St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 12/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 20.03.2011 2. POSTNA NEDELJA 2nd SUNDAY OF LENT Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Ne samo od kruha ... Jezus je s tremi apostoli danes planinec. Šli so na visoko goro. Jezus, ki je imel izredno razvit čut za naravo je gotovo užival v lepoti planinskega sveta. Njegovo srce se je širilo ob čudovitih razgledih, ki so se odpirali na vse strani, se stikali z obzorjem in izgubljali v neskončnost. V njih je zrl odsev Očetove lepote. Toda Jezusa je vleklo na goro še nekaj drugega. Tam se je želel srečati z Očetom. Pa ne le skozi ogledalo narave, temveč osebno. Pogovor z Očetom ga je tako prevzel, da mu je obraz zažarel r4d in so se mu oblačila zasvetila. Kaj vse sta si povedala, ni zapisano. Verno le, da je Oče nad Sinom izrazil) veselje, aposto-lom pa naročil, naj ga poslušajo. Sklepati smemo, da sta se pogovarjala o našem odrešenju. Sin je obljubil Očetu, da bo nadaljeval z oznanjevanjem njegove ljubezni in da bo za nas dal življenje. Oče je obljubil Sinu, da ga bo obudil od mrtvih in popeljal v svojo slavo, z njim pa tudi vse tiste, ki jih bo Sin odrešil. Obenem je vlil apostolom upanje in moč za zvestobo v času prihodnjih preizkušenj. Ker je vse stvarstvo božje, nam je Bog blizu povsod. Tudi v gorah. Je pa gora, na katero nas Bog vabi na osebni pogovor in na kateri se nam ob nedeljah na poseben način razodeva. To je oltar v naših cerkvah. Vsakomur je dostopen. Vsi bi se ob njem morali pogovarjati z Očetom, utrjevati v svojem poslanstvu in neprenehoma spreminjati. PRENOVA KAPELE_ Naša kapela počasi dobiva drugačno podobo. V prvi fazi smo prenovili razsvetljavo. Dodali smo nove luči na stropu, spredaj in na steni. Pred kratkim so klopi dobile nove blazine. Sedaj pa smo še prenovili slike. Vse tri slike so umetniške kopije narisane na platno: tako slika Marije Pomagaj kot tudi Srce Jezusovo in Marijino. Slike smo naročili pri Ocean's Bridge & Our Art Studio. Prav tako smo na novo pozlatili okvirje preko DiCarlo trgovine. Prenova še ni končana, še nekaj načrtov imamo, da bo prostor dobil dokončno ureditev. Iskrena hvala Slomškovemu oltarnemu društvu, ki je krilo stroške za okvirje in slike. Sunday's Readings 2nd SUNDAY of LENT First Reading Genesis 12:1-4 God calls Abraham to set out on a journey of faith and trust. Second Reading 2 Timothy 1:8-10 Paul urges Timothy to accept God's grace, revealed to us in the death and resurrection of Christ. Gospel Matthew 17:1-9 Jesus reveals his divinity to Peter, James and John, to prepare them for the reality of the resurrection. Illustration Our identity is one of the most complex parts of our life. It is made up of many factors. Genetic factors, family environment, education, economics, the example set us by people we admire - all of these factors affect our identity. The phrase "identity crisis" is nothing new: St Augustine wrote that at one stage in his life he became "a question to himself". We are often caught between two extremes. One of them is summed up by the great English writer Samuel Johnson: "Almost every man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities he does not possess, and to gain applause which he cannot keep." The other extreme is put neatly by the American writer Tom Masson: "'Be yourself is about the worst advice you can give to some people." So we have to find the balance between two extremes: on one hand, being true to ourselves; on the other hand, living a life in cooperation with others, which may involve sacrificing something of ourselves. It may also involve acting a certain role. We can also find ourselves being surprised, either pleasantly or not, by our own behaviour. Or by the behaviour of someone else - we might then talk about seeing someone "in a new light". Imagine someone we have known for a long time, who suddenly reveals a capacity to sing beautifully, or a skill for picking locks. Perhaps someone we thought was mean turns out to be generous. Identity is indeed a mysterious thing. Gospel Teaching Today's Gospel reading is suffused with light, and the identity of Jesus. At the transfiguration the divinity of Christ and the holiness of his humanity shine out over the apostles. They glimpse the fullness of the identity of Jesus. Moses and Elijah show that the Law and the Prophets both pointed towards Christ. The cloud that overshadows him reminds us of the cloud in the Old Testament, which is a symbol of God's presence. The voice of the Father reveals the divine sonship of Christ. The transfiguration reveals the identity of Christ as second person of the Blessed Trinity, and as the incarnate Word of God, fully human and fully divine. The apostles see him in a new light, the light of his divine glory. We might then think that Peter's reaction is strange, to build three tents so they can all have a sort of picnic on the mountain. But imagine if we were in his position. Overwhelmed by what he is experiencing, Peter perhaps makes this gauche remark out of sheer confusion, panic, even bewilderment. After all, even for someone who is praying for the divine Messiah to come, actually meeting him, and seeing him in the company of Moses and Elijah, is going to be a powerful experience. Our own minds need to be strengthened by the gift of faith to begin to believe in Christ without seeing him bodily. So how much more divine assistance would the apostles need to fully comprehend what was going on? Application Jesus gets his identity from his relation to the Father, both his eternal relation as the Word, and his human relation as the divine man Jesus of Nazareth. We in turn receive our truest identity from Christ. John's Gospel tells us that everyone who comes into the world is enlightened by the eternal Word, and we are made through him. By baptism, we are sacramentally joined to Christ and given the gift of faith. This wonderful gift allows us, even in this life, to begin to share in the life of the blessed Trinity. This is what makes Christianity unique, and what makes us not only share that uniqueness, but actively witness to it. Throughout the history of the Christian faith, some people have found it difficult to accept the divinity of Christ. Others have found it difficult to accept his full humanity. We are privileged to be able to confess both. This privilege comes with responsibilities, however. We try to live out that mystery in the world: through prayer, by meditating on the Creed, by learning more about the faith. Like the apostles, we can ascend the mountain of the Lord, and our minds and hearts will be enlightened by a deeper faith, a firmer hope and a more lively love. The mystery of Christ's identity, and our own, will be made clearer to us. In eternity, we will not only see the radiance of Christ's glory; by a share in it, we will see the essence of God. PENNY SALE in TOMBOLA Starši otrok slovenske šole in učitelji organizirajo Penny Sale & Tombolo v torek, 5 aprila v zgornji dvorani. .Začne se ob 5 popoldne. Žrebanje dobitkov bo ob 7:30 zvečer. Na razpolago bo veliko dobitkov in bogata tombola. Vse vljudno vabimo. Ta akcija je za pridobitev finančnih sredstev za šolsko ekskurzijo v Slovenijo v juliju 2012. 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 00336 S (0 I S 0- PENNY SALE, RAFFLE & 50/50 DRAW The parents and teachers of Slovenian School are organizing a Penny Sale, Raffle & 50/50 Draw to be held on Tuesday, April 5 in St. Gregory's Upper Hall. Doors open at 5 PM. The Raffle and draws begin at 7:15 PM. Lot's of Penny Sale items, Raffle prizes and refreshments will be available. Come, join us! All the proceeds will go towards the 2012 Slovenian School Excursion to Slovenia. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Pevske vaje za zbor bodo v četrtek 24. marca po večerni maši. Pojemo na 4. postno nedeljo, ko je letos tudi naš spomladanski banket. garage sale - slovenska šola Slovenska šola bo imela »Garage Sale« v soboto, 28. maja na cerkvenem parkirišču. Če imate kakšne reči v hiši (hišne stvari, slike, knjige, oblačila, igrače, itd.) katerih bi se radi znebili, vas prosimo, da prispevate v ta namen in jih prinesete v razred za odrom ob sobotah v maju od 9 am-12:30pm. Hvala za sodelovanje! darovi_ Za blazine na klopeh so darovali: Martin in Kathy Simončič $100, Josephine Hapke $200, Martin in Stanka Malevič $100, Janez in Marija Hočevar $100, Ivan in Hilda Žigon $50, Tone in Marija Bukvič $100 za blazine in $100 za misijone, Tomislav in Marija Miklavčič $100,Štefan in Gizella Ray $100, Francka Cestnik $100, Vlado in Mary Mlačak $50, Toni in Elizabeta Ferko $100, Maria Žvan $50. Hvala vsem za vaš dar. kanadski slovenski kongres_ Kanadski slovenski kongres vabi rojake v soboto 9. aprila 2011 ob 7:00 h zvečer na praznovanje 20. obletnice slovenske samostojnosti, Slovenija - kam, ki bo v župnijski dvorani, 739 Brown's Line, Toronto. Pri programu bodo sodelovali: slavnostni govornik: voditelj opozicije v slovenskem parlamentu in bivši ministerski predsednik Janez Janša, bas-baritonist, član opere Colon v Buenos Airesu, Argentina: Luka Debevec Mayer, duet sester: pianistke Nastasije in violinistke Julije Zibrat, ženski pevski zbor Plamen, recitacije Toneta Kačinika, ter folklorni skupini 94 | VESTNIK 2011 Nagelj in Nageljčki. Vstopnina, vključno prigrizek $20, mladina ima prost vstop. a note from the catholic cemeteries Families are reminded to kindly remove all winter wreaths and decorations from their lots at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Resurrection Cemetery, Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery, St. Augustine's Cemetery, St. Thomas Cemetery and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cemetery by April 1, 2011, to facilitate the spring cemetery clean up. Any wreaths or decorations remaining after April 1 will be removed and discarded by cemetery staff. For further information, please call the cemetery office at 905 522-7727 or 1-800-661-5985. »butare«_ We are looking for donations of twigs [particularly willow and coloured dogwood] to help make this year's butare. Anyone that might be able to help, please contact: Dave Antolin [905.664.5980]. breakfast with venec_ F.S. VENEC is selling tickets for their first annual breakfast on May 1st between 10:3012:30. There are a limited amount of tickets set for this event to ensure everyone has plenty! Come out and enjoy a great breakfast [including eggs and bacon] for $10 with all proceeds going towards acquiring new costumes. We encourage buying these tickets soon as we do not anticipate having any available at the door. Do not be disappointed. Please help promote and support our Slovenian culture! For more information or tickets contact Mateja Mihelcic: 905.692.9679 or beatifikacija skofa baraga?_ From Moderator of the Curia, Reverend Ronald Browne : We just received official word today that the theologians on the Congregation for Saints will be reviewing Bishop Baraga's file on March 12th. From there we are hoping that Bishop Baraga will be recommended for the title "Venerable". After that there will be the more thorough review of the miracle investigation for the possible beatification of Bishop Baraga. So, pray that all goes well on March 12th, that is the next step. Peace, Fr. Browne - You - our members can help us by praying for the cause! župnijski svet_ V sredo, 16. marca je se na rednem mesečnem srečanju sestal Župnijski svet. Ker po letnem občnem zboru vsem članom avtomatsko potečejo službe, smo na začetku najprej potrdili dosedanje službe in nato nadaljevali z rednim delom -pregled od preteklega meseca in načrtovanje za prihodnje dogodke in opravila. Iskrena hvala vsem članom za dosedanje odgovorno in zavzeto delo. poŠta za veliko noč_ V atriju cerkve vzemite velikonočno pismo s prijavnico za spomladanski banket. Samo 14. dni je do banketa, zato prosimo, da se čimprej prijavite Tereziji Sarjaš ali Jožici Vegelj. koledar za marec-april 2011_ ❖ 26. marec 2011-SOBOTA, ob 6:00 zvečer: 2011 Lipa park AMBASSADOR. Igral bo orkester »Europa«(Cafuta). ❖ 27. marec 2011-nedelja, ob 12:00 maša v Savi - Breslav ❖ 3. april 2011-nedelja: SPOMLADANSKI ŽUPNIJSKI BANKET - pri mašah in na banketu bo pel operni pevec iz Argentine: Luka Debevec Mayer. Prijavnice pridejo 20 marca. ❖ 10. april 2011-nedelja: 5. postna - tiha nedelja. Obe maši bosta v angleščini. Maševal Fr. Frank Kelly iz Toronta. Ta vikend bom v Winnipegu - pomoč za velikonočno spoved. ❖ 14. -15. april 2011: četrtek in petek - ob 5:30 popoldne začetek DUHOVNE OBNOVE pred Veliko nočjo. Spovedoval bo lazarist Fr. Boštjan Lenart. ❖ 17. april 2011-CVETNA NEDELJA. Procesijo, če bo primerno vreme, bomo začeli ob 9:15 dopoldne pri kipu Marije pomočnice z blagoslovm zelenja. Pri enajsti maši se zberemo za blagoslov zelenja pred cerkvijo. krst_ V nedeljo 13. marca je LAUREN ANNE HILL v naši cerkvi prejela zakrament svetega krsta. Iskrene čestitke staršema, očetu Jamesu in materi Patriciji /rojeni Prebil/. Iskrene čestitke. pokojni 15. marca 2011je, po daljši bolezni, umrl naš faran STEVEN THOMAS BOOTH. V četrtek, 17. marca popoldne smo v Markey Dermodi Funeral Home molili za pokoj njegove duše. V petek 18. marca pa je bila ob 11:00 dopoldne pogrebna maša in pogreb na Holy Sepulchre pokopališču. Iskreno sožalje ženi Elizabeti, sinu Stevnu in hčerki Sari, pokojni Steven pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. OD 20. 03. 2011 DO 27. 03. 2011 svete maše - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 20. Marec 2. Postna Klavdija, mučenka za žive in rajne župljane ff Jožef in Marija Kirec f Matija Vlašič BANKET DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA 9:30 A.M. Sin Ivan 11:00 a.m. Žena in otroci NooNZgornja dvorana Ponedeljek - Monday 21. Marec Nikolaj iz Flue, muč. ff Anton Vengar ff Miro in Marija Kolenc ff Josip in Liljana Cunjak f Matuša Mravak_ 7:00 p.m. Ignac Horvat z družino Mia Ferkul Sestra in druž. Kapušin Družina Truden Torek - Tuesday t Ivan Dobršek 7:00 p.m. Naci in Ana Krampač 22 MAREC t Franc Lajnar Marija Lajnar . t Ivan Dobršek Pavel in Jožica Novak Lea, spokornica t Franc Fujs_Franc in Pavla Pelcar Sreda - Wednesday 23. Marec Alfonz, šk f Martin Glavač, obl. f Franc Kociper f Anton Vengar ff Marija in August Smodiš 7:00 p.m. Žena in družina Maks in Milka Pavlič Marija Košir Gizella Ray Četrtek - Thursday 24. Marec Dionizij, mučenec f Marija Kolenc f Marija Kolenc f Anton Vengar Za duhovne poklice 7:00 p.m. Družina Svoljšak Družina Žvan Amalija Štadler Slomškovo Oltarno Društvo Petek - Friday 25. Marec Gospodovo oznanjenje Marija Kolenc Dragica Bolko Stanko Bratuž Bara Strajner 7:00 p.m. Slovenia Credit Union Družina Šemen Žena Družina Truden 0 e CD . < m p . o Sobota - Saturday 26. Marec Lara, mučenka T TT T TT Marija Kolenc Duše v vicah Stane Napast Angela, Franc in sorodniki 8:15 a.m. Ivan in Veronika Obal 5:30 p.m. Marija Košir Žena Fanika Napast z družino Hčerka Tilka Vengar z družino NEDELJA - SUNDAY 27. Marec 3. Postna Rupert, škof TT TT TT za žive in rajne župljane Štefan, Ana in Štefan Kelenc Anton, Miha, Marija Špiler Maša za rajne člane društva 9:30 A.M. Marija Glavač z družino 11:00 a.m. Helen, Miran Špiler NooNSava-Breslav Kitchener svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.