E. MALEKI, A. ZABIHOLLAH: MODELING OF SHOT-PEENING EFFECTS ON THE SURFACE PROPERTIES ... 851–860 MODELING OF SHOT-PEENING EFFECTS ON THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OF A (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V COMPOSITE EMPLOYING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS MODELIRANJE VPLIVA HLADNEGA POVR[INSKEGA KOVANJA NA LASTNOSTI POVR[INE (TiB + TiC)/Ti-6Al-4V KOMPOZITA S POMO^JO UMETNIH NEVRONSKIH MRE@ Erfan Maleki, Abolghassem Zabihollah Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kish Island, 7941776655, Iran maleki_erfan@kish.sharif.edu, maleky.erfan@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-06-29; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-11-13 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.140 Titanium matrix composites (TMCs) have wide application prospects in the field of aerospace, automobile and other industries because of their good properties, such as high specific strength, good ductility, and excellent fatigue properties. However, in order to improve their fatigue strength and life, crack initiation and growth at the surface layers must be suppressed using surface treatments. Shot peening (SP) is an effective surface mechanical treatment method widely used in industry which can improve the mechanical properties of a surface. However, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been used as an efficient approach to predict and optimize the science and engineering problems. In the present study the effects of SP on TMC were modeled by means of ANN and the capability of the ANN in predicting the output parameters is investigated. A back-pro- pagation (BP) error algorithm is developed for the network training. Data of experimental tests on the (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V composite are employed in order to train the network. The volume fractions of the reinforcements (TiB + TiC) were 5 % and 8 %. ANN testing is accomplished using different experimental data thaat were not used during the network training. The distance from the surface (depth) and SP intensity are regarded as input parameters and residual stress and hardness of the Ti–6Al–4V before and after the SP and adding reinforcements are gathered as the output parameters of the network. A comparison was made between experimental and predicted data. The predicted results were in good agreement with experi- mental ones, which indicates that developed neural network can be used for modeling the SP process on TMCs. Keywords: titanium matrix composites, surface treatment, shot peening, artificial neural networks, residual stress, hardness Kompoziti na osnovi titana (TMCs) imajo {iroko mo`nost uporabe na podro~ju letalstva, avtomobilske in druge industrije zaradi njihovih dobrih lastnosti, kot so: velika specifi~na trdnost, dobra duktilnost in odli~na odpornost na utrujanje. Vseeno pa je za pove~anje odpornosti na utrujanje in `ivljenjsko dobo, potrebna povr{inska obdelava, da se zavre nastanek razpok in njihova rast na povr{ini. Hladno povr{insko kovanje (SP) je u~inkovita mehanska metoda, ki se v industriji pogosto uporablja za izbolj{anje mehanskih lastnosti povr{ine. Umetne nevronske mre`e (ANNs) se uporabljajo kot u~inkovit pribli`ek za napovedovanje in optimiranje znanstvenih osnov in in`eniringa tega problema. V {tudiji so bili modelirani vplivi SP na TMC s pomo~jo ANN in preiskovana je bila zmo`nost napovedovanja izhodnih parametrov z ANN. Za usposabljanje mre`e je bil razvit algoritem vzvrat- nega {irjenja napak (BP). Podatki iz eksperimentalnih preizkusov na (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V kompozitu so uporabljeni za usposabljanje mre`e. Volumska dele`a delcev (TiB + TiC) za oja~anje sta bila 5 % in 8 %. ANN preizku{anje je bilo izvedeno z uporabo razli~nih eksperimentalnih podatkov, ki niso bili uporabljeni pri usposabljanju mre`e. Razdalja od povr{ine (globina) in intenziteta SP sta uporabljeni kot vhodna parametra, preostala, napetost in trdota Ti–6Al–4V, pred in po SP, in dodatku delcev za oja~anje, sta izbrana kot izhodna parametra mre`e. Izvedena je bila primerjava med eksperimentalnimi in predvidenimi podatki. Predvideni rezultati so se dobro ujemali z eksperimentalnimi, kar ka`e na to, da se razvito nevronsko mre`o lahko uporabi pri modeliranju SP postopka na TMC. Klju~ne besede: kompoziti na osnovi titana, obdelava povr{ine, hladno kovanje povr{ine, umetna nevronska mre`a, zaostale napetosti, trdota 1 INTRODUCTION Titanium matrix composites (TMCs) have attracted considerable interest due to their attractive properties over titanium alloys, such as high elastic modulus, high strength, superior creep and fatigue resistances at ambient and elevated temperatures.1–4 The fabrication of TMCs using in-situ technology is simple and does not result in the pollution of an interface.5,6 TMCs can be reinforced with continuous fibers, whiskers or particles.7 As is well known, the mechanical properties of the com- posites depend on matrix, reinforcement and reinforce- ment/matrix interface, which bonds the formers to- gether.8 Compared with continuous fibers, TMCs rein- forced with whiskers or particles exhibit more isotropic behaviors. The fabrication of these materials is more convenient and cost effective; therefore, they have drawn extensive attention recently.9 Titanium monoboride (TiB) whiskers and titanium carbide (TiC) particles offer high modulus, relative chemical stability, and high thermal stability, while maintaining similar density and thermal expansion coefficient to those of the titanium matrix, as well as clean interfaces without any unfavorable reaction between the precipitates and the titanium matrix.10–12 The Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 851–860 851 UDK 62-4:669.018.25:004.032.26 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(6)851(2016) reinforcements were obtained according to the high-tem- perature reactions as follows in Equations (1) and (2):13,14 5Ti+B4C = 4TiB+TiC (1) Ti+C = TiC (2) TMCs co-reinforced with TiB whiskers and TiC particles have been fabricated and investigated for their mechanical properties15–17 and have been extensively demonstrated to possess superior mechanical properties over the single TiB or TiC reinforced discontinuously reinforced titanium matrix composites (DRTMCs).18–21 As an effective and important surface-treatment method, shot peening (SP) can introduce high residual compressive stress (RCS) and microstructure variation at near surface layers, which can enhance their fatigue pro- perties compared to non-peened materials. The process of SP involves the bombardment of spherical balls of a hard material against the surface of components, which induces the strong elastic–plastic deformation at the sur- face and sub-surface regions. In the deformation layers, high RCS and microstructure refinements are introduced after SP. The residual stresses and hardness are very important properties of materials after the SP treatment. In the field of science and engineering, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are some of the most important research areas. ANN is a modeling tool to solve linear and nonlinear multivariate regression problems.22 Recently, ANN models were widely utilized to interpret and correlate the variable relationships in complex non- linear data sets. The present study proposes a new approach based on ANNs to investigate the effects of SP process on mechanical and metallurgical properties (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V composite. Residual stress and hard- ness were modeled by ANN. 20 data of experimental tests results from the total of 30, are used to train the networks, while in the networks testing 10 different experimental data which were not used during training are used. Since the experimental results did not include the training sets the performance of the ANN is eva- luated in a fine way. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The experimental data are obtained from Xie et al.23 The materials of (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V (TiB:TiC = 1:1 (vol.%)) were fabricated via in-situ technology. Two types of theoretical total volume fraction of reinforce- ments (TiB + TiC) were 5 % and 8 %. The SP treatment was performed using an air-blast machine. The related information of used SP process is demonstrated in Table 1. The Almen specimens are A type and the diameter of peening nozzle was 15 mm and the distance between nozzle and sample was 100 mm. In order to obtain the depth distribution of the residual stress and hardness, the thin top surface layers were removed one by one via the method of chemical etch with a solution of water, nitric acid, and hydrofluoric acid in the ratio 31:12:7. All the measurements were carried out at room temperature. The method of residual stress and hardness measurements are X ray stress analysis and digital microhardness test res- pectively.23 Table 1: Parameters of the SP process treatments23 Tabela 1: Parametri uporabljenega procesa SP23 SP intensity (mm A) Shot material Shot diameter (mm) Shot hardness (HV) Jet pressure (MPa) SP time (min) Cover- age (%) 0.15 Caststeel 0.6 610 0.2 0.50 100 0.30 Caststeel 0.6 610 0.3 0.50 100 The results indicate that the increased reinforcements and SP intensities enhance the surface roughness after SP. Both the compressive residual stresses and hardness increase with the increase of the SP intensity, which is mainly due to the plastic deformation and high disloca- tion density in the near surface layer. Moreover, the rein- forcement particles can act as the block sources during dislocation movements. After an appropriate SP treat- ment, the increased CRS and hardness are beneficial to industrial applications A table shows the obtained values of the experimental results on (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V for 30 different samples. The SP intensity for non- peened specimens has been shown by zero in Table 2. 3 ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Artificial intelligence (AI) systems such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) have found many applications in science and engineering problems in the past decade. The concept of an ANN has emerged with the idea that it E. MALEKI, A. ZABIHOLLAH: MODELING OF SHOT-PEENING EFFECTS ON THE SURFACE PROPERTIES ... 852 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 851–860 Figure 1: Schematic of neuron: a) a biological neuron, b) an artificial neuron Slika 1: Shematski prikaz nevrona: a) biolo{ki nevron, b) umetni ne- vron simulates the operating principles of a human brain. The first studies were made with mathematical modeling of biological neurons that make up the brain cells.24 Basi- cally, the brain functions with a very dense network of neurons. The brain contains a lot of neurons connected to each other by many interconnections. A neuron consists mainly of the following parts: dendrite, cell body and axon.25 Dendrite gets the signals from various other neurons to the neuron and carries them to the cell body for processing, after that an axon carries the signal from the cell body to various other neurons. Similarly, the neural units in the artificial neural network are developed as a very approximate model of the natural biological neurons.26 Figure 1 shows a natural biological neuron (Figure 1a) and an artificial neuron (Figure 1b) that is a computational and mathematical model of the biological neuron. A single neuron computes the sum of its inputs, which are multiplying with a variant called the weight, adds a bias term, and drives the result through a generally nonlinear transfer function to produce a single output termed the activation level of the neuron. An ANN model is created by interconnection of many of the neurons in a known configuration. The primary elements characterizing the neural network are the distributed representation of information, local operations and non-linear processing. Structurally, every ANN is made up of three sections: input, hidden and output layers.27 The structure of an ANN model is deter- mined by the number of its layers and the number of nodes in each layer and the nature of the transfer function.28,29 Selecting the optimum architecture of the network is one of the challenging steps in ANN mo- deling. The term “architecture” refers to the number of layers in the network and the number of neurons in each layer. However, there is no straightforward method to estimate the optimal number of hidden layers and neu- rons in each layer.30,31 Thus trial-and-error methods have been used by many researchers to determine such case- dependent parameters for studies involving ANN-based models.32 Figure 2 represents the architecture of the neural network. In this network, each input consists of r parameters and each output comprises s parameters, E. MALEKI, A. ZABIHOLLAH: MODELING OF SHOT-PEENING EFFECTS ON THE SURFACE PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 851–860 853 Table 2: Values of the SP process effects on residual stress and hardness of (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V Composite specimens23 Tabela 2: Vrednosti SP postopka, ki vplivajo na zaostale napetosti in trdoto (TiB + TiC) / Ti-6Al-4V kompozitnih vzorcev23 Sample No. Depth SP intensity(mm A) Residual Stress (MPa) Hardness (HV) matrix 5 % (TIB+TIC) 8 % (TIB+TIC) matrix 5 % (TIB+TIC) 8 % (TIB+TIC) 1 0 0.00 10.42 18.04 17.93 334.72 380.37 417.57 2 0 0.30 -522.83 -524.25 -575.51 524.87 560.38 637.31 3 0 0.15 -375.97 -434.55 -481.94 484.31 512.07 584.43 4 15 0.00 25.11 5.022 6.84 328.67 393.61 436.62 5 15 0.30 -613.76 -648.62 -657.79 436.11 512.19 628.86 6 15 0.15 -417.53 -499.54 -539.63 418.45 492.85 523.28 7 25 0.00 -9.57 -20.26 -12.97 325.48 381.28 420.16 8 25 0.30 -608.67 -650.57 -672.54 414.97 468.23 557.85 9 25 0.15 -408.92 -465.67 -574.80 387.62 451.56 507.09 10 50 0.00 14.35 -29.48 -9.19 315.39 403.32 411.77 11 50 0.30 -581.27 -608.46 -626.77 378.62 455.55 530.79 12 50 0.15 -397.63 -419.90 -545.84 372.53 431.43 475.18 13 75 0.00 14.48 14.02 -12.72 338.28 381.40 423.67 14 75 0.30 -564.84 -570.02 -586.49 385.38 438.64 538.40 15 75 0.15 -354.00 -386.95 -516.88 358.29 420.55 446.63 16 100 0.00 -12.84 -17.01 -14.41 340.03 396.67 414.43 17 100 0.30 -557.53 -524.25 -515.10 368.47 433.57 509.66 18 100 0.15 -324.71 -337.52 -264.28 349.94 411.35 459.31 19 150 0.00 -5.26 -11.81 -8.67 330.01 375.66 409.48 20 150 0.30 -422.37 -335.69 -299.08 350.72 388.76 438.64 21 150 0.15 -302.74 -249.65 -120.90 340.80 386.23 435.87 22 200 0.00 16.96 -13.89 -4.75 319.14 386.77 429.04 23 200 0.30 -323.74 -220.36 -101.37 354.10 402.29 434.42 24 200 0.15 -236.84 -194.73 -61.16 344.29 382.99 424.21 25 250 0.00 28.21 14.93 17.41 337.86 375.06 424.09 26 250 0.30 -46.11 -20.82 -28.14 343.11 380.31 428.50 27 250 0.15 -31.80 -18.99 -15.97 336.83 378.90 410.87 28 300 0.00 -13.62 -23.50 21.33 344.74 369.26 414.91 29 300 0.30 -35.15 -18.99 -33.63 324.51 381.15 430.88 30 300 0.15 -18.99 -11.67 -16.23 326.86 376.50 419.41 while p, w, b, f and a represent the inputs, weight matrixes, bias vectors, transfer function in neurons, and outputs, respectively.33 Mathematically, a layer n may be described by Equations (3) and (4):34 u w ps n s n i r i= = ∑ 1 (3) a f v f u bs s n s n s n= = +( ) ( ) (4) where p1, p2, . . ., pr are the input signals, wk1, wk2, . . ., wns are the synaptic weights of neuron n, un is the linear combiner output due to input signals, bn is the bias, f is the transfer function and a1, a2, . . ., as are the output signals of the neuron. The tangent sigmoid (Tansig) (x), logarithmic sigmoid (Logsig) (x) and linear (x) transfer function are described as follows in Equations (5), (6) and (7):35 ( )x e x = + −− 2 1 12 (5) ( )x e x = + − 2 1 (6) ( ) ( )x linear x= (7) 3.1 Training of ANN The training of the ANN is performed by adjusting the connection weights. It is performed by iteratively adjusting the weights (w) of the connections and biases (b) in the network in order to minimize a predefined cost function.36 The ANNs are trained with a training set of input and known output data. An ANN is better trained as more input data are used. The performance of an ANN is generally based on the parameters’ architecture and the setting. As was mentioned, one of the most difficult tasks in studying ANNs is finding an appropriate architecture. This task is performed via trial and error and the number of middle layers and neuron presented in each layer is being identified. Appropriate designation of the initial amounts of weights and biases is very effective on the performance of network and the time of calculation. But there is not a reasonable law and process to identify a suitable architecture. The only step which is very time consuming is the trial and error. One can get an idea by looking at a problem and decide to start with simple networks; going on to complex ones until the solution is within acceptable limits of uncertainty. Furthermore, the point that must be considered in training of the network is the rate of input and output data scattering. In this study all values of each input and output data parameters are divided to maximum absolute value of them and normalized also the used data are dimensionless. The normalized data are in range of [–1, +1]. In the present study, a feed forward ANN based on back propagation (BP) error algorithm, which is the most popular one in training of ANNs is used. BP is a descent algorithm, which attempts to minimize the error during iterations. The weights of the network are adjusted by the algorithm such that the error is decreased along a descent direction. In the back-propagation learning, the actual outputs are compared with the target values to derive the error signals, which are propagated backward layer by layer for the updating of the synaptic weights in all the lower layers. E. MALEKI, A. ZABIHOLLAH: MODELING OF SHOT-PEENING EFFECTS ON THE SURFACE PROPERTIES ... 854 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 851–860 Figure 3: A Conceptual structure of network with four layers Slika 3: Konceptualna zgradba mre`e s {tirimi nivoji Figure 2: Architecture of neural network33 Slika 2: Zgradba nevronske mre`e33 3.2 Implementation of ANN In this paper the effects of the SP process on surface properties including of (TiB + TiC) / Ti–6Al–4V com- posite were modeled by means of an ANN. In implemen- tation of the ANN distance from the surface (depth) and SP intensity are regarded as inputs and the residual stress and hardness are gathered as outputs of the networks. Different networks with different architecture and net- work parameters were trained for the prediction of resi- dual stress and hardness. Figure 3, for an example, re- presents the schematic architecture of ANN for modeling of the mentioned output parameters: a four-layer feed forward with BP algorithm with full interconnection. This neural network model has a powerful input-output mapping capability. With the use of enough hidden neurons, it can effectively approximate any continuous nonlinear function. In the considered network, two inputs are logged into the input layer to determine the two outputs. In the ANN methodology, the sample data is often subdivided into training and testing sets. The distinctions among these subsets are crucial.37 Ripley defines the following: Training set: a set of examples used for learning that is to fit the parameters of the classifier. Testing set: a set of examples used only to assess the performance of a fully-specified classifier. 3.3 Performance evaluation of ANN The performance of the ANN models in predicting the shot-peening effects on residual stress and hardness of (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V composite were statistically evaluated using four prediction score metrics calculated from the test dataset: Pearson coefficient of correlation (PCC), root mean square error (RMSE), mean relative error (MRE) and mean absolute error (MAE). These parameters were determined using the following Equations (8), (9), (10) and (11): PCC f F f F f F EXP i EXP ANN i ANN i n EXP i EXP = − − − − = ∑ ( ) ( ) ( ) , , , 1 2 − − = ∑ ( ),f FANN i ANN i n 2 1 (8) RMSE f f n EXP i ANN i n = − = ∑ ( ), 2 1 (9) MRE n f f f EXP i ANN EXP ii n = − × = ∑1 1001 1 , , , (10) MRE n f fEXP i ANN i n = − = ∑1 1 1 , , (11) where n is the number of used sample for modeling, fEXP is the experimental value and fANN is the networks predicted value. Also, the values of FEXP and FANN are calculating as follows in Equations (12) and (13): F n fEXP EXP i i n = = ∑1 1 , (12) F n fANN ANN i i n = = ∑1 1 , (13) 3.4 Generating model function After the neural network is trained successfully with four layers, the values of the four parameters of the net- work (p, b, w and f) can be obtained. The function that correlates the inputs to the corresponding output can be calculated by applying the aforementioned parameters. Finally, the model function can determined in Equations (14) and (15): a1= f1(w1p+b1) (14a) a2= f2(w2p1+b2) (14b) a3= f3(w3p2+b3) (14c) a4= f4(w4p3+b4) (14d) G (g(1), g(2))= a4= = f4(w4f3 (w3 2(w2f1(w1p+b1)+ b2) +b3)+ b4) (15) where a1, a2 and a3 are the outputs of the first, second and third layer, respectively; a4 is the fourth layer out- put, which is equal to the function G (g(1), g(2)). The function G gets the values of the input parameters. The function of g(1)and g(2) represent the residual stress and hardness, respectively. The methodology used for neural network application in this study is as follows: 1. Start; 2. Normalize the data (inputs & outputs); 3. Feed the data to artificial neural network; 4. Find network optimum parameters; 5. Execute network training; 6. Obtain Pearson correlation coefficient; 7. If PCC = 0.99 go to 8, if not go back to 4 with re- vising the parameters of network; 8. Continue processing until obtaining desired conver- gence between experimental and predicted values; 9. Obtain weights & biases values; 10. Create the model function; 11. Conduct analysis based on model function; 12. Verify the results using experimental values; 13. Calculate the error for each answer; 14. End. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In order to train the ANNs in this study, the obtained experimental test results on shot peened (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V composite specimens are employed. Different networks were trained to achieve the optimum structure (OS) in order to generate a model function (MF). After the OS is selected and the MF is generated, operation of the network is tested with the use of them (OS & MF). Twenty sample data (data of samples 1-20) E. MALEKI, A. ZABIHOLLAH: MODELING OF SHOT-PEENING EFFECTS ON THE SURFACE PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 851–860 855 were used from the total of 30, as data sets for network training. Table 3 shows the normalized sample data used for networks training. In the network testing, 10 different sample data (data of samples 21–30) which were not used during training are employed. Therefore, the whole experimental results did not comprise in the training. For investigative purposes, out of 30 samples data, 67 % data had taken for training and 33 % data for testing. Several networks have been trained with different architecture to find the OS of ANNs, to predict the regarded outputs, with the best performance and the highest PCC, the least RMSE, MRE and MAE. Related information of some the different trained networks for modelling of matrix hardness are shown in Table 4. The ordinal numbers shown in the "Layer Structure" were used to indicate the total number of neurons in the input, hidden and output layers, respectively. Results of the networks were investi- gated and the ANN modelling number 11 with 2×8×16×2 structure is selected for modelling and simu- lation. Figures 4 and 5 show the obtained values of the ANN response in comparison with experimental values for each 20 training samples (samples 1–20) for residual stress and hardness, respectively, using the selected network. After the network was trained, the selected network is tested. Figures 6 and 7 have been demonstrated the predicted and experimental values of residual stress and hardness for 10 different testing samples (samples 21–30) respectively. E. MALEKI, A. ZABIHOLLAH: MODELING OF SHOT-PEENING EFFECTS ON THE SURFACE PROPERTIES ... 856 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 851–860 Table 3: Normalized sample data used for networks training Tabela 3: Normalizirani podatki vzorca, uporabljenega pri usposabljanju mre`e Sample No. Depth SP intensity Residual stress Hardness matrix 5 %(TIB+TIC) 8 % (TIB+TIC) matrix 5 % (TIB+TIC) 8 % (TIB+TIC) 1 0.0000 0.0 0.0170 0.0277 0.0267 0.6377 0.6788 0.6552 2 0.0000 1.0 -0.8518 -0.8058 -0.8557 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3 0.0000 0.5 -0.6126 -0.6680 -0.7166 0.9227 0.9138 0.9170 4 0.0500 0.0 0.0409 0.0077 0.0102 0.6262 0.7024 0.6851 5 0.0500 1.0 -1.0000 -0.9970 -0.9781 0.8309 0.9140 0.9867 6 0.0500 0.5 -0.6803 -0.7678 -0.8024 0.7972 0.8795 0.8211 7 0.0833 0.0 -0.0156 -0.0311 -0.0193 0.6201 0.6804 0.6593 8 0.0833 1.0 -0.9917 -1.0000 -1.0000 0.7906 0.8356 0.8753 9 0.0833 0.5 -0.6663 -0.7158 -0.8547 0.7385 0.8058 0.7957 10 0.1667 0.0 0.0234 -0.0453 -0.0137 0.6009 0.7197 0.6461 11 0.1667 1.0 -0.9471 -0.9353 -0.9319 0.7214 0.8129 0.8329 12 0.1667 0.5 -0.6479 -0.6454 -0.8116 0.7098 0.7699 0.7456 13 0.2500 0.0 0.0236 0.0216 -0.0189 0.6445 0.6806 0.6648 14 0.2500 1.0 -0.9203 -0.8762 -0.8721 0.7342 0.7828 0.8448 15 0.2500 0.5 -0.5768 -0.5948 -0.7685 0.6826 0.7505 0.7008 16 0.3333 0.0 -0.0209 -0.0261 -0.0214 0.6478 0.7079 0.6503 17 0.3333 1.0 -0.9084 -0.8058 -0.7659 0.702 0.7737 0.7997 18 0.3333 0.5 -0.5291 -0.5188 -0.3930 0.6667 0.7341 0.7207 19 0.5000 0.0 -0.0086 -0.0182 -0.0129 0.6287 0.6704 0.6425 20 0.5000 1.0 -0.6882 -0.5160 -0.4447 0.6682 0.6937 0.6883 Table 4: Relevant information of 12 different networks for modeling of matrix hardness Tabela 4: Pomembne informacije o 12 razli~nih mre`ah pri modeliranju trdote osnove ANN Modeling no. Rate of training Layers structure Hidden transfer function Output transfer function PCC RMSE MRE (%) MAE 1 0.090 2×2×4×2 Logsig Linear 0.97035 0.7677 0.1552 0.6680 2 0.095 2×2×6×2 Tansig Linear 0.97421 0.7018 0.1399 0.5742 3 0.110 2×2×8×2 Logsig Tansig 0.98460 0.6671 0.1007 0.5018 4 0.100 2×4×4×2 Tansig Linear 0.98662 0.4163 0.0938 0.4261 5 0.115 2×4×6×2 Logsig Linear 0.99003 0.2397 0.0875 0.3459 6 0.120 2×4×10×2 Logsig Linear 0.99150 0.2078 0.0617 0.2822 7 0.115 2×6×10×2 Tansig Tansig 0.99877 0.3400 0.0587 0.2401 8 0.130 2×6×12×2 Tansig Linear 0.99901 0.2229 0.0461 0.1886 9 0.145 2×6×16×2 Logsig Tansig 0.99936 0.1997 0.0384 0.1597 10 0.160 2×8×10×2 Logsig Logsig 0.99911 0.1609 0.0331 0.1529 11 0.165 2×8×16×2 Logsig Logsig 0.99979 0.0985 0.0194 0.0853 12 0.165 2×8×20×2 Tansig Linear 0.99963 0.1265 0.0247 0.1173 E. MALEKI, A. ZABIHOLLAH: MODELING OF SHOT-PEENING EFFECTS ON THE SURFACE PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 851–860 857 Figure 7: Comparison of predicted values (ANN response) with experimental values for each 20 testing samples (samples 21–30) for hardness: a) matrix, b) 5 % TIB+TIC and c) 8 % TIB+TIC Slika 7: Primerjava napovedanih vrednosti (odgovor ANN) z eksperimentalnimi vrednostmi za vsakega od 20 preizku{enih vzorcev (vzorci 21-30) za trdoto: a) osnova, b) 5 % TiB+TiC in c) 8 % TiB+TiC Figure 6: Comparison of predicted values (ANN response) with experimental values for each 20 testing samples (samples 21–30) for residual stress: a) matrix, b) 5 % TIB+TIC and c) 8 % TIB+TIC Slika 6: Primerjava napovedanih vrednosti (odgovor ANN) z eksperimentalnimi vrednostmi za vsakega od 20 preizku{enih vzorcev (vzorci 21-30) za zaostale napetosti: a) osnova, b) 5 % TiB+TiC in c) 8 % TiB+TiC Figure 5: Comparison of predicted values (ANN response) with experimental values for each 20 training samples (samples 1–20) for hardness: a) matrix, b) 5 % TiB+TiC and c) 8 % TiB+TiC Slika 5: Primerjava napovedanih vrednosti (odgovor ANN) z eksperimentalnimi vrednostmi za vsakega od 20 vzorcev usposabljanja (vzorci 1-20) za trdoto: a) osnova, b) 5 % TiB+TiC in c) 8 % TiB+TiC Figure 4: Comparison of predicted values (ANN response) with experimental values for each 20 training samples (samples 1–20) for residual stress: a) matrix, b) 5 % TiB+TiC and c) 8 % TiB+TiC Figure 4: Primerjava napovedanih vrednosti (odgovor ANN) z eksperimentalnimi vrednostmi za vsakega od 20 vzorcev usposabljanja (vzorci 1-20) za zaostale napetosti: a) osnova, b) 5 % TiB+TiC in c) 8 % TiB+TiC Figure 8 illustrates the obtained relative error (RE) values of the residual stress and hardness for the testing samples. In modeling of residual stress, according to the Figure 8a, the minimum and maximum (min., max.) determined relative errors for matrix, 5 % reinforcement and 8 % reinforcement are (0.000,0.2633), (0.0103, 0.1714) and (0.0099, 0.2616), respectively. Based on Figure 8b, similarly minimum and maximum calculated REs for matrix, 5 % reinforcement and 8 % reinforce- ment in modeling of hardness are (0.0015, 0.0587), (0.0026, 0.0870) and (0.0023, 0.0919), respectively. According to the obtained values of the ANN for training and testing samples, data corresponding to the used network are shown in Table 5. In network training it is observed that the values of PCC for each considered output parameters are more than 99.7 %. The values of training RMSE, MRE and E. MALEKI, A. ZABIHOLLAH: MODELING OF SHOT-PEENING EFFECTS ON THE SURFACE PROPERTIES ... 858 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 851–860 Figure 9: Distribution of residual stresses along the depth from the surface obtained by OS and MF of ANN for different SP intensities of: a) 0 mm A, b) 0.15 mm A and c) 0.3 mm A Slika 9: Razporeditev spreminjanja zaostalih napetosti v globino od povr{ine, dobljene pri OS in MF z ANN pri razli~nih intenzitetah SP: a) 0 mm A, b) 0,15 mm A in c) 0,3 mm A Figure 8: Values of obtained relative error for testing samples (sam- ples 21–30) for considered output parameters: a) residual stress, b) hardness Slika 8: Vrednosti dobljene relativne napake preizku{anih vzorcev (vzorci 21-30) pri upo{tevanih izhodnih parametrih: a) zaostale nape- tosti, b) trdota Table 5: Obtained values of PCC, RMSE, MRE and MAE for trained and tested network Tabela 5: Dobljene vrednosti PCC, RMSE, MRE in MAE pri usposobljeni in pri preizku{eni mre`i Output parameter Training Testing PCC RMSE MRE (%) MAE PCC RMSE MRE (%) MAE Residual stress Matrix 0.99914 0.1781 0.1104 0.1099 0.99846 0.2529 0.1223 0.1315 5 % rein. 0.99875 0.0651 0.0872 0.0471 0.99816 0.0906 0.0910 0.0521 8 % rein. 0.99766 0.0597 0.1228 0.0382 0.99683 0.0647 0.1342 0.0440 Hardness Matrix 0.99979 0.0985 0.0194 0.0853 0.99912 0.1154 0.0276 0.0937 5 % rein. 0.99901 0.1544 0.0313 0.1372 0.99858 0.1783 0.0368 0.1420 8 % rein. 0.99837 0.1976 0.0346 0.1475 0.99721 0.2071 0.0419 0.1780 MAE are very close to 0 and they are in little intervals and their ranges are [0.0597, 0.1976], [0.0194, 0.1228] and [0.0382, 0.14715], respectively. So, it is concluded that networks are trained finely and adjusted carefully. Likewise in network testing the values of PCC are more than 99.6 % and it is observed that values of testing PCC have a negligible reduction in comparison with the train- ing. Moreover, the values of testing RMSE, MRE and MAE are in a tiny span as well and their ranges are [0.0647, 0.2071], [0.0276, 0.1342] and [0.0440, 0.1780], respectively. Based on the achieved values for the statistical errors for both training and testing samples it is concluded that the error values are acceptable and implementation of ANN is accomplished in a good way. In residual stress modeling for each case of network training and testing, the obtained values for 5 % TiB + TiC., matrix and 8 % TiB + TiC and in modeling of hardness, achieved values for matrix, 5 % TiB + TiC and 8 % TiB + TiC have the smallest errors, respectively. Distributions of the residual stress and hardness from the shot-peened surface to the bulk material (25-300 μm) for SP intensity of (0.00, 0.15 and 0.30) are shown in Figures 9 and 10, which are achieved by OS and MF of the used ANN modeling in this paper. 5 CONCLUSION In present study the application of ANNs was investigated, aiming to create models to predict and optimize the SP process effects with different intensities on the residual stress and hardness of a (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V composite. Experimental data show that both the residual stress and the hardness were increased with an improvement of the SP intensities. Residual stress and hardness were modeled using ANN for three cases: matrix, 5 % TiB + TiC and 8 % TiB + TiC. The obtained results indicate that statistical errors for RSME, MRE and MAE are in very small range and so close to 0. Moreover, the values of PCC for all of the regarded output parameters in implemented networks are more than 99 %. 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