it,sly n; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 23/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 3. 6. 2018 Sveto Rešnje Telo in Kri The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Praznik sv. Rešnjega telesa in krvi V ne tako davni preteklosti je bil praznik sv. Rešnjega telesa in krvi obdan z velikim sijajem. Vse cerkve so bile bogato okrašene. Dolge procesije vernikov so se pojoč vile med cvetočimi polji. Danes tega ne vidimo več povsod. Naj nam božja beseda danes pomaga razložiti to veliko skrivnost. Danes nam Jezus v božji besedi govori o kruhu, ki se spremeni v njegovo telo. Apostol Pavel pa govori o Cerkvi, ki je prav tako Kristusovo telo. Kakšno je razmerje med obojim? Kakšen odnos je med nami, ki smo Cerkev, in evharistijo, ki jo obhajamo? Sv. Avguštin daje na to naslednji odgovor: »Odkar ste postali Kristusovo telo in njegovi udje, se na Gospodovem oltarju obhaja skrivnost vas samih. Vašo skrivnost prejemate in z besedoAmen! pritrjujete temu, kar ste. Ko tako odgovarjate, sprejemate to skrivnost. Rečeno vam je: Kristusovo telo! in na to odgovorite: Amen! Bodi ud Kristusovega telesa, da bo tako tvoj Amen ustrezal resnici« (Ser. 272; PL 38, 1246), Na oltarju sta torej navzoči resnično Kristusovo telo kot tudi njegovo skrivnostno telo, ki je Cerkev. Hkratna navzočnost Kristusovega telesa ali Cerkve na oltarju se še posebej lepo izraža pri darovanju, pri posvečenju in pri obhajilu. Pri darovanju Kristusovo skrivnostno telo postane navzoče, ko se po zgledu Kristusa, svoje Glave, daruje Očetu. Kruh, ki se daruje, je »sad zemlje in dela človeških rok«. V darovanju postavlja Cerkev pred Boga celotno človeško bivanje v vsej njegovi konkretnosti, kakor ga je od učlovečenja dalje živel tudi Jezus Kristus, ki je njena Glava. Ko duhovnik vlije nekaj kapljic vode v kelih, moli: »Po skrivnosti te vode in vina naj bomo deležni božje narave Kristusa, ki je postal deležen naše človeške narave.« V polnosti dojeti vrednost darovanja pri sv. maši pomeni spoznati to bogastvo vsebin, se jih zavedeti in jih prevajati v življenje. To se zgodi, če tudi sami osebno pridružimo Gospodovemu kelihu naše »kaplje vode«, to pomeni naše napore, preizkušnje, veselje, načrte in upe. Bled Planica Social Club Cordially invites you all to FATHER'S DAY PICNIC June 10, 2018 Mass 1:00 p.m. FEATURING FROM SLOVENIA MLADI KORENJAKI 274 | VESTNIK 2018 V soboto, 2. junija je bil zadnji dan Slovenske šole v šolskem letu 2017-18. Ob devetih zjutraj smo se z učiteljicama, Lorie in Matejo, nekaterimi otroci in starši, zbrali pri daritvi svete maše, potem pa so vsi odhiteli k »Flying Squirrel«, kjer so vzeli paket »The Bounce Party« - dobri dve uri in pol skakanja ... pa še pizza, od 10:30 do 1:00 popoldne, ko so jih starši prišli iskat. Soboto, 26. maj, so tisti, ki so se prijavili za kuharski tečaj imeli nepozaben dan, saj so se naučili kako pravilno zameisti KROFE in jih speči tako lepo in dobro, da so vsi imeli lep bel »krancelj«. Tečaj je vodila Jožica Vegelj ob pomoči Sonye Podrabarac in Elke Peršin. Lepa skupina se je zbrala in na kocu so bile vse vesele, saj so šle domov z dobrimi zlatorumenimi krofi. VESTNIK 2018 | 275 prvo sv. obhajilo in sv. birma V nedeljo, 28. maja 2018, je bilo v naši župniji zopet slovesno. Osem prvoobhajancev je prejelo sv. obhajilo in osem birmancev je prejelo zakrament sv. birme po rokah hamiltonskega škofa v pokoju, Anthonyja F. Tonnosa. Praznovanje smo začeli pri kipu Marije Pomočnice. Tam so prvoobhajanci položili pred Marijo sveče in rože, vsi pa smo se posvetili Mariji s posvetilno molitvijo, potem pa se v procesiji podali v župnijsko cerkev, kjer smo nadaljevali s sveto mašo. Sodelovala sta tako mešani pevski zbor, kakor tudi angleški zbor. Na začetku maše je Clark Novak, v imenu župnijskega sveta, pozdravil škofa. Prvo berilo je v angleščini prebrala Rosemary Balažic, drugo v slovenščini pa Andreja Jamnik. Po evangeliju je župnik najprej predstavil birmance, potem pa je škof nagovoril tako prvoobhajance kot tudi birmance. Po uvodni molitvi in pesmi angleškega zbora so birmanci s svojimi botri stopili pred škofa, da jih je mazilil s krizmo. Nekateri so si izbrali birmanska imena, drugi so bili birmani z krstnimi imeni. Birmanci so nato prebrali prošnje, družina Davis pa je prinesla darove. Srednji del maše je pel angleški zbor. K svetemu obhajilu so najprej pristopili prvoobhajanci z družino, potem pa birmanci in ostali. Prvoobhajanci so pripravili lepe zahvale za po obhajilu, pa jih zaradi župnikove »pozabljivosti« niso naglas povedali - so pa ostale v njihovih srcih. Na koncu maše se je birmanka Anna Marie Horvat zahvalila škofu, župniku in učiteljicama Lorie in Mateji, ki sta pomagale pri prapravi prvoobhajancev in birmancev. Po zaključni pesmi, Marija skoz življenje, smo še ovekovečili dogodek s kamerami. - Iskrena zahvala vsem, ki ste sodelovali pri pripravi dogodka: pevcem, čistilkam cerkve, Olgi Glavač, ki je zelo lepo okrasila cerkev in pripravila oltarček pri Mariji; Mateji in Lorie, hvala za vse priprave; obema zboroma, Carlu in Ivanu za igranje. Hvala vsem, ki ste se tako ali drugače pripomogli, da je bil to res lep dogodek za župnijo. 276 | VESTNIK 2018 VESTNIK 2018 | 277 Serra Clubi iz okrožja Halton že 35 leto organizirajo podelitev škofovih priznanj zaslužnim ministrantom (redni ministrantje morajo biti vsaj tri do 4 leta). Letos sta priznanje dobila tudi naša dva ministranta, Jan in Victoria JANIAK. Med sveto mašo je škof poudaril pomen ministrantske službe, blagoslovil je medalje in ob koncu maše so vsi ministranti - 141 iz naše škofije - dobili medalje in priznanja in se rokovali s škofom. Po maši pa so bili vsi povabljeni na pizzo in slikanje s škofom. 278 | VESTNIK 2018 VESTNIK 2018 | 279 f Corpus Christi N. j Response: I will lift up the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord. First Reading Deuteronomy 4:32-34. 39-40 Moses exhorts the people to remain faithful to the one true God, so that they may prosper and have a rich life. First Reading Exodus 24:3-8 Worship is a matter of obedience, because only God can reveal God. Second Reading Hebrews 9:11-15 In Christ death, which was the end, becomes the way to eternal life. Gospel Mark 14:12-16. 22-26 Old wine for new wine. Old lives for new lives. That is the kingdom. "Make the preparations for us there." Illustration A book by a Dutch Dominican theologian confronts a question often posed to Christians by those who do not believe in life after death. They ask us if we do not see that believing in a life after death makes this life seem trivial. The Dominican gives an answer based on a story about two boys who are playing with footballs. One is told that if he loses his ball, he will never receive another one. The other boy is told that if he loses his ball, he will be given another one in its place. The question he asks is, which boy will make best use of his ball? Wouldn't the boy who thinks this is the last football he will ever see be afraid to do anything with his ball, other 280 | VESTNIK 2018 than hug it to himself? The other boy will kick his ball high into the air, bounce it against any amount of walls and in general will go wild. It is a good analogy but, in the Eucharist, Jesus goes further than that. The Eucharist is the transformation of our bodily life. It is a pledge that we will not just get our old bodies back, but will receive them in the resurrection as a transfigured body, a body transfigured in Christ. The Eucharist here on earth is not just a sign of this; it is the presence of the new heaven and new earth. Gospel Teaching A common complaint against the Catholic doctrine of the Eucharist is that we believe that Christ can be present in every tabernacle throughout the world. How can he be in so many places? We could reply that God is everywhere, but God is present to all things as the creator. God is not in everywhere but God is present to everywhere, by causing it to be. In the Eucharist, Jesus is present in his humanity. Yet many Christians believe that when they pray to Our Lord, they are heard by a human ear; that our prayers enter into his human heart; and that his compassion is both human and divine. If we believe that, then we are already committed to a Christ who is extended in time and space, able to be present to all the human beings who call on him. How this can be is beyond our understanding while we live on earth. Yet how we are to make use of this great mystery is very simple. St John Vianney, that great nineteenth-century priest and pastor also known as the Curé d'Ars, used to simply say over and over again, "He is there; he is there." That is all we need to know. In the Gospel, at the Last Supper Jesus says he will not drink from the branch of the vine until the day comes when he will drink it new in the kingdom of God. This may not be quite the translation that we hear in the Mass, but it is important to understand that Christ does not just drink new wine in the kingdom, he makes the new wine that he drinks with us because when we share in the body and blood of Christ we are receiving something altogether new. The resurrection has transformed the body of Christ into a new wine, for all to share. Application We too, if we live in Christ, share in this extension of the self. This is not so strange as it might sound. We may pray for people all over the world, we may pray for the dead, and pray for those who are yet to be born in this world. Our prayer is more than just an extension of our goodwill. Prayer is sharing in the power of the risen Christ. If it is sincere prayer, then it will bring us beyond ourselves and lead us to be healers with him. In heaven, through Christ, all the redeemed will be in a continual presence to each other and to all creation. We cannot understand how this is to be, but in our prayer before Christ in the Eucharist, we can already begin to perceive the reality of this. Jesus departs from this life through his death on the cross, but he assures us, in the concluding words of Matthew's Gospel, that "I am with you always; yes, to the end of time." 22nd ANNUAL SLOVENSKI PARK GJLF TOURNAMENT Saturday, June 9th, 2018 Cambridge Golf Club With banquet to follow at Slovenski Park, Puslinch Shotgun Si FOR REGISTRATION PLEASE CONTACT: Don Demsar - or (905) 330-3460 II ' \ Tickets are limited. Please confirm your s^bt ps soon as possible to avoid disappointment. $125.00 PER PERSON Includes: Golf, Cart Rental, Sandwich, Hotdog or ! at the turn. Dinner, Prizes & Starter's Pack $15.00 Dinner Only dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 p.m. fob. 1346 Clyde Rd„ Cambridge, ON. N1R 5S7 1 5 minutes from Slovenski Park DONATION OFj UZESWOUL CONTACT DA be GREATLY APPRECIATED I DEMSAR golf TOlj RE6ISTR/ NAMES: (FOURSOME OR Il^blflDlfU./ l._ 2._ LAMENT EON FORM DINNER ONLY: _ (NUMBER) WE APPRECIATE VOUR SUPPORT AND PARTICIPATION! SLOVENSKI PARK ORGANIZING COMMITTEE VESTNIK 2018 | 281 Obvestila - Announcements pevske vaje V četrtek, 7. junija so po večerni maši pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor. Zbor bo pel pri maši na Slovenski dan, 23. junija ob 10:30 a.m. skupaj z angleškim zborom. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti ♦ 3. junij-nedelja: St. Gregory the Great - Mass at 10:00 a.m. & Procession of Corpus Christi ♦ 3. junij-nedelja: Triglav-Hall - Mass at 2:00 p.m. & Procession of Corpus Christi ♦ 9. junij-sobota: Slovenski Park - Golf Tournament 1:00 p.m. and Dinner ♦ 10. junij-nedelja: Bled Planica Social Club 13 - Mass at 1:00 p.m. - Father's Day -Ansambel Mladi korenjaki ♦ 10. junij-nedelja: ob 1:30 p.m. je v KATEDRALI-BAZILIKI maša za vse pare, ki obhajajo obletnice porok - mašo vodi škof Douglas Crosby ♦ 23. junij-sobota: St. Gregory the Great -SLOVENSKI DAN. Mass at 10:30 a.m., Lunch, Cultural program at 2:00 p.m. ♦ 29. junij - 2. julij: Slovenski Park - Long Weekend events: Saturday Sporting Events, DJ Joe; Sunday: Mass at 1:00 p.m., Picnic ♦ 8. julij-nedelja: Lipa Park - Summerfest Picnic - Ansambel Hervol from Slovenia ♦ 21. julij-sobota: Slovenski Park - Pečenka-fest, Band gift bearers - darove prinašajo ♦ 3. junij 10:00 a.m.: Eva Erzetič in Jožica Vegelj ♦ 10. junij 9:30 a.m.: Glavač Family ♦ 17. junij 9:30 a.m.: Gizela Hauzar in Emilija Mertuk cwl-kžz - mesečno srečanje CWL reminder: Our next general meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 6th immediately following 7:00 p.m. Mass. All ladies are welcome. masses at the cemeteries_ Saturday, June 9, 11:00 a.m., Our Lady of the Angels (Stoney Creek); Saturday, June 16, 11:00 a.m., Gate of Heaven (Burlington) pokojni_ V Avstraliji je umrl Stanko Malevič, brat našega farana Martina. Pokojni je bil star 86 let. Za pokoj njegove duše bomo v ponedeljek ZVEČER ob 7:00 darovali sveto mašo. Iskreno sožalje Martinu in družini, pokojnemu Stanku pa večni mir in pokoj. baptism - krst_ V soboto, 2. junija 2018 je zakrament sv. krsta prejel DAVID GAŠPAR, sin očeta Andreja in matere Danijele, rojene Vuksan. Iskrene čestitke staršema. Naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov in varstvo nebeške Matere Marije. 282 | VESTNIK 2018 His Excellency Bishop Crosby recently announced a planning study, which is now under way, to help the Diocese evaluate the merits of a Diocesan capital campaign. This campaign will involve each of our Parishes. The proposed goals focus centrally on Parish life, but will also help enhance several Diocesan ministries important to parishioners. The Diocese wants to hear from as many parishioners as possible as they evaluate their proposed campaign plan. Your feedback will be critical to the success of this effort. Further details of the proposed goals of the campaign and opportunities for you to give feedback will be shared in the coming weeks. slovenski dan 2018 pri Sv. Gregoriju Velikem Our 29th annual Slovenski Dan celebration will be taking place right here at our Parish on Saturday, June 23rd. Ansambel HERVOL Our day will start with Mass at 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch at 12:00 p.m., a short program beginning at 2:00 p.m., children's activities at 4:00 p.m. and dinner available at 5:00 p.m. Throughout the day and into the evening, we will have the pleasure of listening and dancing to the music of Ansambel Hervol from Slovenija. Slovenski Dan boasts to be a great day again this year. However, in order to ensure the day runs smoothly, we are in need of many volunteers to help out. We have created shorter shifts so that everyone will still have an opportunity to enjoy the festivities. Please sign the volunteer list at the back of the church or call Heidy Novak at 905-3176002 (email: with a time and task you would be interested in helping with. We look forward to seeing everyone on Slovenski Dan - Saturday, June 23rd! -t, svete maše - mass times: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - krsti / baptisms: For an appointment, call one month before. poroke / marriage: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are don bosco welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNIK 2018 | 283 od 3. 6. 2018 do 10. 6. 2018 svete maše - masses Sv. Rešnje Telo in Kri Corpus Christi 3. Junij Karel Lwanga, mučenec Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 a.m. tt Pavel in Paul Richard Novak f Anna Hochevar t Ed Kodarin ff Za pokojne člane društva Triglav 2:00 p.m. Maša in procesija! Jožica Novak z družino Peter in Francesca Kure Družina Truden Maša pri društvu Triglav Ponedeljek - Monday 4. Junij Frančišek Caracciolo Po namenu (7/22) V dober namen t Stanko Malevič 7:00 p.m. Ana Tadic N.N. Brat Martin z družino Torek - Tuesday 5. Junij Bonifacij, škof t Anton Vengar t Matilda Vengar tt Angela in Franc Urh 7:00 p.m. Rose Marie in Tony Vengar Rose Marie in Tony Vengar Rose Marie in Tony Vengar Sreda - Wednesday 6. Junij Norbert, škof t Matija Vlašič t Srečko Rev, obl. Po namenu CWL t Vid Kastelic 7:00 p.m. Žena in otroci Žena in otroci CWL - KŽZ Žena Milka z družino Četrtek - Thursday t Mio Peršin 7:00 p.m. Terezija Pučko 7. Junij t Ana Jurkaš Terezija Pučko Robert, opat t Karl Volčanšek Hči z družino Petek - Friday 8. Junij SRCE JEZUSOVO t Stane Konda 7:00 p.m. Stanko in Elizabeth Petek Po namenu (8/22) Ana Tadic 8:00 a.m. Mikla Kastelic z družino 5:30 p.m. Družina Žižek Družina Žižek Žena Dorothea Ježovnik Žena z družino Sonya z družino Martin in Regina Nedelko Martin in Regina Nedelko Sobota Saturday 9. Junij Srce Marijino Primož in Felicijan, mučenca V čast Materi Božji f Vlado Škrban f Jože Hanc f Branko Ježovnik f Slavko Štern f Slavko Štern ff Jožef in Elizabeth Nedelko ff Venci in Marija Ferenčak 10. Nedelja med letom 10. Junij Bogumil, škof Za žive in rajne župljane ff Frank, Pavel in Paul Novak t Ed Kodarin f Pavel Novak, obl. ff Za pokojne člane društva Bled f Ed Kodarin f Štefan Gonza f Frank Gimpelj 9:30 a.m. Romana Novak z družino 11:00 a.m. Kathy in Joe Prša Helena Špiler z družino 1:00 p.m. Maša pri društvu Bled Žena z družino Sandy z družino Brat Jože Gimpelj z družino 284 | VESTNIK 2018