GEOLOGIJA 37, 38, 123-140 (1994/95), Ljubljana Preliminary biometrical analysis on three similar hippuritid species Mauro Caffau Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche Ambientali e Marine, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Via Eduardo Weiss 2 CAP 34127 Trieste Mario Pleničar Katedra za geologijo in paleontologijo NTF Univerza v Ljubljani Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Abstract The hippuritids species Hippuritella lapeirousei (Goldfuss, 1840), Hippu- ritella nabresinensis (Futterer, 1893) and Hippuritella heritschi (Kühn, 1947) vigere studied through biometrical analysis. For this purpose, the areas of three morphological characters which are related by their biological functions (as de- scribed by Realy, 1992) were measured on transversal sections of lower valves. These morphometrical values are: a) shell area (Sa), b) inner area (la) and c) pillars area (Pl-P2a). This analysis highlighted a morphological similarity between HI. nabresinensis and HI. heritschi, meanwhile the morphometric values for HI. lapeirousei showed to be different. Introduction The hippuritid species Hippuritella lapeirousei (Goldfuss, 1840), Hippuritel- la nabresinensis (Futterer, 1893) and Hippuritella heritschi (Kühn, 1947) are very similar from the morphological point of view^. In fact, this topic was discussed in li- terature by different authors. Douvillé (1891-97) observed a clear similarity betv^een HI. lapeirousei and HI. nabresinensis and, later, Parona (1900) and Toucas (1903-1904) considered HI. nabresinensis as a synonim of HI. lapeirousei. Hov^^ever several authors observed a w^ide variability in the ornamentation of these species. Toucas (1903-1904) no- ted it analysing the lower valve of HI. lapeirousei. Successively, Pleničar (1975, 1994) and Vic ens (1992) observed this variability between HI. nabresinensis and HI. lapeirousei. Afterwards, Sladić-Trifunović (1972, 1978) and Laviano (1985) discussed the problem about the great similarity among the three species. Thus, their similarity focuses on a still unsolved taxonomical problem. The aim of this paper is to discuss about this taxonomical problem through morphometric analysis carried out on specimens belonging to the three species. 124 Mauro Caffau & Mario Pleničar Material Part of the morphometrical measures was obtained analysing the specimens of HI. Lapeirousei, HI. Nabresinensis and HI. heritschi described in literature, including the holotypes of the three species (tables 1, 2, 3). Moreover, 300 lower valves of HI. nabresinensis coming from the area of the holotype (Aurisina/Nabrežina - Karst of Triest) have been analyzed (table 4). Forty-eight of them were selected in that they revealed an excellent state of conservation. Fifteen valves of HI. heritschi coming from Stranice and Senožeče (Slovenia) have been analysed and measured. These samples show similar morphological characters with respect to those of the holotype descri- bed by Kühn (1947). Unfortunately it was no possible to carry out similar analysis with specimens of HI lapeirousei, because in the area of the Karst of Trieste (Italy) and Triest-Ko- men plain (Slovenia) this species is represented by scarce and bad-preserved speci- mens. The studied valves of HI. nabresinensis and HI. heritschi are deposited in the collection of the "Istituto di Geologia e Paleontologia dell'Università di Trieste", and in the collection of the "Katedra za geologijo in paleontologijo univerze v Ljubljani", respectively, meanwhile those coming from Senožeče (Slovenia) have been kindly lent by doctor Bogdan Jurkovšek from his private collection. The systematics and taxonomic aspects of the three species are shortly discussed be- low. Palaeontological description Familia Hippuritidae Gray, 1848 Genus Hippuritella Douvillé, 1908 Hippuritella lapeirousei (Goldfuss, 1840) 1891-97 Hippurites lapeirousei var. crassa Goldfuss - Douvillé, 222, pl. 24, fig. 10. 1900 Hippurites lapeirousei Goldfuss -Parona, 11, pi. 1, figs. 1-3. 1912 Orbignya lapeirousei var. crassa Goldfuss - Schubert, 62. 1975 Hippurites (Orbignya) lapeirousei Goldfuss - Pleničar, 87, pl. 1, fig. 10. 1981 Hippuritella lapeirousei (Goldfuss) - Sánchez 10, cum syn. 1992 Hippuritella lapeirousei (Goldfuss) - Vicens, 123. 1994 Hippuritella lapeirousei (Goldfuss) - Pleničar, 50, pl. 2, figs 9-10. Taxonomical remarks: According to Douvillé (1891-97), lapeirousei is characterized by a cylindrical or cylindric-conical lower valve ornamented by longitudinal costae of variable wideness, which are separated by concave rounded canals. The distance between the costae varies among specimens coming from different geografical areas. The upper valve is covered by polygonal pores, which are arranged into regular and radial rows on the border of the valve. The inner characters are the ligamental ridge, absent or hardly marked by a small inflexion in the outer layer of the shell, and the rounded pillars, which are slightly different between them. The cardinal apparatus is situated near the dorsal margin of the lower valve. The tooth N is X-shaped. The narrow and elongated alveolus of Preliminary biometrical analysis on three similar hippuritid species 125 the anterior tooth is situated along the dorsal margin, while that of the posterior one is small and rounded. The miophore cavities are well developed. Douvillé (1895) observed that "les caractères de l'ornamentation extérieure, quoique d'une importance beaucoup moindre, peuvent être aussi d'une certain utilité pour distinguer ces espèces." Douvillé (1895) defined the group of Hippuritella variabilis Munier-Chalmas, 1867 in which he included the following species: Hippuritella maestrei Vidal, 1878, Hippuritella variabilis and Hippuritella lapeirousei. Sladić-Trifunović (1978) observed that the holotype of HI. lapeirousei is characterized by a conical valve, while the holotype of HI. nabresinensis is cylindrical. Distribution: This species has been found in the Upper Campanian-Lower Maas- trichtian in Spain in the areas of Montsec and Valencia, in Italy in the zones of Mátese Mt. And Maiella Mt. (Pons & Sima, 1992) and at Stranice in the Maastrichtian (Slovenia) (Pleničar, 1994). The transversal sections of the lower valves of the individuals of the species Hippuritella lapeirousei are presented on the plate 1, the morphometrical measures of the same individuals on the table 1. Hippuritella nabresinensis (Futterer, 1893) 1926 Hippurites (Orbignya) lapeirousei Goldfuss - Parona, 349. 1969 Hippurites nabresinensis acuticostatus Lupu - Lupu, 210, pl. 1. 1975 H. (Orbignya) nabresinensis Futterer - Pleničar, 107, pl. 1, fig. 2., textfig. 3. 1981 H. nabresinensis Futterer - Sánchez, 20, cum syn. 1982 H. nabresinensis Futterer - Czabalay, 80, pl. 10, fig. 5. 1982 H. nabresinensis Futterer - Accordi et al., 770, pl. 7, figs. 8, 10. 1985 H. nabresinensis Futterer - Laviano, 325, pl. 7, figs. 2, 4. 1992 H. nabresinensis Futterer - Peza, 294, pl. 1, fig. 3. Table 1. Morphometrical measures of samples of Hl. lapeirousei described in literature Sa Shell area; la Inner area; Pl-P2a Pillars area. The area's values are expressed in mm^ 126 Mauro Caffau & Mario Pleničar Taxonomical remarks: Futterer (1893) in the description of the Hl. nabre- sinensis focused his attention specially on the external characters of this species. He described the cylindrical lower valve with a length of 270 mm and a diameter of 30 to 40mm. The shell is crossed by about 21 longitudinal and rounded costae, which are from 2 to 5mm wide. The pillar PI is rounded and its base is wider than that of the pillars P2. Accordi et al. (1982) observed that the shell is crossed by rounded costae which include narrow canals. These canals are also crossed by thin ribs. The external shell presents weak concavities in correspondence to the pillars. The pres- ence of a ligamental ridge is not mentioned by Futterer (1893) in his description of the holotype. This character is confirmed by personal observations on 300 lower valves of this species coming from the type locality Aurisina/Nabrežina. The Futterer's description (1893) receives two years later the first objection from Douvillé (1895), who placed HI. nabresinensis as a synonym of Hippurites lapeirousei var. crassa because these characters were not enough to create a new species. Parona (1900) also observed the great similarity between HI. nabresinensis and HI. lapeirousei and the same author placed HI. nabresinensis as a synonym of HI. lapeirousei in 1926 confirming the previous observations of Douvillé (1895). Also Schubert (1912) placed HI. nabresinensis as synonym of HI. lapeirousei var. crassa. Kühn (1947) described a new species HI. heritschi. Later, other authors discussed about the simñarity between these species: Sladić-Trifunović (1972, 1978) analysed the taxonomical problem and L avian o (1985) summarized the observations about the differences between the three species, according to the previous authors (Lupu, 1976; Sladić-Trifunović, 1972, 1978; Accordi et al., 1982). Distribution: the holotype described by Futterer (1893) has been found in the type locality Aurisina/Nabrežina (Karst of Trieste) in the limestones of the Santonian- Campanian (Cucchi et al., 1987). The transversal sections of the lower valves of the individuals of the species Hippuritella nabresinensis are presented on the plates 2, 3a and 3b, the mor- phometrical measures of the same individuals on the tables 2 and 3. Table 2. Morphometrical measures of samples of HI. nabresinensis described in literature Sa Shell area; la Inner area; Pl-PSa Pillars area. The area's values are expressed in mm^ Preliminary biometrical analysis on three similar hippuritid species 127 Table 3. Morphometrical measures of samples of HI. nabresinensis coming from to Aurisina/Nabrežina (Karst of Trieste) Sa Shell area; la Inner area; Pl-Pêa Pillars area. The area's values are expressed in mm^ Hippuritella heritschi (Kühn, 1947) 1908 Hippurites colliciatus Woodward - Schmidt, 238. 1934 Hippurites (Orbignya) lapeirousei Goldfuss - Milovanović, 223, fig. 18. 1951 H. (Orb.) nabresinensis Futterer - Pejović, 94, pl. 1, fig. 2; pl. 2, fig. 2; pl. 3, fig. 2. 1960 H. heritschi Kühn - Kühn, 48. 1962 H. heritschi Kühn - Kaumanns, 305, pl. 2, fig. 4; text. fig. 6. 1970 H. heritschi Kühn - Pamouktchiev, 48. 1978 H. heritschi Kühn - Sladić-Trifunović, 422, pl. 1-8, text. fig. 1, 2. 1979 Hippuritella heritschi (Kühn) - Pamouktchiev, 220, pi. 7, figs. 1-3. 1982 Hippurites heritschi Kühn - Czabalay, 79, pi. 13, fig. 14; pi. 18, fig. 1. 1992 Hippurites heritschi Kühn - Caffau et al.. Pl. 1, fig. 1. 1994 Hippuritella heritschi (Kühn) - Pleničar, 51, pl. 2, fig. 7; pl. 3, fig. 1, 2. Taxonomical remarks: the conical lower valve is crossed by longitudinal costae, separated by rounded canals. In some specimens the shell is very thick and can be as large as 27mm, as described by Sladić-Trifunović (1978). The pillars are 128 Mauro Caffau & Mario Pleničar triangular with approximately the same dimensions. The upper valve, which was described for the first time by Sladić-Trifunović (1978), is covered by polygonal pores and radially crossed by canals. The ligamental ridge is absent. Sladić- Trifunović (1978) analysed the taxonomical problem concerning the similarity of this species with the HI. lapeirousei and HI. nabresinensis. He also observed that in all stages of the ontogenetical development, the shell of HI. heritschi is always thick. In our opinion, such character is also present in HI. nabresinensis. According to Pejović and Kühn (1960), Laviano (1985) considered the shape and dimension of the shell and pillars as distinctive characters between HI. nabresinensis and HI. heritschi. Table 4. Morphometrical measures of samples of HI. heritschi described in literature Sa Shell area; la Inner area; Pl-P2a Pillars area. The area's values are expressed in mm^ Table 5. Morphometrical measures of samples of HI. heritschi from Stranice (samples 1-2) and from Senožeče (samples 3-15), Slovenia Sa Shell area; la Inner area; Pl-PSa Pillars area. The area's values are expressed in mm^ Preliminary biometrical analysis on three similar hippuritid species 129 Disribution: HI. heritschi was found in Maastrichtian in Katschberg, near the St. Bartholomä in Austria (Sladić-Trifunović, 1978). Furthermore, in the Upper Campanian-Lower Maastrichtian in the zone of Valencia in Spain, in Italy in the Apennines in the zone of Maiella Mt. and Mátese Mt. and in Sicilia (Pachino) (Pons & Sima, 1992). The transversal sections of the lower valves of the individuals of the species Hippuritella heritschi are presented on the plates 4 and 5, the morphometrical measures of the same individuals on the tables 4 and 5. Biometrical analysis We recall that the examined material for this study included: a) specimens which are already described in literature and b) specimens coming from different outcrops (tab. 3a, 3b, 5; pi. 3, 5). In the first case, the morphometrical values were obtained from published illustrations (tab. 1, 2, 4; pi. 1, 2, 4). In the latter case, the lower valves were cut and their transversal sections were subjected to morphometric measurements. Some characters, which are related by their biological functions (Reali, 1992) were selected for this biometrical study and their areas were measured as shown in Fig la. These morphometrical values are: a) the surface mantle or shell area (5a) responsible for the incoming water flux and the entrance of nutrients in the internal cavity; b) the area of the internal cavity (la) which contains the organic tissues where assimilation of nutrients takes place; c) the surface of pillars (Pl-P2a), related to the expulsion of metabolic residues. Taking into acount that pillars and mantle thickness are in close biological relationship with the internal cavity (Skelton, 1976J, Pl-P2a and Sa values were plotted against la. Fig. la. Transversal section of a lower valve where the measured areas are indicated 130 Mauro Caffau & Mario Pleničar In ali the graphs, the regression lines corresponding to Hl. lapeirousei, Hl. nabre- sinensis and HI. heritschi were indicated as a, b, and c, respectively. Results and fìnal consideration In all the cases, the regression lines of Sa versus la and Pl-P2a versus la (figs. 1-4) have a dispersion coefficient (r squared = R) close to the unit. This values indicates a very good correlation between these morphological characters, also including specimens coming from different geographical areas. In detail, in graph fig. 1 the slope of the regression lines for the species HI. nabresinensis and HI. heritschi are 0.85 and 0.91 respectively while for HI. lapeirousei is 0.59. In graph fig. 2, the regression lines for HI. nabresinensis and HI. heritschi have a slope of 0.059 and 0.057 respectively while for HI. lapeirousei is 0.046. Comparing these values (graphs figs. 1 and 2) it can be seen that the slope of the regression line for the species HI. lapeirousei differs from the other two, which are very similar between them. The same values for the collected samples of the species HI. nabresinensis and HI. heritschi (graph fig. 3: slope values of 1.03 and 0.87 respectively) are very similar Fig. 1. Shell area (Sa) versus inner area (la) of samples of the three described in literature (see data on tables 1, 2, 4). Regression values and disperssion coefficient are shown Preliminary biometrical analysis on three similar hippuritid species 131 Fig. 2. Pillars area (Pl-P2a) versus inner area (la) of samples of the three described in literature (see data on tables 1, 2, 4). Regression values and disperssion coefficient are shown to those of the specimens described in literature (graph fig. 1: 0.85 and 0.91 respec- tively). The same can be said comparing the slope of the regression lines in graphs figs. 4 and 2. Thus, combining the results from the analysis of the specimens described in literature and those collected, it is possible to conclude that the biological characters of HI. lapeirousei are clearly different from those of the other tv^o species. On the contrary, the characters of HI. nabresinensis and HI. heritschi are very simüar betM^een them. This fact leads to the idea that these tv^^o species could be the same. In fact, newf morphometrical analysis are in process in order to confirm this hypothesis. Acknowledgements This viTorks has been carried out with the grant of the Chair for Geology and Paleontology of the University in Ljubljana, of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts and of Istituto di Geologia e Paleontologia dell'Università di Trieste. We are particulary indebted to Dr. Bogdan Jurkovšek, who kindly lent us some rudist samples from his collection and to Dr. Maria Inés Gutiérrez of I.C.G.B, for translation into English. 132 Mauro Caffau & Mario Pleničar Fig. 3. Shell area (Sa) versus inner area (la) of samples of Hl. nabresin- ensis and Hl. heritschi recently found in outcrops (see data on tables 3, 5). Regres-sion values and disperssion coefficient are shown We are very grateful to Prof. Nevio Pugliese of Università di Trieste for his useful suggestions and for reading critically the manunscript. Warmest thanks are extended to all. 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Bar scale: 10mm 136 Mauro Caffau & Mario Pleničar Plate 2 Hl. nabresinensis, transversal sections of low^er valves of individuals described in litera- ture, measured and numbered. Bar scale: 10mm Preliminary biometrical analysis on three similar hippuritid species 137 Plate 3 a HI. nabresinensis, transversal sections of the lower valves of individuals that belong to Aurisina/Nabrežina (Karst of Trieste), measured and numbered. Bar scale: 20mm 138 Mauro Caffau & Mario Pleničar Plate 3b Hl. nabresinensis, transversal sections of the low^er valves of individuals that belong to Aurisina/Nabrežina (Karst of Trieste), measured and numbered. Bar scale: 20mm Plate 4 Hl. heritschi, transversal sections of lower valves of individuals described in literature, measured and numbered. Bar scale: 20mm 140 Mauro Caffau & Mario Pleničar Plate 5 Hl. heritschi, transversal sections of lower valves of individuals from Stranice (samples 1-2) and fromSenožeče (samples 3-15) measured and numbered. Bar scale: 20mm