VESTNIK 2022 | VESTNIK 2022 | 379 VESTNIK 2022 | 381 VESTNIK 2022 | 383 VESTNIK 2022 | 385 VESTNIK 2022 | 387 27. NEDELJA MED LETOM 27TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 40/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 2.10. 2022 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Zanesi se na Boga »Pravicni bo živel iz vere.« Ta misel preroka Habakuka je tudi pomembna oporna tocka za Pavlovo misel. Apostol jo vsebino Pisma Rimljanom. K razmisle-ku o veri nas vabi tudi današnje evan-geljsko besedilo. V središce je postavljen Kyrios, v gr-šcini »Gospod«, slovesen in velikonocni naslov, ki ga samo Luka rad uporablja za naslavljanje Jezusa še pred njegovim vstajenjem od mrtvih. Gospodu namenijo svojo prošnjo apostoli: »Pomnoži nam vero.« Gre za željo, ki odmeva v stoletjih in ne vedno v popolni cisto-sti srca. Videti je, da je Jezus z odgovorom hotel ustaviti pretirana pricakovanja in to je naredil, kot je imel navado, z mini priliko, ki pa je bila zelo ucinkovita. Na eni strani vzame zelo majhno gorcicno seme, »najmanjše iz-med vseh semen, ki so na zemlji«, na drugi pa veliko in cokato mur-vo. Res je, vera ima v sebi tako ucinkovito moc, ki je, ceprav je morda le zelo majhna kot kapljica rose ali slabotno kot zrnce, sposobna na-rediti cudeže. Jezus, ki uporablja zelo žive barve, znacilne za orien-talsko kulturo. Tudi Matej, ko omenja to Jezusovo poucevanje, še bolj pretirava s podobami, vendar vseeno ohranja smisel sporocila: »Resnicno, povem vam: Ce bi imeli vero kakor gorcicno zrno, bi rekli tej gori: ›Prestavi se od tod tja!‹, in se bo prestavila in nic vam ne bo nemogoce.« (Mt 17,20) Jezus tu hoce poudariti ucinkovitost prave vere, ceprav zacetne, prisotne v krhkem cloveku in na zelo preprost nacin. To je oznanjal že Habakuk: vera je zacetek življenja, moc in odrešenje, je korenina vedrosti in upanja. Glede tega je zelo lepa misel iz Prvega Janezove-ga pisma, ki ga današnja liturgija opeva med vzklikom pri Aleluji: »In zmaga, ki premaga svet, je naša vera!« (1 Jn5,4). In v evangeliju še beremo, da vera ne obtožuje, ni zahtevna, ni vzvišena, temvec je polna priprav-ljenosti, je pozorna, vzbuja zaupanje, zastonjsko in nesebicno prizadevanje. Tudi tu se Jezus zatece k drobceni priliki, ki jo je zelo dobro razumel anticni svet. Gre za zgodbo služabnika, ki gara pod peko-cim soncem in ga gospodar poklice, ne zato, da bi pocival, temvec da bi mu naložil drugacno breme, to je strežbo pri mizi. Jasno je, da se sporocilo ne skriva v takratnih zelo strogih socialnih medsebojnih odnosih, temvec v pripravljenosti biti takoj na voljo, kar mora slu-žabnik pokazati. Pred Bogom - zatrjuje Jezus - se ne moremo sklicevati na svoje pravice, zahtevati privilegije, cakati na usluge in izsiljevati povracila. Tako obnašanje Jezus v naslednji priliki o farizeju in cestninarju odlocno zavraca. Pravi vernik je tisti, ki se brez preracunljivosti povsem podari Bogu, v zavesti, »da je naredil vse, kar je bilo treba storiti«. »Glej, kakor so oci hlapcev uprte k roki svojih gospodarjev, kakor oci dekle k roki svoje gospodi-nje, tako so naše oci uprte h Gospodu, našemu Bo-gu«, beremo v Psalmu 123. Kot ima znameniti »pisec« iz Egiptovskega mu-zeja v Kairu oci nepremicno uprte v ustnice svojega gospoda, pripravljen zajeti glasove in jih pretvoriti v zapisane besede, tako je vernik v nenehnem iska-nju božje volje, tudi ob njegovih najmanjših nami-gih. Oblika »služabnik-gospodar« nas ne sme zape-ljati, da bi dobili vtis, kot da gre za neki zelo pritle-hen hlapcevski odnos. Tovrstna oblika ima samo nalogo, da izpostavi moc in celostnost darovanja Bogu, ki se mu vsekakor priznava prvo mesto. Tež-ko nam je izgovoriti priznanje: »Samo nekoristni služabniki smo«. Odnosi z Bogom niso »pogodbe-ni«, temvec zastonjski. Pred njim morajo izginiti ponos, preracunljivost in mašcevanje, zasijati pa ponižnost, velikodušno služenje, popolna podaritev. Naši »dosežki« so vedno nekaj majhnega glede na velicino in skrivnostnost njegove ljubezni. (Prim. Oznanjevalec - C_2006/7, štev. 5) 378 | VESTNIK 2022 380 | VESTNIK 2022 382 | VESTNIK 2022 384 | VESTNIK 2022 386 | VESTNIK 2022 388 | VESTNIK 2022 27TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: O that today you would listen to the voice of the Lord. Do not hard-en your hearts! First Reading Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4 The prophet is overwhelmed by all the violence he sees and asks why God tolerates evil deeds. Second Reading 2 Timothy 1:6-8. 13-14 Paul teaches that “the spirit of timidity” does not come from God and that we should not be ashamed of our testimony to Jesus Christ. Gospel Luke 17:5-10 Proximity to Jesus does not guarantee unwavering faith. According to Luke, the ones closest to Jesus believe they need more faith. “Increase our faith,” they plead. “Fan into a flame the gift that God gave you.” Illustration A priest answered a late-night call to ad-minister the “last rites” or sacrament of the sick. He was tired after being at the hospital for much of the day and had just fallen asleep when his pager had gone off. He struggled out of bed and up to the hospital, feeling as though he was on autopilot. He was called to the special care baby unit. But when he ar-rived, he did not find the family or even a pa-tient. The ward was all in darkness. A senior ward sister materialised in the gloom: “The baby died,” she said, rather gruffly. The fami-ly? Not coming in until the morning. “Goodness, why call me out?” the priest thought. “I'll say a prayer,” he said. So the nurse led him to the corner where the little bundle lay and he began to pray. Suddenly he became aware that the woman at his side was heaving. He stopped and put his arms round her while she sobbed. “So, this was the person I had come for,” he thought, “this nurse who had lost a patient and still had tears to shed, bless her.” She couldn’t break down in front of a junior but she was broken-hearted at the unexpected death of the baby. It had got to her and she needed someone there. “So that's what it was all about,” thought the priest, “this is why I am here.” Gospel Teaching Today’s readings are all about faith, par-ticularly the importance of being bold and never being ashamed of “witnessing to the Lord”. Faith is persistence in reaching out to Jesus and trusting in God’s power and au-thority. Faith is responding with love to for-giveness received, not letting fear get the upper hand, and being willing to take risks. Faith is giving praise to God, having confi-dence in God’s desire for justice and being willing to ask Jesus for what we need. Throughout Luke’s Gospel, the closest followers of Jesus reveal their own mixed level of faith. They have left homes and jobs and families in order to follow Jesus. It has not been easy, as they have encountered hostility from many who oppose him. Still, they have stuck around, even for the final journey towards Jerusalem, even when they have received a warning of what is to come. In our own world’s days of tur-moil and fear, we can empathise with the disciples when faith wavers. It is easy to lose sight of God’s Spirit at work in the world. Yet when we nurture faith we become aware of being part of something vast and intelligent and well inten-tioned that gives purpose to life, that leads us to seek be-yond the horizons of our smallness to the hope that tomor-row, struggling and damaged as we may be today, we can all be better. Faith in God is the only ground we have for faith in ourselves, in humanity, in life. Then we may care enough about others, about the purpose of God for all hu-man life. Application Just as the priest chaplain visiting a hospital ministers to people in need – the patients, families and staff – so all are called upon to witness to Christ and to use our God-given gifts to serve others and bring healing. We are called to bear witness to Jesus right where we live – in our families, at work, everywhere – even just by giving kindness and the light of a smile. This light reflects the light of Jesus. Faith inspires some to reach out to refugees in our communities, to campaign for the protection of the local environment and to build peace. It inspires people of faith to build the king-dom of God and spread the Good News to humanity and all creation. We can demonstrate the beauty of the Gospel by the way we live. We can weave dialogue where society is experiencing tension and hostility. We can bring hospitality and solidarity where personal and collective selfishness too often prevails. When religious faith becomes the bridge that leads to God, it stretches us to live to the limits of human possibility. It requires us to be everything God has created us to be: kind, generous, honest, loving, compassionate, just. It de-fines the standards of the human condition. It provides the basis for the ethics that guide our human relationships. It enables us to be fully human. 2022 Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation Awards Application Now Available The Slovenian Canadi-an Scholarship Founda-tion was created to pro-vide students of Sloveni-an-Canadian descent, residing within the Hal-ton, Hamilton-Wentworth, and Niagara re-gions, the opportunity to be recognized for their academic achievements, community in-volvement, and appreciation of their Sloveni-an heritage. Due to the Foundation’s suspension of op-erations during the pandemic, categories for award consideration have been expanded to include students who are commencing/ con-tinuing post-secondary full-time studies at an accredited college/university in Fall 2022, as well as, students who have successfully com-pleted a post-secondary program at an ac-credited college/university in the 2020-2021 or 2021-2022 school year. Select applicants will be granted a mone-tary award in the form of a scholarship or bur-sary from the foundation. This year’s awards will be presented on Sunday, November 20, 2022 at St. Gregory the Great after English mass. Application forms are located at back of the church and via email request to Teresa Zupancic ( Completed application packages must be submitted via email to: by 9:00 p.m. on Friday, October 28, 2022 for award consid-eration. Please forward any questions to Tere-sa at 905-930-7545 or via email. Sunday, October 16, 2022 Doors open at 12:00 noon St. Gregory the Great Church Hall 125 Centennial Pkwy N, Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Adults: $40 Under 18 yrs: $25 Hosted by: For further information contact: or Heidy Novak: 905-317-6002 Canadian Slovenian Historical Society Kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društvo Slovenian Exodus SLOVENSKA ŠOLA September is here and the school doors are open for another year. This means that it will also be time for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL. If you have a child in Kin-dergarten or older in ele-mentary school, he/she is eligible to enroll in Slovenian School. Be proud of your cul-ture and heritage! As de-scendants of our small Slove-nian nation, let's make it pos-sible for our children to be-come acquainted with their ancestral homeland and learn Slovenian. One day they will thank you for hav-ing the foresight and the interest in sending them to Slovenian school. We all feel the need to offer our children extra-curricular activities in sports, music, dance, etc. Don't you think that it is just as important to offer them the opportunity to broaden their intellect by learning the language of their parent or grandparents? We urge you to think about it and send your children to SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! Our programs are easily comprehended and geared towards the ability of the children. They are made along the lines of the ones we use in English schools so that they can be easily fol-lowed and understood. We offered our existing Sola families an online survey to determine the best day to hold classes and the overwhelming choice was to keep it on Saturdays. So, starting September 24, classes will be held on Saturdays from 9am to 12:30pm. A registration link will be provided to existing Sola families. For any new students, please contact Sandy at or 905-977-8464 for the registration information or to an-swer any questions. See you at Šola!! - Sandy Ferletic Heart to Heart The Bishop Farrell Library and Archives is excited to announce that in-person programming with The Saint John’s Bible is back! If you are interested in having The Saint John’s Bible visit your parish or school, visit our website for programming infor-mation and booking details. Virtual and hybrid pro-gramming available, too! PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH - Parenting Tip 143 - When faith is important to parents they some-times worry that their children may drift away from the faith, as they get older. But there is important research that tells us there are ways to help our chil-dren to stay connected: 1. Demonstrate a strong faith yourself; 2. Live out the Gospel values in all you do; 3. Read the Bible as a family (and adding discus-sions about what you read helps too!). It may seem too simplistic, but it can and does work. The reward for your children will be the confidence they feel in knowing that they have a God who is always with them, guiding all they do. From: Family Ministry Office: 905-528-7988 ext. 2250. MARRIAGE TIP OF THE MONTH - Marriage Tip 123 - In October we celebrate Thanksgiving, a time to reflect on and be grateful for the bountiful har-vest that provides us food for our journey and for the many other blessings in our lives. It is a perfect time to sit down as a couple and reflect on the “harvest” of your own marriage. What has fed you and helped you grow? What relationships have en-riched your lives together? How have you grown as a couple? Are there things you need to do so that next year the “harvest” will be even more plentiful? When we are thankful for something we treat it with love and care and so it flourishes – try it and see! From: Family Ministry Office, 905-528-7988 ext. 2250. Come and see the Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit at St. John the Baptist Parish, Victoria Road North, Guelph, until October 24, 2022 - Please join us as we host the Vatican approved Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit. The exhibit, which was designed and created by Blessed Carlo Acutis, fea-tures panels that each tell the story of a Eucharistic miracle and allow you to “virtually visit” the places where the miracles took place. PHONE: 519-824-7311. Marriage Support - Your marriage does not have to feel like it is more trouble than joy, that it feels stagnant or disconnected and/or that it is causing you constant stress. The solution is Retrouvaille - a program for married couples facing difficult chal-lenges in their relationship. Retrouvaille has one purpose: to help couples restore their marriage and rebuild a loving relationship. This is a practical pro-gram, where sharing is not required except between the couple themselves, designed to improve com-munication, build stronger marriages, and help cou-ples reconnect. It also works well for couples who may be considering separation or divorce. The next Retrouvaille weekend is Oct. 21-23. For more infor-mation call 905-664-5212 or email Grief Relief - Has someone you cared about died? Are you grieving the loss of the person’s presence in your life? Are you looking for relief from the feelings associated with the loss of this loved one? Are you wondering if your feelings are normal? You are not alone! The Diocese of Hamilton has grief programs to help. Find out more on the Diocesan website at, or call Teresa at 905-528-7988 ext. 2250. We have programs running in both Waterloo and Hamilton this fall. Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI THOUGHTS ABOUT GOING GREEN By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB Inspired by Peter Partridge, a friend of the Salesi-ans from Rockland County, NY. Protecting and preserving the environment is a nice thing. It’s an important thing. The Church, in-cluding especially the pope in his encycli-cal Laudatio Si, is all for it. We all want to be more ecologically conscious. Pollution is not a good thing. Preserving natural resources for the future and be-ing energy efficient is a great goal. However, in all of this, I have questions and concerns for the People of God: A. Are we replacing Judeo-Christian spirituality and ethos with this new ‘green agenda’ as a way for us to feel like we are being religious? B. Is the Church ‘caught up in the tide’ by this new agenda and losing the core of her identity in the person of Jesus Christ and his Gospel? C. Are we, as a nation, being bamboozled by some powerful group that has a hidden agenda, that seeks to ruin this country for their own interest and harm people’s future under the guise of ‘going green’? I’m just asking, just thinking out loud. To the first questions: Christians (Catholics) should ‘go green’ slowly without forgetting that being in Christ and building the civilization of love – not the civilization of green – is the ultimate goal. To be happy, holy, healthy and get to heaven means love of God, love of neighbor and then (down lower on the list somewhere) love of the environment! Pray for wisdom. Discern well. Some of the biggest proponents of ecological responsibility have poor track records on human rights, religious liberty and the beauty of marriage and family. To the last question: Controlling secularists seem to be able to maneuver culture, public poli-cy, politicians and institutions very rapidly. I smell a rat. There is money to be made by some people in all of this greening. There also seem to be socialist control issues at work here. The “Build Back Better” bill was recently passed by the United States Senate. The vote was 50-50 and VP Harris broke the tie. The new law throws a ton of federal money into the economy to stop the present bleeding (foreign and borrowed money) and to temporarily – very temporarily – hold infla-tion in check. At the same time the bill pours money toward ‘going green’. Our cars, our power plants, our industry, our agriculture are given huge green-backed incentives. The reality is that the United States is incapable of going too fast on these initia-tives and that supporting and sustaining that possi-bility will bankrupt us in the process. We will spiral into more national debt and while it looks like we are doing something good for the future, we are harming ourselves. The bill will pour gasoline on the inflationary fire of the U.S. economy. What is ‘concealed’ is that while expanding clean energy, we will triple inflation by banning pipelines, repressing drilling, creating economic policies inhibiting investing in fossil fuels and forbidding fracking. These policies have already created shortages of gasoline and heating fuel. Prices of just about everything are go-ing up. Food prices are up more than 18% due to increased fuel cost and increased fertilizer cost. In-flation caused by this policy is causing lower income folks to suffer. Less goods means higher prices. Buying into solar and wind and buying electric cars needs to come about very slowly. Remember the fable of the tortoise and the hare? Little by little the tortoise won the race. So why are we going so fast on this? Whoever these secularists are who are running our politicians and academia and the main stream media, they are deliberately trying to vilify energy providers and eliminate the use of tradition-al natural resources. The crazy thing is that these resources are plentiful and have been well regulat-ed for decades. Nuclear energy and fossil fuels are clean and dependable energy sources. They should not be punished and forbidden by the current ad- ministration. Why can’t we ‘go green’ slowly and systematically? We are going to kill the economy right now with these moves and ruin the chances for America to prosper in the fu-ture. My friend Peter Partridge states: “The natu-ral resources that we have in our time can do tremendous good! Right now, we can save lives by ending a war in Ukraine by using our gas resources economically, the way Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. If we supply gas to all in Europe we can deprive Russia of money it needs to continue the war. Meanwhile, we unfairly mortgage our future to our other ad-versary, China, by requiring that generations unborn pay for the debt that we are unneces-sarily accruing by not using our own resources. We are being forced to bear an inflationary burden and saddle generation upon genera-tion to come with debt. We are so unfair and unjust to children yet unborn, to our children and grandchildren – we are forcing them to pay our debts.” Do any of us believe that we will have a ‘good environment’ if China controls America? In closing, we Catholics must not be fooled. While we are concerned about the earth and for future generations, let’s not jump so quickly into all of this. Yes, go green yet make sure your leaders (civic and religious) are being smart and slow about what we are doing. Re-cently, Mr. Milford of the Catholic Coalition for Climate Change called the passage of the “Build Back America” bill miraculous. Really? Is that the new church definition of a miracle? The Church, in its support of this justice for the environment issue, needs to consider that legislators are seriously injuring the econ-omy of this country. Where is the justice for the poor, for our children, for the working class? PREKRIVANJE STREHE Zadnjih nekaj tednov je Mirko delal na popravi-lu dveh streh, prva na »šeki«, druga pri plinu ob dvorani. Pri obeh je bilo potrebno zamenjat kriti-no. Pa smo tokrat naredili kar v domaci režiji. Zdaj bomo dobri za naslednjih nekaj let. Hvala Mirku za dobro delo. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS DOGODKI: SEPTEMBER - OKTOBER - Oct. 2, 2022 - Lipa Park - Thanksgiving lunch - Oct. 8, 2022 - Bled - Oktoberfest Take Out - Oct. 12, 2022 - St. Gregory - SCON meeting - Oct. 16, 2022 - Kanadsko Slovensko zgo-dovinsko Društvo - Remembering May 1945 - Slovenian Exodus - Luncheon and short program at St. Gregory the Great - Oct. 22, 2022 - Slovenski Park - Oktoberfest - Nov. 20, 2022 - Scholarship presentation after 11:00 a.m. Mass DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad darovali: V spomin na pok. Franka Pavlakovic: - $100 - Natalie & Bob Bosiljevac - $15 - Družina Peternel - $30 - Miriam Cekuta v spomin na pokojno Jožo Šušteršic Hvala za vaš dar. OKTOBER, MESEC ROŽNEGA VENCA Oktober je v pra-vem pomenu mesec svetega rožnega ven-ca. 7. oktobra namrec obhajamo praznik bla-žene Device Marije presvetega rožnega venca, 13. oktobra pa se spominjamo zadnje-ga prikazanja v Fatimi, pri katerem se je sveta Devica razodela kot rožnovenska Mati Božja. Bog je v svojem usmiljenju podelil tej moli-tvi posebno ucinkovitost tako za ohranitev vere kot za obrambo Cerkve pred sovražniki in tudi za obvarovanje sveta pred vojnimi ka-tastrofami. Kraljica miru je poseben pomen pripisala skupni molitvi rožnega venca v dru-žini. Podarimo v tem mesecu Materi Božji vsak dan dar molitve rožnega venca in iz nebes se bo na nas izlila ploha milosti. Pridružimo v vecjem številu skupini v naši cerkvi, ki v naši cerkvi, pol ure pred mašo, zve-sto moli rožni venec. GIFT BEARERS - SLOVENIAN MASS October 2nd: Sue & Zdravko Augustin October 9th: Albina & Jože Antolin. CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - CIŠCENJE CERKVE October 15 - Gosgnach team October 29 - Lukežic, Volcanšek READERS - BRALCI BERIL: 9. OKTOBER Slovenska maša: Mirko Zorko English Mass: Mary Miklavcic CWL - MEETING - MASS - KŽZ Our next CWL general meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 5th, after 7:00 p.m. Mass. Mass intention: Gratitude for our blessing PRVI PETEK V MESECU Ta teden je prvi petek v mesecu oktobru. Kot navadno bo ob 6h zvecer priložnost za sveto spoved in molitev pred Najsvetejšim in obh 7h zvecer sveta masa. MAŠA ZA BOLNIKE IN STAREJŠE Sveta maša za bolnike in starejše bo v sre-do,12. oktobra 2022 ob 11:00 h dopoldne. Med mašo bo priložnost za prejem zakramen-ta bolniškega maziljenja. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. from July to Fall Banquet (Slovenian/English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 DON BOSCO Sunday Masses: .Slovenian at 9:30 a.m. .English at 11:00 a.m. V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Na racun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 16. septembra 2022: - $138,890. - Obljubili / Pledged - $120,160. - Vplacali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Škerl Branko October 3, 1987 Lesica Alojz October 4, 2021 Eržen Edward October 5, 2019 Maric Franc October 5, 2019 Kwiatkowski Julie October 6, 1996 Ray Štefan October 6, 2018 Golob Ciril October 7, 1965 Gricnik Maximilian October 7, 1978 Kapušin Katarina October 8, 2020 Lukšic Jožefa October 9, 1998 Selšek John Janez October 9, 2014 POKOJNI - DECEASED V sredo, 28. septembra 2022 je v 96-tem letu, Bog poklical k sebi po vecno placilo našo faranko Manjo Erzetic, rojeno Šribar. Pokojna bo ležala v Donald V. Brown Funeral Home v petek, 7. oktobra med 2. in 4. uro in 6. in 8. uro. Moli-tve bodo ob 2h popoldne. Pogrebna sveta maša se bo darovala v naši cerkvi v soboto, 8. oktobra ob 11h dopoldne.. Iskreno sožalje hcerkam Carli Pahulje, Evi in Simoni Hart z družinami in vsem sorodni-kom. Pokojna Manja naj uživa zasluženi mir in pokoj v nebeški družbi. MINISTERIAL MOMENTS The Liturgy Office launched A MINISTERIAL MO-MENT in response to the results of the Synod of Bish-ops on Synodality: Communion, Participation and Mission in the Diocese of Hamilton, and the FORWARD TOGETHER IN CHRIST initiative. A MINISTERIAL MOMENT began as a social media campaign promoting short one-line captions and im-ages to invite our followers to reflect quickly and ef-fortlessly on a particular ministry. We would like to offer all MINISTERIAL MOMENT images to our Parishes to be included in Parish bulle-tins and websites as they see fit. With this in mind, we want to share with you the upcoming themes with the schedule and release timelines for the PDFs and .png images. In addition, we are including the first five im-ages. SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 2. 10. 2022 - 9. 10. 2022 27. NEDELJA MED LETOM 27TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 2. OKTOBER ROŽNOVENSKA NEDELJA ANGELI VARUHI † † † †† † †† † † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Magda Udovc Alojz Peternel, obl. Štefan Horvat, obl. Ivan in Barbara Tompa in bratje Milka Ferko Franc, obl. in Marija Maric Elizabeth Geric, obl. Joža Šušteršic, 30. dan Janez Šušteršic Jože Zver Mira Špiler 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - Udovc - Levstek Families Žena Sonja z družino Žena Marija z družino Marija Horvat Gizela Hauzar Družina Maric Joe Geric z družino Družina Družina Družina Žižek Družina Kodarin PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 3. OKT. - Gerard, opat TOREK - TUESDAY 4. OKT. - Francišek Asiški SREDA - WEDNESDAY 5. OKTOBER Marija Favstina red. † † † V zahvalo za prejete milosti Lojze Lesica, obl. Lojze Lesica, obl. Anton Letnik 7:00 P.M. CWL - KŽZ Žena Marija z družino Jože Gimpelj Žena Anica z družino CETRTEK - THURSDAY 6. OKTOBER Bruno, ust. kartuzijanov † † Štefan Ray, obl. Štefan Kodric 7:00 P.M. Družini Ray & Bell Sestra Štefka Eržen PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY 7. OKTOBER Rožnovenska Mati Božja † † Pokojni iz družine Napast Joža Šušteršic 7:00 P.M. Družina Pinter Manja Erzetic SOBOTA - SATURDAY 8. OKTOBER Pelagija, spokornica Benedikta, mucenka † † † †† † † †† †† Jakob Muhic, Jr. Matija Vlašic Frank Pinter Pokojni bratje Ivan Žižek Frank Pavlakovic Frank in Slavka Mramor Franc in Katarina (obl.) Kapušin 5:30 P.M. Družina Muhic Žena in otroci Žena z družino Marija Košir Lojze in Dragica Ferencak Jožica Vlašic Jožica Vlašic Hci Sonya in sin Joe z družinama 28. NEDELJA MED LETOM 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9. OKTOBER ABRAHAM IN SARA † †† † † † †† † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Vida Sajder Paula in Franc Pelcar Frances Pust, obl. Jožefa Lukšic Joža Šušteršic Marija, Viktorija in Marja Joe Lackovic Susan Gentilcore Pok. iz družine Kodarin in Baruca 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - Matilda Bratuž Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z druž. Družina Pust Hci Jožica Hapke Toni in Marija Franc Sestra Zorka Rev Joe Geric z družino English Choir Družina Kodarin No Mass in the Parish - Ni maše v župniji No Mass in the Parish - Ni maše v župniji