Akti simpozija / Acts of the Conference VREDNOTENJE ARHEOLOŠKIH NAJDIŠC TER SISTEM(I) VAROVANJA IN UPRAVLJANJAARHEOLOŠKE DEDIŠCINE EVALUATION OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AND SYSTEM(S) OF PROTECTING AND MANAGING ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE Ljubljana, 25. januar 2013 / Ljubljana, 25th January 2013 Mestni muzej, Ljubljana / City museum, Ljubljana Uredil / Edited by Bojan Djuric Ljubljana, december 2013 Arheološka obvestila. Glasilo Slovenskega arheološkega društva, številka 30-2, leto 2013. Posebna številka. Odgovorna oseba izdajatelja: Bojan Djuric, predsednik SAD. Uredništvo: Matija Crešnar (glavni urednik), Robert Erjavec, Boštjan Laharnar, Tina Milavec, Gašper Rutar, Manca Vinazza. Izdajateljski svet: Matija Crešnar, Marjeta Šašel Kos, Boštjan Laharnar, Tina Milavec, Predrag Novakovic, Peter Turk, Milan Sagadin. Uredil: Bojan Djuric. Naslov uredništva: Oddelek za arheologijo, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, p. p. 580, SI-1001 Ljubljana (01 241 15 58). Gra.cna zasnova: Ranko Novak. Naslovnica: Nives Spudic. Jezikovni pregled: Martina Rotar (slovenšcina), Andreja Maver (anglešcina). Stavek: Nives Spudic. Tisk: Littera Picta, d.o.o. Naklada: 100 izvodov. Za vsebino prispevkov odgovarjajo avtorji. Imetniki moralnih in avtorskih pravic so posamezni avtorji. Pripravo za tisk je .nancno podprlo Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije. 5 Introduction Bojan Djuric 7 Kategorizacija in vrednotenje arheoloških najdišc Willem J. H. Willems 13 Heritage management in Austria and the question of categorisation Bernhard Hebert 15 Levels of protection of archaeological heritage in Hungary: registered and scheduled sites Katalin Bozóki-Ernyey 25 Concept of archaeological sites protection through spatial planning Jelka Pirkovic 29 Valoriziranje arheološke dedišcine, pregled dosedanjih praks Barbara Nadbath 39 Registrirano arheološko najdišce Brigita Petek 47 Vrednotenje arheoloških najdišc za upravljanje v obliki turisticnega kompleksa arheološki park Andreja Breznik 59 Izhodišca za notranje vrednotenje in trajnostno ohranjanje arheološke dedišcine rimske Emone Metka Štrajhar 69 Program simpozija 4 Arheo 30-2, 2013, 5 Introduction © Bojan Djuric Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za arheologijo, Ljubljana, bojan.djuric@ff.uni-lj.si It has now been a year since the conference on preven­tive archaeology (Djuric 2012) that we meet again, this time to discuss a topic that is a logical continuation of the last year’s conference. A year ago, we addressed the topic that we had all been intensely discussing and living from the late 1990s onwards, all of which led to a reorganiza­tion of the heritage protection service, to important chan­ges formulated in Slovenia in the new Cultural Heritage Protection Act (ZVKD-1) as well as to the new Rules on Archaeological Investigations (PAR) adopted just days ago. Today’s topic is admittedly one that my generation, but also younger ones, never thought systematically and, as a consequence, never acted on in an integral manner. For some time now, a good system of listing archaeolo­gical sites has been operational in Slovenia, developed over a long period of time by our colleagues from the conservation service. On that subject, there are currently 3295 archaeological sites listed in the Cultural Heritage Register, 1046 of which were declared as monuments of local and 31 as monuments of national importance. Lea­ving aside the fact that, in my estimation, their number is modest and their spatial distribution biased, which is the consequence of a more or less signi.cant presence of ar­chaeologists in individual areas of the national territory, we could reasonably expect the cited numbers to re.ect the hierarchy of importance of individual archaeological sites. However, this is not the case, as revealed by a cur­sory look at the list of monuments of national importance – of the 31 units, only 9 are declared on the basis of their archaeological importance, 21 form part of another who­le (either a nature park, a market town centre or other), while one enjoys the status only temporarily and will not be able to keep it. The reasons for this will be discussed on another occasion. Anyone familiar with the archaeo­logical sites in Slovenia, can very quickly ascertain that the selection of monuments of national importance is strongly biased and, more importantly, incomplete. We can assume a similar situation for the selection of monu­ments of local importance, since there is no standard and comprehensive set of criteria that would de.ne: 1. physical qualities (such as integrity and preservation); 2. intrinsic qualities (such as rarity, research potential, group value, amenity) and 3. the assessment of monument’s perception (that is its aesthetic and historic values). Furthermore, there are also no criteria that would allow sites to be evaluated and hierarchized. I would even go as far as assume that no one knows the entire body of listed archaeological sites in Slovenia as well as to assess the degree of bias in the Register in con­nection with the representation of sites according to in­dividual periods of time and according to type. What this means is that we lack the basis for a rational management of the archaeological heritage. It is precisely this state of affairs that led the Sloveni­an Archaeological Society to organize this meeting. We see it as the beginning of an extensive discussion on the evaluation of archaeological sites and on the conditions for their proper management. This discussion is by no means to be held by conservators alone, though it would not be entirely possible without them; it should involve all of us. References DJURIC, B. 2012 (ur.), Preventivna arheologija. Preven­tive Archaeology. Ljubljana. ZVKD-1 – Zakon o varstvu kulturne dedišcine. – Uradni list RS, št. 16/2008 (15. 2. 2008): http://zakonodaja.gov.si/rpsi/r04/predpis_ZAKO4144.html http://www.arhiv.mk.gov.si/.leadmin/mk.gov.si/pageu-ploads/min_eng/legislation/CHPA.pdf PAR 2012 – Pravilnik o arheoloških raziskavah. – Uradni list RS, št. 3/2013 (11. 1. 2013): http://www.uradni-list.si/1/content?id=111599