Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! r KUNCW ^ Ameri •Ameriška SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Serving in Ohio and Nationwide, over 200,000 American-Slovenians A|\/1ERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 30, 1996 ISSN Number 0164-68X 60C Vol. 98 — No. 22 (DSPS 024100) _________________________________________________ St. Vitus Slovenian School Graduates Eight On Saturday, May 18, the following students walked out of Vitus Slovenian School for the last time, report cards in and. Graduation took place on Sunday, May 19. Congratulates to all! The graduates are: top: Ana Marija Manfreda, Kristina logar, Niko. Perčič, Jože Skrabec, Peter Domanko; bottom: ^•helca Žakelj, Lisa Ovsenik, Kristina Mejač. The teacher, at ri8ht, is Meta Novak. ^Sjtams meet over eggs It’s a small world, after all! -*-vast week a bunch of us j^'° amateurs went to ayton, Ohio by bus to the ^vention. This conven-a.?n brings radio hams from j °ver the world to the and681 ^Ca marlcet ra(l'0 Computer equipment. |0 , .ne walks for hours is ln^.at aH the junk that prj ava'lable at give-away aCgCes; ^t the same time old Man3*01311068 are renewe(l-Wh0^ t*mes persons are met eacjio'Vere Tirst contacted by yelled y .f86’ someone brea. f Joe! while having tpy .aat' I peered through thereri®at cataract eye and he stood: R“di aey A,k’ VK2a°T, of Sid-p Australia ;:id' c Where fall Wint ral' W ^ tle s