213 1. Introduction There are 16 tick species (Acarina: Ixodidae) distributed across Slovenia (Tovornik 1987a, c, 1988a, b, c, 1989, 1990a & 1991, PMSL–Ixodidae 2004). Nine of these have been found on birds (Tovornik 1990a & 1991, PMSL-Ixodidae 2004). Ticks in Slovenia were investigated in the second half of the 20th century (around 1950 – 1991) by Dr. Danica Tovornik, with special attention on the medical importance of Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Rosický et al. 1961, Tovornik 1961 & 1987b), the geographical distribution of Ixodes hexagonus Leach, 1815 (Tovornik 1987a), Ixodes trianguliceps Birula, 1895 (Tovornik 1988a), Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille, 1806) complex (Tovornik 1988b, Tovornik & Vesenjak-Hirjan 1988), Ixodes vespertilionis Koch, 1844 (Tovornik 1990b), Ixodes frontalis (Panzer, 1795) and Ixodes arboricola Schultze & Schlottke, 1929 (Tovornik 1991), and the host significance of birds (Tovornik 1990a), lacertids Lacertidae (Tovornik & Brelih 1980), Roe-Deer Capreolus capreolus (Tovornik 1988c), Red Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris and Fat Dormouse Glis glis (Tovornik 1989). This article is an overview of ticks recorded on birds in Slovenia based on literature and original data (PMSL-Ixodidae 2004). 2. Methods Most of the material was collected between 1989 and 2005. Ticks were hand picked from bird hosts during bird ringing fieldwork and collected from bird nests. Hand picked ticks were stored in the field in 70% ethanol, separately with respect to host individual, survey site, and date. Those from nests were collected free in nature, from nest boxes, or with suction sampler from the nesting burrows of Sand Martin Riparia riparia and Bee-eater Merops apiaster. The contents of the nests were transported from the field in airtight plastic bags to prevent the escape of any arthropods. They were placed over Berlese-Tullgren funnels Ticks (Acarina: Ixodidae) on birds in Slovenia Klopi (Acarina: Ixodidae) na pticah v Sloveniji Tomi Trilar Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Pre{ernova 20, P.O. Box 290, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail: ttrilar@pms-lj.si Kongres ornitologov Slovenije ob 25. obletnici DOPPS Slovene Ornithologists’ Congress at the 25th anniversary of DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia Acrocephalus 25 (123): 213 – 216, 2004 (Southwood 1978) for five days for the collection of the arthropods. The reference material is deposited in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History in Ljubljana (PMSL– Ixodidae 2004). 3. Results and discussion Ixodes ricinus is the most abundant and widespread of the tick species recorded in Slovenia (Tovornik 1988c, 1989 & 1990a). Found on 69 bird species (Table 1), it is also the most common tick parasitising birds. Birds are major hosts for all developmental stages of small Ixodes lividus, Ixodes frontalis and Ixodes arboricola ticks and for larvae and nymphs of Hyalomma marginatum. Ixodes lividus is specialised on Sand Martin (Hillyard 1996) and was found in the nesting burrows of Sand Martins at almost all the nesting sites surveyed (Figure 1). There were also two occasional findings on the Starling Sturnus vulgaris and Blackbird Turdus merula. Ixodes lividus is a new species recorded for Slovenia. Figure 1: Findings of Ixodes lividus (dots), Ixodes frontalis (squares) and Ixodes arboricola (triangle) ticks in Slovenia Slika 1: Najdbe breguljkinega Ixodes lividus (pike), pti~jega Ixodes frontalis (kvadrati) in duplarskega klopa Ixodes arboricola (trikotniki) v Sloveniji 214 Ixodes frontalis occurs on birds and in their nests (Hillyard 1996). In Slovenia it was found on five bird species (Figure 1, Table 1). Ixodes arboricola occurs on birds nesting in tree hollows (Hillyard 1996). It is a new species recorded for Slovenia (Figure 1, Table 1). Hyalomma marginatum is an exception, as its development takes place on only two different hosts instead of three for other tick species in Slovenia (Hillyard 1996). The hosts of both larvae and nymphs are birds, while adults parasitise cattle. On metamorphosis nymphs remain on the host individual at the larval stage. H. marginatum is most probably extinct within its natural distribution range in Slovenia because of the complete abandonment of cattle grazing under the Kra{ki rob area. Larvae and nymphs of H. marginatum are introduced each spring to this area and to continental Slovenia by migrating birds (Table 1, Figure 2) from Mediterranean and North Africa. There were also occasional findings of Ixodes hexagonus, Ixodes canisuga and Ixodes acuminatus (Table 1). Acknowledgements: I would like to thank Katarina Ale{, Andrej Bibi~, Franc Bra~ko, Igor Brajnik, Janez T. Trilar: Ticks (Acarina: Ixodidae) on birds in Slovenia Tick species / vrsta klopa Bird host species / pti~ji gostitelj Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) Acrocephalus palustris*#, A. schoenobaenus*, A. scirpaceus*, Alectoris graeca#, Anthus pratensis*, A. spinoletta#, A. trivialis*#, Apus apus#, Asio otus*, Bonasa bonasia#, Buteo buteo#, Carduelis carduelis*#, C. chloris*#, Ciconia ciconia#, Coccothraustes coccothraustes*, Columba oenas#, C. livia domestica*, Corvus corone cornix#, Cuculus canorus#, Emberiza cia#, Erithacus rubecula*#, Fringilla coelebs*, F. montifringilla*#, Garrulus glandarius#, Hippolais icterina*, Hirundo rustica*, Jynx torquilla*, Lanius collurio*#, Locustella fluviatillis*, Lullua arborea*, Luscinia luscinia*, L. megarhynchos*#, Milvus milvus#, Motacilla cinerea#, Nucifraga caryocatactes#, Numenius arquata#, Oenanthe oenanthe#, Parus cristatus*, P. major*, P. montanus*, P. caeruleus*, Passer domesticus*, P. montanus*, Phasianus colchicus*#, Phoenicurus ochruros*, P. phoenicurus*, Phylloscopus collybita*#, P. trochilus*, Pica pica#, Prunella modularis*#, Pyrrhula pyrrhula*#, Regulus regulus*, Riparia riparia*, Saxicola rubetra#, S. torquata*, Sitta europaea*, Strix aluco*, Sturnus vulgaris*#, Sylvia atricapilla*, S. borin#, S. communis*#, S. curruca*#, S. nisoria*, Tetrao tetrix*, T. urogallus#, Troglodytes troglodytes*, Turdus merula*, T. philomelos*, Vanellus vanellus* Ixodes lividus Koch, 1844 Riparia riparia*, Sturnus vulgaris*, Turdus merula* Ixodes frontalis (Panzer, 1795) Acrocephalus scirpaceus#•, Carduelis chloris*#•, Dendrocopos major#•, Emberiza leucocephala#, Garrulus glandarius# Ixodes arboricola Schultze & Schlottke, 1929 Parus caeruleus* Ixodes hexagonus Leach, 1815 Merops apiaster* Ixodes canisuga Johnston, 1849 Sitta europaea* Ixodes acuminatus Neumann, 1901 Turdus merula* Hyalomma marginatum Koch, 1844 Acrocephalus palustris*, A. scirpaceus*, Erithacus rubecula#, Falco tinnunculus#, Ficedula hypoleuca#, Gallinago gallinago#, Phoenicurus phoenicurus#, Sylvia communis*, Upupa epops# Table1: Ticks (Acarina: Ixodidae) found on birds in Slovenia (Source: # Tovornik 1990, • Tovornik 1991, * PmSL ixodidae 2004) Tabela 1: Klopi (Acarina: Ixodidae), najdeni na pticah v Sloveniji (Vir: # Tovornik 1990, • Tovornik 1991, * PmSL ixodidae 2004) 215 Dovi~, Dare Fekonja, Jo`e Gra~ner, Vesna Grobelnik, Peter Gro{elj, Franc Jan`ekovi~, Leon Kebe, Rajko Kora`ija, Brane Koren, Ivan Kos, Boris Kozinc, Brane Lapanja, Helena Lesar, Slavko Polak, Katarina Prosenc Trilar, Jasna [en, Dare [ere, Rudi Tekav~i~, Bogdan Vidic and Vili @gavec for the collected material and to the Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora for geocoding localities and production of distributional maps. Special thanks goes to Petra Pavlov~i~ for English improvements. Povzetek V Sloveniji je raz{irjenih 16 vrst klopov (Acarina: Ixodidae); devet smo jih na{li tudi na pticah. Najpogostej{a in splo{no raz{irjena vrsta je gozdni klop Ixodes ricinus, ki je bil doslej najden na 69 vrstah ptic in je najpogostej{a vrsta klopa, ki se pojavlja na pticah. Ptice so glavni gostitelji za breguljkinega Ixodes lividus, pti~jega Ixodes frontalis, duplarskega Ixodes arboricola in dvogostiteljskega klopa Hyalomma marginatum. Za je`evega Ixodes hexagonus, rde~ega ov~jega Haemaphysalis punctata, lisi~jega Ixodes canisuga in glodal~jega klopa Ixodes acuminatus pa so ptice zgolj naklju~ni gostitelji. Breguljkin klop je prvi~ omenjen za Slovenijo. Summary There are 16 tick species distributed across Slovenia. Nine of these were found on birds. The most Acrocephalus 25 (123): 213 – 216, 2004 abundant and widespread is Ixodes ricinus, which was found on 69 bird species and is the most common tick species parasitising birds. Birds are major hosts of Ixodes lividus, Ixodes frontalis, Ixodes arboricola and Hyalomma marginatum, and occasional hosts of Ixodes hexagonus, Haemaphysalis punctata, Ixodes canisuga and Ixodes acuminatus. Ixodes lividus is a new species recorded for Slovenia. References Hillyard, P.D. (1996): Ticks of North-West Europe. – Synopses of the British Fauna (New series), Shrewsbury, Field Studies Council. PMSL-Ixodidae (2004): Data from Tick Study Collection (coll. T. Trilar). – Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana. (unpublished) Rosický, B., Tovornik, D., Brelih, S., Daniel, M., Nosek, J. & Ma~i~ka, O. (1961): Zur Bionomie der Zecken Ixodes ricinus L. im Naturherd der Zeckenencephalitis in der Steiner Alpen (Kamni{ke Alpe – Slovenija). – ^e{koslovenska Parasitologie 8: 305–323. Southwood, T.R.E. (1978): Ecological methods with particular references to the study of insect population. – Chapman and Hall, London and New York. Tovornik, D. (1961): Prispevek k poznavanju klopov (Acarina, Ixodidae) v endemskih podro~jih meningoencefalitisa v Sloveniji. – Biolo{ki vestnik VIII: 57–71. Tovornik, D. (1987a): On the Bionomics of the Ixodes (Pholeoixodes) hexagonus Leach, 1815 in Slovenia (Yugoslavia). – Biolo{ki vestnik 35 (1): 101–120. Tovornik, D. (1987b): Bio-ekolo{ki vidiki razporeditve naravnih `ari{~ klopnega meningoencefalitisa v Sloveniji glede na dejavnik nadmorske vi{ine. – Zdravstveno Varstvo 26: 119–125. Tovornik, D. (1987c): Morfolo{ke zna~ilnosti dveh pripadnikov podrodu Pholeoixodes Schulze, 1942: Ixodes hexagonus Leach in Ixodes canisuga Johnston. – Biolo{ki vestnik 35 (2): 125–134. Tovornik, D. (1988a): Geographic Distribution and other Population Parameters of Ixodes (Exopalpiger) trianguliceps (Birula, 1895) in Yugoslavia. – Biolo{ki vestnik 36 (1): 33–54. Tovornik, D. (1988b): A revision of ticks belonging to the Rhipicephalus sanguineus complex (Latreille), collected in Yugoslav coastal Region. – Biolo{ki vestnik 36 (4): 77–84. Tovornik, D. (1988c): The significance of the Roe-Deer (Capreolus capreolus Linné, 1758) as the host and disseminators of ixodid ticks in SR Slovenia (Yugoslavia). – Biolo{ki vestnik 36 (4): 85–94. Tovornik, D. (1989): Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris Linné, 1758) and Fat Dormouse (Glis glis Linné, 1766) as host of ixodid ticks in Slovenia (Yugoslavia). – Biolo{ki vestnik 37 (2): 83–96. Tovornik, D. (1990a): The significance of the birds (Aves) as the host and disseminators of ixodid ticks (Yugoslavia). – Biolo{ki vestnik 38 (2): 77–108. Figure 2: Distribution of Hyalomma marginatum in Slovenia. Dots – natural distribution area (according to Tovornik 1990a), squares – introduced to the territory of central Slovenia by spring migrating birds. Slika 2: Razi{irjenost dvogostiteljskega klopa Hyalomma marginatum v Sloveniji. Pike – naravni areal raz{irjenosti (po Tovornik 1990a), kvadrati – vnosi v osrednjo Slovenijo prek sele~ih se ptic. 216 Tovornik, D. (1990b): Ixodes (Eschatocephalus) vespertilionis Koch, 1844 (Arachn., Ixodidae) regarding its specific hosts and natural habitats (Slovenia, Yugoslavia). – Acta entomologica Jugoslavica 23: 1–2. Tovornik, D. (1991): Data on Ticks Ixodes frontalis (Panzer, 1798) and Ixodes arboricola Schulze et Schlottke, 1929, found on Birds in Yugoslavia. – Biolo{ki vestnik 39 (1/2): 157–164. Tovornik, D. (1991): Podatki o klopih Ixodes frontalis (Panzer, 1798) in Ixodes arboricola Schulze et Schlottke, 1929, najdenih na pti~ih v Jugoslaviji [Data on ticks Ixodes frontalis (Panzer, 1798) and Ixodes arboricola Schulze et Schlottke, 1929, found on birds in Yugoslavia�. – Biolo{ki vestnik 39 (1/2): 157–164. Tovornik, D. & Brelih, S. (1980): Iksodidni klopi, paraziti ku{~aric (Lacertidae) v kra{kih in drugih predelih Jugoslavije. – Scopolia 3: 1–121. Tovornik, D. & Vesenjak-Hirjan, J. (1988): A Revision of Ticks belonging to the Rhipicephalus sanguineus complex (Latreille), collected in the Yugoslav Coastal Region. – Biolo{ki vestnik 36 (4): 77–84. Arrived / Prispelo: 23.12.2004 Accepted / Sprejeto: 9.5.2005 T. Trilar: Ticks (Acarina: Ixodidae) on birds in Slovenia