blued dally aseept Sat«rdajs» Sunday* and Holidays PROSVETA k GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uradniški ln uprsvniOkl prostori MOT South Lawndale Ave Office of Publloauan 1687 South Lawndale Am Telephone. Rockwall «004 .year xxxvra Cona lista jo $&00 entered m second-cIms matter January 18. lktu at the Duel-off u-« at ChlrMO. Illinois, under «*,. Act of C^Z Si SlrSTVUS? CHICAGO 23. ILL.. SREDA. U. DECEMBRA (DEC. 11). 1946 Subscription $0.00 Yearly ŠTEV.—NUMBER 240 _ Acf*PUnt* for at atHHial rate oi po»tag> orovidini »o, iq »hMum 1103. Act of Oct 0. 101T, authorised nn June 4, 1818, rihodnja konferenca zunanjih inistrov štirih velesil v Moskvi Pričela se bo 10. marca. Diskuzije o mirovnih pogodbah za Nemčijo in Avstrijo. Resolucija o odpoklicu čet in razorožitvi sestavljena Ntw York. 10. dec.—Predlog I ruskega zunanjega ministra Mo-llotova, da se prihodnja konfe-Irenca zunanjih ministrov štirih I velesil prične v Moskvi 10. mar-L je bil sprejet. Molotov je Kgotovil ameriškega državnega ftajnika Byrnesa, da bodo imeli (iasnikarji isto svobodo v poro-lknju o zaključkih in odloči-Itvah kot so jo imeli v Parizu in [New Yorku. Byrnes je zahte-1 val tako zagotovilo, ko se je I vršila debata o predlogu. Ameriški državni tajnik je I predlagal tudi osvojitev agende za moskovsko konferenco, pre-jden bodo zunanji ministri zaključili razgovore in diskuzije o j mirovnih pogodbah za Nemčijo I in Avstrijo v New Yorku. Su-eriral je imenovanje deputijev, j naj bi se posvetovali z repre-lientanti evropskih in drugih dr-iav o usodi Nemčije in Avstri-Ije. Molotov, ki je predsedoval I včerajšnji seji, je dejal, da bo I sugestijo upošteval. Byrnes in Molotov sta imela I privatni razgovor pred sejo zu-Inanjih ministrov. Govorila sta o zadevah in problemih, ki so hred skupščino Združenih naro-ldov. Zunanji ministri se bodo danes dopoldne spet sestali na Naznanilo pravi, da bodo PTavljali o nekaterih detaj-mirovnih pogodb za Italijo, imunijo, Bolgarijo, Ogrsko in [Finsko in drufih vprašanjih. Popoldne se bo Molotov udeležil |*je skupščine Združenih narodov. Mnenje prevladuje, da bodo mirovne pogodbe za Italijo in ] balkanske države podpisane v | januarju prihodnjega leta. Posebni odbor skupščine [Združenih narodov je sestavil resolucijo o odpoklicu čet, razo-pžitvi in regulaciji oboroženih 1*1. Sestava resolucije ie zrna-P za Francijo, Egipt in Indijo. [Resolucija vsebuje provizije glede odpoklica čet iz tujih držav, ■jjttovitve policijske sile Zdru-[fcnih narodov zs zaščito miru in druge določbe. Skoro vse provizije so bile odobrene.' Warren R. Austin, načelnik ameriške delegacije, je predlagal obnovo debate o vprašanju stalnega stana organizacije 1 Združenih narodov. Štiri mesta bodo prišla v poštev—New York, Philadelphia, Boston in San Francisco. Britski delegat Kenneth Younger je dejal, da se ne strinja z delom posebnega odbora v zvezi z iskanjem glavnega stana organizacije Združenih narodov. Ruski delegat F. Saskin je predlagal odložitev akcije. Mfofor Franco foti intervenciji Demonstracije proti Združenim narodom H»drid, Španija, 10. dec.—Dik-"°r Fr.incisco Frararo je izja-Pr*d množico več tisoč de-istrantov, da organizacija *enih narodov nima pravi-Jnešavanja v notranje zade-Spanije. Vmešavanje je kr-neodvisnosti* in suvereni-dežele. » J« govoril ns balkonu palače po triurnih de-'Miacijth v osrčju Madrida, [^'•""/irane so bile v znak pro-proti zunanji intervenciji. K.,r , dogaja na sejah skup-L" ^iruženih narodov, nas ' ne presenečs," je dejal ljvr°P" je zajel val komunis-I '"'K* terorja. Komunizem do-r,nira dvanajst evropskih dr-j N ki so bile prej neodvisne. I M '"Ijiibnost španskega ljud-bila zadostno izpričana »nteresi niso v konfliktu z l drugih držav. Zmsgo, f ' u> hfno izvojevali v civilni 'Jf bomo branih.** i besedilom "Proč z ^iz-acijo Združenih nsro-u* bili na več poslopjih. ^ "natracij« niso povzročile r^negt incidenta Opozicija je l-asivna. Razdeljeni so bili ' s pod vi na delavce, naj • r* u delete demonstracij Murray za ustanovitev enotne fronte Svarilo pred sovražniki delavskega gibanja Washington. D. C.. 10. dec.— Philip Murray, predsednik Kongresa industrijski organizacij, je pozval Ameriško delavsko federacijo in železniške .bratovščine, naj se pridružijo CIO in ustanove enotno fronto proti sovražnikom delavskega gibanja v Ameriki. Naglasil je, da skušajo sovražniki razveljaviti vse delavske zakone, ki so bili sprejeti v kongresu v zadnjih letih. Murray je predlagal sklicanje konferenc, na katero naj bi unije CIO, ADF in železniške bratovščine poslale svoje reprezen-tante. Na tej naj bi bil osvojen program skupnega odpora proti silam, ki hočejo unic.ti delavsko gibanje v Ameriki. Murray ie poslal povabila Wil-liamu Greenu, predsedniku A. D. F., Thomasu C. Cashenu, načelniku eksekutivnega odbora železniških bratovščin, in A. F. Whitneyju, predsedniku bratovščine železniških spremnikov. Slednji je odgovoril Murrayju. Pozdravil je predlog glede sklicanja konference in naglasil, da je potrebna. Cashen je dejal, da je za sestanek z Murrayjem in Greenom in razprave o vseh problemih, ki se tičeio organiziranih delavcev in sDlošne ekonomske situacije. Prei ie bilo naznanjeno, da je Now York Car Wheel Co. vložila tožbo proti jeklarski uniji CIO in njenim uradnikom v Buffalu za odškodnino v vsoti $750.000 Domače vesti Išče sorodnika Cleveland. — Jožefa Kočevar, pošta Dvor pn Žužemberku, Slovenija, želi izvedeti zu svojega strica Louisa Kočevarja, doma od istotam, ki je svoječasno živel v 3fidgeportu, O. Piše naj nji ali pa na naslov: Josephine Rodina, 670 E. 113 st., Cleveland 8, O. Nov grob na sapadu Tacoma, Wash.—Dne 1. nov. je umrla Edith M. Medak, stara 43 let in članica društva 403 SNPJ 23 let. Tukaj zapušča moža Thomasa, dva sinova, dve hčeri, mater, dve sestri in brata, vsi v Tacomi. Društvo jim izreka sožalje. Is Clevolanda Cleveland.—V državni bolnišnici v Cambndgu, O., je umrl James Ižanec, star 55 let, doma iz Velikega polja pri Temenici, Dolenjsko in prej živeč v Euclidu. V Ameriki je bil 33 let, član SMZ in Slovenske zadružne zve ze v Collinwoodu. Tukaj zapušča dva brata, Louisa in Johna, v starem kraju pa sestro.—Iz bolnišnice se je vrnil Jakob Požar. Zdaj se zdravi doma za o-peklinami, katere je dobil pri požaru v poslopju, kjer ima sto novanje. Šesta kitajska armada v Mandžuriji Nanking, Kitajska, 10. dec.— Šesta kitajska armada je kon centrirana v Mandžuriji v bliži ni meje Sovjetske unije. Arma da drži 40 milj dolgo linijo med Anšanom in polotokom Lioatun-gom. Šesto kitajsko armado je organiziral, izvežbal in opremil ameriški general John T. Stil well, ki je nedavno umrl v San Franciscu. Obravnava proti nemškim zdravnikom Nuernberg, Nemčija, 10. dec. Pred ameriškim sodiščem se je začela obravnava proti 23 nemškim zdravnikom, ki so delali eksperimente na jetnikih v koncentracijskih taboriščih. Obtoženi so umorov več jetnikov. Prosekutor Telford Taylor je zahteval smrtno kazen za obtožence. Kompunija pravi, du je utrpelu to škodo zaradi šesttedenske stavke, katero je oklicala jeklarska unija. senatorji podprli kampanjo za svetovno razorožitev WASHINGTON, D. C., 10. dec. —Štirje senatorji so se pridružili giupi delavskih voditeljev in drugim organizacijam, ki vodijo kampanjo za splošno razorožitev. Podpisali so izjavo z apelom na reprezenUnte Amerike. Rusije in Velike Britanije, naj izpolnijo dane obljube o razoro lit vi. Senatorji so Thcmas. Tydings, Kilgore in Taylor. Poslali so tudi pismo predsedniku Truma nu s pozivom, naj prevzame vodstvo v prizadevanjih za splošno razorožitev. Citirali so iz jsve ruskegs premierjs Stslms brtskegs pr*mierja Attleejs. dr žsvnegs tajnka Byrnesa in ge-nersls Eiaenl owerjs o potrebi splošne rszoro.ltve. "Orgsnizaojs Združenih nsro dov i ms veliko priliko za izpol nitev pričakovanj,'' so izjsvili senator ji. "Ako bodo reprezenten ti držav v okviru Združenih na rodov demonstrirsli dobro voljo, bodo vse potežkoče premagane. Zgradili bodo lahko podlago trajnemu »n varnosti. Prv: korak v tej »men mota biti ipo-razum o metodah glede rploš.ie razorožitve. Voditelji treh vele sil naj se »ziečejo za ustanovitev mednarodni kontrolne komisije, ki na; bi ščitila Ki mpanjo za splošno razoro ž tev so pcdpili 1'h/l.p Murray. predaeJn.k Kongresa industrijskih orjjsn zanj, W'lliam Green, predsedn k Ameriške delavske federac je; Kari Comptom. znan-at vetu k in predsednik tehnološkega tu te v Bostonu, Wi) I am A H ginbotham, predsednik Zveze atomskih znanstveni kov. William D, Lewis, direktor Ameriškega pravnega instituts; Jarrei O. Patton. predsednik Zveze farmarjev, in več drugih prominentmh Američanov. Unija naznanila sklenitev pogodbe Provizija s garancijo letne plače Chicago. 10. dec.—Unija klav-niških delavcev, včlanjena v Kongresu industrijskih organizacij, je naznanila sklenitev pogodbe s Cudahy Packing Co. in Tobin Packing Co. Pogodba s slednjo kompanijo vsebuje tudi provizijo z garancijo dela 52 tednov v letu in letne plače. Predsednik unije klavniških delavcev je Ralph Hulstein. On je naznanil, da se je Cudahy Packing Co. obvezala, da bo študirala vprašanje glede garancije letne plače, "ker se zaveda važnosti stabilne uposlitve." V klavnicah te kompanije v Chi-cagu m drugih mestih je uposle-nih čez 11,000 delavcev. Unija je izvojevula zvišanje plače s sklenitvijo pogodbe. Povprečno zvišanje znaša 15 centov na uro. Klavniška unija CIO imu o-krog 200,000 članov. Zdaj se pogaja glede sklenitve pogodbe z drugimi kompanijami. Te so Swift, Armour in Wi|son. Unija mesarskih deluvcev, Včlanjena v Ameriški delavski fideraciji, je zadnji teden sklenild pogodbo s Swift Packing Co. Edaj se po gaja z Armour Peeking Co. Stimsonovšdeklara• cija o komunizmu Tajni razgovor z italijanskim v ministrom Washington, D. Cm 10. dee.— Henry L. Stimson, bivši ameriški državni tajnik, je imel tajni razgovor z Grandijem, zunanjim ministrom v fdšistlčrri vladi diktatorja Mussolinija, 1. 1031 v Rimu. To dejstvo je bilo pravkar razkrito. Stimson je takrat povedal italijanskemu ministru, da je Ame. riška delavska federacija glavna oviru razmahu komunizma v A-meriki, "ker hoče biti vsak ameriški delavec kapitalist." Ameriki takrat še ni imela Kongresa industrijskih organizacij. Stimson je takrat tudi jasno povedal J. P. Morgan & Co., kaj misli o njeni odklonitvi posojila Nemčiji v času, ko se je Amerika trudila v prizadevanjih za stabilizacijo nemške finančne stiuktuie, da prepreči polom. t/ Mnenje bivšega ameriškega džravnega tajnika je izraženo v posebni knjigi, ki opisuje ameriško'zunanjo politiko leta 1031. Knjiga omenja poskuse ameriško vlade za odvrnitev finančnega poloma v K v ropi in priprave /a iszoi ožil veno konferenco v U ne vi. Švica, I. 1032, poleg tega pa rezkiiva tajno diplomatlčno korespondenco in privatne razgo-vose z reprezentanti vlad zunanjih držav. Motganova epizoda ae je dogodila v Parizu, kjer je Stimson skušal pr.doblti Francijo za pro. fcram posojila Nemčiji, fltimaon je b<.l razkačen, ko mu je repre-zentant Morganove finančne firme pojasnil razlog«*, zakaj je J proti posojilu Nemčiji. Izrazil j je bo lažen, da bi Francija boj. Ikotira'a rasoi ožit veno konferen Ico. če bi firma dala poeojilo Nem (čijl. Omejitev aktivnosti mednarodnih kartelov I»ndon, 10 dec.-Bntski trgo vinski veščski so ns svoji knt\' ferenc naglašali potrebo omejitve aktivnosti mednsrodnih kartelov Bprejet je bil predlog ds Vel.ks Britanija apelira na Ameriko ze sodelovanj* v tem diskuzue 0 prelomu odnoša-jev s španijo Predlog glede odpoklica potlanikov *prejet KRITIKA FRANCO-VEGA REŽIMA Lake Succooo. N. Y., 10. dec.— Člani političnegu in zaščitnega odbora Združenih narodov so z veliko večino sprejeli predlog, du države y okviru Združenih narodov odpokličejo poslanike iz Mudrida. Drugi predlog, da države pretrgajo diplomatlčno odnošaje z režimom špunskega diktatorja Francu, je bil poražen z neznatno večino. Odbor tvorijo reprezentunti 54 držav. Predlog glede odpoklica poslanikov je bil sprejet s 27 proti sedmim glasovom. Reprezentanti 16 držav so se vzdržali glasovanja, med temi senator Connally, reprezentant Amerike. Ruzprave o prelomu s fašistično Španijo se bodo vršile na seji skupščine Združenih narodov. Prelom bo sledil, ako bo zadevni predlog sprejet z dvotretjinsko večino. Člani odboru so soglusno odobrili uvod resolucije, ki nagla-Ša, da je Francov režim fašističen, da je podpiral sovražne sile v teku vojne in du je Franco skoval zaroto s Hitlerjem in Musso-linijem, Režim je prišel na krmilo s pomočjo osiščnih sil in je bil vsiljen španskemu ljudstvu. Nudil je materialno pomoč Nemčiji ln 4taliji v vojnem času. Resolucija priporoča izjofttov reprezentacije FrOncovefO režima iz vsake mednarodne agen cije Združenih narodov, Reprezentanti Rusije in drugih slovanskih narodov so se izrekli so popoln prelom diploma-tičnih in ekonomskih odnošujev s fašistično Španijo. Dobili so oporo pri reprezentuntih nekute-rih ameriških republik, Ameriški predlog, naj organizacija Združenih narodov izvaja pritisk na Franca z namenom, da se odpove oblasti kot diktator in izreče v prilog ustanovitvi začusne demokrutične vlude v špunijl, je bil poražen. Francoski predlog, naj države v okviru Združenih narodov ustavijo dovoz živil Iz Španije, je bil tudi poražen. Bivii ief češke policije obsojen Praga, Čehoslovukija, 10. dec, -Dr, Peter Btarlnsky, šef zaščitne policije v času nemške okupacije Cehoslovukije, je bil spoznan za krivega izdajstvu in obsojen v smrt nu vešalih. Obsodbo je izteklo ljudsko sodišče. Dr. Jan Ambra, pomožni policij- Ameriško, britsko orožje izenačeno Zanikanje zveze proti Rusiji Washington, D. Cm 10. dec.— Amerika in Velika Britanija sta priznali, du sta storili korake za izenačenje nekaterih vrst orožja, toda besednik Amerike je odločno zanikul, du to je uvod v vojaško zvezo z Veliko Britunijo proti sovjetski Rusiji. Sklenitev vojaške zveze je predlagul bivši britski premier Winston Churchill v svojem go voru v Fultonu, Mo., v marcu tega leta. Takrat je tudi. obso jul agresivne tendence Rusije in svaril pred komunizmom. Chur chill Je govoril v navzočnosti predsednika Trumana. Ameriška deklaracija opozarja javnost na govor državnega tujnika Byrnesa. Imel ga je po tem, ko Je nastal vihar zaradi Churchillovega predloga o skle nltvi zveze meti Ameriko in Ve liko Britanijo. Byrnes je dejal med drugim: "Ameriku ne bo sklenila zveze z Veliko Britanijo proti Ru' siji in ne zveze z Rusijo proti Veliki Britaniji." Sedanja ameriška izjava na glaša, da jo izenačenje orožju potrebna in v soglasju s intere si Amerike, Velike Britanije in Kanade. Pet angleških rudarjev ubitih Whitehaven, Anglija, 10, dec. vrhovno sodišče odloČi o lewi- sovi krivdi Zaslišanje odvetnikov rudarske unije in vlade naznanjeno PRODUKCIJA PREMOGA OBNOVLJENA Washington. D. Cm 10. dec.— Federalno vrhovno sodišče bo vzelo v pretres odlok federalnega distnktnegu sodnika T. Alanu Goldsborougha, ki je spoznal Johna L. Lewisa, predsednika rudarske unije UMWA, za krivega žaljenja sodišča. Goldsborough je naložil denarno kazen uniji v vsoti $3,500,000, L e w i s u pa $10,000. Zaslišanje se bo pričelo 14. Januarja. Takrat bodo odvetniki rudarske unije in vlade nastopili pred vrhovnim sodiščem. Zaslišanje je predlagal federslnl Jus-tiČni tajnik Clark v posebni peticiji. Vrhovno sodišče Je potem prevzelo jurisdikcijo. Člani vrhovnega sodišča so rszprsvljsli o peticiji zadnjo soboto. Mnenje prevladuje, da bi bili izrekli odločitev, sko ne bi bil I^wis preklical stsvke rudarjev na polju mehkega premoga. Vrhovno sodišče bo moralo odločiti, ali je imel Goldsborough pravico do lzdsnja injunkclje proti Lewisu in uniji, Injunkci-a Je bila izdana 18. novembra J -Pet rudarjev je bilo ubitih, ko ln UwU Jo Je t|tnortri,( nakar Jt It jo pripetila eksplozija v pre biJ ^|JenJtt -odiMa Nt mogovniku. Eksplozija Je zajela deset drugih rudarjev, kate rih še niso rešili, /nano ni, ali so živi uli mrtvi. Premogovnik se razteza pod morjem. Predsednik egiptske elade odstopil Kuiro, Egipt, 10. dec.—Premier Ismail Sulky Je predložil resig-nanjo kralju Farouku. Vzrok je novu kriza med Egiptom in Veliko Britanijo zaradi Sudana. Resignaeija predsednika egipL ske vlade je povzročila presene čenje. Glasovanje glede oklica stavke Chicago, 10. dec,—Krajevna u-nlju oljnih delavcev CIO v En*t Chicagu je odredila glasovanje o oklicu stavke proti Socotiy* Vacuum Oil Co. in Cities Service Co. Obe kompaniji sta odbili zahtevo unije za zvišanje plače. skl šef, je bil prej obsojen na dvanajst let ječe in odvzetje civilnih pravic, kompanue izkoriščajo rudarje; visoke cene v trgovinah CHARLESTON, W. Va„ 10 j dec,. — Ekonomskih ženijev iz Washingtona ni trt ba za rszu I mevanje položaja rudarjev v naselbinah, v katerih Imajo pie ( mogovne kompanije vso moč in oblast. Neki časnikur je vprašal upre vitelje tipične kompunljske trgovine, koliki> rsčuns zs kvsrt mleka. "Cena je 25 centov," je odgovoril. "1'rofit je le dva centa." Rudarji so že dolga leta žrtve ,.Kl|kA||J( )tf rimjl Jtr izkoriščanja s strani trgovnj. . . . j-a. t i ...__zZ_____ bilo drugo vprašanje, kateie vzdržujejo premogovne. » e » lu, m pan) Je, Te trgovine »ploh J'Cene mi visoke. Funt prašič- n majo konkurence. Huderjl »o Jegu mesa Je 75 centov. Neka odvisni od kornpanijskih trgo j t*ri kost stanejo manj. Kokoši vin. ki računajo Visoke cene. Stavke k upov a Ice v so mogofts v mest.h, ne po v rudsrakih naselbinah. so slino drsge, Cens je 00 cen tov ze funt. Obtčsjno računamo 40 odstotkov več za druge vrste blsga kot druge trgovine, Nsj o/^ru Rudarji po večini žive od rok boljša stran poslovanja Je sistem do ust v teku stsvk. Kupovati | kupovanja ns obroke. Rudsr-morajo živila In druge potreb J»m dajemo koščke kovine, za ščine na kred.t in po visokih co katere dobijo blago samo v kom nah Ko premogovniki obnove penijskih trgovinah To gre ns • ,brst, vzsme leto sli več ra pla | račun rudarskih plsč. Ns ts na čevan)e dolgov v kompemjskih čin trgovine držijo odjemslce, trgovinah | kar je v korist kompanijam." obtavnuvi je bil spoznan ta krivega kršenja injunkclje. Vthovno sodišče bo vtelo v pretres tudi zadevo, ali imajo de. iovodje v premogovnikih pravleo oiganizirunju in kolektivnega pogajanja z delodajalci. Premogovne kompanije trdijo, da nimajo te pruvice. Argument Je, (U m> delovodje del uprave. - Trodukclja premoga Je bila obnovljena, ko so se rudsrji vrnili na delo po preklicu stavke, ki Je trajala 17 dni. Distriktni uradniki rudarske unije so isjavili, da bodo premogovniki obrstovsii % polno puro ta teden. Normalna produkcija pred It-bruhom stavke je znašala povprečno 2,200,000 ton premoga dnevno. Jeklarske kompanije so naznanile. da bodo ponovno upo-slile delavce, katere so odslovile zaradi rudarske stavke. Železniške kompanije so tudi pozvale več tisoč delavoev, naj ae vrnejo na delo. Borba med Moskvo in Vatikanom Duhovnik govoril o peroekuciji cerkve • Glaagow, Škotska, 10. dec — Dr. John C. Heenan, katoliški duhovnik, je dejal, da se bo borba med Moskvo in Vatikanom nadaljevala. Končala so bo le z brezpogojno kapitulacijo prve ali druge strani, ker kompromis ni mogoč. Heenan je govoril ns shodu katolikov, Ta je bil povezan s demonalracijami proti perseku-nji katoliške cerkve v Jugosls viji. Heenan je dejal: "Katoliška cerkev stoji pred največjo |*r»ekuciJo v sedanjem času. Zavojevana Je te v borbi s komunizmom. Ruski diktator Stalin drži zapedni svet v svojih kleščsh. Ako on trdi, ds ne bo vojne, se vsi zahvaljujemo Bogu, Stalin ps gre mirno spet. G lesno kričanje pred izbruhom druge svetayne vojne Je bilo pomnjenje Hitlerje. Neizratena želja d snet je pomirjen je Stalina." A PROSVETA SREDA, 11. DECEMRP. J PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT GLASILO IM LASTNINA SLOVCNSSE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Otwm t end pubii«h»d by Slovene National Naročnina aa Zdruinnn drftave (UfM Ckleafa) la Ksaado 99.09 na lato, f^OO u pol bit, 11.50 aa četrt tola; aa Chicago in okolico Coek Co.. $7.50 «a ealo lato. 13.75 aa pol lata; aa tnosoaaairo 99.00. SnlMcription r a lat t for tka United States (except Chicago) and Canada M.00 par rear. Chicago and Cook County 17.50 P«r foa*. tesaign countries 11.00 per year. Cane oglasov po dogovoru.—Rokopisi dopisov jn nenaročenih Olaakov so ne vračajo. Rokopisi literarne vsebine (črtice, povesil pesmi Ud.) se vrnejo pošiljatelju te v slučaju, če Jo priteftU to. Advertising rates on agreement.—Manuscripts of communications and unsolicited articles will not bo returned. Other manuscripts, eueh aa stertes, plays, poena, ate., will bo returned to sondes only wbon accompanied by soll-addreaaed and stomped envelope. Naatev na vso. kar Ima stih a PROSVETA »57-59 So. Lawndalo Ave« Chicago 29. Illinois Lewis se izmotal iz klešč Ko se je zadnjo soboto popoldne po radiu raznesla vest, da je John L. Lewis preklical stavko in pozval 400,000 članov UMW na mehkem premogovnem polju, naj se vrnejo na delo, se je de žela globoko oddahnila. Izginilu je velika mora, ki je tlačila deželo in obetala nič kaj vesele božične praznike, ako bi se bila stavka vlekla do tedaj ali še dalj. Božič v sredi stavke bi bil pust in prazen in lahko mrzel tudi v premogarskih revirjih, ne samo po mestih. Yes, toliko je dežela odvisna od premoga. Preklic stavke je Lewis insccnlral na svoj dramatični način. V dramatiki je on sploh največji mojster, brez para. Pred časnikarsko konferenco, katero je zadnjo popoldne naglo sklical skupaj, ni nihče nič slutil, kaj namerava. Novinarji so spoznali, da se pripravlja nekaj senzacijskega šele tedaj, ko so prišli v razsvetljeno konferenčno dvorano glavnega stana UMW v Washingtonu; toda kaj ima Lewis v rokavu, se nikomur ni niti sanjalo. Lewis se očividno ni posvetoval niti s svojimi odvetniki, marveč je vso stvar sam insceniral. Da-li se je posvetoval s kakim drugim glavnim ali izvršnim odbornikom unije, je tajnost, toda soditi po njegovih uvodnih besedah, ko je časnikarjem dejal, da je "to moje lastno delo" — poziv rudarjem, naj se vrnejo na delo ni niti tega storil. Njegov preklic stavke in poziv majnarjem se tudi čita kot pravi ukas — spisan v pravem diktatorskem tonu. Če je kaj repulsivnega ali odvratnega v tem Lewisovem pismu majnarjem, je njegov ton. Čisto vojaška komanda. ^ Toda neglede, kako se ton tega pisma upira demokratično usmerjenemu človeku, je Lewis vseeno storil mojstersko potezo, ko je napravil ta umik in preklical stavko. Iz mlakuže in velikega precepa se je imet\|tno rešil, kakor tudi unijo. Kako so majnarji reagirali na ta njegov ukaz in potezo, nam ni znano, toda lahko imajo, to zadoščenje, da je UMW izšla iz tega težkega položaja solidna kot je bila pred stavko, na katero se je Lewis tako nepremišljeno podal. ★ • Na ta korak, ki pomeni popolno kapitulacijo, sc je Lewis napotil iz več razlogov. Glavni vzrok je vsekakor ta, da je še pravočasno spoznal resnost situacije za unijo. Ako bi se bili majnarji pričeli vračati na delo na pritisk vlade in javnega mnenja brez formalnega preklica stavke, to je brez Lewisovega poziva, bi bila s tem unija zelo zrahljana in tudi njegova (Lewisova) moč in avtoriteta. To bi pomenilo, da bi bilo njegovo stališče pri pogajanjih za novo pogodbo zelo omajano, kar bi bilo slabo za majnarje in unijo. Zdaj Lewis lahko še vedno reče, da ima majnarje solidno na svoji strani. Ta argument bo pri pogajanjih, bodisi z vlado ali operutorji, močnejši kot vsi drugi argumenti. Drugi vzrok, da se je Lewis tako naglo odločil za preklic stavke, je iskati tudi v tem, ker se je proti koncu zadnjega tedna Truman odločil, da bo nastopil proti njemu po rudiu in apeliral na majnarje, naj se vrnejo na delo. O Trumunu človek lahko misli, kar hoče — da je politično In mentalno veliko premajhen za predsedniške škornje, da je le orodje drugih, du ne ve kaj dela (slučaj Wallaca-Byrnesa) itd. itd. — dejstvo ostane, da je predsednik najmogočnejše dežele in da je sposoben udariti z veliko gorjačo tudi po delavstvu in nahujskati deželo, posebno pa kongres proti unijam. To je pokazal posebno v železnlčarski stavki. (Pisatelj Ixrnis Adamič pravi o njem v zadnji izdaji svoje revije T & T (Trends & Tides) — "da je nevaren . . .") V svojem napovedanem govoru po radiu bi bil Lewisa lahko zribul do kosti in javni sentiment popolnoma zastrupil proti IJMW. Lewis bi bil popolnoma slep, ako bi to ristkiral; zato je tudi ntffclo preklical stavko in s tem preprečil Trumanov govor. V zvezi s tem lahko rečemo to, da se je najbr/e tudi Truman globoko oddahnil in bo zdaj lažje še nadalje nastopal kot "prijatelj delavstva .. ." * Lewis v svojem pismu majnarjem omenja tudi vrhovno sodišče -- da prek licu je stavko zato, da bo s<»dlšče lahko podalo svoj od-klok brez kakšnega zunanjega pritiska, kakor tudi vsled tega, ker dežela potrebuje mastne produkcije premoga v tem času. Govorice hO tudi, du je Lewis v soboto zjutraj tudi dobil namig od načelnik a vrhovnega sodišča Vinsonu, naj prekliče stavko. Koliko je resnice na tem. je »evedo tajnoat. Znano je tudi, da so se vsi visoki privatni In vladni krogi ukvarjali z načrtom za razcepitev mujnarjev — a sklenitvijo separat-nih začasnih dogovorov za vrnitev na delo preko l^ewisove k lave kar bi b.lo usodno za UMW in rudarje. Do tegu bi tudi prišlo prej ali slej. ako bi Lewia vztrajal pri stavki. Do tega bi privedle (»količine, ki so močnejše od posameznika ali organizacije. Trumnn bi s svojim prestižem mini majnarji najbrže dosti ali sploh nič n<» dosegel, še m.jmanj pa, če bi j,m grozil z bajoneti, na kar so ščuva i vlado nekateri bigotni kongresniki in senatorji, ki hočejo iz delavcev napraviti brezpravne sužnje. * Vsa ta dejstva so vplivala na I.ewisa, da je nenadoma preklical stavko, ni, katero se je bil podal tako lahkomiselno. Namen je Imel aeved.i dober ~ da izvojuje majnarjem krajši delovnik brer znižanj« /a*lu>ka. Toda igro je izgubil, ker se ,e poalužil slabih sredstev preklica pogodbe z vlado. Ob kap.tulacij. je zopet aam upostavil tisto pogodbo do konca marca 11*47. katero je bil pred ' Uk" *ro«»ntno in cinično vrgel skozi okno. Članstvo L M* m j it vsem tem imelo nobene besede. S tem je svoji "free enterprizeisk,' , le dal v roke še več dlnamita da «a iztreh proti njemu samemu fn vaemu organiziranemu delavstvu. Ako bi Lew,, ne bil tak konservatlvi«. mtUjensko nt* drugega V"*****. bl *> ****** »•*•«> 'meniti izrabil ne aamo v prid majnarjem, marveč tudi v prid vsej deieli. j *k° bt » btl P0«1«"' F** operatorjem i zahtevo ta podriav Glasovi iz naših naselbi BOŽIČNICA MLADINSKEGA PEVSKEGA KROŽKA SNPJ Cleveland. O.—Božičnica mladinskega pevskega krožka SNPJ se bo vršila v soboto, 21. decembra zvečer, v spodnji dvorani Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair ave., pod pokroviteljstvom elevelandske federacije društev SNPJ. Vstopnice k božičnici so bile lazdeljene med zastopnike federacije, da jih po možnosti razprodajo med članstvo in s tem zagotovijo boljšo udeležbo. Cena vstopnicam je 75c in se z njo dobi prosto večerjo. Člani pevskega krožka so prosti. Podan bo kratek pevski program pod vodstvom učitelja Frank Pluta in ob spremljeva-nju mrs. Molly Plut. Za programom In različnimi igrami bo prišel Miklavž in razdelil božična darila članom pevskega krožka in vsem navzočim malčkom, kateri so člani mladinskega oddelka SNPJ. Ko bo Miklavž opravil svoje delo, se bo razvila prosta zabava za vse. Za ples nam bo igral mladi Mauer, član mladinskega oddelka društva Spartans št. 578. Obenem prosim zastopnike, da mi pravočasno naznanijo koliko vstopnic so prodali, da bomo vedeli koliko pripraviti. Na svidenje v soboto, 21. decembra, začetek ob 7. uri zvečer v spodnji dvorani Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair ave. Za cle-velandsko federacijo društev— Josephine Tratnik, tajnica, 1116 E. 71st St. ČLANSTVU DRUŠTVA SLA VIJE 1 SNPJ Chicago, 111. — Naj poročam zopet nekaj društvenih novic. Naj prvQ_pozivam vse članstvo na letno sejo, ki se bo vršila v petek, 13. decembra, začetek ob pol osmih zvečer v spodnji dvorani SNPJ. Asesment bom pričel pobirati že ob pol sedmih. Po seji bomo imeli malo okrepčila. Prejeli boste tudi lepe stenske koledarje SNPJ. Naj tej seji bomo poleg drugega razpravljali tudi o plesni veselici, ki se bo vršila na pustno soboto, 15. februarja. Lansko leto smo imeli sijajno udeležbo na isti dan in če se bomo malo potrudili ter izkazali društveno lojalnost, potem bomo uspeli tudi lotos. Vstopnice so že tiskane, knkor tudi naročena godba. Igral bo naš mladi član Eddy Udovich in njegovi godbeniki. Naznanjam tudi, da bomo na januarski seji predvajali filme o zadnji konvenciji SNPJ. Do sedaj nisem članstvo opozarjal glede plačitve asesmenta, v mesecu decembru pa le glejte, da poravnate svoje obveznosti. Milan Medvešek. tajnik. NA ZNANJE ČLANSTVU DRUŠTVA 124 SNPJ Forest City. Pa.—Odgovor in nekoliko pojasnila na obvestilo in vabilo, katerega je dal v javnost brat tajnik Louis Sasso dne 13. nov,, to je bilo ravno pred sejo. Izčrpek se glasi: "Na tej soji boste slišali, kdo dela razdor pri društvu, da člani prestopaj< k drugim društvom." Glede onih članov, kateri prestopajo k drugim društvom, bi bilo bolj pametno in koristno, da bi tajnik Louis Sasso poročal na društveni seji s polnimi imeni kdo so in kam prestopajo. Nam, članstvu tega društva, ni dovolj znano o tem, ker na seji nt pravega poročila. Tudi jaz bi rad vedel za omenjene člane, da jih zapišem v društveni zapisnik, ker je to moja dolžnost do časa. dokler imam ta urad. Naše društvo ima avojo dvorano in dovolj proatora in časa na razpolago, ako je treba da se rešijo razne stvari in problemi. Zato so seje. da se prinese pred članstvom stvari in se lih reši kjer ie proator zato, ne pa po drugih domovih in kotih, da ae potem raztresa po cestah na ve •elje onih, kateri so proti naši organizaciji. Glede razdora pri našem društvu je dovolj jasno, kje je bila napaka in zakaj. Naše društvo ima svojo veliko zgodovino za seboj, toda do razdora v 36 letih še ni prišlo. Imamo tu še Živeče člane, kateri so ustanovitelji in ponosni na svoje društvo! Zakaj bi pa ne bi bili? Toda nezadovoljstvo je pa, ker se ne deluje po bratsko, kot bi se moralo, in zato je prišlo do nesoglasja. Moja navada ni objavljati v javnosti razmer društva. Ako bi se stvari vršile po sklepu dru-( štva in pravilih, bi ne bilo treba tega vznemirjanja in sovraštva med članstvom. Pripetilo se je že velikokrat, da je prišlo do nesoglasja med članstvom, a se je poravnalo. Tudi to pot bi se lahko poravnalo, ko je bil čas zato in stvar bi bila rešena, ter obenem pozabljena. Obžalujem, ker se brat Sasso ni mogel omehčati. Da bi preprečili razdor, mu je društvo da-| lo nezaupnico na seji dne 15. sept, in na njegovo mesto izvolilo drugega. Dne 17. nov. ga je članstvo spoznalo za krivega nekaterih točk in členov naše organizacije in sklepov društva, pa vseeno nadaljuje s tajniškim poslom naprej. Ker je prihodna seja letna in ima društvo obilo rešiti in obenem volitev odbora za leto 1947, so vabljeni vsi člani in članice, da se odzovejo na vabilo. Da nas ne'bodo zopet podili druga društva iz dvorane, se bo po priporočilu predsednika seja pričela ob 0. uri zjutraj namesto ob 10. uri. Naprej za skupno delo in napredek društva! Felix Rosina, zapisnikar društva št. 124. "TRIJE VAŠKI SVETNIKI" NA ODRU SDD Cleveland. O. — Podružnica 481 SANS-a za collinwoodsko okrožje bo vprizorila tridejansko komedijo "Trije vaški svetniki", in sicer v nedeljo, 15. dec. v Slovenskem delavskem domu na Waterloo rd. Začetek ob pol štirih popoldne. »,< Po igri se bo vršil ples, za katerega bo igrala Vadnalova godba. Pripravljena bo tudi okusna večerja in vsestransko dobra postrežba. Najeti sta obe dvorani. Zgoraj bo ples za mlade, spodaj pa za starejše ob domači godbi. Vstopnina k programu je 75c, ki je dobra tudi za ples (kdor bo ostal v dvorani). Ker je bila ta podružnica res aktivna od vsega začetka, je upanje, da bo naše občinstvo napolnilo obe dvorani, posebno še zato, ker je namenjen ves čisti preostanek za otroško bolnišnico v Sloveniji. Torej pridite! (Ostalo v dnevniku.—Ured.) Anion Jankovlch. PLESNA VESELICA NA STAREGA LETA VEČER Denver, Colo. — Dom slovenskih društev bo priredil 119 sta-; rega leta večer, 31. dec., plesno veselico. Tudi naše društvo Columbine 218 SNPJ je član Doma slovenskih društev, zato ste vabljeni, da se udeležite veselice v velikem številu in si drug drugemu voščimo veselo in srečno novo lgto, obenem pa bomo pomagali domovi blagajni. Dne 2. dec. se je vršilo zborovanje Doma slovanskih društev in zastopniki so sklenili, da vsa slovenska in hrvaška naselbina priredi skupno veselico v korist otroške bolnišnice v Sloveniji. Ta priredba se bo vršila 12. januarja, zcfčetek ob pol osmih zvečer V Domu slovenskih društev, 4468 Washington st. Dom bo dal dvorano na razpolago brezplačno. Bratje in sestre, storimo svojo dolžnost in se ude ležimo te priredbe v velikem številu, tako da ne bomo zadnji med zadnjimi. Na£e društvo je imelo veliko neprilik z vremenskimi bogovi. Imeli smo določen društveni banket na dan 2. novembra, toda radi sneženih žametov nismo mogli iz hiše in zato bili primo-rani preložiti bfcnket na 9. nov. Toda tudi na ta dan ni bilo nič bdlje in smo morali ponovno preložiti banket na 15. feb., to je na pustno soboto. Vsi tisti, kateri imate vstopnice, jih hranite., Več o banketu pozneje. John Malovrh. NAPREJEV DAN Milwaukee, Wis.—Zadnji khc jo to k proslavi Naprejevega 35-letnega jubileja. Pravzaprav je Naprej star letos 36 let, toda vsled vojnih potežkoč smo bili prisiljeni praznovati 35-letnico leto pozne j o- To nam bo men- NADANČANKE BODO PRIREDILE VESELICO 9. FEBRUARJA Chicago. 111.—Radi vojnih.razmer je društvo Nada 102 SNPJ opustilo svoje priredbe. Na zadnji seji smo pa sklenile in se odločile za pred pustno veselico, katera se bo vršila v soboto, 8. feb., v dvorani SNPJ. Vsi, ki ste posečali Nadine zabave, veste, da so bile vedno prvovrstne. Članice bodo pokrbele, da se boste vsi prav dobro zabavali. Imele bomo izvrstno godbo in tudi plesalk ne bo manjkalo. Zato že danes opozarjamo članstvo SNPJ in prijatelje, da si rezervirate ta večer za Nadino plesno veselico. Ob tej priliki apeliram na članice. da se gotovo udeldže letne seje, ki se bo vršila v četrtek, 19. dec. Seja bo važna, ker i-mamo poleg volitev odbora in raznih poročil tudi urediti načrte za našo bodoče aktivnosti. Prosim pridite točno, ker po seji bomo imele kot običajno božično zabavo m ismenjale božična darila; pripravljen bo tudi dober prigrizek. Mlnka Al ash, tajnica. Člani, udeležite te letne seje svojega društva I premogovne induatrije v interesu javnosti. To je faktično tudi edina pametna solucija za premogovno in sploh vse glavno in-dustr ' da vsako oprostil. V SS Turn Halli bo cela reč, to veste. Dan je 15. decembra in pričelo se bo ob štirih popoldne, to tudi veste. Skrivnost, katero smo držali do zadnjega, pa je, da nas bo z lepo slovensko pesmijo počastil ženski pevski zbor Slovensko-ameriškega združenja iz Sheboygana. Ta-le dekleta so nam Milwaučanom že parkrat lepo zapela in vsi smo bili zadovoljni z njih petjem. Prepričani smo, da se bodo tudi v nedeljo imenitno postavile, kakor so se še vselej, kadar so bile pri nas. Za ples bo igrala Bašljeva godba. Louis Bašelj je prisegel pri Mohamedovi bradi, da bo za Naprejev ples, ki bo po programu, igral takšne komade, da bodo podžgali pete tudi tistim, ki po* težkem dnevnem delu mislijo, da so prestari za ples. Se to! Za jutršnjo izdajo Pro-svete je Naprejev tajnik napisal po svoje par podatkov iz zgodovine Napreja. Prečitajte jih, če imate čaa—in pa na veselo svidenje v nedeljo ob štirih popoldne! Milwauild Naprej. POROČILO TAJNIKA DRUŠTVA 17 SNPJ Herminie, Pa.—Društvo št. 87 SNPJ je izvolilo sledeče uradnike za 1. 1947: John Klanchessar, predsednik, Frank Mlekuž, podpredsednik, Anton Zornik, tajnik, Frank Garčar, blagajnik, Ida Klanchessar, zapisnikarica. Seje se bodo vršile po starem, namreč vsako prvo nedeljo popoldne v mesecu. Stari predsednik ni hotel več kandidirati, torej je v odboru nekaj spremembe. Naše društvo bo priredilo zopet veselico, in sicer 14. t. m., kakor tudi na starega leta večer, to je na 31. decembra. Za prvo bo igral Frank's trio, na starega leta dan pa reorganizirana godba "oldtlmerja" Kra> marja. Pričakujemo udeležbe od starih in mladih članov od blizu in daleč. V bodočem letu pa bomo nadaljevali z veselica -mi. in sicer društvo 87 enkrat na mesec, angleško poslujoče društvo Keystonlans 613 SNPJ pa trikrat na mesec, torej bomo imoli pri nas veselico vsako 90 boto. Vse naše veselice so dobro obiskano. Vsem obiskovalcem naših ve-oohe štlf no vesele božične pca* nlke in dober .začetek v novem letu 1947. Totjej se vam hvaležno priporočamo tudi v bodočem letu. Podpisani se zahvaljuje tudi vsem odjemalcem "možganskih medecin" in se še nadalje priporoča za naklonjenost. Bratje in sestre, stopajmo po poti principov SNPJ, kateri resnično vodijo v mir za vse narode sveta. Ob koncu leta pa se zaobljubimo, da bomo pridobili več članov SNPJ, Prosveti pa več novih naročnikov. Končno pa zaključujem z geslom: Resnica vodi v osvoboditev! Anion Zornik. LETNA SEJA, BOŽIČNICA IN DRUGO Lloydell. Pa.—Predno zaključimo leto 1946 in sezono društvenih sej, vas vse brate in sestre društva 60 SNPJ vabim na letno sejo. Na dnevnem redu bomo imeli veliko važnih zadev, kakor tudi volitev društvenega odbora za 1. 1947. Na glavno sejo naj pridejo tudi mladi člani in članice, da bomo laže izvolili društveni odbor, kajti starejših je vedno manj, pa tudi utrujeni so že. Tukajšnji slovenski klub, kateri je bil organiziran pod avspi cijo društva .60 SNPJ in društva 35 ABZ, bo priredil božičnico ali Miklavžev dan dne 25. decembra, začetek ob eni popoldne. Silovasi Miklavž se je med potjo tudi tukaj ustavil in nam zagotovil darila za naše mlade člane in članice. Torej ne pozabite pripeljati otrok s seboj od obeh društev. Dne 28. decembra pa bomo imeli plesno veselico. Igral bo Jacky CJuzel in njegovi godbeniki. Ta godba je iž Cuddyja. Za člane je prosta vstopnina, nečla ne pa plačajo pri vhodu. Članstvo obeh društev pozivam, da se udeleži klubove seje 5. jan. Seja bo važna, zato naj nikogar ne manjka. Nikomur ne bo žal, če bo prišel. Pridite in se prepričajte! Po seji bomo imeli malo okrepčila. Za odbor: Anton Vidrlch. NA ZNANJE ČLANSTVU DRUŠTEV 8, 100, 490 IN 600 V S. CHICAGU So. Chicago, 111. — VS. Chica- pomagate kolikor tolko tudi bri stvari. Nič se n« , «« ^e ne iztjovi jajte na zimo in slabo vremq Odbor] VABILO NA SILVESTROV GMOTd9Tr!' član« SNPJ v Bridgeport in ukol je vabljeno na plesno veseli ki jo bo priredila tukajšnja deracija SNPJ na Silvestrov cer, 31. decembra, v Društv dvorani v Boydsvillu. Še po, bej pa vabim članstvo drušv 13 SNPJ. Udeležite se od bl in daleč. Na tej priredbi bo stopil kot govornik Donald rich iz Chicaga. Govoril bo obeh jezikih. Drugih posebnih novic v naselbini ni, kakor da smo i. do sedaj stavko v premogo kih. Premogarji so težko pri. deti, kajti življenjske potrebi ne so sedaj zelo drage. Članstvo društva 13 SNPJ na letni seji izvolilo sledeče radnike za 1. 1947: Louis Šuii šič, predsednik, Frank Ko podpredsednik, Mary Potni tajnica, Frank Wočko, blagajni Alfred Bradač, zapisnikar, Fr; Glivar, vratar, Frank Mihelo maršal, Joe Strauss, zastavon ša, Frank Matko, ravnatelj. E Frank Harris, društveni zdra nik. Nadzorni odsek: Frai Matko, predsednik, Rose Mihi čič in John Gril. Seje se obd vajo vsako prvo nedeljo v secu. Bratje in sestre, posečajtedi štvene seje, kajti čim več nas na seji, tem lažje je razmotriv ti v vseh ozirih. Prihodnja se se bo vršila prvo nedeljo v jan arju. Mary Poinick. tajnica. ČLANSTVU DRUŠTVA 110 SNPJ Chisholm, Mina.—Zima je in kmalu bomo dokončali stal leto in nastopili novega z želj da bi bilo bolje. Res je, zadn leta nismo imeli posebnega ži ljenja, kajti divjala je huda vo na po vsem svetu. Tudi naše društvo je imelo članov v službi Strica Sama, b jujoč se za nas in našo novo d movino. Izmed njih se je src no povrnilo domov 70 srečnih zdravih. Naše društvo je - gu smo ustanovili kegljarsko li- nosno na njihovo delo Najl go, česar še do sedaj nismo imeli. Čas je že bil, da smo jo ustanovili, da ne bomo zmeraj zadnji med drugimi narodnostmi. Pravilno je, da tudi mi pokažemo, da znamo rušiti tista drva. In še kako! Kdor ne verjame, naj nas pride pogledat, in sicer vsako soboto ob sedmih zvečer v Rodoline (?) kegljišču na 106. cesti in J. Apeliram na članstvo tukajšnjih jednotinih društev, da nam dajo moralno pomoč, kar nam bo pomagalo tudi v bodočnosti za razvoj SNPJ, ne samo danes. Vse članstvo teh društev tudi prosim, da nas posetijo na naši zabavi, ki se bo vršila v soboto, 11. januarja v Hrvatskem domu, 9618 Commercial ave-, začetek ob pol osmih zvečer. Glsvna nagrada bo električna ledenica, ki je vredna $200. Za ples pa bodo igrali dobro poznani godci Franka Kovačiča. Odbor bo vsem dobro postregel. Pridite in pripeljite s seboj tudi prijatelje. Na svidenje 11. januarja. John BaJuk. tajnik 8 SNPJ. VABILO NA BOŽIČNICO Arma. Kanaaa,—Da ne bomo poročali same žalostne stvsn o pogrebih in smrti, pa naj danes naznanimo nekaj bolj veselega. Vabimo vas namreč na božičnico. ki se bo vrftila v nedeljo popoldne. 22. decembra, v Franklinu v dvorani Community. Začetek ob 2. uri popoldne. Vstopnina prosta za Vse. To veselico priredi mladinski krožek SNPJ in vabi vse Člane okoliških društev, da pridete po gledat "Miklavža", gotovo bo i-me) nekaj tudi za vas. Za prid ne in zveste člane mladinskega krožka, ki prihajajo na mesečne •ejo. bo pa imel še posebna darila Ker wo naie društvene veseli j ce tako redke, vas torej ponov j no vabimo no to zabavo in s Um i ša vam zahvala in zopet dobr došli v naši sredi. Na žalost pa smo izgubili l člane, ki so dali svoja mlada zi ljenja za domovino, m sicer od družine Kne. in sicer Loj in Joe F. Kne, in Carl Naše društvo izraža filoboKo^ žalje prizadetima družinama, terih ostali člani so vsi cia SNPJ. t _ Tri člane pa imamo še vea v vojaški službi. T. so; Al Ostervich, John Ponikvar Frank M. Jenko, katerim ti želimo srečen povratek. Na bolniški listi imamo članov: Angela Krajnik, Iff Klančnik, Joseph Arko_ Gornik, Frank Vidm9r, M« Jakše, Fred Sušn.k ^ bil, katerim želimo hitre* * vanja, da se zopet povrnejo nas. e Dne 15. decembra j* vršila letna vse članstvo, da se je K01 det.i, v velikem tek ob devetih zjutraj v sw skem narodnem domu^ N. dnevnem red« * volitev odbora «U tudi mnogo dr * dev, k, smo jih 0IIN SPILLAR. četrto okrošje..™.------- URSULA AMBBOZ1CH. peko okroKJe. coward tomsic. lear ■' ■ -417 Woodland A v«.. Johnstown. Pa ...B. D No. I, Oakdale. Pa. ----T82S Middlepolnte. Dearborn. Mleh --------.3979 Randall St., St Louie 16. Mo —.....41» Pierce St., Eveleth. Minn. ..»M W. 7th St.. Walaenbun. Colo Oaspodarlrf odaek HATH PETROVIČ*, psa8 Cleveland. O. . 130 Eveleth. Minn. 187 Cleveland. O. I4S Cleveland. O. ISO Buclld. O. 188 Euclid. O. ■ I6S Palisades, Cole. 173 Bead Hap. Pa. 178 Cleveland. O ITS MCKtnle*. Minn. 198 Alliance, O 198 WHlerd. Wis. IN Meemiale. Pa. t«l Ludlow, Colo. Ml Dwtvth. Minn 8*8 Nehomts, Hi. 832 Wklta Valley, Pa. SM Madison III SM Meadow Lands. Pa. 884 Cleveland. O 888 El* Mian. 888 Adah N 775 Maynard O. |T8 Coleman Alia Canada SM Philadelphia Pa. 818 TIre MIU. Pa. 898 Walsanbur«, Colo. Ml Warren, O 321 Chtaholm Minn 332 Chlaholm. Minn 84» South Pork Pa. 888 Warweed. W. Va. 8T8 Pereel Clf. Pa. 8S8 Library. Pa 897 Creeled Belle. Colo 4M Beaton Pa «n Buffalo. N V. 48» Elm Grove W. Va. 85.00 89.90 75.00 80.M 40.00 80.90 88.80 80.M 80.98 800.98 80.00 80M 80.80 80.M 80.98 80.90 7IM 80.00 88.88 80.98 35.98 50.90 ION 90.98 80.90 80.80 40.M 60.98 60.M 60 88 6990 71.88 40.M 89.88 69.M 80.90 00 N 66.M SO 60 S0M »S 59 88 7598 40 M 60« 40 M 60.88 10 80 40 M 60 61 69 M 66 M 40 98 MM 69M 60 88 119818 119814 119818 11M8M 119817 119818 I19B30 11888) 110832 1198(14 119935 11883:1 11983» 1108411 11»841 Taninecz sieve 298 Penko John 300 Barbish Elsie Pilmore Ella Marie 318 Bailey Evelyn M«e Bailey Harry E. 335 Dekleva William J. 347 Dukloti Andrew 305 Rukavlna Rosalie A. 119828 ) 385 Fatlch Joseph Oeo 119898 433 Krushinskt Rust- V. 119038 430 Herkovlt-h Zorka 119830 483 Hpnnovlch Danica 1IH88I Vo'novuh Martha 535 Kovsca Joe 540 Skarl Edwaui R. 549 Budie Milena 584 Adamič John Robi. 508 Ogrln Betty Mary 570 Russo Pete 576 Kudrnmh/ Sylvia M II984S 580 aipvanrlll Edward HM'IS 984 Belka Prank S Vodnik Anthony J. 989 Moikineon Everett Okleaaon Edward Pucker Paul : 590 *ra|l fiancea A04 Klelndlrnst Sophie ■ «0(1 Wlzai Marian Tranc 119052 Zele Arlenr Mildinl JI9M3 03i Goret Adrian M llflS94 lx>alk Thomas S 1I8S85 < 34 Lukich Helen Chris. 118BM Zaletel Anion S II9SA7 Zaletel Margaret 118898 Zaletel Wilms C. 643 Matdk Marlorle J nut Pranrlacus Charles 677 Kumuiohick Helen Kumulihlck Julia f80 Mvclch Victor V 699 Bmolinaky l'aul Kedzletskl Kol»erl 714 Pabt*c Predli i f 718 Peruttl Oswald A 7S3 Bradley Alvin J Jr 708 8einenko Clifford 800 1,000 I 500 1.000 880 280 800 8PU 800 500 & 800 800 500 1.000 1.009 800 800 800 1.890 8 00 100 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 l 00 1 00 1.00 I 00 1 oo I 00 1.00 I 0) 180 1.03 2 00 S03 Vabila na letna saja Chicago. Ill—Vabim Olunstvo dru-*tvs Robnik IS SNI'J ns Irtiio avju. ki se 1h> vrSils v iVtrtck, 1»; doc., zučetrk ob osmih rvtnVr v obuvujnrm prostoru. Na dnevnem redu bo vo litfv odbora is L 1947, p« »ejt p« bomo imeli mslo okrep<>ila in prosti zabave. Dalje naznanjam rlunstvu, da Je bilo sklenjeno ns noveirberski sej«, da mora vsak tlan in Članica plaiva*.i v mesccu (ebruuiju $1 izrednega u-uisnunta v društveno blagajno rn pokritje druitven h »troikov. Kdot ne bi plaval Itiednega SKesmenta, tajnik ne bo sprejel njegovega rednega Bfcimenta. Na svidenje na let' ni seji! Andrs) Clas|, tajnik, i oo i oo i oo i oo l oo l oo i oo i oo i oo l oo I 00 I 00 8 00 100 500 J)N. 800 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 f 118840 II0IM7 IIM40 11US49 1IM90 110S5I 1.000 1.0CO 1.000 800 1.U00 1.S00 I 000 500 1.000 1.090 800 Dis 1.000 i .oeo I 880 1 900 690 1.900 1.090 •00 1.000 |.0!X> IDI 1.07 I 00 I 00 S op «09 I 00 100 100 1 on 1 oo II88H llMoo h »m iloso« 1I9M3 IIVM5 11 »SM 118817 11900B 119800 119879 MMtt >50 D». 1.000 1 00 800 800 600 330 I 00 100 1.00 1.00 i' I »00 Dis ftoo Dis. 800 10) 350 S 50 ■ IM 1.000 280 ADM. OCT. I. 184» I Cervenka Maflon OS Mukavet« Rudolph 87 Set t e Norma 118 Kuseie Margaret Malnar Beinard Srnollcli Rudolf 1S1 Yrlrncich AU W 430 Jurovlch MUlard P, 477 Zaunlk Olga 549 Utclac Milton John ^39 S<> m rek Wyatt H 504 w«ne Edwaid M 743 ZaiRlck EdWard ADM. SEPT. I. I8M 6 Seaman Chaiiee 23 KneMVlch frank 83 Shlkalla Chailotle 323 Meaich MUthaal C 428 Kosem 8 rank J Ji ISO Senklnc Elitabetli ADM. AUG. I. I8M 400 Bailie Dorothy E Ha i lie WI If oid 490 MioOodnlM fcdw P00 800 119749 119771 119777 119794 119795 119780 II9738 nten 119830 800 119837 1.000 IIIMMO 119840 119971 1.090 800 I 000 1.000 14100 500 1 00 1.00 I 00 S 0J I 00 I 00 1.00 100 i 00 Tscoma, Wsah -Naznanjam Član« »tvu drUitva 405 snpj, da se bo vršila letna oeja v sredo, 18. dec., v običajnem prostoru. Izvolili bomo društvene uradnike za prihodnje leto, zato je vatno. da pridete vsi na icjo. Frank Udovlch. tajnik Danvsr. Colo,- Vljudno vabim vs* članstvo društva Columbine 21!' snpj, da se udeleii glavne letne i ic v četrtek. 10. dec., začetek ob p jsmih svečer, Zadnja seja ve le' je aelo vains u razloga, krr bomo volili uradnike za prihodnje leto, uspeh drultva pa največ odvisi od uradnikov. Dolinost slehernega čla-' na in članic« je, da oe gotovo udeleži te seje in izvoli tak odbor, ki bo deloval za nspredek društva. Obenem prosim, ds poravnate k-sesment za mesec december, da mi bo mogoče zsključiti knjige. John Mslovrh, tajnik. Chlcsyo. 111.—Leto se prtbliluje h koncu. Kot vsa leta, tako 80 tudi letos vafne decemberske seje naših društev, ker volimo društvene odbornike za prihodnje leto. Tudi pri našem drufttvu št. 100 snpj je težko dobiti odbornike Ako član ne prevzame odborniškega mesta t veseljem. nI pričakovati napredka pri društvu. Na noveinberski seji je bilo skle-njfm>, da priredimo nekaj za na&<» mlade, nun.reč Miklavt še vedno šivi pri društvu Trailblasers. Tudi za odrusle člane bomo imeli nekaj is-,'tdni'ga, in slccr predvnjunje filma z stare domovine, Imeli boste pri* liko videti zavzetje Ljubljane. To ie slovenski govoreči film in bo biv* tvorna /a vse zanimiv. Imeli bomo tudi kuj za pod sob in suha grla. Odbor pričakuje veliko udelešb«. Torej pridite vsi na letno 4 IIIM24 uasM 119833 800 800 6J0 1.900 1.000 800 600 I 00 84» S 00 I 00 600 Dts ftoo r A VIDER, bupr s«t y-sl Uunik 118438 Ed i• Machalch Krtih Pakula J!"'« '»aarteh SBMIc ^""•Ha atrebei Huh t. Schrr o: , P '^**S_RM8aik It Z* 1 Lenrr, ^"y Welle uam Sl.rnUba ^ *»8>ar8aa t4"«N TereBek OeSld , Princ* PsiiOe «84 Arma. 446 Hew Castle. Pa M7 NanfUeke. Pa. 490 BJrlld, O. 499 Barlld, O. m VaBer. tU 818 Mall W Va. M6 Detroit. M»ck »80 Amherstdale. W Va 989 Oerad Raven Mir h 569 CBIOSSO. tn. «6« Chlrase tU 5S9 AberSecii Wash ' 894 Ddfrelf. Ml'h 986 rentea. CeBf »t* Le SeB« »U •,Š9 Breefclvr, 81. V. 88« Mlltrewkce Wis 884 Clevelaa t. d. »0* Ct-veUad O »m cwelessa o »18 !'» A a-»..les Ceh f 81» las »OOP. Caht »u Las ssmms em. 616 Lea AaeeMS. CeUf »IT tla a'e 'Jills Ps memmm.jft 641 Otrafd G 977 O«teti StKB m llkrerv Pa. i 8S> SsttBa«8 Pa \ 91» aMesMPSMe. P« \ fit eislrtlii Pa 719 TSBSO P« I m CeeHea O * 7B Usnb. n ~ " 7C4 SStUrsak* e Bkapa) Tesal P. a v ii il r «1 le Glasovi iz naselbin mladinski pevski mm zbor sdd 35 M , MM | cleveland. o« — Mladinski "911 pevski zbor Slovenski'Ka delav-m m i ske^a doma na Waterloo id. bo mm pnirdil božični večer po pevski iM »s i vaji dne 19. occinnbia. In sicer v apodnjl dvorani. "M1 Povabljen je tudi Miklavž in Sjj bo lazveseiil mlade pevce, da se lit« s« v vrlkt m »jevilu' Tudi t »ti Mt» tCMl v bodoče pridno u6U ki vs« n. bile na se* sk«/i vmo \*i* 44 MI , ,T in r A IZa^ti-k to^nn ob . T|< |>np4»ldfM' m J l^ovtnakf pesmi Razumljiva da prosioru n!» ši^vh«. daij|a^^s MixiJ. |fl l<0 VoliUv novih urado kov mm Chicago. 111.- Članstvo društva št. 131 snpj je vljudno vabljeno na letno sejo. ki «e bo vršila dne 12. dec v dvorani snpj. Da bo mogoče p<>< voljno rešiti vse naloge, ki čakajo letne seje, je potrebno, da se članstvo udeleži v čim večjem številu Po seji bo piiprsvljeno običajno o-kiepčllo za vit*. Ursula k. Oradišek. tajnica. Ely. Minn. -Članstvo društva Hu-dat 2ftl šnpj »e poziva na letno ae> jo, ki se ihi vršila is, dec., /aretek ob sedmih zvečer v spodnji dvoran' Jugoslovanskega narodnega dorna. Vatno te. da ste navzo/'i, kajti volili bon o društveni odbor in ukrepali o drugih važnih zadevah. Andrew Pirls. tajnik Diamondsvllls, Wyo—Naznanjam Osnstvu društvs 293 knpj, ds se bo ViiilS Irtns seja v nedeljo, 18 der, začeti k ob desetih dopoldne. Na dnevnem redu bodo volitve uiadn kov za prihodnje lato In diuge vsšm zadevv, Ns /adnjl seji smo tudi go vorilt, če bo vellks udeletbs, du bo rno imeli po seji malo prosti' Kuba ve. Torej vsi ns letno sejo! Frank Kirsn, tujn.k Jolial. iii. -Članstvo društev št. ilfi in 1h0 snpj naj ne pozab) udi lefiti se v velikem številu letni nje. da al laimo zbrali dober odt*u ni bi le pri/na-1, d:i vam n1 nič do U|>c Sloven IM mi ' ' «4 m' »ko j *•> rn . Sta r pt egovor pi a vi "Kakor seješ. tako tudi /anjH. " mm t"iej vsi ns srjof _ Jsrry Psi k 1. 1047 U*baie Po t« ji bomo imeli nekolik Ksthrya Ossparic. tajno a o *«s»s» ti Michael. Pa. Clsnalvo d»u4'.v< |(Ni SNI'J Je vljudno vablhrno, da «.e uU'* tt pr hodnja arje dmr 15 d« ( K'*r j« to letno »i J a. in« na dru-vnetr-n du vo!*** ndlKM« za I l'»47. Ud-« Il ip 81 V lil liMIt šlevtjo! frank Keucic tu>n k Midway, Ps Oruitvn si S'* SNPJ i«o t bdi.'iits u |lstin« Miki m ,<» il«w IS ri«-e. Opozaijam članstvo da u giriova udrkti vsaj latrn »ej«», krr bon.o 5HM-I na darvm-m i*'4u vol Iv« i^iadnik^iv /aJ 1*47 kjk'H lodi dru-| pr xufttr f Srtr-nf;.——- - —-— — Ohrrwm oporni Jani. ds se ho hn 81. dec. zvečer. Vabljeni ste vsi čir,-m in zuenv članstvo mladinskega od* delku, katero bo obdaril Mik lavi Imeli bolno tudi godbo. Torej ne pozubite udeležite se! John Just, tajnik, Clly, Ps.—Opozarjsm vse člane in članice društva 301 SNPJ. du se v velikem številu udeleše letne seje v nedeljo, 18. dec. Na dnevnem red't bo volitev odboru Ka I. 1947. flanstvo tudi prosim, da poravna račune do konca leta. du bomo luhko zaključili računske knjige. Torej vsi nu prihodnjo sejo. Rosa Debevc. tajnica. Clsvsland. O.—Članstvo društva 139 8NPJ Je vabljeno na letno sejo, ki se bo vršila 18. dec,, začetek ob desetih dopoldne. Ker je ta seja /elo Vafna, pozivam vse člunstvo, du se Je gotovo udeleži. Na dnevnem redu ItOrno imeli volitev društvenega iKtborn za I, 1947, kakor tudi druge vslne z udave, ki Jih Je treba urediti. Torej, bratje in sestre, udeleftte »c seje. du bomo irvollli dober odbor, kajti aktivnosti društva so v prvi vrsti odvisne od dobrega odbora. Anton Zslssnik. tajnik. Crivlls. Wis«-Letna sejs diušivi 837 SNPJ se bo vršila 18. dec. Ude-Ušite se vsi, ker bomo imel l nu dnevnem redu volitve društvenih uradnikov sa 1, 1947. August Ksucle, tajnik. Clcsro. iii.—članstvo društvu Št. 440 snpj Je vabljeno, da so gotovo udeleši letne seje dne 20. dec., zu-četek ob osmih zvečrr v običajnem prostoru. Valno Jr za vsakega člana In člu-nico. ds vr xu druitvene zaključke. Jih Ispolnula in pozna društveni odbor, ki bo Isvoljen za prihodnje It to ns tej seji. Po seji bo kot druita lets Torej vsi nu sejo vsul enkrat nu leto! Frank Msrgolls, tajmk. South Fork. Ps.—Por Ivam vse članstvo drultva 348 snpj na letno se|o, ki se bo vršila v nedeljo, 18. dee., začetek ob devetih dopoldne v Slovenskem domu na Highway st. Na dnevnem redu bodo volitve uradnikov ra i. 1947. Michael Mshsll. tajnik. Oflesby. iii.-član ce drultva 188 snpj so vljudno vabi lene, da ae udelaSe letne seje, ki se ihi vršilu 18. dec., ručetek ob pol treh popoldne v običajnem prostoru. Seju bo vušna, ker bomo volile odbor zu i. 1047. čim vuč nas bo, tem Isšje bomo zbrule odbor. Po seji bomo imele malo okrepčila, br. Willy Šimenc pu nam bo xaigial na harmoniko nekuj slovenskih pesmi. nu svidenje 18. decembru. Antonia Siirenc. lujniua. NOVE SLOVENSKE FONOGRAFSKE PLOSCE Israne od JOHN PLUTMA In n]e«eva«a slevsnskegs orkasirs Vocsl Uueii Kosamary Millar and Angallna Pluth Bal. 003 VCfELI LOVEC POLICA PO ZIMI PA VtOZlCE NE CVETO—vaišak Bal. 004 ODPIRAJ DEKLE KAM KICO—polka GOB ČEZ JEZEBO - valšek Vasal* slovanski komadi odigrani od TONY OMEBZO In njsgovoga ' crk astra Bal. 001 HIMOELBPIL POLKA VEBELA VDOVA POLKA >al. 001 ŽIDANA MABELA POLKA ZELEM! ItBIBI VALČEK Tona vsaki plošši Ja 70« Plšllo po bresplsšni cenik BALKAN MUSIC CO. I42t W. ISih Of r sol - CMcago I. 111. dopisnikom in članom jedwote Kadar piSOlo Proevoli sli 9 jlsvist ursd SNPJ. no posebna 4 naslovu napraviti poštne šlo rllko 23 ss besedo "Chicago". Ns kuverti vselej ssptšitei Ckl ago 23. 111. To bo olsjšslo delo iS člkiški pošli, nam pa po mrftn 8e« r I Treevešo"? Podpiraj to eve) I loll lknae višila kot obmejno, m sk»f d Federacije SNPJ KANSAftKA FEDE-RACIJA SNPJ Pilloburg. Kana.- Na septem berski seji kansuike lederacijv diustev SNJ'J je bilo sklenjeno, da bc bo vršila letna seja in volitev federecijskih uradnikov četrto nedeljo v mesecu decembru, in sicer v Yulu. Ker pa naš mladinski krožek ni moj*el imeti nobenega pikniku ali kuk&ne drujje veselice «ko-si vse leto ladi pomanjkanja po trebAčin, bo Imel veselico in bo-žičnico na četrto ntnleljo, to je 22. decembra, začetek ob dveh popoldne v Franklinu v dvorani Community. Bratje in sestre, udeleiite st» te veselice v veli kem številu, da jim pripomore mo do boljše blttgajne. Vsled tr«a je fedetacijskl od bor prestavil sejo s četrte nedelje na peto, to je na 21). decembra, začetek ob dveh popoldne v Valu. Bratje In sestre, blajo volite vseti t" spremembo nn znanje in se seje udeleiite v ve likem številu. John Pečar, tajnik. PRAVE DOMAČE prekajone klobase, slanino ln &unke sopot pošiljam po vso) Amsrlkl. Csaa Js 10« luni—poštniao mors vsak sam plašati posebej. PošlJIts denar. Money Ordor ln naročnino koliko iubiov šalila nai Joseph Leskovar • 10— MIh Strsoi • Bsoins. wis, ... 1 - Dr. John J. /avertnik physician b surgeon 3724 w. llth Stroot IT MO AMSWKB CALL AOSTW 8988 orne« uouna 1 30 to S P. M —848 to 840 P. M. Batepl Wedneadaya. Saturdays and Sundays ( m till 8. Ilidgoway Ave. Bkaoe C va a fe#S 8448 vloge ▼ tel poeoJllBld savarovano do t8.000.00 po Pad seal Savings b Loan Insurassee Corporation. Washlagtoou d. c. Sprejemsmo osebno In društveno vloge LIBERALNE obresti 8t. Clair Savings k Loan Co. 0198 si. Clair Avanue - Hand. m70 cleveland. ohio Ustavite tisto srbecico bbaxon paste Ja koristno zdravilo as atletlčne nogo, brivno srbečico, 11-Šaja ln druge manjše kotna srbečica. Ds tskojšnjo pomoč ts srbečo kolo. Bros duha, brezmadslno duha, bresmadotno | in na sahtova no* te en dolar sli 91.78 sa dvojno velikost, ns bbaxon com Dept. p* 311 So. Clark si.. Chicago. iii.. In ml vsm pošljemo to, poštnina proato. Povcnitav denarja Jamčena. Člani, udeležite se letne seje svojega druitva! BOŽIČNA DARILA Botlčnl prazniki so Čas za dajanje ln prejemanje darov.— Ali ste se ie odločili, kaj bodete dali za boiično darilo g veji materi, svoji ftenl, svoji sestri ln drugim aorodnlcam. —Odločitev nI vedno lahka.—Zanje bodete težko naill primerno darilo, s katerim boste bolj ustregli kakor s novo, veliko, lepo ln praktično kuharsko knjigo z naslovom Slovenskq-amerUka " kuharica Ta knjiga Je bila spisana in ladana na podlagi amerliklh rasmer—sa ameriško rojakinje, NareMte al lo takel^—Slane SI akupno s pošlnlno,— Pošljite aamo avoje Ime ln naalov. Plačali bodete sanlo na peitL ko )o prejmete. NaroMle na) ae naslovilo nai Ivana Zakraliek. 902 Eaat 72nd St., New York SI. N. Y. Vaftna prlpombai To je edina kuharska knjiga, ki je pisana v slovenščini ln ki se sedaj prodaja v Ameriki. Autographed copies of Louis Adsmlc's books svsllable for gifts to your friends—for youf own library shelvss. dinner at the white house w w "A fascinating study of th.*a great paw>«™ lilies—Church III, and Franklin and Eleanor JUoaovelt."—N. Y. Times. *A bril-liant analysis of the causes of the present reversion ^to power politics on the in tarna Uon s I pcono/'-CMp Mo« all N. Y. Pest. "Sprightly reading."—Tims. "Stimulating criticism. -Philo. Inquirer. TWO WAY PAStAOE MM "It opens vlalaa," was Presldeiii Roosevelt's comment «»n Two-Wait Passage, "—It reslly opens vUtss." 11« made Winston Churchill read it, 12th oditUm. A NATION OF NATIONS "Adatnlr's l»est Inaik It plotlatms an Amnica stealer ttmn we had reallzitd, and so it ia an enlargement of the honor of the country.M~Oari||d W. Johnson in the N. Y Herald Tribune. MY NATIVE LAND W7S Chicm#e Hun "No praise can be high enough for My Nalive I Mud It proves that an enduring world prace hinges upon an entirely new Yugoslav slate, built fiom the bottom up. Mandatory reading for everyone." THE NATIVE'S RETURN A bast-seller of 10 years »go. now generally considered a m«idem Clasaie, till« Is the Mutluir's firat Ua»k about his native Yugoslavia "One of those rare 'originala* that turn up onca In a blue moon."—N Y. Timet Now In the J4th edition. from many lands **7» "An epic In tin heroic aw»-ep of Ito material. From Many iMiidi is among Hie giest luaiks of our day N Y. Times "Of e streme Imiaitlanee to An»eriran9 Clifton fadimsn tn The Men Yorker Awstd^l 1041 AnnlsfleUt Ptiso. 14th edHlon. MY AMERICA fi, M||y 7f)0 pages of clooauiM im our American llf*: "ths most tomtit« in nsive volume on liu- current United States " Requited reading In msny colleges. 14th edition. SSJS names in America. WHAT's YOUR NAME? The cUMit] of tlu- at.d tiageity of "foreign' ulhor's |m*sI wilting. LAUGHING IN THE JUNGLE In Ijiuifhmg in the Jmngle, "l.i'Uis Adamic touches greatnsss I.a a ,t«»ry.p Ili-I M- N Y fhraid Tribune. y Slovene AmotirsB Homo. ....................JIMS These biaiks ought to lie In Tlie art of nine books if ordered logHher ... ~—.......... Order fntmi r lot'is adamic. m1lfobd. new juuuy PROSVETA Vabila na letne seje Calum«t, Mich -članstvo društva 62 SNPJ je vljudno vabljeno na let no sejo, ki se bo vriilu 15. dec., za če te k točno ob dveh popoldne. Volili bomo uradnik« in reševali druge važne zadeve. Po seji bomo imeli malo razvedrila in okrepčila. Joaoph Pachawor, tajnik. McKinlay, Minn. -Pozivam član atvo društva 175 SNPJ, da ae udeleži seje vsaj enkrut na leto. Letna seja se bo vriila tretjo nedeljo v me secu, to Je 15. dec., začetek ob dveh popoldne v Meatni dvorani. " Kakor je vsakemu znano, bomo na tej seji volili društvene uradnike za prihodnje leto in reievali druge zadeve v korist društvu in jed no te Pridite vsi! J. Parko, tajnik. Virginia, Minn.--Članstvo drultva Smarnica 338 SNPJ je proleno, do se udeleži v velikem številu letn« seje. ki se bo vriila v nedeljo, 15 dec., začetek ob dveh popoldne i tonski sobi v Mestni dvorani. Pri dite vsi. ker bomo volili odbor z. 1. 1947. Prejeli boste tudi stenske koledarje. Angela Bchnollar, tajnica.. St. Louis, Mo.—Naznanjam članstvu druitva 070 SNPJ, da se bo vr šila letna se i a 15. dec., začetek ob dveh popoldne v dvorani Jeffla nu Jefferson in Lafayette ave. Ases-ment pa bom pričel pobirati ie ol pol dveh. Na novembrski seji j< bilo sklenjeno, da se morajo udele žiti letne seje vsi člani, drugače s. bo postopulo z njimi v smislu /a kij lička. Članstvo tudi opozarjam, dd poravna areiment pravočasno, kajti lc to se bliža koncu in potrebno je za ključiti knjije. Na tej sej i bom volili tudi odbor zu 1. 1947. Torej udeležite se vsi! Frank Pavlailch. tajnik. Wast Frankfort. 111.—Zopet druš tva vabijo na letne aeje, tako tud< naie Torej članstvo društva 31S SNPJ |e vabljeno na letno sejo. k se bo vršila 15. dec. Volili bom društveni odbor za 1. 1947 in ime na dnevnem redu tudi drugi? va>.no zadeve. Dolžnost slehernega člani je, da se gotovo udeleži te važne seje. Dobili boste tudi stenske koledar jo SNPJ. Frank Kochavar, tajnik. Ironion, Minn.—Pozivam .članstvo društvu 197 SNPJ, d« m« v velikem Itevilu udeleži prihodnje seje, ki se bo vriila 15. die., začetek ob pol dveh popoldne v običajnem prostoru. Ker bo to letna seja in bomo volili odbor za 1. 1947, je dolžnoat vsega članstva, da ie gotovo Udeleži. Marlon Korach, tajnik. St Marv«, Pa,—Vabim članstvo drultva 581 SNPJ, da se v Velikem številu udeleži letne seje dre 15 dec., rafettk ob dveh popoldne. Volili bomo nov odbor za 1. 1947, Po reji bomo imeli malo pijače in okrepčila. Nu člunstvo tudi apeliram, da pravočasno plačo aaesment, du ImkIo knjige urejene koncem le ta. Udeležite ae! Oabrial J. Uljon. tajnik. Caaion. O.- Nu;nunjam članstvu društva 315 SNPJ, da se bo glavna letna seja višila 15. dec, začetek ob dtsetih dopoUlm« nu 1037 Rowland ave. N K Vliudno vabim, da ae udeležite te važne seje vsi, ker bomo imeli na dnevnem redu zelo valne stvari, kakor tudi volitev društvenega odbora za leto 1947. Prijel! boste tudi stenske koledarje Patar Chuiar tajnik. Worcester N. Y.—članstvo drui-tva 3»3 SNPJ je vabljeno na letno sejo, ki m* bo vršila 13 dee\. zadetek ob dt s« tih dopoldne v «»btčaj< mm prciatoru. Rešiti Itramo ve^ vainih radev in izvoliti odbor za 1 1W47. IU hI it« vsi navzoči? Ker ae? »«-Je »kozi leto »lalMi oblKkane. apeliram nu flanatvo, da se udeleži vsaj letne seje! Jam*« Milavec. tajnik. Win. m. V imenu - drultva 151 SNPJ peuivum članstvo na letno v jo. ki se« bo višila 13 dec Udeležite ar v«l. ker bonu* volili ««tt>oi ca 1 104? Kot tajnik \am že sedaj |h»-vem. da ne bom mogel vr* »prejeti trnu urada. Jacob Bregant. tajnik. Lorain. O — Pozivam člamtvo dru štva 17 SNPJ da udeleži letne M«je. ki Sr Im» vršila 1« dey. (??), ra če trk tot no ob devetih sjutiai v Slovenskem« m domu v dvoran It 3 N« t«*j seji bomo volili odbor ra 1 1947 Dobili l*»w- lueli strn&k" koledar )<• SNPJ Torej brat)«- m *<• strr, udeležite m* tr>e vu| . nkmt n« 1« to Ralph Kobal. tajnik Se poaebej apeliram na mlade Čla ne, da pridejo na aejo in prevzamejo odborniška mesta, kajti stari člani smo že izčrpani, mladina pa mors prej ali slej prevzeti ta posel. Naj le omenim, da je bilo sklenjeno na novembrski seji, da bodo vsi tisti, ki se udeleže seje, deležni ne kaj poaebnega. namreč po seji. To rej vsi na sejo, da se pogovorimo za napredek društva in jednote. Jacob Adam. tajnik Nokomls, 111,—Članstvu društva 209 SNPJ naznanjam, da se bo vr lila glavna seja 15. dec., začetek ob dveh popoldne. Udeležite se v velikem številu, ker bomo volili odbor za 1. 1947. Mary Pochnik. tajnica. East Pittsburgh. Pa^—Bratje in se-ttre društva 029 SNPJ vljudno vabim nu letno sejo, ki se bo vriila 15. dec., začetek ob eni popoldne. Na tej žeji bomo začrtali program društva za prihodnje leto, kakor tudi volili odbor, zato je potrebno, da se je udeležite vsi. Potrebno Je, da zvolimo take uradnike, ki bodo delali za napredek društva in jednote. Nu svidenje! Vjakoalav Tumbri, predsednik. Los Angelas, Ca!—Članstvo druš vu 015 SNPJ je prodno, da se udeleži letne seje 15. dec., začetek ob iveh popoldne v dvorani Knight of Pythias. Whittcr Blvd. in 911 S. Herbert. Seja bb važna, ker bomo imeli na inevnem redu volitev odbora za !. 1947, kakor tudi druge važne zadeve. Po seji bomo imeli malo okrepila. Torej pridite na sejo, da v •poznamo in gremo na delo zu več-e društvo in SNPJ. J. Patrits, predsednik. Canton, Ohio.—Pozivam članstvo lfuštva 80 SNPJ na letno sejo dne 10. dec., ki se bo vriila v stanovanju Marije Frančiikovič, 835 N. 0th ave. Volili bomo odbor za 1. 1947. Marija Frančiikovič, tajnica. Buhl. Minn. — Pozivam članstvo društva 314 SNPJ na letno sejo, ki « bo vriila 15. dec., začetek ob pol jsmih zvečer v Tire Hali. Ker Je o letna seja, bomo morali sprejeti aključke, po katerih se bomo ravnali skozi leto. Volili bomo tudi odbor za 1. 1947. Torej udeležite se vsi t'saj enkrat na leto. Goorga Psvich, tajnik. Bessamer. Pa.-—Pozivam članstvo iruitva it. 107 na letno sejo, ki se jo vriila 10. dec. Pridite vsi, da bomo odbor za 1. 1947, Prejeli boste tudi stenake koledarje SNPJ. Ivanka Potočnik, tajnica. Hibbing, Minn— Pozivam članstvo društva 125 SNPJ na letno sejo, ki «e bo višila 15. dec., začetek ob de-eUh dopoldne v Martonski šolski ivorani. Na dnevnem redu bomo niell važne zadeve, med njimi vo-itev društvenega odbora za 1. 1947. Prejeli boste tudi atenske koledarje /a I. 1947. Udeležite se! Patar Chopp, tajnik. Windbar. Pa,—Članstvo društva 121 SNPJ se* naj gotovo udeleži letne seje dne 15. dec., začetek ob eni popoldne v Slovaški šoli, 1300 Jack-i«n ave. N« dnevnem redu bo vo-.Itev odbora In druge zadeve. Jannlo Jordan, tajnica. Oakmont. Pa. — Vabim članstvo drufttva 472 SNPJ, du ae gotovo ude- elt !etne seje 14 dec., začetek ob edmih zvečer v običajnem prosto-'U. Volili bomo odbor zu prihodnje leto. Prt našem društvu imamo vedno težave z odborniki. Dasiravno Imamo zmožne člune, nočejo sprejeti Zborniškega mesta in vsled tega ni^o se nameravali združiti s angleško poalujočim društvom, toda glasovanje ni tako izpadlo kot amo si želeli, v sled tegn ostunemo Luko kot sn-o. Ae posebej vabim članice, naj one pridejo na sejo in sprejmejo odbor-niika mesta, kajti mi smo ae že na-velnuli in si želimo malo počitka Po m-j i bomo imeli malo okrepčila. Toni K a us ml. pa Je obljubil, da bo pitnenel s seboj harmoniko in ae bono luhko malo zavrteli. Amalia fiorch. tajnica. Doircli. Mich -Članstvo društva M8 SNPJ j«, vabljeno na letno aejo 1ne 15. dec, začetek točno ob devetih i jut i«) V Slovenskem delavskem ion u Pridite v velikem Itevilu. Na dnevnem redu bomo imeli volitev uradnikov za I 1947 in druge vatne zedeve Prosim. da ae naj nekateri udelt ž t jo dtušlvene seje vsaj enkrat na leto. Naj Ae omenim, da boat« tudi letos it iiedtla skupno Slovenski delavaki torn tn ženski gospudinjakl klub ra-j vavo na starega leta večer. Za ples lan.tvo bo igla) ' Pink* orkester, ki je dobro . ■ ■ udrtet" poznan m igra ra aUre In mlade gl-xr.e seje 5 dee . i, k ob d% •h Vit ao le v razprta,l m gre popoldne P,, ,!,!«. •, t.,.I. kole- do dobro »d rt* Dobite nh lahko rtarje M.-t Vidmar, t.jmk pri tUmoah kluba Torej na a v Ide .. ----aj* m starega leta večer* Naznanjam članstvu Frank Tahovatk. Ujnik 518 SNPJ društva 707 SNPJ. da m In. vršila > inna M|, if, drr. ,a«etek Leiv. oh! Chicago. 11». -Clan.tvu drusiva Rt dveh popoldne v običajnem proste* SNf\l st«Mufam. da ae t*> vršila let-rw K* r j* (a ae)a važna je dolino t j na rej* || dec. začetek toCno ob de da ae Je ir tih *---" - - Cliff-Min«. Pa Po/ v; m društva 145 SNPJ da ae ri**i*»fl*g« flana in «0*1k a JI lanie« 4opeMee v obaajn« n< proatorti Trna fin. v nem redu ho 911 Ar mtage ave. C lanatvo t« pro-'Mlhrtia MM I 1W7 Injlenrv da •a-Mar aeie mteležl r os.m šievdu. kajti u seja bo zelo • »a •važna za napredek društva. Podana bodo poročila o naši zadnji veselici, na dnevnem redu pa bodo tudi volitve društvenih uradnikov za leto 1947. Dolžnoat vsakega člana in članice je, da se gotovo udeleži letne seje. John Morsi tajnik. Do Pu«, 111.—Vsemu članstvu društva Zavednost 59 SNPJ naznanjam, du se bo vršila letna seja v nedeljo, 15. dec., začetek ob. štirih popoldne v Slovenskem narodnem domu. Sejo bomo imeli popoldne zato, da te je bodo lahko udeležili vsi člani in članice. Na dnevnem redu bo več važnih zadev, kakor tudi volitev od bora zu 1. 1947. Po seji bomo imoli sodček piva in povrhu še nekaj močnega brezplačno za vse člane in članice, ženske pa bomo naprosili, da bodo prinesle malo lunča za prigrizek, tako da bomo imeli pravo slovensko zabavo. Torej pričakujemo, da nas bodo presenetile naše ženske-članice in sč z moškimi udeležile letne seje. Na svidenje! John Zugich, tajnik. Forest City, Pa.—Naznanjam vsem članom in članicam društva 124 SNPJ, da se bo vršila letna seja 15. dec., začetek ob desetih dopoldne v dvorani Zvon. Volili bomo odbor za 1. 1947, Ker imamo nesporazum pri društvu, ne bom več sprejel tajniškega mosta, prosim pa tiste Člane, ki dolgujejo meni za asesment, da porav nujo pravočasno, da bom oddal knjige drugemu, da ne bo potem zopet obsodbe proti meni. Priporočam vam, da izvolite dobre uradnike, da ne bo zopet prišlo do nesporazuma kot sedaj. Louia Saaao, tajnik. Rices landing. Pa. — Naznanjam članstvu društva 501 SNPJ, da se bo I vriila letna seja 15. dec., začetek ob eni popoldne. Želim, d« se članstvo udeleži v velikem itevilu, da bomo lahko izvolili odbor za 1. 1947. Matthew Barich. tajnik. Lootonia. Miaa^I'ozim članstvo društva 492 SNPJ na letno sejo dne 15. dec., začetek ob dveh popoldne. Na dnevnem redu bodo volitve odbornikov za 1. 1947. Udeležite se v velikem številu. Katžio Mu sic k, tajnica. Now Duluth. Minn -Članstvo drultva 205 SNPJ Je vljudno vabljeno na letno sejo, ki se bo vriila 15. dec., začetek ob f>ol dveh popoldne v običajnem prostoru. Potrebno je, da se vsi udeležite te važne seje, kajti na dnevnem redu bomo imeli volitve društvenih uradnikov za prihodnje leto in druge važne zadeve. Prosim, izvolite odbor, ki bo vsem po volji, ne pa da bi izvolili odbor v "kiklji", ker pri nas upoštevamo principe SNPJ. Pridite! Angola Blatnik, tajnica. Slovan. Pa.—Opozarjam Članstvo društva 241 SNPJ na letno sejo. ki ie bo vriila tretjo nedeljo v decembru. začetek ob dveh (»poldne v Hrvaški dvorani. Bodite vsi gotovo navzoči, kajti volili bomo odbor za 1. 1947 in razmotrivali o drugih važnih zadevah. Karolina Paposh. tajnica. Cleveland. O.—Članstvo društva Vipavski raj 312 SNPJ je vabljeno na letno sejo, ki se bo vriila 20. dec., začetek ob sedmih zvečer v običajnem prostoru. Na dnevnem redu bomo imeli volitve društvenih uradnikov za prihodnje leto, ter druge važne zadeve. Člani in članice, ki se ne bi udeležili te seje, se bodo morali podvreči društvenemu sklepu. Izjema so samo bolniki. Tiste, ki so zaostali z asesmentom, opozar-am. da poravnajo pravočasno, kajti sami lahko uvldite, da tajnik ne more zalagati. Po seji bomo imeli malo domače zabave. John Btrancor, tajnik. Bi. Louis* Mo. — Opozarjam vse članstvo drultva 107 SNPJ, da se udeleži letne seje 20. dec., začetek ob osmih zvečer v dvorani Jeffla, št. 3. Seja je važna, kajti na dnevnem redu bomo imeli volitve društvenih uradnikov za prihodnje leto, kakjr tudi druge važne zadeve. Stari tajnik bo vzel počitnice v prihodnjem letu, zatorej bo treba izvoliti drugega na njegovo mesto. Starši ste proleni, da pozovete mladino, naj se udeleži seje. Ako b*j notela. bomo lahko zborovali v angleškem Jeziku. Treba bo izvolit; mladino v odbor, posebno pa na taj-niAko mesto, da bo vsem pogodu In da bo lahko bodoči .tajnik zalagal a&osment za tiste, ki ne poravnajo svojih dolžnosti ob pravem času Tajnik ima veselje do dela le tedaj, iko mu gre članstvo na roke. Ako *em videl, da Je bilo komu težko pri-ti plačat ase*sment, sem šel na nje *ov dom, da sem mu ustregel, a za plačilo sem pa moral mnogo grenkih pozobatl. Po pravici povem, izgubil »m vse veselje do tajniškega dela. Nuj lc omenim, ako ne dobim plačanega decembrskega asesmenta do 2. Januarja, bom vsakogar suspendiral brez izjeme. I Torej udeležite se seje 20. decembra. Dobili boete tudi stenske koledarje SNPJ ra 1. 1947. Ciril Medved, tajnik. Cleveland. O.—Porivam članstvo društva Cleveland 120 SNPJ na letno aejo, ki ae bo vriila 15. decembra, začetek točno ob devetih dopoldne v običajnem proatoru. Bodjte navzoči vsi odborniki in tudi članatvo naj upošteva t« opomin. kajti letna aeja Je samo eno. na kateri so podana poročila in se sklepa z« bodoče leto. Na dnevnem redu bo tudi volitev odbora In raznih zastopnikov, Dolžnoat slehernega člana In članice je, da ae udeleži letne aeje In prevzame delo ter ga Izvršuje. Izvoliti bo tre ha tudi pripravljalni odbor za priredbo in delavce. Apeliram, da ae odzovete v velikem številu. Tudi člani-veterani se naj pokažejo in previa trejo razna dela. prav uko mlade ženice in dekleta Torej na svidenje IS. dec točno ob devetih zjutraj. J. J. Gabranja. tajnik. B«lUito. Ohio. Pozivam članstvo društva 258 SNPJ, da ae udeleži v velikem številu letne o«je. ki a« bo vršil« ||. decembra, začetek ob d« setih dopoldne v češki dvorani. Bratje in seotrr. dolžnost vas vele, da na vsak način pridete n« to sejo. kajti polovico društvenega od-txwa je na bolniški listi Pravilno in potrebno J« nadomestitev bolnih odbornikov z zdravimi člani Sami lahko and He da pri druitvu. ki ima bolne odbornike, ne more hiti napredka in aktivnosti Naznanjam tudi. da bomo n« doti« m sr)t delili stenake kolesje m knjige Ptt>«rvtne mattee Gaocv« Vucolkh. Ujnik. Besaomer, Pa. — Vljudno vabim Hanstvo drultva 97 SNPJ na letno r.ejo, na kateri bomo volili odbor za L 1947. Na dnevnem redu bomo imeli tudi druge važne zadeve. Pridite! Rudolf MaroiiL tajnik. McKooa Rocks. Pa —Pozivam člane in članice društva 210 SNPJ, du se v velikem številu udeleže letne cje, ki se bo vršila 15. decembra, začetk ob dveh popoldne v Hrvatskem domu na Shingiss st. Na dnevnem redu bomo imeli več važnih zadev in volitev uradnikov za 1. 1947. Udeležite se gotovo! Catherine Btayduhar, tajnica. Joliot. IIL—Društvo št. 189 se Je sporazumelo z društvom št. 115 za združitev. Ker bo društvo št. 115 imelo letno sejo 15. decembra, naše društvo želi zborovati na njihovi letni seji. Volili bomo odbor za leto 1947, zato opozarjam članstvo našega društva 189 SNPJ naj se udeleži v velikem številu, kajti po 1. januarju bo naše društvo pripadalo k št. 115. Philip Bebar, tajnik. Hackott. Pa.—Članstvo društva 90 SNPJ je vabljeno na letno sejo, ki se bo vršila 22. dec., oačetek ob desetih dopoldne v običajnem prostoru. Rešiti imamo več važnih zadev in izvoliti odbor za 1. 1947. Bodite vsi navzoči, kajti naše seje so skozi leto slabo obiskane, torej je dolžnost članstva, da se udeleži seje vsaj enkrat na leto. Louis Lajevic. tajnik. Frodoricktown, Pa.—Apeliram na članstvo društva 288 SNPJ, da se polnoštevilno udeleži letne seje dne 15. dec/, začetek ob dveh popoldne v običajnem prostoru. Na dnevnem redu bodo volitve uradnikov za 1. 1947. Bratje in so-stre, na november ski seji smo razpravljali, da naredimo angleško poslujoče društvo iz slovenskega. Kakor vam je znano, je vsako leto težko izvoliti društveni odbor. Vsak *e izgovarja, da je prestar in da dobro ne vidi, mladina pa ima drugi izgovor, da ne razume kaj se govori na sejah. Radi tega razloga smo NA NOVO SO SE NAROČILI NA PROSVETOt John Zorich. Gardner, Colo. J«nnie Kolone. Lamoat 111. Louia Maaioni. Detroit. Mich. Frank Novak. Chisholua. Minn. John Gorm. Eva lat h. Minn. JoraoJ Rokborger. Orr. Minn. Tcny Noao. Roundup. Mont. Mary Buboic. Cleveland. Ohio Frank Kapi«, ClaraUnd. Ohio Frank Kuro, Cleveland. Ohio John Voko, Clov«l«nd. Ohio Matt Buaok. Biruthon. Ohio Frank Ferjan. W«at Allla. Wis. Tom Koa. Rock Springs. Wyo Pope« Staro. Jugoslavija. Europe Fr. Btomborgor. Jugoslavija. Europe Rudolf Straiok. Slovenija. Jugoala-*Ja r patchers Fof Cabinet Division EXCELLENT PAY (Plenty of tlma) Good Working Condltiona MOTOROLA GALVIN MFG. CORP. 4S4I W. Angveta Blvd. primorani nekaj napraviti, in to je poslovati v angleščini. In čim prej se to uredi, boljše bo za društvo in jednoto. Torej ne pozabite priti na glavno sejo v nedeljo, 15. dec. Udeležite se stoodstotno! Anion Skvarch. tajnik. Gowanda. n. Y.—Letna seja društva Zarje svobode 325 SNPJ se bo vršila v nedeljo, 15. dec., začetek ob treh popoldne v običajnem prostoru. Na dnevnem redu bo volitev odbora za 1. 1947, zato se udeležite seje v velikem številu. Na dnevnem redu bomo imeli tudi druge važne zadeve, katere je potrebno rešiti. Prejeli boste tudi slen-ske koledarje, ki sem jih prejela iz gl. urada SNPJ. Po seji bomo imeli malo okrepčila. Torej udeležite se in storite svojo dolžnost! Mary StibiL tajnica. Chicago. 111.—Prihodnja seja društva Narodni vitezi 39 SNPJ se bo vriila v sredo, 18. dec., začetek ob pol osmih zvečer. Ker je to letna seja in bomo imeli na dnevnem redu volitve odbornikov za *L 1947, je dolžnost vseh članov, da se je gotovo udeleže. Sicer pa sleherni zaveden član že ve o tej seji, namen tega opomina pa ie, da ne pozabi. Pričakujem velike udeležbe in da naredimo tako zaključke za prihodnje leto, da bodo zadovoljivi za vse članstvo. Torej na svidenje v sredo, 18. dec. ob pol osmih zvečer I John Potokar, tajnik. Central City, Pa^—Članstvo društva 247 SNPJ je vabljeno na udeležbo letne seje, ki se bo vriila 15. dec. v običajnem prostoru. Pridite tudi tisti, ki vas ni bilo skozi vse le-♦o na seii. Po seji bo nekaj okrepčila za vse. Frank Yuko, tajnik. Čemu trpeti VSLED • glavobola t izrednosti želodca • neprebavnosti • nervoznosti • zgube spanca • vzdiganje plina povzročeno Tiled • rednega zaprtja TadaJ vaamite Dr. Patarsova dolg« preiakaieni Hoboko. To jo v«l kat na. vadna odvajalna — j« sdrarilaa tonika — Jo smeo II naravnih koreninic, so-lil« in evotia. Hoboko pripravi sama. rova k dala, pomaga pri jasno in i ostankov | gladko odvajanja ----- adiana plin aapaka in povrne aalodca pri jasno gorkoto. Ako lollto ponovno likati vesolja, odpravo saprtniike nerodnosti in ponovno adob-notf vašega šo-lodea ob istem losa — tedaj si nabavit« Hoboko ie do-noo. Posor: rabite kot pred pisano. Ako m aroete kupiti tega v vali Mini. plilU po 'Spozn.JU Hob o i ponudbo in dobili boate sa— . NAMEČEK poakvsno ataklonlro bolna nstfiss—Ukljutenjo in UvtaJaaoaU. Da. errors magolo — »ik.iin« pa- mom ne ko urim satantlm 'iMradora ▼ Aalodc« kot ktalinaka naprabavaoat te S Pošljite ta "Poeobne ^ I Ponudba" Kupon — Sedaj i | □ Priloženo j« SlOO Potljlte ml , navadno pottnlne »100 steklenico | no steklenico LŠMvf OLJ ln Mapolo. □C. o. O. (I Oroato U _ tn poakuo- • I 1 db. pite! pahknit k SOK S CO. I I Dept. S4I-SSD I I tSOl WaaOteetee BM.. Cbleaoo IX. DL , ALI GLEDATE ZA DOBRO PLAČO tU STABILNOST? Tolofoa kotnpaalja ima noka) takih prilik HIŠNICE (JANITREBSESl Takoj od aačatka plača TlVfc« uro, po treh maascih T7Vfce na i in po šoatih mesecih po 12 * ŽENSKE ZA ČIŠČENJE V VSEH DELIH MESTA Delovne ur« od 1:30 pop. do IS uro ponoči. oo pri illinois bell telephone company V pritličja Mi W. WASHINGTON ST. SREDA, 11. DECEMRRa m PRODA SE—MODERNA 4 sobna hiša "Stucco," opremljena s Qphištvom. Hiša je skoro nova. Garaža za 2 kari. J^ota 50x190. Na^ haja se blizo v trgovskem distriktu. Kupec lahko takoj zasede. Cena $9.800.00. Lastnik: Anton Jordan 478 W. Arrow Blvd., R. 1, Box 52] Fontana, California. NA PRODAJ IMAM Proda se dobro idoča gostlin9 "Tavern." Dohodki so od ^ do $425.00 na dan. čisti dobiček1 sečno znaša $3.500.00 Jam^no ^ T^TJL^ 00 An!o" Jordsn. 478 Arrow Blvd.. R i R#s Fontana. California. B°X 52' V blagi sponfin druge obletnice »mrti mojega ljubljenega in dragega soprog. in očeta VICTOR RADETICH kateri jo sa vodno preminul dno 9. decembra 1944 Prošl. so š. l.ti dv. od k«r, drogi mol in očo. več med nami ni. Ali naš spomin n« T«b« i« v«dno šivi in šival bo v srcih naiih do konca n«ših dni. Počlv.j v mirul-Žalujoči ostali, Mary R de tich. soproga; Annie in Jani«, hčeri, vse v Ev«r«ttville. W Va" V blagi spomin druge obletnice smrti mojog« ljubega brata in strica \ FRANKA Z0RMAN kalori j« preminul dne 7. decembra 1944. Dragi brat in atric naš! Dv« loti Tebe io zemlja krije, ali v mislih nalih si Ti š« vedno m«d nami. Počivaj v miru n lahka naj Ti boda ameriška somljica—Žalujoči ostali: .Katarina Žele in družina v Homer Cily. Pa. V blagi spomin četrte obletnice smrti / „ mojega ljubljenega soproga in očma MIKE GRČARJA • kateri nas jo za vodno zapustil dno 10. decembra 1942. Minula ao š« štiri dolgo leta. od kar Tabo voč med nami ni. Odnosi! T« v hladni grob, od kod«r več vrnitvo nI. Ljubljeni soproc in oč«m, vs« prehitro si sapuaiil nas. Tvoj spomin bo nam osial ta vedno v srcih naših, dokler s« tudi mi n« snidemo s Teboj. Počivaj v miru in l«hka naj Ti bod« amerilka zemlja.—Žalujoči ostali: Frances Grčar, soproga in njena sinova Frank in John Jauh in njih soprogo v Waahingtonu, Pa V blag spomin četrte obletnice smrti naloga ljubljenega in nepozab-ljonega sina Williama E. Vider kateri j« padel sadoi od jspon-sko sovražnikovo krogle in bil na Aaastu mrtev ter dal noj« mlado šivlj«njo za domovino dn« 5. decembra 1942. Daleč tam v tujini, dragi sin in brst naš; počivaš, kjer ne moramo obiskati Tvoj grob. ampak v srcih n«ših si nam v vednem spominu in tako ostaneš nam do konc« naših dni. Počivaj v miru! —Žalujoči ostali: Poter Vidor. očo in mati, tar bratje in sestre v Reuch. Minnesota. Naznanilo in zahvala Ž«lostn«ga src« n«snanj«m vsem sorodnikom, prliaioljom in znan-com tušno vest. da J« po 18-m«s«čni bolezni s« vodno preminul moj ljublj«ni soprog ln očo JACOB TUSHAR V Ameriki Jo bil 42 lot ln ob smrti J« bil ster 65 lat. Rojen jo bi lat« 1881 pri Spodnji Idriji v Sloveniji. Jugoslavija. Pokopan jo bu po katoliških obredih dn« 8. novembra 1948 na Odd Follows Coma-lory pokopališču v Roaomontu. W. V«. Najtepš« sa žalim sahvsl n m rs. K«terini T«koca is Pittaburgha. Pa., mra. Ruth SnaTd«r in Frank Bambiču is Raynoldavill«. W. V«., mrs Tillie Pti" " Clevelanda. Ohio. mr. in mra. A. J. Stopers is Morgantown. W. va. mr. in mrs. Frank Zb«lnlk, mr In mrs. Paul Zbasnik. nu. Tony Zbasnik in mr. in mrt. John Bulw«ny is Brownton. W. Va. ter " • in mra. John Košjok, mr in mra. Mik« B«lyak, tar tudi društvu «. 383 SNPJ is Galloway. W. V«., sa darovane krasn« vence in cve« lic«, ki ste Jih poloiili n« kraio pokojnik«. Iskren« hvala tudi bratu predsedniku drultv« št. 363 SNPJ s« poslovilni govor ob odprtem grobu. Najtepš« hvala mm ln s« ~ kar koli ste nam dobrvga storili in nu tolažili v uri šolootl. Tebi. draqi soprog in»<*••/■ želimo, počiva« v miru in lahka aaj Ti bod« «m«rišk« lujoči ostali: M«. Mary Tuahar. sooroga: Paulina Stopor. omozen hči ln a«t ter štiri« vnuki v Brownton. W. V«. ■ Naznanilo in zahvala Ž«loatnog« src« nasnanjamo vsem prij«telj.m in manem iuino v«at. da J« s« vedno preminul naš ljubljeni oč« MARTIN K0LENC Umrl J« dn« 1«. oktobra 1946 po dev.ttetnibo^snlin ob ^n )• bil alar 82 lot in oa«m dnL Roj«n J« bil 8. oktobra ; senik, občina Dob pri Kamniku. Bil Jo član "J ^lepi- te čl«n unij« « 34 P.M.W. of A. v Gilteopte hvala vaam. ki ate darovaU kr.sne v«nc« in cvoliics-p-j ^ nosilcem, ter vsem. ki ate ga obisk.ll ob mrtvaškem ocr^ ^ tolažili In sicor: Mr. in mra. K.rl Oun. Sr. mr. '» ^ mr kar. mias M.ry Birk mr. in mra. John Rug*» """^"Vfc |.m l i1* Jakob Dolenc, mr. in mra. John Slug«, mr. Chartes do ^ ^ m mr. in mra. Am«li« Moore mr. in mra. Allen »»snop- ^ ^ John Oeopok. dntšlnam« Louia Sr. in Lonia Jr. MazT * lfl Mahkovits. mra. Annie B«rbich is W^aonburga Coio« • mr ilij«, mrs. mr. in aara. Amelia Moore mr. m ran. - ^ j,m»- John Oeopok. dntšlnam« Louia Sr. in Louia Jr. Mary ^ ^ Mahkovits. mra. Annie Iterbich ia W^*nburga Coio-. ^ ^^ Sam Jodm. druš! U|. P«for Mw^hak. mr. ia mrs. u ^ ^ }o mra. Frank Rugal. Kana., mr in mra. Paul S")UB* T*Kt,I0er soph Hoezser. mr. in mra Ludvik Purgaz. mr. 1» »»V^ Marti« mr. John Vidmar la Bonld. UL Mr. Jo« Fatlon mr. w jprpj «« Bitnik. mr. Ruport in sin Paul Grogoeieh dru*t»« • I« unij« št 34 FJiW ol A. vaom. ki ste g« rpremd, n« njogovi aadn)i P^^ "1 , na mirodvor Tobi. dragi o<-e p« telim« P«*'"' Jf! ^ »ana hladnem v ameriški ««mlJi^-ialu»o*i aalab: »»o ^ in sin Johnny, ter t h in Kalhte Mahkovits. v -Illinois. ~ ■ ^ Slovet* Nafl Benefit Society in 43rd Year of Fraternal Service-1904-1946 PROSVETA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11,1946 ENGLISH SECTION Twentieth Annivergary of SNPJ English Speaking Lodge Movement For Memberg of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovenet PAGE FIVE Silver Stars Give hie Dance Dec. 21 Yukon, Pa.—The Silver Stara iXee 729 completed their annual \Zuni by electing the officer, as £ws Pres.. Frank Podtesek; K John Costello; Rec Sec'y, Zy' Matkovich; Sec'y Carolyn Sar. Congratulations to all and Jay the coming year be successful for our society. Members of our lodge are proud ,o announce that our Thanksgiving ivp dance was an overwhelming tcm A special "Thank You" is I, store for the friends who attended this noes for Curry, Oakmont, Pinleyville, Library, Universal. Homer City, Harmarville, Hackett, Indiana. Star Junction. Brownsville. Westmoreland City. Yukon and to all others whom I failed to mention. We appreciated your cooperation at our dance. So by popular request we have a return engagement of Billy Perni-iek featuring the Streamliners orchestra. Sat., Dec. 21. at the Slovene Hall. So begin the holiday season fight and follow the crowd, as all road* will lead to Yukon. We need not express again for a "grand time" will be in progress at this Xmas dance. The writer and a few other friends and members of our lodge attended the J. Z. Jrs. anniversary dance on Thanksgiving day in Library. A swill time was had by all who attended. One more month and the "Silver Stars" shall have another anniver-nry. Plans are under way for a gigantic celebration for the coming occasion. The date is January 18. Frank Porovne and his Musical Stylists have been obtained to make it a real attraction for the evening. More details will follow in later is-wes of the Prosveta, so keep this date in mind. Last Reminder: Xmas dance Sat., Dec. 21. Music, Streamliners. Time. 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. Place, Slovene Hall in Yukon. May we see you there? CAROLYN ZALOKAR, Sec'y. - Comrades'Notebook By J. F. Fifolt Dance, Saturday, Dec. 14 CLEVELAND. Ohio.—The enter tainment committee met at Pauline Spik's home the other night to line up all the details for the dance Saturday, Dec. 14. Music will be furnished by Johnny Zalokar and his boy». Elsewhere in this paper * an ad listing the donors of the various door prize* which will be award« d. It looks like a big evening that night and many hands »'II be required to perform the various tasks. Wp switched our meeting date »cause of the Athletic dance and •re calling it for Dec. 28. Room 1. »■ H. Entertainment committee NOTICE TO LOCAL LODGE SECRETARIES We hereby announce that large and small wall calendars have been shipped to all the local lodges of the Society. If you have failed to receive this shipment, please advise the Main Office at once. Since there is an extra supply of small wall calendars available, additional ones will be furnished upon request, if needed. We ask the Local Lodge Secretary to see to it that one small wall calendar is furnished to each home or family where there are members of the Society. F. A. VIDER, Supreme Secretary. Strabane Pioneers decided on muaic. free refresh- ■*nlx that night, roast beef sandwiches and what have you. A spe-r'sl 'nvitation will be sent to the «>y» that were in the service to ««iend and receive a token of appreciation from the lodge for their *mce to their country during the refent w"r. Election of officers to «rry on during the next year, a "•vkw of our past performance, ^•ntation of sifts to the boys, "'"■eshments that will hit the spot. "Wfc and drink, all for the mere Pf«'*nce of your company. Re-Jwber the date, Saturday. Dec. r8t " JO p. m. Bl, "7°Tickets for the Juve-Chorus performance and sup-^'turday, Dec. 21. were passed wound to the members. All agreed I »how up then disperse and take J' Athletic League dance on M,l'nes Ave. The entertainment committee en- ZZ !mm<;n««ly the repast pra~ * red by Pauline Spik. We also out why Frank Ross is gain-weight in the midriff; the cake pastry whipped up by Pauline *** was delicious. Frank" n ,h"nk" 10' 000 Lotrich. " Hi'iek, Ann Sannemann and STRABANE. Pa. — On Sunday, Dec. 1st, the Piorteers held their annual meeting at the SNPJ Hall. Election of officers and committees for 1947 was the main business conducted during the two and one-half hour meeting. Attendance at the meeting was fine in comparison with other meetings of the past years, with nearly one hundred members present. Three new juveniles were proposed for membership: Pamela Ann Podboy, Jo Lynn Sedmak and Thomas John Chesnic. The financial report given by our treasurer showed Lodge 58t to be doing very well as far as finances are concerned. In the election of officers and committees for 1947, the following members will guide 589 during the next year. Elected to the presidency. a post he has held in the past, was Frank Tomsic. one of 589's hardest workers. Filling the post of vice-president is John Poop, serving his first year as an officer of 589. Re-elected to the post of secretary, which she held for quite a number of years, was Frances Pod-boy. Frank Kaminski was reelected for the second consecutive year to the office of treasurer. The rec. ording secretary is Mrs. Agnes Curtis. while the new office of Director of Juvenile Activities will be held by mrs. Mary Chesnic and Mrs. A1 bina Yarkosky is Juvenile Circle Managers. Mrs. Chesnic and Mrs Yarkosky were Circle advisers for the past few years. The auditing committee will be composed of Mrs Mary Chesnic, Mrs. Agnes Curtis and Mrs. Mildred Podboy Jr., all being re-elected. August Podboy is to hold down the job of publicity Elected to the House Committee to serve with the officers of No. 589 were James Tomsic, William Tom sic and Frank Podboy. To look in to certain business affairs, were John Podboy Jr.. John Tershel Jr and August H. Riska. These three members in addition to the officers will work on certain business problems of No. 589. As our representative at the Slovenian Savings and Loan Ass'n annual meeting James Tomsic was chosen. Dr. Ca razola and Dr. Jas. Wilson were elected as lodge doctors. The door Vrlse wag won by Bertha Koklich The officers of 589 were pleasantly surprised at the fine attendance at the yearly meeting and hope that such an attendance could be had at each meeting of 1947. During the war years and rince the end of the war, activity among its members hit a low period, lowest since 589's beginning twenty years ago. But lately, there have been signs of renewed activity again which we hope will surpass that of the years preceding the war. Such activity can only be had if the lodge members so desire and actively participate in all lodge affairs. That is why we urge all members to attend the meetings and affairs. A LODGE IS ONLY AS ACTIVE AS ITS MEM-BERS We know that there are many of our members who have good ideas for the creation of activities and husband Bob. together with others, for their good wishes in our new business venture. Many Comrade members, as well as others have dropped in to give us the once over. You're welcome any time. J Jr. Bright Spots 1-IllltARY, P..-Y«. ,nd~d our »'\>u*ry danc<, on Thanksgiv-N"v. 28. was a treat success, p an opportunity throuch the j, '2! th«t we can thank all our , . ',fl■ knd lodges for making it * gala affair Every one seemed * a gay tjme T*iy Tomsic. your promise was ' *'-pt by bringing your friends S), dlnc* We ne«-d more young ^ -nii you and Prank. Bill *r*> the door prixe. Con-■ •'uiationa. Bill. 'f!', ^ 4 election of k r'L ,M7 P Ambrožu Jr. ' XOUri tnj,» »» P***' W w«Mett. treasurer; ™iatm- ae'ey; Alvlna I T* Charlea Wagget had a pleasant Ume at the meeting and the social afterward. Our next J. Z Jrs. meeting is Wedneeday. Jan 8. 1947. Let's start off the New Year with a greater attendance at our meetings Surely you can make it one day a month. At this time I would like to welcome our new wmberi. Henriette Celin. Evelyn Senaevich. Clifford Kauffman The bowling tournament la lust around the cttrnrr. and all our members are excited about It. We can't say what prize we will get but we will try very hard. Yes. another dance Is going to be held at the Library Slovenian Club. Saturday, Dec 14. and the music will be by Marty King The dance la sponsored by the Library Wo-men's Club Let us all try and make this a aurceaaful affair. Bis Helen McElkcnV to In the Pittsburgh Hoapital, We send her best wiahe« and a apeedy recovery DOROTHY A KAUCIC. general advancement in membership and good fellowship in our lodge. These members are the ones we like to see at our meetings to express their views. At our January meeting many plans will be made concerning Pioneer activities for 1947. All members are urged to attend to help make plans for the future of our. lodge and make it pass the high peak it had attained before the war, in social, sports and other various affairs. Remember, *our lodge will be only as active as its members, and if you, as a member, do not participate in lodge meetings or affairs of the lodge, blame only yourself. Participate in Lodge activities und build Lodge 589 into the best, and then boust ull you desire and you are rightfully should. Pioner Patter Plans to have a number of both, men and ludies teams, to be entered in the W. Pa. Federation Duckpin Tourney at Carrick, New Year's Day ... Jane Kesnowski is in charge of entries for ladies, while Tony Tershel is taking entries for the men. Anyone wishing to enter the tourney, contact Jane or Tony. The lodge will pay entry fees for all teams; so get your teams signed up . . . The fine meal served after the meeting was a big hit with all members. The ladies who provided and prepared the meal should be dftmmended . . . Congratulations« to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. R. Verchek Jr., who recently became parents of a son . . . Jake Martincic. popular accordion player, has been discharged from the service . . . Congratulations to Miss Josephine La v rich and Frank Warsek of Barberton, who became Mr. and Mis. recently. Frank is the accordionist in Taffy's band from Barberton . . . Belated birthday greeting* to Bill Tomsic. whose birthday was last month , . . Don't forget our 20th annual Christmas dance on Dec. 25 at the SNPJ Hall in Strabane. A! Medafor and his Polkateers will provide the music .. . Participate in all Pioneer activities in 1947 and boost them to the top. PUBLICITY COM M Midaway Lodge 89 Will Meet Sunday MIDWAY, Pa.—All members of Lodge 89 are reminded that our annual meeting will be held Sunday, Dec. 15, at 1 p. m. Important discussions will be held and officers for 1941 will be elected So what do you say. "members, let's make this a record attendance. Yule Partu Saturday. Dec. 21. is the nlte of our Christmas party. A grand time is pnAnised everyone. Santa will be there with a treat for all youngsters. Again I say let's have a record attendance at the meeting. ANNA PIKE. Treas. Yule Party of the Juvenile Singing Circle of SNPJ CLEVELAND. — The Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges will sponsor its annual Christmas par-, ty on Saturday, Dec 21. It will be held in the lower hall at the Slo« venian National Home on St. Clair avenue. The admission ticket will be 75c and it will also include a free supper. Following this, Santa Claus will distribute gifts to all the Juvenile members present. Music for dancing will be furnished by J. Mauer, of the Spartans. Let's all join in and make this party the happiest occasion of the yule season. JOSEPHINE TRATNIK. Sec'y. Starlights Circle No. 39 Plana Yule Party Dec. IS BON AIR. PA.—Santa Claus is going to visit Starlighter Circle 39 at the Slovene Home on December 18. Members and nonmember* are welcome. A decorated Christmas tree will welcome Santa to our party. It was agreed at our regular montly meeting on November IS that we members would pick names and exchange gifts. The price would be set at thirty cents. Every-one will have a super time if they come for there will be a treat for everyone. Circle 39 might put on a Christmas play this month, If all members come to our neat meeting I'm sure most of you will either get a part in the play or get a recitation of some kind. One of our members, George Strippy, broke hia collar bone while playing football. He still has his arm in a cast but it's getting better. We regret that the first manager of our Circle, Mrs. Sylvia Skedel, will not enjoy the 'Christmas party with us members. She has moved to California a few* weeks ago. We surely do miss her helping hand at our meetings and partiea. St), please members, come to our next meeting to get a part in our play. VIRGINIA KORBER. Sec'y. Attention, Trail Blazers CHICAGO —In behalf of the Trail Blazers I am asking the members to come one hour sooner so our yearly meeting will come to a close earlier. The place is the same. The election of officers and then we have something that should interest the young and older members. Our Juvenile Director M Vrhov-nik will show us SANS films "Lib-eration of Ljubljana" and "Vrba" with Slovenian talkies Nothing like this so far on the South Side of Chicago has been seen or heard. Members, this should be very interesting. Come so you will not be sorry later. The Juveniles will have a grab bag and Santa Claus will be there, of courae. We will hfve the refreshments free. So members, coma, help elect offleera for the year 1947. Come, see and hear tha movies and bring the children to see Santa Claus Refreshment«? Y*a. Charge? No. Am alao taking this opportunity to thank all the members for their cooperation they have given me for the year 194«. In behalf of the officers we wish you all a very merry Christmas arid a happy New Year. AGNES VRAIflCAR. Sec'y, Young Americans DETROIT—A last reminder that on Friday, Dec. 13. the Y. A. will elect their officers for the coming year. It is your duty to be present, at 7:30 p. m. sharp. On Dec. 14. the Y. A s will again sponsor a Feather Party at the SNPJ. at 8 p. m. S»i come, get your Christmas dinner. On Sunday. D««c. 1st. the two bra ncljes of SANC celebrated the first anniversary of the Jugoslav Peoples Republic at the SND Although the crowd was not as large as had b«*n anticipated, may they continue their progress and wishing them success eternally. On Dec It. the Spirits of Detroit will present their Christmas program The children along with Ann Ktromer and Dorothy Karun have put much effort Into this program. All the members of the Clr-le are »ailing tickets, ao help them out and get yours today, We've notieed Frances Koahir )s doing a fine Job aelltng her share, we're sure she's leading all the kids, nice going. Frances, As for the reat of ua let 's »bow theae k »da we're beck of them and wish them sucraas by attending the affair on Dec II. at 427 S. Livernois at I p m Our sincere sympathy Is r i tended to th* Utmlf of the late frank Paznik who passed away recently He waa a Y. A member for a good many years, On March 1st. the Y A s will celebrate their 21st anniversary. In thoae 21 years we have come a long way. so a fitting ealebratton will be held, Coma to the Dec meeting where further plans will b» formulated / Congratulations are in oidar In Frank Jackllch Yep. he announced his engagement on De«. 7, I We've watt««! a long time for thia/but It couldn't happen to a nicer fellow 0o our hate off to you frank, and to you Marie, alao We received a letter from our good friend down Chtrago way, Don Lelrtfltl. asking us )uat - when our teams could bowl tha Pioneers This too will be open for diaeasion at our neat meeting and will notify you aa aoon aa we ran, Don There's always a good tim* in store for all when the Y. A s and Pioneera get together We were glad to aae Al Peter-rial's article in leal week'a laaoe of the Proaveta Al alao promises to write often« and aaal/i become aa active as he waa prior to the war We'U be aaeintf all of you at the V. A. December meeting KAY TRAVNIK. Mi Tuvenile Circles Ready to Stage Yule Parties, Programs in December Špirita of Detroit Will Stage Yule Program 8unday 'DETROIT, Mich. — The Juvenilo Circle "Špirita of Detruit>' are ready to preaent their firat program since the war's end. The Juveniles need your moral ^nd financial support, so let's all give them a boost with an overflow crowd at the program. Remember the date la Sunday, Dec. 15, at 3 p. ip at the West Side Slovene Home, 437 S. Livernois. Here is a little information about our Juvenile Circle. Bio. Kay Travnik. supreme board member, la the Circle manager. He reorganised the juveniles soon after his discharge from the army and since then the Circle has rapidly grown in membership. Bro. Travnik has seen the need of experienced teachers to organise the juveniles so that they could display their talent towards something that they were best suited. May it be muiical or acting, Ann Stromar and Dorothy Karun were then selected to assist in guiding the Circle and these two ladies have done a swell job with the Spirits of Detroit^ They have been rehearsing the youngsters week after week in order that they would be able to preaent a suitable program to you KNPJers and friends of Detroit. The dale of Dec. 1ft is now at hand and you can show your appreciation by attending the Circle program. Here is the Juvenile Spirits of Detroit Christmas program that will be presented Sunday, Dec, 1ft, at 3 p. m.: 1. "Jingle Bells," by Juvenile Spirits chorus, pianiats Jo Ann Man-nlse and Velma Obed. t. Opening. Toni Stirnae. I, 'Veinjeva Polka" and "Bene-Aki ValCek," accordion solo, Frances Napotmk. 4., "Marijana" and "Kukavica,'' duet, Velma Obed and Martha Ann WerholU. 4. "Twilight Time" and "Paper Moon," clarinet solo, Tom Stimac. I. "Tea for Two" and "Ditty Fingers," accordion aolo, Joan Koeian. 7. Playlet "They'll Never l.ook There"; Jo Ann Mannise (father), Tom Stimac (mother), Philip Maaser (Junior), Frances Koahir (Sally). George Stimac (Bobby), Maty Mannise (Betty), Joyce Bence (Toddy), Joanne Grum (Patty), I. Circle chorua sings three timely songa, pianists Jon Ann Manisae and Velma Obed, I Closing, Tom Stimac. Of course, It's very likely that ole Santa will also appear on the scene and perform his duly, In other words, nothing will be mlaaing al thin yule program which is Iwing staged for the enjoyment of both tha youngsters and adulta alike. Therefore, you are all cordially invited to attend. Refreshments of all kinds will be served as usual, and good music will not be lacking either. Be there Sunday aftei noon, Dec. IS, at 2 o'clock at the West Side Slovene Home. HANK RUPERT, 877, Llncolntte Jr. Circle lo Hold Yule Party Dm. 22 SPRINGFIELD, III.—It Is heartwarming when you can work with a Circle group and gat the fine cooperation we received from our Ju-veniles and their parents at our fall Dance which waa aponsored by both the Lincolnite I^xJge and Circle 54 on Nov. 10 Everyone pitched in and worked whoM heartedly. The proceeds of the dance tickets and refreahrnenta want to the Lincolnite l^idge while the proceada of ticket book*, (he check room, the cake, „ coffee and balloon sales went to the Circle treaaury. Norma Copl, Shirley Davenport, IxKetta Klaaint and Joaeph Klesinc look time working in the check room, while Philip felber, franees Klasinx, Gary l^arar and Joyce Volk took charge of the t m I loon sale« up stairs. Mrs. Grace Davenport waa busy all evening getting thoaa lovely take« cut which were donated by the Circle mother* She was assist ed by her daughtei Shirley and Lucille Cunningham, while Mary Rri-norar prepared the delicious coffee Our most exciting Job of the evening waa awarding our lovely I-tube tabla model radio to tha lurky winner who waa m »ne other than fieri k Lerkin Congratulations^ The e the high spot ot' the evening's entertainment. Before the program we have made arrangements to have plcturea taken of tha Circle group players near the stage and around the glitter and sparkle o I a Christmas tree Theae, If they turo out g«*«M|, will be aoid to members who want them As the curtain goes down on the last numtier. Santa Claua who means ao much to the younger folka will appear on the stage and diatribute Christina« treats Pi each member of Clrcl« I«, Admission will lie 3ftc for adults and I ft«- for n<«nmemher children So lie with us on this cheerful, earful ev% Dec 22, PKANCES PETRO Mgr, Sharon Circle Molds Danca and Meeting Sunday SHARON. Ps —The Juvenile Circle of Nhar«m la holding a dance thle Sunday, Dec I ft. at the Slovene Dom Music by Stan Novak and his Vagabonds A cordial invitation is extended to all SNPJers and friends to attend PRANCES NOVAK Mgr Members, attend the annual meeting of your lodge! Circle No. 2S Prepares for tha Chrlstmaa Seaaon . CHICAGO.—Last Saturday morning a "work meeting" was held by members of Perfect Circle 28. Colored paper, paste, aclaaors, bright stars, and old Christmas cards were the material supplied. The results obtained were attractive invitationa In bell form, taken home by each member to "Mom and Dad." The parent! are being invited to the Circle's annual meeting and Christmas social. Modernlatic. aa well as original art waa displayed when members cut out Chrlstmaa trees and then proceeded to decorate them with the stars, scraps of paper, etc. It waa a most satisfying seaalon. with tongues flying as fast as hands and vice versa, and everyone proud of the handwork they took home. Due to the holiday hustle and buatla, no meetings will be held until the annual une which will take place on Saturday night, Dec. 28, lower SNPJ Hall. Several Circle members will appear on the federation's , Christmas Party, Sunday, Dec. 22, SNPJ Hall; It'll be grand to meet all the SNPJ family fur some good Chrislmas cheer. See you then I ANN SANNEMANN, Mgr. Perfect Circle 28 SNPJ, Circle 24 Beady for "Snowball" Saturday. Dec. II WAUGEGAN, ILL,—This is another reminder for thoae who have purchased tickets or Ihoae who are planning to attend "The Snowball", that the date Is December 21 Instead of December |2. Posters have already been posted up in the various business places, and they certainly are very colorful and attractive, There have been so many nice comrnenla on them alao. Gerry Pabst and Mary Debelak are responsible for the large, attractive posters. Nlee work, glrlat l u/i By Donald J. Lotrich CHICAGO. ILL.—-In a return bowling engagement last Sunday the Badger« of Milwaukee trimmed all thru« Pioneer teams, two men'f and one women'«. One of the »quads in particular had an extremeJy close contest, trimming the Pioneers by only nineteen pins, while the first team and the girls lost by larger acores. The game« were rolled in Rcmic's Alleys in Milwaukee. Sev-eral Pioneers went up (or the 20tb anniversary dance of. the Badgers and stayed overnight to join in the rooting for their teams. The Badgers were home on these alleys. Matt Graff and A1 Jeray shot a 603 scries each. Kriscoycc rolled 575 and Spruck 573. Brondel got $30 and the other Badgers rolled as follows: Lochner 478. J. Sedmak 434, Slim Sedmak 406, R. Simon 434 and Tony Obluck 463. Don Lotnch led the Pioneer squad« with a 569. Matt Brinovec brought in his usual good series of 548, and the rest came through with the following scores: Pirman 462, A1 Ormaniec 469, Ja-chino 464, Zcfran 487, Frank Lot-rich 448, Ed Mijalski 449. Chester Ziarko 439. and John Petra* 475 Sophie Svoboda did best for the Pioneer girls with a 4$9 scries, while Clara Medved rolled a beautiful 527 for the Badger girls. Because the pioneers won the first set of gamej and the Badgers the second set, 1 was decided to meet again sometime in January, perhaps in Wau-kegan. 0 0 0 John Zordani and Antonia Cekada have been added to the aiok list. Gloria Ceretto underwent an operation last week. Eva Kovach was reported well.—A card from Durant, Mississippi, tells us that Fred Bennett is taking in the jights in the South.—The current iasue of TStT, published by Bro. Louis Adamic, take« President Harry Truman to task severely. Adamic accuses him of trying to be all things to all men and calls him down for his outright falsehoods. In this way the country is bound to go to the dogs because its chief doesn't know what he wants or where he wants to go. The result is that pressure group« and cheap politicians are directing the ways of the Federal government Brother Adamic tries to compare what would have been done had Franklin D. Roosevelt itlll lived. He predicts that the next two years wll be bad years because of the poor judgement of the high dffic»als. • • $ • We heard Dr. Gerhard Schacher, radio commentator and foreign newspaper correspondent, lecture at the Toman Library last Friday night. His topic was "Chances for a Lasting Peace," and he explained that the longer we can stall off the present trends from materializing, that much better a chance we have of making peace last. The surprising thing, however, he pointed out, was the fact that America is really the only capitalist country today, Most of Europe has gone leftist. England has a labor government which in semblance is socialistic, iiouth American countries have varied shades of radical governments. China ia in its civil war and India ia about to go through that strife. Yes, he pointed out that tiie Americana with their economic system of private enterprise are isolated. It must fight for its extension and thut may be the reason for the present maneuvers of the Byrnes type. Mr. Schacher was the i nly commentator who knew the situation well enough during the crucial months of i 1141 and 1942 to have courage enough and predict that I he Huasians would stop Hitler'* hoariles. In those days of trial when everybody figured that the Russians would cellayae, he called it a strait gic withdrawal The lecture waa well attended • • • Only a few people are aware of what happened in England wh«m aome of the Labor members of the Kovernment rebelled aguinst the present foreign policy. "In Fact" comes out with the «tory now. It relate* how the Labor government is still condoning the wishes of rest t mnaiy and n onarchlst "big shots." How Hilton« friendly to Ft unco holJ the government in check toward* the Spaniards Why they play th<* peculiar game in leguid to Hungary. Git ere and Poitugnl Also, wh\ thry haven't puiged tin Hi Utah ai m> and navy of the old And outwui, hioi* haLs. Only by having tU» information uin out judgr the action-of the levelling gioup pinpetl) H V Kttlunboin a well known to the Am«; can ladio audicnct II« in definitely anti-labor and for the pri vate enterprise system. When wc protested against one of kis broad casta to the NBC, be losponded by sending a picture of himself and ex plained that even the minority is en titled to its representation, but that be had rfceived thousands of ap pro vala to only a few disapprovals of his broadcasts. This makes me be Ufve that too few Americans ex press themaelves when they should —The reverse can be true in the case of Robert H. Scott of San Francisco who spoke about atheism. The station reports that the large majority of those commenting were to ban future broadcasts despite the fact that he wai teDinf the truth. Religious cults ganged up and forced tHe cancellation of future broadcasts. • • • Pioneer juvenile members will be receiving an invitation and gift tick ets for the annual Chicago District Federation of SNPJ Yule Party. It will be held on Sunday, December 22, at the SNPJ Hall and all of you are requested to come. No admis sion will be charged for iuvenije members. Adult« Will pay 4*c. Ev ery year we have had a good Christ-ma« party and we want to make this equally as good. Parents should see i hat their children get to the annual Santa Claus affair. Veronian News VERONA. Pa.—We are certainly looking forward to seeing the nice crowd from the different lodges at our dance this Saiurday for an enjoyable evening is always had. and the juveniles are on hand to Sell refreshments. Speaking of dances, we have another listed for Sat., Dec. 28. so keep this in mind. For those of you who are interested in following the Musical Stylists, might state that they travel to Universal to play Sat., Dec. 21. For those of you interested in hiring a good band for your dances, am informfd that Tommy Ferguson and his orchestra will be open for bookings after the first of the fear. You can contact him by call-ng his home after 6 p. m., Sprlng-dale 8965-J-l, or by writing to Box 363. Harwick, Pa., and he will be £lad to give you more iriformatiop regarding bookings. In the next issue will give results as to the election of the officers. Sorry to hear that Janice and Joan Zolet are shut-ins with measles and Tony Boziok with mumps. With regard to bowling, might state thg,t the committee expects to cut down the number of team« for the attendance of bowjers has dropped considerably. If any member is interested in joining the league at this time, get in touch with Eugene Mokosck and you will bo put on a team immcolately. Here is the standing of the teams and their captains. The Begrs. Mike ipesky, in 1st plac*. next are the Steelers, Joe Zolet, Yanks. Elmer Eiffler. and Ram«. John LipeSky, tie for 2nd. Redskins. Tommy Ferguson In third. Cardinals. Copper Bcrgoich 4th. Greenbay. Joe He-zar 5th, and Giants. Rudy Stanik last. Elmer leads the high for one fne 255. also high for three at 626. Tor the women. Mary Cassol leads with high for one at 175 and also for three 429. The Rams have high for ope game at 679 and the Stccl-er» take high team score for three gumcs at 1861, See you at the dance Saturday and hope Jo see some new face« at bowling Thursdays CORNELIA GORUN. 680 continue the articles in the official organ we will only cause diaaension among our members and arouse antagonism against our entire organization. In addition, future conventions will be at loss to gat delegates to accept or participate on the various coqunu tees- I must admit it makes iqter-csiog reading and I cap't blajne Brp. Vi bovnik defending himself as well as the committee as such uconation/ would make anyone take a stand. " Tis better to let weli enough alone." On TO TtJE BOWLING TOURNAMENT AND DANCE. This occasion speaks for itself as the past record will encourage the members tc participate. Whether the New Year's.Eve celebration will hamper their bowling ability ifi a moot question. The J. t. Jrs. will have twq five-woman tear*« and one five-man team. These bowlers will also participate in the doubles and singles events, tbe Lodge will pay fog all entries, so if there are any members who haven't already signed up get in contact with Fran Dermotta or Frank Ambrosic. ^ Entries must be in by December 18. so make up your mind nOw. Anyone desiring to go bowling on Sunday afternoons meet the gang at the Slovenian hall at 2:15 p. m. o The officers for the coming year were unanimously elected at our meeting on Wednesday. Dec. 4: they are: president. Frank Ambrosic Jr.; vice president. Dorothy Kauoic; recording secretary. Rose Rockacy; financial secretory. Alvina Ocepek; treasurer. Helen Waggett; auditors. Lillian Bianko. Frank Yqpek and Chas. Waggett; juvenile adviser; Helen Waggett; sgt.-st-arms. Adolph plapnik. This'n That: Speedy recovery to Edward Terchek and also to his sister Helen McElheny who was reported on the sick list. Best wishes and lots of happiness to Mayme Triller who recently became engaged to JUll Stoltze. The Library Women's Club is sponsoring a dance on December U. featuring Marty King's orchestra. A good time is in store for all those who attend. I Incidentally, the women have been working on the drapes for the hall. Wednesday night is sewing night so drop in and give them a hand. The J. Z. Jrs. will keep up the tradition by sponsoring their annual "Heart to Herat" dance in February. More about this later. The Sunday night socials continue at the Slovenian Hall. Paull Dolinar has been entertaining the crowd with his accordion and humor, why not join the gang fqr an evening? Until again, don't forget the Bowling Tournament on January 1st at the Palmer Alleys in Carrick and the dance at 57th and Butler street. FRAN DERMOTTA. JACK UC0ICAL CIWST8 »OR EV8W*: American Junior Bad Cress members assist In packing medical chests far shipment to Europe where they a>V distribute^ to and children's institution* Beraase eeap Is extremely scare«, it k usually included. ' *»T " * (American Jt«-«I crass Photol Stragglers News CLEVELAND—Now that more space has been allotted to the English section of the Prosveta It should be an added inducement for new scribes to make public the various activities concerning their respective lodges. 'Once you get started it's hot so hard; just ask Shorty ZgdelJ of the Loyalites. How about it. Shorty? Glancing thru the old editions of the English section (and I do meafi old) one Wonders just what has become of the old-timers who once dominated this section. Seems like they have settled down in that oje easy chair and let the rest of the World go by. Unless we get back ih the groove we too will land in the same place—but that must not hapl-pen to us! It would be spmethtng Out of this world tf those old-time reporters would write just one moi^e article describing what had happen-end in the days gohe by. ' How about it? ' . Newsy-Notes Quite a few Struggler members ' V goj's 40th anni-atiort' on Nov.' 10, we saw Carl and attended vprsary I Her* Awui*! Meeting tf Lodge 747 Sunday MILWAUKEE, Wis.-^A reminder to all members of Lodge 747. that our annual meeting will be Sunday, Dec. 15, at 2 p. m. at Sparrow Park Gardfen. 3060 W. Fond 0u Lgc ave. At this meeting we wilfejeqt officers for the coming year. Let's see all of our members there. After t the meeting there will be refreshments served free of charge, also dancing to the juke box If wanUsl. Again saying ahd asking all you members to pleaSe attend the last meeting for 1946 at 2 p. m. FRAN KKERCNER. Pres. Universal Comets Young Američani Will Meet Dec. 13 DETROIT Mich -Election day is coming' The Young American Unla«-1 .'»64 will hold lU unuual election n( i officers ni our t< mini Decetnbet mee ting. c>n Uie I 'M h Tlx meeting Will be held at tlx SNI) at 7.S> p. m The Si "Vent National Bene- j fit Such i v is toonded <»n a fret- i thought lias wi and d» mor relic pun- ' cipii-s. It's up t'i tittch and everyone of us to vote for candidate* whom you wish to ulace in r>i*ig< of <>ffin s iii > < li, I ui iti« *» of i \, i v thin* else. ma¥e an effort to vote FRANK C. HOftTNIK UNIVERSAL. Pa.—Our annual irveeUng brought out a nice attendance. Officem elected for 1947 are us follows: President. M R Ku-mcr; Vice-President. Matthew Pet-rovich; Secretary. John J. Kumer; Treasurer, Henry Prevlc; Recording Secretary. Joseph Bertovlc; Sergeant -at-arms, Michael Rosignoli; Auditing Committee. Jennie Prevlc, Andrew Pryatel, and Max G. Kumer. Election uf Juvenile Director was postponed until the January meeting. There was a lively discussion on sending tcums to the annual duck-pin tournament. Teams will travel by I »us or cars, depending on the number of participants At this writing, there win definitely be five trama entered. Comet mcml>ers wishing to bowl sir asked to submit their names and entry fees to the Athletic Committee before Decembri II. All adults and luveniles are aaked to attend the juvenile Xmas oarty on Saturday. December 21. An ln-ti testing progiam is being predated by I he committee, and H is t Kportod that the tuvenllea will have a big Ume that night Kanta C I*, us will lit preaenl with unities, aiut ><»umi movies will be ure-sen ted On t hi some evening of Dec SI tharr will be ■ donee at which Fiauk Poiuvne and hia Musical Stylists will he featured We *ak thai out titetuUrs and friends keep that date 14*01 (or us and otland A big time is assuied for evervone ' * • I pot Foargflmenf Infoimatiun has already cached lf»e evening IfveiVlxxly Cc the Thirteenth Annual National SNPJ Duckpin Tournament. This is again being sponsored by the E. S. Federation of SNPJ Lodges of West-orn Pennsylvania. The date ia Nev* Year's Day. January 1st. at the Palmer Classic Alleys, located at 2036 Brownsville Road. Carrick (Pittsburgh. Pa.). This tournament is open to ALL lodges Evan though lodge« have not been officially informed about it by letter, they are equally invited to attend It is expected that this will be the biggest duckpin tournament m ih« h 1.0101 y <.f tiu SNPJ The pi evious record of 42 teams was established in 1942; 1946 almost equalled that number; 1*47 will undoubtedly surpass all records because of the great interest being *h6wn and bccauac most of our boys are hack from the services Txxigc* are asked to send entry fees to Larry Coaaol. 747 Washington Avr.. Oakmont Pa . before De-crmbei 18th in order to aaaure participation in the tournament. A tlane. wUI follow the tournament at I he Slovene Hall. 17th and Bullet Sts Puuhurgh. Ps The SNPJ Momma Stars will be the hoste Fiank Porovne and hi« Musical Stylists have been engaged t«» play. •and in your entry fees at once' tf you do nut inland to bowl, please attend Ihe tournament and give ae-Mstancc to I he committee mgmoiing the tournament If you cannot attend the towrnanuMit m«kr pUns to meet your fuctO« at U»e dpnec t« Ella Samanldh of the Commodore lodge renewing old acquaintances, pres. Vincent Cainkar having a little difficulty with the movie projector and as a result the pictures of the convention were a title offside. Rudy Cisch's dynamic speech held the audltnce spellbound evep though it was in English. During the dance your scribe wandered over to the bowling alley to watch our. boys bowl but got there Just in time to see them leave the alleys, so we watched the other teams ti^ their J>est to get a good score. The fihrt person to see was none other than jny ale pal Rose Mary Raines, who promptly asked me If I had an invitation to the Loyalites* 2Qtji anniversary yule dance. With a go-getter like her that affair should be a knockout. Loyalites are our neighboring lodge and in tlje past have proved to be more than the traditional flood neighbor, so how about some Of you Strugglers coming along and help them celebrate then 20th An-niversary by turning out in great numbers? Oh April 13. Hf47. we too (Struggles) will celebrate our Twentieth Ahhlvertary. More abopt that in future editions of the Prosveta. Annual flection NUe Once again the time is now on hand to pause and give serious thought of whom we would like to have guide us for the coming year. Now that most of the bovs are home again maybe we could select one of thgm to lead us and put more spirit inio the titrqggler lodge. Many blame' jt on the war but the blapie ljfs lp us—wc who have failed to attend qur regular monthly meetings and help put over various affairs held only to interest the member. Npw is the time to elect those officers who you believe would be beneficial to the lodge and not those who accept because the others Recline that Prospective office Let's see a great turnout at our Annual Efcctio« Nile Meeting which will take place Saturday night. Dec. 14. at 8 o'clock. Good muaic. and refreshments will be served after the buainesa of the meeting. Please want you come? ANNE F. tELE. Rec. Scc'y. Inter-Lodge Dance CHICAGO. ILL.—tyhat's the news among the four Soutbside SNPJ Lodges those days, besides the Saturday evening bowling sessions which "L. K.'' reports so well air most every week? Well, folks, if you haven't heard or read about if, then let me be the first to call your attention to the fact that preparations are now being centered on the big INTER-LODGE DANCE which will be held on Saturday, Januafy 11, 1947 at the Croatian Hall, 9618 Commercial Avenue, South Chicago. Thig yery special social event is being sponsored by the Inter-^p^e League, representing Lodge Qetyrfc. —J Calumet *»ntirt*ls and 60. If the waiter Is taken, this will mark the first time {hat the foui* lodges wijl combine their efforts in promoting and coil-ducting an affair of this kind. All proceeds, resulting frqm this social function, will be ufeed to further sup- Sort and promote inter-lodge reqrea-onal and spo^t activities. Frank ia Koeacich and his orchestra, popular southside musicians, have been engaged \o furnish the music for this occasion. The orchestra, as its many followers know, plays a wide variety of up-to-date tunes, as well as many favorite Slovene polkas and waltzes. We are confident that "Frankie and boys" will be able to satisfy the musical tastes of all who will be in attendance. 80, folks, whether you live on the southside, the west or north side of the city, qr if you plan to visit ih Chicago from out of town that particular week end, take qur advice now, while the news is still fresh in your piind, and make a special hqte of the date, January 1J, 1647 as a reminder to attend the Ipter-i,od^e Paqce, where you will have opportunities galore to enjoy a few hours of dapc.'pg, entertainment and refreshments with a friendly and sociable crowd- the Inter-Lodge Dance if an event which deserves the support of all members, especially those living or: the southside. Every member ip urged tq buy at least on? ticket, thp price of which is 50 cents/including the tax. These may now be obtained from the secretaries of the foul lodges or from any of the member^ who bowl In the Inter-Lodge League. LEAGUE CHAIRMAN. Waukem« SNPJ Mixed League W^UKEGAN, ILL.—Most of the .reserve their Lucky Start Plan Dance Jan. 25jHh IMPERIAL Pa —A dance will be given on Jan 25 by the Lucky Stars at the local SJovrne Hall, but more on that in laper editions Ufcrryj your letter ;Histmarked Dec. 2 at 9 a m reached us after loot week's paper went to press, and the annual meeting notice could not anpear In the paper --Fd) * PRANK OPEKA. Pree IM*c'y. I all lodges in this vicinity regarding •in,-' 1* *<« MICHAEL R KUMKR. t it mn .. m ge 319 to Elect icart Sunday CANTON Ofcln -All mem Iters of Lialg. 3)5 JsNPJ are ooti/icd that the annual m,«*ting wiU be held at 10 a- u» Sunday. Dec 15 ot 1017 Rowland ave W E Election at of- S? b ^ Ptece and other tm|H»iu,a matter* wUI he die- W t ** , gatiH of 109 fqr the dfty VIC BKLfC. Secy WEDNESDAY, DICEMBer n, Bowlers Bits By J. J. S pilar CLEVELAND. O.—inhere seems to be no letdown on tbe part of the league leading Utopian 1 Red Raiders and the challenging Lunder-Adamic Sharpshooter!. #Llke old Father Time they just merrily keep rolling on. The Utopians wielded the whitewash brush vigorously in sweeping aside the Concordians and the larruping Lpnders kept pace by blgnking the Stragglers. Four points separate these two fighting groups and a humdinger of a battle should U|ke place when they tangle this Sunday.' * * TT Third and fourth ratings are occupied by the scrappy lodge Cleveland 1 and 2 quintets. Annexing three points from the Spartans the N6. 2 fiVe edged up op^'point over the No. 1 squad who broke evtin with the Utopian 3 Keglers. The Loyalite 1 and the surprizing Utopian 2 pip busters are all tied up for the fifth spot in the standings. Two weeks still remain in the first round and the final swing among this sixteen team league should prove to be a honey. The boys gre keyed up and there should be quite a few changes. Sideline: Slants: Julie Peternel, Kay. Stella and Joe Harbie. Mary Premal and tffciiy Vrbap giving the Cleveland 1 clubhers a lift with their enthusiastic rooting section. Needed it too for they won the last two games in flic final stanza after trailing all the way : .'. Mr. 2k Mrs. Betfiin. the Mr«. Centa. Gerchman and Gregorčič among the spectators. . . Frankie Ostanek and BiH Schlarb. opposing anchormen in the Cleve. 1-Spartan clash posting identical 132 scores in the second game. A much too heavy anchor there, boys? . . . ''Pistol" Pete ManiUo t another anchorman) must haye been short of cartridges as te shot a 99 game. "Not evefi a 100'," replied k Kbhsoling 'Kibtt&r." -Pi ime that pistol, Peter! Tcatp results: Vtop. 3, Copcoro-ians 6. J. Matthews 606. A. Dusa 46. Lunders 3. Strugglers Q. A. Pride .66, P. Golob 16. Comrades 2. Loy. I. 1. J. Koren 538. F. Zupon 592. Lodge 158, 2, Lpy. 3, 1. W. Frank 474, M. ?aul M8. Cleve. 2. 9. *Par-tfcns 1. B. Knezevic 605, E. Centa 524. XJtop. 3, Loy. 5, j. g Tomslc 565. E. Stefanic 536. Lpy. 4. 2. Loy. 1. M. Pebenak 543. F. Miklic 534. CJeve. L 2. Utopian 3, L J. Kuzmlc 505. 4- Spilar 656. 200 Circle: f. Eupon 252. L. Stru-kel 228, i. Koren 222, A. Prime 221. J. Matthews 220-200. V. Gruden 219. J. Zupanic 214. M. Debenak 213. F. Ostanek 213. F. Miklic 213, E. Tom-his sic £12. B Kuezevic 211. E. Baraga 208. H. Zorman 206. F. Svigel 905. S. Zupon 203, J. Spilar 201, J. Ger-movsek 200. M. Paul 200. P. Manillo SOD. C. Krause 200. It is not wor}c that kills men; it is worry.—flenry Ward BeeCher. Mmmbarf, attend tfrf fwmjd meeting of yp|ir Southside SNPJ Interlodge News J9-S***-"Annual me* ot a lodge should he attendl as many of the members a^T sbly do so. Is there a need long plea in this matter» V been gone over before f.v. lodge bas a few who show into throughout the twelve Xcs But'T °f their luqgts. $ut the many let the ternal load be carried by a few! Inasmuch as lodges of the fit exigt on democratic princi^', responsibilities of lodge work r equally well upon each- tnemh Too often so many sit on the «d lines, letting others carry on often happens it is these many I lesa in attitude, who cry oui loudest for the most. No lodpe give its members what iu 0, membership refuses to accomohi Then, again, each hxiue does t, courage its offioers to exert then selves in their interests when m mgs are well attended. Our nual lodge meetings deserve atte tion. Our lodge officers merit pra for the jobs they are doing ( memberships owe it to all intere ed to attend their annual meetir Here, on the southside. the Cald met Sentinels meet on Monday De 16 at 7:30 d. m. at the F.eld Houi Lodge Delavec meet on Sund« Dec. 15. at the I. O. 6. Hall. The southside SNPJ Interlodi Bowling League standing is: won 23 22 21 20 20 1» 16 15 Delavec Mustangs Delavec Bears ......... 610 Sentinels ..................... Trailblazer Tigers ........... Delavec Wolves .............. 490 Rangers ................... Trailbtažer Panthers .....! Trailblazer Ramblers........ All That Sort of Thing. E. Kuhi and E. Lazzpri were the big gun In the first interlodge bowlin games rolled between the South aide and West Side SNPJ bowlin leagues. The two Emils helped th Southside fellows to soueene throug a win over their West Side friend .". . The Jan. 11 dance and social oqly a lew weeks off. All of th bowlers and the four southside SN PJ lodges should plug the comini affair strong. After a good start there no« seems a lag in the disposal of oui league's subscription books. This another job that needs to be done The time is drawing shorter M Some of the good scores rolled by the men In last Saturday's gamei were Gomilar's «3» (EM V TbWie's 611 (224)'. E. Vrtiovnfc's 59 (215), M. Chandick's 584 (223). J Brljgvec's 569 (202) and W. Grum' 555 (208). Leading scores for the wome were M. Slobodnik's 578 ( 20«). T Hvala'S 570 (248). L. Berlaj'i 56 (216), G. Burk's 540 ( 204) and D Lazzeri's 518 (215) ... At long lm the league received its bowling shirts for the men and blouses for the women . . . 80 long until again . : . L. K., Lod*e 610. S. N. P. J. in Bowling Journey Janizary 1.1*47^ Auspices of: » E. t. Federation Lodges gKPf of W. Penna at Palmer Classic Alleys 2036 Brownsville Road. Carrick. P«""8 BLANK List in the spaces provided below the names of the individuali1 fr^ your lodge to be entered In the respective events as »nj1"1^ forward this entry blank and all accompanying entiy fees 717 Washington Avenue, Oakmont. Pa., by December 16. 1M®. ** ^ Per, however, all entrants are eligible for prizes on an equal t*. _ ^ entry fee is 90c per person per event. A. many teams as ^ ^ entered in the five-person and dotibles events, and as many mo ps desired in the singes event. --- pwmji M'W MEN' ■■»i'" ' f S DIVISION SADIES' DIVIilON Name 1. -Xtee-Person Tfaa»- Cert. No. Name ________________________1. —............... Cert M« ............I ___________3. Ud*e No. 345 Main * Meeting Sunday SOUTH FORK PA.—AU members of SNPJ Lodge |4S are requested to attend the annual meeUqg So 1 day. Doc 15. at • a. m. in the Sloven* W o« V I« cJrct cth cent for the Timing yoar. NICKOLA8 M EH ALL. Secy | 5. .... 1. ____________ 1. ____________ Event I. ... __________2. L _____________2 Event .1. ___3. s landing of the SNPJ.X*Kige No..........M ^ Irtff*ecrrten ' MS. A A" 1 klj ,T 1 l.li4A. r-rnNESPAY, DECEMBER U, 1946 By Look THIS WEEK, each SNPJ lodge J, receive a copy of Trends & ?,des. which is edited and published by Louis Adamic. The current T&T, sent to lodges from the Main Office, is full of thought provoking information deal-inc with several burning problems. Our readers will find plenty to think about and it is hoped, to do something about it also. . Tht leading article in the 16-page magazine deals with "The Little Man In the White House" and tells the nside story of what is going on behind the scenes in Washington. The subtitles deal with such questions as "The Lie Astride the Land,'; •The Vast Russo-American Distortion." "The Lie in Congress," "The Lie and Jugoslavia," etc. The expose runs through the first nine pages, or more than half of the magazine. Subscription to T&T is $1 a year. Address: Louis Adamie, Milford. N. J. "IT'S TRUMAN'S move no>v in the coal dispute," writes Kenesaw M. Landis in the Chicago Sun, by prefacing his column with this fit- tin« verse: For he who fights and runs away May liee to fight another day; But he who is in bottle slain Can never rise to figprtfaaifi. "Such, we may/dresume, were the sentiments of J^n* L. Lewis when he called off thi ci^lsjgike shortly after his attorneys had emerged from a conference^«*« Chief Justice Vinson," states Landis. There can be no question but that Lewis made his retreat in good order, just as the Russians were retreating before the Germans tactfully for a long time—until they were ready to strike back at the proper time. Such is the strategy and taetics of war, be that war industrial or territorial. Whether Lewis, in retreating from his "frontal assault" has achieved a tactful success, it is hard to say, but it is certain that his move was wise. TWICE THIS YEAR the miners have demonstrated their Importance to the nation as a whole. Their importance to our economy-is so great that they can paralyze the entire industrial and transportation tr acbinery when they strike, In view of this importance, aren't the miners entitled to a fair return for their hazardous work? Or should they be forced to per-from their all-important work under deplorable conditions and at low pay? Landis correctly states that "unless the operators agree on a new contract with the miners. President Truman must reopen the contract as Lewis demands. "All men have a right to battle for their rights if they are denied a forum in which to be heard. It is Truman's move to provide that forum if he wishes to prevent future emergencies." Let's hope that during the present armistice the miners will succeed 'n Raining what they are entitled to. Excelsiors Lodge No. 721 VX3ASOHd LADIES' LEAGUE CLEVELAND, OHIO.—With tho < *<< ption of Utopians 2. the bottom half of the league won two games from their opponents. Hie Utopians 1 took two games hom the Utopians 2 but had a close CiJll in the first game winning by on,y « Pins. Stella Zorman lead the victors with 438 while Mary Pcr-18 455 was tops for the losers. Comrades 1 upset the Struggles two games. Albina Vehar high-i K h ted the way for the Comrades *'th her first 200 game for a 494 ►«/»es, followed by Ann York With 478 Dorothy Weber top-notched th* Strugglers with 472 and a 182 Kame. The Loyalites girls hammered a "eat 2203 series to wallop the Con-<"'diHn five fn two games. Cather-n« Haul rolled her first game of 202 chalk up 522 total which was tops the day. With the absence of 'Iiaee Dusa in which case her avcr-H' or 459 and Millie Mam's 452 were •*«t for the Concord lens Comrades 2 dished out a doubl->»«• to the 3rd place Spartans Fran "» Zupančič tried hard by contrite-'mg * 478 aeries Including a ISO Kame. P Ross topped the Comrade* with 496. Now that the c«llarites are on their * > up let's keep going and makr t hi- bowling more interesting My Bowling Sell and (Me) fh<* perfect pair for strike or spere ' h«*y »ay should br my ball and (me* Lot there are nights when it »an ♦ true '1 then M hey say I don't follow through so 1 try to keep this in m nd »hat I can hit more than n ne " again I leave one pin up thef Ahiod sign that the younger generation are more SNPJ-minded. Scot Nearing's articles are very enligtening and I hope they will continue to be published. Our thoughts are along the lines of Michael Vrhovnik on his Thanksgiving Day Thoughts. Price control has collapsed. But consumers must and can continue to fight against inflation with courage and tenacity. They must have courage to keep fighting against what looks like hopeless odds. And they must be tenacious in refusing to buy any-thin«j and everything that they can possibly do without. If consumer resistance mounts steadily, the back of the price inflation will be broken. Thoughtless consumers are their own worst enemy. Inflation is not only ravaging their country; it is striking directly at their own families. The pay-any-price consumer is hurting himself, his family and the' entire American people. That is why it is necessary for everyone to think before buying. Every decision to postpone, every decrease in effective demand is a blow against inflation. Obviously they cannot stop buying milk for their children. They must have some meat for their families; they have just got to eat. But they can make certain that not a scrap of food is wasted. They can boycott the worst proffering stores. They can use less inflationary substitutes. If consumers do all this, their action will have a tremendous impact on inflationary prices. Every consumer who gets out of the sucker claas is helping undermine the weakening foundation of the present Inflation. The less we buy the higher un-aold inventories will mount. By thinking before we buy, consumers can therefore speed up the day when prices will fall enough ao that p«>o-ple can afford to live decently again. If prices go worse than hog-wild, then the letdown is going to be extremely painful. But if consumers can shorten the time span of the inflationary spiral by refusing to buy except what thev actually need, they will help cushion the consequences of the coming depression. The decision therefore rests largely with consumers. They have the power to curb inflation, although it may take some time for the effect of not buying take hold. But every consumer who thinks before he buys, brings nearer the day when inventories will be dumped to beat a price debacle. One consumer can't do this by himself. But as more and more consumers begin fighting inflation, as they get their neighbors to do likewise, as they get, then organizations to develop buyers' itrikes so as to dramatize the need to beat back inflation, they will find that they will get results. JOSEPHINE STRUBLE, 721. "Best Present— \Sheboygan News Your Presence" Yearly Meeting of Lodge 288 Sunday FREDERICKTOWN, Pa.—To all members* of SNPJ Lodge No. 2«8. At our regular meeting Sunday, Nov. 17. plana were diacuaaed to transfer this present SIRVene speaking lodge to English, due to the fact that we now have more Kng-liah speaking members and each year additional ones are either tranaferred or admitted. Therefore, the presence of ull members is kindly requested at th* annual meeting Sunday, Dec 15, at 2 p. m. In the Owl's Hall, at Fred ericktown to tranaact thia plan. Please .make a special effort to alien?.* ANTON SKVARCH ftec'y. The Three R's At 25. Romance; at 48. Rent; at 85, Rheumatlam. 'The Best Pu*cnt of All—Your Presence!" With that slogan as a keynote, the National Safety Council announced a nationwide campaign to check the huge annual Christmaa holiday toll. Statistics prove the Christmas-New Year's holiday season is the must hazardous single period of the year. More than three times as many deaths ocoui during the actual Christmas holidays than on the same days of the > k the remainder of the year, according to the council. The normal winter hazards, such as bad weather, slippery roads, and longer period of darkneaa, are increased by heavier travel and the festive spirit of the holiday season, The council campaign has been joined by molt than 130 national organizations, citv and atate public officiala and «|vic leaders. It seeks to create in 1he public mhul an awareneaa of the apecial holiday hazards, and to enlist voluntary co operation on the part of every In dividual to hold accidents to a minimum this Christmas. The council emphasized that the campaign is th< final effort of the year to bring the 1948 death toll down to the 1945 total of 28.800. Such deaths, which Increased alarmingly after V-J Dav brought an end to driving restrictions, were running 30 per cent over last year at the end of the first nine mosts of 1948. "Every thinking person realizes the importance of preventing accidents at this or any other time of the year," said Ned H. Dearborn, president of the council. "The deaths, injuries and financial loss due to preventable accidents are intolerable at any lime, but it seems to us that during the Christmas sen son everyone should be especially aware of what an acclderit In the family cun mean. "The Christmas seaaon is th<( fam ily season, the time of reunion, of Joy in one's children, of drawing even closer the moat fundamental ties in our nation. It la truly a time of happiness. "Yet the lighted windows of many homes this Christmas will be dimmed by the shadow of an acei dent, and many a festive fumily gathering will become an occasion of sadneaa. H can and it will hap pen all too often. But It need not happen! A little forethought, a Utile extra cars,(will give your family the best present t)f all—your pres ence." l( Main Meeting of Lodge 747 Dec. IB MILWAUKEE. WIS.—This being the last meeting for 1948 and the most important one of all. I wish to risk ull member« tu please attend the annual meeting of Lodge 747 thU Sunday. Dec. IS, at 2 p, m It's up to all the members to chooae the future officers of our lodge. Our lodge is now English speaking and let's keep It there for our future prog less. Some of our Juveniles have become adults, and we also hsve many new members. Let's all helo thete members by sttending our meeting. There will be fun and good tirre after the meeting. The place, Sparrow Park Oarden, st 2 p. m. Dec. 15. Come one and all and help support your future officers. F. POTlftK, ftec'y. SHEBOYGAN. WlS—The Snappy J's Lodge Moderns No. 834 second annual dance held on November 30, was a grand success. The following members of Badger Louge 584, Milwaukee, attended: Mr. and Mis. Kropuaek, Millie Kukee, Frances Debelak, sec y; Dan Sedmak. Mlcklo Novak. Louis Locknei, and Marg< I Golob. We extend our heartiest thanka to all of you, and hope you enjoyed being here as much as we enjoyed having you. My personal thanka go to Helen Lukich and Stan Loncar, who so ably assisted me on our dance committee, and to all the members who gave a hand at the ticket office and at the door. , Arllne Progar headlines our bowlers agam with a beautiful 582 three game total. She blastqd the pins for this total on scores of 179, 234, and 189 on December 3rd, and followed it up with a 514 on December 8th. Ann Aldag came In for second high with a 505. Sister Frances Chuck Is convalescing at home. Beat wishes for a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Max and Jennie Mae Reanick, who became the proud parents of a son, William Allen, on Sunday. Dec. 8th, Arllne Progar, Frank and Mary Resniok, and Stan Loncar attended the Badgers' 20th Anniversary Dance at Milwaukee, Sat., Dec. 7th, and they certainly enjoyed it. Gee whif, and I had to go and miss it t Our attendance at mottinga haa been improving month after tronlh. and we hope for a big turnout at our annual meeting on Sunday, Dec. 15th at 1:S0 p. m. Come one, come all, let's make this the record meeting of the year, I wish every member of the SNPJ the merriest Christmas and a very happy New Year. ANN ALDAG, Rec. Sec'y. New Co-op Medical Set-up in Seattle SEATTLE (CNS)—Communities of Seattle and vicinity will receive special attention in a new medical cure program—high-lighted by preventive medicine—which la being established by the Group Cooperative of Puget Sound, it was announced thia week as the Cooperative merged with Medical Securities Clinic and St. Luke'a Hospital. Moat of the membera of the cooperative, which was started a year ago, ure familiea In rural communltlee. In merging with Medical Securities Clinic, the Cooperative will ht^e the complete facilities of the clinic and of St. Luke's Hospital a 50-bed hospital on Capitol Hill. Hie Cooperative plana to establish rural health centers, such us the one now being operated at Stewurts Heights Housing Project. The merger was announced Jointly by Tom Bevan, prealdent of Qroup Health Cooperative, and by Dr. George W, Beeler, manager of Mimical Securities Clinic. Dr. Beeler said the preaent staff of 18 physicians, surgeons and specialist ut tho clinic will continue, and that the 7,500 medioal contracts held by the Clinic—which provide medical care for approximately 17,800 peraons— will he aerviced without Interruption. In addition, the Group Health Cooperative la bringing in 350 family memberahipa, which adds about 1 tOO more persons to the care list. Main Meeting of Lodge 89 Sunday I DE PUE, III.—All members of Lodge Zavednost No. 59 are invited to attend the yearly meeting on Sunday, Dec. 15, at 4 p. m. aharp ut the Slovenian Home. Members pleaae notice the change in time of our December meeting, that is so all members, men and women, may attend. There Is to be the election of lodgj officers and important discussions Following the meeting, a social time will lake olace with plenty of free drinks for everyone present. Every one please try to attend annua) meetlna Dee. 18 at 4 p. m. JOHN EUGUCH, Sec'v Emery Prasnilcar On | Antarctic Expedition | HARWICH. Pa—On Nov. 27. we got a Ions distance phone call from my brother Emery Prasnikar. He stated that he waa going on an expedition to the Antarctica with the 4.000 who were picked for thia (rip U. ft Navy. He la among those to the South Polar Region. 11 would like to thank the SNPJ lodge 419 for holding a veterans dance on Nov. II. The inuaic waa furniahed by Tommy Ferguaon's band. MARTIN L. PRASNIKAR Jr Co-Ops, Labor and Business Get Equal Status as U. N. Consultants LAKE SUCCESS. N. Y. (CNS) -The World. Federation of Tride Unions, the American Federation of Labor, the International loom n-ttve Alliance and the Intornatlonnl Chamber of Commerce are to receive equal treatment In their consultative arrangementa with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. This principle, which had been established nearly a year ago, was re-establiahed after a heaUd debate running through the last week in the joint Economic and Social Committee of the United Nations General Assembly. This and That By Poise Ctlah Pioneers' Yearly Meeting Pioneers Lodge. SW of Strabeor. Pa., started the coming year with much spirit and enthuaiasm. Nearly 100 members attended the meeting. Frank Tomaic, a former president, and an active SNPJer for a number of years, was elected president for the new year. As his assistant he will have John Popp who waa elected vice-pi eaident. John has had a numb<£ of years experience in conducting meetings, being chairman of a large miner's lucal in the vicinity. Miss Fruncea Podboy was reelected secretary. She has bren an effigl-ent secretary for years, and besides being the lodge secretary, la also the tax-collector of North Strabane Township. 4 Mildred Curtis and Frank Kumin-ski were elected recording secretary, and treasurer, respectively. The house committee consists of Jahics and William TomsJc, and Frank Podboy. Pioneer lodge Is one of the largest In the SNPJ and It haa assets of more than 810,000 We are sUil growing and hooe to increase our membership in the new year, For years, its influence has been recognised in the Canonsburg-Strabane fommun.ty, and many of Its mem Iters are prominent in the uffairs of this urea. After the meeting, the members were treated to a fine lunch. The kienjike klobase were especially delicious, not to mention the other food and the refreahmenta. The new president hopes that attendance will increase at the regular monthly meetings. Observation The issue aroae when u delegate . tdeetions? Hu Franc podgorski We hear much these days what is legal und illegal fur a worker or a producer of this or that comodlty Thus we found nut that the beef men and the cattle men had com-mitUHi nothing Illegal whatsoever when thev completely cut off public sopolv of meat and starved John Doe to vote Republican. People on the streets raged "To hell with part lea and pulttlea. we are voting mast/' Has ever liefore meat played such decisive rule In L'Anse Lodge No. 783 Main Meeting Dec. 18 L'ANSE, MICH.—On Dec IS, ihe local I>*dge of L'Anae, No. 753. will hold their annual meeting at the L'Anse Town Hall, at 2 p. m. Offi eers will be elected for the year 1947. Refreshments will b» aerved after the meeting. The 1947 SNPJ calendars will be diatributed to members at »his meeting. Pleaae don't forge! to bring the Juvenile meml»ers also and each adult member may bring a friend along. ALHKN TEHTEN. Sec'y. RED CROSS AIDS VETERAN'S WIFE Main Maeting of Lodge 62 Dac. 18 CALUMET, Mich.—All memtiers of I/odge 82 should tskc notice that our yearly meeting will be held Sunday, Dec. IS, at S p. m. sharp If Intereated In lodge affairs at all, please attend this meeting for officers for the eoming year will be elected, so make It your duty to attend. Lunch and refreshments will be served after the meeting JOSEPH PECHAWKR, ftec'y. Annual Meeting of Lodge 837 Sunday CRIV1TZ. WIS.—The regular and annual merting of KNPJ l held aa usual, third Sunday ,f it.i n,<>r,ll.( Sunday. I><< IS All Ttmbers are urged to attend, aa theie will be election of officers AUGUST KAUCIC, Secy ing year. A good sitendenr*- H r k ne« led There will he s social after the meeting. The secretary will tie at the hall by 7 o clock, to collect dues A few members ere Still In arream eo be there eerly and get ell pe»d up There just lent any excuse for not doing so ' Remember to per your dues prowv*|y and el tend your lodge nv^-tings in IS47 We shell esem have those grand pre* *r eoeiala alU'f eviry Slovenian Radio Program in Penna BROWNSVILLE. Pa - Starting ftatutday. Dec. 14, e new Slovenian program will be on atation WMRS Unkmtown. featuring the music of \a+ Faulk and hla Slovt nien orchestra. Tim«' of program 4 45 to S p.m every fteturday. We Invite ell our radio l!e<«-nets to tune in this Saturday at 4 48. Lee Faulk and the boys In the bend wish to thank the Novak family of Sharon for the swell way they were treated Sunday, Dee I. where they pleyed Ut a swell crowd at the Slovene Hall After the danre the boys slept at the No vek ho*w One« eg*"*, thanka a million from Les Feulk end hla orrheetra A MEMBER I^Mlge 750 Ohio Stock Sells Million COI.UMRim Ohio I CNS) A mil* I Mm dollars worth of co-op stork were stold In a ' ampeign ended Ortober 23 by Ohio Farm Muieeu Coopt retire Association Ihe money. sekd the Aeaoetetlon's opefetlng manage« John W, St me will mean s substantial Inereeae in the degree of msmber ownership of U»" eo-op s factories, from the USSR Introduced a resolution that would grant the World Federation of Trade Unions tlet right U> submit written and oral oueatlnns to the Council an well as questions for Inclusion in the Council's provisional agenda. Such a measure would have given the world labor organisation a position before the Economic and Social Council equal to that of the specialised areneles of the United Nations and would give a non-governmental organisation more power than mosl of the member nations of the United Nations, since only eighteen of these nations are members of the Economic and Social Council. The question waa ralaed In regard to the World Federation of Trad« Unions and would have put the-n In a position above the Internati trial Cooperative Alliance, the American Federation of Labor and the International Chamber of C*mI was defeated by a vote of 74 to 14 The Joint Committee, h' v>-ever, accepted by a vote of 2» to IS, another ftovlet propi»sel giving the WFTU the right to submit que«« lions for Incluaion in the Council's agenda Adlal E. Stevenson the United fttalea representative, 1st i moved to give the other non-governmental organization in Category "A". Including the American Federation of Labor,' the International Cooperative Alliance, and the International Chamber of Commerce, the same rights P) propoee questions for the Council's agenda. Tills was debated at length and on November 28 was carried by a vote of 20 to 12 with eleven abatentlona Supporting lite position of th* U ft Percy We||a of the United Kingdom aaid, "It would b« undemocratic if the WFTU may pre-sent Items and theae other bodies should lie debarred from that right " Price of Bonds Cut by Co-Ops Omaha (CNft) The price ef gasoline -las bond* ha« been cut 50 tier rent by the Cooperative Indu<-tries' Insurance Agerp-v. reports J H Bolln The State rifl ag»rtt v haa cut the price of bonds I from S20 to 810 pe. Ovmeend end mpu§ Co-OpS Ratify rxpeels further redwtiona in the fu-1. r . ^ . . lure. Competing »*»nding sgeneps Rlsttonftl Constitution heve had Pi reduee their rates els Now another combined howl Is reaching high heavens. This coal strike is illesel, It la an outrage, it's a holdup. Mueh of this hish-power braying, unknnwledge of how mast Is produced In Western summer pasture ranches, will readily say that the amount of eost in human labor la hardly comparable by any one may chooae. If the producers of some of the moot vital foods for the nation con successfully hit Ihe public stomaah lust before elections, what Is wrong with the ideattrst the coal mineva would aak for greater safety and security when time and weather is on Ihetr aide? Whatever were the ao-eelled legitimate reasons for withholding most from starving people, mlneea have obvloualv those same reasons plus that long overdue and all too aadlv needed aafety and aecurity fund. For ton many long years mMSSS have had endured the highest per« rentage of fatalities of all basic industries. Usually whenever a group of men suffers much they also luern much. More than twenty-five years ago this writer heard many farsiehted old miners advocate a unified action; first, to clearly demonstrate to the nation how important they are for Ihe life and indualries; second, to aecure such aafr-tv and wel« fare measures under which over 80 per cent of preeent life lose would not esiat, Most of these old miners had by now paaaed on. Crippled, blind, disillusioned. But as years went by. the miracle of Coal Ase had happened. The brains of labor leaders began to grow. From an insignificant pile of Gomperaonian souaah. there developed brains capable of planning and thinking. Yee. the Impnealble has happened, Uncle Mam's mental horizons slao had been in recent ytars tremendously enlarged, so much so that he even took a hand in management in coal production Uncle Sam would undoubtedly be able to see clearly the miners' point of view when they railed at his place the other dey. But his vision has been greatly obscured by the Missouri fog thsl hangs around his quarters thaee days Whatever the outcome may be in D C* miners heve proved tjee things: first, they are tmpuiUOli second, they have bralna. _ North Central Campus Co-Ops Meet MADISON Wis. (CNSi — Dele, gates from campus en eu- for ('ampue Coofwratlvea. St Its nnnual meeting h« Id here recently. voted to piin the North Aom rlren Student Cooperative league t>legate* repreeented AmetkPMn r »>|h»T All»«d eit'F-ns In Berlin th'maelve* Rome, hr-twe»" m"«ithf'i'a rf ad. mit the* a** ornlonellv *ri very p'lvrt owa#r»n*«d th»»r own rv^.i^ul"*!*'« eoild r-vh trael- ril***—' T-» ••"-••und aervtlitv e' O« • l-rfc«*« thev are |M e like mahn-siih* r-»-hardlv chera « - r»f ,»«J bend of "c«»»v»'»»-»irV* wt«r> I« largr 0"*' arr fro if) thr victory whleh t »•"-m won men in Berlin to execute and supervise those assignments. But the Allied Control Commission. the msny branches of militsrv government and the coros of foreign correspondents are not in Berlin to provide fantastically luxurious on-nortunities to gentlemen who love descncrate lives. • • • Some of the adieetives and some of the comments In this letter may seem harsh, puritanical or elaborate. To anyone who has seen what H golns on in these circles in Berlin and who is honest with himself, three words are an understatement. Even the most confirmed Oer-manophobe might wonder whether it would be more in conformity with the Allies' purpose in the war to give a little food to a few thousand Berlin school children than to bean the plates of men who are too satiated to eat more. I Conditions in the Allied "capitu-lationa" in Berlin have become so rhrill a arandal as to call for public Inquiry.—Chicago Sun. Uncle Sam "Break" At the bee»«n|n* w-rld TT ♦hrre lots of n«v>ole who be. "'•ted H»M*r and Hirohlto misht dron bomba on American cities »»mire «reat 1-^ss of lif« an pron-rrt", Those who rw««»d n^nnrf" •oneht inruranro b.iit t^e biv ln--•rnnre companies turned them dowm, u-msI. when there I« a-« rxtrs t«ueh job to be donr. th" Federal 'Wrrnm'"' «t"->r>rd |( nr»nn. tvr>d Wsr Damasr Tornorat*«** d insuranen noliries by the hn»« unit vf>«-" |r,w rn*"*. Wh'»n the borW« bala^rrd. It found (hat W D C. h«d taker «2?n million «nd he-« oaid out lesa t^r— half a million. T^e hie in»-r-n*re a Ooldrn o*—«r»«»»»<»•• to m-n**,. Now it i« nroposrH th^t th- Tresn-"*"' fund the profit it made on a "»tImate transartlon N^ one Would • hi»k of nrh • th|n^ if mr ginei.r-nrre eompanirs had dianlaved the rouraer Inatead. thev —•»eld br nr<*laed for their »-iiitvtl" Expansion Ordered For Soviet Co-ops By Wallace J. Campbell NEW YORK (CNS)—The Russian Council of Minister^ has decreed that producer and consumer cooper stives in the Soviet Union must be more active in competing with State atores and in raising the standard of living in the cities, according to an article in Pravda November 11. as reported by the New York Times and Associated Press. The Russisn Government finds that the State stores have acquired a monopolist position, with an unhealthy effect on prices and on the expansion of trade in agricultural products sod consumer goods. Coops .are criticised for failing to buy uo surplus agricultural products for urban distribution, but prior to November 11 they were not allowed to distribute in urban areas. Permission has been given for the organization of cooperatives in cit ies. workers' settlements and railway ststions snd ln ports, to trsde in s variety of food products at market prices. Producer co-ops ore urged to make more consumer goods for the population, snd for this purpose sre freed from the obligstion to accept orders from industry. Cer-tain tools, equipment and raw ma terialii not needed in Stste industry will be transferred to them. ' Along wjth the decreed expansion of cooperatives may come stronger controls. A chief administration for the affairs of producers' snd con sumers' cooperatives has been organized under the Council of1 Minis ters to help cooperative* development and te "strengthen State control" of cooperatives. ' y> So little information is available on Russian cooperatives that it is difficult to evaluate this news at a distance. In November 1935 ithe consumer cooperatives in the cities were dissolved, and their properties wsre taken over by the State. Cooperative activities were restricted to rursl areas. Up to the time of the closing of the urban co-oos. the Russisn central wholesale. MCentro-soyus," claimed 70.000.000 co-op members. Last month st Zurich, the Russisn delegates clsimed to represent 35.000.000. There wss much curiosity at the Zurich congreas of the Internstionsl Cooperative Alliance about the present conditions of Russian cooperatives. Russian delegates insisted that their co-ops follow the Rochdale principles and ar« Independent In every respect. Now Pravda't criticisms suggest that their independence leaves something to be desired bv western standards. Russian consumer cooperatives are not. from what we know, fme to go into production, and until the other da«' they were no! free to compete with State stores. The formation of an administrative branch to strengther State control over cooperatives doer not sound like a step toward greater freedom. The Russisn delegation went tr Zurich looking for as much power as they oould get In the International Cooperative Alliance. Claiming to represent 35.000.000 members they were entitled to ask for a good deal. As it happened, the rules of the Alliance provide that no country msy have more than 20 per cent of the voting power, and this is what Russia got. There was an effort ss In the United Nations, to vet sen arste renresentatio* for th* Ukraine Bvelo-Russia Latvia. Estonia and Lithuania; thereby 'Increasing thr Russian voting strength. This war defeated When it was shown that the cooperatives in these areas are not independent of each other. The Russians asked to have their lsh-gusge adopted as one of the official languages of the congress, and decision on this was deferred until the next congress in 1948. It would be interesting to soecu-1M- On the poMibilitv thst t^is decision of the Russian Government "'ss influenced In some Wav bv the Zurich congress and the evidence oresented there that cooperatives are a lively and salutary force under any type of economy, but th*rc is no ground for such speculatipn except that the Russian decree followed the ICA congreas by exactly one month. Corresnondents have reported a serious shortage of consumer goods In -»rgtwar Russia, with t rurfgnt unrrst in v>me «ectlona of the eountrv. and thia will orob-"blv be taken as the principal factor Involved WEDNESDAY. DECEMPF:R 11.194« the upper crust "Why can't We use our free eaiterprlee eyeiem ie take over uniona? Rieve Doesn't Want Much Th" me--" -Am* H-r * pot oni- v '»h t» whlTt t CW SHtv>I t r*-* tI"- -end A-m t In th" r» TV- I* In frilj- r lb**« Irr - *>«.. r* »v. th* t * r,,.. q | «g orn«r" -»?»-««• <• A mm »e«--* I •»» d I* %m » ft -•'•led to a -'>n|K9 -»nd |S* } tn a^iaH*-« e* rV'ii'nT e1-*- rrvam**-' of H »mar • • • r"»«lf|f "tvrnivr ' » ^ m.. pyrp| ^ eliminaf -v r,f V-| inflP'"M"k 1 f»r»t rf ^ clty-wale Cieranan puuIm. UIl. Wl uttd AiW organualam....... e#» a In orrsrnting the demand of union t extile werkera for a wage incrvaar of 20 centa per houa Emil Rieve. kader of the Textile Workers' Union. I ust I fir« this (noet-recent de-bual-1 lnand by declining that atatiatke I show the tm-iloveri t«kine a pr-jflt ••I «hrr" i« on>xwed to refund M <^«ts nr hour rn all workers • d hope« ihr fnngr.*«« will turn It! rmPloytd in the irdustrv. d«.x»n with a bant t'nclr Rum is1 wonders, now. what about break" once In a **tr* M eents that the urlo«« textile workrr« s-pcar willlne t« have the private nwnrrs of their indnstrias keep tbemsr|w>s Why not go after it all? And if the textile workers don't want to take the wh^le l>u«inrsa for them-selves, why don't the A mer lean people uae their power tn see to It that a cut In Selline price brings some benefit to sll the people who must buV textiles* We're not setufied by thr hoerv rloim that the owners need that 22 centa In order to do busineaa That luet lent true. profits ere not fig. urrd until sfter all opeiatioa "^irat CH»c»*o "••nor-Marfc^t Now What Happ#n§ To Housing? By t. Christopherton The black market struggle between the vets vShe want to build houses and the "commercial interests who would use scarce building materials for racetracks, bowling alleys, theaters, and beer parlors iS in the open. Ceilings have been lifted from building materials. Priorities remain. but this doesn't mean that housing will spurt. Just the opposite. Commercial builders with larger stakes and bigger reserves will now openly freeze veterans out of the competition fer scarce building items like ^noMs. pipes, and plumbing. Estimates of the effect of this new blow to the housing, program indicate an increase of $2,000 on an average so-called veteran's dwelling. Costs of individual dwellings will raise to approximately $12,000. By the time anyone succeeds in paying for one of these houses that would cost $6,009 ft*(1939. he will truly qualify as e ufetesan. What happened to'SHulding? During the war we needed millions of new houses, barracks shelters, factories. hangars. We got them. Need took precedence over price, restriction. chaos. Millions of houses were built during a period when we also built an unprecedented number of factories: A national survey «iring»4he war showed clearly a need for fifteen million houses to meet the prewar need. The housing ' market was shown to be unlimited if houses were built to rent at . $30 s month and lowsr. * - Then the war ended. Chaos took over. The jokes about the Vets Housing Program, oopuiar subject for irony, are too tree. It's been commercial three to one. In dollar erms, Wyatt's housing prioritier have been distributed twenty-five >er cert to housing, the rest to commercial construction. (The housing situation is just a sample of the confusion of our people. and qur^ economy. The seme commercial angles, restrictive influences. ppd|jkiqk of-intelligent la< bor solidartv that give us depressions and wars. Has*'* Kent 11 ,. Economically, housing hasn't kept up wt Costs Prod and improved techiflflttec has only slightly advanced ip the small construction field. . • Building labor, in pursuit of what it sees as its interest In restrictive practices and antagonism to new •noWials and mttbods has saddled its'If and all laborers with higher •^ents and home com*. I^vcstrrr-nt Inter.)!* In the reel-—♦etc field brve encouraged unions ♦n their restrictive practices, which hclo banks end insurance nmntnt«« to maintain nresent investment val ites Th'se er-uns. the paWit svs-♦-m a*'d building codes all work together in ofcstniettp* new. eheeo-er methods and mnWials thot would seriously r^une h nising cxrts. This collaboration has stifled in-"»♦ntive Imagination In the building flrld. Moat prefabricetlon methods have merely been attempts to do th« *ame tvn* <* - «tnation faster, and hev» r~en»»'>d in hi' * • e t -\f:ji-\ / We don't suppose publishers like to pay higher prices for newsprint, but when they had no alternative they agreed. Then they joined hands with the newsprint producers to "collective bludgeon" the OPA into consenting to lifting the pVice ceiling by the full amount requested. There was scarcely s pretense that the price increase waa justified by increased costs. Most of K will go toward racing the peak profits of newsprint mills to stratospheric levels. • . Publishers expect to offset the price incresse by greater advertising and circulation income made possible by the newsprint trust's agreement to continue to supply oaper to the maximum capacity of the mills. At a result of this "coUeties •jludpeoninp," printers of many trade oeoers and union publication« have dilficuUp In buytnp newsprint; >\exrrprikt that 4k available »elit for -uch high prices that the subsequent Tost to jsmeller naperk has forced many oujt of business. This economic pressure has now become a threat to a free press in Americt. We do not know of any union that has succeeded in obtaining a 37 per cent vage Mcresfe in 10 months by "collective *-hliflfcsnning" or any other process. . '... > It appears that vtfcether "collective bludgeoning" is to be con-dr mned or commended by Editor & Publisher depends upon whether it is s management bank account or an employee's pay chcck that benefits —Guild Reporter. Veterans Build Stere OTTAWA (CNS>—Ottawa's first co-op grocery store opened November 1. It is located in the middle of a war-time housing'project; moat of the members are veterans Finding it impossible to rent a store, the members built this one themselves In ten weeks, working evenings. Reflections By Baymond 8. Hofses The same people who voted themselves out of the Democ f frying pan and into the Republican fire last month now are erinl'' ing about the prospect of a coal strike that may kill their i, h freeze their families and almost certainly will boost their coal bili to a new all-time high. They are the same kind of people who did the gripeing back in the late 20's and early 30's when a strike of the owning class barred millions of Americans from using the tools of production and created a breadline economy. They are also the same people who went along with the capitalist system all down through its sorry course and who complained bitterly about the shortages, exploitation and profits without which the private-profit economy for which they voted simply could not function. If the American people continue to act as they have in the past, some future day will find them fretting against—and still voting for—the safhe kind of controls that they described as "fascism" in other countries when the continuation of a class society made it necessary for a super-government to take over and apply the pressure that would keep workers producing the necessities of life under conditions that will assure a rake-off fqr owners. About the Least inspiring sight we can imagine is that of 140 million people pitying themselves because of what a few people are doing to them. The working people of this nation—or any nation for that matter —could enjoy the utmost good that their combined ability could create —if they'd use their combined pow-ir to tnat end. They wouldn't need to impoverish themselves in a fruitless struggle for just a little more. They could have all the coal they mine, all the oil they tap from the. earth, all the clothing they make, all the comfortable homes they could build —if they'd own the sources of wealth and produce abundance for use instead of scarcity for private profit. ■ The working people of the world ore powerful. They could have all they make if they wouldn't vote to themselves week by permitting the means of life to be owned by a few people. And. surely, nobody, not evep workers, have a right to ask for more than they make. What workers need to understand is that the things they are complaining about are necessary to the economic system that they vote to preserve. P The owners aren't to blame. They are playing according to the rules of the game that workers approve with their votes. / It is the gsme of PRIVATE enterprise, through PRIVATE investments, for PRIVATE profits. One hundred forty million peoole oughtn't let things like fuel.^pon which they utterly depend, remam private possessions. Coal should be socialized. So should all other basic neeos. They oughtn't await the willing ness of a few people to invest pri-vate money before producing and using what they need. They didn't do that during the war. Then the people's money was used to finance the job at hand. The people's mo-ney—or rather the people's labor-could do just as hig a job for human welfare in time of peace—if the people owned the capital wealth of the nation. But if the people do let a few individuals own the thing that everybody needs ... and if they do insist that private individuals should invest their own cash and credit . . and if they vote for laws that are needed to make such an arrange, ment. work, and elect lawmakers who believe in that way of doing things- Then the people have no reasonable right to expect that the owners and inverstors are going to permit the use of THEIR capital under any terms that do not permit them to rule THEIR property and make profit from the labor of THEIR employees. Of course, it is possible to point to many evils and abuses that result' from the private-profit arrangement whereby our economy is conducted. But the sensible and effective thing would be to stop squawking about results and start doin* something about causes. Somebody has to own and manage the great industrial and commercial giant that we call America. If the workers, acting together and voting together, decide that they won't do the job for their own welfare, then it's up to those who always.have been doing the owning and investing and ruling and profiteering to keep right on doing it for THEIR profit. , That's capitalism. Capitalism i« functioning in the only way it can function—by exploiting workers for the benefit of owners. And if we vote for such a system, should we be surprised if the lawmakers who belt*v% in it fasten legal claims upon workers when that is necessary to make the system work? Members, a 11 e n d the annual meeting of your lodge! —i- ATTEND comrades' christmas DANCE Saturday9 December 14 Music by Johnny Zalekar Orchestra DOOR PRIZES Donated by Comrade Business Members DONOR— Boston reed Store................. (C. Prijotel-J. Buehar) Debeviia' Gas Station............. Flfelfs Card k Gift Shoppe Michael's Florist Bhoppa...... Prijete! Radio Repair .........J Skok Floral Sfteppe................. ADDRESS— .....$$01 St. Clair Ave. .....16414 Euclid Ave. ... E. 140th Lake Shore Bled. .. 6921 Superior Ave. ... 5622 Superior Ave ____1142 E. 66th St. .„..l$$th St. ........................_ PEACE In an Intelligent and ef- ture-but H E RE s n » ^ on town's^ did ever"a maMm dollars! fective way, through the under- through the Gooa Of volume in the past flacal year, stondotde W O R L D PEACE Plan. Get your copy own ^ PLAN, outlined by this Montana pie. workable plan J^Jjborf , Maynard Co-op Sets Record MAYNARD. Maae (CNS)—The United Cooperative Society of Maynard. one of America's oldest co- author. your The entire plan is revealed in copy. Start now to P* *** Mjf this new book. It is a book that ^i^ble plan into action you will read and re-reed. You det)er does not hsve ni« will see that your friends and y f hGOOD NEIGHBOR neighbors reed It and gather joy ,upP,y ' ,er dir*ct to u* and satisfaction tn yourself as y°°r ' cooperative W m roue rake-off that Emil RWe' ooeraUve Services November 14. sauaiacrion in youneu " ' postpaid la willing to leave with the owner, hrmeing the n u m bar CCS Y™ « the l*«ht of understand $2.00 per copy. P* ^ to more tribute to parasites H I« branches to four food Mores and I ■■M the aalary we pay aomehody fer .seven cafeterias The store did a n*nm~ somelhine —a L A. I volume of $2,609 on ii|i—hm im. THE GOOD NEIGHBOR PW1UEHING CO- INC LKWltTOWYI, MONTANA