I J girsilJsi/qvehske/. v / / / ////•/ / / / / / / / / / ŽENSKE ZVEZE V AMERIKI L/ Ni ♦ s . I i ■ 'yv a MRS. MARY LENICH Mrs. Mary Lenich, President of Board of Auditors, 619 Jones St., Eveleth, Minn., celebrates her birthday September 7th. Many Happy Returns of the Day. Official Publication Iof the Slovenian Womens Union of America Number 9 SEPTEMBER, 1952 Volume 24 SLOVENIM WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽEN. ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Organized December 19, 1926 In Chicago, III. Ustanovljena 19. dec., 1926 v Chic&gl, Illinois Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois Inkorporirana 14. dec., 1927 v državi Illinois MEMBER OF: National Council of Catholic Women ATTENTION! The new permanent address of the Office of Supreme Secretary and the Editorial Office will be hereafter: 1937 West Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, Illinois Your NEW HOME OFFICE will be at your service to take care i of all matters pertaining to the functioning of our organization and the management of “Zarja”. Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, Illinois Corinne Novak, Managing Editor 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, Illinois ZARJA - THE DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE V AMERIKI OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA PUBLISHED MONTHLY — IZHAJA VSAK MESEC Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWUA members $1.20 annually — Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher, “Zarja”, 1637 Allport St., Chicago 8, 111. Managing Editor Corinne Novak Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. “Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the post office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912.” All communications for publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month for the next issue and must be indorsed by the writer. If typewritten use double-space and if hand written use ink. Write plainly, especially names, and on one Bide of paper only. Vsi dopisi morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu za prihodnjo Izdajo ln podpisani po pisateljici. Pišite s črnilom ln samo na eno stran papirja. Pri imenih pazite, da so razločno pisana. 1 IMMIGRANT ARCHIVES University of Minnesota LETO XXIV,—ŠT. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1952 VOL. XXIV,—NO. 9 ZAPISNIK POL-LETNE SEJE DIREKTORIC S.Ž.Z. dne 21. 22 in 23. julija, 1952 V nedeljo 20. julija so se direktorice udeležile romanja ob priliki Zvezinega dne, ki se vrši vsako leto na ameriških Brezjah v Lemontu, 111. Udeležba je bila še večja kot lansko leto in vreme zelo lepo, jasno in gorko, kar vse je pomagalo k sijajnemu uspehu. Vsak je dobil tudi velik duševni užitek. Sveta maša je bila darovana v groti Lurške Gospe za žive in umrle članice Zveze in naš sedanji duhovni svetovalec, komisar P. Aleksander Urankar, je imel ginljivo pridigo, ki je vsem navzočim napolnila nove duševne hrane in jim dala mnogo lepih misli za zadovoljno življenje. Po okusnem obedu, ki je bil na razpolago, se je pa razvil takozvani piknik, ali domača zabava na prostem. Direktorice se lepo zahvaljujejo vsem, ki so se udeležili in pomagali k veličastnemu izidu ter podružnicama št. 2, in 20, in patru Aleksandru za mnogotere izkaze prijaznosti. Najlepša hvala tudi vsem prijaznim čč. OO. frančiškanom za lepe obrede in prvovrstno postrežbo, ki jo nudijo vsem romarjem in posebno članicam SŽZ. Prisrčna zahvala velja tudi odličnim pevkam podružnice št. 2, Chicago, Illinois za izborno petje pri procesiji in sveti maši. Prvi sestanek pol-letnega zborovanja direktoric se je vršil v Jolietu v ponedeljek 21. julija na glavnem uradu, 527, No. Chicago cesti. Navzoče so bile stare in nove direktorice: Marie Prisland, Albina Novak, Josephine Livek, Josephine Erjavec, Josephine Muster, Mary Lenich, Jo -ei hine Železnikar, Bila Starin in Josephine Praust. Nadzornice so pregledale poslovne knjige za mesece april, maj in junij (za prve tri mesece v tem letu so bili računi pregledani pred konvencijo po sestri nadzornici Josephine Železnikar, katere je priporočala v sprejem). Nadzornice so našle vse knjige v glavnem uradu v lepem redu. Po pregledovanju knjig je odprla sejo predsednica Albina Novak, ki se je najprvo lepo zahvalila odbornicam. ki so s to sejo dokončale svoje uradovanje in upa, da bodo tudi v bodoče delovale za dobrobit Zveze. Gotovo je, da so se rešile svojih velikih skrbi, ki so v Zvezi z uradnim poslom. Poudarja, da dobro delo, ki so ga žrtvovale za organizacijo ne more biti nikdar pozabljeno in zgodovinski podatki bodo vedno pričali njihove izvršene doprinose. Ustanoviteljica Mrs. Marie Prisland, izreče najlepše želje in zahvalo posebno sestri Erjavec s katero je delala prijateljsko skozi vseh 13 let, ko je bila slednja glavna tajnica. Upa, da bo ljubezen, ki jo ima sestra Erjavec do Zveze vedno živela in da bodo prihodnja leta za njo in njeno družino srečna in vesela. Dalje izreče zahvalo pomožni tajnici Olgi Ancel in vsej Erjavčevi družini. Najlepšo zahvalo izreče tudi sestri Josephine Muster, ki je v uradu glavne blagajničarke vedno ugledno izvrševala svoj posel in tudi njej želi srečno in zadovoljno bodočnost. K zahvali sestrama Erjavec in Muster se pridružijo tudi nadzornice Mrs. Lenich, Mrs. Železnikar, Mrs. Starin in Mrs. Praust. Slednja je novoizvoljena nadzornica, ki prosi direktorice potrpežljivosti, kar se tiče njenega uradovanja, ker delo v visokem uradu nadzornice, ji bo za čas novo, toda pripravljena je posvetiti svoje najboljše znanje in prizadevanje v korist organizacije. Direktorice zagotovijo sestri Praust, da imajo popolno zaupanje v njeno zmožnost in so drage volje na razpolago za vsako pomoč. Sestri Josephine Erjavec in Josephine Muster sta podali naslednja poročila. POROČILO DOSEDANJE GL. TAJNICE Vsaka konvencija napravi nekaj sprememb. Tudi to pot ni bila izjema. V dolžnost si štejem, da podam sledeče poročilo. V gl. urad sem bila izvoljena pred 22. leti, v Sheboyganu, Wis. Takrat sem bila prevzela urad kot prva gl. nadzornica. Ker sem bila prvič na konvenciji, se mi je zdelo v čast biti izvoljena v tak važen urad. Skozi vsa leta, sem se zavedala važnost te pozicije in sem skrbela, da sem vedno dobro opravljala svoj urad. Toda, ko se je pa vršila konvencija v Chisholm, Minn., in, ko je resignirala tedajšnja gl. tajnica, se je meni poveril urad gl, tajnice. S prvega se nisem mogla privaditi ideji, da bi bilo meni podeljeno tako važno mesto pri Zvezi, vseeno sem prevzela z obljubo, da bom poizkusila samo za en termin, tri leta. Delegacija je bila vesela, da sem prevzela to mesto, dasiravno je bila moja želja še vedno, da bi se prejšna gl. tajnica premislila in nazaj prevzela. Ker to ni bilo mogoče od njene strani, sem končno pristala in glavni urad, kateri je bil dotlej v Chicagi, se je preselil v Joliet. Takrat je tedanja gl. predsednica in ustanoviteljica Zveze, Mrs. Marie Prisland podala sledeče poročilo: — “Otvarjam prvo sejo gl. odbora v novem zvezinem u-radu ter vse skupaj lepo pozdravljam. V trinajstem letu svojega obstoja, je Zveza selila svoj urad in ker nekateri pravijo, da je številka 13 srečna, upam, da bo tudi selitev glavnega urada srečna in v dobrobit Zveze. Vse poznamo našo novo gl. tajnico kot vestno, točno in neumorno zvezino delavko, zato mi je srce lahko, ko danes v njene roke polagamo važen urad gl. tajnice. Prepričane smo, da bo uradovala vestno in pošteno ter, da bo vedno imela blagor Zveze pred očmi. Zveza ni mogla najti boljše naslednice prejšni glavni tajnici, kot je dobila v osebi naše .losie Erjavec. Zato jo danes iz si ca pozdravljamo in ji želimo mnogo uspeha v njenem uradovanju ter ji obe-čamo sodelovanje v vseh ozirih.” To je bilo pred 13 leti. Vse skozi let sem gledala,da sem bila vredna tega velikega zaupanja. Takrat, ko sem prevzela, je bilo v blagajni $88,122.83 — a danes šteje naša gl. blagajna $290,442.79 —- kar nam dokaže, da smo v teku 13 let napredovale za $202,494.46. Kdo bi si mislil takrat, da bomo kar z $40.000 prekoračile četrt miljo-na. Delala sem za Zvezo, kakor bi delala za lastno družino. Bila mi je isto pri srcu. Skrbela sem za njej ugled, varčevala sem z denarjem kar se je dalo, in vedno gledala, kaj še je za storiti za bodočnost naše organizacije. Tekom let smo imeli najmanj dve kampanji na leto. S tem mi je dalo poleg ostalega dela v glavnem uradu, še posebno delo, nato še delo pri nabiranju prispevkov za razne dobrodelne namene in drugo. Nisem gledala na uro in čas, ako je bilo več dela v gl. uradu, kakor navadno. Nisem nikdar zahtevala ali pričakovala kako posebno nagrado za moje povečano delo, katero se je z vsakim letom množilo. Uspehi, katere smo dosegle, so mi bili v zadoščenje. Ker je važno, da je podružnica aktivna, kjer se nahaja gl. urad, sem skrbela in delala tudi pri podružnici, da je bila za vzgled drugim. Imeli smo kar štiri krožke za mladino, dva vežbalna krožka v uniformah, nato krožek batan twirlers in krožek za narodne noše. Ker je mladina bodočnost vsake organizacije in, ker se na konvencijah vedno povdarja mladina, sem skrbela, da je postala pod. št. 20, najbolj močna podružnica, kjer je največ mladine. Zato so bili potrebni razni programi in druga razvedrila. Ob strani mojih soodbornic pri podružnici, sem vedno prejela lepo sodelovanje. Danes je podružnica št. 20, edina pri Zvezi katera ima še uniformirane dekleta, in katere še vedno lahko nastopajo v svojih vajah. Dekleta imajo že tretje uniforme, za katere so izdale velike svote denarja, na tisoče. In vse to ni Zvezo stalo en cent. Same so morale delati in se žrtvovati na razne načine, da se je pridobila tako velika svota za kritje teh stroškov. Tudi njih navzočnost na konvenci- jah in sicer, bile so v Clevelandu dvakrat, nato v Pittsburghu, v Indianapolisu, Indiana, v Pueblo, Colorado in v Detroit, Michigan. Za vse te nastope in njih vožnjo na konvencije, je dekleta stalo zopet na tisoče dolarjev. Po vsaki konvenciji so se morale dekleta z novega oprijeti, da so šle na delo za prihodnje nastope. Ne vem, ako se je delegacija zavedala s kakimi žrtvami pridejo dekleta na konvencijo, toda ako jim je mladina pri srcu, kar se toliko vedno povdarja na konvencijah, potem je zdrže- vanje takih krožkov pravi vir za obdrževanje pozornost naše mladine. Mladina pač mora imeti nekaj, da jih skupaj drži, neko posebno vez in ako imajo skupno zanimanje, ako vidijo, da se za njih skrbi, potem se tudi rade odzovejo, ker vidijo, da vzbujajo zanimanje in priznanje. Uniformirani krožki naše podružnice niso bile samo v ponos podružnice, ampak za vso Zvezo. Ko nastopajo za druge organizacije ob njih vabilu, se vedno reklamira organizacija Slovenska Ženska Zveza. Pri naši podružnici imamo tudi številne kegljaške krožke za katero skrbi naša dosedanja gl. odbornica Josephine Sumic in katera se tudi poslavlja iz svojega urada. Imamo tudi pevsko skupino in šivalni klub, za kar imati pa zaslugo Mrs. Emma Planinšek in Mrs. Mary Kunstek. Vse to omenjam le iz vzroka, da je podružnica št. 20, bila dosedaj najbolj aktivna pri organizaciji. Imela sem vedno mnenje, da mora biti gl. odbornica vodilna sila pri svoji podružnici, radi tega se mi ni zdelo nobeno delo pretežavno, samo, da je podružnica, kjer se nahaja gl. urad v ospredju. V kampanjah, katere je Zveza imela skozi vsa leta po dve, sem vedno bodrila za nove članice na sejah in kot glavna tajnica v Zarji. Da nisem samo ostala pri besedah, sem šla sama na delo in pridobila 208 po številu tekom let. Tekom 22 leti od kar sem postala gl. odbornica pri Zvezi, sem ji dala svoja najboljša leta. Spoznala sem se z raznimi gl. odbornicami, katere so med tem časom že zapustile svoje urade, spoznala sem se z odbornicami podružnic, zlasti s tajnicami z katerimi sem imela največ posla vsak mesec. Spoznala sem teško borbo, katero imajo tajnice, da obdržijo svoje članstvo. Vsem tem moje ponovno priznanje. Skozi vsa leta sem si želela sodelovanje moje sovrst-nic gl. odbornic. Za zvezo sem delala pri najboljši volji, in ne samo jaz temveč vsa družina se je posvetila s svojim zanimanjem za organizacijo. Storila sem najboljše in tudi pri vsem tem nisem mogla vsem ustreči. Večkrat sem bila presenečena, drugič zopet razočarana, u-pam pa, da bodo moji spomini nato kaj kmalu obledeli, ter mi ostali samo le lepi spomini prošljih let, ko je bilo med nami le pravo sosestrsko razumevanje. Minila konvencija je naložila važno ulogo vsaki gl. odbornici. Razmotrivalo se je o mladinski aktivnosti, trpam, da vsaka katera je zaprisegla isti dan v Detroitu zvestobo in lojalnost Zvezi, bo tudi dopolnila svojo obljubo do skrajnosti. Prihodnjost nam bo pokazala, ako je bil korak storjen na tej konvenciji res za dobrobit Zveze; in čez tri leta se bo videlo koliko je bilo napredka. Kakor je dosedaj, tako bo tudi v bodoče članstvo pazilo in sledilo poročilom. Zahvaliti se želim danes tudi vsej moji družini, katera je bila vsaki hip pripravljena pomagati, posebno pa moji hčerki Olgi in njenem soprogu Edwardu Ancel, katera sta mi bila vedno na razpolago v uradu; bila sta mi največja pomoč posebno v zadnjih par terminov, ko je delo pri uradu se tako vidno vsako leto večalo. Brez njih izvežbanih pomoči, ne bi mogla nadaljevati moje delo. Bila sem v resnici srečna imeti tako pomoč, katerim pa Zveza za njih pomoč v mojem uradu ni zato posebej prispevala. Razumela sta se na delo in to je bilo zelo važno. In ko so prišli državni zavarovalninski pregledovalci na preiskavo o mojem poslovanju, so se vedno pohvalno izrazili o vsem kar ni bilo samo meni v ponos ampak tudi moji hčerki Olgi in zetu Edwardu, ker so prejeli priznanje za tako važno delo, od ljudi kateri razumejo na tako poslovanje. Zahvaliti se želim vsem odbornicam podružnic, posebno pa tajnicam za njih odkrito prijateljstvo in sodelovanje tekom let. Zahvaliti si želim vsem prejšnjim in sedajnim gl. odbornicam. Zahvaljujem se tudi vsem direktoricam s katerimi sem se snidela vsakih šest mesecev. Ne najdem pa dovolj besedi, kako bi se zahvalila naši ustanoviteljici in dolgo letni gl. predsednici, ter sedanji častni predsednici in tajnici finančnega odbora Mrs. Marie Prisland, katera je tekom vseh 22 let bila moja iskrena prijateljica in s katero sva delale ramo ob rami; hvaležna sem ji zo vso naklonjenost, za njene nasvete in njene dragocena pouke. Res, da sva se strinjale otem in onem — naju je vezala iskrenost in odkritost in bile zedinile kadar je šlo le za dobrobit Zveze. Dokler bo še ona pri življenju, da bo čuvala Zvezo tako dolgo smo lahko sigurni o bodočnosti Zveze. Bog naj jo ohrani med nami še mnogo let. Torej po 13 letih kot gl. tajnica danes odlagam svoje delo in bom odslej naprej le navadna članica, kakor ena izmed Vas ostalih. Novemu odboru pa želim velikega uspeha v bodočih letih. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC. Poročilo sprejeto. PREGLED DOHODKOV IN STROŠKOV SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE od 1. januarja do 30. junija 1952 DOHODKI: Mesečni prispevki vseh rednih članic .................... $24,881.32 Mesečni prispevki mladinskih članic............... 1,198.40 Mesečni prispevki družabnih članic.................. 4.20 Mesečni prispevki “Zarja” članic .................................. 31.20 Razno (pobiralne knjižice, prestopni listi, ponovno izdani certifikati in poslovne knjige) .............................. G7.05 Obresti od bančnih vlog .. 2,843.75 Obresti od bondov .......................... 625.00 Preostanek od prodanih kuharskih knjig “Woman’s Glory”............... 1,525.36 $31,176.28 STROŠKI: Izplačila smrtnin: Razred A, G9 slučajev $6,741.75 Razred B, 2 slučaja . 400.00 Mladinskih, 2 slučaja . 200.00 $7,341.75 Zarja: Tiskanje ............. $5,590.00 Klišeji za majsko Zarjo ................ 69.34 Poštnina ................. 326.48 Delo pri spremembi naslovov ......... 82.21 6,068.03 Potni stroški gl. uradnic .. 289.94 Dnevnice gl. uradnic.......... 635.00 Najemnina za urade ........... Poprava strojev v glavnem uradu ................... Železna omara ................ Legalni stroški ............... Zavarovalninskem oddelku v državi Illinois ....... Nagrade: Tajnicam .............. $424.35 Jubilejna kampa- panja ........... 768.04 Kegljaške ........... 369.32 Pevske ............... 30.00 282.00 27.95 18.00 25.00 5.00 1,591.71 Poštnina, ekspres, telegrami, telefonski stroški in razne uradne potrebščine: Za predsedniški-uredni- ški urad .................... $239.88 Za glavni urad ............... 242.42 Za ostale gl. odbornice 152.00 Uradne potrebščine: Office Supply Companies, Joliet .................. $69.03 First National Bank, Joliet ....................... 7.20 Robert Pilcher Paper Co., Joliet .................. 7.60 Oglasi: KSKJ kegljaška turneja ........................... 5.00 Zvezina kegljaška turneja .......................... 10.00 Radio program v Pueblo, Colo..................... 10.00 634.30 83.83 25.00 Mladinski Smrtninski Sklad Dohodki: Mesečnina . $ 1,198.40 Stroški: Posmrtnina $200.00 Odšteta 10% za Mladinski Aktivnosti . 119.84 319.85 $ 878.56 Sklad mladinski Aktivnosti Dohodki .................. $ 119.84 Stroški za Konvencijo 217.50 Primanklaj ............................. $ Stroškovni Sklad Dohodki: Prvi letni asesment novih odrastlih članic .... $1,332.25 Mesečnina 9,156.47 Obresti od bondov .... 625.00 Obresti od bančnih vlog .......... 2,843.75 Ostali dohodki .. 1,627.81 $15,585.28 97.66 Tiskovine: Avsec Brothers, Joliet $25.50 Broadway Printing, za 5,000pobiralnih knjižic,pisalni papir in 3c kuverte za gl. urad ....................... 397.15 422.65 Konvencija v Detroit, Michigan ............................. 5,637.50 Pomoč v gl. uradu — $168.60 in davki $131.40 --------------------------------- 600.00 Pol-letna plače duhovnem svetovalcu in gl. bla.............................. 150.00 Letna plača ostalim gl. odbornicam 290.00 Social Security davek od 1. januarja do 30.junija 1952 ....................... 65.22 Za ureditev jubilejne izdaje Zarje .. 200.00 Plače gl. izvrševalnega odbora: Predsednica—urednica - $2,036.22 in davki $213.78 ................... 2,250.00 Tajnica — $1,072.80 in davki $127.20 ............................ 1,200.00 Častna predsednica in tajnica finančnega odbora — $235.50 in davki $64.50 ---------------------- 300.00 $28,142.88 Preostanek v šest mesecih ............................. 3,033.40 Preostanek 31. decembra 1951 ....................... $287,409.39 Preostanek 30. junija 1952 ......................... $290.442.79 RAZPREDELBA PO SKLADIH Redni Smrtninski Sklad Razred A Dohodki: Mesečnina . $10,466.95 Stroški: Posmrtnina . 6,741.75 $ 3,725.20 Redni Smrtninski Sklad Razred B Dohodki: Mesečnina . $ 3,925.65 Stroški: Posmrtnina . 400.00 $ 3,525.65 Stroški ................. 15,163.63 $ 421.65 Konvenčni Sklad Stroški ............................ $ 5,637:50 Izplačano iz Sklada Mladinskih Aktivnosti .... 217.50 $ 5,420.00 Preostanek v skladih od 1. januarja do 30. junija 1952 ................................ $ 3,033.40 ★ ★ ★ Redni smrtninski sklad Razred A 1. januarja ........................ $219,149.57 Preostanek od 1. januarja do 30. junija ............................ 3,725.20 $222,874.77 Redni smrtninski sklad Razred B 1. januarja ........................ $ 41,616.01 Preostanek od 1. januarja do 30. junija ............................ 3,525.65 45,141.6« Mladinski smrtninski sklad 1. januarja ........................ $ 20,196.13 Preostanek od 1. januarja do 30. junija ........................... 878.56 21,074.69 Sklad mladinskih aktivnosti 1. januarja ........................ $ 342.73 Primanjklaj od 1. januarja do 30. junija ............:.................. 97.66 245.07 Stroškovni sklad 1. januarja ........... $ 1,702.41 Preostanek od 1. januarja do 30. junija............................... 421.65 2,124.06 Konvenčni sklad 1. januarja ....... $ 4,402.54 Stroški od 1. januarja do 30. junija . 5,420.00 Primanjklaj 30. junija................................. 1,017.46 V vseh skladih 30. junija 1952 ................... $290,442.79 PREMOŽENJE Napredovali so sledeči skladi: Razred A .......................................$3,725.20 Razred B ....................................... 3,525.65 Mladinskih .............................. 878.56 Stroškovni .............................. 421.65 ČLANSTVO 1. januarja 30. junija Razred A ................................. 8,963 8,905 Razred B ................................. 1,582 1,710 Mladinskih ............................... 2,014 2,090 Družabnih .................................... 7 7 Skupaj ............................. 12,566 12,712 Naročenih na Zarjo ........................ 117 115 Nazadovale v Razred A za 58 članic. Napredovale v Razred B za 128 članic. Napredovale v mladinskem oddelku za 76 članic. Skupni napredek 146 članic. KAKO JE NALOŽEN ZVEZIN DENAR Naloženo na hranilnih vlogah .....................$185,000.00 Investirano v bondih .............................. 98,060.00 Naloženo na čekovnem računu ........................ 7,382.79 $290,442.79 Predloženo na seji gl. odbora 21. julija 1952. ALBINA NOVAK, pred. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC, taj. JOSEPHINE MUSTER, blag. Knjige in računi gl. tajnice in gl. blagajničarke pregledane in najdene v popolnem redu. MARY LENICH, nadzornica. JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, nadzornica. ELLA STARIN, nadzornica. Joliet, Illinois, July 21, 1952. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of July, 1952. MARIE NEMANICH, Notary Public. POROČILO GLAVNE BLAGAJNIČARKE Spoštovana glavna predsednica in ostale direktorice, zbrane na tej pol-letni seji v glavnem uradu, v Joliet, 111. S težkim srcem se poslavljam, ako ravno sem si želela odpočitek in, da si zberete novo moč. Zagotovo sem mislila, da bo že katera prevzela, nisem pa mislila, da bo Joliet izgubil urad in zastopnice. Sedaj samo lahko rečem, vse pride in vse mine. Kakor smo me bile vesele, ko se je glavni stan preselil v Joliet, tako vem si štejejo v čast z novim uradom v Chicagi. Vse najboljše vam želim ter obilo sreče. Sprejmite moje iskrene čestitke! Vsem novim direktoricam kličem: Dobrodošle v svoj delokrog. Častitam vam za nove urade, katera je vam konvencija poverila. Bog daj srečo in zdravje, da boste nadaljevale svoje posle v splošno zadovoljstvo ter gledale za korist članstva in S. Ž. Zveze! Moje poročilo sem poslala na konvencijo, zato podajam moj račun za zadnje tri mesece. Dohodki za tri mesece so bili: $ 17,818.04 Stroški za isto dobo ......................... $ 16,943.09 Preostane ........................................ $ 874.95 V blagajni marca 1952 $ 289,742.34 V blagajni julija 1952 $ 290,617.29 Dodatni konvenčni stroški .................... $ 174.50 S tem zaključim moj urad kot glavna blagajničarka ter izročam knjige in vse, kar sem imela pod mojo oskrbo. Dolžnost si štejem, da se zahvalim glavni tajnici Mrs. J. Erjavec, s katero som imela važna posla, za njeno kooperacijo v času mojega uradovanja. Hvala lepa vsem direktoricam za vso pomoč kadar sem jo potrebovala posebno pri Šolninslci in Dobrodelni kampanji, kakor pri prodaji Kuharskih knjig. Posebno se pa zahvaljujem Mrs. Albini Novak, s katero smo skupno sodelovale. Najlepša hvala pa vsem pridnim podružnicam in posameznim članicam, ki so pridno razpečavale kuharske knjige. Poročilo o kuharskih knjigah bom podala ko pride stvar na dnevni red. To skončuje moje zadnjo poročilo kot gl. blagajničarka, JOSEPHINE MUSTER. Poročilo sestre Josephine Muster sprejeto. Direktorice so se skupno podale na First National banko v Jolietu, da čekirajo vse obveznice in bančne vknjižbe, ki so shranjene v varnostni shrambi. Ko je bilo to delo točno izvršeno, se je zaključilo z najemnino varnostne shrambe v Jolietu in premestilo v Kaspar National Bank v Chicago, Illionis, kjer se je najelo novo varnostno shrambo. Direktorice so zopet čekirale vse bonde in vknjžbe in ko je bilo vse to delo končano zaključile svoje delo za prvi dan. Toplomer je tisti dan kazal do 106 stopinj vročine, kar je napravilo delo zelo mučno za direktorice. Zborovanje v torek se je vršilo pri glavni blagajničarki Josephine Železnikar v Chicagi, Illinois. Navzoč je bil nov odbor direktoric in bivša nadzornica Ella Starin, ker ni bilo časa v ponedeljek, da bi podala svoje poročilo. Sejo je vodila predsednica Albina Novak in to do časa, da so vse direktorice podale svoja poročila za dobo prvih šest mesecev tega leta. Nova urednica Corinne Novak je bila izvoljena za zapisnikarico. Predsednica Albina Novak se iskreno zahvali vsem direktoricam za zvesto sodelovanje skozi ves čas njenega uradovanja kot glavna predsednica. Toda ob tem času ni njena želja vzeti kaj več časa s poročilom, ker je vsem znano da je storila vse, kar je bilo človeško mogoče za dobrobit Zveze in pri vseh poslih je posvetila svojo najboljšo znanost. Veseli jo, da je konvencija napravila nove odredbe in sklepe za bodoče poslovanje, ki bo prav gotovo oživelo navdušenje krajevnih odbornic in članic v splošnem. Poudarja, da gre vsa zasluga za vsa dobra dela, ki so bila izvršena v preteklosti, zvestemu sodelovanju svojih soodbornic in upa, da bo tudi nova predsednica sestra Josephine Livek, imela isto lepo vzajemnost in vztrajno sodelovanje kot je bilo njej naklonjeno vsa leta. Sestra Novak proča, da bi bilo zelo težko za njo najti primerne prostore za glavni urad v Chicagi, ako bi ne imela pomoč od Mr. in Mrs. Železnikar, katerima je či-kaška naselbina dobro poznana in sta vestno zainteresirana v koristi Zveze. Izvedela sta, da je v prodaji primerno poslopje na glavni cesti Cermak Road, ki se lahko dobi za svoto, ki bo za Zvezo dobra investicija v slučaju, če bi organizacija želela lastivati svoj dom. Podrobnosti o tem opslopju so na razpolago in direktorice naj presodijo, kaj bi bilo za Zvezo najbolj koristno. Da bi Zveza lastovala svoj dom, kjer se nahaja glavni urad, to bi bilo gotovo z navdušenjem sprejeto po članstvu, ker to bi bila za Zvezo ena najboljših podvzetjih, kar jih je še bilo. Direktorice vzamejo priporočilo sestre Novak z veseljem v naznanje in se ji zahvalijo za ta prvi velik korak v dobi njenega novega uradovanja in isto velja tudi novi glavni blagajničarki sestri Josephine Železnikar. Mrs. Marie Prisland, ustanoviteljica in tajnica finančnega odbora ter predsednica šolninskega odbora poda naslednje poročilo: POROČILO TAJNICE FINANČNEGA ODBORA IN PREDSEDNICE ŠOLNINSKEGA IN DOBRODELNEGA ODBORA Drage sestre: — Današnji naš sestanek je prvi v novem terminu. Vse skupaj prisrčno pozdravljam ter vsaki posebej želim zdravja in obilo dobre volje, da bi zaino-gle svoje uradne posle vestno in navdušeno vršiti, v vsestransko korist in napredek naše (lične organizacije. Med sabo imamo štiri nove uradnice. To pomeni, da so se prejšne štiri odbornice poslovile iz svojih uradov. Te glavne odbornice SO' vedno bile vestne, vzorne in delavne ter povsod skrbele za Zvezin napredek in ugled. Hvaležne smo jim za doprinos k skupni zgradbi naše organizacije, saj je z njihovim dolgoletnim, zvestim dekv vanjem Zveza mnogo pridobila. Vsa čast jim! Podajem poročilo o Zvezinih Investicijah Zadnjega pol-leta ni bilo mnogo denarja za investirati na razpolago in to radi predvidevnih stroškov konvencije. Vložilo se je $5,000.00 v Reliance Federal Savings and Loan Association, Chicago, Illinois, na 3 odstotne obresti. Šolninski sklad Za šolnino so zaprosile štiri deklice in dva fanta. Tri •dekleta niso Zvezine članice — da se jim svetovala, da pristopijo takoj, se razume — toraj je odbor prisodil celoletno šolnino Catherini Matich, članici podružnice št. 45, v Portlandu, Oregon. Miss Matich pohaja v zavod Dominikanskih sestra v San Rafael, California ter je zadnje šolsko leto dovršila z odliko. Izmed fantov je odbor prisodil celoletno šolnino Adolfu Žnidaršič, ki na Loyola univerzi v Chicagu študira za zdravnika. Njegova mati je Zvezina članica. Oče mu je umrl pred več leti. Šolninski odbor želi odlikovancema vso srečo in uspeh pri študijah ter upa, da se bosta izšolala v dobre profe-sioniste, da bosta v ponos samim sebi, svojim starišem pa tudi Zvezi, ki jima pomaga do dosega njih cilja. Na konvenciji se je za Šolninski sklad zbrala vsota $188.40. Za ročna dela, ki so bila darovana od nekaterih glavnih odbornic in delegatinj se je izkupilo $138.40, gotove glavne odbornice pa so darovale skupno $50.00 v ta namen. (Seznam darovalk je priobčen v konvenčnem zapisniku.) Vsem skupaj v imenu odbora najlepša zahvala. 1. julija letos se je v Šolninskem skladu nahajala vsota $7,858.55. Dobrodelni sklad Konvencija je odredila, da se iz tega sklada izplača nekoliko podpore 18. onemoglim članicam, za katere so bile prošnje predložene. Skupno izplačilo je $450.00. I-mena so v konvenčnem zapisniku. Po mojem mnenju je bila ena izmed najlepših gest konvencija ta, da smo se spomnile naših lastnih članic, ki so onemogle in dolgo let bolne. .. V staro domovino se je iz Dobrodelnega sklada poslalo zalogo moke in drugih potrebščin ter plačalo poštnino nekaterim podružnicam, ki so poslale skupne pakete. Vse to v znesku $175.00. V tem skladu se je prvega julija nahajalo $2,545.62. V obeh skladih je skupna vsota $10,404.17. Naj se dotaknem tudi zelo važne zadeve, ki je, nabava lastnega Zvezinega urada. Izvršni odbor je v soglasu z nekaterimi glavnimi odbornicami napravil naplačilo na poslopje, ki bi naj v bodočnosti služilo Zvezi kot njen glavni urad. Hiša je postavljena ob glavni cesti ter se nahaja v sredini slovenske naselbine v Chicagu. Poleg tega, da bo zanaprej Zveza imela svoj lasten dom, bodo še dohodki pri hiši, ki je v ozadnju urada. Ker cena ni pretirana in je poslopje v razmeroma dobrem stanju, sem uverjena, da se boste s tem važnim korakom strinjale ter odobrile, da se posestva kupi in izplača ostala kupna cena. Istotako sem uverjena, da bodo nakup lastnega Zvezinega urada odobrile vse naše podružnice. To skončuje moje poročilo današnji seji glavnega odbora, kateri želim mnogo uspeha in za Zvezo koristnih zaključkov. Marie Prisland, tajnica finančnega odbora in predsednica Šol-ninskega in Dobrodelnega odbora. Poročilo sprejeto. NADZORNI ODBOR Mrs. Mary Lenich, predsednica nadzornega odbora poroča, da so nadzornice točno pregledale vse račune v glavnem uradu in tudi čekirale vse investicije shranjene v varnostnem predalu na banki v Chicagi. Vsled bolezni ji ni bilo mogoče biti aktivna kot bi bila rada, toda njeno zdravje je čedalje bolj trdno in upa, da bo kmalu nadaljevala z vsemi posli v svoji naselbini in državi Minnesota. Glede državnega dne v Minnesoti za to leto nima nobenega sigurnega poročila, ker stavka po jeklarnah, ki je zadela posebno železno okrožje, je napravila marsikateri zadržek in bo najbrž tudi nam škodovala, da ne bo mogoče letos izpeljati željo mnogih, da bi skupaj prišle v enem kraju iz vseh mest po državi za Zvezin dan. Toad za prihodnje leto, ko bo podružnica št. 19, praznovala svoj srebrni jubilej, se pa lahko zanesemo, da bo Zvezin dan praznovan na Eevelethu in bo pa takrat to- liko večja proslava. Strinja se tudi, da bi Zveza lasto-vala svoj dom in odobrava tak koristen korak. Poročilo sestre Lenich sprejeto. Nadzornica Josephine Železnikar lepo pozdravlja vse direktorice, in potrjuje poročilo predsednice nadzornega odbora sestre Lenich, da so bili računi v najlepšem redu. Kot predsednica podružnice št. 2 v Chicagi izreče iskreno dobrodošlico glavnemu uradu in upa, da bodo vse bodoče glavne seje v Chicagi izvršene v zadovoljstvo vseh navzočih. Zahvaljuje se tudi v imenu podružnice za vse poklone in pohvale za lep potek Zvezinega dne v Lemontu. Prosi, da se oprostijo vsi nedostatki in posebno se naj oprosti, ker je bil izpuščen program in vsled tega tudi ni bilo govorov ali predstavitev glavnih odbornic kot je bil običaj vsako leto. Bo pa prihodnje leto poravnano, samo Bog naj nam da zdravje. Pevski zbor št. 2 je z veseljem prisostoval maši s petjem in članice so vselej pripravljene pomagati po svoji najboljši moči. Lahko se zanesemo tudi na čikaško gostoljubnost in kar se tiče postrežb z jedili bo tudi vse urejeno. Za kosilo danes opoldne je povabilo od sestre Mary Kovačič in večerja bo pa pri blagajničarki št. 2, sestri Mary Tomažin. Kar se tiče pa novega urada, tisto bo pa glavna tajnica sestra Novak bolj obširno poročala. Poročilo sestre Železnikar sprejeto. POROČILO TRETJE GLAVNE NADZORNICE Prisrčno pozdravljam vse bivše glavne odbornice in nove odbornice zbrane na drugi pol-letni seji v tem letu. Pridružujem se poročilu prvih dveh nadzornic, da so poslovne knjige v glavnem uradu kot glavna blagajničarke in uprave glasila, v najlepšem redu. Točno smo pregledale vse dohodke in izdatke ter podpisale vse računske knjige ter vse v redu izročile novoizvoljeni glavni tajnici Mrs. Albini Novak. Bivši glavni tajnici Mrs. Josephine Erjavec in bivši glavni blagajničarki Mrs. Josephine Muster izrekam najlepšo zahvalo za vestno in požrtvovalno delo časa njihovega uradovanja ter želim, da bi bili blagoslovljeni z najboljšim zdravjem. Ob tem času iskreno čestitam naši novi glavni predsednici Mrs. Josephine Livek in želim, da bo naša organizacija lepo napredovala pod njenim vodstvom. Tebi pa, glavna tajnica Albina, izrekam najsrčnejše čestitke in iskrene želje da bi bila prav tako uspešna v novem uradu kot si bila v vsem preteklem delu, katerega je bilo dosti in vselej odlično izpolnjeno. Enako prisrčne čestitke novi blagajničarki Mrs. Josephine Železnikar in naši novi urednici Miss Corinne Novak ter o-bema novoizvoljenima nadzornicama Mrs. Josephine Praust in Miss Katie Triller, kakor tudi vsem drugim glavnim odbornicam. Bog vas živi in blagoslovi vaše delo! Prav razvesljiva vest je, da bomo sprejemale v mladinski oddelek tudi fantke. Upam in želim, da se bo naš mladinski odelek podvojil do prihodnje konvencije. Sploh upam, da bodo vsi konvenčni sklepi v veliko korist in napredek naše Zveze. Ker je to moja poslovilna seja med vami, vam vsem skupaj izrekam iskreno hvalo za vse vaše sodelovanje in razumevanje ter vam kličem: Zdrave ostanite! Na zadnji glavni seji je bila ponovno odobrena vsota $600.00 za pomoč potrebnim v domovini, ker je pa med tem časom bila vpeljana visoka carina na paketih, smo odposlale le deset vreč moke v znesku $106.50 in nekaj paketov, kar znese skupaj vsoto $175.00. Razlika $425.00 bo pa razposlana našim onemoglim sosestram, kakor je bil osvojen sklep na zadnji konvenciji, da se pomaga svojim potrebnim in onemoglim sosestram. S tem je stvar, kar se aiče izdatkov iz dobrodelnega sklada za mojo stran končana. Najlepše se zahvaljujem naši vrli sestri Albini Novak, ki je bila skozi ves čas meni v veliko pomoč ter ter je vedno gledala na to, da se je dalo čim največ mogoče gmotno in materijalno pomoč potrebnim in je tudi sama veliko prispevala v ta namen. Za šivalne klube, za katere sem tekom mojega uradovanja skušala navdušiti podružnice je bilo obširno poro- čano v prejšnjih Zarjah. Vsem tistim, ki ste se zanimale za šivalne klube in sodelovale pri tem najiskrenejša hvala. Upam in želim, da boste tudi v bodoče se zanimale za svoje klube, ker poročila, katere sem dobila od podružnic, kjer imajo šivalne klube in svoje posebne sestanke so zelo zanimava in tudi prinašajo velike koristi svojim podružnicam z razstavami in z oddajanjem raznih ročnih del. Pri naši ženski organizaciji bi moralo se vedno širiti delovanje v tem oziru, ker ročna dela bodo vedno o-stala naše najbolj priljubljeno razvedrilo in zato bi morale vedno paziti na to, da se tudi naša mladina nauči kvačkanje, pletenje in kleklarijo ter vsakovrstna ročna dela, katero so med nami poznana. Ob zaključku mojega poročila, dovolite, da dodam, da se jaz od svoje strani popolnoma strinjam z nakupom lastnega doma in vem, da bodo vse naše podružnice močno odobravale ta važen in koristen korak. Saj lepšega začetka sploh nismo mogle iznajti kot je ta, da ima naša ženska organizacija ob svoji 25 letnici obstoja, svoj lasten dom za glavni stan. Moje čestitke naši glavni tajnici blagajničarki, ki sta to briljantno idejo tako izvrstno izpeljali. Naj Bog blagoslovi naš nov glavni urad! Ella Starin Poročilo sprejeto. Direktorice se prisrčno zahvalijo vrli sestri Starin za njeno požrtvovalno delo skozi vsa leta odkar je bila v odboru. V znak njenega velika prizadevanja za šivalne klube je soglasno sklenjeno, da ona še naprej načeluje Šivalnim klubom in njeno ime pride v imenik odbornic kot voditeljica ročnih del. RAČUN UPRAVE “ZARJA” o campaigns per year. With this additional work was involved in the supreme office. I never looked on the hour or time, if there was extraordinary work in my office. I never demanded or expected any special awards for my additional work, which increased yearly. The successes which we attained were a great satisfaction for me. As it is important that the branch in which the supreme office is located be active I planned and worked for Each of the Supreme Auditors, Mrs. Lenicli, Mrs. Železnikar and Mrs. Starin briefly thank the retiring members of the Board and join in the already expressed wishes for happiness. Since Mrs. Josephine Praust is present as Auditor-elect, she feels compelled to say a few words as her introduction to the new officers. She is very happy to be among the Board of Directors at their semi-annual meet ing to witness the auditing proceedings. S'he knows she will not be able to do the same good work as has been •done by the others in the past but she hopes that the Directors will be patient with her and forgive her inexperience. She will do the best she can and hopes that it •will be up to the high standards already set. All the Directors confide in her willingness to work and assure her they will help wherever and whenever they can. The meeting is temporarily removed to. the First National Bank of Joliet, to check the Safety Deposit Box i;..: l! si ihe account. All monies and documents are then transported to the Kaspar National Bank in Chicago, where a new Safety Deposit Box is opened. The meeting is adjourned at 4:30 PM. The second session of the Board of Directors is opened with prayer, Tuesday Morning, July 22, 1952, at the home of Treasurer-elect Josephine Železnikar, Chicago, Illinois. The newly-elected Board of Directors is present. It is decided that since the Editor will be handling the Minutes for publication, she is to be the recording secretary during the meetings, which task she accepts. First to report is retiring president Mrs. Albina Novak. She is most grateful to all the directors for their consistent cooperation during her entire term in the office of president. She does not wish to give a detailed report at this time since it’s known to all who have followed her not only a source of pride for our branch but for our entire Union; upon the invitation of other organizations they through their appearances advertised the Slovenian Women’s Union. At our branch we have several bowling teams, which are under the guidance of our retiring supreme officer Josephine Sumic. We also have choral and sewing clubs under the supervision of Mrs. Emma Planinšek and Mrs. Mary Kunstek. I mention all of this because our branch no. 20 was up to this day the most active in the organization. I was always of the opinion that a supreme officer must be a leading force in her branch. Therefore, no task seemed to me too great, as long as the branch in which the supreme office was located progressed. In the campaigns which the Union sponsored, I always sought new members. I was not only a talker, but a doer—a campaign worker, thus obtaining through the years 208 new members. During the twenty-two years that I was a supreme officer in the Union I devoted to it the best years of my life. I have become acquainted with various supreme officers, who have within this time left their posts; I have become acquainted with officers of the branches, especially secretaries with whom I made the most transactions monthly. Through these secretaries I learned of their difficulties encountered in upholding their membership. To these renewed recogni- work that she did everything humanly possible for the benefit of S.W.U. and exercised her very best efficiency in every dealing and in every project which was promoted for the welfare of SWU and its membership. She is happy over the wholesome decisions made by the convention which will serve for the future progress of all subordinate branches and the entire organization. She gives full credit for all worthwhile accomplishments to the loyal support of the entire supreme board and as well as the officers and members throughout our jurisdiction. She hopes that the new president Mrs. Josephine Livek will also be getting the much needed support and general cooperation from everyone who has the good of the organization at heart. Mrs. Novak gave a brief report on the possibilities of acquiring a suitable place for our future Home Office in the big city of Chicago. She admits that chances would be very small to get such a place, that is why she is so very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. John Železnikar for helping find a place so conveniently located on Cermak Itoad. They knew that the property could be bought for a reasonable price and if our organization ever wanted to own its own Home Office, that opportunity is now at hand. Mrs. Novak agrees with the Zeleznikars that this would be the very best investment that we ever made. At the same time she wishes that the Directors study the matter very closely and be fully convinced that it’s going to be to the organization’s advantage before any deal is made. The Directors accept Mrs. Novak’s brief report and they extend appreciation for the big progress that was made the very first month in the office of Supreme Secretary and same goes to Mrs. Josephine Železnikar our new S'upreme Treasurer. They are willing to study the purchase thoroughly and then present it to the membership for approval. tion. Throughout the years I sought cooperation of my fellow-supreme officers. For the organization I worked to the best of my ability, as well as my entire family, consecrating its efforts on behalf of the organization. I did my best and yet not to everyone’s satisfaction. Many a time I was surprised and disappointed, but I hope my memories upon these unpleasantries will soon vanish and there remain only sweet reminiscences of the past years, wherein dwelled true sisterly understanding. The past convention placed upon each supreme officer an important task. I hope that each one, who took the oath of office that day in Detroit promising loyalty to the Union, will fulfill her duties to the utmost. The future then will show if the new steps taken at the convention were for the benefit of the Union, whose progress we hope to see increased in three years. As today, so in the future the membership will carefully watch and follow its reports. Today I wish to thank my family, who aided me in every undertaking. Special thanks to my daughter Olga and her husband Edward Ancel, who always rendered their assistance most unselfishly, especially in my latter terms of office, when the work increased yearly. Without their trained help I would have been unable to continue my secretaryship. Truly I was fortunate to have such assistance for which the Union granted no compen- sations. When the state auditors from the Department of Insurance examined the Union’s financial books, they always praised our excellent and accurate workmanship, which was a pride to me, as well as to my daughter Olga and son-in-law Edward. I further wish to thank every branch officer, especially the secretaries, for their candid friendship and cooperation through the years; to all former and present supreme officers; and to every director who convened here semi-annually. I cannot find sufficient words of appreciation for our foundress, a supreme president of many years, our present honorary president and secretary of the finance board Mrs. Marie Prisland, who throughout my twenty-two years in the supreme board, was my sincere friend and with whom I worked shoulder to shoulder. I am grateful to her for her kindnesses, for her counsel and priceless teachings. True we were always in agreement, our frankness and sincerity bound us together, uniting us in our work for the Union’s welfare. As long as she lives, so long will she guard our Union and so long are we certain of the Union’s future. May God protect her for many years to come! Today after thirteen years in the supreme secretaryship, I terminate my work. Henceforth I will be one of you—a common member. To the new supreme board I extend wishes for much success in the future. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC Honorary President, Marie Prisland gives her report as President of the Finance Board and Chairman of the Scholarship and Benefit Fund. (Her report will be found in full in the'Slovenian section). The President of the Board of Auditors, Mrs. Mary Lenich, greets the Directors and states that all the books were checked and found in the best of order and all the investments were brought to the Safety Deposit Box in Chicago. In the future she will work as diligently as is physically possible and now that her health is better.'she is confident of good progress in her locality. Mrs. Lenich extends greetings from the Minnesota branches and explains that it is not certain that the annual Minnesota Zveza Day will be held again this year. The steel strike which disabled most of the country did its worse job to the iron range in Minnesota, so things are a little harder to achieve this year than in the past. However, the celebration will be held for certain in Eveleth in 1953. Mrs. Lenich states that the site of the new Home Office has been examined and signifies her approval of the purchase of that property. Second Member of the Board of Auditors, Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, sends greetings to all retiring and newly elected Supreme Officers and is in accord with Mrs. Lenich that the auditing was satisfactory and all records were found in the best of order. As president of branch No. 2, she greets the Board and expresses gratitude for the compliments given to the Lemont Zveza Day committees; in the name of both branches, she apologizes for anything which might have been overlooked during the day’s proceedings and especially for neglecting to introduce the new Supreme Board at the picnic. The Choral Club of No. 2 was happy to participate with singing during the Holy Mass at the Grotto in Lemont and Mrs. Železnikar is happy that everything went on so well. Third Member of the Board of Auditors, Mrs. Ella Starin, gives her final report, first greeting the assembly and secondly agreeing with her fellow-auditors that the auditing of the books in Joliet was successfully accomplished. She compliments the new President, Secretary, Treasurer and other members of the Board and hopes for God’s blessings upon all out-going supreme officers. She is gratified to learn of the progress achieved at the last convention, especially with the inclusion of the By-Laws admitting young boys into ZVEZA. Therefore, she states, activity with the youth is assured. Mrs. Starin reports on the status of the Benefit Fund finances which shows a balance of $450.00, that total to be used in aiding the disabled members of SWU as decided at the Convention. Her report of Sewing Clubs is very interesting and she will continue her work with them. She agrees with the proposed purchase of the property to be used as the new Home Office and knows all the members will join her in agreement. The entire Board of Directors offers their heartfelt wishes for a happy future to Ella and compliment her on the excellent way she has completed every task. Mrs. Novak speaks of Mrs. Starin’s energetic and wonderful diligence and says that her co-chairmanship on many of the Cleveland SWU affairs was a certain sign of success. The morning session is adjourned at 12:20 PM. The first afternoon session of the semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors is opened with prayer at 2:00 PM. The Minutes of the last day’s session of the Ninth National Convention held in Detroit, Michigan, June 25th are read for approval, since the Convention authorized the Board of Directors to so act. The minutes are accepted with a few minor corrections. The Directors thank both Convention Recording Secretaries Mrs. Josephine Praust and Mrs. Christine Stopar. The Supreme President, Mrs. Albina Novak, now gives her chair to the President-elect, Josephine Livek, and greets her as the new President. Mrs. Marie Prisland reads the Oath of Office and the new Board of Directors accept their seats. As a special honor, the name of Ella Starin will be written on the roster of Supreme Officers as Director of Handcraft Activities, because the Directors feel she r(e--serves to be retained on the basis of her past diligence. The new Supreme President, Mrs. Josephine Livek is welcomed and gives a brief address of acceptance to which the Board applauds. As second member of the Board of Auditors, Mrs. Praust states that the ZVEZA has always been next to her heart and she hopes that her efforts will be acceptable to the Board and the membership. Newly-elected auditor Miss Kate Triller is excused from the meeting being on a trip to Europe which she had planned before the Convention. President of the Auditing Board, Mrs. Lenich stales on behalf of the Board of Auditors that their approval is given to deal officially with the Metropolitan State Bank, 2201 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Blinois. Next under discussion is the designation of awards for the Pre-Convention Campaign workers. It is also decided that the retiring Supreme Officers be remembered with insignia pins; they are: Mrs. Josephine Erjavec, Mrs. Josephine Muster, Mrs. Mary Sacsek, and in addition, Mrs. Olga Ancel for her inestimable help and Mrs. Anna Pachek as president of Branch #3, Pueblo, Colorado, the winners in the Campaign. The details of a new campaign are discussed in conjunction with the acceptance of young boys into the organization. The title will be Post-Convention Campaign and awards will be given to all diligent workers. During; this campaign, the local branch secretaries may notify-the Headquarters if the new members enrolled have paid! three months dues in advance which will facilitate the-early distribution of awards. The Post-Convention Campaign will begin August 1st and end December 31st, 1952;. The listing of awards is as follows: For new members in Class A: For 3 new members: Ball Point Pen with name inscribed For 5 new members: Bracelet or Silver medal necklace For 10 new members: SWU Emblem Pin For 15 new members: Cash prize of $8.00 For 20 new members: Cash prize of $12.00 For 25 new members: Cash prize of $15.00 and Silver pin For 50 new members: Cash prize of $40.00 and Silver pin For new members in Class B: For 3 new members: Eversharp fountain pen For 5 new members: Esterbrook fountain pen and pencil set For 10 new members: Leather-Bound Edition of ZARJA .. . two years’ copies For 15 new members: Cash prize of $10.00 For 20 new members: Cash prize of $15.00 For 25 new members: Cash prize of $20.00 and Silver pin. For 50 new members: Cash prize of $50.00 and Gold pin For new members in Juvenile Department: For 3 new juveniles: Eversharp ball point pen For 5 new juveniles: Wallet with name inscribed in gold For 10 new juveniles: Beautiful Rosary For 15 new juveniles: Cash prize of $5.00 For 20 new juveniles: Cash prize of $10.00 For 25 new juveniles: Cash prize of $10.00 and pen and pencil set For 50 new juveniles: Cash prize of $25.00 and pen and pencil set. EVERY BRANCH WHICH ENROLLS 25 NEW MEMBERS IN THIS POST-CONVENTION CAMPAIGN, WILL. BE ENTITLED TO THE PUBLICATION OF A GROUP PICTURE WITHOUT CHARGE. A trip to Europe will be arranged for all members-and friends of SWU in 1953. It is decided to take the-French Line and the excursion will be divided into two’ groups, the first leaving in May and the second in June. All details and information may be secured through our-Home Office in Chicago. Mrs. Praust is excused from Wednesday’s meeting; The meeting is adjourned at 7:00 PM. The semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors, Wednesday morning, July 23rd, is opened with prayer. Greetings are received by mail from Mrs. Anna: Pachak, 2nd Supreme Vice-President, Pueblo, Coloradoi The entire Board of Directors were very pleased at the wonderful reception held in their honor by Branch #2, Chicago. On the previous evening, a delicious supper prepared by Mrs. Mary Tomazin, who is a wonderful cook, and a shower of gifts was enjoyed by the Directors. The Supreme Secretary received a “Key to the City” and God’s Blessing for the new Home Office. The Directors are thankful to the lovely ladies who greeted them with such warm hospitality. Mrs. Josephine Livek, Supreme President accepts the -duty of centralizing all Youth Activities. She will take complete charge of the Committee and dedicate her first year as President to the youth movement. She knows that through active touch with the committee members she can accomplish the progress requested by the delegates and the officers at the Convention. Membership in the Catholic Association for International Peace is dropped. The benefits derived from affiliation with that Association is negligable and the fee could be spent for something worthwhile and benefitting to our own members. The National Council of Catholic Women listing will be retained. Proposed as Legal Advisor is Joseph A. Križman, Cleveland, Ohio. His name is approved and he will henceforth be carried as member of the Scholarship and Benefit Fund Committee. The Committee is as follows: Marie Prisland, Josephine Livek, Albina Novak, Rev. Fr. Alexander Urankar, Joseph A. Križman. In regard to the Scholarship and Benefit Fund monies, the finances have been kept by the Supreme Secretary and by the Chairman of the Fund. It is decided that the finances be held by the Chairman’s office and that she take full charge of the account. All donations and requests will subsequently be sent to her office and the Scholarship and Benefit Fund bank account will be separate from the General Fund monies and held in at bank designated by the Chairman of the Fund. To this Fund, recent additions are the donations given at the Convention and an amount of $20.00 from Mrs. Josephine Železnikar which she has accumulated from the sale of Song Books “Slovenian Melodies.” “WOMAN’S GLORY — THE KITCHEN”, cookbooks issued for our silver anniversary were a most successful venture in every respect. Director Albina Novak gave a tfull report on the profitable outcome of the past sales. The first two supplies printed netted a profit of $3,519.35. The proceeds of the third sale amount $2,210.50. Of this Hmount there are 260 outstanding unpaid but the books are sold; it’s only that the money has not as yet been sent in. Mrs. Novak turns over a check of $1,690.30 to the new 3upreme Treasurer. The total proceeds to date amount to $5,735.66. The Directors express their fullest appreciation to the editors Mrs. Albina Novak and Frances Jancer and to Mrs. Josephine Muster for the prompt way she handled the orders. The fourth supply of cookbooks will be ready very soon and the notice will appear in Zarja. If everyone that worked in the past in disposing of these wonderful cookbooks continues to stimulate interest for its sales and if the other thousands of members of our organization cooperate, there is no worry that the fourth supply will not be disposed of by Christmas time. The Directors promise to do their best. A big “thank you” goes to each and every officer and member who has assisted in our cookbook project. To our printers the Bohemian Benedictine Press, 1637 Allport we express our thankfulness for their excellent work and all around 100% service. The morning session is adjourned at noon. Mrs. Josephine Livek opens the last session of the semi-annual meeting Wednesday afternoon with prayer. OUR NEW HEADQUARTERS is the first important topic for discussion. The Directors examined the property at 1937 W. Cermak Rd. which may be purchased for our Home Office. Since it would be almost impossible to secure an appropriate rented-space in Chicago for our ■Office, the Directors were very much interested In the purchase of this property for the housing of our own Headquarters. The cost of such an undertaking will be $12,500.00 for the property upon which are looted 2 houses. The rentals received from the property will total $155.00 per month. Our part in this rental will be $50.00 per month which is equivalent to the cost of rent that we were paying until now. Therefore the Directors feel justified in approving the purchase of the property. A letter will be sent to all the branches for ratification of the purchase in S'eptember since many of the branches do not have meetings during the summer months. To accumulate the purchase price, the lowest paying interest (2%) rates on our loans will be dropped and balance will be taken from the checking account. Some immediate repairs will be necessary to remodel the office and Mr. John Železnikar was asked to take charge of it to which he agreed. It is decided that the Benefit Fund will send a few promised parcels now, but will resume full activity after the next six months interval, since notice has been given that customs rates are very high in Jugoslavia. A proposal is made to work towards a memorial gift to the Pilgrimage site in Lemont, Illinois next year. All branches will be notified through Zarja that suggestions and donations are in order. In conclusion to the proceedings of the semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors, the entire body wishes to sincerely thank Mr. and Mrs. John Železnikar for the use of their home and their every courtesy. Meeting is adjourned at 61:30 PM with prayer by President Mrs. Josephine Livek who extends her best wishes to all the Directors for a safe journey home and hopes that the meeting in January will show many good results on the accomplishments of the entire staff and the subordinate branches during the coming six months. Josephine Livek, President Corinne Novak, Recording Secretary The following is the list of Greetings sent to the Ninth National Convention held in Detroit, Michigan, June 23—25, 1952. To all our well-wishers, the entire delegation was most grateful, for it meant that the prayers and hopes of many, many friends were with them during their deliberations. This thoughtfulness will always be remembered! God’s blessings were sent from: Bishop McNamara, of Joliet, 111. Rt. Rev, Msgr. M. J. Butala, Pastor of St. Joseph’s Church, Joliet, 111. Rev. Louis B. Baznik, Pastor of St. Vitus Church, Cleveland, Ohio Best Wishes were sent from: Bohemian Benedictine Press, Chicago, 111. The K.S.K.J. fraternal organization, Joseph Zallar, Supreme Secretary, Joliet, 111. John F. Starr, Member Board of Jurors, KSKJ, Pueblo, Colo. The Holy Family Society, Frank Wedic, Supreme Secretary, Joliet, 111. Hon. John A. Blatnik, U.S. Congressman from Minnesota. Mayor Arthur Janke, Joliet, 111. Mayor Bildhour, LaSalle, 111. Miss Frances Lokar, Nat’l Director of Juvenile and Women’s Activities of KSKJ Pittsburgh, Pa. American Fraternal Union, Ely, Minn. American Slovenian Organization, Mary Fale, President, Sheboygan, Wis. Miss Frances Jancer, Homemaking Columnist, of ZARJA, LaSalle, 111. Stares of Parkview Florist, Cleveland, Ohio Joliet American Slovenian Home, Joliet, 111. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Jevitz, Joliet, 111. Marija Pomagaj Lodge No. 190 KSKJ, Anna Virant, President, Denver, Colo. F. J. Sumic, Joliet, 111. Mary C. Terlep. Past Convention Queen, Joliet, 111. Joze Moravec, Konzul za Jugoslavijo, Chicago, 111. John Prisland and Family, Sheboygan, Wis. The Falhstroms, New York, N. Y. Theresa Zagožen, Secretary Branch No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. SWU Choral Club ot Chicago, 111. Branch No. 2, Mrs. Mamie Fabian, Chicago, 111. Mrs. Antonia Klune, Secretary Branch No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Margaret Kozjan, Pueblo, Colo. Branch No. 5, Louise Yeager, President, Indianapolis, Ind. Mary Schimenz, Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Frances Rupert, No. 14, Cleveland, Ohio Anna Kameen No. 7, Forest City, Pa. Mrs. Nettie Strukel, No. 18, Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Mary Strukel, President, No. 14, Cleveland, Ohio Branch No. 19, Mrs. Josephine Primosich, Eveleth, Minn. Branch No. 20, Joliet, 111. Branch No. 23. Mary M. Shikonya, Treasurer, Ely, Minn. Branch No. 23, Dawn Club, Mrs. Florence Markovich, Ely, Minn. Mrs. Gale Nowik, No. 24, LaSalle, 111. Mrs. Mary Strukel, No. 24, LaSalle, 111. Anne Cassidy, No. 24, LaSalle, 111. Branch No. 24, LaSalle, 111. Mrs. Frances Brancel, No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Pauline Stampfel, No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Mary Mahne and Millie, No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Josephine Cimperman, No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Frances Russ and Mary Marsich, Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Mary Coghe, No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Branch No. 28, Mrs. Anne Heineman, President, Calumet, Mich. Branch No. 33, Duluth, Minn. Frank Trdan and Ann, Chisholm, Minn. Branch No. 38, Mary Nosan, President, Chisholm, Minn. Branch No. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Sylvia Petrich, Treasurer, Chisholm, Minn. Branch No. 40, Frances Bresak, President, Loain, Ohio Branch No. 41, Cleveland, Ohio Branch No. 45, Portland, Oregon Branch No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Branch No. 47, Cleveland, Ohio Branch No. 53, Cleveland, Ohio Frank Racher and Daughter Joanne, Warren, Ohio Branch No. 54, Mary Waltko, Warren, Ohio Branch No. 63, Denver, Colo. Angeline Andolsek, Secretary No. 63, Denver, Colo. Branch No. 89, Oglesby, 111. Mary Mihelich, Enumclaw, Wash. Nemeth, Family, Frank and Maurice, LaSalle, 111. Mrs. Agnes Mahovlich, Branch No. 95, Chicago, 111. Rev. Joseph Simcic, S. D. B. ACTIVITIES OF OUR BRANCHES Dr. Rutledge. We join Mary’s many friends in wishing her the greatest success in her wonderful new undertaking. No. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. — On June 8, 1952 Miss Mary Wassel, member of Branch #5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Wassel graduated from Marian College and received a Bachelor of Science Degree. She was accepted for the “Whos Who” among students in American Universities and Colleges. Candidates must be outstanding in scholarship, activities, leadership, citizenship and service. Mary has been accepted as a member of Delta Epsilon Sigma, a scholastic honor society for students, alumni and faculty members of Catholic Colleges and Universities. On May 25th, she was crowned Campus 'Queen. She has accepted a position in the Quality Control Laboratory of Stokley Foods, Inc., as Food Analyst and assistant to No. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Hello, Everyone! This is going to be just a little note to remind you we are making arrangements for our coming Bingo Party in September, but we haven’t yet set the date. All members are asked to donate some little gift and bring it to our next meeting, or to the home of our President, Mrs. Anna Kameen or Mrs. Christina Gla-vich or at my home. We will gladly accept anything—let’s all cooperate and make it a 100% turnout! To all our members, or their families who are ill, we wish a speedy recovery. Mrs. Marolt is back with us after her serious illness and is now feeling fine. We’re glad to have you back, Mary! Welcome greetings to all our new members. Let’s all try our best to secure more members—it’s easy-—just ask your friends. Best wishes are sent to all the new friends I met at the Convention in Detroit. With hopes of seeing a bigger attendance at our next meeting and wishing every one a happy vacation and good health, I close. Christine Menart, Secretary Our deepest sympathy Branch 2, Chicago, Illinois has been deeply saddened by the loss of two very diligent members. On August 21st, MISS MARGARET BANICH, age 33, closed her eyes in sweet slumber Only a few days later word came from Cherbourg, France. that MRS. MARY KOVAČIČ, who was on a trip to visit her sister in Europe, passed away in a hospital in Cherbourg. Her son, Frank, was at her bedside at the time of her death. Her body was shipped to Chicago and arrived on September 2, for burial from Zefran’s Funeral Home, 1941 W. Cermak Rd. on September 5, 1952. We express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved families. May God reward them both with eternal happiness fo’ which they sacrificed their live«.. No. 13, San Francisco, California — First and foremost, the plans for the United Slovenian l^odge Bazaar to. be held Friday, Saturday, S’unday September 19, 20, 21, 1952 have reached final stages. The Slovenian Women’s Union will be in charge of the Groceries and Cake Booth. All the Ladies are requested by our chairman, Mary Plutt, 430 San Bruno Avenue, to call at her home or attend the September meeting of S. Z. Z. and donate any gift regardless of the size. All gifts will be greatly appreciated. LET'S SHOW THE GROUP THAT SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION KNOWS HOW! Let’s try our best to put this over the top as our showing is most important to our booth. The money will go to the improvement of the hall. Ladies, this is your chance to do your part! Call Mary Plutt or attend the September meeting! Branch #13 extends congratulations and good wishes to each and every PERDANS CELEBRATE DOUBLE EVENT The Adolph Perdans, popular managers of the Slovenian Home Lanes on Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio, celebrated two events within the recent weeks which have left them very, very happy. They were pleasantly surprised at a party given for them on the occasion of their 25tli Anniversary a few weeks ago. All their friends arrived at the Lanes and showed them a really wonderful time. The next surprising experience occured a few days later when their beloved son, Pvt. Robert Perdan arrived home from Korea, ready to shed his battle clothes for permanent civilian attire. Adolph and Mary deserve only good luck and if this is any indication of their future, it’s a mighty good sign. Mary is the daughter of our well-loved Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rupert of Shawnee Ave. Mrs. Frances Rupert is still remembered for her loyal work as Supreme Officer of SWU before she became disabled and Mr. Frank Rupert is one of the leaders of the Euclid community of Slovenes. Adolph’s family is well remembered also. His late mother was a loyal member of SWU and his late father, Mr. Rudolph Perdan was Supreme President of AFU when it was known as JSKJ some years ago. We add our congratulations to the Perdans and their wonderful family of three sons. Bog vas živi! Supreme Officer. It is with this able leadership S. Z. Z. enjoys the success it knows. We know Corrine Novak •will follow in the footsteps of her very efficient mother, and execute her duties as well as Albina. To Albina, we ■extend a thanks for a job well done dn the past and wishes for her continued success in her new position. San Francisco has the honor of having a Supreme Vice President as President of Branch #13. We knew when we sent Rose Scoff to the Convention she would endear herself to everyone with whom she would come in contact. This is the first time in twenty-five years, San Francisco has been listed having a Supreme Office. “Our Rose’ can indeed be commended on her success at the Convention. It is with priJe and pleasure we report this marvelous move forward San Francisco has made through the work and charm of “OUR ROSE.” A complete report on the Convention was given by President Rose Scoff, and guest speaker Bara Kramer. We learned much of the function and pleasures extended each and every candidate. Both our beloved Bara, and Rose were impressed with the kindness shown them, and for the many hours of genuine pleasure to have been in the company of such a wonderful group of fine women. Truly S. Z. Z. has a chosen membership throughout the United States it can well be proud of, and each member can be proud of her affiliation with this fine organization. After our meeting President Rose Scoff was surprised with a lovely Social. A large cake with the inscription "Welcome Home Supreme Vice President,” was the main feature. Candles graced the formal table and everyone enjoyed the surprise and dismay of “OUR ROSE”. We presented Rose with a lovely necklace of Brilliants as a lasting reminder of a job well done. The evening was a real success and we thank our Committee so much for the good food and merriment. Due to Convention News etc. this next announcement was not printed and being news our members will enjoy, we will repeat same: April 15th was a day of much happiness in the home of Matt and Mary Yerman of 543 Rhode Island Street. They celebrated their Fortieth (40th) Wedding Anniversary, with their seven grandchildren and four children. Mr. and Mrs. Yerman have known many hours of worry and care with their two sons in the Armed Service during World #2. We are happy and pleased God allowed a united family for a day as important as your 40th Anniversary. May God grant you many more years of happiness together with your lovely family. Sister Mary Slance is proud and pleased with her branch. It has been a great happiness to Mary during her long illness to see her beloved organization progress so well. We are trying to do a good job until you can return, Mary. Through you we have learned much and prospered due to all the work and years of active duty in the past. Hurry and get well, we all await your return. Frances E. Chiodo, Reporter No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — The time is almost here, so here is a little reminder that the regular monthly meeting will start again on the third Sunday in September, at St. Mary’s School Hall, 2 P.M. Please, try to attend all future meetings. Our “Pillow Case Card Party” will be held in the School Hall on Sunday, October 5, 1952 at 2 and 8 P.M. Those who promised to donate pillow cases are kindly requested to bring them to the meeting or to my home. A special appeal is extended to those who haven’t as yet contributed to do their part this time. All members and their friends are invited to this grand Card Party. Let’s make it, A BIG DATE! Everybody is most welcome! Wishes for a speedy recovery are expressed to our sick members. Best wishes to all, Marie A. Floryan, Secretary. No. 20, Joliet, III. — LOOKING BACK — Ten years ago the cadets returned from their Cleveland, Ohio weekend, where the team under Captain Jo Goron won the title of Honor Cadets at the Ohio Field Day program August 29. Also included in the month’s program was the music festival at Richards Street field, where the team drilled. Five years ago all of our units — senior and junior drill teams, mascots and baton twirlers—marched in the Labor Day parade behind our American Legion Harwood post Oo^d, who incidentally this year seeks ts seventh American Legion national utlo. PRESENT EVENTS — The cadei alumnae held their July family gathering at Inwood Park, where the children especiallly had loads of fun. \u-gust is another Inwood Park pk-n'c. while in September we resume tl e home meetings. A resolution sent by the branch t cently to President Truman and Se'' retary of State Dean Acheson read^ as follows: “Whereas, we as a peaceful nation SPECIAL CONVENTION FEATURE Convention memories would not be complete without giving you a few details of the special surprise feature, which was a part of the convention banquet program. This special feature was enacted by our Joliet cadets, who wished to surprise our foundress and honorary president Mrs. Marie Pris-land. On the preceeding day she celebrated her birthday and as a beginning the Joliet delegation presented her with a lovely orchid, while the Junior cadets came into her coach especially to sing “Happy Birthday, Mrs. Prisland”. Following our drill teams’ exhibitions the cadets in unison sang the birthday song during which the senior captain Dorothy Govednik and the junior captain Elaine Troppe presented Mrs. Prisland with gifts. As planned this was to have concluded the special feature. But then the cadets bestowed on me and my husband numerous gifts in honor of our 32nd wedding anniversary. We received a beautiful Cory chrome automatic coffee brewer, flowers and individual remembrances. To be the hoping for true peace and freedom throughout the world through Christian philosophy for all nations against the aggressors and enemy of such way of life, and Whereas, our native Jugoslavia is one who suffered much aggression and brutality from the Italian nation in recent wars that cannot be forgotten, and Whereas, at various opportunities it is attempted to deprive Jugoslavia of certain territorial rights, namely, the territory of Trieste, and Whereas, it is rightfully and deserving in the true sense of harmony and fairness that Jugoslavia, the brave nation and ally that bore much suffering and tyranny, be given and sustained with proper diplomatic authority to execute her rights in Trieste and the “A” Zone as she did to help the allies against our enemies in the World War no. 1 and no. 2, and Whereas, it is deemed our sacred duty that we, the United States, stand by the Jugoslavian people, who at this moment are looking forward to her allies not to concede their rightful territory Trieste to the once enemy of Jugoslavia and the United States, and Be it resolved, that the members of branch no. 20 with its 800 members, the second largest in the Union, held at their regular monthly meeting in Joliet, 111., appeals and requests to his excellency the President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, and the Secretary of the State Hon. Dean Acheson, to do all in their power to prevent the United Nations body from granting the common enemy of Jugoslavia, Italy, any concession as Trieste and its surroundings.” The White House reply: “Your telegram of June twenty- third, on behalf of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, has been received by the President. He is deeply grateful to you and those you represent for the greetings you extend to him. Very sincerely yours, WILLIAM D. HASSETT Secretary to the President” From the Department of State: “The receipt is acknowledged of the Resolution you addressed to Secretary Acheson on behalf of Slovenian Women’s Union branch no. 20 in which concern is expressed over the ultimate disposition of the entire Free Territory of Trieste. By reference from the White House, this Department has also received your similar communication to the President. Thank you for making your organization’s views known to the Government. The memorandum of Understanding signed at London on May 9, 1952, related solely to administrative matters in Zone A of the Free Territory of Trieste, and in no way prejudiced the ultimate solution of the future of the territory as a whole. All inhabitants of the Zone will continue to live in the enjoyment of Human rights and fundamental freedoms without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion. The United States believes that a final solution of the Trieste question would greatly strengthen the unity of Western Europe. It is the sincere hope of the United States that the Governments of Italy and Jugoslavia will be able to achieve by mutual agreement a settlement acceptable to both. Sincerely yours. GRACE B. RUCKH Information Officer Division of Public Liaison” recipients of these gifts we were no less surprised than Mrs. Prisland. We could not find words to thank our cadets for their expressions of thanks for our efforts and sacrifices rendered unto the drill teams. It was the opinion of the local branch’s officers foi some time to award medals to the cadets who have been loyal to the senior team since the last convention. Therefore as an additional surprise the branch president Mrs. Emma Planinšek presented the following girls with medals: captain Dorothy Govednik, Olga Ancel, Dolores Boštjančič, Dorothy Boštjančič, Jonita Erjavec, Rita Lightner, Theresa Mikolič, Irene Planinšek, Mildred Pucel; as well as a special recognition to our hard-working captains Dorothy Govednik and Elaine Troppe. In conclusion I extend my appreciation to the cadets of both teams for their remembrances, for the flowers and to the Joliet delegation for the beautiful corsage, presented me on the closing day of the convention. Such lovely memories cannot be forgotten. May God bless you all! In gratitude I remain — JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC. As reporter to the ZARJA I am about to commence my 15th year. It is indeed a great satisfaction to me to receive spoken and unspoken words of gratitude for my enviable record of long and faithful reporting of news from a proud, honest, hardworking city of Champs — Joliet. I sure would like to hear of another ZARJA reporter who can surpass my record. In closing I’m LOOKING FORWARD — to success for our Slovenian sheriff candidate John L. Jevitz. Don’t forget to cast your vote for a thoroughly honest, civic and community-minded Catholic leader on September 16. Olga Ancel WEST PARK FAMILY TOURS WEST A recent trip to Pueblo and Lead-ville, Colorado, and that is quite a trip from Cleveland was enjoyed by our family. In the party were my mother, and my daughter, Mrs. Albina Capek, 6539 Rogers Avenue. We left June 14th and in Pueblo we stayed with Mrs. Mike Papesh and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Papesh. We visited Mrs. Frances Turk and her sister Mrs. Rose Grebenc. At Heag-ler’s swimming pool we cooled off and at the same time visited Mrs. Mary Heagler who was not feeling too well. Another friend, Mrs. Mary Russ visited with us. On the 21st of June we left for Leadville and enjoyed the train trip into the mountains. There we stayed with Miss Mary Klun. In Leadville we visited her brother Joe Klun who operates a grocery store and Mrs. Angela Blatnik. Mrs. Angela Kerzon invited us over for dinner and we were treated with real western hospitality. Mrs. Rose Sadar, who has a tavern on Elm Street was celebrating her 80th Birthday and we joined the party and had a wonderful time. After spending a week in Lead-ville, we went back to Pueblo and met my brother Pete Perusek and my sister, Mrs. Pauline Friedel and her daughter-in-law, Anne Bozic Friedel who left Cleveland June 26th for Pueblo. Together we visited the Royal Gorge and were thrilled by that wonderful sight. Then, we went to Canon City and saw the State Prison. We left for Cleveland June 30th. It was a wonderful trip and one I’ll never forget. Mrs. Frances Perusek, member branch 21. No. 21, West Park, Cleveland, Ohio —We had a wonderful attendance at our August meeting. Since we are not holding our Annual Picnic, each member is requested to donate $1.00 to our treasury. Our recording secretary, Anna Pel-cic returned from Europe where she says she had a wonderful time. She showed us pictures of her family there and also told us how the people there survive under the high cost of living. There is a scarcity of almost everything and whatever is available is very high priced. If you know of any sick member, please contact me, because any sick member confined to a hospital will receive remembrance from the branch. We welcome to our branch four new members, secured through the untiring efforts of President, Mary Hosta. They are Donna and Josephine Vrtan-cilc and Marlene and Barbara Han-chette. Good luck to Albina Novak from our branch. We sincerely request our members to attend the meetings and get into the swing of things. We have little socials after each meeting. Stella Danculovic, Secretary No. 23, Ely, Minn. — Our meeting in July was very well attended and plans were discussed for our annual outing which will be held on our meeting night, the third of August. The committee for the outing, which will be held at Semers Park at S'hagawa Lake are the following: Mary K. Novak, Pauline Pishler, Barbara Rosan-dich, Mary Knapp, Rose Ferderber and Stephanie Vranesich. At our July meeting, we played Canasta and were served a delicious lunch by our committee, Mary L. Pu-cel, Margaret Pecha, Molly Richards and Barbara Rosandich. Angela Godec won the attendance prize. I’m sorry to report that due to the steel strike, we were unable to attend the annual pilgrimage to Lemont this year as we planned. But we just couldn’t get enough members for a chartered busload. On behalf of the Dawn Club mem- bers, I wish to congratulate the new officers on the Supreme Board and especially to our new Secretary Albina and to our new Editor Corinne. May God give you all his blessings for a very successful future. Fraternally yo.urs, Your reporter, Mary Shikonya No. 24, LaSalle, III. — St. Roch’s Picnic and Bazaar was a grand success! First of all we must thank God for the perfect day. Father Michael Železnikar and Father Hunt wish to thank all the merchants for their wonderful gifts. And thanks to the parishioners who gave towards the picnic. No matter how large or small the donation, it was appreciated. To all those who worked at the grounds and especially the committees who took charge, for their wonderful work, a vote of thanks. The good Lord will bless each and every one of you, and both Fathers will remember you in their daily prayers. This picnic was one of the best ever held on our grounds! Now we will remind you that in October we will have a Mission. The week of October 19 to 26th it will be in Slovenian and October 26 to Nov. 2nd will be in English. So we are asking you to keep these two weeks in mind. We ask that you remind your friends, especially those interested from LaSalle, Peru, Oglesby, Spring Valley and DePue, to attend. Missions come but once every few years; therefore, our parish will have it in the month of October. We hope each and everyone of you will be there. Forty-hours will also be held this year in the month of September. School days are back again, and our pastor asks that each and everyone of your children attend a Catholic school. We hope that you will do so. Your children need religion as well as other activities, and St. Roch’s have both. Father John has organized many sports and will do more in the future. So don't forget St. Roch’s School for your children. Again the bowling season is around the corner. How time flies! Soon there will be a bowling tournament. We ask that all our bowlers join some kind of league, so that when tournaments roll around, they will get in full swing. Young and old should join. This year the S.W.U. Tournament will be held in Chicago, and that is only a step away from LaSalle. So let’s try and help our neighbors, when the time comes. You might say the time is a long way off, but it’s really only a few months. Now I would like to congratulate the new officers who were elected at the last Convention, and thank the out-going officers for their hard work. We are very happy to learn that the new main office will be in Chicago. With the help of God we should be able to continue our fine progress. A twenty-fifth anniversary celebration was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krogulski last month. The couple spent a few days on their se-ond honeymoon traveling to Detroit and Chicago. They are the parents of two children, Paula Jean and Kenneth. Kenneth has been on the Honor Roll at St. Bede’s since he started school and also is an A student at St. Roch’s. Keep up the good work, Kenneth. Mrs. Krogulski has been the past president of our Branch #24. We wish them all the best of luck and future success. We wish to those who are on the sick list, a very speedy recovery. Ann Pelko No. 27, North Braddock, Pa. — Summer is just about over and here is hoping that everyone enjoyed the summer months. I don’t think there is one person who can say the summer wasn’t hot enough. With the closing of summertime comes the month of September, school bells and autumn lea.ves. There will be many a proud mother with a tear in her eye as she sends off her child to school for the first time, realizing that the baby is gone and boyhood or girlhood has begun. May God bless them and guide them on their way forward, so that they may become great men and women of our country. To any member who is sick, God grant her good health again. Any member who is in arrears with her dues, please get in touch with our secretary. Hoping to be with you again next month, God willing, Mary Stephenson, President No. 54, Warren, Ohio — Congratulations to our newly elected Spiritual Adviser Rev. Alexander Urankar and to all the Supreme Officers who will serve on the Supreme Board for the next term of three years. We are confident of your integrity and ability and are certain that you will all he working for the future progress and welfare of our beloved Slovenian Women’s Union. On July 10th we were invited to the farewell party given in honor of our newly elected supreme secretary. Mrs. Albina Novak and her daughter Corinne who left our state and moved to Chicago, Illinois to carry on the important duties in our Home Office. The best of luck to you and may you continue to devote your best for the good of the membership as you have been doing in the past for many years. We will miss you all greatly because of your efficient leadership and general activities but we know that from now on you will be able to accomplish much more for the welfare of our organization. God bless you and we hope that you will enjoy your new location in Chicago. We were all very thrilled to hear that S. W. U. 1ms now the opportunity of owning its own Home Office. Good luck to such an enterprise and we are with you 100% on this deal. Our convention was very interesting in every respect. I’m certain that much was accomplished and as far as I remember this convention had the most interesting program all around. The members will without a doubt soon realize the benefits the organization will be deriving, especially in our youth division. As you have already been told, we now accept boys from birth to 12 years of age into our organization. It is our earnest desire that you will all enroll your boys and help our branch to make a good showing in the increase of juvenile membership. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved Petrich family. Mrs. Angela Petrich and Mr. Frank Petrich both lost their beloved mothers. Mrs. Angela Petrich also lost her -dear aunt Mrs. Pirc in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Petrich stayed with her aunt when she came from Europe 15 years ago and she also was married from her aunt’s place. Our community also mourns the loss of its citizen Mr. John Jez, who was president of our Slovenian Hall. Our secretary Mrs. Watko also had great sorrow befall her family. Her mother passed away suddenly on July 4. Our deepest sympathy to the bereaved families. May God give all who passed away eternal rest and may the perpetual light shine upon them! Many thanks to all our generous and wonderful members who treated us with all sorts of good things at our meetings, the month that they celebrate their birthdays. We have a party after every meeting, so don’t miss the good time that we have in store for you, but plan to attend every future meeting! To the Petrich Family who have moved out on the farm we extend our best wishes for future happiness and contentment. Our recording secretary Tillie Zag-gar gave up her office temporarily because of the blessed event. Congratulations! To her successor Anna Savor go our best wishes for a successful term of office. A CORDIAL INVITATION is extended to all our members and also neighboring branches and our many friends to attend our dance on September 28th which will be held in celebration of our 20th anniversary since the founding of our branch. Because of the strike and other draw backs, we did not go ahead with the first plans to have a grand celebration, however we will have a very enjoyable affair and we assure everyone a good time if they attend. So will be seeing you on September 18! Rose Racher, President No. 55, Girard, Ohio — Hello Friends! I am writing this article in place of our reporters, so if it gets a little boring, just pass on to the next! We have two wonderful people for reporters, but both are making their fondest dreams come true, raising a family. So Congratulations to Anna Marie Racick, on your new arrival, a son, born August 9th. Margie Robsel, our other reporter told me that “Old Man Stork” is hovering over her home, too. Congratulations. Our branch held the S'ocial Picnic at Woodland Park in McDonald, Ohio on July 20th. A fine time was had by all. The youngsters had a “penny scramble” and there were other races and games. Mayor and Mrs. Joseph Catone, Barbara Umek and Margaret Umek were in charge of the entertainment and did a wonderful job. “Thanks, Folks!” Must say that we all missed Theresa Lozier at our picnic. Theresa has had a little trouble with her back, but she is fine now. On August 10th, we made a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Lourdes in Euclid, Ohio. Mrs. Helen Kren was chairman and Catherine Lozier, co-chairman. Msgr. Skrbec offered Holy Mass for all our members; and the majority of the members present received Holy Communion, which we hope pleased our Heavenly Father so that He will continue to shower blessings upon our branch. Monsignor had a wonderful sermon in Slovenian and also led our group in the Stations of the Cross. All the members seemed to enjoy the day, one long to be remembered. Our next "Doing” will be the “Grape Harvest Dance” at the Slovenian Home on October 4th. Emma Zore is the Chairman. All are invited to attend and I am sure you will enjoy yourselves, so please come! Mrs. Mary Kambic, and Mrs. Barbara Komlanc are on the sick list. We hope you both have a very speedy recovery. Bobby Lozier, grandson of our past president, Theresa Lozier is our first male member. “Welcome, Bobby!” Our meetings have been well attended, so we hope the future will be as bright. Wishing all God’s Blessing and the best of health. Mary Ann Mehalco, President No. 57, Niles, Ohio — We had a wonderful attendance at our August meeting. Keep it up! We hope that others will follow the good example. Many thanks to all our members who are busy with disposing of the beautiful greeting cards which wre now have on sale for the coming holidays. We appreciate every patronage. Show the samples to your friends and neighbors and let’s all help in getting as many orders as possible for this is one good way of building up our treasury. I’m deeply grateful to all for the birthday greetings and I enjoyed the singing of “Happy Birthday” very much. God bless you and congratulations to all who are celebrating their birthdays in the near future. Johanna Prinz, Reporter No. 62, Conneaut, Ohio — The members and their children enjoyed our July meeting at which time we had a weiner roast. It is lovely to see the families get together especially as the children grow older and become men and women. Special thanks to Sister Mary Blazek for offering her Lake-front cottage for the occasion. We all had a very enjoyable time and hope we receive another invitation soon. Sorry to hear that Madeline Galliaz-zo is on the sick list, but we are glad to have Treasurer Anna Mundi off the sick list. Anna hasn’t missed one meeting that I recall, and we are happy her record wasn’t broken by this recent illness. We extend congratulations to Bertha Vignal whose daughter presented the family with a darling baby girl. We extend sympathy to Florence Capela, whose beloved grandfather passed away. “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.” The time for our drawing is near. The new exclamation is “Everything is sew, sew, sew!” See you next month. Peggy Gurto, Secretary A NOTE OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to all the officers and mebers of Branch 63, Denver, Colorado for the lovely surprise party given me at our last meeting. Our ladies prepared everything from a delicious lunch to wonderful entertainment, and I shall always cherish the memory of that night and the friendliness of all the ladies. God bless you all! Mary Kovach, President No. 73, Warrensville, Ohio — Vacation days are over; our children will be going back to school and everything back in routine. Let’s start our meetings also with a bang and a full house. Members, who are in arrears with dues, please pay up to Louise Epley, secretary, at your earliest convenience. Remember that she has to use her own money when you do not pay because to keep things straight at the main office, the secretary must remit all dues promptly every month. May be you think that it’s no bother for her to pay 35 cents a month that you owe, but you must remember that it counts up wrhen more members have the same idea. So please make Louise happy and see that your dues are paid up. WOMAN’S GLORY The Kitchen All recipes are tested by contributor Frances Jancer 1110 — 3rd St., LaSalle, 111. J wish to take this means of thanking the hundreds of people who sent me cards while I was a patient in St. Mary’s Hospital in La Salle, Illinois. It certainly was very nice of all of you to remember me. * * * Macaroni, spaghetti vermicelli and noodles are the more commonly used Italian pastes. These are prepared in many different ways, and the Italians have taught us to use them with tomato paste, savory sauces containing onions, peppers and garlic, and serve them with grated cheese or a cheese sauce. As extenders of meat, chicken, eggs and other foods macaroni products deserve an important place in menu-making. CHEESE NOODLE CASSEROLE V2 lb. bacon diced, 1% cups cooked wide noodles, l cup cottage cheese, A number of us members had the pleasure of attending the farewell party given for our new Supreme Secretary Mrs. Albina Novak and her family who are moving to Chicago to take charge of the Home Office. We all had a wonderful time. Branch no. 73 congratulates the Novak Family and we wish them all the luck in the world. God bless you, Albina, Corinne and Gloria. We are glad to hear that Rudy Gorišek, son of Mrs. Mary Gorišek is on his way to complete recovery from the critical injuries sustained in the automobile accident. Here’s hoping that he will soon be back to work, fully recovered. At the time of this writing, Michael Juratovac, husband of our President, Mary, is in the hospital for observation. We hope that he will return very soon with a good report. To all our sick members we wish a speedy recovery. To all who have birthdays: Happy Birthday! We sincerely hope that the new home of John and Sylvia Kocjan will bring much happiness to them! — Sincerely yours, Frances Travnik, Reporter To keep pictures from slipping or hanging unevenly, hang them first facing the wall. .Then turn over, crossing the wires which will not allow slipping in any direction. y2 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pepper, V* teaspoon paprika, % cup buttered bread crumbs. Pan-broil bacon until crisp, add cooked noodles, cheese, and seasonings, mixing well. Turn into greased casserole, sprinkle with crumbs and bake in moderately hot oven 375 degrees for 20 minutes. Makes G portions. CORNED BEEF SPAGHETTI % package (8 oz. pkg.) spaghetti, 2 cups chopped corn beef, 1 small onion, % cup butter, % cup canned mushrooms, 1 cup canned red kidney beans, % teaspoon salt, Va teaspoon pepper, 1 cup canned condensed tomato soup, % cup grated American Cheese. Cook spaghetti. Sauce corned beef and onion in butter 8 minutes, stirring frequently. Arrange half of spaghetti in greased casserole, then layers of % the meat, mushrooms and beans; season with salt and pepper. Repeat layers in reverse order, having spaghetti on top; pour soup over spaghetti, sprinkle with cheese and bake in moderately hot oven 375 degrees about 30 minutes. Makes C portions. Frances Jancer. SAUERKRAUT SPAGHETTI 2 cups prepared canned spaghetti with tomato sauce, 2 cups canned When sewing buttons on a garment place a straight pin under the first stitch. .When button is seved on, take pin out, this loosens the thread, making a shank and the button will be easier to handle. Lipstick marks can be removed from most fabrics by sponging the spots with kerosene and washing in hot suds. With pinking shears, cut hankysized sauerkraut, G slices bacon. Put alternate layers of spaghetti and sauerkraut in greased baking dish; cut bacon slices in halves and arrange on top. Bake in moderate oven about 30 minutes,or until bacon is crisp. Makes 6 portions. NOODLE RING % package (8 oz. pkg.) flat noodles, 3 eggs separated, % cup milk, % cup cream, Vt cup grated cheese, % teaspoon salt, dash of pepper. Cook noodles. Beat egg yolks until thick and light, add milk and cream, noodles, cheese and seasonings; fold in stiffy beaten whites. Turn into well greased 8 inch rind mold, set in pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven about 1 hour. Turn out round serving plate and fill with well-seasoned creamed chicken, mushrooms or fish, as desired. 6 portions. BAKED SALMON MACARONI 3 cups cooked macaroni, 2 cups salmon, % cup buttered bread crumbs, 2 cups milk, tablespoons butter, salt and pepper to taste. Drain and flake salmon, remove bones. Fill well oiled baking dish with alternate layers of salmon and macaroni. Add milk and seasonings. Dot with butter. Cover with crumbs. Bake in moderate oven 1 hour. squares from hoplessly worn out shets, etc. .No harm is done if shildren lose them while at play. Drop cookie dough from a spoon, press the mixture with the bittim of a bottle which has been dipped in sugar. .This quick method gives cookies a nicely glazed surface. Butter rubbed on the rim of a saucepan will keep milk from boiling over. GOOD NEWS!!! The fourth supply of our much in demand cookbook WOMAN’S GLORY - THE KITCHEN is now ready for delivery. Don’t delay with your order but send it today with two dollars which covers cost of mailing to: ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Juntors' “Page No. 20, Joliet Jr. Cadets — As you all arobably know on July 20th a pilgrimage /vas held at Lemont, Illinois by the Slovenian Women's Union of America. Sadet Joan Berard and myself had the lonors to sell flowers to all the good 3eople who attended from far and near. The weather, being as hot as it was did lot spoil the attendance of the pilgrimage. This was my first time I ever went :o a pilgrimage and I was really impressed by it all. The procession to the jrotto was holy to be seen. Joan Berard and I attended the pilgrimage with our jarents and grandparents, and oh! yes /ve did have our little brothers along. Joanie’s brother Jimmy is Just a little jaby and is he cute. My brother is way jast the cute age, if you know what I nean. As you read this article, most of us Juniors will be sitting at our desks with our dreamy eyes, thinking of all :he good times we had on our vacation! }h well, it is only about 300 more days :iII next vacation. Condolences to all students, Sandra Rosenquist. AUTUMN I like our yard in Autumn, Though all the trees look bare, So blue—and through the branches, The sky seems everywhere! Everybody goes to everybody's house for Trick or Treat. Why not help mother prepare the treats for your house? Short-cut fudge is easy to make and tastes elegant. You'll need, 2 packages of semi-sweet chocolate % cup sweetened condensed milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Melt the chocolate in the top of a double boiler. Remove from heat. Stir in the milk and vanilla and mix until all is well blended. Turn this mixture into a greased pan. Allow the pan to stand for several hours and then cut the fudge into squares. Wrap the squares into little individual pieces of waxed paper to make them look nice. To dress-up your short-cut fudge, sprinkle it with chopped nuts. Or shape the fudge into % inch balls instead of flattening it in the pan. Roll these balls in shredded coconut or press whole walnuts or pecans in them. Wrap these balls in wax paper, toe. JUMP-ROPE SONG January February March March March Down to the bakery shop to buy some tarts Nod to the baker Shake hands with the maid Turn around turn around and after you do Stoop down once to buckle your shoe 12 3 4 red hot pepper MANNERS On muddy days I wipe my feet When I come in Because I'm .... I brush my teeth And always mean To wash my hands Because I'm ..... I say “Good Morning" And “Good Night" And "If you please" 'Cause I'm............ a91!lod *uu31o ‘*eaN :*suv APPLE TIME! September is apple time! We bring apples to our teachers. We eat the rosy red fruit at recess, at lunch, and sometimes even before we go to bed. And we have apple desserts. They are wonderful. An easy-to-make dessert is Apple Crisp. To make it you’ll need, 6 to 8 peeled apples, cut in quarters V2 cup butter or margarine 1 cup of sugar % cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon First place the quartered apples in a 2 quart greased baking dish. If the apples are very dry add a tiny bit of water. If they are Juicy leave them alone. In another dish work together the butter, sugar, flour and cinnamon. When this mixture is crumbly and well mixed, pack it over the apples. Put the baking dish in a 375 degree oven and bake for about 50 minutes. This dessert is best served warm. It can be eaten plain, topped with plain or whipped cream, or best, served with a tiny daub of ice cream. There are many ways of doing things— a casual glance discloses some folks turn up their sleeves and work, and some turn up their noses. THE BIG WHALE The largest animal that exists in the world today is the whale. The whale doesn't have to worry about its size. If a puppy gets too fat its legs will not carry him. But a whale is supported by the water and can grow and grow. A whale is not a fish. It breathes air by means of its lungs as you do. But a fish breathes air by means of its gills in the water. So if a fish is kept out of water any length of time it would die. A whale does not spout water as many people think. He spouts air! When he dives deep into the ocean in search of food he stays under a long time. The air he is holding in his lungs gets heated. When he comes to the surface he lets out this warm air. It makes a great spray of steam in the cold ocean air. The whale spouts out of his nostrils which are either at the very top of his head or at the tip of his snout. Because the whale is a mammal, it is a warm-blooded creature. Unlike a fish which changes its body temperature to fit the temperature of the water, the whale's body temperature remains the same as ours does. Therefore, in order to protect him from the intense cold of the ocean, he has a layer of fat or blubber under his hide. This is his coat of protection just as we wear heavy clothes in winter. The farther north they go, the heavier the coats of blubber. Whales in the warmer seas have a lighter coat of blubber. There are two main types of whales: The baleen whales and the toothed whales. The baleens have whalebone instead of teeth. This whalebone hangs in rows on either side of the mouth. The baleen whale scoops up small shellfish which is its food, squeezes the water out with its huge tongue and swallows them whole. The baleen whale's throat is very small. The toothed whales feed on fish and squid. They have large peglike teeth with which to grasp their prey. Because their foocf is large their throats are large, too. WILD ANIMAL ALPHABET A is for Aardvark—a name for earth pig, B is for Badger who adores to dig, C is for Chipmunk with nuts in his cheek, D is for Dik-dik, so shy and so meek, E is for Eland, filled with fears, F is for Fennec, a fox with big ears, G is for Galago who like a monkey ap- pears, H is for Hyrax—in the Bible called "Coney," 1 is for Ibex with horns long and bony, J is for Jerboa—a two-legged mouse, K is for Klipspringer with a cliff for a house, L is for Lynx which wears a short tail, M is for Marten, quite shy as a quail, N is for Nyala with fringe on his back, O is for Ocelot who makes chicken a snack, P is for Potto who eats when you’re in bed, Q is for Quagga with stripes on his head, R is for Raccoon who is masked like a clown, S is for Sloth who live? upside down, T is for Tapir whose baby is brown, U is for Ukari, a monkey with red face, V is for Vicuna, who stays in a high place, W is for Warthog whose face is a hex, X is for no wild animal beginning with X! Y is for Yak with his hair coarse and black— 2 is for Zebu with a hump on his back! NOT SO GOOD A cook decided to quit her Job. Mistress (upset): "I can't understand why you are leaving. Haven't we treated you like one of the family?" Cook: "Yes'm, you has, and I don't think I can put up with it any longer." One thing you've got to admit about the little red schoolhouse—it had something in back of it. PODRUŽNICE S.2.Z. IN NJIH ODBORI ŠT. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Preds.: Christine Rupnik, 630 So. I3th St. Tajn.: Theresa Zagožen, 1624 So. 9th St. Blag.: Christina Sterk, Grand Ave. Seje: Drugi torek v cerkveni dvorani. ST. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Preds.: Josephine Železnikar, 2045 W. 23d Tajn.: Lillian Kozek, 2244 S. Wolcott Blag.: Mary Tomazin, 1904 W. Cermak Seje: Drugi Četrtek v cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 3, PUEBLO. COLO. Preds.: Anna Pachak, 2009 Oakland ave. Tajn.: Ant. Klune, 1238 Bowhen Ave. Blag.: Mary Kukar, 1231 Taylor Ave. Seje: Prvo sredo v mesecu, 7 p.m. St. Mary's Hall ŠT. 4, OREGON CITY, ORE. Pred.: M. Polajner, 1112 J. Adams St. Tajn.: Mary Gerkman, R. 2 Box 59 Blag.: Staži Petrich, 609 Madison St. Seje: Drugi torek ob osmih zvečer. ŠT. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Preds.: Louise Yeager, 912 No. Warman Tajn.: Julija Zupančič, 2826 W. 10th St. Blag.: Anna Trauner, 920 No. Holmes Seje: Tretji četrtek S.N.D. 7:30 ŠT. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO Preds.: Margaret Naizer, 821 Wooster Rd. Tajn.: Mary Fidel, 86—15th N. W. Blag.: J. Killoran, 900 W. Tusc. Ave. Seje: Prva nedelja v mesecu v farnem “Club House” ŠT. 7, FOREST CITY, PA. Preds.: Anna Kameen, Depot St. Tajn.: Christine Metiart, 741 Main-Van-dling Blag.: Rose Kotar Oven. 142 Center St. Seje: Zvon Hall 2nd Sunday ŠT. 8, STEELTON, PA. Preds.: Anna Žlogar, Box P. O. Tajn.: Dorothy Dermes, 222 Myers St. Blag.: Katie Bellcic, 245 Predrich St. Seje: Tretjo nedeljo v mesecu ŠT. 9, DETROIT. MICH. Preds.: Mary Gornik, 18095 Hull Tajn in blag.: Angela Stupar, 6131 Morse St. Seje: Church Hall, 2nd Sunday, 3 P.M. ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND (Collinwood), O. Preds.: Mary Urbas. 833 E. 156th St. Tajn.: Frances Susel, 364 Babbitt Rd. Blag.: Filomena Sedej, 713 E. 160 St. Seje: Drugi četrtek v mesecu v Slovenskem Domu na Holmes avenue ŠT. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Preds.: Frances Plesko, 132G W. Madison Tajn.: M. Schimenz, 732 W. Pierce St. Blag.: Anna Grahek, 2453 No. 15th St. Seje: Prvo sredo na 815 So. 5th St. ŠT. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Preds.: Rose Scoff, 2208 Mariposa Tajn.: Blanche J. Gollop, 2325 Mariposa Blag.: June Starlka, 3348 — 19th St. Seje: Prvi četrtek v Slovenskem domu ŠT. 14, NOTTINGHAM, O. Preds.: Mary Strukel, 870 E. 185th St. Tajn.: Frances Kog, 20357 Goller avenue Blag.: Mary Mršnik, 20170 Lindberg Seje: Prvi torek v mesecu v Slov. društvenem domu, Recher avenue ŠT. 15, NEWBURGH, O. Preds.: Anna Yakic, 4716 Lester ave. Tajn.: Helen Zupančič, 3549 E. 81st St. Blag.: Rose Lausche, 8009 Mansfield Seje: Vsako drugo sredo v S. N. Domu na 80. cesti ŠT. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Preds.: Katle Triller, 1724 Stanton, Whiting, Ind. Tajn.: Gladys Buck, 10036 Ave. L. Blag.: Anna Buck, 10036 Ave. I,. Seje: Drugi četrtek, St. George's Hall ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Preds.: Jos. Schlossar, 5801 W. National Tajn.: Marie Floryan, 5830 W. Mineral Blag.: Frances Piwoni, 3717 So. 92nd St. Seje: Tretjo nedeljo v cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 18, CLEVELAND, O. Preds.: Nettie Strukel, 15806 Trafalgar Tajn.: Josephine Praust, 1281 E. 169th St. Blag.: Josephine Praust Seje: Drugi torek v Kuncic hali ŠT. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Preds.: Antonia Nemgar, 117 Jones St. Tajn.: Mary Lenlch, 609 Jones St. Blag.: Josephine Primožič, 511 Grant ave. Seje: Vsako drugo sredo v Auditorium ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Preds.: Emma Planinšek, 1314 Elizabeth Tajn.: Frances Gaspich, 619 Nicholson St. Blag.: Jos. Sumic, 1305 No. Center St. Seje: Vsako četrto nedeljo, 2 P.M., Ferdinand Hall ŠT. 21, CLEVELAND, O. Preds.: Mary Hosta, 13224 Carrington Tajn.: S. Danculovic, 12902 Longmead Blag.: Jos. Weiss, 12619 Kirton Ave. Seje: Prva sreda v Jugo. Narodnem Domu ŠT. 22, BRADLEY, ILL. Preds.: Anna E. LaMontagne, 284 S. Grand avenue Tajn.: M. Staraslnich, 212 So. Michigan Blag.: Elizabeth Kender, 212 So. Michigan Seje: Every fourth Thursday ŠT. 23, ELY, MINN. Preds.: Katerine Slogar, 411 E. Harvey Tajn.: Barbara Rosandich. 846 E. Chapman St. Blag.: M. Shikonya, 846 E. Chap Seje: Prvo nedeljo 7:00 P.M. v Cohimun-ity Center ŠT. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. Preds.: Anna Plantan, 307-8th Street Tajn.: Ang. Strukel, 530 La Harpe St. Blag.: Mary Kastigar, 1146—7th Street Seje: Prva nedelja v mesecu, v šoli, 6th and Crosot Street ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND. O. Preds.: Ivanka Krall, 1098 Norwood Rd. Tajn.: Mary Otoničar, 1110 E. 6Gth St. Blag.: Louise Piks, 1176 E. 71st Seje: Drugi pondeljek ob osmih v šoli sv. Vida ŠT. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Preds.: Anna Trontel, 701 Kendall St. Tajn.: Mary Coghe, 4517 Coleridge St. Blag.: Ant. Stayduhar, 5607 Wickliffe St. Seje: Tretji torek v Slov. Domu ŠT. 27, NORTH BRADDOCK, PA. Preds.: Mary Stephenson, 1721 No. Ridge Tajn.: Mary Stefančič, 520 Howard St. East Pittsburgh, Pa. Blag.: Frances Ciligoi, 1719 Poplar Way Seje: First Sunday, 1620 Pierce ŠT. 28. CALUMET, MICH. Preds.: Ann Heinaman, 6th Street Tajn.: Mary Uracco, 2150 Log Blag.: Stephanie Ryan, 109 8th St. Seje: Drugo sredo v mesecu v Cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 29. BROUNDALE, PA. (P. O. Forest City, Pa.) Preds.: Mrs. Mary Pristavec Tajn.: Marion Scepita Blag.: J. Debevec, R. D. 2 Seje: Prvi pondeljek v mesecu ŠT. 30, AURORA, ILL. Preds.: Florence Aister, 775 Aurora Ave. Tajn.: Theresa Zefron, 1227 Superior Street Blag.: Barbara Fayfar, 611 Hankes Ave. Seje: 2Tnd Tuesday at members' homes ŠT. 31, GILBERT, MINN. Preds.: Antoinette Lucich, Box 752 Tajn.: Rose Klink, Box 494 Blag.: Mary Kern, Box 555 Seje: Vsako drugo sredo ob 7:30 zvečer ŠT. 32, EUCLID, O. Preds.: Theresa Potokar, 19850 Renwood Tajn.: Hattie Kraus, 489 E. 235th St. Blag.: Helen Kovacevich, 986 E. 218th Seje: Prvi torek dvorani sv. Kristine ŠT. 33, NEW DULUTH, MINN. Preds.: Frances Stern, 632 101 Ave. W Tajn.: Mary Shubitz, 518—99th Ave. W Blag.: Mary Shubitz Seje: Drugo nedcljoo v šolski dvoorani ŠT. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. Preds.: Mary Erchul Tajn.: Mary Pahula, Box 696 Blag.: Mary Pahula Seje: Tretjo nedeljo v C.M. Club Hall ŠT. 35, AURORA, MINN. Preds.: Pauline Plevel, Box 6G Tajn. In blag.: F. Bradach, Box 172 Seje: 2nd Monday Rec. Bldg. ŠT. 36, McKI N LEY, MINN. Preds.: Anna Spihar Tajn. In blag.: Mary, Krall. Box 84 Seje: Drugo nedeljo v mestni dvorani ob 2 popoldne ŠT. 37, GREANEY, MINN. Preds.: Anna Rent, Gheen. Minn. Tajn.: Frances L. Udovich Blag.: Anna Škraba, Gheen, Minn. Seje: Druga nedelja po maši, v dvorani ŠT. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. Preds.: Mary Nosan, 118 S.W. 5th St. Tajn.: Anna Trdan, 215—5th S.W. Blag.: Sylvia Petrich, 303—7th S.W. Seje: Prvo sredo S.N.D. zvečer ŠT. 39, BIWABIK, MINN. Preds.: Johanna Zallar Tajn. In blag.: Frances Anzelc, Box 67 Seje: Second Monday, Pavilion ŠT. 40, LORAIN, O. Preds.: Frances Bresak, 1769 E. 31st St. Tajn.: Angela Kozjan, 1748 E. 34th St. Blag.: Mary Pavlovčič, 1763 E. 34th St. Seje: Drugo sredo ob 7:30 zvečer v S-N. Domu ŠT. 41. COLLINWOOD, O. Preds.: Frances Jamnik, 1014 E. 169th St. Tajn.: Ella Starin, 17814 Dillewood Blag.: Anna Rebolj, 1217 E. 176th Street Seje: Prvi torek v SDD na Waterloo Rd. ŠT. 42, MAPLE HEIGHTS, O. (P. O. Bedford, O.) Preds.: F. Began, 5099 Stanley Ave. Tajn.: Mildred Lipnos, 5157 Erwin St. Blag.: F. Stavec, 5108 Stanley Ave. Seje: Prvi torek, 7:30 p.m., v S. N. D., 5050 Stanley Avenue ŠT. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Preds.: Rose Kraemer, 2012 S. K. K. Ave. Tajn.: Marie Bevz, 2122 S. Allis Street Bing.: Mary Tratnik, 3603 So. Austin St. Seje: Drugo nedeljo, 2012 So. K.K. Ave. ŠT. 45, PORTLAND, ORE. Preds.: Y. Misetich, 1908 N. Killingsworth Tajn.: Louise Struznik, 915 Stafford St. Blag.: Violet Knez, 7025 N. E. 22nd Ave. Seje: 1st Wed. Polish Hall ŠT. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. Preds.: Josephine Prebil, 4309 California Tajn.: Helen Skoff, 6255 Westway n. Blag.: Helen Skoff Seje: Prvi četrtek, 3244 Minnesota Ave. ŠT. 47, GARFIELD HEIGHTS, O. Preds.: Theresa Bizjak, 8601 Vineyard Tajn.: Helen Tomažič, 8804 Vineyard Blag.: Ivanka Pugelj, 10724 Plymouth Seje: Drugo soboto na 8601 Vineyard Atfe. ŠT. 48, BUHL, MINN. Preds.: F. Ambrožič, Box 235 Tajn.: Annle Peschel Blag.: Mary Arko, Box 455 Seje: Tretji torek v Public Library ŠT. 49. NOBLE. O. Preds.: M. Stusek, 2966\ Grand Blvd.. Wlckliffe, Ohio Tajn.: Mary Drobnich, 23001 Ivan Ave. Blag.: Rose Strah, 24420 Mavec Seje.: Drugo nedeljo ob dveb na 22301 Arms Ave. ST. 50, CLEVELAND, O. Preds.: Frances Sietz, 25982 Highland Rd. Tajn. in blag.: Corinne Novak, 1987 Cer-mak Chicago 8, 111 Seje: 2nd Monday Carofran's, 7017 Superior, upstairs Bridal Shoppe ST. 51, KENMORE, O. (P. O. Akron, Ohio) Preds.: Dorothy Zakely, GIG W. Flora ave. Tajn.: Jennie Zoker, 2110 Manchester rd. Blag.: Jennie Golec, 450 Waterloo Seje: Prva nedelja v mesecu, 2 p.m., Slov. Home. 21GG Manchester Rd. ŠT. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Preds.: Jos. Oswald, 330—2nd St. Tajn.: L. Rose Chiodi, 312—4th St. Blag.: M. Gutzwiller, 216—3rd St. Seje.: 1st Wed. Kitzville School Hall ŠT. 53, BROOKLYN, O. (P. O. Cleveland, Ohio) Preds.: M. Oblak, 4412 Bradley Avenue Tajn.: Louise Menart, 3429 W. 60th St. Blag.: Mary Kolanz, 3970 W. 2nd Street Seje: Prvi Četrtek, 2 P.M., 4002 Jennings ŠT. 54, WARREN, O. Preds.: R. Racher, 2205 Burton Street Tajn. blag.: Mary Waltko, 20G8 Milton Seje: Third Wed. Slov. Homo ŠT. 55, GIRARD, O. Preds.: Mary Mihalco, 1022 No. State Tajn.: Helen Kren, 120 Townsend Seje: Drugi torek v S. N. Domu ŠT. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Preds.: Mary Theodore, 2529-4th Ave. W. Tajn.: Mary Meadows, 1410-15th Ave. E Blag.: Caroline Kozina, 2601—2nd Ave. Seje: Drugi torek v Assumption Hall, ob 7:30 zvečer • ŠT. 57, NI LES, OHIO Preds.: Frances Yerman, 619 Spring Tajn.: Mary Jerina, 721 Spring Blag.: Johanna Prinz, 810 Ann Ave. Seje.: 1st Tuesday Midway Tavern ŠT. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. Preds.: Cecelia Farrltano, Main Street Tajn.: Virginia Bendicn. 2 E. Market Blag.: Margaret Godish, 1 E. Market St. Seje: 2nd Tuesday Slov. Home ŠT. 61, BRADDOCK, PA. Precfs.: Marget KrSul, 107-9th St. Tajn.: Frances Mule. 421 Robinson Blag.: Jennie Novosel, Box 273, Terrace, Pa. Seje: 2nd Sunday, Croatian Home ŠT. 62, CONNEAUT, OHIO Preds.: Tess Vignal, 539 Blair Street Tajn.: Anna Mundi, 763 Broad St. Seje: First Wed. at Mrs. Mundi’s Broad St. ŠT. 63, DENVER, COLO. Preds.: Mary Kovac, 4584 Logan Street Tajn.: Angelina Andolshelc. 4531 Penn St. Blag.: .1. ICrasovich, 5180 Washington St. Seje: Četrto nedeljo v cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 64. KANSAS CITY, KANS. Preds.: Antonija Kastelec Tain.: Catherine Lastelic. 637 Orville Ave. Blag.: Mary Mootz, 319 Orchard Street Seje: Tretja nedeljo v Šolski dvorani ŠT. 65, VIRGINIA. MINN. Preds.: Angela Stepicli, 2102 Southern Dr. Tajn.: Jennie Taucher, 719 10th St. N. Blag.: Eliz. Matko, 611 13th St. No. Seje: 1st Monday, 8 P.M., Women’s Club, City Hall ŠT. 66, CANON CITY, COLO. Pred«.: Katherine Yekovec, 607 Griffin Tajn.: C. R. Konte. 112 W. Catlln Ave. Blag.: Mary Lauriskl Seje: Vsako drugo nedeljo ob dveh ŠT. 67, BESSEMER, PA. Preds.: Mary Snezic. Box 47 Tajn : Frances Sankovich, Box 175 Blag.: Mary Brodesko, Box 447 Seje: Vsako prvo nedeljo v Croatian Hall ŠT. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR. OHIO Preds.: Mary Modic, 505 New Street Tajn. blag.: Mary Grzely, 1055 N. St. Clair Painesvllle , : Blag.: Mary Grzaly Seje: Drugo nedeljo na domu tajnice ŠT. 70, WEST ALIQUIPPA, PA Preds.: Stella Žagar Ciccone, 104 Main Tajn.: Frances Gentile. 141% Main Ave. Blag.: Kath. Derglin, 138 Main Street Seje: Drugi torek v mesecu ŠT. 71, STRABANE, PA. Preds.: M. Tomsic, Box 202 Tajn.: Anna Sterle, Box 176 Blag.: Mary Kocjan Seje: Drugo sredo ob sedmih v KSKJ hali ŠT. 72, PULLMAN, ILL. Preds.: Jennie Orazem, 11433 Champlain Tajn.: Angela Bezlay, 11425 Champlain Blag.: Angela Bezlay Seje: Tretjo sredo, 11821 Parnell ŠT. 73. WARRENSVILLE, OHIO Preds.: M. Juratovas, Eastwood Dr. Zone 28 Tajn.: Louise Epley, 19940 Emery Rd. Zone 28 Blag.: Alojzija Turk, 22715 Vera Street Seje: Prvo nedeljo na 22715 Vefra Street ŠT. 74, AMBRIDGE, PA. Preds.: Jetmv Gasperic, 716—24th Street Tajn.: Stephania Plese, 112 Maplewood ŠT. 77, N.S. PITTSBURGH, PA. Preds.: Anna Knaus, 1040 Spring Garden Ave. Tajn.: Mary Chrnart, 937 Hoslage Blag.: Anna Boskovlc, 1026 Gochring St. Seje: Prvo sredo, Svablan Hall, 912 ŠT. 78, LEADVILLE, COLO. Preds.: Bertha Brandt. 308 Elm Street Tajn.: Mary Vidmar, 414 W. Third Blag.: Mary Fajdiga Seje: Last Thursday of every month, 1:30 P.M. by Mrs. Vldmar’s ŠT. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. Preds.: Josephine Richter, Rt. 1, Box 14 Tajn.: Ivana Chacata, Rt. 2, Box 121 Blag.: Jennie Beaner, Box 98 Seje: Drugo nedeljo pri Članicah ŠT. 80, MOON RUN, PA. Preds.: Frances Devak Tajn.: Mary Christian. RFD 1 McICees Rocks Blag.: Genevieve B. Arch Seje: 1st Thursday .In Church Hall ŠT. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. Preds.: C. Matakovlch Tajn.: Anna General Blag.: G. Matakovlch * Seje: Drugi Četrtek v Village Hall ŠT. 83, CROSBY, MINN. Preds.: Kate Mrkonich, 716 Poplar Ta |n.: Mary Deblock, 212 Winona Way, Ironton Slag.: Mary Deblock. Box 12, Riverton Seje: Drugi ponedeljek ob sedmih zvečer ŠT. 84, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Preds.: Angela Voje, 1825 Woodbine Ridgewood. Brooklyn. N. Y. Tajn.: Anna F. Svet, 6901 66th St., Glendale, L. I. Blag.: A. Vaupotlch, 2215 28th Street, Astoria. L. I. Seje: Prvi pondoljek v Slovenskem domu ŠT. 85, DE PUE, ILL. Preds.: M. Stupar, Box 381 Tajn.: Maria Jermene, Box 205 Blag.: Josephine Bankse, Box 412 Seje: Drugo nedeljo ob 2 popoldne v S. N. D. ŠT. 86. NASHWAUK, MINN. Preds.: Helen Kolar Tajn.: C. Stimac Blag.: Catherine Stimac Seje: Drugi ponedeljek v S. Cecelia Hall ŠT. 88, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Preds.: Mary Kuzma, 231 View Street Tajn.: M. Lovše, 205 Oakland Avenue Blag.: Mary Zupan, 546 Forest Avenue Seje: 2nd Wed. 7 P.M. Slov. Home ŠT. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. Preds.: Anna Stor, 322 Mormon Tajn.: Frances Kirbach, 132 E. Walnut Blag.: Frances Nemeth, 120 N. Kenosha Seje.: 2nd Monday, Dickinson House ŠT. 90, PRESTO, PA. Preds.: Ann Nemec, R.D. 1 Bridgevitle Pa. Tajn.: Mary Rupnik, 701 Chartiers St. Blag.: Anne Sorčan, R.F.D. #1 Seje: 3rd Sunday, 3 P.M., St. Barbara’s Hall, Presto, Pa. ŠT, 91, OAKMONT, PA. Preds.: Anna Flisek, 721—3rd Street Tajn.: Amalia Sorch, 409 Virginia Ave. Blag.: Anna Kastelic, Box 287 Seje: Vsaki prvi torek ob sedmih — 731 3rd Street ŠT. 92, CRESTED BUTTE, COLO. Preds.: Rose Starika Tajn.: Jos. Krizmanich Blag.: Josephine Somrak Seje: 1st Sunday at City Hall ŠT. 93. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Preds.: H. Corel, 67 Scholes Street Tajn.: A. Kerkovich, 360 Knickerbocker Blag.: Helen Hodnik, 6042 - 68 Rd. Seje: Tretji torek v Slov. Domu ŠT. 94, CANTON, OHIO Preds.: Kathryn Pauline, 1831 Roslyn Ave.. S.W. Tajn. in bla.: Mary Krznarich, 612 Patterson S.W. Blag.: Mary M. Krznarich Seje.: 4th Sunday at Member’s Home ŠT. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Preds.: M. Marlcezich, 2809 E. 95th St. Tajn.: Pauline Stanley, 9521 Exchange Blag.: Martha Pazanin, 11009 Ave. G Seje: 1st Wednesday; Sacred Heart Hall ŠT. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. Preds.: Pauline V. Kokal Tajn.: M. Klemenčič, RD 1 Box 318 Pittcairn, Pa. Blag.: Frances Velicic, Reiter Rd. Seje: Drugo nedeljo v mesecu v Slov. Hall, ob 2 popoldne ŠT. 97, CAIRNBROOK, PA. Preds.: Angela Satkovich, Box 28 Tajn.: Theresa Primsar, R.D. #1, Central City, Pa. Blag.: Margaret Mihelič, Central city. Pa. Seje: Prvo nedeljov mesecu od 2 popoldne v St. John Baptist Church hall ST. 99. ELMHURST, ILL. Preds.: Victoria Volk. 243 Larch Avenue Tain.: Maria Podgornik, 200 Evergreen Blag.: Molly Remec, 125 Walnut Street Seje: Prvo nedeljo na domu Članic ŠT. 102. WILLARD, WIS. Preds.: Mary Zupančič Tajn.: Johanna Artač Blag.: Gertrude Godec Seje: Drugo nedeljo v društveni dvorani ŠT. 104, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Preds.: Johanna Klucar, R.D. 1 Box 171 Tain.: Theresa Zallar. R.D. 1. Box 163 Blag.: Mary Anzelc, 513 Orange Seje: Tretjo nedeljo v Sv. Cirila In Metoda dvorani ŠT. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Preds.: Kathryn Petrich, S031 Grlxdale Tajn. in blag.: Marie Bombach, 650S Concord Street Seje: Na domu članic ŠT. 106, MEADOW LANDS, PA. Preds.: Mary Swamp Tajn.: Stella Peterneli Blag.: Catherine Hoefler Seje: 3rd Thursday Church Hall Lucy Orešnik 81 Orchard St. Kansas City, Kans.1 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS COAL & OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. Phone VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, Illinois Stare Park View Florists Weddings, Bouquets, Funeral designs, Corsages Telegraph delivery service 1096 Norwood Ed. Tel. Ex. 1-5078 9320 Kinsman Rd. Tel. Mi. 1-2469 Cleveland, Ohio J. J. STARC GEREND’S FUNERAL HOME Phone 7012 Ray Gerend Peter Bastasic SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Bolezen nesreča smrt so tri težke skrbi, ki se jih ne more nihče ubraniti Danes ali Jutri, bolj ali manj bo vsak prizadet. Če hočeS dobro sebi in drugim, pristopi v KRANJSKO-SLOVENSKO KATOLIŠKO JEDNOTO Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Posluje že 58. leto članstvo: 44,500 Premoženje: nad $9,250,000.00 Sprejema moške in ženske od 16. do 60. leta; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu In do 16. leta pod svoje okrilje. Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD: 351-353 N. Chicago Street, Joliet, lil. Priporoča se vam Slovenska izdelovalnica OCAL po nizki ceni In najboljšo postrežbo. Izdelujemo očal« tudi za staro domovino. Pošljite nam recept In odpišemo vam natančno in hitro. MIRKO SLAK, Optik 1123 Norwood Road, Cleveland 3, Ohio For good fitting glasses see us. Every pair guaranteed. Prescriptions filled. Prompt mailing overeeasl JOS. ZELE & SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS 6502 ST. CLAIR AVE. 452 EAST 152nd St. ENdicott 1-0583 IVanhoe 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio PARK VIEW WET WASH LAUNDRY COMPANY A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN Virginia 7-6688 ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin }\. Grdina & Sons ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele In žalostne dneve Nad 49 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To Je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar ln dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-5890 Cleveland 10, Ohio