« DOMOVINA AMERICAN IN SPIRIT-FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERICAN HOME SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER NO. 42 CLEVELAND 8, 0., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1947 LETO XLIX-VOL. XLIX Mika bi rada vedela, kam je Izginilo 1^*5^**“^* 123 zabojev uplenjenega žganja "ek za živino Pri razpravah, kjer preiskuje- '(Takrat ni bil Frank J. Lausche Chicago. — Brata Melvin in jo mahinacije z likerskimi ličen- guverner, ampak John W. Brick- Everett Snoozy iz Centerville, cami, je naenkrat prišlo na dan, er). -I South Dakota, sta pripeljala v da je iz državnega skladišča za Na 19 pov lg44 yj0 vzetih klavnico 21 železniških voz pi- Predsednlk Truman zanika obtožbo ministra Bevina radi Palestine JUG. POSLANIK IMA MENDA V MISLIH PATTERSONA — Jugoslovan- Izjavil je, da politika ni igrala vloge glede naseljevanja Židov Washington. — Predsednik Truman je uradno zavrnil obtožbo angleškega zunanjega mi- žganje v Clevelandu izginilo mč k akladišča 16 zabojev žganja> tanih juncev. Tehtali so pov manj kot 123 zabojev žganja,*: ng 4 jap 194- 29) a na 12-j prečno po 1,167 funtov. Za vse so ga državni agentje ^plenih v jan. 1945 ostaiih 79 zabojev. Po- ^ P^^la ček v vsoti ?100,-letih 1943 in 1944 pri ljudeh ki ^ zg te wWjane zaboje je 703.02. so ga imeli na nepostaven način podpisa] Floyd £ Gabl6i ki je bil Ko sta fanta prejela ček, sta _ ___________________ pri sebi m ga tudi nepostavno tcW g|avnj državni agent za se odpravila “nekoliko na raz- nistra Bevina, da iz političnih ali prodajali. ! ta diatrikt. Ta zdaj pravi, da je g'ed P° mestu.” Ampak ne prej, - strankarskih motivov izjavil Državna senatorka Margaret gi0 vse tisto žganje za “dobrodel- da sta ček spravila na banki za svoje stališče zaradi naseljeva-Mahoney iz Clevelanda je včeraj ne ^ „ (Khm |vsak alu<;aj. izjavila, da je publika upraviče-| j _______g______ na, da izve vse, kaj se je zgodilo O tem se bo vršila natančna I„ >i a tistim žganjem. | preiskava, da se bo dognalo, če L6ylJOI1dfJI SO PrOK Kot kažejo uradni zapiski, je se bo namreč sploh moglo, v ka- ■■ , bilo dopeljano v državno skladi- tere “dobrodelne svrhe’’ je šlo 1)851111811111 pritISKU šče 19. nov. 1943 101 zaboj za- tisto žganje, ki je bila državna ■ , plenjenega žganja, in 22 dodat- last,-ker ga je zaplenil državni 23 DODUS ¥61628110111 nih zabojev na 31. marca 1944. agent. DROBNE VESTI IZ SLOVENIJE (Došle preko Trsta) Komunisti so vodili pohod veteranov na državno legislature nja Židov v Palestini. Angleški minister je namreč v poslanski zbornici izjavil, da je predsednik Truman s tem, ko je izjavil, naj se takoj dovoli naseliti 100,000 Židom v Palestini, pokvaril vsako možno mirno rešitev palestinskega vprašanja in da je predsednik Truman zavzel tako stališče iz strankarskega in političnega vzroka. Predsednik Truman je namreč podal tisto izjavo glede naselitev Židov te- Washington. ski poslanik Sava Kosanovičjel bil pri ameriškem drž. podtajniku Achesonu, s katerim je govoril o predavanjih Richarda Pattersona, ki je bil ameriški poslanik v Belgradu. Patterson prireja namreč zdaj predavanja v raznih mestih, kjer ne pove nič prijaznega o režimu maršala Tita. Sava Kosanovič ni hotel reči, če se je šel radi tega pritožit na državni urad, zanikal pa ni, da se ne bi o tem razgovarjal z Achesonom. Chester J. Koch, načelnik uni- kom kongresne kampanje lansko je armadnih in mornariških ve- ]et0. “KOROŠKA JE NAŠA. . .” iskali Trst in Gorico v Washing- , , ...... Vsi jugoslovanski listi sedaj tonu, so ju iskali samo v Moskvi. teran°v Je,0Str0 obs®?‘' pobod1 Bevin da je takrat prosil, naj bi mnogo pišejo o slovenski Koro- Izgleda, da bo enako s Koroško. ?ar sto ve^ran,ov ’ Columbus,; predsednik Truman tiste izjave ški. Stojimo pred zgodovinsko V času, ko o Koroški odločujejo kje.r “ “Sevali od legislature ne dal v javnost tekom kampa-odločitvijo, ali bodo pridruženi zapadni zavezniki, berete vsaki lzP'a£ltev » kl ima na-Stoje okrog Šol I me,n P°mafati. beguncem, ima . važno sejo jutri večer ob 7 v cer-Buffalo, N. Y. — Kakih 70,-' kveni dvorani pri sv. Lovrencu. 000 šolarjev v tem mestu je te Vsi, katerim se smilijo begunci, dni brez vsakega pouka, ko je naj bodo navzoči. Več važnih stavka učiteljskih moči primora- zadev je treba rešiti. . la zapreti vseh 98 javnih šol v $e na mnoga leta- me?.tu' , I Poznana in spoštovana Mr. in Na stavko je odšla učiteljska Mrs. John Ropret iz 19601 Kil-federacija v pondeljek in takrat deer Ave. praznujeta danes 25-je zaprlo 78 šol v sredo so mora- letnico srečnega zakonskega živ-le prenehati pa še vse-ostale. | ljenja. Sorodniki ter številni Mestni župan Dod je nujno prijatelji in znanci jima iskreno apeliral na državnega šolskega iestitajo ter jima fcIij0( da M komisarja, naj takoj vzame v ro-; srečna in zadovoljna dočakala ke položaj šol v mestu, ker me- tudi zlato porčko. ato samo nima denarja, da bi zvi-1. . . ... ja plaŽe U{iteljStVU* kakor za-i ££2w* 793 E. 156. Jaj°’ , . . ... I St. se je povrnil domov iz bolni- s8 Jnice- Z-hvaljuje se za obiske šolski odbor, naj določi dan, do jn karte .„ ,e 1 kuterega se morajo vrnit, ne de- prijatelj da bjP P lo vsi učitelju drugače naj se pa obiska|1 ^ na začne proti njim z disciplinarno akcijo. Srebrna poroka— Unija voznikov trukov je izja-* in ^rs' ^08epb že'ko ‘z vila, da ne bo dovažala premoga a ® Carry Ave. sta na 26. fe-v šole, ker ne mara iti skozi pi-1 bruarJa Praznovala 25-letnico ketne straže. | srečnega zakonskega življenja. Meščanstvo v splošnem simpe- ®j"ovi Jo88ph’Rudf *? **** tizira z učiteljstvom in njih za- dr,UP. 80rodn!kl ‘n številni pnja-htevami za \ p . .. H , . .. "usa, kot so ga pokazali pohodm-;^ kar ge tiže naseljevanja ki v Columbus, Kolikor je nje- židov v Palestini. Ako je Mr. godbo. Konec je bilo vsega par- mu znanes,a, je rekel, se ni Ho-, Truman to ponovno zahteval, je za ga J™ nja' I ben legijonar udeležil pohoda v hotel samo pospešiti rešitev pale- lahko dobili avtna kolesa, Id so 1. junija 1945 je govoril Tito Columbus do državne legislate- štinskega vprašanja, ne glede na , v Celju: “Koroška je naša in mi re. j t0j kakšne fcffltične posledice bi Bojimo Med tem časom se je pa do-, to imelo. am Nemcem, ki so bili med najhujšimi Hitlerjevimi priganjači. To važno vprašanje j'e sedaj naravna skrb vsakega Slovenca, naj se nahaja kjerkoli. Ali bo ge bomo za njo borili.1__,____ pisanje jugoslovanskih časopisov se da se bo Tito za Koroško tako' „aln da “ Kii^ med volltelii te-l -m N* w-i* -T«. s p,.- znim vpitjem iz žalitvami Ame- sy gden teh voditeljev da je bil1 rikancev! Kadar bo šlo zares, bo neki Edward j, chaka ki stanu.| zlezel pod mizo. Kot pri Trstu. je na 3939 E 147 st„ ki je p^.1 im bo kmalu Akron, O. — Pred vojno ;smo PreS očmi nam je, kako so vpili partizanski listi o Trstu, pa ie Titova diplomacija vendar doživela najhujši poraz. Izgubili smo Trst in Gorico. Politika ni namreč odvisna od vpitja in praznih besed. Izgubili smo Trst in Gorico, ker je žalibog Jugoslavija mhrširala s komunisti in so jugoslovanski listi in jugoslovanski zastopniki vse storili, da si napravijo sovražnike med Ameri-kanci in Angleži. Namesto, da bi Olj« dobivajo zdaj že kar na gorah Denver, Colo. — Cesar človek Zgodovina bo pisala da je bilo f j5*39 ‘‘J*!' ne bi verjel, se je zgodilo tukaj. partizanstvo naivečia slovenska zna ’,da S an k.on‘un!stl, e Standard Oil iž Kalifornije in partizanstvo naj večja slovenska stnmke Niž ne taji, da je elan ™ r t vrtaH E na vse misli na Koroško, je Matija ______Q______ Tomc zbral in na novo harmoni- „ , , »___ ziral sedem najlepših koroških Seiiat ne Sledi pOSlaitCeHl narodnih pesmi. _______(Dalje na 5. »Wall bila na zunaj ob strani bela. Teh zdaj ne delajo, ker nh njojfoče dobiti tvarine, ki se zmeša.s kav-^ čukom za taka kolesa. Industrija sme izdelati na mesec samo 50 takih koles, pa samo za presku-šiijo,' ne smejo jih pa prodati za rabo 'pri avtih. ■' in vendar so zavzeli podobno sta-'važna seja celokupnega odbora lišče kot delavci v tovarnah, ki, Zveze društev Najsvetejšega gredo na stavke/ Stavka v tem, Imena. Seja so vrši pri sv. Vi-času, ko mesto mma denarja za du. višje plače, je zg njih zahteve k molitvi— brez pomena; obenem pa v nepo-' Članice podružnice 41 SžZ naj pisno škodo pri vzgoji mladine, j pridejo nocoj ob 7:30 v Svetkov Mladina je v splošnem vesela pogrebni zavod na 152. cesti, da počitnic. Skrbi pa one iz višjih se poslove od pokojne sesjre Je-šol, ki bodo morali v juniju po-'nije Gospodarich. — Članice polagati izpite, ker morajo imeti družniee 14 SžZ naj se zberejo gotovo število ur v šoli. in dobile olje. Res sta morali vrtati 7,700 čevljev globoko in sta imeli s tem velike stroške, toda stroški se bodo pokrili s 300 mi- Angleški komunisti so proti dobavi rudarjev iz drugih dežel London. — Ker vlada v Angliji veliko pomanjkanje delovne sile, je vlada sklenila, da se dobi zlasti za delo v rudnikih delavce od drugod. Proti temu je ogorčeno nastopil Arthur Horner, glavni tajnik rudarske unije, ki je obenem tudi ena glavnih sil v angleški komunistični stranki. Rekel je, da bi dovoz delavcev od drugod, zbudil nevo-* ljo med angleškim delavstvom, ki bi mislilo, da bi s tem izgubili priliko zahtevati višjo mezdo. Angleška vlada ima v načrtu, da se dobi v deželo begunce iz Evrope, zlasti Poljake. Svarilo trgovini, da se počasi bližajo slain časi ! pri sekanji proraiura, Hgjfi 7*"1* “ " ga je predložila vlada PISMO DEKLETCA SODNIKU JI JE REŠILO MATER PRED DOLGIM ZAPOROM Detroit. — Mrs. Vera De Vo- Bogu, da bo mamo tolažil in re je bila spoznana krivim, da blagoslovil. Pa tudi Vas nč je ubila svojega moža, ki je le- bom pozabila, ki ste tako do-žal za vrati v pijani nezavesti, jbri, da boste mamo poslali k Izpovedala je, da jo je dosti- .meni domov.” Pismo je bilo na- pa ob 8 nocoj v Grdinovem pogrebnem zavodu, da se poslove od pokojne sestre Frances Ora-žem. Zaduinica— Jutri ob 7:15 bo darovana v cerkvi sv. Vida maša za pokojna Mary in John Zaletel. Šesta obletnica— V pondeljek ob 7:45 bo daro- New York, — Vedno bolj se stekajo od Vseh strani svarila Irska bo zabogatela s turisti Dublin. — Zdaj, ko je vsa Evropa razbita, bo Irska delala ve- odglasoval, da se odbije samo lik dobiček s turisti. Letošnje . . velika poletje pričakujejo iz Evrope ne, hčerke obtoženke, ki je pro- Washington. — Dočim je poslanska zbornica odgla3ovala, da se odbije od vladnega proračuna ?6,000,000,000, je sehat krat v pijanosti pretepal. Todalpisano v otroških čačkah, ki jej vana v cerkvi sv. Vida maša za Tedaj je pa sodnik McKay prejel od 9 leta stare Charle- že uravnavajo svoje poslovanje.:slanska zb“™®a<>®la od p/°-V New Yorku, je na primer, ne-'raž,wf ?2,500,000,000 na račun ko kino gledišče znižalo ceno a™a(*e ta mormince. vstopnini. Ampak neko podjetje,' Senat Je glasoval z 51pro i ki obratuje taksije, je pa zvišalo; 33 glasovom in sicer je bilo za voznino. Gledišče je znižalo ce-|PredloK 21 republikancev m 30 no vstopnini, da bi privabilo več: demokratov, prpti, to je gledalcev, družba s taksiji je pa! Predlog poslanske zbornice, zvišala prevoznino, ker je vedno'24 republikancev in manj odjemalcev in hoče z višjo kratov. 9 pa demo- 9 let star fant poskusil samomor Essex, Md. — Učiteljica je poslala iz razreda 9 let starega dečka radi slabega obnašanja. Kmalu potem so našli fanta v umivalnici, kjer se je obesil z ovratnico. Policija se je trudila Sol ure z umetnim dihanjem, dafa je spravila k zavesti. Odpeljali so ga v bolnišnico, toda zdravniki nimajo dosti upanj % da bo oždravel. prevoznino kriti stroške obrata. Oboje je znamenje slabih časih. Neka velika garaža poroča, da se je zmanjšal promet od 15% do 25%. Nek lepotilni salon poroča, da nosijo ženske zdaj dlje po eno frizuro, kot so jo poprej, torej manj potrošijo. Še celo neka trgovina, ki prodaja šolske potrebščine in drugo drobnarijo, Id ima torej za glavne odjemalce mladino, poroča; da kupčija pe- To sicer ni še nobena parska, kaže pa, da se že bližajo slabši čaši in da publika tišči denar v žepu in kupuje same najpotrebnejše. Irskem. Zato pa rastejo hoteli la sledeče: kot gobe po dežju. • “Vsak večer bom molila k, vse to ji ni pomagalo in sod-1 sodnika tako ganilo, da je obto- pokojno Frances Jakopin ob pri-nik je bil na tem, da jo obsodi ženko oprostil; postavil jo je 'liki 6. obletnice njene smrti, na 15 let ječe. eamo za 5 let na preskuSnjo.'jVoo grob— da bo videl, kako se bo obna-! Umrl je William Bučar, star šala. j 57 let, stanujoč na 3925 Superior ' A VO P m'on io Kil n V/vitrA/linf rta “Tukaj je lepa prilika, da se! Ave. Rojen je bil v Vojvodini na ' Hrvaškem in se je nahajal 38 let v Ameriki. Bilje še samski. Za- pravica oblaži z usmiljenjem,’’ je rekel sodnik, ko je poslal Mrs. More domov k hčerki. Poslanec Kuntson iz Minnesote je rekel, da bo to onemogočilo namen republikancev, da bi zmanjšali dohodninske davke za 20%. Pristavil pa je, da se poslanska ibornica ne bo podala in da bo vztrajala pri svojem sprejetem predlogu, da se odvzame yladnemu proračunu'6 bilijonov dolarjev. Nov prekooceanski parnik dogotovljen Belfast. — V morje so spustili nov parnik, last Cunard White Star črte, ki se imenuje Partbia. Parnik ima 14,000 ton prostornine in bo plul med Anglijo in Ameriko. pušča brata Jamesa. Delal je v Graphite Bronze Co. Pogreb bo iz Golubovega pogrebnega zavoda. čas pogreba še ni določen. Iz raznih naselbin Komite j za gradnjo Doma združenih narodov. — Gornja zlika nam przdztaclja komite}, katerega naloga Je, da dobi podrte za gradnjo Doma združenih narodov, ka- terega nameravajo postaviti na obrežju East River v New Torku. Od leve na deno oo: Trggve Lie, gl. tajnik V. N., blvU amerižki senator Warren Austin, ki Je načelnik tega komiteja In Wallace K. Harrison, direktor načrtnega komiteja VN. Ely, Minn— V poročilu praznovanja 90. rojstva M. Balasa je bilo popiotoma izpuščeno ime hčere, Mrs. Josip Kolenc. Mr. Balas je dospel v Ameriko leta 1903. Madison, O. — Ob veliki udeležbi v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete | v Madisonu je 23. feb. Rev. L. J. Virant daroval sv. mašo za pokojnega Franca Leskovica, ki je umrl v Ljubljani. Waukegan, 111. — Mark Drob-nick, sin družine Joe Drobnick iz North Chicaga se je povzpel v odvetniški poklic in odprl svoj urad na 5 North Genesee St., Waukegan. Odvetniško maturo je izdelal na državni univerzi in na DePaul University v Chicagu. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA' AMERICAN HOME SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER (JAMES DEBEVEC, Editor) •Ul St. CWr Am. HEWtnon OM '*T*l‘n* *> 9hi# PuUllihrd d*Hy ewopt Saturdays. Sundays and Holidays__ » t 1 1 * 7 8 9 to n n i) M >J 16 17 18 19 U> ci u 14 ij 16 v 18 19 NAROČNINA: za Ameriko na leto »7.00; za Cleveland In Kanado po poiti za eno leto $8.00. Za Ameriko pol leta $4.00; za Cleveland In Kanado po poiti pol leta $4.60 Za Ameriko Četrt »ta $1.60: m Ohvaland ln Kanado po poiti Četrt leta $3.16. Za Olveeland In okolico po raznaialdh; celo leto $100. pol lita $400, Četrt leta $300. Posamezna itevllka stana 6 centov. socialiste. Nekateri so ij_ nost. Congratulations. jlTenju zelo HizX dnTgiTo sedlfna spretno nastavljene lij * * * manice Večino teca Kar se ic imenovalo napredno i®' Nektj ljudi gte \ tem o od komunistov vo- «* kjer je gorko in ni sneg, denim organizacijam. Mislili so, da so moderni in celo «■ rodni, ko so se dali vioviti od mednarodnega boljševizma, kan (Mokar) pa je dobil počit-r> .• 44__i_iu” U;l« ».ak« mmo ukoriti nn čknfih in QU- > Mčina (Imenovana | cem že zapravi'a Gorico, Trst, krajevnj ljudski odbor), okraj - ------- ----- Italijo. Veliko pa jih je preširoke J . . ... D k z. mašnih, da bi se mogli izseliti Odpor Amerike proti komunizmu je že velik. Pa bo še predno xito pride notri. Polo-zrastel. Pride čas, in zdi se, da ni daleč, ko bo marsikakca- ,g ža]oaten Domačini se zrastel. Pride čas, in zdi se, da ni daleč, ko bo marsmaK ca- ^ žalosten. Domačini se stilec Stalinov in Titov obžaloval, da je tum s komunistični- upraviženo bojijo hudih časov po mi volkovi. Mi smo svarili vso slovensko javnost v Ameriki. J v pariZu. Bog naj čuva Reč! smemo, da smo mnoge odvrnili od njih lastne nesreče.' n#d svojimj ubogimi otroci tukaj Katerim pa ni mogoče svetovati, jim tudi mi mogoče potna- gotovo prihajajoče težke , NawtoOi. nojiice Pravkar smo imeli obisk. Naš mišjonar, Father Ciril Šircelj, I Kanalsko dolino s sv. Višarjam:, (0jcrajni ljudski odbor), pokra-in porabske Slovence. Sedaj je jjns}(a uprava (vlada v Ljubljana vrsti Koroška. nj j Sedaj po toči se je spomni a N0VQ VRH0V0 SODIŠČE. “Ljudska pravica, da Madžari _ Takoj po 9prejetju, ustave> so zatirajo porabske Slovence m jttienova]j novo vrhovno sodišče, jim ne puste njihovih slovenskih y go priš]i seveda 9am0 , • • , io1 Ver3amem°' t0d“ slo^BS“ “zanesljivi” sodniki. “Ljudska prihajajoče težke komunisti so se prepozno : Dravica„ ,, da go imenovani mdeljek sem našel H, Niti kakega proteste tn.^j^ ^ 30 dokazali, da so rea tukajšhm mnij .jugaslovanak^zananji mnnrter.l ^ ljudgki Najbolj ’* U’ ‘ “ °.......................................................... dni. Zadnji pondeljek sem našel ' enega izmedHMIMW ; cerkvi pred oltarjem. Ležal je ■ srtwrr 11 V 1JUU51VU UCZ,aU}Jojene Režin. Andrew Režin Jr. pol tisoča let, ali pa biti v večnent in Josephine sta jo spremila h strahu pred od satana obesdeno krstu. I komunistično druhaljo. Pa se še Naj bodo ti mali vsem v vese- dobijo čudno zasukani ljudje, ka-lje in srečo, če tudi bodo tu pa' ten verujejo in trdijo, da brato-tam ponoči ob 2 zahtevali pozor-' morski komunisti delajo^zaj(0- januarja so sprejeli v ljubljansl ustavodajni skupščini tako ime-ppvano slovensko ustavo- Da je po večini prepisana iz celotne jugoslovanske ustave smo že povedali. Ali se vam zdi, da je kijo glasoval proti?- Bog varuj! V Jugoslaviji je vse soglasno. Ali Izginili so iz sodnih vrst mnogi doslej znani sodniki. Tako je sedaj tudi sodna oblast popolnoma prilagodena zahtevam komunizma. UPOKOJENIH je bilo tudi nekaj sodnikov pri drugih sodiščih, ker niso znali biti “ljudski" ciuguaiavijj jc »^ aci*if ivci msu man uiti ijuuoivt ni Jugoslavija zadovoljna deže- sodniki po komun stičijjh ukazih, la? Le zakaj morajo petem ime- Waito sodnik dr. Prešeren, Bido-ti tajno policijo? vec Valentin in šašelj. Natesto USTAVODAJNA SKUFSčj- je bil postavljen sodnik dr. NA se je takoj po sprejetju usta- šporn. AUGUST f. SVETE« POGREBNI ZAVOD 478 E*»t 152nd St. TeL IVanhoe 2016 1 BOLNIŠKI AVTO NA RAZPOLAGO Ig**? AL PA NE kakšno jedilno priliko spotoma , “Vidite, pa naj kdo reče, zgrešili. Pa če govorimo že o | da nič ne vem,” sem se ponos-Waukeganu, morda vas bo to no in na vso moč pohvalil, ganilo, da so tam prav prija- “Kar bi ti rad povedal, pa ti zen gospod v farovžu, s katerim ' ne gre prav od rok, je to, da “Veste,” sem piha! prijateljem na dušo,” v Waukeganu, ki nam je tako blizu, da bi sko- zid pred partizanske puške. Tako imenovana" 'Osvobodilna 11’°.lahko pn^-J fronta” v Sloveniji je živa priča za to. Koliko “naprednih” je Ji1*1’ im™ z * ' p ’ šlo za partizani! Ti pa so potem, koso bili trdno v sedlu, tem slanov\Hodmko™’,p° e . prismodam prvim pobrali njih premoženje in jih zaprli. ' d«br' p^ate'J1 tKebrov' Tako so si partizani tudi v Ameriki ustvarili močno po-:111 Se ^ ®t0 dru.gl ’. k’ 80 v zicijo. Niso morda tako močni po številu v stranko vpisanih j m0U d“bn nar“mkl , Kjar,. komunistov, močni pa so, ker so pridobili kot svoje pomoč- P1'1; vratih zavpih: halo bi bili nike razne socialiste, naprednjake in liberalce. Te znajo nadvse prijazno sprejeti. Kaj, spretno izrabljati za svojo propagando. ■” ubijati, izdajati prijatelje in svojo’domovino. Predvsem je “Aha,” odjezljam nazaj, izvežban v laganju, hitrem in avtomatičnem, kadarkoli Bi “Prav 9te povedali, samo v du-mogla biti resnica nevarna njemu ali strank”’ . .. Pisec do- hu jih gledam mize v vašem stavlja, ds je to znano vsakemu, ki pozna komuniste. spremstvu. Je bilo že vse dru-To zahrbtno delo vrše ameriški komunisti tudi med Slo- gače, ko smo se pred leti vozili venci. Bedasto'bi b’lo, če bi si kdo zatiskal oči, da teh siva- z dr. Jimom v Kanado ribe lome bi vide'. Kot povsod drugod, so vpregli v svoj voz razne vit. Ne spominjam se, d* bi zen gospod V iaruvzu, u iktticiAiu nc yi«*v vv. a—, * "9 bi se rad spoznal. Njegov brat, po farovžih vedno dobro postre-g. Franc Hiti, se namreč mar- žejo,” mi pomaga Jakšič dopol- tra z grešnimi dušami po naši Menišiji, torej sva si nekako v žlahti, bi rekel.” "Vi mislite gospoda Matijo niti konkretne dokaze. “Tako nekako mi je bilo na mislih,” sem mu potrdil. “Ts-rej, kaj pravite, fantje, ali naj VI mislite gospoaa matijo rej, saj Hitija, kaj ne ” primakne go- zaklajmam po prvi cesti na de-spod Fronc. ' sno? Bomo prišli ravno prav.” “Ja, res bi se rad spoznal z' “Waukegan bomo nazaj gre- Naročnike imam, to vem.” ki ima tako uro, da se na klju-“France, kar naglo naprej j ček navija in ki mi jo bo zaša- beri imena, predno se bo zmene spomnil na kakega žlahtov-ca v Kenoehi in nas zopet vabil na oglede.” “Za Kenosho pride pa, kot vidimo tukaj zapisano, Racine fal. Saj je bila še letos v Clevelandu.” “Anžičkova ura?” bi rad vedel Jakšič. “Kakšna ura, naš ofic je obis-„ kala Mrs. Krumberger in mi ' ' .......... . , . . ! zažugala, da me nikdar več ne “Racme! zavpijem tedaj jaz | nW , koncem 0* ce “da pr.de mes o Racme, praviš? se ^ da No, kar tukaj le vam povem, da I . , : ... ... tam pa ne bi šel mil, in me ! okrog k0loVrs,pa da b‘ 8e ne boste zvlekli naprej, če bi pri njej na Saj ne bo- “Ja, res bi se rad spoznal z' “Waukegan bomo nazaj gre- ne boste zvlekli naprej, ce m mQ nj. 2amudili jn ker bo rav. g. Hitijem. Njegov brat, ki je, de obiskali, saj ti se tudi jaz tudi atomske bombe pritekava-, nekako ob engjstih; bomo . - - i • _________*• »r.kl .._J oalintnl M lrAmondlPO {g 28 menoj. ! . - - ........ ... kot sem že rekel, na naši Meši-ji za dušnega pastirja, je imel v Ameriki n«vo mašo.” “Pa ja ne?” se začudijo prijatelji. “Aha, jo je, prav zares. On je namreč študiral v stanem kraju, ko so odšli starši v Ameriko. Leta 1912 je prišel tudi on v Ameriko, imel novo mašo pri sv. ŠUefanu v Chicagu, potem pa zopet odšel dhmov naše grešne Kranjce reševat. Pa še bližnji rojaki smo si s Hitijevimi, saj ser dbtmr iz Tfbj iške fare pri Blokah.” “Bo res nekako tako,” me pohvali gospod Fronc, “s Francetom Hitijem, ki je zdaj na Me-r.išiji, sva si bila sošolca.” rad tam ustavil,” komandira Tone, “zdaj pa lepo naprej in Bog se nas usmili, če bomo vozili zopet mimo kakšnega mesta, kjer ima Jaka poznane.” “Na mapo poglej, France,” sem ukazal Jakšiču, ki je bil za uradnega kažipota, “in mi pre-čitaj glavna mesta do Milwau-kee-ja.” “mate tudi tam kakšno |!abkokar tam jfnali' V/ai bližnjo žlahto?” bi rad vedel ?nkrat me uho?ajte ln ne dajT te, da bi se ljudem zameril. Saj 8°“Zlahte" ravno ne, imam pa "* ‘“j bh°d° ? uta ” kii Aniičkovi, če se ne bi usta- dobre znance in nikdar mi ne . , , . bo na tem svetu odpuščeno in v Raclna' .Se reče? kaj ” , ,. , , bonf ongavil in vas bom, kar |še celo na onem b. se mora do- ^ ^ Buick jbro otepat, če bi.se pelja m,- ko idemo do mo Racine m se ne ustavil, jim ■ nnmaMitp . . mnrp,„ ’ p, “Well,” prične Jakšič in gre povem. „ cigaro po mapi proti severu, j “Pa kdo, za “vsak fas bomo preskočili^lli-' tam, ki vam je tako pri srcu?” noiško mejo in se zapodili v bi rad vedel Mr. Grdina, I pomagajte, če si morete, da bo-božjo volje, je 9‘e vedeli. Enkrat bo po mojem, pft ce je preč konec sveta. ’ slavno državo Wisconsin, kjer j “Tam ima svoj lep. dom Eno figo sem jih. Jaz sem o- Kaj ne, ali sem jih panal! bo konee naše poti. Prvo mesto Mrs. Jennie Krumberger, ki je je zdaj na naši desni Kenosha.”, rodna sestra Aniičkove Kati iz “Kenosha? Počakaj, da pr*- Girarda, ki je prijazna boljša gledam svoje registre v glavi, polovica mojega dobrega pri- bračal, Tone Grdina je pa obrnil in me grdo naplahtal za obisk v Racme. No, naj se pa on zagovarja'pri Anžičkovih in edam svoje registre v glavi, poloviva mojega m*- > koga morda ne poznam tam. jfltelja Johna Anžička, tistega, pri Mrs. Krumberger. ŽIVLJENJE TREH KRANJSKIH BRATOV FRANCOSKIH VOJAKOV s/ JANEZ CIGLER Andrej nekoliko pomolči, po- vice ne bom nikdar delal. Go-tem pravi: “Vidim, da ste do- tovo je, kdor drugim ni zvest, ber in pošten gospod; naj bo, ostanem pri vas, toda s tem pogojem, da ostanem samo eno leto, in vi se zavežete, da me daste koncem leta na svoje stroške 'spet v Evropo prepeljati. Ako ste zadovoljni s tem pogojem, ostanem, če pa ne, nič hudega zato, se pa odpeljem nazaj v Evropo z gotepodom, ki sem se ž njim pripeljal v Ameriko.” — Trgovec Henrik nato Andreju kar roko poda in pravi: “Mož beseda, že velja; le sezi mi v roko, popolnoma sem zadovoljen z vsem, kar si si izgovoril. Jaz imam več ladij na morju, vsak mesec gre gotovo ena ali druga v Evropo, berz skrbi in brez vseh stroškov te postavim v Evropo; alko boš pa hotel pri meni ostati še eno leto, pomenila se bova ob letu. Plačo za prvo leto ti tudi Bogu ni zvest.” Henrik pravi ves togoten: “Andrej zakaj mi nisi že poprej tega povedal? Povem ti, ti ne poj deš od hiše, pa med vami tudi ne trpim razprtja. Pojdi z menoj v pisarno in povej mi, kateri tjvojih tovarišev so tvoji največji soražniki.” Andrej tri posebno imenuje in Hendrik jih veli pri tej priči poklicati v pisarno ter jim tako govori: “Ali veste, zakaj sem vas poklical?” "Ne vemo.” • "Zato, da vam povem star pregovor, ki ste ga gotovo že večkrat Slišali, in ta je: Kdor drugim jam koplje, sam vanjo pade. Tu imate plačilo,, kar vam gre, in v moji službi ne Boste več, ampak še danes se mi spravite iz hiše.” Žalostni so bili vsi trije in meren za Rim, je vzbudil mnogo zgražanja. Ko se je neslednjo pomlad ob zlomu nemške vojske v Ita- občutiti, da so pri na svojo kulturo i trajo v resnici za kulture na svetu. lov in oklopnikov, ki so kakor mrtva okostja nemo pričala o grozoti vojne igre. (Dalje prihodnjič) en dogodek, ki pa dam tako-le:sv denarjih boš osramočeni, ko so morali nag- imel sto dolarjev, obleke kolikor je boš potreboval, hrano in stanovanje boš imel v moji hiši.” Andrej pravi zdaj Henriku: “Gospod1, vse bo prav, samo to ne vem, kako bo, ker vašega jezika ne znam, ne znam druže-ga kot Slovenski, francoski in pa nemški, pa kaj to, ker vem, da tukaj ni nobenega Slovenca.” — Henrik pravi: “Tega se ni treba bati, ravno takega človeka potrebujem; naš jezik boš pa kmalu znal, hitro se ga boš navadil.” Andrej stopi precej v službo pri Hendriku. Obnaša se pridno in pošteno. Poslušen, skrben in vračen je bil v vsehi rečeh in Henrik je imel posebno Veterani druge .svetovne voj- terani- vseh vojn se lahko z za- ne, ki so se sami prepričali o delovanju Rdečega križa med vojno, dobijo v1 uradih istega tudi sedaj najrazličnejše nasvete in navodila ter pojasnila brezplačno. _ ’ V preteklem letu se je obrnilo za razne nasvete in pojasnila 32,-500 veteranov ali njihovih družin v urade Rdečega križa. Ve- upanjem obrnejo nh Rifeči križ, kjer jim bodo nudili postrežbo z razumevanjem in prijaznostjo ter brezplačno, . I >- iz Servigliana v mašo pri sv. šo “Stopil bom k naprej vršiti svoje delo, se vas prosi, da v kampanji, ki se vrši od 1. do 17. marca prispevate kar največ morete. ioma zapustiti dobro službo, toda bili so sami krivi. Nevoščljivost aii zavist vedno škodi človeku. Od zdaj so Andreja spoštovah vsi službniki, niso mu več žugali, ampak bali so se ga. Vesel je živel Andrej, z vso močjo stregel svojemu goispodu in opravljal svoja dela z veliko večjo gorečnostjo in natančnostjo. Henrik je tudi spoznal, koliko mu je Andrej pridobil; bil mu je tudi hvaležen za to: Minilo je leto Andrejeve slu- Moja pol v Ameriko Piše —č (Nadaljevanje) žbe; Hendriic se boji, da ga iz- gubi. Poslednji dan leta mu da plačilo in ga vpraša: “Kako bo, Andrej?' Ali' ostaneš še v mbji službi ali pa se boš vrnil v Evropo? Prav sr^np Nisem si mislil, da bom kedaj gledal v obraz tega svetniškega papeža, ki je odprl tabrnaklje s pospeševanjem pogostega sv. obhajila. Za veliko noč 1944 so se zopet silneje oglasili topovi. Mislili smo, da bomo vsak čas osvobojeni. A ta nepozabni dan je prišel šele 4. junija, ko je bilo očitno^ da Nemci zapuščajo Rim. Prejšnjo noč so bila' baje v Vatikanu pri sv. očetu pogajanja- med diplomat-skiifci zastopniki zaveznikom in jped nemškim poveljstvom na drugi strani, ki, sp bila uspeš- šenja, ki je prevzel to množico, ko se je med vrati balkona pojavila fcela postava. Nastala je tišina, ki jo je presekal prodirni glas sv. očeta ojačen z zvočniki: “Rimljani! Rimsko mesto, ki je včeraj trepetalo za Svoj obstoj, je bazilika sv. Petra- dajali svoje priznanje, dvorna dama jih je pc rni cerkvi sv. Andreja prav spomnim) v navzi italijanske kraljice. Vi dva nato v župni dvorani ve besede kratkega govora, ki je ves izzvenel v poziv, da se naj Rimljani zahvalijo Bogu z resnično krščanskim življenjem. živo nasprotje tega Kristusovega namestnika in dejan- skim življenjem sem občutil, ko sem se med množico vračal s trga in sem videl, kako brez sramu so se nekatere ženske silile1 vojakbm toa avtomobile in sem na lastna ušesa slišal ne- in s petjem ne še. let nisem imel prilike poštenega slovenskega A gotovo pa tudi zato, ne, kar so pri zemski gostje. DELO DOBIJO tako, da je raje Sam trpel ka-f ' AndreJ odgovori: “Dobri go-ko majhno škodo, kakor da bi SP0(L prav rad sem pri vas, po- se bila gospodarju naredila najmanjša škoda. Henrik je imel zavoljo svoje velike kupčije še dvanajst drugih služabnikov, toda nobeden mu ni bil tako zvest in tako vdan kakor Andrej.. To je Hendrik kmalu spoznal; zato ga je tudi najbolj čislal in mu konec leta zaupal že taka opravila, kakršnih bi ne izročil nobenemu svojih služabnikov. Vsi so kmalu spoznali, da ima Hendrik Andreja najraji, zato so mu bili nevoščljivi in so ga pisano gledali. Andrej pa se za vse to ni nič zmenil in je še bolj pridno in zvesto opravljal svojo službo. Zaničevali so ga tovariši in rekli: “Andrej se hlini in se tako zestega in pravičnega kaže našemu gospodu zato, da bi nas vse v zamero spravil in naš počrnil — pa ga bmo že s poti spravili” itd. Ta naklep je Andrej natanko zvedel po tovarišu, s katerim je bil vedno še nekoliko prijatelj. Nekega dne grq Andrej h gospodu in ga prosi, da bi rad sam govoril ž njim. Brž vede gospod .Andreja v somot-no izbico in mu reče: “No, Andrej, kaj mi boš posebnega povedal?” Andrej; odglovofli 'gpodtobnol in pohlevno: “Dobri gospod, prav rad sem pri vas, zato ker vse pošteno in po pravici ravnate, toda povedati vam moram, da bom težko dostal leto, moral bom že porej zapustiti, vašo službo.” “Zakaj?” “Zavoljo tovarišev, katri so me začeli zelo sovražiti in me grdo gledati. Pravijo,da se vam le prilizujem, da sem hinavec, in Bog ve, kaj še vse; vrhtega žugajo, da me spravijo s poti. Raje sam grem, kakor dn bi me s slabim od hiše odganjali. Ne zamerite gosopod, da vam to potožim in vas prosim, da me izpustite iz službe. Ce tudi ne dobim nikjer službe, naj se mi godi kakor hoče pri- sebno zato, ker vidim, da the ne pustite zaničevati; toda preveč opravaila mi nalagate; vsak dan sem naprežen, od jutra do trdne noči nimam nikoli počitka. Rad storim, kar morem; kar je pa. preveč, pa ne morem dognati.” Henrik pravi: “Andrej, šaj vidiš, da ,ne morem drugače, ker le tebi zaupam vse. To je tebi lepa čast, zato boš imel od zdaj vsako leto dvesto dolarjev, pa še drugih prihodkov ti bom naklonil, da boš dobro plačan za velik trud in za svojo zvestobo.” In Andrej obljubi Henriku, da zopet eno letos ostane. (Dalje prihodnjič) FREE DELIVERY • Complete Line BEER ALE WINE CORDIALS CHAMPAGNE SOFT DRINKS romna množica. Raznesla se je namreč vest, da bo govoril sv. oče z balkona bazilike. Bilo je-prisotnih okrog 200,000 ljudi. In res oglasili so se zvonovi v znak ,da bo prišel sv. oče, balkon so pogrnili z običajno tapeto. Številni zavezniški filmski operaterji so s pripravljenimi kamerami čakali na pomemben dokodek. Težko je popisati vihar navdu- TOMSE BEVERAGES GLenville 1620 East 6l8t St Garage FRANK RICH. Ustnik 1109 B. OUt St. HEnderson 9231 Bs priporoča a popravila ls barva- nje vakega avtomobila. Dalo točno ls dobra ZAKRAJŠEK FUNERAL HOME CO. 6616 St Ciair Ave. Tel. ENdicott 3113 čevali vojaške objekte, kolikor so mogli. Se je že videlo, da so na umiku in da jim manjka že vsega. In zvečer so že vato-pili prvi zavezniški vojaki na rimska tla. V bolnico, ki je bila v našem kolegiju, so pripeljali nekega angleškega ranjenca. Tako smo bili gotovi, da Nemcev ni več v mestu. Večje sile so Pa vstopile v mesto naslednji dan. Občudovati smo morali tako požrtvovalnostjo in beznijo goje našo pesem Naslednje noči nas je nekajkrat še zbudilo ostro streljanje protiletalskih topov, ki so pregnali nekaj nemških letal, talo od domovine ki so priletala čež'mesto na ogled. A življenje je začelo iti staro pot naprej: Razmere v mestu so se pričele počasi boljšati, dasi zavezniki niso prinesli take bolice vesega dobrega, kakor bi Rimljani želeli. Ko je čez nekoliko mesecev stal pred sodiščem neki bivši in je prišel silo ameriškega vojnega materi- j, fašistični prvak ala. Bilo nam je jasno, da ta v sodno dvorano tudi nek drug stroj mora zdrabiti prej ali tak odličnik minule slave, ki slej vsak odpor- Popoldne se naj bi bil kot priča, se ga je je na trgu sv. Petra zbrala og- razburjena množica, večinoma ženske, poslastiia in ga tudi potegnila iz sosedinega' posopja. Najprej ga je druhal hotela pojožiti pod kolesa tramvaja-A voznik ni hotel izvršiti takega prostašttva. Zato so ga vlekli k Tiberi in ga vrgli vanjo z mosta. Ko se je skušal rešiti s plavanjem, so ga pobili z vesli in obsili njegovo truplo pred jetnišnico, kjer je bil svoj čas ravnatelj. Dogodek nepri- bodo izdajalci nad svojim rodom in kolaboracionist rem verjeti. sem. povabilo nekega poljskega mil tja. S te postaje veti kaj izrednega občudoval tx> staro i svoj prvotni značaj in mu tudi vojna prizanesla, je ravno. Pač pa sem med po kako velike izgube so skozi Italijo po V spomin Franklin D. Rooseveltu. — Gornja slika nam predstavlja spomenik, ki so ga postavili pokojnemu predsedniku Franklin D. Rooseveltu na vrtu v Hyde Park, N. Y. Ta spomenik je darilo tianic International Ladies Garment unije. Ta spomenik bo pozneje postavljen v spominski iitalnici državnega posestva v Hyde Parku. HALI OGLASI Mi imamo kupce za hiše za eno ali dve družini, ali za. trgovino. Za zanesljivo zemljiško postrežbo ali notarska dela se obrnite na Tisovec Realty 1366 Marquette Rd. Tel. EN 4936 •». v (Fri.-X) Stanovanje iščejo Zakonski par z 2 otrokoma, 2 in 5 let stara, želi dobiti stanovanje 4 do 6 sob na vzhodni strani mesta. Kdor ima kaj primernega, naj pokliče HE 4259. -(47) Lepa goba v najem V najem se odda moškemu ali ženski lepa soba. Vprašajte na 1083 Addfeon Rd. (41) Soba ge odda Odda se lepo opremljena soba dekletu ali vdovi brez otrok. Naj vpraša na 733 E. 93. St. $25 nagrade damo! Družina 4 oseb potrebuje stanovanje 4 ali 5 sob. Kdor ima kaj primernega, naj pokliče BO 2527. (41) Za 4 družine Naprodaj je zidana hiša za 4 družine na 72. cesti. Parna . gorkota, fire place v vsakem e stanovanju. Vprašajte na 1315 . E. 55. St. -(41) V i 1 Sobo išče 1 Moški išče sobo med Superior ' in St. Clair Ave. Kdor ima kaj 0 primernega, naj pusti naslov v uradu tega lista. —(42) W» : n Tag muči revmatizem? s- Mi imamo nekaj posebnega e prčti revmatizmu. Vprašajte :o nat. i- slovenska lekarna j INSURANCE Fire — Windstorm z Automobile Za zanesljivo postrežbo se - priporoča ✓ Daniel Stakkh Agentura ' *■ 16813 Waterloo Rd. o KE 1934 i1 (Sat-x) )- " “ * MERRYMAKERS CAFE 4814 SUPERIOR AVE. a Vedno vesela družba PrvoTrttno žganje • pho ■ vino n okreočila j. iKrTjnr ■ ; PARK VIEW FLORIST SLOVENSKA CVETLIČARNA J. J. STARC, lastnik o 9320 KINSMAN RD. Telefon, trgovina MI 2469 L 1998 NORWOOD RD. na domu EX 5078 ( Telegraflnuno cvetlice po celem cvetu 11 Popravljam in predelujem hiše, stanovanja in trgovske u prostore Streh* pokrijemo nanovo ali pa popravimo etan streha, TennlSu In točno delo. Cene im erne. Dam breaphčno proračun. Se priporočam FRANK JANŠA ■115 Fnmer Ave. SX 2(92 (Flt-x) Ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 ZA DOBRO PLVMB1NGO | 1 IN GRETJE POKLIČITE | i i | A. J. Budnick & Co. | ! PLUMBING Sc HEATING mi St. Clair Ave. | Ha Tel HEndereon 3289 | | Residence POtomac 0641 § 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK AVTNA ZAVAROVAL-NINA aa 5 aS 1* Umi dolarjev “Lttbflitj" mmmottl Nova državna postava zahteva, da Ima veak voanlk avtomobila zavarovalnino na avtu. Za nadalina pojasnila m obrnite na mBALIKVICH BIOS. OO. 4424 8i. Chk Avans VEC POMOČNIC ZA CAFETERIJO SE SPREJME .IV] Delo je v čisti, zdravi okolici angleško Samo snažne, čiste in lične mlade ženske od 20 do 39 let starosti naj se priglacijo. Dobra plača Hrana in uniforme zastonj Zglasite se v The Ohio Bell Telephone Company soba 901 700 Prospect Ave. Sprejme se dekleta in mlade moške za ASSEMBLY Se morajo trenirati 2 do 3 tedne na 2. šiftu, predno pridejo na prvi šift. Titan Valve & Mfg. Co. 9913 Eik Ave. (43) ženska se sprejme ‘ Za pranje in čiščenje 2 dni v tednu. Pokličite po telefonu v soboto ali nedeljo LI7391. Strojnega operatorja; ki ima nekaj skušnje za A-B šifte, visoka plača od ure, jako ugodni de- ženske se sprejme Za mehanično lahko delo; ja-o ugodni delovni pogoji, A-B Industrial Rayon Corp. 880 E. 72. St. (43) Moške se sprejme Za prelaganje tovorov, plača od ure. CCC Highway, 2201 Orange Ave. Vprašajte za Mr. Schwarber. «- HALI »GLASI Dvorana za bankete Se oddaja za ohceti in ples. K. P. Hall 1624 E. 56. St (x) Novi fumed it premog, olje, gorko vodo til ptro. Resetting *15 — čiščenje H premenjamo stare na oUe Thermostat Chester Heating Co. 1U3 Addison Rd. - IN 0U7 Govorimo I POSESTVA NAPRODAJ da se uredi zapuščino Severno od Superior Ave. E. 43 St. za 2 družini. E. 51 St. za 2 družini. E. 52 St. za 4 družine. E. 55. St zidana trgovina in za 2 družini. E. 74. St. za 2 družini. E. 147. St. zidana hiša za 7 družin. SE MORA PRODATI, DA SE UREDI ZAPUŠČINO Joseph Globokar 986 E. 74th St - HE 6607 -(42). .. LETO STRAHOTE 1793 VICTOR HUGO V take košare iz vrbovja so bre- vonj iz njegove sveže duše. tonske matere polagale svoje n s“1b fl' otroke takoj po rojstvu in ot-troci so spali in se kobacali po njih, dpkler niso dodobra dorasli. Zraven vsake košare je putsil Tmanus’ postaviti leseno kledo, polno močnika z mlekom in leseno žlico. Skozi odprta okna je svetila poletna noč, modra in mehka. Možje so se oddaljili, ‘Imanus’ pa je zaklenil za sabo težka železna vrata, ki so vodila v stolp. Ko so se ogromni ključi zavrteli v strašnih ključavnicah, je skrivnostno odjeknilo po stolpu in gradiču. 'Imanus’ je pogledal, če je vse prav pri užigalni vrvi, ki je vodila skozi malo odprtino, zvrtano v Georgeta, ki je štela šele dvajset mesecev, je dvignila svojo glavico, se vsedla, opazovala svoje nožiče in začela čebljati. Jutranji solnčni žarek je padel na košaro; težko je bilo reči, kdo je bil bolj rožnat: ali žarek ali Georgetine nožiče. Ostala dva otroka sta še spala ; moški so bolj zaspani. Georgia je veselo blebetala dalje. Rene-Jean je bil rjav, Alain kostanjast, Georgeta pa blondinka. Rene-Jean je ležal ko mal Herkules na trebuhu z obema pestema na očeh, Alain je molel svoji nogi iz košare. Vsi trije so bili razcapani, komaj da so imeli še srajčico na ki jih je dal da je bilo zašepetano najprej v nebesih, zdaj pa se nadaljuje za nzemlji. Mogoče je v njem nekaj, kar je nekoč otrok govoril koti angel v nebesih. Mi, ki ga poslušamo, pa polagamo vanj tudi nekaj žalodti, trepetanje pred pragom, čez katerega vodi pot v razča-ranja polno življenje, klic po pomoči. Toda Georgeta teh nezavestnih globin v svojem blebetanju očividno ni čutila, kajti njeni ustni, oči, lica, vse se je smehljalo kakor čudežno spočeto prvo jutro stvarstva. Za Georgeto se je zbudil Rene-Jean, najstarejši, ki je bil že v četrtem letu. Vzdignil se je in možato skočil iz košare. Njegov pogled je padel na polno skledo. Vsedel se je na tla in se lotil svojega zajtrr ka. Ko je Alain začul Slopota-nje žlice, se je takoj zbudil, se zravnal in široko odprl oči. Imel je tri leta. Ko je zagledal skledo poleg svoje košare, je stegnil roko in jo vzel sebi ter začel pošteno opletati močnik. Ko je bil Rene-Jean gotov, je še malo popraskal Z žlico po dnu sklede in svoj močnik sne- DIW„. ...____r------------ telesu. Obleke , „ .. ----- železna vrata, ter se potem vila narediti zanje bataljon ‘Rde- potem z nekakim dostojan-po zavojnih stopnicah dd vrha ča kapa’, so bile popolnoma stvom dejal: stolpa. V stolpu je ključe od- razpadle. Fanta sta 'bila sploh dal marquisu, sam pa se podal napol naga. na ravno streho stolpa, kjer jej Kdo je varoval otroke? stal vso noč stražo. Ko jej Težko reči. Nobena ženska, solnce vzšlo, je dalzsvetlijo v Divji kmetje, ki so jih bili vla-gozdu osem bataljonov mofc^jju p seboj iz hoste v hosto, so bajoneti na puškah, priprav-Bajali, jesti svoje juhe— 1 j enih za naskok, baterijo na (-0 je bilo vsč.' 'Za ostalo se ni planoti pred mostom, devet- brigal nihče. Vsi so bili nji-najst mož v gradu, ki so bili hovi (gospodarji, nihče »če. trdno odločeni svoje življenje f0(ja ce]0 njihove cape so odkar moč drago prodati, in pa geVale nekaj lepega in nebeške-tri košare, v katerih so sladko ga, Nedolžen otrok vse raz-spančkali trije otroci. svetluje. ANGELČKI BOŽJI SE Georgeta je še vedno nekaj IGRAJO Otroci so se zbudili. Najprej naj mlajši, punčka. Otrok se zbudi kakor roža, — ..... . ki se odpre. Zdi se, da se dviga not, jezik brez zlogov. • «—' - ’ __________ . ___________________________- .____ čebljala. To prvo brbljanje na otroških ustnih je najvzviše-nejša pesem na zemlji. „Je več in manj ko beseda; spev brez Zdi se, “Jaz sem del.” To je zbudilo Georgeto iz njenih sanjarij. “Papat,” je rekla. In je vzela tudi ona svojo skledo ter začela jesti. Nosila je žlico večkrat k ušesom nego k ustom. Časih se je popolnoma spozabila in jedla kar z rokama. Alain, ki je bil med tem po-srebal svoj močnlik, je tekel k svojemu bratcu. Naenkrat je zadonela iz globine gozda tam zunaj trobenta, strogo in ošabno. S stolpa se je oglasi! rog. Topot j»'klicala trobenta, rog pa je odgovarjal. To se je zgodilo dvakrat. Nato se je z roba gozda začul daljni, a razločen glas: “Posor banditi 1 Predajte se brez vsakih pogojev do zatona solnca, če ne, bomo naskočili.” Z vrha stolpa so odgovorili: “Kar dajte!” Glas doli je nadaljeval: “Kot zadnji opomin bomo pol ure pred naskokom sprožili top.” S stolpa so odgovorili: “Kakor vam drago.” Glasovi niso segali do otrok, trobenta in rog pa sta se slišala. Ko je trobenta vpnpč zadonela, se je Georgeta zagledala in nehala jesti: ko se je oglasi) rog, je položila žlico nazaj v skledo; ko je vdrugič zatrobentalo, je Vzdignila majčkeni kazalec svoje desne ročice in z njim udarjala akt k fanfari, ki je spremljala trobento vdrugič. Ko sta trobenta in rog umolknila, je zamišljeno sedela dalje, držeč prstek pokonci in je tiho zažgolela: “Muska.” Rene-Jean in Alain pa se za trobento in za rog nista zmenila, kajti nekaj drugega je obrnilo njuno pozornost nase: prašiček, kakor jih je na tisoče po starih zidinah, je tekel po podu. Alain, ki ga je bil prvi zapazil, je zaklical: “Žival!” - Rene-Jean je pritekel. Alain je nadaljeval: “Upiči!” “Pustimo ga,” je dejal Rene-Jean. In oba sta pazljivo opazovala romarja, ki se je osupnjen nad tolikim občudovanjem, naredil mrtvega. Ko je Georgeta videla svoja bratca tako zamišljena, je hotela vedeti, kaj je. Ni bilo lahko prodreti do njiju, navzlic temu se je pogumno podala na pot Treba je bilo premagati neznanske težave in ovire: razpre pruke, nakopičen ne akte, prazne škatlje, skrinje in zaboje, nevarne čeri, ki jih je bilo treba obiti. Georgeta se jih ni ustrašila. Najprej je zlezla iz svoje košare, potem se je vrgla med čeri in plula po ožinah'med njimi, prevrnila pruko in plezala med dvema kovčegoma, potem pa čez kup papirjev, preko katerih se je skobacala doli kakor po pobočju. Nato je prišla do mesta, ki bi ga pomorščak imenoval “odportp morje”, ki ga je z mačjo urnostjo preskakala, do-ler ni prišla do svojih bratcev. Toda prešiJek je bil medtem svojima opazovalcema že ušel in se skril skozi razo med zidom in podom. Tega je bila kriva Georgeta, ki je bila obrnila pozornosti svojih bratov nase, radi česar sta za hip pozabila na žlvalico. Toda prišli so drugi dogodki. Lastovke, ti so gnezdile pod streho, so priletele čisto mimo oken, delale nato velike kroge in veselo crvlikale v pomaldanski zrak. Georgeta je pokazala z roko na ptice in vzkliknila: “Pip! Pip!” Rene-Jean jo je nežno pokaral: “Gospica, temu se ne pravi Pip-pip, ampak lastovke.” denar za veliko noizdaj Izognite se drenju in zakasnitvi. Vaši sorodniki in prijatelji v stari domovini bodo prejeli vaše darilo za praznike točno, če ga pošljete potom 50 kompletnih, priroinih bank f za dra- (Dalje prihodnjič) Ustanovljeno 1908 Zavarovalnino vseh vrst vam točno preskrbi HAFFNER INSURANCE AGENCY 610« ST. CLAIR AVENUE A. GRDINA & SINOVI Pogrebni zavod 1053 EAST 62nd ST. HEndereon 2088 Ambulanta* posluga podnevi in ponoči CENJENI JAVNOSTI SPOROČAM, DA SEM OTVORIL Popravljalnico ur in vsakovrstne zlatnine NA «832 ST. CLAIR AVE. Nase delo Je prvovrstno v vseh odrih ter bo v vaie popolno zadovoljstvo. Sem Izučen urar Is starega kraja. A. HIBLER — Zlatar naročila Izven mesta takoj Izpolnimo. Naročila lahko pošljete v aloveničlnl. Ali pa pokličite EX 8316 ML Vaša H PLIN V^ša nova moderna hiša ne bo popolna MONCRIEF rsr OLJE PREMOG THE HENRY FURNACE CO., MEDINA, O. ............................................imung 1 Pokličite KE 5200 1 DA VAM SČISTIMO FURNEZ ŠE DANES! Čistimo furneze, dimnike in dimniške cevi z vacuum čistilcem. Računamo po $4 in več. Adams Healing Šenke 550 EAST 200. ST.1, VOGAL MONTEREY § ............... Income tax returns completed ■ ALBERT W. KAY KE 411«. 15603 W»t< 'PilJtraff’ z. Mi dajemo in izmenjavamo Eagle znamke THE MAY CO’S BASEMENT ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Na 3. marca bo 100-letnica rojstva Alexandra Graham Bell. Noben mož ni napravil več, da se odstrani zapreke razdalji v našem vsakdanjem življenju. N jegova iznajdba, telefon, je postal potreba v modernem življe- / nju. Bell je, dobil znanje, ki je vodilo do njegove iznajdbe telefona potom njegovega napbra, da bi učil neme govoriti. Isti duh posluge je zgradil telefonsko industrijo in je še vedno ponosna tradicija v naši družbi in Bell Sistemu. Tli 0110 lili (v‘ TELEPHONE COt ^-dnevna razprodajai Nenavadne posebnosti v atraktivnem, zaželjenem SPOMLADANSKEM BLAGU • 39 inčev Pitan težak ali lahak Crape e 39 inčev Pitan Lingerie Rayon Satin e 39 inčev Običajne barve Rayon Faille e 39 inčev Pitan Rayon Faille e 39 inčev Serg-a-Hed e 39 inčev Belo Rayon Shantung • 39 inčev Bela Nylon Taiieia e 30 inčev Stalne barvb »vetlo Chittit nizki ceni! Rayon Jersey komadi za bluze Okrog Vi cene! Lepe AA mrežasto pisane barve— ■ lili samo 200 komadov v T /'** skupini. 1V4 do 2 jarda f m dolgi. Mnogi kosi so eno- ■■ vrstni., Fino tkano Chambray 36-inčev fino tkano chambray blago—kratki komadi—regularno po $1 jd! V zalogi je popolna izbera vzorcev in barv. * ,ht PMdi s Weave Dress 9e itiful assortment of % elect tor’ Spring suiti shades and color co 9 it ! DEDICATED TO THE YOUNG AMERICAN SLOVENES 7 he American Home DEADLINE FOR ALL COPT IS WEDNESDAY NOON GUp Bella of &t. fflarg’a Sodality. Mias Mary Svigel. During this month all sodalists t_________________ should observe Vocation month. The In "answer to your article in a pre- \ sodality union invites sodalists to at- their meeting on Monday, Mar. on ATTENTION ST. VITUS BOWLERS Repiember April 18thJ vioos issue, we wish to make it known tend their meeting on Monday, N that we are willing to bowl a match 3rd. where Father John will speak game under these conditions: A) Only 1 team (five men) will bowl. • B) Best out of six (6) games. (Three at yout alleys; three at our alleys.) C) That you put up %keg of beer (as we will) and losers serve winning Parish. (Our beer is being put up by out able Bowling proprietors. Joe Ferusec and Ernie Zupančič.) D) Games will be played on Saturday eveftings. Should there be any question or reply. please call PO 8934. ATTENTION HOLY NAME BOWLERS As a preliminary match game the Don Bosco’s Club would like to bowl the Holy Name Jrs. of St. Vitus if they are willing. This would be only a Younger Tournament 21 years and below. JOE SNOOP. JR. ST. MARY'S SODALITY A variety of interesting events is scheduled for next month for members of the Sodality. On the 9th, a day of Recollection will be held in Mary Mount Academy. Father McQuade will be the speaker. Price is $1.75 which includes breakfast. luncheon and all other expenses. Reservations can be made with Miss Bettv Ridall. On March 23. a hay o: sleigh ride is being held which is being sponsored bv the Sodality Union. This affair will be'held at Hurd’s Farm in Chag-' rin Falls. The price is $2.00 and $1.00 for transportation. The group will meet in front of the Old Stone Oburch on public square at 2:00 p. m/where special busses will be the means of transportation, a chicken dinner is included in the price. Reservations can be made with the prefect of our Vocations. The meeting at the Hollenden Hotel. Sunday, March 2nd. is the Sodality Communion Sunday. Sodalists are requested to meet in the Study Club Room at 7:30 a. m. ST. MARY’S (COLLINWOOD) P. T. A. NEWS The St. Mary’s P.TA. Coipmittee wishes to express their thanks to all members and friends who participated in their First Dance which was held on Feb. 8th. at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. It can be said that this dance was a howling success: The attendance was very nice and even if the weather was so nasty, our revellers soon forgot the batting wind, swirling snow and zero weather when they first heard our Grand Musicians. Vic Intihar and Orchestra playing the Pblkas. Such a homey crowd and old friends renewing acquaintanceships , which haven’t been seen in a blue moon as was seen this evening. It just seemed to be like one great big family and each person seemed happier and jollier than the next one. The dim lights of the Hall gave everything such z nice pleasing outlook. To our Treasurer. Mrs. Mary Kotec, we must give credit for putting up the balloons in such an artistic manner. I understand credit is also due (Stan) her better half as he blew up 100 balloons. Just how sofe Mr. Stan Koketec’s jaws were he won’t say. Such delectable odors and smells, wafting out into the hall from the kitchen can be attribut- Pearl Mooney, (I’ll have you know that not a bit of Roast Beef remained tc. take home for Sunday. Some of’ our members were hoping to buy some Oi the left over roastbeef. Just so they wouldfget,out of cooking Sunday din-(Oontinued on Page 0) Barberton Young Ladies’ Sodality Re-Elects Officers Barberton, Ohio. —Recently the election of officers for 1947-took place at the qpetlng of the Young Ladies’ Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was held in the sacred Heart parish hall # An oral unanimous vote, which resulted in the re-election of the entire Sodality of officers, who will retain their respective offices for the ensuing Our pastor, the Rev. Fr. Mathias A. Jager, reseumes his active duty as our Spiritual Director. Miss Sophia Galn- ______________er. president; Mias Bertha Leksan, is being held fvlce Mis* Evelyn Krizay, secretary, and Miss Mary Purger, treasurer. It is with heartfelt thanks that the Sodality members extend congratulations and best wishes to our Spiritual Director. Father Jager, for his ceaseless and diligent efforts in progressing our Sodality. Our sincere wish to Father Jager is for his cotinued success and happiness in assisting us as he has so nobly done in the past. Sophia F. Ganier, president. BOXING Los Angeles Jimmy Doyle, a boxer turned belter, made off with his second split decision over Roughhouse Ralph Zannelli in the* good and tough topper of the 10-round fights at the Arena Monday night after the home-brec Chuck Hunter had finished a mile o: two in front of Brooklyn’s Jerry Flo-rello. as game a batcher as ever was. overlooked by the Dodgers. Back in the rinjf from which he’d been clouted all the way to Charity Hospital by Artie Levine almost a year ago. the doughty Doyle kid won eff by himself in the eye# of Referee Jackie Davis and Judge Herb Wil-lioms, but Judge Charlie Bill came up with a dissenting vote and he had plenty of company among the 7,891 ___________________________ customers who chipped in for ths ed toour hard working President. Mrs. building of a gross gate of $29.672 Waukegan- North Chicago Reports... The Christian Mothers Society1 o( the Mother' of God-Pariah sponsored a very successful program last Peto. 9 evening In the Parish Hall as over 380 guests enjoyed a fine supper and Interesting program of talent. Rev. M. J. HIM. pastor of the local parish acted as toastmaster and Introduced Rev. Louis Baznik, a chaplain of the U. S. Army now stationed at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Rev. Bkznlk presented a very Interesting talk on post war conditions In Europe, having • served 10 months In service, covering the Italian, Yugoslav and Austrian territories. Kenneth Petrovič and Joyce Stritar, talented accordionists presented a selection of popular and native Slovene numbere which were well received by the audience. The Christian Mothers presented a choral group of ten members dressed In native costumes of Slovene origin and they sang a group of Slovene numbers that were a pleasant surprise. Mr. John Ko-vacek accompanied the ladies at the piano and also accompanied Mrs. Gertrude Repp who sang several sOlo selections. Mks. Anton MWincte is president of the Slovene Christian Mothers Society that-, sponsored the Sunday evening parish get-together. Mrs. Gertrude Repp Is the Secretary, Mrs. John Zalar, recording seretary; Mrs. prank Artac. treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Terlap, 1303 Jackson St.. North Chicago. 111., announce the birth of a daughter at the St. ’flrerese Hospital, Waukegan. 111. Mr. Terlap is a member of St. Joseph’s No. 53 KSKJ Lodge at Waukegan. Dl. Congratulations! Special Kiddie Show Tomorrow at Norwood Theatre The Norwood Theatre Is holding a special kiddle show, which Is sponsored by the Parent Teachers Association on March 1st. There will be two complete shows at 3:00 and 4:00 p. m. The program will consist of a sports reel about dogs, another about Trees and Men. Tom and Jerry cartoon plus another cartoon. The feature wUl be “Hooeler Schoolboy’’ with Mickey Rooney. There will also be surprise gifts for the children. Ely News Ely. Minn. — Mrs. Lou Markovich of Chandler is In Chicago. HI., visiting her daughter. Mrs. Jos. Kovsky. Sh: reports that the Kovsky family had an addition to the family, a baby boy. — John Tomazin of Virginia, Minn., went to the hospital for an operation.— On Feb. 8. at St. Anthony’s Church, Rev. Mihelčič married Fred Bole and Patricia Fetric. The groom 4s the son of Anton Bojc of Lawrenoe 8t„ and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Petrie of Camp St. The young couple have established their home in Ely. BIRTHS -------o-—— Notes from Eveletb, Mino. ST. VITUS HOIS nflITK ‘Ufaklj'Revtoir CELEBRATES TENTH ANNIVERSARY Reverend Francis Martin 'Baraga, assistant at St. Vitus’ Church fof the past three years, son of Anthony Baraga (deceased) and Frances, nec Ceglar, was born at Thomas. We’*: Virginia on the twenty-third pf April. 1911. After completing the first four years of elementary school there, th» family moved to Cleveland. Father Baraga attended St. Vitus parochial school for four years. Completed his high school course at Cathedral Latin, then spent two years of preparatory work at John Carroll University. Hien entered Our Lady of the Lake Seminary. from which he was graduated and ordained on February 20. 1937. He tang his First Solemn Mass at St. Vitas Church on February 21. 1937. His first appoinment was to Sts. Peter and Paul Church. Youngstown, Ohio, where he stayed one year. TTien transfeEred to St. Mary’s (Collinwood) for six years. Came to St. Vitus in January. 1944 and since has been actively engaged in youth work. bei|3 moderator of the Yeung Ladies’. Sodality and Baraga Glee Club. On this occasion, the tenth anniversary of his Ordination to the Holy Mr. and Mrs. August , Meserko o-8809 Cfumon Ave.. announce the birth cf their third child, a 'babf boy. Mi and Mrs. Meserko of 8612 Cahnon Ave.. have nož become grandparents for the ninth time. Congratulations! A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs: AMERICAN HOME CONDENSED NEWS FROM OUR HOME FRONT Cleveland, Ohio Friday, February 28, 1947 Councilman Edward L. 100 pounds and is a part London— Minister At- . ... j __________iv,. he nnn nnn Knchal 1m» fnlrt t.hp Paxliment Pucel filed a resolution at Council.meeting, asking that clocks be pushed forward one hour, beginning in April and ending in September. • • • am Washington. — The State Department has finally begun to reach beyond that iron curtain in Russia with a daily radio program lasting one hour. It is sent from New York to Monaco in Germany and from there to Russia by shortwave. • • • mm Chicago.— Edward Teller. one of the atom bomb scientists, told that the atom bomb of the future will be a thousand times stronger than the one thrown on Japan. This new bomb will destroy all life and everytlilng else with a single explosion in an area of 400 square miles. • • • mm Washington. — At a banquet honoring Michigan Congressmen, the governor of Michigan, Kim Sigler, said that .Senator Vandenberg is the “first" man in America today, and that there will be a general demand that he be the Republican 7 presidential candidate in 1948. • • • wtm Mrs. Frances Kavcic of 1204 E. 167 St., fell on the icy street, breaking the wrist bone on her left hand. She is home under the doctor’s care. • • • mm Seattle. Wash. - There are over 2.000 empty re-sidenceS in this city, which the owners refuse to rent while the OPA dictates- r e nt prices.. Wherever possible, they are rented as stores, over which OPA has no control. • • • mm Harrisburgh. Pa —During 1946 there were 1,698 persons killed in Pennsy-lvanaia. which is 23% more than the year before. '• • • of the 95,000.000 bushel lee told the Parliment ■harvest v I that England will give India to its own people: Columbus. O. — State Registrar Fcgo announced that license plates will be on sale beginning March 10. For the first time, since 1942. there will be two license plates, fer front and back. • • • mm Washington.— The Senate Judical Committee voted 9 against 1 that the president of U. S. should not be in office more than two terms of 4 years each. • • • ■■ Home from the hospi- govemment. after 200 years of English government. • •• mm Verona, Mo. — C. E. Atterberry and Glen Cal-ihouin killed. 18 wolves this year. They fly over the forest and shoot the wolves on sight. • • • mm . Mrs. Mary Kern o. 14904 Westropp Ave.. war taken to Doctor’s Hospital for an operation. • • • mm Washington. — Harold Stassen, probbale presi- nome irem wie nospi- otasseii, tal is Mrs. L. Lautizar dential candidate in 1948 of 1195 E. 71 Št. She left by plane for Belgium wishes to express her He intends to Visit 19 thanks to all for their European countries anc visits and gifts. will eventually see Stalir • • • mm , in Russia. Attlee anc Atlantic City. — Geo. Churchill in England Romney, director of the ‘ ‘ Union of American Auto Mianufacturers. stated that American firms will build 3,600,000 passenger autos and 1,100,000 trucks. • • • mm Chicago, — Cornelius Boldt. 73. rich widower and Laveme Anderson, 18, have taken out a marriage license, after more than a year’s courtship. • • • mm London. — Representatives of Foreign Ministers of the Big Four have agreed that no Hapsburg may ascend the throne in Austria. Whatever problems thev could not agree upon, will be left for the Foreign Ministers themselves to solve when they meet in Moscow next month. Canon Oman. The happy daddy is the son of the well-known Jacob Jan-:har family of Prince Ave.. who were ! made grandparents for the 30th time I pith this event. Congratulations! I : On Friday, February 21st. a baby boy was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Malečkar of 5605 Bonna Ave. This is their first child. The mother and baby are doing fine at St. Ann’s Hospital. The young mother is the former Lillian Gliha. Congratulations! Engagements Mrs. Ross Ivancic of 1254 E. 169 St., announces the engagement of her daughter Margaret to Mr. Ralph Slopko. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Slopko of 1850* Arrowhead Ave. Mr. nd Mrs. Louis Oswald of 17205 Grovewood Ave, announce the engagement of their daughter, Wilma A. Oswald. to Mr. Elmer A. Japel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Japel of 1214 E. 172 St., who has recently been discharged from the Navy after serving at Hawaii. The engagement was announced on the 22nd wedding annl-versary of Mr. and Mrs. I/>uis Oswald On Jan. 25th, a wedding- ceremony, in the church of the Holy Family, performed bv Rev. Plmat, united In marriage Miss Molile Putzel and Joseph Siskar of McKinley. — Martin Skala of Sheridan St,, WGAR Will Broadcast Baseball Games Sale of the broadcasting rights to the Cleveland Indians games to two companies well known to the public was announced today by John F. Patt. Vice President and General Manager of WGAR. and by Bill Veeck. President of the Cleveland Baseball Club. Co-sponsors for the 1947 baseball broadcast to be heard exclusively over WGAR are General Mills, makers of Wheaties. and Gray’s Drug Stores, Inc. Completed arrangements provide for the fullest radio schedule of all time with a baseball broadcast Schedule for every afternoon during the entire season. On days when the Indians are idle a recreated broadcast of another outstanding American League game will be substituted. If the entire league ife idle the station will carry either a National League game or a program of baseball commentary. -------6------- Breakfast Ham Gets Yegg in Vest New York. — William P. McGovern, 29, was eating breakfast in an Eigtht Ave. restaurant last week when he saw his stolen suit on the man next to him. Watch my breakfast while I make a telephone call, said McGovern. Sure, said the r.r.i. McGovern came back will: ^ pcli:c-man. Police said Gilbert White, 27, ad- ver£ary oi nig UMUIuatlun w ---- mitted stealing the suit from McGov- j^hood we extend him the sln-em’s room. ^ cere greetings and congratulations of _ . , “ °“ T « . ! his p^ichioners and friends. Taking a Course in Chicago Mrs. Nettie Kalish is in Chicago this The regular monthly meeting of the week, taking a special course in sur- st. Vitus Holy Name Society will be Meglich was hig for the milkmen with CtopenSra ....... 773 657 828 2258 Oraxems ........ 801 819 TO 2351 Standings, Feb. 20, 1947 W. L. PU. Amer. Home Pub........... 47 28 67 A. Grdina and Sons ........ 47 28 86 Norwood Appliance .......46 Hollanders Agency .......44 Cimperman Grocy..........37 Brodnlck Bros. Fum...... 37 Orazems Conf.............34 Majer Shoes .............32 Oblak Furniture ..........34 Garniks Hubs ............ 32 Clover Dary ..............32 Awdovare ...............31 Schedule, March 6th. 1947 I and 3-Clmpern\en vs. Majer Shoes 3 and 4—A. Grdina and Sons vs. Anz-lovars 5 and 6-Oblak Fum. vs Brodnlck Bros. 7 and 8—Norwood Appl. vs. Orazems Conf. ' 9 and 10—Hollanders vs Gomik Habs. II and 12—Clover Dairies vs America:: Homes ST. VITUS MOTHERS CLuk MOTHERS’ CLUB MONTHLY MEETING We will meet next Wednesday ev- **• :•« gical fittings. This course, taught by the study fell down the steps and received injuries on his hands and chest. He wk& sent to Shipman Hospital. — Simon Zupin underwent an operation and is now at home. ---------- Muggsy and Spike—New Dance Team Cincinnati. Feb. 1 - Workmen on the steel girders of the Terrace Plaza m japan. Louis m jenguma. wnue Hotel project here can look down into John saw quite a bit of the world in voion rvmoo KtiiHinc rtth watch his service with the Navy. Albin ARMY NEWS After two vears of service In Germany. Albin Kmc, son of Mrs, Mary Kmc of 1157 Norwood Rd. has returned home. He had an opportunity of seeing auite a bit of Europe on his forlough trips with a Jeep. Mrs. Kmc is happy to have all her four sons home safe and sound. Frank was in Japan. Louis in England, while the Kalan Dance Studios and watch people getting acquainted with the samba, waltz.etc. The other day one' of the steelworkers. balancing delicately on a girder, turned to a buddy: “Muggsy, old man, will you favor me with this dance?” “S’plke, my boy, I should be delighted," said Muggsy. So they rapped out a snappy clog with nothing between them and the earth but 10 Inches of steel girder and 6even stories of air. The foreman stopped the show, but it's being repeated every day. held this coming Tuesday evening, March 4th. UTe confab will ring after church services about .... o'clock in the school. All mothers are invited to be present. Sodality News COMMUNION SUNDAY (Sunday, March, 2, is Communion Sunday for the Sodality at the 7:00 Mass. The general Mass intention for the month of March is for our fathers. Whether your fathers be living or deceased, remember them on' this, the Communion’ Sunday, and offer up your prayers and Communion for him. MEETING March 6th is the regular monthly Sodality Meeting. At this meeting, our Director. Father Baraga will give a talk on Vocations. As this is the month of Vocations, his talk will be tr.uly appropriate. ___ Also at this meeting, our Cwnmittess will again be organized. Your attendance at this meeting is urged, as it is desired that our committtee get under way. Meeting will start promptly at 8:00 p. m. SODALITY UNION brought home from Germany a beautiful handmade sewing cabinet. Arriving from Guam. John F. Za- program wUl present me w**cwj« man. A.M. 2/C, is home on furlough Browns Football Movie. Hold that date for 50 davs. He is the son of Mr. onen! ciety will be --- COMING EVENTS _ Singing —Rehearsals every Thursday evening at 7:30 for the new English Choir which will make its debut coon. , Boxing Show — Training is held every Wednesday from 7-9 for the forthcoming Boxing Show on March 21. Monte Carlo — this annual church benefit is now being prepared. The event will be held on May 4th. Movies — A great treat is in ston for all you sport lovers. On Opening Day of the Baseball Season — April 15 we will show the American League Baseball Film and also on the same program will present the Cleveland 3, is nome on iunuufcn Browi for 50 days. He is the son of Mr. open! and Mrs. John Zaman of 486 E. 149 *t. ATTENTION BOXERS »n.«- fnrirtiioVi io nv*r he will Altho we have a card lined up for When his forlough Is over he will go back to San Diego. He has been in the Navv for 5 years. --------o—'■— Dumb Dora: “Is there a letter for me?" Postmaster: “What’s your name?’’ D. D.: “It’s on the envelope Can’t you read?" SCHOOLDAYS 999 mm Los Angeles. — An explosion in the building of the O’Connor Electric Plating Corp.. on Pico ’Blvd.. resulted in 15 dead and hundreds injured. Buildings a mile around • • • i— Washington. — Officia statistics show that froir 1944 to 1946, widows anc graso widows /have increased 35% in America aged 20 to 44 veats. The reason is that manj women lost thsir husbands in the war And because there were so many divorces. • • • Bi Mr. and Mrs. Anton Lauriha of 1133 E. 167 St., celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Feb. 22. Congratulations! • • mm Ndw York. — The Big Four is considering 5 candidates for the governorship of Trieste. They are Gen. Henri Guisan of Switzerland. Alberto Lleras Camargo of Colombia. Nordenskiold and Emil Sandstrom of Sweden and Lief Egeland of South Africa. • • • mm Although the famoup violinist Zlatko Baloko-vic was supposed to have made an appearance last were damaged. Windows Friday night at the 70 blocks away cracked, sachsenheim Hall on E. Washington. — The Department of Agriculture----------- ------ is offering potatoes at 5 The Court, which gave cents for a 100 ----------- since there were no buy- The explosion was heard 10 miles away. 9 9 9- mm Hollywood. — Lois Butler, 15. has signed a film contract at $200 a week. her permission to work, stipulated that she will since mere w«c uu uuj- Mipumi™ wu w— ers at 35 cents per 100 not be allowed to work. av UP -- pounds. It cost the gov emment about $2.20 per if she brings home a bad report card from ochool. 55 St., no mention has been made of it in the newspapers. He was supposed to tell about his visit with Tito. v• • • mm Greetings arrived from San Juan. Puerto Rico, from Mrs. J. Alic. who i writes that she is voting 1st Lt. Leona Alic I there. RefrW*- CAH«, Bdt >1 'V ckHtff. of coowe i cmo . ujntfc ®T. ,TS n JU«*6o*.~ 1D v^e eeeH el«™« voor. W «• V90* «*»» \ MOW«.; N0V/, wonT -/00 \ therefore everyone is cordially Invited to attend. It will be held at the Hotel Hollenden at 8:00 p. m, Monday, Mar-3rd. Monsignor John’is the guest speaker. REMINDER Here is another reminder to urge you to get in your reservations for the Day of Recollection to be held March 9th at Marymount in Garfield. Father McQuade is to direct this Day of Recollection, So, make up your mind today to go and give your reservation in to Rose Cimperman. PRESENTATION After last Sunday evening’s Mission, the Rev. Father Richard Rooney Joined the Sodalists in the Sodality Room where he was presented with $100 for the new Sodality Building at St. Louis. We weft very glad to make your ac-qalntance Father, and we hope you join us again real soon. Baraga Glee Club ON WINGS OF SONG Here we are back in our own city of Cleveland . . ah yes, with memories and also melodies that continue to capture the hearts of any and all who Joined with the glee club In taking the imaginary trip to all nations1 . . on the evening of Feb. 16, our Fre-Lenten ooclal in the school auditorium . . with our director Miss Kay and Master Of ceremonies Frank Lav-rich piloting the plane, that took us soaring Into the sky, on to a milky way. mied with gaiety and laughter, and beatulful costuming of all lands . . there must be one song that enters into your mind as you read on . could it have been our visit to the _____ ' Spanish Villa, just in time to tee the The Brodnlck Bros. Furniture team aUracl;ve Spanish couple dance to the cleaned house with the Gomik Habs. „5(^(5 0f -La Epagnola," (the Anno we nave a — cur Boxing Shew on Friday. March 21, we still have a few openings. So any boxer wishing to appear on our show, is asked to contact “Whltey’’ Persin next Wednesday evening between 7 and 9 P. M. in the school hall. PARISH BOWLING LEAGUE Feb. 25, 1947 This was quite a tough luck night. The A. Grdina and Sons team hit the reason high for 3 games, 2710. against the Norwood Appliances, and «111 skidded lntb second place by losing the last game The Oblak Furniture team ran Into over 30 splits including 14 in the last game against the American Home team who also eked put a 1 pin victory In the second game to lake all 4 points and undisputed first took all 4 points and climbed within 2 points of fifth place. The Majer Shoes took 3 points from the Clover Dairies. The Orazem Confections pushed the Cimperman Markete further away from the leaders by taking 3 points from them. Team Scores: „ 4. Grdina. Sons 927 942 84 2110 Norwood Appl... 821 825 925 2571 Grdinas had plenty of goou scores In their high series. H. Malenšek led with a 227 and a 564 series. Others who hit good games were. E. Vidmar 212. Tony Brodnik 201. and Joe Vidmar 219. For the Norwoods’ Eddie Kovaclc had a 541 series and S*rK£Ž?e*l° ETn. 2290 Amer. Hemes ....... 775 828 784 2387 Tonv Grdina had a 506 series for the Oblaks . Johnny Lach again led the ■ffng^wtth 5»; 6g9 8M m Majer Sheas ... 777 813 742 2232 Ray Suhadolnik of the Anslovar’s tied for individual high game ol the season a 243 In his 577 series. Fbr the Majer’s. F. pavelich starred with a i&£,ST 8V78-. 738 2236 Gomik Habs..... 825 672 552 1889 Smrekar led the Brodnlck with 497. Chuch Kukuckq was high for the Gor-niks with *26 , Kdlrtldr, Agency 788 810 812 2*W Clove,r Dairies .... 824 773 785 2388 Ted Zak had the best series for the Agency team 4 488 series. Herman “La Spagnola," (the dancers were Bea Jackomin and Joe Avsec) . . or it may have been the Vienna Waltz of Al Koporc and Agnes Kosec. Jean Per and Tony Brod-nick . . the Indian song “Pale Moon’’ portrayed by Rose Bavec and Ed Avsec . . the Wooden Shoe Dance by Carl Hlabse and Evelyn Cunningham, (with genuine wooden shoes) . . or the chuf-lle of feet In the Chinese sandals as they danced to the medley “Sing Song So Hop Toy" . . by Babe Cirel. Bemie Sajovec, and Ann Korenchan . . our stop in the Swiss Alps, and the Ski Song .with two lovely skiers, Larrv Per. and Mary Sajovec. the isle of Hawaii with Rsa Jackomin. Helen Dolenc, and Agnes Kosec . . . the Harmony of both the Slovenian quartet as also the “Four Feathers Quartet” . . the song of Erin.” Too Ra loo ra loo ra" by Janie Ugat . . . The Strauss waltz by loret* Cvar, a promising star of the future, accom-palned bv Mrs. Bonnano . . the violin solo . . bv Mr. Frank Ma^jisek . . any and all w® remain a lasting momory and especially the Slovenian Dance, the dan' of our motherland by Jo Kozel and Ed Avejc . . .thus cur trip came to an end . . but as soon as we are able we will again visit the lands of far away. . . our thanks again to our coo|fctand4p a11 who in anyway had heljxS$pt:> make the social the succees that It was. •Don’t burn down your house to inconvenience your mother-in-law. s Rayon Jersey komadi za bluze Okrog % cene! Lepe AA mrežasto pisane barve— ■ lili samo 200 komadov v T skupini. 13A do 2 jarda # a . dolgi. Mnogi kosi so eno- mm vsaK vrstni.,, , LETO STRAHOTE 1793 VICTOR HUGO V take košare iz vrbovja so bretonske matere polagale svoje otroke takoj po rojstvu in ot-troci so spali in se kobacali po njih, dokler niso dodobra do-rasli. Zraven vsake košare je putsil ‘Imanus’ postaviti leseno kledo, polno močnika z mlekom in leseno žlico. Skozi odprta okna je svetila poletna noč, modra in mehka. Možje so se oddaljili, ‘Imanus’ pa je zaklenil za sabo težka železna vrata, ki so vodila v stolp. Ko so se ogromni ključi zavrteli v strašnih ključavnicah, je skrivnostno odjeknilo po stolpu in gradiču. ‘Imanus’ je pogledal, če je vse prav vonj iz njegove sveže duše. Georgeta, ki je štela šele dvajset mesecev, je dvignila svojo glavico, se vsedla, opazovala svoje nožiče in začela čebljati. Jutranji solnčni žarek je padel na košaro; težko je bilo reči, kdo je bil bolj rožnat: ali žarek ali Georgetine nožiče. Ostala dva otroka sta še spala ; moški so bolj zaspani. Georgia je veselo blebetala dalje. Rene-Jean je bil rjav, Alain kostanjast, Georgeta pa blondinka. Rene-Jean ja;, ležal ko mal Herkules na trebuhu z obema pestema na očeh, Alain je molel svoji nogi iz košare. Vsi trije so bili razcapani, ko- pri užigalni vrvi, ki je vodila maj da so imeli še srajčico na skozi malo odprtino, zvrtano v1 telesu. Obleke , ki jih je dal železna vrata, ter se potem vila narediti zanje bataljon ‘Rde-po zavojnih stopnicah dd vrha 'Ja kapa’, šo bile popolnoma stolpa. V stolpu je ključe od- razpadle. Fanta sta bila sploh dal marquisu, sam pa se podal napol naga. na ravno streho stolpa, kjer je j Kdo je varoval otroke? stal vso noč s t r a ž o. Ko jej Težko reči. Nobena ženska, solnce vzšlo, je razsvetlijo v !oivji kmetje, ki so jih bili vla-gozdu osem bataljonov mož- z, „ seboj iz hoste v hosto, so bajoneti na puškah, priprav- j’jmdajal(, jesti svoje juhe — ljenih za naskok, baterijo na to je bilo vsč.' 'Za ostalo se ni planoti pred mostom, devet- brigal nihče. Vsi so bili nji-najst mož v gradu, ki so bili hovi (g0Sp0darji, nihče loče. trdno odločeni svoje življenje Toda celo njihove cape so odkar moč drago prodati, in pa seya]e nekaj lepega in nebeške- ff*~ tri košare, v katerih so sladko spančkali trije otroci. ANGELČKI BOŽJI SE IGRAJO Otroci so se zbudili. Najprej najmlajši, punčka. Otrok se zbudi kakor roža, ki se odpre. Zdi se, da se dviga not, jezik brez zlogov. Zdi se, ga. Nedolžen otrok vse raz-svetluje. Georgeta je še vedno nekaj čebljala. To prvo brbljanje na otroških ustnih je najvzviše-nejša pesem na zemlji. ,Je več in manj ko beseda; spev brez ^ da je bilo zašepetano najprej v nebesih, zdaj pa se nadaljuje za nzemlji. Mogoče je v njem nekaj, kar ,je nekoč otrok govoril kot angel v nebesih. Mi, ki ga poslušamo, pa polagamo vanj tudi nekaj žalošti, trepetanje pred pragom, čez katerega vodi pot v razča-ranja polno življenje, klic po pomoči. Toda Georgeta teh nezavestnih globin v svojem blebetanju očividno ni čutila, kajti njeni ustni, oči, lica, vse se je smehljalo kakor čudežno spočeto prvo jutro stvarstva. Za Georgeto se je zbudil Rene-Jean, najstarejši, ki je bil že v četrtem letu. Vzdignil se je in možato skočil iz košare. Njegov pogled je padel na polno skledo. Vsedel se je na tla in se lotil svojega zajtrka. Ko je Alain začul klopotanje žlice, se je takoj zbudil, se zravnal in široko odprl oči. Imel je tri leta. Ko je zagledal skledo poleg svoje košare, je stegnil roko in jo vzel k sebi ter začel pošteno opletati močnik. Ko je bil Rene-Jean gotov, je še malo popraskal z žlico po dnu sklede in potem z nekakim dostojanstvom dejal: “Jaz sem svoj močnik snedel.” T(o je zbudilo Georgeto iz njenih sanjarij. “Papat,” je rekla. In je vzela tudi ona svojo skledo ter začela jesti. Nosila je žlico večkrat k ušesom nego k ustom. Časih se je popolnoma spozabila in jedla kar z rokama. Alain, ki je bil med tem po-srebal svoj močnik, je tekel k svojemu bratcu. Naenkrat je zadonela iz globine gozda tam zunaj trobenta, strogo in ošabno. S; stolpa se Nato se je z roba gozda za- in zaboje, nevarne čeri, ki jih čul daljni, a razločen glas: je bilo treba obiti. Georgeta se “Pozor banditi! Predajte se!jih ni ustrašila. Najprej je brez vsakih pogojev do zatona zlezla iz svoje košare, potem se solnca, če ne, bomo naskočili.” Z vrha stolpa so odgovorili: “Kar dajte!” Glas doli je nšdaljeval: “Kot zadnji opomin bomo pol ure pred naskokom sprožili top.” S stolpa so odgovorili: “Kakor vam drago.” Glasovi niso segali do otrok, trobenta in rog pa sta se slišala. Ko je trobenta vprgič zadonela, se je Georgeta zagledala in nehala jesti; ko se je oglasij rog, je položila žlico nazaj v skledo; ko je vdrugič zatrobentalo, je Vzdignila majčkeni kazalec svoje desne ročice in z njim udarjala akt k fanfari, ki je spremljala trobento vdrugič. Ko sta trobenta in rog umolknila, je zamišljeno sedela dalje, držeč prstek pokonci in je tiho zažgolela: “Muska.” Rene-Jean in Alain pa se za trobento in za rog nista zmenila, kajti nekaj drugega je obrnilo njuno pozornost nase: prašiček, kakor jih je na tisoče po starih zidinah, je tekel po podu. Alain, ki ga je bil prvi zapazil, je zaklical: "Žival!” - Rene-Jean je pritekel. Alain je nadaljeval: “Upiči!” “Pustimo ga,” je dejal Rene-Jean. In oba sta pazljivo opazovala romarja, ki se je osupnjen nad tolikim občudovanjem, naredil mrtjvega. Ko je Georgeta videla svoja bratca tako zamišljena, je hotela vedeti, kaj je. Ni bilo lahko prodreti do njiju, pav- je vrgla med čeri in plula po ožinah ‘med njimi, prevrnila pruko in plezala med dvema kovčagoma, potem pa čez kup papirjev, preko katerih se je skobacala doli kakor po pobočju. Nato je prišla do mesta, ki bi ga pomorščak imenoval "odporto morje”, ki ga je z mačjo urnostjo preakakala, do-ler ni prišla do svojih bratcev. Toda preŠiSek je bil medtem svojima opazovalcema že ušel in se skril skozi razo med zidom in podom. Tega je bila kriva Georgeta, ki je bila obrnila pozornost svojih bratov nase, radi česar sta za hip pozabila na žlvalico. Toda prišli so drugi dogodki. Lastovke, ti so gnezdile pod streho, so priletele čisto mimo oken, delale nato velike kroge in veselo crvlikale v pomaldanski zrak. Georgeta je pokazala z roko na ptice in vzkliknila: “Pip! Pip!” Rene-Jean jo je nežno pokaral: “Gospica, temu se ne pravi Pip-pip, ampak lastovke.” “Tovke,” je ponovila Georgeta. In .vsi trije so zrli za dra- žestnimi pticami. o- (Dalje prihodnjič) Naše delo J« prvovrstno v vseh ozirih ter bo v vaše popolno zadovoljivo. Sem Izučen urar lz starega kraja. A. HIBUER - Zlatar RaročUa Izven mesta takoj Izpolnimo. Naročila lahko pošljete v slovenščini. Ali pa pokličite EX 8316 rrm Pošljite denar za veliko nož zdaj je oglasil rog. Topot je klica- žlic temu se je pogumno poda- la trobenta, rog pa je odgovarjal. To se je zgodilo dvakrat. : ' . ujnij: ■ 1 [la na poti. Treba je bilo premagati neznanske težave in ovire: razne pruke, nakgpičeu ne akte, prazne škatlje, skrinje Izognite se drenju in zakasnitvi. Vaši sorodniki in prijatelji v stari domovini bodo prejeli vaše darilo za praznike točno, če ga pošljete potom SO kompletnih, priroinih bank Ustanovljeno 1908 Zavarovalnino vseh vrst vam točno preskrbi HAFFNER INSURANCE AGENCY 6109 ST. CLAIR AVENUE A. GRDINA 4 SINOVI Pogrebni zavod 1053 EAST »2nd ST. HEndereon 2088 Ambulančna posluga podnevi in ponoči CENJENI JAVNOSTI SPOROČAM. DA SEM OTVORIL Popravljalnico ur in vsakovrstne zlatnine NA 6632 ST. CLAIR AVE. Vana nova moderna hiša ne bo popolna MONCRIEF is?" OLJE PREMOG THE HENRY FURNACE CO., MEDINA, O. iiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiHiiii& Pokličite HE 5200 DA VAM SČISTIMO FURNEZSE DANES! Čistimo furneze, dimnike in dimniške cevi z vacuum g čistilcem. Računamo po $4 in več. Adams Heating Service 550 EAST 200. ST.', VOGAL MONTEREY KE 4116 INCOME I« RETURNS COMPLETED -ALBERT W. KAY 15603 Wat. Ml dajemo in izmenjavamo Eagle znamke * 1 ■! ’ i’k'G- THE MAY CO’S BASEMENT ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Na 3. marca bo 100-letnica rojstva Alexandra Graham Bell. Noben mož ni napravil več, da se odstrani zapreke razdalji v našem vsakdanjem življenju. Njegova iznajdba, telefon, je postal potreba v modernem življe- y nju. Bell jq dobil znanje, ki je vodilo do njegove iznajdbe telefona potom njegovega napdra, da bi učil neme govoriti. Isti duh posluge je zgradil telefonsko industrijo in je še vedno ponosna tradicija v naši družbi in Bell Sistemu. m orno lili. TELEPHONE C Oi 2-dnema razprodaja1 Nenavadne posebnosti v atraktivnem, zaželjenem SPOMLADANSKEM BLAGU • 39 inčev Pisan leiak ali lahak Craps a 39 inčev Pisan Lingerie Hayon Salin • 39 inčev Običajne barve Rayon Faille e 39 inčev Pisan Rayon Faille a 39 inčev Serg-a-Hed e 39 inčev Belo Rayon Shaniung a 39 inčev Bela Nylon Taffeta a 50 inčev Stalne barvb ivello Chintz Kako krasna izbera finega spomladanskega blaga—in vse tako nizko cefleno, da vam bo mogoče dvakrat toliko šivati kot ste računali! 'Fina izbere barv-solidne in kombinacije—kot tudi prijetno pisane barve. Samo 2 dni po te) Fino tkano Chambray 36-inčev tino tkano chambray blago—kratki komadi—regularno po $1 jd! V zalogi je popolna izbere vzorcev in _ _ barv. J d. / DEDICATED TO THE TOUHG AMERICAN 7he American Home DEADLINE POE ALL COPY IS WEDNESDAY NOON Srna of §t. Harg’a Sodality, Mis Mary Svigel. During this month all aodallats ATTENTION ST. VITXJS BOWLERS Remember April 19thJ In answer to your article in a pre- ; sodality union invites soaauaia w ai-ylous l»ue. we wish to make It known tend their meeting on Monday, Mar, that we are willing to bowl a match 3rd. where Father John will »peak on | should obeerve Vocation month. The sodality union invites sodallst# to at- game under these conditions: A) Only 1 team (live men) will bowl. B) Best out of six (6) games. (Three at youf alleys; three at our alleys.) C) That you put up Hkeg of beer (as we will) and losers serve winning Parish. (Our beer Is being put up by our able Bowling Proprietors. Joe Perusec and Ernie Zupančič.) D) Games will be played on Saturday eveftings. Should there be any question or reply. please call PO 8934. ATTENTION HOLY NAME BOWLERS As a preliminary match game the Don Bosco’s Club would like to bowl the Holy Name Jrs. of St. Vitus If they are willing. This would be only a Younger Tournament 21 yeans and below. JOE SNOOP. JR. attoe°K>llenden Hote' Sunday. March 2nd. is the Sodality Communion Sunday. Sodaltsts are requested to meet in the Study Club Room at 7:30 a. m. Barberton Young Ladies’ Sodality Re-Elects Officers Waukegan - North Chicago Barberton, Ohio. —Recently the elec, tlon of officers for 1947-took place at the ipcetlng of the Young Ladles' Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was held in the sacred Heart parish hall. « An oral unanimous vote, which resulted In the re-election of the entire Sodality of officers, who will retain their respective offices for the ensuing year. Our pastor, the Rev. Fr. Mathias A. Jager, reseumes his active duty as our Spiritual Director. Miss Sophia Gain-_ win BfxroA. ™ er' President; Miss Bertha Leksan, The meeting is being held vice president; Miss Evelyn Krlsay, ,teT secretary, and Miss Mary Purger, treasurer. It Is with heartfelt thanks that the Sodality members extend congratulations and best wishes to our Splritua! Dlrector. Father Jager, for his ceaseless and diligent efforts In progressing our Sodality. Our sincere wish to Father Jager is for his cotinued success and happiness In assisting us as he has so nobly done in the Past. Sophia F. Ganier, President, ST. MARY'S SODALITY A variety of Interesting events Is scheduled for next month for members of the Sodality. On the 9th, a day of Recollection will be held In Mary Mount Academy. Father McQuade will be the speaker. Price Is *1.75 which includes breakfast. luncheon and all other expenses. Reservations can be made with Miss Bettv Rldall. On March 23. a hay or sleigh ride Is being held which Is being sponsored by the Sodality Union. This affair will be held at Hurd's Farm In Ohag--rin Falls. The price is *2.00 and *1.00 for transportation. The group will meet in front of the Old Stone ohureh on public square at 2:00 p. m.'fchere special bumes wUl be the meaps of ST. MARY’S (COLLINWOOD) P. T. A. NEWS The St. Mary's P.TA. Cotpmittee wishes to express their thanks to aU members and friends who participated In their First Dance which was held on Feb. 8th. at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. It can be said that this dance was a howling suocess: The attendance was very nice and even if the weather was so nasty, our revellers soon forgot the batting wind, swirling snow and zero weather when they first heard our Grand Musicians. Vic Intihar and Orchestra playing the Polkas. Such a homey crowd and old friends renewing acquaintanceships , which haven't been seen In a blue moon as was seen this evening. It Just seemed to be like one great big family and each person seemed happier and Jollier than the next one. The dim lights of the Hall gave everything such t nice pleasing outlook. To our Treasurer. Mrs. Mary Kotec. we must give credit for putting up the balloons In such an artistic manner. I understand credit is also due (Stan) her better half as he blew up 100 balloons. Just how sore Mr. Stan Koketec's Jaws were hd won't say. Such delectable odors and smells, wafting out Into the hall from the kitchen can be attributed to our hard working President, Mrs. Pearl Mooney. (I’ll have you know, that not a bit of Roast Beef remained tc take home for Sunday. Some of our members were hoping to buy some o. BOXING Los Angeles Jimmy Doyle, a boxer turned belter, made off with his second split decision over Roughhoure Ralph Zannelll In the* good and tough topper of the 10-round fights at the Arena Monday night after the home-brec Chuck Hunter had finished a mile o: The Christian Mothers Society of the Mother of God-Parish sponsored a very successful program last Feb. 9 evening in the Pariah Hall as over 250 guests enjoyed a fine supper and Interesting program of talent. Rev. M. J. Hltl. pastor of the local parish acted as toastmaster and Introduced Rev. Louis Baznik, a chaplain of the U. S. Army now stationed at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Rev. Bkznlk presented a very Interesting talk on post war conditions in Europe, having' served 19 months In service, covering the Italian. Yugoslav and Austrian territories. Kenneth Petrovič and Joyce Stritar, talented accordionists presented a selection of popular and native Slovene numbers which were well received by the audience. The Christian Mothers presented a choral group of ten members dressed In native costumes of Slovene origin and they sang a group of Slovene numbers that were a pleasant surprise. Mr. John Ko-vacek accompanied the ladies at the piano and also accompanied Mrs. Gertrude Repp who sang several solo selections. Mrs. Anton MSrindc id president of the Slovene Christian Mothers Society that- sponsored the Sunday evening parish get-together. Mrs. Gertrude Repp is the Secretary, Mrs. John Zalar, recording seretary; Mrs. Frank Artac. treasurer. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Terlap, 1303 Jackson St.. North Chicago. 111., ah- Special Kiddie Show Tomorrow at Norwood Theatre The Norwood Theatre Is holding a special kiddie show, which is sponsored by the Parent Teachers Association on March 1st. There will be two complete shows at 2:00 and 4:00 p. m. The program will consist of a sports reel about dogs, another about Trees and MSBTTom and Jerry cartoon plus another cartoon. The feature will be "Hoosler 8choolboy" with Mickey Rooney. There will also be surprito gifts for the children. --------o------- rfTvmis iois nSj CELEBRATES TENTH ANNIVERSARY w. WGAR Will Broadcast Baseball Gaines i »I.. wonn am.. an- nounce the birth of a daughter at the St. Tmerese Hospital, Waukegan, TIL St. merese nospiuu, w»»uiu:g«ui, Mr. Terlap Is a member of 8t. Joseph’s No. 53 KSKJ Lodge at Waukegan, 111. Congratulations! two in front of Brooklyn’s Jerry Flo-rello. as game a latcher as ever was. overlooked by the Dodgers. Back in the rinjj from which he’d oeen clouted all the wav to Charity Hospital by Artie Levine almost a year ago. the doughty Doyle kid won off by himself in the eyes of Referee Jackie Davis and Judge Herb Wil-lioms, but Judge Charlie Bill came up with a dissenting vote and he had plenty of company among the 7,891 customers who chipped in for the building of a gross gate of $29,672 BIRTHS Ely News Stic of the broadcasting rights tc the Cleveland Indians games to two companies well known to the pubito was announced today by John F. Patt, Vica President and General Manager of WGAR. and by Bill Veeck. President of the Cleveland Baseball Club. Co-sponeors for the 1947 baeeball broadcast to be heard exclusively over WGAR are General Mills, makers of Wheatles. and Gray's Drug Stores, Inc. Completed arrangements provide for the fullest radio schedule of all time with a baseball broadcast Schedule for every afternoon during the entire reason. On days when the Indians are Idle a recreated broadcast of another outstanding American League game will be substituted. If the entire league tk idle the station will carry either a National league game or a program of baseball commentary. ' 'ib Megllch was hie for the milkmen with Ctapennuu ....... 773 657 828 2258 Oračem ......... 801 819 721 2351 Standings, Feb. 29, 1947 W. L. Pis. Amer. Home Pub............47 A. Grdina and Sons ......47 Norwood Appliance .......4« Hollanders Agency ........44 Cimperman Orocy......... 37 Brodnlck Bros. Fum.......37 Orazems Conf. .......... 34 Majer Shoes ..............32 Oblak Furniture ..........34 Garniks Habe .............32 Clover Dary ............ 32 AnHovaro ................31 Reverend Francis Martin Baraga, assistant at St. Vitus’ Church fof the past three years, son of Anthony Baraga (deceased) and Frances, nec Ceglar, was bom at Thomas. Wee: Virginia on the twenty-third pf April. 1911. After completing the first four Ely. Minn. — Mrs. Lou Markovich of Chandler is in Chicago, HI., visiting her daughter. Mrs. Jos. Kcvsky. She reports that the Kovsky famUy had an addition to the family, a baby boy. — John Tomazin of Virginia, Minn., went to the hospital for an operation.- On Feb. 8. at St. Anthony's Church, Rev. Mihelčič married Fred Bojc and Patricia Fetric. The groom 4s the son of Anton Bojc of Lawrenoe St., and the bride ie the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Petrie of Camp 8t. The young couple have, established, their home in Ely. Breakfast Ham Gets Yegg in Vest wSoS A chicken StaE la the left over roastbeef. Just so they included in the price. Reservations | would get out of cooking Sunday din-can be made with the prefect of our (Continued on Page 8) Mr. and Mrs. August I Meserko o' 8809 cgnnon Ave., announce the birth, of thetr third child, a bah# boy. Mi and Mrs. Meserko of 8612 Cahnon Av:.. have now become grandparents for the ninth time. Congratulations! A baby girl was born to Mr. and a T.„„hw of. 13110 Union On Jan. 25th, a wedding ceremony, in the church of the Holy Family, performed bv Rev. Pimat. united in marriage Miss Molile Putzel and Joseph Siskar of McKinley. - Martin Skala of Sheridan St. HOME AMERICAN_____________ CONDENSED NEWS FROM OUR HOME FRONT Canon Oman. The happy daddy Is the son of the well-known Jacob Jan-:har family of Prince Ave.. who were made grandparents for the 30th time with this event. Congratulations! On Friday, February 21st. a bata Cleveland, Ohio Councilman Edward L. 100 pounds and is a part Pucel filed a resolution I of the 95,000.000 bushel at Council, meeting, ask-1 harvest, ing that clocks be push- j | I A 4 zxxas.T, * ‘- ---- Friday, February 28, 1947 fiXT« V, -----------------Ml--------------, is their first child. The mother and I/mdon— Minister At- ^ are dollw fin6 at gt. Ann's Hos-e told the Parliment The young mother is the forint. KnirlanH will give ! mer Qiiha. Congratulations! ed forward one hour, beginning in April and ending in September. Washington. — The State Department has finally begun to reach beyond that iron curtain in Russia with a daily radio program lasting one hour. It is sent from New York to Monaco in Germany and from there to Russia by shortwave. Columbus. O. — State Registrar Fcgo announced that license plates will be on sale beginning March 10. For the first time, since 1942. there will be two license plates, fer front and back. • • • Chicago.— Edward Teller. one of the atom bomb scientists, told that the atom bomb of the future will be a thousand times stronger than the one thrown on Japan. This new bomb will destroy all life and everytliing else with a single explosion Hi an area of 400 square miles. Washington.— The Senate Judical Committee voted 9 against 1 that the president of U. S. should not be in office more than two terms of 4 years each. lee that England will give India to its own people-government. after 200 years of English government. • • • ■■ Verona, Mo. — C. E. Atterberry and Glen Calhoun killed 18 wolves this year. They fly over the forest and shoot the wolves on sight. • • • • • • Mrs. Mary Kern o'. 14904 Westropp Ave., wa: taken to Doctor’s Hospital for an operation. Washington. — At a banquet honoring Michigan Congressmen, the governor of Michigan, Kim Sigler, said that Senator Vandenberg is the "first” pian in America today, and that there will be a general demand that he be the Republican y presidential candidate in 1948 Home from the hospital is Mrs. L. Lautizar cf 1195' E. 71 Št. She wishes to express her thanks to all for their visits and gilts. • • • mm Atlantic City. — Geo. Romney, director of the Union of American Auto Mianufacturers. stated that American firms will build 3,600,000 passenger autos and 1,100,000 trucks. Washington. — Harold Stassen, probbale presidential candidate in 1948 left by plane for Belgium He intends to Visit 18 European countries ant will eventually see Stalir in Russia. Attlee anc Churchill in England. Mrs. Rose Ivancic of 1254 E. 169 St., announces the engagement of her daughter Margaret to Mr. Ralph Slopko. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Slopko of 18504 Arrowhead Ave. Mr. nd Mrs. Louis Oswald of 17205 Grovewood Ave.. announce the engagement of their daughter. Wilma A. Oswald. to Mr. Elmer A. Japel. son of Mr. and Mfs. Michael Japel of 1214 F. 172 St., who has recently been discharged from the Navy after serving at Hawaii. The engagement was announced on the 22nd wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oswald. Notes from Eveleth, Minn. New York. — William P. McGovern, 20. was eating breakfast in an Elgtht Ave. restaurant last week when he saw his stolen suit on the man next to him. Watch my breaklast while I make a telephone call, said McGovern. Sure, said the mm. McGovern came back wllh s man. Police said Gilbert. White. 27, admitted stealing the suit from McGovern's room. years of elementary school there, thi family moved to Cleveland. Father Baraga attended St. Vitus parochial school for four years. Completed hi. Schedule. March 6th. 1947 I and 2—Cimperman vs. Majer Shoes 3 and 4—A. Grdina and Sons vs. Anz-lovars 5 and o—Oblak Fum. vs Brodnlck Broa. 7 and 8—Norwood Appl. vs. Orazems Conf. ' 9 and 10—Hollanders vs Gomile Habs. II and 12—Clover Dairies vs American Homes ST. VITUS MOTHERS CLUB MOTHERS’ CLUB MONTHLY MEETING We will meet next Wednesday .eyeing after church services about 8:00 -------- _ , . , . . mil* BibCl mulL.ll OS1V*ova vwyvav V — school for four years. Completed W3 c.cloclc ln ^ school. All mothers are high school course at Cathedral Latin. ^ present, then spent two years of preparatory t - \,m work at John Carroll University. TTien Taking a Course in Chicago ««“2? fell down the steps and received injuries on his hands and chest. He was sent to Shipman Hospital. — Simon Zupln underwent an operation and is now at home.' ■Oi Muggsy and Spike-New Dance Team Chicago, — Cornelius Boldt. 73, rich widower and Laverne Anderson, 18, have taken out a marriage license, after more than a year’s courtship. Washington. — Officia statistics show that fron 1944 to 1946, widows ant grasp widows clave increased 35% ln America aged 20 to 44 years. The reason Is that manj women lost their husbands ln the war and because there were sc many divorces. Cincinnati. Feb. 1 - Workmen on the steel girders of the Terrace Plaza Hotel project here can look down Into the Kalan Dance Studios and watch people getting acquainted with the samba, waltz,etc. The other day one of the steelwork-ers. balancing delicately on a girder, turned to a buddy: "Muggsy, old man. will you favor me with this dance?” “S'pike, my boy, I should be delighted." said Muggsy. So they rapped out a snappy clog with nothing between them and the earth but 10 Inches of eteel girder and seven stories of air. The foreman stopped the show, but It's being repeated every day. entered Our Lady of the Lake Seminary. from which he was graduated and ordained on February 20, 1937. He sang his First Solemn Mass at St. Vitus Church on February 21. 1937. His first appolnment was to Sts. Peter and Paul Church. Youngstown. Ohio, where he stayed one year. Then transfeared to St. Mary's (Colllnwood) lor six years. Came to St. Vitus-In January. 1944 and since has been actively engaged ln youth work. beh|3 moderator of the Yeung Ladies',So-iaiity and Baraga Glee Club. On thto occasion, the tenth anniversary of his Ordination to the Holy priesthood we extend him the sincere greetings and congratulations of ' his p.-..:ihloners and friends. 1 SENIORS MEET NEXT- Sodality Newt Mrs. Nettie Kalish is in Chicago this week, taking a special course in surgical fittings. This course, taught by ~**-- study UEiSUAI E,IBlia*xu The regular monthly meeting of the St Vitus Holy Name Society will be held this coming Tuesday evening, March 4th. hTe confab will ,t by a doctor. ARMY NEWS After two vears of service in Germany. Albin Krnc. son of Mrs. Mary Kmc of 1157 Norwood Rd.. has returned home. He had an opportunity of seeing quite a bit of Europe on his forlough trips with a jeep. Mrs. Kmc is happy to have all her four sons home safe and sound. Frank was in Japan. Louis' in England, while John saw quite a bit of the world in his service with the Navy. Albin brought home from Germany a beautiful handmade sewing cabinet. Arriving from Guam. John F. Za- Arriving from ouam. jonn r. aa- program will present the man, A.M. 2/C, is home on furlough Browns Football Movie. Hold that dare for 50 days. He is the son of Mr. open! and Mrs. John Zaman of 488 E. 149 it. ATTENTION BOXERS COMMUNION SUNDAY ISunday, March, 2, is Communion Sunday for the Sodality at the 7:00 Mass. The general Mass intention for the month of March is for our fathers. Whether your fathers be living or deceased, remember them on this, the Communion* Sunday, and offer ud your prayers and Communion for him. MEETING March 6th is the regular monthly Sodality Meeting. At this meeting, our Director. Father Baraga will give a talk on Vocations. As this is the month of Vocations, his talk will be tr.uly appropriate. Also at this meeting. ourCommittess will again be organized. Your attendance at this meeting is urged, as it is desired that our coramitttee get under way. Meeting will start promptly at 8:00 p. m. SODALITY UNION cletv win be discussed. COMING EVENTS Slnxtar —Rehearsals every Thursday evening at 7:30 for the new English Choir which will make its debut coon. , Boxing Show — Training is held every Wednesday from 7-9 for the forthcoming Boxing Show on March 21. Monte carlo - this annual chinch benefit Is now being prepared. The event will be held on May 4th. Movies — A great treat to ln store for all you sport .lovers. On Opening Day of the Baseball Season — April 15 we will show the American League Baseball Film and also on the same ■■ Cleveland When his forlough is over he will go back to San Dtego. He has been ln the Navy for 5 years. --------o--------- Dumb Dora: “la there a letter lor me?" Postmaster: “What’s your name?” D. D.: “It's on the envelope. Can't you read?" Altho we have a card lined up lor cur Boxing Shew on Friday March 21, we still have a few openings. So any boxer wishing to appear on our show. Is asked UT contact "Whitey” Persin next Wednesday evening between 7 and 9 P. M. ln the school hall. therefore everyone is cordially invited to attend. It will be held at the Hotel Hollenden at 8:00 n. m. Monday, Mar-3rd. Monsignor John is the guest speaker. REMINDER Here is another reminder to urge you to get in your reservations for the Day of Recollection to be held March 9th at Marymount hi Garfield. Father McQuade is to direct this Day of Recollection, So, make up your mind today to go and give your reservation in to Rose Cimperman. PRESENTATION After last Sunday evening's Mission, the Rev. Father Richard Rooney Joined the Sodallsts In the Sodality Room where he was presented with *100 for the new Sodality Building at St. Louis. We weft very glad to make your ac-qalntance Father, and we hope you join us again real soon. SCHOOEIBSYS BvDWIC • • • • • • • • • Mrs. Frances Kavcic of 1204 E. 167 St., fell on the icy street, breaking the wrist bone on her left hand. She is home under the doctor’s care. Seattle, Wash. - There are over 2,000 empty residences In this city, which the owners refuse to rent while the OPA dictates rent prices.. Wherever possible, they are rented as stores, over which OPA has no control. London. — Representatives of Foreign Ministers of the Big Four have agreed that no Hapsburg may ascend the throne in Austria. Whatever problems thev could not agree upon, will be left for the Foreign Ministers themselves to solve when they meet in Moscow next month. Harrisburgh. pa.—During 1946 there were 1,698 persons killed in Pennsylvania. which is 23% more than the year before. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Lauriha of 1133 E. 167 St., celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Feb. 22. Congratulations! Los Angeles. — An explosion In the building of the O’Connor Electric Plating Corp.. on Pico ’Blvd.. resulted in 15 dead and hundreds injured. Buildings a mile around • • • Ndw York. — The Big Four is considering 5 candidates for the governorship of Trieste. They are Gen. Henri Guisan of Switzerland. Alberto Lleras Camargo of Colombia. Nordenskiold and Emil Sandstrom of Sweden and Lief Egeland of South Africa • • • Although the famous violinist Zlatko Baloko-vic was supposed to have made an appearance last UUUUUlgO — --- “—V '-— - were damaged. Windows Friday night at the 70 blocks away cracked, sachsenheim Hall on E. The explosion was heard ““ ** 1 10 miles away. Washington. — The Department of Agriculture is offering potatoes at 5 for a 100 pound®, bdy- cents since there ers at 35 pounds. It cost the government about $2.20 per Hollywood. — Lois Butler, 15. has signed a film contract at $200 a week. The Court, which gave her permission to work, that she will C WC1C iiu uuj- "— cents per 100 not be allowed to work. if she brings home a bad report card from tchool 55 St., no mention has been made of it ln the newspapers- He was supposed to tell about his visit with Tito. . • • • Greetings arrived from Sen Juan. Puerto Rioo. from Mrs. J. Alic. who writes that she Is visiting 1st Lt. Leona Alic I there. PARISH BOWLING LEAGUE Feb. 20. 1947 This was quite a tough luck night. The A. Grdina and Sons team hit the reason high for 3 games. 2710. against the Norwood Appliances, and still skidded intb second place by losing the last game. The Oblak- Fundtiue team ran into over 30 splits including 14 in the last game against the American Home team who also eked put a 1 pin victory in the second K®"1® I® take all 4 points and undisputed first place. Baraga Glee Club ON WINGS OF SONG Here we are back ln our own city of Cleveland . . ah yes. with memories and also melodies that continue to capture the hearts of any and all who Joined with the glee club In taking the Imaginary trip to all nations . . on the evening of Feb. 16, our Fre-Lenten Dodal ln the school audl-tcrhim . . with our director Miss Kay and Master of Ceremonies Frank Lav-rich piloting the plane, that took us soaring Into the sky. on to a milky way. filled with gaiety and laughter, and beatulful costuming of all lands there must be one song that en-into your mind as you read on ters into your mind as ------------— . . could it have been our visit to the place. Spanish Villa. Just ln time to see the The Brodnlck Bros. Furniture team a„racyve Spanish cbuple dance to the cleaned house with the Gornik Habs. caaUnctiS p[ -La Spagnola,” (the «11 A nnintK find ClinUJed ._________________ .Tnrlrnmin and .lOP and took »11 4 points and climbed within 2 points of fifth place. The Majer Shoes took 3 points from the Clover Dairies. The Orazem Confections nushed the Cimperman Markete further away from the leaders by faking 3 points from them. Team Scores: __ A. Grdina, Sons .... 927 942 841 2710 Norwood Appl. . 821 825 925 2571 The Grdlnas had plenty of good scores in their high series. H. Malenšek led with a 227 and a 564 series. Others who hit good games were. E Vidmar 212. Tony Brodnik 201. and Joe Vidmar 219. For the Norwoods' Eddie Kovactc had a 541 series and W. Kovactc had a 210 game Oblak iFwnttore 762 827 711 2290 Amer. Homes .... 775 828 784 2387 Tony Grdina had a 506 series for the Oblaks . Johnny Lach again led the printers with 513. Anzlovars .........761 688 824 2274 Majer Shoes ...... 777 813 742 2232 Ray Suhadolnik of the Anzlovar's tied for individual high game of the icason a 243 in his 577 series. For the Majer’s. F. Pavelich starred with a “I * 8 738 2236 Gornik Hab*....... 825 872 592 1889 Smrekar led the Brodnlck with 497. Clinch Kukuekq w»s high for the Gor-niks with 426. Kcllatider Agency 788 810 812 2410 eiovrr Dairies .... 824 773 785 2388 Ted Zak hoif thb best series for the Agency team i 488 series. Herman dancers were Bes Jackomin and Joe Avsec) . . or it may have been the Vienna Waltz of Al Koporc and Agnes Kosec, Jean Per and, Tony Brod-nick . . the Indian song "Pale Moon" portrayed by Rose Bavec and Ed Avsec . . the Wooden Shoe Dance by Carl Hlabse and Evelyn Cunningham, (with genuine wooden shoes) . . or the shuffle of feet ln the Chinese sandals as they danced to the medley “Sing Song So Hop Toy” . bv Babe Cizel, Bemte Sajovec, and Ann Rorenchan . . our stop in the Swiss Alps, and the Ski Song .with two lovely skiers, Larry Ptr, and Mary Sajovec. ... the isle of Hawaii with Sea Jackomin, Helen Dolenc, and Agnes Kosec . the Harmony of both the Slovenian quartet as also the "Four Feathers Quartet” . . the song of Erin,” Too Ra loo ra loo ra" by Janie Legat . . . The Strauss waltz by Loretta Cvar. a promising star of the future, accom-pained by Mrs Bonnano . . the violin solo . ■ bv Mr. Frank Marinšek . . any and all will remain a lasti.?! momory and especially the Slovenian Dance, the dance of our motherland by Jo Kozel and Ed Avozc . . ;.hus cur trip came to an end . . but as soon as we are able we will again visit the lands of far away^^ar thanks again to our cooks. and\Sp”U who in anyway had helped to make the social the success that It was. 'Don't burn down your house to inconvenience your mother-in-law. N '» CEMETERY MARKERS FOR WEDDINGS AND ALL FORMAL OCCASIONS • FULL DRESS • TUXEDOS • CUTAWAYS (TCLMBAVB DRESS SUIT RENTAL HEndsrson 9396 IBITIHE VITAMIN CAPSULES • YOUR buy word RADIO SERVICE HOME - AUTO - PORTABLES Tube* - Phonograph Needles Batteries - Radios COUPLETS MACHINE SHOP SERVICE Replacement parts for all makes i ,,W ’ 6009 St. Clair Ave. ,. • ■ Express MM : 1. SEES Daily, 4 ts 10 Closed Wed.—Sat. 10 to 0 a.’sar «?•'*' urns pic VHcaln Copwle*. MUK IABORATORI1S, INC GL 7630 ALL TYPES OF RADIOS, WASHERS AND s SWEEPERS REPAIRED ' ' & Free Pick Up and Delivery ^ Call Ua First ^ St. Clair’s Best Equipped Repair Shop MALZ ELECTRIC 6902 St. Clair Ave. EN 4808 inn!* Next to the assistance you can gtw your dear ones across, delight them with a photograph of yourself and family. MlMMR ■flCOGftl. BEROS STUDIO ST. MARY’S NEWS (Continued from Page 5) ner. But were they fooled) none was left over. To all the ladies who helped In the kitchen we say. thanks. The lady bar tenders did a swell Job. too. They made sure no one got too much. Thanks to all the tickets sellers and the ladles at the door of the hall through1 their watchfulness no undesirable character got in. I want It know that it has been discovered that our P. T. A. has some wonderful salesladies*. workers and what they are asked to do they do 100%. All the members that worked that evening we wish to thank you for your assistance. Without your help our dance would, not have been such a fine success. Pounders Day Tea was attended by 12 of our members at the P.T.A. Lea-Rue at Hotel Cleveland. A very en± lightening program was held. The Candle lighting ceremony was so touching that our P. T. A. celebrated Founder's Day in the .same manner. It was done so beautifully that all who were at this meeting will remember it as the years* go by and will look forward to it each year. Our next meeting will be March 13 and at this meeting we will have a Guest Speaker on Cancer. Trv to be there. A Nominating Committee will also be voted for. Let’s make this the best meeting of the year. We are sure ybu want to select the officers vou think are the best. Come and do your part. Everyone is welcome to cur next meeting March 13 at 8:00 p. m. sharp. Members bring a friend to hear our speaker. Refreshment© will be served. A prize goes to the class that has most Mothers attend this meeting. Let’s go back to the February meeting and give some of you a few- ideas of what has been going on. And what you have missed. We had Mrs. Catherine Škufca our past President, present and she was honored by the Candle Light Ceremony, as were all past and present officers. our Past- Spiritual Adviser Father VJc Tome. Our present Adviser, Father Joseph Celesnik. The meeting was followed by a Valentine social. Two of the members Mrs. Mickovic and ,Mrs. Novosel were to celebrate their birthdays within the week so we all Joined in and sang Happy Birthday to them. We wish to thank Father Cimperman for his thoughfulness by bringing his portable radio to the social as he made it possible to hear the first Catholic Radio Theatre Program which was enjoyed by all. A door prize was won by Mrs. France© Zorko. Mrs. Mary Gpalek had the table aecorated with beautiful pink table clcths. and what delicious fancy cake. She also had candy and potato chips. The best of coffie too. Mrs. Mooney cur President, does heft) with all these doings and we really appreciate all she has done. She makes all our meeting© very interesting. Father Celesnik sits in on all cur meetings and leads us on the true course whenever We seem to veer away from the subject on hand. Ladies PLEASE come to the meetings and be one of the faithful mem- ■facra. -ite' 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30. Our next meeting will be very important. Don’t miss it. March 13th. The Executive Board meeting will be held at the Heme of Mrs. Mary Petelinkar on Mar. 10. Members DON’T FORGET the White Elephant Sale. — get your things to Mrs. Mooney no later than Mar. 6th, so she can get them to the League Chairman on time for the sale. March 6th is the Day of Recollection at Stl Paul’s Shrine. East 40th. Starts at 10:00 a. m. to 3:0D p. m. Call MU 8727 no later than Sunday, March 2nd for reservation. All are welcome. j Rose Mickovic, Cor.-sec’y. Good-bye, Mister Broz Bud^et Cut in Unemployment Compensation Bv Joseph A. Breie Ultimates When the treasurer of a Pacific Coast theater chain was held up, papers spread the news that he had lost his entire bank roll — $15. The president of the chain forthwith issued orders: All executives hereafter must carry at least $150. In the event of a holdup, publicity would be more favorable. In Highwood, Wis., police were nonplused when a woman telephoned to say that hei; three-year-old would not go to sleep, explained. “I’d like a policeman to come out and frighten him ” On the back of a blonde society woman’s photograph, sent to a mid-western newspaper, was this notation: “Please darken hair as the subject is now a brunette.” A man walked into the Springfield, 111., police station and started talking fast to the desk sergeant. Pointing to a woman who was following him, he explaiped: “My wife has been nagging me, and I want to be locked up so I can get some sleep.” He got his wish. NORWOOD THEATRE 6210 St. Clair Ave. Goodbye. Tito Ybu were quite a fellow for a while, weren’t you? Little Stalin, little Hitler, little Caesar. Strutting your stuff like a big boy. Wearing your soldier suit with an air . . . Covering your chest with self-awarded medals . . . Making a great ©how before the ladles . . . Wining and dining while your victims died . . . FEASTING WHILE you kept toadies mouthed your praises to drown out the groans from the dungeons . . Butchering consecrated priests . . . Torturing dedicated sisters . Robbing little children of their faith in God . . . Making a great public business of imprisoning an archbishop whose only armament is Truth . . . Oh. you’re quite a fellow. Josip Broz —if you ARE Josip Broz. QUITE A FELLOW, Tito—« you ARE Tito. Quite a fellow anyhow—even if you’re a Russian In disguise. Anyhow, you’ve had*a time for yourself. haven’t you? Painting the town red with Innocent blood . . . Putting a helpless people under your thumb . . . Oh. big stuff. Tito! But—goodbye. Goodbye and good riddance. Why? BECAUSE YOUR DAYS are numbered, Tito. Because the handwriting’s on the wall. Because your throne Is crumbling under you. Oh. you’re right at the peak of your power, all right. No questoining that. You've got your army, and your OZNA, and your quislings, and your bullies, and all the rag-tag and bob-tail of rascality that fawns at the feet of brutality. AND YOU CAN always cry to Stalin for help. You’ve got the Red Army. % . To all appearances, you’re in solid. Humanly speaking, you outfit to die in bed In your palace, surrounded by your sucklings—If they’rg still loyal then. Yep, you’re In, Tito—humanly speaking. But we’re not speaking humanly. So goodbye, Tito. Why? BECAUSE THE newspapers say that your gcons have been going around smashing statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary . .. Smcjarjnjg pictures of the Blessed Virgin Mary . . . Breaking up procession© honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary . . . Laying their dirty hands on the devotion to the Mother of God. So goodbye. Tito. You can’t get away with It. Your name’s been drawn. WERE YOU BAPTIZED a Catholic. Tito—if you ARE Uto? Did you once kneel at yoyr Mother’s knee to recite the Hail Mary? Did she tell you how God has a Mother too? Did she lead you in spirit to Golgotha to stand with Mary at the cross v/here God hung patiently while His blood dripped down? Did you notice that God allowed men to do this terrible thing to Him, but that net a hand was laid on His Mother? Did you understand why, Tito? DID YOU LOOK into your own Mother’s eyes and say to yourself that like God you would never allow any one to insult the woman who gave you birth, at whose breast you fed. whose sweet hand soothed you to sleep at night? Did you. Tito? Oh, you’ve come a long way from then! • Somewhere you’ve lost the fierce virtue you once had. And yet—maybe you'd still defend your Mother. Maybe there’s that much good left in you. Anyhow, you’ve changed. Put God hasn’t. Not one iota. CHRIST IS STILL the Son who protected His Mother perfectly. And listen. Tito—your boys are going around insulting her. Think back to that Hill of Skulls, Josh) Broz. ^he Pharisees didn’t insult her. v The Saducees didn’t. The Sanhedrin didn’t. Herod didn’t. Pilate didn’t. The howling mobs on the way to 1 Calvary—they didn’t do it. Nor did the Roman soldiers who drove home the nails. There was* something that restrained them all. But you’ve done it. Tito. So . . . goodbye. Columbus. O., Jan. 31. — The Ohio Bureau of Unemployment Compensation has been notified by the Social Security Administration that drastic cuts have been made by the Federal Bureau In its requests for funds to administer the unemployment edn-pensation probrams throughout the nation. As a result of this action by the Bureau of the Budget and the allocation of funds by the Social Security Administration, the Ohio Bureau of Unemployment Compensation will be compelled to lay off approximately 450 employees engaged in claims processing and other unemployment compensation activities. This totals more than one-half of the staff required to properly handle this work. The layoffs will be effective February 7th. In an effort to meet this problem the Ohio Bureau has ordered that all local offices shall immediately institute its emergenv plan of operations by going on a bi-weekly reporting and payment basis, which meaas that all claimants, after the week commencing February 3, will report and be paid every two week© Instead of every week, as at present. All claimants will report as usual during the week of February 3 and will then receive instructions as to their future reporting" dates. Funds for the operation of the Ohio State Employment Service division of the Bureau of Unemployment Compensation are furnished by the Department of Labor and the employees of this division are not affected. ■o- "Oh. I Just had a contest. I marked the ground off into 20 plots and the guy who digs the best and finishes first wins a dollar. That leaves four bucks for me. Okay, Mom?” --------o------- Radio Singer’s Note Shatters Listener’s Glass London. Feb. 4 — A reader wrote The time today that a soprano in a British Broadcasting Co. program leached a note so high its vibrations shattered a tumbler on his dining room table, showering him with glass. The writer said the Incident occurred during a broadcast of Madame Butterfly. His subsequent research, he said, done by tapping a similar tumbler. revealed that the singer reached high E or F. OHIO HAS . . . 6.828,352 population 88. counties 4.803 towns and cities. 62 rlveip. 70.111 miles of lmbroved roads. 2.055.000 automobiles. 1.450.000 telephones. 24 U. S. Representatives. 35 State Senators. 136 State Representatives. 6.291 schools. I 48 colleges. 51 degree average temperature. 12 cite over 50,000 population which Is 9 more than any other state. go out of style. It will Just look ridiculous year alter year." • • • A woman’s promise to be on time carries a lot of wait. DEATH NOTICES Blaško. Cyril — Residence at 16202 Holmes Ave. OoEpodarlch, Jennie — Residence at | 14928 Sylvia Ave. Oczdanovlc. John — Husband of Martha, father of Mary Balats. brother of Paul. Residence at 329 E. 161 ®. Nadrah; Anthony. Jr. — Husband of Alvina, father of Virginia, son of Anton and Anna, brother of —Josevh, Stanley, Josephine, Ann. Realdence at 12516 Lancelot SAve. Oraasm. Frances (Nee Skerl) — Mother of Louis. Mike, Frank, Frances, sister of Jennie Erjavec and Rose Zgcnc. Residence at 19015 Abbey Rd. Elroll, Josephine (nee Sedlakl — Wife of Joseph, mother of Mildred Brecel. Mary Krai). Josephine Slchner, Edward. Anne. Elsie Ambrose, sister of Louis and Clara. Residence at 384 E. 162 St. Toimdc. Joseph — Father of Joseph. Mae Svetina. Ann Manell. John, Jcstphlne Degnovlvo. Anton. Alice. Residence at 528 E. 152 St. Truden. John— Brother of Matthew, cousin of Frank, Mary. Louis and Andrew Truden. -AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME —in najhnjše šele pride On Their Way! Driving through the Shenandoah Valley, we stopped at one of the highest spots to enjoy the scenery. We scarcely noticed a roadside fruit stand —we had passed so many—until the 12-year-old “proprietor” came over to otter us a pair of binoculars. He pointed out the places of interest across the valley, then selected some of his fruit for us. When we asked what we owed; he replied fquickly, “Nothing. Nothing at all. The fruit is free. I just enjoy showing people the scenery. It’s so beautiful—” and he locked across the sunlit valley. After each of us had given him a 25-cent tip, I asked, “How can you afford to give away your fruit whep the other stands sell theirs?” With a mischievous grin, he jingled the coins in a well-filled pocket and said, “I make more money than they do.” • • • ‘T wanted to have my yard spaded for a garden but hesitated to ask my 12-year-old son to do it. for the ground was ’dobe and the area large. “I’d pay five dollars to have that yard dug up,” I said tentatively. “Save the five for me, Mom,” he begged. “The Job will be done by to-night.’’ That afternoon I heard shouts and laughter outside. About 20 boys with spades were digging for all they were worth and apparently enjoying it. “The garden will be -all set in' a few minutes,”* my son assured me. He looked pretty proud of himself, and I knew he hadn’t dug a spadeful. “How did you work it?” I asked. SWEET DREAMS Some political situations ^hat often seem unexplainable are solved in the light of the following episode: Two farmers had been at “outs” for twenty years. One of them drove over to the line fence one day where he accosted his old enemy neighbor with a husky, “Mawin’, Jeff.” “What you speakin’ to me fer, after these twenty years?” asked the surprised and suspicious enemy. "I’m jest here t’ tell you that I’s runnin’ for the legislater, and I don’t want you ner none of youm a voten’ fer me.” “Now lookee here,” demanded neighbor Jeff, “me an’ my kin’s been votin’ this ticket, since grandpoppy came to these hills, an’’if you don’t want us a’votin’ fer you, you jest git off th’ ticket!” • • • Lucy hall won lint price in English compodtlcm.. Mother was delighted. "Dear.'’ she exclaimed, “weren't you awfully afraid you wouldn’t get It, when there were jo many other brilll-an contestants?" “Not for a see1,’’ was the careless rejoinder. “Why, with that hunch of drtnickles, 1 mow, it was a lead-pipe BRINGING THIS YOU ARI ■NTITLED TO 10% DISCOUNT ON ANT PURCHAJE CALVARY MONUMENT WORKS' 8906-10 mm In. NI. Mil-1641 MAKE JOS. H. PERPAR Invites you to try hia SUPER SERVICE at 6619 St. Clair Ave. MOBH/JAS - MOBILOIL MOBILUBRICATION Charles & Olga Slapnik FLOWER SHOP FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS am Si Clair Ave. EX *184 FRIDAY • SATURDAY The star-packed musical of the year “Till the Clouds Roll By” —in technicolor— 2 color cartoons A woman pricing a hat gasped when told it was $75. “Why, there isn’t anything on that hat!” "You are paying for the restraint,” the saleswoman replied quietly. /^UT for comfort as well as looks v is this rayon nightie with drawstring waistline, convertible collar, and cap sleeves. You’ll like it for yourself, and it makes a fine gift, top. Washable rayon nightgowns like this one should be laundered in lukewarm water and mild soapsuds and ironed with a moderately hot iron when almost dry, according to American Viscose Corporation. A vterv poor Chinese had smajl laundrv next door to a mote prosperous Chinese restaurant. Every day he would take his bowl of rice,. put. hip chair a© cldse as he dared to the restaurant. and sniff the appetizing odors. One day he received a bill from1 his neighbor for “the smell of his food.” The poor mAh promptly went indoors and appeared with a small money box and rattled it in the ears of his “creditor" saying, “I hereby pay you for the smell of your food with the sound of my money.” • • * The Russians have always been vastly Impressed with American knowhow. One American mechanic who worked in a watch repair shop in Berlin said a Russian walked in with a clock under hi© arm and requested, “Please take this apart and make wrist watches out of it.” • • • Old Mr©. Parker was very fond of her deg. Rex, but was often provoked to find him occupying her favorite easy chair on the sunporch. She was 'afraid that if she spoke too harshly to her pet he might bite her. so che would draw him away from his seat by the simple device of going to the window and shouting, “Cat! Cat!” Rex would dash to the window and bark madly, and the old lady would quietly slip into the vacant seat. One day Hex came into the sun parlor and found his mistress ih possession of the chair. He walked about the room, whined briefly, then sat down and speculatively regarded the old lady. Suddenly he leaped to hds feet, lunged, to the window and began to bark excitedly. Mrs. Parker hastened to his side to investigate. When the old lady turned from the window she found Rex settled comfortably in her chairl • •• “Now.” said the saleslady in a hat shop, assuring a prospective customer. "here’s a number that will never LOUIS »PAN TAILOR 17829 Marcella Road KK 4911 BEFORE YOU BUY see our wonderful values in DIAMOND RINGS Convenient Credit at Cash Prices ELWITT Jewelers since 1912 690 East 185th St AHLIN SHEET METAL & FURNACE (0. NEW COAL AND GAS FURNACES Blowers and Conversion Burners Minn. Honeywell Thermostats ALL MAKES FURNACES REPAIRED Recemented and Vacuum Cleaned GUTTERS AND SPOUTING 613 E, 99. St. ? FOR APPOINTMENT OALL- W' 6116 St Clair Aye. Tel. EN. 0670 SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY Big Kiddie Show sponsored by P. T. A. MICKEY ROONEY in “HOOSIER SCHOOLBOY” plus Cartoons & Novelties — shown at 2 & 4 only SUNDAY - MONDAY ELLA R AINES - ROD CAMERON “The Runaround” ALAN LADD in “GANGS INCr TOM & JERRY CARTOON BUGS BUNNY CARTOON TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY “Love Letters” “HOLD THAT BLONDE” COMING SUN. - MON. MARCH 8-1« Giant 6 Unit Show “SONG OF THE SOUTH” Wats- BR\)TUS PAH igWTVtt \ 6O0D «06! \P«rri EARTHQUAKE By Cy Hungerford •*. a* It-L SAY He's A SNOODLES TlANT A Sardin