Systems and Their Potential for Geographical Thought. - Trans. Instr. Br. Geogr. N.S., 12, 57-72 Culling, W. E. H., 1991: A new view of the landscape. - Trans. Instr. Br. Geogr.N.S., 13, 345-360 Dauphinč, A., 1991: De l’ordre au chaos. - L’Espace Gčographique, 4, 289-301 Dollfus, O., 1991: Chaos bornes et monde actuel. - L’Espace Gčo-graphique, 4, 302-308 Durand-Dastčs, F., 1991: La notion de chaos et la gčographie, quelques reflexions. - L’Espace Gčographique, 4, 311-314 Frankhauscr, P., 1991: Aspects fractals des structures urbaines. - L’Espace Gdographique, 1, 45-69 Glcick, J., 1991: Kaos. - Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana Klaus, D., 1991: Vom Sein zum Werden. Räumliche Systeme mit chaotischer Dynamik. - Geographische Rundschau, 2, 110-116 Pumain, D., 1991: Humeur de chaos. - L’Espacc Geographique, 4, 309-310 CHAOS AND GEOGRAPHY Summary The new principles put forward in the study of complex dynamic systems are known as the theory of chaos. Linear theory is too poor in its properties to support the manifold complexity of the real world. Irregularities in the landscape may also be the outcome of non-linearities. The theory of chaos offers an useful tool for geographic researches however its entire importance is not evaluated yet. Some cases of geographical researches, using fractal aspects for instance, are impressive.