Official Publication 'of the Slovenian Women's Union of America Number 6 June, 1941 Volume 13 SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA Ustanovljena 19. dec. 1926 v Chicagi, 111. Inkorporirana 14. dec. 1927 v državi Illinois Duhovni svetovalec—Spiritual Advisor Rev. Milan Slaje, 1709 E. 31st St., Lorain, Ohio. Glavni Odbor — Supreme Committet Predsednica—President Mrs. Marie Prisland, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. I. podpredsednica—First Vice President Mrs. Frances Rupert, 19203 Shawnee Ave., Cleveland, Ohio II. podpredsednica—Second Vice President Mrs. Mary Coghe. 4517 Coleridge St., Pittsburgh, Pa. III. podpredsednica—Third Vice President Mrs. Mary Shepel. 5 Lawrence St., Ely, Minn. IV. podpredsednica—Fourth Vice President Mrs. Frances Raspet, 806 Spring St., Pueblo, Colo. V. podpredsednica—Fifth Vice President Mrs. Mary Kocjan, 6 Ash St., Calumet, Mich. Tajnica—Secretary Mrs. Josephine Erjavec, 527 No. Chicago St., Joliet. Ill Blag&jničarka—Treasurer Mrs. Josephine Muster, 714 Raub St., Joliet, 111. Nadzornice—Auditors Mrs. Mary Tomažin, 1902 W. Cermak Rd.. Chicago, 111 Mrs. Mary Otoničar, 1110 E. 66th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Mary Smoltz Lenich 609 Jones St., Eveleth, Minn. Z a THE DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE » AMERIKI OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA Izhaja vsak mesec—Published monthly Naročnina.................................$2.00 na leto Za članice SŽZ....................... 1.20 na leto Subscription price................$2.00 per year Members of the SWUA.... 1.20 per year Office of Publication: "ZARJA" 1135 East 71st SI Editorial Office: ALBINA NOVAK, Editor 1135 East 71st St. Tel.: HEnderson 1572 Entered as Second-Class Matter June 28. 1929. at the Post Office at Cleveland. Ohio, under the Act of August 24. 1912. SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA Organized Dec. 19th, 192« in Chicago, III. Incorporated Dec. 14th 1927 in the State of Illinois Member of: National council of Catholic Women Glavni Odbor — Supreme Committee Prosvetni odsek—Educational Committee Mrs. Albina Novak, urednica in upravnica "Zarje," 1135 E. 71st St., Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Frances Ponikvar, 1030 E. 71st St., Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Frances Sušel, 726 E. 160th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Anna Petrich, 2178 Burton St., Warren, Ohio. Mrs. Emma Shimkus, 717 Fifth St., La Salle, 111. Svetovalni in porotni odsek — Adriaery Board Mrs. Agatha Dezman, predsednica, 649 So. 29th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Anna Kameen, P. O. Box 767, Forest City, Pa. Mrs. Rose Jerome, 214 Grant Avenue, Eveleth, Minn. Mrs. Agnes Mahovlich, 9525 Ewing Ave., So. Chicago. 111. Mrs. Olga Mirkovich, 4333 N. E. Broadway St., Portland, Or«. Namestnica nadzornicam: Josephine Seelye, 1228 Addison Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. 1941 _ JUNIJ — 1941 1 2 3 4 N P T S Binkoštna nedelja Binkošt. pond. 22 m. Ugande Kv. Franč. K. 9 10 11 12 P T S č Prim, in Fel. Marjeta, kralj. Barnaba, ap. sv. Reš. Telo 17 18 19 20 T S e p Adolf, škof Marko in M. Gerv. in Prot. Srce Jezusovo 25 26 27 28 s Č P S Viljem, opat Evh. Srce Jez. Ema, vdova Vidov dan 5 C Bonifacij, m. 13 P Anton Pad. 21 s Srce Marijino 29 N Peter in Pavel 6 P Kv. Norbert 14 S Bazilij, škof 22 N 3. pob. Ahacij Edeltruda, kr. 30 P Spomin Pavla 7 S Kv. Robert 15 N 2. pob. Vid, m. Frančišek R. 23 P 8 N | Presv. Trojica 16 P 24 T Janez Krstnik ntXTgYXIXXTXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTIXXXXXXXXJU. ČASTNA LISTA ODBORNIC NAŠIH PODRUŽNIC Sledeče podružnice imajo odbornice, ki poslujejo deset ali več let: Pod. št. 1—Marie Prisland, predsednica nadzornega odbora " " 7—Ana Kameen, predsednica Pauline Osolin, tajnica " " 8—Dorothy Dermeš, tajnica » » 9—Theresa C aiser, tajnica " " 12—Mary Shimenz, tajnica " " 13—Ana Skala, zapisnikarica " " 14—Frances Rupert predsednica » " 16—Agnes Mahovlič, blagajničarka 1 " " 20—Josephine Erjavec, zapisnikarica " " 25—Frances Ponikvar, predsednica Dorothy Sterniša, blagajničarka " " 47—Helene Tomazic, tajnica Zveza je ponosna na te odbornice, ki se ie nad deset let neprestano udejstvujejo v svojih uradih. Še na mnoga leta! Pozor tajnice! Sporočite imena odbornic, ki poslujejo £ deset ali več let, takoj na uredništvo "Zarje." rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXgSXXXTTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'l THE BIRTHDAY BOUQUET FOR JUNE Flower: ROSE (true love and passionate loyalty) Birthstone: PEARL ((health) HISTORICAL EVENTS IN JUNE i. Pentecost 2. Grover Cleveland married at the White House 1886 4. First house built in Oregon, 1810 5. Philadelphia & Baltimore first telegraph line, 1846 6. Patrick Henry died, 1799 7. 8. 9. Resolution of Independence, 1776 Andrew Jackson, 7th President died, 1845 Mary Shepel, Supreme Officer SŽZ born 11. First lake steamer crossed ocean, 1891 12. Corpus Christi 13. Harriet Beecher Stowe born, 1811 14. Flag Day- 15. Father's Day 16. President Roosevelt signed N. I. R. Act, 1933 17. Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775 18. Senator La Follete died, 1925 19. Second U. S. War with Great Britain declared 1812 20. Pres. Hoover declares Moratorium on war debt. 1932 21. Marie Prisland, Supreme President SŽZ born 22. Summer begins 23. Post and Gatty fly around the world, 8 days, 15 hours, 51 minutes, 1931 24. Grover Cleveland, President, died, 1908 25. Custer Massacre, 187 6 26. First U. S. troops in France, 1917 28. Archduke Francis Ferdinand slain, touching off the World War, 1914 28. Panama Canal bought by U. S., 1902 30. Airmail service between N. Y. and Boston gurated, 1926 Inau- LETO XIII. — ŠTEV. 6 JUNE, 1941 VOL. XIII. — NO. 6 REV. MILAN SLAJE: MATI M' ' ESEC majnik je že za nami in z njim razne proslave materinskega dneva. Mi pa še vedno slavimo in častimo naše matere. Ker prava mati si to zasluži ne le en dan v letu, ampak vse dni svojega življenja. Dejal sem — prava mati. So matere, ki nosijo to ime po krivici. Mati nam ne pomeni le žene, ki nas je rodila. Mati je mnogo več. Mati je, ki nas je vzgajala z ljubeznijo in modrostjo. Mati je najboljša žena, najljubeznivejša, žena, najbolj katoliška žena, najmodrejša žena: Mati je, h kateri se zatekamo po nasvet, tolažbo, pomoč, razumevanje, ker dobro vemo in čutimo, da nas ne bo varala. Največji pesniki in pisatelji so v svojih pesmih in spisih proslavljali matere. Prav tako, kar je še bilo dobrega v največjih zločincih, je bila — ljubezen do matere. Prava katoliška mati je središče družine; okrog nje se vse zbira, kakor piščeta okrog koklje. Ona je tisti granitni steber, ki drži hišo da s& ne sesuje. Je kakor kralj Salomon, ki vedno najde pravo besedo in poda najmodrejšo razsodbo. In kakor hrast, ki ga noben vihar ne premakne. Kar-spozna za dobro in pravo, tega se drži in ne odneha za las. Kjer so take močnovoljne, značajne, katoliške matere — tam ne morejo biti slabi otroci. V molitvi za srečo svojih otrok, je katoliška mati nad vse goreča in vztrajna. Zaveda se pač, da z lastno močjo ne bo mnogo dosegla, ako ne bo pomoči od zgoraj. Vsi se še spominjamo, kako lepo so ravnale naše matere v stari domovini. Z znamenjem križa na čelu so nas zazibale v spanje. Z istim svetim znamenjem so nas pošiljale v šolo, tuje kraje, v vojake, na vojsko. In ko smo se podajali na pot v to novo domovino je bil njih zadnji opomin: Sin moj, hči moja, na Boga ne pozabi! Zavedale so se, da bo vse nedostatke njihove vzgoje nadomestil Bog, ako bodo sinovi in hčere zaupali Vanj. Kakor za dom, enako je dobra katoliška mati navdušena za domovino in državo. Otroci ji niso v breme, ampak v srečo. V njihovi sredini se odpočije in oddahne. V njih gleda one, ki bodo nadaljevali njeno delo za čast in blagor njenega rodu in njene domovine, ko bo Bog njo samo poklical k sebi po zasluženo plačilo. Ona ve in nikdar ne pozabi, da je od njenega materinstva in požrtvovalnosti odvisna sreča in bodočnost domovine. Ker, resnica je in ostane, kjer se matere ne zavedajo več svoje dolžnosti, kjer so izgubile strah božji, tam ne pomagajo nobene materinske proslave. Tak narod propada in je izgubljen. . . Nek nemški general je dejal: Francozov ne bo treba pobijati, ker se sami ubijajo. Menil je namreč omejevanje rojstev na Francoskem, ki je zavzelo tak strahoten obseg, da je francoska vlada delila nagrade številnejšim družinam. Pa vse nagrade niso pomagale. Z vero je izginila tudi požrtvovalnost francoskih žen. Zato je sedanji vodja francoske vlade, maršal Petain, povedal svojim rojakom žalostno resnico: Ker ni bilo požrtvovalnosti, zato je narod francoski uničen . . . Pred vsem je katoliška mati vneta za čast božjo. Vera zavzema poglavitno mesto v njeni družini: sv. maša, pogosto obhajilo, razne pobožnosti, skupna molitev — ona ve, da so to najizdatnejši pripomočki v vzgoji otrok. Razume tudi, da daje ona prvo in maj solidne jšo podlago vzgoje. In to je božja resnica. Niti šola, niti cerkev ne moreta storiti dosti, ako jih ne podpira mati. Ako otrok neprestano posluša zabavljanje čez šolo in cerkev, duhovnike in morda celo smešenje vere, ako vidi, da je mati mlačna in zanikerna v izpolnjevanju svojih verskih dolžnosti, kdo mu naj še pomaga? Iz družin, kjer ni prave ali nikakršne verske vzgoje, prihajajo pomehkuženi slabiči, brez volje in značaja, ki jih bo življenje strlo, ko bodo storili prvi korak vanj. O, mati more biti pravi božji blagoslov, katerega ne more nič nadomestiti, ali pa velikanska nesreča, ako je pozabila na svoj poklic. Dal Bog, da bi Slovenska Ženska Zveza vzgajala prave, katoliške matere, ki bodo v blagoslov in srečo narodu in novi domovini. V pomoč stari domovini AKOPRAV Slovenska ženska zveza ni izrecno podporna organizacija pač pa sledi tudi kulturnemu programu, sem takoj, ko sem povabilo prejela, obvestila dve glavni odbornici, namreč gl. tajnico in predsednico nadzornega orbora, da sta se kot zastopnici Zveze udeležili konference, ki jo je za vse slovenske podporne organizacije sklicala Ameriška bratska zveza. Na tej konferenci, vršeči se v Chicagu, se je osvojil sklep, s katerim sta se strinjali tudi naši zastopnici, da Slovenci v Ameriki potom svojih organizacij skupno pomagamo našim trpečim rojakom v stari domovini. Tako smo se Slovenci zjedinili prvikrat v zgodovini našega bitja v Ameriki. Apeliram torej, kot sem to že v majevi številki Zarje storila, na podružnice in članstvo, da priskočijo na pomoč naši rojstni domovini. Glavna tajnica Zveze bo s posebnim pismom apelirala na podružnice za pomoč tej rodoljubni akciji. Ko bo to pismo, na seji prečitano, upam, da ne bo kar na mizo položeno, pač pa, da se bo razpravljalo, kaj bi se dalo koristnega v tej smeri storiti. Moja iskrena želja je, da bi se sleherna podružnica z darilom odzvala, da bi lahko rekle: Zvezine podružnice so 100 pro-centno sodelovale, ko se je šlo za pomoč zasužnjeni in trpeči stari domovini. Svoje doneske pošljite naravnost na glavno tajnico Zveze. Ti prispevki bodo naloženi na poseben račun na banko. Kadar bo dobil izvr-ševalni odbor Zveze zagotovilo od merodajne strani, da bo pomoč resnično dostavljena našim ljudem v domovini, takrat bo gl. tajnica dvignila denar in ga v imenu Zveze oddala blagajniku slovenskih organizacij. — Naj omenim še to, da se bo vsa pomožna akcija za domovino vršila potom Ameriškega rdečega križa in se torej ni treba nikomur bati, da bi se koga za stroške kaj "prijelo." — Po naselbinah, kjer bodo slovenska društva imela skupne programe za pomoč Jugoslaviji, priporočam našim podružnicam, da pri teh programih sodelujejo. Poziv za zbiranje stare in še rabne obleke in obuvala, še vedno velja. Po zadnji svetovni vojni je bila potreba po obleki v domovini velikanska, ko je bila dobrodošla vsaka "flika." Ravno tako bo sedaj, če ne hujše. Zbirajte torej ponošeno in še rabno obleko in jo hranite! Ko pride čas, da bo pošiljatev v domovino mogoča, bomo to obleko lahko brez zamude v zaboje zložile in odposlale v imenu Zveze. Cleveland, Sheboygan, Joliet in nekatere druge naselbine so si ustanovile odseke Ameriškega rdečega križa, kar je priznanja vredno. Zelo je priporočati našim članicam, da sodelujejo pri tej humanitarni organizaciji. Ne vemo sicer ravno koliko direktne pomoči bo od našega dela naklonjeno Jugoslaviji, kar nas pa naj ne moti. Ameriški rdeči križ je prispeval za en milijon dolarjev raznih potrebščin za Jugoslavijo, predno smo se mi Jugoslovani v Ameriki sploh zganili. Ta organizacija velikodušno pomaga od vojne ali kake druge stiske prizadetim, ter že zato zasluži vso našo ko-operacijo. Priporočam odbornicam zvezinih podružnic, naj se vsaka v svoji naselbini informira, kje je stan Rdečega križa in nudijo svojo pomoč. Povedo .naj h kateri organizaciji spadajo in da želijo pomagati pri delu. Postanimo sotrudnice najbolj velikodušne organizacije v Ameriki! MARIE PRISLAND, predsednica. OČETOM V POZDRAV! (Za očetovski dan, 15. junija) Danes vendar svet spominja vas očetje se mi dragi, ker zavest ga le prešinja: v vrsti mož, da najbolj blagi Z delom trudnih rok že leta mučite se in skrbite, toda nehvaležnost sveta v obče le zato dobite. Delo in skrbi že glavo morda so vam osivele, toda srce plemenito, pravo, mlade dela vas, vesele. vi ste,—vam gre slave krona, ker glavar ste vi družine. Vi ste moč, podpora ona. hčere, ki preživlja sine! Srečni v krogu ste družine, nikdar kruha da ne manjka, toda žalost vas prešine, če ga ni, za vas je zanka. Leto teče, kar za letom, v grobe legate od truda.-- Vsem pokojnim naj očetom lahka bodi zemlja gruda! Ivan Zupan. LEO ZAKRAJŠEK: J\fa C~J%LqLa<><><>^ Važen sestanek! Dne 17. junija, 1941 ob osmi uri zvečer se vrši važen sestanek jugoslovanskega pomožnega odbora v Senkotovi dvorani na 739 W. National Ave., Milwaukee. Wis. V imenu dotičnega odbora vabimo vse Milwaučene na poset te seje. Bodite navzoči v velikem številu, ko se bo delalo načrte za nabiranje sredstev za odpomoč stari domovini, ker vsaka dobro sugestija bo dobrodošla. Zastopnici št. 12 SŽZ: Mary Schimenz in Marica Kopač. Št. 13, San Francisco, Cal.—Tem potem naznanjam vsem našim članicam, da v juliju ne bo mesečne seje, ker je večina članic na počitnicah. Pozdrav! Lena Marincich, tajnica. RAZSTAVA ROČNIH DEL KOLOSALNO USPELA Veliko smo obetali, veliko se je pričakovalo, toda uspeh prve velike razstave ročnih del, ki se je vršila pod pokroviteljstvom skupnih cleveland-skih podružnic Zveze, je pa naravnost presenetljiv, kolosalen in vsestransko zadovoljiv. Bilo je res veliko dela in truda tudi žrtvovati mnogo časa pri šivanju in zbiranju ter s predpripravami, ampak sedaj je uspeh popolnoma za-dovolil vse stranke in pozabilo se je na vse delo s zadoščenjem, da smo prekosile vsa pričakovanja. Na razstavi je bilo 11 velikih stojnic (štantov) in v vsakemu so bile najlepše stvari, kar jih znajo napraviti pridne roke. Moj namen je kasneje podrobneje poročati o raznih zgodovinskih in intrikatnih del. katere so imele podružnice v tej razstavi, ker ne smemo kar mimo vseh teh lepih stvari brez, da bi javnost vedela, kaj vse premorejo naše članice v ročnih delih. Razstava je trajala tri dni, to so bili petek, sobota in nedelja, 16., 17. in 18. maja. 1941. Vsako popoldne in zve-. čer je bil na odru podan lep glasbeni in varietni program kakor tudi razstava mode ali takorekoč "Style Show." V tej razstavi mode smo videli naše deklice, odrasla dekleta, starejše dame in neveste, ki so se pokazale druga za drugo na odru ter korakale pred avdi-jenco med tem, ko je bilo povedano, koliko stane blago in okraski dotični obleki in ime tiste, ki je naredila. Marsikateri ie prišel do mene Po tej razstavi in čestital ideji, ker s tem smo zares vzbudile mnogo navdušenja za domačo umetnost. Tudi o tej modni razstavi se bo treba malo vpoglobiti, ker delo je bilo vse hvalevredno. Da je bilo še več zanimanja med po-setniki. smo imeli na razstavi tudi kle-klarce, ki so na blazinah imele pripete vzorce in pridno kazale, kako se izdelujejo najlepši vzorci. Pokazano je tudi bilo, kako se napne v okvir blago za posteljno odejo in bilo tudi pokazano, kako se šiva. Dalje smo videli tudi razna druga komplicirana ročna dela, pri katerih so članice pokazale, kako se jih izgotovi . Med podružnicami je im^ela svojo stojnico tudi gospa Johana Mally, soproga konzulata dr. James W. Mally-a, ki ima več kot sto komadov najlepšega ročnega dela. V isti stojnici je imela razstavo tudi Miss Julija Mally. sestra dr. James W. Mally-a, ki ima tudi bogato izbiro ročnih del in je ena izmed prvih v kvačkanju, za kar je dobila že več nagrad. Ker smo vedele, da naše članice ljubijo lepa ročna dela, kakor tudi, da bodo imeli več izrednih komadov, zato je bilo določeno, da se dobi izvedenke v tej stroki, ki bodo izbrale v vsaki stojnici pet najlepših in najizrednej-ših komadov ročnega dela in dotičnim pripele nagrado, svilen trak in sicer po redu od prve do pete. Med sodnicami sta bili Florence La Ganke, ki je v Clevelandu ena prvih, kar se tiče ženske domače umetnosti in Mrs. Kerr, ki podučuje ročna dela že zadnjih 40 let v višjih šolah in je sedaj pri YWCA ustanovi za prvo učiteljico. Te dve dami sta pravi izvedenki in sta mi povedali po tem, ko sta vse pregledali, da nista pričakovali niti ene desetine toliko lepih stvari kot sta videli tukaj in da je bila za nju ena najtežjih nalog izbrati komade za nagrade. Imena dotičnih, ki so dobile nagrade, bodo priobčena v prihodnjih izdajah. Na razstavi je bila tudi kuhinjska šcla in tvrdka Norwood Appliance, katere lastnika sta Slovenca Mr. Bohinc in Sušnik, nam je preskrbela osebo, ki je kar tam kuhala in kazala, kako se stvari hitro pripravijo in okusno skuhajo. Dalje ie bila na razstavi tudi članica št. 18, Mrs. Paulin, ki zna delati najlepše umetne cvetlice, in je tudi pokazalo, kako se zlaga skupaj peresa in listke, da se napravi najkrasnejše cvetlice. "Hobby Show" je bil tudi zanimiv in posebno srebrne žlice, katere skupaj zbira Mrs. Jennie Yelitz, predsednica št. 18 že 20 let in so iz vseh krajev sveta z raznimi napisi in engravira-njem. Mr. A. Grdina je posnemal slike od razstave. Res smo imele mnogo dela vse te stvari skupaj zbrati, toda hotele smo s? lepo pokazati in lahko rečem, da se nam je izvrstno uspelo. Razstavo je obiskalo približno dva tisoč ljudi, kar pomeni, da je bila gneča in nekateri niso mogli videti vse tako natanko kot bi bili radi. Dvorana Slovenskega doma na Holmes Ave. je velika, toda ne dovolj velika, da bi odgovarjala naši drugi veliki razstavi. Za takrat se bo treba poslužiti večje dvorane, mogoče katero izmed mestnih dvoran in to pomeni, drage sestre, da se bomo morale že takoj v ieseni začeti pripravljati in potem pridno delati razne stvari ter s tem takorekoč povzdigniti zanimanje za ročna dela. Za ta čas, izrekam najlepšo zahvalo vsem odbornicam, ki ste zvesto pomagale in še posebno tistim, v katerih rokah je bila precej velika naloga. Naj bo tudi vam v zadoščenje lep uspeh in mnogoteri pokloni, kateri prihajajo od vseh strani. Bilo je izvrstno in več kot to nismo pričakovale. Vas hvaležno pozdravlja, Albina Novak. < -o-•— KRASEN DAN, POMENLJIV DAN, 18. MAJA, 1941, CLEVELAND, O. Slovesnost kadetk na gričku pri Lur-ški Gospej v nedeljo, 18. majnika je bila ena najpomenljivejših, kar jih pomnimo v zgodovini naših kadetk pri Slovenski ženski zvezi. Navzočih je bilo deset krožkov, ki so šteli preko 200 kadetk in med nami je bil tudi krožek iz Barbertona od št. 6, ko so bile častno izrečene lepe palce s znakom vere, upanja in ljubezni, katere bodo nosile pri paradah. Palce je blagoslovil naš duhovni svetovalec Rev. Milan Slaje, na kar sta jih ročno oddala kadetkam, ki so pristopile do votline, kjer je Lur-ška Marija častita gospoda Julius Slap-šak in Max Sodja. Nato je sledila slovenska pridiga po Rev. Slajetu in v angleščini je govoril kanonik John J. Oman. Navzoči so bili vsi naši slovenski duhovniki iz Clevelanda, za kar smo jim zelo hvaležne. Mr. Anton Grdina je posnel premikajoče slike in tako boste imeli tudi drugod priliko videti v slikah to lepo slovesnost. F. Zupančič: O C E Dolgo let je že, kar ga ni več med živimi. Vračam se za vso dolgo, dolgo vrsto let nazaj, vživljam se prav v de-tinsko dobo: vse zaman; nikake predstave nimam o njem. ne spomina. Ne najdem ga trenutka, ko bi ga bila poklicala: očka. Ta naziv mi žge ustne kakor vedna bol. Napolnjuje mi srce z domotožjem, kadarkoli ga čujem s smehljajočih se usten srečne dece. Danes sem Te klicala, šepetala ta klic z vsem srcem, uverjena, da govorim s svojim očetom ... V cerkvi sem bila, pred tabernakeljem, kjer čaka Gospod naših obiskov. Mislila sem na mojega očeta in molila, da bi ga Bog naklonil utehe moje boli, dovolil večen raj očetu. Molila sem, kot je je On učil, ko je bil še na zemlji: Oče naš, kateri si v nebesih. Oče naš! Kolikokrat sem šepetala to molitev! In iz srca se je izproščala Ijubav, valovanje ljubezni, kot še nikdar v življenju ljubila nisem! Očka! Otrok v objemu svojega očeta. Očka! Solze so polzele po licu in nisem vedela, ali govorim Bogu ali očetu svojemu. Po končani molitvi sem spoznala, da sem molila k obema . . . VAŽNO ZA VSE 20. julija, je Zvezin dan v Lemontu Ko boste prejeli junijsko Zarjo, bo že minila jubilejna kampanja. Za eno leto ne bo potreba odbornicam in članicam razpravljati o kampanji na sejah. Sedaj boste čakale le na poročilo ter pričakovale lepe nagrade, katere bo deležna vsaka, ki se je le količkaj potrudila. Toda na dnevni red pride pa druga važna zadeva, katera se tudi ne sme več odlašati in to je romanje na Ameriške Brezje. _ Mesec za mesecem sem poživljala naše podružnice, da naj o tem razmo-trivajo na sejah ter mi sporoče, koliko jih pride in od katere podružnice lahko pričakujem udeležbe, toda prejela sem le nekaj tozadevnih odgovorov do sedaj. Radi tega zopet sedaj poživljam vse članice in odbornice, katere se mislite udeležiti, da mi sporočite. Letos, bolj kot kdaj poprej, bi se spodobilo vsaki članici kot njih soprogom in družini, da bi se udeležili romanja v Lemont; vsaka slovenska mati ima nebroj prošenj pri Mariji Pomagaj na Brezjah. V spominu imamo svojce v domovini, katere moramo priporočiti varstvu Mariji, dalje prositi za ohranitev naše stare domovine, katero smo zapustili pred leti s željo, da jo zopet obiščemo. Toda danes, kot nikdar prej. stojimo daleč proč od našega cilja, daleč proč pred izpolnitvijo naših želja. Naše misli blodijo onkraj morja z bojaznijo, ali so naši še živi ali se morda bojujejo z pomanjkanjem? Naše molitve na dan romanja k Mariji Pomagaj bodo za osvoboditev naše domovine pred suženjstvom, pred krutim sovražnikom, kateri se danes šopiri po naših lepih hribih in dolinah. Vse to nas mora spodbujati, da si obljubimo prisostvovati romanju k Mariji v nedeljo, 20. julija. Josephine Erjavec. -o-— V nedeljo, 15. junija se praznuje "Očetovski dan." Bog blagoslovi vse očete ter jim daj zdravja in zadovoljstva. ROMANJE V LE M O NT Dobila sem. več vprašanj glede romanja v Lemont ali takorekoč poseta Zve-zinega dne, ki bo v nedeljo, 20. julija, 1941, namreč ako se bo dobilo cene za skupno vožnjo. O tem sem delj časa preudar.iala, kako bi bilo bolj udobno za tiste, ki nameravate iti tja iz Cleve-landa ter prišla sem do zaključka, da bo najboljše za vse. ako se tja podamo v Greyhound avtobusih. Namreč Greyhound družba ima najmodernejše kakor tudi najboljše vrste avtobuse, v katerih se človek prav komodno vozi. Ako se peljemo zi busi, ni treba se voziti v mesto do postaje in potem zopet čakati v Chicagu za prevoz v Lemont in tako dalje. Z avtobusi le najmanj skrbi in dela, ker pride tja po vas, kjer naročite, dalje se peljete naravnost v Lemont in ne bo treba časa zamujat. Cena z Greyhound busom bi bila približno $8.50 za v Lemont in nazaj in tja bi se lahko odpeljale v soboto čez dan in ako nimajo dovolj prostora za prenočišče tam gori, se lahko prav sladko zaspi tudi na busu, kjer imajo stole, ki se lahko znižajo in blazine so tudi mehke. Tako bi potem imeli v nedeljo ves dan za ogledat si vso okolico. Cesta v Lemont je zelo lepa in videli boste veliko več iz busa kot se pa vidi iz vlaka, ker proge so vpeljane po najbolj pustih krajih in ceste pa po najlepših. Pokličite me lahko po telefonu ali pa pišete za pojasnila, kar vam bom rade-volje v postrežbo. Podrobnosti o tem bodo poročane tudi v lokalnem listu Ameriška Domovina v Clevelandu. Pozdrav, Albina Novak, 1135 E. 71st St. Telefon HEnderson 1572 -o- Št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), O.—V imenu podružnice se najlepše zahvaljujem našim kegljaškim skupinam, ki so pridno sodelovale za lep potek kegljaške tekme, katera se je vršila 19. in 20. aprila na Garfield Heights kegljišču. Imele so veliko dela s predpripravami in vse se je lepo izvršilo. Od moje strani sem pomagala, kar mi je bilo mogoče, ker meni je veliko na tem, da imamo pri podružnici zadovoljne članice in napredek. Letos smo imele štiri skupine kot prejšna leta, toda v jeseni pa jih zna biti šest, ker imamo več članic, ki bi se rade pridružile. Najlepša hvala vsem skupaj ! Zahvaljujem se tudi našim dobrim prijateljicam v Chicagi, kamor sem se peljala z našimi kegljačicami na ta-mošnio tekmo, ki se je "vršila 3. in 4. maja. Bile smo prav lepo sprejete in postrežene, za kar smo vsem hvaležne in posebno Mrs. Mary Tomažin, ki nas vselej prijazno sprejme. Prisostvovale smo tudi kegljaški tekmi v Pittsburghu 18. maja. Bile smo gostoljubno sprejete, za kar smo iz srca hvaležne. Naša podružnica se je tudi pridno potrudila za razstavo ročnih del, ki se ie vršila pod pokroviteljstvom skupnih clevelandskih podružnic. Naše članice so mi izročile krasne stvari, katere so vzbudile mnogo pozornosti od posetni-kov. Hvala vsem, ki ste dale lepe reči. Sedaj smo pa vse pridno na delu, da pomagamo našemu vežbalnemu krožku, ki ima naročene nove obleke. Prosim sestre, da nam greste na roke, ker moramo vse delati; stalo nas bo precej denarja. Prosim, pridite na prihodnjo sejo, ker bo važna' za vse! Pozdrav, Mary Hrovat, tajnica. Iskrena hvala št. 15 V imenu clevelandskih kegljaških skupin se tem potom najiskrenejše zahvaljujem podružnici št. 15 za vso izkazano prijaznost in gostoljubnost za časa tekme, ki se je vršila v njih naselbini. Pokazale ste, da znate izvrstno postreči vsem gostom in to v vseh ozirih, za kar smo vsi hvaležni. Bilo je mnogo dela, toda lep uspeh se ne doseže drugače. Čestitamo št. 15. Albina Novak. Št. 16, South Chicago, 111—Da smo imeli kegljaški turnir v South Chicago 3. in 4. maja, veste že iz odborovih poročil. Najbolj smo bile presenečene obiska iz daljnega Clevelanda, ki so nas posetile z našo velikodušno urednico na čelu in tamošnjo Urno Nežiko, ki je prišla kar brez marele. Bil je res krasen dan. da smo ga bih vsi veseli. Naša glavnac predsednica je pa kar cel regiment pripeljala iz Sheboy-gana. same vesele kegljačice. Ona naj oprosti moji pomanjkljivosti. Tudi iz Indianapolisa so prišle same fest dekleta. Škoda, da je stric Sam že toliko naših fantov vzel v armado, a kar jih je pa še doma, te pa čuvajo naše Čeka-žanke. da ne bi katera odpeljala katerega s seboj. Tudi Joliet in La Salle .ie poslal svoje najboljše moči. Pa naša soseda št. 2 v Chicagi so tudi prišle v lepem številu. Zanimivo .ie bilo opazovati spretne kegljačice, kako resno so se trudile pridobiti zmago svoji skupini. Lahko rečem, da toliko izvrstnih kegljačic ni bilo še skupaj ob enem času. Jaz se v imenu podružnice najlepše zahvaljujem vsem in vsakemu posebej za udeležbo in vsestransko sodelovanje. Prosim, da nam oprostite, ako ni bil kdo tako postrežen, kakor je želel, bomo pa prihodnjič uporabile skušnjo. Posebna hvala pevskemu društvu "Zarja," ki nam je zapel nekaj mičnih pesmi. Hvala lepa mali "princess" Florence Hečimovič stare sedem let za lep nastop v petju, da smo jo vsi navzoči občudovali. Na piano jo je spremljala Miss Mary Kralj, kapitan-ka od Mrs. Mahovlič tima. Hvala lepa tudi deklicam, ki so lepo zaigrale na harmonike. Bile so manjše kot harmonike, na katere so prav krasno zaigrale. Bili sta Barbara Mikulich, stara devet let in Joan Blasovich, stara 12 let. Mamice deklic so naše članice. Kaj pa naši trojčki, ki so tako izvrstno nastopili navzlic utrujenosti od prejšnjega dne, ko so igrali v Kankakee. Tisti, ki so jih prvič slišali, se niso mogli prečuditi mladim talentom, sa.i je res, da se ne sliši take mlade umetnike vsak dan. Čestitam Pluto-vim fantom in še posebno staršem, ki so tako srečni, da imajo sinove, ki delajo čast vsem Slovencem. Gospod Plut mi je povedal, da bodo nastopili na Morris B. Saks radio, uri in katero nedeljo bo to, bo poročano v Ameri-kanskem Slovencu in takrat prosim, da poslušate in glasujete za nje. s tem jim malo poplačamo za trud, ker oni se vedno radi odzovejo, kadar jih prosimo za nastop. Iskrena hvala vsem skupaj! Še par vrstic našim članicam. Kakor veste, ima Zveza letos svoj drugi Zvezin dan v Lemontu in sicer 20. julija. Vse, katere nameravate na ta izlet, vas prosim, da pridete prav gotovo na sejo 19. junija. Naš namen je dobiti svoj avtobus in katera plača vožnjo, dobi tiket in ima prostor zasi-guran. Tiketov se bo prodalo samo toliko, kolikor je sedežev. Dobile smo tudi znake in opozarjam vse članice, ki nimate še znaka, da si ga preskrbite na seji, ker le na ta način se bomo odlikovale, da smo iz South Chicage. Prav za prav bi morala vsaka imeti znak, saj je vedno prilika zanj. Na eni strani so modre barve s zlatimi črkami in na drugi strani so črne barve s srebrnimi črkami, tako, da so za parado in za pogreb. Prvič smo se ž njimi postavile pri skupnem sv. obhajilu, kar je napravilo na vse lep vtis. S sestrskim pozdravom, Kattie Triller, predsednica. Št. 17, West Allis, Wis.—Drage sestre, gotovo vam je znano, da bomo imele "Pillow case card party" dne 11. junija točno ob osmi uri zvečer v cerkveni dvorani. Prosim, da se udeležite v velikem številu. Nagrade bodo mične. Vljudno vabimo vse članice, znance in prijatelje na udeležbo, kakor tudi sosedne podružnice. Žalibog. da pride tako malo poročil iz domovine in temu sta krivi dve zveri v človeški podobi, ki pehate svet v vojno. Da bi le bilo konec vseh tistih, ki silijo v vojsko, predno tudi nas objame nevarnost. Čutim s siromaki, ki prelivajo kri. trpijo lakoto in preganjanje. Uboge matere vseh narodov, kaj se dogaja v njih srcih, ko vidijo veliko nevarnost, ki uničuje ter preti vse naokrog. Pridružujem se ideji, da bi zbirale obleke za svoje v stari domovini, da bomo pripravljene, ko pride čas, ko se bo zopet pošiljalo pomoč preko morja. Naznanjam, da se je zaročila moja hčerka Stella z Stanley-em Sponder. Čestitke! Prosim vse sestre, da obiskujete bolne članice in posetite seje, ki se vršijo vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu. Na svidenje! Z najlepšimi pozdravi, Štefania Miklaučič, poročevalka. Št. 18. Cleveland (Collinwood), O,— Tem potom se želim prisrčno zahvaliti vsem našim marljivim članicam, katere so omogočile lep uspeh na "Mother's Day Card Party" dne 6. maja, 1941. Cenjenim sestram, ki so šivale mična darila, spretnim kuharicam za okusno pecivo in postrežbo, agilni Mrs. Malo-vašič, ki se .je najbolj odlikovala s prodajo vstopnic ter plemenitim darom, katerega ie poklonila velikodušno gospa Jennie Welikanje, prav iz srca: stotera hvala in Bog povrni! Zelo smo bile vesele poseta gospe Sod.ja, kateri želimo popolno zdravje, da bi v bodoče vesela posečala naše seje. Apeliram na vse članice, da tekom poletne sezone ne odvračajo misli z raznimi izgovori, ker gradiva za obstoj podružnice in razmotrivanje vseh članic je neobhodno potreba tudi v teh mesecih. Prosim, pridite na seje! Slikoviti mesec junij naj pokloni vso zavest dragim očetom na njihov dan, "očetov dan" 15. junija, da spoštujejo žuljave roke svojega reditelja, vse njihove družine. Skriti vir marsikatere udobnosti je skoraj povsod le: oče in le vse premalo se ocenja njegova požrtvovalnost. Srečnim graduantom članic Slovenske ženske zveze in novoporočenim, parčkom, ta mamljivi mesec, moje skromne čestitke! Josephine Praust, tajnica. Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn—V prvi vrsti se najlepše zahvajlujem članicam, ki ste se v lepem številu udeležile zadnje seje. Glavna nadzornica gospa Mary Lenich nam je preskrbela lep program za materinsko proslavo. Prav z veseljem smo poslušale naše mlade deklice, ki so nas tako lepo pozdravljale v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, kakor tudi zapele v obeh jezikih, da je bilo lepo za poslušat. Počastile smo najstarejšo ih najmlajšo mater, namreč Barbara Kramar je stara 80 let in zgleda kot 50 let, ker je zdrava in vesele narave ter ji želimo, da dočaka sto let! Najmlajša mati je bila Frances Berganini, stara 24 let, ki je pa žalibog, že zgubila soproga, ki se ie smrtno ponesrečil pri delu meseca decembra. Popravljal je tovorni voz (truck), ko se je pod trokom utrgalo težko železo in ga udarilo do smrti. Bil je prav dober soprog in oče dveh malih otrok. Podružnica ji izraža sožalje. Gospa Lenich je v lepih besedah nagovorila obe materi in se lepo zahvalila in vsaki izročila šopek rož, katerih sta bili zelo veseli in se najlepše zahvaljujeta za prijaznost. Frances Chad, mati od naše mlade matere se prav lepo zahvali za darovane cvetlice. Tako smo imele lep večer, ki bo nam ostal dolgo v spominu. Opozarjam vas na Zvezin dan, ki se bo vršil na Evelethu 13. julija. Vse podružnice Slovenske ženske zveze v Minnesoti naj se udeležijo tega shoda. Program ta dan se bo začel s sveto maš" ob 10:30 v slovenski cerkvi sv. Družine. Zbrali se bomo v City Auditorium in od tam šli skupno k sveti maši. Po sv. maši se vrnemo v City Auditorium, kjer bo servirano skupno kosilo vsem tistim, ki boste prišli iz drugih krajev. Da se bomo odlikovale, katere smo članice Slovenske ženske zveze bomo imele pripete trakove. Priporočam vsem podružnicam, da si nabavijo trakove z napisom številke in mesta, od kje so doma. Za popoldne bomo preskrbele zabavo za stare in mlade, za lačne in žejne tudi ne bo manjkalo dobrot. Prijavilo se je že deset podružnic, da bodo se pridružile našemu shodu. Odločite se še druge, ker vam zagotavljam, da vam ne bo žal biti pričujoči na tej veliki proslavi našega dne v Minnesoti. Vabimo tudi naše krožke, namreč vežbalne kot kegljaške, da ste navzoče. Poslana bodo posebna povabila, na katera se gotovo odzovite. Odbor, ki ima v rokah vse predpriprave, bo skrbel po svoji najboljši moči, da bo vse izvršeno v pravem redu. Ako bi isti dan slučajno deževalo, se bo shod vršil v Rrecrea-tion Building na Adams in Garfield St. Za pojasnila se obrnite na tajnico, ki bo z veseljem raztolmačila. Z velikim zanimanjem prebiram Zarjo. katera podružnica bo pridobila največ članic v jubilejni kampanji. Želim vsem članicam obilo sreče. Pozdravljene! Matilda Reberts, zapisnikarica. Čestitke Št. 20 iskreno čestita rojstnemu dne-vp glavne predsednice Marie Prisland, katerega bo obhajala 21. junija. Na ta dan se jo bodo spominjale vse članice in odbornice s željo, da bi dočakala še mnogo let med nami čila in v največjem zadovoljstvu. Bog jo ohrani med nami še mnogo let! Odbor in članice št. 20. Št. 20. Joliet, III.—Jolietska podružnica si je štela v veliko čast, ko je kegljaška skupina pod vodstvom kapitan-ke Josephine Ramuta častno zmagala na kegljaški tekmi dne 4. maja v South Chicagu, 111. Igralke te skupine so bile: Josephine Ramuta, Edith Ogrin, Mayme Pazdertz, Anna Mutz in Josephine Bucher. Naj bo omenjeno, da je ta skupina odnesla prvo nagrado kot zmagovalke v Midwest tekmi in kot vrhovne zmagovalke, namreč prvakinje (.Champions) lige SŽZ. Tekmovale so z najboljšim timom iz Clevelanda, Ohio. Torej kar dve častne zmage na enkrat za Joliet. Vsa čast vam! Isti dan je tekmovalo sedem drugih skupin iz Jolieta ter so odnesle razne nagrade. Trofejo, katero si je častno pridobila jolietska podružnica pred tremi leti, ostane sedaj za vedno pri nas, kajti odločeno je bilo, da skupina, ki si pribori prvenstvo trikrat v tekmi, ohrani trofej kot častni simbol zmage pri podružnici. Katera hoče videti ta častni trofej, naj se zglasi pri predsednici Mrs. Planinšek. Naša dekleta so tudi zmagala v raznih tekmah za "singles" in "doubles." Kegljaška tekma letos je nadkrilje-vala vse tekme pi*ejšnjih let, kajti toliko skupin kot letos še ni kegljalo pri Zvezi ob enem času. Vse to nam dokazuje, da je čedalje več zanimanja za ta šport pri zveži. Končno si štejem v prijetno dolžnost se zahvaliti naši urednici Mrs. Albini Novak ter njenem soprogu in Corrine za prijaznost izkazano meni in moji družini ob priliki enodnevnega obiska v največji slovenski metropoli, katero sem obiskala kot zastopnica Slovenske ženske zveze, da posetim sejo Jugoslovanskega odbora za odpomoč Jugoslaviji, ki se je vršila v Slovenskem narodnem domu. Hvala tudi Mr. in Mrs. Seelye, Mrs. Frances Rupert, katera se .ie tako daleč potrudila do nas isto soboto večer kakor tudi Mr. in Mrs. Ponikvar. Le žal, da je bil naš obisk samo za en dan, kajti mnoge bi morala obiskati, toda ni bilo časa, za kar mi naj oprostijo za enkrat. Josephine Erjavec. Št. 20, Joliet, III.—Vsak dan nam prinese novo veselje in tudi slučaje, ki nam delajo žalostna srca. Za poročati imam tužno vest, da je nanagloma preminula sestra Catherine Sraj. Zjutraj je bila zdrava in šla prat, ko je pa prišel domov brat, jo je našel mrtvo pri perilu. Taka novica pretrese človeka! Res je, nihče ne ve, kdaj in kie bo poklican pred nebeškega Kralja. Ranj-ka zapušča soproga in sina. Umrla je sestra Mary Dobranich, hči Mrs. Ane Terlep iz Broadway. Zapušča soproga in devet otrok. Na.i jima sveti večna iuč! Družinam izrekamo naše sožalje. Več naših sester se nahaja bolne, toda mi niso znani vsi slučaji. Poročilo sem dobila, da se je vrnila iz bolnišnice sestra Mary Laken. Operacijo je srečno prestala Mrs. Mary Bostjančič, ki se sedaj zdravi na domu. Obiskujte bolne sestre, ki bodo vesele vas videti. Želimo, da bi vse bolne čimprej okrevale ter prišle na seje. Pri družini Mr. in Mrs. John Torkar se je oglasila teta štorklja in prinesla zalo hčerko. Matere dekliško ime je bilo Julia Tušek. Čestitamo! Poročila sta se Frances Rozman in Eddy Medic iz poznane družine Mr. in Mrs. Adamich kakor tudi Miss Rose Glavan in Stephen Vitanovec. Najlepše čestitke in želje za srečno bodočnost želimo vsem skupaj! Gorkejši dnevi so med nami in bo kaj prijetno priti na seje, kar upam, da boste tudi storile. Ako pa ne morete priti na sejo, prosim, da pošljete mesečnino po drugi članici ali pa po otroku, da ne boste imele skrbi. Nekatere članice vse preveč rade zaostajate s plačili in dolg se nabere, potem je pa še težje odplačati. Nekatere kegljačice niste vrnile napis, ki ste imele ob času kegljaške tekme in ker stanejo napisi precej denarja, ste prošene, da jih vrnete, ker pri tem boste prihranili podružnici zopetne izdatke prihodnjo sezono. Manjka jih še osem in tiste, ki niste vrnile, storite to takoj. Hvala za prijaznost. S pozdravom. Josephine Muster, tajnica. Št. 21, Cleveland (West Park). O.— Radi gotovih zadržkov, nam ni bilo incgoče proslaviti materinski praznik po načinu kot smo prvotno nameravale. zato smo sklenile, da imamo praznovanje kar po redni mesečni sej, kar se je tudi izvršilo. Udeležba je bila obilna, za kar vsa pohvala zavednim članicam; le tako naprej! Bile smo zelo iznenadene nad prijaznostjo naših kadetk, ki so pripravile prav mičen program za matere. Prinesle so veliko torto, katero so razre-zale, da je vsaka dobila svoj delež. Dalje so izkazale ljubezen do mater s rdečim nageljnom, katerega so pripele materam na prsa. Stotera hvala in naj vas Bog blagoslovi še na mnogo let. Prepričane bodite, da bomo povrnile vašo ljubezen ob priliki. Najlepša hvala tudi predsednici, Mary Ho-sta, ki zvesto deluje za podružnico in nam je napravila prav okusna okrep-čila. Srčna hvala za vse in tudi vsem članicam. ki so prinesle darila, katere so sestre s smehljajem odnesle domov. Darila so prinesle: Mary Hosta, Anna Hosta, Nežka Tisovec, Rose Kovač, Mary Gustinčič, Mary Jesen in Mary Pozelnik. Bog vam povrni za vašo dobrosrčnost. Naša mlada sestra Anna Vuk se je morala podati v bolnišnico Anni Inti-har in Mary Jesen se zdravje zboljšuje. Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja. Sestra Josephine Zupan je te dni zelo zaposlena, ker se ženi njen drugi sin Frank. Mnogo sreče v zakonskem stanu, novoporočencema. Na zadnji seji smo sklenile, da se peljemo z busom na proslavo št. 41, kjer bo krožek dal blagosloviti bandero in to bo v nedeljo, 22. junija popoldne. Katera želi se pridružiti, naj se priglasi. Prav gotovo bomo imele lušt-ne čase, ve, Colinwoodeanke se pa le pripravite, da bo dovolj za jest in piti, ker nas pride lepo število. Kakor vsako leto tako bomo tudi letos imele svoj piknik v juliju. Vabim vas od povsod, da pridete k nam na zapadno stran mesta vsaj eno nedeljo popoldne v tem poletju. Najlepše pozdrave vsem članicam! Anna Pelčič, tajnica. Št. 24. La Salle, III—V par vrsticah bi rada povedala, kako je žalostno pri hiši, kadar mati zboli in se ne more premakniti, samo kar ji drugi pomagajo kakor je bilo pri nas zadnje čase. Več kot leto dni sem bila v bolniški postelji, štiri mesece se pa nisem mogla premakniti, ker sem imela hude rane na nogah in hudo bolezen, vodenico. Vozili so me od enega zdravnika do drugega, pa ni bilo pomoči. Rekli so, da bo treba nogo odrezati, kar mi je bilo groza slišati. Danes pa z veseljem poročam, da mi je bila sreča mila. Našli smo zdravnika dr. Leonard V. Sellett, ki ima svoj urad na 222 Marquette St., La Salle, Hl. ,ki mi je svetoval, da se podam v bolnišnico in res čudo, po štirih dneh v bolnišnici sem se počutila že toliko boljšo, da sem bila peti dan že doma. Rane na nogah so se začele celiti in tudi vodenica je nekam izginila, da sedaj lahko opravljam svoj posel in tudi na vrtu negujem gredice. V naši hiši je sedaj več veselja kot ga je bilo kdaj prej, ker imamo kar štiri muzikante in ko me obišče hčerka iz Chicage in njen soprog, še plešemo kot takrat, ko sem bila stara 25 let. Zdravnik, ki mi je pomagal, je dovršil svoje učenje v Mayo kliniki v Rochester, Minn., in njegova zdravila kot nasveti so natančni in to je meni pomagalo k zdravju. Sedaj, ko sem zopet zdrava, bom skušala po svoji najboljši moči pomagat pri nabiranju novih članic kakor tudi pri splošnem delovanju v prid podružnice in Zveze. Pozdravljam vse sestre pri SŽZ! Francka Tomažin, 227 Chartres St., La Salle, 111. --o- MISLI Nihče ni tako dober, kakor ga hvali ljubezen, nihče tako slab, kakor ga slika mržnja. , * Slava je ptica, ki ima hitre peroti. pa zaslepljene oči. * Prva ljubezen in prvi sneg prideta redkokdaj tako kesno, da bi se mogla ohraniti. * Vino razveže jezik. Uči se od ribe, ki molči tudi tedaj, če pade v poln sod vina. -o- Metanje riža na novoporočence Običaj metanja riža na novoporočence je preostanek verskih običajev Kitajcev in Indijcev. V Orientu je riž simbol rodovitnosti in metanje riža na novoporočenca simbolizira rodovitnost njiju zakona, katero jima žele sorodniki in prijatelji. Ta običaj ima še danes mnogo originalne pomembnosti v Indiji, kjer strese ženin tri prgišča riža na nevesto, in nevesta troje prgišč na ženina. V tej deželi pa je metanje riža na novoporočenca samo običajna šala. "A. D." Frances Ponikvar: ČLOVEKOLJUBJA JE VSE PREMALO Do velike višine je prišla današnja civilizacija človeštva. Vsa zgodovina nam kaže ogromni razvoj s stopnjevanjem iz primitivnosti k vsestranskemu izpopolnjevanju. Posebno v tehniki se je doseglo velike uspehe, kateri bi lahko služili človeku le v olajšanje dela in bili v splošni dobrobit. A temu ni povsem tako. ker iznajdbe in tehnika so v veliki meri odločeni tudi za uniče-. vanje. Ves svet se oborožuje in karkoli je mogoče in kar lahko stori današnja veda, je v veliki meri osredočeno za priprave čim hujšega morilnega orožja. Torej, kar se je zgradilo tekom stoletij z velikimi žrtvami in trudom, se to sedaj lahko podere, takorekoč kar mimogrede. Ob tej smrtni pesmi jekla in smodnika, izgublja človek svoje dostojanstvo. Vprašanje nastane, kako je vendar mogoče, da človek, ki je umsko tako visoko razvit, kako da more potem kaj takega počenjati in s tem priti na stopnjo navadne živali! Brez dvoma se lahko mnogo temu pripisuje nekaki nemirnosti in nezadovoljstvu človeškega duha, ki vedno išče novih potov in ako ne more^ več navzgor, začne iti pa nizdol. Človek je postal tehniki potemtakem nekak suženj, ker ga ista uničuje. To je trpka tragedija 20. stoletja! Marsikateri bi rajši videl, da bi orožje za uničevanja ljudstva popolnoma izginilo iž tega sveta in da bi nas ščitila prava človeška pamet, katere prvi in edini cilj bi bil pomagati človeštvu do višje stopnje, ki bi dvignila vrednost življenja vsakemu posamezniku, ne oziraje se na stan ali okoliščine. Sedanja generacija najbrž ne bo videla tega dne . . . NOVOMAŠNIK BOD' POZDRAVLJEN V cerkvi sv. Kristine v Euclid, O.hio, bo v nedeljo, 8. junija pel prvo sv. mašo Rev. Louis A. Ulle, O. P. M., sin tajnice podružnice št. 49, Mrs. Jennie Intihar, ter brat Mary Ann Intihar, na-čelnice Noble Cadets. Krožki Slovenske ženske zVeze so prejeli vabilo k sprejemu častitega gospoda novomašnika in bodo takorekoč njegova častna straža, kar bo vsem navzočim v najlepši poklon. Čestitamo častitemu gospodu novo-mašniku, njegovim staršem in sorodnikom. katere je dočakala visoka čast. Bog daj, da bi našel mnogo srečnih in zadovoljnih let v delovanju kot dušni pastir v velikem vinogradu Gospodovem. Bog živi! Z><><><><>!^ Št. 27, North Braddock, Pa.—Drage sestre! Vsa čast tistim sestram, ki redno plačujete mesečnino in pridno prihajate na seje, ne oziraje se na vreme. Zakaj se ene tako težko udeležujete mi pa res ni znano. Lepo ste prošene, da bi prihajale v večjem številu. Zalagat moram vedno za ene in iste. ki ostaneja dolžne po tri in štiri mesece in to je sitno zame, ker nisem bankir in moj žep je tudi prazen. Odbornice smo najbolj žalostne, ker ne pridete k sejam. Potrebno je, da nekaj ukrenemo za dobrobit naše ročne blagajne. Saj veste, da so vedno stroški, ker obdarimo vsako nevesto, mater ob porodu in tudi v slučaju smrti. Torej je vedno treba skrbeti za potrebna sredstva. Poročati imam žalostno novico, da je predsednica Anna Tomašič padla, ko je čistila sobe in se močno pobila na nogo. Agnes Hraščak je imela težko operacijo in se zdravi na domu. Bolna je tudi Anna Durali. Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja, da bi vse prišle na prihodnjo sejo. Na majevi seji smo vse pogrešale našo vrlo predsednico. Prošene ste, da obiskujete bolne sestre. Dne 3. maja se je poročila Zofi Ku-čič. Njena mama, Mary Kučič in tri sestre so članice SŽZ. Čestitamo novemu paru in želimo obilo sreče in božjega blagoslova. Na svidenje na seji.! Josephine Rednak, tajnica. Št. 28. Calumet, Mich.—Nedelja, 11. maja ali Materni dan nam ostane v trajnem spominu. Pristopile smo skupno k sv. obhajilu in naše kadetke so nam napravile častno spremstvo ko smo korakale v cerkev, kar je napravilo na vse najlepši vtis in marsikaterega ganilo v srce, ko so hčerke častno spremenile svoje matere. Kako krasno nastopijo naše kadetke v uniformah. Želeti je. da bi še več deklet pristopilo k Zvezi, v to našo lepo organizacijo. Upati je, da se bo v bližnji bodočnosti število kadetk pomnožilo, ki nas bodo v javnosti odlično zastopale. Dekleta se pridno vadijo pod nadzorstvom Pat Svetisha. Tudi druge narodnosti se zanimajo za naš krožek ter prosijo za javni nastop, kadar je državni praznik. Zanimajmo se tudi me, da ohranimo narodno zavest v srcih naše mladine, da ne bo naš narod še dolgo let izginil iz površja zemlje. Živela naša dekleta in naša organizacija! Obilo uspeha vsem skupaj. S sestrskim pozdravom, Mary Stefanich, zapisnikarica. Št. 33. New Duluth, Minn.—Prosim vas, cenjene sestre, da pridete vse na sejo 12. junija, ker je ravno na praznik sv. Rešnjega Telesa. Ako ni zadostne udeležbe, tudi ni mogoče ukreniti vsem v zadovoljstvo. Vsaka ima dobre misli in nasvete, kar bi služilo v korist celotni podružnici. Št. 19 v Evelethu nas vabi na Zvezin dan. ki se vrši 13. julija v Evelethu. Izvolile smo odbor sestre: Ana Podgoršek, Ana Hren in Helena Urbanec. da poizvedo za posebni bus, kar ne bo prišlo drago na vsako osebo, ako se nas priglasi zadostno število. Zavzemimo se skupno za lep poset. Poročam žalostno vest, da je sestra Lucija Rokavina izgubila 16-letno hčerko. Naše sožalje žalujočim sorodnikom in prijateljem. Naj počiva mirno v hladni zemlji. Na bolniški postelji se nahajati sestri Stojevich in Denko. Vsem bolnim želimo popolnega zdravja. Na svidenje na seji 12. junija! Pozdrav, Mary Spehar, blagajničarka. Št. 36, McKinley, Minn.—Naše članice so zelo dobrosrčne in čeravno sem jim naročila, da ne smejo zame ničesar skupaj zbirat, so vseeno na tihoma delale ter me dne 27. aprila prav na spre- ten način presenetile. Res čudno ce mi vidi, da se me ne naveličate, ker ste mi že tolikokrat, izkazale svojo ljubezen, ko sem bila že dvakrat v bolnišnici. Lepa hvala vsem skupaj v svojem imenu kot v imenu hčere Molly. Naj Bog vam stotero povrne! Lep pozdrav, Amalija Tahija, Box 88, Gilbert, Minn. Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn.—Najlepša hvala vsem članicam, ki ste bile navzoče na seji v maju, ki je bila prav zanimiva. Ustanovile smo drill tim, katerega načelnica je Anne Zgonec, za kar ji vsa čast in čestitke. Po seji smo imele prav prijetno zabavo. Igrale smo karte in naše vrle kuharice so nas izvrstno pogostile in mizo okrasile s svežimi cvetlicami, na vsakem prostoru je pa bila majhna košarica, v kateri so bili bonbončki. Na drugi mizi so pa bile razpostavljene nagrade in darila, katere so dobile članice. Naš cerkveni pevski zbor je nam prepeval lepe maj-niške pesmi in pa še tisto "Slišala sem ptičko pet" in "Glejte že solnce zahaja . . ." Mrs. Wajda je pa spretno spremljevala na klavirju. Najsrčnejša hvala vsem skupaj in na svidenje na prihodnji seji. Pozdrav, Mary Knaus, predsednica. * Z veseljem poročam, da je naša podružnica pridobila 20 mladih novih članic. Seja 7. maja je bila zelo živahna, ker nas je bilo več kot sto navzočih, ki smo pričale lepemu sprejemu in bile vse vesele videti polno dvorano zvestih sester. Drage sestre! Prosim, da bi redno prihajale na seje, da bo vsaka bodoča seja prinesla nove idej'- in priporočila, ki bodo služila podružnici v napredek. Sklenjeno je bilo, da priredimo po prihodnji seji kart pardi. Le pridite ter pripeljite vsaka prijateljico, da nas bo več. Po zadnji seji je bil podan lep program na čast materam. Najprvo je setra Waida zaigrala na piano, ko smo korakale v jedilno sobo in po tem so nam članice prepevale lepe pesmice. Hvala sestri Waida in vsem tistim, ki ste pele. Lepo darilo je bilo poklonje-no najmlajši materi, Josephine Svigel in isto sta bih obdarovani Rose Gra-disher, ki je prva pristopila v mladinski oddelek in Josephine Benchina. Po programu smo igrale karte in deležne smo bile dobrega prigrizka. Hvala lepa sestri Cvar, ki je bila predsednica odbora za ta program kakor tudi vsem, ki ste pomagale v kuhinji in prispevale, da smo bile lepo postrežene. Mize so bile bogato obložene, da je bilo podobno ohceti. Ko sem vprašala, zakaj so se toliko trudile, pa sem dobila odgovor, da se spodobi praznično obhajati slavni Materni dan. Lahko je žal vsem, ki ste zamudile. Deževno vreme je oviralo pot vsem oddaljenim, toda bližnje pa bi lahko vse prišle. Torej pridite gotovo v juniju! V bolnišnici so bile Prances Jenko, Centa in Kuzma, katerim se zdravje obrača na boljše. Bolnih je več članic, katerim želimo, da bi se kmalu pozdravile, zdravim pa priporočam, da obiskujete bolne sosestre. Vsak bolnik je vesel obiska, zato pojdimo do njih ob vsaki priliki. V veselje mi je poročati, da smo zopet ustanovile drill team, pri katerem so vse mlade dekleta, katerim kličemo: dobrodošle in najlepši uspeh. Naša želja je, da bi nastopile v Evelethu na Zvezin dan 13. julija. Predsednica in jaz sva šli na vajo kadetk in sva bili začudeni nad lepim korakanjem. Brez skrbi se lahko reče, da bodo častno zastopale našo naselbino in tako bomo ponosne na naše kadetke, kamor bodo šle. Lep pozdrav vsem sestram! Johana Dolinar, tajnica. Mrs. Mary Lusin Žena mirnega značaja, dobrega srca in neumorna delavka za Zvezo je bila dolgo vrsto let naša sestra Mary Lušin, ki je zavzemala urad predsednice pri št. 41 deset let in kruta bolezen je vzrok, da se je morala odpovedati svojemu predsedništvu. Bila je resno bolna vse leto in tudi zdaj je še kar naprej rahlega zdravja, toda pri vsej svoji bolezni ima še vedno globoko čustvo za št. 41 in pride k sejam, kadar le more. Žena. kot je Mrs. Lušin je zlata vredna pri vsaki skupini in naša Zveza je bogata zato, ker ima med seboj požrtvovalne osebe kot je Mrs. Lušin. Bog jo živi in ohrani še mnogo let! Vežbalni krožek, ki je imenovan po njej bo praznoval eno najlepših proslav v nedeljo 22. junija, ko bo blagoslovljen lep prapor, pod katerim se bodo zbirale pri bodočih nastopih. Iz ljubezni do patrone Mrs. Lušin, bo na novem praporju ime "St. Mary Cadets" in s tem bodo kadetke pokazale svoje versko prepričanje in zavednost kot tudi priprosile blagoslov za zdlravje Mrs. Lušin pod zaščito Matere Marije. Vsi vemo, da je Mrs. Lušin ponosna na njene kadetke in tako smo tudi vsi drugi. A. N. Št. 41, Cleveland (Collinwood), O — Seja v maju je bila prav povoljno obiskana. Želeti je, da bi se vsake seje udeležile v tako lepem številu. Sprejeti sta bili samo dve novi članici, za drugi mesec upam, da jih bo več. Imele smo tudi kratek program na čast materam. Annie Godlar in Annie Klaus sta lepo deklamirali, za kar se jima srčkano zahvaljujemo. Najlepša hvala sestri Udovich za lepo darilo, katero je prineslo prav zadovoljno svotico v blagajno. Dobila ga je Ana Planinšek. Naša predsednica Ančka Prišel je te dni zelo zaposlena z delom in skrbmi, ki so pri veliki slavnosti kot bodo imele kadetke v nedeljo 22. junija, ko bo blagoslovljen nov prapor. Seveda tudi tajnica Ani Stopar je pridna in pomaga, kadar ji čas dopušča. Ponovno apeliram na vse sosedne podružnice kakor tudi krožke in na cenjeno občinstvo v splošnem, da v obi-lem številu posetite pomenljiva slavij e. Me vam bomo ostale trajno hvaležne. Članice šivalnega krožka so že tudi zgotovile prav lep namizni prt, katerega bo vsak vesel, kdor ga bo dobil. Najlepša hvala za njih trud. Kart pardi, vršeč se na 26. aprila, ni bil obiskan kot smo želele. Med članicami je vse premalo zanimanja, vedno ene in iste se zvesto odzovejo, druge se pa nikdar ne pokažejo. Po dolgi in težki bolezni se je v večnost preselila naša dobra sestra Jennie Novak. Pokojna zapušča soproga, dva sina in mlado hčerko, katera bo mamico zelo pogrešala. Bog ji daj večni mir in. pokoj. Preostalim pa sožalje in tolažbo. Do svidenja na seji 3. junija, vas pozdravljam, Ella Starin. KAJ JE PRIJATELJ? Kaj je prijatelj? Prijatelj je človek, v čigar navzočnosti si upal biti to, kar si. Tvoja duša sme biti pred njim razgaljena. Noče te imeti ne boljšega ne slabšega. Poveš lahko svoje misli, izražiš svoja čustva, Dokler stojiš pošten pred njim, se nad ničimer ne zgraža, nič ga ne užali. Prijatelj razume vsa protislovja v tvoji naravi, zaradi katerih te drugi slabo sodijo. Pri njem lahko prosto dihaš. Pred njim si smeš sleči suknjič in odpeti ovratnik. Njemu lahko priznaš svoje male nečimurnosti, sitnosti in napake, svoje malenkosti in svoje čudaštvo. Prijatelju se vse to razgubi, kakor da je utonilo v morju. On razume vse. Ni ti treba, da si pred njim oprezen. Lahko ga celo zanemarjaš, zmerjaš. Vse to gre mimo njega. Rad te ima. Kakor ogenj je, ki vsa tvoja dejanja čisti. Kakor voda je, ki umije vsako tvojo besedo, kakor vino je, ki te ogreje. Prijatelj te razume in razume vse. Z njim lahko jokaš in se smeješ, grešiš in molčiš. Pri vsem tem in pod vsem tem vidi, spoznava in ljubi—tebe. Prijatelj je tisti, pri katerem si upaš biti to, kar si. Št. 43, Milwaukee, Wis.—Neštetokrat se sliši o naravnih krasotah Californi-je, pa pravijo, da človek najbolj verjame, če se na lastne prepriča in te prilike sem se jaz poslužila že trikrat in vsakokrat se mi bolj dopade. Letos sem se podala v februarju v sončno Ca-lifornijo za dvamesečne počitnice. Ne bom podrobno opisovala o krasnih razgledih. katere se vidi le tam, pač pa rečem, da katera ima količkaj priložnosti obiskati tiste prelepe kraje, naj gre tja in se posluži prilike, kajti ne bo ji žal. Jaz bi najrajši za stalno ostala tam. Na tem mestu se iz srca zahvaljujem V BLAG SPOMIN POKOJNIM SESTRAM, KI SO PREMINULE PRI SLEDEČIH PODRUŽNICAH ŠTEV. 2—Mrs. Johanna Nahti-gal, 1923 W. 23rd St., Chicago, 111.—Rojena 24. junija, 1886, pristopila 25. maja, 1934, umrla 8. aprila, 1941. ŠTEV. 12—Mrs. Mary Lesjak, 2854 N. 33rd St., Milwaukee, Wis.—Rojena 22. marca, 1882, pristopila 4. maja, 1931, umrla 22. aprila, 1941. ŠTEV. 25—Mrs. Pauline Lekse, 6606 Schaefer Ave., Cleveland, O.—Rojena 13. januarja, 1882, pristopila 13. marca, 1933, umrla 16. marca, 1941. ŠTEV, 25—Mrs. Josephine Slo-gar, 1149 E. 63rd St., Cleveland, O.—Rojena 29. septembra, 1884, pristopila 12. maja. 1930, umrla 27. aprila, 1941. ŠTEV. 25—Mrs. Rose1 Zalokar, 6412 Carl Ave., Cleveland, O.— Rojena 29. novembra, 1884, pristopila 13. julija, 1931, umrla 15. aprila, 1941. ŠTEV. 26—Mrs. Dora Brozenich, 4317 Willow St., Pittsburgh, Pa., —Rojena 13. decembra, 1887, pristopila 8. avgusta, 1929, umrla 1. aprila. 1941. ŠTEV. 30—Mrs. Anna Kocjan, RFD, Maple Park, 111—Rojena 15. junija, 1891, pristopila 3. marca, 1936, umrla 30. marca, 1941. ŠTEV. 32—Mrs. Mary Cimper-man, 967 E. 222nd St., Euclid, O.—Rojena 15. julija, 1900, pristopila 6. maja, 1930, umrla 2. aprila, 1941. ŠTEV. 43—Mrs. Rose Evanich, 3730 W. National Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.—Rojena 26. avgusta, 1905, pristopila 12. marca. 1933, umrla 2. aprila, 1941. ŠTEV. 49—Mrs. Alexandra Bo-nazza, 20308 E. Miller Ave., Euclid. O.—Rojena 24. junija, 1885, pristopila 9. marca, 1936, umrla 6. aprila, 1941. ŠTEV. 74—Mrs. Mary Rosenberger, 156 Maplewood St., Am-bridge. Pa.—Rojena 23. avgusta, 1892, pristopila 17. aprila, 1936, umrla 19. marca, 1941. ŠTEV. 77—Miss Rita Kambic, 1418 High St., N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa.—Rojena 24. junija, 1924, pristopila. 3. januarja, 1939, umrla 20. aprila, 1941. ŠTEV. 79—Mrs. Anna Kranz, 1128 Well St., Enumclaw, Wash.—Rojena 6. julija. 1889, pristopila 6. februarja, 1938, umrla 20. aprila, 1941. Spominja j mo se jih v molitvah. Naj jim sveti večna luč! družinam Ajnik, Parkel in Strnad za vso naklonjenost, katere sem bila v obilici deležna za časa obiska. Žalostna vest o smrti dobre sestre Rose Ivanich me je zelo potrla. Kako nanadno je nekaterim določena usoda težke izgube. Naše globoko sočutje potrtemu soprogu in sinu. Pokojni pa večni mir tam, kjer ni ne solz in trpljenja. Najlepša hvala moji namestnici Mrs. Josephine Verbick. za njeno vestno delo za časa moje odsotnosti. Posel je izvrševala v najlepšem redu in lepo izročila meni ob vrtnivi. Ponovno hvala vsem skupaj. Bog, vas živi zdrave in vesele! Mary Bevtz, tajnica. # V mesecu juniju se naša seja vrši na prvo sredo večer v navadnih prostorih in to bo v veljavi v^ak mesec do oktobra. Prihodnja seja bo zelo važna, ker imamo za razmotrivati o naši bodoči zabavi. Da bo ta zabava uspešna, je treba, da se vse potrudimo in delamo složno. Navada je taka pri naših društvih, da kadar se prosi, da bi članice prišle skupaj in podale vsaka svoj nasvet, takrat ni dosti slišati in navadno pade delo na ene in iste članice, ki skušajo po vsej svoji moči za napredek in ko se kaj naredi, se sliši godrnjanje, da so vse ene naredile. Torej take besede so nepotrebne in nepremišljene in delajo podružnici prav malo koristi. Vsaka članica je dobrodošla dati svoje mnenje in ima isto pravico, samo ako hoče dati glas ob pravem času. Pri naši podružnici smo precej složne, rade bi pa videle stoprocetno kooperacijo od članic, ki nimajo časa pomagati pri zabavah in prireditvah, se pa ne zahteva drugega kakor moralno podpiranje. Prav lepo smo se zabavale v Chicagu na turnirju tako smo odločile, da bomo šle vsako leto. Podružnice, ki letos niste imele timov, upamo, da se drugo leto vidimo. Ne bo vam žal, če se poprimete tega športa. Prav vesele smo bile, ker smo dobile nagrado in sicer pet dolarjev, katere smo dale v blagajno za prihodnje leto kegljaški skupini. Članice, ki se zanimate za kegljanje, ste prošene, da se javite že zdaj, ker prostor se mora najeti naprej. Mrs. Woghelmuth .ie srečno prestala operacijo na očesu, nahaja se na domu. Članice ste prošene. da jo obiščete. Naša tajnica Mary Bevtz se je vrnila iz Californije; prinesla je prav lepe broške za kegljačice, za kar se v imenu vseh prav prisrčno zahvalim. Gospa Bevtz je tudi prevzela nazaj svoie tajniško delo. Na veselo svidenje v sredo, 4. junija zvečer! J. Verbick. Št. 45, Portland, Ore.—Seja 9. maja je bila precej povoljno obiskana, lahko pa bi vas bilo še več pričujočih, ako bi se zavedale dolžnosti članic. Po seji smo imele domačo zabavo. Igrale smo igro, pri kateri je bila nekaterim sreča mila, da smo dobile darove. Sestra Končulat je dobila kar tri nagrade. Tem potom se iskreno zahvaljujem vsem članicam, ki so karkoli pripomogle do boljšega uspeha za korist domače blagajne. Prosim vse tiste članice, ki že delj časa dolgujete, da poravnate, ker iz blagajne se ne more zakladat mesec za mesecem. Na aprilovi seji smo sklenile, da plača vsaka članica 50 centov v ročno blagajno za leto 1941. Stroški so stalni, dohodki pa ne, vsled tega smo morale nekaj ukreniti v to korist V bolnišnici je sestra Babich, katero obiščite. Želimo ji hitrega okrevanja. Vabim vas vse v velikem številu na prihodnjo sejo, vas pozdravlja. Louise Stružnik, tajnica. Št. 53, Cleveland (Brooklyn), O.—Vse smo bile veselo presenečene nad lepim izidom naše veselice, ki se je vršila dne 26. aprila, 1941 v Domu Zapadnih Slovencev na Denison Ave. Najlepša hvala vsem posetnikom ter vsem delavkam in natakarjem. Prav lepa hvala Mr. Arharju za prijazno pomoč in zdaj smo dobile še njegovo soprogo in mater, da sta pristopili k naši podružnici. Upam, da se je tudi novim članicam, katerim kličem: dobrodošle, dopadlo na tej veselici. Že več mesecev pogrešamo našo agilno sestro Franz, ki je bolna, da ne more na sejo in tudi prireditev je zamudila, kar je bilo vsem v žalost. Vsem bolnim sestram želimo, da bi skoraj okrevale in se vrnile zdrave med nas. Pozdravljene vse sestre SŽZ. Mary Oblak predsednica. Št. 54, Warren, O.—Seja v maju je bila lepo-številno obiskana. Žalostno, toda resnično je dejstvo, da pridejo oddaljene članice večkrat na sejo kot tiste, ki stanujejo v bližini. Sprejeta je bila nova članica Ana Gladd. Dobrodošla! Predsednica Ana Petrič je recitirala dve lepi pesmici materam v počast. Kaj je mati, se največkrat zavedamo, ko je ni ali pa smo daleč od nje med tujimi ljudmi. Ne pozabimo svojih mamic in mamice ne svojih hčerk. Prosim, da pridete v lepem številu na sejo 3. junija, ker imamo več važnih stvari za rešiti. Bodimo složne, ker v tem je prava pot do napredka! Sestra zapisnikarica je izgubila di'a-gega očeta dne 9. maja. Naj počiva v miru božjem. Preostalim žalujočim naše. globoko sožalje. Čestitke sestri Katherine Guzjak, ki je dobila sinčka-prvorojenčka. Nahaja se v Ambridge, Pa. Naša cerkev bo kmalu izgotovljena, kar že vsi težko pričakujemo. Rese Racher, tajnica. St. 63, Denver, Colo.—Našo sejo v aprilu je posetila glavna podpredsednica Mrs. Frances Raspet. Res škoda, da je bila tako majhna udeležba, ampak ni bilo zamere, ker je dež lil kot iz škafa. Raztolmačila nam je o vež-balnem krožku. Lepa hvala za obisk, Mrs. Raspet. Pred kratkim smo pokopali 16-letno dekle, Matildo Horvat, hčer naše nadzornice Barbare Horvat, kateri izrekamo naše sožalje. Naj počiva v miru. Dne 11. maja se je poročila naša nova članica Genevieve Koprivec, teden pozneje pa Emma Vukšinič, tudi nova članica. Novoporočencem želimo obilo božjega blagoslova in sreče v novem stanu. Vsem bolnim sestram želimo hitrega okrevanja. Upam, da nam je jubilejna kampanja prinesla najlepši uspeh.. Pozdravljam vse sosestre, Mary Kvas, tajnica. J. G.: JANEZ IN MICIKA Janez je pijanček. Tako bi razsodil vsak pameten človek, ako bi ga vprašali za mnenje. Pa se je vendar pred nekaj leti našlo pridno in — človek bi vsaj pred tem dogodkom sodil — pametno deklo, katero je upalo živeti s tem človekom v zakonski zvezi. Ljubezen, pravijo, je velesila. Zato se ni ustrašila niti tedaj, ko je zvedela, da ob nedeljah zapravi ves tedenski zaslužek. Micika ie verovala, da bo njena ljubezen spreobrnila Janeza in da se bo tudi on iz ljubezni do svoje žene odvadil pijače. Saj veste, kako se spreobrne pijanec. Tudi Janez se dosedaj, še ni in prav malo upam, da bi se sploh kedaj. Takole ob plačilnih dnevih opazujem delavce, ki vro iz tovarn. Starejši — obraze že razorane in hrbte rahlo sključene — jo mahnejo kar proti domu. — Potem so pa mladi možje, katere doma čaka družinica. Sami so v družini za zaslužek; ob plačilnem dnevu pa vendar ne more, da bi ne nesel domov še kakšen priboljšek. Svoje malčke je navadil tako in sedaj pričakujejo vsako soboto. — Pa so še drugačni, ki iz tovarne zavijejo naravnost v salon. Fa jim ni hudo, ko gre zaslužek težkega dela v nekaj urah po grlu. Ako popivajo mladi fantje, se jim včasih prizanesljivo smehljamo, in jih tudi opravičujemo, da jih bo že pamet srečala. Če so pa to zakonski možje in družinski očetje, potem nas obide nekakšna sveta jeza, da bi hoteli kar s silo ukrotiti take nespametnike in jih prisiliti k varčevanju. Obenem pa pomilovaje mislimo na ubogo družino. katero preživlja tak gospodar. V Janezovi družini je še takole: ob plačilnih dnevih, ko druge delavske žene plačujejo po trgovinah tedenske račune in kupujejo za naprej, gre Micka pozno zvečer iskat pijanega Janeza, da ga z mnogimi prošnjami vendarle spravi domov. In ko bi marsikatera žena na njenem mestu rekla pikro besedo ali vsaj s solzami hladila svojo žalost in jezo, Micika lepo mirno odgovarja na vse pijančeve neslanosti. Zvraven pa premišlja, koliko "žeht" bo oprala prihodnji teden, da bo mogla preživeti družino: Janez je itak vse zapil. Pa sem zadnjič hotela Miciki potolažiti tako, da sem se malo pojezila in dejala: Kaj vendar misli tak brezvesten kakor .je njen Janez; ves teden gara samo zato, da .je v soboto večer pijan in da potem razsaja po lastnem stanovanju in razbija svoje premoženje! Mislite, da je držala z menoj? Kaj še! Niti prav ji ni bilo, da sem začela tak pogovor in skoraj nejevoljno mi .je razkladala: "Janez bi se nikdar ne zavlekel, ako bi ga ne zapeljala druščina. Pa je vesel in zabaven človek in zato ga imajo fantje radi med seboj. V gostilni beseda da besedo, za kozarcem mu natakajo kozarec toliko časa, da ga popolnoma omoti j o. Potlej pa ne ve. kaj dela in začne plačevati za vse omizje in tako gre vsa tedenska plača. "Pa so le fantje, ki ga zvabijo s seboj, največ krivi." Na, pa sem imela. In veste, ka.i sem zadnjič videla. Za denar, katerega je sama težko prislužila s pranjem, je v soboto večer kupila še—pijačo. Pojasnila mi je: "Če ga jutri opoldne spet prime tista njegova sila, ga morda vendarle obdržim doma, ako mu bom mogla ponuditi kakšno pijačo." Kakor bi Micka tudi brala one stavke. da mi nismo na svetu, da bi nas drugi razumeli, ampak da jih mi razumemo. Ker .je mož pijanec, zato ona še toliko bolj skrbi zanj: morda ga z dobro besedo in s pristradanim priboljškom vendarle nekaj časa priklene na dom in odtegne od salona. Če jo on ponižuje — kakšen ugled pa neki uživa pijančeva žena — z^,to se ona ne pogovarja z vsemi klepetuljami o moževih slabostih in ne čaka, da bi udrihnile po njem, njo pa v obraz po-milovale, za hrbtom pa se ji posmeho-vale, češ. "Saj ga je prej videla," ali "Sama je kriva, ker molči!" . . . Kri ni voda. Ljubezen ne premine. In če Janez ni takšen, kakor je obljubljal pred zakonom, ona kljub temu zvesto drži svoje obljube. Morda se ji posreči vzgojiti otroke tako, da bodo očeta vseeno usmiljeno ljubili in spoštovali, ko bodo vedeli, da deluje le pijača in da ima drugače zlato srce. Eno pa je gotovo: Šele odrasli bodo vedeli prav ceniti in spoštovati njihovo močno in duševno veliko mater, revico Miciko. katera je svojim otrokom vendarle znala ustvarjati dom. -o- POPRAVEK Med imeni članic častnega reda je bilo pomotoma poročano prvo ime tajnice št. 24. Glasiti se bi moralo Angela Strukel; pridobila 88 novih članic. Prosimo, da se vzame ta popravek v blagohotno naznanje. -o- Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans.—Naše seje so v tem letu prav živahne in po seji imamo vselej okusna okrepčila, da smo potem še v boljšem razpoloženju. Lepa hvala Mrs. Ani Bajuk in Theresa Cvitkovič, ki sta nas pogostili pred par meseci ter tajnici Josephine Toplikar, ki nam je prinesla iz kota rdečega, po katerem se lahko govori. Mrs. Janko-vič in Mrs. Fabec sta tudi prinesli nekaj dobrot, za kar smo vse hvaležne. Meseca aprila nas je pa pogostila bivša predsednica Agnes Zakrajšek, ki je praznovala svoj rojstni dan in nas postregla z dobro kapljico, kakor tudi Mrs. Orel, potem nam je pa še sin od Mrs. Orel zaigral vesele poskočnice na harmoniko, da je bilo veselje. Vsem skupaj prisrčna hvala za požrtvovalno zanimanje. Le tako naprej, naj bodo naše seje vedno vesele. Dne 8. maja smo imele pa še največjo udeležbo, ker smo razpravljale o veselici, ki smo jo priredile v korist ročne blagajne. Minilo zimo smo imele več bolnih članic in se je za vsako posebej plačalo iz blagajne za sveto mašo. Želimo vsem bolnim sestram ljubega zdravja. V tej kampanji se je naša podružnica pomnožila za 12 članic. Hvala Mrs. Toplikar, Mrs. Stampfel in Mrs. Bajuk za vaš trud in ljubezen, katero gojite do podružnice in Zveze. Več nas je, ki imamo svoje hčerke pri Zvezi in bi bilo lepo, ko bi vse matere pazile na. to, da so njih hčerke članice, potem bi se tudi me ponašale z večjim številom. To bi se prav lahko uresničilo med nami! Pozdrav vsem sestram SŽZ! Theresa Cvitkovič, predsednica. A. Funtek: O MRAKU Iz stolpa se mi zvon doni, ko vlega mrak se po vasi. Le doni, zvon, iz temnih lin, le vzbujaj mi na dom spomini Le zvoni mi tako glasan in milo poj čez tujo plan; dasi mi v srcu polje jad, zvonenje tvoje slušam rad. Ob glasih teh se mi zazdi, da v daljni svoji sem vasi, kjer ni mi tuj noben obraz, pozna me vsak, vsakogar jaz. Zato pa, zvon, le zvoni mi, na tuji zemlji doni mi, ti zvon večerni, zvon iz lin, le vzbujaj mi na dom spomin! Št. 72, Pullman, 111.—Prijazno prosim vse članice naše podružnice, da pose-tite sejo 10. junija, ker imamo važne stvari za rešiti in razmotrivati. Treba se bo pogovoriti radi skupnega izleta v Lemont in ako bomo napravile kaj za dobrobit podružnice. Ne vem kaj je vzrok, da ste postale tako mlačne. Saj nas je precejšno število, pa se nobena ne domisli, da bi kaj napisala za v našo Zarjo. Samo brale bi in vsaka pravi: "Najprvo pogledam, če je kaj novic iz Pullmana." Kako pa mora to biti, ako se nobena ne potrudi, da bi kaj napisala. Prihodnjič bodite bolj marljive tudi v tem oziru. Med nami je nekaj bolnih članic, imena vseh mi niso znana. Mrs. Jane je še vedno bolna in tudi Mrs. Pilgrim. Želim, da bi vse sestre okrevale in prišle k lepim mesečnim sestankom. Na seji v maju smo sklenile, da bomo imele domačo zabavo po seji 10. junija. Torej ne pozabite priti! S sestrskim pozdravom, Jennie Oražem, predsednica. Št. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa,—Najlepša hvala vsem podružnicam, ki ste se v tako lepem številu udeležile naše obletnice. Ne bomo vas pozabile in v enakih slučajih bomo vam radevolje povrnile. ker imamo tudi pri nas članice, ki rade povasujejo pri sosednih podružnicah. Dosedaj nismo še nobeno povabilo prezrle. Zahvaliti se moram tudi vsem tistim članicam, ki ste pomagale do lepega uspeha. Vsem skupaj in vsaki posebej prav lepa hvala za sodelovanje in za okusna jedila in pijačo, katero ste prinesle brezplačno. Se enkrat pravk lepa hvala! Vabim vas vse na sejo 3. junija! Pozdrav! Mary Chrnart, tajnica. Naznanilo in zahvala Želim se javno zahvaliti vsem, ki ste na en ali drug način olepšali zadnjo pot moje nepozabne hčerke Rita Kambič, katera je za vedno zatisnila svoje oči 20. aprila, 1941 ter po dolgi in mučni bolezni zapustila ta svet v "najlepši dobi, stara 16 let. Srčna hvala vsem, ki ste bolnico obiskovali in jo tolažili. Bog vam vsem stotero povrni. Hvala častitim gospodom Holy Name cerkve, častitim šolskim sestram, po-grebcem ter šolskim otrokom za gin-ljivo slovo pri odprti rakvi in spremstvo na cesti. Najlepša hvala vsem članicam in še posebno predsednici Mrs. Knaus, za cvetlice in sveče ter za v srce segajoče poslovilne besede. Hvala vsem za krasne vence in za svete maše zadušnice. Hvala vsem, ki ste dali svoje avtomobile na razpolago kakor tudi vsem, ki ste prišli čut in molit za pokojno. Bog vam povrni. Tebi, drago dete, pa naj sveti večna luč in počivaj v miru božjem. Mr. in Mrs. Anton Kambič in družina. Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash.—Poročam žalostno vest, da je smrt ugrabila iz naše srede priljubljeno sestro Ano Kranjc Akoravno je bila njena bolezen neozdravljiva, bili smo globoko ganjeni, ko smo slišali o njeni smrti, ker na videz je bila močne postave in ni nikdar tožila o svoji bolezni. Toda smrt ne izbira si-li mlad, star, bogat, reven, priljubljen ali ne, ampak zamahne s svojo koščeno roko, kjer se ji zazdi ter pokonča življenje. V bolnišnici se ie nahajala štiri tedne. Na večer, predno ie bila odpeljana v bolnišnico, sem jo obiskala ter bodrila, da naj gre tja brez skrbi, ker ji bodo pomagali, kar smo vsi upali, da se bo zdrava vrnila med nas, toda 20. aprila, 1941, je izdihnila svojo dušo. Rojena je bila v naselbini 6. julija, 1889. k Zvezi pristopila 6. februarja, 1938 in pokopana 23. aprila, 1941. Spadala je k trem društvam, ki so se korporativno udeležila sprevoda. Posebno čast pa ji je izkazala podružnica št. 79 SŽZ. Članice so imele na prsih pripet bel nagelj v znak sožalja in v rokah gorečo svečo. Tako smo ji napravile špalir in jo spremile v cerkev in ji stale ob krsti kot častna straža, ravno tako na pokopališču ob odprtem grobu. Ko je predsednica prečitala nagrobni pozdrav, so stopile članice v vrsto ter položile bel nagelj na njeno krsto. Bil je ginljiv prizor, ki je privabil marsikateremu solze v oči. Pokojna zapušča žalujočega soproga, dve hčeri, pet sinov, dve vnukinji, 82 let staro mater, pet sester, dva brata in veliko sorodnikov. Da je bila priljubljena, je pričal njen pogreb, ker cerkev je bila polna ljudstva in vencev je bilo za dva vozova. Podružnica je tudi poklonila lep venec in za svete maše. Tebi, prerano umrla sestra kličemo: počivaj v miru v jamici tihi. Naj Ti cvetijo cvetke pozimi in poleti. Me se bomo spominjale v molitvi kot dobre sestre. Cenjene sestre, vabim vas na prihodnjo sejo, ker imamo več važnih točk za rešiti. S pozdravom, Josephine Richter, predsednica. * * * Smrt nam je pobrala zvesto sestro Ano Kranjc, ki je bila naša članica tri leta, ter redno prišla k sejam in zato jo bomo zelo pogrešale. V tolažbo nam bo edino zavest, da se snidemo nad zvezdami. Počivaj v miru in večna luč Ti naj sveti! V kampanji nismo imele uspeha, ker pri nas je težko agitirati, mogoče bo več sreče prihodnjič. V maju je praznovala naša podružnica petletnico svojega obstoja. V ta namen smo priredile kart pardi dne 15. maja v Krain dvorani, da smo nekoliko pomagale naši ročni blagajni, ker se počasi izčrpuje. Pri nas imamo krasno pomlad, vmes so tudi deževni dnevi, ki pa koristijo rastlinam. Pozdrav in obilo zadovoljstva želim vsem skupaj! Ivana Chacata, tajnica. Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa,—Drage sestre! Najlepši poklon vsem, ki ste se v tako lepem številu udeležile skupnega sv. obhajila na Materni dan. ki je za našo podružnico najpomenljivejši dan v letu, ker je naša podružnica bila ustanovljena na Materni dan 8. maja, 1938. Čestitke vsem skupaj! Drage sestre, dovolite mi, da vas ponovno opomnim radi zaostalega dolga na asesmentu in mi sporočite ali sploh mislite plačat ali ne, ker naša podružnica rada pomaga sosestram, toda bodite toliko prijazne, da mi naznanite, ako mislite pustiti, da ne bom naprej zalagala. Toliko bo storila vsaka poštena žena, namreč, da dolg poravna in sporoči njen namen, da se znam ravnati. Pozdravljene! Mary Lovše, tajnica. Št. 89, Ogrlesby, 111.—Kako lepo je zdaj povsod, ko se je narava prebudila k novemu življenju. Ptički, rastline, drevje in tudi živalice, ki so spale vso zimo so vse oživele. Morebiti se bodo predramile tudi naše članice in se spomnile, da bi bilo lepo, ko bi se udeležile mesečnih sej, vsaj par krat v letu. Res nas pride na sejo par ducatov, toda smo vedno ene in iste. Kje ste pa druge? Zakaj ne bi prišle večkrat skupaj, dokler smo še zdrave in žive? Pokažimo, da smo ponosne članice Slovenske ženske zveze in si zveste prijateljice. Saj ravno sedaj, v tem razburkanem času, tako resno potrebujemo drug drugega. Kako smo srečni mi, ki živimo v deželi svobode in se brez skrbi skupaj shajamo. Našim rojakom v domovini ni tega dovoljeno. Ljudstvo< v naši nekdanji domovini trpi, joka, umira, pa ne ve zakaj! Grozna nesreča jih je zadela in tudi mi trpimo ž njimi. Z roko v roki jim bomo nudili pomoč ter pomagali svojim dragim, kadar nam bo zopet mogoče. Mi, ameriški Slovenci in Slovenke moramo biti seda.i veliko bolj združeni, kot kdaj poprej. Nihče ne ve, kaj zna prinesti prihodnjost. Prvi slovenski fant v naši naselbini, ki je bil klican služit stricu Samu je Frank Krnc, sin naše sestre Alojzije Krnc. Poročila se je tudi njena hčerka Eunice z Georpem Zupan-om. V zakonski stan sta tudi stopila Sophie Klanšek in Johnnie Rančigar. Vsi imenovani so sinovi in hčere naših članic. Bog jim daj blagoslov v novem stanu. Čestitamo sestri Mary West, ki je dala življenje 11. otroku, dasi še mlada. V družini je sedem fantov in štiri deklice. Želim, da bi vse štiri postale naše članice. Vsi so zdravi in čvrsti kot oče in mati. Ponosne smo na družino West. Bolnih je tudi več naših članic. Nesrečno je padla sestra Terezija Dušak in si zlomila roko. Ker je vedno dobre volje, se ji hitro zdravi. Članice prosim. da obiščejo bolne sestre. Posebno vam priporočam našo družabno članico Ano Stubler, ki bo zelo vesela obiska. Na zadnji seji je bilo sklenjeno, da bo vsaka članica prispevala na seji en cent in ena navzočih bo pa dobila toliko centov, kolikor je članic na seji. Če nas bo več, toliko več bo centov. Vsem članicam, ki so praznovale v aprilu in maju svoj rojstni dan, in nam postregle po seji., kličem: hvala vam vsem skupai in Bog vas živi še mnogo let v zdravju in zadovoljstvu. V zadnji kampanji smo napredovale za 11 članic, šest v odrasli in pet v mladinski oddelek. Vseh skupaj nas je sedaj 102. Moja srčna želja je, da bi držale skupaj in da bi se naše število množilo vsako leto. Bog vas živi! Pozdrave tudi sestram v Granville, kjer se tako malokdaj vidimo. Mary Meglich, tajnica. PONOVNI OPOMIN UREDNICE Cenjene dopisovalke zopet prosimo, da se navadite na točnost pri pošiljanju prispevkov za v Zarjo. Datum 12. v mesecu je zadnji dan za dopis in to morate vpoštevati. Nekatere se sploh ne zmenite na to, da bi ob času poslale dopis na uredništvo, zakaj ste v tem oziru brezbrižne, nam ni znano. Ponovno poudarjamo, da odslej bodo dopisi, ki pridejo na uredništvo po 12. v mesecu morali enostavno počakati za drusro številko. Le pri podružnicah, kjer imate sejo po 12. bomo dali še tri dni časa, to je do 15. v mesecu. Ako ne bo dopis priobčen zaradi vaše za-kasnelosti, potem se ne jezite na nas, ker bo krivda popolnoma vaša. Prijazno vas prosimo, drage sestre,^ da blagovolite ypoštevati te vrstice. Članice hočejo Zarjo takoj prvega v mesecu in to je nemogoče izpolniti pod sedanjo navado nekaterih. Torej prosimo prav lepo, da ste točne! MOLČATI JE TEŽKO Za to, da molčiš, je treba včasih mnogo premagovanja. Kako rad bi se človek kdaj pa kdaj postavil pred drugimi s svojim znanjem s tem, kar ve o ljudeh. Vendar se mora brzdati, ako noče zlorabiti zaupanja, ki mu ga izkazujejo. Med molkom in zamolkom pa je velika razlika. S tem, da kaj zamolčiš, lahko škoduješ, a tudi koristiš. Samo obzirno srce ti more svetovati, kdaj je čas, da izpregovoriš in kdaj da molčiš. Ako nam kdo zaupa srčne skrivnosti, ako nam ljubeči ali zaljubljeni ljudje razodevajo čustva, ki jih navdajajo do drugega bitja, se jim ne muzaj-mo in se ne delajmo vzvišenih. Človeško čustvujmo z njimi in spoštujmo čustva drugih ljudi. Proti tretjim osebam ne smemo nikoli govoriti o takih rečeh. Prav ženske so nagnjene, da se norčujejo iz stvari, ki vznemirjajo druge do dna duše. Človek se mora sam vzgajati k molčečnosti in zamolčljivosti, če mu pri-roda ni dala tega daru. Časih se moramo znati tudi posiliti in biti tiho. Navadno nastane prepir šele tedaj, ako je preveč besed. V takih primerih je prikladnejši molk potem, ko si kratko in jasno povedala svojo misel. -o- Telo je glasbeni instrument, duša je virtuoz. Ce je instrument razglašen, ne more igrati najn človek pa naj si bo še tak umetnik. * * * Marsiko bije s kladivom po steni in misli, da zadene vsakokrat žebelj na glavo. * * * Lačen želodec sovraži dolgo pridigo. Kako je prišel Marko Počas—ne v nebesa. Kakor vsem božjih ljudem, je tudi Marku odklenkalo. Umrl je in se napotil proti nebesom. Ni se dosti po-mišljal, k večjemu ga je motilo vprašanje, če imajo tudi v nebesih kaj pijače. Dolgo je moral Marko romati, predno je prišel pred nebeška vrata. Malö tesno mu je bilo pri srcu, ko je potegnil za zvonec pri vratih, ko se je spomnil svojih grehov. Vrata so se točno odprla in ven pride debel gospod z dolgo brado, v gorki halji in mehkih copatah. V roki je držal dolgo porcelanasto pipo, kakoršno je imel moj stric Tone v starem kraju. "Ah, to mora biti sam sv. Peter," se je razveselil Marko, pa tudi kar malo ustrašil, kaj bo. "O! Ti si Marko Počas-ne," reče sv. Peter in puhne dim iz fafjce. Nekaj časa sta se oba radovedno gledala, potem pa sv. Peter vpraša: "Kaj pa hočeš. Marko?" "No—v nebesa bi rad šel," in se čudi, da ga sv. Peter sploh o tem izprašuje. "Veš, ljubi moj Marko," pravi sv. Peter, "pri tebi bo to težko. Ti nisi v celem svojem življenju kaj prida delal. Izbral si si policmanski posel, ki je najlažji na svetu. Takole na vogalu lenobo pasti in količek sukati, to vendar ni nobeno delo. Poleg tega si bil dostikrat pijan. Ali si sploh kdaj v svojem življenju napravil kako veliko dejanje?" Marku je kar vroče postajalo. Prične se glasno izpraševati:: "Ali sem kdaj storil kako veliko dejanje? Da— če takole pomislim, se res ne morem ničesar spomniti. Svojo službo sem bolj slabo opravljal, včasih sem v Zarji kakšno rekel, da sem ženske jezil, kar pa seveda ni veliko dejanje." "Potem te pa ne morem pustiti v nebesa," godrnja sv. Peter Marko napeto premišljuje. Pot mu stopa na čelo. ihti in stoka, morda bi se še priveril, če bi ne stal pred sv. Petrom, pa na nič se ni mogel spomniti. "No, kaj je?" nejevoljno vpraša sv. Peter, ker mu je pred nebeškimi vrati preveč vleklo, bil je namreč ravno takrat malo prehlajen. Kar naenkrat se pa Marku posveti: "Da, sem se že spomnil! Enkrat sem našel denarnico, kjer je bilo $100, pa še listek je bil v njej, kjer je bilo zapisano lastnikovo ime. Še tisti dan sem vrnil denarnico človeku, ki jo je izgubil." "To je bilo seveda lepo in pošteno, ampak zmeraj ne še veliko dejanje," je menil sv. Peter. "Ampak—jaz se denarja še dotaknil nisem," je podčrtaval svojo poštenost Marko. "Saj bi to bil tudi greh," reče sv. Peter in potegne dim iz pipe. "Toda jaz sem bil takrat hudo lačen," je zaklical Marko in bil prepričan. da ga bo zdaj gotovo pustil v nebesa. Sv. Peter je pa samo rekel: "Potem je to še veliko lepše, da si vrnil denarnico. a še vedno ne veliko dejanje." "Sv. Peter, celo uro sem moral hoditi do tistega človeka, ki je izgubil denarnico." "Potem je bilo še veliko lepše zate, a še vedno ne veliko dejanje." Marko je mrzlično premišljeval, kaj bi še rekel. sv. Peter se je pa počasi pričel obračati proti nebeškim vratom. "Sveti Peter!" je kričal Marko. "Celo uro sem moral hoditi do tistega človeka. Celo uro . . ." Sveti Peter je sočutno mignil z rameni, rekel pa ni nič. "—pri tem pa še v noben salun nisem šel," je dopolnil Marko. "Ampak to vendar ni nobeno veliko dejanje," je menil sv. Feter in že pričel odpirati nebeška vrata, da bi odšel. "Kaj? To ni veliko dejanje?" je kričal Marko. "To ni veliko dejanje, ko sem moral pri tem—štel sem vse zaporedoma—iti mimo 24 salunov—?" Zdaj se je sv. Peter nasmehnil in re£el: "Potem pa seveda . . . ." in smehljaje je sv. Peter pustil Marka v nebesa. * * * Natančno se mi je vse to zadnjo noč sanjalo. Saj ni čuda! Marko se že od Božiča ni oglasil, morda jo je pa res ubral na oni svet, ali pa ima njegov "Edgar Bergen' 'tisto hudo bolezen, ki se ji lenoba pravi. D. Ž.: MODRA ŽENA Modra žena je za svojega moža vedno pripravljena. Povsod z njim sodeluje in gre večkrat, ker ga to zabava, z njim ob večerih. Modra žena zna moža prikleniti na dom. v njenem stanovanju je prijazno, in včasih se kaka domača slavnost v dveh, da se ljubezen osveži. Modra zena se brž pogleda v zarcalo, preden pozdravi svojega moža. Ve, da ima mcž rad ženo, ki ni lepa in njegova samo takrat, kadar pride obisk. Modri ženi je tudi vprašanje želodca važno. Svojemu možu kuha, kar rad je, četudi je včasih kaj takega zraven, kar nikakor ni po njenem okusu. NEUMNA ŽENA Neumna žena nima nikoli časa. Samo kadar telefonira s svojo prijateljico, včasih to pozabi. Potem sme celo mož čakati na svojo večerjo. Neumna žena nakupuje in hodi po svojih opravkih popoldne, ko pride mož domov. Potem se pa čudi, če hodi mož večkrat, kakor je prav, v salon ali karte igrat. Neumna žena nima smisla za urejeno domačnost. Tako nerazveseljiva, kakor je sama. je tudi njena miza pri večerji. Ni čuda, da možu jed ne diši. Neumna žena gre svojemu možu, če pride izjemoma enkrat šele ponoči domov, vsa objokana naproti. Bolje bi bilo, ko bi sploh ničesar ne opazila. -o- SIROTA JAZ OKROG BLODIM Sirota jaz okrog blodim, ubog ciganski otrok, v samoti tihi se solzim, me čuva mili Bog. Ko sem na vasi se igral, nikdo ni maral me, nikdo mi roke ni podal, le vsak me karal je. Sprejmite, prosim, me med se, kako vas rad imam! A rekali so mi smeje: Cigan naj bo le sam! Zato pa hodim v temni log, kjer ptički žvrgole, tam zabi tuge in nadlog užaljeno srce. 1% - " k jtfßB* P • * -i i ■ „^l J ' ' * L «Sij jpi v . . b ö , i I ~~ ; ' - / • S j ■ ' . ,- . ■ ' "V; V " f * • äM «fc l-i i fr r •> - v . o^jli J*'''' ^^'{■ '-■ ' ^ "■'■■'■m ■ • - Jj 1- • - - IIP^Jl r SPOMIN NA STARO DOMOVINO "Mati zakliče, pridne dekliče, hitro vstanite—prat se mudi . . ." Ta slika je bila posneta v Žužemberku v stari domovini po Miss Evelyn Fabian, leta 1938. 2ENA IN DOM Zbira Frances Sušel: domaČa kuhinja Telečja rižota Deni v kožico mast in ko je vroča, drobno zrezane čebule, ko zarumeni, dodaj žlico masla, na drobne kocke zirezanega telečjega mesa in zbranega riža; premešaj in zaiti z vrelo vodo ali juho ali vsakega pol in osoli. Ko zavre, premešaj in pusti pol ure, a ne mešaj več. Štruklji s svinjino Naredi vlečeno testo kakor za štruklje brez jajca, a dodaj malo masla. Vmešaj dve žlici masla, soli in dva rumenjaka; ko dobro naraste, prideni par žlic smetane in sneg iz dveh beljakov; s tem namaži razvlečeno testo, potrosi nanj na drobne kocke zrezano svinjino in eno žlico drobtin, zavij ter deni peč na pločevino. Pečeno razre-ži na dva prsta široke štrukeljčke, daj jih v jušni lonec ter na mizo. Ajdovi žganci V slani vodi vkuhaj en funt ajdove moke. Ko .ie nekaj časa vrelo, predri skozi sredo s kuhalnico in pokrij, da voda ves čas moko vre. Dobro je pa tudi, ako obrneš moko v loncu tako, da je zgornja stran spodaj. Vre naj 10 do 12 minut. Potem odlij nekaj vode, ostalo pa. rahlo s kuhalnico zmešaj, vendar tako, da se ne vidi nič moke. Vlij še nekoliko vroče masti na žgan-ce. Pokrij lonec ter pusti stati še nekaj minut. Nato nadrobi žgance z vi- licami v skledo, zabeli povrh z vročimi ocvirki ter jih da.i k čisti juhi na mizo. Čebulna omaka Deni v kožico dve žlici masti in žlico sladkorja. Ko se speni. prideni tri žlice moke; svetlorumeni dodaj tri žlice drobno sesekane čebule ter mešaj. Ko je že čebula rumena, prilij par žlic kisa in toliko juhe, da bo omaka gosto te-koč". Na.i vre približno še pol ure. Ako treba, prideni še malo sladkorja in soli. Ali pa deni v mast prej čebule, in ko je rumena šele moke, ko še ta malo zarumeni, pa zali j in kisaj. Frigana jetra Namakaj en funt jeter v svežem mleku (eno uro); potem jih deni na desko, potegni kožice z njih in jih zre-ži na tanke listke. Nato zarumeni v masti drobno zrezane čebule in žlico moke, dodaj jetra, posoli jih in naglo obračaj na hudem ognju. Prilij juhe in kisa, ko prevro, jih malo popo-praj in daj urno na mizo. Rahle omelete V globoki skledi mešaj ali z metlico tolci, da se prav dobro speni, dve celi jajci in pet rumenjakov, par žlic sladkorja, par zrn soli in malo limonove lupine. Naredi iz pet beljakov sneg in ga z žlico moke rahlo primešaj. Nato dobro namaži s maslom veliko plitvo in podolgovato pločevino (pekačo) vlij v njo testo in porini v pečico. Ko je lepo rumeno, jo lepo upogni in poševno razreži. Lahko pa tudi pečeš v plitvi ponvi posamezne omelete. Jabolčna kača Napravi krhko testo in razvaljaj za nožev rob debelo s sladkorjem in cimetom, dodaj pest rozin in pest s presnim maslom spraženih drobtin. Vse to zmešaj ter deni na razvaljano testo v podobi debele klobase. Zavij testo čezi tako. da pride na vrhu klobase malo navzkriž, vmes pa pomaži z jajcem ter obrni klobaso tako, da je skupaj staknjena stran spodaj in jo pomaži z jajcem. Iz ostalega testa vreži s kolescem več prst dolgih in širokih trakov in jih položi poševno čez kačo. Pomaži tudi to z jajcem ter lepo rumeno speci. Nekoliko ohlajeno razreži na koščke. RAZNI NASVETI Svilene predmete peri in izpiraj V mlačni vodi. Ako bi bila voda zelo umazana, je treba ponovno napraviti milnato razstopnino. Potem pa izpiraj v čisti mlačni vodi. A ne ovijaj svilene stvari, temveč jih stiskaj. Potem zavij v suho brisačo in še vlažno likaj. Krobano perilo (starched) se ne pri-prijemlje likalnika, ako dodaš škrobovi razstopnini nekoliko soli. Voda, v kateri peremo meso, je zelo dobro gnojilo za lončne cvetlice. A. Feler: MATERINA ZMOTA Profesor Ivan Goreč je stanoval s svojo materjo v majhni vili za mestom. Z ljudmi se ni veliko družil, zato so ga imeli za čudaka. Toda ni bil. Bil je človek zlatega srca. Čeprav mu je bilo že 45 let. je bil še zmerom samec. In prav to mu je nakopalo ime čudaka. Temu se niti ne moremo čuditi: vsaka mati je vesela, če more svojo hčerko dobro omožiti. In tako se je tudi v tem malem mestu že marsikatera v duhu videla, da je tašča gospoda profesorja. Matere teh hčerk in mati profesorjeva so se pridno obiskovale, in sicer ponajveč, kadar je bil profesor Goreč doma. Goreč sicer tega ni imel rad, toda ni hotel biti nevljuden in je zato vselej pol urice žrtvoval materinim gostom. Njegova mati bi bila rada videla, da bi se oženil. Ni mu pa zaradi tega nikoli očitala. Razumela je svojega sina in se sploh ni marala vmešavati v njegove srčne zadeve. Slutila je sicer vzrok sinovega čudnega vedenja, toda nikoli ni z njim o tem govorila, sin pa se je tudi izogibal vsakemu takemu vprašanju. Mati je videla v tem sinovo nezaupanje. Zlasti v poslednjem času se ji je zdel sin zelo plah. Vedela je sicer, da ni o svojih srčnih zadevah nikoli veliko govoril z njo, toda v zadnjih letih se je še prav posebno izpremenil. Hodil je s povešeno glavo, kakor da neprestano nekaj premišljuje, in na njena vprašanja ali sploh ni odgovarjal ali pa prav na kratko. Po cele ure je hodil po svoji sobi, slišala je njegove odmerjene počasne korake, in kadar je pogledala v sobo, se je vselej nekako ustrašil, jo pogledal, kakor da ni z duhom prisoten, kakor da ga njena navzočnost moti. Videla je, da preživlja hud duševni boj, in večkrat se ji je zdelo, da zre iz njegovih oči skrita bolest. Porodila se ji je celo misel, ali ga morda vendarle ne teži slaba vest: ampak to ni bilo mogoče, saj je poznala svojega sina, bila si je v svesti, da ga je vzgojila v poštenega moža. Pred dvema dnevoma mu je prinesla neka njegova učenka knjige. Bila je osmošolka, zelo lepa in ljubezniva deklica. Na profesorjevo mater je napravila prav prijeten vtis. Da, zdaj se spominja: čez nekaj časa jo je sin v veliki zadregi prosil, naj jima da kak prigrizek. Ko ga je prinesla, ji je rekel: "Mati, to je moja najboljša učenka!" Tedaj je opazila, kako lepo je gledal to dekle. Videl je samo njo; kar požiral jo je z očmi. Še nikoli ni videla pri svojem sinu tolike notranje razburjenosti. Šele zdaj, ko je o tem premišljevala, se je začela zavedati podrobnosti. Za Boga, da bi se bil njen sin morda pri 45 letih zaljubil v takega otroka? Žalostna slutnja jo je obšla. "Moram z njim govoriti, drugače ni mogoče," si je re-kla v duhu, "saj hiti ta fant v prepad popolnoma neenakega zakona!" Kar ni mogla verjeti, da bi bilo to mogoče. Ko se je Goreč zvečer vrnil, je bil nekoliko presenečen, ko je našel mater v svoji sobi: "Mama, ti tukaj?" "Da, Ivan—to—dekle, ki je bilo tukaj predvčerajšnjim . . Goreč je pri teh besedah prebledel in komaj spravil iz sebe: "Mama, za Boga, ti veš . . .?" "Ne, nič ne vem, ampak zdi se mi, da moj sin pozablja, kdo in kaj je . . ." Goreč je vzdihnil in sedel na stol. "Ne, mama, motiš se; popolnoma se zavedam tega, toda slednjič ti moram povedati. Morda mi boš zamerila, morebiti bodo moje besede zvenele nekoliko trdo, ampak prosim te že vnaprej: oprosti, to mora biti tako. Že 18 let vlačim s seboj očitek vesti. Ali se spominjaš Marte Količeve? Tistega krepkega dekleta modrih oči? Imela sva se rada. Ti si to vedela, pa nisi dovolila, čeprav je bila učiteljica. Mislila si, da tvoj sin ne more hoditi z delavčevo hčerko. Ne bodi huda, ker te na to tako trdo spominjam, ampak res je, kakor sama dobro veš. Da bi ustregel tvoji želji, sva se na videz razšla, skrivaj pa sva se še zmeraj shajala. Imela sva se zelo rada. Kmalu nato pa je bila Marija nenadoma premeščena daleč od tod v odleglo vas. Kdo se je za to potrudil, mama, tudi gotovo veš. Marta te je hotela pred svojim odhodom še obiskati, vse ti je hotela odkrito povedati, ti pa si jo brezobzirno odklonila. Joka je je odšla od naših vrat, v razburjenju se niti od mene ni poslovila. Vse to sem izvedel šele iz poznejšega pisma, ki mi ga je pisala. Pa tudi to, da se ji je rodila hčerka, in da bo pustila učiteljsko službo. To je bil vzrok, zakaj sem ti svoja čustva vedno tako skrival. Ves ta čas sem iskal Marto, a zaman. "Kakor veš, sem moral prevzeti osmi razred po umrlem profesorju Sodniku. Najboljša učenka je prav ta, ki si jo predvčerajšnjim tukaj spoznala. Doma je iz bližnjega trga in se v šolo vsak dan vozi. Pred štirimi tedni sem govoril z njeno materjo . . ." Goreč je nekaj časa molčal, nato pa nadaljeval: "Mama, to dekle se piše—Marta Količeva, in njena mati pride jutri po očeta te deklice. Upam, da jo boš obzirno sprejela . . ." No. 6 — VOL. XIII ff immn . June, 1941 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA YOUTH AND RECREATION BOARD DISTRICT 1—Mrs. Albina Novak, 1135 E. 71st St., Cleveland, Ohio., president of Board DISTRICT 2—Miss Molly Sumic, 222—57th St., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania DISTRICT Mrs. Lillian Kozek, 2244 So. Wolcott Ave., Chicago, Illinois DISTRICT 4—Mrs. Frances Marinshek, 438 Sheridan St., Ely, Minnesota DISTRICT 5—Mrs. Dorothy Meister, 332 Michigan Ave., Pueblo, Colorado DIRECTOR OF JUNIOR DEPARTMENT—Miss Albina Jančar 1686 E. 32d St., Lorain, Ohio._ SUPREME SECRETARY'S REPORT BRANCH NO. 102 ORGANIZED We bid welcome to branch No. 102, organized by Mrs. Johanna Artac in Willard, Wisconsin, on Mother's Day, May 11, 1941. Much credit is due to Supreme President Mrs. Prisland, for it was through her ardent corresponding with Mrs. Artac that this new branch came into realization. It was not an easy task to organize this branch because the members live far apart on farms but through the enthusiasm and good will of Mrs. Johanna Artac, all difficulties were overcome and today we have a new branch. Congratulations to the organizers and the new members of this branch with hopes that you will be making rapid progress in the future. The first officers of No. 102 are as follows: Mary Zupančič, president; Mary Zagar, vice-president; .Anna Rovtar, secretary; Mrs. John Levar, recording secretary; Gertrude Godec, treasurer; Johanna Artac, Mary Lekan and Mary Salesnik, auditors. Meetings will be held every second Sunday in the month. -o- CAMPAIGN BULLETIN FOR APRIL, 1941 When this issue will be delivered to our members, the Jubilee campaign will already have come to a close. Every loyal officer and member is no doubt in hopes that the best of results were attained. As you all know, our goal has been a thousand new members as a tribute to our fifteenth anniversary since the founding of our Union. Did we reach it? I hope, we won't be disappointed. Some of our officers and members have worked very hard and they deserve all the credit for their untiring efforts. The results for April are as follows: JOLIET still in the lead. MRS. MARY TERLEP, treasurer of No. 20, first on the list of workers. MRS. MARY HROVAT, secretary of No. 15, still leading the secretary's list. FRANCES KASHER second highest among the secretaries. NO. 2, CHICAGO, second highest among branches. MRS. MARY TOMAZIN, second highest among treasurers. While making this report, I just received a nice number of new applications from Mrs. Mary Schimenz secretary of No. 12, Miwlaukee, Wise., and also from Mrs. Mary Korosic, secretary of No. 97. These reports indicate that the last weeks,, of the campaign will boost the results to the desired goal. Thanking all the officers and members who took an active part in this campaign! Fraternally yours, JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC, secretary ACTIVITIES OF OUR BRANCHES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.— At the last meeting Mrs. Therese Simonich was unable to be present but we may expect her at the next month's meeting when she will demonstrate her cherry Strudel and promised a "bigger portion" for each one present. We were glad to welcome new members Helen Valentencic, Emelia Udo-vich and Rose Francis. Mrs. Mary Fedran surprised us by promoting eight new candidates all from Port Washington. Mrs. Agnes Gergisch gave a summary on the Red Cross and asked members to co-operate for this worthy cause. Mesdames Modez and Krainc were elected to represent the branch at the meeting of the Slovenian societies for the Jugoslav Relief. Our Mother's Day program was a complete success, for which credit is due Mrs. Mary Fedran, chairman, and Mrs. Theresa Rakun, assistant chairman. We want to thank Father Van Handel for directing the English play and the men's quartet whose songs brought back pleasant memories. Our darling junior members and others who did so well with the recitations, the players who took part in both plays, and the Glee Club members, deserve our thanks and appreciation. Before the program Mrs. Prisland honored the seven remaining members from the first three bowling teams or- ganized in October 1929 who were the pioneers of bowling sport of the branch with special awards. Those honored were: Captain Christine Rupnick, Captain Margaret Fischer,; Mesdames Anna Modez, Mary Ribich, Agnes Gergisch, Theresa Zagožen and Jane Go-renz. In conclusion of the program, the entire cast with the audience joined in singing "God Bless America." MARGARET FISCHER No. 2, Chicago, 111. — Our last meeting was well attended. It was grand to see so many of our younger members present. Of course, the reason was the bowling tournament which was held on May 3 and 4. Chicago was represented with eight teams. Joliet also had eight teams, Sheboygan seven teams, Indianapolis three, Cleveland three, Milwaukee two teams, South Chicago two teams and La Salle two teams which totaled 35 teams. Congratulations to all the winners and especially to our own girl Theresa Pa-pesh who scored 504 in singles. She is the sister of our treasurer, Mary To-mazin, whom you all know. It was a big affair which ended in a grand way. Thanks to all who rendered assistance and to those who attended. Our members are kindly requested to be present at our meeting on June 5. LILLIAN KOZEK, secretary No. 9, Detroit, Mich—June 8th, 3 p. m. is the date of our next meeting. Please be there because it is high time that more members take an active part in the meetings and other affairs. The road to success is found only through co-operation of every member, unless you'll show more interest in the future meetings, we haven't much to look forward to. No doubt every member could easily sacrifice a few hours every month and come to the meeting. It wouldn't take long to bring the branch right up to high standards. With united spirit we would soon reach success. At our last card party we made a profit of $21.00 for our treasury. Many thanks to all who attended and to those who assisted wherever necessary.—The members received Holy Communion in a body on May 25.—Wishing a speedy recovery to all sick members. Greetings to all! ANGELA STUPAR, president No. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), O. —Here we are again, the bowlerets of No. 15 with our final report of the season. Our bowling tournament was a huge success. Thanks to the help that was contributed by all of the girls in team. Not one of them turned their backs to the tickets they were asked to sell, or the ads they were asked to get. We also found that Albina Novak is indeed a friend to our teams. She was always ready and willing to help us when we needed her. She is one of the most pleasant of people to work with. We also wish to express our thanks to our friend and mother of the teams, Mrs. Mary Hrovat. She was there to do all the cooking for our banquet. So again, thank you, Mrs. Hrovat, for all the favors that you've done for us. We promise you that we won't forget it. Our thanks also to Joseph Kovach who was always there, willing to help us^in any possible way. We are all very grateful to the bartenders for their splendid work at our dance and banquet. They were: Frank Dupley, T o n v Chesnik, Charles Virant, and Bert Gorsky. We wish to express our thanks to all of the bowling teams that participated in our tournament. We also appreciate the attendance of our First Vice-President, Mrs. Frances Rupert, at our dance and banquet. Now we shall turn to the bowlerets themselves. We promise to keep our eyes off Julia Gorsky for awhile so she can keep hei dates with her boy friend. Who is he? Bert? I guess we're all going to miss Alice Tratter's smile on Monday nights. We all know why that disappointed look has vanished from Ann Zaletel's face. Her hubby must kiss her goodbye now. So keep it up Frank. Emma Urbancic, we're all expecting to see you again when our bowling season will start so don't elope during our vacation. Why does Rose Urbancic blush so whenever some good-looking gentleman asks about her. It seems Elinore Hrovat is always in a hurry, even when she bowls. So be careful Elinore, watch that arm of yours. Helen Palget, a new bowler to join our team, has one of the most pleasant personalities and sweetest smiles. We are all going to miss Mary Novak with all her motioning and kicking at the alleys. Now that Antonia Glavic has given up puckering her lips, she keeps waving her arms when she misses those spares. Another pleasant personality is Jennie Zupančič who is very sweet and friendly; she is also a very good bowler. Alice Arko kept her arms around her hubby Lawrence at the dance. I guess some other girls would try to snatch him from her. Anna Peskar, we are all still waiting to be told who that young man was you kept waiting at E. 93rd St. Let us all in on your secret love. Another girl that keeps us all in suspense is Theresa Jeric. She still refuses to, give us the name of the young fellow that she gave her address to. Angela Arko, we all know that you are still in love with your husband. Pa še how! "Ptičice" nam bodo pele. But Angela is truly a good sport. Although Theresa Mauer is left-handed she certainly can make those strikes. She is also a very jolly person, laughing at everything. Mary Perko's young rooter is still always on hand. Say Mary, how. about having your hubby come out next season to root for you. Come on, Louis, bring your wife some luck. We are all looking forward to the day when Julia Turk will appear with a sparkler on her finger. She certainly goes to town on the dance floor with those good looking fellows. Vera Skufca always bowls well when her son comes up to root for her. He should come up more often. Sophie Hočevar is certainly picking up in her bowling. We'll expect to see a 300 score game soon. So in conclusion I again say, we have indeed a very nice group of girls that we should all be proud of. So farewell girls, until next season. May you all have the best of luck until we meet again. FRANCES KOVACH Many Happy Returns of the Day! The beautiful month of June brings around the birthday of our beloved Supreme President, Mrs. Marie Prisland. The day is June 21. Congratulations and the best of health and happiness for many more years to come! God bless you! IMPORTANT ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT The time is here to make our decision to attend the Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Help in Le-mont, 111., on Sunday July 20th. Month after month I have been urging the members and officers to discuss this issue at their meetings, but due to the campaign activities which took a lot of time at the meetings, it has been set aside for the coming meeting. I again appeal to all the members, to come to Lemont on July 20th. Many of our members never had the opportunity to visit this '.Shrine, to see its beauty. This Shrine is one of our very own pilgrimages, and is called the "American Brezje," name taken after the famous Shrine in Slovenia, Europe. More than ever before, it is the wish of many faithful to visit this shrine, which will bring back memories of our own Slovenia, our relatives and friends who are not fortunate to be here in the Land of Liberty. They must comply to the dominating rule of their new conquerors, who have no love for our humble class of people. Let us remember those unfortunates at a time as this, and pray for their freedom, that God and Mother of Help should spare them from ali evils. Kindly decide at once, dear members, if you will attend this pilgrimage in Lemont on July 20, and let me know how many to expect from your locality. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC No. 20, Joliet, 111.—A happy month of June to all of you. Well, here I am back again. Since your reporter's time has been occupied with other matters, and there remaining no free periods in which to scoop up news, alas, I give to you the few following paragraphs. At the midwest bowling tournament in South Chicago, a Joliet team, entitled the Moderne Fur Shoppe, won the national and midwest awards. Josephine Ramuta was the captain, while the other members of the team were Edith Ogrin, Mayme Pasdertz, Anne Mutz, and Josephine Buchar. Congratulations! Our cadet team of branch No. 20 attained the 20th place. It was composed of Captain Jo Mahkovec, Marie Terlep, Isabelle Gregorich, Betty Martincich, and Bertha Planinsek. Our minature cheering section did its utmost to encourage them upward toward higher hoped-for places. True sportsmanship shows that their playing was well done. The non-bowling cadets wish them better luck next year. Under the impromptu chairmanship of Isabelle Gregorich, our May-time dance was successful. Our primarily chosen chairlady, Genevieve Glavan, resigned due to her mother's illness, but she did obtain a sponsor for the tickets. Jean Gombac acted as co-chairman, while Mary Frankovich decorated the hall and Bernice Kuzma publicized the dance. To the above committee, the cadets express thanks most sincerely for their efforts. Mrs. Barbara Govednik, the mother of Mrs. Anna Pluth, charter member of our branch, recently passed away. To the family, the members extend their deepest sympathies. During this month a very important lady of Zveza celebrates her birthday, Mrs. Marie Prisland, our Supreme President. Each and every cadet wishes for you, Mrs. Prisland, all the joys, happiness and health that the world can give. May you remain with us for a number of years to come. A happy birthday to you! OLGA ERJAVEC, reporter Happy Birthday! June brings around another officer's birthday. On June 9th Mrs. Mary She-pel, Supreme Vice-president will be celebrating her big day. Many happy and healthy returns of the day! No. 23, Ely, Minn. — At our last meeting at the Community Center, the turn out was not very big. "What's keeping you away, ladies?" We discussed about our annual banquet held on May 12, of which Mrs. Ann Saari and Mrs. Frances Kangas were in charge. After the meeting, cards were played. Mrs. Josephine Zgonc was high for Pinochle, and Mrs. Hannah Robertson was high in 500 Rummy. Lunch was' served and enjoyed by all. Mrs. Mary Sershen received the gift. We served lunch to the older members after the meeting on May 3. An appropriate program was also presented in honor of Mother's Day. Miss Mary Hutar sang, accompanied by Mrs. Charles Merhar at the piano. Miss Jo- sephine Slogar played two selections on the accordian. Miss Florence Starts rendered two selections on the piano. Edward Mavetz and Klan also sang two songs each. To complete the evening, we had community singing led by Miss Mary Hutar. The junior members were also present. MRS. ANN ROWE No. 25, Cleveland, O.—We are all very happy about the approaching wedding of our team secretary and captain of the junior drill team, Miss Sophie Lach, which will take place on June 28, 1941. Best wishes for a very happy future, Sophie, and may God share all His blessings with you and your fiance. We have two birthdays in June. Jean Paik and Frances Zamec. Happy birthday and may you have many more! On June 22, 1941, the Mary Lusin Cadets will have their banner blessed which will be dedicated to Mrs. Lusin's first name and thereafter will be known as St. Mary Cadets. We hope the affair will bring the team and the branch the best of success. Cadets, please keep the date in mind for the big parade. We wish a speedy recovery to Miss Ann Marolt and to all other members who are ill. Your wondering reporter, ELSIE H RASTER IMPORTANT EVENTS April and May were two very busy months for the officers and members of our active branches. Almost every locality had some sort of program, dance or entertainment in commemoration of anniversaries and also in loving remembrance of Mother's Day. In Cleveland, the so-called lodge activities are never at a stop. There is constant planning and celebrating of this and of that. Here are some of the bigger events of April and May in Cleveland. April 19-20—The fifth annual bowling tournament. April 18—Tournament Dance. April 2ß—"Jugoslav Night" at the. spacious Music Hall, downtown Cleveland. Our junior dancers of Nos. 10 and 14, were one of the biggest attractions of the entire program. These juniors dance in pairs, boy and girl (of course, the girls are dressed in boy's outfits) and we have 30 in the group which is very well trained. An added feature to the group were the three musicians, with accordions, namely Vinko Globokar, Johnny Kausek, and Frankie Kapel. The three were dressed in national costumes and the ovation was great when they started to play. This appearance put our juniors on the map before the American public. May 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, the different branches had their dances and programs in the various localities of Cleveland. May 16 17, and 18, the grand 3-day Needlework Exhibit sponsored by the united SWUA branches of Cleveland. Proceedings of this grand show will appear in the coming edition of Zarja. For the time being, all we say, is that it was collossal, stupendous and the attendance overwhelming. May 18, the blessing of the staffs at the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Providence Heights. Ten of our drill teams were present. Rev. Milan Slaje, our Spiritual Director, officiated and was assisted by all of our Slovenian dignitaries in Cleveland. It was the most impressive and spectacular scene ever presented, when the 200 cadets knelt before Our Lady of Lourdes in pious devotion. The blessing of the staffs was preceded with the beautiful hymn "Mother, at Your Feet is Kneeling" which was sung with the preatest of emotion by the 200 cadets. It was GREAT with capital letters. A complete report on this event will also appear later. May 25 to 28—Trip to Washington, D. C., which was joined by a representative group from all Cleveland branches. May 30, Decoration Day.—The cadets attended the procession of the Cleveland Diocese Eucharistie Congress in Painesville, Ohio. With all these big events out of the way, we are looking forward with the greatest of expectations into the month of June which also brings around some very outstanding events. They are: June 8th, the SWUA cadets will be honorary escorts to the First Solemn Mass of Rev. Louis A. Ulle, O.F.M., at St. Christine's Church, Euclid, Ohio. Rev. Ulle is the son of Mrs. Jennie In-tihar, secretary of No. 49 and brother of Mary Ann Intihar, captain of Noble Cadets, No. 49. June 15—the junior dancers will take part in one of the biggest outdoor programs of the season which will be an International Performance at the beautiful Cain Park, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. June 22—the dedication of a new banner by St. Mary's Cadets of No. 41. This will be preceded by a parade from the S. N. Home on Waterloo Rd. to St. Mary's Church on Holmes Ave. The time is 2:30 p.m. A program, dance and banquet to follow at the Slovenian National Home on Waterloo Rd. Any of the above mentioned events are worth while attending and the out-of-town members will find them also very interesting. If you wish further particulars on any of these events, it shall be my pleasure to be of service to you at any time. Cleveland members 1 Are you interested in the Pilgrimage to Lemont? If you would like to join the many hundreds of officers and members who are attending the Pilgrimage to the Mother of Help Shrine in Lemont which will take place July 20th, get in touch with me or any secretary from the SWUA branches in Cleveland. The fare will be very reasonable and you can travel by train or bus. Let this be one of your out-of-town affairs you must attend. The trip is very enjoyable and besides seeing new places and new things, you will also meet new friends and make new acquaintances which should make us all interested. I'll gladly give you any informaiton needed or wanted. ALBINA NOVAK, 1135 E. 71st St., Cleveland, Ohio. No. 28, Calumet, Mich.—We had another excellent turnout at the April meeting and I sincerely hope the members will continue to show up at the meetings. A chart has been drawn up consisting of all names of the cadets and each girl who misses three meetings or more, without a good excuse, must pay a penalty. Drums for the drill team have been purchased and the girls are looking forward to drill practice outdoors once more. "Pat" Swetish will be our drill master again this year. On Mother's Day, May 11th, the cadets received Holy Communion in a body at the eight o'clock Mass. Best wishes to all ! MARGARET SEDLAR, reporter No. 38, Chisholm, Minn.—Our meeting of May 7th was one of the nicest in recent months. There were over a hundred members present and 20 new members initiated. Many thanks to all who came. Congratulations to our new drill team! Captain Anne Zgonec is very much interested in the welfare and success of the new team and we hope her wishes come true. Congratulations. The meeting was followed with a Mother's Day program and a card party. The committee worked untiringly to arrange a beautiful table setting with all the trimmings and each place had a little basket (favor) with candies. Thanks to everyone who worked or helped plan the entertainment. The youngest mother and two of our junior members were presented gifts. The church choir rendered some beautiful songs. Mrs. Wajda accompanied on the piano. We will have entertainment at our next meeting, so don't miss it. On Sunday, July 13. Minnesota will have its first joint "Zveza Day" at Eveleth, Minn. We are looking forward to the first appearance of our new drill teams on that day and hope to be pleasantly surprised. See you all at the next meeting! Greetings, MARY KNAUS, president No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — A wonderful time was had by all who attended the midwest bowling tournament. We hope to have more teams participating from Milwaukee next season. The five dollar good-fellowship prize was put in the fund for next year's bowling. We were pleased to receive this prize. Anyone interested in bowling, please attend our next meeting because the alleys for next season must be reserved now. The fall dance in November is an affair we'll all have to be interested in, if we want to have a good time and good results. The members will be asked to dispose of at least one book of tickets for pillow cases. An early start will be most successful. Beginning with the month of June, cur meetings will be held every first Wednesday evening of the month instead of Sunday afternoons, thus giving everyone a chance to attend all the picnics and ball games. Hoping to see you all on June 4! JOSEPHINE VERBIC No. 46, St. Louis, Mo.—At our last meeting we had a guest speaker, Rev. Michael Zeleznikar. Too bad we did not have a larger attendance. Ladies, do not forget our Bunco and Card Party on June 19, at St. Louis Dairy. Invite your friends to come. If you want more tickets, get in touch with me or Mrs. Lucille Hempen. 3335 Michigan ,Ave. If you call Prospect 3243 she will see that you get more' tickets. Congratulations to Miss Marie Grabian on her engagement. Members who are in arrears with their dues, please come to our next meeting to pay. JOSEPHINE PREBIL No. 50. Cleveland, O.—Our dance, the Marry-Makers Fiesta on May 3, 1941 at the Slovenian Auditorium was a grand affair. The attendance was extra good and everyone had an enjoyable evening. This was our first semi-formal dance and the cadets looked charming in their dainty nets, gorgeous prints and lovely silks as did the guests. It was a most delightful evening. We wish to express our sincere thanks to all the guests for honoring us with their presence, likewise the committee for working hard to make everybody happy and have everything in readiness. I was very proud of the No. 50 members during the Needllework Exhibition and the beautiful display by Mrs. Johanna Mally was certainly an honor to everybody. The girls who took part in the Style Show deserve a big hand. On Siinday, May 18th, the cadets received Holy Communion in a body at St. Vitus Church and in the afternoon participated at the most impressive ceremony at the Shrine of Our Lourdes at Providence Heights. The dedication of staffs is one event that left everlasting memory in everyones heart. June holds more important dates for the members of our Union, especially the cadets, who are invited to participate in the reception of the newly ordained priest. Rev. Ulle, on Sunday, June 8th at St. Christine's Church. The first solemn Mass will be sung at 11! o'clock and we should be there by 10:30 a. m. On June 22nd is another big team affair, the dedication of a new banner under the sponsorship of No. 41 and the St. Mary Cadets. The parade wihch will be attended by all SWUA cadets will be on its way at 2:30 p. m. from the Slovenian Workingmen's Home on Waterloo Rd. to St. Mary's Church and after the blessing return to Slovenian National Home for a variety program and dance. Our salutations to the St. Mary Cadets and No. 41 with the hopes of success baing their reward. Cadets, Flag Day June 14th, will be another big parade in downtown Cleveland which will no doubt include a good representation of our drill teams and also bring out the patriotic spirit which our hearts are so full of during these trying times, and our Union is certainly doing its part to make us real good Americans. Will see you at the meeting! FRANCES KURRE. President. No. 53, Cleveland (Brooklyn), O. — Keep up the good attendance of last meeting, ladies! This is a sure way to future successes. We wish to thank everyone who attended our dance on April 26, 1941, and made it a great success. Thanks also to the men for giving us a hand. All present had a good time. The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Konchan and left them a darling baby girl, which makes Mrs M}ary Konchan grandma and Mrs. Mary Ma r y Sodnikar, aunt. We wish a speedy recovery to Miss Florence Hunter who was taken to Mt. Sinai Hospital. We welcome our new members, Mrs. Anna Arhar and Miss Elsie Arhar. Our next meeting is June 5, and please try to attend! EMMA SHIMKUS, secretary No. 66, Canon City, Colo. — Our meeting of May 4th was very poorly attended. Sisters, what seems to be the matter? We were all disappointed that more mothers weren't present as the girls served delicious refreshments after the meeting in honor of the mothers. Mrs. Jekovec sang Slovenian songs in memory of Mothers. On April 21st one of our members, Frances Strainer, passed away after a lingering illness. Sister Strainer was a charter member, being one of the first members to join our branch when it was organized. The members attended the funeral in a body. The sisters, Julia Adamic, Mary Konte, Gloria Konty, Mildred Legan, Freda Lauriski and Dorothy Skerjanec were escorts. She left to mourn her passing, her husband, Anton Strainer, three sons, Anton Jr., Joseph and Frank, all of the family home. Our heartfelt sympathy to her family. May she rest in peace. In behalf of the mothers, I wish to take this opportunity sto thank the girls for their thoughtfullness and wonderful refreshments. CHRISTINE KONTE No. 73, Warrensville, O.—Our president wishes to thank all of the members who attended Holy Mass and Holy Communion in a body on April 20th at St. Lawrence Church. The branch was well represented. On April 24, a large group of members were seated around a huge table at the head of which was president Mrs. Walters. In front of her was a large bouquet of sweet peas presented by Mrs. Sklenica. We were thus cele-bowling team to represent our branch at the tournament held in Pittsburgh brating the fifth anniversary of our branch. The following menu was served: Fruit cocktail, half a fried chicken, French fries, fancy salad, bread and butter and delicious dessert, fancy steaks were served to a few of the members who do not go for chicken. As for myself, I had my share of chicken. But the majority of the members soon forgot their troubles and hoW; much they have eaten when Pete So-marge took hold of his accordian and gave out those good old Slovenian polkas and jitterbug music. Follow-the-leader stunt was started and it sure was tops in fun. The sweet peas I spoke of before, were soon made into small corsages for all of the members.. It was a lovely occasion for all! Congratulations to Mrs. Rose Zbaz-nik on that wonderful baby we've been hearing so much about. It seems our members never have too much of Slovenian polkas for on May 4th they attended a bridal shower in. honor of Miss Elizabeth Mackovitch. Elizabeth came home from New Philadelphia and received many beautifuL gifts to take back with her. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Martha Herak on the loss of her father and also to Mrs. John Gornik and Mrs-Ann Cogan on the loss of mother and mother-in-law respectively. Please keep up the good attendance. Let's each rout out a member for our next meeting. MRS. HELEN TRUCE No. 87, Pueblo, Colo. — The cadets are becoming very serious in the drill work. At our last meeting, it was decided that every cadet must be present at every practice, otherwise she'll be-automatically suspended. It was necessary to make this ruling because of" the many summer performances. Captain Jack Simony's pep talk was most encouraging, so let's not fail him now.. Remember, he asked for one drill practice a week. So come on, cadets, we-refuse to stop now. In (the newly organized Junior Cadets competition will be very keen. As I understand they are making rapid progress. Everyone was surprised to see the beautiful staffs that the cadets will carry on future parades. As yet, no-plans have been made when we'll make our debut with them. We are having a parade of sparkling, diamonds. Six to be exact. Weddings and parties to be delayed for another year but in this great America, Uncle Sam comes first. So girls, let's wear our sweet smiles for the best cause ever. I hope that on their return, we will be saluting them not only as privates but as "officers." Congratulations and years of happiness to Cadet Elsie Piute and Mr. Tony Peccararo whose marriage took place on April 26, 1941, at St. Mary's Church. ELSIE PUGEL, reporter No. 96, Universal, Pa.—The dance held on April 26th left many happy memories to remain in our minds for a long time. The gaiety of the big crowd and the music, which was enjoyed by all present, made the evening complete. It was decided that we have one on May 18, 1941. Here's hoping, they bring home the bacon. We are glad to welcome into our Union Mrs. Poto-chnik who will be an active member. After the meeting, cards were played and a delicious lunch served by Mrs. Jean Stuhar in commemoration of the second anniversary of our branch.— Everyone is requested to attend the next meeting. HELEN YEREB MILENA: They Say—What Say They?—Let Them Say! Whatever our success, it is made possible by those who believe in us. It is said that in order to make nine new friends, it is necessary to make one new enemy. "Any man who does anything and succeeds," says Jerome P. Fleishman, a noted publicist of Baltimore, "will make enemies The thing to do is not to pay the slightest attention to them. If you are going to give up because some jealous and envious people declare you aren't on the level, or that you are crazy, or suffering from too much ego, or think you know it all, or that you are not what you pretend to be, or any other of the hundred and one petty libels—you will fail. So long as there are men and women who believe in us, we must do our best, and those who seek to belittle or betray us won't be able to get a foothold." RECOMPENSE After the darkness there's always the day When dawn draws the curtains and night steals away, After the storm the sky's always blue With flowers of happiness always blooming for you; After the winter we always have spring, With cherry trees blooming, and robins to sing; After a sorrow, peace comes to the heart Giving a strength that will never depart. Heartaches will come like the rain and the snow, But clear skies will follow, for God wills it so. ONE FACE IS ENOUGH One face is enough for a woman. When she is two-faced she doesn't get along very well. An honest answer to the following will give you a good idea if you have two faces—and are putting the worst one forward. 1. Do you rave over how well a friend looks and then say to another friend "Isn't it a shame the way Dora has let herself get fat?" 2. Do you invite people to your house and then pick them apart next day? 3. Do you pretend to be a friend of someone you actually dislike? 4. Do you agree with the shocked disapproval expressed by one friend of another when you honestly think his actions are justified? 5. Do you say you are tolerant and yet blame an individual's faults on his race? _ 6. Do you do social welfare work and yet refuse to give your maid any time off? 7. Do you listen sympathetically to a friend's troubles—and then tell other people what a dope he is for getting into such a mess? 8. Do you pretend around certain people that you do not drink and think it is terrible—when you do drink? 9. Do you tell two people who are fighting that you think each one of them is exactly right? 10. Do you pretend to be a friend of a woman and say such things to her husband as "I've never seen your wife look so nice. That weight's becoming to her"? If you have more than two "Yes" answers—it is time to start getting rid of that second face. -0- BY DORIS: CATHOLIC GIRLS' QUESTION BOX If a Catholic is employed as cook for another Catholic is she bound to remind her employer of fast and abstinence days if she is certain that the employer will not observe these days when reminded of them? The cook in this case need not remind the employer. Ordinarily, we need not remind anyone unless our position as a superior demands that we do so (parents, pastors, etc.) Another instance where we would be bound to remind others would be when our failure to give reminder would cause another to give scandal by breaking the law, e. g., we should remind a known Catholic eating in, a public place on a Friday. A friend tells me that belief in a guardian angel is just a beautiful legend, and it has no basis. Isn't the belief in guardian angels a Catholic belief? While the Church has made no dogmatic pronouncement on this belief, it is most certainly according to the mind of the Church. Such a belief goes back long before the time of Our Lord as the Old Testament clearly shows in the case of Tobias, in the Psalms, in the Book of Daniel, in Genesis and Exodus and in the case of Lot. Then we have the express statement of Our Lord Who spoke of the guardian angels of little children. We find it also very clear in St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews, far from being a legend, the belief in guardian angels is very much based on the Bible. How can a young woman know when she has a religious vocation? Following are the signs commonly given by spiritual writers by which a girl may be reasonably certain she has a vocation to the religious life: (a) First and most indispensable— a good and pure intention of serving God in the religious life; (b) A strong, definite, firm, and decided desire for convent life; (c) The young woman must be mentally sound and have at least ordinary mental ability; (d) Physical health is always a requirement; (e) A gentle and docile character. To these should be added her acceptance by the superiors of the convent as a candidate. Why is it that in some churches the Forty Hours devotion ends on Tuesday morning and in others on Tuesday evening? When the Forty Hours' devotion is carried out strictly according to the laws of the Church, the exposition takes place throughout Sunday and Monday nights. Owing to the difficul- ties of holding nocturnal adoration in this country, Rome dispensed from all night worship and gave permission to close this devotion with Mass on Tuesday morning and Benediction in the evening. -o- WEARY? Try Solitude JN solitude the mind of the thinker comes to its full fruition. Alone with the sun, the haunting moon and the remotely glittering stars, listening to the night wind sighing through the pines, the lonely soul comes forth from her hiding-place and dances in graceful measure upon the wings of fancy. There is more actual beauty in a field of waving corn than in the painted glory depicted in some salon. There is more real music in the wild bird's carol than can ever be heard in the simulated trills and zadenzas of the concert halls. There is more health in a square mile of open country than can be bought over a counter, amidst canyons of steel. It is well at times to turn off the radio and instead tune in on the infinite instead of dancing to the latest step, to allow one's eyes to follow the dancing sunbeams; the mind and the body cannot both be active at once, but in solitude the deepest concentration is possible and to gain mental strength concentration is imperative. "I slept like a log." "Yes, I heard the sawmill." * * * Definitely "My wife doesn't know what she wants." "Hah, you're lucky. Mine does!" * * * He—I've got the kind of a wife that insists on opening our pay envelope. She—Why do you let her get away with it? He—She'd quit her job if I didn't. * * * "WhisWey kills more people than bullets." "Well, that's because bullets don't drink." * * * Some girls can break a man just by twisting him around their finger. * * * The girl whose remarks are pointless never pins a man down. * * * "So your boy friend is the sturdy oak type?" "Yeah, he has an awful lot of bark." -o- There seems to be nothing left to explain in this item: Well, the difference is $5. The lower berth is higher than the upper one. The higher price is for the lower. We sell the upper lower than the lower. Some people like the lower upper, it's lower, of course, on account of being higher. When you occupy an upper you have to go up to go to bed and get down to get up." ^glips and underskirts come in numerous styles: camisole top, fitted mid-rif, shadow panels flared skirt bottoms and ruffles, all serve to make them perfect undergarments for suits and dresses. # * # Flowery jewelry is just the thing for a pastel color summer dress . . . carry a bright reversible bag. Be as changeable as a chameleon— titivate to match your mood, whether it be frivolous or practical. Never was there such a season for "mix-'em and make-'ems." * * * "The prettiest legs in the world!" That's what one hears constantly about the great American underpinnings. When skirts are short one hears the refrain more often, for obvious reasons. Therefore, it is important that something be done to have "pretty legs." One has to put them to work! on exercises of a fairly vigorous nature to line them up for show purposes. Squatting exercises, kicking exercises, and bicycle riding movements are all in order. They're not exciting to do, but neither is greasing the face and patting it, nor doing the five-minute hair brushing act, nor even scouring the teeth for three minutes to be listed among the pleasurable duties of the day, yet for appearance's sake they are done and so should leg exercises— with the same gusto. * * * Tiny straw sailor hats are worn straight over the eye and are covered with flowers and chenille dot veiling. Color combinations are clever. Pink hats with yellow veiling, green with chartreuse, white with fuchsia or green and black combines with any color you want. ♦ * * Finding summer clothes that are flattering and comfortable for every occasion is not a difficult job in these days of pretty cottons anr rayons, even for those with a very limited budget. No woman need envy another who always looks cool and comfortable and well groomed; any woman with a little extra care can achieve this effect. Lightweight frocks, whether of silk or cotton, actually are far more figure revealing than the heavier fabrics cold weather brings, thus making the need of well fitted foundation garments of great importance. Choosing a correct foundation garment is not an easy matter. Let your corsetiere tell you of the construction features that will offer comfortable control to the figure. It is best to have two garments so that you can wash them more frequently, especially in summer. Be careful how you wash a garment and do not use too strong soap or be careless in wringing it. Best is to hang it wet and let the water drip off and when drying stretch it into shape. Summer jersey dresses are famous for being smooth, cool and restful to the skin as a summer breeze or a soothing lotion. * * * When a woman is going places she needs clothes. The vacation wardrobe should be assembled something like this: A print suit for those warm days when a charming gentleman sends an invitation to join him for lunch or go to the races etc. Black and white bound with velvet does the .trick. Broad-brimmed hat of white pique is bound with velvet. For evening a double duty gown of flag blue silk skirt and bolero, white blouse and red girdle. Omit bolero and the gown is convertible into a formal. Play clothes are essentials, too, in the vacationer's wardrobe. Choose one or two of denim and for shoes, wedgies are the thing for play. * * * Slips of polka dot taffeta that will not crack and made with bias sections both front and back and straight sides that won't ride are now available. * * * STOCKINGS WITHOUT SEAMS Keeping the seam of your hose straight will be a minor problem soon. Manufacturers are producing a seamless stocking. * * * For sport wear you can get the sheerest lisle in zigzag patterns. These cotton hose are becoming very popular in place of the heavier variety we have worn heretofore in summer. Sheer black hose, to wear with a black costume, are also being seen. Black gloves complete your black summer frock. THIS 'N THAT Did You Know that a bee travels 43,-770 miles to gather one pound of honey? Honey is not collected direct from flowers. The bee gathers the nectar, a sweet and sugary substance, from the flowers, which undergoes certain changes in the honey bag of the bee and thus becomes what we know as honey. * * * That the following emblems are associated with these colleges: Violet— N. Y. University: mule—U. S. Military Academy; bulldog — Yale; panther — Pittsburgh; lion—Columbia; Indian— Dartmouth; goat—Navy; ram—Ford-ham; mustangj—Southern Methodist; tiger—Princeton; wildcat—Minnesota. -o- "THE EYE IS THE WINDOW OF THE SOUL" Round eyes denote an affectionate disposition, fidelity, faithfulness, loyalty and filial devotion. Fullness of the eyes indicates love of literature and capacity for elocution, keen observation, fine discernment and social qualities. Large and open eyes denote development of the nerves of sensation, owners are sensitive, easily hurt and somewhat changeable but kind-hearted and trustful. The shape of the eyes betrays more than the color. Eyes which are long from side to side denote ambition, shrewdness, watchfulness, great secretiveness and suspicion. The owners are impulsive, impetuous, inclined to fickleness and are quick to recover from vicissitudes of any nature. Medium size eyes, thin lidded, with dreamy expression, indicate idealistic temperament highly emotional and very susceptible to beauty. In connection with hi£fh forehead and finely cut features, indicate creative ability. Deep set eyes denote caution and prudence, with penetrating expression, the owner is strong willed, determined and inclined to be critical and domineering but true and firm in friendship. -o- DONTIS—FOR SOCIAL CODUCT AND GOOD FORM DON'T seat yourself at table until the ladies are seated, or, at a dinnerparty until your host or hostess gives the signal. Don't introduce, if you introduce at all, after the company is seated. DON'T tuck your napkin under your chin, or spread it upon your breast. Bibs and tuckers are for the nursery. DON'T bite your bread. Break it off. Don't break your bread into your soup. DON'T eat fast, or gorge. Always take plenty of time. Haste is vulgar. DON'T feel your mouth with too much food, and don't masticate audibly. Eat gently and quietly and easily. DON'T spread your elbows when you are cutting your meat. Keep your elbows close to your side. DON'T, when you drink, elevate your glass as if you were going to stand it inverted on your nose, as some do. Bring the glass perpendicular to the lips, and then lift it to a slight angle. Do this easily. DON'T talk when your mouth is full —never, in fact, have your mouth full. It is more healthful and in better taste to eat by small morsels. DON'T make remarks, under the guise of friendly caution, about what is eaten by persons near you, such as its being indigestible, too hot, etc. The person you address is most probably far better able to judge for himself in such matters, and would certainly prefer that you should mind your own business. DON'T cleanse your ears, or your nose, or trim and clean your finger nails, in public. Cleanliness and neatness in all things pertaining to the person are indispensible, but toilet offices are proper in the privacy of one's apartment only. DON'T stare at the furniture, at pictures. or at other objects, as if you were mentally valuing them; and, of course, don't stare at people present. DON'T contradict. Difference of opinion is no cause of offense, but downright contradiction is a violation of one of the canons of good society. FATHER'S DAY June 15th My Father's Favorite Sayings Honesty is the best policy A. good name is rather to be chosen than great riches A rolling stone gathers no moss A kind deed is never lost Nothing venture, nothing gained Only he who will obey can command Patience is the key of content Promise little and do much Speak on, rather than speak ill The best law is the golden rule He who does his best, does well Denying a fault double is Be friendly and you will never want friends. -o- HER GREAT SECRET Most every meal, when he's at home, my father says, "Stop squirming, child! "Sit in the middle of your chair and don't fall off; you drive me wild!" Between meals, too, he sometimes scolds, using his patient—fretful tone. I tried to mind, for he and I have one deep secret all our own. Sh-h! and I'll tell you: In the night, without the leastest bit of fuss He lets me put his hand to sleep; nobody knows of it but us. I wake and wriggle and I think I'll never go to sleep again; I try to get the covers fixed—I've lost 'em nearly all!—and then A big hand comes tight through the dark and pulls the bed clothes nice and straight; And some one Wispers in my ear: "Don't worry, girl; it isn't late." I just can't help but grab him then; he lets me hug him hard a bit, Then goes away, but leaves his hand; night terrors are afraid of it! And there across the narrow gap between mine and his bigger bed He lets his arm reach out until I am asleep—the gobling fled, The last thing I remember is pretending father's hand a doll That I am lulling off to sleep; then into Dreamland's sea I fall And know no more till it is day. So, though he scolds, I make no fuss; For we've a secret—he and I—that not a person knows but us! If I Had a Boy If I had a boy, I would say to him, Son, Be fair and be square in the race you must run, Be grave if you lose and be meek if you win, Be better and nobler than I've ever been, Be honest and fearless in all that you do And honor the name I have given to you. FLAG DAY June 14 Flag Day was first recognized June 14, 1894, when the Governor of New York ordered the Starts and Stripes to be raised on all public buildings in the state. June 14th is the anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes by the Continental Congress at Philadelphia in the year 1777. -o- THE FLAG GOES BY Hats off! Along the street there comes A blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums, A flash of color beneath the sky; Hats off! The flag is passing by! Blue and crimson and white it shines Over the steel-tipped ordered lines, Hats off! The color before us fly; Sea-fights and land-fights, grim and great, Fought to make and to save the State: Weary marches and sinking ships; Cheers of victory on dying lips; Days of plenty and years of peace; March of a strong lands swift increase; Equal justice, right and law, Stately honor and reverend awe; Sing of a nation great and strong To ward her people from foreign wrong: Pride and glory and honor,—all Live in the colors to stand or fall. Hats off! -o- THE AMERICAN CREED William Tyler Page I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the government; a democracy in a Republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseperabale; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrifices their lives and fortunes. I thereby believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies. -o- AT GRADUATING TIME The graduates are going forth—, God bless them every one!— To run this hard and stubborn world Just as it should be run; But much I fear they'll find that facts Don't always track with dreams; And running this old world is not As easy as it seems. The graduate is prone to think His wisdom is complete. He's but to ask—the wprld will lay It's trophies at his feet. But schooldays done and work begun, He learns to his regret The college of experience He has not mastered yet. The world has garlands and applause At graduating time; But may forget him the next day, When he attempts to climb. Life is a battle where each one Must seek and hold his own. He who would rise above the clouds Must scale the heights alone. This is the rule of life today, As it has ever been: The world bestows its smiles on those Who have the strength to win. Beneath all outward semblances It looks for merit true. It little cares how much you know, But asks, what can you do? -o- HANDS AND FEET Many a busy housewife suffers from cracks in the flesh of the finger tips close to the nail. The remedy for that is to change the washing powder that is used. The flash is injured when it is soft, and soap and clothes are rubbed on the washboard. Women who do no laundry work seldom have them. Clip off the hardened flesh on either side of the wound, using pointed scissors and cover the skin with a bit of adhesive to keep the wound from getting deeper. The human foot is pliable; it can be molded easily to a shape that is important to select proper shoes. If the heel is too high, toes are deformed, and corns and ingrowing nails begin to torment one. Be kind to your feet. Feet need a certain amount of exercise if muscles and fendons are to keep strong. -o- KEEP ON THE SUNNY SIDE "Laugh and the world laughs with you" is an age-old saying that always bears resaying. Happiness, as well as love, makes the world go round, and people everywhere are eager to associate with those who keep on the sunny side of life. Folk who are grouchy or glum are not likely to win or hold many friends. And remember that a grouch is only too often the result of ill health. Haven't you noticed that your happiest hours were those in which you were in the pink of condition? Your health influences your actions, your moods, your manner toward others, your whole outlook on life. Juniors' *Page MONTHLY MESSAGE By Junior Department Dear Juniors: The campaign for new members is over and it turned out to be very successful. Of course, there are yet many prospects to secure and those we shall encourage to join next time, regardless if there is a campaign or not. The more new members join, the more friends we'll have and the stronger and better known our Union will be throughout the country. Vacation is just around the corner and we'll be having a grand time attending picnics, outings, socials, and parties. Only remember, that your meeting is one place you must go to each month and the members will, without a doubt, plan some sort of entertainment and refreshments for your enjoyment. Through this column, I'd like to thank everyone who attended the Benefit dance to assist Miss Jennie To-mazic with the many expenses connected with her serious illness. It was a big success. Many persons will now believe that it makes people happy to be able to contribute some small share in aiding those in need. Folks came from all over to pay respects to the noble cause. Since I'm on this subject, maybe it would be in place to tell you about Jennie's condition. Well, she is coming along just perfectly grand and in a few more months, she'll be well and up and around. "Hurry, Jennie, we miss you." It may be early but I know everybody is looking forward to Field Day in Cleveland which is just a few months away. Do plan to attend! May you all have a very pleasant vacation! No. 14, Cleveland, O. — The first meeting of No. 14 juvenile members was held on April 18, 1941, at the Slovene Society Home on Recher Ave. The following juniors were elected as officers: Mickey Kastelic, president; Elsie Zele, vice-president; Alice Rotar, secretary; Dorothy Zele, recording secretary; Esther Bostjancic, treasurer. Meetings will be held every first Friday of the month in the Slovene Society Home on Recher Avenue. We shall pay two cents every month for our own little treasury so that we can go on hikes or have other things of enjoyment. Be present at our next meeting on June 6, 1941. DOROTHY ZELE, recording sec'y Miss Lillian Ulle and her Brother Tini are two of the most popular dancers» of Slovenian folk dances in the city of Cleveland. Lillian is member of No. 14. Junior Circle and Tini is just as popular with the girls as any boy would ever like to be. As you perhaps already know, the juniors of No. 14. dance in couples, that is the girls are dressed like boys therebv making a typical Slovenian dancing group and Tini being the only real boy of the group certainly deserves a lot of credit. Lillian and Tini have appeared on some very outstanding programs in the city and we are very proud of them. Their mother, aunts and counsins are all loyal members of No. 14 and they contribute a big part of their interest for the welfare of the organization. Congratulations, Lillian and Tini! We know you'll keep your popularity for a long time because you certainly know how to turn in those peppy polkas and be gracious in waltzes. Congratulations also to the mother for bringing up her children to other folks delight. Audrey Ann Germ President of No. 87, Pueblo, Colo. Junior Circle and mascot of St. Mary Cadets. Congratulations, Audrey Ann and the best of luck to you as the presiding officer of a splendid group of girls! St. Mary's Jr. Cadets No. 87, Pueblo, Colo.—Strike up the band! will be a familiar command as the St. Mary's Jr. Cadets go marching by. This organization has just been formed under the supervision of the Senior Cadets. This organization, although being formed recently, has made splendid progress. Junior officers were elected unanimously. They are: President, Audrey Ann Germ; vice-president, Shirley Ann Ovechka; secretary, Mary Pechek; treasurer, Betty Fatur; Sergeant-at-Arms, Nancy Koshak. We now have thirty-five members and more to join before the campaign is ended. We feel it is an honor and are proud to be members of this wonderful organization. The Senior Cadets have our promise that in whatever we undertake we will do our very best and to the officers who have been teaching us "thanks a million." Not only hard work is in store for us, but fun as well, such as our Easter Party. Betty Fatur was chairman and assisting her were eight others. Refreshments, games, and a very lovely program provided the day's fun. All in all, it was a grand party! The No. 87 Jrs. would like to hear from the other Drill teams. Well anyway, I think it's a swell idea and I do enjoy surprises. AUDREY ANN GERM, pres. no. 3, pueblo, colorado, junior glee club LEFT TO RIGHT. Anne Krall, Dorothy Tezak, Joyce Anzick, Helen Ru-par, Virginia Rupar, Georgiana Gregorich, Marie Rupar, Ruth Cid, Rosemary Plutt, Lorraine Tekavec, Josephine THE FLAGMAKERS Theme: "Only those who are true flagmakers may hear my voice." Arrange a large flag from its standard so that the girl who impersonates the flag may be covered by its folds, or place the flag so that the voice of the girl, who is hidden from view, seems to be issuing from it. She should have a good speaking voice and be dressed as "Liberty" (white dress with a strip of red, white and blue bunting tied over shoulder and under arm on opposite side.) The Flagmakers Mary: I am scared to death of that history test today. I am sure I will never pass it. Jane: I took my books home last night and crammed and crammed. I am sorry now that I haven't studied each night so that I would know my lesson. Sue: Well, I am a little nervous, but as I have tried to keep up in my lessons all through, I think I will pass. (They are all very much startled when they hear the voice of the Flag, speaking to the third girl.) Flag: Congratulations, Sue. You have indeed proved yourself to be a true flagmaker. Skerjanc. Seated with accordian is Johnny Kukar. Missing on picture is Donny Kochevar. The No. 3 Junior Glee Club made its first appearance at St. Joseph's Hall, singing Slovenian folk songs on Sue: (In surprised way) Old Glory! Is that you speaking? Why, what have I done to be called a flagmaker? What do you mean? Why, I never made a flag in my life. Flag: But you have not been tardy or absent from school this year, and I just heard you saying that you didn't have to study very hard last night for the test, because you had learned your lesson well each day. In those ways you have fulfilled a duty to yourself and to your country, and therefore proved yourself to be a true flagmaker. Sue: I understand now, and I shall try harder in the future to be a better flagmaker than I have been in the past. Well, girls, we must hurry now or we shall be late, and that would not be a good way to fulfill the part of better flagmakers. Good-by, Old Glory! -0- ANN'S GIFT ^NN and Billy were twins and always had such good times together. But now Billy was tucked away in bed, getting well, and Ann didn't know quite what to do with herself. "Billy, I have thirty cents and I think I will go to the Party Shop and buy that little doll we saw in the window," Ann said as she perched herself on the foot of her brother's bed to talk to him. "Oh, Ann, please wait until I can go with you! Mother says that I may get up tomorrow, and then in a couple of days I could go, too. By that time I will have thirty cents and I want to get that little red automobile." Billy's voice was anxious for he and Ann had been saving their weekly allowance for weeks for the trip to the Party Shop, and now Ann was planning to go without him. Mother's Day program May 11, 1941. Mrs. Mary Fritzel is director of the group and Joyce Anzick the accompanist. Congratulations and may you bring much happiness to everyone in Pueblo! "But, Billy, tomorrow is Saturday and I would have all day to sew for the doll!" "Oh, Ann, I'll have nothing new to do tomorrow; please, please wait for me!" Here Billy's voice broke and tears stood in his big brown eyes. "No, I'm going now—and please don't cry!" Ann said rather crossly, so crossly in fact, that it brought Mother in from the sewing room to find out the trouble. Both children tried to explain at the same time and when she finally understood she looked rather unhappily at Ann before she turned to the little boy in bed. "Son, if Ann wants to go without you, we won't keep her, but, if I were a six-year-old boy, I wouldn't cry about it." So Ann left the room and started for the store. For some reason she did not feel as if she wanted to skip and sing as she usually did; she felt sad and lonesome. She tried to think about the pretty dresses that she would make for the new doll, but instead she found herself thinking of poor Billy with nothing new to play with. "If my doll doesn't cost the whole thirty cents I will buy something for Billy with the rest," Ann told herself as she walked along. She found that this thought made fer feet seem much lighter, but still she couldn't skip and sing! Finally she reached the store and stopped to look in at the window to see if the doll was still there. Yes, there she was, and she was beside Billy's red automobile! "O, dear," sighed Ann. "I wish the lady would let me have the doll and car both for thirty cents." Slowly she entered the shop. The shopkeeper was busy waiting upon an- other little girl. Ann was glad, for it gave her time to decide what she wanted to do. At last the little girl left, and the lady came to wait upon her. She looked down and smiled. "And what do you want, little girl?" "Please, may I see the doll and automobile in the window?" Ann asked. The toys were taken from the window and put upon the showcase before her. "How much are they?" Ann inquired hopefully. "They are each thirty cents," was the disappointing answer. Ann's face fell, she had so hoped that she could buy both. She stood first upon one foot and then upon the other, gazing at the lovely little doll and the dashing red car. "I guess I'll take the doll," Ann said at last with a sigh. She opened her pocket book and counted out her money and laid it upon the counter while the doll was being wrapped up. "Thank you, and I hope that you will make the dolly some pretty dresses," the lady said as Ann went out. She walked along slowly, looking now and again at her feet, for they seemed even heavier then when she left home. Surely she must be wearing a pair of Mother's high-heeled shoes or else Billy's baseball shoes. But no, the shoes on her feet were her own snug-fitting play shoes that she had put on when she came home from school. "O dear, I wish that I had the little red car, too; then going home would be so much fun!" ,As Ann said that she discovered that she was standing in front of her own home. She stopped and looked up a tthe door; it almost seemed as if the front door were frowning at her. It was foolish, of course, but she felt that the door didn't want her to walk across its sill with the doll that she was holding so tightly. Suddenly she turned and skipped down the street again. Now her feet were as light as thistledown and she was singing a gay little tune under her breath, for she was on her way back to the store to ask the lady to give her the automobile in place of the doll. In no time at all she was standing in the shop smiling up at the shopkeeper. "Would you please change this doll for the red automobile in the window?" Ann asked eagerly. "Why, yes, indeed, but what a funny little girl you are to want that in place of the cute little doll," the lady answered as she walked to the window and removed the car and replaced the doll. This time she placed the doll astride a dapple-grey horse. When Ann had the little car safely in her hands, and had hurriedly thanked the lady for it, she danced out of the door and fairly flew home. She stopped once more and dooked up at the door; the frown was gone and a welcoming gleam shone from the transom for dusk had come and the lights were lit. The happy child slipped into the house quietly and was stealing softly up the stairs when Mother called her back to the living room. "Ann, please don't go into Billy's room with your new doll. It will only make him more unhappy," said Mother. "Just go up to the play room until your supper time." "Mother, I haven't the doll; I have the red automobile for Billy. May I take it up to him?" Ann spoke anxiously. Mother's frown changed to a smile and her arms were held out to her little daughter. "Thank you, Ann. I didn't think you wanted to make us unhappy. We will both go up to Billy." Hand in hand they went up the stairs and entered Billy's room. He was laying curled up in a little ball, looking wistfully at the door. When he saw Ann he said, "Is my car still there?" "No, it's gone. Someone bought li while I was in the store," Ann answered, looking up with a wink at her mother. "See, how do you like my doll?" Listlessly, Billy picked up the package that Ann had laid beside him. But as the paper dropped from it he sat tip in bed. "Oh, Ann, thank you so much. It is even spiffier than I thought! But where is your doll?" "She's back at the store. I thought that little one I have would do. She really is quite a nice doll, even if she has lost one arm," Ann answered. "No, she won't do. When I get up I'll buy you the new one with my money," Billy declared. "Let's play 'garage' now; shall we?" Ann nodded. Saturday was going to be a happy day for them. -.—o- swua states COLORADO By Josephine Bradach, No. 50 The Columbine is the flower of the Centennial or Silver State. Its area is 103,948 square miles and is seventh rank. Its population in 1935 was 1,062,000. The Slovenian Woman's Union has 545 members in its six branches, and is therefore fifth in place. Colorado, one of the Mountain States, is bounded on the north by Wyoming, and Nebraska, on the east by Nebraska and Kansas, on the south by Oklahoma and New Mexico, and on the west by Utah. Its topography is varied, being plains lands in the east and south, but rising to the elevations of the Rocky Mountain range in the west; 40 peaks towering to an altitude of 14,000 feet. The chief crop is sugar beets; others are cantalopes, wheat, corn, potatoes. The chief minerals produced are gold, copper, silver and coal. Petroleum is yielded. There are extensive oil shale lands. Radium and tungsten are found. Gold output exceeds $12,700,000 a year; silver $4,400,000. The western ranges abound in forage grasses on which large numbers of food animals and horses live and produce vast annual wealth. The climate is warm in' summer and cold in winter, but dry, and stimulating. It is said that the sky is absolutely cloudless in Denver on 300 days of the year. Higher education is served by the State University, University of Denver, Colorado College, State Agricultural College, State Teacher's College, State Normal and the State School of Mines. The Meas Verde, of green mesa, so-called because its juniper and pinon trees give it a verdant tone, is 15 miles long by eight miles wide. Rising abruptly from the valley on the north side, its top slopes gradually southward to the high cliffs bordering the canyon of the Mancos River on the south. Into this valley open a number of large high-walled canyons through which occasionally in times of heavy rain, raging torrents of water flow into the Mancos. In the shelter of the caves that have been eroded in the sides of these canyons are some of the best-preserved cliff dwellings in America, built many centuries ago by a tribe of peace-loving Indians who prized the security offered by the almost inaccessible caves. In the winter the park is closed to travel by deep snow, but in the early spring the blanket of snow is replaced by a mantle of flowers that change with the seasons. Cliff Palace is the largest known cliff dwelling. Dr. Pewkes, who excavated the ruin in 1909, placed the number of living rooms at slightly more than 200. Very few of the walls reached the top of the cave because of its great height, but many of the structures were as high as two and three stories. Near the south end of the ruin is the tallest structure, a four-story tower that reached the cave roof. Ground space appropriate for building purposes was at a premium in the cave. To provide for an increasing population, second, -third -and even fourth-story rooms were superimposed on the original single-story structures which predominated in the initial cliff-dweller occupation of this site. When the cliff dwellers started building in the cave, they were confronted with the problem of an uneven floor. The floor of the cave slanted from the back to the front and was covered with huge angular boulders that had fallen from the cave roof. This problem the cliff dwellers solved by erecting terraces and filling in the irregular places. The open spaces between the boulders were excellent for kivas, as there was not a great deal of excavation necessary. After kiva walls were built, extra space was filled with trash and dirt. When the flat kiva roof was added a level court resulted. Around this court the homes were constructed, often on the rough surface of the boulders. Because of the uneven flow and the terracing that was necessary, six distinct terrace levels resulted. Because the inhabitants of the Cliff Palace were forced to store enough corn each fall to last until the next harvest a great many storage rooms were constructed. Any small nook or cranny that was too small for a home was utilized for the purpose. Far back in the cave a number were constructed of large, thin sandstone slabs. These slabs were placed on end to form small rectangular rooms. When the door slabs were in place and all of the crevices were well chinked with mud the gran was safe from the rodents. HOME MAKIMG Selected by Anne Petrich HOME COOKING Pork Chops, Mexican Style Brown 6 pork chops (\l/2 lbs.) in a hot skillet, adding no fat since they are sufficiently fat themselves. Place in a casserole, add salt, pepper and a shake of chili powder. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons raw rice, slice over the meat 2 onions and 1 green pepper, add a large can of tomatoes. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. * Baked Parsnips 8 medium-sized parsnips T/s teaspoon pepper •34 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter Select parsnips that are plump and fresh. Peel or scrape and cut in eighths, lengthwise and crosswise. Place in a well-buttered casserole; sprinkle with the salt and pepper; dot with butter, or substitute; and barely cover with boiling water. Put on a lid and bake in a hot oven, 400 degrees, until the parsnips are tender, about 40 minutes. These go well with steaks, chops or roast beef. Moquin Salad Canned pineapple Cream cheese French dressing Currant jelly Lettuce Work cheese and moisten with French dressing. Arrange slices of pineapple on a crisp lettuce leaf. Decorate with the cheese mixture forced through a pastry bag and tube. Put teaspoon of currant jelly in the center of the cheese. Serve with French dressing. This is an excellent salad to serve with lamb, pork or ham. Chopped Egg Sauce 1 cup medium white sauce. 1 chopped hard-cooked egg 1 tbp. minced green pepper Yt. tsp. salt % tsp. pepper Combine the medium white sauce with the finely chopped hard-cooked egg; then add the salt and pepper and heat in a double boiler until heated thoroughly. The chopped green pepper can be omitted, but many prefer it in this sauce. Egg Au Gratin 4 halved hard-cooked eggs y2 cup grated cheese 2 cups white sauce cup dry bread crumbs 1 tbp. melted butter Arrange the eggs in a greased baking dish or casserole. Combine the white sauce and cheese; and pour over the eggs. Stir the crumbs into the melted butter and sprinkle over the top. Bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees, for about 15 minutes, or until brown. A medium white sauce is used. Chicken Salad Loaf 1 loaf unsliced bread 3 cups finely chopped chicken 2 tablespoons each minced celery, onion, parsley Mayonnaise to moisten 1 can jellied cranberry sauce 1 cup mayonnaise Remove crusts from all sides of bread and cut lengthwise slice from top. Hollow out the loaf, leaving walls the same thickness as top slice of bread about inch thick. Combine cooked chicken, seasonings and mayonnaise as necessary and pack into the loaf. Cover with top slice. Slice y2 can cranberry sauce and cut into hearts for garnish. Mash one cup of the sauce and blend thoroughly with the cup of mayonnaise. Spread over the loaf and chill. Slice as shown. Bake an angelfood cake made with \x/2 cups egg whites, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar, teaspoon salt, 1 y2 cups sugar and 1 cup cake flour, flavoring with vanilla and almond extract. This requires a four-quart tube pan with 300 degrees for 30 minutes and 325 degrees for 40 minutes. Cool, inverted, for an hour, remove and store 12 hours before icing. This makes it far easier to cut in even slices. Frosting: Add a dash of salt to lA cup crushed strawberries, blend in 2 teaspoons lemon juice and about 4 cups sifted confectioner's sugar. This frosting must not be too stiff since it is spread rather thinly on such a cake. Very lcvely for the pale pink bridal table. Fluffy Yellow Cake l/2 cup shortening 1 y2 cups sugar 4 well-beaten egg yolks 3 cups cake flour x/2 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract y2 teaspoon almond extract 4 egg whites beaten stiff Thoroughly cream shortening and sugar; add egg yolks and beat until fluffy. Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with milk and extracts, beaten well after each addition. Fold in egg whites. Bake in two greased, 9-inch, layer pans in moderate oven, 350 degrees, 30 minutes. Use any desired frosting. For variation y2 to Ya cup broken California walnut meats or pecan meats may be added before folding in egg whites. household hints Dress up the meat course with apricots—open a canful, adorn with whole cloves and heat in the oven; serve hot. * * * Season the stuffing for veal highly, as veal is the most tasteless of all meats, and savory stuffing improves it. * * & A system that sometimes works in curing children who bite their fingel-nails is to develop a sense of pride in the appearance of their nails. If they have little emery boards they can perhaps be persuaded to keep their nails smooth and trimmed. It is not only a very bad habit to let them continue, but it is a very dangerous one, considering the germs that lurk beneath the nails. * * * Peaches will not darken, even when peeled ahead of time, if wholly immersed in bowl of half milk and half water. Weight down with a plate. When ready to use, rinse off and slice. * * * Above all, remember that health is the basis of real beauty. Sparkling eyes, glowing skin, vitality and pep will make plain features look attractive. * * * Get plenty of sleep in a well ventilated room. Do not have your bedroom crowded with draperies. # * * Marks on furniture. The white marks made by liquids on varnished surfaces can often be removed if rubbed at once with a cut lemon or a little vinegar. Then rinse off with clear water and polish dry. Marks made by bumps on dark polished furniture may be covered by painting with iodine and then polishing. # * * To dry chamois. If you use chamois skins to clean windows and glassware (and there is nothing better), you have discovered that they dry like a board. The secret is to dry them in the wind or in front of an electric fan. Then they'll be soft and pliable. -o- catholic outlook on the jewish question BY MISS MARY C. MISKULIN Member of No. 95, South Chicago, IU. The ever surmounting tendency of hostility toward the Jews has defied temporal and geographical barriers, and it is natural to ask why the Jews have borne the brunt of so much passionate hate. The very diversity, nature. and extravagance, of the accusations heaped upon then heads makes them incredible. No other human group has been accused of more iniquities than has the Jewish race. Anti-Semitism has been the chameleon of history; it is constantly changing; always appealing to the certain prejudices suited to that particular age; it appropriates the most hated disparagements of any period and attaches them to this unhappy people. In any age it can be found that there has always been a constant tendency to wrap passionate desires and selfish interests underlying the hatred for the Jews in the noble garments of religious and racial idealism. But, however, we must face the grave danger that a persistent attitude in this direction will eventually bury him in the tomb of the modern enemies of civilization. Considering anti-Semetism broadly, we may set down three differences of opinion which have contributed toward the feeling of anti-Semitism amongst peoples and the birth of the Jew as he is today: religious, economic and nationalistic. Religious differences from that of the people among whom they find themselves has had a decided influence on their history, as it is a known fact that religious friction among mankind varies in proportion to the intensity with which such beliefs are upheld. .Secondly, the Jew has been ensnared into a very limited field of economic activity, commerce and finance; a status much regretted by the Jews themselves which has had the effect of making them disliked by the people among whom they live. This has, indeed, been a fertile source of anti-Semitic feeling. The last broad source of anti-Semitism has been our growing nationalism with its resultant biased sentiments. As regards the religious factors we forget that the fact that Christ was rejected by many of the chosen people is offset by the equally important consideration that Mary, the Apostles, and most of the early Christians were themselves Jews. Above all, this same people gave us Christ. The Old Testament has been accepted in its entirety by Christianity and the new religion should never forget that it was given life to a great extent by the Jewish teachings of which Christianity was merely a fulfillment. As far as the economic question is concerned we drove and compelled the Jew to eke out his existence as best as he could in a limited field. Today anti-Semitism suffers from the conception of the absolute sub-ordination of the individual to the state, so, at present nationalism joins hands with the other factors and becomes the most universal and vicious enemy of Judaism. Now, today, the chief complaint against the Jew is that he holds beliefs and practices which do not permit his co-ordination in the absolutists state; that his interests transcend the bounderies of the particular nation; that he professes a universal religion, a doctrine at variance to the nationalistic doctrine of a homogeneous country and people. After the war, Germany waddled in discontent and as years rolled on and conditions failed to rectify, it was only natural that they should question their own past in an endeavor to discover the cause for the disasters which had befallen them. Selfappointed prophets with great fanatacism argued that the Jew defeated his country's purpose by a treacherous pacificism; he profited while others starved; he supported the republic, the symbol of defeat; he constructed the dangerous naize of international capitalism; and by a strange paradox, created the dangerous scepter of international communism. The justification of this wave of anti-Semitism, which became the foundation of nazi policy, was elaborated into a racial myth and termed "scientific." According to their ideal-ogy there is one perfect race, the Aryan. which can be diverted from its noble destiny only by contamination with inferior groups. There are no fundamentally inferior races; and the differences between races, especially the moral and intellectual differences, are not nearly so great as those which exist between individual members of one and the same race. Also, because of constant intermingling a small proportion of the present day Jews represent the people who once lived in the region around the Jordon. Unity among the Jewish people comes from religion, not from race; which is rekindled in them at painful intervals through persecution. Persecution is one factor which makes for the production of a definite human type. Persecution also inclines the modern Jew toward radicalism; but for the most part he has-, so far, resisted the attraction of extremist movement. This drift toward radicalism has been assuaged by his particularly conservative faith, Judaism. . The notion of a totalitarian state is hostile to Jewish tradition, and the idea of a dictatorship of the proletariat is abhorrent to a people who have long identified themselves with the best interests of the middle class. Finally, the sense of possession and private ownership is strong within him, and he does not readily accept any movement which' would destroy both at one stroke. Of course, because of his tragic history he is inclined to be in sympathy with any movement which will promise him equality of opportunity, although at heart he is not a radical. While anti-Semitism has reached its most vulgar proportions in Germany. it is present in different degrees of virulence in many nations of the world. Here, it can be indicated, that the term anti-Semitism is very inaccurate in describing the Jew as the majority of them are not Semites and have not used a Semitic language as their native tongue for over 2,000 years. We have made the Jew what he is today and to deny the obvious facts of history. To pass strict judgement upon a people who have been nursed in hate and oppression is to neglect the basic laws of justice, charity and love. So violently does this rising tide of racial hatred clash with the fundamentals of Christianity, so completely is it out of keeping with the great principles brotherhood laid down by the Jew of Jews, that do tolerate it is a grave neglect of duty. It is far more reasonable to understand the Jew in the light of the conditions we have created and which in turn shaped him into what he is today. Not only is this a rational attitude, but one consistent with the high principles of His teachings. BOW LING "Bowling for the season is ended— but the memory lingers on . . ." The 1940-41 SWUA bowling season was an interesting one because every month brought about certain changes in the formation of teams, etc. We wouldn't be telling the truth, if we would say that everything was rosy all of the time, for there were times when we didn't know if every division had regular bowling teams or not. This uncertainty was caused by the lack of reports from the various groups and we did not knod at any time exactly, how many teams we had in the league. We must admit, however, that when the tournament time was approaching, reports began to pour in from all sides. That, too, was allright, but it would be much easier for all concerned if we had teams bowling in the SWUA League from the beginning of the season. Then we would know exactly what to expect at the close of the season. To be suggesting, how to remedy this situation in order not to repeat the same uncertainty next season, would be a waste of words at this time. But there is one thing, we would like to suggest and that is for the members who wish to belong to our league, to report to your respective secretary to keep your name on the list and when September comes around, and the time passes quickly, the secretary should call all those interested to a meeting and plans for the season discussed. The time to make changes and to submit suggestions is at the beginning of the season. That is a sure way of avoiding disoppaintments just before the big events. In the three divisions that hold tournaments, we had 62 bowling teams. There were 35 in the midwest division —24 in Ohio division and 13 in the Pennsylvania divisions. This is an improvement over last year, but we know it can be doubled for the next season if we only do the right thing by ourselves. By expressing our opinion at the right time and not any time, anywhere and to anybody. Too many words often kill good ideas. Don't you think so? Here is a report that we know many have been waiting for. Of course, we are giving it to you in short form but we expect to have a picture of the winners in the coming edition, that is what we have been promised by the girls, lest they forget. Hope not! National Champs Since the winning team of Ohio division attended the Midwest division tournament, it was decided that the winner of the latter division and they roll the final game to determine the National Champs on the evening of the Midwest tournament. May 4, 1941. The traveling fund of $50 to be divided equally between the two groups being that both were present and there will be no expense for traveling. It was very exciting for all those who remained to witness this contest. The girls were tired, but there was nothing to stop them from doing their best. The results were as follows: Joliet Fur Shoppe, Joliet, 111. J. Ramuta ............................115 168 126 J. Buchar ..............................151 113 181 M. Pazdertz ..........................179 169 171 A. Mutz ..................................128 149 121 E. O grin ................................177 159 167 Totals .....................................750 768 766 Grand total ......................................2284 Lucak Councilman, Cleveland, O. E. Hrovat ..............................155 118 133 H. Palgut ..............................176 129 126 A. Glavich ............................100 126 105 F. Kovach ............................142 118 122 M. Novak ..............................142 152 170 Totals ....................................721 643 656 Grand totals ......................................2020 National Champs: Modern Fur Shoppe, Joliet, 111., Josephine Ramuta, captain. Score 2284. Congratulations! MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT RESULTS S. W. U. MIDWEST TOURNAMENT PRIZE LIST Modern Pur Shoppe, Joliet ..........................................2137—$17.00 Finst Grocers, Sheboygan ............................................2078— 15.00 Councilman M. Lucak, Cleveland (Newburgh) ,0. 2057— 13.00 Wencel's Dairy, Chicago ..............................................2029— 11.00 Marie Prisland Cadets, Sheboygan ..........................2009— 9.50 Stratford Studios, La Salle ..........................................1961— 8.25 Papesh's Tavern, Joliet ................................................1932— 7.25 S. W. U. No. 5, Team No. 3, Indianapolis ..............1930— 6.00 Jerina's Meat Market, Chicago .................................1922— 5.00 Total ...............................................................................$92 (W First High Team Game Modem Fur Shoppe, Joliet ............................................775—$ 4.00 Second High Team Game Finst Groceries, Sheboygan ..........................................743— 3.00 Total ..........................•...................................................$ 7.00 Team Winners Josephine Ramute ..................165 114 154— 433 Josephine Buchar ....................164 147 129— 440 Mary Pazdertz ..........................149 157 130— 436 Anne Mutz ..................................124 123 120— 367 Edith Ogrin ................................173 154 134— 461 Totals ......................775 695 667—2137 Doubles Emma Urbancic-Julia Turk, Newburgh, 0.............940—$ 7.00 Anne Papesh-Florence Benedict, Joliet ..................872— 6.00 Mary Novak-Frances Kovach, Newburgh, 0...........871— 5.00 Josephine Ramuta-Edith Ogrin, Joliet ....................868— 4.00 Mame Umek-Anne Mutz, Joliet ...............................865— 3.00 Theresa Rakun-Louise Ribich, Sheboygan ..............864— 3.00 Total ................................................................$28.00 First High Game Emma Urbancic-Julia Turk, Newburgh ....................341—$ 2.00 Second High Game Josephine Ramuta-Edith Ogrin, Joliet ....................328—$ 1.00 Total ..........................................................$ 3.00 Doubles Winners Emma Urbancic .............................................180 138 165— 483 Julia Turk ..........................................................161 131 165— 457 341 269 330— 940 Individuals Theresa Papesh, Chicago ..............................................504—$ 6.00 Mary Pazdertz, Joliet .....................................................500— 5.00 Julia Turk, Newburgh ....................................................499— 4.00 Edith Ogrin, Joliet ............................................................497— 3.50 Rose Steber, Sheboygan ..................................................479— 3.00 Elsie Wencel. Chicago ....................................................478— 2.50 Vera Adams, South Chicago..........................................472— 2.00 Ann Peskar. Newburgh .................................................448— 1.50 Caroline Hallee, Sheboygan ........................................443— 1.50 Mary Novak, Newburgh ................................................442— 1.50 Total ..........................................................$30.50 Winner (Theresa Papesh, Chicago ........................167 139 198— 504) High Game Any Event Elinore Hrovat, Newburgh ............................................202—$ 4.00 All Events Edith Ogrin, Joliet ........................................................1448—$ 4.00 Julia Turk, Newburgh ................................................1351— 3.00 Mary Pazdertz, Joliet ...................................................1336— 2.00 Total ........................................................$ 9.00 Team Event—Goodfellowship S. W. U. No. 5, Team No. 1, Indianapolis ........................$ 6.00 Lodge No. 16 Aces, South Chicago ........................................ 6.00 S. W. U., No. 2 Boosters, Chicago ................................................................................6.00 J-Z Blue Flame Oil, Chicago ..............................................................................................6-00 Reliance Federal Savings and Loan, Chicago....................................6.00 Tomazin's Tavern, Chicago ....................................................................................................5-00 Erjavec Cadets. Joliet ............................................................................................................................5.00 Nemanich Florist's, Joliet ................................................................................................................5.00 A. Ribich Tavern, Sheboygan ................................................................................................5.00 Manhattan Cafe, Newburgh ..................................................................................................5.00 Parkview Laundry, Chicago......................................................................................................5.00 S. W. U., No. 43, Team No. 1, Milwaukee ....................................................5.00 American-Slovenian Organization, Sheboygan ............................5.00 Total ..........................................................$70.00 Doubles—Goodfellowship M. Ribich-F. Ribich, Sheboygan .........................................$2.00 L. Kozek-A. Kabover, Chicago ..........................................................................................2.00 M. Morzek-F. Vranichar, Joliet...........................................................................2.00 A. Howard-L. Zefran, Chicago ........................................................................................2.00 H. Mervar-C. Haelle, Sheboygan ....................................................................................2.00 Mrs. Ambrose-M. Terlep, Joliet ........................................................................................2.00 T. Papesh-R. Retel, Chicago ..................................................................................................2.00 C. Kosmach-E. Wencel, Chicago ....................................................................................2.00 J. Mahkovec-J. Buchar. Joliet ........................................................................................2.00 A. Peskar-R. Urbancic, Newburgh ................................................................................2.00 Total ........................................................$20.00 Individuals—Goodfellowship Mary Ribich, Sheboygan ........................................................$ 2.00 Rene Rigoni, Joliet ........................................................................................................................................2.00 Antonia Glavic. Newburgh ............................................................................................................2.00 Zora Yurkus, South Chicago ..............................................................................................1.50 Mame Umek, Joliet ....................................................................................................................................1.50 Helen Mervar, Sheboygan ............................................................................................................1.50 Elinore Hrovat, Newburgh ........................................................................................................1.00 Anne Papesh, Joliet ....................................................................................................................................1.00 Ann Howard, Chicago ...........................................................'.. 1.00 Lillian Kozek, Chicago ........................................................................................................................1.00 Anna Kabover, Chicago ........................................................................................................................1.00 Josephine Buchar, Joliet ................................................................................................................1.00 Florence Benedict, Joliet ................................................................................................................1.00 Lillian Kochevar, Joliet ..................................................................................................................1.00 Total ..........................................................$18.50 Report submitted by MRS. LILLIAN KOZEK, Secretary Midwest Division -o- YOUR SPORTS DIRECTOR IS GRATEFUL The Midwest Tournament held May 3 and 4, 1941, at the YMCA Alleys, 91st and Houston Ave., South Chicago, Illinois, was attended by one of the largest groups ob bowl-eretes in the history of our League. There were 35 teams present from the midwest division which proves that the interest for bowling, among the so-called "weaker sex," is steadily increasing. It was a pleasure to meet the members from the different branches of our organization and with the personal acquaintance with so many of our diligent bowleretes, I have gained new gems for my treasure chest of friendships. At this time, I wish to extend my sincere felicitations to all who worked untiringly in making plans for the tournament and also to branch No. 16 for the entertainment Saturday and Sunday. I hope that we will continue in this sport with still greater skill and all-around interest, that when the time of our 1942 tournament season comes around, that the number will be doubled. I also hope that we will have more visiting teams from distant places and such can be realized if the members begin to bowl in the beginning of the season, that is, in September, and start a traveling fund into which the bowleretes contribute weekly plus their bowling fees and before you know it, there will be enough money together to go on the much desired trip. Many thanks to the officers Anna Modiz, Lillian Kozek, J. Ramuta, Zora Yurkas, and others who rendered every assistance needed and also to Mr. Francis of Sheboygan for the extra fine management and to Mr. Wenzel for his many courtesies and to Mrs. Mary Tomazin of Chicago.—A. N. FINANČNO POROČILO S. Ž. ZVEZE ZA MESEC APRIL, 1941 Financial Report of S. W. U. for April, 1 941 DOHODKI: Mesečnina St. Podružnica Redni 1 Sheboygan, Wis.....................................$ 44.25 2 Chicago 111......................................................................................53.00 3 Pueblo, Colo..................................................................................56.50 4 Oregon City, Ore..................................................................9.50 5 Indianapolis, Ind..................................................................38.60 6 Barberton, Ohio ....................................................................51.25 7 Forest City, Pa..........................................................................39.50 8 Steelton, Pa......................................................................................21.00 9 Detroit, Mich..................................................................................16.75 10 Collinwood, Ohio ....................................................................142.00 12 Milwaukee, Wis..........................................................................77.50 13 San Francisco, Cal..............................................................44.00 14 Nottingham, Ohio ................................................................111.20 15 Newburgh, Ohio ....................................................................98.50 16 South Chicago, 111..............................................................46.75 17 West Allis, Wis......................................................................41.50 18 Cleveland, Ohio ........................................................................24.50 19 Eveleth Minn..............................................................................36.00 20 Joliet, 111..............................................................................................137.25 21 Cleveland, Ohio ....................................................................33.60 22 Bradley, 111......................................................................................6.75 23 Ely, Minn..........................................................................................77.25 24 La Salle, 111..................................................................................38.00 25 Cleveland, Ohio ....................................................................264.65 26 Pittsburgh, Pa..........................................................................44.00 27 North Braddock Pa..........................................................24.85 28 Calumet, Mich..........................................................................31.50 29 *Browndale, Pa..........................................................................9.25 30 Aurora, 111..........................................................................................10.00 31 Gilbert Minn..................................................................................29.75 32 Euclid, Ohio ....................................................................................50.35 33 New Duluth, Minn..............................................................18.50 34 Soudan Minn..................................................................................9.25 35 Aurora, Minn..............................................................................22.50 36 McKinley, Minn......................................................................6.75 37 Greaney, Minn..........................................................................12.10 38 Chisholm, Minn..................................................................55.75 39 Biwabik, Minn..........................................................................11.50 40 Lorain, Ohio ....................................................................................40.60 41 Collinwood, Ohio ................................................................86.50 42 Maple Heights, Ohio ....................................................11.50 43 Milwaukee, Wis......................................................................33.50 45 Portland, Ore..............................................................................15.25 46 St. Louis, Mo..................................................................................11.00 47 Garfield Heights, Ohio ............................................41.50 48 Buhl Minn..........................................................................................5.25 49 Noble, Ohio ....................................................................................27.75 50 Cleveland, Ohio ........................................................................37.00 51 Kenmore, Ohio ........................................................................6.25 52 Kitzville, Minn..........................................................................14.00 53 Brooklyn, Ohio ........................................................................13.00 54 Warren, Ohio ............................................................................18.40 55 Girard, Ohio ....................................................................................19.25 56 Hibbing, Minn..............................................................................40.50 57 Niles, Ohio ........................................................................................— — 59 Burgettstown, Pa..................................................................7.50 61 Braddock, Pa..............................................................................18.30 62 Conneaut, Ohio ........................................................................6.00 63 Denver, Colo..................................................................................17.25 64 Kansas City, Kans..............................................................17.75 65 Virginia, Minn..........................................................................22.25 66 Canon City, Colo..............................................................12.75 67 Bessemer, Pa..............................................................................20.25 68 Fairport Harbor, Ohio ................................................4.50 70 West Aliquippa, Pa..........................................................5.75 71 Strabane, Pa..................................................................................21.75 72 Pullman, 111..................................................................................14.25 73 Warrensville, Ohio ............................................................16.25 74 Ambridge, Pa..............................................................................18.70 77 N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa......................................................16.75 78 Leadville, Colo..........................................................................12.15 79 Enumclaw, Wash..................................................................5.25 80 Moon Run, Pa..........................................................................8.50 81 Keewatin, Minn..........................................................................16.75 83 Crosby, Minn..............................................................................4.75 Družab. Zarja Mlad. Prist, članice članice $ 1.20 $ $ $ .10 30 — 80 10 20 20 30 — 70 80 50 60 10 10 60 10 60 10 90 00 70 90 60 90 30 60 20 20 20 10 30 40 00 30 40 30 50 60 40 20 40 10 50 30 00 20 10 10 — 10 10 20 50 10 20 60 10 — 10 30 10 30 30 10 10 30 10 40 10 40 20 10 40 Razno S .10 .25 70 25 25 40 — 60 20 — 20 — 20 20 30 10 — 10 50 70 25 50 35 75 25 25 10 25 25 10 Skupaj $ 45.55 53.35 60.50 9.60 40.55 52.35 40.20 21.00 16.85 147.95 78.70 44.10 118.00 102.60 47.35 41.60 25.40 38.20 145.55 34.70 6.75 80.85 39.35 272.05 45.05 25.05 31.70 9.25 11.15 30.15 52.40 18.70 9.75 23.10 6.85 13.60 56.40 11.70 44.60 87.90 11.50 35.50 15.45 11.00 41.50 5.25 28.45 37.85 6.65 14.00 13.00 19.85 19.75 40.60 8.00 18.60 6.10 17.65 17.75 22.25 13.75 20.65 4.50 5.95 21.95 15.65 16.25 18.80 17.05 12.65 5.75 8.50 17.05 4.75 Št članic Redni Mlad. 177 12 220 — 226 39 154 205 159 84 68 592 312 176 447 393 185 164 98 142 550 135 27 307 153 1,056 174 99 126 37 39 119 201 75 40 91 28 49 227 47 164 342 46 133 61 44 152 21 108 148 25 56 52 73 79 165 50 30 69 24 69 71 89 51 68 18 23 87 57 58 74 67 49 20 34 67 19 33 17 8 5 56 11 1 56 41 6 1 9 20 76 9 36 9 63 6 2 2 18 1 2 2 12 1 33 14 20 12 4 1 7 5 3 10 2 11 št. 84 85 86 87 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 99 100 101 DOHODKI: Mesečnina Družab. Podružnica Redni Mlad. Prist, članice New York City, N. Y......................................................20.70 —.— De Pue, 111............................................. 8.25 —.— Nashwauk, Minn................................. 6.25 —.— Pueblo, Colo..................................................................................16.10 2.80 Oglesby, 111......................................................................................27.00 1.00 Johnstown, Pa..........................................................................20.75 1.00 Bridgeville Pa..............................................................................21.50 —.— Verona, Pa......................................................................................14.00 .40 Crested Butte, Colo............................. 7.50 —.— Brooklyn, N. Y..........................................................................12.75 — .— Canton, Ohio ................................................................................10.00 .50 South Chicago, 111.........................................31.60 1.30 Universal, Pa. .. Cairnbrook, Pa. Oglesby, 111....... Ottawa, 111......... Duluth, Minn. 12.00 9.15 6.50 4.75 4.50 .30 .40 .10 Skupaj......................................................$2,767.80 $73.70 $—.— Obresti od City of New York Bonds 4%%—$1000............5 21.25 Obresti cd U. S. Treasury Bonds, 4^4%— $6000.......... 127.51 Obresti od U. S. Treasury Bonds, 3^4%—$3000.......... 48.75 . $ Skupni dohodki .. * Asesment za marc Zarja članice .50 .10 .10 .10 1.40 .20 .60 Razno .40 — .— .50 —, Skupaj 21.20 8.35 6.35 19.00 29.40 21.95 22.10 14.40 7.50 12.75 10.50 32.90 12.40 9.45 6.50 5.65 4.60 28 10 10 Št.članic Redni Mlad 84 — 33 — 25 — 64 108 83 56 30 51 39 126 48 34 26 19 19 5 13 0 $ 8.80 $ 5.50 $2,859.40 11,115 743 .$ 197.51 .$3,056.91 STROŠKI: Za umrlo Johanna Nahtigal, podr. št. 2 (roj. 24. jun. 1886, pristopila 25. maja 1934, umrla 8. aprila 1941) ............$ 100.00 Za umrlo Anna Terček, podr. št. 4 (roj. 10. avg. 1876, pristopila 12. jan. 1927, umrla 11. feb. 1941) ................................................100.00 Za umrlo Pauline Lekše, podr. št. 25 (roj. 13. jan. 1882, pristopila 13. marca 1933, umrla 16. marca 1941) ....................100.00 Za umrlo Dora Brozenich, podr. št. 26 (roj. 13. dec. 1887, pristopila 8. avg. 1929, umrla 1. aprila 1941) ............................100.00 Za umrlo Anna Kocjan, podr. št. 30 (roj. 15. jun. 1891, pristopila 3. marca 1936, umrla 30. marca 1941) ................................100.00 Za umrlo Mary Cimperman, podr. št. 32 (roj. 15. julija 1900, pristopila 6. maja 1930, umrla 2. aprila 1941) ........................100.00 Za umrlo Rose Evanich, podr. št. 43 (roj. 26. avg. 1905, pristopila 12. marca 1933. umrla 2. aprila 1941) ........................100.00 Za umrlo Alesandra Bonazza, podr. št. 49 (roj. 24. jun. 1885, pristopila 9. marca 1936, umrla 6. aprila 1941) ............100.00 Za umrlo Mary Rosenberger, podr. št. 74 (roj. 23. avg. 1892, pristopila 17. aprila 1936, umrla 19. marca 1941) .... 100.00 Ameriška Domovina, za tiskanje aprilove Zarje ...........................................................................................................................................................................................617.28 Pošta in raznašanje aprilove Zarje v Clevelandu ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................45.00 Znamke za razpošiljanje certifikatov in drugih pisarniških potrebščin ........................................................................................................................................................25.52 Daljni telefonski klici, brzojavi, cablegram, gov. kartice in poštnina iz Clevelanda za filme ................................................................................16.61 Dnevnice in vožnje stroške za zastopstvo na seji v Chicagi za Jugoslav Relif ....................................................................................................................13.00 Director of Insurance, za dovoljenje poslovanja ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.00 Avsec Brothers, za razne tiskovine ..........................................................................................................................................................................................29.50 Edinost Publ. Co., za 2,000 mladinskih certifikatov in 5,000 pobiralnih knjižic ........................................................................................................................207.06 Joliet Office Supply Co., za tipkalne trakove in shrambo za "index" kartice ....................................................................................................................................10.80 Mr. Anton Grdina, za filme od zvezinih krožkov ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................20.00 Oglas podružnici št. 55, Girard, Ohio ............................................................................................................................................................................................................5.00 Članarina v National Council of Women ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5.00 Social Security davek od 1. januarja 1941 do 31. marca 1941............................................................................................................................................................................................13.78 Odvetniški družbi Currie & Lebermen, za legalno delo ........................................................................................................................................................10.00 Najemnina za glavni urad in uredništvo ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................20.00 Uradne plače (pri teh je odštet davek na socialno zavarovalnino ........................................................................................................................................................................339.50 Glavni blagajničarki za tri mesece ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................25.00 Bančni stroški ......................................................................................................................................................................................................3.56 Skupaj ....................................................................................................................................................................................$2,307.61 Ostalo v blagajni 31. marca 1941 (Balance March 31, 1941) ...................................$105,055.15 Dohodki v aprilu 1941 (Income in April 1941) ............................................................ 3,056.91 Skupaj (Total) .......................................................................................................$108,112.06 Stroški v aprilu 1941 (Disbursements in April 1941) .............................................. 2,307.61 Preostanek v blagajni 30. aprila 1941 (Balance April 30, 1941) ....................$105,804.45 NOVE ČLANICE V APRILU, 1941 New Adult members in April, 1941 Podr. Ime nove članice Ime agitatorice 1 Bernot Mary Mary Krainz 1 Kotnik Anna 2 Primozich Marthy Ann Lillian Kozek 2 Kellens Barbara Matilda Lever 2 Katich Martha Mary Tomazin 2 Mencinger Mary 2 Petek Elizabeth 2 Zeman Mary 2 Krempusch Elizabeth Josephine Zeleznikar 5 Barbarich Judith Josephine Barbaric 5 Spencer Angela Br. Name of new member Name of Worker 2 Trauner Ernestine Josephine Barbaric 5 Codarmaz Helen Mary Brinsek 5 Codarmez Mary " 5 Fon Mary 5 Krapes Sophie Mary " 5 Radkovic Mary V. 5 Simko Alice M. " 5 Somrak Hedwig 6 Mal.ievec Mary Jennie Podlipec 6 Samic Mary " 7 Burshnik Mary Anna Komeen 7 Skubic Anna " 12 Heller Jeanette Mary Schimenz Br. Name of new member Name of Worker 12 Kratchnik Jennie Mary Schimenz 12 Rajster Ann " 12 Lajk Agnes Julia Povsic 13 Cesich Jennie Kate Duba 14 Besednik Caroline Agnes Gombach 15 Kastelic Mary Mary Hrovat 15 Tekaucic Anna J. " 15 Ponikvar Loretta Helen Mirtel 16 Milos Anna Zora Yurkus 19 Capan Julia Rose Jerome 19 Intihar Angeline Mary Lenich 19 Peterlin Prances " 19 Erchul Rose Ann " 20 Krisantz Josephine Josephine Erjavec 20 Kalcic Prances " 20 Sega Antonia Mrs. Anton Terlep 20 Shepich Mary 20 Sporar Katarina " 23 Krall Ann Mary Meden 23 Krnichar Anne G. Barbara Rosandich 23 Paleher Mary 23 Vidmar Angela Mary Shepel 24 DiCrispino Mary Angela Strukel 24 Vidergar Antoinette " 25 Klein Prances Mary Otoničar 25 Poljane Josephine Mary Jancigar 25 Strnad Prances Mary Otoničar 25 Zaje Rose Mary Hrastar 26 Berdik Marie Mary Coghe 26 Benec Helen M. Katherine Sneller 26 Pavlakovich Helen " 26 Staresinic Anna M. " 35 Bezek Prances Prances Bradach 35 Royer Anna Mary Bartol 38 Pakiz Emma Mary Knaus 38 Toupin Nellie Johanna Dolinar 41 Ogrinc Ruth J. Anna Stopar 41 Stopar Mildred J. 47 Peternel Mary Helen Tomazic 47 Yurichak Katherine Josephine Meserko 50 Kresse Jennie Josephine Seelye 51 Alkyer Rose Albina O'Breza 51 Bailey Prances Frances Zakelj 52 Kerzie Frances Mary Musich 55 Fialla Mary Anna Preveč 56 Imbertson Margaret Josephine Churack 56 Kalibabkey Katherine " 56 Kersling Tessie " 56 Klein Julia " 56 Gregorich Mary Mary H. Buchar 56 Gruden Mary Frances Puhek 56 Marshall Ann M. Ursula Zaic 56 Brklich Katherine Caroline Kozina 57 Chuirazzi Barbara J.* Johanna Prinz 57 Pekarovic Mary F. ** Jennie Logar * Joined in January ** Joined in March 59 Krupar Agnes Margaret Yenko 61 Segina Agnes Frances Kaster 63 Kumar Frances Helen Mary Kvas 63 Yuksinich Ann Agnes Krasovetz 65 Metish Anna Mary Vidmar 65 Metish Betty Jane 71 Klopack Agnes Antonia Senkich 71 Kocyan Mary " 71 Kuzma Josephine " 71 Tomsich Frances " 71 Tomsic Tillie " 71 Antonelle Anna Mary Starek 71 Fecondo Olga " 71 Ravelock Anna 71 Yurus Anna Anna Sterle 71 Kopien Rose Mary Tomsic 71 Massack Helen " 71 Podboy Frances " 73 Kastelic Alice Aloyzia Turk 77 Feme Frances Mary Pesut 77 Knauss Dorothy Anna Knauss 84 Habjan Mary Kate Ferk 84 Judez Lucy Ivanka Zakrajšek 84 Meitzen Mary Tesi Arcul 84 Rode Jennie Teni Krizel 87 Jesik Dorothy Mary Kastelic 87 Petric Olga Mildred Pechek 87 Snider Ann ■ " Br. Name of new member Name1 of Worker 90 Kaucic Margaret Lena Subic 90 Klemencic Julia M. " 90 Yeram Rose Anna Demsher 86 Dergantz Marion Helen Drazenovich 86 Gladke Marie C. 86 Ostraunski Emma " 86 Raskovich Marion E. " 86 Zakrajsek Elizabeth " 91 Bergine Frances Josephine Dallas 91 Sores- Amalia " 92 Guerrieri Mary F. Frances Pogorele 92 Somrak Josephine M. " 92 Sparciele Julia A. " 92 Jonas Anne E. Frances Saya 92 Saya Ann E. 92 Kapushion Mary J. Marie E. Volk 93 Delach Mary Helen Corel 93 Kovacich Jennie " 93 Swetko Joanne " 95 Bozich Anna M. Mary Plesha 95 Starcevich Eleanor " 97 Naret Jennie Frances Naret 97 Naret Mary " 97 Blanton Rose Angela Satkovich 97 Zalar Olga C. 101 Krasovec Agnes Anna Zidar 101 Radosevich Zora Mary Zabukovec. NOVE MLAD. ČLANICE V APRILU 1941 New Juvenile Members in April, 1941 Ime Agitatorice Podr. Ime nove članice 5 Barbarich Shirley A. Josephine Barbaric 5 Wassel Joan " 5 Wassel Mary P. 6 Battav Jeane Frances Osaben 14 Rozanc Lillian Mary Agnes Gombach 19 Ritmanich Mary J. Frances Sterle 19 Steblay Margaret Mary Lenich 19 Stebley Maryiann " 19 Zeitz Jennie " 19 Zeitz Mary Ann " 24 Anglevar Kathleen A. Angela Strukel 24 Fritz Diana Mae 24 Pohar Helen Mary 24 Posevina Dorothy M. " 24 Uranich Dolores " 33 Shubitz Genevieve Mary Shubitz 40 Csubak Geraldine M. Albina Jančar 40 Jevec Eleanor A. 40 Jevec Evelyn M. 40 Logar Lucille 50 Stebley Lillian R. Josephine Seelye 51 School Bernadette Albina O'Breza 57 Mollis Patria A. * Jennie Logar 87 Croshal Agnes Mary Jerman 87 Estes Marilyn J. Ann Ogulin 87 Ferkul Joan P. 87 Komornick Joan " 87 Tosick Shirley A. " 87 Marincich Kathleen Mildred Pechek 87 Pechek Marjorie A. " 87 Vadnal Barbara J. " 87 Bozaich Harriet Elsie Pugel 87 Croshal Virginia 87 Horvat Irene " 87 Marcella Dorothy " 87 Ribar Dorothy L " 88 Pavlick Nancy Jo Mary Lovse 95 Bozich Mary Mary Plesha 95 Garvey Geraldine L. Victoria Tomech 95 Susak Joan M. " 95 Tomech Helen A. * " 97 Primsar Rosemarie Frances Naret * Joined in March * Joined in March ČLANICE PRESTOPILE IZ MLADINSKEGA V ODRASLI ODDELEK Junior Members Transferred to the Adult Department Branch No. 5—Berkopec Josephine Branch No. 37—Udovich Helen Branch No. 49—Proprotnik Doris Branch No. 59—Yanko Eleanor JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC, glavna tajnica. A center bouquet, single blooms, sprays of three and scalloped borders play important parts in the loveliness of this quilt. The flowers are appliqued and embroidered in the deep orchid and yellow of real pan-sies, with leaves and stems of bright green to set them off. Scallops of lighter orchid and severely simple diagonal cross quilting relieved only by the feather oval. Contribute the final touches to a perfect whole. Timeless beauty is yours with the making of this heirloom quilt. Complete patterns (including the quilting) and directions for a quilt about 90x98 inches are on C9170. To order, ask for C917 0, or tear out illustration and send with 35c coin or stamps. To make it Yourself Bureau, Box 166, Kansas City, Mo. HEnderson 4629 cThe Double Eagle Bottling Company JOHN POTOKAR, PRES. MANUFACTURER OF ALL POPULAR FLAVORS, DISTRIBUTOR OF BUCKEYE BEER. GROSSVATER BEER, ALE AND HALF AND HALF 6511-19 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, 0. Slovenski fantje in možje Pristopite k edini moški NEPRISTRANSKI organizaciji, to je Slovenska Moška Zveza v Ameriki DRUGA KAMPANJA SEDAJ V TEKU Vsak Slovenec od 16. do 55. leta bi moral spadati k tej novi organizaciji. Za več pojasnil se obrnite na tajnika podružnice v vaši naselbini ali pa pišite naravnost na: VINCENT H. LAUTER, glavni tajnik. 1067 Sutherland Ave. Akron, Ohio. A QUILT OF PANSIES Compliments of WALTER J. SPERLING FUNERAL DIRECTOR 622 Lockhart Avenue PITTSBURGH, PA Compliments of DR. EDWARD G. JANDA OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted Office Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday: 9 to 9 and by appointment 739 E. Ohio St. FA 2949 N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa, << Ameriška Domovina Compliments of EDW. J. LOVRENCIC FUNERAL HOME NAJBOLJ ZANIMIV SLOVENSKI DNEVNIK V ZED. DRŽAVAH Phone CEdar 1285 860 Lockhart St., N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Največja jugoslovanska unij ska tiskarna v Ameriki Se prijazno priporoča za vsa tiskarska dela po jako zmernih cenah 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel.: HEnderson 0628 DR. JOHN J. Z AVERT NIK PHYSICIAN and SURGEON OFFICE HOURS AT 8724 W. 26th STREET 1:10—3:80; 6:80—8:80 Daily Tel. Crawford 2212 AT 1856 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO, ILL. 4:80—6:80 p. m. Daily Tel. Canal 9605 Wednesday and Sunday by appointment only Residence Tel.: Crawford 8880 IF NO ANSWER—CALL AUSTIN 5700 ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 38 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v aadovoljnost naših ljudi. To Je dokaz, da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja: prihranili si boste denar in dobili stopro-centno postrežbo. Glavna prodajalna: 6019 St. Clair Aye. TeL: HEnderson 2088 Podružnica: 15303 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: K En more 1235 Pogrebni zavod: 1053 £. 62nd St. TeL: HEnderson 2088 CLEVELAND, OHIO. VSAK VEČER legam z mirnim srcem spat in me misel: kaj bo z mojo družino, če se ne bi prebudila več—ne teži odkar sem zavaro-rovana jaz in moja družina pri KRANJSKO-SLOVENSKI KATOLIŠKI JEBNOTI ki je prva, najstarejša in 125.19% solvent na slovenska podporna Jednota v Ameriki. Pridružite se h K. S. K. Jednotd tudi vi s tem, da postanete njena članica vi in vaša družin»! Za informacije o zavarovalnini in za vm podrobnosti se obrnite na tajnika ali tajnico lokalnega društva K. S. K. Jednote ah pa pišite naravnost na: JOSIP Z AL AR, glavni tajnik 351-353 North Chicago Street, Joliet, Illinois. FOR YOUR PORTRAIT OR GROUP PICTURE go to BUKOVN1K STUDIO 762 E. 185th St. Phone KEnmore 1166 CLEVELAND, OHIO. Za simpatično postrežbo se obrnite na ZAKRAJŠEK FUNERAL HOME, Inc. 6016 St. Clair Avenue. Cleveland, Ohio. LICENZIRANI POGREBNI ZAVOD Invalid Car Service Postrežba noč in dan Avtomobile za vse prilike. Tel: ENdicott 3113