s I over in Australia 25 years of Slovenian language in Victorian Schools Institute of Slovenian Studies of Victoria 1977-2002 Aleksandra Ceferin Slovenian classes in Victorian School of Languages taught more than language Through £iluv«iiian otass I was introducod Ui many oxcitiiig and a«w onncepts that flavonr aad onlqiiMiess to R ruUnre. frnm (kwiim and |irov«rb(t (t*m(pmtrit to contAiniMiraiT «hnrt rtark'«. .Ion Notfak Thv nbttity to BH>Vf betwfwn cnltiire^. asshnlfailr aoii nitttd riobm that m« cbaraulitristtc of ««nh KiVmi nip aH advoniago I tmaaurn ohnaní. liaUjr. AndrvtP Potočnik Slovenidd Jrslk qi» zanltna kot hlstvon poj«? filovoostin kultam ix kMtnre ixhi^ mqi tlid. SmtUCefi'rtn Saturday mornings Iih] mo on an oxclttng nuhural J4>umf>y far diflWtmt to th« nn« I wiu growing op in. Roland.Mrvk I luVtt my Stuvvniaji baoksruuud and bolng able tu 8p4.«ak th» UnguogK* alkkWii mo tn b«ť4>ro«> Involvod ht many aspoctg of tbo Slovnntan commnDily. Veronira Smntrl Punusna In zadovoljna flt«nt. da ffovortau dva J(«zika, poznam dvp kuJturi hi da |?rtpadam obnnia v vst») i^unl roKlićnoirtl, Snbinn Vtifpin Sli>v«*itsku so uřtui. ker ae hočouL m: /»lo '"'•nitu. fípgen Jgtii This book is a rhnmirlc iirivvMnly-llvi^ yi'ttrs of litnrhing SlovíMiúin langiiaKo in Victoria. Willi«' oulliniiiji ilio niaji)r slops roqiiircd Mi roarli this milcslon«\ f.ho biHik also n'lli'cts ihi^ iinpcirlanro nťSlovfiiiíui íiassiís and Ihn impai'l tliry had (in our young pnopln. Aleksandra Cefirin Flr« publishfiil in AiiirtrKli» In 2íKa tiy tJif liiKliiutp for Slfiveulon SiiNlle« of Victoria lac, All i«nqulrÍB5sl)(«ilf| k a(ldr«wi>d Ui; Institut« rdrSlovv.uiiiD StudíMořVIrtori« fnr 2/43 SlDekdalí Avenu« Chylun \i>rtli VIr 3168 Austnill». CupjTlgbl 2003 All rights rnserv^. Thii book, or parlions theroof, may nnt bp reprodui;4'iJ In any l^nrni without permission. NaiionaJ Ubrai^ uF Austral! a C»(«|ugulB|[ln CuNlraiinii v»iiitti3 Studies a( Victoria. II.Titlfe friutio!! Flnsbury frintiux iEroiiSt Oral) Br/ok Design Tanja l.edwirli I dtxiicatc^ Uiis book U) my latť luLsband Dra«o Cefcrin for giving his l inio nnd pffort U) thfl tnarhing of .Slovenian language lo my faliier Adolf Vadnjal who brought me u|j Ui follnw this |mth and to llio past and future gmoralions of Slovrnes in Australia In l(iá4 Mrs. Mila Vndnlil e«taj>]l!ifaiid the ârst l^iovenUa chlldrmi'i; chotr In Aiistndia. 'IIîm-« wns i sindll. diisely-knit ind rixornus cnmrnunity In St.AII)4Ri «ïulMirbin th^Nurth-WcatofMclbuurnr, nrw)y$puMl>y iuiniji(niuU Trom Slriv«nlL KiUod. Uknloe. Hnitniid. luly mid MuJu. TUe liai! uf the Catholic Church sarvNl also as a tritminuiiltjr j^atheriti^ plwe where řpwlal cnmniunlljí events such as St. Mchol»» wer« colebratMl Hi« trailllluu It iitlil very strung tuilay. Acknowledaements I woulJ Ulu to aťkiu>\\l»'ilhl' iJiu witrk of tlu- luajiy [jyopk' that mad" ilils IkjoV possiHi' and lu l>xpri'SS my tltiuiks. 1-lrsl »fall lIuTi' is lilt' wlinlf- srlnml rotiimiuiMy. lu-nrlv r>0<) »«lulMnbi who ntli-iided lht> wIiihiI friitn 1977 lo ;iO()2. Il n-inilnHl IntíTwi «iid ooiiimitiiH'iil on tlu- (jari of llio stinlfiits to ait.-iid, soiiictiijK-s six yoars of swondary srhooling. It iiK'anl Rfiiing up narly on Sntiirday mornings and iravi lling far by public transport I w'luld likL> III thuiili tlifir |Mtr<>nts. who lind iau>;lil thi'ir I'hildr«.')) lo valui:> Slovenian language and witm In iiiiiny ca-ses wlliln« In bring them by l ar a greai and uiusic Thport, goodwill and substantial hinding of the resources for SInian language during the lost few years. Slovene l-migrant Assitcialiim (Slovenska Izsi'ljt-nska Matica» luis also Ihm-ii a generous contrilmtor ofSkweniaii study resources for a numh^'r of years, contributing significanlly to ihe (piality of materiab us>-le ii< |p from a numl>er of colb-aguim, frieiiils and my family. Withoiii them t^is book, intended as a celebration of the work of 2.'! yejirs. would not have Ixwii |Hisslble. I lliank my daughter Sjuidi Ceferin for her dedication to iJie Slovenian binguage and all Ihe enormous nirrtculuin and course. WTiling and project work she has undertaken. She has bwn of great help in discussing Ihe shape .md content of the book as it ranie ti>getlier. She acted as coiwultant, sounding boiird and proof-reader, providing the necessary feedback as I was flndiiig my way through llie mass of material. I wish to ihflnk my (IntighkT Isna Oferin for Ikt vnliiable assistnnrf» and «dvirp regarding Ihp pr>^?nintlon. slinping and striirturlii); of ilu> uiAtorlal. nu wcU as her !iklliriil prcHir ritirl in the final (irwof-rfadinK ní lh«> I4.XL I wntild like lo lliaiik niy collfiiitiK'S anil frif>n<)s Liirija SrtiM- and Drajja (i«dl, OAM. who havp ({fnt'miiiily given advirc, information and phniographir and niliiT mal«?riab llial I nifd«! for th»> Innik; Draga for proof reading ajid ht-r valnahlf iiiigge-stliins: Tr. <-lrll A. Boili' OI-M for fin'ouragoun-nt, advKv and ofTcr of Uu- Ss.Cyril ajiJ McIIhmIíus Hall for the i^-lcbratlon nf !li»> annlvcrsnry. I would furilii-r Ihajik loJica. I'addle-l.tMliiiek AM. for oxUmding advlri-. hidp and Nn|i[>ort wln'n<r n<>i>d»'d; Viki Mrak for h^r hon<»si advice and support fh" radio program roordinalors lili lli/mal ISIiSI and M'^ui l.i'tiarnf CJZZ) haw my ilianks for Im iniî sup|Mirtl\t? and vvUUiig In ;illoi thni' for announci'mi'iiti) rt-gardlng Slovenian Uuiguag«' om t th<- last Icii yonrsnihl for thfir assislaiire tn piiliIkt isiiiK Uip 2!îlli anniversary celebraljon and llie pnliliralloii of Ihe iHKik. I would also like to lhaiik llflenn Uber for the many years of radio work and her support of Slovenian language as roordiiialor of Slovenian radio pri>granis in Melbourii«-. Vly thanks also In SUnkn /«»inljak and Tone (inrjup for their Uiltlatlvtr«, support and eíTorU in the leaching of Slovenian laiiKiiage as a subjin-t In 111»- VVlorian School of ijinguages and a.s a VCR accredited siil)}e<'| In Victoria. Vly Hpecial thanks lo the members of tiie ZSlh Anniversary CommilK'e for their enthusiasm anti support in starting ihe ball rolling: rr CvTil Božif OrVI, Maria Anžii'. Lidia Bralina. Milena Brgof, Barbara Brožiř, Sandi Ceferiii, Draga tielt. Maria krenoS. Meta Lenarćlf. Viki Mrak. Krik Vlrak. Ljubica rostriain. .\ndrej Potoinlk, EUca Hlznial. Veronica Smrdel. Barbara Smrdel. Lucija Smec and Stefan Srnec, My grateful appreciation for the moral support, advice and assistance to all of ynii. Vly wannesi llianks In Slovenian assodaiions that have coniribntwl llnanciall) towards the |iublication of this book and 2.îlh aiuilviTsary celebration. Slovenian Religious and Cultural Centre of Ss.Cyril and Methodius. .Australian Slovi.-nlan Social and Sporting .Assoi ialion SI Albans, Australian Slovi-nian Social and Sporting Association V|ellMnirne. Slovenian National (Council nf Vii-toria. Council of Slovenian Organisations of Vlclnria .Australia, Slovenian Aiisiralian Cultural an. .Australian Slovunian Cultural and S|K)rting .Association "Ivan tJankar" Gwdong. Slovenian .Australian Social and Sporting A.ssociallon "Jiidran" Digg*'!^ Best. I.i'nti Lenko - Vliilitek. Most particularly I wish lo express my vvannest thanks Ui Tanja l.filvvich liiee Brgm^l for Ihe design ami artwork of ihis book. 11 was ft generous offer by one of the past students of Slovenian and highly valu*"«! as such I would llkp to lake Ihis opportunity to rememlHT the work and dedication of two peopk- who have been commitliHl su|)|Hirlers of Skiveiilan langua{>H. Rotlt .ire 110 longer with us. Tile first Is Fr. Basil Valentin OťVI, MBE. who Initialed SUivenliUi language cUsses at tlii' ShAenlaii Keliglous and (.ultural Centre hi Melliouriie, gave strong support atul assistance to Slovenian language as a subject In the sfcondary school system and as editor of tho journal Misli, made «'rtain that the Issue had a prouilnonl plac»> In his publication. The second Is Drago Cc>fi>rin. my late hiLsband. who dedicated tho last fifteen years of his life to tlie eslabllsliineiil and mainb'natice of Slovenian language <'la.sses in Victoria. From the monieul when I nia/|«^ my first empilries into accr4>brai«i a great ffiniiniiiiily ívont. tl«- 2.ith tniiivt'rsary orib! existvure. Hip wuiiinn and girls coiiir out In fore« wuarlug tJiclr SMt'iiIwi costuin^s. Tho mass wiS celnbralcd by iho visiting Sbvuninn bishii|) l'rl>aJL ntroduction Tliis piiblii-atititi, Sliivoiiiaii Laiigiiagi' in Australia is h ('«»Ipbratioii of twf nl.y-fivp years nf educaliunul work in the slale school sysleni of Viťloria. I wrolfi Ihis book so lhat Ihcrť wmild be a record of the dodioatioti and arhieviMiionts of teairhers as well as a nieinoriai lu students who partiripaled, and to Slovenian parents who supported the school and enwiiraged their children to take pride in Slovenian heritage. It was important to liave a [wniianont re^'ord of our achievements in the fielil of language education, not only for us who wen? Ihe movers, but also for tlie Slovenian coinmunily as a whole. It is a part ofSlovenian migrant hislor>' in Australia - and the achievements have now been formally recorded I include«! in the historical review, a short history' ofVictorian School of Languages and essential aspects of the educational sj'stem, lhat provided the Iraiiiework for our curriculum and leaching niethod. I see llie 25 year landmark not Just as an end of an era but also as a springboard for the future. I will be also pi-esenling a r(*view of the Internet and oilier projects of the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria. Wliile outlining llie key milestones and marking major curriculum reforms in Victoria and their inlluence on Slovenian language teaching, the text also includes a list of the teachers and students uivolved and some of their renections. Acknowledgemenl is also given to iJie educational wff Slovenian at s76 when l-r Stanko Zemljak appinached me with the (piestion: 'Can anything be done about 'slovenska malum"? As an experienced teai-her in the sei'iotidarj' Si'liool system, I was the logical jverson to initiate the first steps in the process. Looking back, it has been a vory long time. Indeed, it has been a life's work. It was very satisfying to tr>' and make Slovenian - a small language, that noliody knew anytJiing about - well-kn«iwn and respected. 1 did not set out to do that in the beginning. I just fell that anything I did for Slovenian language had to be of the highest standard. In the process I foiuid tJtat I was using my pj-ofessional skills, and t^xlending them in a way that was highly fulfilling and gave mo personal and professional .satisfaction. It could bo said lhat I gained from developing Slovenian courses more llian 1 gave. In fact I gained more lhat I could have done by concentrating my work in a differetil direction. I'or me some of thn major achlovemonts or this porind are: - Slovcniiin was for ihc (Insl Umo in the lîniilisli world, an actTodited Higher School Certificate (HSCt sulijpct, iisf-d Tor university entrance - Slovenian courscs were in the forefront ofnuijor curriculum cliangcs and tiften served as models for other lan^ua^es - Slovenian website www.thozanrus.com. is n premier website for the study of Slovenian lannuajje and culture. From the beginnini;, Ihe work I did for Slovenian language as a U>aching subject in the school system, was a labour of love, it led me to a rediscovery of Ll>e language in its liraminatical comple,\iUes and more Lnportaiitly, towanJs exploration arid a new appreciation of Slovenian poetry. It was a revelation that led rno to prepare and publish the historical antliology Slovenian Literary Header in 1984. It look time, distance and knowledge of t)iher languages, to reassess, to r»îC4igni/.e and value Slovenian. It was satisfying to realize thai in comparison witli otlier world literatures, Slovenimi held itó own. 1 have bved in Australia more than 50 years, 1 have grown hero as a person luid as a jirofessional and have felt Australian. Tlie work that I utiderUmk made me rediscover my .Sloveneness, and it brought things into pers|>ei*live. I am now able to take part in twf) heritjiges and have broadened my horizons lieyond tlie defined area of a single culture it is an (inormously enriching ej(p<îrience. This is the experience that I would like our younger generations to have: t^i be both Australian and Slovenian, and t<) know what this means. To have two homes, sfwak two languages, share in two cultures and their Iraditiotis, to see a small 'insignificant' counU^ as rjipable of great achievements, and learn that smallne.ss has notliing to e that in the twenty-five years of teaching we have helpeil our young people 1» know something of Slovenian languageand culture. .Ml we have done is open the'door. You must lake tlie rest of tl»e way yourself. I hope you do. Alt'ksantim (Saša) Cefarbi Arriving in Australia: the beginning The first great wave of immigrants to Australia began in 1949. They came to Victoria and New South Wales and were then sent to wherever they were needed to work to fulfill their two-year contract with the Australian government. If you came to Victoria, you were first sent to Bonegilla, received some English lessons and then were placed in Melbourne, Tasmania and around Victoria in a variety of unskilled and semi-skilled employment All able-bodied men and women were housed in hostels, families were sent to hostels such as the World War 2 amiy barracks in Mildura. .\rrivinu in Auslralia in llie liflies ninunl jjreal olianjjes in urn stylo nnd work Tor Iho miRrnnLs. Mnny wnrr political omigranls, who had lived ni rorugtw camps sincp 1945. Tliey had iKi choir« |>nt in si'lllo in a connlrj' lliat was willing to rwi>ivi» ihpin. At tho lime Argpntina and Auslralia wor«* tho two major sponsors or Ih« »(-railed 'displai'«^ p4»rsons'. A largo group of Slownian political migrants oluts«? Argentina, otlicrs went tu Aiislrulia I'nsl-war Australia was a country that participated rully in World War 2 having barrly rpt'ovcn.'d rroin tlio great ilf^prossion of tiie thirlies. Australian soldiers fougiit bravely and a great many ilid not rfilurn. It nfiftdfd a frosh and vigorous working forw to nxKuid roads, develop now industrios, and sources of onf^rgy and for onomious undmakings such as Th" Snowy Mountain Hydro-liiectrical Schcmf?. TIk? txumlry that made its fortune on tho 'shfifip's bnck', could no longer roly on wool and its primar\' rosourccs ft>r its prosjwrity. Workers worr needed, preferably nnglish migrants, who would fit easily into tlie existing social structures. Since not enough of them were willing to selile in Australia, the decision was madfi to begin looking among the displaood persons of I-urope. The first arrivals were the refijgens Irom the Baltic states, who wore found to bo most acceptable, because their appearance fitU'd into the existing Australian populati(m. other groupings followed closely, Auslralia needed workers, a great number of Ihem Tli« ywr 1954 marks ihr l«giii 11111$ i>ri>rgauiMnK' Slwcnian Assacliljon Mtibourn« took pivf In St.AttigRfi cuiumunily linlL About liňy (iflupli. urtcndwi. \ gri^al many iiiiiro canic i'ing factories in the area, 7. žniiieiiMi roko nas hoža additional money towards ihe day wlien enough conid be ' ozdra vija nam Vrca. ' ' ^ " ohlaja bolHW sponiint, Meanwhile. 1951 was a year of exireine heat waves; tJ.e . , . „ ^ , temperature was over 102 degrees l-ahrenheil, climbing to 1U lor m odslranjtijo nezacoljoiiih ran brazgotino. „„ ,.,„„iiti„„i„g. „„ «.«..ai«' '/ ljubeznijo nas jeinljo pod krov c.omigaied iron barracks became buniiiig vsiili barv in oillik furnaces, people surb of Melbourne a large farm was transformed iiilo a housing develtipment with large blocks, providerl with water and electricity They cost 120 pounds. Tliis was quite alTordable. Ne.xt came a bungalow built of cement sheets and divided into an ealing/kiichen and a sleeping ania. at the cost of 250 pounds. The family could come to live in the bungalow, while a larger family homo could be builL Many Australian houses at llie time were wood constructs, raised from the ground and clad with jtainted board They were cheajier than brick houses, easy to luiild and allowed for the circulation of air and faster c<)oling after sundown. So the majority of new settlers built a conventional 'weatherboard lioiisp' svith the help of a builder and a group of friends as soon as they could afford it lliis was tlie busy time with |)lenly of jobs available. Many people wr'rked double shifts. Tliere was one chief aim, t<) earn enough to build or buy a house, followed closely by Ihe desire to improve onesi'lf, by learning English, taking on a job ai)prnpriale to tJieir education and tmining, and undertake further studies and ensure good education for their chidren. /Ml this was [lossible in a country growing by leaps ami bounds. MignuiLs who continued arriving in Australia u mi went to work in lactones hardly needed English. They spoke G(>rman, lUilian. Polish and Serb of the first Christmas and tho heat, the impossibility of ealing ihe heavy Christmas meal, the Chrislmas tree that caught fire and my father running out of the house with it While we kept our memories of while (Miristmases, we got used to the hut Australian summertime Christmas, real canr>2 iho l-ranciscan priests began to publish the montlily journal M/sl/ (Tlioughts>, initially consisting of a few sheets of cheaji paper, dupliraled and sent out to Slovenian migrants wherever they could bo contacted. The publir\-itioti was lo provide an alMmport;uil link for all SNivetiian immigrants in Australia for the next 3(i years. llie first issues c/>ntaine<| ailvertisemenLs of services and gomls ofTered by enterprising Slovenian individuals, such as electricians, merchariLs, builders and dentists who cmild speak to yuu in ymir own language and ri« «• undorstciod what yon noodnd done. Agonis also advfrtisod ihf^ir sprviœs fí>r sondíng Tood-parrols and olhor gcnids to allpvialo Ihci stivnro shurtagr« suflprfid by fatiiilifts in Slnvonia. MisU sooti pmvidod for ollifr iH'fds - advertising Slovenian Ixioks. and aJsu rwjiiests Tor information about people with whom they had lost contact, l or a time Misli also published Fnglish lessons. Above all. Misli refleplpd the life fif Slovenian immigrants They reported on traditional ibstivities and celebrations. Slovenian masses around Australia were announced in Misli, ns was the next visit by the priest. Tlie Journal also liei^ame a chronicle of marriages, birlhs and deaths. Misli was laU;r joined by <»tlier publications, lull it still remains the premier publication for Slovenian itiuin'grant<;. where one ciin read about the gatherings, celebrations anh to 750, Misli linked Slovenes evi^rj-where in Aiustrnlia and gave them a sense of idiintity and belonging. They ctiuntered the oiTecls ofdisfHtrsion and made tlxun into a homogenous group, linked tlirough C4>mmon roots and language ■A succiission ofSlovenian I ranciscan fatJiers continued to undertiike invaliinble pastoral, educational and S4)Cial work among the Slovi;nian migratit population They continued to publish and develop Misli, the most notable being Fr. Basil Valentin, who was the editor f(jr 25 years. Tliey were based first in Sydney, tlien in Melbourne and in Adelaide, where they built Slovenian churches. It was due to the efforts Fr Basil Valentin tJiat tlie Mission ofSs Cyril and Meilmdiiis in Melbourne is a major Slovenian Heligii>iis and Cultural Centre with the hostel Baniga House, tJie Office u{ Misli, Baraga l jbrar>'. SU>mšek School, the H.-ill of Ss.Cyril and Mcthudiiis and the Mother Romana lloine for the Aged They still n^ularly visit Slovenian families, groups ami settlements wherever they live, from Tasmania to Cainis. rn)m the eastern seaboard to the shores of Western .Vustralia. Maintaining Slovenian Identity - the first cultural activities Misli of those early years also re|n)rted on SlovtMiian traditional festivities. N(?w Year, f-astor, St. Nicholas, and Christmas were celebrated with all the Irnditional icons - the religious rituals tliat gave tlie event meaning and all the oliiiir ways of marking the oc«ision. Christmas tree and manger, traditional dishes and potica, nuisic and dancing. AI)ove all it was the Slovenian togetherness that gave (V)mfori and made the new coiintn,' less alien Tliey were making Australia tlieir own, making it just a little Slovenian 'ITie fifties were a time of beginnings. A great deal was accomplished during that early period. It was a time of settling in and estJiblishlng their own kind of social and cultural fonns. The first Slovenian publication Tlie first homes. Tlie first Slovenian associations in the making, fhe first celebration of'Miklavž', the first children's clioir, the first male choir, [•r Basil begins his -lO years chronicle Y-'r. fUisil is typing'. In the lale fifties and .sixties Slovenes - teachers, priesLs, ac^idemics - liegan to organise Sunday language cbsses for tlic younger children. These were for tlio most part conducted 1 (>uryounsi)!(in»nU)on has t»k«n up tbe Kconiian iiKlpoika rhytiimswiUi itrnal jpistD. Pu« to ihf Inltiativ« uf Fr. S«»iikp Zřinljali Ihř nnniul intíTSlstř Slnmnbii YouUi Oncerts bej;»:! iu uiil ire «till poputur lodty. Hurv Ukii Jtlcio biutliirs, Edi Zupaa mwJ Petar l'lrn«t look great in their natiunal cagtumcs ind gonnd «v«n nrpttrr. Brankn Toiii*tic was twice thejiinlnr Avstralastnn accnrdinn cbaiiipbii, t'cUT Plrnat r«c«lv»d tlm stcund prltr. 2 LfiUa Lapuli, acaimpaDlad liy Uutl Lcnko un lliv koyfauard. for luaiiy years a biailisr duo on SlovcniM ciiminunily !lug^. 3 Tlir Ynutli Chiilr GluimUl ««talillslK'd at tim SkAicnIati Ritligl«ler Grivic. Leati Uoko. Eddy Zu])*ji. Thry puUlsfand tlio ïiKCEsrittl CD HUM jeiate Hamoaite in 1WV. laanched at a canrart at Ss Cyril and M«tbi)dhiis Hail in Kow. 6 We are fortunatn as a commimiiy l4i bav« amans us ski IM wnro«i) wJin produce liíiiiitirul Idrin Ucr. Maria tiriîr is al«iiwilllns1i> teach mir y(>uii|!i>r gvnttratirtu aud dainDUstraiB tfa« art ul iacc-Dakins la tbe genirat Australian public. 7 Marccia Hol« is a widl-knuwii and ioveJ Melbourne Slovenian peraonallty. Sh« Invei In p went not able to. Lurijt has tnujrhl our yo«ii|i people Sbwenlau In SwenI»« Bellgl IWI. 9 VIda Vojvoda has a jreai collecUun of tradiilBnai Slwiuiian embroidefy iif jreai hoauly. curapltxily uid variety. She shares parts of her great eolieclion at various Slovenian event*. The- Iradliinn of SI. NIfhulns, ťřl-jliraicJ on blli riwcMiilitr or ou tJlC c1l>8èS| WCfkťlliI is still riinllnuiiiï In Aiiwalta iwlsy HiTri^ we see Si, Nicholas celeliraK-d In Flanic» In 2(.'(j2. SI. SIcboius is Kr.vaíič. thi> I'rfslrtenl nf tti« duh. llfiîsaiwnipiiildl tiy angels ami devils liy Saši Srkull. Ml^ Alinuii. Kliw Frunelić. |„ Km'ïfir Dum .Sfiiilj 411 iJ Ai-lcn Fminttli. in Slovpninn associntJons anrl rpliiiimis wnlrf^ It. was [irarllcal and doslniblo Tor rhildrnn In Iti.irn ths lanjîuago, whiln paronLs hrlpoii lo builiJ llic rorntimnily «•etilre. I'Uid was tho ynar when llif first fnnnnl Sunday wliool was i'stalilislieiJ in Llio Shivenian Heligidiis ami Cultural Centre, Kew in Mt'llMiuniP, Fr Hasil VaU-ntiii liioinjlit it was limp thai the chililrfii rocfiivp some fortnal tuilinn in Slovenian lan^juago and lielped rfîvivp llie Slovenian rliurcli traditiun ol'liu! Sunday scliool. Jo/e Kjipušin o|MMiod the first Slovenian lanjjiiage class at the Centni, wliicli was ronliniK'd hy Anira Srnec. The classes included leaching Slovenian ami a ranjje of cultural activities such as sinjiitiK, rollv-iiancinn and appearaiuvs mi stage al various celeliratinris and cultural days. l%(i marked the arrival of the Franciscan sisters of the Immaculate Conception who took over a part of tlie educalioiial work and oi-gani/ation nf culturfil events We can say that the children of Slovenian immigrants were now participating fully in the cultural life of the Slovenian Cťimnuinily and its social and cultural traditions .Ml the traditional feast days, St. Nicholas, Christmas with manger and Christmas tree. Midnight mass. Shrove Tuesday with masks, dancing and 'kroli' and All Saints day. were lnvingly celelirated llip most vivid memories held by many young Australians who were either born in Australia or arrived at a ver>' early age. were nf lieirig Uiken by the parents to the ritual blessing of the Raster b;isket on liaster Satuniay or attending the Midnight Mass at Christmas. In the seventies the Slovenian radio program was established, initially on a voluntarj' basis. Il was prr;senU>d liy the MellHiunie businessman Ivo Leber ami Helena van de Laak (now Helena Leln'r). Victorian Slovenes C4»u]d listen to Slovenian pnpiilar music, hear the latest news from Slovenia, and hear about various events among Slovenian community in Viclt)na and elsewhere in Australia. Tliere were also inten iews and talks on any issues of inten^t to tJie cfiiiimunity From 1"»75 Youth Concerts became a feature of Slovenian cultural life in Austnilia. in wliicih enwmbles, choirs, musi<; bands, sf Victoria, Willi aclivp organlztirs: Eli lli/inal, Pavel Sraj. Karolltia Anlauer. Clirislina Cnsttilk, l,ui-ij« Srnec and l.cnli Uinko ninonjisl uilifirs. The first l^eš<>reii Day was celeliriiu>d in 1W2 under the direction of Draga Cieli on the occasion of the visit of lnnez lansa, the Minister of Defence of Republic of Skivenia. Fathers Diy t<>89 - Th« ťhllilriiii l'pv# 1« |ifr^mi for ihe c«iuniiinlt>'. A uroiip of our ynuiigsters, rfxiy to slog in the new nillcriiuni with Sluveiiliiu suiius - a credit tu liiťlr toiclii'fs Ludjii Srnec nod Lydi» Lapuli. The First Slovenian Language Schools Maintaining Slovenian language Maintaining Slovenian booanie crucial as soon as the se^'ond, post-migrant generation entered the school s>'stem. Slovenian language gradually hecnmo exchisivoly the language of the home and the nieans of conimunicalion within tlie generation of parents and their ciri'le offrieiids. As iJie children slarU'il to attend school they began to use Hnglish as their main language. Progressively they liegan to lose the ability to speak Slovenian, with the corresp4)ndi!ig tendeiu^ to answer in Ktiglish when spoken to in Slovenian. Slovenian cultural ambience remained strong. It inciuderl the security of family environment and home witlt Slovonian customs and traditions, a Sl<)venian lifeslylo, a circle of relatives, family friends and their childrtMi. Sltjvenian churcli. community gallierings and Slovenian traditional fare also played a strong role Slovenian came to mean emotional lies with parents and their cullural heritage, as rellecled in iradilions, customs, music and Song; U) a certain extent also In religion, since for many the i-hurch and the culture were inextricably bound with their identity and ilaily life. Planici) fnllí (lonce.troup in the «arty ntouUes. PulUuri' iluiciug played a vital raie in the- cultunil lifr of til« ciiBijn unity, nm younjj SIovvnlaiLS danced al cultural vvviitti and bavu r«prcs«uli) in 2003. Hie VBfy youiig are uiitoufaSiMl to participate in niliural evcntsi With Sliiftii Merzel th» president of the Sluvenlao NatlDnal Cuundl ofMctttria l«iřil*k anil Mitt» Ji'lcuki). nud AltikMiidra Otbrlu. Many nf th* stmlnnliî later attcnrlpd Vlcti>rtan School ofLaiijuagw anil cunipktnl Uie Hl|;b«r Scbwii CsTtiliealB In Slovenian. Studeníš uf Ihfl SluVsnUlt \ii«ni-iaiinn MrlbiMirn« liaril m wori Sluvvniaii scIiaDl lu SfcivejtUn .'\.rtiar\- sludips, dioir« of iiroPnssion atid a wldonin« drclo of friends, lod oiiusidt^ th«î Sliiveniati œinniuniiy into a hmaiJer social Knglisli Australian splierp. When it came tn chooso a partnor it was also must oflfn a non-Slovenian. Upon arrivinjî in Australia. iIrto wcro two conlliotinn alliludos prevailintî wiUiin the Slovenian coinmunlly One focused on learning Enjîlish aji , lliese parents had a strong cnnunitmenl to Slovenian tradition tO Ottier CUltUreS. Tliey díB partlCUldny and wisherl their cbildnAn to retain their coniiecnion to it U was nOWPrflll ]/PhÍrlP' for entry Ijo tlie university, ami some si'hools dropped them from tlie curriculum Thf SliiVfulaii iflKiol al Clnuln ill VÎ86 wiih die (■»arh/T liifijs Sme lliis irf'tid was rovfirsorl in the oightins, as hiisinfss pooplf* ninJ onli^iieneil nionibors of Iho Auslxiilian govonimonl ronlisfij llial lu spoak only l-nglish • to bo a monolinRiial sociely - was nol in Uie bosl iiilcrfslii of Auslralia. il was alsn felt Uial pari of iJie sveaJlli liial mi^ranls linuittiil inlu AnslniliR wo.ro ihiňr langtiat^o skills, which should be ami niJrtiirf!(J and nsoi] as Ihn link to thfi WDrld, ralhrr lhan sii[ifirosspd atul lost. So it iinppfinfid that knowlwifî'J "f ajwiiher ianjaia^o l>«<-anie a valued cotninudity, and was ajjain oncouragpd and rowanlfid, Aftor ihe publicallon of iho Btackburn Report ui 1985 and subsoquetil oduiationa! reform, lan^uajîe siuilies were ininHjuced ai. primary level iutd made compulsory at the secondary' level - to Yoar l<>. Students intending to ennd for university snidies were etiL-ourajjed lo study languages by awarding ten boiuis points on lop uflhe normal score. .\ny language at VCI- level i^ould he user] as one of the liesi four sidtjei'Ls for ihe entry into university and all faculties, with the exception of science and engineering studies. Community language schools The ftrsi aUempl Uial led to a continuous teaching tradition look |)lace in I'XiU al the Slovenian Religious and Cultural Centre in Melb<)urno with Uin support and ^ dC^^HB^H encouragement of Fr liasil Valetilin. ihe I-ratu-iw-an T ^ďw^^^Hl^^^l priesl, whose elTorLs for Uie Slovenian cfinimunity l)ecame legetidan»', In I'X)*» lože Kapušin officially opened the first Slovenian class. The class was laUir Uiken ovor by .\nica Srnec, a teacher of Gennati, Stefan Srnec, her brother was untiring in his efTorts to establish classes and increase at.li'ndance. lie even collected childn>n by car. when parents lived tx>o far from the Cetilrw to bring them in. other teachers joined as ihe nunilwrs of students increased. Dragii tW'lt was asked to leach in 1968, lat4!r joined by the Franciscan sisters Pavla Kaućic and Silvestra Ivko. In i')7.''] I.ucija Smec look over a class, and was subsequently joined by Viki Mrak. /\nica Spai ajjan, Pavlína Pahor and Maksimiljana Kaučič A lew years later Veronica Smniel took over ihe li>aching, assisted by Harbara Smrdel. Mary Petelin, Udija Lipulj. Maria Stnthopoulos. lohn (lolja, Anita and Mar>' Zelo and now Iris Dieiner and Lidija Bralina. 'Hie teachers also Uiuglit the children folk dances. mi>dern dances, drama and .singing and prepared children's cultural programs and ajipearances. For a number of years Kalerina Vrisk direcUîd Uie youth choir Glasniki. It was initially difficult to pei-suade parents that learning Slovenian was imporUnt when Ihe only language needed for educ.ation. communication, employment or business was English This was particularly the case ui Ihe eiirly days, when every m igrani struggled lo gain n foothold in the new counlrj', learn Fnglish. cope with the new social environment, save money, build a hnme for the family, anri most Impnrianily. ensure a bright, future for the children, by pnmding a j?ond eduration. Slovenian coniinuiiity also established otlier classes. In 1966 Lidija Čušin kKi^an lu teach a group of children, first in her home, then in the Mall of Slovenian Asswiatton Ivan Cankar in CiPelong. In 1974 Lucija Sniec established Slovenian classes for pre-priniar> and primary school children at the Slovenian /Vssociallon Planica. At the Sl4»venian Association Melbourne .lana and Viki Ciajšek offered a Slovenian youth class for a short porifKl in 1076. Oraga ilelt iJien established permanent classes in 1978. At about the same lime Ivanka Skof opened Uie school at Slovenian Association .ladran, tlie Slovenian .^sociation Sl Albans is planning u> open a class with eight students at the beginning of 2(M)U viilh the teacher Hvel>ti Kojc. Thv Slav«DlM schoul In .'admii wilh ilie te»chfí Iviok» SlL't porforniliii! Slovenian Language in the Australian School System 1977-2002 Milestones VJ7ÍI Accreditation of Slovf^iiian as n MSC subjort in Victoria - first stop is takon Saturday School of Mndnrn ljit)gua(;ns (SSML) - introducing Slovoni.nn into tho school systnm Slovpnian Tcarhf'rs Asw>riali(.it> of Vi«rlorla (STAVI - tt?achers association is estahlishod 1077 Six Slovenian classes, at three school «-iintrns comnicnco in Molbounic I97« Saturday Sch«Ki| of Coniniunity LaiiRunues in Sydney introduces Slovenian Acrmditation proc-ess for Slovenian in Now South Wales is initiated l"J7y Hie ňrst use Slovenia» class in New Soutli VVaJes The Sub-committoD for accréditation of IISC Sluvenian in Victoria is established 19S0 VISE HSC Slovenian Gri>iip 2 acoredltfltion completed l-'irst group of students complete llSt; Slovenian in Victoria HSC Slovenian Comoiittee esUiblished I'J«^ SSM L Advisory Council established 1984 Tlie Review of HSC Slovenian - accredited till J 990 Slovenian Literary Header and Sloveniaji Folk Songs pulilished 1986 Field of Studies Cummittcn for Lani^uages Otherllian English iFOSC ft)r LOTEl established Slovenian language Teachers, Parents and Students Assiicialion of Vict«»ria (SLTPSAVi 1990 Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board (VG\BI introduces tho now two-year VCE cuurso 1991 Slovenian Course Outlines for VCE Years 11 Í4 12 developed by A (ieferin 1992 The first Slovenian VCE class to complete the reformed VCE (Victorian Certificate of EducAtioti) 199rt A Ceferin appointed Ai-ea Manager in VicU)rian Schof»l of |j\ngnagBS 1998 Institut»! for Slovenian Studies of VlcU)ria established, relnstituted from STAV 1999 Tlie website Tliezaurus.cnm with Sloveniima VVebzine and Slovenian language Resources is published on the Web 2001 Wobclassroom and VCE Design and Resources 120011 published. Slovenian Literator launched 2002 CSF Course Outlines and VCE Course Outlines developed for VSL Student exchangf initiative is introd and in 1W8 iJj« InsUtuto for Slovenian Studies ofVicioria Tlic inlroduťliun ofTlie/aurus in lin« late nineties represents the next phase of delivering language and cultural activilies hi a worldwide audionc«. □□□□□ □ □□□ □□□□□ □□□□□ Hifm wu«n Sliivnninn Groiiji Z Higher School OniHcnlit iloriiniťnt crimaincil » nw sm «f prlnrijilm anil roquirctiiitnts in the jirocéss DrHccrediuiion for nil the new inibjscl. Slovent&n wa.s held baclt for twn yp»rs, whilp the refiirm prric^ss was bolnj; SiM up. mid thon 11 became the first subicct to h< nccrodltuJ under the new scheinp, The document ci>nt«ins a new set »f toschiiig nirriculuni and usíchsiiihiiI prinripi««. and an oxlcuslvi> bihilio);riiphy of rervrtnres and hackground rMdinj tKXts. a$iwell « sampl« i>rii written i-Jtaminatkm. Study design _ I»iitMiri(MwTWi S](AfIlUII Slovenski jezik The HlsburSrhool f.'artificnlr docuiniim (iuIiIIsIÎmI in 1991 c ItenRn HOnZ, represents anothnr lengthy prixfss nf reform, resulting In rhanii^s tu Ihť reqiiiriinienliioflhe course and fumm 977. Suniškitv» »ila h*y Drajfu Cererin. I** itn r—t. J. «u>« CI »UK »UI«/U»niU< C —Itt— taclaM m «U1 », »■■»« ina mtmimttw, 'kta «»MlaM m't I, niati »»«I»««» «Mr i| m«m) au .iMiMii«. mm It m^l 'u tt* I ««a« fmm Mil ft««, dk«* «•« a*«« MM1M4 «s uw< <»•« M« w » t» MM« H«gu«|«». I Mit««« •!«•«* «««Mal»«»«« ««a eeeeâwtle* ^apaa aa« ><»U(a« » mU a »an»Waaal M aa»a»»lii ««■ t uu>» uat «W aaaaaaa a* raMaf aaaan»» am la aaavaa baflat H a »aaapaava« «aéa* émm aa« »a^ alAl Il aaaata*« tjaaalatia« a afttli. ■ Haitian •Ul «sutaMI. I aw» ataa tmmiu— aaa aMtiau. aaa^rr aw a^« a aewataaat aaat ka >Xa*a*iaa a^tava aaa uaaailaa, a«« I ka* Uaaa «aaa tau W rvftaataa »* «ay »llaMa« anaaa sa Uaaa«««a laafaata. I aa|M uta« alU 'M tka »«MMItaa aataaul Ma fW alimWua aa« flaaUn taa astrj. I attl ta twmmtli aialtaaia I' a*f aautaaaal Mitaa anaa. 'au* falWaU« ' Ýí'. ^-- I t^.tafMU I laBt.i I NUI Ha • a*C aaaalavl4aa paaaa. aatrir. MfHush Univcrun «I «t*«^««!* A»«.. ei«ft«« JIM >«•» Kt». l«l«ffl<« • llti I« y«t*t l»ti*» «r l«é 1 »»«l^ llM •• lb«« ••4M «« «ii4«t «Wt CMillI«»« »»«i« W lRtffM»i*4 »• ■.•.€. m V.f»|.a.|. ffrtl4«4 It 4«tt«lalr «•• i««» «»r It t« (•r If'T m»4 U «iw «f tW a*««rt«|* «f IIM «.laCa, t 4« wi «kl»* «tll IM iAtfsâvaVi«« *•* Wt««* • al«*« U —êé %%• t4tt* «C «»tVVtAiCt »««ftt^UllM • «•«ir**«*«« a* I httf 9im »III Itii4 tMis »»«lafMtatv «Wt« té »Mlllaasi mr^t»*«!*« iMia •••■••»ly« I 11 nnm UN>a| Thif Iřttiif wrUittii by -Meksumlrs Cefcrlfl to Trot Msrvaii. dsteii 1« Sapbimb«r l'J76. marks tbe first slop Inwards lislnlillsbuinnt of Hti;h«r Si!no76 marks»! a major breaklhroiiRh Tar Slovfinlari IJingiiaRp in Australia, 'Hip. fii^t slnps worR taken lo pslablish Slovenian as an aciTodilod subjoct within Iho framowork of Uip Australian school sysu>m. Tho historical movo was ot^asionod by iho porccivod nood lo set up Slovenian as a subject accn*dited within the Hijjlier Secondary G'rtilicate framework. Tliis meant that Slnvetiiari woiiNl become ohp of Uip subjpcts included in the scoring for university onlrance. Students would not be attending Slovenian to please their parents or for the love of the langua^D, but the results would also directly contribute towards their personal aspirations. Tht Teaching of SWVESIAS LANGUAGE in A u t Italia Wraun In Sniha Ctftti» fi—»*««*»>« ' ........ ti tmtumuM Thf brficlniri" Tfsvhii»!! "f Sl'j>i'ulaii Latigua;jc tu Austrolia fifřfiflriHi hy Aleksanilrn Orffirin for the Uiigit»SPsC'itiffreiiCť held Id S>ild«y In I'J'M. Hfigiilar altenrlancp, a sol sj'llahus, ami pride in tholr (niltnral horilagp wore ass<»ntinl if wp worr U) givr tmr young jKNipIn growint; up as Australians a snnsp of piirposr and rospnM for the laiiHuan«' (if tlieir atiwslors. Ilifi largp,st classes in 1476 worp (n iho Slovonian Koliiiinus and Cultural Ontro in Midboumn. Tlipre were 40 studcnls atl^-iuliiisí a Junior and a senior class, witli liie Iparliers Lucija Srtipr and Pavlina Paixir Tho issup of Higher Schcxd Ortifiriilo Imalura) accrcditalion fnr Slovenian language was raised Willi Uip language consultant fur iIip languagps uf Yugoslavia wliu visited Slovenian rlnssps in ilip Cptitrp TIip rps|n>nsp was. that Slovpnian students fouM enrol for Sprlio-Croalian. This of course was uiiaccoplable. Snl)Sí?((UPnll>' I r, Stanko Zemljak approadiPtl Alpksan' apijmval for the introduction <»f Slovenian as subject in the SSML. A. (leferin estalilished Ihe Slovenian Teac-hers íXssociation of Victoria (STAVI In I97f>. The main pur]H>se for the establishment of ST.W was to assemble all qualified teachers of Slovenian background - with either Slovenian or Australian qualifications or both - and so l.iy a foundation for a {>ool of teachers to draw upon. The lirst meeting took place at Monash University In November l<)7i>, and foundations were laid for the aims. pur)>oSP «nd eventual Work of the a.ssociation. 'Iliere were 2i» teacliers with a variety of qualifications but all witJi a willingness to assist in tlie educational and cultural work. Some teachers were already active witliin the communily. teaching language and organizing cultural activities. ■■Xt the foundation meeting Aleksandra Ceferin was elected i^resident. Jožica I'addle-Ledinek Vice-President, Natasha Vincent Secretary. Lucija Srnec Treasurer. At the subsf!t(uent General Meeting. Drago Ceferin wa.s fleclnd hiblicity and t-nrolment Officer There was also a C.urriculum Sub-committee, Sub-committop for Ke.search and Organization, and Enrolment Sub-committee. The main aim and purptise of .STAV was to maintain the teaching of Slovenian language and culture In the secondary school system of Victoria. Aclivitifis iinrlortakftn by STAV during the following y«ars inrliifled regular moetings of InachfTS. seminars antl wnrkshi'ps. dovplopmonl nf sy'llabi ami ti>sl papors. Iho acquisition aiiiJ iniroiJuclion of UMidiiiig resourcfs. In Uu' lijllowing years Uhto wore eiirolnu-nl tlrivns al iJie beginning of eat'li st-hool yoar, iiicelings wiili parents al llie oenlres, articles in Misli, radio talks and interviews. STAV also kept contact with Uie ronuimnity and inf<>nned tJiem about new educational developinents. the role nf language studies in general and Slovenian language in particular, within the curriculum and as a IISC subject used for university entrj' recpiirements. Prešeren and literature generally form the foundation of Slovenian national identity... With the exception of first writings in Slovenian, the Freising Fragments (Brižinski spomeniki) from the 9th century, literature did more than sen/e merely as a tool for preserving the language as a basis for national identity, it was a vehicle of protest against desperate circumstances and a promise of a brighter future. Like the mythological Orpheus, a poet is literature's supreme organ upon whom the power has been bestowed to foretell the future oracularly and unite people into a community. Few nations can - like the Slovenians - claim without irony to have arisen and been preserved thanks to poetic visions. Matej Bogataj A Cohabitation of Styies and Generations The asst>ciaUon was also interested in creating a inillurai climate and cuitJiral activities for a cinrle of interested mend)ers of the Slovenian c^)mnuinity So in 1'>Sit came into being the Slovenian Arts Society, which met regularly for two years. These were nieetings of cultural wurkers. teachers, poets, editors, radio jintgrammers, artists atid interested individuals. 'I"hey tnok placo at the Migrant Resource Centre in the Melbourne city centre. Tliere were Uilks on Slovenian humour, Shvenian ballads, poetry readmgs by contemporary Slovenian poets atid Melbourne poets. A visiting clinical psychologist gave a talk on the migrant experience. In tlie late eighties it was considered appropriate lo establish the Slovenian Teachers. Parents and Students Association of Victoria. This was during the time of major school reforms that foiind parents rather less than sufliciently infonned about the innovations, changes and implications in platuiing for a future course of studies Parents had an op|)ortunity to ask (|ue.stions and were regularly informed about the new developments in state si'hool education and were given advice when necessjiry. «> »uckaau áM. CUItTM, TU.HM »m. •«•tla*. 4* M «••Itlii« »•• ft»»! tel«««. Vlfwtn* M »ft— »m It— ê ttámka. u M »««tt >. wm ■eahiitiii.fUUîg.'iïs.'ïa. •(n»J»< tt.Jia. hmrnr tmt»»» Jm tmtttmntu-m mfnUUi > «at»- •««••»IMÍ TtAOW ««Muitim «r vnt«*u«. UMslM J« MisiJM. «• ««1lai«t« OTWfi«« ••II II»««««!!"« at«»!»««!«. T» ta «M tta«* a>««tíi arttfaukl» Maai««>i|k iiMalaaj, • (rta «a «aMM^ mj« n «ranj* Utiai>ia (iMMMaya JaUka. f«»a> «Mata Mi lu'aCiMaja v taavMava minf tm atatt (Mihí Itlaa.at). aMaaita» kU« «MO «uMia yoaaaaaa «»laatt ^a«a)a u ilMtaMnia aUaai>MI»i. ataiti 4ajajt ainka • *a«a, «a»a Ja na •Ciuljlk, «a tmatairatjoa afiatMaja aMj «a)a«. la r«iika U4 «••«. • a*a4«aia>ia* l t «aata «aataota ia tatiil*« U util »a. aaia» aaM Mt (la««a> mxoém. U »aUa^aan i faa*ir«>(a la The invittiiiin In attend iho »enilnir. aMr.aba t»imuii ajucouna* w mnaii traa anuut. u a* «e TTitl * vna«aru JB • OBS. mwaa 9UI ••kMl OM«r«. waaU atMat. iwtft flarltm, pm ttra^H - aaba H. M * nialna 7.im mt mi «iMsaaln eafartai iMT^îo» MMt n T twjjmf nakMtJa •«aaw lanljakt ««« IMMiT* I4 llrn;»: f«U • UUncT MUT UilBMtJa S »taM •tai« al art ■tast UaMtaCra e«(*rt*i rtrsi II mnt ta ZTáí^íi.. la Ttig. «tii r. mran-Mrga M|o^ieî*îu)Bn"Se ? «aura aalti ««mm t »U*wtJ* o smanm, »a mtancak mu ■tail ■t«« axauaatm Cararlili (uíSua UKOIU aoRiAl (Mtar. ir««lact wee rxatntri xarouvn a rwcwxmn mum aiakaatja U «tan ilam«tra Oararlii inSn jsrcnc u jm Mm ntia 1» «uv« Stidnatja 1* »xuai la aunniM tS/U/TC. i.uearwM Tbe prugram for ihe Drsi Slovenku I«idii!rssiutiinar23 Navvmler 1976. h«l SAimiMT SCHOOL Of NODERH U^RtUOIS J« bil« uaUnovljana u potreb« Studentov, kl bi M radi uClll in ao usposobili * jKlku, kl ga çovoTlJo » «Tojm do«. Pra»- tako sa ona, kl aa xaniaajo sa Jazlk. Slovanèeina aa tivaja kot ufinl pradmt In aa bo imrie pouearaU t iolakam latu 1977 pod latlml pogoji kot xa ostala Jaxlkas xadoatno ètarllo uřanoa* In parlraarno ftta-Ttlo uíltaljav. Pouk sa bo rrBll 1. 1977 ▼ trah eantrlh: Box Hlll Rl(h Sohool, BarlbrTnong Ulch Sobool la OolTerelty Hl«b Sahool. âtudantl naj vplSaJe na najblltjaa oantru r aoboto februarja 1977 9*15 In U.l$ uro dopoldne. Prllosenl Studente laformtlen OlrauUr »eebuje raa potrebna navodila. Studeat. inroljiant AoplleationJora. latotoko prllMen, naj se Izpolni In Tlof.l na prlatoiaaa oeatru na dan rpl-aoranja. Val Btudentl aoiraje TplaBatl vrlanlno t ).oo. "Bank allp" oiaaaJen t okroSnlel bo pa na raspola«o na dan Tpla*. Tplenlna ae lahko vploSa ?rl vaakl podrusalel State Savlnca Bank of Vlotorla. Potrdilo ae poten IsroBl T toll na prrl dan pouka. §ola bo dala na razpolago alorenaka berlin sa pouCevanJa T razredih. Poleg tega bodo Studenti uporabljali uSao knjigo Slorenlan LaniwMe »anual 1, ki Je predpiaan uS-benik in ga bodo norall aasl kupili. Ha razpolago bo ob saSetku Šolskega leta. Vaa oatnlo v svazl knjig In pouka bodo pravočasno obrazlosill uMtclJl po vpisu. UOonJa slovenSeina sa fttudanta slovenskega porekla Je prednost. Redno ae bodo uElll svoj Jezik tn se tako apo-znall s kulturo prednikov. V dreavne« Solakem' slstaai bo slovendilna njihov drugi Jezik. Kot uCni predast bo ooe-njevan in bodo v nJem dosegli vsaj isto raven kot v oata-lih Jezikih. SloveaSfilna se lahko upoâteva pri vpisu na univerzo, ako Je znanja tujega Jezika eden izaad pogojav sprejena. Za vaa nadaljna vpraAaaJa pred zaCetkon (olakega lota lahko kli Bat« t RaadMster'a Office, t«l.3aO-5«77 ali STAV, tel.y>4-c595. srma kasabdc RUnUSTER ALiXSAtORA CZrSUTB FRssiDSJn', sLtmariA« TIACKSRS assocutiôk op victobu ttelbourae, lo.daoeabra 1976. Ptjvkbllv - InvluUuii lu paKiils for tmrDlueal 1 orndtti oUDiiiiig uf Otn^a library in 1977. Iti tbi' ctiiitrc Fr. Basil Valentin, la bis riiiiit lira^ (lebrlo, wbu was )iu!tnuu«ntiil in eatibilsliliii; fuiidlnx forlbn library and atnorii línflnsd struclur«. Further on bis left Senator .Miniin L^'ti!. 2 řarttnls TcacbKrs Meeting at L'nivuvily Hl)(h al ibo eiul of il>im«i>t«r I in 1989. 3 m««ttng oflaillfljc «t ihr SI^amisIui Pruicvi> Mnlliuruc with All^liKandl. S Sluvoiilan Teacliors MceUn^ tl Dux Mill lllish. 19S4. 1 Pwiits and Inch«» mnotlug ui Gooluiti; VSL Cmiirii in 1W. 2 Simonlui Toachen Mealla» it l>iijv«nl(f HS VSL i:<'Uln lo 197». From tli« left: Jo!}n Ptddle-UdiiHik. Natxsht Vlnoitni, Vmna («km, Ak-bindrn Cefiirttt. DrtRa Gelt. Lucija Srnou 3 Sl'AV meulinx In tJu bariixi library. From Ute left Ivd Leber. Ding Hupniit. McUi LMinriili. Mwli« Ofip«!« Toni- Gwjup. Aiotoandr» Cfrferin. St«f«n Srdm. LiicÇ» Srnfti. Sanrfi C«r«rlii, Lidi)« I'uiln. We mnt 1» dlituK it» fiaur« pnllciM and «tntrgi«* (t>t proinúlion ofStuvtalao taaguagii. lu this raM «iwclBcaJly tu iirmnutii Slovfiilait at tbu U>TE Conference In Sydney. 4 Tb« lnv(i|vpin«ni ofyiMing people tiorn in Aiuwalla » parrinularly vahicd. Veronicn ScnrdeJ and Lidija Lapuh liav« contribuliui to tlie teaebioK uftfa« raung in an^ way. Hnr« thoy arAgpAikinxtDMota l.enarnř, th«> coordinator nr Radio 3/Zi'. Slo\'i'iilaii prugrauL who k»ii also iaui(ht fulkiurc and iiudourai;«« tiiii yuunj; pcopl« tn participât«. 1 Altk»)] ("rpcard. Sliivraiim |»«L actor and juurnalKSl livia;; ia Triest caiuluetlni; a pueir)' reading ffiiisinn with hU daiighirr Maš« nI Barag« Hous« in Mttlbnurno in Aiigiii«t 1997. 2 MřMtnií of tli« Sliivuni«« Arte Soclwjr - I'ontry Rsadlng» 3 Prince« Hill Si?roiidjir) Caltogn Onim 1999. OkUt Saha. Sbvunlia choral griiup fram Cwinttila samhwn Anrtria. visitřd ti» Slovonian clasw»» daring their Australian Tour. I'lioto of; Okul Suha. guenu - Prtfldutt of Slmoutan NaUmial Cotindl d if aimmfi th» w»«« ianguaff» jfrnups in the VSl. Centra. Slovenian and Saturday School i. '«I'm J j^lMi «> all IM<. MMtra IM. «». IW. to»»» k»«*. u.«»-» v»»«, ». », wl. , I K^'-i tt. II.M, )•■«. m^ IM, Ikw. VMla^ Km. ail m^ wmI, M« Mkm. toil s^iM, m< P »•«». ««w • iiiM, an. a«»vI. a« fcM^. nn •vnllta, •*/. mt > >1 I I >• Mlit-« w f* «aa«< a« t**a#. wne at awV % « The first classes Snlurtlay School of Modnrti L-]n{;uagos (SSML), renamed in I«)>t7 as Victorian Si-himl nf {.angiiagos I VSI.I wo| hdure (Saturdayl to teach languages not olTered by tho sciiool rurrifuiuni. .\ftcr World War II, SSMI. b(?gan to occupy an increasingly ini|Jortflnt place as the pro\idor of niulticultural and language curriculum. With the arrival of the first great waves of migrants and their cliildreii, tliere was a gre^u-r demand for language classes and the schoul gn;w in nuinlr»er of students, centres and the languages offered. The lieginiungs were modest. 'Ilie first classes wer«' tlie initiative ufa language teacher who believed tliat more languages should Ik» ofl'ered witliin tlie school curriculum than the traditional Fretich, German ni«! Latin. Ttie s<.-liool o|)ened in l^liS at MacRobertson's (iirls High .Si-hnol J^T' on Saturdays with lapanese aiid Dutch. Teachers were employed by the Department of |-ducatiini Victuria an7(> Slovenian was approved. Classes were txi be introduced in 1977 at three centres The historical atiouncemeiil 'Obnestilo' to Slovenian |mrt>nls was signed by tlie Headmaster of SSML. Stefan Kasarik and .Aleksandra Oferin. CBUCAlie* M» ISLU '««■"I« .-"a Mil ■«• II V ha « HJJ. W|. a^t ti • M4tUHa ■ •y.^ all IMI ai tMM ■•Ml« a« WW •Man «■• «» hW la «11 mê Ma« all a« MmIi a«a> laaa «aa ail «a vw MU ■ • ■If, •aan«" avisai l> iOm « Oana» mm Ma>< ■narril« l«a> ail laai .At i>rgtlinlu^ vr«adi schoul year tim SaturiHV íicSťttj issui« a circular with lnfNltr«y 9 (MAttOf^VICToai* VICTOaiAM KHOOt OT UMCUâCCi STl I)H\TS REPORT CamMann (Lin«M|* ifcill«: UMMi«. «.iimn» ' orttiRf ' itMln«'! it'»ii«i»i mt mt^rmrnt. •n | _JN>WmJUJM^ tr »»" t»i» f*m, _ M«ita(jMiMiarir t^wMii^ «>m«. am mi IM« rM*ll» !•*> mrm «Mstlaot. _ _ In 1977 six Slovpiiiaii rinssos were olTerod. There was a junior and a senior rlass at each nf the thn?«; srhoul centres Tiie teachers at iJie ihrcc centres were: llniversity Hi^h School Ontre - Natasha Vini-ent ami Maria Hosiiič, Maribymong High School Centre - Vesna Iskra and Magda Hribomik, Mill High School Centre - l.iicija Srnoc and Drnga tielt. In the following ye^rs oUier teachers joined in the effort: Pauline lîencan. Lidija Čušin, Drago Coferin. Sandi Ceferin. Lilijana l-'ekorya. Marta Jelenko, Stephanie Matkí)\nč, Anno Melnyk, Viki Mrak. Jožica Paddle-Ledinek and Pavel Šraj. In l'>7f> cx>llnagues were contacted in Slovenia, Trieste, and the USA regarding suitable texlbooks, which had to t)e appnived by the school. It was fortiinate that we had willing friends who made sure titat hooks were sent in time for the beginning of the si'hool yejir. In the l'SA we were assisted by Pmf Edi riohe«^ iSlovenian Research Center of America! and in Třieste {»rof. Martin Jevnikar collected a sufficient number of lower secondary and primary school readers to supply all three centres. The <'lasses were well e({uipped witli dictionaries and graniiiiar-lM)oks. They were supfM>rled with class-sets uf school reailers usť^d al Siwarnie''« SignMunL. K«. A-EMSIIW B-VwrSced CD • t« N4tM(>t*Kne to the teachinji of Slovenian, it was supplenienterl with wider reading, conversation, role-plays, free writing, |)oems, songs and riddles. There was a strong cultural component, focusing on historical events, customs and traditions and features of Slovenian culture. This was tauglil in conjunction with tales, mylhs, stories, epic poems and ballads dealing with particular historical events or features of Slovenian society at present and in tho past. We had started in tliree iv^ntres at localities which reflected the areas wber»> Slovenian community lived in greater number. The locations of centres changed over the years in Lt/iOd U římen mL i C 11 !'**S ií-s- Urt/Lw .^(iroi 9 *íuMM4 □ V? iuM m^ft^J if P ♦•»"'IO-, th. 0 Irtr^MnW • J*« ttjJ) Uoi/K iUU, Q k. » tw» m — HI« 1 » —k*tm A laturvcrsion of lha Ruporl i-mph)i$i2<^s thf variaas .iklU« in language learning, dtvim lulu rittouliie luid !i[i«ttkliiš ami rpsHitig and writinf Tlifrc Is -«pac« for a nirth« I'onimeiii on Ihe siudeut'« (wrfurmance nud attitude ^enrnlly. rí>syM>nse tn Slovpnian commiinity mnvomonls. Thn niimbor of coiuros inorpaspd t<> six in 1984. in an allrmpi lo pmvid« ai-r«ss Ui sliirJonts living in dilTomnl aroas of Mfillnjunifi: 1977 - IWO IJox llill II S Contre, llnivorsily II S Centro. Maribyrnong il S Centro 1')H1 llox Hlll H S. liniv.THÍIy II S. IVfarlb>rm.nB M S. North <;««i'l rntmjK 11 S. North (>«'clong II S 1984 - 1985 Ailona North 11 S. Box llill 11 S. DandtMion)! H S. liniversity 11 S, MaribvriHMiR II S. North Gt-olong M S I98f. llox llill 11 S. (iniversitv II S. Marlby mon« H S. North tieelon« M S 1987 - 1989 Rox Mill 11 S. (icdong North II S. l'nivorsity II S 1990 tioclong North II S, l'nivorsity II S 1991-1994 UniviTsity 11 S 1994 - 200:î l'rinri's llill SortHulary <:<»lI«>go Al ihf' PMíJ of 23 ypars the niiinlwT of f>nnilm«ftn rodutwJ u» onp class in contrai Molboumc. Hir majority of students enrolled aro children of parents who are born in Austrahn or adults whu plun lo travel to Slovenia and would like tu be able to conniiunicate in Slovenian. Teaching Slovenian Tearhing Sl Iwn years and lnonr|)onitinn fduoalioti reforms rí^presented by Curriculum and •Standards l-nimowork - Sii-callod (1SI-. In tho ninotios tho VSl. dovolopod and published valunblo teaching and profo.ssionni developnu'iit resourr«*«, vvliioli addressed tlie needs of the teachers: jiuidelines on teachinn nii.xwJ aliiBty classes; assessment and reportinj;; tearhinij p-ammar in conte.xt and U'arliing tiic VCE. ITiere were three major stajies of lanj^iiaKe reform ; the VCH in l')«)l, ihe <"SI- in ]'>•«>, and VCl- Course Desit^n and CSI- 2 in 2002. These stiiges are reflected in major curriculum documenis for Slovenian language; Stocenian Course Outlines 7 - 10. VŒ 11 - 12 (VSL.W2.1995). Shvenlau Multi-hwel Si/llahus (VSL 19'^»). CSFSlotietihw Guhielhies (VSLJWftf. CSFnnd \'Œ Slovenian Course Oiillines 1 - U (VSL. 2(>()3). Slovenian was introduced into the scrliool s>-stiMu at a time wlion ihe éducation system was prtiparifiiî to respond to tlie demands of a fast chan^inK .Australia. - the impact of a (»rxuil variety of etluiic firoups, a fast niovinjî and vigorous economy and challenges of tlje UH'hnological age. OngťHng processes of the VSL I.OTI- curriculum provide its studonLs a balanced sol of leaniing experiences which are active, cooperative and participatory and which give studetils maxitiiuni op|>orlunity to realise their potential. Curriculum development is bas or encouragcíinent of llieir children to attend Slovenian classes. In many cases it is Ihe teenager and the young adult wtio expresses tlie wish to learn Slovenian. atM*nds Saturday classes, and enrols for the VCH Slovenian. A'///'/:'; See more on the Victorian School of Languages in the Appendix. List of books delivered to SSML for Slovenian classes in 1977 knfizernofti. id". Maribor l')74. S140 Jllett: ".\iwffiik' ,l«iiknvn> vadnira 4.niiri'i| iiKttiWfte iolis. SlJiO .l»lcli; 'SimcHUtxtjHw nloeeiuti jrztt'. j*iiUiijvii» vailttlti I» S.ram'l osnnvnt šok $3.(H) .Iftlplt; 'Spt>:nainjmi> iiltwfn»ki )kU:' Ifiiliovn» vinlnirii n Cjiirvi osnovne íaln. $3.20 J»leR:'"S)mi«k srn Komik. 'SlorfHikfí Anglriki »hmr\ IKS. LJiilIlariiL t972 $«.(10 Tii|x.irliiif; 'Slofriiskn Slornini m\ Marilmr. IWi S8.50 Box Hill Hiffh Srhiwl Ootri« I'i77 Lift tn rlghi; Bark mw; Johnny MAMILtft'lC. Sun GBL. Viïl»n SVbTIMA, l(FirT()MA?.»C, Timy GRL Andrej LENKO. Sihilt ŽELE, LumJm« KLANÍlil Middle rm: Stoli řKNKO, Doris KAMR'S. Uir^aMAMILOVIČ. Marta URNAT. H«l«ri fONGHAČiC. T»iiji»VABGI.IEN, MuryŽfiLE. Maint row: Miriam SLUGA; Erik KAMPUS, Rokri L!li SrIiiMil OMlIro 1977, un ta ri};bi: Qack ruw: AdniriiAMSA. Stppahiiiie BEBOOC, Mnrgsrfi ViCiC. MIclicllc LEBER. SlIvU JHKNEJOlC. ËildK- BOLE. Mnrta I.OCAR. Tnclipr: Nnlssha VIRENT. MWillp niw: Mariin IMRC, Aniu LLHiAR. John CVETKO, Hinki> BfiOllAČ, Syh l» CVHTKO Iv(i PRHShI From nw. Durls B8()2lC,.ll Cenlri' l<)77, left to riglili l)»ck rnw; Boris ISKBA.VmkoVlHTELlC, Anne VAiWAL, Iviii VADM.IAL Danilo VlllTfil.lC, Siissnno ISKR.A, Siism VADNAL Midillc Tticher. VWii ISKB.A. Ellal-clli l'OKUR. Sus»n RAKAR, Majda Valenili, SonU MEZGE(J. Majda SF'At: AMN. SiisiJi KIRV Tatila ISKRA Front riïw: Innés SMRPfil. Irmě iwnklnc, Albin SMRDEL, .lidin HA.IEK. Nad» Z.ADEL, Julwid» BBEZlA'EC Abennt: Frank HHL.I. ^{arillym.>nKllÍJrh5•ll.ml r.i>nirf VI77. Uft In rlifhu Bai-i row: Edl MAL.IKVAC. Eiiptíř I'itKUR. lvBnZADEl.,TttuiaJAKSETlC. Vlvinns STKPANÙÎ!. MliWIi- ro»: Teirhir; Magiln UIIIDERNIK. Irene LUDVIK. Vivlennf GOMIZilJ, Andrew ZITTERSCIlbVGER. Stmjí BARBIS. L«anui. JAkSETl'l Manu SMRDEL Front row; Anne JAKSETIĆ. Mari» MlNGfTT. R.in nOB.IA.VC PHm NATLACEN. Su/.i MINCOT. Bo* Hill Hish School OntfK I'í7i L«ft In rlghl: Bark MW: TaiiJalCOKEU SmBGRL Susaa BHLiMEN, Lyuetln IJREZCA. Dflnisi'AŠENBERGKH, Silvio PONGHAilC, RmId PRdSENAK. Third row: Frank ZCQZNIIC. Silvia FEBFOL'A. Parko BURGAR. Rnris KAMPlfS, Aniii- PIIOSENAK. Joliu MAMILWlC, kay PCiP0\'ŠE1l Semnil row; Rnman Rt)TAR. Lilian VANIT. TeachiT. Driea GELT. Brankti LAŽKVlC. Lysliřih KOCE. Frnni r.TW; John NOVAK, .lonny VRAN. .Adrian 2ELE Sonja .WVAK Absr-ni: Helm DoMINKO. (lanuiii Sli'CA. John TBKBSA- ^Urlh) rnons Hijjh School O-ntre 197S. Litň to rljilit: Bad rnw; TnnUJAKSfmO.Euiîsne I'OKlJtH. Kdl M ALIB'AC. Vis1»na STEPAN<;iC. Susie MINGOT. Aiidm« EJrrERSCIlLAGEfi.Jusf.ph PLEV'MK, Mldillř f«w. Ingrid BREZOVEC. Maria MlNaJT, Suuj« a^RBlS. Vivian OAIEEU. Aiim. HKSETIÍ, Ron OOR.IANC, Piter NATUČEN.LIlyJAKŠETIČ. Front rnw: Peter ZirrEBSOHLAlîEH, Eiii KiXMANili. M"jc» HbM'NlK Twdier: Sïiiili UEFERIN. Siiiu BAUGAll Snajn MAVER sríčkxj B1111'AVSlC. Middle rvw. Toiiy GRL. Hilda BLA2EVIC. Kîilj» BIZII..I. Hí»l«ii l'ONGRAÎH'.. Sniun« BIZILJ, Sdtijn VARGLIHN. Majda GlEÍEK. Frnirt ro»; Loreta MAMlIjOVIlV Man ?.fil.E Tfai-ht-r: Lucija SHNEC. Mirisni SUXÍA, Tanin VARGLlEN.aivlaZELE. Aíiii«nt: Rotwrt U)TRl£, Marta I'lRNATPt-ferPIRNAT. Mađda BUZEVIC I nir<7uBtr<.w;FraukFEKO.VfA. AndrHW ÍKAIiAR. Tsadxir: Mnriii BUlvNIČ. Cvetku OSTUOřNIK. Danny BRaCK» AliScUL .Andrew PiyroCNlK. IvanliHDIH.SyhiaCVETKa .Mlin CVETKI), Frank KmiVCl'^ Inivtfsily IUkIi V'hool O-ntrv !<)?> Left tu rl«hl; Bsck rowi Jot BRCŽIČ. Suzaiinit SAKSIIM. (llga FEKO\JA. MiddlD raw: SUn UČb'N, .loliii BARfi, RKisT .Ic L.\AK.ZIstt3l-'ai)VlA. Frnnt row: Helena KURINilC. All|!t^ll(|u« van d« LAAK. Add* HI JDHOVlC. Tuacbiir: \aiash» VINCENT. Mari» TliROLA. Aniln S^ANKOVIČ I niïwril) Híjfb .Si biM«! Cfiiirc I97M Left to right. Back row: Iren» BIRSA. Mdml MOIIAR. IvaoliRDIH.MirhaelVUCKO, Andrew potilínik, Mary SAKSIDA Middle rcnv: Teachen Marija BOSNlC. Daniela MAJCKN, Maria LAH, Andrea Helen vijíko Taijana MOHAR. Irani.' K.ALIST[':H. Front mv»: Danny BHACKO. Fnak FEKOVIA. Cvetk« íOTROZNIK, Marjan LO.NČAR. MariuLlCCN. Absent: Karmen GRII., David kov.aíiť., Majda LEBAN. DDrl« L(X;aH. Mark PLESN1ČAR, Andrew fiKABAH Maribyrnon;; IliKb &<'hr>ol ODlr.-1979 Left tn rIghL Buci rrlh Gopíodk IliKb Scbnol Onirp t9iiO SJuvcnIaii tlii; irachcr Abub Mcliiyk- .'^ovi'uiiin r\*s* «I DiiniJi'UiiiiK lUgti S:h>81 FMrnlh-Ml David Bn«)i-TmiU III IXCRAITLS. Ingtiil OMAN, u-orj!»' BnKi:a\rns..sc.n!» CK;. Mi.h.'llf I.HNARilf.. Katriiui VltlSK. I'.Taclipr Dr««» (ll-J.T. S>lviii. MjirjtarH RO/MAN. ^«itdr« C.HC. k«lrliiA$TRANCMI I nivpMin HIih Schiwl O-mre 1991 Hbss ssssiun: Ic ura in K aboiil die UnHi. Th« SlovMiisn VSL im-JimuI < Ytn Vem Dtiii. dii itlrui'liv« pirulr ilii«llnalWii norlh-vr«!» ofMiiIhniirnA. It was on« orsev^rti «xnirsion« hnM "v«r the y«ars. This onll'-|^ Ci'jitr.' l'W4 Left tli right Bsd row: Sikíh PirraiN. Phyllis ZVEB.T«achdri Vlki mrak. D«ols ramuta. Chrisrini kubk, Sonjn xai.ik, Mitlille n>Wi kamrinu VERSiĆ. FrDiiirow: NatAsha haujan, Jflnny PETIÍLIN, (3irisiine oestnik. I'riocfs Hill S-i-i'odary Oillt-jff a-nUP l'i'M» Uft 111 rlglit4 B»ck MW: Mark uuiář Spur. siblna VOCHIN, Irene TKALCHVIf.lL LIfoLi HAMUTA. HmTMcher. Viki MRAK. AlfksauiltrBRALtTITCH. MiddJe rnw: Kaljn THOMPSON. i:hrisiin«CB5TMK. Susie řKTEUN. jfibiiy PLTELLN, NUiihu harja\. Aniu GODBC. Front row: Sonja ISOTA, Tewliřr. Síiidl CEÏÏEilIN, Wcudy CRSTNIK. Mtrin ICLIČ. Eidiiiii. Hdloni OPl'Bll.1. Bgsn ICl.lC. Priucps Hill Swondary CoUî-r» Ci'OU» Wj) l.fft loriihi.: Brn-k row. T«r. Pavi'l SllAJ. Iris DIETNElt. SaLiii» VOGHIN . Wendy CESTNIK. Anton SMItDEL, Aleksander BRALETITCII. Imn« TKAljCn'ICH. Tuaclwr; Saudi CEFEHIN, Middle rr-w. PivrlSHAI Sand FAUN. Evgen IGLlC. Paula SMRDEL. Miťhaol POLIL Kftlk'tinf POLH ,l»n N.nni1«r) IVnir.' MX) l.»fl (jQ rijJit; B»clc row: M»rtn iai.lC Kîirfii KOHEK, Ainsr FAUN, Kmhtrine KiLH. Andrea SKRABA. Andrfw BHAT1\A. row, Teacher: l'«vfl Sn.A) bak» ŠR.A.I, Iruni' TKALOEVIQl MkhacI POLH, .iiin NdVAK, Nalnshn SiATLOR. P»tfki»ANTALiER T«idii!r: S»inll CEFERIN, Front row Mwi BI(,ATINA, Nala a!>RA.I, Molliiiia in rtiSTRUZlS. Sluriimt'i »rslownún «'Inss «1 Prim « mil VSL Onifp tu 2002 Fruui liiv k'H: Tc&clicr: Saudi CEFEBIN. Midiillc KOHFK Natnilř IDSTRIIŽIN, Mflissa BRATINA. Andrtiw tlR.ATl.VA and.Miflinp| BKUIA\ ISS\"h»s arriitigf(1 sclmlarships fir the studfuts to «ttund a schuni in Slaf«nia for twi> montlis. Aniimw li!t$ alroaijy Iwfřn dimnK hh) sdiflol holidayii. md has rcturiic^ from (j weeks suy at tliB Di&cfsan Oj-liiiiainum in Vi[i»va. »ilh vaMly lliipriived lou^^ua^c «kllU and a IflowitiK rejiort. Tlifl thri-i" Rirls will be going to rhu Dlixto^an Cia.wki:al Gyniuaïiuui lu ljuliljaua. In iwptemkr 2(i'>3. II Iwks likn a »iifiMSful way «f lualiitaining the lan^uajti^ and ror^jinit u«w ties with anr motlifr country. Tlif Shrtonlïii class of Luc(Jtt Srn«i; m tli« I nivcrsiiy ILS V.M. rjnUr«- in l'W. On ihft U'ft Is Katja Thomson Willi lier Ausimllaii Iswyer liusUud Ul)t)i Thompson, whii is v«r)' kcniii In learn Slovonisn. Thuy inwiid In Slttvuila In IWl for tiiii whiile yoar, 50 Ibilthuirson may beconie fluent lu SMinJiii, Anotlii-r Ausiralisu «ludviit nf iho clai« b« Brucv Qinmlwrs. \(ha iitunils w itli his »lin Mirtai-I, ami b»s cuniiimwl hI» lovo nITalrwIth Sluvrnlan laii|;u»gii till tuijay. attendiiiK riraRa G«lťs Slovenian onnvpfSitinn rlass st ihn Baraga lious« in Km. Kr lian *lsI.H. Amnr l-'ALAN tVCKl. MWillc MW-. Teachtir Satull CEFERIN. Andrutt BRATIKA, Kwhorljjit PÛUL Zslika R17.MAL Mflissa BRATINA NiUlia KtSTlIlilN, Kathlyn TOM.A?JN. Front row. Matlli SRAJ. Amra BRVIAK, Tenrhpr: PavelS RA.I. Kara FEBCBIÎS. Helen« OPPELLl. OtiierstudEntï: Mldiellii KOHEK. Jan NOVAK. UnfcaSRA.1 Accreditation of Slovenian as a Higher School Certificate Subject in Australia Sti wf> l>pgan toachiriR Slovnnian in tho Virtoriaii suiio school .systPfii in l')77 Slovonian languago was an rlnctivo arcroditcd s<:hool .subjpcl - for Ihr lirsl lime in llie Knjîlish-bpeakiiiiî world. Thoro was still a major task lo be accomplished: accreditation as a Higher School Qrtificale iHSCt Year 12 siiliject, nst-d as ono of tJie subjcrti. lor university onlraiice. In l')7(), whiin Alfiksjindra Oferin first apiiPoachRd tho anthoritios rognrrling the accreditation of Slovenian as a HSC subject, the proccss had to l>e delayed for two years. ■|"ho siatp of Victoria was facing tho first nf its maj<»r secondary education mfonns. The process was reinstated in 1979 and completed in 1980. Slovenian became die lirsl subject accriîditcd mxler the new accreditation systrun under the autliority of the so-naincd Victorian Institute ofSwondnrN' l-ducation IVISI-I Hie accreditation of Slovenian asa HSC subject was (inalimi in 1980. In 19« I the lirst group of students completed Slovenian I ISC in Victoria- Slovenian was accreditinj by the stale school systi^m of New South Wales in 1979, when it was introduced as a subject in tJie LSdming 3 laPgUdgS iS d COfllplBX newlv established Saturday School of Community l.anguagfts in • • ^ • x sydti'ey. New souUi Wales pfocess, requinoQ 110)6 300 persistencB. The accreditation proc.ess was faciliuiied liy Ceferin, who /f /5 tf)e key tO deBpSf UnderSt3ndÍng w:is asked to prepare a svllabus as the initial |)has4< towards f h Th r! accreditation of Slovenian as a Higlier Scliool Certificate in NSW. 9* CUlWre. 106 r6WdrQS 3^6 gre3l. A Conimittee of three^menibers was set up; Prof Marvan (Monash Qoe f63mS (00(6 3bOUt th6 WOrld 30d Uiiiversityl, Prof De Bray lAustralian National I .'niversity) and A. Coferiii (Manager and Slovenian Course Developer, Victoria). 00eS6lf thiOUgh th6 pfOC6SS,.. 11(63811(6 Tlie committee oversaw the introduction and tlie first year of .. . laHna nf Qln anion it ic m Slovenian HSC in NSW. the preparation of the examination paper K00Wieug6 0( Ol0V60ld0 - Il IS (Oy and asw'ssment in 1979. p3(60tS ' Í6g3Cy. iTom 1989 lo 1996 Slovenian was olTered as a lerUary course of study by Mai-<|uarle I iniversily, NSW. It was also offered as a SandiCeferin long distanco course. At the lime Macquarie I iniversily was tho only .AusU-aliaii university offering distance education It w;is particularly appropriau» for tlie Slovenian coinniunity who characiiiristicfllly live disjiersed throughout .Australia. The lectureship was an interesting attempt tJi offer Slovenian at ti-rtiary level Uoth lecUirers - Aleksandni Hizjak and Metka Čuk - were fn)m SKjvenia, anti enrulmenLs were satisfactory, particularly the first year The course was partly funded by the Slovenian government, partly by the .Xustralian Slovenian community, and there was a funding and enrolment drive each year, ably conducted for tho Slovenian Foundation by Sydney Slovenian Maria Senear. The Iwrtureship folded for various reasons, tlie main one being the lack of luiaiicial su|)|)ort, 1984 S»tuf.l»y Sdiwik>r Moilcru UDt!ua)!i!4i dreuliu. Sluvřininn is nffwii nt 6 PřiítřM In Umi hope i>r lUricIinf! the SInvr.niHn stud«ni!i hvlng in iheiie »Ki», The >lti«in|rt ilW not leaii lo an iamiiscil «nratroent, »tiri »•« rftufrtMl M frwer. «luuionll« ctiiitroai. C MMCUMS om«o cma CMcK Mmi IMmCMM _ mm — IM MK, řnniM H« «4 ' _ Ci«h»«ii< Mmnwi Cmn. Ifn* •>•. Ohr «.OIwiWdvOTl^. fitwig. MiVi^iw ftifl^Hik — ^m k■ ■ I I ■ mm iimii mm nmmmt UBil n^ H ÏÎSÎ^ttwMwiwl^ UMwwy »V VM« — Hf^ Bi*» m» Olmi Waim^ and řrkcH MM MtA Idwk. ai*«»»* Hi,milil CMP*. mé ^t*"«*!» . . IlKWMki Cin^iMii», Otmi W«Mil>r UM ■»«»I Hlt« WMt CmNii », »irtiicn MM. tořine»* — WM* NtolK ■•> MB. twiHi»!». CmOmw»—* MMVWI Omlnk Vm \ Hth RfvU'W rxtniťl IVi/Wiriw M'birr^fMre. filibjrr» IJnirirrfKjilSurirtf/ur Sloretie Studie». 19Hfil Wib tbf ilwirih ofpf degogical lisMírUb «viilabir far tli« study (ifSlovcne lanKuai;« and literatur«, ll Í8 a paniniiar pleasuro to fiavř this roadw by Ms. Cuforia il«r antbolusy is oito uf tli« vory r«w wurk» lo whkcb lbe stiutunt oř the Slovene biujtua^e can turn one« he or «he bas mas^irMi the essentials of Slovena ^raiuiiiiiruud bu acquired a bade vocabulary uf dm lanjiuag». Its ivraadtli uf coverage Is outstahdinK. and thesMmionsclioiencnrrfiilly. Assiicli lirr antJioluicy »«■rvp« aj! an Intrtidunton lu Its aiitliors, th<325 laapaetor of Sotaoola, 11 Vamon 8tr»«t, 8trathf4alđ 2155 8-765078 6 Oladatoa Straat, Ulyflald 2000 á-«606i929 17 Otmeab Road, 0atlir 2225 H-57«k265 10ft Đansan Read, Gaorsaa Hall 2196 B-6262161 29 Karrajong Avawia, Baaa H111^97 H-7220»5 5* Oippa 8tr««t ^thfiald. Roltlcultural Cttrrloulua Unit Co-orllnator, SapartMttC of Edoeatioo nasa Boildiac, 95-97 Pitt 8tr»»t. arlM7 2000 W-2Í0«7*5 - 2406897 Co-ordlaator of cha Saturday School of Comnltr laii«ttac*a, 112 aurr«7 Straat, KiARS Croaa 2011 2*0885» Riaanttlaa Raaaaroh Cantr*. Auatrallaa Rational Onlraralcy, P.O.Box * Canberra A.C.T. 2tC0 Praaidaat, Bloraaian Taachar« Aaooelatlon of Ylotorla, «3 Btookdala Araau«, ElU«t Clayton. Vie., 3106 Honaalt Qalvarai'ty, notorla. 51«a SiM'rnr Syllnhui Commlttre orNřW South Wales. 1978. The raOTřnifnt to bcRln th» aeereni«n could bf Ínifflducíd iotmudialely as an accrtdlted secondary stlwol wibjsn ■■•■»vt >lIaa«U»Tt. 91)« Iniwraitg af ^borg ■-LW tmt» ■ri. ».t. aol U irri. a »yriaaa mwrfaatiaa pafar U nat aataatlal at tkto *t*c*, ikoiMk It ■«U4 ka wt kalyftU If fmi >*tta< 4a>m êom tdaa* ■* tkay ooa* ta yact th* laxiçowd la wu Mjr t« aara a ronal n inUl VOK bad aatabUabad tlN oecrattltJitiaa (oUcjr atat. loar U cvcincat* Mxild to your rayant loa paatpaH praoadurH nacaaaarr Kr aubjact UM lodarUnad In ta»"' tnOudad CB a tm ne accTTđttstlon (risiduraa. Slno* procaduraa lan« iiii ifcliljjfgflMltj^ riiilii II of tta JotlUrta t ■■ ftrNarđti« ■ copy oTXBIkWÍÍÍBKsB» iteratfltatlan oT Yaar U Oouraaa' ftr tM caaHttM. llUa doctw« prorUM tla niraiaafy toillttari and aubataalcn gmmUnaa (tr thsw Ml«il<« to M«« a aub>ct accfwtltad. U U «spactad that tiia «ocoiat «Ul ta prlotad and mám mlUbi» «arly ■an yaar, houmar l tww ancloaod a pruUMUrmy œpy Por tla bataflt of your ooaadttaa. If tiara m any qiarl«» arUU« fVo« tMa dooant, or concamlag a autaiaaHa for accndltattm, plana do not haattau to ecntaet aa. I Moutd alao la to attaed ai^ MMixR of tla ad noc coadttaa tr Ufrriii Chtirmmi Ad l|i>f 0 fsr Skivdiiiiii Unguïsc Mr, (i.B. (:<>rab>b VISE Mr. Maliuiluk SlavkSiudie« l>r.P.V,(:Ml)bpri.-.v Sfiilw Lei'tiirtr lliissi»n D«ifiiirim«nt, University urMcIhtiiirno Mr.Ri/JS TAPE Udurnr Sloveiiian AchiIfuiíc gualîflcathins Mr, (■.,P. WillKT-t hMiicatInn iUU J \l\ X U IX I 11 ICI Victorian Institute of Secondary Education/VISE HSC Slovenian Group 2 (1980 to 19911 Vîclorin conducted a major odiicalional iT^fonn m 1978 and l'í79, which airoctcd ihc acrroiiiliiljon of Slovenian as an HSC langiiagf Initially Ihflro was a dpiay of two years boforo tliii accrrditatiou proceduro roiild bogiri. Secondly Slovonian b<'canin ihn first so-called use Group 2 subject utider tJi»' now HSC assessment schoniL'. II becauut a niodoi lor all subs«tiu<'iitly ac^Todii^d laiigiiaKfis Arabic and Macedonian!. As sncli [l was subject t(t intftnse .m-rutiny on the part of the Curriciiluni and .Nssessnienl B<)anl. 'Hie ediic^iUonal roforni was irtlendod to replace the assossincnt oriented approach in Year 12 subjocts. with an wlucatlonally sounder aprimacii. which combined and integrated the [)n>cess of learning with I he process ofiissessmenL lii 1970 VlctdriHii histitutť? of Secondary Education (VISE), which re)ilac«Hl the Victorian Universities and Secondary l-duc.;ttion Koard IVDSI-K), established totally new guidelines for accrediuilion of Year 12 courses. It was intended that the secondary scliool system be ii|>et)ed up Willi the intr«iluclioii of new subjects, cjtlled jîroup 2 subjects, to allnw for new innovative courses. Hiis necessitflted common niles when presentmg for accreditiition. A one year detailed course of study had to be devejitped which included tlie follnwijij;: - the objectives of the course - tJie way in wliich objectives of the course tire relal(«i to the main ideas or tijemes • die intended learning outcomes of the course in tenns of knowledge, skills and attitude - iJte course content areas and the detail in which they will be studied - tiie relationship between, and integration of. any theoretical, practical and lield ex|)erience <;onip(;neiits of the course - why the course is felt to be of an apjiropriate educational standard - die student resmirces (for exainjile textbooks, equipment, reading lists! that are cxinsidered necessary. It was an e.xcititig and rliallenging way of envisaging and |)lanning a course. Fn)in my point of \iew it was exactly the right kind ofcourse fur a student nf Slovenian background growing up in Australia 1 envisiigeil that tlie latiguage would be taught along with Ihe cullure, as the context withiti which the language exists and ach lo languages and literatures. The HSC Slovenian Course was develojied and submitted to tlie Head of Curriculum and Assi'ssment Branch in 1970 Tlie proposal was accepu-d and passed on lo the Accreditation Siil)H*«unmittpe. which iricluiled the cours«»-devel'. The responses indicated that no changes t(.> the course design were necessary. It was accredited till I WO, MMM »tmí w tam fin— tn.lll.^ Ounnr H II M M L L M Coch M H M M M t. M Dim h II II II II M M L Trmc^ H' H H H M .M H finnan H H H H kl M L CredKModEtnl H H H H H .M H HriarM H H II M H H H liuniptfiaii H II H M H L H (ratannim H M H H H H II lalim H H H H H t H Jjpanev M M II H L L H l^fVUI H II M M M M L. Ljitnoman H H M kl M M M Pobali H H M M H L H RuMun H M M M H H L V)1».Criwnui. Qtwiun 4nd ^ctfacao H H L L M L L Smh H If M M M L M ritfiah H H U M L M L L'luainian M M II II H M M SlomuM H II II H H M H .MalKv H M II II M M M Antac M M H H M I. M m M »rt »«•Il M> Il H»« Il* 4 Mi« M 10 Ml* M»T L>l L>l L>1 Lit Lcamd H s Hj«h rmpliMi« M « ModinK «ophaiit L « Low fmphuu fimpha.sM given ii» language skills - i>nly loduiivslan auiJ Slownlau hiivfl bdfn itblt tffort frm Ovr ■any «atuMUry aarkim «to Kim prtrtni totailtslaM tntf bam an9Ha« I« the arecMl af rataradtutiOB. You alU Iw tntarattad to kMM tMt «iiaft tM c«Hr«a U mlltiila la publUhM fa«« ( topf af tka CaMTM Daicr1pt««n Beoliltt «111 ba raraardad ta >«« for Infanattaa. Tours ilKcaraljr MtN NdONaL Att1«t«iit Dlractor M Hcoooi lec/x Movsnmn HSC »ciroJiled till W. I Thi> flnt )^DUp orSlovKtiiau lISC sluilntits lo ijrïduoi« lit 1981. From llic [«(t đjtriil vbtač1c. Aiiilre» VliĆKU .-VnilRj řOTOCNIK, Robort lothic. Cflurst Miinagcr. Alcksamírn CEFERIN, ood loacher Jnïic» PADDLE-LEDINBK. 2Th. v,i:e fluileiiW «{me. T»nla butkriiaitk. Mwgnrtt ROZMAN Htul Diui verkix Ifl uui LCDlTE of III« j^rDup Is Uit Supcrvteor »f tli« \'sl Centre. HI.J5W UNCDON. with Jožica paddle-ledinek uii alflwaiiilni cefebin, zílmvlifí bemrc w»» ařiwni nn the day. 3 The HSC Savíntui Oa-K Kroni the bfli i«nny VHAN. SyMi FHUFOUA. Pder KIIH& Ali-kiianilni CHFERIN, Mirhflli« I.FMAR^IĆ. SnxySAKSim, SrfíItDBOGXTí. 4 The ttSC SlcTveniiii Oa« m2. Aleksandra CBKERLM and .loiica PAODLE-li!l)INF.K. withsnidonts. Pmni iho lolti Vera SEIJAK. LyiibotJi KOCR. Darku BURQAH. Beruari ZUPAN, hio PCRSjC. Nick KI RE. Soiya GEC Lysbvik t^QCif Istlia'Aiutraliui wtfa uraiilmiiniaii Immljtnuil anil thi oitl> non-SluvuDlM 10 h»vf rflaipleted Slovíniaii VCE. 5 Th» VCE «tudciit« In Cedung In im Pniiii tb« tuft: Damlaii R AMUTA. Tanya SLDU.N. .luli« KURE and iiylvia KI'IUH. HSC Slcrvniiiit (ímap Z - Cminr nrvlRVt 19£1 Qucstiiianiir«. ' HSC SLOVUrUB OBOVř 2 kEVraí Of ÍKS OCvRSE/1963 TresnovuxjMS lOilob part of th* eoura* 414 jreu find thc.aoat . • . •• . • « . • la U • MK. »iMa UU. MUM ICtr«»'r •«» ' • « «MM «• 1 al mm* 1 . . • _ Finil WYItten [taunination 1'>»l - Mil. 3 afOnI ËxiiDÎnntion IWH Il IIMI4 ni»fKe*d Currlculua and V.I.S.S. Ma st.Kllda MoBd i^lboura« 3004 It Dronch «VAUJAnW AUD «VIB» or XEM 13 COUMKS 8 O ■m>J«Ct tttl«! OOTCflAII otoaonf: GWUP a Cowe dayrtepf; krs. Alaknađra L. Cafarla 43 Stoekdal» Avanu« Cl«)rtoD 3108 t«i 944 nas Smtmr ot .tud«at. t»IUa«' th^ «ul>J«ct! In 1981 - S itodutB 1983 - 7 atiMlmta 1BB3 • 8 BtudMits »ciwol In nUlch t h» nubjict 1» tnuaHti Saturday ScDool of Ue&trn Laa|ua«»B - Eđucatloa OvpwtMM of Victoria Paf th» r^lww — ■ub.ltfd to vm: 31 Kay 1984 Th» pTOpofl foe th« f^rt— —» ^»tfd by tbo Csrrleoliai aad Aaa •Um tlw ecMraa ««a approvad for aceradltatloa (aao tti* eouraa 1.3 Cw r«Tl>»). iflMot Braiteb kaerlptloa. lise SlavHnian Y«ar 12 Crorw Rwipw IWI, 1982, 1983 p»gr 1. Tfca tocoa of tba rTlg»:tha nMda of atudMita uadartaklng tba eouraa. Ho» and »by thla focua waa choaaat tbla focua Inharmt la tba nátur« of tba eouraa i«iteb »aa daalvtad to aarva aaotlanal, oultural aad latallaetaal aaada of atodanta ot Qovaolan athsle back^round. Dlaeaaaloaa »Ith taacbara. (tudaata, pironta and mmoag »Mbara ot th* r«vla» coMlttaa ooaflraad tbia vlavpolnt and asteimlnod tba Batbodolocy of tba ravtavln« procaaa. «bat data —a collactad and bo»: taacbara mada avaUabla to tba rmrXam eovlttaa analnatlon lap ara, «saslnatlaB rvaulta and raporta of atuda«ta* procraaa. ma »aa done througbout th« tbreo-yaar parlod (1881-1883), »han tba eooraa ■•a offarvd, aa part of tba r»«ta»ln( and «valuation proeaaa. A quoatlonnalre »sa praparad In Octobar 1983, »Kicb tba atudanta »«r« aatod to fill la. Otbar atudanta (frssmont In a now authority, the Virlurlan Curriruliini and Assessnient Board (VC.ABi sol up nine Fields of Studies ilommitlens (I'OSC^sl for all an>hs of le^tr^hing. .\leksandra Cefarin was appointed to tlie 1-ield of Studies Connuittw for orlmr than Un){lish lI'OSC for LOIlil. .She was otip of tho twnnty-four rnernhers, comprising sm>ndar>' tfiachnrs, «experts and llicorisLs on a nunilior of langua^jos. Tho task of the FOSC for LOTE was to devise a teaching and assessmenl ajiproach oxlendinj» over the two sursc! for all the arnas of mrriculum. the so-callod Vîctnrin» 'Certificate nf Hdurntixm' or 'I/,'/;" The radical educational reform tliat the pri>cess initiated was excitinj; and challengiiitl. It represented a new way of teaching and assessing It was to prepare the sludenLs for both entry into ihc world of employment and for furllier studies, llie foundations were laid out in the document referred to generally as Ministerial Paper 6. with the title Curriculum IVevelopnient and Plaiuiing in Victoria. Piihlished in I')K4 by the Minister for fducfltion, it was the last of the series of ministerial papers on education started in 1982, aimed at a th' into modem society. It was the definitive document and the guideline for Ihe process of Victorian education reform which was to shatter conservative practices and lead to rethinking of assessment and its ruiu'tid thai: SliiilťiUs řieeit iw edurntion which brmuteua fxperietice, ofjens up rteir iipixirluuMes. and ensures that students will succeed iti reachin;i the hii/hest standards of excellence. The t/uideliries (nauyurated an em of col I aha rat ive decision-makirn/ which would include teachers, parents and students and ensure access and success to all slutlents. Theft should have access to educational experiences that are chuUeufiiny. puposeful and comprehensive. All children should experience success at school. They should (te assisted in developing a sense of themselves as learners, learn in a varietij of ways and In a variety of settings. The curriculum must cover 7 main areas of learning: language and mathematics, the world and its people, participation in Australian society, literature and Ihe arts, personal fuljihuent, technical competence, science techiudogy ami the environment. tou Mántr^^ 11 tn»«i IM «cMM ITie pappr for Iho first. Umo also pxpr^ssed strung support for language learning Sliidnnts should Jiajuirn profirioncy in another language used in the Australian cominiinity and devoliip an asvareness orinternalioniiJ liummunily. llie interdependence i>f dllTeretil oiiintries, peoples and economies. New Slovenian course By 1990 llic new slruflure of Iho curriculum was complcljed and the process of familiarisation with the new system by the educational coiiniuinity began Next came development ofVCF. courses, undertaken by groups of te^achers under guidance of VCE atid LOTH consultants. A. Ceferin was a l.OTK consultant during this period and actively parlicipatetl in the process of implementation - as VCI- adviser and workshop leader, and also as a VO: course deve|o|)er sample c^ourses for VCF. Slovenian, VCK (îernian and Course Development Support Materials. Subsequently Slovenian and German cr>urso sanipleis were u.s

urse development to carry out. NAFLaSSL Languages (National Assessment Framework for Languages at Senior Secondary Level} Australia in the beginning of nineties had c.4munittpd itself to equality of languages, equal opportunity, access fur all its citizens tu their native language. It obviously could ncU afford to give equal support to all of them. Tlie decison was made to economi/.e. IntenuiUonal languages-Asian and l:uro|)ean would be supported and funded,so would the larger community languages. In Victoria the major international language,s were identified a-s French, Gennan, Japanese and Indonesian. "Ilie major conmiunlty languages reijuiring support according to numericfll strength were Itxilian, Modern Greek, Chinese and Vietnamese. The remaining languages were sup|Jorietl by fiinduig the Victorian School of Languages and the so-called ethnic, si'hools. lite decision riigarding tlie VCE acmnliUiUon and the administrative costs involved it) ninning tlie annual Year 12 VCE written assessment, was taken at the federal level. The nineteen so-cjilled minor languages, including .'ill Slavic languages were to have a common VCE assessment on an interstale basis-as "interstate coo|>eration languages" witJi common written assessment. There was some hope that this first step would lead to furllier shared and standardized Interstate assessment and furtlier saving in costs as well as achieving similar standards across the stauis. In the meantime this w.xs a sf)lution towards implementing the principle tliat all languages and conmiunities be treated equally and all students LdTK N.'KFUSiL inu.rstite K'VPii equal opportunity to complete the language of their choÍ4'e at crtop^raiiflii lîiiiRiiïSPs V(!E level. -Slovenian bficame one of ilie nineleon NAhlaSSL langi'agcs in Virtnria, New S«ulh Wales and Sciiiih Australia. Tho Senior Studies Knards earh Innk rt>s|Mi(isibilit}' for a number of bnguages. in 1989 and 1990 lliere were more HSC etirolmenls fur Slovenian in New &>mli Wales, so tiial stale lonk over Uie responsibility for tJie Slovenian written exaininatiun paper. In all other respects eai^h state had its own I ISC murses and prepared their own oral examinations. The tnoUiodolgj' develojied in Victoria - the thematic integraljed approach (lan^uafie. text typos. (?rnnimar, tlienie). clearly defined work requirements and ___ the assessment pmcess be^an for Victorian Year 11 students in 1991. VCE requirements SI.ííVKNIW The two year VCH course was constructed in 4 síímestiír units, each with its strictly detertnined tasks, based on four difTerenl lans^a)!e skill areas. The principle )ioveniiii{» the specific tasks, was tliat they were realistic tasks, used in the real world (outside the classroom) and based on real skills, which were extended and broadened over the four semester units, Hie four skills were defined as: Speaking to inform Focusing on performance Writing Reorganising information Speaking to inform skills area included a conversation, interview, dis<:ussiiin ' "" and presentation of a topic, l-ocnsing on perlV>rmance included announcements. __ (iraiiiati.sod reading and a perfomianco. Writini; included |>ersimal and ínia>íinative writing, inforinative writing, [lersuasive or evaluative writing Heorganising information included changing a pasisage into a different discourse form, using infomiation heard and read, investigating a topic and svriting a report. In addition stmlents were given extended time to complete a folio of pieces for assessmont. and prepared for an oral examination including conversatioii. report and discussion and a role-play At the end of the year they sat for an examination which tested all the skills that they buih up over iJie four units. It was a great new approach to tlie study of languages Studenti» were given a sense t>f what it means to conuiiuin'cate and use the language in social inti^raction. l-'or example the students in 1991 were given as a tusk in Unit 1 a conversation to be prepared by two or three st(ident.s working together The situation was a chance meeting in a chosen setting between the students and a person frcmi Slovenia, who heard them speaking in Slrw8»!ll Atlwliiii IftilWrttiUliiÉi LliiltsJ«[4 u ]. UaiiJ •nrk 4Aa««la > np^liMUt—l «AnamrMd mfeMa««.pcaaM 1 ■iiialflui ml oMapvpao) lertčmmoel* ■áMpaipai ml iwiaMvTar HO) BluauBveMaai «iflnNfaci OBcaah«T ODtUMty OteMMy Ommantf tM4 4 detDOBorapoMisf Al» lUtOll • parroMai cvriiat««. _okiomo All IBHIIIPIO«») ................. '»■»'■^«■»^»'»'■rti : OMoraMU^IatMl«*MMk(*atipitwlgrCAT)(VMMlM Wnrk Requlminenlii Unit 1-4 i'4 scmcstcns, Ym 111k 12). Momornblo from those first yoars was alsn tho roquirfd intPr%'iow. Tho tpai-hpr iisod tho nviirils Uiking plarn in Slovrnia to snl tho intorviow task. StudniiLs wort> to intrrvinw a person will I had ifiUior just rrtunnnJ from Slovenia, or call someon<> on Iplephono. or speak U) someone wlm has l>een in contari with Slovenia n'jí8t^iMR ihe wents. litis was a (jood oxnmple how personal interest and a real situation «tnld he used in the new system t/) enable liie sluilent to etijoy tho task aixl sive Oiem a feeling that they can comnuiiiii-^te in the language. The principle of Integration and contoxtnalisation was used lo good purpose In all areas of the Slovenian course. Persotial letters to relatives wen* written and sent, short articles on the topic of Slovenian studies were published in Slovenian pulilications. Informative texts about events in Slovenia were read and discussed and tlieri used to extend the skill of reorganísing information. The first group of VCK students complotod the now reformed two-jear course in November Since itieti we have had enrolments evet> year Several Bosniati students who came to Australia via Slovenia, where ihey aUended school, also enrolled in Slovetiian VCE. VCE review 2001 In 2001 a review of the two-year V<;E course brought some changes. The major change is that a key writing assignment during Year 12, tlie so-caJled CAT 1 was replaced witli a series of elgltt stri VCF Rail is H («khraticin tim« fnr U'arhf rs Iikk Al^ksiiiidn Cnfrrln, Udij* Cu&in and lucija Srwic. ivďď - SLOVENSK On llih Díownbrr 1W3 m- hfid 8 gr^ai con for nur young people - sívmiinti yokT!) orSlovviiiau loiiguagi' ti-ocbiit); lu VIcturU uud twelve yoar:) of'maiura'. The rnnctinn was bcW in tli« Hall nf thon Slnvflnian .Assr.riiitinn .ladraii. The nrchestrs was thř |in|>ular lnunl "Plav«! noil", ih» fDud was SlwenlaD. and wryonf was invitpd, Thu iivEul was wpii attended by VCfc" studwtsi. bitlh (lOïl and present and lliidr pnrsnts. U was a Jip'eal <>vn) wrrc Vcr>>ulca Smrdel and Roland Mrak. All the prrsent ttiiilfotjt gatliert-d on ibt stngc, sang uh-"majura" anthem lîaudpamiis igltiir and then posed for tb« group |ihnio, Naucha Marunči^and h<nlan suDps. iht'U Erik Mrak. David Hvalica and Slniun Gril) perFiirnii-d u cumedy skvtdi Kaplan^ Wf. completed thf cnltiiral proRram b)' singing togpihpr. and Uiero was dandng past midiilgbt. It wiag aii ovuiiinj; jireatly «iiji>yed by all, Curriculum and Standards Framework (CSF)for Languages Other Than English (LOTE) and Slovenian Language Impact of the VCE reform on VSL I'aralloi U) Uin VCK rofomi iriauKuratnd will) VISE llrniap 2 siibjocts and tho following roww process, a tjreal iJf»al orrrvihiiiklng woiil inln prf-VCE primar>' and st'i»ndar>' scliool U'Vfils 1 1(1 10. Soiiip of itift disiMissioii n^jîanliniî nlTurlive Iřiarhiiijí atiil assfssmenl pracllws was coniliii-tfid Australia widfi. As a rfisull lli« Virjorinii Srhool of Langiiaj{os (VŠIJ iiiiilurtook inajfir rliaiigps in its approach to lanRuajîP fiirriiuilum. This indiidod inipIcmoritinK a common standard arul approach to tođoliiiiu across all laiinuajjes and contres. Tho task was underlaken by Gil Freptnan, the l*riniMpal appointed to hoad the school in 1WO An innovative educatxir with intorest in I.OTH cnrriniliim issues, he began gathering around him a talented staff of Area Man.igers, Senior Teaciiers and language teachers in the stale school system. Some, like Aieksan appointed to t#ach the classes. ■jeachers qualified iti a diflerent country often lauglit in a traditional way. Some did not have much Hnglish ami It was dinUniil to integrate them into the system. As a whole, the system operated well, despite the many language groups and dispersal throughout twenty-eight (■»ntres. The backbotie was of cours»> the Centre itself, and the fact that e-ach language group integrated and linked the .students, the parents and the teachers with a common language and cultural i>ackgrnu(id as a lion«l. With tlie advent of the new V(;ii curriculum and assessment requirements, teachers of difTerenl backgrounds had to be brought more closely into the Australian educatiotiul system. I'rider tlie leadershij) ofOil Freemati. alily assisted by Curriculum Assistant Priticipal lilizabelh Kleinhen/ and the Area Managers, a systematic and intensive approach txi professional development of teaching staff was undertaken. It was to bring Ihetu into the Inlest and best common leaching and assessment practices of Ihe Vict<)rian education system. The course outlines Hie first rundaineiilal cljaittje lu at Saturday Schl was tlio introduction orilu; Course Outlines for all langiiagos at all IpvoIs. "ITio Course Outlines initlatPfl the iJiematic. intiijiraled appmach to teaching and I'orinalized the ronropt of continuity Tor nai'h language. Tlie si'hool had in the meantime Imhmi exletided tu include primary classes, so that U)e ntetil and focused un communication as the central goal. All instniclors working in the VSL were to prepare individual syllabi within the structure of the relevant Course Outlines for tlieir own classes each year. This was in recognition of the fact that while it is necessai-y for the school to define a common curriculuni rationale, niethodgicfll approach and organisational fo<-us. the needs and interests of individual students and groups will vary widely across tlie si'hool. It is tlierefore imporUint lor instnictoi-s to design, within the broader curriculuni structure, detailed programs which aro sensitive to the needs, interests and aspirations of tlieir own students. Slovenian Course Outlines At the beginning of IAleksandra Oferin completed 'Slovenian doiirsc Ontlinrs 7~tO and V'f.7:' 11-12', with 8 topics at each year level for lower se<'ondary levels and 12 topics for each VCE level. Slovenian Course Outlines was anmngst the first to be completed, particularly at V'CI- level. The VCIi level outlines wen? suÍ>S4Mjuently used as a model for development of course outlines in other languages of the VSL, and were used on the Midyear School Curriculum Day to familiarise teachers with a VCIÎ Cours<> Outline in preparation to develoj) their own The topics developed fnrly dcllnod and all students wlio wisliwl to mniplpt« the VCE liad to strivB u> achipvn tlioni. Changing limes By the 1990ios the Junior levels wore incrcasinjily altonded by udult students, wlw wore kpon ti' loam Sluvenian, Tlie olassps included all possible school and aiîf levels and a variety of languaRo skill iovpis. Thore were studonLs of a young age who spoke and luidorslood Slovenian |H'rfectly but onuid not read or wrlle. Tlien» were teenagers wlin understood Slovenian, but did not speak at all, "Hjere were sludenlu who spoke a Slnveiiian dialect al borne and haced writing skills. (Jr the student may have good reading skills, but less d(ive|oped speaking skills In other words. CSF gave acknowledgement that there wore dilTerent skills involved in language learning and they SLOVENIAN csf a cooRse ourune Topte Wii«w to ICSF Đ Ut«I:5A I Topic Lettfh: 3 waJa_ csr n OlTCt MF-S Nth» ly 2 tMAKumo Âcmnrms m a.u$Ttns LAMOUAOf ĚLMUĚMTS CSf Assessm vr wsouNces tonot »•KPondMAitaT tmcl»boiâ200 tmOêbfiMftg^ «itewitfen»!« KdMntfemMf. ftr —m/tuoftoduema M a^mwn poňti. « ihnpm npait. Ol » mmpHawikiitiv» SÁétrntmattí MMtoiAotf fOO-rSO ■orM «I ■ toge« wqiaoM ef Mnpt» MHM>Mn«>nciMlo iriMit of nkm t» f® - ibr t«a«t Clattti SludtMt • Raaa a eoimanmon ma êùoiiipi»cm 10 M* m SAvxn«'RogMf, • dteaiM«» on Atamnil wAara to f» n Sbvana a/«w fwytm, ffiv (MtwVy iwidiMpM. M tao cAMiMn cMnw ft> 0010 C0M( tor «mm». k»* MnxigA ttOtflulM • AkXWiwwwocaAuley wKejipfwefDne • Antmrçimtlanê »toul mtmmKmy mM go MIkÊfyi MMlA othtĚ pított ffwn • liVHtoaaumm)ra/m>canvwM«bn ak«Mr4 StuOtnU • Roadtçaîn »m nnwimpirtoii tMf "ftigiy • TManoéM aMcAalie*«««! Graromar Nouni' çtnûtf, arn.^af>wa caaa.locaSMOM«. Pronom» perianal $Ál(nm0n0 Mimiry ^ÍM aoeki SUiw^UfigaaOB ltaiualt.2 Ta V«r6a iMMMnM.vwtw-loaa.logo.laMa.l»«!*«, totta.tocN)ow.tobaafc. to ba MaraMad Aifcwtia' mtařTogalMi MMto a/aumatf awy o/toa dMcuMion MMlnAmor c|pMDnt.arto dMcnbaanavamar abators SkxtMi ■ AaatfStov HiMJayi IMCMnai fUn^pa* lanrft fhmdêùouimof amchitt raA» notot on aOwmmodMicin if • Mar tfiayaoultflkatojtiy« arwra««. ka«« OA)/ li»Wtoawaiiiai»»>Mw»«flOMfiMiiwto( Olroa ana tn»metÊpmch \a(alMilar) VocabuMyand aspusalona of Via toito n twtopK r«l trp« Stanmanr Slewamka baaada y iubtne tniih rloUHssional Development and instituted a program of professional development and cours«' developmenl for the VSL Part of the strategj' was u» prepare a numl)er of CSF (iuidolines for VSL languages thai would form the basis for furtlier sjllabus developmenl. Slovenian CSF Guidelines developed together witJi the Slovenian Cooriiinaii>r Sandi Ceferin were the first (Uiidelines dnvelopod and were used subse HS VSL (:<«ntrr. witli t«»chfr Vlkl Mrak. who linii tMi)(bt a groupstiidonts, Including hf>r i>wn sons Rrik JH't Rolaiir 13 yeara - «tarilngat th» SÍ0VF.iilHn Hiill)p«ius ttoil CultHral Onlre ind finishing with Ih« VCK yenr 12. VCE StovfBiau (iasii ni (ittlvr-rsll> High ikh4K.IVSLO-nlr--in 1993 In I'nmi ffnm iiir l'h)'llls7.VFR, SonjaZALIK. Chrlgliiia KUBE Voroulc» SMRDEL. Ewlyn KOJil Second row: \nUilf RAMITA Nataša MARTINCU^ Atiitt KRBNOS. T«n>nKliTI.M. Tanya CWU In the back; teacher Viki MRAK Slm-«ni»n snid^nts nnrt tesrhem Ht Unlvtntlty lligh. 1W3. CliisMis 1997 with Viki MRAK uni SiindiCFFERIN.Vi:Estnflems: M»tej» TBIICH. Emlnï Bml Ehis, thie Busaiui ttuiicntii wliii imniiied for Slaven nui VlX VCEa«ss IW ChristiniU'HB.niyllbiZVER. Smij» ZA1.1K ami Kawrina PFRSiC, wllb Ui^tMdiiirVilii MRAK. vu;f.tai» im Dfiiií RAMUTA. airistliieCESTTNlK. Uscher VIb M HAk. Susl« HETEUN and JunnyPKTatN. VCE Top Scyrcfs Awanls. Eli HIZMAL b- intnrvlFWinj; Suie). FAUNanl $B.AJ. At the bade. Jtanol KALAN and KT|!«n IGLlC. ItiP (luicinlinos wnliiinerl suggested litpíos, artivilios and lingiiistir olemptits for levels 4 -10. n siinimarj' orsiovonian lingiiisUc: elonienis, a sample niultilevol syllabus, a satiiplo Uipic ddveloped for levels -1 - 10, a hiblidgnipliv of Slovenian course books, print, audio, mid video resoun^es. There was also a guideline of how to pn>pare a CSF loph: to ineet the sperlfti- CSF refjuiremenls, a generic sample lopir on the I^ninily, and lists of CSI- ohjerlives and [.earning Oulcomes for each CSF Level fur easy ronsult^tion. During the following years (iSF was gradually implenienled into Uie primary and secondary- school system. By 2001 there was anotJier currifuluiu review, followed by a renewed course development effort The main change was lhal LOTE now liad four sepfu-ate strands rather than three; the assessment activities have tieen reformnialed, and redefined. Fssentially there were mi major changes. In 2002 two new Slovenian curriculum dommients were complel/td and are awaiting publication by tlie VSL early in 2003. S.mdi (Joferin developed CSF II Course Outlines for Primary anil Secondary Level. .Mek.sandra Ceferin prep.ire are enrolling for V(;i: Slovenian and adultiJ are enrolling to leam the language so that they can communicate with relatives and friends when visiting Slovenia. ,\s the nature of the Slovenian community change.S, is a broader form of ST.'W with a fonts on increa.slng the rea(th of language and culUirnl studies. We have a nucleus of dwlicated members, who believe lliat Slovenian heritJige and Slovenian identily arcf of value and worth handing |i presence. 'Ilie main and loc«l project of ISSV is the web node wvw.Thezaurusxom. which incorpora tes a luiinber of separate prryects aimed al promutintî Slovenian lanjîuane. culture and pstablishinR «minninicfltion. This is Ifte dynantic and consUintly Krowinu part of the ISSV work, which has in the meantime reached a (global public. There am t)lher initiatives. In 2001 ISSV has organized four programs in Melbourne for the AiistTidian Hiiadlng Tour ul Five Slovenian AutJiors. Evuld Flisar. Tomai Šalamun, tela H Njatin, Maja Vidmar and Andrej HIalnik, It succwïded in tlu- nim of preseniing Slovenian authors to an Australian public. "ITicy were also enthnsiastjcally roceived l)y a section of the Slovenian community. Wo look this occasion to present to the .Australian public Slovenian Uteratiir-a datalmse ufcontetnporar)' Slovetiian literature in English translation We are continually developing a Slovenian curriculmn that is up-to-date, intended to target all tJiose with an interest in Slovenia. We have presented a plan for a Slovenian Online Course In Slovenia. We had pen-eived the need for such a wurse some years ago and pnicBodcd to devnloj) it. Since the Centre for Slovenian as a Second Ijinguago at Ljubljana University is giving serious consideration to development of a Slovenia-based online course themselves, we aro now planning to develop a Slovenian coursebook for compleu» beginners. In 2001 we compleU-d tlie VCE Study Design Slovenian, the latest publication for VCE study of Slovenian undertaken by Vii-toriati Curriculmn and .Asse.ssment .Authority (V(;a,M. providing specific sample units for Slovenian language and extensive bibliographies of references and general study resources. ISSV also continues with course development for Slovenian language as required by the Victorian School of Languages. In 2001 and 2tH)2, axtensive CSF Course Outlines were ciompleted for CSF levels 1 to 10 and VCE Course Outlines. An important project initiated at the end of 2002 by the ISSV, is tlie student e.\change pnigram for VSI, stud(»nts of Slovenian, particularly tlip VCE cjindidates, with two Slovenian .«»condary colleges. Initially .students would spend two months in a Slovenian school, studying Slovenian, attending classes and participating in siihool activities. The two se<'ondary colleges are llie Diocesan Classical C.ynuiasium in Ljubljana ami the Diocesan Secondary C.ullege in Vipava. Students have applied for ami received funding by llie Ofîice for Slovenes Al>road and the Ministry for Education. Science and Sport of Slovenia. Tlie first student has already taken u|) the schnlarshij) and has spent h weeks at the Slovenian school. Three more students will bo traveling in September 200:J. ] Al Siuveoska [t!i«ljeiuika Muliru (Slin'enc Emlgmat .AisodiUloiU, lUnkariiTH l/ll. LjuLIjana. Thn Icf^ndNr)- Kralj Mntjat presid«» uver thf Ublf «M in readinos» for goiifls. 2 SIM CatiktrJ(/«a t/U yuliijaaa Is thu placr wlierc yuu uievt Sluvnut« from all parts of th» worW. 3 Hm rvuaiott: (rliuidï urtvit nui tul» eacb otiiiir ai Sftt. Hefs Aleksandra Cebrin. Joie and Milta Matkarir uid a Trtend abart a drop a. 4 Ali-knuidraCubrln and B«rU Dullnar «t SLM. Ewryuuv wbu bas evnr roqiiBstnil honb nr nthurinatiriak from Matira was nfviir dteajipnintpd. B«rxa pDmiilfted Matka and whai II nwant to us. Sb» wan tbř pírsMi vrhli d «pKiisiiil Stuveiilaii culturr wlt]i gtncrtifUy. waniilli and carr. aud always rcceivwl as as iild fri^^nds. Thi» gaUikeepor «o Slnvenia made »ure lhal w« Wírř alwuy* welcome. 1 AUtaudru CdfuiJi viiitMl Kon>jtkii again lu l^*)? «t the ImlUUcn uf Toliniijer. mtl the piMtTnnt favćtik and had ih» uji^orlunUy lo s»« him usinK hiir skill« lis port and artor to help tnainiain Slov«nliin lanjfsag« in Atistrlan «rlKxite. 2 Aickiiaudra Cvferin returns lu K&uuiik «jb every visit to Stovenit, as g place uf happy chllHbond mmnnrle«. It is a pilgrlmagn t» Mall jrrnd, Stari grad. iutna and the mngnillcent panorama oftb« KainiiËke planine. 3 Ti^aehors Seminar Wfi. vlïitiiig lirozje. After th« itia« in Ih« hcautful Brni^« churrh. tfcfl AuirtraJian teacli«rs ara asti>ni$bed tu be receivod lijr Fatlier Cyril Bažič who is a» piflswed tu we iliem as ih«y are tu set him. 4 Tb« drajitin - instantly r»co|;ni«)!ahlč by Slweuíaus rviirywheru as th« embliiin of Ljubljana. It was cbossn as Tb«xauni« icon, 1 At MgniouracMrporL Miguld uut lotni sn fjulekiy. Hnwwfr wp really gni li>jithf r rinjfinu SlovunUin tiin««. 4 Tíídiers Swiiinar 1997. Ui« Sl<.iv«ni»ii Ojiwulsif In Olovoc. On «rtruofl-risfat iji Nul«] Tnliuajrr, wlrn dlii su much tu make iIik vKII ofKordUia botb inforrailivii anil tmjaynbi«. •RMIT UNIVERSITY Royal Melbourne Institute of Technolocjy School of Crealtve Mvví Iih In conjunctjon with institute for Slovenian Studies of Victohn Invite you to attend Slovenian Literature Reading (in English): FROM THE HEART OF EUROPE literary walkabout of 5 Slovenian writers Tumnc Sniaiiiuti Cvald Filtar aja Vidmnr jAndroJ Blatnik Lvfa tt. NpUn with the official launch of literator.net a wob nrcliivc of modern Slovcninn Literature ptoreci oi Vw InsUiua ky SlowraAn SiudiM a* Vctona RfVIIT, radio theatre ■ummg i, Cm Kom» lm» wui f'ankmfl sumi 2nd august, at 6.30 pm wun »m M ««v** »»*»)—«>>« »»»rm».»!* mMtat »«v iwoW) Wee*>n # w t^^^ tntn» ,Mr r > aiérm tímm Ljaw -* i*»««^ m^ t f t '/M ftan »1 It» 'i* ,1» • »■• sMrta v « rf POWi «ai • -»J» I Ausirnilaii RcBillnjíTour ofFlvn Slnvonian Aíithvirs icrfyt (lince in August 2i.Kil ai)>l wan an imfnrgi^taUi-EVcnL Evild sol in loncii wilh Ihn inslityto somMlnw In J»nmiry »nd wi>-were iniiDffDaii^ly preparcií lo ilo aur bf the SliA'wiian cnmniuiíity, at The SItfviiiilan Rtllginu» anil rultiiral û>ntr«. In pr*|iiiratiiMi Tor th« tour ihcrr «vre »rtícÍM in Misii, iniiiriiiition ami raadini^s on aovřniin raJio program pfistřrs WHre dc-niinnd, pbotocnpSrul, iJiiitrlbuttd uud im'itaUDnsscut. Wii usvd thlii occasion lu launch thr lnu>rn«i project Slovenian Litrrator, a ilati ba«eii applicalii of the autcomes was. that a «tiori nnry li)' Andrej Blatnik was indiidi^d in 2iiii4 U«nfiral and (Idnifiaratjve Literature cnursf by tlin or^aniier, Dr, Slfibndnnlw Vladiv-niwer, It mi a]»j tbo first itup ivwanis ssible eri)fficB B-átiJiik In Dflu. thř insiii ne«'S)}a|M>r nf Stmenia, 7 hily 1W. Dfezaurus Iz Avstralije po slovensko v svet - in nazaj wmm, Ja \ma v XmmUJi tifMstmtUt itorrmdto t/tlrlmo uifiUt (M M«n/*r« www.làetmmiicmmy. fin i» fmjrkt pod ft>km r -plvau o oamrH-MtkaraU %vofo zamliti da bi f (iKrn//// rtumtarUi timmxka ipirlao irrdiier, frtdntm r pomiti •/ra/ii tbrrnUMtr M todtthra aaHa. PlMt»»» Mlm Hldw. |v«MnraK pn^l .\l.4ut*J» («(arM. uk» k.«« («uinmai m |r/ik«|i. v Utcma |e Mcrwtni lo- <(11 N« hiilmu Imci upihu le laKCM- taip arkni t akHcmàlifti fíMi\<*tiáilú W kalIHrMaHtiii miimn« «lui a|wniH|iii kut lamocM* •OtnKf ialtiůM>anad|»tna(kiikWnpn l<«HiK«ci n «CMikutacitc m MfL •ki» t i«nU£Bcin MMiimurfm • AvatiaWia država «• naprej podpira iiMMhuNMnM jc «C piifMit. |C pnifckl. «ki )r nlat t nùttm UM » km kai(iu»> pnt <«kni'>i. M diAn (hHI. tU «C |i>4iia iml|iit«>n.uol l*«t |«<4nmt4 iM»iini minMrM^ii M Wil litu t «vuiuULi nctm ihtavi VUlIotiil Onnw M MMiltfci^ K UcoanH» (mlprW IcrikiMM «iniK-n|ii • »k«it« 1 Oihct Ilua l.nflhli • ViklMlji. Oâ N r» r«UI uMim Mtaai«kn4>h«l>wénkiillui nim« «m Tai» t» «rmli t>t«iiMi » «iniMitr a iiC—ii titAov v mutukallia«i OoMtopt AMtiablc •mrtcaH uA Wl|e la «ècocK n upaatiu lAiliihii^ nn ói^ Mtumi-u «/piHliivlIikuttinfMlMiit •vti i^iHi)i w «cnu m ^Mjini. m koi ■•riK Mil t Ruftk-nian JetdMil IMiM«« «rw« tkvuiuauiim »hIirkMi * fni in min^j iiiitiplr^tc« i««ltiw rnivki mt4 .4»raMiÍL Ukci »»»■■lu«- ta ćakahta vaHkmf tankniH^a / Momlt)« • umi ««Mfu to kutck. ki« jAla^. puvnti pla nrialUiir>Mtukran>U^iatiK/|«. Aihtiu il)<.«i ■»«•«■McJcnu M kitiimatau pttul-«unili »knvmki fittik. katlaim In étUki, lia kn raiwnijna mumt""* »(Vuknli;«, um) Oimviu. kl (■'■Ma u iliufataiifa kiiiuim«a kialvkua M ki at acjiufuca « |*i(iM» nrtii ■(MtamtfnaiH ttlnuilika' UKV ttwtiMlw tuhunr- Takn h> tr oMi k»*U iflaliil ar(Ht »itinnmt k^t tf> raCali |imttla«1taii ctnop^takc («awhikKii /a «litj K pi«l uni incniaa fv «tei^ikV itji|li «111)1*OankiA utkiwititkt kiihitii l*ii|<l|u|ii w lamaltàc pii«tua vit*«nv tiran» tliwetnàa tikui«« ifi'int» «u ai aMI «imilt hrar ÙÉ» I« < ha i>.Mir> iNatHitihin StincKi. akivcwàa idanlMita^ cut<|taf •kl fiMfiÉHKtf I «tin«a4* (M V pR^tani M. km it iKklala p«ti« Atrkimalra C< Ittmttíw HMa)ak DiK-vnik. l9.9.2tX>l V Avsiialiji pri|)r3\Ijajo slovenski literarni zemljevid na mtemctu Slovenian Litemtor Spi fina antologija stovtn%kt littritiure i poittki o aHorjik V ItralKit tlmatnlilk (UMla^a« J« kuMlia ť<«rrte, dlivktartca uatattmt la-•lltirtc fm Slmraiait Snalin • MaVamraH. Kt^aiOa tMIiKw aplrtaf t*ja«l Slairataa IJtnMr, ki saj ^ obMtala ivi » mttkMaa pmniaita Ma •iMwmkHi pr-MikM In piuIrUn. padjika a «»iMjtli. M-irrarMCBađattaai tMl> Mr VI fcyiu Mrkiaa*t C(*tm jc » Avsuid^l M ja pnnaitt« Icu mOl kia O» mca kunuuja m maunmmo miaam u po ' Mfi lettktK ^ptlfàUtloramttfuikm-t- ta nuianwii« ta^ > At i n ieakt. |ai|ir»da Botij»«!!! «rnikai lil..*an hnitn m mmuviu Unaw Ml TcKlmt AtiwútiaB VkmU 11«»> potM)r pnMrtimaii « Immae Ih SJuww an Wile« Vkmui ^ mkamaLtpk» Nt-ankopfa,. jc plata Aklondn Oicrai. •m n/|aintj >lir,«n>ti >ka|amai •uK akilik«!! imiHifia k vWiiakrin >t «a >»«»• timr» lia la |r r«i«t ^Imvnlja «ri akUia luaiawV«;) laku Ml M illillMu k t4Mie*«b irl«»» lUfltfa ThtuMut uan w a im fni^aa«, |j*ccim)«aa. pt aanmaiiiilii |«imn>tni4 OAtrnt« Mtnitwu l.ilcri» )e rmat^ km «|ifaiBi aiiMu|i|a •lw>T«ik« liMniiai« ta hi • |*vt btl aicmal iialMiata tlinfnika kii|ilniNja. (XHicpmui C «M kmana ohM^ laa nra |a«bu«ll«4 uram)! Man* ht» • Mclkgianii «« ki4 donuMmirt^ nuW S»Ti» «««vw'M /«Í m IjwMtaa* 0*1 fii^ /HS /99S. biajranai« Aki DaMtakl V 1IM W u V tactami» I iwl)en< < nitvinimi »»ma < NiotntM^ IhLaafa la tntdi ptooloul » anrlaUwML Cclowmt pa ir fnllt nkM 10* tiiuaiuu folpam %'r |w«i li)«kjaM»t»c%IUMlaiirlaaliaiab|a». "TdOL km )e imh |ai>tib calpn« vpribnia kjim ilowvika MraniMa - tkattiu ^ir lin. ktJwau ai>at«nl«a^ - tM| I« (nnpcula Altaï >« ta fnftil t «ntilKk a rUIa nai kt iUi ark m I« oiicAfiJa I /auwMi lafa liauctakajiN •nrrjraafajwitil|0«*in< i^lnuUkknai*» •a It « <• klii^um MarM« art «m l>lo sreda. 19. wplcmhni 2<)01 Wíer t'l.9.20ni I .iwrator.ncl Navigator V književnost Projťkí, kl hl lahko hi! promocijsko omdje ilovrmkr lilrraluir IJuNjmna - Mnllrra k« ilaiinHU UtmMBr« Ir Mf« rn-■dilja, pu kateri ^>11 t «vrt. J« >»« kat Mm prtwl pna]«. No, i- I»» ilatrmkr lilrmmrr la ga p<*d>la«Ua » OniiOM •lotrmliUi ptiurtritc*- Ceknnnva. leU IV)? mtCM prulniirka wmtii^. nn^-Ikaya m tkmiuktm |«ika. ■BU bofate ukuloic • poaCev» ainn tiovraKinc nrd tfcnva •kun uwltcacl w pniotoctto ik>vcatkc kahttic aa avwahk) atiiu V laanfih hnK m pu ■)n»fe bcMiUi uLuak». lii ft ■rtrtan M|bHl| uftnknWui |Wcil>laii(««au mUitviL 'iMo rarnb t(4ctiH< attiiCt The fjuiut, ki po»|Mr£mi 2HÍJU0 nhakoiakm u axacc po-itralr t ulwaatRM laliinwci)» ■u o Slovcaift. awit Utugua neiW|C <|ikla(i irvt^o Stnvem-•aa. itCilnicn ilrtvratánc. (plC' lao ir«lcn)o. tinvciiake po*u>-ac«t*b BHKkl ki )• u fio<]j(lu>«w> ouicmi VK) Ternj IncocaUo -Skncwan «min« IM5 IWi AlcU Ucbd^k« (Uilmin na (trap rckvkiaUM tn ilowcaiki ^mtoMi ■a pn ptMoimh nánMntnlt, T- lain pmKuliv«, da hud« ««10» ptcdtijivlini z báwaĎ-)0. MMtnpafliii. kladlo klHt ik« uBCMliniii la » ••pkta pn-lanto- doOin» odkwnktnr a klyatnth uUur^. Irk« « (aiMl |M bt hilu Miluud I raMfHk0«ini dl|«i^in Picptoeto jc ratnonsDo UhJi iktiniiti# ItlcnK»^ MtnW Ikc poatvr. M ttafa bi Mn patrrtwo Ic ||nl(i, ae obleva pa |«nrtMtih taiHiudat tkikznaa; Mrtda ia krtni —VMir* 1« njAovth d(l nai b* MU v rokjii lamlmlkcgi ndbura. ti nt N p uhNkinala tkwvaakii Mc raraa )a««a«l uma Za id« le pinividrao. da Nvki »vi brw dda* iin|M£uu. k« ho v acka-Icnk pnwTUi Miav* u| aiM né m«)! ptcwtkaL Morda bo p(Ma*ilr« i|ilctM mUuí^-|c ^KMlhwlila frťv*f4fl|e odpeta pa /t tudi OMlaoW «nata-ai« MkMotr. ki •» |a«»ud«a» v dni^ t«re >etikc Amhicíř« CcfcnnoTC in aie M (kipe K nc l< P** «kwcBiki blnaiati Krt m-Imm aptti lUma aiHiUH: i aaor*. kfct N bda pradiUnlfc-na vu nruwaa Ulrtamn. aa laetavifO IjutMi» ncl poau-diti tcN imu«a Mdi dnifnr dr tatam Cetenianva apa, da hn ito-nmka lantiM ailbcnn pntm du uvidela kM pfaBUOftko niKlaoM m H aamradi mtrr nki lkaaa podpnto V a« iproMeia přímeni K bo oliMo-t«ta twn «piowmla v la «n tpielai Bafiatnuk-I mltntUm Pliikmu MmtV O projektu slovwwfci literrtof .net Slovenska literatura na Internetu v angleščini áse/^vAntrafifi, nÁa^péoétbiaodfhmtíAS^rtmÉ krogov m ^oimsiêdritr» kU Hlentnr aWI, «kato Hi^ llda \kkirla V Av«tnrf|il. lia Ma pnatom» pmhtniilt Mu*m\kn M i^^irn nev^ràu Mnlttata m «hiveiMlir iliiilte " KitiKi « Avitral^ ( AMtaanfrii < cfctia akiUM ro » an>rlfti»> na intontHa. Ki4 K- C'dcntKWH. ^ inUitui ta «kivca«kc Uutlijc Vicbwiu Miliil kiil ««iju ijjivnii ruili>i{>o prcvKi;nili Sknviiqti m n|cnti ktilt»n< «nidcUco p>vi»cťcmo •vvtu l*n icm «c ivtňp) pmh'^cm na inli|4c fcnťntnic ik»cn«kih tnclimcvy. ki nSliMnuji «vtJo k nnjuutovncj^c,prm tiko ivi iiim)i>Ic pa««vni>/imnk «JownVmf Z nimtclKm »f^f« ann*»«|c UitvvinJu kn^-^iiioMi. ki N» pric« kliiiCuh «knvnOuli avuirjr^ m ««Ikimkin n|ti«n>h iMiNiii ic|«cn;nu(iviiili tlel v jnitlrVim. p« hi iinmicn^li fii)H|c riinoiKvaRji' «ItnraOcc bicralurc m kiilnin:. ( ťli-riniwu jr ptaiiLitila itu hi »c icm nnifckum «kwcitski lilcnwni vciil m Stl^vnln fU5pk4i hkrati (iinudliU luiit mižnud ptumidic v mnu. *Kiil modd «kivciMc luriiirnr kaitiifčnfi)r laKiuja Mrmla« %viifrvt>lra imv m cf»ktnim> pn-kxlmot «lincniilum .iMiKTcm in «knvicAini Utcmnun lc«(ic(ikKnn|u »hHcnxkc litctotiirc m nirni ijmckiini v \wtiKiti.- tilcranK l^iw." le piivnbla CcťcíňwH» Seda) jc niopiit \*lťti lu >iwí priiU tkl nllra^h. via pm |C *.';di n ufnii iniiirw« m nplMivth tkl. ^ Uiivťn^h liti;i Minvnikih liicramih Jci v ,in|[kWimt. ki jili «iccr m nuk'. «1 pii i\-ni iKlIímki «W, ki hi iih pmhlavili lu ínicnKtu. lo pa M UKk» hita v/piKlbutb ta pn-Hiii «.x-timic^ JcIl' fr ik>Uii ( cfciimiva. I limJiu pccililjvnn litListivp |c hd tc jvginta IctcH « Mcthnunni. wti] pn fc CefcrmwM ptiOj v Shiwnw>. l/ct Ni « piinii<|i> ilnKt»'« pivilcljcv Sknvni^ pi> dtu^a ii.nc/iiti «like % prciMavmki vladc. kl in pnijiktu ptitkufdi na ptioiiiil I util Ihuinfm). Vi) hn» ik^Julnqpt ilrn.iriJi pnifckt ik Ni nlivd t>> iciU| pri iCiiímo|i pnijcktj ; tk:iur|cm pin Murphntis 3i< a data apiillation, ninklDg [Kis!ilbl<> a ffrikvrlng archive urtliv liuit ami iimift rujirostiitaUiu Suvcuiau literature. It was luuucliuil lu Mřlhmiriii' in Auifusl 2(il)I on thf nccasinn of thř \usirnllan HeadlnR Tmir oflivn Slovfnlan authors. Alclisatidra Ccf^rin iirewfitod II In Sloví^nia on tS S^ptiMnlier Zf'Ol ut tli« .A^Ddatlon uf Skvvuian VVrilcrs. It had a xreat rtspan«« m Stin-i'Ukao mvlsiún. Ućenie po intefneUi Slovenščina za »izgubljeno generacijo« Prof. Aleksandra Ćeierin pr00»t»v)|0 multimedijski spletni (©čaj «Jovenskega Jeaka a otroke slovenskih lîseljetKev v Avstraltji in drxigih državah t arxgleSkIm jeiikom \ 4r>iH»fc. » IjlťtHi thgu«lw>rtfciif»tB««-wk«polck« m i>i«»diiJrMiMiiiMilNHiinil«^»^rB«liiil>MiHi.>*t«kyi>rr4é> \tMtaUjl p« lunina «rimai it« lui ><• Untk rite xnimmk Mnikiar n- V4«H/i^W(iii<>-nf fM«ti«irr«» MvHmihim». Id MK» «^»iki mtnl «LiiU ti» trMtntml findwll. «M-d 42>rc hi«*«- f«ni«K«J«iM. |*Miij» « J5 Ml <«rU p.Hir.krt« toUttMa n i"*^"*"I"» p. •» tal. 4u«liaÍHÍ «iii {«naiif ilaikik Sknfwk^iM nku/t \V I. il )t k'u ('«M «krtvVl M r(><«(«U» IkHuK ij.. »ttHkih m aiilwili |mMn|>U )«lHM A/*» ViU.i>i^ )ii/iuUi ikiMviiioi • »(HVUMII alitMii» llw/Miiip* law« lAirriiMriii'iiNW AlK' lili* ^^ f«ii|cl>lť* «koamil Knl m taltani «miirui'MipfvNnalcrm kljïhlii/anuna k. rtatii laAii lamenani 'irtMhlimi i>ctKl4l- iKiMaKO liintimkili indiev U url|<> M t-«4ii t* > \k>ir"t»» » A«u>il||< la tlfiffn«! t«> ki ts *1af^ I aneksi'» «iw^im wwMim NI t^ knijaiiu IWlaila iniiir fríítmnt Immafalini •IM infurauciti te Ml» ««M uj nu». M thoMiti« >wli a>c<«% 1 ifnfutf» «util .«j LjMcOi fia )í- tf uJ ■l.4i>n U /.DA «lt«J>iiii|n M A«Mt< IHil V Sl-«.tMI.k*kiktaiit« Halp H IMM^ lilC^ Tk-ilu ItMOta !Îfu iu|a lL> muiotťU Jrr.n rwM.iii Sa thť^Jiaiw^ aMiy«^ Ujit** Y*'^* MtnirfMafcK >kMllt>llKPkHÍU«l Kl«»* Ithik-K'tlvUKii ukD>>ni pwCr«« X(|| 4avvnk.UK • AttualifL ud pctr«» nalu nfriA «Uncaaàili pmcl^cKnr. ki JiMIta yni^^^i >liA«n«ka, Ai ll<«Kf ** kau-n^ ^ aaffeiûMa prti ia IM) N w >lin i,nt<.'ni> «iiïali k>a laiuca H -•ikji K et frc ra pMta^it|Mn m tmnmttipta iK'cnK iwaatM M« u< I (iiM|iakt in («» upiia;? p» prviUAaKi Mciii»ik< riixa^ m MtnMiiat apmnpc. pn {vmrr ku ufKiaMiitl twb «IN If IhiMaiHiM Met) ijii t grjiili%«Mfi pri-t/k»- Un«i«* Uiliàai Wita T tlfiataak««» ra /rodu M tiklin^iki Wifc Pnil CrhnapiiMi lia Kani pinMa li«i«ti I ralvt n du-vcMiiMIu k DuNm m Ac Ni p>uitii iki htidii pnlMi Smánf» tUmrt «Aian^-r I«vtarkl M MViIflli d»*' »OKOnr» .V«lraii|«ina)i.(inl«iki u iriaiwi Md Ta .•l>|a l-raiurlu l^v^irM iiiK IHt^vlkM. Irt |ilai«4.iffl nariidaan |urku ibl /aiHoili j le «i*k «pMna ti- VkoviMaaa • liimi Ubi nr'-ts III ". Uikuiiu dk di WiM^tkn.aai' Uťd Iia^uttamatt rii>|t:iu |a l»li malHaanliaki ItitrUM >r • l. ra/fvo U*U0lm mnaiiiw Mw iotania n»ai»>)û(» > r in8 rM^eouumigtVptiMavMileieiefSfii k9 i»-10 imAàVMnfeSi Writ «lia lanCut't/HS "ol («donr (nw da «» «Mina uConcnv fcM 17 iM Pi«fM« ria matum. f ja od IM* 1100 dwMlf* WC« p0lr«a|0 vil m 13. lUHMU^ Ocraatiana molu)* je pe^i «* Mul« 'la unnvrn. •eriaar mor^ dijMii. t» ta)«« r.» OCMiaiw Uau^ria. Mlvali p«i«rtmot>/>doaa'.na woa. t» puWf a'umr iwi ««ira>^aio matun» ta V0«!(a|c<«« Fr, 1er» iJBWtlťri« »ooolndri« tri*dv»t*iil Oiugin «vvKnntn) mMjm Sluvcniaii for "Ihe lusl geBuration' lil tbu iiauip uf Ihe wlJck tliït iipp| 8)'nfm, Tlwy alici sixi« iibcml tli» luiiUlintidis liilřrnM ficiurs» ilui sbc bail rumpirird tuginhi-r wlili Samii llffcrlii aud (.rnfMiifd ai the MliiUtry for l-ducnlion. Stîbiici! and SpnrL kotiček naših mladih Internet v slovenskem razredu Viktorijske Sole za jezike. Education Department of Victoria Saia I'eferin Vofao bolj w awdimo. lia na» imam» \iMlt a* lub MHT nfurmacIMe w^wluciK IVo«.« « » «ol»!» "iijo uponbljati mlcncl. da tn «tem daht/a u^nuUtm^ iafarmm:t)t t «««fo «v«M m koatunkiraio t ljudmi. Iii j)h nnuntio podobne «ivan. nc (iMie n RicK in italjavc $oUlu v/yittic^ fsnuillaio o rootacMUh. ki |ih pomja mtcncL /aćoni> «e oova Ooha aimjM n poit(e\ ni», kj CMnu Mttrpkrnt t »lotvmMm razrt^tm jo UhLo |NuiM!r]*»t< ' («vuliict)u ti*ka » 15 iti I*. «talEtjU hi u(auu icfiluA «C arton nu\ uai» «k» luiio. >«aitit jc t«c icle na (aC<«ku ruvoj. znanje in pm/ki«njc. ViLumHtn owtMSMw n iotrivu Jc ipnihlo Ntahcn rai^oi intcmcta ro tirvilnr jc/ikf « m. ila K jcMutiimi ofi^iccc ijon v V dkuinp pcaaaUo tinanfno (»c VMLaur(anu>cua>emonla nnîii if»!«!!» «na m u^mmoími tc «inigr uf iid|c Sknrmka *ptc«i»a «nui »ytvi liieMuni« wunK MdiDC IO lanK odohnvaqe tn pohsilc a »oju oMinart. S ion naicf* ikia leiieila m knncc. kajti cplttna Man ie nimcnjciu upontM Trcbajojcivibliiali VMtn. ki w uC^ »lovrmàcita K'l^ •• muinajo n Uovctttko kahuro Za««dali tc momo, lia je MiaB ifaiiratfiu. da nna vcdNi m>vc pik»oai Slmcniana iruu|*i einluiv. ki ivnujrjD imdmwli m pa«e(iaMU tlnvcokc kuhurv in naroda. Ima di«luu4j>ka funima. cncfa a mJajic, cncga za vdra*]«. X mHenmt tcraami Vuiàtc lahko (iftoAi w pmc tvoft maen)e ati nalifika pmprvvk. Vdikti te mfonnacii o »lovnMkih MCaJih. ninih teknil, il(n«n«iii|DNnk:tia podobno Ncpauednojcpoíveuaa • ilcvTrnkim nimr>jrm Ma( Kw;«, ki nudi «iImIko tplcinili iirani in raMovt%»ih pudalLov o Kkdoknl Iluaaunn je H viljuícn v pmtk «latvnldli mmdov Viklon|«ke lote n tttikt v ccMru rrmca HiU Sccoad-my CoUefC- Chíron Mofphew» jc oícnce H uvedd v rhrjMinua la «t««««« puiehnoiu Picd tobfam poCKmcan» je uí M(t|ica Kandi Ccfctin itírocrm 6 10 letnikov tc dala prvo oiloso i inlemcla V Itie/atiruiii moraj« potekali ttoves*ko tplr THFZClUrUSl lutltu!« for Slovenian Studiet'o' Viclon» th«2iHiru8:ttp0«iKtothoworkl-leamobiiguog«.^ THEZaUAJS «»KKM niCUl CIM.I >t> ut:iiifiii vniiiiia HMJwriiiiui itMtuiirct-« oni.iiic ^oi.i.rry SMtt'r.iiinittt NUMtrniiiii U/I:K cuissriMHn !«Mi«/i:ititiii tiTi:ríťior ^ turn/iiir. six>wi:i)iftiiii ^ řorunís 9 m» mfrti O mm>*m>cii I lOTt. m M tmtuŘtn BtwtH Otwlpuwl «t HAuMmt tnnnii Mosem *ut»«i« ««I M* »wilt et twivi« »ilHII mpênt/wm lOtttm pm»^ I •< ntwu h« b^ind tfM uirtaM \ Tb«M«ru8 From l'âge wlih iJis mtin mfnii. TbnaHru« wíhsiw wss clfslgned for Ute Institute for Sluvunlaii Studie« «.»TVicturia liy Cblroii Morplieuii. who cnntinufli »S thx wobmaiiior. It was publlshftri in .lannary 1999. and lias Iwcom« ODV oftlif mo8l «ucfeMful Skiv«nl«ii wt'lisitcs. havlni; r^schřd IZS.OOO hit« maulhiy i^y the sod of 2(.Hi2. New Technology: Thezaurus and the Internet In llii! iiinelii^s infunnitUuii Uh'JuioIo^' was iH^t^iiinint! U> nuike iiii inipjicU in Austmlia. nut dtiJy as an important niediuin ormimiiunii-atinti. but alsn as a sijinifn-ant liml fur aaïuirin« liniiwlpidgo. \Vn heard nf amazing initialivfis snoh as thn global i-lassrooni. whrrn chiKiron woro loarning tn cornniunical«^ and sharo knowlndgo ni nnprorodontod ways. Tho dnvcioping Wf'b-lmsed technology offered new |M)SSibilitíes and exriting rhallenges for nducatitm and iislu^r(>il in a new phas«' of Slovenian langnagi> tparhing. In I'i'iS the Dt'partniiMil of Edni-atidii, Employment and Training of Virlona provided language associations of Victoria, including ISSV, with funding and professional dwvfltipnionl 111 csUiblish language websitns for i.Iip use of teachers and sUidenLs. Ildwover wfi onvisinned a broader concept than the one set by the spons<^>r We aimed til develop a website suited tn the uniqtie needs of our community. We saw a small widely dispersemi language group, witli few new migrants and S4>(.'ond and tliinl generation young adults rediscovering their cultural mots, platming to visit .Slovenia and speaking with relatives in Slovenian. We further derided to extend tlie target grtiup to « • j.- j. u i j. ^u encompiiss all U.c lînglish speakers. We argued that the COmmUniCdÍlOíl teChnOlOgy repreSBfltS ttie Internet is by definition a global medium, and so we should u^g^j eXCl'tinQ Chdllenqe Of OUf time. It bfinQS k the ' project of creaUng tho website; Aleksandra Ceferin. Chiron redllty dnd dCQUire knOWledQB. Morpheus and Sandi Ceferin. Tlieir cctnbined expertiw' compriserl language leaching melhodology, course development, classroom teany ways a unique country. t Hie m«eUii); urUi« youug pcuplo Iti lb« courtyard ofB«»^ llou^c lu ^ , M«Uiuunii>. Luuil an tli« left. Saadi tad Jiu iui tlm rlubl »m ill ibn« ^uuns AuFtnlian bom Sotrors. Chirnn MnrphciHi (tkilnnl h««just conm frnin SKivfiiln. B'jjan'ii vUlt Iti Mnllxmrn« lian IpiI to thr rtiniiinictli/a oÍMiiti uf Iti6 niuii! surcesďui SliA'caiiin wcbsilcs. It in a coupcriitioii uod puollu|{ ur rwuurw« that we wiiuW 111» to »e continue In the futur*. ^^ 2 Tbi'/.Mimw Tmuii. Satidi Cfferln. Alíiknanilrit Cnferlix Qilr'ïu MuriilwuK it WHS tlic Idval tiiAni to cnmlu tlic «ucnsiiftil wiili«ll«. Published lu 1999, It liM by Ihr rnd iif 20(12 schiHVsd I25,IHH> bite rnanlbly. Tlie apertlsi- af the i«iitii combinas tnngiitg« cnribcMiology. long MpeH«Rc«oriiingusgt-teacbins and four» dotiibpiuonl. tlie tecbniral kiiowleil|{6 and a vision of poRsiMIltiPs InhKrent In tho Intomct as a itiodlum nfknoi^iidxn arquMtlnn. 3 Skiviinlah class at PrIucM Hill \'SL Oiitn. Bojan Isliitruducinji tbt iitudciiUi li> th» luteroet and tli« »«bsile Tbeiaurus. 199^. 4 VSI, Cnrriculnm Day. 1999. Snndi CeTiirin isintroducin;; ibn teacb<;r Pavpl ^mj Ki tbn websllo Tbtzaiint&Miu. 5 Ai thii t9d by Tho Ministry urCultiim amJ Mliiislrj' of Ftireign Affairs of tlic Republic of Stov»!iiÍ!i have alsf> given some fuiicliiiií. I'lmdinji wont towanis administrative oists of nnining IlK^zannis, softwars and wjuipinenl. The reniaitiinii! adniinislralive fi)slii and incalculahle Un)e spent in devrlopnin and niaintalnlnK lln> Wflisile was provi main by tlw tlirw rreators ofThozaunis Thezaurus Projects The website T1iezuurus.com now has a lari^c public, which has j;n>wn by the end of 2002 to an averajio of 125.000 hits inontlily; 45% of its readers are in USA. wilJi larji^ numbers in Auslraiia. Slovenia and a growing nnmlwr in countries around tho world Thezaurus was publisherl on Ihe Wei) in 1|| has since developed several key projects: Sloveniana Wobzine, Slovenian Ijintiua^e Hosources, Webcliwsroom, Cialpria Sloveniana. Thezaunis f-orums and an extensive collection of links to Slovenian VVebsitos. Sloveniana Webzine The Web magazine is l>asei] on the idea of presenting Slovr-nia and Slovenian culture on the Web. These are the permanent culuiral archives on our Web librar>'. Hy the end of 2002 Sloveniana had grown to forty articles. "Ilie editorial |)rinciple is simple. Sloveniana pn»senti> Slovenia as an interesting couiitr)' of extraonJinary natural features, a historical bndscape on tlie crossroads of Kurofie. with remarkalvie achieveinenLs and some unique elements. Slovenian Language Resources The resources include gramtnar in tabular f<»nn. linguislic and educational web links, ami information on Slovenian language and courses in Australia, Slovenia and I'SA. In 2001 the section was extended and supplomented witli exleiisive information on the reformed VCli Design with up-Ui-date bibliographies of sludy references and thematic resources, In addition there was also an introduction to Curriculum and Standards Framework (CSl-l with a sample lesson annleinporary Slovenian literature in linglish Its basis is the anthology of Slovenian poetry and prose compiled by the poet-writer Aleš Debeljak. Ilu' Imagination ol Terru Incognita: Slovenian Writing 1<)45 - 1995. Ilip intiovnlive and dynamic: roncepi has been created by the web developer (ihiron Morpheus as n inudel for organic and ihematlc presenta tion of Slovenian liu^rary an. It is slmctured Uiematicfllly. and tlie biography, reviews and e.xtrai-ts of «mUMiiporary Slovenian writers' works are presented. ISSV and Slovenian Writers' Association have been working in (lartnersliip on this projert, which has generateil interest when presi>nt«d in Mcll>oim>c (on the occasion of Reading Tour in August 2001) and at a major mediu conference in Ljubljana (al the Slovenian Writers' Centre). So far the development of l.iterator, as a daLibase of Slovenian literature has not been adecjualely funded by Slovenian government Careerlinx/Slovenian Coimeciions Careerllnx aims Ijo present the advantages of Slovenian language students al secotidary level. The webpage informs poientinl students of Slovenian language, Slovenian culture and tlie career opportunities that the knowledge of Slovenian offers. It also indicates the npfMirtunities for bilati?ral exchange l>etwepn Australia and Slovenia on education, fommcrcf and cultunv It provides information and extensive links on career paths in .\usiralia and in Slovenia. SpiM-ial fealun>s include: profiles (ifSlovenian VCE sludetils in Australia, iiďormation and links on Slovenian language ami studies, the Sifivenian c^>mmunily, gratits and scholarships, employment atid business opportunities in Australia and Slovenia. Thezaurus Forums Tlip/uurus Foruitis havt» Inien rreated to providfj ihe nioans Inr otilitip (•omitiiiiiltalion and jHissiltly In (Tfale ati Oiiliiic Slovenian Coininunity lliey an? "iM-n l oriinis. atnl fiiiyniie rnuy enicr as a H'H^sI. make a ťoininetil. nxpross an opinion. Iliiw«ivpr, n^isUirt'd menilR-rs aJsii liav« llif o|)p Tlii ISlh Třniiiry rhiirrh and forhfioitlons nfHrBStnviJn in ls .MeksauJni Ceferin in ]W). wlipii Silva Filiir wns sliowinK lifrsansi! nf Ihn míjinllicrnt historicul and oaluril«ites of liîtrla. S»iliB(^i)uemJy A Off riii wroti* n wrins r.f itirni- »nklfs oti this rpirinrknlili' munuim^nr "fSluvfiilaii sbrli »trnut tJils uiilqu« kkiiiDrlcal luuiiuiuciiL wlilch tak» your l>rratli away for tliť sherr luaglr uftiji preserved rondiiwal portrayal »f life and belirls. As the editor of Sl"\yinl»iia VVibanf which liss gr>wn to over 4'i artirk« In 2(Hi2. A, O'ferlJi tias hi-eti ivdleetlng rr.s'ourcéS tukiii^' phutos. vi$iliiiii placvs of Interest wltli t)Hi stalod aim of prvMutiug Slovenia M'ltb Its unique ruhural aiid iiaturd features on the wurtd web. Slovenian Language Today and the Future Slovenian classes today We have arrived at the end of nn crn. The comniilnicnl lo Sluveiiian languat^c Uinl marked the first génération of Slovenian immigrants had reached its peak and passed. The niimher of students in regular serondary language courses is diminishing. Parents and students of t}ie si'cund generation are no lunger interested iti invejiting time and effort Into six years of regulnr study, Sine» 2()(»2 there has been only one Slovenian class in tlie Victorian School of Languages (VSI.I. Attending ar'pi a few studenUs who are active in Slovenian rultural activities, some students whose parents are more recent settlers, and ailults who wish to learn some Slovenian so that tliey can eounnunicate when visiting Slovenia. Attending a Rrho sludonls, the lftssi)ns have to be prepared aiwrdingiy, In addition all ihn rurrlnilum work still noods to ho donti. niorn has hnpn a new VOF Study Design for Slovenian publisJied in 2001, /Meksandra and Sandi Cclerin have butii worktnj on it lu^jpther. In 2002 Victorian Sfhool of Languages aiiiimission«d ISSV to dovf^lop the rrtanl pr^)jeia. a slinient exchange progi^am for secondary students. We have estiiblishofl contiïrt with two Slovenian Secondar>' Colleges tlie t)iocesan Classical Gymnasium in Ljubljana and tJie Diocesan Gymnasium in Vipava and and are sending four students ofSlovenian at the VSL to attend classes for two monlJis Tl)e studenus will receive some funding fnim the Office for Slovenes Ahmad and the Minislrj' for Education. Science and Sport RS Slovenia We hope that in this way, students will improve their language skills and even more iniportiintly create personal links with their peer group. We have higli hopes of tills project because we believe that only by going t4> Slovenia and participating in a leamitig environment, will our young |H*op|e achieve the kind of fluency in the language that is essential if they are to benefit from suclt knowledge. Slovenia has offered Slovenian teachers seminars fora iiumlMT of years. Many t^-acliers have availed themselves of this offer. Hie 3 week seminar is highly appn>ciated by tJie teachers who gam valuable Insights and knowledge through a series of lectures, excursions and assignments. Internet into the classroom with the vvTibsite wwwThezaiirus.wuti ISSV itiatn has i^reauïd a O'lj^'i'space station or to spnak in more farnllinr torms, a woli librnr>' of Slovenian langimgo and cultural arrhlvos, ccmsisUng primarily of Slovonian lanjîuago rnsoiircfís, Slovoniana wcbzinr. (ialoria Slovonlaiia. an nxli'iisivo rolleotion of Links tn Slovenian wob. Web I'lassnioni. Cartwlinx and the ititoractive swlion Vťith Hiezanrus Torunis-'riie/aurus serves three main functions: - Ijo provide information and further contacts for study purposes - through Slovenian language rosources and links - lo present Slovenia worldwide - through Slovenians webzine, (ialeria Sloveniana and VVebflassrooin - to foster cominuniiation and exchange of opinions and inforinati<»n - thinugh IlieAiurus l-'orun»s Our vision is to further extend tlie website to include an Online course for s(icondar>' si^hool studenLs and adults, encompassing various levels of language competence», educational background and iiUenjst It would bo suitable for those who c-annot attend classes, or attend university courses in Slovenia, or stay there for a longer period necessary for language acquisition. Tlie Online inediimi enables the broadest form tif access to language learning. The Online course was designed for indejjendent learning, a self-paced, systematic program, with in-built self-assessement and an audio component. The course is flexible and in(ii>r|)orates all the best practices of progressive language study melhodology. A tutor referral programme cau also be incorporated, (iurrenlly we completed an outline and several miits of the course. hi the hope of Hnancial bat^king. I presented the Online course to the authorities in Octuber 2001. I was infonned that a Slovenian Online course was already being devolu|>od by tlie Faculty of j-Vrts. Centre for Slovenian as a Sec«nd/Foreign Language at tlie University of I jubljana. /Vs there ari) constant enquiries and an obvious demand for an eflective self-study course, it is lo be hoped that il will not he loo long in coming. The Internet has bi-oadeiied tlie scorie of classroom teaching and openetl new possibilities of acquiring knowledge and learnmg the language. Trom the beginning we wanted to explore its fxissibitilies. Students were n»ade familiar with the contents and uses of Thezaunis website and given assignmentjj to explore Slovenian websites, guided by tlieir own personal interests. Tlie teacher Satidi Ceferin was also able to select particular t/ipics she wanted to eX|ilore with the students at higher levels and make use of selected websites, l-or examjile weltsit.es dealing witli healtli were rich in resource materials on such issues as food jtrnditional. vegetarian, healtliy. etc) and fitness. The great gain was particularly in the vocabulary of Slovenian contemporary terms, which c.annot be found in any dictionary, l-rom such exploration of Sloveiuan websites and itjj resources Sandi developed her concept of tlie VVebclassroom. Tliere are now 15 unitu of lopicaJ studies, based on nmt.erial on the Web, ran0ng from such tnpics as shopping and hfiaith lo outstanding porsonalitifis of slovonia, snch as l.hp pi>ot IŤancfi frnšnrnn and ihe an-hiliîrl lo/n Plorniic. The Tliezaurus Furuins, publislied in OcIoImt 2W2, are also playing a major rolo in classroom loaching strategies. Stiidonis aro pnooiiragod t«» iiuhlish short rnports on their iHiltural and i^ducational arUvilJes and beotini« arlive parLli'ipanls on the Forums. Links with Slovenia To mainlnin Slovenian Inngiiago for thn post-migrant gonoralions links of various kinds nwd to bt' nsliiblisliod. l-or the social and enterUiininent scenic thero have always lif-en choirs, bands and popular onsmiblfs, which mako fr^iquonl. afipnarancos. Thosr arr partlcuUirly approprialo for tJie migrant gcnoralion and a boost for llH>ir social gatliorings and festivals Thn limp has now arrived for another kind of cultural oxt^hangB, ainifKj at the [wsl-migrant gmieration. as well as a broader Australian public. The Australian Heading Tour of l ive Slovenian Authors in August 2001 was suc h an event. Litnralure does not generally attract a great audience, but tlie four Melbounio pnigrains. organized by ISSV for the Australian public at)d Slovenian community, were highly successful public events. They aniusod a great deal of interest for little knowni Slovenian literature. Among other things the tour led to the inclusion of .Xndn^ Blatnik's short stories inti:> the (jetterai and Comparative Literature Course at Monash University. There are other cultural exchanges tliat crjuld bo arranged We would like lo see mure awani wnning Slovenian films and quality ducumentarios that Slovenia produces with l-nglish sulvtitles, Slovenia sub-titles all its foreign films. To o perform a play in English and Slovenian. Sfiiiding our students lo a school in Slovenia is perhaps Ihe most important attempt to estabbsli links, ionn personal cotitai^t.s and to aiX|uire fluency in speaking Slovenian. Our younger generations need to get in touch with contemporar>' Slovenia, they need to lind a common gn»und with Slovenes of a similar age grouj) and inleresls Hocnntly Slovenian government expressed intcre.st in reestablishing a Slovenian lectureship at a university in Australia I contacted Monash I'niversily. Tlie relevani deimrtinent is not aversí' Ui Iho idea, and is ready to begin negotiations with the appropriate Slovenian authorities. A great deal sem somothinR that will riillort liieir own Australian Slovenian idonlity W'v arc hoping) třial the 25lh /Uuiivorsar)' of Ifaoliiiiiî Sloveninn will an mTasion to hriiiii tlimn IdUPlIier ami lead U» ntlicr similar omnslons. \V«i sw Thf-V.aiinis as a koy tool fur maintaining Slovenian lani{)ia){e and « ultiin* in Iho fijlur«, I should raihrr sny that Ihniujjli Thpzaurus thoy may again find something of inlorost, somctliing wortli exploring m their origins. Thezaurus may represent Iho gale Ihmugli wliirh lliey may tiik« tiie first sti-p towards exploration of their own identity, To develop and maintain it we need suhsLinllal resourcing and moral support by the government of Slovenia. However, we wish that projects lu- evahiatied acnmling u> their pfTfictiveness anr»? and whal tn sef>, A nienlor or a jiuidw inijiht be avaibblo tn Uiko ihoni to intcrnsUnt» plarrs. Slovenia mrrfntly runs a nunilwr ofprntirams. whirh indnde both langiiagr* and nihnral artivitins. Whilo valnabin, llios<> involve a signlfirant tJmo «-oinmilmont hy partii-ipanLs. To api'css a broader group thoy could considcr dt'vplnping a number of fiurnly cullural programs, with siipportint; notes - eiiiior unidod or independently undertaken. This would provide further support For Slovenes who aro intemsted in Icaminu moro about thoir identity an?rhei!k Surya Malkovif SUipliajiie Mrak Viki Pahor Pavlina Penca Marija Petelin Mary Piší>tek Magda niziiial Eli Smrdel Verouitvi Smrdel Barbara Srnoc Lucija Stat)iopiiul(>s Maria Sestán Aniivi Škof Ivanka Špafíipan Ařiioa Tomažič Lily Vrisk Kateřina Zoraiit Viki (Roj.Gajš^'k) What Teachers said How I came to teach Slovenian When I was řirsl askod Co loach Slovenian al Iho SaUiniay School of Modem Ijinjjuagos I wnndorf'd whethor I had siifRrifint quiililiratinns. Aftor mmriloting my pnmnr>' socnndar)' oduration in Slovenia I had studied Srionfn at Monash I'nivorsity and was workitití in n Universily labi>ralory as a research s<'ientjsl. FurtJu>rnion? I was married U» an Auslralian. also a sirienlisi. Howover Uih more I tliou^^lit «ImmU il Uio moro I fell thai i( miRhl be an ideal opportunity to praiUion litenirj' Slovenian on a rejîiilar basis and impart my deep fch love for my œuritry, its people and my cultural horiuige lo young people of Slovenian descent. 1 soon discovered tliat I enjoyed teachuin and bcniji with tlie students, and looked forward to those weekly enooimtors. The students were very rece|)tive and fortiinaiely ar4^eptod my masons for emphasizing the grammatical sido of the langnago Initially I had a composite class of sl udenLs with a range of Slovenian sfioech and «Tiling skills. Later on I was tpaching only years 11 and 12. I continued Id l^ach before and after the arrival of my two children and while still in full time empluymenl during ihe week. In all I taught for H years and many of liie students have iMJcome my lifelong friends. Jožira /;• Pudilh'-U'tUm'k Jožica R Padille-I.editick Takoj po prihodu v Avstralijo lou 196« meje Anica Srnec povabila k poučevanju v Slomškovi šoli v Kew, kjer sem ustanovila tudi folklorno skupino in (»omagala pri kulturnih programih In dramski skupini. l.eUi W77 sem pričela s pripravo kulturnih programov pri Slovenskem društvu MellHUirne in lelji I*??« ustanovila slovensko šolo. Naslednje leto um je prldružiUi še Magda h'šolok. saj jo bilo v šoli 46 učencev / različnimi stopnjami znanja. Pomagala je tudi .lana Lnvrič iledaj (iajši^kl in kasneje soje rednim uram pridružila še Marija Penca. 7j\ vsako uro smo pripravile delovne liste z vajami. Veliko smo peli, brali in se učili pesmicx! in vloge za krajšo prizore, katere smo potem predstavili staršem ob praznikih in na prireditvah. V šiili Slovenskega društva Melbourne smo si skupaj z otmki uredile iu
  • ravllo vaje, uganko, razlage in skrivalnice, {H^mešane besode, križanko, domine s [io|o\1cami bosiid, izpolnjovanke in dopolnjevanko. l'|)orabljalo smo besedno igro, vč;isih tudi šaljivo, pantomino, pripravili voščilnico za praznike, okraske m praznike, razstave ročnih del. izdelali knjigo z določeno snovjo, kot knjiga o š|M>rtu. o pomladi, o zimi, o delu. o družini in podobno. Pri govornih vajali jo bilo uspešno odigrnvai^o vlog: pri zdravniku, v šoli, pogovor v trgovini in Uîlefonski pogovor. Združilo smo ijouoovanjp z risnnjom, pripravo lepljenk, plakaUív in slikanic, navdušilo za skupinsko nalogn /a vnčjn pddrnrja, kol Intni časi, špnrl. pokliri; za naravna okolja kot jî^zd, inosto. park, prazniki in najbolj po/jiaiii slovenski prazniki in obii^aji, kot tiožiř, velika noć. Pust in dru^. z uporabo lutk in dru^nli pripotnorkov. V'pJno smo vso dolo in doniaře naloge pregledali» in popravile, vendar nismo dajale spnV'oval oil kont'ij IoLíi. Urno snov smo lojiinio stopnjevalo, učevanjo slovenskega Jezika tudi na državni srednji šoli. Med pn imi učitelji sem bila tudi jaz. ix^dcljena mi je bila nižja sU)pnja, letniki Year 7 do Year 9 na šoli v Bo.x Hill Hiuli School, kasneje pa stopnje od Year 7 do Year 11 v Dandenon»; Hisîh School Nekateri otroci in tudi odrasli so zelo dobro govorili slovensko - naučili so Jih starši in stari starši, drujii spel s«) bili popolni začeuiiki V šoli smri imeli željo in namen govorili čim več slovensko, a pri razlagi, zakaj se določene besede spromenijo v stiivkih. Je bila potrebna, po mojem, anjileška razlaga prodvsom sluvuičnili pravil. Nekateri otn)ci so povedali, da so doma spraševali starše, zakaj rečejo določenim stvarem drugače kot smo tiašli v knjigah in učl)enikih v šoli Včasih sem jim rekla, daje beseda nepravilna, kar ni bilo pedagoško, roči otroku, da gaje mati naučila napačno, a smo učitelji vedno razložili, da ni napačno uporabljali te besedo, ker Slovenci govorimo različna narečja, rojeni v različnih krajih, kjor nekatere besede izvirajo tudi iz Jezikov sosednjih držav, ki so imele v zgodovini močan pritisk na slovenski narod. Velik« dela in priprav Jo liilo vloženega v \'pelJavo, v organizaiijo, v urejevanju potrebno dokumentacije in uradnih dokimientov, veliko dola pri vodstvu, izbiri potrebnih učnih knjig in pri|H)močkov, delu gospe Sašo in moža Draga Cefcrina. l.opf> število otrok seje prijavilo na vseh dodeljenih «centrih. Lep<) je bilo. a tudi precej dela. priprav in (wpnivljanja vaj, dotnačih nalog in sestavkov, posebno še, ker je bilo znanje slovenskega Jezika tako različno pri isti starostni skupini. Otroci so veliko doprinesli tudi k moji rasti, razumevanju in dokazali navduSenje in veliko ljubezen slarš*n- do slovenskega jezika, običajov in kulturo. Prav poučovaiye na srednji stopnji mi je dalo pf)vod za pripravo zgodovmskoga besedila, ki je j)otem zrastlo v knjigo "Slovenians from tlie Earliest Times", l'>iS2. V upanju, (ia som N'zhuflila zanimanje za slovenski Jnzik, za spoznavanje in nudila pregled slovenske zg<»dovino želim, da bi se več otrok in slarsev zanimalo za slovenski jezik. ler^j slovenskega je/ik« /a odrasle v Verskem in kulturnem srediA^^u sv. Tirila in Metodu. Kew I'oliwdo je dal Avstralec, ki je poročen s Slovenko. Točaja slovenskoga jezUta se od leta 19y9 udeležuje skupuin odraslih, Ax-stralci: slarši nekaterih udeležencev pa s« Slr)ven<;i ?.elim. da bi se udelcženri povezali s slarojšimi v slovenski skupnosti, so pogoviu-jali, si zapisovali in si bogatili besedni zjtkiad. obiskovali in upor«i)IJali slovenske knjižnic«, arhive in internet. Skoraj dve leti smo na U!č«ju preizkušali priročnik, ki Je leta 2(«K> iz.šel z naslovom Znaš slorensko - Do you know Slnoeninu? in /.naš slovensko - t)o you know Slovenian?; Osnonnn slovnična pravila in raje - liasir Grammar Rules and Exenises. avtorica Draga Gelt; izdalo Ministrstvo za Zunanje zadeve R Slovenije. Urad za Slovence po svetu in Slovenskti versko In kultunio središče sv. Cirila in Metoda, Kew. Melbourne. Vsak po svoje smo se trudili - ali smo bili uspesni ali ne. bo |)okazala prihodnost., Ah bo med našimi mladimi živel ponos in spoštovanje do slovenskih korenin? Se bo ohranil slovenski jezik? Draga Gell I taught Slovenian in the lato seventie.« and early eighties both in University High School and in Maribjxnong. 'ITiere were a number of reasons why I taught. One reason was that my |)arents wished me to be involved in teaching of Slovenian. There was also my desire to keep up with Slovenian language, 'rile students in the classes were of dilTerent levels and lliis always made leaching ciiallenging. Tlieir ages varied also - some mature age sludenU> who were married to Slovenians. I felt my Slf)venian was not good enough to Icach them, but I knew I was a good teacher and I could interest tlie students at the same time as I kepi one slep aheail of them, I found it verj' gratifying when their ability in Slovenian improved. In fact, my own \tilaslia Vincent Slovenian impnved as well. I found them all very friendly, very Riving, lots of fun and yet quite serious in their application. I was very impresstnl by Uie oommitinent of tlie parents lo bring tliem sr» regularly. Natasha Vincent " k Liidjfi Srnet- l/kiiAiij«> puiiJ^ovaiua slovi>nsk<')ia jezika, 1'>74 - 2003 V driiHlvii Planira I^la 1972 sn Slovpiid iisUiiiovili v j»JH«v/Ii(tcltiein cJcilu Mf>ll)i)iirnH dništvo / imenom Planlcii. K" iirwJili iifíjvaŽHpjše, su taki)j |»ittiislili iin razred sInviMisknîa jtv.ika /.a iijiliov naraščaj. Povabili su mo. tla ustanovim «>l«. i. vpsfiljrm s<>ni spppj^la S poukom sem zawla v aprilu 1974 in siœr za 1 in 2 razrwj osnovi«' šolfi. Vpisalo sf jo nad 70 uô učili Vprašala sem ju, Čo l.)i tudi onidve hoUili nastopiti na odru za očetovski dan. Takoj .sla bili za ii». Tako dobro sla se odrezali s s\ojovedali, da šole zdaj ra/umela, kako U-Žko smo imeli, ko smo se morali prilagodili angleškenuj jeziku, in kako nas zatLi spoštujeta. V Shimškitvi šoli Tudi v Slovenskem Verskem in Kulturnem Središču, Ke\v sem pomagala rii Languages V letu 1977 so se /ačoli slovenski ra/redi v dr/avni sohotiu jezikovni šoli - SSML. Bila s(!in nasiavljeiia na Rnx ilill t^tiitia/.iji, in sem učila višje iflnike. Dr/alJ smo s« morali »ilskih sniornii- in prpfiložonih učnili narrtnv. Studenti so liill resni fn pridni. IYi SSMI. sem poučevala rellli šestnajst lel. p«tein pa prev/ela nadomeSćanje. Na malum smo morali IMM-akali še dve leti, ker je Viktorija v tem času ravno sprovajala innturiletnu dhiiovo Mojim štiidentoni pa ni hilo /al ràsn, ki so ){a vložili v solxitni pouk. Kavno sem /vedela, da se bo študentka iz leh prvíli lel pred akredllacijo slovensko nialure, vpisjila na maturitetiii teraj v naslednjlni in dokonča, kar je začela prerašnlj kaj pomenijo. I'ganila je pravilno in so se čudili, da pozna pravilne slovenske izraze. Ilekla sem ji: Ti si torej pri.sla iz Avstralije in govorila praviljiu slovenščino? Odvrnila mi je: TI si me pa učila. Hvala!" Se cn spomin. Učenci so pisali prosti spis in so bile seveda napake, ki so bile popravljene t rdečim. V šfdi .smo skupno obravnavali najiake. Pa se oglasi moj sin. ki je imel kar v«"! nlečega: Zakaj je i-uker prečrtan Skupaj smo pojasnili, da jo |)ravilno sladkor Pa mi je zabrusil: "Mama. torej tudi II govori doma pravilno!" Vsi so so smejali. Vesiila sem, da slovenska šola ni bila in ne bo zastonj. Vsakdo nekaj oilnese in si nekaj pridobi - z branjem, učenjem sltA'nira ali s pesmijo in Igro na odru. Dandanes je posebno va>jio. da govoriš več jezikov, saj >.ivin)o v deželi / mnogimi jeziki, ki so vsi cenjeni in enakovredni. Imljn Srnec V VicUtrian School of Languages .sem poučevala od lota l')87 do 1 Zadnjih šest let .sem učila VCE (malunleUiel razrede, skupaj 21 slovenskih maturaniov. Ko wim začela učili na University High School, sem imela v enem razredu pel stopenj, -ali pa še več. Učenci so bili različnih starosti (in tudi odrasli no-Slovenci) in znanje slovenskega jezika je bilo različno. Učili smo s»? slovenščino, ampak ne samo jezik, ludi o .slovenski zemlji, o kulturi in zgodo\ini slovenskega naroda. Z maluriteUio in splošno šolsko obnovo v Viktoriji, je poslalo učenje še vse bolj pestro, kajij študenti sti si lahko izbirali različne teme, katere smo |xitetn obravnavali in se »čili - v.se temo so bile tako izbrane, da so širile znanje o .Sloveniji in Slovencih. Tudi temo o hrnni smo preizkusili. Će je bila tema o |H>lovanju. siinio {>otovali / /.endjevidoiii po Sloveniji, pa lu75. Starši so želeli, da se otroii učijo slovensko in tako so se zbrali pri meni doma in smo pričeli. Začeli smo na čisto pn;prDSl način, saj nis atno zgradili dvorano, kjer smo takoj začeli s poukom. V tem lotu smo z veliko prireditvijo praznovali HMi letnico Cankarjevega rojstva, kjer srabljali doma. Tako sem jim razlagala, da je fništek pravilno zajtrk, juiina je kosilo, župa je julia. Še vedno se sponitiini, kako so me začudeno gledali in me je ^wtem lûli vprašal: "Ja. what language pa jest pol govonm?" Taki |M>govorí so bili kar us|>ešni. saj so otroci o teh stvareh |>otííni |)remišljevali in se marsikaj naučili in zapomnili - včasih prav na zabaven način. Veliko smo brali in primerjali dctmačíj in knjižno govorico. TUdi s slovnicc^ smo se poprijel!, seveda jo bilo kar težav, powbno ker iz redne šole niso imeli tiobene slovnične jKidlage iti sojini bili slovnični koncepti nepoznani. Ko som bila pjo letih |M)vai)ljena na Kdijnvo po|go doi)a truda za ohranjevanje slovenši^ine imamo za sahi Bila je «lolga in uspešna doba. Storili smo kar smo mogli in imeli zadoščenje, da je naša mladina s tem pridobila. Lidija Čušin "llie expcrif noe ami impai i "f toarhinu the Slnvpnian language «luring the last dncade at llio V'iotnhnii School of Lnngiiagos hris boon trotnonilnas for nio; inspiring .is a Ipaohor. iMurspsvritor and projoci (l(>vt!liipcr. I l aine lo tp^ch Sluvoniaii inaitily duo In iny ťonLIíming iiiler(!Sl njid study nf languagi's, tiaving sludiod Fr^nrh, Gorman, Hussian and Slov^Jtiian at Sflrondary and tortiary iovois. In ihoso years my i-arfior was in tho Conunonwoallh I'nblir S(ir\'ia> and I taiighl Slovonian language at si!<-ris, maps, virtual tour guides of cities, ilaily and cultural event.s. restaurant meruis. price lists online shops and product catalogues. We often have stimulating discussions about Slovenia, what's liap|jening tliere, and .students give talks aU>ut tlieir trip to Slovenia. Wo read about ami discuss: Slovonian cultural ci>lebrations, customs, pooms, folktales, prose by Slovenian writers of the past and present; from Valentin Vodnik, France I'resoren, Srečko Kosovel. Ivan Cankar to today's auth Šalamun, Andrej Hlatník. I vaM l-'lísar, Dane '/.ajc. Tone Pavček and matiy others In tile last few years, with the changes in curriculum in Vii'loria, the emphasis on the themati«' approach in language learning, anarch in language learning technologies. As a result we. at the Institute, produced the first integrated curriculum combining cultural studies and language learning in a systematic and comprelMinsive way. Language learning is enhanced with immediate access to the latest information, and communication on tlie Web. Consequently I developed a Slovenian Web Classroom on the Institute's Tlie/auriis websiUj, and lncor|)orated into our curriculiini. Seeing the potential for buiguage learning, and my love for the Slovenian language I became involved with new, and creative projects centred on Slovenian languag*' and culture willi Tlie. These projects are o|ien to tho public and students are participating in l oriims. H(>ing a part of the learning process, as a teacher, has been an enriching period in my life. I met many students, dodicalt'd in their efforts and who tjjok on the challengi' to .study Slovonian. It has boon a sheer joy. Sitnili Ce/t-riti The Students Altrani Dnvid Abrani Zorko Adamič Andrew AlbroťJit MarUi Alin Annahelle Aliu NarsLunsiu Amlirožiř Irene Aniaufr I'aLrida (VCE 20(«» Aseiiberjier Denis« Daii]{ať Su/i Harbis Sonja Barlr loliii lialič Josppli Rodrac Hinit« Bedrat: SUiiiko Belw Susie Boljan Mirhafil Benflř Ana Birsii AnnplVCl- Rirsa Innia Bi/ilJ Kalja Bižilj Snežna Blatnik Mojra Blažínič Bratiki) Blažpviř Hilda Blažc\1c Ma|»da Bojíoviť; Pavel Biivtovir Tuny IVCH 19881 Bog\'e Srečko (VCR 19X31 Bolo Kddie Biirovnirâr Daniel Bračko Danny Braíko Joliti Bra.-ko Kelly Bračko I'oter Braielitrli Aleksander BraUna Andn>\v IVCI- 2:n Bralina Melissa Brnnóiť; Ana Brončič Helen Brezove«' Injîrid Brezov«^' Jolanda Br}íí)r David Brgoč Peter Brgoč Stephanie Brgoč Tanja Briševao Majîda Brnjak Amra (VCI- 2(«>U Brožiť Bart>ara (VŒ 1992) Brožič Christina Brožir Doris Brožić Joe Brožič Marku Brožiť Hnbert i VCR 1988) Brmnen Irena Brnmen Siisan Bucaj Robert Bucaj Sonia Budhgraber Alois Burgar Darko IVCIÎ 19821 Biirlovir Elizabeth Bntinar Rosemary Butkeraitis Gc{)n»e ButkeraiUs Tanya (VCE 1986) Cainpelj Julija Ceglar Mandy CelesQ'iia Christine Atin Cendak liladys Ceppa Gabriela Cerar Gordon Cerar Jackie Cestnik Christine (VCI- 1996) Cestnik Wendy IVCE 1999) Cetin Helen Celin Jože Chambers Brure Chambers Christopher Chambers Michael (^igan Joanne Crtitli«: Martina Crudir Olga Cvetko John Cvetko Sylvia Česnik Erank Daniir Lucy Delievc Simone Deželak Stephen Dictner IristVCE 19991 Dominko Helen Dominko Renata Dominko Taljnna Drezga Lynette Elvis (VCE 1997) limina IVCE 1997) Eqavec Katarina Eainn Amar (VCE 2001) Falan Snnel IVCE 1998) Favier Fratit:is l-avier-Zor/ut Rumana Fekonja Frank Fekonja Olga Fekonja Zlatko Ferdi <4 wife Ferfolja Sylvia (VCE 1983) I'erfolja Vernnicii Fergeus Kara Fijan .\ndroj Fijan Igor Fislriř Simon Fislrir Sonja Fnrlan Frank tîec Sandm Goť Sonja (VCF 1482) GoU Eric Cifilt Frances (îierek Ivan Gierpk Majda Corlec /\nita (lonibai! Ann tJouji/elj Vivientif Gon'anc.lohn (iiiijanc Monakl Cirtígorií: Susan Cril Karmfin Grilj Simon (VŒ m2) tlrilj Tanla (VCE 1^93) CirI Stj(>|)hani(4 (irl Tony r.rlj Frank Crnm Innoz lirom Julie llabjan Nalaiiha Majek John liojnik l.oiiis I lolnips Gaye Horvat Angela Horvat Arpád Horvat Eli/aheil) Horvat Gregor Horvat Vanda HrvatJn Tania iludroviô Anna Himiphreys Hobyn Hvallrfl David I VCE 1992) Iglič Evgen (VCH Iglic Lidija Iglič Majda Iglič Martii (VCE 1999) Iskra Alljori Iskra Boris Iskra Sandra Iskra Susanne Iskra Tanja Ivančic Frank Jagar Renata Jakšftlič Anno JakšeLič jjnanno lakiM-lič IJly lakselič Tania Jelovčnin Susan Jernejčič .\iiita Jernejčič Silvia Jurišev-ič Naslja Kakol Sonia Kalčič Irena Kalistpr Irena Kampuš Roris Kampuš Erik Kampus John Kirn Doris Kirn Susanne Klančič Fabjan Klančič Loredana Klančič Marina KJančič Tanya K)>ap Toni Koœ LysbťUh I VCE 1982) Kocjančič Edi Koder Jože Kohck Karen (VCi; 2000) Kohok Michelle Koje Daniel Koje Evel>ii (VCE IW3I Kokalj Klaudia Kokelj Tanja Kolene Zoran Koprek Damjan Koprek l.ouise Koroša .loe Ko rže Elsa Kovačič David Kovačič Sonia Kovačič Steven Kn-noš Anita (VCE ler Miclíelle l/ínarřič Francis UMiarčič Micíielle (VCE 1983) l^narčič Wendy Ijenassi Vilma Lenko Andrej Lenko Anion Irenko Lenti luînko Lydia l>>snjak Ko be rt Ličen Marian Ličen Stan h>gar Aiuia lx»gar Doris Logar Marta lx>nčar Irena lx)nčar Marjan Lorenzi Una L)renzi Faola l»trič Andrea Unrič Robert (VCE 1981) Ludvik Irena Maddison Alexander Maddisi m James Maddison l^e Mahnič Irena Majcen Daniela Maljevac Edi Mamilovič John Maniilovič lx)rola Marrina David Maritiif' Man^arpl Markir Daviij Markir l.idija Markiô Tatija Mam »olinda IVCK 1«)«)2I Mam Darinka (VCR 19«7) Martinc-ii« Natóslia (VCE 1W3) Mav«r Soiija Mi'tîralli Ijfislifl MoMnhoii Meinyk Mark Moinyk NaUilio (VCH 19S«I Mezjioc Sonia Milil«! lan M ingot I.. Mingot Maria M Ingot Suzi Mlinar Susan Moliar Molod Moliar Tatjana Može Kexnn Mrak Krik ' (VCE 1988) Pptolin Susie (VCH 1996) Pntrovski Sasho Pinlar Piiillip Pinter Viktor Pin; Martin Pimat Marta Pimat ppter Pišiitíík Damjan Plesiifčar Mark Plfivnik Josťíf Plul Franwîs Piiklar Elizabeth Pnklar l-ugeno Polh Catiiorinp Polh Miclia»'! Pongrařiř Mfilen Pongračir SiKia Pongračič Stanko Popovšpk Kav Porptti Giordano Piirptti Valeri«' Postružin Naifllifi Potočnik Andrew (VCE 1981) Požar Darko Pmsonak AJino Pn)s) Ranuita NaUilie(VCE 1993) [{niiific Zdravko (VCE 19X6) Rcpolusk Andrew Rppolusk Daniol Rizmai /alika (VCE 2003) Ri/imr ('ariupn Rofldor Ingrid Rotar Roman Roiar Sonia Rnžanr Danit^a Rozman MargaroKVCE 198řj) Rupnik Sr)nja Saksida Mary Saksida Suzy (VCE 1983) Saksida Vesna Samsa Adolf Sankoviè Anita (VCE 198r)) Sankoviř Ronnie Sass Sonja Sass Karina Satler Nai^sha Sedmak Ann Seljak Vera (VCE 1982) Sltnřiíí Danny Skok Ailriana Skobc Ivan Sluga Anita Sluga Miriam Sluga Roman Smrdel Albin Smrdel Anton Smrdel Barbara (VCE 1991) Smrdel Innés Smrdel Marta Smrdel Pavla (VCE 1998) Smniel Robert Smrdel Veronicvi iVCIi 1993) Smrdelj John SmnJelj Magda Snssi Mam Sossi Walter Srnw Stefan Slarr Dnna Slarr Oriatia Stare Saillira Siiban l.inda Suhaii Marino Surina l'atriria Siirlan Tanya (VCH 1988) SveUna Vivian Sycanuire Con Stembfírgflr Donna Siepančió Vîvlana Stppaniř Julio Stopajniic Fdi Šajn Richard ^«nkini- irpnfi Spnlcini- Hoina Širca Maree Sknbar Andrew škraba Andrna S|>a<'apan Majda Spur Marip-I,iiuise Sraj l.pnka (VCR 20011 Šraj Matija Sraj Pavel (VCI- IWXI Slolfa Hoberl Stulfa Edi Stiijfa l-'rank Stoifa I jnda Štraiicar David Strancar Katarina âtukolj Sonia Telbaii l-rank Telicb Mari Tolich Matoja (VCE lW7t Thompson Katja Thom|>son l.eo Thomson Virj^iiiia Tkali^eviř; Iren« Tomažič Hranki) Tomažić Eda Tomažió Igor 'Ibmažin Kalhlyn Toinšif Elvis Tone Danny Ton«: Diana Toplak /Viidrew Toplak Helen (VCE 19851 To|)lnk Stfive.n Trebša John "Hibola Maria Turk Irnna lirbas Fnuioes llrbas Natíisha UrlKusToni Urdih Ivan Vadnal Anne Vadnal Susan Vadnjal Ivan Vadnjal Maria Valoniíič Majda van de l^ak Adrian van de lr Zrinišek David Zrimšek Monira Zupan Bernard (VŒ 1982) Zver Piivllis (VCE 1994) Žele Adrian Žele AnilJ! Žele Mary žele SiKia (VCE 2leted her secondanj schuollny be/ore VŒ was introduced. She valued her Slovenian stuiUcs. and has continued to maintain and devtrlop her knowledge of Slovenian ever since. I nltfirided Slovpnian i-lnssfis in Snliirday sduxil fn)m l')77 tn t't'V. I reinetiibcr sptniding lim« calchliig up wiUi my cousins Aiilla and Marj and fiiidln^ oui what ex<'itiii>i Slovi-niaii wotils wor« churrh, or in lli«' Imnies or other Slovfinians- Tills wns fixtrfitnely imporlanL Slovenian parfints, of coiirso, wor« nioro likol>' lo Ici liifir leeriatíors jjo oui if lliey worn mixing; wilh Slovenians. I also remember iho organizaiional détails about goUing to B rlassfis. The Slovenian lanjîuage did not como easily for me. I slrugjjled willi iho impucl gender had on tlifr endings of words and my pmnunciation was aimdous. Slill, twontj'-lJiroe years lalpr, aftfir spending lime in Slovonia in 2001.1 am preparing tU) restart my Slovenian language studies and I am looking forward to learning about the iangJiage, milturo and iieoplo. Not with the focus only on the pa.st but preferably on Slovenia's present and fuluro. The Slovenia of today is a new, independent nation with exdling prt>s|>eťlH and opportuniUes for social and economic growth. I plan to visit and oxperiencn the beauty of Slovenia at lea.st one more time and will hopefully be l>elter able to cotiimujiicale afu>r a year of studying the language. Silvia Žele Jan ,\'ut>ak was a student of Slovenian in 2002. and has Ih'en for several years. He had coinpletehf tuisseil out on Slovenian latiyuage duriny his secondary schooliny. and found his way to the classes as a young adult with a successful career. Waking up early on a Saturday morning u» attend Slovenian class is not always easy, despite good intenlifms, especially for a mature jiged student like myself ll'm 30> who works and s(jciali/es far loo much. I llnd it a bit like going for a long jog In tlial the thought of getting out of bed to do sotnething else always seems like a bad idea, but this feeling is short lived because Slovenian cla.ss with Sandi Ceferin is always fnn, inlernsting, challenging and rewanling! Slovenian class is more than just learning the complex grammar stnicture and vocabulary. Once I got over tlie shock of new concepts su(;h as declensions and dual number 1 found I tievelopfid a greater interest in the culture and traditions of which I knew very little. My connection to Slf)venia was a tenuous one (only my estranged father is Slovenian I and it existed in my mind in post-card form as that beautiful yet strange eastern-European country where some of my ci)usins lived llimugli Slovenian i'lass I was introduced t(i many exciting and now concepts that give flavour and uniqiiene.ss to a culture, from poems and pn)verbs (pregovori) to contemporary short stories by Andrej Blatnik lo a live performance by the singers Oktet Suha Of course there is also the mandalory learning about famous Slovenians such as Plet'-nik and Prešeren. l'vp als" enjoypd the style ortparhing and tho lloxibility in thp approach of tiollvering infoniiation. Tho Intompt is a U»ol ihat is ilsímí ImjufnlJy by stuijonl-s in Slovonian class as is vidiMi and audiotape. Maga/Jnes such as Misli an» frequ«nlJy liroujjhl in and discussod as are gfînfral oiiireiit alTairs lespt^cially during iJio Wdrid Cup and WinUtr Olvmjjics wlieiv- Slovonia porfornifid ailmirnbly) Ainmiast my non-Slovfinian friends I oflon lind myself chaitinnahoni thiniis I've leami in Slovenian class, for example: singing a sung alHiiil frogs. There's always a Mibject of discussion and genuine inlerest. I find the onliiusiasin I have gained for all things Slovenian has been infectious, as friends have made Slovenia a "must-see" on tiieir tîuropean travel itinerar)'. ./«« i\'oi'(tk I was bom in Melbourne in a home where the native language of my 1 ^StMes immigrant |)anuibš Slovenian was the sole language s|>oken - and has continued to be s)>oken till present day. In 1, as soon as Slovenian was accredited. I als' to move between cultures, iissimilate and meld riches typical of each gives me an advantage I treiisure almost daily. Working as a specialist Creative Arls secondary teacher. I find that my background is no longer "difTerent' to the norm, but typical of this city. A decade and a half of teaching and travx^l llirough many countries oftlie world. I find tliat my buckgnniiid provides me with aptitude to in1>>rpi-et foreign cultures, most ofti-n thmugli tJie ability to pick up languages and think as an outsider new to a new situation or language. Self-expression is ollen restricted by expectations of gender or culture, Iti overcome tliejio is lilwirating. enabling insight into worlds once restricted. AndrtiW PoUn nlk When I was a teenager. I studied the Slovenian language for approximately three years. I had an interest in other languages and also thought lhal il would help me to approciale my cultural background. Little ijjil I know that it would contribute to my adult lite exp4>rieiice in such a significant way. Throughout my travels in Slovenia, I came to appreciate my ability to coiniuunicau^ with my relatives and leani more abi mt ifie Slovenian way of life and history. Although my Slovenian speaking skills are quite basic, I believe that Slovenian language will always be part of me. and something that I will treasure forever. My cxperienc.c in learning the Slovenian language and oilier languages is that you gain an insiglil and appreciation into yoiu- own cultural l)ackgrouni l and also that of others. I liavc gained a greater fierspective to undersland how people beloiiguig U» oilier cultures think, which for me is an enricliing experience. I nm truly glad that 1 spent time in my younger years learning the Slovenian language. However, lhal is nol to say that it cannot be done in adult years. Unda Stolfa All my life I havf* apprednlod my Slnvenian barkgnumd. I nltenrjpfl Slovonian sohool for many years at tho Slovnnian Associaiion Mplluuirnp. involving mysolfin many i-iillural |jro)»ram.s, fttlk danriiij? and singing. When 1 was 20. I ««nl bai:k Ui Um' Viftorian School iif Laiiguag(>s and TOm(ilptod my 2 years orV(;i: in Slovenian. I have continued lo be involved in many airtivitie.s in tlie Slovenian r.ommnni1y, organising youth masses and youth committees, attonding Komo for World Youth Day on behalf of ihe Slovenian coumiunily. Pastoral œmmitlee member eU^ I also worked on Slovenian lîthnir Hadio 3/Z. l-or a number of years I was I'rindpal of Slom.šek lYimarj' School. I lived in Slovenia for a year where I attended Slovf-nlan Language sumtner school and also Slovenian Language 'ieachers Seminar I have been to Slovenia five times I love my Slovenian background and Iteing able Ui speak Uie language allows me to become involved in many aspei^ts ol'tlte Slovenian r4>miinmity. As a secondary school teacher in schools widi students who come from ethnic backgrounds. I have found that, knowledge of Slovenian language and culture helped me to understand and empathize with these students, particularly with their needs growing up vvitli an etJinic background. I am very pmud to t>e Slovenian and be able to speak another language in addition to Fnglish. Veronica SmnM I studied Slovenian for six years tlirougliout my sec.ondar>' school. Il was a lime when Saturday mornings led nie on an exciting cultural journey far different uj the one I was growing up In, We have always spoken Slovenian at home and 1 speak it lluenlly, however studying it at school, gave me an appreciation of how complex Sloveniati language really is. II was terrilic to Ir* introduced to some of tJie great SloviMiian literary works - a treasure house of books and jxiems, which gave tuf an insight into iJie culture. It als4) made me realize how important ihey were and how fortunate I wjis to be able to read and understiind them. I enjoyed Slovonian classes for another reason. I made friends there and met otlier people witli whom 1 had something in common - lieing Slovenian. Learning Slovenian has allowed me to communicate with people in another language. I afiprtniated this ability whenever I met and sjxtke in Slovenian with |H»op|o >isiting from Slovenia. I valued it most when I traveled in Slovenia and fell in low with tJie culture we have learnt about. I have fr.unfl that knowing another language is special. It often rai.ses interest with people I meet, and they want lo know more about me as a persi^n and about Slovenia. Uving in a multicultural society, I also tliitik that it has been an advantage to know anotlier language becjiuse it gives you a direct understanding and r(>spect for other ciiKures. Apart from such adv-mtages, learning another language is highly rewarding personally. It allows me U) converse with my parents in their native language and speak with relatives overseas. Hf!<;f*ntl>' I had iJio pl^asnro of triupling through Slnvpnla. h was a grpat pxj)orionr« U) bo abli' to romniiinicato with powplo diroL-tly In thoir nwn Inngiiago. It moaril pxiieriKiiciiig llie fultun? and ('V<^r>'thlng Slovenia liail lo olTer in a way not possiblf! tlirough an int(>rprelod vii»w I roally enjoyeij llie nuilticullural days lield at the school, when all tlie languag« I'lasses boing taught would |irr»sfnt ft)ods, dross in traditional i^istiimps. play music ami allow you to explore r cultures and share the Slovenian culture with others. Rotami Mrnk I was boni in Australia U> Slovenian migrant parents in a Slovenian .speaking environment. Frtim the ago of five, I attended Slovenian classes at tlie Slovenian Koligious and (hiltural (lentre in Kew. I continued Slovenian studies at secondary level (Victorian Si-hool of Languages! under the guidance of tcacher and mentor Mrs Viki Mrak and matriculated in 1W2. My love for the Slovenian language, culture and family has resulted in three visits to Slovenia. The desire to improve my language skills have led me u> study at University of Ljubljana- "lliis was made possible with iJie assistance of a scholarship fuiitled by the government of Slovenia. Tlie vast majority of my family live in Slovenia, knowledge of the language enabled me to visit ami i^onuiiunicate with my family in iny mother tongue and to view ihe Slovenian way of life from a perspective lliut would have been clouded had I not spoken llio language. My language skills have not only lielped me on a personal level but also on a professional level. At present I am employed as a registered nurse in Critical Care in a Melbourne Metropolitan Hospital In my chosen profession I have found language skills in general and knowledge of Slovenian in parUcular of great advantage, Slovenian language has enabled me to utiilersland not only speakers of Slovenifui, but also speakers of similar languages - the Slavic group (Croatian, Serbian. Ukrainian, etc). In addition it contributed significantly Ui my understanding of difliculties experienced by spe-akers of otlier languages when trying to express tliemselves ui English. I love and cherish my background and I am grateful lo my parents and teachers of Slovenian who have immersed me in my moUier tongue and the Slovenian culture. I would like to encourage 4>ther people to travel txi Slovenia, learn the language, breathe in lite culture and take up the way of life. Barbara Drožič Rodil sem se v Egiptu, leta 1<)40. Študiral sem francošcino. arabščino In ajigleščino, slovetisko pa sem govoril samo i mamo Moja mati l'epina seje n>ilila v vasi Kamnje pri Ajdov»-ini. l'o njeni smrti leta IW2 nisem izgubil samo mntem, ampak tudi .slovenski Jezik, saj nisem Imel nikogar, da bi se z njim lahko pogovarjal po slovensko. Ta Izgiilia jt^zika s« mije nh obisku Slovenije in »irudnikov naslednje leu» že zeln poznala, koninj da som so za silo siiorazuniel s stricem, loto in soslriřno. Tako sem se milooil za v|jis na sobotni pouk slovenskťíjja jezika v Vicuiriaii S<;Im)oI of liïnguages. V šoli sem spoznal five zelo sposobni ui>ite|jiri. Sandi ileferin m Viki Mrak. od kau>rih sem se mnogo nauMI. Nisem vedel, daje slovenski jezik lako težak, ampak počasi sem se izpopolnil v guvoni, pisanju in branju. Ob naslednjem obisku v Sloveniji S4.) mi vsi liesUtali k mojemu napnniku v tako kratkem času. S posebnim veseljem so spominjani srečanja v Ljubljani. Slara ženica meje prosila, da bi jo |)eljal čez razdrlo (-«slo. Kralek pogovor, ki sem ga imel z njo. sem popolnoma razumel in bil zelo ponosen na to. SfHimnil sem se mame in oči so se mi orosile. Slovenski razred zdaj obiskujem žo peto leto. Kadar grem zdaj v Slovenijo, veliko gíívorim. poslušam radio in lierem časnike. Vse t(i mi jo v neizmonio veselje in osebno zadoščenje. Trdno sem se numenil. da ne smem izgubiti jezika, v katerem mije govorila moja slovenska mati. Nočem izgubiti svctjib korenin in sorodnikov, s katerimi se Unko dobro razumem. Ko sem prvič oliiskal Slovenijo je bilo, kol da bi prišel domov. Občutek sem imel, da sem se v Sloveniji rodil in inm vedno živel. Prišla mi je misel; To je moja domo\ina. Tukaj je moj n>d. Aleksander Braletitch Hodil sem se v Sloveniji in moj materinski jezik je sloveščina. l>oma vsi govorimo slovensko, nisem se pa učil lirali in pisati. Zato je treba iti v .šolo. Hodim v slovensko šolo. da ohranim slovenski jezik. Tam tudi srečam dosti slovenskih prijateljev, ki se prav tako učijo slovensko. Največkrat se vidimo samo v .šli mt^d tednom - sem si izbrala kol maturiijeini prodniol šo slovonšcino. SIr.vonskI razrod v VicU>rian School of Lanjiuajjos srni tibisknvaJa šUri l«'U) vsako sobolo med šolskitii l(;U)m. Vstajali sem morala /j»odaj ;^ulraj in jf» bilo včasih kar ti'žko. Vendar Siini rada hoj svoji zgodovini smo bili Slovenci le za kratek čas gospodarji na svoji zemlji. Slovenski jezik je bil izrinjen iz cerkva, iz .šol, iz uradov, pa vendar se jo ohranil in razvijal, /akaj? Zalo ker smo hntoli ostati Slovenci. Tudi mi v izseljenstvu. Tisoči kilometrov ra/daljo niso iz nas naredili tujcev. Vsi Slovenci, ki živimo v tujini, delimo podobne izkušnje na temo: kako ohraniti slovenski jezik v družini. Šola. delo. prijatelji, televizija, časopisi - od jutra do večera moramo |>osiušati, govorili in nusliti angleško. (Xl nas mladih je odvisno, ali se Iki slovenski jezik obdržal v tej daljni zendji Vsakdo, ki si želi naučiti sktvenski jezik, si mora postaviti cilj In se potem zelo potnidiU. da ta cilj doseže. ■la/ imam v Sloveniji prijateljico, s kaU'ro.se že de.set let redno dopisujem. Otia mi piše v angleščini, jaz ji pa odgovarjam v slovenščini. Take. Iris Dielner Slovenian IdenUty To be Slovenian is to have some part of Slovenia in you. whether it is your birthplace, family history, llie language yonr sjKuik or traditions you partake in, I consider myself an Australian Slovenian. I was born in Australia, live an .\usU-aliati lifestyle, speak Australian l-'nglish at lu>me and at school, enjoy ail aspects of the Australian culture and country. My grandparents were iHmi in Slovenia. I leani Slovenian language at st^hool, eat Slovenian food. f;fi and culture art' vor>' iuiporteiU Ui iiio. As I am of Sluveniaii backip-ouiid (All tiiy anceslurs - as for back as 1 (K» years and morn - wero of Slovenian origin), miruiring and protpcting traditional Slownn customs has bocomc ono of my hobbirs. I atti'tid VSL (Vi{s wli its small lanw. This is a great opportunity to nxpon'pncx? a Roman (latholic Mass in thp Slovenian language. Evorjlhing from llir» liynuis to prayers of tlie faithful is said in Slovenian. I also have many Slovenian friends who may not always appreciate Slovenia as much as 1 do, but share the same common emotions of pride and love for their ancestral homeland. I say that if Slovenians want to protect their language and culture, then they mu.sl commit to doing it, not lying back and complaining about it. The Italians. Clroeks and French are all very patriotic, and therefore tliey make one of tlieir lirsl prir)riUes U) leach iJjeir <-hildren the language and even the ciiltur»* of tJieir homelands. It is all up to parent« (anrl grand-pnrentsi tu support the youth. If they show interest then most likely they will learn ti) have interest too. Andrew Hrntinn What does Slovenian mean to me? It means being able t« communii^te witl« my grandparents. I have family in Slovenia. How can yon have a family and not be able to talk U) them? I love learning Slovenian. It is hard. But I love it. MvUssa Bratlna For mo Slovenian is a link between my life as an Austmlian and my family heritage beneatli the Alps. I have friends and family in Slovenia that I visit |>eriodiciilly and netid to conununicale with. It is necessary to s|)eak (or at least lr>') Slovenian to be accepted. I lind Slovenian language difllcult but enjoyable to learn. Ttie problem Is that there is limited opportunit>' to put into practice what one has learnt in class Mick Heljan Podpiranje in nhranjanje slovonskf kultiirp in jozlka je meni zelo važno, važen del mojega življonja. Moja dediščina je tn, moja dru/ina - kultura in jezik so povezani s tem. Zniikn RIZMAL Slovenian means belonging lo a rullureAtountrj' and asing its traditions, learning Ihe language, speakitig tlic languages Being able Ix* rumniuiiicate Willi your rtilnlives l.bal live so far away, yon know yon belong somewhere. I am interested beeause my parents come frtim Uiere and all my relatives live. I want Ui t>e abl«* U» keep the traditions that are a link lo everyone and everytliing thai, made m« as a person. NitUilif pnsTHI ÝJ\ íilovenian language is a œimection to riiy anreslors. It helps to map out why I am here, where I « ome from, a sense of perspective alH)ut tlie way I was raised as a child Ity my father. Slovenian language leads U) a deeper understanding of the culture. Inherent in the language stnictiire is the gateway to Slavic languages even as ancient as sanskrit. I enjoy lJ>e challenge and reward lhal comes wlien a foreign language can be decoded ajid understood. I'd like lo be alile to speak and write lluently ime day - perhaps even dream in Slovenian. It would be good lo c^immunicate. Jan i\oi)een irrilten bij llit: stuilfiit us part of his writitiy ossiyniiiftit (hiring the school year. He has chosen lo write nit imoginntive piece. The theme of war had beet! debated in class during the gear, and the student wrote a mooing story of friendshi/> and fragir. cruel loss of life during the occupation of Slovenia in World War 2. Babica Marta Je<;en se je sj^remenila v zimo in pokrajino je pobelil prvi sneg. 'lo je prineslo veliko veselja, revnim, delavskim otrokom, ki so se kepali in delali sneženega moža. Otrpški smeh je napolnil jeseniške c^tn. "Ejga, Marta' Pejmo se sankat!" Je fjoklicni Bokalov Stanko tie/ ograjti. "Ne moreni. Mici ima moje i»vye." je odgovorila Marta. 1918 Bilo je k<>nec prve svetovne vojne. Pričakovalo sejo boljše, srečnejše živjjei\je. am|iak ne za l'pngalovo driižino. Njihnv ni^n se ni \Tnil »z bujišča. Pri ppngalovih so inipli štiri olrako. Najstarejši jo bil star trinajst, najmlajši pa šosL Kako so bo sodaj dnizina preživljala? Koza, nekaj kokoši in majhen zelenjavni vrl ne bodo zadosinvali. Družini so pomagali sdporo za modnarndno priznnnjo. Mi liočomo svetu pukuzali. da je Slovenija pravno /c samostojna iJr/ava. Po smrti predsednika TiUi, leta 1480, je Slovenija zahtevala več ekonomske, polilione in kulturne sainostojnosli. Zvezna vUida jo zavračala vse naše predlojje. Slovenija so jo zanesla na zvezno ustiivo iz lota 1976, ki omogoča oiK'epitev s pomočjo referendiuna. In še naprej je parlanjent v Beogradu vse predloge zavrnil. 23.de<-embra 1')olnjuje pgoje /» priznanje samostojnosti: 1. Stalno homogeno prebivalstvo: al v Sloveniji živi 2,(MK).(MK> prebivakvv. bi W.6% je slovenskega porekla, cl na tem <>zemlju že od najmanj f>.stolelja. 2 Določano ozemlje; al Slovenija krije 2U.2.'>G km^, b) državne meje so priznane od sosednih dr/av. Stabilno vlada: al republika jo parlamenUinui demokracija, bi s predsednikom in prvim ministrom, C» ima svojo ustavo. 4. »ydnvanjeni. Minister za zunanje za91 Slovenija, (Quarterly Mauazine Vol.3, IW1 Republic nf Slovenija, Nevenka (ïolo-dlarktî, l'>91 VCE Assessmefit Task on chosen topic, 1995 - informative or pefsuashre writing Thefoildwitig piece has been written by the student us part of his wrilinfj assignment during the school year. He has chosen to write a combined informative/ persuasive piece aimut learning Shwenian language at the Princes Hill VSI. Centre. He is urging students to enrol for SUwenian Hr.V:' and gilding information about where and when to enrol and what are the costs. Slovenska M>la, Melbourne Slovenska šola v VSI. Ontru lYinc^es Mill Secondary Oillege išče študente in šludentke za naslecJnje lelmpmbna in koristna za otmke slovenskih .staršev, ki želijo izpopolniti znanje slovenskega jezika. Dobro je znati jezik, kadar potujete v Slovenijo ali pa v pogovoru s starši in prijatelji slovenskega aidu, KorLstiio je tudi pri Iskariju zaposlitve. Najvažnejše pa je, da oliraiijamo slovenski jezik v Avstmliji. Kajti če ga ne bomo ohraru'alj. bo fKw-asi izumrl Tudi slovenska šola obstoja samo dokler jo obiskuje dovolj .študentov. 1'ouk slovenskega jezika je vsako soboto ol» «). zjutraj, konča se [»a oli 12.20. Solo obiskujejo študenti od 7. do 12.letnika, lahko pa se \pi.šojo tudi starejši Ijudjn, pa tudi tisti, ki nis<» slovenskega n)du. Princes Mili Secondary College jo v (jirltonu, zraven nogometnega igrišča Optus Oval. V šoli se učil« branja in pisanja v slovenščini in učiteljice govorijo samo po slovensko. Učili se liostr? o slovanski hrani, glasbi, slovenski kulturi in običajih. Lahko se boste pridružili tudi izletom z avtobusom, obiskorali slovensko klube v Melbournu in okolici, ter se t-mi lahko pogovarjali v slovonskpm jozikii. V kliihih se boslp lahko naučili slovanske pesini in ploso. Vsak razroci ima do pntnajst šliidfintov. %-|)isnina pa sUuio o.srminštiridosot dolarjov na |nl<). Vabimo vse Slovenca rojone v Avslraliji, da dobro premislili^ in se vpišete v slovensko »>k). saj vam bo Ui gotovo |w>magalo v prihodnjo. Saj pravimo Slovť^nni: Več znaš. več veljaš. Ne p<>zabile na svoje prijatelje. Tudi oni so dobrodošli, čeravno niso slovenskega porekla in ne znajo nič slovensko. čc želite več informacij, laliku pokličete Princes IliU Sccondarj' College nu lelefonsko številko 9416 0641. VCE Assessfflenl Task on chosen topic, 2002 - personal writing The follouňng piece has been written by the studeni as pari of his writing assignment during the school year. The student has t hasen to write a persoriid piece. It is a dinry entry and the student is reflecting on who he/she is, and where he/she belongs • Australia or Slovenia, or possibly both. Dragi ilnevnik. Tišina. Zmedena sem, Pogli^dam v ogledalo, Kdo jo to? Kdo sem jaz? Kdo je ta mlada ženska? Slovenka ali Avsiralkn? Počutim se. kot da sem obtičala med dvema islovetnostima. Kil j Si* dogaja? Gledam fotx»gralije. ki stojijo na moji mizi, slike moje družine, mojih staršev, dveh priseljencev iz Slovenije. Moja mama. oče in brat sfi prišli v Avstralijo pre^l tridesetimi leti, iz prave domovine. Slovenije, v novo nepoznano deželo. Zapustili s« družino, sorodnike, l)rijatelje, vanjost. Kol otrok som se vedno počutila osamljena in nekako dnigačna v primeija\i z mojimi sošolci. Tvoji starši so,taki nori idioti! So se mi posniehovali dan za dnem. Mislila sem: Zakaj so moji starši nori? Kaj je narobe z mojo mamo? Kaj jo nartibe z menoj? Nisem razumela njihovega stivraštva. njihovega predsodka. Zdaj \ndim, daje to so\Taštvo samo dol življenja, ki ga moram premagati. Uila sem tri mesece stara, kn som prvič obiskala Slovenijo. Od takrat smo skoraj vsako leto šli v Slovenijo. S4>rodniki so vedno navdašeni, prisrffli in gostoljubni. Vrâsih se počutin čisto dlem iMUnenl Avstralija? Moj rojstni kraj, moji prijatelji, moje vsakdanje življenje? Alije mogoče, da sem Slovenka in ist<)ča.sno Avstralka? Izgubljena sem. Kam grem? Kdo S4>m? Kilaj Iwm tf) vedela? Moram biti potrpežljiva - ta čas. ko sem zmedena, izgubljena na poli življenja...Tišina. The student is writing about his/her mother, her experience of growing up in Slovenia, and then huihtiny a life in Australia Moja mainji Mnja mama je bila rojena leia 1947 v majimi vasi Bar, kije lui Primorskem. Živela je no kmotiji z njenimi starši, z dvema soslrama in starimi starši. Njeno življenje ni bila lahko, kor jo bila rojena v Ustih težkih letih |)o vojni. Vsi ljudje v Baču so bili zelo pobožni in vsi so hodili k maši vsako nedeljo, Cerkev je bila vwlm» polna ljudi. Moja mama jo vodno težko dolnla, doma. na knieliji, v ) se je poročila z mojim oiVtom. Kupilia stii pm» hišni lilia ruji'iia v /inii, pa Sp zalo koř v ipni času sneži In so gremo siuučal. Zima Je zelo mr/la. Noii so dolt»p, dnevi pa kralki. Veltr piha ill vôasili dežuje. Večinoma je oblačnu in sonw prav ni<^ do ifreje. V tem ř-asu se moramo oblaňli príiv dobru, da se ne prehladimo. Kljub lemn pa sfi so vodno prehladimo. Sedimo okoli ognja, se grejemo in gledamo skozi okno, kako dežuje. Zjutraj bi radi ostali v postelji, ampak moramo v šolo ali iia delo. Najlepšo kar laliko pořnemo pozimi Jo smučanje. Vsako leto gremo s prijatelji na Mt.BulIer. Vstanemo vgodaj, ker je dolga vožnja, rele štiri lu-e Čas hitro mine ko s^nJimo na avtobusn, se pogovaijamo in tudi pojemo. Nobeden so ne dolgočasi. Potem smo pa tam. Sposodimo si smučke, se peljemo z žičnico do vrha, potem se pa smučjuno ves dan, padamo, se pobiramo, in siim vsi mr>kri in nasmejani, Kar težko gremo nazaj. Vsi bi radi ostali veř časa. Vendar nam ostane lep s|)omin Zimo imam res rada. Tfw student is writing about 'o cloudi/ Fridaif' not so long ago. Oblačni petek 1'etek zjutraj. Zgodaj vstanem. Moram iti v šolo. .le zadnji dan. Jutri se začne vikend, Mtnijena sem. Nič se mi ne da iti v šolo. Ne vem kako bi se spravila iz post*?lje. Čo bi bile |K)čltnico prav g(ttovo ne bi imela nobenega problema z vstajanjem. Poletne počitnice ,so najboljše: lepi. dolgi, sončni dnevi. Hodim na obalo, v disko, v kino, po mestu in vsriMn-sod. Zolaje dnigaČiiH, Če ne bi tam imela toliko prijateljic in prijateljev, prav gotovo ne bi hodila, No, to samo tako govorim, saj moramo vsi hoditi v št)lo. Poleg toga ni res, saj dobro vem, da je šola važna, da si pridobiš dobro življenje. Končno sem .se spravila iz poslejje. Odprem hladilnik. Nič, Prav kot moja denarnica. Ni.so mi pustili nič mleka in kruh je tudi izginil.ZajtrkuJem na suhih Vitii-Brils. Danes še nič ni šlo prav. Mnrtla je vsaj vreme bolj.še. Pogledam skozi okno in poskočim od vesolja kot otrok. Jutro jo lopo. Nebo je čisto in modro, in sonce počasi vzhaja. Kar naenkrat zagledam nekaj črnega. Oblak. Velik, črn oblak prihaja iz zahoda. In še eden. Ko pridem do šole, je celo nebo črno, niti enega stmčnga žarka ne pustijo skozi. Učitelji so vsi razdražljivi, gotovo imajo oni tudi vsega zadosti. Hodijo okrog kot bi bil pogreb. Dolg, dolgočiisen dan je. Na koncu dneva nam da šo kup domačih nalog. 1'rnv gotovo noče, da gremo kam von za vikend. Pogledam |:m> razredu. Vso kot mrtvo, vsi sedijo kot n>boti. Vsi kot bi vsak imel naurtie. Ijiler in the year Anica Srt»?r look over tlie tearhitiK, In 1%8 sho invii«! t)rai;a (ielt to linlp with th«" ipaching and the folklore. She was joined by SrPavla Kaiiřič and Sr SiKostra Ivko and l.urija Srnoc. (Her timo ihoy wnro joinod by Viki Mrak, Anica Špacapan. Pavlina Pahor in SnMaksimiljana Kaui>ič. Veronica Smrdel. Mary Pf^ehii, Udija Lapuh, Maria Stalhopimlus, John Golja, Iris Dietner. Barbara Smrdel, Anita and Mary Žele and Udija Bralina l')74 Tlie Slovenian /\ssoriation Planica establishes a Slovenian class. The leacher is Lucija Sniec. 1976 There are two lan?e classes of Slovenian at the Slovenian Reliiilous and Cultural Centre in Melbourne. Lucija Srnec is in charto of the .senior class. Pavlina Pahor the juniors. KrStanko Zetnljak makes the initial enquiries about the possibiUties of airreditalion of Slovenian as a Higher School Cortiliť^te subject Cmatura"). Fr.Stanko contacts Aleksandra Coferin IBA. MA. Dip.Fd., Monash I'niversityl. Prof. Jiri Marvan, Chainnan of the Committee far Balto-Slavonic Linguales is contacted. Vi«-t>jo»uagfs in llu' slau» of Now South Wales, Sydtwy. I'r«»f Dunston (Chairman, BoanI of Studios, NSWl (-imtacts A, C-oferin regarding the lntn>dui-lion nf Slt.iv<>aiati au a Higher School Certifti-alť Iti llu» NSW school systr^n. A.Coffriti propams ihfi tiRcossary donitnontallun to stórt th*' proi-^ss nrdocuiiioniatiini and fortification. A. Cfiforin is appointai with prof. deBray (Canhorral and prof. Marvan (Monash I'liiverslty) a Consultant/Advisor and Examiner for the Higher School Certificate Exnniination in NSW. 1979 A. Ofprin Pistahlishos thfi Committor for awrodiuition of Slovoniaii langiiago and proparos a formal accreditation proposal for the Victorian Institute of Secondary Education I VISE). Thn first Slovenian liSf. class siLs for the (examination in NSW. I'iSO Sub-coinmitle for Accrt»dilJition of SloveniiUi is eslahlished. Slovenian is the first VCE accredited subjncl in the rnffirmed scliool system in Victoria. I'Wl Tlie first Slovenian class coinpletps the Higher Scfuwii Certificate in Victoria. Students: Robert Lotrič, Andrej l'otoćnik, Sigrid Vrtaćič, .Andrea Vučko. Teacher: Jozi«^ Paddle-L^linek (1<>X1-1')S7). use Commitee for Slovenimi Lmguage: Members Aleksandra Ceferin, Chairjierson Jožica Paddle-Ledinek Marija Bosnie Saturday School of Ljinguages Advisí>r>' Council i/ established. It represí-nts 32 languages, 5(M) teachers and 11,000 students. A. Ceferin is elected Vico-Fresident (1983-19871. 1983 Slovenian Literary Header and Slovenian I'olk Songs are published by Aleksandra and Drago Ceferin. iys6 Slovenian l.angnngo Toachnrs, l'arnnts and SUidenLs .Association of Victoria ISl.TCSAV) is oHlaiilished. Ail IIS(; snbjpcts iindorgo a rovifiw, re-fivaliiation and re-acn-editation procoss Slovenian Re-accrpditation Coinmillep: A. Ceferin (HSC Course Developer). Slťfan Kasarik (Principal of Saturday School of Lanjîuagps). .lužica Paddlc-L^dim^k, Marija Bosni«' and Drago Of^rin. Field of Studios (jomniitloGS for main subject areas are estabhshed and nppointmonts of represenlalivf^s of secondary and tertiary sw;U>rs made It is tlie bejiinning of a 5 year procfiss of n radicfll a^httol reform at the senior wc^ondary levels (Year 11 Xt 12). A. Ceferin is appointed member of Field of Studies Cununittee fur Liuijiuages Otlier iltan Hnglish. ( FOSC for LOTH», 19') I A. Ceferin prepares VCR Slovenian Course Outlines for Year 11 Í4 12 Slovenian with thematic approach and task requirements. It is a model used in Llie development of Cuurs<' Outlines for other latijíiiages taught at the sirhool. Slovenian is one of the languages defined as Inlerstale Cooperation l.anguages, witli a conunon HTitu>n examination. A. Ceferin is appoinljnd Vetting Flxaminer in Vérification Stale Chairperson for Slovenian and German.in Victoria, 1992 ITie first class of Slovenian students (Victoriati Certificate nf F'ducationl complel«s the reformed VCE. VCH students; Anne Hirsa, Barbara Brožič. Simon (iriU. David Hvalica, Belinda Marn. Erik Mrak. Teacher: Viki Mrak 1993 A. Ceferin is appointed Area Manager, Victorian School of Languages 1V.S.I,( with responsibililies for course development and accn'dilation ofsLx languages, including Slovenian. 1995 Viki Mrak, VCIí teacher in Victorian School of Languages and member of S'l AV tnivels to Slovenia to participate in the Seminar for teachers of Slovenian language, spcmstirnd by Slovenian government. Sandi Cnferin, Inachor nf Slovenian in Violorian Sdiool or LnnRuagfis and monibor of STAV iravfíls lo Slnvnnia lo (jarlidpaU> in tho Somiiiar for tnachers ofSltiviMiian hinjîua^e, SfMinsorwl !)>' Sluvonlan lioverriuifiiil. A. Ceferin is appoiiiled Assisstant Prinripal for VSL, wilh llie respotisibility l'or InlnidufliiK tho rpforiiipd ciirrif'uluiu - Cnrrioiiluin SUindnrds l-raiiieworLs (CSFI iii ihp VSI.. Thfi Slovonian model 'flip C-SF Giiidelinos for Slovenian is doveloped and «»mplclod by Sandi Ceforin. l'i<>7 A. Ceforin travols to Slovonia lo jwirUripal« in Ihe Seminar fur loachers of Slovenian lanRiiagfi. ťJowr links with iho Slovenian l;migmnl Association are nstablished, I9VH Web patres for Viclorian Lanjjuagc /Vssocialion - Uie initiative. Willi llie provision of professional development and financial supfK^rt cnmes from tlie Ministry for Eduoation, IVaining and Hmplo>Tiiont. Victoria. STAV is reinstitiited and roiiained Instituu» for Slovetiian Studies of Victoria IISSV). The main project of ISSV is a web page intended for the students and teachers of Slovenian and generally Ibr tlio descendants of Slovenian emigrants in the Knglish-speaking world. Thezaunis.com is published on tho web. wtli a language Restiiirces section, Slovenian» Webzine, and links. Partial financial support allocated by the Ministry for Culture US Slovenija. A. Ceferin travels to Slovenia, establishes contacts with the Office for Slovenes Abroad, Ministry for Culture. Faculty of .Arts II 'nivorsity ofljubljana), collei;ls material, establishes links witJi individuals. 2000 Development of Thezaunis- montlily 14 (HMI hits; writing articles for Slovenlana Webzine and other publications. 2()()1 ISSV iirganizps Uir Australian rnading tour of fivo Slovonian niiUiors in Molbourrm: l.iieratiir.com lauix-hed in Molbounje - an an;hive of »mdern Slovenian literaturo in Englisli translation, the concept linveloppd by the wob dovolopor Chiron Morphiiiis. WebflassrDoiii is developed by Sandi Ceferin. IJtRratnr.ťont Is prRSPiitcd In Slownian public by A Oforin in Ljubljana on IS Sflptonibpr 2001, at tlie Slovenian Writers Association oflicej«. DLsrrassions in ljubljana regardinj» the Slovenian Online Counse developed by Aleksandra and SfUidi Ceferin 2002 VSI. commissions Sandi and Aleksandra Ceforin to develop for publication Slovenian Coarse Outlines CSFA'Œ (Years 1 -121, lo be published in 20(rj. Galeria Slovoniana Online is launched on tlie web with the exhibition of Australian Slovenian Artists of Victoria. 25lh afmiversar>' of learhiiiii Slovenian language in Australia is announced and Uie Committee for the 2.'>th Anniversarj' CluUural program is formed. Tliezaurus Forums, interactive »motion ofTliezaurus launched in Oi'liiber (11/10/20021, Ry January 2(MKI there am 41 registered iisers. 140 entries and guests. ISSV initiates an exchange program for secondary students of Slovenian classes in Victorian SchtHjl of Languages. The first sUident s|)etid in Slovenia liavp bwn pipiillfiil. but none wpr«" suilflblc Tor Iwirhinji a stnilcnt population in an Knjslisli-sjMîaking rauntrj-, whoso knowlodgp of iho lanjîungo was limited and many wprn morp familiar with tlio dialect spoken at lionie. Conspqiifnlly, Iho rpsourcfis that worci avallablf, n«ifiled to b^ adapti>d by the teacher into reinforcing exercises: for lower levels: Sonja in I'eler so učita slovensko 1,2. Veselo v slovenščino. Slovenska beseda v živo, and Učimo se slovensko, work Ixwks for lower prinmry levels. C<>llo<|uial Slovene is useful for the texts of dialogue material accompanied with cassette recordings. For the higher levels the series Učimo se skivonščino 1,11,111 and Slovenščina za tujce wore u.sed very selertively mainly for the tr^xts and grammatical olement-s. Again those needed to be adapted and developed by ihe U'acher. since tliey presumed knowledge of ihe language that a noti-native Slovenian could not possess. The prinmry granuiiar reference is Slovene: a Comprehensive Grammar by I'eler llerrity. I»ulilishe' forms such as humorous children's poems and riddles. Tlie most suitable were the Slovenian school rf>aders for lower secondary school. The Slovenian Literary lleader is used for the literary component of the syllabus and is a comprehensive historical anthology, containing literary texts not commonly available in the school readers, en a historical chronologii^l order. A wide variety of rost^urces are used for the language and cultural studies of i-ontemporary Slovenia and are referenced in the curriculum, Ihe emphasis is on authentic language materials. Wob resources. vir8r>' Řosdor. Mi-Uxjumc, 1984 Cigani. Dr. F, SlňVfnskf Nflrcxino P«?snii. CpIovoc. 1996 Oplko, lj;(jana. 1996 (iašpr-riti. H. Unci bond nn knmrnri. Osnovna sola F. S. Finžgarja, Lesc«, IWO ruHt. I). Pliiilpk. M. pHnra. L. Lut's Ij-arn Skivvtilan Part I, Stovonlan Nailtmal Coundl»f VVlorla. MxUiounif. 1992 Gi'll. D. PiSotok. M. Ponca, L. Lt-ťs L/'ani Slovenian Part 2,3. Mi'UKiiini.>. 1992. 1999 Kosovol, S, Sonoe ima krono. Mladinska knjiga. 1 jnbtjana. 1981 Kovai\ P, O krrtkoillIUi. pulkali In niLs^lnili Igndi, MliidluNkn knjiga, LJuli^iuia. 19K9 Kli'pac. M, pogač. S, Slovf^nsiinn - Zima. Ministrstvo za šítIsUo in šporl. I4id)yantt, 1997 Klcpac. M. I\)gac. S. SlovfnSOina • Jesf-n, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. Ijuhljana, 1999 Kiikovica. F. Sonja In Pfltr an uřita slovansko I, 2. Dra vil, tolov«*-, 1986 Kiikovica. F, Zbirka dialogov In otroskilt igi-r I. 2, Strokovno podagosko řflružfivi'?, Olovw, 1996 Knkovica. F. Kařt-m. skařem. govorim, igraje se slovenšiine iiflm! Strokovno pedagoško zdriizenje, Celovec. 1997 Donaj, V, Dober dan. Skivenâi'liia, Mlnl!>lr!ilv|jana. 1990 Žele. I. Vrbinc, M, Otroci radi beremo, Mohorjiiva založba, Celovec. 1989 Secondary Level VCF Stiid> Resources - a note The references for lbe two years' VCF stndy, I Inits 1 - 4 are presented themalically on the Welwite Thezajiriis; Slovpniaji Umgiiage on IV'sign - Slovenian' is die latest publication for the VCF Slovenian language by the F.ducaiion Department of Victoria. Board of Studios. Meltounie. 2001 laccreilitalloii period 2001 • 2005). Fiu-ther information about V(-l- studies Is avallabh' on wvwv.vcaa.vic.edu-au. Sinvoninn I anKiiaRo Books t.Hf«»rin. A. Slnvi>ninn l.il/'rjir> Kf-ndor. M'-lbounic, l'W4 Hon/iik, M. BiTilo 7. IViUt .liui řivlj.-ajc. MlaUliiiika kiijiga. IJublJaim. 2s>> Mniiiial I. 2. SloVtmlnn RfWffarrh Onirr? of Amorirn. Ôliin. 2(M)0 liig-Kranjt'c. H. Slovonânnaza tnjrf. Ijubljnnn, SKminnr skwnskfga j'vika In kiillurf. IV/.") KriMJ Ortar. M. UiUnio so slovcnJřliio. Drtaviia založba Slovcnij*.-. LJubljajia. IW^ Kiiiiavxr, I), Slovcnsk«' IjiKlskf pripovt-dk»«-Sloven« t4 ťogar, S Kl KIopar. M. Slovynšíin« - Skozi Ictiif Č85e: Žitna, Ministrsivo z* iolsivo in èftorl. I jiibtjana, IW7 fimmmnr Bort. Ljubljana, 1992 ToporiSiř. .1. Nova slovenska skladnja. Državna založba Sluvenijo. Ijubdiuia, 1982 ToporiSiř. .1. Slovenski Ji'Zik In spf>m<'anj«. Obzorja, Maribor, 19<)4 Toporišič. .1, Slovenska zvTsina hes<'dila, Tllozofska Takulieta, IJubyaaska univerza. Ijuti^ana. 1993 Ror(>r«>nre.<( BoRataJ. J, Slu srrfanj z deíliSřliio na Slovenskem, IJiiblJaiia, 1W2 Rerk. Bogataj, hiksiř, IJndska uuietnosl in obrti v Sloveniji. Donius. IJiibljana, I99.'l Cofcrln, E, Predpisi o zadrugaJi, CZ uradiii list Republiko Slovenije, Ljubljana. 1997 (îluSif, 11. Preíernov a družba, Ljubljana. 1996 (iniden. .1, Zgodovina slovenskega naroda. 1-2. Mohorjeva dnižba. 0(je. 1992 Joscnovoc. /V LonJirdič. Književnost na maturi 2002. ICO, IJubljaiia. 2tK)l Kiiret. N. Praznifnii k'io Sli>ven«>v 1-4. Družina. Ijubljiuia. 1989 (Ksec, I). .1, Velika knjiga o praznikih. Donius. I jub|j/uia, 1992 Pečjak, V. Psihologija spoznavajija. Državna založba Slovenijo. LJubljana, 1977 Pečjak. V. Psihologija tretjega žlvljeitskega olHlobja. Pečjiik. Znanstveni Institut Filozurske lakultete ljubljanske univerze. Ijnbtjnna. 199« Prek, S. Merhajj, B. Trisui narodih, Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana. 1993 Preieren. J. AnUiolog> of Ausirallaji Sloven«« - 1988. SALAC. Sydney, 1988 Saksida. 1, l/hodiSča in rnodeh šolske interprelarye mladinske književnosti. Different. Trzin. 1994 Savli, J. Slovenska znamenja, Himiar. Bilije. 1994 2luiik. .1. Slovenska lzsi.>l)enska književnost, Rokus. Ljubljana, 1999 Ra/boráek. I, Slovenska krasilna umetnost, M!L Ljubka iiii, 1972 Bojr. E, l'ri'RDVori in n-ki tin Slovi-nsk^ni, Drřnvna /iiJn?bii Sli)v«Miti<', Ljuhyíiim. l")«-4 l'cnwirk. K, Adnbrencii. Zi»kižh« Kros. I jiib^ana, l'W7 Flisiu-, E. ZgiHlb«- s (Hili VfxJiilkwa zaJoiba. IJuliUaiia. 2(MM> l-'nliir. L [)inin<>S4< Koper, l'osUijim. 2001 l'nliir. S. Slovi'tiskn l('pt»sl«vnn knjiřwnosi, Obzorja, Maribnr. I Glu.W Krbip.rr. Il, SlrA4.n)ika pro/n 1945-1965, Slnwnska luailfa, LjuliIJana. 1968 Jatiiv. S, »"iitilaviliia n5kť(tii •ilov.sivn. I)r>avna /aloj^bs .Sloví-nij^. IJiiliyniin, 1981) K'is. .1. Slovenska kiijiiíwnosf, Cajikarjfvn /atn-^bn. Ijub|jniia. 1W6 Poni?.. D, Črtfiniirovo slov4'Usl\o, Caiikarji^va zaloíba, Ijubljaiia. 1993 Predan. A, Cotilfiiiporar) SldViíiilnii Drama. Slov»-n4> VVritiTs' Mwm-IbIIoii. IJiiblJaiia. l'W7 Hapnss, K, l)oknni«'nli slovenstva, íjinknr)eva založba, I jiibljatia, 1994 Kup<-I. M. Slovenski proti-slaiukl pisci. Državna xaložba Slovenije. LJuLer, 19H4, Hernik, S, ei al. I'tnetnosr nn Slovenskem, Mladinska knjiga, 199« Uolliar. A, Slovenske basni in živalske pravljice. Založba mladinska knjiRa, Ljubljana, 1991 Cankar. I. Kurent, Mlaiiinska knjlgii. IJubljaiia. 1979 Ovc, li. Coiska Plastika na Slovenskem. Narodna galerija. I jiibUana, 1994 Cvetko, I), ři( Pokom, D, lacobus (íallus, and his time. The Slovene Academy of Science and Art. Ljubljana. 1985 Cvetko, D, Slovenska fjUisba veVTopsk<>ni (»rostoru. Shivenska niatJca. Ljubljana. 1991 (.'veiko, I, el al. Skivenske tjndske pesmi - pripovedni pesniL Slovenska matira, Ijubljana, 1992 Cvitkovif, ,1, Burger. .1. V leni. Slovenska kinoteka. Ijuliljana, 1999 Debeljak. A, The Imagination ofTerra IncogidUu Slovenian Wrlllng 1945-1995, While Wine Press. New York. 1W7 Dolar. .1. Dvanajsl velikih Slovencev, Mihelac. IjubUana. 1994 DruSlvo slovenskih pisateljev; Inti'rnniional Writers' Gathering - Vilenica • 2(X)0. LjubUana. 2(MH) (ielt. Draga. The Slovenians. From th«' FarUinil Times. Coordhtatuig Coaimlltee of Slovenian Organizations in Victoria. Melliourne. 198.'i i;ol)etz, li. «I Donchenko. A. Anthology of Slrwnian .^meri^an Literature. Slovenian Research Ontre of America. Ohio. 1977 Gradnik. A. Solected Pi>ems. John Caldi-r, London, 1964 Gregorřif. 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He intn>diiwd an Integratffl upprundi lo iho admiiiislralion ol llie scliool Me parlirularly TOni'pnlraled un iip>{radintî ni' the SSML willi the sUiUis etjiial U» that, tif the other schools in the system. In order lo achieve this aim ho cslablishcid the SSMI. Advisory Coundl, which included represoiiljtlives of all the tttajor lan^uajje urmips. Aleksandra Ceferiii, elected Vice-President, represented Slovetiiaii and smaller langiiajje ijroups olTered by the School, llie Ailvisory CotJiicil remained in place till 1986, makliij» representations to tiie Deparlrnetil of Education regarding the status ol tlie school, assisting the Headmaster in making administrative, curriculum and professional development decisions and participating in Council elections. While stendily increasing tlie tiiuiilHT of eiirolnients, tlie school was gaining strengtli, hut the Principal and senior stall"continued to make representations to tlie Minister of E:duc.ation. in a major submission lo the Australian Senate Standing Committee "Towards a .National iMm/uaye Policij" dated 2ntl February 1983 wet^e listed all tJie issues which iieeachiiig would be increased It) three hours 5. Iliat extra in-service training for the instructors wntilil l>e approved f). That tlie e.xpansion of service to country iuras and to the primary level was likely to be introduced The VSL is also resp' sinali niunber of onrulniwiLs whon VSL is ihp only Sťliool wiifiro the language is olTei^d. Tliere has idways beon n pmbloni wilJi aUi«ndance on Saturday. Students who pursued 8|H>rting artivitiwi, hail music or hallpt sessions, usually had a strong conflict ofintprosi. It was fiithpr sport or langtiago. /\n Riisy dodsion only whon iho langiiagp studonl did not acUvoly parlidpatc in a learn sporl. Tho school lias pr'mIIuiii frudi the rljlit ore Aiclmiin Crrtriii. Jm LoBtancu. Ms^da Gavrana|iciilus. « repnjsenlati« nf llio Eilucaiioi) DopifimMit ati'l Frank Meriiuo, til« pr(iii«ii( friiiciii«! ur^'SL Aleksandra Coforin (B.A.. M A., Dip Hd), called Sasha by family and frionds. was Imrn in Ljubljana, Sjovonia in 19:12. Shn wonl to school in Karnnik, Novo nioslo, Ljubljana and Trsl and cM«m|jlf>lt»d her uiuvorsiliy degrees In MoUmumo. Australia. In l')r)0 sho migratpd with hflr family tn Australia. In 1')7o she ('.omploted a Master's dt-grw in Onnan litiiraturp at Monash (Jniversitv in Melbounui, and was appointed Tearhinii l-ellow in the liepartinent nfderman aii'stem. She was rt^ponsible for Slovenian curriculum documents at all levels, and for all the reviews of the currimlum in the nineties, as well as the Sifiveiiian VCE Study Design. During her professional career Aleksiuidra served on a number of consultative and educ^itional committees including the Australian lil.hnic .AITairs Council, State l-t.hnic Broadcasting Advisory Committee, Victonan Institute for Sei^ondary Kducation Review and Re-accreditation Committees. She was apfxiinted member of the Field of Studies Committee for Languages Other Tliati Hiiglish in I'JSh The Field of Studies Committees initiated the process of radical reform ttfiiurriculuni and assessment at the senior secondary levels in Vlclf»rla. .^s a consultant for Languages Other Than English in IMřtQ, she took an active part in professional development strategies, inducting language teachers into tlie radical changes of the school s\'steni. In Aleksandra was a|ipointed Area Manager and later .■\ssislant Principal for <;urriculum and Professional Devel