful in every respect as we read in Zarja reports. One of the main features of our membership campaign has been promoting still another tour, the trip to Washington, D. C. this spring. Our diligent Campaign Director, Vicki Faletič reports a good response. It is my hope that the tours all meet with success and that greater interest in the organization will be the result. Striving for quality in our publication is one of my foremost endeavors. It takes form not only in neatness of copy, composition of pages and choice of pictures, but, also in the contents itself. For most of this, I must express thanks to the reporters, who are quite discriminate in their use of words and subjects. Since we have a greater number of them now than ever before, I am very gratified to see the quality of their writing at such a high level. The problem of getting Zarja delivered earlier in the month has been solved to quite an extent by the moving up of the deadline for copy to the 5th of the month. I hope all our writers keep to this ruling. Juvenile activities have increased considerably in the last year. Through the cooperation of our juniors, the Pen Pal Column which was originated by Donna Seitz of Br. 50, Cleveland, is developing nicely. Also, the committee of Branches 25 & 50 in Cleveland have done wonders in creating added interest for their juveniles by constant activities in performing arts. Their reports make very fine reading and I’m sure they have set an example, which the other branches would like to follow, and will. I often receive the comment: We’re always waiting to see what kind of cover picture Zarja will have! And the choice and selection of these prints is, believe me, a very time-consuming job. The decision is usually made for a timely picture based on some current activity. From June to December, 1961, we found variety and interest in the pictures of our officers, among them, Supreme Presidents, Antonia Tanko and Josephine Livek, the Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak on her 33rd Anniv. as Supreme Officer, the Convention assembly of over 100 delegates and members taken in Ely, Minnesota and the Hawaii-bound travelers after their happy landing. To close the six month period, we had a number of advertisements for the Christmas issue. Our sincere thanks to the wonderful officers, who took it upon themselves to solicit these contributions. It takes not only work, effort and deep interest by all of us to produce the best Zarja we can — it also takes money. The Benedictine Press has found it necessary to raise the cost of printing Zarja considerably and the ways and means this additional cost will be met is for this meeting to decide. Details will be given in my verbal report. All the advantages of Zarja and the good points on its necessity and desirability are well-known to us. At the Convention, we heard the will of the delegates and their claim that Zarja is of great promotional value as the members’ prideful possession. Therefore, I hope serious consideration will be given to Zarja’s role in promoting Zveza and as an aid to future expansion of our organization. RECAPITULATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT Balance, June 30, 1961 .............................. $124.31 Income — July — Dec., 1961 Christmas Ads 196.75 Other Ads 20.00 Miscellaneous 20.59 246.34 Total ................................................$370.68 Disbursements — same period Engraving 106.61 Postage 38.36 Writers Fund 40.00 Bowling Ass’n 20.00 Miscellaneous 18.17 Balance, Dec. 31, 1961 ................................ $137.54 Corinne Leskovar REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF WOMEN’S AND SPORTS ACTIVITIES Activity on the bowling scene in the midwestern area centers on the Midwest Bowling Tournament in Chicago on April 7th and 8th. The regular league in Chicago, including 10 teams, plus representatives from Joliet, LaSalle, Oglesby, Sheboygan, Milwaukee, Ely, Duluth, and Cleveland have been invited to enter; however, it is doubtful that any other than the teams located closest to Chicago will enter. All prizes, etc., will be given on the usual handicap basis. We have seen quite a bit of interest for our pilgrimage tour to St. Ann de Peaupre in Canada. The group will depart from Chicago on July 18th and return on July 23. The cost of the five day train trip is $75.00 including fare and hotel. We expect a large group from Cleveland to meet the Chicago passengers and depart from here together. My best wishes to all. Elizabeth Zefran REPORT OF SUPREME VICE-PRESIDENT Esteemed Supreme Officers: Accept my greetings and hopes you are in best of health. Our Wisconsin State Convention was held in West Allis in April and drew a large participation of members and friends. They like these sessions; not only are they able to meet other members but to voice their opinion and take part in deliberations. It was very succcessful and we were happy to be the hostess branch. Our branch has been growing steadily especially thru bowling, a sport which young and old enjoy. Now this sport might be the answer in some localities, so look around the younger group and try to get them interested in Zveza. For we do have a fine organization which offers you a lot for the small amount you pay in. So if everyone gets out and tries to get at least one member, the Slovenian Women’s Union will be one of the largest organizations. “How time l'lies” is often heard and often1 used. For if we reflect back on the past, remember December 19, 192G the date when Slovenian Women’s Union was founded by Marie Prisland, them no sooner had we turned around, it came time to celebrate the 25th anniversary. So, through the goodness of God we are all able to once more commemorate and celebrate the 35th anniversary. But none of this would have been possible without the efforts, fortitude and persistence of our foundress Marie Prisland. Therefore all members wish to give tribute to you as the mother who gave birth to a great cause such as this, through whose efforts this organization has flourished. May God bless and keep you in our midst for many more years. On December 17, 1961 I was invited and it was indeed a great honor for me to be able to attend Branch No. 1 at Sheboygan on their 35th anniversary. It made it more impressive for me as Sheboygan is my home town and that I had joined the organization there. The attendance there was gratifying and t.he day a memorable one. The members there worked tirelessly to arrange such a wonderful reception. My thanks go to all who worked to make it so. Sincere thanks at this time go to Father Claude Okorn for his inspiring words in the Zarja which we all love to read. Thanks to Marie Prisland to her “O Ta Svet” and “Our Pots, Pans, and Pastime” columns, which not only do the ladies read, but also the men and they can hardly wait for the magazine to come. Thanks also to the editor for the nice editions published monthly. Congratulations and best wishes to the able Albina Novak, our Supreme Secretary, for the 33 years of loyal and faithful service in the Slovenian Women’s Union. My best wishes again for a successful meeting. Marie A. Floryan REPORT OF STATE PRESIDENT OF COLORADO-MISSOU RI-KANSAS Esteemed Supreme Officers of S.W.U. Please accept my warm greetings. It is almost one year since we last met at the convention, therefore, my report will be brief. As the State President I thought it my duty to secure some new members in the membership campaign and this I did, but with little success. I have found it is true that with t.he loss of our pioneer members, difficulties arise in gaining new members who would be enthusiastic and willing to undertake the work left to them. Here in Colorado there is little interest among the young for fraternal work. Many live out of reach for meetings, etc. It is even a problem to get an attendance to any of our state conventions and this year, that is, Dec. 1961, we held the state convention in Pueblo with a very small gathering of 51 members. I am trying to persuade Br. No. G6 to undertake the festivities for the 1962 State Convention. With sincere wishes for a successful campaign — the best ever, I conclude my report. I also hope all the decisions of this meeting will be worthwhile and for the betterment of our organization and its members. Anna Pachak, State Pres. REPORT OF WISCONSIN STATE PRESIDENT Greetings and Best Wishes Supreme Officers: As State President of Wisconsin, I wish you a very successful meeting. On March 18th and 19th 1961 Br. No. 43 were hosts to the Midwest Bowling Tournament held at Marion’s Bowling Alleys. The tournament was a great success. April 23rd 1961 West Allis Br. No. 17 celebrated their Wisconsin State Convention. Both banquet and convention meeting was filled to capacity. A short, but enjoyable program followed. In May, I attended the National Convention at Ely, Minn. It was an outstanding event. December 13th, 1961, Br. No. of Sheboygan celebrated their 35th Anniversary. Br. No. 12, 17 and 43 combined and chartered a bus for this occasion. A delicious tasty dinner was served and with it all the Slovenian delicacies. Our Honorary Founder and President Marie Prisland and Supreme Vice President were the distinguished guests. Our next Wisconsin State Convention will be held in Willard, Wis, although no definite date has been set. The cooperation in the State of Wisconsin has been outstanding. The State days have been very successful. I am trying hard to boost the membership drive, and to stimulate activities. So ends my report and may God bless you all. Rose Kraemer, State Pres. REPORT OF CALIF.-WASH.-ORE. STATE PRESIDENT From San Francisco greetings to you all! Sunday morning, Jan. 21, 1962, our beautiful city was covered with a blanket of snow, much to the delight of the children and adults. This year Branch No. 13 is going all out for plenty of activities. Our Chairlady Frances Chiodo, is full of ideas and has something planned for each month. This is really going to be a year of progress towards a special goal-increased membership. It is that, time of the year when we must plan a “ZVEZA BAY”, which will be May 20, 1962. Holy mass at 9:30 at the Church of the Nativity followed with breakfast at T}el Webb’s Towne House, at 8th and Market Sts. A new and delightful place to eat. I want to stress again at this time, that new members including Junior members are needed, if we are to maintain our prestige as the City that knows how. Let’s get behind 1962 and give it a big push forward and show we are sincere. Respectfully yours, Rose Scoff, State President REPORT OF STATE PRESIDENT OF PENNSYLVANIA Fond greetings to the Supreme Officers assembled at the first meeting of 1962. I wish sincerely that all your decisions and proposals will be for the benefit of our organization and members. Good health to all that you may continue your work and a happy new year’s wish to all. Mary Tomsic, State Pres. REPORT OF OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE PRESIDENT My dear sisters, Accept my heartfelt greetings. I sincerely hope that your first meeting of the year will be successful in all aspects and to this end I ask God to bless you. At this time. I wish to invite you to our Ohio State Day and Convention on April 1, 1962 in our community of Collinwood. It is impossible that all of you attend and we will be grateful if we may have our Supreme Secretary, Aib'na Novak with us that day. This will also aid many of our local secretaries who wi'l be able to meet with her in matters pertaining to our organization. With hopes that you will approve our request, I thank you in advance. Ella Starin, State Pres. Greetings to the Directors are received from the Director of Juvenile Activities, Christine Menart of Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. Officers of Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, Pauline Stampfel. Dorothy Sternisa and Mary Otoničar send their good wishes through their representative Mrs. Faletič. Correspondence is read by the Secretary from Mary Lenich, Secretary of Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn., who extends greetings to the Board and from Anna Markovich, President of Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio inviting the Supreme Secretary and former Clevelander, Albina Novak, to represent the Board of Directors at the 35th Anniversary of the branch and Ohio State Convention in Cleveland April 1st She describes the program of the day and concludes with the gratitude of her members in this regard. Secretary also informs the Board of the death of former Supreme Officer, Mary Markezich of Br. 95, So. Chicago, III., who died Feb. 11. A Spiritual Bouquet in the name of the organization was offered for the repose of her soul. The Directors express profound sympathy to the family. The President also reports that the Get-Together Bowling Tournament held in Cleveland on Feb. 25th was a huge success. Due to the large number of donations by which expenses were all covered, all fees went into the prize money. A total of 24 teams were entered in the one day event. Alice Arko of Br. 15, Newburg was the secretary. All reports are accepted as given. The President thanks all the Directors and officers for their conscientious work in the past term and for then-fine reports which show the many activities of our branches. She is also glad to hear of increased activity among the smaller branches and to read in Zarja how hard the officers are trying to encourage more and more interest in branch doings. The first purpose of this meeting is therefore, to find ways to gain new members and to keep them active and happy. Director Vicki Faletič proposes that on every piece of mail sent out to the members, there be imprinted or affixed a holy seal or stamp showing the picture of a patron saint. The secretaries would receive a supply of these stamps or seals and be requested to use them on all mailings, including, payment notices to delinquent members. She thinks it will be more impressive and get good results serving as a reminder of one’s membership in the S.W.U. The Secretary, Mrs. Novak, also proposes that the Union provide funeral plaques to all branches, to be used when there is a death in the branch. A beautiful emblem design on a white wooden shield would be very appro- priate and it would be fitting to the memory of our deceased sisters. The Secretary is authorized to look into the matter of the seals and the funeral plaques and to order a small amount for the time being. After discussion, the Directors decide that a gold seal of the Infant Jesus of Prague would be the most. appropriate kind, to use for mailings. The impending trip to Washington D.C. by members and friends of S.W.TI. is discussed. The trip takes place dining the last few days of April, in order that the trip would not conflict with Mother’s Day and First Communion Sunday in many parishes. The travelers will take a bus tour to Gettysburg, Washington, D.C., Arlington, Va., and Mt. Vernon as it was described in a recent Zarja report of the President. The cost of the round trip including fare and hotel is approximately $40,00 from Cleveland. Mrs. Tanko is in charge of the group from Cleveland with Mrs. Faletič as the honored guest of the tour as top prize winner of the Class B-.Tubilee Membership Campaign. From Chicago the tour will be arranged by Eliz. Zefran. Editor Corinne Leskovar suggests that on one specific evening while the group is in Washington, they invite all members of Congress who represent our Slovenian settlements to a tea and dessert party at the hotel The ladies will be asked to prepare the most delicious pastries for this party. The Editor further suggests that arrangements be made for a personal audience with the First Lady, Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy. In both these suggestions, the Directors hrartily concur and it is left to the Editor to make the necessary arrangements for the interview with Mrs. Kennedy and the tea. Mrs. Tanko continues in the discussion of travels and tours, to describe the European tour of May 26th which she is heading, via S.S.France. She already lias sufficient passengers for this tour. Mrs. Novak will guide the air flight tour on June 16 via Alitalia jet plane. It, too is well-arranged and the Directors invite friends to join in enlarging the groups if possible, and wish all a safe and happy journey. The President will write of her travels in Zarja and also take slides for showing at branch functions after her return. The Secretary states that the office business will be handled as usual in the best way and that she will return In a few weeks. Cleveland branches announce their Bazaar and Fair to take place on Sept. 30, 1962 in Cleveland. President Tanko reports that this will be a similar affair to that which was held in the fall. Director Faletič reports on the Junior Bowling League in Cleveland. Forty Juniors are bowling regularly at the Grdina Alleys — every Saturday afternoon Mrs. Pauline Vegal is the secretary of the Junior League and is a very capable leader. There will be a Jun'or Bowling Tournament on March 31st and the committee is planning on refreshments for the bowlers and their parents and trophies for the winning Juniors. At the August Directors’ meeting, Women’s Activities’ Director Zefran will present a unified bowling picture and make suggestions for new bowling organizations in the fall. Also among the Juvenile Activities in the combined Cleveland branches is a group of Baton Twirlers and Marchers Some 70 children are being taught to march, twirl and as drummers. The complete unit will be a credit to the organization and will be able to represent the Union at many functions. A new teacher has been given the task of readying the juveniles for a performance in the fall. A question is raised on the subject of members’ certificates and age limits It is determined that transfers to Class B are always permissible to the age of 57 years. Class A members may be accepted to the age of 50 years. DirectorFaletic repeats the often-heard question whether or not it is possible to issue paid up policies in 20 or 30 years. Secretary Novak explains that there is not enough reserve built from such a small assessment for paid-up policies. Alter a member reaches the age of 75 years, she pays only the mortuary assessment — when she reaches the age of 80 years, she pays nothing. This is in itself a substantial benefit for a member. Besides this, she receives Zarja monthly. At the present time, all these benefits are being given in the hopes that rising costs will not cause any changes. It is also suggested that juveniles be encouraged to transfer into Class B, wh'ch entitles them to the highest policy for $300.00 plus the $50.00 Rider if they are juvenile members for 10 years or more. The Directors all join in the discussion. It is further suggested that the local officers should be requested to encourage Class B membership for new members as well as transfers. Officers can do much to promote the Union in terms of benefits paid out and benefits which they receive while members. * * * Director Marie Prisland reads a letter of thanks from Rev. Matthew Kebe, Pastor of St. Mary’s Church in Pittsburgh, Pa. and former Spiritual Director of S.W.U. who expresses his gratitude at being remembered by the Union on his 50th Jubilee. Mrs. Prisland announces that the Sheboygan branch will hold a Mother’s Day party for the juvenile and adult members, in place of the Christmas party usually scheduled. The Directors agree that is is wise for the branches to consider the impracticality of too many Christmas parties for the youngsters and to space out these activities during t’mes when there are no other events, such as Easter, Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day. The Directors decided also, that every branch is entitled to the same appropriation for juvenile parties, that is, 25 Angela V oje Podr. št. 84, New York City, N. Y. Lepo odlikovanje častne matere je bilo v tem letu poklonjeno predsednici št. 84 sestri Angeli Voje. Rojena je bila v Jaršah pri Domžalah 21. maja, 1897. Dekliško ime je bilo Košak. S Frankom Voje sta se poročila 25. aprila, 1917 v Nanticoke, Pa. V zakonu sta se rodila dva sinova ter dve hčerki. Stara mamica je 16 vnukom. Pri Zvezi je 25 let in 15 od teh v uradu predsednice. Vedno je našla veselje v delu za korist podružnice ter bila več let zapisnikarica in poročevalka v Zarji. Bila je delegatka na konvencijah v Indianapolisu, Detroitu in Clevelandu. Njeni hčerki in pet vnukinj so pri Zvezi. To kaže na njeno zanimanje za napredek Zveze. Sestra Voje rada potuje. Z možem sta bila na obisku v starem kraju ter enajskrat napravila izlete v Florido. Prepotovala sta tudi Združene Države ter obiskala razna mesta in to tudi v Callforniji. V Fontani ima svojo rodno sestro. Mož je bil več let rahlega zdravja in letos je nesrečno padel ter od takrat se mu je zdravje vedno slabšalo. Po 45 letih srečnega skupnega življenja je moral nedavno nas zapustiti ter se preseliti v kraj, kjer ni bolezni in ne trpljenja. Sestri Voje naše globoko sočutje! Obenem ji čestitamo nad vrlini delom za Zvezo ter ji želimo še mnogo zdravih in srečnih let med nami. Marie Prisland: Jetra — važen organ Človek več let lahko živi brez želodca in brez velikega dela črevesja, brez jeter pa more živeti samo par dni. Jetra so nekaka tovarna, ki predeluje surovine, prihajajoče iz črevesja, kamor so prišle s hrano. Vse krvne žile naših prebavil se izlivajo najprvo v jetra, kjer puste vse, kar so prinesle s seboj. V jetrnih kapilarah tudi izvira žila dovodnica, ki vodi naravnost v srce. Tak položaj jetrom omogoča, da lahko sprejete snovi dobro predelajo, presnavljajo in s tem ustvarjajo komplicirane kemične snovi, ki so za naš organizem neobhodno potrebne. Važno delovanje jeter je tudi v tem, da jetra uničijo lahko razne strupe, ki pridejo v črevesje oziroma se v njem tvorijo. Jetra so laboratorij, ki dela neprestano. Predeluje sladkor, maščobe in beljakovine. Tu nastane tako-zvani fibrinogen, ki je neobhodno potreben za strjevanje krvi, ker bi nam drugače kri odtekla. Jetra so glavni regulator krvnega obtoka. Jetra skrbe zato, da kri vsebuje zmeraj pravilno količino skladkorja in aminskih kislin. Če smo jedli preveč, bo v krvi preveč aminov. Jetra jih bodo nekaj shranila za pozneje, kar je preveč pa uničila. Sladkor in krompir se v črevesju spremenita v glukozo, ali grozdni sladkor. Kadar je tega sladkorja preveč se spremeni v glikogen, ki ga jetra shranijo. Kadar ga mišice rabijo, ga jetra oddajo krvi, ki ga odnese na pravo mesto. V jetrih se tvori žolč, zelo važna tekočina za našo prebavo. Bolazni jeter niso tako pogoste, kot bolezni žolčnika. V žolčnem mehurju, ki se jeter drži, se radi delajo kamni. Isto velja za žolčna odvodila. če je teh kamenčkov preveč, ali če so preveliki, povzročajo hude in nevarne bolečine. Žolčni kamni se tudi radi preselijo v žolčna odvodila (tubes) ter jih zamašijo, nakar žolč ne more naprej in preide v kri, kar povzoči zlatenico na koži. Zlatenica je toraj viden znak obolenja jeter. Ženske pogosteje obolijo na žolčnih organih kot moški. Vzrok temu so večkrat pretesni stezniki in nosečnost. Največji sovražnik jeter je alkohol. Stalno uživanje močnih alkoholnih pijač, sčasoma povzroča prebavne motnje, pozneje pa bolezen jeter. Najbolj nevarna je jetrna ciroza, ali otrdelost jeter. V začetku te bolezni se najprvo pojavijo neprilike v prebavnih organih, temu se pridruži zlatenica in trebušna vodenika. Jetra otečejo, se skrčijo, postajajo otrdele, radi česar nastanejo v telesu hude motnje. Če se ta bolezen v začetku ne zdravi, nastopi v nekaj letih smrt. Jetrne bolezni zahtevajo največjo pozornost v prehrani. Če so obolela jetra, se moramo izogibati močnih začimb kot so poper, česen, čebula, paprika, itd. Posebno se naj taki bolniki izogibajo alkohola. Uživati morajo lahko prebavljjivo hrano in dosti oglikovih hidratov kot sladkor, kuhano sadje, sadni sokovi in nič maščobe. To pa ne pomeni, da bi telesu ne smeli dovajati beljakovin, ki so v mesu, samo mastno ne sme biti. Priporočljivo je, da zjutraj popijemo čašo gorke vode, v kateri smo raztopili kavino žličko grenke soli. Jetrnih bolezni pa ne smemo sami zdraviti, ampak vprašati moramo za svet dobrega zdravnika, ki edini bo lahko ugotovil za kakšno obolenje se gre. (Prestava članka dr. Schindlerja.) Naj danes povem, kako sem v otroških letih prišla v ljubljanski časopis. Imela sem prijateljico, Cirilko Deleja, hčerka trškega poštarja, s katero sva bili nerazdružljivi. Skupaj sva sedeli v šoli, skupaj se Igrali in skupno delali šolske naloge. Prijateljica Cirilka se je po dovršeni ljudski šoli odpravljaja, da odide v dekliško šolo v Celovec na Koroškem. Kako sem jokala radi tega. Še bolj kot žalost za odišlo prijateljico me je trla zavest, da jaz radiuboštva ne morem naprej v šole, kamor me je tako zelo vleklo srce . . . Predno je prijateljica bila sprejeta v dekliški kolegij je morala napraviti izpit v nemščini. Sicer smo ta pouk Imeli v šoli, vendar ne toliko, da bi se nemško govorico gladko obvladalo. Gospa poštarjeva je pričela hčerka učiti nemščine, ter je k poduku povabila tudi mene. S Cirilko sva zanaprej dan za dnem čepeli pri nemških knjigah. Ker sva za nalogo imeli, da morava kolikor mogoče veliko v nemščini pisati, sva to nalogo napravili zanimivejšo s tem, da sva dopisovali ena drugi; ona kot bodoča dijakinja iz Celovca, jaz pa naj od doma odgovarjam. (Škoda, ker nisem nobenega teh pisem shranila.) Na obisk v naš trg je prišel rojak, ki je bival v Ljubljani in je bil tako moder, da je v “cajtenge” pisal, so rekli ljudje. Menda je to bil, za tiste čase, višek modrosti. Na potu k poštarjevim sem eno mojih nemških pisem zgubila. Našel ga je ta Ljubljančan. Pisanje ga je moralo zelo zabavati, ker ga je nesel s seboj, da je zagledalo luč sveta v enemu izmed ljubljanskih listov. Gospa poštarjeva se je od srca smejala, ko nama je časopis pokazala ter rekla, da s Cirilko v nemščini dobro napredujeva, ker je našla pot celo v Ljubljano. Kje je prijateljica Cirilka zdaj, na vem. Popolnoma sem zgubila sled zanjo. Sin, tega “prijaznega” Ljubljančana, je bil lastnik in urednik lista OBZOR, v Milwaukee. * * * Naslednja stara pesmica — zložil jo je lavantinski škof Anton Martin Slomšek — bo prav gotovo zanimala tiste naše članice, ki jim je zibelka tekla ob reki Dravi ali Muri. Naie lepe cerkvice Koliko lepih cerkvic po svetu stoji, po šmarnih dolinah, po graških vaseh! Kdo je te cerkve pozidati dal, tako kot bi rožic nasejal. Sveta Uršula na Plešivcu stoji, po Štajerskem gleda in Boga časti. Velik’ je trpela na svetu zares, zdaj cerkev ima blizu nebes. Sveti Peter tudi blizu Koroškega je, ta cerkev je lepa čez druge vse. Dva turna nam kažeta, da je svetnik sveti Peter apostol velik. Tam v stranskem oltarju spet kažejo nam; Sveta Lucija in sveti Florjan. Svet’ Jurij, svet’ Marko v oltarju sta tam, Polona in Agata zravn. Ko v Ljutomer pridem, me spet veseli, ker mežnar mi cerkvico odpreti hiti. Nebeška Kraljica se v tronu svetli, in Jezua v rokah drži. * # *• Ta mesec, ko se prebuja pomlad, praznujemo Materin dan; dan veselja za otroke in sreče za matere. Vsem našim dragim materam in starim mamicam srčno želimo, da bi jin} njih praznik prinesel mnogo veselja in tihe sreče, ko bodo ljubeznjivo obdane od svojih srčkanih otrok in vnukov. Naiim Mamicam Materam slovenskim za nedeljski god: mnogo sreče, zdravja, vošči mladi rod! Ena sama misel, gorka nas prešinja. Ena sama želja, čista kot svetimi: Naj ljubezen vaša vekomaj živi in mladini naši, blagoslov deli! DOPISI St. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Vabim vse, da se gotovo udeležite našega programa v počast materam na materinski dan. Seja bo zelo važna, a kratka in po seji bo lep program, družabni sestanek in okrepčila. Povabljeni so tudi naši mladinski člani, ker nismo imele božičnice, zato bodo obdarjeni ob tej priliki. Imamo nad 40 mladinskih članov ter upamo, da pridejo vsi. Poročati moram tudi žalostno novico, da so to leto zopet preminule dve dolgoletne članice: ses. Neška Skrube zapušča 5 hčerk, sina in več vnukov, brata Anton Starich in sestro Mary Planinšek in več drugih sorodnikov. Podr. izreka pok. družini globoko sožalje. 17. marca pa je po dolgi in mučni bolezni umrla ses. Rose Francis, ki zapušča 3 brate in 3 sestre ter več drugih sorodnikov. Vsem iskreno sožalje. Naj naše pok. sosestre počivajo v miru in večna luč naj jim sveti. M. Godez Št. 2, Chicago, 111. Po par mesecih zimskega zatišja, so sedaj naše članice zopet polne načrtov za delo. Naše potnice na slavna božja pota v Kanadi so v pripravah za to nepozabno romanje. Katera se želi priključiti naj sedaj čimprej pokliče Mrs. Zefran. Doslej je približno 40 že prijavljenih. V žalosti smo se poslovile od naše dobre članice, Katerine Kukman, ki je 9. aprila preminula, po kratki bolezni. Članice smo molile ob krsti in služile kot pogrebnice na njeni zadnji poti. Užaloščenemu soprogu Antonu in ostalemu sorodstvu, naše iskreno sočutje. Najboljše želje za hitro ozdravljenje pošiljamo sestri Mrs. Sardoch iz Berwyna. Delegatinje našo podružnice na prvem naselbinskem Kongresu bodo sestri Mary Tomazin in Liz Zefran. Zborovanje se bo vršilo dne 8. maja v Wozniakovi dvorani pod okriljem Naselbinskega Sveta osrčja Chicaga (Heart of Chicago Community Council) ter bo važni temelj za bodoči razvoj naselbine v tem delu mesta. Tudi vse ostale članice, ki živijo v slov. naselbini so vabljene k udeležbi. Vse ste tudi vljudno vabljene na našo prihodnjo sejo 10. maja, ki bo združena z materinsko proslavo, ko bomo tudi počastile našo zaslušno mater ses. Mary Koren. Do takrat vsem na veselo svidenje. Corinne Leskovar PROŠNJA ZA LOŠKI POTOK Prejela sem pismo iz Loškega potoka od tamkajšnjega župnika, ki prosijo rojake za malo pomoč k popravilu farne cerkve. Vsaki najmanjši dar je dobrodošel. Lahko pošljete na spodaj podpisano, ali pa direktno na g. župnika, Franc Pustotnik, Tabor, Loški-potok, Slovenija, Jugosl. ali pa: Josephine Železnikar 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, 111. ČESTITKE MATERAMI Majsko cvetje prinaša s seboj prijetno tople dneve, katere smo tako nestrpno pričakovali. 13. maja je Materinski dan. to je Tvoj dan, mati in vsi se Te bomo spominjali v naših molitvah in z darovi ter cvetlicami. Vsem materam želim mnogo srečnih in zdravih let v bodoče. Naj bi se tudi spomnili pokojnih mater v molitvah in s cvetjem na njihovih grovih. Vse častne matere podružnic od obale do obale naše Amerike, še prav posebno čestitam in želim, da bi Vaše nesebično delo služilo za vzgled mlajšemu rodu. Bok Vas živi! Antonio Tanko, Glavna predsednica MATERINE ROKE O, krepke roke matere, ker svet ves ve držite, stoletja že in veke vse človeštvo ve krepite. O, srečne roke matere, veselja vse prežete, ko božate, ljubkujete predrago svoje dete. O, blage roke matere, spet sklenjene v molitev, in v božjo še častitev. Uboge roke matere utrujene od dela, tedaj še le počivate, ko smrt vas sklene bela. To pesmico poklanjamo iz srca Mrs. Angeli Križman, ki bo dopolnila 84 častitljivh let dne 26. maja. Naj jo Bog ohrani še mnogo let med nami! — Albina Novak Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Vljudno vabim vse članice na sejo 2. maja. Po seji bomo obhajale Materinski dan ter imele zabavo s prigrizkom. Posebno bomo počastile častno mater v tem letu, to je sestra Gertrude Muhic. Naše iskrene čestitke ter še mnogo zdravih let! Vabljene ste vse mlajše članice, da se boste spoznale z našimi običaji in poslovanju. V maju se bomo spomnile tudi naših mater, katere počivajo v tihem grobu. Večina naših mater je šlo skozi veliko trpjenja v življenju. To ve sam Bog in tudi mi. Jaz rada obiščem gomile, kjer počivajo naše sosestre, katerih roke so sklenjene za večni počitek. Bog blagoslovi vse matere za njihov praznik ter vsak bodoči dan! Nepričakovano naglo je umrl za srčno hibo Rudolph Kocman, star 52 let. Z ženo sta se vračala v avtomobilu domov in je na potu izdihnil. Kako žalostno je bilo za ženo pripeljati mrtvo truplo ljubega moža. Nadaljna velika žalost je bila, ker se mati pokojnika ni mogla udeležiti pogreba radi bolezni. Čudna so pota naše usode na tem svetu. Po dolgi bolezni je preminul Matt Kočevar. Mary Kočevar, sedanja žena, je naša dobra članica. Njemu so umrle tri žene. Zapustil je dvanajst otrok. — Umrla je pionirka Mary Papish v visoki starosti 94 let. Mary Stark je bila tudi stara naseljenka naše fare. — Frances Babich žaluje za stricem Frankom Nose, ki je tudi dočakal visoko starost. Tako se umikajo drug za drugim. Vsem preostalim izrekamo globoko sožalje. Še v decembru si je po nesreči zlomila roko sestra Johana Štancer in roka se ji počasi zdravi. V bolnišnici se je nahajala Frances Grebenc in se zdaj zdravi na domu. Zopetno operacijo je imela Cecilia Steblaj in to že petič na očesu. Naj ji ljubi Bog povrne vid. Vsem bolnim želimo, da bi jim pomladansko sonce prineslo zdravja! Na svatbi moje sorodnice, hčerke Freda in Millie Pechek, je bilo zelo prijetno. Ljubka nevesta je vnukinja Ane Pachak, ženin Albert Pisciotta, je pa vnuk Frances Gornick. Vse so članice naše podružnice. Na svatbi je bil navzoč governer države Colorado, Mr. McNEchols, ki je oseben prijatelj Pechekove družine. Novima zakoncema želimo blagoslovljeno bodočnost! Kampanja za nove članice je v kraju. Vpisala sem 15 novih. Ako bi vse OHIJSKI ZVEZIN DAN IN DRŽAVNA KONVENCIJA rokave zavihale in šle na delo, bi bil gotovo velik uspeh. Naša častna članica Lucille Jesik ima že 11 svojih otrok pri podružnici. Vsa čast zavedni slovenski ženi. Tajnica opominja članice, da čim-prej plačate zaostali dolg. Lepo se vas prosi, da bi plačevale bolj točno in ne čakajte, da ste za vse leto v dolgu. Vsaka mora poskrbeti, da ima plačano vsaj vsake tri mesece, ako ne more sproti plačevati. Večina članic smo tudi članice pri društvu sv. Ane, ki prireja “B” party dne G. maja zvečer v cerkveni dvorani. Udeležite se in pomagajte po svoji moči k lepemu uspehu. Na prodaj bodo ročno izdelane stvari kot robčki in predpasniki, kar bi bilo lepo darilo za Mother’s Day. Vsi ste vljudno vabljeni na poset. Iskrene čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Matt Lukezic, ki sta slavila zlato poroko. Želimo, da bi dočakala še mnogo let skupnega, srečnega življenja! Vesel rojstni dan vsem, ki boste slavile v majniku in še posebno Mrs. Angeli Križman, ki bo dopolnila 84 let starosti dne 26. majnika. Mrs. Križman je mama naše glavne tajnice, katero mnoge poznamo in jo rade imamo. God bless you! Vesel Materinski dan želim vsem skupaj! Anna Pachak, predsednica Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. Naj poročam nekaj novic. Najprej aprilsko vreme nas je potegnilo, ker se je pomlad že napovedovala, toda naenkrat nas je sneg presenetil, toda naenkrat nas je končno tukaj. Dobro poznana Frank in Mary Žnidaršič sta v mesecu februarju praznovala 50 letnico srečnega zakonskega življenja. Cela podružnica jima želi še mnogo let v zdravju in sreči. Mary je članica SŽZ že mnoga leta in je bila več let uradnica pri podr. št. 6. Bog ju živi, da bi dočakala še biserno poroko. Kakor slišim, sta na bolniški listi Mrs. Louisa Zupec in Mrs. Mary Mekina. Daj jima ljubi Bog, da bi kmalu okrevale. Vse sestre širom Amerike, najlepše pozdravljam. M. Fidel, tajnica Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Vse članice vabim na sejo 2. maja točno ob 1 uri popoldne. Imamo nekaj važnih zadev na dnevnem redu, zato pridite gotovo. Dne 28. oktobra bomo proslavile našo 35 letnico ustanovitve podružnice. Pričetek bo ob 7 uri zjutraj s sv. mašo, nakar bo zajtrek ob 8 uri. Popoldne ob drugi uri pa bomo imele kartno zabavo v cerkveni dvorani na 1028 So. 9th Street. Na bolniškem listu imamo več naših sester in te so: Kathie Stuller, Mary Erman, Josephine Martinčič, Josephine Rozman, Mary Bubnik. Konvencija za drž. Ohio - Mich., se je vršila 1. aprila. Gostiteljica je bila podr. št. 10, ki je ob istem času obhajala 35 letnico ustanovitve. Proslava se je pričela s sv. mašo ob 10:30 dop. v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Za tem so nam pa članice podr. št. 10 postregle z okusnim prigrizkom, finim pecivom in dobro kavo. Ob 1 uri pop. se je pa pričela drž. konvencija. Častne gostinje so bile: gl. preds. Tončka Tanko, gl. tajnica Albina Novak, gl. nadz. Vickie Faletič in drž. preds. sosednje države Pa. Mary Tomšič. Njihova navzočnost je povzdignila veselo razpoloženje in razgovor za splošen napredek. Prav prisrčna hvala Mrs. Tomšič, ki je s seboj pripeljala lepo število tamkajšnjih članic. Zastopane so bile podr. št. 10, 14, 15, 18, 25, 32, 40, 41, 47, 50 in 68. Gl. preds. Tončka Tanko je podala lepo poročilo o njenem delovanju in zanimanju za aktivnosti v napredek podr. in Zveze. Gl. taj. Albina Novak nam je pojasnila razne točke pri izpol-nevanju mesečnih poročil, ki zahtevajo vedno več pozornosti. Dalje je razložila o težkočah, ki so nastale z visokim zvišanjem cene tiskanju Zarje, ker je to zvišanje občutno breme za stroškovni sklad, so že direktorice na Prosim, da obiskujete bolne sestre, kateri je le mogoče. Vsem bolanim članicam tudi želimo hitrega okrevanja. Pozdrav gl. uradnicam, vsem članicam Zveze in prav posebno še sestram pri št. 12. Mary Shimenz Št. 15, Newburgh, Ohio. Seja v marcu je bila povoljno obiskana. Posebno pa je bilo veselo, ko je naša zapisnikarica M. Filipovič po par mesečni bolezni prišla na sejo in prinesla sirov štrudel in kavo ter nam lepo postregla za njen rojstni dan, ki ga je obhajala v februarju. Prisrčna ji hvala za vse. Presenetile so nas dekleta, ki so sicer sedaj že vse poročene, a so pred leti pripadale drill timu. Prišle so na sejo in prinesle lepi dar od njihovega preostanka od razpuščenega krožka. Spomnile so se tudi nas za kar jim velja prisrčna zahvala. Naj jim vsem Bog da srečo. Več članic je bolanih. Vse jim želimo naj Jim ljubi Bog in Marija zdravje podeli. V poletnih mesecih ne bomo imele seje, zato prosimo vse tiste, ki boste zaostale s članarino, da pošljete tajnici, ali pa na domu 25. v mesecu. Sesterski pozdrav vsem in na svidenje na seji. Frances Lindich zadnji gl. seji razmotrivale in določile, da bi vsaka članica prispevala 25 centov letno v ta namen. Zastopnice podružnic so se z večino strinjale z odlokom direktoric. Več pojasnila o tem boste dobile na drugem mestu Zarje. Nato je podala nekaj nasvetov in priporočil naša agilna gl. nadzornica Vickie Faletič, kateri so bile že ob začetku konvencije izrečena čestitke za najvišje število novih članic, tekom ravnokar zaključene kampanje. Za tem so podale svoja priporočila in nasvete navzoče zastopnice podružnic. Prisrčna hvala marljivi in zmožni tajnici podr. št. 50, Marie Beck za pisanje konv. zapisnika. Pri slavnostnem banketu, katerega so pripravile pridne in izvrstne kuharice podr. št. 10, je preds. podr. Anna Markovich najprej pozdravila navzoče, nato pa predstavila naše gl. uradnice, katere so v lepo izbranih besedah čestitale in želele še nadaljnih uspehov v vseh ozirih. Najprisrčnejša zahvala vsem skupaj za vse kar ste storile za lep uspeh Zvezinega dne in proslave. Najlepše čestitke izrekam vsem zaslužnim materam podružnic in Bog Vas blagoslovi. Vam hvaležna drž. preds. Ella Starin PROSLAVA 35 LETNICE LEPO USPELA Št. 10, Cleveland, O. Želim na kratko poročati o naši proslavi 35 letnice ustanovitve naše podružnice. Ker vem, da je maj posvečen materam, zato bodo bolj obširna poročila še sledila. Udeležba na naši proslavi je bila zelo velika, tako od strani občinstva, kakor tudi od strani naših članic In sester iz sosednjih podružnic. Ljudje so začeli hoditi skupaj že pred 5 uro in v eni uri je bila dvorana zasedena do zadnjega kotička. Med in po večerji je bil program s petjem in godbo primerno za postni čas. Tisočera hvala vsem, ki so na eden ali drugi način pomagali, da je bil tako odličen u-speh. Rada bi imenovala vsakega posebej in se vsem zahvalila za trud in delo, ki ste ga imeli, toda mi je to nemogoče storiti zaradi prostora. Torej Bog naj vam vsem stotero poplača. V blagajno so zadnja 2 meseca darovale sledeče članice: M. Ivančič, M. Maloverh, L. Čebular, J. As-seg, J. Rus, J. Zernich, A. Novak, I. Gombach, S. Magajna, Rose Lap, U. Šuštaršič in F. Rajshel. Vsem skupaj prav lepa hvala. Marija, kraljica majnika naj vas vse blagoslovi. A. Repic OBISK B02JE POTI V KANADI Naše članice se bodo lahko priključile veliki skupini potnikov ki romajo k sedmim slavnim božjim potom v Kanadi. Potovanje bo trajalo 5 dni. Vožnja z vlakom na obe strani vključno hotel stane samo 75. dol. Hrana je posebej. Naslednja božja pota bomo obiskale: St. Anna de Beaupre v Quebecu Trois Riveres, Svetišče sv. Jožefa v Montrealu, Cerkve Naše Gospe, Cerkev Marije, Kraljice Sveta in mnoge druge. Iz Chicaga bomo odpotovale 18. julija, 1962 in se vrnile 23. julija. Potniki iz drugih krajev se nam morejo priključiti bodisi v Chicagu, ali potovati v svojih skupinah in se bomo srečale v Quebecu. Pokličite ali pišite za vse podrobnosti, kajti rezervacije morajo biti na mojem naslovu do 17. maja, 1962. Elizabeth Zefran, Direktorica Ženskih aktivnosti 1941 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, III. Virginia 7-8866. Št. 20, Joliet, III. Na prihodnji seji to je kot navadno tretja nedelja v mesecu, 20. maja, bomo počastili našo najbolj zaslužno mater, Mrs. Thereso Muhich. Ob tej priliki bomo imele lunch in pa barvane premikajoče filme bo kazal Ronald Erjavec iz potova-ja po Evropi in Sloveniji Jolietskih članic in pa župnika Monsignorja Butala in sestre Catherine. Slike bodo zelo zanimive, radi tega ste vabljene vse članice in tudi Vaši prijatelji da pridete v čim večjem čtevilu. To bo sedaj tretja serija slik katera bo tudi zadnja. Ne zamudite te prilike ako želite videti staro domovino. Slike se bodo kazale v navadnih prostorih, kjer imamo sejo in to ob pol tretji uri, po naši seji. Na seji bomo počastili našo mater Mrs. Muhich, katera ima lepe zasluge za podružnico. Želimo ji, dabi še mnogo let ostala zdrava in čila med nami. Vse članice ji pa čestitamo k temu od likovanju. Ona je naslednica Mrs. Mary Terlep. V bolnišnici je bila Mrs. Josephine Hochevar iz N. Broadway, nahaja se pa še tam Mrs. Mayme Lavrich iz Marble St. Želimo jima vsi, da se kmalo ozdravijo, kakor tudi vsem o-stalim ki so doma bolne. Na seji se je razmotrivalo glede potovanje v Washington, D. C. Predsednica povdarja, da bi bilo lepo, da bi katera naša članice pridobila tolik novih da bi imela prosto vožnjo v Washington, D. C. Ker bo z Majsko sejo zadnja seja v tej sezoni, kajti prva seja bo čez tri mesece, radi tega ste napro-šene vse članice ki dolgujete, da poravnate, ker tajnica mora poslati na gl. urad, in ji je nemogoče zalagati, ako Vi ji ne plačate svoje mesečne prispevke. Naše sožalje Mrs. Al. Felbinger ob izgubi njene tašče (mother-in-law) Rose, katera je bolehala 13 let. Bog ji daj večni mir. Lepo pozdravla, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21. Cleveland, O. Imamo več bolj slabih novic za poročati. Nevarno je zbolel mož naše sestre Mary Kožuh in soprog Mary Ho- sta je bil operiran na očesu. Bolne so članice: Mary Rahne, Mary Ster-žišer, Roza Zupančič se je sedaj že pozdravila. Vse bolane priporočam v molitev. Seja je bila prav živahna in tudi udeležba je bila lepa. Za Materinski dan ste vse povabljene. Sklenjeno je tudi bilo, da bi za to priliko naj vsaka nekaj prinesla, da bo bolj veselo. Izrekam prisrčne čestitke članicam št. 10, ki so pripravile tako izvrstno večerjo. Vse so tako pridno delale, da jih je bilo veselje pogledati. Bilo je dovolj vseh dobrot, katere so res okusno pripravile. Na seji je bilo tudi prečitano pismo, da bo od zdaj naprej vsaka članica morala plačati 25 A 387 novih članic! X X $ | J Čestitke vsem pridnim sode- <8> «• lavkam in prav posebno še naši & GLAVNI NADZORNICI, VICKI f FALETIČ, (Št. 25), ki je prio- g dobila 80 novih članic v teku * X kampanje! X <& Albina Novak, Gl. tajnica X V X X članica. Mrs. Sprajcar je v teku par mesecev izgubila sina Franka, ki je umrl v Duluth ter zapustil mlado vdovo z malimi otroci. Umrla ji je tudi hčerka. Družinama Japel in Sprajcar iskreno sožalje. Doslej sem poročala same žalostne novice, imam pa vsaj eno veselo. Mr. in Mrs. Peter Strucel, sta v krogu svoje družine praznovala 50 letnico svoje poroke. Ka-therina je bila pred leti predsednica naše podr. Želimo jima še veliko let srečnega in zdravega življenja. Pozdrav vsem članicam SŽZ in obilo zabave in srečno potovanje vsem, ki se boste udeležile skupnih izletov. Katherine Slogar Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. Nahajamo se \ lepem mesecu maju. Narava se prebuja k novemu življenju in tako naj bi bilo tudi pri naši delavnosti za bodočnost podružnice in Zveze. V teku dolge in hude zime, je bilo mnogo ljudi bolanih in več jih je tudi za vedno odšlo v večnost. Moj mož je umrl 30. decembra, sil, sestre Kristin Bradacli je preminul v januarju v najlepši moški dobi, star komaj 38 let. Zapušča ženo, 3 otroke, 2 bratra in starše. Umrla je tudi Anna Krampotich. 30. marca pa je umrl John Ocepek, za katerim žalujeta 2 sinova in G sester. Bil je več let School Board Director in mestni župan. Doma je bil iz Komende pri Kamniku na Gorenskem. Žalujočim naše sožalje. Pokojnim pa srečno snidenje nad zvezdami. Drage sestre, pridite na sejo 9. maja, ki bo zadnja seja pred 3 mesečnimi poletnimi počitnicami ko ne bo mo imele sej. Na seji bomo ukreni le več važnih zadev. Na svidenje! Antoinette Lucich, tajnica ZAHVALA ZLATOPOROCENCEV Št. 66, Canon City, Colo. Matt in Jennie Lukezic sta 17. februarja v krogu svoje družine in Številnih prijateljev slavila 50 letnico zakonskega življenja. Tudi Zarja pošilja iskrene čestitke naši zvesti poročevalki Jennie and njenemu soprogu Mattu, katerima želimo še mnogo let sreče in blagoslova. Zlatoporočenca pa se želita tem potem iskreno zahvaliti svojim otrokom, sorodnikom in prijateljem, članicam št. 66 in državni preds. Colo., Mrs. A. Pachak iz Pueblo za lepo darilo, kakor tudi vsem, ki so ju presenetili in počastili ob tem jubileju zakona. Prisrčna hvala vsem za krasna darila in lepe kartice in za vse kar ste storili za naju. Dan 50 letnice poroke in izrazi vašega prijateljstva nam bodo ostali v trajno lepem spominu. L. Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. Ko to pišem, i mamo še vedno mrzlo vreme, toda ko boste brale te vrstice, pa upam, da bo sonce že dobro grelo in bodo tudi že rožce cvetele. Na aprilski seji smo imele kar lepo udeležbo. Hvala vsem sestram, ki ste-se potrudile in prišle. Naša predsednica je poročala o sestanku ohijskih podružnic, ki je bil ob priliki 35 letnice št. 10, v Colinwoodu. Bilo je zelo lepo, ko so prišle sestre od blizu in daleč, kakor tudi gl. tajnica, naša Albina Novak iz Chicaga ter skupine iz Pennsylvanie in drugod. Podr. št. 10 je pa postregla z okusnimi jedili. Na tem sestanku je bilo pojasnjeno glede Zarje, da se je zelo podražil papir in poštnina in da se te stroške krije ni drugega izhoda, kot da vsaka članica doda 25e pridite pogledati, kdor le more, ker pravijo, da bodo res zanimive stvari. Pa se drugič kaj več. Pozdrav vsem članicam. Ivana Chacata Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — Dolžnost se mi je zahvaliti vsem članicam in krščanskim materam za tako lepo iznenadenje, ki so mi ga priredile ob priliki mojega 85 rojstnega dneva. Predsednica je prišla po mene, da moram iti z njo, meni se je nekam čudno zdelo, nazadnje pa mi je prišlo na misel, da me hočejo iznenaditi, kakor vsako leto. Res, napravile so mi tako veliki party, z velikim cake in saj lahko veste kaj še vse je bilo zraven Lepo so me počastile, zraven pa še darila. Father Rev. Blaže so molili in ob koncu so mi pa še zapele za rojstni dan. Pri cerkvi Sv. Anne so bile naslednje: Mary Kuzma, preds., Mary Zupan, blag., Jennie Stusek, taj., Victoria Tomkovski, Stella Polantz, Jo- Financial Report for the Month of January 1962 Finančno poročilo za mesec januar 1962 sephine Kamnikar, Mary Homola, Mary Skrl, Mary Medvešek, Louise Terček, Mary Holmok, Anne Luga, Mary Klacak, Mrs. Petrovčič, B., Jennie in Laddie Milavec, Mary Klinar, Rose Klinar, Irene, Stanley, Denny, Tommy — vsi Laushe, Frank, Mary, Susan, Judy in Donald — vsi Laushe. Še enkrat vsem skupaj in vsaki posebej iskren Bog plačaj, va Vašo prijaznost in prijateljstvo. Želim Vam, da bi bile blagoslovljene z dobrim zdravjem, za vašo dobroto. Pozdravljam vse, Mary Lovše Št. 90, Presto, Pa. — Moram tudi jaz nekoliko poročati o delovanju naše podružnice. Na decemberski seji smo se kar lepo imele. Udeležba je bila lepa in izvolile smo ves stari odbor, ki jako dobro deluje za naše društvo. V maju bomo imele priljubljene igre in sicer se bo šlo za pogrinjalo za na divan. Vršilo se bo tretjo nedeljo v mesecu maju na dan naše seje. Upam, da boste vse prišle in rade segle po številkah ter tako pripomogle malo naši blagajni, ker imamo vedno kakšne izdatke. Ko sem bila jan. in febr. v Fontani, Calif., so me tamkajšnje članice povabile na njihovo sejo in sicer me je peljala tja Mrs. Filips ter me seznanila z več sestrami od Zveze. Zelo me je veselilo spoznati prijazne žene in izrekam čestitke podr. št. 100 nad tako lepo udeležbo na seji in tako lepo sporazumno delovanje. Vsa čast jim! Pozdrav vsem sestram SŽZ. Johanna Aubel Št. 96, Universal, Pa. — Zopet primem za pero, da napišem par vrstic. Najprej se moram lepo zahvaliti za lepo darilo, katerega so mi vse članice poklonile kot moj wedding gift. Posebna zahvala velja Mary Klemenčič. Sejo smo imele pri Mrs. Frances Veličič in po seji smo imele običajne igre. Miza je bila obložena z okusnimi dobrotami; sandviči, solata in seveda orehova potica tudi ni manjkala. Hvala lepa tudi Eva in Florence, ki so nam tako lepo stregle. Prihodnja seja bo 10. junija ob 6 uri zvečer in vse prosim, da pridete na moj dom. Naslednja seja pa bo pri Kathryn Raybak, Renton, Pa. na Maple St. in sicer dne 9. septembra ob 6 uri zvečer. Prosim vse članice, ki dolgujejo na asesmentu, da poravnajo, a če bi katera želela, da odstopi, naj vrne certificate, da ne bo tajnica za vas kar naprej plačevala. Želeti bi bilo, da bi več članic prihajalo na seje, da se pogovorimo in ker imamo vedno kaj zanimivega ter priljubljene igre po seji. Vsem želim ljubega zdravja ter vse pozdravljam, Paula Kokal, 2820 Reiter Rd., Pgh. Pa. Branch Assessments Membership No. Total Adult Junior 1 77.45 159 43 2 192.95 365 174 3. 148.20 296 151 4. 6.70 23 5. 98.30 112 51 $ 6 51.55 126 18 7 87.55 149 234 8 63 1 9 39 5 10 162.70 393 58 12 192.35 229 74 13 56.55 124 21 14 149.15 335 37 15 122.15 254 32 16 72.35 142 69 17 70.10 160 41 18 24.00 75 6 19 65.40 144 52 20 182.70 439 130 21 45.10 98 51 22 22 23 105.65 235 63 24 83.80 183 87 25 410.55 824 284 26 47.00 111 11 27 70.40 69 6 .& 28 40.20 86 7 29 16.85 40 12 30 22 1 31 54.10 110 42 32 55 65 113 31 33 63.35 127 68 34 22 70 47 8 35 43.50 82 48 37 10.55 24 5 38 68.20 164 5 39 16.90 48 19 40 45.05 101 6 41 90.95 222 33 42 19.70 43 43 48.50 102 75 45 24.65 59 8 46 14.55 33 5 47 49.55 113 22 48 4.95 13 3 49 37.50 44 $ 50 157.65 98 51® 51 7.75 17 52 29.25 59 20 53 19.10 40 11 54 39.70 74 68 55 18.90 91 14 56 53.60 120 19 57 37.15 70 37 59 97.50 36 9% 61 25 5 62 16.70 34 1 63 63.95 120 65 64 52.30 64 3# 65 32.20 70 25 66 24.40 50 19 67 86 42 68 22.40 39 3 70 14.10 15 3 $ 71 51.45 108 22 72 14.85 35 5 73 54.85 114 54 74 22.95 43 5 77 58 27 78 27.60 26 9 * 79 17.80 33 18 80 9.20 22 81 10.05 27 83 10.80 20 5 84 75 7 85 12.45 29 5 86 9.95 20 88 32.90 66 27 89 103 64 90 24.95 60 16 91 28.85 52 8 92 12.65 23 2 93 32.00 74 94 19 4 95 107.70 186 52 96 24.45 52 2 97 13.00 23 6 99 9.65 21 100 21.25 41 10 102 13.20 9 3@ 104 9.85 24 105 6.10 14 5 106 11.45 20 2 4 526.65 9267 2850 $ Assessment for Jan. & Feb.; & Asessment for Oct. & . Nov.; @ Assessment for Jan., Feb., March; % Assessment for 6 months; # Assessment for Nov. i Dec. Income - Dohodki: Assessment * 4,526.65 Rental income 155.00 Interests on bonds 531.25 Total * 5,212.90 Disbursements - Stroški: Agnes Skrube (1) 100.00 Mary Hribernik (3) 100.00 Josephine Stupnik (3) 100.00 Mary Mavrin (8) 100.00 Ann Wisniewski (17) 100.00 Luciija Gregorič (19) 100.00 Ursula Rupart (19) 100.00 Amalia Pekol (20) 100.00 Mary Jurisich (20) 100.00 Frances Petelin (24) 100.00 Ivanka Frank (25) 100.00 Josephine Rudolph (25) 100.00 Margaret Steblay (39) 100.00 Agnes Medved (43) 100.00 Mary P. Petrich (53) 300 0(1 Margaret Maurich (83) 100.00 Zarja - The Dawn 1,154.11 Salaries and admin. 951.25 Rent for Home office 75.00 Fuel, electricity, water 70.19 Internal Revenue (tax) 357.30 Printing, postage, sundries 144.37 Accrued interest 125.75 Total * 4,677.97 Total income in Jan. 5,212.9(1 Disbursements in Jan. 4,677.97 Gain in all funds 534.93 Balance Dec. 31-61 $ 463,010.00 Balance Jan. 31, 10C2 $ 403,544 93 Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary »»»»> JUNIOR’S PAGE «««<« ISN’T SHE PRETTY! to (/III &ur QYloms! To my Mother: When, your hair is turned to silver, I will love you just the same. I will always want you near me, I will always praise your name. I may sing to many another, But to you I’ll always say: When your hair is turned to silver, 1 will love you as today. Margie Fischer Kohler, Wisconsin CHRISTIE ANN RAUKAR Kathy Dicke took this picture especially for our Junior Page showing how she looked with her big cast and crutches. And right behind her is an array of the Christmas cards she received from all her many friends! By now, Kathy writes she is hopping about on two straight legs — we wish her lots of fun this summer and NO MORE ACCIDENTS! Dear Donna and Cadets, Thank you very much for the cards, your prayers and your good wishes. My leg is coming along fine. I’ll get my cast off on the lGth of April. I am going to school now on my crutches. By the way, I broke my leg while Christmas caroling. I fell off one step and broke my leg in two places. I hope you had a Happy Easter and I wish all the mothers a happy Mother’s Day. Love, Kathy Dicke (Madison, Wisconsin) P.S. A hearty thank you to Mrs. Novak for the wonderful books. GEORGE, BARBARA & BABY SISTER YOUNGSTERS, 5 to 14, BOWL UP A STORM AT CLEVELAND TOURNEY DIANE KALENCE, age 11 High Single Game, 148 MRS. PAULINE VEGAL Sec’y, Jr. Bowling League JOHNNY VEGAL, age DEBBIE ZIELINSKI, age 5 Youngest, Boy Bowler Youngest Girl Bowler FIRST PLACE JR. BOWLERS! Capt. Mary Wendt and her team took the first place trophy at our Jun'or Bowling Tournament, Mar. 31st at the Grdina Alleys in Cleveland. The highest game was rolled by Mary Wendt herself. A trophy for the single high game (148) went to Diane Kalence who is also a St. Clair Cadet. Mary Wendt and Max Traven, Jr., lost by 1 pin for the single high game — each with 117 pins — and Michael Faletič rolled 143. Oh, you should have seen their sad eyes as the scores were totaled! This all means that every pin counts and we congratulate Diane on her fine showing. I know the kids enjoyed the tournament and learned a lot by it — including how to keep score! There was lots of arithmetic taught by our score-keepers!! Here are some pictures taken at the regular bowling league — little Debbie Zielinski, age 5 and Johnny Vegal, age 5%, are the youngest bowl- ers in the league. They look like old* pros, don’t they? Mrs. Pauline Vegal (25), who is secretary of the league, has a big job to do each week with the youngsters, but she loves it and the kids love her, too. Soon the bowling season will be over — we know that next fall when names are signed up, there’ll probably be twice as many as this year! That means YOU and YOU and YOU! Don’t forget to get in on the fun! PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois H. GRDINH & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 59 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našepa podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8 AVE >AFELY BI3 East testh a t r •«I I 2 6 0 0 0 Euclid A v a n u a J| III I «230 SI. Clair Annua ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors <&. Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin IZLET S. Ž. Z. V SLOVENIJO V LETU 1962 Vabi se vse članice in prijatelje SZZ. da se pridružijo izletu v staro domovino prihodnje poletjel — Z novo najmodernejšo ladjo SS. France, 26. maja 1962 Voditeljica bo glavna predsednica, Antonija Tanko. — Z letalom “Jet,” 16. junija, 1962. Voditeljica te skupine bo glavna tajnica, Albina Novak. Opozarjamo vas, da zdaj je tisti čas, da se priglasite za skupno potovanje, ker vzame čas, de se vse potrebno uredi. August Kollander Travel Bureau 6417 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio Phone HE 1-414B MAKE YOUU RESERVATION NOW! DON’T DELAY!