521 SHORT SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Early prosthetic rehabilitation of severe oligodontia with implant–retained overdenture: A case report 1 Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, Medical Faculty Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Correspondence/ Korespondenca: Sonja Zarkovic Gjurin, e: sonja.zarkovic@mf.uni-lj.si Key words: ectoderm; dysplasia; child; prosthodontics; dental implants Ključne besede: ektoderm; displazija; otrok; protetika; zobni vsadki Received: 4. 11. 2019 Accepted: 15. 3. 2020 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3004 doi 4.1.2019 date-received 15.3.2020 date-accepted Stomatology Stomatologija discipline Short scientific article Klinični primer article-type Early Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Severe Oli- godontia with Implant–retained Overdenture: A Case Report Zgodnja protetična oskrba bolnika s hudo obliko oligodontije z implantatno podprto totalno pro- tezo – prikaz primera article-title Early Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Severe Oli- godontia with Implant–retained Overdenture: A Case Report Zgodnja protetična oskrba bolnika s hudo obliko oligodontije z implantatno podprto totalno pro- tezo – prikaz primera alt-title Ectoderm, Dysplasia, Child, Prosthodontics, Dental implants ektoderm, displazija, otrok, protetika, zobni vsadki kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2020 89 9 10 521 527 name surname aff email Sonja Žarković Gjurin 1 sonja.zarkovic@mf.uni-lj.si name surname aff Nataša Ihan Hren 2 Tanja Tomažič 3 Čedomir Oblak 1 eng slo aff-id Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Katedra za stomatološko protetiko, Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza Ljubljana, Slovenija 1 Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, Medical Faculty Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Katedra za maksilofacialno in oralno kirurgijo, Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija 2 Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Katedra za otroško in preventivno zobozdravstvo, Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija 3 Early prosthetic rehabilitation of severe oligodontia with implant–retained overdenture: A case report Zgodnja protetična oskrba bolnika s hudo obliko oligodontije z implantatno podprto totalno protezo – prikaz primera Sonja Žarković Gjurin,1 Nataša Ihan Hren,2 Tanja Tomaževič,3 Čedomir Oblak1 Abstract Background: Ectodermal dysplasia is a rare hereditary disease, characterized by defects in the development of two to five tissues derived from the embryonic ectoderm. As a part of the manifestation, oligodontia can occur. The implant-prosthetic therapy at an early age is a unique solution for providing good orofacial functions and a satisfactory aesthetic appearance in accor- dance with the social and emotional maturity of the patient. Case presentation: The authors report the clinical case of a 8-year-old Caucasian boy with X - linked hypohydrotic ectodermal dysplasia and severe oligodontia (3 permanent and 3 deciduous teeth in the upper jaw and 1 permanent tooth in the lower jaw). In this patient, a functional reha- bilitation with a conventional denture was not possible without the support of dental implants. Conclusion: Inserting dental implants in the growing skeleton is still controversial. However, this approach was necessary for this patient with ectodermal dysplasia associated with severe oligodontia to restore oral function and appearance. A multidisciplinary approach was manda- tory. It seems that with carefully determined time point of the implant insertion, properly chosen insertion site and full information of the patient and parents on all aspects of implant inser- tion and rehabilitation, this kind of rehabilitation might be a good option when other prosthetic means are not possible or have failed. Izvleček Izhodišče: Ektodermalna displazija je skupina redkih dednih bolezni, ki jih opredeljujejo ra- zvojne motnje v 2–5 ektodermalnih strukturah. Kot del klinične slike se pogosto pojavlja tudi oligodontija. Implantatno-protetična oskrba pri zgodnji starosti je sicer še vedno kontroverzna odločitev, vendar je hkrati edina funkcionalna oralna rehabilitacija, ki poleg dobrega žvečenja zagotavlja tudi ustrezen videz in omogoča socialno rehabilitacijo. Prikaz primera: Prikazan je klinični primer 8-letnega dečka z na kromosom vezano hipohidrotič- no ektodermalno displazijo, pri kateri se kaže obsežna oligodontija (le 3 stalni in 3 mlečni zobje v zgornji čeljusti in 1 stalni zob v spodnji čeljusti). Funkcionalne oskrbe s klasičnima protezama ni bilo mogoče izvesti, zato je bila potrebna podpora spodnje proteze z vstavitvijo dveh zobnih vsadkov. Zaključek: Vstavljanje zobnih vsadkov v še rastočo kost je še vedno nedorečeno vprašanje. Pred- stavljena rehabilitacija bolnika z ektodermalno displazijo, povezano s hudo oligodontijo, je ven- dar še najboljša možna oskrba za vzpostavitev ustrezne funkcije in videza obraza. Načrtovali smo Slovenian Medical Journal 522 STOMATOLOGY Zdrav Vestn | September – October 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3004 1 Introduction Ectodermal dysplasia (ED) is a he- reditary disease, characterized by defects in the development of two to five tissues derived from the embryonic ectoderm. The National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias (NFED) states that there ex- ist more than 180 different ED that are recognized and named based on specific combinations of symptoms (1). Each ED has its own combination of symptoms - baldness, thin and abnormally shaped nails, thin, dry and pale skin, abnormal- ly functioning sweat glands and miss- ing or distinctively shaped teeth. Other symptoms include deficient saliva and tears, poorly functioning mucous mem- branes, frequent respiratory infections, hearing and vision anomalies, missing fingers and toes, cleft lip and/or palate and immune system deficiency (2). The incidence of ED is about 7 per 10,000 live births (3). The most common anomaly of the dental development in humans is den- tal agenesis with a prevalence from 2.6% to 11.3% in different populations (4). Dental agenesis may occur in isolation or as a part of the syndrome (5). Fournier et al. have shown that the pattern of dental agenesis provides information about the gene mutation and could give molecular diagnosis for geneticists (5). As a part of ED manifestation, oli- godontia and anodontia can occur. multidisciplinarno oskrbo s pravilno izbranim časom vstavitve vsadkov in natančno določenim mestom vstavitve. Cite as/Citirajte kot: Zarkovic Gjurin S, Ihan Hren N, Tomaževič T, Oblak Č. Early prosthetic rehabilitation of severe oligodontia with implant–retained overdenture: A case report. Zdrav Vestn. 2020;89(9–10):521–7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3004 Copyright (c) 2020 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Oligodontia is defined as the congen- ital absence of 6 or more permanent teeth, excluding the third molars (4,6). Anodontia is a rare phenomenon and is characterized by the absence of all teeth (6). In affected patients, the extensive lack or even complete absence of teeth results in an atrophy and a reduced growth rate of the affected alveolar processes (7). Both of the above contribute to reduced occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) (3). Due to all mentioned characteristics, an old age appearance is common in affect- ed patients (8). However, the importance of the dental rehabilitation is still under- estimated in the whole syndrome treat- ment (5). The missing teeth, underdeveloped alveolar ridges and even the underde- velopment of the maxillofacial skele- ton in patients with ED, cumulatively contribute to aesthetic, functional and physiological problems (6). The peculiar facial features compared to other peers contribute to psychological problems of the patient. Therefore, an early interdis- ciplinary approach is needed to provide a beneficial overall development and well-being for young patients with ED. The aim of this case report is to present a functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of a young boy with severe oligodontia caused by hypohydrotic ED. 523 SHORT SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Early prosthetic rehabilitation of severe oligodontia with implant–retained overdenture: A case report 2 Case presentation The patient (male, white, Caucasian) exhibited X-linked hypohydrotic ED (mutation of the EDA gene). At the age of 7, the clinical evaluation revealed a child with a growth disorder, thin and dry scaly skin with eczema. His hair and eyebrows were thin, sparse and pale with no eyelashes (Figure 1). Eyeballs were big and prominent. The nose and mouth were small. An insufficiency in the lower third of the facial height was identified, caused by the bone deficiency due to the disturbed embryogenesis of the bone as a result of missing tooth germs. The intraoral examination revealed Figure 1: Lower part of the face of the patient at the age of seven with ectodermal dysplasia and severe hypodontia in mandible and maxilla. serious atrophy of the alveolar ridges and severe oligodontia. In the decidu- ous dentition only the central maxillary incisor and both maxillary canines were identified. These teeth were conically shaped. A basic panoramic radiograph exposed five germs of both maxillary central incisors, the upper left canine and the first right mandibular molar (Figure 2). The crowns of the permanent teeth were malformed with not defini- tively evolved roots. The patient was enrolled at a pri- mary school and he and his parents in- creasingly worried about his looks and pronunciation of words. After an inter- disciplinary consultation of the paedi- atric dentist, orthodontist, maxillofacial surgeon and prosthodontist, an optimal therapy decision about the interdisci- plinary rehabilitation was met. The main goals of the therapy were to recover the masticatory functions, to improve the aesthetic appearance and to reduce psy- cho-social handicaps of the patient. After the orthodontic extrusion of the upper incisors, the insertion of two implants in the anterior mandible and a prosthetic rehabilitation with the upper and lower overdenture were planned. Following general anaesthesia and orotracheal intubation, two 9.5 mm long implants with a diameter of 3.5 mm (Ankylos C/X, Dentsplay, Germany) were placed in the canine region of the mandible. During the same procedure, two orthodontic implants (Forestadent, Pforzheim, Germany) were inserted me- dially from the dental implants, to retain orthodontic guidance for fenestration of both impacted upper first incisors. After 4 months, again following general anaes- thesia, the implants were exposed and covered with healing screws, the ortho- dontic implants were removed. The den- tal implants resulted in a safe primary Figure 2: Orthopantomogram of the patient with persistent teeth in the maxilla and one tooth in the mandible. 524 STOMATOLOGY Zdrav Vestn | September – October 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3004 stability. The prosthodontic procedures start- ed three weeks later, as soon as the soft tissue around the healing abutments had healed. In the upper jaw, a convention- al tooth overdenture with covered two permanent incisors and two deciduous canines was planned. The impression for the upper overdenture was made of Isofunction thermoplastic material (GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) and Impregum polyether impression materi- al (3M Espe AG, Seefeld, Germany). A combination of polyether (Impregum, 3M Espe AG, Seefeld, Germany) and thermoplastic (Ex-3-N Gold, Johannes Meist, Schopfloch, Germany) impression of the lower jaw with abutment copings was taken. After the bite registration, the upper and lower models were mounted in an articulator (Artex, Amann Girrbach AG, Koblach, Austria). We opted for overdenture Locator® attachment system (Zest Dental Solutions, Carlsbad, CA, USA) (Figure 3). The patient seemed to be very satis- fied when both dentures were first in- serted (Figure 4). After inserting the dentures, he was enrolled in the logo- paedic therapy for a few weeks. He has no speech defects and is well adapted. The dentures have now been in situ for 2 years and have functioned well. Every four months, the patient is scheduled for a recall. Each time the dentures are checked with silicon (Fit Checker Advanced GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), corrected according to changes in the skeletal growth and if necessary, a relining of the dentures is carried out. At the check-up after two years, a control orthopantomogram was made that showed good oseointegration of both implants (Figure 5). The teeth under the upper tooth – overdenture are exposed to an aggressive environment, therefore they require cleaning and professional care. Every three months a professional teeth cleaning and a flu- oride treatment by paediatric dentist is provided. After the skeletal growth is complet- ed, a definitive fixed prosthetic rehabil- itation is planned. Due to the underde- veloped alveolar ridges augmentation Figure 3: Position of the implants with two retentive elements (Locator®). Figure 4: Intraoral appearance of the patient with upper and lower overdentures. Every four months the dentures were corrected according to skeletal growth changes and allowed eruption of the teeth. Figure 5: Orthopantomogram at a check-up after 2 years. 525 SHORT SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Early prosthetic rehabilitation of severe oligodontia with implant–retained overdenture: A case report procedures are planned in the future. Furthermore, the upper and lower tran- sitional overdentures are also conducive to the patient’s aesthetic appearance satisfaction. 3 Discussion Rehabilitation of patients with a large number of missing teeth predominantly requires an interdisciplinary treatment approach, involving a paediatric dentist, an orthodontist, a maxillofacial surgeon and a prosthodontist. The treatment plan depends on the severity of the de- velopment of the disorder . In this study, we present the prosthetic rehabilitation of an 8-year old patient with severe oli- godontia (3 permanent and 3 deciduous teeth in the upper jaw and 1 permanent tooth in the lower jaw). In this patient a functional rehabilitation with a conven- tional denture was not possible without the support of dental implants. Another important reason for rehabilitation was the urgency of restoring the patient’s health and improving his facial appear- ance. In addition to the small number of permanent teeth and their abnormal shape, the most common problems in the rehabilitation of patients with ED are the underdeveloped alveolar ridges (3,7). As the alveolar bone development is dependent on the presence of teeth, patients with ED have little or even no bone ridge upon which a denture may be constructed (9,10). The benefits of the implant use in growing patients are as important as the concerns about their premature use (11). Some researchers claim that implant treatment should be postponed until the jaw has stopped growing, but this type of treatment might be an alternative in specific cases, considering the balance between the pa- tient’s needs and prognosis (12). The insertion of dental implants in children before the completion of the craniofacial growth is accompanied by several problems (7). It has been pre- viously shown that the placed implants can imitate the effects of ankylosed teeth (7,11,13). Inserted implants do not participate in growth processes and therefore result in an infra-occlusion and multidimensional dislocation (7). Transversal growth of the maxilla occurs mostly at the mid-palatal suture (11). Thereupon, fixed implant constructions crossing the mid-palatal suture will re- sult in a transversal growth restriction of the maxilla (11). The insertion of implants in the growing maxilla should therefore be avoided until the end of the growth period (7,11). In the mandible, the transversal skel- etal or alveolo-dental changes are less dramatic than in the maxilla (7). In the posterior mandible, growth changes oc- cur predominantly in the late childhood with large amounts of anteroposteri- or, transverse and vertical growth (11). In the anterior mandible, the alveolar growth seems relatively small when teeth are missing (6,11). Consequently, in children with severe oligodontia, the anterior mandible might represent the most suitable site of the implant place- ment (7,11). At a later point in time, the implants located at the interior mandible (GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) and Impregum polyether impression materi- al (3M Espe AG, Seefeld, Germany). A combination of polyether (Impregum, 3M Espe AG, Seefeld, Germany) and thermoplastic (Ex-3-N Gold, Johannes Meist, Schopfloch, Germany) impression of the lower jaw with abutment copings was taken. After the bite registration, the upper and lower models were mounted in an articulator (Artex, Amann Girrbach AG, Koblach, Austria). We opted for overdenture Locator® attachment system (Zest Dental Solutions, Carlsbad, CA, USA) (Figure 3). The patient seemed to be very satis- fied when both dentures were first in- serted (Figure 4). After inserting the dentures, he was enrolled in the logo- paedic therapy for a few weeks. He has no speech defects and is well adapted. The dentures have now been in situ for 2 years and have functioned well. Every four months, the patient is scheduled for a recall. Each time the dentures are checked with silicon (Fit Checker Advanced GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), corrected according to changes in the skeletal growth and if necessary, a relining of the dentures is carried out. At the check-up after two years, a control orthopantomogram was made that showed good oseointegration of both implants (Figure 5). The teeth under the upper tooth – overdenture are exposed to an aggressive environment, therefore they require cleaning and professional care. Every three months a professional teeth cleaning and a flu- oride treatment by paediatric dentist is provided. After the skeletal growth is complet- ed, a definitive fixed prosthetic rehabil- itation is planned. Due to the underde- veloped alveolar ridges augmentation Figure 3: Position of the implants with two retentive elements (Locator®). Figure 4: Intraoral appearance of the patient with upper and lower overdentures. Every four months the dentures were corrected according to skeletal growth changes and allowed eruption of the teeth. Figure 5: Orthopantomogram at a check-up after 2 years. 526 STOMATOLOGY Zdrav Vestn | September – October 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3004 will probably seem affected by the man- dibular growth rotation that may result in a change in the implant angulation (11). In the monocentric prospective studies of Marieke Fillius et al., the sur- vival rate of implants placed in the ante- rior mandible of paediatric patients with ED was reported to be 91% (6,11). Yap and Klineberg report implant survival rates along the same lines, varying be- tween 88.5 and 97.6% in patients with ED (14). Bergendal et al. noted a 35.7% implant success rate in five young pa- tients (13,15). All failures occurred be- fore the loading of implants (13,15). The poor result was attributed to the small jaw size and not to ED (15). The multidisciplinary team approach to the patients’ follow-up is critical in ensuring a successful result and avoiding complications (16). Since the edentu- lous alveolar ridge is loaded at an early age, progressive alveolar bone resorption might be the issue of concern (17). To address changes in the occlusion and the fit of the prostheses, every three months the denture should be relined and, af- ter 4 - 6 years, a new denture should be made (4,17). Furthermore, a satisfactory oral hygiene and maintenance of dental implants could prove to be demanding (16,17). Periodontal complications and increased caries rate may further put the prosthetic work at risk (17). Many reports suggest that children with disabilities compare themselves with other peers already at the age of 9, and are able to recognize the particular- ities of their own condition. The latter probably leads to the state of depression (7). The implant location, the sex of the patient and the skeletal maturation level are the most important factors in the final decision of when and where to place the implants (11). It has been recommend- ed that the safest time to place implants seems to be during the lower portion of the declining adolescent growth curve or near adulthood, which can be deter- mined by cephalometric analysis (11,12). Filius et al. imply that the implants for the mandibular overdenture support may be inserted from the age of 6 onwards (6). 4 Conclusion In order to provide good orofacial functions and a satisfactory aesthetic ap- pearance in accordance with the social and emotional maturity of the patient, the use of a specific multidisciplinary clinical approach was mandatory. Following the presented case report and the reviewed literature, dental implants in growing patients suffering from ED associated with severe oligodontia or anodontia can be inserted, when other means of prosthetic rehabilitation fail or are not suitable. The most suitable site of insertion is found to be the anterior mandible, and the implant insertion in the maxilla should be avoided. The time point of the implant insertion should be carefully determined. Accurate inform- ing of the patient and the patient’s par- ents of all oral rehabilitation procedures is imperative before the beginning of the treatment. 5 Consent to publish Written informed consent was ob- tained from the parents for publication of this case report and any accompany- ing images. 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