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O RECENZIJAH Razumljivo Je, da so recenzije o istem delu lahko nekoliko različne, pač odvisno od recenzentovega natančnega vpogleda v področje, ki ga recenzira, od njegove osebnosti, pa tudi od njegovega trenutnega razpoloženja. Težje pa razumemo bistveno različnost recenzij istega dela. Kot primer bi nanizal recenzijo prispevka, ki Je bil poslan na jugoslovanski mednarodni simpozij (priloga 1) in odgovor urednika ameriške revije (priloga 2), kamor Je bil poslan isti prispevek v prevedeni obliki. Sodbo o enakosti vsebin recenzije in odgovora si ob branju ustvarite sami, (I.R.) (priloga 1) D. ftko se rad ne prllu/aia, niollmo obrazIoSenJe za autora: Uvod, zaključek in priložene tri slike dajejo vtis nekakšne potegavščine, katere smisel pri najboljši volji nisem mogel dojeti. Mislim da bi vodstvo aimpozbija moralo odločno protestirati pri avtorjevi delovni organizaciji, oziroma opozoriti to organizacijo, da ji njeni člani rušijo strokovni ugled. 79 (priloga 2) I bel ieve that yQU have an interestin 1 would like to see more details o-f the D+ what it is used for (is it Computei—Aided Manu-f ac tur ing, or what some o-f th^j^hings contained in it that ei-;tensi ve exposi t ion. Forexample, you subroutine can be called once only." I Mould be more economical to code th^ assume you mean is that subroutines are at most one invocation o-f the subrout g idea -far an article here, but language and more description •for Computei—ftided Design, ?) There are questions about might be cleared up by a more State "singlecal1 rule: every -f that were strictly true, it subroutines in-line; what I not re-entrant — there can be ine at any given tirne. The artwork is interesting, and I would be happy to publish it together with an expanded article, IF you could bear in mind that the standard format on this side of the ocean is 8.5" x 11" <2B cm x 21.5 cm). Usual ly the -foreign submissions that 1 recei ve have margins that can be-.J;rimmed; that is not the čase on the drawings. I-f you čare to resubmit the article, or any others, 1 will be happy to consider them. I don ' t know whether you are a member o-f SIGSMALL/PC ornot; i-fnot, and you don ' t get the newsletter, Iwill say that I have rewritten your previous contributions -for the sake o-f grammar and speli ing; I hope that this causes you no distrees. u. H. K. Hodge Edltor, SIGSMALL/PC Notes A SHORT COMMENT TO ENGLISH READERS The upper Enclosure 1 (priloga 1) is a Slovene referee's report to the program committee of a Yugoslav Computer conference. This Enclosure has to be compared to Enclosure 2 (priloga 2) which is the editor's of SIGMALLS/PC Notes opinion on the same paper, The English translation of Enclosure 1 is the following: D. If the paper is not accepted we would like to have an explanation with arguraents for the author: The introduction, conclusion, and the three drawings enclosed gi ve the impreaaion of a kind of fraud, which to niy best will, I could not coaprehend. I think that the committee of the sjnaposium must resolutely express a protest at the author'3 working organization or let this organizfition know that its employees destroy its professional reputation. (The translator regrets the inoonvenient diction' of the translation of the Slovene original into English which is typical for the herostratic style of the referee's opinion. By this diction the spirits of the referee's opinion remains true.) APZ SE O RECENZIJAH A. P. Zeleznikar, Iskra Delta Ker gre v prispevku "O recenzijah", v katerem je priloženo tudi dokazno gradivo, za značilno domačo afero, naj mi bo dovoljeno, da dodam svoje skromno mnenje kar v domačem jeziku. Takoj na začetku ponavljam vprašanja o histeri­ čnem pamfletiranju, rotenju, zaklinjanju, herostratstvu oziroma o motivativnih konfliktih starejše generacije, ki sem jih načel v [1]. Kako se obraniti teh strastnih in čustvenih (in mestoma že kar sovražnih) izlivov in njihove škodljivosti pri prodiranju novih akterjev oziroma njihovih izvirnih dosežkov na domačih prizoriščih v okviru izrazite znanstvene subkulturnosti? Ali bomo morali začeti resneje in konkretneje postavljati vprašanja, kdo so ti naši, nam neznani avtoritativni usmerjevalci v znanosti, ki povzročajo zaradi svoje preživele strokovnosti blokade tam, kjer jih domala nihče več ne pričakuje. Kot da smo priča nekemu razvojnemu rasizmu, ki nam omejuje in predpisuje spontan in s svetom usklajen razvoj domače znanstvene misli. Seveda nikakor ne trdim, da so pojavi recenzentskega rasizma prisotni samo na področju računalništva in informatike, zasledimo jih lahko tudi pri fizikih, zlasti v segmentih intenzivnega in filozofsko pogojenega znanstvenega razvoja. Upam seveda, da gre v primeru navedene recenzije res za osamljen pojav, katerega nosilec in izvajalec ima v širšem jugoslovanskem okolju le obrobni (slovensko