The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982) Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO, Ph.D. PhD. in History and Master Degree in Archiving. Director of the University of Navarra General Archive. President of the Archivists Association of Navarra e-mail: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982) ABSTRACT In this paper, we aim to identify the location of the personal archives of Presidents and Ministers of the Spanish Democratic Transition (20-XI-1975/3-X-1982). With regard to Spanish legislation, a distinction between public and private documentation must be done within this type of archives and, based on the elaborated description tools, a list of the most frequent documental typologies is offered. Only one out of the three Presidents corresponding to this historic period counts on an archive kept and available for research. On their behalf, just 14 of the 68 archives belonging to Ministers have been found. For these 15 cases in total (one from the Presidents and 14 from the Ministers), institutions in charge of care are not state archives but Universities and Foundations. Key words: Personal archives, Spanish Democratic Transition, President's archives, Minister's archives Archivi personali dei presidenti e ministri della transizione della Spagna democratica (novembre 1975/ ottobre 1982) SINTESI In questo lavoro, ci proponiamo di identificare la posizione degli archivi personali dei presidenti e ministri della transizione democratica spagnola (20-XI-1975/3-X-1982). Per quanto riguarda la legislazione spagnola, deve essere fatta una distinzione tra documentazione pubblica e privata all'interno di questo tipo di archivi e, sulla base degli strumenti di descrizione elaborati, viene offerto un elenco delle tipologie documentali piu frequenti. Solo uno dei tre presidenti corrispondenti a questo storico periodo conta su un archivio conservato e disponibi-le per la ricerca. A nome loro, sono stati trovati solo 14 dei 68 archivi appartenenti ai ministri. Per questi 15 casi in totale (uno dei presidenti e 14 dei ministri), le istituzioni preposte all'assistenza non sono Archivi di Stato, ma Universita e Fondazioni. Parole chiave: Archivi personali, processo di transizione democratica spagnola, archivi del Presidente, archivi del Ministro Osebni arhivi predsednikov in ministrov iz obdobja španske demokratične tranzicije (November 1975/ Oktober 1982) IZV^LEČEK Namen prispevka je ugotovitev lokacije osebnih arhivov predsednikov in ministrov iz obdobja španske demokratične tranzicije (20. 11. 1975/3. 10. 1982). Glede na špansko zakonodajo je potrebno, v okviru tovrstnega arhivskega gradiva, razlikovati med javno in zasebno dokumentacijo. Na osnovi izdelanega popisnega obrazca, pa članek podaja seznam najpogostejših vrst dokumentov. Za omenjeno zgodovinsko obdobje je ohranjen, in na voljo za raziskave, le eden izmed treh predsedniških arhivov. Od skupno 68 arhivov posameznih ministrov, jih je bilo najdenih le 14. Za hrambo teh 15 arhivov (eden predsedniški in 14 ministrskih) pa niso odgovorni državni arhivi, temveč univerze in fundacije. Ključne besede: osebni arhiv, Španska demokratična tranzicija, predsedniški arhiv, ministrski arhiv Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 Los archivos personales de los presidentes y ministros de la Transicion Democratica espanola (XI-1975- /X-1982) ABSTRACT En este arti'culo se investiga el paradero de los archivos personales de todos los presidentes y ministros de la Transicion democratica espanola (20-XI-1975/3-X-1982). Teniendo presente la legislacion existente, se distingue entre documentacion publica y privada dentro de este tipo de fondos; y, basandose en los instrumentos de descripcion elaborados, se ofrece una relacion de las tipologi'as documentales mas frecuentes. De los 3 presidentes de Gobierno que hubo durante la epoca estudiada, tan solo el archivo de uno de ellos esta custodiado y disponible a los investigadores. De los 68 ministros, tan solo 14 se han podido localizar. En los 15 casos, las insti-tuciones que los custodian no son archivos estatales, sino fundaciones y universidades. 1 The Spanish Democratic Transition Two days after Franco's death, on the 22th November of 1975, Juan Carlos I de Borbon was proclaimed King of Spain. He confirmed the prior President of the Government, Carlos Arias Navarro. After resigning 1 July of 1976, Adolfo Suarez replaced him. The first democratic elections since the Spanish Civil War took place on the 15th of June of 1977. The Democratic Centre Union coalition (UCD) led by Adolfo Suarez resulted in the most voted candidate and therefore, was in charge of forming the Government. This was the first legislature. Subsequently, Adolfo Suarez became the first President democratically elected since 1936. The fourth of July of 1977, Adolfo Suarez administered an oath as the President of the Government and 5 July of the same year, all the Ministers took up their posts. At the beginning of 1981, Adolfo Suarez resigned and was followed by his number two in the UCD: Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo. Precisely the day the voting was taking place at the Deputies Congress, a failed "coup d'etat" known as the 23-F occurred. On October the 28th of 1982, other general elections were held, obtaining the absolute majority the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE). The third of December of 1982, the second legislature commenced with Felipe Gonzalez as the President of the Government. Even though Democracy in Spain was not re-established until the elections of July 1977, generally and in this article, the Democratic Transition is considered as the period between Franco's death (20th November 1975) and the third December 1982. 2 Archival sources for the Transition study In 2004 in Guadalajara, a symposium about the archival sources for the study of the Democratic Transition was held. Recently, the University Complutense of Madrid defended an end of masterwork about "Archival sources of the political parties throughout the Transition period: 1975-1982". Both publications, from a qualitative and quantitative perspective, stressed that the most important documentation is the produced by Institutions, the Ministries and Political parties. No research is available focusing on the personal archives of the Government members for those years, concretely the ones belonging to Presidents and Ministers themselves. The General Archive ofthe State Administration (AGA) was initiated in 1969 (Decree 914/1969, 8th may). This archive receives from the central archives of the diverse Ministries, and decide which documentation should be transferred to the National Historical Archive and which might be proposed for destruction to the Special Qualifying Commission for administrative records. The Spanish Archival Model establishes a first deadline of 15 days for first transfer and a period of 25 years for the second. Currently, space saturation in the National Historical Archive does not allow any further document transferences forcing the AGA to function as a historical archive itself. Besides, this affects the space capacity of the AGA (also saturated) which cannot consequently, receive any other transfers from the different central archives of the Ministries1. 1. It is noticeable that over 1000 boxes with documentation related to Suarez's government are kept in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Presidency. See Retrieved on 29th April 2014. Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 Although records produced during the Transition the AGA and the above-mentioned central archives keep stage, no personal archive has been identified corresponding to the Presidents or the Ministers. The National Historical Archive does not guard any of these either. The Documental Centre of Historical Memory was established in 2007 (Royal Decree 697/2007) aiming to compile all the documentary collections concerning the 1936-1978 period. It contains the records generated by two bodies of the Franco's regime: The documental services of the Governmental Cabinet of the President and the Special Office for Freemason and Communist Repression. Together with these records, we find the so-called "incorporated collections". These are records (complete archives and spare pieces) that have entered the Centre as of 1979. Nowadays, the Centre possesses 63 personal archives, although the donation from a Minister of the Transition has not happened. 3 The Presidents and Ministers of the Spanish Democratic Transition During this period, the Presidents for the Government of significance were three: Carlos Arias Navarro until 1 July of 1976; Adolfo Suarez Gonzalez, (since 4 July of 1976 to the 26th February 1981), and Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo, (until 3 December of 1982). The article 8, from the law 6/1997, of April the 14th, referred to organization and functioning of the General State Administration, explains the division in Ministries and that every one of them include one or several functionally homogeneous sectors. The point 7 of the law in which law exhibits justification, it is stated that Ministers and members of the Government and licensees are the highest body related to the State General Administration. Their status of public responsible permits the law enables them to decide on the definition, execution, management and assessment of the sectorial policies of their competencies. Throughout the Democratic Transition, there were a total of 68 Ministers. In Table 1, an alphabetical list is shown, presenting the positions they were nominated for as well as the dates of the possession and cessation. Table 1 Abril Martorell, Fernando Minister of Agriculture 5 July 1976 5 July 1977 Third Vice-president 5 July 1977 28 February 1978 Minister of Economy and second Vice-president 28 February 1978 9 September 1980 Alvarez Alvarez, Jose Luis Minister of Transports and Communications 3 May 1980 2 December 1981 Minister of Agriculture 2 December 1981 13 September 1982 Alvarez-Arenas y Pacheco, Felix Minister of the Army 11 December 1975 5 July 1977 Areilza, Jose Maria de Minister of Foreign Affairs 11 December 1975 7 July 1976 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 Arias-Salgado Montalvo, Rafael Attached to the joint Minister for relations with Parliament. 6 April 1979 3 May1980 Minister of the Presidency 3 May 1980 1 September 1981 Minister for Territorial Administration 1 September 1981 30 July 1982 Bayon Marine, Ignacio Minister of Industry and Energy 9 September1980 3 December 1982 Becerril Bustamante, Soledad Minister of Culture 2 December 1981 3 December 1982 Bustelo y Garcia del Real, Carlos Minister of Industry 6 April 1979 9 September 1980 Cabanillas Gallas, Pio Minister of Culture 5 July 1977 6 April 1979 Minister of Justice 1 September 1981 3 December 1982 Calvo Ortega, Rafael Minister of Labour 28 February 1978 3 May 1980 Calvo Sotelo, Leopoldo Minister of Commerce 12 December 1975 5 July 1976 Minister for Public Works 5 July 1976 15 April 1977 Minister for Relations with European Community 28 February 1978 9 September 1980 Minister of economic affairs and Second Vice-president 9 September 1980 26 February 1981 Camunas Solls, Ignacio Attached to the joint Minister for relations with Parliament. 5 July 1977 28 February1978 Cavero y Lataillade, Inigo Minister for Education 5 July 1977 28 February 1978 Minister of Education and Science 28 February 1978 6 April 1979 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 Minister of Justice 6 April 1979 9 September 1980 Minister of Culture 9 September 1980 2 December 1981 Cierva y Hoces, Ricardo de la Minister of Culture 3 May 1980 9 September 1980 Clavero Arevalo, Manuel Francisco Attached to the joint Minister for relations with Regions 5 July 1977 6 April 1979 Minister of Culture 6 April 1979 3 May 1980 Cosculluela Montaner, Luis Minister for Territorial Administration 30 July 1982 3 December 1982 Fernandez Ordonez, Francisco Minister of Finance 5 July 1977 6 April 1979 Minister of Justice 9 September 1980 1 September1981 Fontan Perez, Antonio Minister for Territorial Administration 6 April 1979 3 May1980 Fraga Iribarne, Manuel Ministry of Interior and Administration 12 December 1975 5 July 1976 Franco Iribarnegaray, Carlos Minister of Air 11 December 1975 5 July 1977 Fuentes Quintana, Enrique Minister of Economic Affairs and Second Vice-president 5 July 1977 28 February 1978 Gamir Casares, Luis Minister of Commerce and Tourism 2 December 1981 3 December 1982 Garcia Anoveros, Jaime Minister of Finance 6 April 1979 3 December 1982 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 Garcia Diez, Juan Antonio Minister for Commerce 5 July 1977 3 May 1980 Minister of Economy and Commerce of Spain 9 September 1980 2 December 1981 Minister of Economy 2 December 1981 3 December 1982 Second Vice-president 1 September1981 3 December 1982 Garcia Ferrero, Jose Luis Minister of Agriculture 13 September 1982 3 December 1982 Garrigues Diaz-Canabate, Antonio Minister of Justice 12 December 1975 5 July 1976 Garrigues Walker, Joaquin Minister of Building and Urban Affairs 5 July 1977 6 April 1979 Gonzalez Seara, Luis Minister of Universities and Research 6 April 1979 2 December 1981 Gutierrez Mellado, Manuel First Vice-president 23 September 1976 26 February 1981 Minister of Defence 5 July 1977 6 April 1979 Ibanez Freire, Antonio Minister of the Interior 6 April 1979 3 May 1980 Jimenez de Parga, Manuel Minister of Labour 5 July 1977 28 February 1978 Lamo de Espinosa y Michels de Champourcin, Jaime Minister of Agriculture 28 February 1978 2 December 1981 Lavilla Alsina, Landelino Minister of Justice 5 July 1976 5 July 1977 Minister of Justice 5 July 1977 6 April 1979 Leal Maldonado, Jose Luis Minister of Economy 6 April 1979 9 September 1980 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 Llado Fernandez-Urrutia, Jose Minister of Commerce 5 July 1976 5 July 1977 Minister for Transports and Communications 5 July 1977 28 February 1978 Martin Villa, Rodolfo Minister of Trade-Union Relations 12 December 1975 5 July 1976 Ministry of the Interior 5 July 1976 6 April 1979 Minister for Territorial Administration 9 September 1980 1 September 1981 First Vice-president 26 February 1981 30 July 1982 Martinez, Jose Enrique Minister of Agriculture 5 July 1977 28 February 1978 Martin-Gamero, Adolfo Minister of Information and Tourism 12 December 1975 5 July 1976 Martin-Retortillo Baquer, Sebastian Attached Minister to the Presidency (In Charge of Public Administration) 3 May 1980 9 September 1980 Mayor Zaragoza, Federico Minister of Education and Science 2 December 1981 3 December 1982 Menendez Menendez, Aurelio Minister of Education 5 July 1976 5 July 1977 Nunez Perez, Manuel Minister of Health and Consumption 2 December 1981 3 December 1982 Oliart Saussol, Alberto Carlos Minister of Industry 5 July 1977 28 February 1978 Minister of Health 9 September 1980 26 February 1981 Minister of Defence 26 February 1981 3 December 1982 Oreja Aguirre, Marcelino Minister of Foreign Affairs 7 July 1976 9 September 1980 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 Ortega y Diaz-Ambrona, Juan Antonio Attached Minister to presidency (In charge of legislative coordination) 3 May 1980 9 September 1980 Minister of Education and University 9 September 1980 26 February 1981 Minister of Education and Science 26 February 1981 2 December 1981 Ortiz Gonzalez, Luis Minister for Public Works 15 April 1977 5 July 1977 Minister for Building and Urban Affairs 26 February 1981 3 December 1982 Osorio Garcia, Alfonso Minister of the Presidency 12 December 1975 5 July 1977 Second Vice-President 5 July 1976 5 July 1977 Otero Novas, Jose Manuel Minister of the Presidency 5 July 1977 6 April 1979 Minister of Education and Science 6 April 1979 9 September 1980 Perez Bricio Olariaga, Carlos Ministry of Industry 12 December 1975 5 July 1977 Perez Miyares, Felix Manuel Minister of Labour 9 September 1980 26 February 1981 Perez-Llorca Rodrigo, Jose Pedro Minister of the Presidency 6 April 1979 3 May 1980 Minister of the Territorial Administration 3 May 1980 9 September 1980 Minister of Foreign Affairs 9 September 1980 3 December 1982 Pery Junquera, Pascual Minister for the Merchant Navy 12 December 1975 5 July 1977 Punset Casals, Eduardo Minister for Relations with European Community 9 September 1980 26 February 1981 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 Reguera Guajardo, Andres Minister of Information and Tourism 5 July 1976 5 July 1977 Rengifo Calderon, Alvaro Minister of Labour 5 July 1976 5 July 1977 Robles Piquer, Carlos Minister of Education and Science 12 December 1975 5 July 1976 Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias Minister of the Presidency 1 September 1981 3 December 1982 Rodriguez Sahagun, Agustin Minister of Industry and Energy 28 February 1978 6 April 1979 Minister of Defence 6 April 1979 26 February 1981 Rodriguez-Miranda Gomez, Santiago Minister of Labour 2 December 1981 3 December 1982 Roson Perez, Juan Jose Minister of the Interior 3 May 1980 3 December 1982 Rovira Tarazona, Juan Minister of Health and Social Security 6 April 1979 9 September 1980 Sanchez de Leon, Enrique Minister of Health and Consumption 5 July 1977 6 April 1979 Sanchez-Teran Hernandez, Salvador Minister for Transports and Communications 28 February 1978 3 May 1980 Minister of Labour 3 May 1980 9 September 1980 Sancho Rof, Jesus Minister for Building and Urban Affairs 6 April 1979 26 February 1981 Minister of Labour 26 February 1981 2 December 1981 Solls Ruiz, Jose Minister of Labour 12 December 1975 5 July 1976 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 Valdes Gonzalez-Roldan, Antonio Minister of Public Works 12 December 1975 5 July 1976 Villar Mir, Juan Miguel Minister of Economy and Finance 12 December 1975 5 July de 1976 Virgilio Onate Gil, Virgilio Minister of Agriculture 12 December 1975 5 July 1976 4 The documentation of the personal archives of Presidents and Ministers We understand by personal archive, the set of records produced and kept by a person when realizing his/her personal and professional activities. When talking about the personal archives of high public posts, it becomes essential to distinguish the private and the public records. Within the first type, we encounter those documents produced and received by the private person for any topic not related with his/her public function; and the produced or received records by someone who performs publicly but which content has not a direct relation with these functions. The records from the second group are generated or received by a person while performing in his/her public duties. According to the Article 54.1 of the 16/1985 law, of June the 25th, concerning the Spanish Historical Heritage, these records are part of the public documental heritage and public posts are obliged when leaving his/her functions, to hand the documentation over the substitute or submit it to the corresponding Archive. Once clarified this point, it is deemed as an enormous mistake to undermine the interest that personal archives have for research purposes, as within these collections a number of rich and powerful typologies can be appreciated: Meeting minutes, agendas, personal notes, quotations, articles, drafts, qualifications, certificates, conferences, meeting calls, correspondence, journals, diaries, pictures, list of addresses, speeches, interviews, reports, booklets, invitations, activity's memories, economic memories, nominations, postcards, press, presentations, academic titles, and many more. 5 The archives of the Presidents of the Transition It is well known that the archives of the Presidents of the United States are available to the general public, in their respective "Presidential libraries". ^ey are not libraries as such, but Institutions aiming to keep records and objects related to the different President's lives and careers. The first President who donated his personal archive to the "National Archives and Records Administration" (NARA) was in 1939, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In 1955, ^e Congress approved the "Presidential Libraries Act". The Presidential Libraries are built with private or public (but not federal) funding and thereafter are managed by the NARA. Nowadays, 13 Presidential Libraries form part of NARA. To these, they should be added those run by private foundations, historical societies or state governments. A question arises of this, where are the personal archives of the Presidents of The Transition located? ^e Hullera Vasco-Leonesa Foundation custodies the archive of Carlos Arias Navarro. ^is entity was created in 1995 by the Company Hullera Vasco-Leonesa with the aim of promoting culture and social development in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon. It reveals an archive guarding records from different enterprises that were integrated in the Anonymous Society "Hullera Vasco-Leonesa". In 1998, the foundation acquired the archive of Carlos Arias Navarro. Its archivist has built up and inventory available and accessible for all researchers. Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 With regard to the first President in the latest period of Democracy in Spain, there exists an institution dubbed "The Adolfo Suarez and the Transition Museum", but which actually does not contain his personal archive. About Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo, there is no similar existing Institution2. 6 Institutions with Ministers personal archives A small number of institutions keep and make the records available to researchers. These offering the personal archives of Ministers of the Democratic Transition are detailed below: 6.1 Foundation "Transition" The foundation "Spanish Transition" was constituted in 2007 with the goal of promoting knowledge about the Transition and disseminating the values and principles that inspired such a relevant process. Amongst the persons behind this initiative, Deputies, Ministers and high posts involved in the administration are identified, having all a direct engagement in this political process. One of their activities consists in the digitalization of the personal archives of politicians performing at that period. In its website, a good description of the current situation can be read: "It exists now a huge amount of records on this historical period kept by particulars, to which proper and systematic access has not been yet achieved. They consist of very diverse documents, including from private diaries and non-published memories, to all sorts of reports, political and economic notes, etcetera. Furthermore, letters and records related to some performances of political parties, public administrations and big actors of public life constitute a major interest of this collection". So far, the foundation "Transition" has digitalised the archives for two Ministers: Alfonso Oso-rio Garcia and Juan Antonio Garcia Diez . 6.2 The University Institute "General Gutierrez Mellado" This Institute is a training and research centre dependent on the National Distance Learning University (UNED). It was established in 1997 thanks to the initiative of the Ministry of Defense and currently organizes a number of post-graduate courses about "Peace issues", security and defense. In the website of this Institute, the on-line digital archive can be consulted. 6.3 The Foundation "Annual Conference Francisco Fernandez Ordonez" This foundation was founded in 1993 with the objective of celebrating an annual conference in Madrid with different international celebrities to commemorate and keep alive his memory. The second task of the Foundation describes the collection and catalogue of the Archive of Francisco Fernandez Ordonez, composed by over 10 thousand documents. The website offers a postal and an email address for all those interested in the archive. 6.4 The Documentation Centre of the Foundation "Cultura de Paz" This foundation chaired by Federico Mayor Zaragoza, focuses its activity on the link and mobilization of networks of institutions, organizations and individuals committed to the values promoted by this "Peace Culture". Actions taken have been a divulgate and educational approach. It has a documentation centre that collects specialized documentation on this "peace culture". In this centre exists a section devoted to Federico Mayor Zaragoza. This can be accessed on its site: press articles, conferences and interventions, publications, etcetera. However, as its own name indicates, it is not a proper archive as such but rather a Documentation centre. 2. Though off the period subject of study, the 10th November 2013, the Foundation Felipe Gonzalez was recorded in the Foundations Register. As can be seen in the Official State Gazette for the 25'h October 2013, its goals are: "The study, elaboration, collections, systematization, and availability of the documental, bibliographical, photographic, audiovisual and any other record related to the personal, professional, political and institutional trajectory of Mr. Felipe Gonzalez Marquez". Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 6.5 University of Navarra The last historical archive is located at the University of Navarra and custodies around 220 personal archives from relevant and prestigious Spanish celebrities, including nine collections of Ministers that held a post during the Transition period. These ministers are Jose Luis Alvarez Alvarez, Antonio Fontan Perez, Antonio Garrigues Diaz-Canabate3, Joaquin Garrigues Walker, Marcelino Oreja Aguir-re4, Jose Pedro Perez-Llorca Rodrigo, Carlos Robles Piquer, Juan Jose Roson Perez y Juan Miguel Villar Mir. This set of archives has been merited to three factors: the willingness of the university promoting research and the consequent funding by the university structure; the existence of an interdisciplinary group of research compiling different researches from different universities but with a common interest in this period of Spanish History and at last, a group of technical professionals making it accessible and available for any interested people. A synthesis of the situation is summarized in the table shown below (Table 2). In conclusion, of those 68 Ministers from the Transition epoque, only 14 cases, the archives are custodied and available to research. Of the three Presidents of the Government, just one. Therefore it is needed to establish a far bigger effort from Institutions to custody this type of archives, which are as mentioned repeatedly, key pieces to build up the political memory of the most recent History of Spain. Table 2 Institution University of Navarra Web Personal archive Jose Luis Alvarez Alvarez Antonio Fontan Perez Antonio Garrigues Diaz-Canabate Joaquin Garrigues Walker Marcelino Oreja Aguirre Jose Pedro Perez-Llorca Rodrigo Carlos Robles Piquer Juan Jose Roson Perez Juan Miguel Villar Mir Foundation Annual conference "Francisco Fernandez Ordonez" Francisco Fernandez Ordonez 3. This collection after being classified and digitalized by this University, was placed in the Spanish University Foundation by the owner. See 4. This collection after being classified and digitalized by this University, was placed in the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. See Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 University Institute "General Gutierrez Mellado" (UNED) Manuel Gutierrez Mellado Foundation "Cultura de Paz" Francisco Mayor Zaragoza (Peace culture) cent04.htm Foundation "Transition" Alfonso Osorio Garcia php Juan Antonio Garcia Diez Foundation "Hullera Vasco- Leonesa" Carlos Arias Navarro Reference List Bravo Salan, J. (2013) Fuentes Archivisticas de los Partidos Politicos durante la Transicion espanola: 1975-1982. Masters Dissertation. Available at: Internet 1: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 10: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 11: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 12: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 13: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 2: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 3: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 4: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 5: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 6: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 7: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 8: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from Internet 9: Retrieved on 22.04.2014 from ^e transition to Democracy in Spain: Minutes of the sixth workshop of Castilla-La Mancha about research in Spain. In: Anabad Castilla-La Mancha and the Friends Association of the historical provincial archive of Guadalajara, 2004 (eds), Workshop of castilla-la Mancha about research in archives, Guadalajara, 4-7 November 2003 Tusell y Älvaro Soto, J. (1996) Historia de la transicion, 1975-1986, Madrid SUMMA^RY ^e Democracy was restored in Spain after the 1977 elections, but the transition is understood as the period beginning after Franco's death (20th November 1975) and ending on 3rd December 1982. Research on the archival sources used for the study of this period of Spanish History exists, but entirely based on archives produced by the institutions: Ministries and political parties. ^e presumable fact that this documentation might be the most important should not deny the importance of personal archives in research. In this paper, we aim to identify where the personal archives of Presidents and Ministers of the Spanish Democratic Transition are Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: The Personal Archives of the Spanish Democratic Transition Presidents and Ministers (November 1975/October 1982), 149-162 located. With regard to Spanish legislation, a distinction between public and private documentation must be done within this type of archives and, based on the elaborated description tools, a list of the most frequent record typologies is offered. Only one out of the three Presidents corresponding to this period of History counts on an archive kept and available for research. Just 14 of the 68 archives belonging to Ministers have been found. For these 15 cases in total, Institutions in charge of care are not state archives but Universities and Foundations. Typology: 1.04 Professional article Submitting date: 04.02.2014 Acceptance date: 07.02.2014