6.5. RESULTS WITH SALTS (W KÄSS) 6.5.1. Lithium IVacing Test at Zavrhovc (April 16, 1994) The kation lithium was used as a tracer together with bacteriophages (compare chapter 6.4) in the second tracing experiment in spring 1994. As briefly described in chapter 6.1 (Tab. 6.1) the injection of 30 kg lithium chloride solved in 110 1 of water took place on April 16, 1994 at 10:25 and was followed by the injection of 20.5 1 phage suspension at 10:30 (compare chapter 6.4) in the rocky doline below the Zavrhovc farm. The salt suspension was rinsed down with about 1 m' water. After flushing of both tracer injections was performed with 3.5 m-'' water. As observation points for lithium the spring Hubelj (altitude: 240 m a.s.l.) and the two smaller karst springs in the vicinity of the Hubelj spring, Gorenje (243 m a.s.l.) and Skuk (520 m a.s.l.) were chosen. Results Hubelj Between April 16, 13:00 and May 25, 1:00 the total of 232 samples were investigated. The extremely low background between 0.01 and 0.04 /xg/l allowed a good recognition of influences from the tracing, even when they were very low. Between April 20 and 26 a significant Li-increase above the background could be detected (Fig. 6.33). For the interpretation the background was subtracted (net-values for the increase above the background) and the breakthrough-curve between April 19, 1:00 and April 27, 23:00 was fivefold smoothed (Fig. 6.34). The injected 30 kg LiCl only contain 16.4 %, resp. 4.92 kg lithium. By means of the discharge values, made available by Hydrometeoroloski Zavod, Ljubljana, a recovery of 70.52 g lithium was calculated for the lithium passage during the period above given. These are only 1.43 % of the injected quantity. A second Li-passage took place between May 19 and the end of the observation on May 25, 1:00. This passage was aroused by heavy rainfalls which caused a discharge of the Hubelj-spring up to 31,600 1/s (Tab. 6.21): A rough calculation of this second lithium passage between May 19, 13:00 and May 25, 1:00 resulted in an additional lithium recovery of 81.95 g. Thus 152.7 g lithium, resp. 3.1 % reappeared completely with this test in the spring Hubelj. In Fig. 6.35 the cast-line for the whole observation time is depicted. 16.04.94 21.04.94 26.04,94 01.05.94 06,05.94 11,05.94 16,05.94 21.05.94 26.05.94 Date -Lithium ------Discharge Fig. 6.33: Second tracing experiment: analysed lithium-values in the spring Hubelj in connection with the discharge of the Hubelj (m^/s). 0,16- ____ 0,14 "o) E 0,12- 0,1- Ö) o v_ o 0,08- E 0,06- E =j 0,04- x: 3 0,02 0 19.04.94 21.04.94 23.04.94 25.Ö4.94 Date 27.04.94 29.04.94 Lithium Tab. 6.21: Lithium passage in the spring Hubelj between May 19 and 25 due to a significant increase in the discharge. l>ay Time Li iu^h Oi^Vs) 18.5.1994 13:00 0.01 677 18.5.1994 19:00 0.01 677 19.5.1994 1:00 0.02 792 19.5.1994 7:00 0.01 4,220 19.5.1994 13:00 0.02 27,000 19.5.1994 17:00 not observed * 31,600 21.5.1994 1:00 0.04 20,500 21.5.1994 13:00 0.03 13,100 22.5.1994 1.00 0.05 22.5.1994 13:00 0.05 6,130 23.5.1994 1:00 0.02 5,060 23.5.1994 13:00 0.04 4,390 24.5.1994 1:00 0.03 3,910 24.5.1994 13:00 0.04 3,450 25.5.1994 1:00 0.05 3,170 * the sampling was interrupted because ot high water! 0.9- 0,8 0,7 I 0,6- E "'S' £ 0,4- 0,3- 0,2- 0,1 16.04.94 26.04.94 06.05.94 Date 16.05.94 26.05.94 Gorenje and Skuk No lithium passage was observed at the other two observation points, Gorenje and Skuk. For the observation of a possible lithium breakthrough in the karst spring Gorenje 50 water samples were analysed for the observation period from April 16, 12:15 to May 24, 13:00. The highest Li-value observed was 0.11 /zg/l, the lowest 0.06 fig/l, with a medium value of 0.0866 /x.g/1. The standard deviation was 0.013 and the variance 0.00017. Period of observation: 16.4., 12:00 - 24.5., 13:00 with 51 samples. Highest Li-value: 0,08, lowest value: 0,04, medium value: 0,0586 jug/1. Standard deviation: 0,0088, variance: 0,000078. 6.5.2. Strontium Tracing Test at Mrzli log (April 16, 1994) A second salt injection was carried out with the kation strontium in the framework of the second combined tracing experiment. As injection point the deepest doline (784 m a.s.l.) of the karst depression Mrzli Log was selected (Fig. 6.1). The tracer solution consisted of 50 kg strontium chloride hexahy-drate, resp. 16.3 kg strontium, dissolved in 120 1 of water and 7 kg pyranine dissolved in 40 1 of water. The injection took place simultaneously at April 16 at 11:00 after a preflushing of the doline with about 1,000 1 and was followed by a after flushing of about 6,000 1. Main aim of this injection was to define the watershed between the Hubelj spring at the one side and the karst springs Podroteja and Divje Jezero at the other side (Fig. 6.1). Therefore 6 karst springs were selected as observation points for a possible strontium breakthrough (Tab. 6.22). Tab. 6.22: Observation points for a possible strontium recovery for the combined tracing experiment in Mrzli Log (April 16, 1994) with the distance from the injection point, the altitude of the spring outlet and the incline. Observation points Distance fm) Altitude (m a.s.l.) Incline 1 DIVJE JEZERO 7221 350 0.060 2 PODkO'l'EJA 7630 330 0.0595 3 VIPAVA 4/1 9594 99 0.0713 4 VIPAVA 4/7 9594 99 0.0713 5 GORENJE 10183 243 0.053 6 HUBELJ 925i 240 0.059 Results Divje Jezero Observation period: 19.4, 9:20 - 27.5., 18:25 Amount of samples: 44 Highest value: 31 jug/l Sr Lowest value: 18 ju,g/l Sr Medium value: 23 /ig/l Sr Standard deviation: 2,81 Variance: 7,9 Result: No Sr-passage Podroteja Observation period: 19.4, 9:25 - 20.7., 12:00 Amount of. samples: 51 Highest value: 45 ^tg/1 Sr Lowest value: 19 ^ig/1 Sr Result: The Sr-values constantly increased from the beginning to the end of observation (Fig. 6.36). Whether this has been influenced by the tracing, remains open. Vipava 4/1 (Kapelica) Observation period: 16.4, 10:00 - 28.7.,9.00 Amount of samples: 198 Highest value: 113 fig/l Sr Lowest value: 27 /zg/1 Sr Medium value: 49 ixg/l Sr Standard deviation: 17,8 Variance: 319 Result: The Sr-content constantly increased from the beginning to the end of the observation with some interruptions. Vipava 4/7 (Pod Farovžem-L.) Observation period: 16.4, 13:00 - 28.7.,9.00 Amount of samples: 198 Highest value: 113 ßg/l Sr Lowest value: 27 fig/l Sr Medium value: 49 /j,g/l Sr Standard deviation; 14,9 Variance: 221 Result: The Sr-content increased from the beginning to the end of the observation with distinct interruptions (Fig. 6.38). Gorenje Observation period: 16.4, 12:15 - 24.5., 13:50 Amount of samples: 50 Highest value: 19 fj,g/l Sr Lowest value: 9 /ig/l Sr Medium value: 13,5 /xg/l Sr Standard deviation: 1,88 Variance: 3,53 Result: No Sr-passage Hubelj Observation period: 16.4., 12:00 - 25.5., 1:00 Amount of samples: 232 Highest value: 9 fxg/\ Sr Lowest value: 2 fig/l Sr Medium value: 4,96 jjLg/\ Sr Standard deviation: 1,42 Variance 2,04 Result: No Sr-passage 6.6. MATHEMATICAL MODELING WITH THE MULTI-DISPERSION-MODEL (A. WERNER & P. MALOSZEWSKI) 6.6.1. Introduction Numerous tracer experiments have been carried out within the research program of the 7"'SWT on the Trnovski Gozd plateau (Slovenia). The area between the springs Mrzlek, Lijak and Hubelj (Fig. 6.1) formed one main focus of the investigations of the ATH. In the following the mathematical interpretation of the uranine tracer experiments of the input location Belo Brezno (Fig. 6.1, Tab. 6.1) will be described. At this place one tracer test was performed in each of the years 1993, 1994 and 1995 (compare chapter 6.3.2). Therefore it was possible to evaluate mathematically experiments with different hydrological boundary conditions. The main output was the karst spring Mrzlek in a distance of 19.8 km to the injection point and not the nearby located Hubelj spring (6.9 km distance). As described previously current discharge measurements of the Mrzlek spring are not available, due it's outlet in the dammed Soča river.