UDK 621.715:621.74.047 ISSN 1580-2949 Izvirni znanstveni članek MTAEC9,38(5)257(2004) SOLUTION OF TEMPERATURE FIELD IN DC CAST ALUMINIUM ALLOY BILLET BY THE DIFFUSE APPROXIMATE METHOD IZRAČUN TEMPERATURNEGA POLJA POLKUNTINUIRNO ULIVANIH DROGOV ALUMINIJEVIH ZLITIN Z DIFUZIJSKO APROKSIMATIVNO METODO Robert Vertnik, Janez Perko, Božidar Šarler Politehnika Nova Gorica,Laboratorij za večfazne procese,Vipavska 13,5000 Nova Gorica,Slovenija robert.vertnikŽp-ng.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2004-06-28; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2004-10-05 The axisymmetric steady-state convective-diffuse thermal field problem associated with direct-chill,semi-continuously cast aluminum alloy has been formulated and solved using a meshless method called the diffuse approximate method. The solution is based on a formulation that incorporates a one-phase physical model. Realistic nonlinear boundary conditions and the temperature variations of all the material properties are included. The solution is verified by a comparison with results from the classical finite-volume method. The results for a 0.500 m diameter Al 4.5 percent Cu alloy under typical casting conditions and various casting velocities are presented. Keywords: Alloys,DC Casting,Convective-diffuse problems,Diffuse approximate method,Moving least squares,Solid-liquid phase change Predstavljen je primer formulacije in izračuna osnosimetričnega konvekcijsko-difuzijskega toplotnega polja v stacionarnem stanju polkontinuirnega procesa ulivanja aluminijevih zlitin z uporabo difuzijsko aproksimativne metode. Privzet je rešitveni postopek na podlagi formulacije,ki upošteva enofazni fizikalni model z realističnimi robnimi pogoji in temperaturno odvisnimi lasnostmi zlitine. Rezultati so primerjani z metodo kontrolnih prostornin za drog iz zlitine aluminija in 4,5 % volumenskega deleža bakra ter premera 0.500 m pri tipičnih parametrih ulivanja in različnih hitrosti ulivanja. Opravljena je občutljivostna študija temperaturnega polja glede na hitrost ulivanja. Ključne besede: zlitine,kontinuirno ulivanje,konvekcijsko-difuzijski problemi,difuzivna aproksimativna metoda,metoda premikajočih se najmanših kvadratov,trdno-kapljeviti fazni prehod 1 INTRODUCTION Direct-chill (DC) casting is currently the most common 1 semi-continuous casting practise in the production of aluminum alloys. The process for manufacturing extrusion billets involves molten metal being fed through a bottomless water-cooled mold,where it is sufficiently solidified around the outer surface so that it takes the shape of the round mold and acquires sufficient mechanical strength to contain the molten core at the center. As the strand emerges from the mold,water impinges directly from the mold onto the surface (direct-chill),falls over the cast surface and completes the solidification. The related transport,solid mechanics, and phase-change kinetics phenomena have been extensively studied 2 and many different numerical methods have been used in the past to solve the transport phenomena in casting. The proper prediction of the temperature,velocity,species,and phase fields in the product is one of the prerequisites for automation of the process and related optimization with respect to its quality and productivity. The finite-volume method (FVM) represents one of the most widely used techniques 3 for solving the discussed problem. Even when using this classical numerical method in the involved coupled transport phenomena context,i.e.,the prediction of macro-segregation,several not-sufficiently-understood iteration scheme issues 4 surprisingly appear. Several mesh-reduction techniques, such as the boundary-element method (BEM),have been used in the past to solve the problem of heat transfer in the respective DC casting model. The use of the classical BEM in the two-domain context of solidification has been developed in 5. The use of the dual-reciprocity boundary-element method (DRBEM) in the framework of the one-domain context has been developed in 6. The use of the radial basis function collocation method (RBFCM) in the present context has been pioneered in7. In this paper the posed industrial problem is solved with the diffuse approximate method (DAM),introduced by Nayroles et al. in 8. The DAM was shown to be very efficient for solving nonlinear convective-diffusive transport problems 910 in 2D and in 3D 11. The application of DAM is here upgraded to nonlinear material properties and realistic boundary conditions. The present research has been driven by the need for a straightforward numerical resolution refinement in areas with high gradients and difficulties in the application of the FVM in macro-segregation problems. MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 38 (2004) 5 257 R. VERTNIK ET AL.: SOLUTION OF TEMPERATURE FIELD IN DC CAST ALUMINUM ALLOY BILLET 2 GOVERNING EQUATIONS The heat transfer in DC casting can be reasonably represented in the framework of the one-phase continuum formulation 10 that assumes local thermodynamic equilibrium between the phases. This formulation can,in the solidification context,involve quite complicated constitutive relations. However,because of the paper limitations,these have to be introduced here in its most simplified form in order to point out the computational methodology instead of the physics. Consider a connected fixed domain Q with boundary T occupied by a phase-change material described with the temperature-dependent density pp of the phase p,temperature-dependent specific heat at constant pressure cp,effective thermal conductivity k,and the specific latent heat of the solid-liquid phase change hm. The one-phase continuum formulation of the enthalpy conservation for the posed system is d_ dt (ph) + V-(pvh) V-(kVT) + V-(pvh-fS VpSvShS-f VpLvLhL) (1) with mixture density ?,mixture velocity v and mixture enthalpy h defined as P = fsPs+flPl Pv = f S VpSvS+fL VpLvL h = fShS+fLVhL (2) (3) (4) with subscripts S and L standing for the solid and liquid phases and f for the volume fraction,respectively. The constitutive mixture-temperature–mixture-enthalpy relationships are hS = jcSdT T hL =hS(T)+ j(cL-cS)dT + hm (5) (6) with c, Tref and TS standing for the specific heat,the reference temperature and the solidus temperature, respectively. The thermal conductivity and the specific heat of the phases can,in general,depend on the temperature. The liquid volume fraction fLV is assumed to vary from 0 to 1 between the solidus temperature TS and the liquidus temperature TL. We search for the mixture temperature at time t0+At by assuming known temperature and velocity fields at time t0,and the boundary conditions. 3 SOLUTION PROCEDURE The solution to the problem is demonstrated on the general transport equation defined on the fixed domain Q with the boundary T,standing for a reasonably broad spectra of mass-,energy-,momentum- and species-transfer problems (and also includes equation (1) as a special case). dt ŠpC(0)] + V ŠpvC(0)] = -V (-DV0) + S (7) with p, 0, t, v, D and S standing for density,transport variable,time,velocity,diffusion matrix and source, respectively. The scalar function C stands for possible, more involved,constitutive relations between the conserved and the diffused quantities. The solution of the governing equation for the transport variable at the final time t0+At is sought,where t0 represents the initial time and At the positive time increment. The solution is constructed with the initial and boundary conditions that follow. The initial value of the transport variable 0(p,t) at the point with position vector p and time t0 = 0 is defined through the known function ®0. 0(p,0) = 00(p);peQ+r (8) The boundary F is divided into not-necessarily-connected parts r=rDuTNurR with Dirichlet-, Neumann- and Robin-type boundary conditions, respectively. These boundary conditions are at the boundary point p with the normal nr defined through the known functions ®Č &r ,&R,&R 0 ;perD dn 0 ČrN;perN dn 0 = &? (0-0R );perR (9) (10) (11) The involved parameters of the governing equation and the boundary conditions are assumed to depend on the transport variable,space and time. The solution procedure in this paper is based on the combined explicit-implicit scheme. The discretisation in time can be written as dt1 J At pC+pd C (0-0)-poC0 d0 At (12) by using the two-level time discretisation and the Taylor expansion of the function C(?). The known quantities are denoted with an overbar. The source term can be expanded as S(0) «S + — (0-0) d0K ' (13) The unknown ? can be calculated from the equation d r 258 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 38 (2004) 5 R. VERTNIK ET AL.: SOLUTION OF TEMPERATURE FIELD IN DC CAST ALUMINUM ALLOY BILLET ft PČPdC7f w d S- ČC0 --ÜC + Č1 —

0 ) - V- (p„v0C0 ) + S - —® At At At dŽ d

n at point pn is approximated by the moving least-squares method, which uses the values of n (pi - pn Wk(pi č pn ) i=1 I i=1 I ri ri (21) I (15) +lYR R fiČ(pi-pn)+3-Č(pi-pn)k(pi-pn) pn)i Črrefifk(pi -pn)+Č—Vk(pi- pn nbj =IYaiiPj(pi-pn)(»n(pi-pn),I>i i=1 I +JjYDTČj(pi-pn)mn(pi-pn) D i (22) i = 1 I + IN -Č-Vj(pi -p>n(pi -pn)*i I dn ČYn(«tR i)KefiVj(pi-pn) +