Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 49/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 2. 12. 2018 1. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 1st Sunday of Advent Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ PRIHOD in PRIČAKOVANJE Slikovita prispodoba evangelista Luka, ki nas bo spremljal skozi to liturgično leto, nakazuje rdečo nit današnjega bogoslužja Božje besede. »Vaša ledja naj bodo opasana in svetilke prižgane, vi pa bodite podobni ljudem, ki čakajo, kdaj se bo njihov gospodar vrnil s svatbe, da mu odprejo takoj, ko pride in potrka«. Dve vrsti udeležencev sta: gospodar, ki prihaja, ter družinski člani, ki ga pričakujejo. V prvem berilu Jeremija na eni strani napove nenaden prihod novega vladarja v Judovo hišo, na drugi pa poziva na prizorišče ljudstvo, ki bo polno pričakovanja usmerjeno k »pravu« in »pravičnosti«, ki so ju vedno zavračali. Prihajajoče prdstavi z dvema simboloma. Prvi simbol nakazuje nov začetek, ki je božji dar. Bog bo dal, da se bo v neobljudeni, izsušeni puščavi človeštva razcvetel čudežni cvet upanja in rešitve. Drugi simbol je skrit v imenu, s katerim bodo poimenovali novega vladarja: »Gospod-naša-pravičnost.« V drugem berilu apostol Pavel predstavlja prvi pisni dokument krščanstva v katerem govori o prihodu: »Ko pride naš Gospod Jezus Kristus z vsemi svojimi svetimi«. Kakor da se bo zdaj zdaj odprlo nebo in se bo Kristus prikazal v sijaju svojega božanstva ter bo spravil v red zblojeno dramo naše zgodovine. Vendar Pavel tistim vernim, ki strmijo v nebo svetuje poseben odnos, s katerim je treba pričakovati in umevati smisel te nove zgodovine: dovoliti je treba, da nas »Gospod obogati in napolni z ljubeznijo ... da bi tako utrdil vaša srca, ki naj bodo neoporečna v svetosti«. Dialog med bližino in pričakovanjem, prihodom in upanjem prevladuje tudi v odlomku iz Lukovega evangelija. Luka nakaže konkretno ravnanje, značilno za novo dobo, ki jo uvaja Kristus: »Varujte se, da vam srca ne bodo obtežena z razuzdanostjo, pijanostjo in življenjskimi skrbmi«. Da bi človek umel znamenja časa, mora nujno priti do zelo temeljite življenjske odločitve: Nujno potrebno je »dvigniti glavo« za vsakdanji napor, da bi se človek »ujel z očmi Jezusa Kristusa, ki kliče na dan nov svet«. Če si »obtežen«, če tičiš z nogami ujet v »zanki«, potem ne moreš hoditi s Kristusom po novi poti pravičnosti in resnice. (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2003) GOLDEN JUBILEE OF OUR CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE_ On Sunday, November 25, 2018 we celebrated our Golden Jubilee as a Catholic Women's League. It was a proud moment for our members and their families and our parish community. This important milestone brought us together to celebrate 50 years of dedication by our League to the needs of our parish and our local and global community. It also served as a reminder of God's fidelity. The day began with a Mass celebrated by Father Drago Gačnik, our spiritual advisor and pastor. In his homily, while pointing out ways in which our League has made valued contributions to our church and community, Father Drago also noted how volunteering services can add fulfilment to our lives. The Slovenian and English choirs sang wonderfully and injected a lot of enthusiasm into their music at this Mass. Mrs. Olga Glavač created exquisite flower arrangements and baked our ceremonial bread for the offertory procession. At the end of Mass we paid tribute to the founding members of our Katoliška ženska zveza. We acknowledged all our founding members, including our faithful departed and those who were not able to be with us on this day. Young ladies in narodne noše, Amalia and Nikola Lukežič presented founding members with a rose, a symbol of our sincere gratitude. Our leading ladies laid the groundwork for the formation of our League, an organization that calls its members to grow in faith and to witness to the love of God through ministry and service. Founding members include: Charter members: President: Joža Šušteršič, Vice President: Paula Pelcar, Secretary: Marija Vode, Treasurer: Marija Brancelj. Initial advisory members: Elizabeta Farkaš, Elizabeta Ferko, Elizabeta Ftičar, Lojzka Saje, Elizabeta Tanko, Marija Žerdin. 541 | VESTNIK 2018 VESTNI K 2018 j 542 543 | VESTNIK 2018 SADDAM,' VESTNI K 2018 j 544 Members: Francka Cestnik (50 years), Tončka Demšar, Iva Dolenc, Elizabeta Farkaš (50 years), Marija Grebene, Pavla Horvat, Milena Krušič (50 years), Terezija Sarjaš (50 years), Nežka Sevšek, Angela Škerl (50 years), Jožica Vegelj. Following Mass a luncheon reception and celebratory program took place in the church hall, with over 250 persons in attendance. We are delighted that Jason Young from Young's Catering volunteered to cook up a delicious lunch for us. In addition, Nancy Dundek-Taylor made the soup and some of our ladies made the 'rezance.' Lunch was served family style with efficient help from our young servers: Gregory and Ann Marie Horvat, Emma Letnik, Amalia and Nikola Lukežič and Olivia Scarcelli. The bar was well staffed by Tony Horvat, Jason Horvat and Eric Škerl. After lunch Hamilton Diocesan Council President, Joan Schurter spoke briefly about the League and she let us know that special events are being planned to mark the 100th Anniversary of the CWL in the Hamilton diocese that will be celebrated in 2020. What followed was an entertaining play recounting five decades of our League's work and history. We are thankful to our script writers, Mary Ann Demšar and Marianne Škerl, our actors, granddaughter, Jessica Novak, and stara mama, Mary Ann Demšar and our speakers, Heidy Novak, Albina An-tolin, Frances Scarcelli, Mary Miklavčič and Sidonia Poppa for taking us on amazing journey down memory lane. Next, we took time to remember our deceased CWL members. Their names were read in conjunction with a slide presentation. Although these ladies, now numbering 39, are no longer with us our memories of them are etched in our hearts forever. Then, we acknowledged our founding members by name and we presented our past presidents with pins as a token of appreciation. 545 | VESTNIK 2018 Joža Šušteršič was recognized as having a leading role in League initiatives as our first president. Ladies, wear your emblems with pride and joy! Next, we honoured our 50 year members by presenting them with CWL scarves as a symbol of our appreciation. These ladies are sources of inspiration for all of us. We thanked members of the League, their families and our parish community for their ongoing commitment and support and all those who made this day possible and we invited more ladies to join our organization. Ladies, you can make a difference! We expressed thanks to: emcee, Sonya Podreba-rac, technical expert, Joe Horvat, photographers, Julia Barac for designing our CWL church banner, Frank Novak for help with our radio announcement and all who helped with hall setup and cleanup. Especially grateful to those who were highly involved with the intricacies of planning this 50th Anniversary celebration, namely, Sidonia Poppa, Milka Ferko, Pamela Gosgnach, Mary Ann Demšar, Heidy Novak and Terezija Sarjaš. Above all, we are grateful to Fr Drago Gačnik for providing advice, spiritual nourishment and assisting us with all aspects of our League's work. No task is too small or too large for Father Drago! We thank Michelle for bringing in a cake to mark this golden jubilee, and ladies who gave us donations of pastry! Also, thank you to everyone who provided a goodwill offering to Port Cares, a charity that provides food and housing supports to those in need in Port Colborne, Wainfleet and the Niagara region. As many of you are aware, Jason from Young's Catering has had a long history of working closely with Port Cares Reach Out Centre as a volunteer. As a finale to our program Father Drago on guitar, accompanied by the Taylor family children led us in singing 'Mi se imamo radi!' And quite aptly, 'Še se bomo imeli radi, radi prav zares!' Vsem prav lepa hvala! Rosemary Šušteršič, president VESTNI K 2018 j 546 It is that time of year when we start to prepare for Christmas and making arrangements to spend time with family and friends! A good time to do that is at our New Years celebration! We have already started the planning process and hope that many of you will come and join us. We have already had many requested for tickets, so we've prepared the tickets and they are ready for purchase. You will be happy to hear that prices are the same as they have been for the past 3 years ... Adults: $75 and Students: $50. So, don't wait too long, buy your tickets and get ready for a great night out! Remember, we can only reserve your seat once you purchase your tickets! Please contact Heidy Novak at 905-317-6002 for more details. To put on a great party, we need great food. We are hoping to keep the meal preparations within our community, so if anyone is interested in helping with any part of meal preparations, please give Heidy a call. Every helping hand is truly appreciated! On behalf of your parish council, we wish you all a Very Merry Christmas DECEWBEPi 31, C016 ST. CfiEeOfiY THE EflT iippepi hill DOOfiS OPCH 6:30PIVI DirniEri IT 7:00pm f>inD - Sibij >75 1DULTS *5C STIDIIITS HOSTED E>Y ST. tPiECOPii THE triEIT hid slcveimi pi™ fori Tickets Cohtact: Heidy HovriK - 605-3T7-600E rOVflM1(fl>S¥WPflTICO.Cfl 547 | VESTNIK 2018 Bled Planica Social Club Cordially invites you all FAMILY CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION December 16, 2018 Lunch served @ 1:00 p.m. sharp SPECIAL GUEST APPERANCE BY: SANTACLAUS TICKETS: Adults $25.00 / Students $15.00 Ticket Information: Frank Gimpelj (905) 531 0894 Tom Mes (905) 971 3831 SUNDAY, Dec. 16, 2018 2:00 p.m. SLOVENSKI PARK MEMBERS CHRISTMAS PARTY Young and Old Kids and Kids-at-Heart Join us for the Christmas Festivities DOBRODOŠLI VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE Free lunch Free gifts for the children Free entertainment Free arts & crafts Free sing-a-long Free pictures with Santa Claus Free calendars Time spent sharing the holidays with our sLOVEnski park family -PRICELESS (please share this invitation with those not on email or Facebook) Like and follow our Facebook page and Website VESTNI K 2018 j 548 Awards for Distinguished Service to Catholic Education_ Four individual received the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board's highest honour, the Award of Merit for Distinguished Service to Catholic Education, at a special liturgy and awards ceremony on November 27, 2018. The award honours individuals who have contributed to Catholic education in a significant and special way. This year's recipients of the Award for Distinguished Service to Catholic Education are: Jerry Ponikvar, who served as Director of Education for the HWCDSB from 1990 to 1995, providing strong, faith-filled leadership during a time of significant financial restraint and program and facility growth. He not only introduced a number of important initiatives, including the Board's internship program, the annual parent conference and the establishment of the board's mission/vision statements, but was involved in the opening of several new elementary and secondary schools. Following his retirement from the HWCDSB, Jerry served on the EQAO Board of Directors and was a founding member of the Permanent Diaconate Diocesan Coordinating Committee and Serra Club. Nancy Castura, a secondary teacher; Jenny Frappa, an elementary principal; Teresa Susi, assistant custodian trainer. "Each of these remarkable individuals have served Catholic education in immeasurable ways," says Chairperson Patrick Daly. "This awards ceremony is an opportunity for us, as a Catholic community, to acknowledge their significant achievements and thank them for their dedication and commitment to our Catholic school system." An Awards Liturgy, Presentation Ceremony and Reception took place on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, at 7:00 p.m. 549 | VESTNIK 2018 f Qi; • C 24 likes hwcdsb Congratulations, Jerry Ponikvar on your recent Award for Distinguished Service. As Director of Education from 1990 to 1995, Jerry not only introduced a number of initiatives, including the board's Mission, but oversaw the opening of several new schools. "I really believe that the important elements in Catholic education are sincere dedication, putting your heart and soul into what you are doing, giving it your all because you believe in it, and most importantly, you have to live it." 2 HOURS AGO One Soul Capital Campaign The Diocese of Hamilton is conducting the One Heart, One Soul Campaign to raise money for every Parish in the Diocese and for shared ministries. Answers to a set of Frequently Asked Questions appear in Parish bulletins regularly. A compilation of all questions that have been published are available throughout the campaign at What kinds of things does the Diocese do for Parishes and others already? The good work of the Diocese of Hamilton is widespread. Here are a few examples of the ways diocesan offices enhance the life of our Parishes and people: Advocating for the dignity of all life and supporting and promoting marriage and family life. Encouraging vocational discernment to priesthood and religious life. Programming and support for youth and young adult ministry. Adult faith formation, catechesis, religious education and sacramental preparation. Assistance in the relocation and resettlement of refugees. Advocacy on behalf of the poor and marginalized. Assistance for Parishes in all aspects of sacred worship, including formation for liturgical ministers. Support for Parishes in the areas of human resources, building maintenance, financial reporting, stewardship, charitable giving and Parish development. Does the Diocese help organizations outside of it? Yes, the Diocese is generous to many in need. For example, the Diocese has an ongoing financial commitment to help the Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, which is still suffering from the effects of the devastating earthquake there in 2010, and the Diocese of Churchill-Hudson Bay, which includes northern Manitoba and the territory of Nunavut. The Dio- A Campaign for the Diocese of Hamilton cese also supports many worthy causes within and outside of the Diocese, such as: organizations who support the poor and marginalized, like St. Vincent de Paul, the Good Shepherd and several others; health care initiatives, including hospice care and conscience protection for those in the medical field; community organizations such as the Catholic Youth Organization, Catholic Family Services and Catholic Children's Aid; and several other organizations and causes in need who do the work of the gospel. Additionally, the Diocese is proud to have made a significant gift to St. Peter's Seminary in London, helping to ensure the seminary can continue its mission to form priests for our Diocese and the Church in Canada. Why a significant gift to a seminary in another Diocese? There is a longstanding and fruitful connection between St. Peter's Seminary in London and the Diocese of Hamilton. For more than a hundred years, St. Peter's has trained a majority of our diocesan Priests - and those of so many Canadian dioceses. Of the current Hamilton seminarians, the majority are at St. Peter's, which is one of only three English-speaking seminaries in Canada. Hamilton Priests have also served on the seminary's staff. The seminary is in need - these funds were required for St. Peter's to continue its mission of forming Priests, deacons and lay ministers - and its vitality is important to the long-term outlook for vocations in Hamilton. VESTNIK 2018 | 550 MIKLAVŽ PRIHAJA!_ Slovenska šola pri sv. Gregorju v Hamil-tonu vljudno vabita na Miklavževanje, ki bo v nedeljo 9. decembra 2018. Po 10. maši, ob 11:45 a.m. bo odlično kosilo v cerkveni dvorani, nato pa pride Miklavž s spremstvom. Prosimo, da čimprej rezervite za kosilo in sicer lahko to storite po e-mailu Sandy Ferletič: ali jo pokličete na telefonsko številko 905-977-8464. TICKETS: Adults: $20.00 Children (4-13 yrs): $10.00 3yrs and Under: Free St. Nicholas will soon be visiting our parish once again. The Slovenian School invites you to our annual St. Nicholas Celebration on Sunday December 9, 2018. After 10: 00 a.m. Mass, please head over to the hall for lunch, which will be served at 11:45am. After lunch, St. Nicholas and his angels will come to visit our parish's children. For reservations, please call Sandy Ferletic at (905) 977-8464 or by email at If you would like a specific table please call early as seats are given on a first come/first serve basis. '-• 1ST Sunday of Advent Response: To you, O Lord, I lift my soul. First Reading Jeremiah 33:14-16 The prophet tells the people that the Lord will fulfil the promise he made to the House of Israel. Second Reading 1 Thessalonians 3:12 - 4:2 St Paul urges his readers to make more and more progress in the kind of life that they are meant to live. Gospel Luke 21:25-28. 34-36 Jesus calls his disciples to stand erect and hold their heads high, because liberation is near at hand. "Stay awake, praying at all times for the strength to survive all that is going to happen." Illustration For most people in our society today, Advent is simply Christmas come early. It features fairy lights in the high street, Santa's grotto in the stores, office parties, pre-Christmas dinners, extravagant spending and general excess. It is most certainly not inhibited by the words of Jesus, "Watch yourselves, or your hearts will be coarsened with debauchery and drunkenness." On the contrary, it would appear to be the season par excellence of debauchery and drunkenness. This can mean, for many people, that by the time they actually get to Christmas itself they are fed up with the whole thing and just want it to be over and done with, and to get back to normal everyday living - and perhaps consider a bit of a detox. 551 | VESTNIK 2018 Gospel Teaching It may come as a shock, therefore, to hear the readings from the scriptures that the Church sees fit to proclaim during this season, especially at its beginning. They seem to have no connection with the mirth and jollity prevalent at this time in the world around us. There are horrific warnings of signs in the sun and moon and stars, of people dying of fear as they await what menaces the world. Whatever possesses the Church to begin Advent with such a chilling message? This is how the Christian faith works. We believe in a saviour who is risen, ascended, glorified; but first he had to be crucified. There can be no resurrection without the crucifixion, no Easter without Lent; and likewise there can be no Christmas without Advent. Jesus does not enlist disciples under false pretences; he teaches us that we cannot journey with him to the joys of heaven unless we first take up our cross and follow him to Calvary. And he warns us, on this first day of the Church's year, that days of agony and menace lie ahead. We cannot skip them and proceed directly to the sweetness of the nativity story, with its jolly shepherds, glittering angels and exotic kings. Application Some people may object that we have got along very well so far without nations in agony or people dying with fear as they await what menaces the world. Why bring up these subjects now? Was Christ perhaps mistaken in what he thought would befall the world? But if we look back through the course of human history, it consists of little else but nations in agony. The people for whom Luke wrote his Gospel - the Gospel that the Church will be read- ing throughout this new liturgical year - would have been very familiar with such things themselves. In their own time they knew how the Jewish people had rebelled against the Roman Empire, and how the Roman armies, with great ferocity, had defeated the rebels, occupied Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple. To some who lived through these events, it seemed as if the world was ending. Without going through the myriad wars and disasters of antiquity and the Middle Ages, we ourselves know of two very bloody world wars in times not distant from our own, and of other distressing conflicts, of ethnic cleansing and genocide, of the migration of refugees on an enormous scale, fleeing from unspeakable violence and oppression. Christ never said that if we followed him we would be spared these disasters. And even those of us who have not lived through the cruelty of war in person have suffered disasters on the more ordinary level of our everyday lives. We suffer sickness and pain, bereavement and grief, guilt and shame. Even if we have not seen the powers of heaven shaken, our own composure and way of life have often been shaken. Many of us have felt that our own world, if not the entire cosmos, was coming to an end. This, however, is not the end of the story. Christ predicts these disasters, but his message is still one of hope. "Stand erect, hold your heads high, because your liberation is near at hand," he tells his listening disciples, and the message is for us too. The crucifixion must come, but it is followed by resurrection and glory, for us as for Christ. Fortified by this hope, we may well stay awake, and stand with confidence before the Son of Man. VESTNIK 2018 | 552 Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKE VAJE_ drg^S^ Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so vsak Practice četrtek po večerni maši. Prav tako ima vaje tudi angleški zbor in sicer vsako sredo po večerni maši. Novi člani vedno dobrodošli. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 2. december: Triglav - Miklavževanje ♦ 7. december: Lipa Park - Tree DecorationExecutive Social ♦ 9. december: Sv. Gregorij Veliki - Sloven-ska šola -Miklavževanje, Mass 10:00 a.m. ♦ 9. december: Lipa Park - Miklavževanje-Santa & Luncheon ♦ 16. december: Bled - Christma Lunch, Miklavž-Santa Claus ♦ 16. december: Sava - Mass 12:00, Dinner & Miklavž-Santa Claus ♦ 16. december: Triglav - Mass 4:00 p.m. at St. John the Divine - Social after Mass ♦ 16. december: Slovenski park - Christmas Party with Santa Claus -2:00 p.m. ♦ 18. december: St. Joseph's Society - Members's Christmas Party ♦ 24. december: St. Gregory the Great - Christmas Eve Masses: 6:00 p.m. English, 10:00 pa.m. Slovenian ♦ Christmas Day Masses: St. Gregory the Great -9:30 a.m. Slovenian, 11:00 a.m. English ♦ 26. december: Lipa park - Mass 3:00 p.m. ♦ 31. december: New Year's Eve Celebrations GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 2. december 9:30 a.m.: Jože & Albina Antolin ♦ 9. december 10:00 a.m.: Slovenian School ♦ 16. december: 9:30 a.m.: Aranka & Danny PRVI PETEK_ Ta teden je tudi prvi petek v mesecu decembru. Obiskoval bom bolnike, zvečer pa bo priložnost za zakrament sprave- spoved, molitev pred Najsvetejšim in sveto mašo. CWL - KŽZ_ Our next monthly scheduled general CWL meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 after 7:00 p.m. Mass. All ladies are welcome! DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA OBVEŠČA_ Društvo Sv Jožefa/St. Joseph Society Annual Christmas Party will be held on Tuesday, December 18 at 7:30 p.m. All members are welcome to attend. Društvo Membership are now overdue for this year, 2018. You may call Tony Ferko at 905-578-0150 or Peter Novak 905-560-4201. Villa Slovenia Christmas Dinner will be held Friday, December 14 at 4:00 p.m. at the Villa. The St. Joseph Society invites all residents and one guest. CHRISTMAS EVE PAGEANT_ The Liturgical Committee invites all children in our parish community to come out and participate in our Christmas Eve Pageant- December 24th at 6:00pm. All singers and children with musical talent are welcome. Practices will begin on Saturday's in Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 553 | VESTNIK 2018 December. Please let us know if you are interested so we can arrange practice times. Please contact: Mary Miklavčič at 905-664-4927, e-mail or Sonya Podrebarac: ADVENT - DUHOVNA OBNOVA_ Danes je že prva nedelja v adventu. Pri maši bomo prižgali prvo svečko na adventnem venčku in se tako v pričakovanju pripravljali na Božič. Na božični praznik se bomo, kot že vrsto let, tudi letos pripravljali z božično devetdnevnico, ki jo bomo imeli med večerno sveto mašo. Zopet bomo prepevali: »Kralja, ki prihaja, pridite molimo!« Vabljeni, da se udeležite tega lepega in duhovno bogatega bogoslužja, saj vemo, da nam bo božični praznik pomenil toliko, kolikor se bomo naj tudi pripravili. Pred božičem bomo imeli duhovno obnovo. Priložnost za zakrament sprave - spoved boste imeli v sredo, 19. decembra in v četrtek 20. decembra. Spoved se bo začela ob 5:30 popoldne, ob 7:00 zvečer bo sveta maša in med mašo božična devetdnevnica. Za duhovno obnovo bo prišel iz Toronta g. Leopold Valant. Today we start with Advent season and lightning of the first candle on the Advent Wreath. Advent wreaths are circular, representing God's infinite love, and are made of evergreen leaves, which "represent the hope of eternal life brought by Jesus Christ." Within the Advent wreath are candles that represent the four weeks of the Advent season as well as "the light of God coming into the world through the birth of Jesus Christ" although each of the candles has its own significance as well. The candles symbolize the Christian concepts of HOPE (week one), PEACE (week two), JOY (week three) and LOVE (week four) in many traditions. Many Advent wreaths also have a WHITE candle in the centre known as the "Christ candle." It is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The Christ candle is coloured white because this is the traditional festal colour. Three of the candles are violet and one rose color. Violet is the traditional color of penitential seasons. Rose is the liturgical color for the Third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday from the Latin word meaning "to rejoice"—also from the first line of the traditional entrance prayer (called the Introit) for the Mass of the third Sunday of Advent. ROMANJE V MARMORO_ V soboto, 8. decembra 2018, bo zjutraj ob 8:00h maša za romarje v Marmoro, ob 9:00h dopoldne bo odhod avtobusa. Prijavite se lahko tako, da pokličete Catherine: 905-318-2242 ali Angelo 905930-7442. Cena: $40 na osebo. Več informacij imate na letaku v cerkvi. THE MASS AT WHICH WE REMEMBER AND PRAY FOR CHILDREN ..._ Who have died before or after birth will be offered on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. at the Cathedral Basilica. Parents who grieve their loss are invited to join us in prayer. As we prepare for Christmas, such a loss can seem unbearable. Prayer can be a healing balm . BOŽIČNA POŠTA_ V atriju si vzemite božično pošto. Nedeljske kuverte za leto 2019 in koledarje boste dobili v nedeljo,16. decembra. -t» SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNI K 2018 j 554 od 2. 12. 2018 do 9. 12. 2018 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 1. Adventna nedelja 2. December Natalija, mučenka Za žive in rajne župljane f Frančiška Napast f Stane Napast, obl. f Viktor Grobelnik f Marija Horvat 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Kathy in Martin Simončič Kathy in Martin Simončič Jožica Novak z družino Kathy in Joe Prša Ponedeljek - Monday 3. December ff Francka Karlin in družina 8:00 a.m. Jožica Novak z družino Torek - Tuesday 4. December Barbara, mučenka f Frančiška Napast f Stane Napast, obl. Po namenu (T&BM) Po namenu Po namenu za zdravje 7:00 p.m. Družina Pinter Družina Pinter N.N. Angela Kobe Ana Tadic Sreda - Wednesday 5. December Savo, opat f Amalija Klepec f Paula Pelcar f Frančiška Ferko f Štefan Ray 7:00 p.m. CWL - KZZ Demšar & Scarcelli Families Sonja Langenfus _Sidonia in Robert Poppa Četrtek - Thursday 6. December Nikolaj (Miklavž), škof f Marija Horvat f Alojzija Novak, obl. f Paula Pelcar f Štefan Ray 7:00 p.m. Pevski zbor Frank Novak z družino Toni in Marija Franc z druž. Toni in Marija Franc z druž. Prvi petek First Friday 7. December Ambrož, škof in učitelj tt Za verne duše v vicah f Ignac Korošec t Agata Farkaš ff Marija in Jože Zelko ff Franc in Paula Pelcar f Marija Kociper_ 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič Alojz in Agata Sarjaš Alojz in Agata Sarjaš Hči Bernarda Milosavljevič Berdarda Milosavljevič _Bernarda Milosavljevič Po namenu 8:00 a.m. Romarji za Marmoro Sobota f Apolonija Gjerek 5:30 p.m. Mary Hanc Saturday f Marija Horvat Rozina Horvat z družino 8. December f Gusti Žalik (Montreal) Družina Raduha Brezmadežno spočetje f Marija Horvat Olga Hanc z družino Device Marije f Štefan Ray Marija Korošec z družino ff Pokojni starši Marija Korošec z družino 2. Adventna nedelja 9. December Bernard, redovnik Za žive in rajne župljane f Paula Pelcar ff Jožef in Eufemija Tompa f Marija Horvat f Martin Glavač MIKLAVŽEVANJE v dvorani 10:00 a.m. Stan Pelcar & Josie Dube Family Alojz in Agata Sarjaš Marija Glavač z družino Žena Marija z družino 11:45 noon Slovenska šola 555 | VESTNIK 2018