NO. 91 Ameriška Domovi ima ■"' N" /l'fl/tERI bolna in jo priporočamo vsej MZA v molitev. Z rajnim možem sta zelo ljubila tudi misijone. Naj božji Misijonar povrne vsem, ki so k uspehu piknika tako lepo pripomogli, z večnimi obrestmi. Vsem v odboru pa še posebna zahvala za "vso pripravo in pospravo prireditve, ki pritegne vsako leto mnogoštevilne rojake k rnisijonskim žrtvam. Prav tako kuharicam, točilčem in o-nim, ki so vodili razne “štan-te”. Cujemo, da je bilo letos na pikniku 8 slovenskih duhovnikov, z msgr. Baznikom na čelu. Bogu hvala za vse, ki ste tudi tokrat z zgledom pokazali, da naše misijonarje in misijonarke iskreno ljubite! V Triglavskem parku je MZA Milwaukee imela 22. julija svoj letni piknik. Predsednica ga. Mary Coffeltova je 6. avgusta poslala tole poročilo: Najprej vsem prisrčna hvala, da ste ob slabem vremenu prišli k sv. maši, ki jo le daroval o. Beno Korbič, OFM. Popoldne je pa sijalo sonce in privabilo še mnogo misijonskih prijateljev v lep Triglavski park, da doprinesejo sv°j delež za slovenske misijonarje. Posebna zahvala gre zvestemu podporniku misij o-y°v> ki vsako leto daruje piščance, g. Joe Draganu. Iskrena hvala društvu TRI-. AV, članom in članicam za njihovo pomoč in naklonje-^0st: Loni Limonijevi, Justi osel, Minki Mejačevi, Janjin Limoni ju in Franku Orniku za vso prevzeto skrb . uhinje. Enako Franj otu Me-Jaču in fantom, ki so skrbeli za žejne. Vsem dobrim gospodinjam, ki so prinesle toliko krasnega peciva; posebno še onim, ki so ga še prodajale. Modicovim za vso solato in Orniku za darovano vino. Prav lepa hvala Micki šeš-karjevi in ge. Smoletovi iz Waukegana za tako' krasno pletena afgana. Marički, Josephine Imperle in Jožetu Muršecu, ki so tako pridno prodajali tikce. DOHODKOV je bilo: $909.00 od prodanih tikeov; žrebanje $116.000; razne igre so prinesle $193.00; kuhinja $855.00; pijača $397.00; pecivo $225.00; nabirka pri sv. maši $119.00. Skupaj je bilo dohodkov $3,204.00. IZDATKOV je bilo $125.00 za denarne dobitke in $150.00 prostovoljen dar za uporabo parka. Skupaj izdatkov $275. DAROVALI SO: g. Frank Skvarča za vzdrževanje bogoslovca $200.00; g. Anton Gaber za glavni dobitek $100; Rev. dr. Jože Gole $25.00; g. Ivo Kunovar $20.00 ter Neimenovani $10.00; za o. Cuka-leta je daroval Neimenovani $20.00 in ga. Muršec za o. Evgena Ketiša $25.00. ČISTEGA DOBIČKA je bilo skupaj $2,929.00. Od tega naj se vzdržujeta nanovo dva domača bogoslovca v misijonskih deželah za $1,200.00 in v skupno blagajno za vse naše misijonarje gre $1,729.00. Dragi misijonski prijatelji, naj Vam vsem Bog povrne, kar ste na kakršenkoli način pomagali, da je piknik tako lepo uspel. V imenu vseh misijonarjev, ki bodo ta denar prejeli in ga posredovali lačnim in bolnim, vsem in vsakemu poseben iskren Bog plačaj. Hvaležna Mary Cof-felt.” Tajnik odseka MZA Milwaukee g. Frank Rozina je poslal posebno poročilo AD, v rednem dopisu iz te lepe slovenske naselbine sredi Wis-consina. Spet je misijonska ljubezen med rojaki v Milwaukee-ju prišla do izraza na skupni letni prireditvi. Naj Bog povrne vsem garačem njihove žrtve, ki jih za tak podvig ni malo. A dokazujejo jasno, da je še v mnogih misijonskih pionirjih veliko žive vere in mnogo predanosti in velikodušnosti, ko gre za naše pionirje na terenu. Vsa MZA se raduje s Clevelandom in Milwaukee) em tudi letos za njun čudovito vzpodbuden zgled. Bog nam varuje vse te pionirje še mnogo let in jim pomagaj pritegniti v svoje vrste mnoge mlajše moči, ki dora-ščajo iz naših družin, po svoje pomagajo na prireditvah in pijejo iz zgleda staršev idealizem, ki se potem širi v njihovih dušah v globino in krepi v letih doraščanja za samostojne žrtve in vedno nove podvige. Iz Slonokoščene obale v Afriki se je za dar MZA 150.00 dol. 23. julija zahvalil misijonar Pavel Bajec: “Čeprav se Vam nisem še oglasil, me že poznate, saj Vam je pisal moj brat, da sem prišel preteklo leto sem v misijone. Nastavljen sem v sosednji župniji, ki je oddaljena 120 km od bratove fare. Tu smo štirje duhovniki. Trenutno sta dva na počitnicah. Fara je precej velika, tako da nam dela ne zmanjka. Pomagajo nam tudi sestre N.D.A., ki so Francozinje. Prebivalcev je tu 90,000, od tega je kakih 13,000 kristjanov. Središče je v mestu Divo. Poleg tega je okrog 70 BARA60¥ DAN v soboto in nedeljo - 1. in 2 sept. 1979 ¥ Clevelandu, OSiio Spore d SOBOTA, >. SEPTEMBRA Ob 7.30 uri zvečer - Procesija s svečami in pete litanije Matere božje pri Lurški votiini na Chardon Hill, Euclid, Ohio. Škof dr. Alojzij Ambrožič iz Toronta, Kanada, bo pridigal pri verskih obredih v soboto zvečer. Sveče za procesijo bodo na razpolago pri Lurški votlini. Lahka okrepčila bodo po končanih obredih za razpolago v obednici. NEDELJA, 2. SEPTEMBRA Ob 11.30 uri predpoldne kosilo v Slovenskem Narodnem Domu na St. Clairju in 65. cesti. Ob 2.30 uri popoldne sv. maša v katedrali sv. Janeza (škofija). Pridigal bo nadškof Bernardin iz Cincinnatija. Ob 4. uri popoldne - Program v Slovenskem Narodnem domu na St. Clairju. Hil^ ALSO Something new Large Variety Beit Buckies! MERVAR RECORDS 6919 St. Clair - 361-3623 EXPERIENCED COOK wanted, part-time, for St. Ann’s dining room at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Euclid, Ohio. Call Sister Celeste at 481-8232. f’HtsFsHO WIN G IN EUCLID 181 E. 194 St. North of Lakeshore Blvd. Handy man special, on a large lot 50 x 200. Has potential. Mid 30’s. Call Sandra Perko 481-7359 CENTURY 21 Leo Baur Realtor 486-1655 Lady to live in with elderly lady. Salary. Call 526-1527. (91-93) MALI OGLASI ____i BRATENAHL Small House for Rent 6 Rooms. Call 541-6223 Or 781-4644 (81-92) Sobe oddajo 5 sob 1070 E. 61 St. HIŠA NAPRODAJ 302 Richmond Rd. Z - aluminijam obita hiša tipa ranč s 4 spalnicami. V prvovrstnem, stanju. Polna klet. V lepem kraju. Ocenjena v 60-ih. Pokličite 442-3830. Power Sewing Machine Operators Temporary or full-time, 2 yrs. experience in clothing industry. Call 431-7800, Ext. 229. Equal Opportunity Employer NAPRODAJ V EUCLiDU Blizu sv. Kristine. Krasna hiša s 4 spalnicami, 1(4 kopalnico, družinska soba s kaminom na drva, preproge, garaža za dva avta, in druge ugodnosti. Kličite 531-5285 ali 486-9107. (91, 94) MALI OGLASI OWNER ANXIOUS Make offer on this brick ranch house, on beautifully landscaped lot. It features 3 bedrooms, dining room, large kitchen, Florida room, full basement with rec room, central air. All this on a quiet cul-de-sac. Gene Bessire 481-7412 or 442-4930 (90-91) Baby Sitter Needed In St. Vitus area From 3 to 5 everyday Mon. thru Fri. Want someone reliable. $20.00 a week. Call 361-4141 between 11 and 1. (90-92) Popravilo hiš Za vsa popravila na hiši, zunaj in znotraj, kličite 881-0683 po 5:30 zvečer. (x) CLEANING PERSONNEL Immediate openings for experienced people, part-time evenings. Rockside Rd. & 1-77 Independence area. Call 1-S28-8451 (87-91) Baragova izdaja Ameriške Domovine Cenjeni čitatelji! V petek, 31. avgusta, bo Ameriška Domovina tiskala posebno izdajo, ki bo posvečena škofu Frideriku Baragi. , Ta posebna izdaja bo povezana z narodno Baragovo prireditvijo ob koncu tedna, 1. in 2. septembra v Clevelandu. Izvodi časopisa bodo brezplačno razdeljeni tisočerim romarjem, ki bodo za to veliko proslavo prišli v Cleveland. Naši redni naročniki bodo tudi brezplačno prejeli po eno izdajo kot del petkove številke. Clevelandski odsek odbora za posvetitev škofa Barage je nas naprosil, da pomagamo pri zbiranju denarne pomoči za uporabo pri pospešitvi Baragove zadeve. Po dogovoru bo čisti prebitek te posebne izdaje razdeljen tako, da bo polovica namenjena Baragovi zadevi, polovica Ameriški Domovini. Prosimo torej slehernega bralca našega časopisa, da nam pomaga z naročilom oglasa v naši posebni Baragovi izdaji. Iskreno se zahvaljujemo za vašo dobrotljivost. Upamo in molimo, da bo škof Baraga kmalu uvrščen v vrste onih, ki so v Katoliški cerkvi priznani za svetnike. Zadnji čas za naročitev oglasa je 22. avgusta 1979. Uporabite naročilnico v današnji izdaji! ZAKRAJŠEK FUNERAL HOME GO. Tel: 361-3113 6016 St. Clair Ave. IZ SLOVENIJE Grafofonske plošče o Knjige • Radenska voda • Zdravilni čaj Spominčki • časopisje • Vage na kilograme • Semena « Strojčki za valjenje in rezanje testa TIVOLI ENTERPRISES INC. 6419 St. Clair Ave., Clevland, O 431-5296 y ; (■ S spoštovanjem James V. Debevec y. £ vasi ali podružnic. Sam se šele učim, čeprav me delo vsak dan priganja.” (Bo še.) Rev. Charles A. Wolbang, C.M. 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ont. Canada MIN 3J7 IZKUŠENO KUHARICO iščemo za delno zaposlitev v jedilnici Sv. Ane pri Burskem svetišču v Euclidu, O. Pokličite s. Celeste na 481-8232. JOSEPH L FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI YOUmWA Y AHEAD WWW YOU H1AP FOR SIMS ★LESABRE ★ ELECTRa ★ CENTURY A?;' _....... ■ ---ANDY SIMS- ★ RIVIERA ★ REGAL ★ SKYLARK ★ SKYHAWK HEAD FOR SIMS ... Great Deals, Great Service, and Total Satisfaction await you!... Sims 11601 Euclid Ave. : - . '.. :-v > • A . ... v J’ ' . -------- ' 'A ' A"'" L J vv' Buick St. Starejši par ima prednost. Nič žival. Kličite 531-9528 po 4. uri popoldne. (91-92) \ CAFE FOR SALE $7500 with a D5 license, 16502 St. Clair Ave. Near Gould Inc. and Viking Steel. Call 486-7657 or 431-0071 or 932-2633. ___________________ (88-93) 4-sobno stanovanje s kuhinjo, kopalnico in garažo na velikim posestvu v okolici Kirtlanda-Mentorja se odda priletnemu paru s dobrimi priporočili v zameno za lahko gospodinjstvo. Prednost ima upokojen ali polu-pokojen par. Kličite 621-7155 od ponedeljka do petka med 9. zjutraj in 5. popoldne. (89-91) Cafe for Sale $7500 with a Do license. 16502 St. Clair Ave. Near Gould Inc. and Viking SteeL Call 486-7657 or 431-0071 or 932-2633. (88-93) Iščemo oskrbnika za Slovenski Narodni Dom 6409 St. Clair Ave. Kličite 361-5115 ali 431-0982. (90-91) Help Wanted Cleaning and ironing 2 days a week. Own transportation. Good references. For Christian couple, wife teaches. University fits. area. 291-3087 (90-91) Naprodaj Zidan Ranč s 4 spalnicami. Zelo blizu Sv. Kristine. 731-2778 General Office 2 days per week. Downtown location. Send resume or letter with qualifications. Reply to Box 101. (89-91) 481-8800 Richmond Hts. Immaculate 3 bedroom brick ranch with family room and rec room. Full basement, 2 fireplaces, attached garage, walk to shopping center.— ‘ R.T.A.! Eastlake Ranch Surf side area. 3 bedrooms, center hall style with family sized kitchen and dining room. Family room, full basement. Only 1 year old. Owner transferred out of state! Kirtland Split Set on * 6 wooded, acres, this 4 bedroom home has a 20x20 family room, 3 full baths. Extra large kitchen, formal dining. Kirtlan^ schools. Asking $129,900. MUST SELL! Make offer. REALTY UNLIMITED 951-5305 or 266-1829 JohnPelricTSimsS Odprto v torek, četrtek in petek od 8. do 6. ure, v sredo od 8. do 1. ure, v soboto od 8. do 4. ure Zaprto v ponedeljek 481-3465 Carst Memorials Kraška kamnoseška olrf EDINA SLOVENSKA IZDELOVAL-NICA NAGROBNIH SPOMENIKOV 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Kadar kupujete ali prodajate nepremičnine, kličite Realtor Anton Matic, 531-6787 ali CAMEO REALTY 261-3900 in vprašajte za Antona. (F-X) 2-stanovanjska, zidana na velikem zemljišču, garaže $18,500. ,2-stanovanjska na Schaefer (89-91) Ave., dolgo zemljišče, garaže, 2 dvojni na Addison Rd,, garaže, $18,500, 4-stanovanjska, zidana $17,000 bar naprodaj, D5 in D6. A.M.D. REALTY 6311 St. Clair Ave. 432-1322 (FX) Lastnik prodaja na Cleveland Heights Krasna velika kolonial hiša, ne potrebuje vzdrževanja, 21/-i garaža, šole, knjižnica, trgovine v bližini, RTA. Zenljišče na oglu 80x225 za posel ali poklic. V področju za večvrstna stanovanja. 381-5713 ali 731-1454. (F-X) NAPRODAJ Novejša hiša z 4 spalnicami, v lepi prijetni okolici, blizu 185 ceste. Za sestanek kličite 486-3515. (Aug 3,10,17) RESTAVRACIJA na prodaj ali v najem za določen čas. Nedavno prenovljeno. Vse moderno. 5380 St. Clair. Vprašajte pri Marquette Cafe. __________________________(X) Dobro stoječi Slovenec želi spoznati Slovenko, staro od 36 do 43 let. Dopise, po možnosti s sliko in telefonsko številko, pošljite na naslov Ameriške Domovine, 6117 St. CTair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. (90-91) Cleaning Woman Needed 1 or 2 days a week. Richmond Hts. (Call 486-8921. Vaclav Benes-Trebiasky: KRALJICA DAGMAR ZGODOVINSKI ROMAN Borita z Redhošta je zopet pričel govoriti. Toda Peter je še'vedno z obema rokama stikal Tvoj meč in Milgostovo orožje se je tudi že lesketalo v solčnih žarkih. “Mi hočemo knežiča odvesti iz ječe!” , “Knežiča — odvesti — iz — ječe?” “Tako je! — In zdaj veš vzrok našega prihoda!” “In morem se domisliti še marsičesa!” “Da si hotel, bi bil že davno lahko sam storil tako!” “Dal sem vojvodi besedo, da ga bom čuval. In negoval sem ga kakor lastnega sina... Knežič Vladislav je na Dre-viči gospod — ali razumete? — In v zraku tukajšnjih gozdov mu je bilo boljše, kakor bi mu bilo kjerkoli drugje.” “Naj bo že dovolj tega besedičenja!” je mrzko zamrmral Kren s Kresina. “In kaj vojvoda, moji dragi gospodje?” “Na smrt je bolan — Naj živi vojvoda Vladislav!” To klicanje je zagrmelo po gradu, kakor da je pridivjala Burja iz gozdov. “Naj živi vojvoda Vladislav!” so vnovič zaklicali češki gospodje, toda še burneje kakor prvič. Le župan Peter ni spregovoril niti besedice. Njegov brat Milgost se tudi ni pridrm žil kličočim. “Če ga imaš tako rad, zakaj molčiš?” je rekel skoro s posmehom Oldrih z Drnholca. “Ali nam boš morebiti tudi še zdaj hotel kljubovati? — Najino prijateljstvo, župan' Peter, je resnično, toda če bi se nam stavil na pot — bi se morala' udariti — ti si star, izkušen, uren borilec, toda mene tudi nekoliko poznaš...” Oldrih z Drnholca je držal desno roko na ročaju ne sicer tako dolgega in širokega, a vendar precej težkega meča... “Ničesar nimam proti vaši volji . . . Toda za edinega, pravega kneza priznavam Pre-misla, ki mu pravijo Otokar. Vedite to in pri tem me pustite!” In da si tedaj služil Breti-slavu?” Na to vprašanje bi mogel tebi zastaviti drugo . . . Toda saj ste že sami rekli: “Naj bo že skoro dovolj tega govoričenja! — Torej vam zdaj nočem dalje braniti;” “Na dolga in srečna leta!” “Naj živi vojvoda Vladislav! Med visokimi, hrastovimi vrati, za katerimi je bila ena najkrasnejših sob na Dreviču, se je prikazal vitek mladenič rumenih las, cvetočega lica in silno prikupljivega izraza .. . “Naravnost v Prago te popeljemo, gospod . . . Ali hočeš biti naš knez? — Za nami je cela češka dežela”. Borita z Redhošta se je pred mladeničem globoko priklonil. “Kaj je z mojim stricem?” “V Hebu počasi umira . . . In mi hočemo imeti vojvodo preje’, kakor on zapre oči, da nam ne vsili zopet Nemec človeka, katerega bi morali sovražiti . . . Gospod, mi poznamo tvoje srce in ti zaupamo . . “Naj umrje stric kot vojvoda . .-. Ne maram mu greniti poslednjih trenutkov ...” “Moj plemeniti, velikodušni gospod!” Županu Petru so stopile solze v oči . . . “Če se spomnite na me, kadar bo prestol prazen — sem pripravljen ustreči vaši želji.” “Želji cele češke dežele!” “Za enkrat le vaši, samo če je moj brat.. “Iz duše mi govoriš, plemeniti gospod! — Pravico do knežjega prestola ima samo gospod brat! — Toda v nobeni stvari ti nočem svetovati ali te morebiti od česa odvračati ...” “Po gospodu bratu ni niti duha, niti sluha. Mogoče že trohni v črni zemlji. Od Mi-šenske bitke sem nihče izmed nas ni kaj slišal o njem ... In mi moramo imeti v Pragi vojvodo, ker napočijo zmede, katerih obsega si ni mogoče predstavljati. Naša domovina je skoraj na robu pogube, treba ji je hitre, pomoči, in mi stavimo vse svoje upanje v te, gospod. Za razmišljanje ni časa. V Prago pridemo v naj -ugodnejšem času!” “Zaprisegamo te pri tvojih slavnih prednikih, v imenu rodne zemlje!” “Jasni gospod, ne obotavljaj se niti trenutek ...” (Dalje prihodnjič) Some research “exp® say taste tft difference between beers blindfolded. What do you WHEN YOU SAY YOU'VE SAID IT AtS NATIONAL BISHOP BARAGA WEEfc^J Cleveland, Ohio PROGRAM SATURDAY, SEPT i 7:30 p.m. -—- Candlelight procession and Litany of the Blessed Virgin sung at Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto on Chardon Hill (Euclid, Ohio). oaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOPO p O O O O O O O 0 0 3 0 0 9 S 9 0 0 C 3 0 Q fi Q p 9 Tel: 531-7933 - 34 Computerized System 2000 Contact Lenses J. F. OPTICAL CENTER ONE DAY SERVICE ON REPAIRS ONE WEEK SERVICE ON PRESCRIPTIONS — REASONABLE PRICES — IN FUDURIC 775 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 7nnnrsTr3ir?nr^Troir5inryT7roTr^7r5isinnrs^inrcinr5innnnnnJ iiiiiiiiinmimmmHissiimmmimmuniiiSiimimiiimsisimissmuEimiiunmnsiiii Bishop Ambrožič of Canada will speak at the Saturday night ceremonies. Candles for the procession will be available at the shrine. Coffee, doughnuts, and soft-drinks will be available in the tea room after services. SUNDAY, SIFT 2 11:30 a.rn. — Dinner at the Slovenian National-liome on St. Clair Avenue and E. 65 Street. 2:30 p.m. — Mass at St. John’s Cathedral. Archbishop Bernardin of Cincinnati will preach the Homily- 4:00 p.m. — Program at the Slovene National Home on St. Clair Ave. (Light refreshments available after the program.) ZELE FUNERAL HOMES MEMORIAL CHAPEL 452 E. 152nd Street Phone 481-3118 ADDISON ROAD CHAPEL 6502 St. Clpir Avenue Phone: 361-0583 Ml fmo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo s = 5 LET YOUR LIFE INSURANCE WORK FOR YOU American Mutual has a new concept which combines your life insurance with an exciting new benefit program. This program includes low interest certificate leans, low interest mortgage loans, scholarships, social activities, and recreational facilities provided by one of the largest Slovenian Fraternal Associations in Ohio. For further information, just complete and mail the below coupon. To: American Mutual Life Assoc. 6401 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 My date of birth is.............. Name Street City.. ii State. Zip.. aimiiiiiuuniimMmiiL'mmiiiiiunimiiiiiimmmmimuiiiimiiiimniiiiiimmitiiiiRimiimHmmiiuimimuimiimiimmt BRICKMAN & SONS ! rami me I MOČILO ZA OGLAS V POSEBNI BARAGOVI IZDAJI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE (Izide 31. avgusta 1979) Cena oglasov: Osebni ...................... $10.00 Društveni ali trgovski ....... $20.00 N] \ (označite vsoto) -n Ime ........................... Naslov ....... ................ Mesto ........... ...... Država Zip ... • Prebitek je namenjen v enaki meri Baragovi zadevi in Ameriški Domovini. Za nadaljnja pojasnila kličite (216) 431-0628 od 9. ure vsak dan razen srede popoldne. Oglase sprejem do 22. avgusta 1979. GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES 1053 East 62 St. 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 431-2088 53L6300 21900 EUCLID AVE. B-etszeen Chardon & East 222nd SL 481-5277 Euclid, Ohio GRDINA FURNITURE STORE 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 Naglušnost v poklicu Kriki in kretnje so v mnogih tovarniških obratih in na večini gradbišč edino sredstvo za sporazumevanje. Kompresorji- brnijo, mešalniki betona ropotajo, hrup boleče grize v ušesa po osem ur na dan. “Ljudje obolevajo zaradi hrupa,” ugotavljajo strokovnjaki za medicino dela. Po poročilu, objavljenem v Washingtonu, je naglušnost zaradi hrupa na prvem mestu med poklicnimi boleznimi. V vseh industrijskih deželah se je hrup v zadnjih desetletjih znatno po-/eeal, v ZR Nemčiji na primer je trušč na delovnih mestih lani zdravstveno ogrožal dva milijona ljudi. Ušesa in možgani se sicer privadijo v tem smislu, da človek zz aidi hi’upa ne'trpi več, vendar pa posledic ni mogoče preprečita Naglušnost zaradi hrupa post: a čedalje izrazitejša. Organi-z m reagira z živčnostjo, z zma-n:. mo koncentracijo, z motnja-mi v spanju, z želodčnimi težava ui in z glavobolom. Znani I a'":erioJog Robert Koch je na-' 'dal že leta 1910: “Nekoč se bo ireba boriti proti hrupu tako ; n‘ or zdaj proti kozam in kole- ’. Njegova napoved se je pr p ničila. ffluainnnKimnimnniHinnmnmmumnHiiiifiimiinnmnmiiimiiTHiiuMtnmininnHHmpninnmimimmFsnnim* AiERIŠKA SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA JEDJIOTA Ineriff'-Sfsviiifi Admiral REFRIGERATORS WITH FREE T.V. save $126.55 SALE ENDS AUGUST 24TH r.4 •ra* .>>< i - :: m 15 ‘ ‘i jhT rK-‘'1 n •; i 1 Vui ( L._. L J i .a •t »I 4J W.*- -G : r n y 11 fj r" ■_ '■UCa k«vv. ’~7~ —U' - a aaCf.. ............. .a. . S' m • 2 D93f? « EASY ROLL WHEELS • FROST FREE • ENERGY SAVER « 2 SiOi-SY-SIOE * EASY NOLL WHEELS • 3 DOOR SSDE-SY-SIDE * EASY ROLL WHEELS ® FROST FREE c ENERGY SAVER ' ® FROST FREE a ENERGY SAVER iflf 4§a f " NAJSTAREJŠA SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA ZAVAROVALNA ORGANIZACIJA V AMERIKI - • Mi izdajamo najmodernejše celo-življenske in ustanov*10 (endowments) certifikate za mladino in odrasle od r°f stva do 60. leta, vsote so neomejene nad $1,000. a Naša ugledna bratska organizacija Vara poleg zavaroval nine nudi tudi verske, športne, družabne in druge aktiv • SLOVENCI! PRIDRUŽITE SE SLOVENCEM! nosti. Fri nas imate, na primer, priložnost udeležbe Pr* kegljanju, igranju košarke itd., nadalje se lahko ude • ZAPOMNITE SI — PRI NAS DOBITE OSEBNO POZORNOST! ^ žite plesov, poletnih piknikov, športnih turnej in boaicn , prireditev za otroke. Za podrobnosti in pojasnila stopite takoj v stik s sledeči^ tajniki/tajnicami (ali pa pišite v glavni urad: 351-353 Chicago St., Joliet, 111. 60431). ALBIN OREHEK, društvo št. 25, Tel. 481-1481 FRANK ŠEGA, društvo št. 226, Tel. 944-0020 S JOSEPHINE TRUNK, društvo št. 255, Tel. 481-5004 "4. the latest news and views YOUR ETHNIC FORUM James V. Debevec, Editor r • . ;j AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1979 • WEEKLY ® * ^4 YOUR V1EV/S OUR NEWS AMLA. MUSIC SUNDAY IS SUPER SUCCESS By JIM DEBEVEC A crowd estimated to be close to 2.000 people enjoyed a beautiful. Sunday afternoon °n Aug. 12 at the American Mutual Life Association’s Picnic Grounds listening to the music of three groups. The sight was magnificant with an outdoor stage and platform in the middle of the front lawn area at the Leroy, Ohio Recreation Center. Flags of red, white and blue fluttered in the strong breeze surrounding a huge American flag in the middle. A1 Pestotnik’s van was parked alongside decorated in red and white carnations. People were sitting everywhere on lawn chairs and on the grassy hillside and in front of the gorgeous main pavilion building. It was a spectacle so tremendously beautiful and awe-inspiring, that Senator Frank J. Lau-sche remarked, “A helicopter flying overhead and taking, a picture would have a breathless result.” The United Slovenian Society Band outdid themselves under the direction of Norman Novak. Fantje na vasi, men’s singing group, performed up to their normal outstanding standard. The Alpine Sextet was, superb. They also played their oommm-pa-pa style of music for dancing and was such a tremendous success, the dance floor was never less than filled to capacity. The people refused to let the band go. AMLA President Stan Ziherl proudly claimed this to be one of the largest AMLA gatherings ever. Lou Boldin, Mary Sinkovič, and all the officers and members who Worked so diligently on this pi’oject must be congratulated and given a standing ovation for staging the outdoor success of this season, — or any other. COU1NWOOD HOME MS 60 YEARS AUG. 26 IN HBmr * UICE ZORC “Remember Lord, those who have died; they have gone before us, marked with the sign of Faith’> Sixty years in a persons life is beautiful. So is 60 years of the Collin wood' Slovenian Home. We ha^e a history of being the first Slovenian Home in Ohio. It all started when the young immigrants came to a Uew country. Because they ioved the Slovenian language so much, they wanted a place Where they could meet, sing, dance, bring their families, and carry on in a great new America. A lot of them settled in Collinwood; that’s how it all started. The first Board of Directors, composed of John Prus-ni,k, Matt Kastelic, Vinko Blaško, Anton Rovtar, Frank Smrdel, Anton Grmovšek, Anton Baraga, John Huch, Joe Kausek, Krist Stokel, and Brank Martinjak. The Board was chosen J'an-Uary 30, 1919. John Prusnik Was elected to be the first President of Our Home. Matt lotihar filed the incorpora-ti°n papers. The first stock holders Meeting was held February Mb, and 56 people attended and bought shares at $10.00 each. That was a lot of mo-ney in those days, but the men were determined to go °n with their plans. The corner stone was laid April 27th and so our Home Was on its way. John Asseg sold the land where the Home stands today. The plans called for a c,rie story building, but Krist Stokel suggested they make Mans for two stories, and the §roup ail agreed. They had 0 raise more money, but the People were good, and the money was raised. Brank and Frances Svetek 'vere the Godparents^ a par-ade was held from St. Mary’s hurch down the streets, ac'k to' the Home. Mr. Anton Grdina was the Principal speaker at that Went. Lodge Kras No. 8 A.M.L.A. vas the first one to hold a aoce. Little by little the peo-B e §°t together and a singing Sroim “Soca” got started,’also ramatic Club Lilija, who is sbll going strong, the young-generation are carring on 0lng their part for Slovenian culture. A Slovenian Library was °lmed in 1921. We have ^any books, some day this 71 be donated to a Heritage foundation.. !^e‘ Lave a lot of lodges ■ '"'OP Were all, behind us* and . Oy are St. Joseph No. 169 Mir No. 142 SNPJ, A-Ba Vnebovzete No. 103 B2 St. John No. 71 ABZ, St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club, Slovenska Zenska Zveza St. 10, Collinwoodski Slovenke No. 22 AMLA, Catholic Order of Foresters No. 1640 St. Helen’s No. 193 KSKJ, Loyal ites No. 590 SNPJ, Eastern Stars No. 51 AMLA, St. Mary Altar Society. These organizations all ov/n stock in Our Home and most of them use the halls for meetings and social affairs. Also a Band was organized in 1919 under leader L. B. Novak. This band has been reorganized, and today it is ’the new U.S.S. band. With all the help of the lodges and the people, Our Home has prospered, we have had good luck in our club room, a lot of good workers, people who care, fine directors all these years. Our pioneers who are living today are: Jennie Asseg, Alice Kozar, Henry Batich, Jennie Batich, Rose (Yakos) McDonough, Frank Kocin Sr., Ike Kocin, Joe Barbis, Joe Medved, Jerry Humor, Matt Kastelic Jr., Antonia (Logar) Stroj ot, Andy Lokar, Jennie (Prusnik) Fonda, August Prusnik, John Prusnik (Jr., Stanley Stekel (Indiana), Jennie (Terček) Škerl, Mary Terček (Sister Luke) Josephine Terček (St. Augustine Manor), Jack ’ Terček Jr., John Kausek, Antonia Hrvatin, Frank Urbančič, and Louis Jerkich, who is our Man of the Year for 1979. Let’s not forget the ladies who worked so hard in those days to help with cooking and serving the people, in their younger years, who are still living today, and are also our pioneers: Alice Grosei, Mary Matoh, Martha Batich (Akron, Ohio), Josephine Sašo, Cergol, Jennie Marolt, and Marj/ Benoval. In 1978 our man of the year was Krist Stokel. He lived long enough to enjoy the honor we gave him. He was a man who always had Slovenian people on- his mind. He organized the Pensioners Club, the Federation of Pensioners Clubs of America. Four months later he was called to his eternal reward. He was the last of the original directors of 1919. At the ' present time we have four past presidents Habat Jr., and Dan Pavšek By MONSIGNOR BAZNIK The recent death of Alice Zorc has 'left a void in the hearts of all who knew her and loved her: the Baznik and Zorc families, her many relatives and friends. At this time, we the members of her family wish to acknowledge and express our deepest gratitude to all who have extended heartfelt sympathies and offered prayers, floral tributes, and numerous spiritual bonquets of Holy Masses for the repose of her soul. We are truly1 grateful to the Catholic War Veterans of St. Vitus Post and their Auxiliary for the prayer of the Rosary, to the members of the St. Vitus Altar Society and the American Mutual Life Association for their prayer vigil at the wake. Monsignor Baznik wishes to express his profound gra- Cleveland, O. — Harold R. Swope of Independent Savings Association, recently announced the addition of two staff members. Ronald G. Flynn Ronald G. Flynn has been named Savings Supervisor. Mr. Flynn is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University and the Institute of Financial Education. He has mofe than 20 years service in the savings and loan business, most of which were with with St. Clair Savings Association. Mr. Flynn is - a resident of 'Cleveland. Lillian J. Ribarich has taken a position in the Loan Origination/Escrow Department. Mrs. Ribarich is a former officer of St. Clair Savings Association with more than 20 years experience. She is a past member of the Institute of Financial Education and is active in elected, some have new ideas and so on. We hope Our Home will be here for many titude to the eleven brother-priests who concelebrated the Mass of burial and final commendation with him in the Church of St. Vitus. Their presence and prayers together with the calming consolation of Father Fevec’s masterful homily meant much to the family and to all who participated in the Divine Liturgy. The music and song of the choir assured us of God’s loving and eternal care in this time of sorrow. After the farewell services and interment at Calvary Cemetery we were invited to partake of a wholesome repast in the St. Vitus auditorium. God bless all who have joined us in paying our final respects to Alice Zorc. Their concern and love for us in our bereavement leaves us with a deep sense of gratitude. May the Good Lord reward them a hundred-fold. various ladies’ clubs including the Progressive Slovene Women of America, the American Fraternal Union and the American Mutual Life Association. Mrs. Ribarich is a resident of Euclid. Lillian J. Ribarich These additions to the staff are a result of the positive public response arid volume of business at the new company. Independent Savings Association is the first savings and loan opened in Cuyahoga County in more than twenty years. Hood work! Editor: ! j Vi;! We are pleased to enclose herewith our check in the amount of $30.00 for an ad in the Bishop Baraga edition of the American Home, Keep up the good, work! Fraternally yours, who still do their best for our Home, and they are, Edward Grosei, Edward Kocin, John -----------o------------ ftiSiarlef! and Flynn pi lisdapentai Savings- Sr. All the people in the Col-linwood area respect our Home, but work still goes on; we want to make it the best, each year new directors are . years, because we love Giir Slovenian Home. It is a pillar of strength to our Slovenian community. Sophie Magayna, President Louis F.; Boldin, Secretary American Mutual Life Association 6401 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. 44103 Favorite Recipes RICE AND LIVER 1 BEEF SOUP 2 T. butter 1 small minced onion 1 slice (thin) baby beef liver, cut in small pieces V2 cup raw rice (long grain Carolina) parsley (fresh minced) beef broth (4 cups) In a sauce pan melt butter, add onion and saute until* lightly yellow. Add the liver and raw rice and saute all this together until nice and lightly yellow, being careful not to burn any of the onion. Keep stirring almost constantly for ‘about ’ 5 minutes. Add about a quart of good beef broth and simmer until rice is cooked. The amount of broth depends on how thick or thin you prefer your soup. When serving sprinkle fresh minced parsley on top. My mom was born near Trieste and this has been one of our favorite soups for years, and I have never come across this soup in any Slovenian cookbook. My mom always said, ‘The good flavor comes .from browning the raw rice and the good rich beef broth. Frances Tomsic Warrensville Hts., Ohio Wes Ferrell Wes Ferrell pitched from 1927-1941. He won 193 and lost 128 for a .601 percentage. He pitched 7 years for the Indians, winning 0, 0, 21, 25, 22, 23 and 11 games in each of those years. His first two seasons he did not have .enough innings pitched to qualify for the rookie status, so his first season he was a 20 game winner. His best E.R.A. in an eligible year for the Indians was 3.31. In 1931 he led the Indians in complete games with 27 and bases on balls with 130. In 1931 he hit a major league record for pitchers^ batting 9 home runs. That year he hit .319. His - lifetime E.R.A. was 4.04, and he had a .280! lifetime batting average. He had the best record for pitchers with 38 home runs. Memo: From Madeline Matt and Rose Križman of Mentor, Ohio celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, August 12. The festivities began with a Mass at St. John Vianney in Mentor, where the Krizmans renewed their marriage vows. Following the Mass, their children held a dinner in their ■ honor at' the Blue Spruce .Restaurant. Their relatives and friends toasted to the happy couple. The Krizmans are the parents of three sons, Donald, , Gilbert and Mathew, and grandparents of four. In his younger years, Matt is well remembered for following in his father’s footsteps. He operated the Križman Meat Market in the Slovenian St. Clair area. The store specialized in Slovenian homemade rice and smoked sausages. During the years of 1950 through I960, Matt and his wife, Rose, owned and operated the following taverns: at 45th and Hamilton, The Croatian Tavern, and at St. Clair and East 53 St., specializing in good family style cooking. Upon retirement, Matt and Rose purchased the property on Reynolds Rd. in Mentor, on which his sons built, and are now operating the Blue Spruce Restaurant. Matt and Rose (Škulje) were married by Rev. Ludwig Virant at St. Vitus Church on August 10, 1920. Congratulations to a fine couple! (Many thanks to Frances Sietz for providing the above information.) ( * : * The Most Rev. James A. Hickey, Bishop of Cleveland, announced the pastoral appointment of Reverend Louis A. Pizmoht from. Associate Pastor, St. Mary, Mentor, to Vicar Coadjutor, St. Justin Martyr, Eastlake, effective Monday, Aug. 27, 1979. (He will succeed Father Victor Lanibur as Pastor upon his retirement, Father Lambur continues as Pastor of St. Justin Martyr Parish.) Congratulations, Father Pizmoht! * * * The Slovene Home for the Aged Auxiliary will meet Thursday, August 23 at 7:30 at ihe Home on Neff Rd. in Cleveland, Ohio. Persons interested in joining the Auxiliary are most welcome to attend the meeting. * * =;: Sister Donna Mikula is the new principal of St. Mary’s School, 716 East 156 St., Cleveland, Ohio. * * * Sharon and Danny O’Brien of Willoughby, Ohio became proud parents of a baby boy on August 4, Scott Michael. He is their second child. Proud grandparents are Valentine and Stana Grill of Wickliffe, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs, O’Brien of Chardon, : Ohio. Great grandmothers are Cecilia Mršnik and Mary Stražišar, Arrowhead Ave., Ave., Cleveland, O. Congratulations! TRAVEL NEWS Tony and Tina Štepec of Richmond Heights, Ohio and Frank and Julie Zalar of Cleveland enjoyed their vacation at Marblehead Island. * % * Betty, A1 and Jcanie Orehek vacationed in Michigan. * * * Vida Ursic of Buenos Aires, Argentina spent several months visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Andrew and Ann Harey in Cleveland. * * * Corinne and Mimi Leskovar of Chicago attended the Golden Anniversary of Corinne’s relatives, the Matt Krizmans. * * St. Mary’s Parish (Holmes Ave.) Cleveland, O. is sponsoring a “FEAST DAY FESTIVAL” on Sunday, August 19 from 3-9 p.m. Everyone is invited. * * * Maria Volčjak, activities coordinator at the Slovene Home for the Aged in Cleveland was treated- to a farewell party by the residents of the Home. Louise Ursic, a resident at the Home and chairman of the party said, “All the residents dearly love Maria and we’ll miss her.” Each resident pitched in towards the gift of luggage.” Miss Volčjak will resume her studies in Columbus. Wishing much success to Maria in all her future endeavors. * * * St. Vitus Altar Society will sponsor a “Krofe” Sale on Saturday, August 18 in the Social Room of St. Vitus Auditorium. * * * Helen and John Konkoy of W. 130 St.-in Cleveland recently entertained guests from Toronto. Dragica Okorn and her 18 year old son, Tonček. The Kopkoys son, Bill, arrived from New York to attend the reunion. Bill is a fundraiser for Big Apple Circus Co. It is a school for the instruction of circus arts. They all visited Helen’s uncle and aunt, Joe and Frances Okorn of East 68 St. in Cleveland. * S: John and Ann Koprivec of 21050 South Lakeshore in Euclid, Ohio celebrated their Golden 'Wedding Anniversary on July 15. A surprise party, given by son Allan and wife Judj/, was given at the Cap-pelli’s Party Cehter. The Ko-privec’s were married at St. Vitus Cnurch, Aug. 3, 1929. They have three grandchildren. — Congratulations! «: * On Aug. 21 Frank and Lena Siewiorek, 1185 East 60 St, Cleveland, Ohio, will celebrate their 42nd anniversary. Happy Anniversary! * * * Happy Birthday to these Special Residents ot the Slovene Home for the Aged for the month of August, 1979: August 8 — Mary Urbančič — 73 born in Cleveland, Ohio. 11 — John Prelc — 90 — Vas Kal, Yugoslavia. 14 — Mary Malenšek — 86 — St. Rupert na Dolenjskem 14 — Mary Zbaznik — 92 — Dolenja Vas pri Ribnica (Continued on page 6) Memo... From Madeline 14 — Mary Rogel — 92 Kamnik, Yugoslavia 15 — Marie Paunich — 75 — Judenberg, Yugoslavia 15 — Mary Volpe — 82 — Croatia, Yugoslavia 16 — Stephen Rudas — 88 — Croatia, Yugoslavia 18 — Amelia Poznik — 80 — Cleveland, Ohio 18 — Mary Habich — 75 — Brežice, Yugoslavia 21 — John Ravnik — 90— Javornik, Yugoslavia 28 — Frank Ipavec — 92 — Orehek, Yugoslavia 30 — John Brescak — 94 :— Šmarje na Ajdovščini, Yugoslavia 30 — Jennie Lampe — 84 — Radolca, Yugoslavia * s * Euclid Vets annual Wiener Roast will be held Saturday, August 18 from 6:00 p.m. to midnight at the SNPJ Farm. Dancing from 8-12 by the Markic-Zagger Orchestra. All the hot dogs you can eat. Donation $3.50. Children under 12 — $1.75. * * Joseph G. and Rose Fakult of 18611 Kildeer Ave., Cleveland, Ohio recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a Mass and reunion with friends and family at St. Stephen’s Church in Euclid. Attending were children: Joseph R., Mary Hentermann of Michigan, James N., William J., Joanne Peters of California, John A. Fakult Jr., 28 of their 35 grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. Guests- also arrived from Oregon, Delaware, Connecticut, Colorado and Florida. Mr. Fakult is retired from employment with Cuyahoga County, after having been previously employed with Apex Electrical Manufacturing for 25 years. Joseph Fakult has been active in Ward 32 community affairs, and is the brother of John A. Fakult, former Ward 32 Councilman and Cleveland City Light Commissioner, and Mary Hrvatin. Among the guests were Mr. Fakult’s brother, Frank Su-panick, and her sisters: Ann Pierce, Mary Weed, Josephine Supanick, and Carolyn Bemot and their children. Congra tu lations! * * * The Federation of Slovenian Homes presents its second annual Scholarship Picnic Sunday, Sept. 2 at SNPJ farm, Chardon and Heath Rds. Dinner — 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Music — The Vadnals— 4 to 8 p.m. Proceeds from this picnic will be for the 2nd scholarship in 1979 to supplement the JOHN DRENIK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. Tickets available at Slovenian Homes. Donation $6.50 includes admission to the farm. * * * BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: Ed Kirchner, Jr. of Mentor, Ohio (Aug. 13). Fondest wishes from his parents Ed and Betty Kirchner, relatives and friends. Well known Frances Nema-nich of Euclid, Ohio will celebrate her special day on August 23. ❖ * * A work of renowned composer Carlos Surinach will highlight a piano recital Wednesday, August 22 at 8:00 p.m. at The Cleveland Institute of Music. John Owings, 1975 winner of the Robert Casadesus International Piano Competition, will perform in a major event of the 1979 competition, which runs Aug. 18-26 at The Institute. The program is free and open to the public. ------o-----— Foresters Oslf iestslts The results of the Baraga Court 1317 Catholic Order of Foresters Golf Outing are as follows: The 16th of June found 20 foursomes of Baraga Court No. 1317 enjoying a day of golf at Parkview Country Club. For the following, the day was especially fruitful in golfing endeavors. Low Gross — A. (Lefty) Giambetra — 70 Low Net — “Doc” Spech— 79-7 = 72 Low Putts — Ed Kaporc— 30 putts Long Drive No. 8 — Richard Spech — 278 Yds. Lone Drive No. 13— Buddy Kovacic — 283 yards Pinshot No. 2— Ray Persia — 3(4 Ft. Pinshot No. 14 — Gary Ja-kumin — 4 feet. The second Saturday of July the fourteenth was a real hot day for the Forester golfers. Results of the 21 participants indicate the heat spurred them onward. Low Gross — A. (Lefty) Giambetro — 71 Low Net — Al Marolt — 80 - 7 = 73 Low Putts — Frank Kolenc — 31 putts. High Gross — Dan Perme — Ill High Net — Charles Kikel — 97 - 21 = 76 High Putts — John Persin — 37 putts Pinshot No. 2 — Buddy Kovacic — 22 Ft. Pinshot No. 14 — Ray Persin — 414 Ft. Long Drive — No. 5 —Nick Sudar — 263 Yds. Long Drive No. 13 — Elmer Perme — 252 Yds. August 25 is the next golf date for all Catholic Order of Foresters and their guests from Baraga Court 1317. Tee-off times start at 10 s-ca. — Contact A. Giambetro 361-2329 or E. Perme 732-7779 for reservations or any information. Note: There will be a special category for the seniors of the court. ------o------ i Heath Notices MARTIN KOSNIK Martin Kosnik, age 72, of 1026 E. 61 St., died at home on Sunday, Aug. 12. He was the organist for St. Vitus Church. He was born in Trstenik, Jugoslavia. He was the beloved husband of Amalia (nee Gorenc), dear Father of Srečko, Vida Oblak, Magda Boh, Frank, Martina, grandfather of 6, brother of Frances, Janko, Ivana, Rosa and the following deceased: Frank, Peter, Jurij, Maria. He was a member of St. Vitus KSKJ No. 25, St. Vitus Holy Name Society, Choir Director at St. Vitus, Pristava, Baragov Dom, S.P.B. Funeral was Thursday, Aug. 16 at 9:30 a.m. at the Zak Funeral Home. Funeral Mass at 10 a.m. at St. Vitus Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. ------o------ Think with the memory of experience past. Then, do to make tomorrow’s thoughts. (Continued from Page 5) THE HOLY LAND TOUR Baraga edition Dear Readers On August 31 the Ameriška Domovina will mint a special edition dedicated to Bishop Frederick Baraga. , The paper will he printed in conjunction with the National Baraga Weekend which will he held in Cleveland the weekend of September 1 and 2. Newspapers will be distributed free to the thousands of pilgrims coming to the city for the big events. Cur regular subscribers will also each receive a free copy as part of the Friday’s edition. The Cleveland Chapter of the Bishop Baraga for Sainthood Committee has asked us to help them raise funds which will be used to further the Baraga cause. In compliance with their wishes, profits made from our special edition will be split; half going to the American Home, half going to the Baraga cause. We are therefore asking everyone to purchase an advertisement in our Bishop Baraga edition. We thank you for your generosity, and hope and pray that someday Bishop Baraga will be included in the ranks of those who are recognized saints in the Catholic Church. Deadline for receipt of ads is August 22, 1970. Yours truly, James V. Debevec Publisher (cut here and return) Please place a $10 $20, $30 ad in the Bishop Baraga edition of American Home, (circle one) NAME ........................................... ADDRESS .......... ADDRESS ........................................•’ Mail to: American Home Newspaper 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 By JOE GORNICK (Continuation) After breakfast, leaving Jerusalem, we enjoyed another scenic, relaxing ride. We saw farming, an abundance of Olive trees and passed a refugee camp. Up we went along winding roads, and through Christian villages. From Hebron to Shiloh women wear embroidered dresses, and up north, plain garments. Here the women do all the work, while the men relax, the way of life in this section. Leaving Judea, and entering Samaria, we traveled along hills, plains and valleys. We stopped at Lebona Exchange, and had another pan-' oramic view of the lower valley. We continued along zig-zag roads, passing the place where Judas Iscariot lived. Sichen, now called Nablus has 80% Moslems. Another highlight in this tour was the site of Jacob’s Well, where Jesus sat and talked to the Samaritan woman who gave him water to drink. Construction of a Russian Orthodox Church began over the well in 1910. The Communists halted building when they took over. In Russia it remains unfinished, with only the sidewalls standing. We drank water from the well, according to tradition good for the stomach. Lively tunes were played in the courtyard by Frank Novak. The temperature for the last two days was close to 100 in this dry climate with little humility. We continued on in the ancient city of Moslems, and viewed another settlement being built on the west bank. We passed the old Roman Road, where Jesus and Mary walked to Nazareth. Jenin (garden) Jezreel is cultivated 10 times a year. Along the Armageddon Valley there is rich, fertile soil and productive farmland due, in part, to irrigation and tractors. In the distance we could see Mt. Tabor, where the transfiguration of Christ took place. In Nain, an old village with no Christians, grows an abundance of almonds, oranges and vegetables. In the distance lay the Golan Hts., under Syria until 1967, when Israel took occu-uation. In Kinneret is a Jewish section with homes of cement construction and irrigation from the Jordan River. We had our first glimpse of the Sea of Galilee. 680 ft below sea level, and crossed the Jordan River. We passed a cemetery with a light on each tombstone — these are lit on special occasions. After lunch, we enjoyed a 45 minute ride in a boat on the Sea of Galilee,, with music by Frank Novak and dancing in the rear deck. After the Lord was baptized in the Jordan River, he came to Galilee, where he chose 11 disciples. The Lord spent 3 years in his public ministry here. We attended Mass in the Church of The Beatitudes, located in the outskirts of Capernaum, concelebrated by Msgr. Baznik, Fathers Joseph Courtney, Houston, Texas; A1 Fournier, Winnipeg, Canada; and Father Jon Hemroo, Oblate, San Antonio, Texas. The inscription on a wall near the entrance of the church is the following: Pope Paul 6th. On the Vigil of the Epiphany in 1964, prayed in this church and read to the people the Beatitudes from the Gospel of St. Matthew which were first proclaimed here. On our next stop we visited the Church of The Multiplication. This Byzantine Church of the 4th Century is being Renovated. The mosaic floor of that period is still intact. It was here that Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish. We then proceeded to our Hotel Kinnereth in Tiberias, and enjoyed a delicious dinner. A social followed with dancing on the patio to lively polkas and waltzes by Frank Novak. After breafast, traveling northwest, in the Valley of Megiddo, there were cotton fields in view, also the northern Sea of Galilee, and the United Nations area. Next we continued along the Kinneret Valley, a beautiful area, containing rich and fertile farmland. We passed remnants of a WW II British Camp. Next we saw another highlight on this tour, the Church of the Marriage Feast. The church was built in 1880 in the village of Lana, on the ruins of the original church of the time of Jesus. It is now manned by Franciscans. It was here that Jesus changed water into wine, his first miracle. A Mass was celebrated by Msgr. Baznik. Slovenian songs were sung after Mass with music by Frank Novak. (To be continued) --------o------ Tivoli soiling ilD Tivoli Enterprises, 6417 St. Clair Ave. will be selling the daily Ameriška Domovina for 20 cents a copy. -----o------- All things do not end for the best. But you can try your best . . . New Subscribers Mrs. John Skorich, Euclid-Ohio — Friday (gift from Mildred Stražišar) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolf, Richmond Hts., O.—Friday Franc Veber, Cleveland, O. -— Daily Mary Golobic, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Friday Anton Matic, Euclid, Ohio — Friday Mrs. Edward Kalish, May-field Hts., O. — Friday Marge Kondrich, East Cleveland, Ohio — Friday (gift from Lud and Albina Savel) Hermine Strainer, Euclid, Ohio — Friday Anamarija Rubinic, Philadelphia, Pa. — Friday Lavona Avitt, Euclid, O. — Friday David F. Kosak, Gretna, La. — Daily Anna Bogolin, Sharon, Pa. — Daily Darko Simcic, Cleveland, Ohio — Daily Stanley Babic, Alpha, New Jersey — Daily Silvija S. Hojnacki, Big Bend, Wis. — Daily Mary Kalin, Euclid, Ohio— Daily Felix Logozar, Whitby, Ont., Canada — Daily Ivanka Fik, No. Royalton, Ohio — Daily Lojze Tratnik, Mississiauga, Ont., Canada — Daily Milena Maksimovič, Lyons, Illinois — Daily Mrs. J. Kromar, Cleveland, Ohio — Friday ------o---— So. Florida Slovenes Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. — Having had a meeting in August, a nice attendance was the result. But many were absent due to vacations. Anpe Frank Pefhay in Yugoslavia, Josie Levstik enjoying the relatives and healthwise Sophie, Greg and Jo Frank have really been living it up. Henry Anne Macley, Tončka Simčič up north, and Molly Bogus in California visiting her lovely family. Frank Kmett Sr. had a birthday song sung for him. On Sept. 2nd our next meeting will take place. Pot Luck dinner, having donations of members. Yes, I have to remind everyone of a dinner dance Oct. 20. Dinner consists of chicken, sausage, cabbage rolls with sauerkraut, potica, strudel, flancate, good goodies. V/e have tickets at $7.50 per person. They can be bought from Victor Chase, 2220 N. E. 35 St. Lighthouse Pt., Fla. There will be attendance gifts, too. The dinner dance will be at Paul the Apostle Church, Education' Bldg. N.E. 27th Ave. and 36th Lighthouse point., Sat., Oct. 20. Come one, come all. There are only 225 tickets to be sold so hurry. Music by Bill Za-torsky Orchestra. A grand time promised to all. We still have sick members, Mary Nagode, Henry Nagode, Paul Bartel, Frank Kosmač, Alice Koprivec, Molly Kmett in hospital. So please remember them and send cards. And a speedy recovery to all ailing. Best regards to all. Christine Kebe ------o------ Ags Itao coiftriiitars names to appear in HI The Ameriška Domovina will be carrying the names oi contributors to the Slovene Home for the Aged regularly. But the names will be appearing in the Monday and Bells of Si Marys SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Aug. 19 — FEAST DAY FESTIVAL Aug. 29 — ANNUAL EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION. Father Athanasius will talk. Aug. 29 - 30 - 31 — TRI-DIUM OF PRAYERS 2nd Mass in preparation for Baraga Days. Father Athanasius will conduct. All those interested in the Cause of Bishop Frederick Baraga are most cordially invited. Sept. 1 and 2 — BARAGA DAYS IN CLEVELAND. -----o----- Slovenian Movie “Spring Wind” (love story) at Lake Theatre Sat., Hug 2§, at 3:09 A Slovenian Motion Picture “Pomladni Cvet” (Spring Wind” will be shown at the Lake Theatre next Saturday afternoon, Aug. 25, at 3 p.m. It is a love story and in color, with English sub-titles. • The Lake Theatre is at 226 and Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio. Admission is $3:00 for a-dults, teens (12-17) $2.00, children (under 12) FREE, and Senior Citizens, $1.50. Mario Kavcic is in charge of the presentation. -----o----- Wednesday issues of the paper as there is not room on Fridays. (If you want to see the names in print, you can purchase a daily subscription to the American Home for only $28.00 a year.) Accommodations for Cleveland Baraga weekend in Sept. Howard Johnson’s Lakefr011*' Motor Lodge, 5700 SoH1’ Marginal Rd., Cleveland, 44103 phone (216) 432-22N will be the official motel f°r the National Bishop Bara£a Weekend to be held in Clevt’ land, Ohio Labor Day weW end, Sept. 1 and 2. There will be SPEClA^ RATES for those attending the Baraga Pilgrimage weev end here. The hotel is under new ^ nagement and has been neV' ly redecorated. ^ For reservations, write ^ phone directly to HoWa r Johnson’s. BE SURE TO SAjj YOU WANT THE SPECIAL BARAGA WEEKEND RateS---------------o------- Gel tickets new fo*' Baraga Day Dinner The Cleveland Baraga Ray Dinner will be held Sunday September 2, at 11:30 a.m-the Slovenian National iic r' 6417 St. Clair Ave. Donation is $6.00 per N soh‘ be A delicious dinner wih ^ prepared by a Volunf6® Staff, consisting of c’u*fl Zalar and her well kn°'v crew. r For tickets contact Eat ^ Vic Tome at St. MaO Church — 761-7740. .tc Out-of-towners please vVll^3 or call for tickets as soon ^ possible, since tickets will available on a first come lirj served basis: Father Vic Tome 15519 Holmes AV*?- Cleveland, OH 4* COLUNWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME AU&UST 26, 1979 12:% nosn iass followed by PARADE, DINNER, PROGRAM Music by Ed Slampfl