Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 41/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 28. 10. 2012 30. NEDELJA MED LETOM 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Naj vidim! Slepim je bilo v starih časih še teže, kot jim je danes, ko je na voljo več ustreznih pripomočkov, da se znajdejo na poti. Takrat je lahko pomenil vsak gib1 pravo tveganje z nepredvidljivimi posledicami. Le sede na istem mestu so se slepi počutili varne. Prepuščeni sami sebi bi težko preživeli. Tako je Bartimaj sedel ob poti in prosil vbogajme. Bil je povsem odvisen od drugih. Glede na takšno ozadje šele spoznamo pravo težo | zadnje ugotovitve: »Spregledal je in šel po poti za njim.« Ni samo spregledal, razprl se mu je tudi pogled vere v Boga, ki ni samo usmiljen, marveč usmiljenje samo. Jezusa je poklical po imenu, kar pomeni, da ga je prepoznal in vzljubil. Tako se je na njem izpolnila izpoved odrešenja: »Zakaj pod nebom ljudem ni dano nobeno drugo ime, po katerem naj bi se mi rešili« (Apd 4,12) Slepi Bartimaj nam lahko postane model vzgoje naših želja in našega zbližanja s Kristusom; naše opredelitve zanj in hoje za njim. Bartimej je bil slep in berač. Tudi mi smo oboje. Da v Jezusu prepoznamo humanega, velikega človeka, bi še šlo. A da v njem prepoznamo Mesijo, Boga, v katerem je vse naše življenje, naša luč, naš vid, naša usmeritev, naša prihodnost, naša Skala in Moč ... to je v resnici zahtevno. In prav tu je bistvo: v Njem spoznati in se okleniti Boga svojega življenja; Vera v Jezusa nas ne osvobaja nujnega poizvedovanja in iskanja novih življenjskih smeri. Skratka, tudi verujoči ne moremo reči, da nam je pot življenja vedno in polno osvetljena, da ne moremo zaiti. K sreči takrat tudi sami slišimo spodbudo, kot je bila izrečena Bartimeju: »Zaupaj, vstani, kliče te!« Nam samim je dobro, če to spodbudo tudi sprejmemo. SCHOLASHIP BANQUET - BLED SCHOLARSHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS Alexandra Barich Joshua Farkas Nicole Viscek michelle Vuk bursaries award recipients Jennifer Bradica Anita Fleming Deanna Fleming Andrew Pavlic Kristijan Razpotnik Emily Strojin V soboto, 20. oktobra 2012 je bilo v dvorani društva Bled zelo slovesno. Združenje »Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation« je organiziralo že 16. srečanje, na katerem so mladim iz slovenskih skupnosti podelili štipendije kot priznanje za njihovo udejstvovanje v različnih društvih. Po dobri večerji je častni konzul rebulike Slovenije, g. John Doma, spregovoril o tem, kako je njega zaznamovalo dejstvo, da je slovenskega rodu. Sledila je podelitev priznanj in štipendij zgoraj omenjenim dobitnikom. Ob koncu so FRANKU GIMPLJU podelili priznanje za izreden prispevek slovenski skupnosti. Po končanem uradnem programu je Matej Lebar Orchestra z glasbo obogatil in polepšal razpoloženje v dvorani. V nedeljo, 21. oktobra 2012 je bila tudi v Midlandu slovesnost ob razglasitvi Kateri Tekakwithe za svetnico. Ob enajstih je bila procesija z njenimi relikvijami in kipom in ob 12:00h sveta maša pri papeškem oltarju. Slovesnosti se je udeležilo tudi nekaj naših faranov. Milka Ferko je dogodek tudi ovekovečila s slikami. Papež Benedik XVI je Kateri razglasil tudi za zavetnico Kanade. Sunday's Readings 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with First Reading Jeremiah 31:7-9 God will bring men and women home, from wherever they are scattered. Second Reading Hebrews 5:1-6 A reflection on the priestly dignity of Christ. Gospel_Mark 10:46-52 Our Lord responds to an appeal and heals a blind man. "The Lord has saved his people, the remnant of Israel." Illustration Imagine being on a commuter train in the rush hour. It snakes its way out of the city as night is falling. In the great tower blocks that flank the line the lights are going on. Each bright window represents a family; someone is saying, "What do you want for your tea?" Someone is saying, "Put the TV on, I want to watch the news." Someone is saying, "You'll never guess what happened at school this morning." Maybe the same conversations are going on, give or take a few words, in many of the apartments as the train flashes by: at the end of the working day, perhaps one human family is very like another. Gospel Teaching Of one thing you can be sure: that each of those families, and each individual in those families, is known and loved by God. For you and me 324 | VESTNIK 2012 on the train, well, the sheer number of people defeats us. But God is not like us. The Lord can hold all those people in his mind and heart with no effort at all. And God longs for each individual, each family, to turn to the one who created them and saved them - to belong to the people God has formed to bring them home to heaven. Without any compulsion - because, after all, the free will of every human being is our most precious possession - God's heart reaches out to each of those bright windows and the human beings in each of those apartments. The train gathers speed and leaves them all behind, forgotten. God, however, does not forget. God loves to give the gift of faith. Statistically, it is probable that many of those families, if you asked them, would say, "We're not religious." They think that God is an outmoded idea, and simply does not exist; or that if God does exist, it is without an atom of concern for people on this earth. If only they knew the tenderness of the Father for them. If only they knew the story of Jesus weeping over his city and saying, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem... how often have I longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings." If only they knew how close the Holy Spirit is, with the power to open their lives to a glorious new reality. God, however, will always respect their free will, their freedom to choose. Today in St Mark's Gospel, Jesus does not force the gift of sight on blind Bartimaeus. He responds to a call: "Son of David, Jesus, have pity on me." He asks, "What do you want me to do for you?" He answers an appeal. Those families in the tower blocks do not know how to call out, how to ask for the gift of faith. You and I can do it for them, as the train powers on through the dark. Application Believing Christians are a small item today in a large population, and believing Catholics even more so. In our first reading Jeremiah talks today about a "remnant". That's what we are. But Jeremiah also says, "The Lord has saved his people... See, I will bring them back. and gather them from the far ends of earth." God has a plan, even for the multicultural millions of our major cities. "All of them: the blind and the lame, women with child, women in labour: a great company returning here." It is a plan full of kind-heartedness. "I will comfort them as I lead them back; I will guide them to streams of water, by a smooth path where they will not stumble." Your job, and mine, is to pray constantly for the people among whom we live, that God will give them the gift of faith and bring them into the safe haven of Christ's Church. There is no limit to what the Holy Spirit can do: conversion is the Spirit's stock-in-trade. But somewhere, there has to be someone crying out, "Son of David, Jesus, have pity on me." Let us storm heaven for our friends and neighbours. And let us do it with hope, and with trust. The hope and trust will be there if we fix our eyes on God, and God's power, and God's achievements. Don't let your hope wear thin, for each of those bright windows, as the train passes. Duhovniki hamiltonske škofije na duhovniškem seminarju od 23-25. oktobra 2012 v Burlingtonu. Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR Pevske vaje za župnijski mešani pevski zbor bodo v četrtek po večerni maši. Naslednjič zbor poje 25. novembra na praznik Kristusa Kralja Vesoljstva. MAŠA NA POKOPALIŠČU - 28.10.2012 Letos bom maša za vse pokojne na pokopališču Holy Sepuchre v nedeljo, 28. oktobra 2012 ob 2:00 popoldne. Sveto mašo bo vodil hamiltonski škof Douglas Crosby. Po sveti maši bodo molitve za rajne na naših pokopališčih, kot je to že navada iz prejšnjih let. Ob 3:00 p.m. bodo molitve pri križu na pokopališču Holy Sepuchre, ob 3:30 p.m. na slovenskem delu pokopališča Gate of Heaven in ob 5:00 p.m. pri križu na pokopališču Our Lady of the Angels. FOLKLORNA SKUPINA VENEC_ Folklorna skupina VENEC represents individuals from throughout southern Ontario and unites its members with the motto of folklore, fun and friends. The next VENEC practice is Friday, November 2nd @ 7:00pm followed by Sunday, November 18th at St. Gregory the Great Hall. Practices will be twice a month (the 1st Friday and 3rd Sunday of each month). This will allow everyone to be able to attend at least 1 practice a month. For more information, contact Dave Antolin: 905.664.5980 or visit the group's Facebook page: FS VENEC for the entire schedule of practices. DRUŠTVO SVETEGA JOŽEFA V torek, 16. oktobra so se za člane društva, v prostorih Villa Slovenia, začeli družabni večeri »jesen-zima« . Tisti, ki še niste prišli, vabljeni odslej vsak torek zvečer po sedmi uri. Villa Slovenia Monday Afternoon: BINGOS will commence on Monday, October 15th at 1:30 PM. We have had many inquiries and interest expressed. We do need a minimum of 20 bingo players to make it worthwhile. Everyone is welcome to join us and we encourage you to invite your friends for a fun afternoon. Slava Gombosa has agreed to assist us and Frank Erzar will once again call the numbers. Ob ponedeljkih popoldne ste zopet vabljeni na Bingo. Začetek je ob 1:30 popoldne. Potrebujemo vsaj 20 igralcev, da se splača. Povabite prijatelje. SLOVENSKA ŠOLA_ Vas obveščamo, da bomo v nedeljo 28. oktobra 2012 po obeh mašah učiteljice in otroci slovenske šole nudili krofe, kavo/čaj in sok v spodnji dvorani. Vljudno Vas prosimo in Vas vabimo, da pridete in se pogostite. S tem boste pomagali našim učencem pri zbiranju potrebnih finančnih sredstev za šolo in mogočno ekskurzijo v Slovenijo v letu 2013. The teachers and students of Slovenian School will be serving donuts, coffee, tea and after both Masses on Sunday, October 28th in the downstairs hall. We will be there from 9:00 AM to 12 noon. With this you will be helping our school children raise funds for their school and a possible excursion to Slovenia in 2013. We thank you in advance for your generosity and cooperation. We hope to see you soon for coffee/tea/juice, donuts and some friendly dialogue! LONDON_ Slovenska skupnost v Londonu se bo zbrala 1. novembra ob dveh popoldne na pokopališču St. Peter's. Ob dveh popoldne bomo imeli, v Holy Family Chapel Mausoleum, sveto mašo in se spomnili vseh pokojnih, ki tam počivajo, posebej pa še vseh, ki so odšli k Bogu od lanskega leta. MARTI NOVAN JE_ A V naši dvorani bomo imeli ¿fP%\ Martinovanje v soboto, 10. novembra z SJTif* začetkom ob 7:00 p.m. Vabljeni, da U | prinesete svoje novo vino na ocenjevanje. PRVI PETEK IN SOBOTA."........ Zopet je pred nami prvi petek in sobota. Obiskoval bom bolnike. V petek zvečer ob šestih je kot navadno prilika za sveto spoved, češčenje Najsvetejšega in molitev rožnega venca, nato pa sveta maša. VEČNA LUČ_ V mesecu novembru bo večna luč gorela za pokojne Gazvoda po namenu Lojzke Saje DAROVI_ Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak sta darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad namesto rož na grob pokojne Ksenije Nedelko. Ivan in Ana Kirec darujeta za gradbeni sklad $100. Ivan In Angela Antolin darujeta za gladbeni sklad $100 v spomin na pokojnega Roberta Kramar. Vsem, ki ste darovali iskrena hvala in Bog vam povrni s svojo milostjo. POKOJNI_ 19. oktobra, 2012 je zaspala v Gospodu naša faranka, KSENIA NEDELKO, skoraj sto let stara. Zanjo smo molili v Markey-Dermody Funeral Home v torek, 23. oktobra zvečer, v sredo 24. oktobra smo darovali pogrebno sveto mašo in nato je sledil pogreb na Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. V Sloveniji je 21. oktobra 2012, v 37. letu starosti umrl ROBERT KRAMAR, nečak Angelce Antolin. Za pokojnega Roberta smo v petek, 26. oktobra opravili sveto daritev. 20. oktobra 2012 pa je v Trnju, v Premurju umrl JOŽEF SARJAŠ, v 91. letu starosti. Pogreb pokojnega je bil 22. oktobra v Trnju, župnija Črenšovci. V četrtek, 25. oktobra smo v naši cerkvi zanj opravili sveto mašo. Pokojni Jožef je brat našega farana Ignaca Sarjaša. Večni mir in pokoj vsem pokojnim, naj jim bo Gospod usmiljen in dobrotljiv, vsem sorodnikom pa iskreno sožalje. BISHOP BARAGA ASSOCIATION_ Ta teden smo dobili pismo od Leonore McKeen, ki je sedaj odgovorna za organizacijo Baragovega združenja in se zahvaljuje za dar -$2500, ki smo ga ob Baragovih dnevih izročili združenju. V pismu še dodaja: »Upam, da se boste udeležili tudi prihodnjih Baragovih dni 2013 v Duluth v Minessoti«. Priporoča se v molitveni spomin. OD 28. 10. 2012 DO 04. 11. 2012 svete mase - masses 30. NEDELJA MED LETOM za žive in rajne žuPljane „„ „ tt Jože in Matila Stanko 28. Oktober '' n .... . ... t Darinka Ferletic SHnon in Juda Tadej,ap. n Vs| pokojni iz naše župnije 9:30 a.m. Jože in Olga Hanc 11:00 a.m. Milan, Sandy in Mike 2:00 p.m. Holy Sepuchre - Burlington Ponedeljek - Monday t Štefan Zadravec, obl. 7.00 p.m. Žena Terezija n tt pokojni iz družine Hull Ludvik Hull z družino 29 UKTOBER t Irma Hull Frank in Pavla Pelcar Miahel Rua, redovnik t Ciril Virant Družina Lorber Torek - Tuesday 30. Oktober Marcel, mučenec Irma Hull Jože Jerič Jože Jerič Ksenia Nedelko 8:00 a.m. Družina Vogrinčič Veronika Čurič Ignac in Marija Korošec Štefan in Teresa Prša Sreda - Wednesday 31. Oktober Volbenk, škof f Marko Molec f Irma Hull • Marija Klemenčič f Irma Hull 7:00 p.m. Žena in sin Družina Vogrinčič Emilija Mertuk Marija in Ignac Korošec Četrtek- Thursday t Angela Kocmut 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič tt Pokojni iz družine Lehner Vera in Franc Marič 01. November tt Hodnik Sribar, Erzetič Manja Erzetič VSI SVETI t Tončka Demšar Družini Demšar-Scarcelli tt Pokojni iz društva London 2:00 p.m. St. Peter's Cemetery-Mavzolej Prvi Petek - First Friday 02. November Spomin vernih rajnih za duše v vicah ff iz družine Mes f Stane Napast f Ivan Sobočan 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič Družina Mes Žena Fanika Napast z družino Ignac in Terezija Kolenko t Martin Glavač 8:15 a.m. Žena Marija z družino Sobota - Saturday tt Frank in Ljudmila Simčič 5:30 p.m. Steve in Vida Sajder 03. November tt Za duše v vicah Marija Košir Viktorin Ptujski, škof tt Štefan in Marija Kirec Hčerka Elizabeta tt Jožef in Marija Heric Hčerka Anica 31. NEDELJA MED LETOM za žive in rajne župljane 04. November t Karl Volčanšek 9:30 a.m. Družina KarelBoromejski, škof t Robert Zver 11:00 a.m. Družina Žižek svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971,