G V GEODETSKI VESTNIK | letn. / Vol. 63 | št. / No. 4 | 9 MODELIRANJE ČASOVNE VRSTE KOORDINAT GNSS IN NJIHOVE INTERAKCIJE S POVPREČNO MAGNITUDO POTRESOV |63/4| MODELLING OF THE TIME-SERIES OF GNSS COORDINATES AND THEIR INTERACTION WITH AVERAGE MAGNITUDE EARTHQUAKES Sanja Tucikešič, Dragan Blagojevič UDK: 528.28 Klasifikacija prispevka po COBISS.SI: 1.01 Prispelo: 24. 5. 2019 Sprejeto: 15. 10. 2019 DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2019.04.525-540 SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Received: 24. 5. 2019 Accepted: 15. 10. 2019 IZVLEČEK ABSTRACT V prispevku predstavljamo analizo podatkov časovnih vrst koordinat postaj GNSS z uporabo spektralne analize po metodi najmanjših kvadratov (LSSA). Opravka smo imeli s časovnimi vrstami koordinat GNSS, v katerih so bile prisotne diskontinuitete. Ena od metod LSSA za zaznavanje in karakterizacijo periodičnih signalov v neenakomerno vzorčenih podatkih je metoda Lomb-Scargle. Analizirali smo podatke časovnih vrst postaje SRJV (Sarajevo) za približno dvajset let in postaje BEOG (Beograd) za približno pet let. Spektralna analiza se uporablja tudi za določitev prevladujočega šuma v časovni vrsti koordinat. Spektralni indeksi šuma (a) časovnih vrst koordinat GNSS postaj SRJV in BEOG so v območju —1Cj (Miyazaki et al., 1996) provided some of the first reliable results of seismic deformations based on high-precision GNSS measurements (Bock et al., 1993). y Crustal deformation analysis in seismogenically active areas is one of the most important applications of GNSS. The territories of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, our study region, are poorly studied in terms of their geodynamics, based on GNSS techniques allowing the estimation of the crustal deformation at different scales both in time and in space. Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina are located between the Carpathian-Balkans mountain system and the compressive geotectonic contact of the Dinarides and the Adriatic microplate. The Dinarides absorb the motion of the Adriatic microplate which causes present-day deformation. The seismicity of our study region occurs at the g low level but it frequently suggests the continual tectonic activity of the Dinarides. Similar studies in other active regions are commonly based on the analysis of time-series from GNSS permanent stations. For the purpose of this research, we used time-series data from the station SRJV (Sarajevo) for the period from June 1999 to March 2019, and the BEOG station (Belgrade), for the period from August 2014 to March 2019. Coseismic deformation is investigated using these stations. Daily GPS time series data from SRJV and BEOG stations in the IGS08 reference frame are available from the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory at http://geodesy.unr.edu/NGLStationPages/GlobalStationList/. 2 MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF TIME SERIES OF GNSS COORDINATES Any arranged series of measurements, realized in different epochs, usually in identical time intervals, is called a time series. A time series allows monitoring of statistical changes of some physical phenomena. Models of time series have different forms and can represent different4stochastic processes. Time series are usually classified as models in the time or frequency domains. A model in the time domain is based on time series monitoring as a time function. On the other hand, a model in the frequency domain analyzes mathematical functions, or a signal, with regard to frequencies. A time series consists of four components (Mann, 1995): trend component T(t), cyclic component C(t), seasonal component S(t), with E(t) representing a component of other random or systematic instabilities. A time-series aims at the statistical investigation of each of the mentioned four components and how effective the value is on the event. Interaction between these components helps to understand the time series. This interaction between them is classified as either additive or multiplicative. In a multiplicative time series, the components multiply together to make the time series (if the trend is increasing, the amplitude of seasonal activity is increasing). In an additive time series, the components Sanja Tuclkeslc, Dragan Biagojevlc | MODELIRANJE CASOVNE VRSTE KOORDINAT GNSS IN NJIHOVE INTERAKCIJE S POVPRECNO MAGNITUDO POTRESOV | MODELLING OF THE TIME-SERIES OF | 526 | GNSS COORDINATES AND THEIR INTERACTION WITH AVERAGE MAGNITUDE EARTHQUAKES | 525-540 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 63/4 | add together to make the time series (if the trend is increasing, the absolute value is growing, but changes stay relative). Therefore, a time series can be expressed in the following manner: X(t) = T(t)xC(t)xS(t)xE(t), (1) X(t) = T(t)+C(t)+S(t)+E(t) where the argument t is the time of the series observation. Traditional methods of the time series analysis mainly work on the decomposition of the trend change, and on identifying seasonal and cyclic changes. Any other remaining signal can be attributed to other unidentified accidental or systematic instabilities. The spectral analysis used to determine the predominant noise in the time series of GNSS coordinates 9£ actually refers to the analysis of the E(t) component (Li et al., 1999). DC In geophysical research, the trend estimation of GNSS time series represents a starting point. Apart from significant episode deformations, such as major earthquakes, a linear trend may represent a good indicator of the way the site moves inter-seismically. In time series describing geophysical processes, noise is usually time-correlated, which can seriously affect the accuracy of the linear trend estimation, e.g. velocity and its standard deviation (Langbein, 2004). Linear changes can be explained through tectonic plates motions, whereas non-linear changes are mainly caused by unidentified internal errors related to the GNSS equipment, as well as by external geophysical effects such as coseismic earthquakes. A mathematical model (2) that can be used in analyzing the coordinate components of GNSS daily time series is (see e.g. Dingcheng, 2017): n np y(t,) = a + X bi(ti -10 y + X sin(2n / p,) +d, cos(2n. / p)) + i=1 i=1 , (2) ng nA t. —1 n +ZgjH(t, -tj ) + X(ca + AHln(1 + -!—*-)) + £(t„ ) j=i ,=i T ,=i where: y - daily solutions of a time series of GNSS coordinates , a - position of the station, b. - linear velocity of the station, t - time, c. and d. - describes annual and semi-annual amplitudes of periodical motions (harmonic components are included into the model of annual, seasonal and higher frequency time-dependent phenomena), n = 2,p1 = 2 year,p2 = 0.5 year, ZgjH(t¡ — tg ) - describes j=i ' sudden phenomena caused by equipment or seismic events for any given number of deviations nof the element g and epoch t , using the Heaviside function (unit step function applied in signal processing in order to present the signal that changes its condition) , t - representing the time of earthquake (referring to the time of the main impact), c - co-seismic motion after the earthquake (represented by logarithmic or exponential function, data offset caused by post-seismic relaxation with a logarithmic or exponential decay), A - amplitude of simplified - Omori law, T- denoting the time delay of post-seismic deformation after the main impact and t^ - denoting measurement errors, namely, all remaining changes that can be attributed to other accidental or systematic instabilities. By least-squares adjustment, the model parameters are estimated assuming different models for the coloured noise. Sanja Tuclkeslc, Dragan Biagojevlc | MODELIRANJE CASOVNE VRSTE KOORDINAT GNSS IN NJIHOVE INTERAKCIJE S POVPRECNO MAGNITUDO POTRESOV | MODELLING OF THE TIME-SERIES OF GNSS COORDINATES AND THEIR INTERACTION WITH AVERAGE MAGNITUDE EARTHQUAKES | 525-540 | | 527 | | 63/4 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK ^ The most common stochastic models for i are those presented in Williams (2003) and Williams (2008). Cj In those papers, t is assumed to have a power spectrum that depends on the frequency f according to the form given in Williams (2003): -=c | 528 | Pf) = P0(f/ fo )a, (3) where: f - spatial or time frequency, f and P0 - normalisation constants and a - spectral index. Based on the value of a, different stochastic processes can be described with this model. If a is in the range -1 1, fractional Brown-ian motion, tr is non-stationary (Mandelbrot 1977). They represent a solid indicator of the noise source characterisation. Special cases of spectral indexes are white noise (a = 0), flicker noise (a = -1) and random-walk noise of Brownian motion (a = -2). Figure 1 illustrates the noise spectrum and the associated names given to the integer values. Figure 1: Spectral index of noise in geophysical phenomena (M. A. Goudarzi et al., 2015). We estimated spectral indices from post-fit residuals after removing linear, annual, and semi-annual signals as well as probable jumps in the position time series using Eq. (2). Generally, it is possible to fit the power-law function given in Eq. (3) to a periodogram obtained by Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) and estimate P0 and a. The FFT is a traditional method for determining the power spectrum. It requires evenly distributed data. It cannot be used in data containing gaps, which is a common case with a time-series of GNSS coordinates. Using interpolation methods several artefacts are then introduced to the data in both time and frequency domains, especially when the gap is large (Press et al.,1992). Therefore, in this study, we use the Lomb-Scargle algorithm to calculate the periodogram of post-fit residuals per station per position direction (Lomb 1976; Scargle 1982). This method has the advantage of evaluating the data of a time series of GNSS coordinates only at measured epochs, gives periodic signals in unevenly distributed observations, and evaluates logarithmic Lomb-Scargle power spectrum of a time-series of GNSS coordinates. The normalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram (normalized spectral power as a function of frequency) Px of a time series of GNSS coordinates j(t) for i = 1, 2, ..., N is estimated by Mao et al. (1999): P (©) = 2ct2 N Z( yj- y) cosa(fj-t) j=i N Z( yj- y) sina(tj -t) j=i ^ cos2 a(tj - t) j=i ^ sin2 a(tj -t) j=i Sanja Tucikešic, Dragan Blagojevič | MODELIRANJE ČASOVNE VRSTE K GNSS COORDINATES AND THEIR INTERACTION WITH AVEI ORDINAT GNSS IN NJIHOVE INTERAKCIJE S POV ITUDE EARTHQUAKES | 525-540 | POTRESOV (4) NG OF THE TIME-SERIES OF 1 GEODETSKI VESTNIK |63/4 | I 1 N where: a-angular frequency (a = 2af> 0), a-root mean square (RMS) a = -^(x — x)2 and -1 p j 1 N N N x - means value x = — ^ x, the constant ris defined as an offset - tan(2® t) = ^ sin 2atj /^ s cos 2atj. N j=i j=i j=1 The periodogram is calculated in the range of the Nyquist frequency. The power of noise is plotted in dB using logarithm function to base 10 as: P Px (f) = 10 • log10( P), (5) Is where: Pv is the power spectrum of the post-fit residuals estimated from Eq. (4) andf is the sampling frequency with the unit of day-1. Then, the spectral index a of the power-law process (3) is estimated as the slope of the spectra in log-log space using Nikolaidis (2002): P( f) x (f) (6) ■cj movements. We used daily coordinate solutions of the stations SRVJ and BEOG, and performed analysis of those GNSS time series to obtain models of the series that fit best inter-seismic and co-seismic mo-g tions, taking into account trends and seasonal variations. The type of noise that flavours these data were ^ obtained using a white spectral domain analysis, the Lomb-Scargle method, and post-fit residuals after removing linear, annual, and semi-annual signals. The Lomb-Scargle method was used for the power spectrum analysis because it does not require evenly distributed data. The time series of GNSS coordinates frequently contain missing data because of malfunction of GNSS receivers, power failure, removal of abnormal results, etc. The time series of GNSS coordinates have a gap of 39.4 % for the station SRVJ and the gap of 5.8 %. for the station BEOG. ^ The clean inter-seismic velocities we obtained here were calculated using described models Eq. (2), also calculated by means of the least-squares estimation with seasonal model, taking into account the annual and semi-annual periodicities. For the SRVJ station our estimated clean inter-seismic velocity is 15.67 ± 0.01 mm/yr, 23.8 ± 0.01 mm/yr, -0.31 ± 0.03 mm/yr in the north, east and up, respectively. For the BEOG station our estimated clean inter-seismic velocity is 16.77 ± 0.05 mm/yr, 22.06 ± 0.04 mm/ yr, -3.69 ± 0.10 mm/yr in the north, east and up, respectively. For both stations, variations are almost perfectly linear for the horizontal components that are east and north, and this clearly shows the tectonic motion. As a result of the trend analyses of time series, it was determined that stations were moving in the northeast direction 28.50 mm/year and 27.71 mm/year, for SRVJ and BEOG, respectively. This finding is consistent with the region's tectonic plate movements. The vertical component includes significant seasonal variations. For the SRVJ station, our estimated annual periodicities are -1.59 ± 0.30 mm, 1.62 ± 0.29 mm of cycle sin and cycle cos, respectively. For the BEOG station our estimated annual periodicities are -2.15 ± 0.19 mm, -2.20 ± 0.19 mm of cycle sin and cycle cos, respectively. The coordinate time series of vertical components contain repeating annual cycles stemming from hydrological and atmospheric loading (Blewitt, et al., 2002). Without taking into account seasonal signals, it results in an increase in the auto-correlated or temporally correlated noise within a time series, which influences the stochastic model (Klos et al., 2018). Knowledge of the spectral index is fundamental because it allows identification of the type of noise present in the time series. The values of spectral indices determined for SRVJ and BEOG have a range that corresponds to the fractional Gaussian noise, which is stationary, uncorrelated with time, and has statistical properties that are invariant over time. The spectral indices for the east component of the site SRVJ also require a flicker noise component. However, the origin of this flicker noise is still unclear. Flicker noise may simply be intrinsic to the GNSS system, due to errors in the GNSS observations or in their modelling (Rebischung et al., 2017). Several authors have suggested that white noise and flicker Sanja Tuclkeslc, Dragan Biagojevlc | MODELIRANJE CASOVNE VRSTE KOORDINAT GNSS IN NJIHOVE INTERAKCIJE S POVPRECNO MAGNITUDO POTRESOV | MODELLING OF THE TIME-SERIES OF | 538 | GNSS COORDINATES AND THEIR INTERACTION WITH AVERAGE MAGNITUDE EARTHQUAKES | 525-540 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK |63/4 | noise, and to a smaller extent random walk, dominate GPS coordinate time series noise spectrum (Mao et al., 1999, Williams et al., 2004, Zhang et al., 1997). When processing available earthquakes of magnitude ~ 4, the obtained coseismic velocities do not show any significant changes in the time series of GNSS coordinates, and they are in the range from -1.72 to -18.28 mm. Also, the estimated spectral indices for the SRVJ and BEOG stations during four earthquakes near Sarajevo, Koran, Valjevo and Turija are in the range of fractional Gaussian motion described. At the BEOG station, some fluctuations in the interseismic phase can be observed (between Valjevo and Turi earthquakes). This phenomenon was also observed at the SRVJ station between Sarajevo and Koran earthquakes, but of smaller magnitude. In this study, we see that each earthquake generates coseismic deformations in the region surrounding its epicentre. However, earthquakes with an average magnitude of about 4 do not cause significant discontinuities in the time series of GNSS coordinates. Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia have a history of earthquakes of magnitude ~ 4 related to the tectonic activity in the Dinarides. Our analysis of time series coordinates, conducted using described models for four specific earthquakes, has given estimated coseismic station velocities. In order to better understand these events and their geodynamics, it is fundamental to the study of cinematics. 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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2019.04.525-540 Senior Teaching Assistant, Sanja S. Tucikešič University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Stepe Stepanoviča 77/3,78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, e-mail: sanja.tucikesic@aggf.unibl.org Prof. Dr. Dragan M. Blagojevič University of Belgrade Faculty of Civil Engineering Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Beograd, Serbia e-mail: bdragan@grf.bg.ac.rs Sanja Tucikešič, Dragan Blagojevič | MODELIRANJE ČASOVNE VRSTE K | 540 | GNSS COORDINATES AND THEIR INTERACTION WITH AVEI ORDINAT GNSS IN NJIHOVE INTERAKCIJE S POV ITUDE EARTHQUAKES j S2S-S40 j POTRESOV NG OF THE TIME-SERIES OF