JANUARY, 1962 NUMBER I VOLUME 34 Ringing In S.W.U.'s 36th Year! ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, 111. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, tli. Incorporated December 14. 1927 in the State of Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Avc., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—ANTONIA TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 VV. Cermalc Road, Chicago S, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. , * * DIRECTORS of Women’s Youth and Sports Activities Women’s Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermalc, Chicago S, Illinois Junior Divisioru-CUMSTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ELLA STARIN 17814 Dillewood Rd., Cleveland, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Avc. M, Chicago 17, 111. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: ANTONIA TANKO, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TANKO, ALBINA NOVAK ♦ * * Home Office'. 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA — THE DAWN Official Uradno Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription S2.00 — Naročnina S2.00 letno For SWU members SI.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ SI.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Kii dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. Ringing in the New Year, these bells symbolize joy and happiness at the beginning of a new era for the S. W. U. The goal is an Increase in membership — in activity and in successful accomplishment of our purposes! To each member, the Officers extend heartiest greetings for a Happy New Year — and a fruitful one /j£~' ON THE COVER . . . THE HAPPY BELLS OF 1962! DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Jan. 21 — Br. 17, West Allis, Wise., yearly meeting. Feb. 7 — Hat Sale, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. Feb. 25 — Eastern Get-Together Bowling Tournament, Grdina Lanes, St. Clair at E. Gist St. April 7-8 — Midwest Howling Tournament, Chicago, 111. July 15 — Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2, I.emont, 111. May 23 — Excursion to Europe via S. S. France June 16 —Excursion to Europe via Air France Jet May ? ? — Excursion to Seven Shrines in Canada & U. S. May 7? — Excursion to Washington, D. C. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JANUARY Branch Presidents: Jan. 1 — Anna Flisek, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Jan. 2 — Kay Yuratovac, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio. Jan. 13 — Mary Stephenson, Br. 27, N. Braddock, Pa. Jan. 21 — Agnes Žitko, Br. 10G, Meadowlands, Pa. Jan. 27 — Mary Polajner, Br. 4, Oregon City, Ore. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ZARJA ^ DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Vol. XXXIV —No. 1 JANUARY, 1962 LETO XXXIV —ŠT. 1 Our Presidents M ontlily Message Here we are again starting a New Year! With the world in such a turmoil, no one knows what is in store for us in the coming months of 1962, but we all hope that it will be settled peacefully. Past year Branches Nos. 1, 2, & 3 celebrated their 35th Anniversaries and Branches Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 will also be celebrating this grand occasion. Congratulations are in store for all the Officers and members who have worked so diligently the past year, enabling the Slovenian Women’s Union to prosper so immensely to what it is to date. Let us keep in mind, our Founder, Marie Prisland, as well as her diligent past and present officers, for all they have done in the last thirty-five years! Building our Zveza to a larger organization has been their goal. By obtaining new members we can do our part proudly and say we belong to the largest Slovenian Women’s Organization in America. Our 35th Class B. Jubilee Campaign is going on and the deadline is March 31, 1962. You all still have time to go out and secure new members which will enable you to get 35 points which will not be very hard to do. Our organization gives you a lot for the small amount you pay. A prospective member may join up to the age of 57 yrs., for $150.00 insurance and the fee is 65tf. For $100.00 insurance and 40<* a month a woman can join until she reaches age 55. Let this be a banner year for a successful membership drive and your New Year’s Resolution: I shall get one new member in the ensuing campaign! At this time I wish to thank my home Branch, No. 50 of which I have been a member for 29 years, for the beautiful Infant Jesus that was presented to me at the 30th Anniversary and Testimonal Dinner in my honor. This day shall always be a fond memory to me and the Infant Jesus I shall cherish each and every day of my life. Representing the Zveza was our National Secretary, Albina Novak, who gave a very impressive talk and also enjoyed herself very much with the company. As a surprise, we had among the guests a number of her relatives and friends who all attended the dinner to be able to spend a brief time with her as her stay is so short every time she comes to Cleveland. She also was presented with a beautiful Infant Jesus from Br. 50 members. Albina was the organizer of Br. 50 thirty years ago, and at that time we were the first young English-speaking group; but, today it is a different story (now we are the old ones!) From the State of Pennsylvania our guest was State President, Mary Tomsic and her sister Mrs. Sterle. Also attending were Auditor Vicki Faletič and State president Ella Starin. To my surprise, Carolyn Budan dedicated her three beautiful songs to me and Mr. Anton Schubel graciously accompanied her. Thank you both a million, I enjoyed every minute of your singing and so did all the guests. The hall was filled to capacity; dinner prepared by Mary Otoničar and her staff was delicious and enjoyed by all and every one had a very enjoyable time with dancing later. To our President, Frances Sletz, and her committee for their service and their hard work to make this day a very enjoyable one, I again wish to say: thank you all! On the agenda for the coming months of 1962 we have a few important activities and trips lined up for you all. February 25th — Eastern Get-To-Gether Bowling Tournament at Cleveland, Ohio. April 7-8 — Midwest Bowling Tournament held at Chicago, Illinois. May — Zveza Trip to Washington, D.C. May 25th — Zveza Trip to Europe on the new Liner, S. S. France. June 16th — Zveza Trip to Europe by Jet. July — Trip to visit Seven Shrines in Canada and New York. Eastern Get-To-Gether Bowling Tournament will be held Feb. 25, 1962 at Grdina Lanes on St. Clair and East 61 St. 3 games will be bowled on a 80% Handicap Basis. Averages as of February 1, 1962 will be used. Bowlers who are not bowling in a league will be scored as of last year’s average. Fee will be $3.00. Cost of bowling will be paid out and rest will be used for Prizes. Luncheon will be held after bowling and the prizes distributed. Entry blanks will be sent to all branch Captains. Attention members of all ages who would like to bowl please contact either Alyce Arko, Telephone DI 1-7540 or Toni Tanko, EX 1-1938. Deadline is February 15, 1962. Antonia Tanko AS WE ENTER OUR 36th YEAR! When the pioneer members of Zveza (and there are many of them reading this column) look back on those lean, hard years when the organization was in its formative stage, they must think: it’s more than 35 years ago — as you measure progress. The world itself has moved further in the last 35 years than in the previous 100 — and the organization has weathered all the storms of time and tribulation. From a small nucleus of women called together by our Founder, more and more groups met and organized, believing that they had a purpose and goal. Since those early days, and with years in between, we see that their goals were met and their purposes fulfilled. Wherever a branch of Zveza exists today, it is through the hard work and tenacity of our grandmothers and mothers. There is no question but that they are the centers of Slovenian culture, the arts both fine and domestic, and of charitable work. No better singers sing our songs! No better cooks, anywhere! No better “pushers” for a good cause! The courage and diligence of our pioneer members has been matched by the loyalty and perseverance of the second generation members who have taken hold and revitalized many groups where the older members are slowly retiring. Both the old and the young know that the key to progress is MEMBERSHIP! Increased membership is the goal which is being sought by very branch and by the organization as a whole. That is why all activity is centered on enrolling new members — and the slogan of our S.W.U. these months — is: JOIN THE CLASS B JUBILEE CAMPAIGN! It’s not a difficult effort to make — accept the idea of campaigning for a new member for your branch, and before you know it — half the work is done. And, a happy 36th New Year to SWU! Corinne Leskovar, Editor REV. CLAUDE OKORN, OFM IN THE NAME OF JESUS The church begins the new year in the name of Jesus, telling the gospel story of how He came by that name. We can do no better than follow her example in this. When that name was first pronounced on earth, it was spoken by an angel, and some of that angelic sweetness clings to it still. And when we consider the Person to whom it was attached, it becomes the Name above all names. The name Jesus means: He will save His own people. No wonder that St. Paul has such a big praise for the name of Jesus. “God has exalted Him and has bestowed upon Him the name that is above every name so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven, on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father.” Now we understand better why the name of Jesus was so cherished among the apostles. We read in the Holy Scripture: Peter and John were going up into the temple. A certain man who had been lame from his birth was being carried by, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple that he might ask alms of those going into the temple. Seeing Peter and John going into the temple he asked them for an alms. But Peter gazing upon him with John, said: “Look at us.” He looked at them hoping to receive something from them. But Peter said: “Silver and gold I have none, but what I have, that I give thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth arise and walk.” And taking him by the right hand, he raised him up, and immediately his feet and ankles became strong. When Peter saw people running to them greatly wondering, he said to the people: “God of our fathers lias glorified His Son Jesus. It is in His name that has made this man strong. Through Jesus He has given him the perfect health you all see.” That is why the abuse of the name of Jesus is such a horrid, such a contemptible thing. We all know how people resent it when others abuse their name, poke fun at it. They consider an abuse of the name, an abuse of the person bearing it. Tom Thorpe was one of the greatest referees in football He was a favorite with coaches, despite the fact that he made up a good many of his own rules as the games progressed. But he had the reputation for ruling fairly. Tom could not stand blasphemy, nor foul language in any shape or form. In one game a certain player was becoming more and more profane as the going got hotter. Finally Tom could stand it no longer. "Your are out of the game,” he ordered. Coaches and players crowded around Tom as the player angrily demanded, “What rule did I violate?” The coaches took up the cry, “What rule did he violate?” Tom glared at them coldly before speaking. “The second commandment,” and his ruling stuck. If we expect God to be our ally, we should be on his side. If He is our ally the least we can do is use His Name with honor and respect. New year’s resolution: With God every work begin and stay away from sin. ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. The parties and doings of December were all very successful. The children enjoyed their treats and Santa Claus’ visit on Dec. 16th and the regular party for members took place on the 14th with a nice attendance. Before the festivities began, the business meeting was concluded and main report is that of the slate of officers for 19G2. “Vse po starem” seemed to be the case, except for our new Vice-President, Steffie Osterman and a new auditor, her sister, Frances Gomilar. Both these girls are very active members. Congratulations to Steffie Osterman, who became grandma to her second grandson, when a boy was born to her daughter and son-in-law, Katherine and Richard Hoigard. We mourn the loss of a very nice member, Mary Ritlop, who passed a-way the last week of Nov. To her husband, John, our deepest sympathy. Among our Dec. birthday celebrants was Mary Koren; she and her husband, Andrew recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Our members selected her as the most deserving Mother of the Year for our branch. Congratulations! Corinne Leskovar, Reporter No. 6, Barberton, Ohio — Please attend the Jan. 7th meeting of our branch. It is very important that we discuss the plans for the new year and interest our younger members to join in these activities. Thank you and a Happy & Prosperous New Year. Mary Fidel, Sec’y No. 7, Forest City, Pa. — We are sorry to report that a fine, long-time member, Margaret Komin passed a-way. She died suddenly, on her way home from attending Mass one morn-in. May she rest in peace as well as all our other departed members. To the bereaved, our sympathy. Best wishes to all our sick members; a healthier, happier New Year to all. Did you do your bit? Get any new members? Start the New Year with a good showing — try — it’s easier than you may think. How are your dues? Up to date, I hope. I urge all members to straighten now at the start of 1962. Christine Menart, sec’y No. 14, Euclid, Ohio — For our President, Tillie Spehar, the first year in office is over. She, with the help of others, did a wonderful job for our treasury. Being a mother of two little ones and in the grocery business makes it hard many times to take care of the duties involved as president. However, she was compensated by seeing so many friendly members at each one of our meetings. After the December business meeting, we were all surprised, when we entered the recreation room, to see a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. The tree was brought and decorated by our good President, Tillie. God bless you. We then had our $1 exchange of gifts and sang songs, after which we feasted on all kinds of Christmas goodies. At this party we also celebrated quarterly birthdays. By the happy looks on all the faces. we are sure everyone had a good time. We received two new members into our branch in the past few months. We welcome sister Mary Klun and Frances SkocaJ. We hope to see you at our meetings and maybe you can each bring a new member. To Sister Marie Kebe and her husband we send our congratulations on the birth of their sixth child. Little Kathleen made her arrival on October 28th. Awaiting her at home were four brothers and a sister. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kebe, who reside in Florida, and Councilman and Mrs. Gerl, who are well-known in Euclid. Kathleen’s mother and two grandmothers are members members of our branch. The following sick members were visited by 3 of our members; they are Louise Casserman, Mary Novlnc, and Emma Polzer. They were each presented with the usual small gift. We all hope that they are feeling much better by now. Note: If there are any other sick members please let us know. Sister Mary Ludvik passed away in November after several months’ illness. To her husband and family we send our deepest condolences. January is the beginning of the new year and many of our members will add another year as they celebrate their birthdays this month. Birthday greetings to all our January celebrants. Happy New Year to all of You! Pauline Cesar No. 16, So. Chicago, III. — Our Christmas party was one huge success! The biggest thanks goes to our chairlady, Jean Bukvich, who was chief shopper of children’s gifts. For staying within the budget and being able to buy such beautiful gifts, she is to be admired! Thanks to Elsie Starcevich who again furnished the chocolate milk for the children; also, we cannot forget the following who contributed toward the refreshments: Antonia Krese, Anne Jancarich, Angeline Novak, Mrs. Zlogar, Mary Bre-berick, Mrs. Matasick, Mary Prisol, Josephine Krai, Anna Buck, Katie Triller, Rose Salakar, Elaine Tinsley and Gladys Buck. The following gave cash donations: Mary Prisol, Mary Marcich, Elaine Tinsley, Josephine Krai, Ann Springer, Mary Burke, Mrs. Saldo, Marie Cieslik, Mary Breberick and Antonia Krese. Sylvia and Marge Spretnjak furnished table decorations and favors which were out-of-this-world. They also entertained the children with colored picture slides. The Triller girls set up an apron and miscellaneous booth with home-sewn articles; also a fishing pond. Both yielded a good sum for our sunshine fund. Last, but not least, we must not forget our dear Santa Claus, Zinka Sasic, who played the part so well. On the sick list we have Agnes Bra-gar who had a double cataract operation performed. At this writing she is doing nicely and we hope her eyesight will continue to improve. See you at the Jan. meeting. Rose Salakar, Rec. Sec’y No. 17, West Allis, Wise. — The month of December was a time of several important anniversaries for our Slovenian Women’s Union, one of which was the 35th Anniv. of its founding. Our Founder, Marie Prisland, had the foresight to call on the Slovenian women to get together and unite, forming an organization with Slovenian traditions and to foster the ideals of both the Slovenian and American way of life. Another purpose; to encourage participation in American civic affairs. Thru the years, as the organization grew, other nationalities were accepted into membership which made the Union even stronger. In all these years, Mrs. Prisland gave of herself in her untiring efforts and time that we could prosper the way we have. Our heartiest congratulations, Mrs. Prisland, and may God keep you in good health for many more years to continue to guide us along the way. Congratulations are in order to Br. 1 which had faith in her ideals and worked with her untiringly thru the years to help build up the organization to what it is today. The campaign is on for new mem- bers; let’s all try and do our best in getting some new members! I’m sure that you have friends, neighbors, sisters, nieces and even nephews — get them to join our friendly circle. It’s not only a social club they’re joining, but a beneficial one. Our annual meeting will be on Sunday, Jan. 21st, 19G2 at 2:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Hall in Room 3. We will have an exchange of $1 gifts, election of officers and other important business to discuss. Cake and coffee will also be served, so do come. Members who are in arrears, kindly bring your books up to date so I can balance the books for the year. To our sick members, best wishes for a speedy recovery. To our Supreme Officers, members throughout the nation and at home, am wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year. Marie Floryan, Sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our sincere wishes for a speedy recovery to our first president, Marie Prisland, who underwent a serious major operation at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Also, to our previous president, Josephine Livek of Oglesby, 111. Our pastor, Msgr. M. J. Butala who is our spiritual advisor of Br. 20, also is confined at St. Joseph’s Hospital. He caught a severe cold coming home from abroad and finally had to take a rest in the hospital. Serious operations will be performed on Jennie Rogel, also at Mayo Clinic and on Frances Kalcic and Frances Konchar. The sick list follows with Ursula Grabrian, Eliz. Wardjan from Plano, 111., Marg. Muha and our auditor, Josephine Muster who took ill the week of our big church doing of which she was a co-chairman. Anna Korevec of Bluff St. broke her leg and was also confined in the hospital. To these and all other sick members, we wish an early return to good health. A golden wedding anniversary was observed this summer by Mr. & Mrs. Frank Plankar; Mrs. & Mrs. Frank Koncar had a 45th Anniversary and Mr. & Mrs. Fred Korevec, their 40th. Congratulations. Condolences to Mrs. Jos. Maichen of Bluff St., and her sons on the loss of husband and father. May he rest in peace. A happy New Year wish to all, with abundance of health and good will! Hope to see you at the Jan. meeting. Josephine Erjavec No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio — At our annual meeting, the following officers were elected to serve in 19C2: Anna Pischel, president; Frances Blatnik, vice pres.; Stella Dancull, sec’y Anna Pelcic, Rec. Sec’y; Josephine Weiss, treasurer and auditors: Anna Pelcic, Theresa Kozuh, Anna Kosak. Alice Sabol is sargeant at arms and reporter is Frances Kavc. JOLIET, ILL. BOWLING NEWS — At this point, with the bowling season still in its infancy, it is difficult to make any predictions, but for the present we see AMERICAN SLOVENIAN HOME creeping up from third position to second, to a tie for first and finally, and ironically in a play against each other to first position with PAPESH FUNERAL HOME second and HORVATH BAKERY dropping to third position. ELLENA BUILDERS maintain their fourth position as do MERICHKAS RESTAURANT hold their fifth position but SHEPS DX SERVICE STATION overtook NORTHWEST RECREATION for sixth placing NORTHWEST RECREATION in seventh place — and where do you suppose KRAUSE RADIO & TV comes in? Sorry to say, and even though the writer happens to be a member of this team, we hold the last. It could be that we are just slow in starting the fight. We bear watching in the future. As to High Individual and High Series Games we have to report that Marge Rachor last week came up with a 214/549. Previous to that and for two successive weeks, Gen Klainsek wrapped up 211-532 and 210-566. We also have 200 bowlers in Jo Mlakar with 205-534 and Ann Stefanich with 212-504. By the next writing, it is hoped that a few more will reach these high figures. The teams as a whole have been giving a good performance also with Merichkas Restaurant High Team Game and Series of 810-2263; Horvath Bakery of 802-2089; Northwest Recreation Club 781-2129. In the “make that spare” department we’ve had some good performance from Ann Stefanich 2-7-10; Evelyn Gregory and Therese Pavnica 5-10; Millie Ellena 5-6-10; Vicki Ber-nickas the 3-10 and Ann Cernetich and Theresa Pavnica the 5-7. And in going up the ladder, Mary Nahas took a 32 pin climb last Monday by coming up with 94-12G-158 and Ann Sternisha was a little slower with 126-133-140. Agnes Koerber, Sec’y We selected as our mother of the year, Anna Pelcic, who is well-deserving of this honor as she has always worked toward making our organization a bigger and better one. The meetings will be held the first Wednesday of the month at the J.D.N. Hall at 7:30 p.m. The only parties the branch will have are Mother’s Day and Christmas Party-Meeting. There will be no meetings during July and August. We offer our sincere congratulations to Jack and Anna Widmar, to John and Anna Pelcic on their 40th Wedding Anniversary and Walter and Mary Stevens on their 25th Jubilee. May God bless you all and our Blessed Mother keep you in her care. Deepest sympathy to members Rose VICKIE’S NEWS FLASHES! No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio — To start things fresh, I’ll make this short and sweet. The campaign to celebrate our 35 year jubilee has been progressing quite well and to all the secretaries of every branch I ask that they read this at their respecitve meetings to the members: “Every member of our branch is cordially invited — to approach one (1) friend to join the S.W.U. Organization. Tell your friends that being a S.W.U. member they can participate and enjoy social gatherings, sparkling conversations, stay merry, young for sure and insured.” With best wishes to all, Vicki Faletič, Your campaign chairman Naples, Christine Lunder, Mary Less in the loss of their mother who passed away on Nov. 30th. She was a member for 32 years. Also, our sympathy to Anna Zamon who lost her daughter, Julia Wheeler suddenly. May their souls rest in peace. Vacation trip to Florida is being enjoyed by pres. Anna Pischel and husband; happy trip and safe return! Member Victoria Vrtancik left for Australia in Nov. to spend a 6 month visit with her daughter, Louise Mandič. Have a good time, Victoria, and return safely. Josephine Zupan has a new grandson—adding to her long list of 18 grandchildren. Grandma recently is Anna Lunder. Congratulations. Our out-going president, Theresa Lach, expressed her thanks to the ladies for their wonderful cooperation in the past year. After the meeting, our Christmas party was enjoyed by all. Games, gift exchange, door prizes and refreshments completed the party. Sincere thanks to all who helped to make it a success by donating prizes, food, vino, pastries and coffee. Happy birthday to our members: Margaret Borek, Jennie Bocher, Mary Ann Hosta, Helen Nosan and Agnes Zakrajšek. To all members who are ill, wishes for good health. Stella Dancull, Sec'y No. 23, Ely, Minn. — Dawn Club —Our regular meeting at the Jugoslav Nat’l Home was presided by Barbara Brennan who opened with prayer. Mary Skufsa suggested a napkin selling project to raise funds to boost the treasury. All were in favor to sell 5 packages each. We made final plans for our Christmas party and smorgasbord catered by Riek’s Inn. We’ll report on the outcome later. The Nov. lunch committee was: Mary Vidmar, Prances Colarich, Ann Benko, Stephanie Vranesich and A-melia Mainer. A delicious lunch was served and a game called “Help Your Neighbor” was played to the enjoyment of all. Sincere wishes to all who are ill. Ann Rowe, Reporter No. 23, Ely, Minn. — Our branch held the December meeting at St. Anthony’s hall with a large attendance. At this meeting, the following officers were elected: Mary Jerich, president; Katherine Slogar, vice-pres.; Barbara Rosandich, sec’y; Mary Shikonya, treas.; Mrs. Marolt, rec. sec’y; Mary Zgonc, Margaret Shuster and Mary Deyak, auditors, Slov. reporter, Katherine Slogar and English reporter, Mary Shikonya. Spiritual Advisor is Rev. Prank Mihelčič. A Christmas party was held after the meeting with singing of carols and Mary Hutar directing. Games were played and prizes given to winners and exchange of gifts. A delicious lunch was served with Theresa Koschak and Margaret Shuster co-chairmen. Their committee was: Mary Lahti, Ann Sever, Julia Fink, Mary Zgonc, Barbara Rosandich and Mary Starkovich. The tables were decorated with red candles and miniature Christmas trees. Margaret Veranth donated a beautiful statue of the Blessed Virgin with a holiday arrangement and Mrs. Gor-she was the lucky winner. Rose Fer-derber won the attendance prize. We wish all our sick members a speedy recovery. Katherine Kosmach is at St. Mary’s Hospital in Duluth, Fiances Erzar is at Ely Winton and Mary Deyak and Mary Zgonc are recuperating at home. A guest at the meeting was Mary (Mrack) Drobnick of Cleveland, O-hio; she was introduced by president Mary Jerich and the members were very glad to meet her. Wish you all a very prosperous New Year. Mary Shikonya, Reporter No. 24, LaSalle, III. — To all our members, a wish for the happiest New Year! We include hearty wishes for a healthy year to our past supreme president, Josephine Livek who is recuperating at home. The same good wishes to Mrs. Marie Prisland, for a quick recovery that she may continue in the work of guiding our Zveza. Recovering from operations are members Barbara Kucal and Mary Jaklic. To them and all sick members, best wishes. Our deepest sympathy to sister Caroline Hrovat on the loss of her brother; also, to Anna Terselic who lost her brother A. Jagadzinski. God grant eternal rest to the departed. A mention on last month’s report, one of the winners of the three turkeys we gave away was Gladys Buck, sec’y of Br. 1C in So. Chicago. For the current membership campaign, we hope our members will make every effort to sign up new members and bring Br. 24 into the forefront. Greetings to all for the New Year. Angela Strukel, Sec’y No. 30, Aurora, III. — Many months have passed since my last report. Previous meetings were held at the homes of Mary De King, entertaining in April; Pauline Wackerline in June; (By the way, she gave birth in December to her Gth son! Congratulations!) Sophie Grissman in August and Emma Tomse in October. The Oct. meeting was carried out in the Halloween spirit and members dressed for the occasion. December meeting was planned for Mary Verbic’s home. We’ll report on the outcome of that meeting and election of officers at a later date. Theresa and Tony Zefron recently celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary. Many of the members, relatives and friends helped celebrate with them. May they have many more years of happiness together. To all members who are ailing, we wish a quick recovery. May the New Year bring everyone a year of health and prosperity. P.S. Yours truly welcomed a son, July 14th! (Congratulations! C. L.) Mary De King, Reporter No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — Eighteen members of Branch 34 enjoyed an evening of business, conversation and cards at the November meeting with Mrs. Edward Dragavon presiding at the business session. Our money making project — the sale of vacuum packed cans of various kinds of candies is already underway and anyone wishing to purchase them may contact any member of the organization or get it directly at the home of Mrs. Mary Pahula. Because of so many activities and conflicting dates, there will be no meeting of our Branch in December — members may pay their dues directly to Mrs. Pahula. Followed a session at cards — “500” — with winners Mrs. Anthony Yapel and Mrs. William Vollendorf. At "Cootie” winners were Mrs. Joseph Skala and Mrs. Herman Mesojedec. From a table prettily decorated in the Thanksgiving motif — fruit basket flanked by lighted tapers and napkins with turkeys and pumpkins for decorations, the hostesses. Mines. Ernest Mustonen and Donald Hill served a delicious luncheon. FRAN PHRASES FIFTY’S FABULOUS FETE! No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio — Busy, busy, busy! These are the words you would have heard during the past few me ,hs if you belonged to Br. 50! It hardly seems possible that our branch is 30 years in existence; and, that we are still going full force! We enjoyed the Anniversary Dinner in Nov., In honor of our Supreme President, Toni Tanko and had the pleasure of her gracious company along with that of Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary, who is the organizer of Br. 50. Charter members were honored at the affair, namely, Josephine Seelye, Josephine Bencin, Mary Bencin, Frances Bencin, Antoinette Ce-lesnik, Sophie Posch and Carol Traven. This all took quite a bit of planning as you can well Imagine, so we really are a busy group, and here’s how it all started: An idea — Let’s have an anniversary dinner; Busy Minds — Select a committee, who were, Mary Bostian, Steffie Kobe, Mamie Marin, Ann Dekleva. Carol Traven, Marie Beck, Frances Sietz (all did a marvelous job!); Busy, busy — Hire a hall, select an orchestra, list all our husbands for music duty: Max Želodec, Dom Dekleva, John Vovko who played from 6 to 12 p.m. keeping the guests in a happy mood; Busy, busy — Get a good cook, Mary Otoničar, and her helpers to take over the dinner (it was delicious!); Busy, busy — Dine up waitresses, check-room help, kitchen help (the junior members were waitresses along with Margaret Re-bol, Frances Kikel and Louise Vovko who helped at the tables and in the kitchen); Busy, busy — Entertainment needed. (Carolyn Budan sang four songs accompanied by Mr. Anton Schubel); Introduction of Supreme Officers and Charter Members followed, and then, a performance by the Mrs. Louis Chiabotti and Mrs. Ramon Berg will serve as hostesses in January. Since this will be my last report before January, may I take this opportunity to wish all members a Joyous Holiday Season — may the Divine Infant shower you with countless blessings during the Holidays and in the New Year! Sincerely, Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio — On Wed., Dec. 6th, the annual Christmas supper was held. This delicious meal was prepared by Rose Simončič, a diligent worker who deserves a lot of thanks. A $1 gift exchange was enjoyed among the members. The cut glass sugar and creamer set donated by Mary Yemec as a door prize was won by Angela Perko. Immediately following the supper, the annual meeting was held. A mo- st. Clair Cadets with baton twirling to drumming by the Drum Corps headed by Capt. Robert Lube and Lt. Martin Tominc. Little Michael Rebol and Jimmy Kikel also played along. Solemn moment — Memorial program in respect to our deceased members, Agnes Zobec, Mary Toner, Ursula Debevec, Mary Petkovšek, Alberta Dolinar, Olga Slapnik and Mary Lousliin (The junior cadets again took part in this); Busy again —■ After the affair, paying the bills; Results — Anniversary Dance a Huge Success! There you have it, a complete outline of our 30th anniversary celebration! We hope all the guests enjoyed themselves as we planned for this most diligently. Thanks to all members who helped in any way to make it a success. We thank members of the surrounding branches who helped us celebrate our “big day” and hope they’ll come again! To start the year right, plan to attend our Jan. 15th meeting at St. Vitus Club rooms. Remember to pay your dues and bring along a member to help our two busy campaigners, Louise Vovko and Theresa Komat reach their goals — the trip to Washington, D.C., this spring. At the Nov. meeting, we had a big treat, Mrs. Tanko showed us all the pictures of Hawaii. They really were out of this world! The colors were beautiful and everything looked so real, that we traveled right along to Hawaii with the group. Heartfelt thanks to all the members who sent get well wishes to my husband while he was ill. A big thank-you for the robe sent as a gift from the branch. It was really very nice of you -— thank you all and God bless you! Frances Sietz, Pres. tion was carried that beginning in 1962, three “Our Fathers” and three “Hail Marys” will be prayed at each meeting for the deceased members and at the annual meeting, a rosary for the same intention. Election of officers was held with the following results: Antonia Matis, president; Antonia Kastelic, vice-pres.; Louise Prhne, fin. sec’y; Millie Lipnos, rec. sec’y; Mary Hočevar, treasurer; auditors: Mary Yemec, Mary Fink and Mary Filips; Zarja Reporter, Lillian Sadowski and Slov. Nat’l Home Representative, Rose Slmonclc. Our prizes were distributed as follows: 1. 4-piece Corning ware set donated by the Club to Deborah Flaherty; 2. Crocheted bathroom ensemble made by Antonia Legan to Gertrude Thorpe; 3. Infant Jesus statue donated and dressed by Jean Legan to Mary Filips. Please remember in your prayers, Josephine Franetič, our member, who passed away Nov. 23rd. Our next meeting will be held Wed. Feb. 7th at 7:00 p.m. At this time, we are conducting a spring Hat Sale for which the Club will receive $1 profit on every hat sold. Let’s all do our best to make this project a success by making every effort to attend the meeting and to bring along a friend or two who might be interested in a new hat! To our out-going officers, former pres. Antonia Legan and treas. Tillie Cook, our deepest appreciation for all their efforts while in office. Since we are beginning a New Year, what do you say we all do a little more and give support to the new officers by attending the meetings regularly and really trying to make 1962 beneficial for Br. 42. Lillian Sadowski, Reporter No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. We held our meeting Dec. 6th — and at that time, election of officers took place. All our chairs will be filled with the same ones, namely: sisters Josephine Oswald, president; Mary Musech, Vice-Pres.; Rose Chiodi, Sec’y & Treas.; Rose Zidarich, Rec. Sec’y; Auditors: Margaret ICochevar, Angeline Russ and Angeline Hrovat; Phoning Committee: Betty Strazishar, Carmela Bo-nazza and Margaret Jerulle. Yours truly remains Reporter and the Mother of the Year chosen is sister Celia Pa-litano. Congratulations to all. I hope the New Year will have many good things in store for all. We have to report our sorrow. In our midst will also be an empty chair draped in black in memory of our dear sister, Agnes Ribich who has been laid to rest. We hope that in some way, some of the pain of the family’s loss may be relieved by our prayers. To her husband, Jerry Ribich and her three sons, Frank, Martin and Tony, and the grandchildren, we express our deepest sympathy. We hope you know that others fel your loss as she was beloved by many. To our sick members, we wish a speedy recovery. Pres. Josephine Oswald led the concluding prayer at the close of the meeting for all our sick and disabled members. The social, "Christmas Party” then took place with a delicious banquet spread out. The menu included turkey and dressing prepared by Mary Musech, ham by Julia Man-cuso, salads by Betty Strazishar, Gertrude ICochevar, Rose Chiodi, Alberta Russo, apple strudel by Margaret Jerulle, walnut potica by Angeline Hrovat and Evanna Prelesnik. And, to all those who pitched in to make it a delightful affair, our sincere thanks There was a very nice turn-out and a good time was had by all, followed by dancing and gift exchange. Special thanks to Angeline Hrovat for doing such a beautiful job on the decorations. And, to Elizabeth Spinelli, Mildred Barbatto and Alice Baratto for livening up the party! We all had a ball! Wishes to all for a very prosperous New Year. We are looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting, .Tan. 3rd at the Little Grove. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 54, Warren, Ohio. The end of the year means a busy schedule for all of us. The children’s Christmas Party was held on Dec. 7th and was well-attended. The evening began at 6 p. m. with our monthly meeting at which time such business as election of officers took place. The new officers are, Mamie Sporich, president; Rose Racher, Vice-Pres.; Jean Ponikvar, Sec’y-Treas.; Joanne Ponikvar, Rec. Sec’y.; Auditors: Ann Simpkins, Elsie Pershing, Mary Ponikvar; Sar-geant-at-arms is Mary Waltko. Rose Racher and yours truly will continue as reporters for Zarja. The meetings will continue to be on the first Thursday of the month at 7:30. Mary Ponikvar was elected as our Mother of the Year and we all feel she is well-deserving of this honor. Our president announced that our candy sale has gone very well and extended her thanks to all who worked to make it a success. The meeting was adjourned with the arrival of the children who enjoyed movies shown by Frank Ponikvar until such time as dear old Santa arrived with his bagful of presents. What fun we had as he laughed and talked to the little ones and wished everyone a Merry Holiday. This was followed by a delicious luncheon of ice cream and cookies which were donated by the members. Thanks to one and all. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Theresa Zayec who has been a patient at St. Elizabeth Hospital. May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year. Jean Ponikvar, Reporter No. 56, Niles, Ohio. Nov. rolled a-round and our election of officers resulted in all positions remaining the same for 1962: Frances Yerman, President; Jane Logar, Vice-Pres.; Mary Macek, Sec’y; Mary Strah, Treas.; Mary Moler, Rec. Sec’y.; Auditors: Jerry Spoljeric, Pauline Ixjgar, Liz Ha-vaich; Zarja Reporter is Mary Moler and Sargeant at arms will be Ann Dolence. Meetings will be held at the home of our president, Frances Yerman. Our sincere condolences to the Logar family on the loss of husband and father. Mrs. Logar is one of our oldest members. It’s nice having our members up and around again after their illnesses: Mary Davorich, Margaret DeSabato and Mary Moler. Best of health to you. Congratulations to Louise Matayko on becoming a grandmother for the first time — it’s a boy for her daughter, Joanne; his name is Brian George and is a new juvenile member. Mary Moler also became a grandmother a-gain, when little Ann Louise was born to Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Moler of Grafton, Wise. Hope everyone had a very nice time at the Christmas party — here’s wishing all members a very happy and healthy New Year. Mary Moler, Reporter No. 62, Conneaut, Ohio. The Nov. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Christy Gurto, Orange St. A Ravioli dinner was prepared and served by the hostess to fourteen members. The table was decorated with autumn colors, leaves and Thanksgiving decorations. The president, Shirley Rose, opened the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer. Roll call was answered by each member naming her “favorite jewel”. A regular business meeting was conducted. Discussion was on the cookbook which the Altar and Rosary Society of Mother Cabrini Church has published with all the favorite and most delicious recipes of the women parishioners. Members of our lodge are also members, thus, the interest is high for the success of this book. It has been well received in other cities, so, we hope for good sales. Anyone interested In the book may obtain one by sending one dollar to Miss Dorothy Notte, 852 Day St., Conneaut, Ohio. The meeting was closed and then turned over to the program chairman, Theresa Calangelo; games and prizes followed. Dorothy Notte was awarded a door prize. The Christmas meeting of Dec. 9th will be reported later. A very happy New Year to all members. Peggy Gurto, Sec’y. No. 66, Canon City, Colo. Greetings from the Rockies! Our very important meeting was held Dec. 10th. Results of the meeting will be reported at a later date. We urge all members to attend the meetings in the New Year so that we can enjoy further activities in full number. We hope that all those on the sick list are feeling better. Our very best wishes to every one for a Happy New Year . _________________Cecile Adamic No. 83, Crosby, Minn. The Dec. meeting was a busy one. After letters were read, the election of officers took place and all officers were re-elected as follows: Helen Kovali, President; Katherine Grgurich, Vice-Pres.; Mary T. Deblock, Sec’y.; Mary J. Deblock, Treas.; Ann Widmar, Rec. Sec’y. Auditors are Tonka Vukelich and Antoinette Deblock. Reporter is Molly Domin. Our branch elected sister, Della Ko-vatovich as our Mother of the Year. She has been a member for many years and has 9 children, 20 grandchildren, plus 2 great-grandchildren. We exchanged Christmas gifts and the door prize was won by Katherine Mrkonich. Hostess, Evka Perpich, served a delicious lunch. Thanks to Mary and Stella, daughters of our hostess for a very enjoyable evening. To all our sick members, a speedy recovery. Wishing all a Happy New Year —- and, a reminder to attend our Jan. meeting at Sister Radino-vich’s home. Molly Domin, Reporter No. 95, S. Chicago, III. With the holiday season tucked away for another year, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of our members, who through the years of my presidency, have been so wonderful and cooperative. At the present time, our branch is growing right along and there is still plenty of room for expansion in our membership. We need but to look around and see a multitude of women, who stand ready to be asked to join our branch. Remember, the greatness of our branch is in the fact that we have a reputation as sisters who help in time of need. May I ask each member to try to enroll a new member and bring her to our Jan. 3rd meet-ting? Correction. “Our deepest sympathy is extended to Rose Cuzella” — should have read to Doris Cuzella, on the loss of her beloved mother. Our branch mourns the loss of Antonia Stralilnich, who passed away in November. We extend sincere condolences to the families. I am happy to hear that Sophie McNulty was released from So. Chicago Hospital and is recuperating at home. Get well wishes to all of our shut-ins. It is my sincerest hope that you will all attend our Jan. 3rd meeting and also help to select a new slate of officers for the coming year. Mildred James, Pres. No. 105, Detroit, Mich. We here in Detroit had a very, very nice winter until the last day of Nov. We are happy that the season is shortened by nice dry days and hope for spring with all our hearts! Our good member, Pauline Adamic was hostess for our Christmas party this year to relieve our secretary, Kathryn Musick who has had it every year. They both are grand hostesses and we appreciate their preparations to make our Christmas party such an enjoyable one. The report of the party will be in the next issue of Zarja. Let’s try to do our best to stick together and be more active in the New Year. We had such a nice group of ladles and it is too bad most of them are busy working so they cannot enjoy our meetings as we wish them to. My wishes for a very Happy New Year. Rose Jamnik, Reporter a. zid Not all members know that our Supreme Secretary, Mrs. Albina Novak, has a younger sister, Jean, who is an authority in the field of dietetics. Miss Jean Križman, an aunt of editor Corinne, is a graduate of Ohio University and is affiliated with the Stouffer restaurants for the last 12 years. At present she supervises four of them in the Chicago area; the largest being located in the impressive new Prudential building in the Chicago Loop. I’ve known Jean since she was a sophomore. She is a very intelligent and charming girl with a sunny smile. She is an ardent bowler and is a member of the Branch #2 Bowling League. Jean has at her finger tips some 4,500 recipes from which 16,000 meals are served daily in the four Stouffer restaurants. As a regional dietitian for all four restaurants she assists the managers and their staffs in all phases of the kitchen operations. She 'oves Slovenian cooking and often serves Slovenian dishes to her friends. The EVANSTON REVUE (Jean lives in Evanston, 111.) has devoted a whole page to her kitchen art. I am re-printing some of the recipes published in the REVUE. Jean Križman Jean’s favorite Slovenian recipe which she often serves to her guests is Escalloped Potatoes and Cucumbers. (This recipe will be familiar to many older readers.) This is served with Sesame Fried Chicken and a tossed salad of mixed greens and tomatoes (peeled, please) with the famous Stouffer White French dressing. ESCALLOPED POTATOES AND CUCUMBERS (Six Servings) 6 medium potatoes fi cups water 1 tablespoon salt 2 ounces butter % cup flour 2-lA cups hot potatoe broth 2 medium cucumbers 1 teaspoon salt Vs teaspoon freshly ground pepper Peel and slice potatoes into Vt-inch slices. Cook in salted water until tender. In a skillet, make a nice brown roux by melting butter and adding flour, stirring constantly to prevent burning. When roux is brown, add the hot potatoe broth all at once and stir vigorously, making a medium sauce. Add cucumbers which have been peeled and sliced into Vž-inch slices and let simmer five minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Add the cooked potatoes, freshly ground pepper and remaining salt. Let simmer another five minutes and serve. SESAME FRIED CHICKEN (Serves Six) 3 frying chickens, cut up 1 beaten egg % cup milk 1 dash salt 'A cup flour 3 teaspoons sesame seeds (toasted in medium oven 10 minutes) Melted shortening to cover skillet %-inch deep % cup water Wash and dry the pieces of young frying chicken. Dip in egg mixture, made of beaten egg, milk and dash of salt. Coat well with toasted sesame seeds and flour. Sprinkle lightly with salt. Brown the chicken in melted shortening in a skillet and then transfer to a baking dish. Add Va cup water and bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. The chicken should be golden brown, crisp and tender. I -------------------------——---------- Jean and friend, Betty Fye WHITE FRENCH DRESSING (Makes a quart) 3 tablespoons cornstarch % cup water Vž cup boiling water Vi teaspoon paprika Vi cup hot water % cup granulated sugar 3 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon dry mustard 2-% cups salad oil 1 cup cider vinegar % teaspoon onion juice % teaspoon fine herbs 1 clove garlic Dissolve cornstarch in cold water. Add boiling water and cook until thick, three to five minutes. Stir constantly. Dissolve paprika in hot water; add to cornstarch mixture and cook one minute. Add sugar, salt and mustard to mixture and mix. Strain to eliminate lumps. Whip hot mixture on fast of electric mixer, gradually adding oil alternately with vinegar, beating on fast speed all the time. Add fine herbs and garlic clove. Mix. Remove garlic clove after 24 hours. Dressing should be made a day before use. * * * To all my good friends who remembered me in my recent illness — a hearty THANK YOU! May God bless you for your thoughtfulness. Marie Prisland IZLET S. Ž. Z. V SLOVENIJO V LETU 1962 Vabi se vse članice in prijatelje SZZ. da se pridružijo izletu v staro domovino prihodnje poletje! — Z novo najmodernejšo ladjo SS. France, 26. maja 1962 Voditeljica bo glavna predsednica, Antonija Tanko. — Z letalom "Jet,” 16. junija, 1962. Voditeljica te skupine bo glavna tajnica, Albina Novak. Opozarjamo vas, da zdaj je tisti čas, da se priglasite za skupno potovanje, ker vzame čas, de se vse potrebno uredi. August Kollander Travel Bureau 6417 Sl. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio Phone HE 1-4148 Marie Prisland: Srečno in zadovoljno NOVO LETO iz srca želim gl. odbornicam, odbornicam podružnic ter članstvu. Da bi vam novo leto prineslo ljubega zdravja, družinske sreče in obilo uspeha pri vseh vaših delih, je moja srčna želja. Največji človeški ideal je, ustvariti nekaj, pustiti nekaj za seboj, kar bo pričalo, da je bil vreden član človeške družbe. Ni hujšega, ko se nagne življenje proti zatonu, kot lastna obtožba: Živel sem, pa nima nihče od tega koristi. Storil nisem ničesar za človeštvo, ničesar za svoj narod in ničesar za svoj stan . . . Take obtožbe naše pridne članice prav gotovo ne bodo imele. Od početka Zveze so se udejstvovale na en ali drug način, da bo njih delo zapisano v analih zgodovine naše organizacije in ko ristilo članicam, ki pridejo za nami. Poleg društvenega dela so svoje družine vzorno vzgojile ter bile v pomoč verskim in kulturnim ustanovom. Slovenke nismo ravno velike po poklicih; ne prevračamo sveta z močjo in znanostjo, delujemo pa, čeprav morda ne na svetovni pozornici, temveč bolj potihoma, vsaka v svoji družini, v svoji naselbini in pri svojih društvih. Naše ženske so neprenehoma na delu za svoj narod, katerega ljubijo in h kateremu spadajo. Alco bi se dala napisati natančna zgodovina, ki bi vsebovala dela naših ameriških Slovenk, njih dobre vplive in zasluge, bi bila taka knjiga neobsežna. Pa kaj bi nam to koristilo? Mrtve črke ne morejo izraziti tistega zadovoljstva, ki ga srce občuti po storjenem dobrem delu. Cele knjige ne morejo popisati one sreče, ki človeka navdaja potem, ko je doprinesel veliko žrtev za dobro stvar. Plemenit človek ne dela, da bi prejemal čast in priznanje, temveč iz razloga, ker mu tako veleva stanovska dolžnost. In take so naše članice! Brez misli na priznanje se leto za letom trudijo in se na vse načine žrtvujejo za stvari, od katerih ima naš narod koristi. Tudi zanaprej hodimo po tej poti! Pričnimo novo leto z resnimi nameni spolnovati svoje dolžnosti, ki jih imamo do svoje družine, do organizacije in do človeške družbe še z večjo vnemo, kot smo to storile pretečeno leto. Tako nam bo Novo leto prineslo mnogo sreče in tihega zadovoljstva ter ponosne zavednosti, da smo po svoji moči prispevale k blagru in izboljšanju naše organizacije in slovenskega naroda v splošnem. Dokler je življenje v nas, posvetimo ga dobrim in čistim idealom! * * * Če še niste slišale pravljice o križu, vam jo povem: Živel je siromašen mož. Imel je veliko težav in nadlog. Bolezen ga je mučila, večkrat je bil lačen kot sit: družine ni imel, sam je hodil po svetu in nikjer ni našel prijaznega mesta, kjer bi se odpočil. Zmerom bolj se ga je loteval obup in pogostokrat je tarnal: “Ljubi Bog, zakaj si ravno meni naložil tako velik križ? Menda ni nihče drug na svetu tako nesrečen kot jaz.” Ko je neki dan spet tarnal se ga je Bog usmilil in mu odgovoril: "Človek! Če je tvoj križ pretežak, izberi si drugega.” Povedel ga je na livado, kjer je stalo vse polno križev, bili so razne velikosti in mere, a niti dva nista bila enaka. “Išči,” mu je velel Bog, “in če najdeš križ, ki se ti bo bolj prilegel kot tvoj, ga lahko zamenjaš.” Mož je ves vesel ubogal. Prijel je najmajnši križ, češ, tale bo pa čisto fejst in zlahka ga bom nosil. A križ je bil narejen iz jekla in bil tako težak, da ga niti dvigniti ni mogel. Potem je prijel drugega, ki je stal v bližini in ki se mu je zdel prav priročen, a ostri robovi, ki jih je križ imel, so se mu zarezali v rame, da ga je hitro odložil. Tako je hodil od križa do križa, izbiral. tehtal, poskušal, a nobeden mu ni ugajal. Naposled je opazil lep križ, celo malo pozlačen je bil, ki se mu ni zdel ne prevelik, ne pretežak in hitro je šel ponj, ker takle pozlačen križ bi človek že kar nosil. Ko si ga je dal na rame, so mu kolena klecnila pod njegovo težo. Mož pa ni odnehal. Izbiral je dalje in končno našel križ, ki se mu je zdel primeren. Ko ga je zadel na rame, mu je kar ugajal; ni imel ostrih robov, ki bi ga rezali v živo, tudi najlažji izmed vseh se mu je zdel. "Tegale vzamem, dobri Bog,” zakliče. "Tale se mi še najbolj prilega.” Tedaj se je Bog nasmehnil: “Saj to je vendar tvoj križ, ki ga nosiš že vse življenje . . Od takrat se je mož vdal v svojo usodo in ni več obupoval, ker zdaj je znal, da mora vsak človek imeti svoj križ, samo, da drugi ljudje nosijo še vse večje in težje križe. Takšna je pravljica o križu. Kaj ne, resnica je v nji. Včasih mislimo, da samo nas tepe usoda, da je drugim življenje mnogo lažje in lepše. Če bi se poglobili v njih položaj, bi sprevideli, da druge ljudi tarejo še težji križi od našega in ne bi hoteli menjati z njimi. * • * Znani časnikar, Westbrook Pegler, nima rad inozemcev. Ob vsaki priliki se ob nje obreguje in trdi, da mora Amerika spadati le Amerikancem. Neko noč je baje imel sledeče sanje. Pred njim je stal duh ter ga vprašal če ima kako željo, da mu jo izpolni. Pegler je dejal: "Moja želja je, da se vse inozemce odpelje iz Amerike v kak oddaljen kraj, kjer naj delajo pokoro za svoje grehe.” Duh odgovori: “Tvojo željo ti izpolnim, toda opozoriti te moram, da je v moji deželi zakon, ki določa, da sme izgnanec vzeti s sabo v izgnanstvo vse, kar je ustvaril s svojo marlivostjo in z delom svojih rok.” Pegler pravi: "To je pravičen zakon. Kar deportiraj vse inozemce in naj vzamejo s seboj vse, kar so ustvarili; saj ustvarili niso drugega kot zarote, delavsko raketirstvo, radikalno heretlko, grehe in sabotažo. Vse to pa naj kar vzamejo s seboj.” Duh je odgovoril: “Zgodi se po tvoji volji.”—Nastal je čudež. Ob obalah se je v trenutku pojavilo tisoče parnikov, v katere so se pričeli trpati v milijonih inozemci. noseč s sabo vse, kar so ustvarili. S seboj so vzeli ceste, ki so jih iz žive skale, in ne-prodirnih goščav izsekali italijanski težaki; poleg parnikov so se pojavili ogromni splavi lesa izsekanih gozdov, kjer so podirali drevje Irci, Švedi in Norvežani; poleg lesa se je pojavilo milijone štirijaških milj zemlje, ki so jo spremenili v rodovitno prst Nemci, Švicarji, Danci in Holandci. V ozadju vsega pa so segale v nebo ogromne gore premoga, ki so ga izkopali in spravili iz zemlje Slovenci, Hrvati, Pinci, in Poljaki. Poleg vsega tega so stala ogromna mesta z nebotičniki in podzemskimi železnicami ter nedogledne milje železnic in tovarn, ki so jih zgradili in v potu krvavih srag postavili inozemski delavci, ki jih je svoječasno Amerika sama klicala, da so iz divjine naredili veličastno deželo velike civilizacije. Pa to še ni bilo vse, kar so izgnani inozemci vzeli s seboj. Odpeljali so s sabo tudi svojo kulturo, svojo godbo in svoje pesmi, svojo literaturo, društva in organizacije, svoje ideale, filozofijo in svoje narodne plese. Vzeli so s seboj vse, kar je ustvarilo tako bogat in prekrasen mo zaik Amerike, s kakoršnlm se ne more ponašati nobena druga dežela na svetu. In nastala je prazna in gluha tišina, v kateri je bilo slišati samo stokanje Westbrook Peglerja, ki je milo klical: "Duh, o duh, pridi nazaj!” Toda odgovora ni bilo-Tudi duh je bil inozemec ter se je z ostalimi vred odpeljal v izgnanstvo . . . * * * Odbornicam in članicam, ki so mi v moji zadnji bolezni poslale kartice z prijaznimi željami za hitro okrevanje, iskrena zahvala. Res me “martra.” Dve težki operaciji v dveh letih. No, sprejeti moramo, kar nam prinese življenje. P. CLAUDE OKORN: IME JEZUS Angel Gospodov je oznanil Mariji rojstvo druge božje osebe z besedami: Rodila boš sina, ki mu daj ime Jezus. S tem imenom bodo ljudje imenovali sina božjega kakor mi vsi imenujemo drug drugega z imenom, ki smo ga dobili pri svetem krstu. Veliko je imen, ki so za človeka pomenljiva. V njih leži takorekoč celo življenje. Koliko nam pomenijo besede oče, mati, sin, hčer, dragi, otrok moj. Vendar ta imena daleč zaostajajo za imenom Jezusovim. Že tisočletja ljudje ponavljajo to ime. Ko so že vsa druga imena za človeka mrtva to ime ima Se vedno privlačno silo, še vedno budi v duši hrepenenje, še vedno daje upanje, še vedno oživlja. Ime Jezus pomeni: On bo rešil svoje ljudstvo. Pod tem imenom je svetu zasijala nova doba. Sveti Pavel pravi o Jezusu: Bog ga je povišal In mu dal ime, ki je čez vsa imena tako, da se v imenu Jezusovem pripogne vsako koleno teh, ki so v nebesih, na zemlji in pod zemljo in da vsak jezik prizna, da je Jezus Kristus Gospod v slavo Boga Očeta. V ljudeh je bila že od nekdaj želja, rešiti se iz stisk in nadlog vsakdanjega življenja. Posebno ob velikih nesrečah ljudje iščejo izhoda iz težav. Oprimejo se vsakega od katerega upajo, da jim bo olajšal življenje oziroma da jih bo rešil iz stisk. Slavna so imena Aleksander Veliki, Washington, Napoleon. Znana so imena Hitler, Musolini, Stalin, Vsa ta imena in nešte‘o drugih so trdno povezana z usodo narodov iz katerih so ti možje izšli. Narod, ki je v njihove roke polagal svojo usodo, je z njimi vred doživljal srečo ali nesrečo. In danes? Narodi se vedno zdihujejo po sreči, po luči. Vsa ta imena kakor so slavna so samo še mrtve črke in nedovzetna za vse krike človeških src. Le eden je, v katerem imajo ljudje pravega vodnika, le eden je, ki more dati tolažbo in vliti zaupanje. Le eden je, ki more namesto sovraštva podeliti ljubezen. To je Jezus Kristus. Tega vodnika pa ljudje ne marajo. Zaradi tega se nesreča ljudi, razdvojenost in trpljenje le veča in ne manjša. Včasih so imeli navado, da so pisali na zvonove besede: Žive kličem, mrtve objokujem, lomim moč strele. Obrni- mo te besede na Jezusovo ime in bomo videli kolikega pomena je za nas. Z Jezusovim imenom kličemo velike in majhne, učene in neuke, revne in bogate k misli na večnost, na minljivost vsega vsakdajega. Z njim kličemo v spomin besede sv. Pavla: Podoba tega sveta prejde. S tem imenom opozarjamo tiste, ki so postali smrtna žrtev greha, naj vstanejo, naj dvignejo svoje glave, ker v tem imenu bodo deležni novega življenja. S tem imenom zlomimo še tako silovito skušnjavo, še tako prekanjene naklepe pekla. Ko je papež Pij XI. dne 12. februarja 1931. ob dveh popoldne poslal prve besede preko Vatikanskega radija v svet, so bile njegove prve pozdravne besede: Hvaljen Jezus. Povedati je hotel: to ime naj ljudje izberejo izberejo izmed mnogih drugih, ki so ponujajo, ako se hočejo rešiti iz prepadov v katere so padli zaradi tega, ker so hodili za krivimi preroki. Vse naše delo, mišljenje, čuv-stvovanje mora nositi pečat Jezusov. Edino On je pravi Rešitelj. Tudi je le o njem rekel nebeški Oče: Ta je moj ljubi sin. Njega poslušajte. Novoletni sklep: Z Bogom začni vsako delo, da bo dober tek imelo. DOPISI Št. 2, Chicago, III. Božičnica in prireditve v dec. so bile vse zelo uspešne. Otroci so bili najbolj veseli obiska Sv. Miklavža dne 16. dec. Ob lepi udeležbi se je vršila dec. seja, kateri je sledila božična družabnost. Na seji so bila podana poročila o delu v preteklem letu, nato volitve odbora za 1. 1962. Ostalo je vse “po starem”, razen nove pod-predsednice, Štefke O-sterman in nove nadzornice, Francke Gomilar. Obe sta delavni članici. Odbor bo umeščen na seji 11. jan. Čestitke Štefki Osterman, ki je postala drugič stara mamica (čeprav je še mlada) ko so pri hčerki Katherine dobili prvorojenčka. Podr. je izgubila dobro članico, Mary Ritlop, ki ji preminula po hudi bolezni. Soprogu Johnu naše iskreno sožalje. Med dec. rojstnimi slavljenkami je bila ses. Mary Koren, ki je s soprogom Andrejem pred kratkim slavila zlato poroko. Izvolile smo jo tudi za častno mater podr. Čestitke! Srečno, zdravo in veselo leto 1962 vsem! Corinne Leskovar, poročevalka Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio -— Cenjene sestre, prav lepo vas prosim, da pridete na sejo dne 7. januarja, 1962. Uradnice bi zelo veselilo, če bi vse prišle, ker smo se naveličale gledati ena drugo. Torej pridite in izvolite si nov odbor, ki vam bo všeč in da boste vedno rade prihajale na seje saj enkrat na mesec res ni veliko. Seja je izredne važnosti za nas vse, da bo v vodoče pri nas več uspeha, kakor zadnji 2 leti. Sedaj pa Vam vsem želim zelo srečno in zadovoljno leto, da bi ga v veselju in najboljšem zdravju uživale. Ravno tako želim glavnemu uradu vse najboljše v l. 1962. Pozdravljene, M. Fidel, taj. Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Na prih. seji bomo razpravljale o 35 letnici naše podr,, zato želimo, da bi se članice polnoštevilno uedležile seje. Zlato poroko sta praznovala Mr. in Mrs. Frank Puntar, katere so se udeležile tudi sestre Mrs. Puntar iz daljne Kalifornije in druga iz Clevelanda. Imeli so veliki sprejem gostov v gasilski dvorani v bližnjem Brown-dale, v krogu svoje družine in številnih prijateljev. Mrs. Puntar je naša dobra članica ter jima podr. želi dočakati vsaj še 60 letnico poroke. Mr. in Mrs. Joe Princ sta zopet postala stari oče in stara mati, ko je njihov mlajši sin Albert postal oče novorojenki, ki je že postala naša članica, kakor je tudi njena mama in stara mama. Mrs. Mary Telban je šla zopet črez zimo v Cleveland, kjer ima sinove in hčere in na poletje jo pa zopet tukaj pričakujemo, ker jo zelo pogrešamo, kadar je ni tukaj. Iz bolnice se je vrnila članica Fany Medved. Želimo ji skorajšnjega okrevanja. Mary Kotar Št. 10, Cleveland, O. — Nov. seja je bila slabo obiskana, kar je žalostno, da se članice tako malo zanimajo za društvo. Vse prošnje in vabila nič ne veljajo in skoro vedno pridejo ene in iste, zato prosim, vse drage sestre, da bi v novem letu bolj pogosto prihajale vsaj tiste, ki ste v bližini in ne potrebujeta transportacije. Letos bomo imele veliko dela, ko bomo slavile 35 letnico obstoja podr. in obenem tudi Državno konvencijo. Upamo, da bo prišlo veliko članic in prijateljev Zveze na ta pomembni dan nas obiskati in vse delo ne bo moglo izvršiti nekaj članic, zato je toliko bolj važno da pridete in se pogovorimo kaj in kako bomo praznovale ta slovesni dan, da bomo vse ponosne, da tudi me znamo napraviti kaj lepega in koristnega za Zvezo. 12. nav. smo se udeležile 30 letnice podr. št. 50 na Recher Ave. Pridne članice so se res postavile, ker so imele zelo lep program in veselje jih je bilo gledati kako pridno so vse delale. Udeležba je bila zelo povoljna in postregle so z okusno večerjo. Tam se tudi mlade članice zelo zanimajo za napredek podr. Zadnji mesec smo zopet izgubile eno članico Emmo Sayher. Bog daj večni mir in pokoj. Preostalim naše sožalje. Imamo več bolnih sester, katerim želim, da bi jim ljubi Bog povrnil drago zdravje: ses Antonijo Zabuka-vec muči hud revmatizem; naša pod-preds. L. Čebular je tudi še med bolnimi. OB VSTOPU V 36-to LETO ZVEZE! Če se naše pionirske Članice ozrejo nazaj na tista trda leta, ko je bila Zveza v skromn’h početkih, si morajo misliti, da je gotovo več kot 35 let poteklo od takrat — posebno če se meri čas po doseženem napredku. Svet se je v zadnjih 35 letih sukal hitreje kakor v prejšnjih 100 letih in naša organizacija je bila preizkušena v viharjih časa. Od peščice žena in deklet, katere je sklicala naša Mrs. Prisland. se jih je javilo in priglasilo vedno več in več podružnic je rastlo, ker so se zavedale da imajo pred seboj iste ideale in isti cilj Od takrat vidimo, da so se njihovi načrti uresničili in njihov cilj dosežen. Kjerkoli danes obstoji podružnica Zveze, je tam zaradi pridnega dela naših starih mater in mater. Ni nobenega dvoma, da so tam središča slovenske kulturne delavnosti, domačega dela in dobrodelnosti. Ni boljših pevk naših slov. pesmi! Ni boljših kuharic, kakor so naše članice! Ni boljših delavk za dobro stvar! Vztrajnost in delavnost naših pionirskih članic je dobila odgovor v zvestobi in nadaljevanju dela v članicah drugega rodu, ki počasi prevzemajo in nadaljujejo delo starejših. Starejše in mlajše članice pa se zavedajo, da je ključ do napredka v ČLANSTVU! Povečanje članstva je cilj, ki ga naj zasleduje vsaka podr. in celotna organizacija. Zato je sedaj vse delo osredotočeno v pridobivanju novih članic in geslo SŽZ v teh mesecih je: PRIDRUŽI SE RAZREDU B JUBILEJNE KAMPANJE! Ni težko delo, odloči se in predno se boš zavedla, bo pol truda že opravljenega. Novoletne pozdrave! Corinne Leskovar, urednica DELO, KI BO BOGATO PLAČANO! Bela hiša v Washingtonu, D. C. V tekoči 35 jubilejni kampanji ima vsaka članica priložnost, da si zasluži v obe smeri plačano vožnjo v Washington, D.C., kakor tudi za osebne stroške. Vzemite si nekaj časa vsak dan ter obiščite ali telefonsko pokličite znanke in sorodnice ter jih navdušite k pristopu v Zvezo. Z dobro voljo se lahko vse doseže! V dec. so slavile svoje rojstne dneve sestre: Frances Salmich, J. Batich in Mary Matoh Vsem želim še mnogo zdravih in zadovoljnih let. Zdravo in blagoslovljeno novo leto, želim vsem članicam in prijateljem SŽZ. Antonia Repič, poročevalka P.s. Udeležite se prih. seje 9. jan. ob 7 uri v Slov. Domu na Holmes Ave. Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Vabim vse članice, da se gotovo udeležite seje dne 3 jan. 62 v cerkveni dvorani. Ker ni bilo volitev novega odbora v decembru, zato se bodo vršile volitve novega odbora na seji v januarju. Pridite vse! Na bolniški listi imamo več naših sester: Angeline J. Slatinsek, Mary Erman, Epolonia Zrimšek, Josephine Kusnik, Josephine Berginz, Kathie Stuller, Josephine Martinčič, Anne Brulc. Vsem želimo hitrega ozdravljenja. Članice prosim, če veste za katero bolno sestro, da mi sporočite, da ji morem poslati karto. Prosila bi tudi, da pridobite kako novo članico, ker lansko leto smo izgubile mnogo sester. Mnogo veselja in vso srečo v tem letu, želim vsem gl. uradnicam, članicam naše Zveze in posebno sestram pri št. 12. Mary Schlmenz. Št. 15, Newburgh, Ohio — Udeležba na nov. seji je bila povoljna. Prav lepa hvala članicam, ki so prispevale peeivo in v denarju. Hvala za šolsko dvorano. Posebna hvala Mrs. Frances Sraj in Mrs. G. Cesek, ki sta toliko 35. JUBILEJNA — KAMPANJA RAZREDA B V tem naslovu je združena 35. letnica obstoja SŽZ, s poudarkom na članstvo razreda B. Nagrade so sledeče: Računa se po točkah, 35 Jih je potrebnih za najvišjo nagrado. E-na točka bo za vsako članico razreda B; pol točke za vsako članico razreda A, in četrt točke za vsako novovpisano mladinsko članico. 35 točk bo upravičilo kampanjsko delavko za najvišjo nagrado: Prosta, vožnja v Washington, D.C., in nazaj, prihodnje poletje z izletom SŽZ, in denarna nagrada $1.00 za vsako točko, to Je skupaj $35.00 denarna nagrada poleg plačane vožnje. Za manj kot eno točko se ne bodo izplačale denarne nagrade. 35. jubilejna — Kampanja razreda B se bo zaključila 31. marca, 1962. Albina Novak, Gl. tajn. krofov in štrukeljcev napekle. Še enkrat prisrčna hvala vsem. Več naših članic je bolanih to so naslednje sestre: Alojzija Srebrnak, Theresa Jančar, Johana Godec in še več članic, kil že dalje časa bolehajo. Vsem želimo, da bi jim ljubi Bog kmalu vrnil ljubega zdravja. Vsem sestram tudi srečno Novo leto in da bi vse zdrave prihajale na seje. Naša podr. bo obhajala drugo leto 35 letnico, zato je potrebno že sedaj malo premisliti, kako bomo ta pomembni dogodek proslavile. Da bi vsaj pridobile nekaj novih članic, da bi nadomestile izgube sester, ki so šle v večnost. To je moja iskrena želja. Pozdravljam vse članice in gl. odbornice SŽZ po Ameriki, posebno pa še naše in na svidenje na prih. seji. Frances Lindich, poročevalka Št. 16, So. Chicago, III. — Naša Božičnica je izvrstno izpadla. Ne morem, da se ne bi zahvalila vsaj najbolj zaslužnim za to prireditev. Naše članice vedno rade skočijo na pomoč. Posebna zahvala velja Spretnjakovim dekletom, ki so tako lepo okrasile mize, kot samo one znajo. Jean Buck-vich je zopet imela na skrbi Miklavževa darila. Nobena malenkost ni izbrati, kupiti in vsak dar posebej zaviti za 60 otrok različne starosti, za dečke in deklice, da vsak dobi primerno darilo. To delo je zaradi svojega potrpljenja Jean, odlično izpeljala. Spretnjakove so tudi slike kazale, kar so malčki z velikim veseljem gledali. Članice so tudi toliko peciva nanesle, da je še ostalo. Vsem in vsaki Bog plati! Ker nismo mogle imeti volitev za 1. 1962, smo jo preložile na našo prvo sejo v 1. 1962, toje dne 11. jan. Takrat bomo tudi slavile 20 letnico naše zveste tajnice Gladys Buck. Koliko je ona že dobrega naredila za našo podr. vera samo jaz, ki vsa ta leta delujem z njo; nikdar mi ni odrekla, ako sem jo prosila za kako delo. Kaj bi ji poklonile za 20 letnico uradovanja? Mislim, da bi za njo bil najlepši dar, da bi vse članice ob času plačale asesment, da ne bi bilo potrebno opominjati. Še enkrat Bog plačaj vsem, ki so pomagale, da je naša prireditev tako lepo izpadla. Ker pa je ravno v teku kampanja za nove članice, bi bilo prav če bi se potrudile in vsaka pridobila vsaj eno novo članico. Blagoslova polno leto želim celokupnemu članstvu. Katie Št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio — Pozdravljene vse članice. Se nisem dalje časa oglasila, ker sem bila vžaljena zaradi slabe udeležbe na sejah. V nov. nas je bilo precej na seji, zato se bolje počutim. Le tako naprej, ker je težko dobiti nove članice in naše število se krči. Sedaj smo zopet izgubile našo dolgoletno čla. Mary Bukovnik, ki je dosegla 81 let starosti. Bog ji daj večni mir in pokoj! Iskreno sožalje 4 žalujočim hčerkam in ostalemu sorodstvu. Prav lepo se zahvalim ses. Loise Pulek za lepo darilo v blagajno. Bog Vam daj še mnogo zdravih let. Hvala tudi Al. Malavašič za darilo, ker smo obhajale 3 rojstne dneve v nov.: Ivanka Grebenc, Albina Malavašič in hčerka Mrs. Medveš. Dobile so prav lepe pušeljce od mene in naše tajnice. Ker je ta dopis prepozen za Božič, Vam pa želim prav srečno Novo leto vsem članicam in odbornicam SŽZ po celi Ameriki. Še en lep pozdrav in na svidenje v novem letu. Nettie Strukel, preds. Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Srečno in zdravo novo leto želim vsem glavnim odbornicam in članicam, Zvezi pa veliko število novih članic! Čestitke gospej Marie Prisland, ki je pred 35 leti ustanovila prvo in edino žensko organizacijo v naši širni deželi. Čestitke tudi vsem požrtvovalnim pionirkam in delavkam med njimi zavzema to važno mesto glavna tajnica Albina Novak, kakor tudi urednica Corinne Leskovar, in blagajničarka Mrs. Železnikar. Rada bi navedla nekaj kratkih podatkov iz preteklega leta. Imele smo en smrtni slučaj. Preminula je sestra Mary Pleshe. Bolnih je bilo tudi več članic. V bolnišnicah so iskale zdravje Ursula Rupart, ki je še notri, Antonija Nemgar, Antoinette Brince, Mary Heglar, Jennie Chappel, Mary Brenk in tudi jaz sem morala biti med njimi. Rahlega zdravja so tudi sestre Indihar, Ulesich in Kaps. Vsem bolnim dal Bog ljubo zdravje! V Oktobru sta slavila zlato poroko Mr. in Mrs. Frank Oberstar. V družini so trije otroci, že odrasli, ki so jima priredili veselo presenečenje. Zbralo se je lepo število gostov, katerim so prav lepo stregli vnuki in vnukinje. Frank je doma iz Gorenje vasi pri Ribnici in žena je doma iz Sajovca, pri Ribnici. Vse članice izrekamo čestitke in želje, da bi praznovala še mnogo obletnic v sreči in zdravju! Za srčno hibo je podlegel v starosti 49 let soprog od sestre Mary Pogo- relec. Doma je bil iz Šušje pri Ribnici. Naše globoko sožalje žalujoči družini. Pokojniku pa daj Bog večni mir in pokoj! V Minnesoti se še vedno slišijo lepe pohvale od zadnje konvencije, ki se je vršila na Ely. Saj so se tudi pridno potrudile pod skrbnim vodstvom državne predsednice Barbere Rosan-dich. Vsem, ki so sodelovale gre najsrčnejša zahvala. Pri družini Rosan-dich so imeli tudi svatbo. Oženil se je sin, ki je dovršil svojo šolo za inženirja. Bilo srečno, kličemo novima zakoncema. Ob tej priliki se želim iskreno zahvaliti vsem, ki so se spomnile mene v času bolezni. Dobila sem mnogo prisrčnih voščil k zdravju, kar mi je biio res v veliko tolažbo. Najlepša hvala vsem skupaj in še posebno tistim, so ml stregle, kjerkoli je bilo treba. Najlepša hvala tudi Vidi Ponikvar od časnika Chisholm Free Press, ki je večkrat objavila razna poročila, za kar sem ji res iz srca hvaležna. Samo en teden po vrtnitvi iz bolnišnice sva se z možem podala v Detroit z letalom, k sinu John Smoltzu in družini. Želel je na vsak način, da smo skupaj za Zahvalni dan. Ostala sva 14 dni v Detroitu in obiskov je bilo zmeraj dosti. Najlepša hvala vsem znancem in prijateljem, ki ste prišli naokrog. V srcih imava oba z možem zelo lepe spomine s katerimi se mnogokrat kratkočasiva, ko se pogovarjava, kako lepo je bilo! Vabim vse članice na sejo v januarju. Datum bo oznanjen v cerkvi in na radijo. Pridite v lepem številu, da napravimo načrte za novo leto. Ostajam vsem vedno hvaležna, Mary Lenich, tajnica Hvala lepa, sestra Lenich! Z dobro voljo se res doseže marsikaj. Vzlic njeni bolezni, je sestra Lenich poslala lepo število oglasov Iz Ev-eletha. Pismo je prišlo prepozno za božično izdajo, katero smo hoteli na vsak način imeti med članicami v začetku decembra in smo prosili za o-proščenje in dovoljenje, da priobčimo oglase za novo leto. Najlepša hvala sestra Lenich. U-rednišvo Zarje je ponosno na Vaše globoko zanimanje in naklonjenost. Želimo, da bi v novem letu bili vse skozi zdrava in nikdar ne izgubila lep nas-nich s katerim ste si pridobila mnogo častilcev. Bog Vam plačaj! — Ured. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Srečno Novo Leto želim vsem članicam, posebno pa zdravja, ker to je najbolj važno v našem življenju. Posebno izražam želje za zdravje naši častni preds. Mrs. Marie Pris-lad, katera se je morala podvreči teš-kim operacijam v Rochester, Minn. dalje naši prejšni gl. predsednici Mrs. Josephine Livek, katera je bila tudi na bolniški listi. Bolna med našim članicami je pa bila Mrs. Frances Kal-cic, katera se je morala podvreči teški operaciji in Mrs. Frances Končar, katera si je zlomila “Hip,” in se je počasi zdravje vračuje. Leto 1961 je bilo pac zelo nesrečno za Mrs. Končar ker je morala večkrat v bolnišnico. Hitrega okrevanja želimo tudi našemu duhovnem vodju in župniku fare, Monsignor M. J. Butala, kateri se nahaja bolan v bolnišnici. Odkar se je g. Butala vrnil iz Evrope je prinesel s seboj prehlad, katerega še do-sedaj ni iznebil. Želimo mu, da čini prej pride nazaj med svoje farane ker ga pogrešamo. Med tem časom se gotovo nahaja več naših članic na bolniški listi, ter jim vsem skupaj želimo da bi čim prej okrevali. Skupna ženska društva Sv. Jožefa so priredila skupno igro za cerkev, katera je bila zelo uspešna. Naša nadzornica Mrs. Josephine Muster je bila co-chairman, toda ni mogla biti navzoča radi bolezni. Tudi njej želimo, da se kmalo vrne med nas. Zadnjih par mesecev so praznovali poročne obletnice, Mr. in Mrs. Frank Plankar zlato poroko. Mr. in Mrs. Frank Končar 45 letnico, Mr. in Mrs. Fred Korevec 40 letnico. Poročalo se je da je bila bolna, Mrs. Uršula Grabian, Mrs. Jennie Rogel, katera se je podala v Mayo Bros. Rochester, Minn. Anna Korevec ki si je zlomila nogo, ter Mrs. Eliz. Ward-jan ki stanuje v Plano, 111. in Mrs. Marg. Muha. Naša članica Mrs. Jos. Maichen je izgubila soproga. Dom imajo na N. Bluff St. Poleg Mrs. Maihen pokojni zapušča tudi odrasle sinove. Pokopan je bil iz Nemške cerkve Sv. Janeza. Naj v miru počiva, preostalim pa nase sožalje. Pozdrav vsem članicam in na svidenje na seji, ki bo zelo zabavna in zanimiva. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, Ohio — Dec. seja je bila dobro obiskana. Volitev je bila hitro končana. Izvoljena je bila nova preds. Ana Pishel, ves drugi odbor pa je ostal še naprej. Vsem želim, da bi zdrave in vesele vodile našo podr. Po seji je bila prijetna družabnost, dovolj je bilo dobrot in tudi zlata kapljica. Prav lepa hvala vsem sestram, ki so to preskrbele. Poročati moram žalostno novico, da je zopet odšla za vedno iz naše srede dobra sestra Pavlina Župan. Zapušča veliko družino, kateri izrekamo iskreno sožalje. Bog naj da pok. večni mir in naj prosi za nas vse. Hvala vsem, ki so se udeležile molitve rožnega venca. Ana Lunder je postala stara mati, ko so pri sinu Johnu kupili hčerko. Čestitke! Rojstne dneve so obhajale sestre: Helen Less, Marian Hosta, Jennie Hocer, Margaret Baker, Agnes Zakrajšek. Vse najboljše vsem! Bog daj srečo in zdravje vsem v tem letu in na svidenje na seji. Frances Kave, poročevalka POROČILO OHIJSKIH PODRUŽNIC Prelepi božični prazniki so minuli. Upam. da so bili srečni in radostni za Vas in Vaše družine. Ko pozdravljamo novo leto, je v naših srcih želja, da bi bilo res srečno in zdravo in da bi ljubi Bog blagoslovil vsa naša dela. Mogoče se zaradi kakega zadržka zadnji mesec niste mogle potruditi za nove članice, Vas pa prosim, da se v naprej potrudite po vaši najboljši moči. Vse so dobrodošle, velike in male. Božični program naših mladinskih članic je bil nad vse lep in uspešen. Prisrčna hvala naši agilni Frances Sietz in njenim dekletom za ves trud. Vse tiste, ki rade kegljate, se priglasite pri vaših podr. za pojasnilo. Prihodnja seja skupnih podr. bo 10. jan. Vse ste prijazno vabljene, da se je udeležite. Veselo novo leto! Ella Starin, Drž. preds. Št. 23, Ely, Minn. — Letne seje naše podr. 2. dec. se je udeležilo veliko članic. Izvoljen je bil ves prejšnji odbor: Preds. Mary Jerich, pod-preds. in poročevalka Katherine Slo-gar, taj. B. Rosandich, blag. Mary Si-konja, zapisnikarica Angela Marolt in nadzornice: Mary Dejak, Mary Zgonc in Pauline Schuster. Duhovni svetovalec Rev. Fr. Mihelčič. Za častno mater podr. za 1. 19G2 je bila izvoljena naša taj. Barbara Rosandich. Odobreni so bili običajni darovi in podr. pravila so ostala v veljavi. Na naši seji je bila navžoča tudi Mrs. Drobnik iz Euclid, O., ki je pod-preds. tamkajšnje podr. št. 32 in je bila tukaj na obisku pri svoji materi Mrs. Mrak. - Po seji smo posedele k mizam in smo imele kratko zabavo. Potem pa smo pod vodstvom naše Mary Hutar zapele nekaj božičnih in drugih pesmi. Hvala Mary! Mize so bile obložene z okusnimi dobrotami, šunko, orehovimi poticami in poleg vsakega krožnika je bil kolaček s podobo Miklavža. To krasno dekoracijo je napravila Margaret Schustar, ki je prava umetnica v tej stroki. Potem je sledila izmenjava daril in posebna nagrada, lepa vaza z umetnim cvetjem, katero je darovala ses. Margaret Virant (Frank’s Variety Store). Srečna je bila ses. Gorshe. V kuhinji, ki so vse tako lepo pripravile, pa so bile: Margaret Shuster, Theresa Koščak, A. Fink, M. Starkovich, M. Zgonc in M. Gothe. V preteklem letu smo izgubile 5 članic in to so sestre: Praprotnik, Ule, Krammer, A. Juresic in Petrič. Pokojnim naše molitve, ostalim pa naše sožalje. Vsern bolnim članicam, želimo hitrega okrevanja. Gl. odboru in vsem članicam Zveze, želim srečno in blagoslovljeno 1. 1962. Čestitam gl. taj. Albini in ured. Co-rlnne k priznjanju prejetem na Slovenskem dnevu v Chicago. Slike v dec. Zarji so res krasne. Katherine Slogar, poročevalka Št. 24, La Salle, III. — Vsem članicam želimo veselo in zdravo leto 1962, enako vsem gl. odbornicam in posebno se bivši gl. preds. Josephine Livek, ki se sedaj zdravi na domu. Prav tako želimo hitrega zdravja Mrs. Marie Prisland, da. bi še dolgo delovala za našo organizacijo. Operacijo je prestala ses. Barbara Kucal in Mary Jaklič. Njima in vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo ses. Karlini Hrovat nad izgubo njenega brata Jimmy Misjah v Cal. Nadalje sožalje Ani Teršelič nad izgubo njenega brata Antona Jagadzinski. Pokojnim naj bo Bog dober plačnik! Še to sem zadnjič pozabila omeniti, da smo dale 3 purane na listke in da je srečna bila tudi Gladys Buck iz So. Chicaga. Drage sestre, kampanja za nove članice je v teku, dajte pridobiti vsaka vsaj po eno novo, da bo tudi naša podr. napredovala. Pozdravljene vse članice in srečo v novem letu. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 29, Broundale, Pa. — Ker imam dovolj časa, bom nekoliko poročala od naše podr. Odkar nas je zapustila naša preds. Marija Pristavec, ki sedaj živi pri sinu Pavletu v Maryland, se ni še nobena oglasila. Našo Mary vse zelo pogrešamo, ker je vedno družabna in vesele narave, ki posebno rada zapoje. Žal jo muči sladkorna bolezen in ne more biti več sama. Njen sin je v Navy že IB let. Pred obhodom smo ji priredile mali party. Mrs. Pristavec, vse Vam želimo, da bi se hitro pozdravila in so zopet vrnila na svoj dom. V okt. sta slavila zlato poroko Mr. in Mrs. Frank in Josephine Debevec. Imata precej veliko družino in so že vsi poročeni. Oba sta prav čvrsta in korajžna. Josephine je naša blagajničarka že nad 20 let. Vse članice jima čestitamo. 11. nov. pa sta slavila zlato poroko Frank in Frances Puntar. Iskrene čestitke. Kaj več bo še poročala ses. Kristina Menart. Žal moram poročati tudi žalostno vest, da se je smrtno ponesrečil sin naše čla. Frances Jakiic. Bil je zadet od automobila in na poti v bolnišnico je izdihnil svojo dušo. Zapušča žalujočo mater, 4 brate in eno sestro, Mary Hadley, ki je naša tajnica že več let. Naj mu sveti večna luč. Vsem preostalim naše globoko sožalje. V okt. smo imeli misijon in v nov. so Fr. Krasinski, župnik naše fare Sv. Jožefa, nas obiskali na naših domovih, da nas osebno spoznajo. Prav lepo skrbijo za nas in našo mladino. Lepi božični prazniki so za nami in na pragu novega leta, bi rada opomnila naše mlade članice, da bi pridobivale nove članice in da bi kaj poročale v našo lepo Zarjo, ker naša urednica Corinne se zelo trudi, da jo tako lepo urejuje, da je res zanimiva in podučna. Vsa čast ji. Jaz komaj čakam Zarje in jo vso preberem. Vse članice lepo pozdravljam in želim srečno novo leto. God bless you all! Anna Verbaijs Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. — Po daljšem času zopet primem za pero, da napišem par vrstic. Na pragu novega leta premišljujemo kaj nam bo prineslo. Moja želja je, da bi Bog dal zdravja vsem članicem in gl. odbornicam, ker to je največje bogastvo na tem svetu. Po treh letih smo pri naši podr. zopet priredile party v korist blagajne. Uspeh je bil lep in blagajno smo zopet podprle. Ticketse so prodajale sestre: Agnes Brula, Barbara Španko, Mary Fince, Angela Sušnik, Mary Beton in M. Lopp. In vsem tistim, ki ste prinesle potice in darovale za tur-keje in vsem ki so prinesle grocerijo, ali darovale na en ali drugi način, Vam bodi stotera hvala. Zopet ste dokazale kaj se da doseči z dobro voljo. V bolnici v Virginiji se nahaja Eva Krampotič. Rahlega zdravja sta tudi John in Mary Presheren. Moj mož Mark je tudi v bolnici. V bolnici na flveleth se nahaja mati Josephine Gruden, katera si je zlomila hip. Vsem želimo hitrega ozdravljenja in prosim, da obiskujete naše bolnike, kar jim bo v uteho. Vsem veselo novo leto. Antoinette Lucich, tajnica Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio — Na glavni seji smo imele lepo udeležbo in velja zahvala vsem, ki se zanimajo za napredek podr. Tukaj poročam o sklepih za tiste, ki niste bile navzoče: Seje se vrše vsak prvi torek v dvorani Sv. Kristine, razen v juliju in augustu. Prosta zabava po sejah bo trikrat letno: v maju, okt. in dec. kar gre iz “good time” blagajne. - Iz ročne blagajne se daruje: cerkvi Sv. Kristine $10 za Božič. Če se članica poroči, dobi dar v vrednosti $3. Za resno bolne čla. se da v raz. A 3 mesece članarine, v razr. B 2 meseca. Za umrle članico, gremo na večer pred pogrebom se posloviti z molitvijo in se udeležimo pogreba. Daruje se tudi za eno mašo in oskrbi se auto. Za obletnico podr. se daruje sv. maša za žive in umrle članice. Kakor vidite, da imamo redne izdatke, zato ste prošene, da sodelujete v vseh ozirih. VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO želi vsem članicam PODR. ŠT. 19 EVELETH, Minnesota Msgr. J. Jershc, duh. vodja; A. Nemgar, preds.; Catherine Pola*k, podpreds.; Mary Lenich, tajnica in blagajničarka; Frances Sterle, zapisnikarica; nadzornice: Frances Fister, Matilda Rebetz, Anna Skrincr COMPLIMENTS OF FRANCES BEAUTY SHOPPE 418 Jones St. Phone SH 1-8180 Eveleth, Minn. "If your hair is not becoming to you— You should be coming to us!” SEASON’S GREETINGS! BETTER FOODS MARKET “PRIMOZIC’S” R&d and White Stores Phone SH 1-5895 511 Grant Ave. Eveleth, Minn. WE DELIVER FRESH HOMEMADE SAUSAGE GREETINGS! DAIRY BAKERIES Distributors of AWREY BAKED GOODS JOHN SMOLTZ, Owner and General Mgr. 0958 WARD, Detroit 27, Michigan TWWsljej WISHING EVERYONE A JOYOUS SEASON AND A HEALTHY HOLIDAY and SATISFACTORY NEW YEAR 1962! MINERS NATIONAL BANK Eveleth, Minnesota FIRST NATIONAL BANK MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR! THE GOLDEN RULE Eveleth’s Leading Department Store Phone SH 1-7435 321-323 Grant Ave. EVELETH, Minnesota SEASON’S GREETINGS! ^<£9 George J. & Marcus BRINCE ^|jj^. Hamm’s Brewing Distributors Eveleth, Minn. Tel. SH 1-4670 MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR SEDEY’S FAIRWAY FOODS 317 Grant Ave. EVELETH, Minnesota FRESH HOME-SMOKED MEATS, FINE FOOD GROCERIES AND VEGETABLES WE DELIVER w Eveleth, Minnesota HAPPY HOLIDAYS! SHEEHY FUNERAL HOME 502 Adains Ave., Eveleth, Minn. Te. SH 1-1744 MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR! STEBLA Y’S JEWELRY 307 Grant Avenue EVELETH, Minn. I All kinds of religious articles & beautiful gifts which — will be long treasured by all your friends! “May your cup of health and happiness be filled to overflowing." Such is our New Year’s wish to the businessmen of Eveleth, Minn., who have shown their loyalty to our S. W. U. year after year! 27. nov. sta obhajala 35 letnico zakona Mary ln Charles Žele v krogu družine in vnučkov. Želimo jima še mnogo let skupnega življenja v zdravju in zadovoljstvu. Na bolniški listi, kolikor mi je znano, so naslednje sestre: Mary Praz-novski, Jennie Strumby in Margaret Jamnik. Bog daj njim in vsem bolnikom ljubega zdravja. V nov. je smrt pobrala zadnjega brata od Ane Godlar, John Kuhar, kateremu naj bo Bog milostljiv. Žalujočim naše iskreno sožalje. Za 1. 1962 je bil izvoljen naslednji odbor: Terezi-ja Potokar, preds., Bar-zara Baron, pod-preds., Lillian Vehovec, taj. Za plačila se obračajte na njo, če ne morete na seji, pa 25 v mesecu na domu: 20G31 Nauman Ave., Euclid, O. če le mogoče plačajte v naprej, ker s tem ji olajšate delo. V odboru so tudi: Molly Gregorc, blag., Frances Perme, zapis, in poroč. v slovenščini, Lillian Vehovec, poroč. v angl., Ann Cooke in Ann Chinchar, rač. nadzornice, Tresa Potokar, Ana Godlar in Frances Perme zastop. za ohijske podr. Tresa Popovič za oskrbo kuhinje. Po seji smo imele božičnico in slavo rojstnih dnevov. Dobrote so darovale: Eva Majcen, naša bivša taj. je prinesla okusne štrudle. Njen rojstni dan je bil 16. dec. ter ji želimo še mnogo zdravih let. Dalje Katarina Golinar, štrudel in Frances Perme, cake. V denarju so darovale: Elenore Gate- wood, Mary Erčul in Jennie Jagodnik. Srečne so bile: Louise Kalister, Mary Erčul in Elenore Gatewood. Prisrčna hvala vsem, ki so pomagale k lepemu večeru in srečno novo leto vsem čla. in gl. odbornicam, katerim tudi zahvala za voščila. Enako tudi me želimo njim vse najboljše. Fraces Perme, poročevalka Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio — Vsem gl. odbornicam in vsem članicam Zveze, želim srečno in uspešno leto 1962. V dec. smo imele prav lepo sejo in božično zabavo. Vsem, katere ste prinesle pecivo in druge dobrote, prisrčna hvala. Želim, da se boste tudi bodočih sej v tako lepem številu udeleževale. V nov. se je po težki bolezni preselila v večnost ses. Mary Milner. Za njo žalujejo 4 sinovi, hčerka, vnuki in številni sorodniki in prijatelji. Vsem žalujočim izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. Pok. sestra pa naj v miru počiva in ohranjen naj ji bo blag spomin. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo ses. Anni Zupančič nad izgubo ljubljenega soproga Josepha. Naj počiva v miru. Hvala ses. Urški Ponikvar in The-resi Segulin za dar v blagajno. Vsem našim bolnim sestram želimo čimprejšnjega okrevanja. Ne pozabite posetiti prihodnje seje. Sesterske pozdrave vsem, Ella Starin, taj. Naša nov. seja je bila bolj pičlo obiskana in ker smo imele 40 urno pobožnost, se je vsem mudilo domov. Ob sklepu pobožnosti je bila lepa procesija, možje z gorečimi svečami, šolski otroci v belih oblekcah, in Kolumbovi vitezi so napravili na vse lep vtis. Naši pevci z Joe Lastoličem za orglami, so se tudi dobro odrezali. Prosim, da bi se več članic udeležilo jan. seje, ker bomo slavili tudi rojstne dneve. Pridite in pripeljite kake nove članice, da bo večje veselje. Čestitke naši nadzornici Mary Majerle, ki je zopet postala stara mamica, ko so pri sinu Petru dobili četrtega sinčka, imajo pa tudi eno deklico. Pozdrav vsem gl. uradnicam, bivšim delegatinjam, vsem znancem in prijateljem na Ely, Minn. - Vsem želim prav srečno in zadovoljno novo leto. Antonia Kostelec, preds. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Prelepi božični prazniki so za nami. Ostanejo pa lepi spomini. Žal nimam nič veselih novic. Naša preds. Mary Tomsic se nahaja že dva tedna v Canonsburg bolnici. Ima blood clot na nogi. Številni obiskovalci ji lajšajo dolge ure. Prijateljice in vsi ji želimo, da bi se hitro pozdravila in vrnila domov. Ona je glavna sila pri podr. V nov. sem bila na pogrebu v Clevelandu dobre žene, moje prijateljice in sorodnice, to je mojega zeta Johna Zigmana sestra Mary Ludvik. Bila je članica št. 14, SŽZ ter KSKJ in SNPJ. Dosti je trpela in sedaj je rešena zemeljskega trpljenja in se bo veselila pri Bogu, saj je bila dobra za vsakega. Čudna so božja pota. Ravno isti dan ko je umrla Mary, pa sem dobila drugo sporočilo da je v Canonsburgu umrl oče drugega zeta Joe Ducsay. Poslovila sem se od njega in šla na pogreb v Cleveland, ker z Mary sva bile vedno dobre prijateljice dokler je živela tukaj, bila sem krstna botra vsem 4 otrokom. Naj oba počivata v miru, njihovim dragim pa naše sožalje. Mary zapušča žalujočega soproga Johna, 2 sinova, 2 hčeri in 10 vnukov in vnukinj. Lepa hvala vsem, ki ste me obiskali v času moje bolezni in za poslane kartice. Vsem članicam Zveze želim srečno novo leto in mnogo zdravja, posebno gl. uradnicam. Želela bi, da bi se članice bolj udeleževale sej in da bi prevzele urade, ker stare pešamo. Anna Sterle Št. 84, New York, N. Y. — Najprej voščim vsem gl. odbornicam in vsem članicam, posebno pri naši podr. srečno, zdravo in blagoslovljeno novo leto, predvsem, da bi mir vladal na svetu. Pri naši podr. je bolj tiho, ker mnoge bolezen tlači, zato ni pravega veselja za delo. Naša 200 milj oddaljena čla. in njen soprog Barbara in Peter Rode sta 11. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rode New York, N. Y. ki sta obhajala zlato poroko 11. nov. Čitajte dopis št. 84. Št. 68, Fairport, Ohio — Zopet nekaj vrstic za našo priljubljeno Zarjo. Naše seje so kar lepo obiskane, kar je jepo In prijetno, če nas je več skupaj, da se govorimo kaj naj ukrenemo za korist podr. in celokupnega članstva. Tako tudi pozabimo naše vsakdanje skrbi. Za božičnico smo se odločile za skupno večerjo v eni najboljših restavracij Helbrigels. Za dolge zimske večere smo ustanovile šivalni klub, ali ženska ročna dela. To je vsak drugi četrtek p r i članicah po dogovoru. Posebno za mlade članice je to dobra ideja, ker pri družini vse prav pride, kar se človek nauči. Ko boste brale te vrstice, bo leto stopilo zopet za eno stopinjo naprej. Želim, da bi bilo srečno in zdravo. Angela Lunka, poročevalka Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. — Pravkar sem prejela Zarjo in hitro pregledala dopise in novice od podr. kako se kaj imajo. Zelo mi je žal, da je Mrs. Prisland, ustanoviteljica Zveze bolana. Vse ji želimo hitrega okrevanje in ljubega zdravja, ravno tako Mrs. Lenich iz Minn ter Barbari Kramer iz San Francisco, kakor tudi vsem drugim članicam. Tudi naša podr. čestita Zvezi za 35 letni jubilej in Bog daj, da bi še naprej tako lepo napredovala, kakor doslej. Potrudimo se vse za pridobitev novih članic. Čestitke tudi1 Tebi Albina za odlikovanje Tvojega 33 letnega delovanja za Zvezo, saj si si v polni meri zaslužila. Ravno tako ne smemo pozabiti drugih pionirk, bivše preds. Mrs. Livek, Mrs. Erjavec iz Jolieta, Mrs. Otoničar iz Clevelanda in še veliko drugih. Sedanji preds. Mrs. Antoniji Tanko pojdimo vse na roko, da bomo dosegle večji uspeh. Čestitke zlatoporoCencema ! Financial Report for the Month of September, 1961 Finančno poročilo za mesec september, 1961 članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A <&. B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. nov. obhajala zlato poroko. 3 sinovi in 3 hčere so jima pripravili slavnost v Wooster, N. Y. Otroci in vnuki so ju bogato obdarili. Barbara je doma iz Jarš pri Domžalah in Peter iz Domžal na Gorenskem. Poročila sta se 1911 v Mengšu in 1913 sta prišla v Ameriko, najprej tukaj, potem sta v depresiji kupila farmo v Wooster, toda nista imela sreče, ker jima je farma pogorela. Zopet sta si postavila novo hišo in pridni otroci so jima pomagali pri delu, da sta se zopet postavila na noge. Ko so se otroci poročili, sta farmo prodala in kupila manjšo v Scnevus, N. Y. Želim jima še nadalj-no srečo in zdravje v zakonu. Na mnoga leta! Naša čla. Prances Cerar je srečno prestala operacijo. Frances Hočevar je tudi bila nevarno bolana. Obema se zdravje boljša in se zdravita na domu. Omenjenima in vsem drugim bolnim sestram želim ljubega zdravja v 1. 1962. Želela bi, da bi hodile na seje in se tako pogovorimo kaj bi napravile za podr. Drugi torek zvečer bi že lahko prišle, da ne bodo ti zimski večeri predolgi. — Slamnikarska obrt je zelo siaba. Dosti članic je vpokojenih in drugo leto jih bo še več. Pozdravljam vse gl. odbornice, posebno še urednico in vse članice dične organizacije SŽZ. Angela Voje, preds. Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — Drage sestre, prosim, da bi se potrudile sedaj, predno bo prehudo pihalo okoli vogalov ter pridobile nove članice. Saj pri naši podr. je več mlajših, ki ste bolj hitre kakor ta stare in bi lahko šle po dve skupaj, da bi pridobile novih. Lepo bi bilo, če bi tudi naša podr. napredovala. - O drugih stvareh lahko čitate v Zarji bodisi v angleškem ali slovenskem jeziku. Mrs. Frances Gabrenja je še vedno bolana. Katera more naj jo obišče. Operaciji se ie morala podvreči ses. Cecilija Krašovec, ki je pri podr. že od začetka. Nahaja se v Memorial Hosp. v Johnstownu. Obiščite jo. Vse želimo njej in vsem bolnim sestram skorajšnjega popolnega ozdravljenja. Vsem gl. odbornicam in celi Slov. ŽZ želi naša podr. božji blagoslov v novem letu. Mary Lovše, tajnica Št. 99, Elmhurst, III. — Ko pride ta moj dopis v Zarjo, bodo veseli božični prazniki že za nami bomo že v letu 19G2. Želim veselo, srečno in zdravo novo leto 1962 vsem odbornicam in članicam. Težko operacijo je prestala naša ses. Mollie Remec, a se sedaj že zdravi na domu in ji gre precej na boljše. Decemberska seja je bila še precej dobro obiskana. Pri odboru je ostalo vse pri starem. Najlepše pozdravlja, Theresa Krkoch, 133 N. 25th Ave., Melrose Park, 111. 1. Sheboygan, Wis. 71.80 4.10 2. Chicago, 111. 176.05 17.50 3. Pueblo, Colorado 129.75 14.60 4. Oregon City, Ore. 6.25 5. Indianapolis, Ind. 88.40 11.20 6 Barberton, Ohio 49.70 1.80 7. Forest City, Pa. 67.50 22.90 S. Steelton, Pa. 9. Detroit, Mich. 146.25 4.50 10. Cleveland, Ohio 150.30 5.80 12. Milwaukee, Wis. 13. San Francisco, Cal. 51.80 2.10 14. Euclid, Ohio 143.00 4.10 15. Cleveland, Ohio 120.65 3.20 16. So. Chicago, 111. 64.00 6.70 17. West Allis, Wis. 64.45 3.60 18. Cleveland, Ohio 25.00 .60 19. Eveleth, Minn. 57.90 5.40 20. Joliet, 111. 176.25 17.00 21. Cleveland, Ohio 37.80 4.60 22. Bradley, 111. 23. Ely, Minnesota 97.25 6.40 24. LaSalle, 111. 70.50 8.70 25 Cleveland, Ohio 373.85 25.10 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. 45.70 1.10 27. N. Braddock, Pa. 34.70 .70 28. Calumet, Mich. 36.35 .60 29. Broundale, Pa. 16.95 2.00 30. Aurora, 111. 19.10 .20 31. Gilbert, Minn. 48.95 4.20 32. Euclid, Ohio 106.30 5.00 33 Duluth, Minn. 51.00 6.60 34. Soudan, Minn. 21.80 .80 35. Aurora, Minn. 37.75 4.80 37. Greaney, Minn. 10.00 .50 38. Chisholm, Minn. 63.55 .60 39. Biwabik, Minn. 14.05 1.90 ■10. Lorain, Ohio 44.15 .50 41. Cleveland, Ohio 87.90 3.30 42. Maple Hgts, Ohio 40.20 43. Milwaukee, Wis. 40.95 7.80 45. Portland, Ore. 22.65 .80 16. St. Louis, Mo. 13.90 .50 47. Cleveland, Ohio 45.25 2.10 48. Buhl, Minn. 3.95 .30 49. Noble, Ohio 18.45 50. Cleveland, Ohio 51. Kenmore, Ohio 7.80 52. Kitzville, Minn. 26.10 1.90 53. Cleveland, Ohio 17.10 1.30 54. Warren, Ohio 33.25 7.30 55. Girard, Ohio 40.20 1.40 56. Hibbing, Minn. 51.35 1.80 57. Niles, Ohio 32.15 3.40 59. Burgettstown, Pa. 61. Braddock, Pa. 62. Conneaut, Ohio 16.60 .10 63. Denver, Colo. 55.90 6.50 64. Kansas City, Kans. 65. Virginia, Minn. 29.90 2.50 66. Canon City, Colo. 22.10 1.90 67. Bessemer, Pa. 6S. Fairport Harbor, O. 22.10 .30 70. W. Aliquippa, Pa. 71. Strabane, Pa. 49.10 2.00 72. Pullman, 111. 29.70 1.00 73 Warrensville, O. 49.50 4.70 74. Ambrldge, Pa. 22.70 .60 77. N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 22.65 2.60 .80 .85 77.55 159 43 1.60 195.15 369 176 .20 3.00 147.55 302 150 .60 6.85 23 1.50 101.10 116 56$ .10 1.50 53.10 130 18 .50 91.00 144 240 63 1 5.10 155.85 39 5# 5.95 162.05 385 58 239 74@ 2.10 56.00 123 21 .20 3.00 150.30 339 41 1.20 125.05 259 32 .20 1.65 72.55 143 68 1.95 70.00 159 40 25.60 75 6 2.00 65.30 148 55 3.90 197.15 461 170 1.50 43.90 85 46 22 % .10 2.70 106.45 220 64 2.55 81.75 182 87 10.05 409.00 819 254 .60 47.40 113 10 35.40 69 7 1.10 1.05 40.10 86 6 18.95 40 20 19.30 22 & .20 .75 54.10 108 42 .90 112.20 114 27 .15 1.80 59.55 120 67& .10 22.70 47 8 .20 1.50 44.25 80 48 .45 10.95 31 5 2.25 66.40 157 6 .30 16.25 42 19 1.30 45.95 102 5 2.50 93.70 224 33 40.20 44 ** .75 49.50 103 81 1.20 24.65 59 8 .15 14.55 31 5 2.25 49.60 114 21 .10 .60 4.95 13 3 .30 18.75 44 90 41 .30 8.10 18 .45 28.45 54 19 .45 18.90 39 13 .40 .40 41.35 76 73 .30 41.90 88 14 53.15 119 18 .30 35.85 66 35 32 9 25 5 .60 17.30 34 1 .20 .30 62.90 116 65 65 4 .45 32.85 70 26 .90 24.90 50 19 87 43 22.40 39 3 15 3 .60 51.70 109 20 .55 31.25 36 5& 54.20 121 48 23.30 42 6 .45 25.70 56 26 Članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A <£. B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. 78. Leadville. Colo. 26.60 1.80 28.40 27 9$ 79. Enumclaw, Wash. 15.05 1.80 .70 .15 17.70 32 8 80. Moon Run, Pa. 9.50 9.50 20 81. Keewatin, Minn. 9.60 .45 10.05 27 83. Crosby, Minn. 9.50 .50 .40 .45 10.85 20 5 84. New York, N.Y. 31.00 .70 .50 32.20 75 7 85. DePue, 111. 11.55 .50 .10 .30 12.45 29 5 86. Nashwauk, Minn. 9.60 .20 .15 9.95 19 88. Johnstown, Pa. 30.00 2.60 .85 33.45 60 26 89. Oglesby, 111. 39.85 6.40 .30 .60 47.15 103 64 90. Presto, Pa. 22.50 1.60 .10 .75 24.95 60 16 91. Oakmont, Pa. 28.70 1.10 29.80 53 11 92. Crested Butte, Colo. 12.45 .20 12.65 23 2 93. Brooklyn, N.Y. 91.90 1.20 94.60 73 2X 94. Canton, Ohio 25.05 1.20 26.25 19 H 95. So. Chicago, 111. 98.60 5.20 .30 104.10 181 52 96. Universal, Pa. 24.70 .20 .60 .15 25.65 53 2 97. Cairnbrook, Pa. 12.10 60 .20 12.90 24 6 99. Elmhurst, 111. 9.65 9.65 21 100. Fontana, Cal. 19.30 1.10 1.30 21.70 42 11 102. Willard, Wis. 10 3$ 104. Johnstown, Pa. 10.25 .25 10.50 25 105. Detroit, Mich. 15 5 106. Meadowlands, Pa. 20 2 Total — Skupaj $ 4,067.85 280.20 9.45 83.80 4,441.30 9248 2875 $—Assessment for Sept. and Oct. #—Assessment from April to December @—Assessment paid in July %—Assessment paid in August &—Assessment for Aug. and Sept. **—Assessment for July and Aug. X-—Assessment for July, Aug. & Sept. ^—Assessment for Aug., Sept. and Oct. Income — Dohodki: Assessment paid by members — Članarina od članic ........................ $4,441.30 Rental income in September — Najemnina od hiše ............................. 115.00 Interest on Bonds — Obresti od bondov ...................................... 324.30 Interest on savings — Obresti od bank ...................................... 500.00 Total — Skupaj ..................... $5,380.60 Disbursements — Stroški: Funeral Benefit claims paid for the following deceased members — Smi'tnine: Mary Kalan, Branch 1, Sheboygan, Wisconsin ............................... $ 100.00 Annie Frank, Branch 2, Chicago, Illinois ................................... 100.00 Carleen M. Skrabec, Branch 3, Pueblo, Colo. (Junior) ....................... 100.00 Matilda Zupančič, Branch 7, Forest City, Pa................................. 100.00 Mary Pleshe, Branch 19, Eveleth, Minnesota .............................. 100.00 Angela Mary Yedinak, Branch 20, Joliet, Illinois ........................ 100.00 Anna Augustine, Branch 21, Cleveland, Ohio ........................ 100.00 Julia Sever, Branch 24, La Salle, Illinois ............................. 100.00 Milly Troha, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio ............................. 100.00 Mary Tisovec, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio ................................... 100.00 Frances Saje, Branch 27, No. Braddock, Pa................................... 100.00 Frances Leskovec, Branch 21, Cleveland, Ohio ................................ 100.00 Mary R. Trunko, Branch 80, Moon Run, Pa...................................... 100.00 Mary Podmilsalc, Branch 80, Moon Run, Pa..................................... 100.00 Frances Umek, Branch 93, Brooklyn, New York ........................ 100.00 Benedictine Abbey Press — Zarja — The Dawn, Sept. edition ....... 1,167.05 Salaries and administration — Plače in administraciji........................ 951.25 Postage, tel., s.undries — pošta, telefon, razno ............................ 120.21 Total — Skupaj ...................... $3,738.51 Balance Aug. 31, 1961 — Preostanek 31. avg., 1961............ $453,117.23 Income in Sept. 1961 — Dohodki v sept. 1961 .................... 5,380.60 Total — Skupaj ............. $458,497.83 Disbursements in Sept. 1961 — Stroški v sept. 1961 ............. 3,738.51 Balance Sept. 30, 1961 — Preostanek 30. sept. 1961........... $454,759.32 ALBINA NOVAK, Secretary Pen Pals Write Dear Donna, Last summer we went to our cabin up north, we built it all by ourselves. But I did not help because I was a-bout two years old when we started to build. Our cabin has a river and lots of pine trees. We all love to go there especially our daddy. I am now in fourth grade at Edge-wood Campus school. My best subject is art, singing and arithmetic. I close my letter with best wishes and a happy New Year to all Pen Pals. Kathy Dicke Madison, Wise. (Ed. note; Soon after Kathy’s letter came word of her accident which put her in the hospital just before the holidays. The broken leg is mending but hurts a lot just the same! Best wishes to Kathy from all our Jr. readers. Send her a card c/o General Hospital, Madison, Wise.) (Renee’s Letter Cont’d) This year I am a member of the Junior Choir in the Holy Rosary Catholic Church. We sing every Sunday morning at 8 o’clock a.m. to 9 o’clock a.m. We have choir practice every Saturday afternoon. Our choir instructor is Mrs. Zuponsic. Well, I can’t think of anything else to say. Your Pen Pal, .. Renee Noson 204 E. 3rd Ave. N. Aurora, Minn. P.S. Write soon. Hi Boys and Girls, By the time you read this message, you will still have fond memories of your S.W.U. Christmas parties; so, write and tell us how you enjoyed your party, what kind of games you played and songs you sang or skits you made up. Maybe next year, we will meet for our annual Christmas affair we can use some of your ideas. Next month, I’ll tell you all about our branches 25-50 Christmas celebration. Will you write about your Jr. affair, too? All you have to do is write a short article, enclose a snapshot of any member or the group and mail it into the Editor’s office. It’s simple — don’t worry about any mistakes as we have a very nice Editor who helps us right along and makes all the corrections. C’mon, try it just this one time! So, address your message to The Dawn — Editor 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Your Jr. Pal, DONNA HAPPY DONNA Hello Margie! I was happy to hear from you again; it was just like a Christmas present. I know you wouldn’t forget to let us know how you were getting along. I hope to hear from the other members of your Jr. group. Are they going to be active this year? I hope so; there is so much to do if only the Jr.’s can find a good leader to get you started. The Junior members of our branches are very happy to know that your grandmother, Mrs. Marie Prisland is well on the road to recovery. They remember her as the nice lady who was so thrilled and proud to see them perform at the first drill exhibition last March. Please write again. DONNA NEW MARY ANN Dear Juniors, It has been a month since I have written to you. Again I will write in the "ZARJA.” The seniors are helping our girls with their baton twirling. Every time they have practice, they are taught something different. Soon the girls will be as good as their captains. Maybe even better. In marching the girls are very good. They march very nicely. The ladies are also very helpful. Again I would like to thank the ladies and the juniors for helping us along. November 26th, some of our girls were marching in a Christmas Parade. It was a windy and cold day but we marched anyway. The girls marched very nicely. The girls did some baton twirling. In December, we had a Christmas Party at the Recreation Center. The girls performed with batons and also marched. We got gifts from Santa Claus. Thank You ALL! Mary Ann BUSY — BUSY — BUSY! You probably will be interested in learning that our Juvenile members were very busy last month getting ready for our annual Christmas party. We had a group of pictures taken to let you see how' our boys and girls look marching, baton twirling or beating their drums! The Juniors practice every Saturday at St. Clair Recreation Center. This year, they had the pleasure of participating in the Christmas Parade sponsored annually by our local newspaper. D, YEAR RENEE Dear Donna, I read your letter in the magazine and I was very surprised to hear from you. I’m sorry I didn’t send my letter and picture sooner, but we just received them a few days ago. My dad went deer hunting last week and he was very lucky. He shot a four-point buck. He also shot a doe for my uncle. This week in Aurora, we are having two basketball games. I sure hope our team wins the games! We haven’t had very much snow yet. Any snow that fell melted. This week we are taking the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills. The test has eleven different subjects in it for us to work out. (Continued on p. 16) f \m PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois PLAN YOUR VACATION IN EUROPE! AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU 6419 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND 3, OHIO We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojim članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA IIP JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $13,500,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od IG. do 00. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois 0ŠŠ* ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, III. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8. ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin H.GRDINH & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio