ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME VII No. 19 - 11 July 1954 Published by the A. M.G. F.T.T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces, Free Territory of Trieste. La Editorial« Librarla S. p. A., Trlaste 1954 A.M. G. OFFICIAL GAZETTE PUBLICATION : on 1st, 11th and 21st of each month. (In the month of January it is published only on 11th and 21st, whereas in the month of December it is published also on 31st). Edition „bis“ (Civil Insertions) on 1st and 15th of each month. PRICE : one copy, 60 Lire. SALE: Office of the Zone President, „Economato“, „Profettura“ Palace, 2nd floor, room 60, daily from 10.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs. SUBSCRIPTIONS : only half-yearly ; subscriptions are accepted at the Directorate of Legal Affairs, Public Works Building, Via del Teatro Romano N° 17, room N° 10 groundfloor. a) for the three bound versions of the Gazette............. 3.240.— Lire b) for one version only, either English, Italian or Slovene.. 1.080.— Lire c) for one copy of „bis“ issues (civil insertions) either in Italian or in Slovene ................................... 720.-— Lire Payment through postal order or bank-check to the name of „Gazzetta G.M.A., Prefettura di Trieste“. INSERTIONS: must be drawn up on 200 Lire stamp-paper or on stamp-like paper for those which, pursuant to law provisions, enjoy the privilege of exemption from stamp-duty. Price of insertions : 7 Lire for each word or figure excluding punctuation. Payment through bank-check to the name of „Gazzetta G.M.A., Prefettura di Trieste“. Presentation of insertions : Directorate of Legal Affairs, A.M.G., Public Works Building, Via del Teatro Romano N° 17, groundfloor, room N° 10 ; Tel. 83-33, 78-88, ext. 76, daily from 09.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs and from 15.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs, excluding Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. NOTE : Insertions must be presented five days and notices for the convening of Meetings three working days prior to the date of publication of the Gazette. Complaints or researches concerning insertions must always refer to the number of the insertion concerned which corresponds to that of the receipt issued. GAZETTE OFFICE : A.M.G. Headquarters, Room N° 196. Telephone : 29701, 29794 ext. 110 ; daily from 09.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs and from 15.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs, excluding Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. CORRESPONDENCE: Directorate of Legal Affairs. Gazette Office, A.M.G., Trieste. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 65 EXTENSION OF AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTS — AMENDMENT TO ORDER N. 167/1952 WHEREAS it is considered necessary to amend Order No. 167, dated 25 September 1952, concerning the extension of agricultural contracts, as further extended by Order No. 131 dated 23 November 1953, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KOMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I After Article II of Order No. 167, dated 25 September 1952, there shall be inserted the following : „ARTICLE II-A „The execution of orders of eviction („sentenze di sfratto“) relating to a given agricultural year shall remain suspended until the end of the subsequent agricultural year.“ ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and shall be operative as from 1 October 1952. Dated at TRIESTE, this 2nd day of July 1954. F. C. LOUGH Lt. Colonel JAGC Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Ref.: LD/Af54163 Zone Commander MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY FORWARDING AND SHIPPING AGENCIES NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947 has issued in respect of personnel employed by forwarding and shipping agencies not members of category associations or not subject to collective contracts, the following Award: L O D 0 ARTICOLO 1 L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’Avviso No. 28 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 11 maggio 1953, si intende prorogata sino al 31 gennaio 1955, con le modificazioni indicate in appresso. ARTICOLO 2 A partire dall’ 1 giugno 1951, il trattamento economico salariale del personale con qualifica non impiegatizia, rimane definito dalla tabella che segue : CATEGORIA A Categorie Ore 8 Ore 9 Ore 10 Conducenti di motobarche............................ -— Conducenti natanti azionati a propulsione meccanica — Gruisti ............................................... 605.—- Trattoristi ............................................... — Autisti conducenti autotreni o autoveicoli di portata superiore ai 35 .............................. -— 741,— 741,— 667.— — 649,— 721,— CATEGORIA B Altri autisti esclusi quelli indicati alle categ. A) e C) .. -—• 620.— 630.— Capisquadra........................................... 610.— — — Magazzinieri con mansioni non impiegatizie............ 610.— — — Pesatori, falegnami, bottai, muratori, elettricisti .... 610.— — — CATEGORIA C Autisti di autocarri elettrici ................ Motocarristi .................................. Conducenti carrelli elettrici ................. Stivatori, imballatori, spuntatori ............ Cocchieri ..................................... Chiattaioli, barcaioli ........................ Fattorini addetti alla presa e consegna ....... Guardiani notturni, pompieri, uscieri, portinai Cassai, controllori e campionisti.............. — 517,— — 517,— — 517.— 511,— — 517,— 517.— 517.— CATEGORIA D Facchini, braccianti.................. Fattorini di magazzino, fattorini d’ufficio Guardiani diurni ..................... Stallieri ............................ Uomo di garage ....................... Manovali ............................. Fattorini addetti trasporti postali .. CATEGORIA E Personale custodia alla porta......... Ore 8 Ore 9 Ore 10 470.— — — — 475.— — — — 495.— — — 495,— — 475.— — ' 470.— — — 475.— 490.— ARTICOLO 3 I minimi salariali previsti nell’articolo precedente s’intendono riferiti al personale di età superiore ai 20 anni. I lavoratori di età inferiore ai 20 anni avranno un salario ridotto come segue : Lavoratori tra il 17.o e il 20.o anno di età................... riduzione del 10% Lavoratori sotto i 17 anni di età.............................. „ „ 30 % Per quanto concerne il personale femminile, il salario previsto subirà una riduzione del 10%, semprechè la relativa mansione a parità di condizioni e di rendimento non sia tradizionalmente svolta da personale maschile. ARTICOLO 4 A partire dalla stessa data prevista all’articolo 2, al personale normalmente incaricato della riscossione con responsabilità, di bollette, fatture, note eco. di importo complessivo superiore a Lire 3.000 giornaliere, sarà corrisposta una speciale indennità della misura del 3% calcolata sulla retribuzione globale. Qualora l’azienda richieda cauzione a garanzia, questa non potrà superare le lire 1.000 e i relativi interessi andranno a beneficio del lavoratore. ARTICOLO 5 Sarà considerata legittima una richiesta di revisione di data anteriore a quella prevista all’articolo 1, solamente nel caso di modificazioni del trattamento economico concernente il personale disciplinato dal relativo contratto di categoria. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto, Trieste 29 maggio 1954: II Presidente : Nicolò Pase I Componenti: Riccardo Gropaiz, Francesco Ventura, Renato Corsi, Giuseppe Muslin I Consulenti tecnici : Giovanni Poli, Ruggero Tironi Ratificato 11 giugno 1954: Avv. Walter Levitus, ff. Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 6th day of July 1954. Bef.: LD/C/54I29 Avv. W. LEVITUS Acting Chief, Department of Labour MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL IN THE EMPLOY OF FIRMS RUNNING PETROL DISTRIBUTION SERVICES FOR MOTOR-CARS AND MOTORCYCLES NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947 has issued in respect of personnel in the employ of firms running petrol distribution services for motor-cars and motorcycles, not members of category associations or not subject to collective contracts, the following Award : LODO ARTICOLO 1 L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’Avviso No. 47 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 1 agosto 1953, si intende prorogata sino al 30 aprile 1955, con le modificazioni in appresso indicate. ARTICOLO 2 A partire dall’ 1 giugno 1954, la misura dell’ indennità di contingenza, per i lavoratori cui si riferisce il presente lodo, rimane definita dalla tabella che segue : Personale addetto alle stazioni di servizio Capo operaio...........*............................ L. 90.30 orarie Addetto al servizio lavatura e ingrassatura ........ L. 88.45 „ Addetto alla vendita sul piazzale .................. L. 4.200 settimanali Personale addetto alle stazioni di rifornimento e ai chioschi Addetto alla vendita sul piazzale .............. L. 4.200 settimanali ARTICOLO 3 Sarà considerata legittima una richiesta di revisione di data anteriore a quella prevista all’art. 1, solamente nel caso di modificazioni del trattamento economico concernente analoghe categorie di lavoratori. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto, Trieste 28 maggio 1954: Il Presidente : Ruggero Tironi I Componenti : Egone de Baseggio, Giovanni Poli, Renato Corsi, Guido Borzaghini I Consulenti tecnici : Giovanni d’ Elia, Egidio Furlan Ratificato 11 giugno 1954: Walter Levitus, ff. Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 6th day of July 1954. Avv. W. LEVITUS Ref. : LDfCf54l30 Acting Chief, Department of Labour MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947 has issued in respect of personnel employed by private educational institutes, not members of category associations or not subject to collective contracts, the following Award : LODO ARTICOLO 1 L’ efficacia del lodo pubblicato con 1’ Avviso No. 46 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 1° agosto 1953, si intende prorogata sino al 30 aprile 1955, con la modificazione indicata nell’articolo che segue : ARTICOLO 2 A partire dall’ 1 giugno 1954, la tabella dell’ indennità di contingenza prevista nello articolo 3 del lodo citato in premessa, si intende sostituita dalla seguente. Personale amministrativo giorn. Impiegati d’ordine ........................ Uomini L. 685.— Donne L. 592.— Personale non impiegatizio Bidelli e custodi......................... Uomini L. 577.— Donne di pulizia .......................... Donne L. 558.— ARTICOLO 3 Sarà considerata legittima una richiesta di revisione del presente lodo, in data anteriore a quella prevista all’articolo 1, solamente nel caso di modificazioni del trattamento economico concernente analoga categoria di lavoratori. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto, Trieste 31 maggio 1954: Il Presidente : Egidio Furlan I Componenti : Adriano Vouch, Raoul Pacco, Renato Corsi, Guido Borzagliini I Consulenti tecnici : Nicolò Pase, Giovanni Poli Ratificato 11 giugno 1954: Walter Levitus, ff. Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 6th day of July 1954. Aw. W. LEVITUS Ref. : LDIC/54131 Acting Chief, Department of Labour mensile L. 17.810,— L. 15.302,— L. 15.002.— L. 14.508,— COMPETITION FOR THE COMPILATION OF TEXT-BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS WITH SLOVENE TEACHING LANGUAGE Notice is hereby given that the Office of Education, Allied Military Government, on 10 June 1954 has announced a compétition for the compilation of the following text-books for the schools with Slovene teaching language of the Zone : a) TEXT-BOOKS for ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Primer for 1st Class Reading Book for 2nd Class Reading Book for 5th Class Arithmetic for 4th Class b) TEXT-BOOKS for SECONDARY SCHOOLS Grammar and Exercises in the Italian Language -— II part — for Intermediate Schools and Professional Tuition Schools and Courses Physics — II part — for Second Grade Intermediate Institutes Geography — II part — for Intermediate Schools and Professional Tuition Schools and Courses History of Philosophy for Second Grade Intermediate Institutes Hygiene for Professional Tuition Schools and Courses Slovene Grammar for Intermediate Schools Exercises in the English language — I part — for Intermediate Schools Competitors shall submit two typed copies of the text-books compiled by them to the Office of Education, Allied Military Government, Via del Pesce 4, by 12.00 hrs. on 30 September 1954. The announcement of this competition may be seen by all persons concerned at the Office of Education, at the Office of the School Superintendent or at the Directions and Secretariates of the Schools concerned. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8th day of July 1954 Ref. : LD/G/54/32 Notice No. 38 ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO „ISTITUTO NAZIONALE PER L’ASSICURAZIONE CONTRO LE MALATTIE“ 1. — Notice is hereby given that, by measure dated 8 June 1954, the Chief, Department of Social Assistance, Allied Military Government, pursuant to Articles I, II and III of Order No. 156, dated 30 December 1953, has appointed an Advisory Committee to „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le Malattie“. GIUSEPPE FADDA Chief, Office of Education 2. — The following persons shall be members of the Advisory Committee to „I.N.A.M.“ a) representing the workers: Mr. Carlo BERNARD Mr. Carlo CERNOVITZ Mr. Gianni GIURICIN Mr. Ernesto RADICH Mr. Amleto STARACE Mr. Salvatore BOTTE GHELLI Mr. Aleeo LUCCHESI 'Mr. Mario GALLOPIN Mr. Giuseppe MUSL1N Sector of Industry Sector of Commerce — Sector of Credit and Insurance — Sector of Agriculture b) representing the employers: Dr. Eng. Carlo BELTRAME Dr. Domenico ROCCO Mr. Vittorio SUBAN Mr. Giuseppe DEI ROSSI Avv. Livio ZAY Dr. Eng. Oscar BRUNNER j Sector of Industry — Sector of Commerce — Sector of Credit and Insurance —- Sector of Agriculture c) representing the Order of Physicians: Prof. Guido MANNI d) 1) The Chief, Labour Inspectorate 2) The Provincial Physician 3) The Director of the local Office of „I.N.A.M.“ acting as Secretary. Dated at TRIESTE, this 9th day of July 1954. Ref.: LDICI5ÌI28 Prof. CARLO SCHIFFRER Chief, Department of Social Assistance CONTENTS Order Page No. 65 Extension of agricultural contracts — Amendment to Order No. 167/1952 205 Notice No. 34 Minimum wages for personnel employed by forwarding and shipping agencies 206 No. 35 Minimum wages for personnel in the employ of firms running petrol distribution services for motor-cars and motorcycles ................................ 208 No. 36 Minimum wages for personnel employed by private educational institutes 209 No. 37 Competition for the compilation of text-books for schools with Slovene teaching language ................................................................ 210 No. 38 Advisory Committee to „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le Malattie“ ..............................................;................... 210