UDC 616-006(05)(497.1) GODEN RDIUA 4 YU ISSN 0485-893X RADIOLOGIA IUGOSLAVICA ANNO 24 1990 FASC 3 PROPRIETARII IDEMOUE EDITORES: SOCIETAS RADIOLOGORUM IUGOSLAVIAE AC SOCIETAS MEDICINAE NUCLEARIS IN FOEDERATIONE SOCIALISTICA REI PUBLICAE IUGOSLAVIAE LJUBLJANA Radiol lugosl July-September, 1990 ;24 :203-311 Nova generacija cepiv HEPAGERIX B® injekcije cepivo proti hepatitisu B, izdelano z genetskim inženiringom • metoda genetskega inženiringa .izkljucuje prisotnost cloveške krvi • popolnoma varno in široko preskušeno cepivo • visoko ucinkovito cepivo, ki varuje pred vsemi znanimi podvrstami hepatitisa B in pred hepatitisom D • dosega skoraj 100 % serokonverzijo • lahko ga dajemo v vseh starostnih obdobjih • vsi ga dobro prenašajo Bazicno cepljenje opravimo s 3 intramuskularnirni dozami po eni izmed shem (O, 1, 6) ali (O, 1, 2): a) osebe, ki so izpostavljene manjšemu ali zmernemu tveganju infekcije: prva doza: dan po izbiri (O) druga doza: mesec dni po prvi dozi (1) tretja doza: 6 mesecev po prvi dozi (6) b) osebe, ki potrebujejo hitro zašcito ali so pogosteje izpostavljene infekciji: prva doza: dan po izbiri (O) druga doza: mesec dni po prvi dozi (1) tretja doza: 2 meseca po prvi dozi (2) Odrasli in otroci starejši od 1 O let: 20 µ,g proteina površinskega antigena v 1 ml suspenzije. Nov9rojencki in otroci do 1 O let: 10 µ,g proteina površinskega antigena v 0,5 ml suspenzije. Podrobnejše informacije in literaturo dobite pri proizvajalcu. t(. KRK. tovarna zdravil, p. o., Novo mesto UDC 616-006(05)(4971) CODEN RDIUA 4 YU ISSN 0485-893X RADI O LOG IA IU G0SLAVI C A PROPRIETARII IDEMOUE EDITORES: SOCIETAS RADIOLOGORUM IUGOSLAVIAE AC SOCIETAS MEDICINAE NUCLEARIS IN FOEDERATIONE SOCIALISTICA REI PUBLICAE IUGOSLAVIAE LJUBLJANA ANNO24 1990 FASC.3 Redakcijski odbor -Editorial Board Bajraktari Xh, Priština -Benulic T. Ljubljana -Bicaku E, Priština -Borota R, Novi Sad Brzakovic P, Beoqrad -Fazarinc F. Celie -Granic K. Beoqrad:.... Grivceva-Janoševic N. Skooie -lvancevic D, Zagreb -Jevtic V. Ljubljana -Karanfilski B. Skopje -Kicevac -Miljkovic A, Beograd -Kostic K, Beograd -Lekovic A, Rijeka -Lovrencic M, Zagreb -Miric S, Sarajevo -Mušanovic M, Sarajevo -Nastic Z. Novi Sad -Odavic M, Beograd -Plesnicar S, Ljubljana -Popovic L, Novi Sad -Popovic S, Zagreb -Škrk J, Ljubljana -Spaventi š, Zagreb -Tabor L, Ljubljana -Varl B. Ljubljana -Velkov K, Skopje Glavni i odgovorni urednik -Editor-in-Chief: Benulic T, Ljubljana Tehnicki urednik -Technical Editor: Serša G. Ljubljana Uredici -Editorial Staff: Bebar S, Ljubljana -Guna F. Ljubljana -Kovac V. Ljubljana -Pavcnik D. Ljubljana Plesnicar S, Ljubljana -Rudolf Z, Ljubljana -Snoj M. Ljubljana Radiol lugosl July-September, 1990; 24:203-311 RADIOLOGIA IUGOSLAVICA Revija za rendgendijagnostiku, radioterapiju, onkologiju, nuklearnu medicinu, radiofiziku, radiobiologiju i zaštitu od ionizantnog zracenja -The review tor radiology, radiotherapy, oncology, nuclear medicine, radiophysics, radiobiology and radiation protection. lzdavaci -Publishers: Udruženje za radiologiju Jugoslavije i/and Udruženje za nuklearnu medicinu Jugoslavije lzdavacki savet -Advisory Board: Lovrincevic A, Sarajevo predsednik (president) -Catic Dž, Sarajevo -Dedic M, Novi Sad Dujmovic M, Rijeka -Grunevski M, Skopje -Guna F, Ljubljana -Ivkovic T, Niš -Jašovic M, Beograd -Kocic D, Sarajevo -Kovacevic D, Zagreb -Ledic S, Beograd -Lovasic 1, Rijeka Milutinovic P, Beograd -Mitrovic N, Beograd -Plesnicar S, Ljubljana -Pocajt M, Maribor -Porenta M, Ljubljana -Radojevic M, Skopje -Radovic M, Titograd -Rudolf Z, Ljubljana Stankovic R, Priština -Šimunovic 1, Zagreb -Šimunic S, Zagreb -Tadžer 1, Skopje Lektor za engleski jezik -Reader tor English language: Shrestha Olga UDC i/and Key words: mag. dr. Klemencic Eva, Inštitut za biomedicinsko informatiko, Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani Tajnica redakcije -Secretary: Harisch Milica Adresa redakcije -Address of Editorial Board: Radiologia lugoslavica Onkološki inštitut, Zaloška cesta 2, 61000 Ljubljana Telefon: 061/327 955 -Phone: 061/327 955 lzlazi cetiri puta godišnje -Published quarterly: Pretplata -za ustanove 1000 din, za pojedince 250 din. Subscription rate -for institution 80 US $, individual 40 US $. Primerak -za ustanove 300 din, za pojedince 80 din. Single issue -for institutions 30 US $, individual 20 US $. Broj cekovnog racuna -Bank account number: 50101-678-48454 Broj deviznog racuna -Foreign currency account number: 50100-620-010-257300-5180/6 LB -Gospodarska banka -Ljubljana Reviju indeksiraju i/ili abstrahiraju -lndexed and/or abstracted by: BIOMEDICINA IUGOSLAVICA, R_R. BOWKER ULRICH'S INTERNAT. PERIOD. DIRECTORY, CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, EXCERPTA MEDICA, MEDICO INFORMATIONDIENSTE GmbH, PHYSICS IN MEDICINE ANO BIOLOGY, SOVJETSKIJ INFORMATIVNYJ 2:URNAL For reprint information in North America contact: lnternational reprint Corporation 968 Admiral Callaghan Lane, # 268 P.O. Box 12004, Vallejo, CA 94590, Tel. (.07) 553-9230, Fax: (707) 552-9524. Naklada: 1150 Tisk -Printed by: Tipograf, Rijeka UDC 616-006 (05) (497.1) CODEN RDIUA 4 YU ISSN 0485-893X RADIOLOGIA IUGOSLAVICA ANNO 24 1990 FASC. 3 SADRŽAJ/CONTENTS Radiološka dijagnostika -Radiological diagnostic Radiološki prikaz trupa petog lumbalnog kralješka Radiologic presentation of the fifth lumbar vertebra body (orig sci paper) 209 Miladinovic K, šecerov D, 2eljo-Kulenovic A Duplikacija žucnog mjehura Duplication of the gall-bladder (case report) 215 Zamberlin R, Smolcic S, Bedek D Divertikuli rektuma Diverticula of the rectum (case report) 219 Frkovic M, Mandic A Karlica Otto-Chrobak Otto-Chrobak pelvis (review article) 223 Goldner B, Dodic M, Penev B Ohronoza i kalcifikati u zglobnim hrskavicima Ochronosis and calcifications within the cartilages of the joints (case report) 227 Presecki V, Mihordin N Iz prakse ta prakso -Prikaz primera Fram practice for practice -Case report (case report) 231 Us J CT i UZ -CT and US Approach to the stereoscopic visualisation of the real-tirne ultrasound images (preliminary report) Kurbel S, Dicic M 233 Neurofibrom perikarda -Prikaz slucaja Pericardial neurofibroma -Case report (case report) Dalagija F, Najdanovic M, Bukša M, Bešlic š, Spasojevic S 237 Nuklearna medicina -Nuclear medicine 99mrc uptake in thyroid; pinhole collimator nonuniformity correction (orig sci paper) Loncaric S, Samaržija M, Popovic S, Težak S 241 Lung scan interpretation -Comparison of different criteria (orig sci paper) Budihna N, Milcinski M, Šuštaršic J, Grmek M, Grošelj C, Porenta M 245 131 1-MIBG body retention in a case of neuroblastoma -Case report (case report) Maštrovic Z, Kasal B, Ivancevi{: V, Bajc M, lvancevic D 249 Onkologija -Oncology Liver metastases from colorectal cancer; the impact of primary tumor removal on survival (orig sci paper) Snoj M, Lukic F 253 Radiol lugosl July-September, 1990; 24:203-311 Circulating Ca 15-3 and CEA v.lues in monitoring patients with breast cancer (orig sci paper) Vrbanec D, Cvrtila D, Bolanca A 257 Testing of the valve tor controlling the excretion of faeces and stomatherapy in the experiment on dogs (orig sci paper) Košorok P 261 Radioterapija -Radiotherapy High dose rate lr-192 implants in the treatment of cancer of the vocal cord (orig sci paper) Hammer J, Hochleitner F, Seewald DH, Meindl J, Labeck W 269 Radiotherapy following quadrantectomy in stage T1 -T2 breast cancer (orig sci paper) Roncadin M, Candiani E, Arcicasa M, Bortolus R, lnnocente R, De Paoli A, Franchin G, Trovo MG, Bassignano G, Rossi C 276 Preliminary report on radiotherapy in stage III ovarian cancer pretreated by surgery and chemotherapy (orig sci paper) Arian-Schad KS, Hackl A, Juettner FM, Lahousen M, Pickel H 277 Treatment of the malignant germ celi tumor (orig sci paper) Clemm Ch, Sala! Ch, Ehrhart H, Wilmanns W 283 Radiofizika i zaštita -Radiofisics and protection Local dosimetric functions and lung correction factor under 60Co TBI (orig sci paper) Vrtar M 289 192Ir implantat u radioterapiji anorektalnog karcinoma: dozimetrija 192Ir implant in the anorectal carcinoma radiotherapy: the dosimetry (profess paper) Lakner V, Pokrajac B, Lakner P 297 Humic acids -Model molecules tor monitoring the degree of environmental pollution (orig sci paper) Huljev D 303 Radiol lugosl July-September, 1990; 24:203-311 Sodelavcem ! V letu 1991 bo pricel izhajati 25. letnik naše revije. Z željo da bi jubilejni letnik predstavili najširšemu številu strokovnjakov v svetu, smo v uredništvu sklenili, da izdamo posebno jubilejno številko, ko bo v celoti pisana v anglešcini ali v drugem svetovnem jeziku. V njej naj bi naši in povabljeni tuji strokovnjaki s podrocij, ki jih objavlja revija, predstavili svoje dosežke v obliki originalnih znanstvenih prispevkov ali preglednih clankov. Vse, ki so pripravljeni sodelovati, vljudno naprošamo, da nam to sporocijo do 30. septembra 1990. 25. letnik revije RADIOLOGIA IUGOSLAVICA Priimek in ime avtorja Naslov Predviden naslov prispevka št. strani ................... . »RAOIOLOGIA IUGOSLAVICA« Uredništvo Onkološki inštitut L1ublIana Vrazov trg 4 -61 000 Ljubljana Saradnicima ! U godini 1991 štampat ce se 25-godišnjak revije. U želji da jubilejni godišnjak predstavimo najširem broju strucnjaka u svetu, zakljucili smo da se štampa vanredan jubilejni broj koji ce biti u celosti pisan na engleskom ili drugem svetskom jeziku. U tom broju neka bi naši i pozvani strani strucnjaci iz podrucja koja objavljiva revija, predstavili svoja dostignuca u obliku originalnih naucnih ili preglednih clanaka. Sve, koji su spremni saradivati, uctivo molimo da nam to jave do 30. septembra 1990. 25. godišnjak revije »RADIOLOGIA IUGOSLAVICA« Prezime i ime autora ..................................... . Naslov Predvideni naslov clanka Broj stranica .................. .. »RADIOLOGIA IUGOSLAVICA« Uredništvo Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana Vrazov trg 4 -61000 Ljubljana MEDICINSKI FAKULTET SARAJEVO INSTITUT ZA ANATOMIJU RADIOLOŠKI PRIKAZ TRUPA PETOG LUMBALNOG KRALJEŠKA RADIOLOGIC PRESENTATION OF THE FIFTH LUMBAR VERTEBRA BODY Miladinovic K, šecerov D, Zeljo-Kulenovic A. Abstract -Precise marking of the fifth lumbar vertebrae body on tomograms allows exact distinguishing of normal appearance of this part of lumbosacral dynamic segment from an affected one. Therefore, we made marking of this segment on lateral tomograms (»scout view«) in an attempt to obtain exact numerical information of its appearance. We analysed 68 tomoqrams of 68 patients who were divided in two qroups. Twenty-six patients had normal lumbosacral seqment, without any pathologic process, and 42 patients had pathologic process on this segment. The most frequent condition was giscus hernia (61 % ). Analysing the pooled data, we ooMined numerical information on apperance the of the fifth lumbar vertabrae body. Normal appearance of corpus of fifth lumbar vertebrae showed tendency to wedged shape. Comparing this shape between two groupes of patients, we noticed higher prevalance of wedged shape in the group of patients with pathologic processes. Significant differences showed parametars of posterior hight and inferior depth of the fifth lumbar vertebrae body on lateral tomograms. Positive Kaiser's sign was found in 20% of ali examinated cases. UDC :616.711.6-073. 756.8 Key words:lumbar vertebrae-radiography, tomography Orig sci paper Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:209-13. Uvod -Varijabilni izgled trupa petog lumbalnog kralješka u domenu normalne anatomije kao i onaj ciji je izgled izmijenjen patološkim procesima pokazat ce promjene na radiogramima kompjuterizirane tomografije u smislu promjenjene visine i dubine ovog dijela US dinamskog segmenta. Utvrdivanje numericke informacije o izgledu ovog dijela dinamskog segmenta na radiološkem materijalu, istraživanje obima individualnih varijacija, kao i njegovog oblika u smislu eventualnog prisustva kongenitalnih anomalija omogucit ce vidjanje eventualne anatomske predispozicije za nastajanje nekih patoloških procesa. Upotrebom striktnog kriterijuma za postavljanje markera na radiogramima lumbalne kicme omogucila bi se reproducibilna mjerenja koja bi smanjila intra i interobservacijske greške. Materija! i metode -Analizi je bilo podvrgnuto 68 tomograma pacijenata Instituta za radiologiju i onkologiju u Sarajevu, koji su pod uputnom dijagnozom došli na rendenografske i CT pretrage lumbalne kicme. Nakan obavljenog pregleda radiolog je dao dijagnozu na osnovu koje su ispitanici bili rangirani u dvije grupe. Od ukupno 68 ispitanika, 26 je nakan radiološke eksploracije imalo nalaze u fiziološkim granicama, tj. US segment je bio bez prisutnog patološkog procesa. Dakle, u ovoj grupi analizi je bilo podvrgnuto 26 tomograma. Druga grupa je obuhvatila 42 ispitanika sa prisutnim patološkim procesom na US dijelu kicmenog stuba. Od ovih ispitanika 8 je imalo deformirajucu spondilozu, 8 degenerativne promjene US segmenata, 13 diskus herniju US diskusa, 5 diskus herniju LJL5 diskusa, a 8 diskus herniju i LJL5 i US diskusa. 26 pacijenata je imalo diskus herniju, procentualno 61 %. Na pocetku snimanja uradi se lateralni tornogram (topogram) sa visokem rezolucijiom od 512 HE (Hounsfieldovih jedinica), što omoguci vrlo dobru vizualizaciju. U novijoj literaturi ovakav radiogram nosi naziv »scout views«. Za vrijeme snimanja pacijent je u ležecem, ako je moguce, fiksiranem položaju. Kriterijum za pozicioniranje markera je uzet iz Farfanove (2) metode. Markeri su postavljeni na ekstremnim anteriornim i posteriornim tackama terminalnih ploha korpusa petog lumbalnog kralješka (shema 1 ). U statistickoj obradi i analizi podataka upotrebljeni su x, (SD)2, (SD), (SD)x, x2 t-test, koeficijent linearne korelacije (r) i (Hi kvadrat) test. Received: May 18, 1990 -Accepted: June 8, 1990 Miladinovic K et al. Radiološki prikaz trupa petog lumbalnog kralješka II L__j Sheme 2 -The shapes of L5 vertebrae body o:} procesa iznosila je 24,31 mm a u onoj sa patolo/'--..... ,s škim procesom na US segmentu 22,44 mm. Q I Razlika je iznosila 1,87 mm (p,0,01 ). To je bila I ,..._',4 I vrijednost koja je odredila visoku signifikantnost ( SHAPE Cf RECTANGLE ) 2. UKLINJENI OBLIK SA GLAVOM KLINA PREMA NAffilJED ( WEDGED SHAPE WITH HEAD OF CJ WEDGE TURNED TOWARD FORWARD ) 3. UKLINJENI OBLIK SA GLAVOM KLINA PREMA GORE ( WEDGED SHAPE WITH HEAD OF D WEDGE TURNED TOWARD UP) D ( DOUBLE WEDGED SHAPE ) Shema 2 -Oblici korpusa petog lumbalnog kralješka I 7( I / ', I'-?' /', I 'v 2 Shema 1 -Markiranje trupa petog lumbalnog kralješka Sheme 1 -Marking of the fifth lumbar vertebrae body Rezultati -Na osnovu vrijednosti parametara koje smo dobili konstatovali smo 4 vrste oblika korpusa petog lumbalnog kralješka (shema 2). Od 26 ispitanika bez patološkog procesa na US segmentu 15 je bilo sa oblikom 2 (58%), 9 sa oblikom 1 (38%) i dva sa oblikom 3 (4%). Sa oblikom 3(4%) su bila 2 ispitanika, oba u starijoj dobnoj skupini (preko 60 godina starosti). Od 42 ispitanika sa prisutnim patološkim procesom na US segmentu 16 je bilo sa oblikom 2 (38% ), 13 sa obli kom 1 (31 % ), 4 sa oblikom 3 (9%) i devet sa oblikom 4 (22%). Analizirajuci parametre koji su odredili oblik petog lumbalnog kralješka može se zakljuciti da velicina parametra koji odreduje posteriornu visinu trupa ovog kralješka igra veliku ulogu u formiranju njegovog oblika na lateralnim radiogramima. On je i pokazao signifikantne razlike na topogramima izmedu grupa ispitanika. Njegova prosjecna visina u grupi ispitanika bez patoloških razlika (tabela 1 ). Signifikantnu razliku u vrijednosti pokazao je i parametar koji je odredio inferiornu dubinu trupa L5 kralješka. Njegova srednja vrijednost u grupi ispitanika bez patološkog procesa iznosila je 34, 15 mm, a u grupi sa prisutnim patološkim procesom 32,63 mm. U našem materijalu naišli smo na dva primjera lumbalizacije prvog sakralnog segmenta, jedan slucaj spondilolisteze, kao i na 8 slucajeva (oko 20% od ispitivanih slucajeva) defekta donjeg posteriornog ugla korpusa petog lumbalnog kralješka (»moljcev izjed«) koji su uputili na hernija- ..., ciju lumbosakralnog diskusa (slika 1, 2). Ova hernijacija je potvrdena u svim slucajevima na transverzalnim tomogramima. Diskusija -Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazju prevalenciju uklinjenog oblika kod ispitanika sa patološkim procesom. Dvostruko uklinjeni oblik je veoma karakteristican za ovu grupu ispitanika (22% ), narocito kod onih sa degenerativnim promjenama. Takoder se cešce pojavio i uklinjeni oblik sa glavom klinika okrenutom prema gore. Kod oba oblika je zajednicko da im je parametar koji odreduje donju dubinu pršljenskog tijela manji. Signifikantne razlike izmedu grupa ispitanika pokazao je i parametar koji definiše stražnju visinu trupa L5 kralješka. Witt (5) je našao da su degenerativne promjene cešce uzrok bola nego prolabirani diskus Radio! lugosl 1990; 24 :209-13. Miladinovic K et al. Radiološki prikaz trupa petog lumbalnog kralješka Slika 1 -Defekt donjeg posteriornog ugla korpusa L5 kralješka Fig. 1 -The law posterior angle defect of the fifth lumbar verteb,ae corpus Slika 2 -Herniia US diskusa Fig. 2 -Hernia of US disc i to na nivoima L4/L5 i US. Našao je i to da su slucajevi sa klinasto oblikovanim vertebralnim tijelima signifikantno frekventniji kod pacijenata mladih od 40 godina starosti u grupi koja je imala bolove. Iz biomehanickog aspekta gledano ovi srnanjeni parametri bi mogli poremetiti ravnotežu i disperziju sila u procesu prenošenja nošajne težine i na taj nacin više opteretiti segmente ispod sebe, intervertebralni diskus. U diskusu bi se tada stvorili uslovi za poreme6enu nutriciju i nastanak degenerativnih promjena. Zbog toga bismo uklinjene oblike trupa petog lumbalnog kralješka mogli smatrati kao eventualne anatomske predispozicije za nastanak nekih patoloških procesa. CT generirani digitalni radiogram se uglavnom upotrebljava da selektira intervertebralni diskusni prostor koji treba biti ispitan, te da izabere stalni ugao za mjerodavni paralelizam presjeka i samog diskusa. Da su ovi, visoko rezoluirani, tzv. »scout views« radiogrami, generalno podcjenjeni kao dijagnosticka slika, prikazao je na šest slucajeva Kaiser i sar. (3). Radilo se o novom radiološkom znaku discus herniae, koja je kasnije operativno bila potvrdena. Ovaj znak je indetificiran na visokoj rezoluciji »scout views« lumbalne kicme kao koštani defekt donjeg posteriornog ugla odgovarajuceg pršljena, i naden je kao indikacija za postereiornu discus herniu. Najcešce se susre6e na LJL5 i US nivoima. Autori nisu mogli identificirati ovaj znak na konvencionalnim x-zracnim filmovima kod pacijenata gdje su topogrami (»scout views«) i aksijalni skenovi bili definitivno pozitivni. Stoga su zakljucili da ista pojava može biti vizuelizirana standardnim radiogramima jedino u prisustvu velike rubne avulzije. Gubitak zapremine diska pri 6emu dolazi do smanjenja njegovog vertikalnog promjera samo za 0,7 mm utice na pojacano optercenje u apofiznom zglobu, osobito kod osoba sa izraženom lordozom. Debevc (1) je primjetio da stopa opterecenja US diskusa ovisi o njegovoj inklinaciji koja uslovljava US lordozu. Ako je inklinacija ve6a manje je optere6enje diskusa. Nagorni (4) je konstatovao da je »shear« naprezanje najvece na US segmentu, što je i objašnjenje za najceš6e diskalne rupture kojima ne prethodi diskalna degeneracija. Diskalne rupture se mogu prevenisati pove6anjem lumbalrie lordoze. Ovo su neka objašnjnja zašto se u našoj studiji susre6e veca US lordoza kod ispitanika sa patološkim procesom. Odnosno, pošto je ravnoteža vertebralnog dinamskog segmenta kod ovih ispitanika poreme6ena pove6ano je optere6enje na Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:209-13. <'i gi .., "' o o, o, Tabela 1 -Vrijednost parametra trupa petog lumbalnog kralješnjaka na laterarnim tomogramima Tabela 1 -Value of the fifth lumbar body parameters on lateral tomograms ISPITIVNI PARAMETRI STATISTICKI PARAMETRI (STATISTICAL PARAMETARS) VRIJEDNOST t-TESTA 1 . KOMPJUTERIZIRANE GRUPE SIGNIFIKANTNOST RAZLIKA "" TOMOGRAFIJE ISPITANIKA 1JROJ ARITMETICKA STANDARDNA STANDARDNA IZME0U GRUPA ISPITANIKA Q) -"' (EXAMINATED (PATIENT'S ISPITANIKA SREDINA (MM) DEVIJACIJA GREŠKA PARAMETARS OF CT) GROUPES) (NUMBER OF (ARITHMETIC (STANDARD (STANDARD 8' C: ni LJ E .2 (VALU ES OF t-TEST AND SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES PATIENTS) MEAN (MM) DEVIATION) ERROR) BETWEN GROUPES OF PATIENTS I ANTERIORNA VISINA SA PATOLOGIJOM TRUPA L5 KRALJEŠKA (A) (WITH PATHOLOGY) n x a a, 26,88 2,82 0,44 1=2,0210 RAZLIKE SU SIGNIFIKANTNE "' (ANTERIOR HEIGHT OF L5 BEZ PATOLOGIJE (DIFFERENCES ARE SIGNIFICANT) a. s i;j "" C. POSTERIORNA VISINA SA PATOLOGIJOM 26 25,58 2,14 0,42 VERTEBRAE BODY (A)) (WITHOUT PATHOLOGY) (p<0,05) :;;; "" 22,44 2,81 0,44 RAZLIKE VISOKO SIGNIFIKANTNE TRUPA L5 KRALJEŠKA (P) (WITH PATOLOGY) o o 'o (POSTERIOR HEIGHT OF BEZ PATOLOGIJE (DIFFERENCES ARE HIGH SIGNIFICANT) "' 26 24,31 2,16 0,42 a: L5 VERTEBRAE BODY (P)) (WITHOUT PATHOLOGY) (p<0,01) 1=2,8776 ni ;; SUPERIORNA DUBINA SA PATOLOGIJOM t=0,3073 42 34,45 2,80 0,43 "' TRUPA L5 KRALJEŠKA (S) (WITH PATHOLOGY) RAZLIKE NISU SIGNIFIKANTNE "' ·;; (SUPERIOR DEPTH OF L5 BEZ PATOLOGIJE (DIFFERENCES ARE NOT SIGNIFICANT) o 26 34,23 3,02 0,59 C: VERTEBRAE BODY (S)) (WITHOUT PATHOLOGY) INFERIORNA DUBINA SA PATOLOGIJOM 1=1,7112 41 32,63 3,36 0,52 TRUPA L5 KRALJEŠKA (1) (WITH PATHOLOGY) RAZLIKE NISU SIGNIFIKANTNE ZA (INFERIOR DEPTH OF L5 BEZ PATOLOGIJE p<0,05 ALI SU SIGNIFIKANTNE ZA 26 34,15 3,83 0,75 VERTEBRAE BODY (1)) (WITHOUT PATHOLOGY) p<0, 1 O (0,053
lnformation and registration: BLL Organizing Committee, Ms. Olga Shrestha, Institute of Oncology, Zaloška 2, 61000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. Tei 061-327 955
Zamberlin R, Smolcic S, Bedek D
Abstract -The authors report on a new case of gall-bladder duplication and their experiences in the diagnosis of gall-bladder anomalies (double gall-bladder and duplication) so far. The double gall-bladder anomalies and duplications were researched at our institution from June 1951 to June 1988. In that period 39000 patients were examined. Totally, 16 anomalies of the gall-bladder were diagnosed (10 double gall-bladders and 6 duplications),
i. e. 1 per 2500, or 0.04%. In the literature the rate of 1 per 4000, or 0.02% is stated.
The data show that the frequency of these anomalies is twice as large as that described by other authors.
UDC: 616.366--007.256
Key words: gallbladder-abnormalities
Case report
Radlol lugosl 1990; 24:215-7.
Uvod -Anomalije dvostrukog žucnog mjehura i mjehura svrstava u dvostruke holeciste i dijeli ih duplikacije su rijetke kongenitalne anomalije kod u tri skupine (slika 1 ).
ljudi. Prvu duplikaciju žucnog mjehura opisao je Plinije 31. godine prije naše ere, a holecistog
rafski ju je dijagnosticirao i opisao Climan 1929. godine. 1956. godine Antoine sa suradnicima opisuje 97 slucajeva, a najnoviji podaci u stranoj literaturi spominju 150 slucajeva dvostrukih holecista (1,2,3).
Patoanatomske i kirurške statistike utvrdenih dvostrukih žucnih mjehura su znatno skromnije od gore spomenutih zbirnih podataka, i iznose svega 32 slucaja ove anomalije.
U našoj litetaturi malo je pisano o ovim anomalijama. Naš patolog Kneževic je na 22 -godišnjem patoanatomskom materijalu opisao svega jedan slucaj. 1960. godine Softic u statis
Slika 1 -Duplikacije žucnog mjehura prema Boydenu
tickoj obradi anomalija žucnog mjehura navodi a -Duplikacija žucnog mjehura -1 cistikus dva slucaja dvostruke holeciste (4). Do ovog b -Dvostruki žucni mjehur -2 cistikusa s spajaju najnovijeg slucaja na našem Zavodu je do sada u formi slova Y pred utjecanjem u holedokus
c -Dvostruki žucni mjehur -2 cistikusa se odva
dijagnosticirano ukupno 15 slucajeva ovih
jeno ulijevaju u holedokus u formi slova H
anomalija (2,3).
Fig. 1 -Gall-bladder duplication according to Boyden a -Gall-bladder duplication -one cystic duet
Djsproporcije u zbirnim te patoanatomskim i
b -Double gall-bladder -two cystic ducts are kirurškim statistikama dosad objavljenih forming Y before pouring into the bile duet slucajeva uvjetovane su neslaganjem autora u c -Double gall-bladder -two cystic ducts pourig
nazivu anomalija. Boyden duplikaciju žucnog into the bile duet separately, forming H
Received: December 16, 1988 -Accepted: March 29, 1990
Zamberlin R et al. Duplikacija žucnog mjehura
U skupinu a Boyden u dvostruku holecistu ukljucuje duplikaciju žucnog mjehura, gdje ne dolazi do kompletine podjele holeciste na dvije odvojene žucne vrecice. U ovim slucajevima žucni mjehur je podijeljen longitudinarnim septumom. Septum može zahvatiti samo fundus -parcijalna podjela -ili holecistu do njenog vrata -potpuna podjela -, u oba slucaja jedan cistikus se ulijeva u holedokus. Boyden razlikuje dvije vrste potpuno odvojenog žucnog mjehura: tip Y (slika 1 b), kada se dva cistikusa spajaju poput slova Y pred utok u holedokus, i tip H (slika 1 c), kod kojeg se cistikusi odvojeno ulijevaju u holedokus (1,2). Autori koji se ne slažu sa Boydenom (Ramberg, Katunari6) duplikaciju žucnog mjehura nazivaju holecista bilobata, duplikacija žucnog mjehura ili lažna dvostruka holecista, a kao prave dvostruke holeciste smatraju one gdje postoje dva potpuno odvojena žucna mjehura sa odvojenim cistikusima (2,3).
Materija! i metode -U tridesetsedmogodišnjem razdoblju izvršili smo 39000 pregleda što iznosi oko 1050 pregleda godišnje. Naša dijagnostika zasnivala se na rentgenskim metodama pretrage, peroralne holecistografije i intravenske i infuzijske holangioholecistografije. Pretrage smo radili kod odraslih osoba uz primjenu optimalnih položaja pacijenta sa slikanjem pod kontrolom TV -ekrana.
Rezultati i diskusija -Napravljeno je 39000 radioloških pregleda bilijarnog trakta i nadeno ukupno 16 anomalija žucnog mjehura, i to 1 O pravih dvostrukih žucnih mjehura i 6 duplikacija.
Posljednji slucaj duplikacije dijagnosticirali smo 1988. godine i njega prikazujemo (slika 2a).
U opisanim anomalijama žucnog mjehura vrlo cesto se mogu naci konkrementi, a Alfredo je opisao slucaj sa nadenim parazitom oxiurisom (1,2). Stijenka žucnog mjehura kod ovih anomalija može biti obložena vapnom (porcelanski žucni . mjehur), u pravilu kod ovih anomalija nalazimo i hipokinetsku diskineziju (slika 2b). Simptomatologija dvostruke holeciste ovisi o popratnim pojavama i eventualnim udruženim malformacijama. U diferencijalnoj dijagnozi dolaze u obzir divertikli žucnog mjehura, višestruki septumi, a ova anomalija se najcešce zamjenjuje sa presavijenim žucnim mjehurom (slika 3).
Slika 2 -Naš slucaj duplikacije žucnog mjehura
a -2ucni mjehur prije podražajnog obroka
b -2ucni mjehur nakan pocjražajnog obroka Fig. 2 -Our case of gall-bladder duplicat1on
a -Gall-bladder before excitatory meal
b -Gall-bladder after excitatory meal
Zakljucak -Dvostruke holeciste i duplikacije žucnog mjeh'ura su vrlo rijetke anomalije kod covjeka. Na našem Zavodu smo do sada dijagnosticirali ukupno 16 ovih anomalija, od toga 1 O pravih dvostrukih žucnih mjehura i 6 duplikacija, što iznosi 0,04% s omjerom 1 :2500 a što je
Aadiol lugosl 1990; 24:215-7.
Zamberlin R et al. Duplikacija žucnog mjehura
Slika 3 -Presavijenbi žucni mjehur koji imitira duplika
ciju, a u kome se vidi manji konkrement Fig. 3 -Bent gall-bladder that imitates duplication, with a minor gall-stone in it
skoro dvostruko više od statistickih podataka iznesenih u dostupnoj literaturi od 0,02% s omjerom 1 :4000.
Dijagnostiku duplikacija i dvostrukog žucnog mjehura izvodili smo rentgenskim metodama pretrage, pregledanim i ciljanim snimkama u razlicitim položajima te tomografskom obradom.
Ove rijetke anomalije imaju klinicko i prakticno znacenje, jer su redovito popracene ili predstavljaju podlogu za druge patološke promjene žucnog mjehura, diskinezije, konkremente, porcelanski žucni mjehur itd, a mogu biti udružene sa drugim kongenitalnim anomalijama.
Autori iznose novi slucaj duplikacije žucnog mjehura, te iskustva u dosadašnjoj dijagnostici anomalija žucnog
mjehura (dvostruke holeciste i duplikacije). Anomalije dvostruke holeciste i duplikacije prate se na našem Zavodu od lipnja 1951. godine do lipnja 1988. godine. U tom razdoblju pregledano je 39000 pacijenata i dijagnosticirano ukupno 16 anomalija (1 O dvostrukih žucnih mjehura i 6 dupliakcija), što iznosi 1 anomalija na 2500 pacijenata ili 0,04% a u literaturi je naveden podatak od 1 slucaj na 4000 pacijenata ili 0,02%.
Ovi podaci nam govore da su anomalije žucnog mjehura (dvostruke holeciste i duplikacije) skoro dvostruko ucestalije kod pregledanih na našem Zavodu, nego u opisu drugih autora.
Li teratura
Boyden EA. The anomalies of the gall bladder. Am J Anat 1926; 38 : 177.
Katunaric D. Rentgenska simptomatologija dvostruke holeciste. Acta med lug 1974; 28 : 161-76.
Katunaric D. Slucaj dvostruke holeciste. Anali Boin »dr M. Stoj.« 1963; suppl 2 : 19.
Softic N. Statisticka obrada anomalija žucnog mjehura. Lij vjesn 1960; 82 : 583.
Adresa autora: Dr Ratko Zamberlin, Zavod za radiologiju i onkologiju Klinicke bolnice »Dr M Stojanovic«, Vinogradska cesta 29, 41000 Zagreb
Proizvaja in nudi kvalitetne izdelke:
Komprese vseh vrst
Gazo sterilno in nesterilno
Elasticne ovoje
Virfix mrežo
Micropore obliže
Obliže vseh vrst
Gypsona in· mavcene ovoje Sanitetno vato PhJ 111 Zdravniške maske in kape Sanitetne torbice in omarice Avtomobilske apoteke
Radio/ /ugasi 1990; 24 :215-7.
BEOGRAD, 2-3. XI 1990 god.
Obaveštavamo Vas, da ce se u Beogradu održati u Institutu za majku i dete SR Srbije, Radoje Dakica 6, na Novam Beogradu 11070, sa pocetkom u 9,30h , Simpozij cija je vodeca tema:
S/obodne teme mogu obuhvatiti sva podrucja decje radiologije u trajanju od 8 min.
3. DISKUSIJA OKO OKRUGLOG STOLA: Kakav je kvalitet rendgenskog filma potreban da bi dete dobilo minimalnu zracnu dozu, kao i snimak dobrog kvaliteta ?
Mole se ucesnici da se za sve informacije obrate sekretaru Pedijatrijsko radiološke sekcije Jugoslavije (tel. O 11-603-022, lok. 38, Doc. Dr Pravdoljub Komar, Decja radiologija).
Sa kolegijalnim pozdravom Predsednik Sekcije za Jugoslovensku Sekretar Sekcije pedijatrijsku radiologiju Doc. Dr Pravdoljub Komar, dr med.
Prof. Dr Nada Grivceva-Janoševic, dr med. SPONZOR: EI NIŠ
Frkovic M, Mandic A
Abstract -Rectal diverticula are rare. We have found them in three patients (0.95%) with diverticular disease of the colon. Rectal diverticula are not of great clinical importance, except in the cases when complicated with inflammation, perforation or malignant alteration. In such cases rectal diverticula can cause some differential diagnostic problems. lrigoradiography with double contrast is the diagnostic method of choice in the demonstration of rectal diverticula.
UDC: 616.351-007.64
Key words: diverticulosis colonic, rectal diseases
Case report
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:219-22.
Uvod -lako prvi opisi divertikuloze kolona potjecu od Littrea i Frienda (3) s pocetka 18. stoljeca, tek u zadnja tri desetljeca javljaju se prvi prikazi slucajeva rektalne divertikuloze (1,3,5,9). No, još uvijek neki autori (4,7) tvrde da se divertikuli rektuma nikad ne javljaju.
O etiologiji divertikula rektuma postaje razlicite pretpostavke. Smatra se da najvjerojatnije nastaju kao posljedica prirodene insuficijencije stijenke rektuma uz moguce dodatne cinitelje, kao što su atrofija mišicnih dijelova stijenke, odsutnost potpornih struktura (coccigis), fokalno postupalno ili posttraumatsko slabljenje stijenke rektuma, nepravilnosti intraluminalnog tlaka (1,9).
Nalaz divertikula rektuma relativno je malog klinickog znacenja, izuzev ako se komplicira upalom, perforacijam ili mogucom malignom alteracijom. 1 tada su eventualne komplikacije manje rizicne od komplikacija divertikula intraperitonealnih dijelova kolona. Jedini opis bolesnika s perforacijam divertikula rektuma dao je Kurten 1971. godine (2).
Metoda i bolesnici -U razdoblju od 1986. do 1989. godine metodam irigoradiografije s dvostrukim kontrastom pregledali smo 2292 bolesnika. Medu njima identificirali smo 316 (13,8 % ) bolesnika s divertikuloznom bolešcu kolona, i to 159 (50,3 %) žena i 141 (49,7 %) muškaraca u dobi od 19 do 86 godina.
U troje (0,95 %) bolesnika s divertikuloznom bolešcu kolona našli smo divertikule rektuma.
A.F., muškarac, 63 godine. Na irigoradiografiju je upucen zbog recidivirajucih, povremeno grcevitih bolova u donjem lijevom hemiabdomenu. Zbog duodenalnog ulkusa lijeci se vec 7 godina, a pati od kronicne opstipacije. Oskudne tragove krvi u stolici primijetio je u dva navrata u skorije vrijeme. Na rektosigmoidoskopiji evidentirana je divertikulozna bolest, nema posebnog osvrta na divertikule rektuma. Pri irigoradiografiji prikazan je rektum u cijelosti uži, a na njegovoj ventralnoj i lijevoj lateralnoj konturi vide se kontrastom ispunjeni divertikuli promjera 25 do 30 mm (slika 1 a, 1 b). Brojni divertikuli, naznaceno suženje lumena, haustreole, vidljivi su u podrucju sigme, a nekoliko divertikula velicine do 15 mm nalazi se i u proksimalnim dijelovima kolona.
Ž.K., muškarac, 57 godina. U anamnezi nema simptoma za bolesti debelog crijeva. Na irigoradiografiju je upucen s ciljem da se nade lokalizacija primarnog malignog procesa, buduci da su ultrazvukom i kompjutoriziranom tomografijam jetre identificirani multipli hipoehogeni, odnosno
Received: March 29, 1990 -Accepted: June 1, 1990
Frkovi6 M, Mandi6 A. Divertikuli rektuma
hopodenzni, žarišni procesi, metastaze.
lrigografskim pregledom evidentira se divertikulozna bolest sigme i prikaže divertikul na desnoj konturi rektuma velicine 15 mm (slika 2). Nije naden maligni proces kolona.
Slika 1 a -Pri prealedu bariievom kontrastnem klizmom prikazala su se dva rektalna divertikula.
Fig 1 a -Barium enema film demonstrates two rectal
V.B., žena, 49 godina. Zbog upala dermoidnih cista sakralne regije operirana je 1977. i 1986. godine. U veljaci 1989. godine operirana je zbog ciste desnog ovarija. Osam mjeseci potom dolazi zbog boli uz rektum, posebno intenzivnih prilikom
Slika 2 -Divertikul rektuma Fig 2 -Diverticulum of the rectum
sjedenja uz povremene septicne temperature. U fizikalnom nalazu dominira opsežno, inflamirano podrucje sakrokokcigealne regije s obilnom seropurulentnom sekrecijom. Digitorektalni je pregled bolan, a u Douglasovu prostoru pipa se tvorba velicine muške šake.
Na rendgenogramu sakrokokcigealnog segmenta kralješnice vidljiva je demineralizacija do gotov@ potpunog brisanja koštane strukture kokcigisa. Kompjutorizirana tomografija opisuje cisticnu ekspanziju ovarija koja imprimira rektum sprijeda ( !).
Rektroskopski se na 2 cm od anokutane granice, na 12 sati, vidi otvor promjera 1 cm kroz koji se može uci u retrorektalnu cisticnu šupljinu. Endoskopicar smatra da je ovaj nalaz posljedica jatrogene fenestracije retrorektalne ciste. Nema znakova upalne reakcije sluznice rektuma ( ! ?). lrigografski je nalaz impresivan. Neposredno iznad analnog kanala, kroz vrat širine oko 2 cm u kojem se prate sluznicki nabori, kontrastnom klizmom puni se orijaški divertikul, promjera oko 7 cm. On je utisnut u retrorektalnom prostoru i rektum potiskuje ventralno. Konture su divertikula pravilne, a njegova se velicina mijenja pri promjeni intraabdominalnog tlaka (slika 3 a, b).
Zbog neadekvatnog odgovora na konzervativnu terapiju ponovno je indiciran operativni zahvat inflamiranih dermoidnih cista sakrokokcigealne regije. U ranom postoperativnom toku u
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:219-22.
Frkovic M, Mandic A. Divertikuli rektuma
složiti buduci da smo u vlastitoj praksi našli tri bolesnika s divertikulima rektuma i njih smo prikazali u ovom radu. Ova tri bolesnika cine približno 1 % u grupi bolesnika u kojih smo evidentirali diveretikuloznu bolest kolona, odnosno O, 13 % svih bolesnika kojima smo ucinili irigografiju. lspitivanjima na slicno definiranom uzorku bolesnika Walstad (9) prezentira rezultate da se divertikuli rektuma javljaju u približno 0,08 % bolesnika kojima je ucinjena irigografija, odnosno u 2 % bolesnika s divertikuloznom bolešcu
, crijeva. Isti autor daje prikaz bolesnika s dvama t divertikulima rektuma, dosad, prema dostupnoj nam literaturi, jedini takav slucaj. Naš bolesnik A.
F. ima dva divertikula rektuma.
Slika 3 -Orijaški divertikul rektuma ciia se velicina
Rezultate slicne Walstadovim, da je ucestalost
mijenja pri promjeni intraabdominalnog tlaka
a) u maksimalnom ekspiriju rektalnih divertikula 2,4 % (prikaz 4 slucaja), dali . b) u maksimalnom inspiriiu su još 1927. godine Spriggs i Marxer (9).
Fig 3 -Gigantic diverticulum of the rectum whose size Kolika je stvarna incidencija dLvertikula rektuma, teško je utvrditi, buduci da se najcešce
a) on max. expiration
radi o sporadicnim, pojedinacnim slucajevima ili
b) on max. inspiration
o vrlo malom uzorku bolesnika, bez zakonitosti u
pojavljivanju. Stoga, u naprijed iznesenim operativnom polju pojavila se sterkoralna fistula.
podacima vidljive manje statisticke razlike ne Potvrdena je kontrolnom irigoradiografijom kao smatramo signifikantnima. Takoder, u ovako komunikacijama izmedu stražnjeg zida divermalom uzorku neprimjereno je govoriti o distikula rektuma i interglutealne regije-jatrogena tribuciji bolesnika po spolu. S obzirom na dob lezija (slika 4). Bolesnica je u daljnjem kirurškom bolesnika, 49 -63 godine, možemo napomenuti tretmanu.
da su sva tri naša bolesnika u dobi kada je i inace najveca incidencija divertikulozne bolesti Rasprava i zakljucak -Da su divertikuli rekkolona.
turna doista rijetki, govori podatak da u literaturi Divertikuli rektuma najcešce su pravi (1 ), re
nalazimo malo izvještaja o njihovom pojavljivanju dovito veci od divertikula na proksimalnim di
(1,3,6,9). Dapace, neki autori iznose posve opjelovima kolona, a kao etiološki uzrok njihovog recnu tvrdnju: da se divertikuli rektuma nikad ne nastanka možemo smatrati sve one cinitelje koji javljaju (4,7). S posljednjim se teško možemo dovode do slabljenja stijenke rektuma.
U radiološkoj dijagnostici divertikuli rektuma, ako nisu komplicirani upalom, krvarenjem ili ::,
. 1 eventualnom malignom alteracijom (2,3,8) ne cine znacajnijih diferencijalnodijagnostickih
. poteškoca. Osim spomenutih mogucih
1 komplikacija, dodajemo i vlastitu iskustvenu implikaciju -valja paziti da se divertikul rektuma ne zamijeni eventualnom cistom ili apscesom spontano ili jatrogeno fenestriranim u rektum.
Smatramo da je metoda izbora u dijagnostici rektalnih divertikula, kao i uopce u dijagnostici patoloških stanja kolona, korektno izvedena irigoradiografija s dvostrukim kontrastom.
Divertikuli rektuma su rijetki. Našli smo ih utri (0,95%) bolesnika s divertikuloznom bolešcu kolona. Nemaju vece klinicko znacenje, izuzev u slucajevima kada se kompliciraju upalom, perforacijam ili malignom alteraci-
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:219-22. 221
Frkovic M, Mandic A. Divertikuli rektuma
jom. Tada mogu uzrokovati i vece ili manje diferencijalnodijagnosticke poteškoce. U pravilu se dokazuju irigoradiografijom, metodam dvostrukog kontrasta.
Halpert RD, Crnkovich FM and Schreiber MH: Rectal Diverticulosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.Gastrointest Radiol 1984; 1989. 14:274. Radiol 1984; 14:274-6
KOrten -Rothes R: Perforation eines extraperitonealen Rektumdivertikels bei einem Kontrasteinlauf. Ri:ifo 1967; 106:155-7.
Kyaw MM and Haines JO: Rectal Diverticula.
Radiology 1971 ; 100 :283-4.
4. Mann CV: Problems of the diverticulae disease.
Proctology 1979; 1 :20-5.
Mayo WJ: Diverticula of surgery. Surgery 1930; 92:739-43.
Mcllwain AJ: Acquired diverticulum of the rectum.
JMissAssoc 1968; 9:362.
Morson BC: Muscle abnormality in diverticular disease of sigmoid colon. Brit J Radiology 1963; 36:393-406.
Tweddell TN: Diverticulitis of the rectum. Canad MAJ 1954; 70:569.
Walstad PM, Sahibzada AR: Diverticula of the rectum. Dis Colon Rectum 1959; 2:458-64.
Adresa autora: Dr. Marija Frkovic, mr. sci, Zavod za radiologi ju Rebro, Klinicki bolnicki centar Zagreb 41000 Zagreb, Kišpaticeva 12
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Za sve ostale informacije obratiti se na adresu:
Dr Branko Malenica
Središnji institut za tumore i slicne bolesti
41000 Zagreb, !lica 197
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24 :219-22.
Goldner B, Dodic M, Penev B
Abstract -The term Otto--Chrobak pelvis was first used to describe bilateral acetabular protrusion as a late complication of the rheumatoid arthritis. However, this type of pelvic deformity may be a congenital or developmental abnormality, and may be encountered in numerous acquired diseases such as: acute or chronic osteoarthritis, deforming osteoarthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteomalatia and rickets,-Paget's disease, involl.ltive osteoporosis or may be ofJraumatic origin.
Hyperthyroidism and hemophilia coul. also be added to the presen! list of possible causes of this condition. Pertinent radiographic findings of some diseases, including two new causes which may be responsibile for bilateral acetabular protrusion, are rewieved.
Key words: acetabulum, osteoarthritis hip
Review article
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:223-5.
Uvod -Obostrana protruzija acetabuluma je retka urodena ili stecena deformacija kukova, koja nastaje zbog razlicitih patoloških procesa cije je primarno sedište u acetabulumu ili njegovoj okolini (1,2,3).
Prvobitan opis obostrane protruzije acetabuluma koji se odnosio na komplikaciju reumatoidnog artritisa poznatu kao karlice Otto--Chrobak ili arthocatadysis, vremenom je proširen na niz patoloških stanja i oboljenja koja u osnovi menjaju strukturu acetabuluma i susednih kostiju. Do sada su u literaturi opisani: akutni i hronicni osteoartritis, deformišuca osteoartroza, ankilozirajuci spondilitis, osteomalacija i rahit, Pagetova bolest, involutivna osteoporoza i traume (1,3).
Cilj ovog saopštenja je rendgenografski prikaz nekih patoloških procesa, od kojih se primarni hiperparatiroidzam i hemofilija po prvi put ukljucuju kao moguci uzroci obostrane protruzije.
Materija! i metode -U toku višegodišnjeg bavljenja koštanozglobnom patologijom, izdvajani su i klasifikovani rendgenogrami pojedinih manje ili više zastupljenih entiteta iz raznovrsne politicko-stacionare populacije bolesnika. Odatle poticu i rendgenski snimci patoloških karlica tipa Otto-Chrobak koje u ovom radu prikazujemo.
Rezultati -Od brojnih rendgenskih snimaka karlica, na kojima se uz osnovnu, najcešce prepoznatljivu bolest nalazi i obostrana protruzija acetabuluma, zbog skucenosti prostora prikazujemo samo cetiri slucaja redih patoloških premena koje za ishod imaju karlicu Otto-Chrobak.
Morbus Paget sa karakteristicnim distroficnim premenama na karlicnim kostima u kojima se preplicu polja poroze, hipertroficne atrofije i skleroze, zbog razmekšanja i patološke pregradnje, ima za posledicu obostranu protruziju acetabuluma ( slika 1 ).
U osteomalaciji karlica trpi najvece premene, pa je uz generalizovanu demineralizaciju kostura u celini, cest nalaz deformisane karlice tipa OttoChrobak (slika 2).
Primarni hiperparatiroidizam slicno kao kod osteomalacije strukturalno menja i deformiše karlicu. Pored nalaza izmenjenog oblika karlice sa slikom »srca u kartama« moguca je protruzija acetabuluma sa glavama butnih kostiju (slika 3).
Osteoarthrosis haemophilica takode može da bude uzrok obostrane protruzije acetabuluma, bilo da su premene samo u zglobovima kukova
Received: May 15, 1989 -Accepted: April 16, 1990
Goldner B et al. Karlica Otto-Chrobak
Slika 1 -Deformisana karlica u Pagetovoj bolesti. Obostarna protruzija acetabulama i superacetabularno polje skleroticne kosti. Ostaci kontrastnog sredstva u
spinalnom kanalu posle mijelografije Fig. 1 -Deformed pelvis in Paget's disease. Bilateral acetabular protrusion and supraacetabular areas of osseous sclerosis. The remnants of contrast medium in the spina! channel after a myelography
Slika 3 -Snimak karlioo u bolesnika sa primarnim hiperparatiroidizmom. Asimetricna, deformisana karlica sa izrazitom osteoporozam, obostranom protruzijom acetabulama i patološkim frakturama na ishijadicnim
Fig.3 -An X-ray film of the pelvis in a patient with primary hyperparathyroidism. Asimmetrical and deformed pelvis with severe osteoporosis, bilateral acetabular protrusion and pathological fractures in the ischiadic
Slika 2 -Osteomalaticna karlica sa obostranom protruzijom acetabulama, simetricnim pseudofrakturama (Looserove zone) na gornjim granama pubicnih kostiju i pubicno-ishijadicnim spojevima (strelice)
Fig. 2 -Osteomalatic pelvis with bilateral acetabular protrusion and symmetrical pseudofractures (Looser's zones) in the superior public ramus and ischio-public
junctions (arrows)
ili da se uz njih nalaze opsežna razaranja u susednim delovima karlice (slika 4).
Diskusija -Prikazani snimci patološko izmenjenih karlica ukazuju na promene koje su uslovile obostranu protruziju acetabuluma, a ciji je zajednicki supstrat: gubitak koštane mase i strukturne promene u acetabulumu i susednim kostima karlice. Primarni proces postupno razara koštano dno acetabuluma a potom i polumesecastu zglobnu hrskavicu u njemu. Koštano dno acetabuluma nestaje, a glave butnih kostiju gubeci cvrsto uporište se utiskuju u zaostalu vezivnu opnu dna put unutra u šupljinu karlice. Acetabulum se ne širi vec produbljuje pomerajuci granicu preko terminalne linije. Na utisnutoj vezivnoj opni se stvara nova kost oblikujuci novi acetabulum skleroticnog dna. Kohlerova figura suze ili kapi koja se sa dna normalnog acetabuluma pruža medijalno i kaudalno kao ovoidna transparencija, kod protruzije se deformiše i gubi (3). Na spoljnjem rubu acetabuluma se stvaraju osteofiti. Zglobni prostor kuka se sužava i deformiše. Glave butnih kostiju mogu da izmene oblik,
Aadiol lugosl 1990; 24:223-5.
Goldner B et al. Karlica Otto-Chrobak
Slika 4 -Karlica Otto-Chrobak u bolesnika sa hemofilijom A. Obostrana protruzija acetabuluma i koštane ankiloze koksofemoralnih zglobova. Opsežan hemofilicni pseudotumor u levom glutealnom delu prouzroko
vao je ekstenzivnu osteolizu leve ilijacne kosti.
Fig. 4 -Otto-Chrobak pelvis in a patient with hemophilia A. Bilateral acetabular protrusion and osseous ankylosis in the coxofemoral joints. A voluminous gluteal hemophylic pseudotumor with extensive osteolysis of
left iliac bone.
da se spljošte bilo zbog opšte razmekšalosti skeleta i mehanickog pritiska ili zbog uzura na zglobnoj površini glave (4). Ankiloza nije pravilo, s napomenom da se kod reumatoidnog artritisa nikada ne razvija. Vratovi butnih kostiju mogu da slede pramene u glavama, acetabulima i susednim kostima karlice ili da se deformišu zbog gubitka mineralnog sadržaja a u sklopu osnovne bolesti. Oni se svijaju i poprecno postavljaju gradeci sa glavama butnih kostiju poznatu sliku »pastirskih štapova«.
Obostrana protruzija acetabuluma je retko posledica traume. Cešci je jednostrani nalaz tzv. centralne luksacione frakture kod koje glava femura probije dno acetabuluma i zadje u karlicu. Anamnezni podaci o traumi rešavaju dijagnozu.
Naziv karlice Otto-Chrobak prvi je put upotrebljen da oznaci obostranu protruziju acetabulama i glava femura u karlicu kod slucajeva sa hronicnim reumatoidnim artritisom. Medutim, ovakav tip deformacije karlice može da bude urocen ili razvojni poremecaj, da se nade u brojnim slecenim oboljenjima kao: akutni ili hronicni osteoartritis, deformirajuca osteoartroza,ankilozirajuci spondilitis, osteomalacija i rahit, Pagetova bolest, involutivna osteoporoza ili da je traumatskog porekla. Postojecoj listi bolesti mogli bismo da pridodamo još primarni hiperparatiroidizam i hemofiliju kao moguce uzroke. Rendgenografski nalazi koji se odnose na ovakav tip deformacija karlice, ukljucujuci i dva nova uzroka koja mogu da budu odgovorna za obostranu protruziju acetabulama, prikazani su u ovom radu.
Mechan l. Roentgen signs in diagnostic imaging. WB Saunders Go, Philadelphia, London, Toronto, 1985; 2(2): 166, 418.
Murray RO, Jacobson HG. The radiology of sceletal disorders. Churcil Livingstone, Edinburgh, London, New York, 1977; 1(2): 652-3.
Smokvina M; Klinicka rendgenologija kosti i zglobova. Jugosl Akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1959; 250: 415-7.
Kicevac-Miljkovic A, L'.ivkovic M: Radiološki atlas reumaticnih bolesti. Univerzitet »Veljko Vlahovic« Titograd, 1984; 17-37, 57-9.
Adresa autora: Doc. dr Branislav Goldner, Institut za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma, rendgen odeljenje, dr Subotica 13, 11 000 Beograd.
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:223-5.
Podružnica Slav. Brod
kao suorganizator, poziva Vas na sudjelovanje u medunarodnom kongresu
-medicina i obitelj -eticki aspekti -
koji ce se održati od 7 -9. IX 1990. u Slavonskom Brodu, kongresni centar »EJuro Salaj«, trg Salvadorea Alendea 12.
U organizaciji sudjeluju i:
-Svjetska federacija lijecnika koji poštuju ljudski život
-Human Lite lnternational iz SAD
-Udruženje medicinskih sestara i tehnicara -podružnica Slav. Brod
-Obiteljski Centar Slav. Brod
Najavljen je veci broj predavaca i sudionika iz zemlje i inozemstva. Za informacije, program i prijave, obratite se na:
Obiteljski Centar, Kumiciceva 16, 55000 Slavonski Brod
telefoni: -055/ 235-658
-055/ 234-859
-055/ 235-690
Kotizacija u iznosu od 200 din. može se uplatiti na adresu:
Obiteljski Centar -Marko Majstorovic, Kumiciceva 16, Slav. Brod,
žiro racun:
ili prilikam dolaska.
Za studente i ucenike kotizacija iznosi 50 din.
Uz hotelski smještaj, predvida se i besplatni smještaj po obiteljima. Za sve sudionike se osigurava rucak i vecera po vrlo pristupacnim cijenama.
Presecki V, Mihordin N
Abstract -A oatient with severe skeleta! ochronosis is reoorted. On radiographic examination there was a linear density surrouonding the knee joints. Calcifications within the cartilages and the menisci of the knee joints, as well as cartilages ofshoulder, carpal and other joints and intervertebral discs were found.
Pigmentary deposits 'in the skin of the hand and sclerae were seen. Homogentisuria was verified.
UDC: 616.72-018.3-003.84
Key words: ochronosis, cartilage articular, chondrocalcinosis
Case report
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:227-30.
Uvod -Ohronoza je klinicko stanje u kojem dolazi do odlaganja modro-crnog pigmenta u hrskavice, tetive i tkiva u gradi kojih prevladava kolagen (1, 2). Poremecen je katabolizam tirozina i fenilalanina u nivou homogentizinske kiseline (HK) (1, 2, 3). Defekt katabolizma je potpun, kolicina HK izlucene u mokraci je u relaciji s kolicinam razgradenih proteina u organizmu. Tkivo jetre bolesnika od ohronoze ne sadrži oksidazu homogentizinske kiseline pa se HK ne katabolizira (1, 2). Dio HK se izluci mokracom a dio se polimerizira i odlaže irverzibilno u kolagen (1, 2, 3). Ta mjesta u histološkom preparatu oboje se oker smede pa otuda potjece ime ohronoza (2, 4). HK prisutna je u mokraci od rodenja.
Ohronoza je kompleks simptoma skeletne i ekstraskeletne manifestacije. Klinicki nalaze se sivo--plavkaste mrlje po bjeloocnicama, nepravilne pigmentacije kože (cešce dijelovi izloženi svijetlu) a vidljive tetive plavkasto prosijavaju kao i hrskavice uške i nsa.
Odlaganje polimerizirane homogentizinske kiseline (PHK) izraženije je u fibrozne prstenove intervertebralnih prostora, sinhondroze, hrska-vice zglobova, traheje i rebara, tetive mišica, ligamente i zglobne kapsule (2, 3, 5, 6).
MacKenzie i suradnici našli su histokemijski odlaganje kalcium pirofosfata u ekscidiranim tetivama bolesnika od ohronoze na mjestima gdje je odložena PHK (6). Odlaganje kalcija u periartikularne strukture i fibrozne prstenove intervertebralnih prostora smatraju kao pokušaj reparacije degenerativne lezije (2, 7, 8).
Prikaz bolesnika -Bolesnica J.M. rodena 1924. godine, M.br. 8116/88. Otac je sa 30 godina bolovao od »vode u kaljenima«, teže se kretao zbog bolova u kukovima i kicmi, umro je u 54. godini života od bolesti želuca. Bolesnica unatrag 1 O godi na pati od bo lova u kol jen ima koja joj povremeno oticu, teže se krece. Traume velikih zglobova i kostiju negira.
Iz statusa: na dorzumu obih šaka vidljive su sivo--plavkaste mrlje promjera oko 4 cm, koje postaje dulje od tri godine. Mrlje (pigmentacije) slicne boje, ptomjera 2-3 mm vide se po bjeloocnicama u okolini rožnice. Uške su sivo-plavkaste. Desno kaljeno je oteceno, patela balotira što upucuje na tekucinu u zglobu kaljena.
Received: January 30, 1989 -Accepted April 12, 1990
Presecki V, Mihordin N. Ohronoza i kalcifikati u zglobnim hrskavicama
Ucinjeni su radiogrami: torakalnih organa, -mrljaste sjene tvrdoce vapna uz cirkumfeoba ramena, oba lakta, oba rucna zgloba, kicmerencije glave oba femura, manifestnije lijevo te u nog stuba, oba zgloba kuka, oba koljena i skocsinhondrozi simfize.
nih zglobova.
Na radiogramima videno je:
-kalcificirane hrskavice traheja i glavnih bronha, okoštavanje rebranih hrskavica.
-mrljaste sjene tvrdoce vapna uz rub cirkumferencije glave humerusa i glenoida skapule (u hrskavici) obostrano, manifestnije lijevo.
-mrljaste sjene tvrdoce vapna u meniscima oba koljena, uz rub kondila lijevog femura te prugaste sjene u mekim cestima poplitealne fose (zglobna kapsula ?).
-na kostima kralješnice videne su promjene deformirajuce spondiloze sa suženim intervertebralnim prostorima. U dva intervertebralna prostora lumbalne kr;alješnice viden je vakuum fenomen. Mrljasto odlaganje vapna u intervertebralnim prostorima svih kralješaka.
-mrljaste sjene tvrdoce vapna u hrskavicama oba rucna zgloba
-artrotske promjene, manje ili više izražene su i na ostalim zglobovima sa manjim odlaganjem vapna u zglobne hrskavice.
U urinu poslanom u biokemijski laboratorij KBC-a potvrdena je prisutnost homogentizinske kiseline i tirne je potvrdena dijagnoza ohronoze.
Slika 1 a i 1 b -Kalcifikacije u mernsc1ma kol jena i poplitealnoj losi Slika 2 -Kalcifikacije u hrskavicama ramenog zgloba
Fig. 1 a and 1 b -Calcifications within the knee joint Fig. 2 -Calcifications within the cartilages of the menisci and popliteal fossa shoulder joint
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:227-30.
Presecki V, Mihordin N. Ohronoza i kalcifikati u zglobnim hrskavicama
. . . .
. ..
Slika 3-KalcIfIkac1Je u hrskav,cama karpalnih zglobova
Fig. 3 -Calcifications within the cartilages of the carpal
Diskusija -Bolest je dominantno nasljedna s slabom ekspresijom gena (2, 4) pa je klinicka manifestacija od slucaja do slucaja razlicita, skeletna i ekstraskeletna. Bolest tijekom života ne pravi smetnje i dijagnosticira se slucajno ili pak kada nastupe komplikacije zbog odlaganja PHK i naglašenog razvoja degenerativnih promjena zglobova i kicmenog stupa u cetvrtom ili petom deceniju života.
Nije nam namjera da_ prikazujemo klasicnu radiološku simptomatologiju vec da ukažemo na prisutnost kalcija u hrskavicama zglobova i sinhondrozama koji kao radiološki znak nije opisivan. Odlaganje vapna u zglobne hrskavice i meniske koljena »opisuje samo Pomeranz 1941. dok drugi autori ne spominju ... « citat je O'Brien i suradnika iz pregleda svjetske literature (15841962) (2).
Intenzivno kalcificirane traheobronhalne hrskavice i hrskavice rebara u drugom i trecem deceniju života našli su u 9 od 11 bolesnika od ohronoze Kolar i suradnici (8). Odlaganje vapna u intervertebralne prostore i periartikularne vezivne srukture neki smatraju kao znacajne za radiološku dijagnostiku ohronoze (2, 7, 8).
Prisutnost kalcija (kao radiološki relevantan znak) na mjestima gdje se odlaže PHK ima opravdanje u histokemijskom dokazu kalcijum pirofosfata kako su utvrdili MacKenzie i suradnici
(6) kod bolesnika od ohronoze.
Kod naše bolesnice vjerojatno je ekspresija gena snažna, pa je simptomatologija, skeletna i ekstraskeletna, dobro izražena, osobito odlaganje kalcija u hrskavice i vezivo gdje se deponira PHK.
Zakljucak -Odlaganje polimerizirane ho
mogentizinske kiseline u kolagen tjelesnih i
zglobnih hrskavica, meniske koljena, tetive, zglobne kapsule i fibrozne strukture intervertebralnih prostora dovodi do degenerativnih promjena. Odlaganje kalcijum pirofosfata u podrucje deponirane polimerizirane homogentizinske kiseline, za pretpostaviti je, pretstavlja primarni radiološki znak skeletne ohronoze. Naglašene artrotske promjene zglobova, suženi intervertebralni prostori i jaca marnfestna spondiloza najvjerojatnije su sekundarni.
Definitivno postavljanje dijagnoze ohronoze
neosporno je dokaz prisutnosti homogentizinske
kiseline u mokraci bo lesnika.
Prikazana je bolesnica sa manifestnom skeletnom ohronozom. Radiografskom metodam pregleda nadene su linearne tvrde sjene u okolini kaljenih zglobova. Kalcifikacije u hrskavicama i meniscima zglobova koljena, kao i u hrskavicama ramenih, rucnih i drugih zglobova te intervertebralnim prastarima. Zapaženo je odlaganje pigmenta u kožu šaka i bjeloocnice. Homogentizurija je bila dokazana.
Galdston M, Steele JM and Dobriner K. Alcaptonuria and ochronosis. With a report of three patients and metabolic studies in two. Am J Med 1952; 13: 432-52.
O'Brien WM, LaDU BM, Bunin JJ. Biochemical, pathological and clinical aspects of alcaptonuria, ochronosis and ochronotic arthropathy: Review of world literature (1584.-1962.) A J Med 1963; 34: 813-38.
Guhl B, Modder B, Guhl C. Das klinische und radiologische Bild der Alkaptonurie und Ochronose. Rcintgenblatter 1981; 34 (6): 220-2.
Steele MJ. Alkaptonurija i ochronoza. U: Beeson and McDermott eds. Interna medicina. BeogradZagreb: Medicinska knjiga, 1967: 1476-7.
Deeb Z, Frayha RA. Multiple vaccum discs and early sing of ochronosis. Radiologic findings in two brothers. J Rheumatology 1976; 3 (1): 82-7.
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:227-30.
Presecki V, Mihordin N. Ohronoza i kalcifikati u zglobnim hrskavicama
Mac.Kenzie CR, Major P, Hunter T. Tendon 8. Kolar J, Križek V. Rcintegenologische Merkmale involment in a case of ochronosis. J Rheumatology der alkaptonurischen Ochronose. Fortschr. geb. Rcin1982; 9 (4): 634-6. tgenstr. Nuklearmed 1968; 109 (2): 203-8.
cervenansky J, Sitaj š. Die ochronotische Spondylarthropathie. Beitrage zur Ortopedie und TrauAdresa autora: dr. Vladimir Presecki, Ostrogovimatologie (Berlin) 1970; 17 (10): 637-9. ceva 3, 41020 Zagreb
neionsko kontrastno sredstvo gotovo za upotrebu
vrlo niska neurotoksicnost
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vrlo mala ucestalost i slab intenzitet subjektiv
nih reakcija bolesnika • odsustvo neocekivanih ili ireverzibilnih reakcija
vrlo mala vjerojatnost kasnih upalnih reakcija
visokokvalitetni mijelogrami
Omnipaque je zašticeno ime
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. Contrast Media
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:,. ..
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Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:227-30.
Iz prakse za praksu
KVIZ Br. 2
Bolesnica: 47 godina
Zanimanje: ekonomski tehnicar
Iz istorije bolesti -odpusno pismo, koje donosi sa sobom:
Primljena u bolnicu zbog bolova u predelu slabina, malaksalosti i povišene temperature. Tegobe su pocele dve nedelje pre prijema, kada je osjetila jake bolove u slabinama, više desno, groznicu, drhtavicu, temperatutu 37,5° C.
Preležala je djecje bolesti, pre 20 godi na operacija vanmatericne trudnoce. Od 197 4 g. hipertenzija. Pre jedne godine operacija žuci.
Anamneza po sistemima: osecala je malaksalnost i gubitak apetita. lmala je ceste i veoma jake glavobolje »da gubi svest od bolova«. Nije kašljala i nije imala tegobe sa disanjem. Povremeno je osecala bolove u predelu srca, »preskakanje« srca. Stolica uredna. Pušac. Nije uzimala alkohol. Negira porodicna oboljenja.
Objektivni nalaz: bolesnica je savestna, orjentisana. Aktivno pokretna, pravilne ostemuskularne gradnje. Temperatura 37,8° C. Glava, vrat, grudni koš, kicmeni stub uredni. Abdomen: vidljiv ožiljak po laparotomiji. Bubrežne lože osetljive na grubu perkusiju i bimanuelnu palpaciju. Edema nema. TA do 22,6/16,0
Laboratorijski nalazi:
EKG levogram, sinusni ritam, fr. 65 u min. sa znacima opterecenja levog srca. Urin 1-2L, sveži erit., bel. 1., pH 5.
KKR uredna
Kostna srž: jako hipercelularna usred hiperplazije eritrocitne loze, koja je normoblastna slabije sat. Hgb. Na celijama granulocitne loze se vidaju displasticne pramene dok je maturacija ocuvana. Megakariociti su u dovoljnom broju. Mieloperoksidaza je pozitivna u celijama granulocitne loze. LE cel. fenomen neg.
C3c = 1,62g/L, C4 = 0,62g/L
SE 94/126
Holesterol, urea, ukupni proteini, albumini, ŠUK, bilirubin, alkalna fosfataza, kisela fosfataza, fibrinogen, elektroliti, SGOT, SGPT sve u granicama normalnog. Radiorenogram: insufiniencija desnog bubrega, izražene drenažne smetnje levog bubrega.
Urografija, uredna.
CT bubrega: desno izmedu aorte i v. cavae vidljiva okruglasta mekotkivna senka, gustine oko 40 HU, koja ispred sebe pomera v. renalis a potiskuje i aortu i v. cavu. Posle davanja kontrasta formacija se samo ivicno obojava kontrastom, a centralno pokazuje zrakast hipodenzitet. Diagnoza: TU retroperitonealis lat. dex. (Lymphangioma).
Scintigrafija limfnih cvorova: nalaz je suspektan na zahvatanje paraaortalnih limfonodusa patološkim procesom.
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:231-2.
Iz prakse za praksu
Limfografija: nalaz prikazanih limfnih cvorova uredan do visine L 2. Desno na visini L 1 pršljena izgleda, da postoji ekspanzivna formacija, koja sprecava daljni prodor limfe.
Ponovni CT pregled -stanje nepromenjljivo.
Pod diagnozam lnfiltratio reg. retroperitonealis. Anem. sec. Hypertrnsio arterialis. Gor hypertensivum comp., premeštena na daljnu obradu.
Obav ljene dodatne pretrage Kavografija: vidi sliku 1
Aspiracijka biopsija vodžena sa CT: neadekvatni material.
Mi šljenje:
daljnje pretrage? Koje?
Postupak lecenja? Odgovor: vidi stranu 307
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24 :231-2.
Kurbel s, Dicic M
Abstract -The short theoretical paper deals with the possible use of stereoscopy as an optional display mode in a real tirne ultrasound. The proposed concept consists of:
a/a special probe with two arrays crossed in the middle under an acute angle tor generating left and right ultrasound images
b/a monitor that alternatively displays left and right images in sequence
c/ liquid crystal spectacles of controlled alternative transparency that allows images to be seen only by the coresponding eye.
The 'b' and 'c' components are alredy available as parts of the commercial stereoscopic video equipment.
UDC: 534-8:611-018.06
Key words: ultrasonic diagnosis, biometry Preliminary report
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:233-5.
lntroduction -Attempts to improve the real -tirne ultrasound visualisation are numerous and different (1-4). A possible new approach might be to try to generate a true stereoscopic ultrasound image that might improve the impression of depth.
Stereoscopic pictures are known from the beginnings of photography (5). A pair of pictures are simultaneously taken from two points that are 65 or more milimeters appart. Observed through special prismatic spectacles, two images can be mentally fused to form a single stereoscopic image with exellent impression of depth. They are used in aerial cartography, conventional radiology etc.
Historical attemps have been made to introduce stereoscopic movies. The principle was to project simultaneously left and right images on the same screen, one in red and the other in blue colour. The spectators were using coloured spectacles so that the left eye would watch only the left images and vice versa. The system was abandoned mainly because of unnatural colours and today it can be sporadically seen in computer games or experimental video.
Received: April 4, 1990 -Accepted: May 15, 1990
A new system of stereoscopic video display has been recently introduced in the field of entertainment electronics. Left and right colour video images are being alternatively displayed in a fast sequence on the monitor screen. The spectator is using liquid crystal spectacles that can quickly turn dark or transparent by means of electricity. The spectacle transparency is governed by the special video recorder that allows images to be seen only by the coresponding eye.
Description of the proposed concept Conventional real tirne ultrasound can display stereoscopic ultrasound images as an additional option if the built-in computer is powerful enough to display 16 or preterably more trames per second. Higher trame rate is important since each eye is watching only a halt ot the frames. To have real tirne ultrasound, each eye should receive at least 16 frames per second. Each frame can be displayed twice to reduce screen blinking in case the liquid crystal filters are able to react tast enough. The high trame rate is also a limiting tactor ot the image depth. It could be improved by reducing actual frame rate per second and displaying the same images trice.
Kurbel S, Dicic M. Approach to the stereoscopic visualisation of the real -tirne ultrasound images
The special linear array probe for stereoscopic ultrasound display requires two narrow arrays crossed in the middle under an acute angle, as shown in Fig. 1. Convex electronic sector probes can also be used. Stereoscopic probes with two mechanical sectores would be much more complicated.
,:c,n•._.1enl iona l. 1. i.neat' at't'a1. u l lra..ound probe
// ..
tuo-p lanes l i.near array u l tra.-ound probe f,:,r ·=· tereo·;cop i.c d i.-;p lay
Fig. 1 -The comparison between the conventional linear array ultrasound probe (upper half) and the proposed two array probe (lower half) with arrays
crossed under an acute angle
r ... -. -. -. C: . .. ';'..>--r/1
! 1
pleme #1 1 pl.cme #2 ) \
l !
! 1 f 1 1
1 l 1
L1 .-
Fig. 2 -The image planes of the proposed two array ultrasound probe
Kurbel S, DiciC M. Approach to the stereoscopic visualisation of the real -tirne ultrasound images
transparency is able to fuse left and right image References
into a single stereoscopic picture.
Kratki teoretski clanak se bavi mogucom upotrebom stereoskopije kao moguceg nacina ultrazvucnog prikaza. Predloženo rješenje se sastoji iz:
posebna ultrazvucna sonda s dva linearna sektora koji se pod oštrim kutom križaju u sredini (u obliku oštrog x) za dobivanje lijevih i desnih ultrazvucnih prikaza
monitor koji naizmjence prikazuje lijeve i desne prikaze u nizu
naocare s tekucim kristalima kontrolirane alternativne transparentcije koje omogucuju da pojedini prikaz vidi samo odgovarajuce oko.
Komponente navedene pod 'b' i 'c' se mogu nabaviti na tržištu kao dijelovi komercijalne video opreme.
ltoh K, Yasuda Y, Suzuki O et al. Studies on frequency--dependent attenuation in the normal liver and spleen and in liver diseases using the spectralshift-zero--crossing method. J Ciin Ultrasound 1988; 16:553-62.
Henley DS, Ralls PW, Johnson MB et al. FM sonography in gallbladder disease: efficacy and comparison with conventional sonography. J Ciin Ultrasound 1988; 16 :563-8.
Kurbel S, Dicic M. Simulation of the computer aided postprocessing of the sequentially taken real tirne ultrasound images. Rad Med Fak Zagrebu 1989; 30:1-7.
Kurbel S, Dicic M. Possible technical solution to the simulation of static compound ultrasound images on a real-tirne ultrasound unit. Radiol lugosl 1989; 23:159-61.
Hedgecoe J. The book of photography. Lon
don: Dorling Kindersley Ud, 1976.
Author's address: Sven Kurbel MD, Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, General Hospital Osijek, 54000 Osijek, Yugoslavia
.KOMPAS. -,.
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Radio/ /ugasi 1990; 24 :233-5.
trece Savetovanje sekcije JDZZ za prirodnu radioaktivnost sa temom
Vrnjacka Banja 15, 16. i 17. oktobra 1990
dr Dragoslav Nikezic; Prirod no materna ticki fakultet; R. Domanovica 12, 34000 Kragujevac; tel 034 60 251
Dalagija F, Najdanovic M, Bukša M, Bešlic š, Spasojevic S
Abstract -The authors have presented a case of 49--year old male without clinical symptoms, with occasional radiologic finding of cardiomegaly and suspicion tor echinococcus cyst. Preoperativelly, ali avilable diagnostic methods, including computed tomography (CT) were performed. Although the echocardiographic finding was accurate in localization and relation to the surrounding structures, it was inaccurate in definition of tissue consistency. CT accurately presented an oval tumorous mass with 10x12 cm diameter, solid tissue density, intrapericardially, next to the left cardiac ventricle.
Operatively, the pericardial (epicardial} tumor was extracted completely with pathohistologically confirmed neurofibroma.
The value of CT and difficulties in diagnosis of pericardial tumoros were discussed.
UDC: 616.11-006.38.03
Key words: pericardium, neurofibroma
Case report
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:237-40.
Uvod -Primarni tumori srca su, kao što je poznata, opcenito rijetki, a primarni tumori perikarda rijedi od intrakardijalnih tumora. Od benignih tumora perikarda srecu se: lejomiomi, hemangiomi, lipami, a najcešce teratomi i interperikardijalne bronhogene ciste. Utvrdeno je da više od polovine primarnih tumora perikarda cine maligni tumori, predominantno mezoteliomi i sarkomi (fibrosarkomi), dok su od svih tumora koji zahvataju perikard najcešci metastatski tumori (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Benigni tumori perikarda se vecinom prezentiraju bez simptoma kao neobjašnjiva kardiomegalija. Ako su simptomi prisutni, oni ovise od velicine i lokalizacije tumora, kao i stepana kompresije srca i velikih krvnih žila (2, 5, 6).
Postojecim brojnim dijagnostickim metodama kao što su klinicko-laboratorijske, konvencionalne radiološke metode, ehokardiografija itd., u posljednjih desetak godina pridružila se i kompjuterizirana tomografija (CT}.
Kao superiorna nad konvencionalnim
radiološkim dijagnostickim metodama, ona se pokazala veoma korisnom i u dijagnostici tumora srca, odnosno perikarda (1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 1 O, 11, 12, 13).
Received: April 9, 1990 -Accepted: May 9, 1990
Prikaz slucaja -Radi se o 49-godišnjem muškarcu bez klinickih simptoma, kod koga je na ambulantno ucinjenoj standardnoj radiografiji pluca i srca slucajno otkrivena kardiomegalija. Zbog sumnje na ehinokoknu cistu, a u cilju daljnje dijagnosticke obrade i eventualne operativne intervencije, pacijent je upucen u kliniku za grudnu hirurgiju.
Kod prijema, svi laboratorijski nalazi, kao i krvni pritisak, bili su u granicama normale, Auskultatorno srcana akcija je bila ritmicna, usporena, prvi ton tmuo. EKG je pokazao sinusnu bradikardiju frekvence oko 55 u minuti sa znacima ishemije lijeve komore.
Standardna radiografija pluca i srca (postero-anteriorna i profilna projekcija) kao i radioskopija potvrdile su izraženu kardiomegaliju na racun lijeve srcane komore (slika 1 ).
. Ehokardiografija je ukazala na postajanje eho strukture, moguce ciste, dužine do 1 O cm, koja dijelom potiskuje zid i smanjuje šupljinu lijeve komore (slika 2).
Kompjuterizirana tomografija (CT) je jasno prikazala ovalnu tumorsku masu, promjera 1Ox12 cm, vizuelno izodenzne strukture, stepena gustoce solidnog tkiva, ali nešto nižih vrijednosti.
Dalagija F et al. Neurofibrom perikarda -prikaz slucaja
Ista je smještena intraperikardijalno, lijevo, sa impresijom lijeve komore, ali bez potiskivanja srca u cjelini {slika 3). Nakon aplikacije kontrastnog sredstva u vidu »bolusa« masa se nešto intenzivnije opacificirala.
j ;
Slika 1 -PA radiogram pluca i srca: izražena kardiomegalija
Fig. 1 -PA chest roentgenogram: expressed cardiomegaly
Intravenozna digitalna subtrakciona angiografija je pokazala smanjenje i impresiju lijeve srcane komore prema kaudalno {slika 4).
Preoperativno su ucinjene i desna kateterizacija srca, lijeva pneumoaniografija i lijeva ventrikulografija, ciji su nalazi bili uglavnom u granicama normale. Sinekoronarografija je otkrila atipican tok dijagonalnih grana koje su bile »nategnute i izravnate«. Postojeca tumorska masa je
Dalagija F et al. Neurofibrom perikarda -prikaz slucaja
hipovaskularizirana od grana ramus interventrikularis anterior, koje su iregularnog lumena i kružnog toka na podrucju od preko 2/3 prednjeg zida.
Operativno je u cjelini odstranjen perikardijalni (epikardijalni) tumor »poput vece muške pesnice«. Patohistološki je utvrdeno da se radi o neurofibromu. Postoperativni tok je bio produžen zbog nakupljanja tecnosti u perikardijalnoj šupljini, pa je izvršena i perikardijalna punkcija.
Kod otpusta iz bolnice, nalazi kontrolne radiografije, ehokardiografije i CT, sem mjestimicnih znakova perikardijalnih priraslica, ne pokazuju drugih patomorfoloških promjena. Srcana sjena odgovarajuce velicine.
Diskusija -Klinicka slika benignih tumora perikarda, kao što je vec unaprijed navedeno, nije karakteristicna. Stoga se oni cesto otkrivaju slucajno na standardnoj radiografiji. Diferencijalno dijagnosticki dolaze u obzir tumori medijastinuma kao što su: struma štitne žljezde, dermoidna cista, timom, ehinokokna cista medijastinuma ili perikarda, aneurizma aorte ili srca itd.
Tvrdi se da je do pojave kompjuterizirane tomografije (CT) evaluacija kardijalnih i perikardijalnih tumora pomocu radiografije, radioskopije, konvencionalne tomografije, angiografije i ehokardiografije bila veoma otežana, a preoperativna dijagnoza specificnih entiteta vecinom i .emoguca (2, 5, 13, 14).
Transverzalnim prikazom bez superpozicije,
CT obezbjeduje tacno utvrdivanje lokalizacije i
odnosa lezije prema okolnim strukturama. Spo
sobnošcu preciznijeg diferenciranja apsorpcionih
razlika, ona omogucuje i karakterizaciju intraperi
kardijalnih masa na bazi njihove radiografske
gustoce. Stoga je ona superiorna nad konvencio
nalnim radiološkim dijagnostickim metodama u
procjeni njihove tkivne konzistencije bilo da se
radi o tecnom sadržaju, solidnom ili masnom tki
vu, kalciju, koštanim ili dentalnim strukturama, a
osobito kod neuspješnog ili nesigurnog ehokar
diografskog pregleda (2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1 O, 11, 12, 13,
15, 16, 17). Gore navedeno potvrdeno je i u
prezentiranom primjeru. Dok je nalaz ehokardio
grafije bio nesiguran, CT je riješila dilemu o
eventualnoj cisticnoj prirodi lezije. Jasno je poka
zala da se radi o tumorskoj masi gustoce solid
nog tkiva. Uz dobar prikaz forme i velicine, tocno
je definisala njenu intraperikardijalnu lokalizaciju,
kao i odnos prema srcu u cjelini i lijevoj komori
posebno. Konacno, intenzivnija opacifikacija na
kon aplikacije kontrastnog sredstva ukazala je
na njenu prokrvljenost (dokaz više protiv njene cisticne prirode). Svi navedeni podaci potvrdeni su operativno.
lpak upozoreno je i na teškoce, pa i greške u dijagnostici pojedinih bronhogenih i drugih medijastinalnih, kao i perikardijalnih cista na osnovu CT gustoce. Ove ciste mogu biti ispunjene gustim mukoidnim sadržajem koji daje visoke CT vrijednosti gustoce, sugerišuci solidnu masu. Stoga, visoki CT brojevi ne iskljucuju benignu perikardijalnu cistu (15, 18, 19, 20).
Zakljucak -Nalaz kompjuterizirane tomografije (CT) u prezentiranom slucaju, koji je operativno potvrden, u skladu je sa iskustvima stranih autora o vrijednosti CT u dijagnostici perikardijalnih tumora.
Uz ostale vrijedne dijagnosticke metode, ona komplementarno, a cesto i odlucujuce doprinosi njihovoj tacnijoj evaluaciji.
U radu je prezer'ltiran slucaj 49-godišnjeg muškarca
bez klinickih simptoma sa slucajnim radiografskim nala
zom kardiomegalije i sumnjom na ehinokoknu cistu.
Peoperativno su izvršene sve raspoložive dijagnos
ticke metode ukljucujuci i kompjuteriziranu tomografiju (CT).
Mada je u pogledu lokalizacije i odnosa lezije prema okolini, nalaz ehokardiografije bio tacan, u pogledu njene tkivne konzistencije bio-je nesiguran. CT je, medutim, jasno prikazala ovalnu tumorsku masu, promjera 1Ox12 cm, stepena gustoce solidnog tkiva, intraperikardijalno uz lijevu srcanu komoru. Operativno je u cjelini odstranjen perikardijalni (epikardijalni) tumor, a patohistološki utvrden neurofibrom.
Diskutovano je o vrijednosti CT, kao i odredenim
teškocama u dijagnostici perikardijalnih tumora.
Li teratura
Borts FT, Rohatgi PK, Sehgal E. Bronchogenic cavoatrial tumor thrombus: CT demonstration. Case report. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1985; 9 (6): 115-7.
Moncada R, et al. CT diagnosis of congenital intrapericardial masses. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1985; 9(1):56-9.
Silverman NA. Primary cardiac tumors. Ann Surg 1980; 191: 127-38.
Suzuki M et al. CT of mediastinal teratomas. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1983; 7: 74-6.
Williamson BRJ et al. Epicardial lipoma: a CT diagnosis. Computerized Radio! 1985; 9 (3): 169-71.
Silverman PM, Harell GS, Korobkin M. CT of the abnormal pericardium. AJR 1983; 140: 1125-9.
Crowe JK, Brown LR, Muhm JR. CT of the mediastinum. Radiology 1978; 128: 75-87.
Harada J, Tada S, Arait T. CT of the chest: cardiovascular system. Kyobu geka 1979; 32 (1 O): 726-31.
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24 :237-40,
Dalagija F et al. Neurofibrom perikarda -prikaz slucaja
=f .le1vetius
Radiogrami visoke kakovosti »anticrossover« tehnologija, ob 90% zmanjšanju žarkovne doze ki zagotavlja visoko locljivost in veliko v primerjavi z obicainimi sistemi hitrost
ter s tem izboljšano kakovost posnetka.
Pri JC emulziji (J-vezava in oglata zrna) je uporabljena najnovejša 3M
"' <'
\:>; ebl.
-1 ....
i,_ ... __
9. Houang MTW, Arozena X, Shaw DG. Demonstration .of the pericardium and pericardial effusion by CT. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1979; 3 (5): 601-3.
1 O. Modic MT, Janicki PC. CT of mass lesions of the right cardiophrenic angle. J Comput Assist Tomogr
1980; 4: 521-6.
11. Munro JC. CT of the thorax. Radiography
1982; 48: 95-101.
Pugatch RD et al. CT diagnosis of pericardial cysts. AJR 1978; 131: 515-6.
Shin MS, Jolles PR, HO KJ. CT evaluation of distended pericardial recess presenting as a mediastic nal mass. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1986; 10: 860-2.
Aronberg OJ, Peterson RR, Glazer HS. The superior sinus of the pericardium: CT appearance. Radiology 1984; 153: 489-92.
Brunner DR, Whitley NO. A pericardial cyst with high CT numbers. AJR 1984; 142: 279-80.
16. Pugarch RD et al. CT diagnosis of benign mediastinal abnormalities. AJR 1980; 134: 685-95.
17. Shin MS et al. Mediastinal cystic hygromas: CT characteristics and pathogenetic consideration .• J Comput Assist Tomogr 1985; 9: 297-301.
Marvasti MA, Mitchell GE, Burke WA. Misleading density of mediastinal cyst on CT. Ann Thorac Surg 1980; 31: 167-70.
Mendelson DS et al. Bronchogenic cysts with high CT numbers. AJR 1983; 140: 463-5.
Nakata H et al. CT of mediastinal bronchogenic cysts. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1982; 6: 733-8.
Shin MS et al. Primary angiosarcoma of the heart: CT characteristics. AJR 1987; 148: 267-8.
Adresa autora: Doc. dr sci. Faruk Dalagija, Institut za radiologiju i onkologiju, UMC-a, Moše Pijade br. 25., Sarajevo
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:237-40.
Loncaric S, Samaržija M, Popovic S, Težak S
Abstract -In order to determine thyroid structure and function simultaneously, we have developed a method that uses 99"'Tc pertechnetate, gamma camera and computer. 130 MBq (3.5 mCi) of 99"'Tc Pertechnetate is intravenously injected to the patient and 20 minutes la.ter a scintigram is acquired with pinhole coliimator positioned at optimal distance over the patient's neck. Tc-uptake in thyroid is calculated by FORTRAN program that makes ali corrections· necessar tor pinhole nonuniformity, isotope decay and extrathyroidal activity. Method was also tested by the thyroid phantom that imitates real conditions in the human neck, and on the group of 56 patients. The developed method with pinhole planer non-uniformity correction enables us to examine gland as a whole and also regionaliy. Ali relevant data about thyroid structure and function can be obtained within 40 minutes after clinical examination.
UDC: 616.441-073:539.163
Key words: thyroid gland-radionuclide imaging, technetium Orig sci paper
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24 :241-4.
lntroduction -It has been shown (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) that 99 "'Tc Pertechnetate can be used to measure thyroid tunction, and that owing to its physical characteristics it provides high quality scintigrams.
The main problem ot technetium method is low, nonselective thyroid uptake. Thyroid accumulates only 2% ot applied dose, what makes only 40-50% ot total counts seen by whole gamma camera tield ot view. Because ot so high extrathyroidal activity, and hence necessary background correction, technetium tixation cannot be measured by usual scintillation uptake set that is normally used tor 131-1 uptake measurement. Gamma camera and computer are needed. In that way extrathyroidal activity can be subtracted and ali necessary corrections can be done to get accurate value tor 99"'Tc uptake in thyroid. We make corrections tor nonunitormity ot the pinhole collimator, isotope decay and distance ot collimator from the patient's neck; correction tor attenuation by neck tissue is not made.
Materials and methods -For measurement and calculation ot 99"'Tc uptake in thyroid we use gamma camera PHO/GAMMA V with pinhole collimator with 5 mm aperture, and PDP-11 computer with GAMMA-11 system. Method consists ot tour parts. The tirst part is acquisition ot the scintigram ot the syringe that contains 130 MBq 99"'Tc in volume ot 1 ml. The distance from the collimator is 1 O cm and preset count is 100000. Because ot the heavy distance dependence ot the counting efficiency tor pinhole collimator (8,9), we caretully determine distance with cardboard pieces ot precise lenght. The second part is preparation and imaging ot the patient.
Activity is injected intravenously and 20 minutes later, when thyroid activity reaches plateau, the scintigram is acquired. Plateau persists from the 15th to the 30th minute after injection. Again, preset count is 100 000 counts. Patient is in supine position, and collimator is positioned at optimal distance from the neck. That is usually 5-1 O cm and depends upon the thyroid size. Thyroid has to be positioned inside the tield ot view ot camera in such a way that representative extrathyroidal area can be easily determined.
The third part is imaging ot the used syringe to determine the amount ot activity left after injection. Distance from collimator is 10 cm _and preset tirne is one minute. The tourth part consists ot image unitormity corrections, definition ot
Recived: April 24, 1990 -Accepted: May 3, 1990
Loncarit S et al. 99mTc Uptake in thyroid; pinhole collimator nonuniformity correction
target and background regions of interest, and
o 200
running the developed FORTRAN program for
uptake calculation. !!
Corrections and calibration -Response or geometric efficiency of a pinhole collimator for a point source is nonuniform and given by (10)
cf • sin3 (0)
16 · b2
d -effective aperture of the collimator,
b -distance from aperture to the source of activity,
e -the ray angle.
During the measurement of 99"'Tc uptake 50% of total count within the field of view are from extrathyroidal activity. Therefore, it is necessary to subtract activity of overlaing and underlaing structures to get net thyroidal activity. Thyroid is positioned in the image center, and the background area near it (what means toward periphery), so it is very important to correct the image for collimator nonuniformity. In fact the same reasoning apply equally well for every pixel or the part of the thyroid. We make corrections in the following way:
We take a flood study of 57-Co flood source with 3 000 000 preset count. Afterwards, every scintigram is corrected with standard GAMMA-11 flood correction command (»FCD #«).
From flood study GAMMA-11 creates correction matrix that increases the low-response areas and decreases the high-response areas. Then, by multiplying each patient image by the correction matrix, one can compensate for the irregularities in the image due to poor camera response or, as in our case, for severe collimator nonuniformity. GAMMA-11 creates a flood-correction matrix in the following manner.
AII cells whose counts lie outside the display thresholds are zeroed.
The average celi count AVO of the remaining nonzero cells is computed.
AII cells below the cutoff m, that is, with counts smaller than m% of AVO, are zeroed. A new average celi count AV of the nonzero cells now remaining is calculated.
Each of these remaining nonzero cells is converted into a flood-correction factor by replacing its contents with the value AV/CT, where CT is the original number of counts in the celi.
In that way we equalized the weight of every matrix element in the scintigram. Thyroid and
g •
90 •
:1 •
4 s 6 7 8 9 10 cm
Fig. 1 -Calibration factors which are collimator-neck
distance dependent
background can be positioned anywhere within the field of view. Some authors (8) have tried to solve the problem of nonuniformity by calibrating for the thyroid size. Strictly speaking such a procedure is not completely correct with respect to the position of the thyroid within the field of view and regarding to correction for the overlyng structures. To be able to quantify 99"'Tc uptake in thyroid we have calibrated our system with »Searle« neck phantom with known activity. In phantom we have put plastic tube with 2% of previously measured activity and contained in 5 ml volume. It has been imaged at distances 5-10 cm from collimator, and calibration factors has been calculated (Fig. 1 ). It was easy to calculate calibration factors for every distance, because we have known that tube in the neck phantom had exactly 2% uptake.
D·P F=-
F -calibration factor,
P..:.. per cent of accumulation
D -injected activity
U-accumulated activity.
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:241·4.
Loncarit S et al. 99mTc Uptake in thyroid; pinhole collimator nonuniformity correction
The second degree polynomial has been fitted to the obtained set of distance dependent factors. Forl background subtraction, and distance and decay corrections we have written FORTRAN program. Distance calibration factors for particular distance is calculated by fitted polynomial.
Results -Algorithm correctness has been checked by measuring and calculating various activities in the neck phantom. We got high correspodence for whole range 0.5-5% of the applied dose. Also, program has been tested under the real, strictly controlled, conditions on the phantom we have made to imitate real situation in the human neck. That is plastic bowl, whose diameter is 15 cm, filled with water that contains activity corresponding to the extrathyroidal activity.
The pair of syringes simulating thyroid have been immersed in the bowl. Measurements have been done for various volumes (10-100 ml). Ali data have been analyzed twice. With uniformity correction and without it.
Table 1 shows exellent results for corrected data, while noncorrected data gave results that differ considerably from the true value of 2% and depends on volume of simulated thyroid.
Table 1 -Results of uptake measurement in our phantom tor various thyroid volumes and different modes of calculation
VOLUME (ml) 99m-Tc UPTAKE (%)
10 2.56 2.15
20 2.40 2.04
40 2.23 2.01
60 2.09 1.84
100 1.87 1.92
MEAN ± S.O. 2.23 ± 0.06 1.99 ± 0.01
Method was also applied to the group of 56 patients (Table 2). In the euthyroid group of patients the mean value of 99"'Tc pertechnetate thyroid uptake is 1.99±0.07% (X±S.D.). The normal range defined as X±2S.D. is 0.3-3.73%.
The method separates very well euthyroid patients from patients with hypo or hyper thyroid function.
Table 2 -HHmTc uptake in euthyroid, hyperthyroid and hypothyroid patients
EUTHYROID (n=40) 0,3 -3,7 % (x ± 2 SO)
HYPERTHYROID (n = 8) 4,3 -11,8% (apsolute range) HYPOTHYROID (n= 8) 0,02 -0,14% (apsolute range)
Discussion -The thyroid size and position within a camera field of view does not influence the calculated value for Te uptake when ali of the acquired pictures are corrected far the pinhole collimator non-uniformity (Table 1 ). On the other hand, correction far the neck distance makes possible to get closer to the thyroid which means to obtain high quality scintigrams with well delineated thyroid structures, while at the same tirne not effecting the uptake measurement . Only one pictures is necessary in contrast to Atkins (12) where two acquisitions are nedded for complete procedure.
The evaluation of described computer program for pinhole non-uniformity correction indicates that pinhole collimator can be used for quantitative thyroide imaging as well as specially designed collimator thyroid imaging proposed by German Association of Nuclear Medicine (7).
The metod described in this article can be made more practical for routine work by measuring filled and empty syringe in the dosecalibrator. It is only necessary to establish transfer factor between that instrument and gamma camera.
Developed method for evaluation of thyroid function by the use of 99"'Tc, tested on the phantoms and the group of patients, gave very satisfactory results. Hence, this work should be continued further for wider group of euthyroid and especially pathological cases. Because of successful uniformity correction and hence ability to measure regional uptake, we extended our study to this direction.
U nastojanju da istovremeno odredimo strukturu i funkciju štitnjace razvili smo metodu koja koristi 99mTc pertehnetat, gama-kameru i kompjuter. lspitaniku se intravenski injTcira 130 MBq (3.5 mCi) 99"'Tc, a tiroidna aktivnost snima se nakon 20 minuta pomocu gama-kamere i »pinhole« kolimatora koji su postavljeni na optimalnoj udaljenosti. Stupanj akumulaciji u štitnjaci odreduje se kompjuterski pomocu FORTRAN-skog programa koji vrši neophodne korekcije za neuniformnost »pinhole« kolimatora, vrijeme poluraspada izotopa i
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:241-4.
Loncaric: S et al. 99mTc Uptake in thyroid; pinhole col1imator nonuniformity correction
aktivnost okolnih struktura vrata. Metoda je provjerena na fantomu vrata i štitnjace koji oponaša realne uvjete u organizmu te na grupi od 56 ispitanika. Svi relevantni podaci o strukturi i funkciji štitnjace dobivaju se 40 minuta poslije klinickog pregleda. Razvijena metoda omogucava odredivenje stupnja akumulacije 99"'Tc kako u cijelom organu tako i u pojedinim dijelovima štitnjace.
1. Dodds WJ, Powell MA. Thyroid scanning with technetium 99m pertchnetate. Radiology 1986; 91: 27-31.
2. Dos Remedios LV, Weber PM, Jasko IA. Thyroid scintigraphy in 1000 patients: Rational use of Tc-99m and 1-131 compounds. J Nucl Med 1971; 12: 673-7.
Hurley PJ, Strauss HW, Pavoni P, et al. The scintillation camera with pinhole collimator in thyroid imaging. Radiology 1971 ; 101 : 133-8.
Atkins HL, Klopper JF, Lambrecht RM. A comparison of technetium 99m and iodine 123 tor thyroid imaging. Am J Roentgenal Radium Ther Nucl Med 1973; 117: 195-201.
Karelitz JR, Richards JB. Necessity of oblique views in evaluating the functional status of a thyroid nodule. J Nucl Med 1974; 15: 782-5.
Arnold JE, Pinsky S. Comparison of Tc-99m and 1-131 tor thyroid imaging. J Nucl Med 1976; 17: 261-7.
Ausschuss der Deutchen Gessellschaft tur Nuklearmezin (DGN): Klinische qualitatskontrolle von nuklearmedizinschen ln-vivo-Untersuchungen. 1. Empfehlung. Nucl Med 1989; 28: 4 Suppl: 8-10.
Hurley PJ, Maisey MN, Natarajan TK, et al. A Computerized System tor Rapid Evaluation of Thyroid Function. J Ciin Endocr 1972; 34: 354-60.
Smidt KP, Andrews JT. A new gamma camera method tor the measurement of thyroid uptake of technetium 99m pertechnetate. Brit J Radiol 1978; 51 : 50-1.
Rollo FD. Nuclear medicine physics, instrumentation, and agents. The C.V. Mosby Company, Saint Louis 1977.
Atkins HL. Technetium 99m pertechnetate uptake and scanning in the evaluation of thyroid function. Semin Nucl Med 1971; 1 : 345-55.
Atkins HL, Klopper JF. Measurement of thyroidal technetium uptake with gamma camera and computer system. AM J R 1973; 118: 831-5.
Author's address: Srecko Loncaric, Ph. D., Department of Nuclf)ar Medicine, Clinical Hospital Center -Rebro, Kišpaticeva 12, 41 000 Zagreb
11001 Beograd, p. p. 522
Telefon: (011) 438-134
Telex: YU 11563
Sk.Jži ;:a odredivanje hipofunkcije adrenalnih žljezda
(primarna i sekundarna) i hiperfunkcije adrenalnog
korteksa (Conn-ov, Cushing-ov i adrenogenitalni
Uz našu redovnu proizvodnju i snabdevanje korisnika pribora za in vitro ispitivanja
T3-RIA T4-RIA lnsulin -RIA HR-RIA
u 19il8. godi ni pustili smo u redovan promet:
Pribor za odredivanje karcinoembrionalnog antigena (CEA) u serumu metodam radioimunološke analize.
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:241·4.
Budihna N1 , Milcinski M1 , Šuštaršic J2, Grmek M1 , Grošelj c1 , Porenta M 1
Abastract -Authors reevaluated lung perfusion seans performed for suspected pulmonary embolism in 1988 and 1989 using new criteria proposed by international prospective study for pulmonary embolism diagnosis (PIOPED (5)).
The difference between the first reading and the reevaluation was found in 200 (25,35%) of patients examined by lung perfusion scaning using 99mTc-macro-aggregated albumin (99mTc-MAA). The probability of lung embolism increased in 185 (92,5%) of patients where the disagreement between the first and the second reading was found. The degree of discordance is low in the patients under 30 years of age (9,59%) and in the interpretation of normal lung perfusion scan (2,14%).
Ventilation lung scanning by 99mTc-diethylenetriaminepentaacetate aerosol (99mTc -DTPA), which was performed after perfusion lunq scanninq in 59 patients, influenced the diagnosis in 14 (23, 72 % ) of patients by lowering the predicted probability of lung embolism as assessed by perfusion scanning alone.
The systematic two-observer approach-to lung perfusion scan analysis using PIOPED criteria is more sensitive for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism than single-observer method. Ventilation scanning helps to avoid overdiagnosis of lung embolism specially in intermediate and high probability of pulmonary embolism.
UDC: 616.24-005.7:539.163
Key words: pulmonary embolism-radionuclide imaging
Orig sci paper
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24 :245-8.
lntroduction -Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) is difficult if only clinical and biochemical criteria are considered. Lung scintigraphy is one of the most important noninvasive imaging techniques. The interpretation of lung seans is liable to errors. As it has been proven with prospective studies, the systematic aproach is most succesful in the correct diagnosis of PE (1, 2, 3, 4). Since the systematic aproach has not been accepted in our laboratory before, we compared the results of nonsystematic lung scan interpretation to the aprofch suggested by National Heart, Lung and BloQd Institute in USA (5).
Patients and methods -Lung perfusion scanning was performed in 789 patients (pts) because of clinically suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) in the period of two years (from 1988 to 1989). The pts were from 1 O to 90 years old, 448 (57,5%) were females.
Lung perfusion scanning was performed with a large view field gamma camera after intravenous application of 99mTc-human serum albumin macroaggregates {99mTc-MAA). During the injection the pts were supine, but the seans were taken in the sitting position whenever there were no serious contraindications. The seans were performed mostly in four projections: anterior, posterior, left and right posterior oblique. Few pts had seans taken only in anterior and both anterior oblique projections.
Ventilation lung scanning by 99mTc-diethylenetriaminepentaacetate aerosol (99mTcDTPA) was performed after perfusion lung scanning in 59 patients in the same positions as perfusion scanning.
At the first diangnostic reading the seans were evaluated by several nuclear medicine physicians (sometimes they were less experienced) without strict criteria for lung scan interpretation. When ventilation lung scanning was not available, a recent thorax radiograph was compared to the lung scan serving as an estimation of the lung ventilation in the pts.
On reevaluation PIOPED criteria were used (Table 1 ). These are essentially modified Biello's criteria, known as PIOPED {prospective study of pulmonary embolism diagnosis (5)).According to them, the seans were assessed by two observers as normal, concordant with low, intermediate or high probability of lung embolism.
Received: May 14, 1990 -Accepted: May 21, 1990
Budihna N et al. Lung scan interpretation -comparison of different criteria
Table 1 -PIOPEO eriteria tor diagnostie reading of lung perfusion seans
V-Q MATCH IN :s 50% ONE LUNG OR :s 75% OF
Legend: Q = perfusion, V= ventilation, CXR = ehest X ray (ehest roentgenogram)
Table 2 -The degree of diseordanee between the first and the seeond interpretation of lung perfusion of lung perfusion seans aeeording to the age of the patients
73 7 9.59 83 22 26.51
40-49 119 28 23.54
50-59 136 27.21
60-69 189 50 26.46
2: 70 189 56 29.63 ALL 789 200 25.35
Table 3 -The degree of diseordanee between the first and the seeond interpretation of lung perfusion seans aeeording to the seintigraphie probability of pulmonary embolism
NORMAL SCAN 140 3 2.14 %
LOW PROBABILITY OF PE 213 35 16.43 %
BIBILITY OF PE 181 92 50.83 %
OF PE 255 70 27.45 %
ALL 789 200 25.35 %
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:245-8.
Budihna N et al. Lung scan interpretation -comparison of different criteria
Results -The disagreement between the first interpretation of lung perfusion seans and the reevaluation by two observers was found in 200 (25,35%) dof 789 patients. The probability of lung embolism increased in 185 (92,5%) of patients where the disagreement between the first and the second reading was found. The degree of discordance is low in the patients under 30 years of age (9,59% (Table 2)) and in the interpretation of normal lung perfusion scan
(2,14%), (Table 3).
Ventilation lung scanning by 99mTc-diethylenetriaminepentaacetate aerosol (99mTcDTPA), which was performed after perfusion lung scanning in .59 patients, influenced the diagnosis in 14 (23,72%) of patients by lowering the predicted probability of lung embolism as assessed by perfusion scanning alone.
Discussion -Dis.greement in repeated read
ings of diagnostic pictues was first studied in
radiology. According to Smith (7), following dou
ble reading of 300 consecutive radiologic exami
nations, diagnostic disagreements occur in about
one-third of all filmreadings and about two-thirds
of all errors are found by modified dual-reading
In our study, lung scintigrams performed in
last two years were reevaluated by two experi
enced nuclear medicine physicians using
PIOPED criteria and compared to the results of
random aproach of several individual, sometimes
less experienced, nuclear medicine physicians
who were not strictly using special criteria for
lung scan interpretation. The percent of discor
dance between the first and the second reading
of the seans in our study was comparable to the
results putJlished by Smith. An important differ
ence was found in some of the patients in whom
repeated reading increased the probability of
lung embolism from low to intermediate or from
intermediate to high. In the latter group, the
disagreement was partly due to illdefining of
larger than segmenta! defects composed of sev
era! juxtaposed segments thus overlaying the
anatomic borders. Further, problems have arisen
as already noted by Sullivan (6), in the definition
of the size of the subsegmental defects. The
multiobserver aproach is of great value in these
In our pts the ventilation seans mostly de
creased the probability of lung embolism esti
mated on the basis of perfusion seans only.
Unfortunately they were not performed frequently
enough in all patients.
We conclude that the systematic applying of PIOPED criteria, especially with multiobserver aproach, surpasses the nonsystematic scan analysis particularly in the borderline seans. Substantial experience is necessary for interpreters. Ventilation scan is peremptory in the cases of intermediate and high probability of lung embolism estimated on the base of perfusion scan, to avoid the scintigraphic overdiagnosis of high probability of lung embolism.
Avtorji porocajo o ponovni oceni scintigramov pljuc pri 789 bolnikih, ki so jih preiskovali v letih 1988 in 1989 zaradi klinicnega suma na pljucno embolijo. Pri vseh bolnikih je bila izvedena perfuzijska scintigrafija pljuc z 99mTc-albuminskim makroaqreqatom (99mTc-MAA). Ventilacijsko scintigrafijo pljuc z aerosolom (99m Tc-dietilentriaminopentaacetata (99mTc-DTPA) so izvedli po perfuzijski scintigrafiji 59 bolnikom.
Pri ponovnem ocenjevanju scintigramov avtorji uporabljajo merila priporocena v mednarodni prospektivni študiji za diagnostiko pljucnih embolizmov (PIOPED (5)).
Pri 200 (25,35%) bolnikih od 789 se razlikujejo rezultati prvega in drugega odcitanja perfuzijskih scintigramov pljuc. Stopnja neskladja je najmanjša pri bolnikih mlajših od 30 let (9,59%) in pri normalnih scintigramih pljuc (2,14%). Z uporabo kriterijev PIOPED se pri 185 (92, 5%} bolnikih od 200 poveca verjetnost pljucnih embolizmov.
Pri 14 (23,72%) bolnikih od 59 rezultat dodatne
ventilacijske scintigrafije pljuc zmanjša verjentnosi ob
stoja pljucnih embolizmov.
Interpretacija scintigramov pljuc z dvema odcito
valcema,ki uporabljata merila PIOPED, poveca obcutlji
vost (in s tem možnost lažno patoloških rezultatov)
perfuzijske scintigrafije v diagnostiki pljucnih emboli
zmov v primerjavi s tehniko z enim odcitovalcem.
Ventilacijska scintigrafija pljuc, ki sledi perfuzijski scin
tigrafiji, zmanjša število lažno patoloških rezultatov
perfuzijske scintigrafije, posebno tistih, ki kažejo sred
njo in visoko verjetnost pljucnih embolizmov.
McNeil BJ, Holman BL, Adelstein SJ. The scintigraphic definition of pulmonary embolism. JAMA 1974; 227: 753-6.
Vea HW, Sirota PS, Nelp WB. Ventiolation perfusion scanning for pulmonary embolism: refinement of predictive value through Bayesian analysis. AJR 1985; 145: 967-72.
Biello DR, Mattar AG, McKnight RC, Siegel BA.
Ventilation perfusion studies in suspected pulmonary embolism. AJR 1979; 133: 1033-7.
4. Hull RD, .Hirsh J, Carter CJ, Raskob GE, GILL GJ, Jay RM, Leclerc JR, David M, Coates G. Diagnostic
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:245-8.
Budihna N et al. Lung scan interpretation -comparison of different criteria
value of ventilation perfusion lung scaning in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. Chest 1985; 88: 819-21.
Sostman HD, Rapoport S, Gottschalk A, Greenspan AH. lmaging of pulmonary embolism. lnvest. Radio!. 1986; 21 : 443-53.
Sullivan DC, Coleman RE, Mills SR, Ravin CE, Hedlund LW. Lung scan interpretation: effect of diffe
rent observers and different criteria. Radiology 1983; 149: 803-7.
7. Smith MJ: Errors in diagnostic radiology on the basis of complacency. Amer J Roenigenol Rad Ther Nucl Med 1965; 94: 689-703.
Author's address: Dr Nataša Budihna, Univerzitetna klinika za nuklearno medicino, Zaloška 7, Ljubljana
Izvozno uvozno podjetje
za promet z medicinskimi instrumenti, aparati, zdravili,
opremo za bolnice, laboratorije in lekarne
LJUBLJANA, Cigaletova 9 Predstavništvo: Telefon: (061) 317-355 ZAGREB, Šulekova 12 Telex: 31-668 sanlab yu Telefon: (041) 233-369 Telefax: 325-395 Telefax: (041)228-298
' ,<
40 let J Vll/J"J'l.t-/
Iz prodajnega programa trgovine na debelo nudimo široko izbiro domacega in uvoženega blaga po konkurencnih cenah in sicer:
rentgenske filme in kemikalije proizvajalcev »Fotokemika«, »KODAK«, »3 M -TRIMAX«,
»AGFA GEVAERT« in drugih,
enkratno uporabo,
-aparate, instrumente in potrošno blago za zobozdravstvo
V prodajalni na Cigaletovi 9 v Ljubljani prodajamo izdelke iz asoriimana trgovine na debelo, s posebnim poudarkom na blagu za zobozdravstvo, nego bolnikov, ortopedskih pripomockih in ostalemu blagu za široko potrošnjo.
Radio! lugosl 1990; 24 :245-8.
Maštrovic Z, Kasal B, lvancevic V, Bajc M, lvancevic o
Abstract -The case of a little girl with neuroblastoma of the left hemithorax is presented. Surgery was performed
at the age of 26 months. There was clinical evidence of diffuse bone marrow infiltration, and the disease progressed in spite of heavy chemotherapy. At the age of 30 months scintigraphy with 131-I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (131-1-MIBG) was performed. Pathological accumulations could be seen in the left hemithorax, the entire bone marrow and in the evident metastases in the skull and oral cavity. Urinary and fecal activity in napkins and underwear were measured daily for 96 hours. A monoexponential retention curve having a T(1/2) of 18.5 h with an additional body retention constant of about 51 % was found.
Due to the measuring protocol, a faster, also urinary component, described by other authors, could not be identified.
UDC: 616-006.487 :539 .163
Key Words: neuroblastoma -radionuclide imaging, iodine radioisotopes Case report
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24: 249-52.
Case report -A 26-month-old girl was hospitalized on suspicion of skull base fracture and a tumor in the left hemithorax. One month before hospitalization the girl began to lose weight. There were periods of febrility up to 38.5
which were ascribed to respiratory infectons. A haematoma occurred under her left eye. Two days before hospitalization the girl fell on the head after which moderate orbital haematomas developed around both eyes. Consequently, a skull X-ray was performed which was suspicious of scull base fracture. At the same tirne a through pediatric examination revealed a pathological lung X-ray, hepatosplenomegaly, hypochromic anaemia and slightly elevated hepatic enzymes and ESR. Liver and spleen ultrasound scan excluded the presence of focal lesions.
A posterolateral thoracotomy of the left hemithorax was performed and tumor was found originating from the paravertebral sulcus and extending into the thorax, thus completely infiltrating the fifth and largely the fourth rib.
Therefore, an »en bloc« resection was performed. Also a minor metastatic dissemination into the parietal pleura and paravertebral sulcus was found, the lung being intact. Pathology verified a neuroblastoma. From the local city
Received: May 22, 1990 -Accepted: June 27,1990
hospital the child was referred to the hematological and oncological ward of our University paediatric clinic. In spite of a very aggresive chemotherapy and numerous transfusions, the disease progressed and the child died at the age of 33 months. A 133-I-MIBG whole body scan was done at the age of 30 months, the girl already being very weak. She was conscious but immobile, cachectic and extremely pale with purple rings around the eyes and exophthalomos (Fig. 1 ). Numerous metastatic tumors were visible on the head and a red-brown necrotic, bleeding and fetid tumorous mass jutted out of the mouth.
The nose was also filled with tumorous masses. lnspection of the body revealed the surgical cut extending from the left anterior chest wall to the left scapula. Congested subcutaneous veins could also be seen. The abdomen was tense and painful, the liver and spleen markedly enlarged. The lower half of the left thigh showed a spindleshaped tumor.
The thyroid was blocked with sodium perchlorate 24 hours prior to and for seven subsequent days after the injection of 4.44 MBq (120 µ.Ci) of 131 -1-MliJG. Static scintigrams, 50 kcounts each, of the head, trunk and thigs were
MaštroviC Z et al. 131 1-MIBG retention in a case of neuroblastoma -case report
Fig. 1 -Numerous metastases disfiguring the patient's head and causing exophthalmos and protrusion of the tongue
taken on a GE Maxicamera 400T linked to a POP 11/34 computer. Numerous metastases were found in the skull, the entire skeleton and left hemithorax (Fig. 2a and b).
At the same tirne ali the girl's excreta together with napkins, underwear and sheets were collected for 96 hours. The activity of the excreta was measured on a daily basis. We insisted on measuring the retention for several days because of wide-spread metastases for which we expected an elimination dynamics different from cases in which a normal body retention predominates.
For our measurements the opposite probes of a dual detector whole body scanner »Elscint« were used Na1 (T1) crystals of 5x2 inches, without collimator). The samples were packed in equally dimensioned, hermetically sealed plastic containers and measured in well defined fixed geometry. A calibration source of 185 kBq (µ,Ci) 131-1 dilluted in 300 ml of water and spilled over clean napkins was measured under equal geometric and other experimental conditions. Uncontaminated underwear was measured as background. Each sample activity was calculated
Fig. 2-131-I-MIBG whole body scan:
anterior view: metastases in the skull, mouth, left hemithorax and pelvis
posterior view: in addition to described pathology
also infiltration of the head of left humerus and entire vertebra
as the geometric mean of the upper and lower detector measurements.
131-1-MIBG whole body retention, expressed in% of administered activity, is presented as a monoexponential curve with a biological halflife of 18.5 hours with an additional body retention constant of about 51 % (Fig. 3).
Discussion -After Wieland et al 1980 (1) published a study on 131-I-iodobenzyl-guanidine, a newly synthetized radiopharmaceutical, for the imaging of adrenergic tissue, several authors (2, 3, 4, 5) reported on the clinical value of 131-I-MIBG in the diagnosis of tumors of the suprarenal gland. Furter investigations showed that 131-1-MIBG could be used in the diagnosis of other endocrine and neuroendocrine tumors,
e.g. medullary carcinoma of the thyroid (6, 7), carcinoids (8, 9) and neuroblastomas (10, 11, 12). A of this radiopharmaceutical (12). MIBG elimination blood is described in the sparse literature referring specifically to the kinetics and biodistribution of this radiopharmaceutical (12). MIBG elimination
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24: 249-52.
MaštroviC Z et al. 131 1-MIBG retention in a case of neuroblastoma -case report
t;:; 10
i y • 46e-0.9t + SI
. 5
o l 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 3 -Whole body retention curve (y), expressed as a percentage of administered 131-1.MIBG activity: Exponential component (y1), having a biological half-life of 18.5 h with an additional body retention constant (y2) of about 51 %
from the body is described as being accomplished by urinary excretion and also following a two-exponential model (5, 12). Owing to the fast excretion at the beginning the authors measured the rate of the second component of urinary excretion only, which, according to Lashtord (12), amounts to 19-45 hours (mean 35 hours). Retention measurement in an 11-year-old boy with suspicion of pheochromocytoma or adrenomedullar hyperplasia (13) showed a three-exponential MIBG retention consisting of component with half-lives of 0.35, 1.3 and 5.9 days. Simultaneously measuring the thyroid activity, these authors calculated the thyroid to whole body activity ratio of 0.001, although the thyroid had been blocked. In our study we did not measure the activity accumulation of the thyroid,
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24: 249-52.
but scintigrams in the anterior projecton did not show any visible accumulaton of 131-1. Thus, any faint activity in this region seems to be largely due to metastases in the cervical vertebra. Obviously, with such a high 131-I-MIBG retention in the girl's body, the contribution of unbound 131-1 is negligible.
In our study we investigeted the cummulative 131-1-MIBG excretion in a two and a halfyear-old child tor tour days. Because ot the child's age it was impossible to measure urine and taces separately and the elimination could not be mesaured any longer tor technical reasons. On account ot this and the way ot elimination we could not record the tastest component with an expected biological halt-lite ot tew minutes (12). Our four-day retention curve with a halt-lite of 18.5 hours (fig. 3) is in agreement with Lashford's results (12). The stili hypothetical tast component ot urinary elimination cannot be identified with such an investigation setting. We assume that this component contributes to a higher MIBG elimination in the first 24 hours, and therefore the tirst dot in the retention curve has a relatively low value as compared to the following days. Also, the sum ot the values ot the exponential componerit and the constant body retention does not reach 100 % , possibly because part ot the eliminated activity may belong to the tastest component which we could not measure directly. A certain measurement error has to be considered also. The constant 131-IMIBG body retention ot 51 % is puzzling. A high body accumulation can be explained with a large tumor mass and active MIBG uptake.
However, some long term elimination ot 131-1-MIBG or 131-1 can be expected because of in vivo 131-I-MIBG elution or 131-1 dissociation from the complex, in spite ot the changed biochemistry in the tumor in comparison to normal tissues with catecholaminic activity. As our measurements ·merely extended over tour days, it seems possible that we did not identity the 131-I-MIBG elution from tumor tissue or 131-1 dissociation, if either process was very slow. The patient received cytostatic therapy which could also influence the kinetics ot 131-1MIBG in tumors. Most important tor tumor therapy with 131-1-MIBG, beside tumor mass estimation, is knowing the retention cuvre is influenced by the various tactors mentioned and can be defined accurately only by individual measuring,
Maštrovic Zet al. 131 1-MIBG retention in a case of neuroblastoma -case report
Prikazan je slucaj djevojcice s neuroblastomom lijevog hemitoraksa. U dobi od 26 mjeseci izvršena je operacija. Postajali su klinicki znaci difuzne infiltracije koštane srži i, unatoc intenzivnoj kemoterapiji, bolest je proaredirala. U dobi od 30 mjeseci ucinjena je scintigra
fija s I-meta-iodobenzyl-guanidineom (131 I-MIBG). Nadena je patološka akumulacija u lijevom himitoraksu, cijeloj koštanoj srži i vidljivim metastazama u lubanji i usnoj šupljini. Tijekom 96 sati mjerena je urinarna i fekalna aktivnost pelena. Nadena je monoeksponencijalna retenciona krivulja s T(112J 18.5 sati i tjelesna retenciona konstanta od oko 51 1/o. Radi nacina mjerenja brža, takoder urinarna komponenta, koju su opisali drugi autori nije se mogla identificirati.
Wieland DM, Wu JI, Brown LE, Mangner T J, Swanson DP, Beierwaltes WH. Radiolabeled adrenergic neuroblocking adrenomedullary imaging with 131 I-iodobenzylguanidine. J Nucl Med 1980; 21 :349-53.
Nakayo M, Shapiro B, Copp J, Kalff V, Gross J, Sisson JC, Beierwalts WH. The normal and abnormal distribution of the adrenomedullary ima.ing agent m-(I
131) lodobenzylguanidine (I-131-MIBG) in man: Evaluation by scintigraphy. J Nucl Med 1983; 24:672-82.
3. Shapiro B, Copp EJ, Sisson JC, Patti LE, Wallis J, Beierwaltes WH. lodine-131 metaiodobenzylguanidine for the locating of suspected pheochromocytoma: 1 Experience in 400 cases. J Nucl Med 1985a; 26:57685.
Shapiro B, Sisson JC, Eyre P, Copp JE, Dmuchowski C, Beierwaltes WH. 131 I-MIBG. A new agent in diagnosis and treatment of pheochromocytoma. Cardiology 1985b; 72: suppl. 1, 137 °42.
Sisson JC, Frager MC, Valk TW, Gross MD, Swanson DP, Wieland DM, Tobes NW. Scintigraphic localization of pheochromocytoma. N Engel J Med 1985; 305:12-7.
Connell JMC, Hilditch TE, Elliott A. 131 I-MIBG and medullary carcinoma of the thyroid. Lancet 1984; 2:1273-4.
Endo K. Shiomi K Kasagi K. lmaging of medullary thyroid cancer with 131I-MIBG. Lancet 1984; 2:233.
Feldman JM, Blinder RA, Lucas KJ, Coleman RE. Lodine-131 Metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy of carcinoid tumors. J Nucl Med 1986; 27:1691-6.
Hoefnagel CA, den Hartog Jager FCA, Taal BG, Abeling NGGM, Engelsman EE. The role of I-131MIBG in the diagnosis and therapy of carcinoids. Eur J Nucl Med 1987; 13:187-91.
1 O. Ficher M, Galanski M, Winterberg B, Vetter H, Localization procedures in pheochromocytoma and neuroblastoma. Cardiology 1985; 72: suppl. 1, 143-6.
Hadley GP, Rabe E. Scanning with iodine-131 MIBG in children with solid tumors: An initial appraisal. J Nucl Med 1986; 27:620-6.
Lashford LS, Moyes J, Ott R, Fielding S, Babich J, Mellors S, Gordan J, Evans K, Kemshead JT. The biodistribution and pharmacokinetich of meta-iodobenzylguanidine in childhood neuroblastoma.Eur J Nucl Med 1988; 13:574-7.
Ertl S, Deckart H, Blottner A, Tautz M. Radiopharmacokinetics and radiation absorbed dose calculations from 131 I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine (131 I-MIBG) Nucl Med Comm 1987; 8 :643-53.
Author's address: Zora Maštrovic, Zavod za nukleamu medicinu KBC i Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Rebro, Kišpaticeva 12, 41 000 Zagreb
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24: 249-52.
Snoj M, Lukic F
Abstract-Presented work is aimed at showing some survival characteristic of colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases. We have reviewed 736 record of patients who had histologically verified colorectal cancer. Nearly 70% of these were rectal primaries, whereas in almost 30% the malignacy was localized in the rest of the colon. Patients were divided in two groups. In the first nonresectable liver metastases were present on admission. In
this group diversion colostomy was performed and primary tumor was not removed. We had 121 such patients. Liver metastases could have been treated by systemic 5-FU regimen or liver irradiation. Median survival was 7,3 months. The second group comprised patients that we treated radically by surgery. We had 83 such patients. In 27 liver metastases appeared after some period. These were treated by the same means as the first group. Median survival after discoverv of metastases was 6,2 months. The difference in survival in these two groups was not statistically significant (x2 = 0,35; p<0,1). The removal of primary tumor seemed to have no impact on survival if nonresectable liver metestases were present.
UDC: 616.36-006.6 :616.351/.352-006.6
Key words: Liver neoplasms-secondary, colonic neoplasms, rectal neoplasms
Orig sci paper
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:253-5.
lntroduction -Colorectal cancer (CRC) metastases in the liver are the object of long term research. In the last tirne especially, many researches have paid their attention to this subject, as by improved surgical techniques of primary tumor removal (1) metastatic disease came into focus.
Liver metastases could be treated either by chemotherapy, irradiation or liver resection. It seems that only liver resection gives some chances far cure of at least improves the survival (2, 3, 4, 5). Unfortunately, only about 5% of CRC patients with liver metastates are suitable far resection (2). The rest of the patients are treated only with palliative intent. In these patients the treatment should be oriented to improving the quality of life and therefore overtreatment should be avoided.
That is why we try to throw the light on the question whether the primary tumor resection in patients with hepatic metastases is justified or not.
Patients and methods -In the research 736 records of patients with CRC were reviewed. Ali patients had histologically verified carcinoma.
Received: May 3, 1990 -Accepted: June 2, 1990
They were treated between the years 1971 1981, almost 70% had rectal carcinoma, whereas in approximately 30% the disease was localized in other parts of the colon (Table 1 ). There were 261 patients with metastatic disease on admission. These were discovered and confirmed during the operation or on !iver scintigraphy. Of 163 surgically treated patients, 83 had radical surgery where as the rest were treated with palliative intent.
Patients were divided in two groups. In the first !iver metastases were present on admission.
Table 1 -Primary tumor site
Rectum 70,5
C. sigmoideus 13,3
C. ascendens 4,5
Caecum 3,3
C. transversum 2,2
FI. hepatica 1,9
C. descendens 1,8,
An6rectum 1,4
FI. lienalis 1, 1
Total 100,0 253
Snoj M, Lukic F. Liver metastases from colorectal cancer; the impact of primary tumor removal on survival
These were considered nonresectable in principle. In these patients only derivation colostomy was done. In about a quarter of patients liver metastases were treated by systemic 5-FU regimen and/or liver irradiation.
In the second group there were 83 patients treated by radical primary tumor removal. They had no liver metastases on admission. In 27 liver metastases appeared after some period. A few of them were treated by the same means as the first group. Statistical significance was assessed by nonparametric Chi-square test.
Results -In the first group of patients (those with metastases on admission) median surival was 7.3 months, whereas in the second group (patients with colorectal metastases in the liver appearing after a tirne interval following primary cancer treatment) the median survival from the detection of hepatic metastases was 6.2 months (Table 2). Difference in median survival was not statistically significant (p<0.1 ; x 2 = 0.35). It seemed that primary tumor removal had no impact on the survival if liver metastases were present.
Table 2 -Median survival in patients with hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer
Group No.o! Median survival Range
patients (months) (months)
1 121 7.3 1 -45
2 27 6.2 1 -25
On the other hand, the concepts of treating
Discussion -We have retrospectively reviewed the files of CRC patients with liver metastases, treated at the Institute of Oncology between years 1971-1981. It has been found that there was no statistically significant difference in survival between those who primary tumor removed and those who had not.
The patients that we treated had in principle surgically non resectable metastases. In those years we belived thart liver metastases from CRC could not be treated surgically, unless they were solitary, superficial and small. We had no such cases in our study. Some of the patients had liver irradiation (up to 2000 RAD), whereas others received systemic 5-FU. It was proved, that these two modalities had no influence on the survival, although they often resulted in on objective response (6, 7). Therefore we did not try to elicit that fact in our study. There was no intraarterial application of the drugs. The question whether it improves the survival or not has not
been solved yet (8). No patient underwent liver
resecion. The opinions about importance of this
method are diverging. Most authors agree that it
could be performed for a solitary !iver metastasis
(2, 3, 4), however some recent results (9)
suggest that up to four metastases could be
Median survival of our patients was 7.3 or
6.2 months. Patients with CRC metastases in the liver have longer survival than those who had
gasfric, pancreatic or biliary carcinoma (7). The same author reports a similar survival than that obtained in our study, i.e. 160 days; the patients with colostomy and those with resection of primary tumor had the same survival. Wood (4) reported survival of 7.7 months after discovery of liver metastases that were not treated. The patients with disease limited to one segment of the liver and those with solitary metastases had longer survival.
Patients with liver metastases from CRC have bad prognosis and according to our results, their survival is not influenced by primary tumor removal. We think that in the case of nonresectable liver metastases, the removal of primary tumor is not indicated unless the tumor is so symptomatic (pain, bleeding, destruction etc.) tha its removal would result in a significant symptomatic improvement. In these cases only palliative approach should be intended (derivation colostomy, laser destruction, irradiation).
liver metastases from CRC has changed. With the development of liver surgery and introducing of intraoperative ultrasound in to clinical practice, the resectability of hepatic metastases has increased considerably (10). The only factors that might themselves be considered contraindications for liver resection are the presence of positive nodes, the presence of resectable extrahepatic metastases, or the presence of four or more metastases (9).
It seems that nowdays the outlook for the patients with hepatic metastases from CRC is promising, so more and more patients could be treated with curative intent.
Ohman U. Colorectal carcinoma. A survey of 1345 cases 1950-1984. Acta Chir Scand 1985; 151: 674-9.
Adson MA. Hepatic metastases in perspective.
Am J Rentgenol 1983; 140 :695-700.
Radio! lugosl 1990: 24 :253-5.
Snoj M, Lukic F. Livar metastases from colorectal cancer; the impact of primary tumor removal on sorvival
Wilson SM, Adson MA. Surgical treatment of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer. Arch Surg 1976; 111 :330-4.
Wood CB, Gillis CR, Blumgart LH. A retrospective study of the natura! history of the patients with liver metastases from colorectal cancer.
Foster JH, Ensminger WF. Treatment of metastasic cancer to the liver. In: De Vitla VT, Hellmann S, Rosenberg SA(eds.). Cancer: principles and practice in Oncology (2. ed.). Philadelphia, Lippincot 1985; 2117-32.
Borgelt 88, Gelber R, Brady LW, Griffin T, Hendricson FR. The palliation of hepatic metastases: results of the radiation therapy Oncology Group pilot study. 1 nt J Radia! On col Biol Phys 1981 ; 7 :587-91 .
Jaffe BM, Donegan WL, Watson F, Sprati JS. Factor influencing survival of untreated hepatic metastases. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1968; 127:1-11.
Kemeny N, Daly J, Reichmann B, Geller N, Bolet J, Oderman P. lntrahepatic or systemic infusion of Fluorodeoxyridine in patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma. Ann lntern Med 1987; 107 :459-65.
Hughes KS et al. Resection of the !iver tor colorectal carcinoma metastases: A multi institutional study of indications tor resection. Surgery 1988; 103 :278-87.
Benhamou G, Marmuse SP, Johane! H, Le Golf JY. Should liver metastases from colorectal cancer be treated surgically. Lancet 1990; 335:482-3.
Author's address: Snoj M., MD, The Institute of Oncology, 61 000 Ljubljana
SOL VOLAN (ambroksol)
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nov sinteticni mukolitik in bronhosekretolitik
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zmanjšuje adhezijo bakterij in levkocitov ·r,a sluznico dihalnih poti
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• odstranjuje bronhialni izlocek s spodbujanjem mukociliarnega
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20 tablet
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Podrobnejše informacije in literaturo dobite pri proizvajalcu.
. .. KRKf\
tovarna zdravil. p. o .. Novo mesto
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:253-5.
Byk Gulden Pharmazeutika
@r. Konstanz/SR Nemacka
-kontrastno sredstvo niskog osmoaliteta, smanjene toksicnosti i gotovo bezbolan u primeni.
Sva arteriografska ispitivanja, zatim cerebralna angiografija, i flebografija, kao i selektivna koronarografija.
Hexabrix amp. (5 amp. x 10 ml) Hexabrix amp. (20 amp. X 20 ml) Hexabrix boc. (2 boc. x 50 ml) Hexabrix boc. (1 boc. X 100 ml)
Hexabrix inf. (1 boc. X 200 ml bez pribora za infuziju)
DIMER X ampule 5 X 5 ml
-kontrast za lumbosakralnu mielografiju
-kontrast za urografije, angiografije, periferne i selektivne arteriografije.
Telebrix 300 amp. (20 amp. X 30 ml sa špricom) Telebrix 300 amp. (20 amp. X 30 ml bez šprica) Telebrix 380 amp. (20 amp. X 30 ml sa špricom) Telebrix 380 amp. (20 amp. X 30 ml bez šprica) Telebrix 380 za inf. (2 boc. X 50 ml)
Telebrix 300 za inf. (2 boc. X 50 ml)
Telebrix 30 za inf. (1 boca X 100 ml)
Telebrix 45 za inf. (1 boca >< 250 ml)
lnostrana zastupstva Predstavništvo:
Pharmazeutlka Beograd Kosovska 17M Zagreb, Savska cesta 41M
Konstanz/SR Nemacka telefoni: 321-440 i 321-791 telefoni: 539-355 i 539-476
Vrbanec 01 , Cvrtila 02 , Bolanca A2
Abstract -Serum concentrations of CA 15-3 and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were measured in 277 patients with breast cancer. Metastatic disease was detected in 74 of them. Three hundred and thirty-nine healthy subjects provided our normal CA 15-3 reference value. The upper limits of normal range for CA 15-3 and CEA were found to be 26.4 U/ml and 2.5 ng/ml, respectively. Both CA 15-3 and CEA values were higher in patients with metastases. Significantly more patients had elevated levels of CA 15-3 than CEA (67, 1 % versus 47,3%, p<0.05) as measured at various stages of the disesase. Concentrations of CA 15-3 and CEA varied significantly with the stage of disease, but also in the relation to treatment response. However, CA 15-3 is more closely associated
with the clinical status assessed in the follow-up period.
UDC: 618.19-006.6-074-097
Key words:antigens tumors-associated, carbohydrate, carcinoembryonic antigen, breast neoplasms
Orig sci paper
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24: 257-60.
lntroduction -Since tumor markers like carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA), mucin-like carcinoma associated antigen (MCA) and CA 15-3 have been available, an attempt has been made to incorporate serum determinations of these markers in the monitoring of breast cancer patients (1, 2, 3, 4). CEA, the most widely used cancer marker, has been shown to be of value for monitoring the response to treatment in about 60% of advanced metastatic breast cancer but lacks the sensitivity and specificity to detect small tumor burdens (5). The proliferation antigen TPA also shows the same sensitivity. However, in numerous benign, respiratorx inflamatory diseases nonspecific titer of CEA and TPA can be found. Carbohydrate antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3) is recently described breast cancer associated antigen (6, 7), defined by two different monoclonal antibodies. One antibody (DF3) was produced by Kute et al. (8) against a with membranes enriched fraction of human breast cancer metastases. This concerns an antigen with a molecular weight of 260 KO. The other antibody (115 08) was developed against human milk fat globule membranes. Antibody 115 08 recognizes a glycoprotein (MAM 6) antigen with a higher molecular weight, which is usually present in cases with cancer of the breast.
This study was done to determine the significance of both these tumor markers in the diagnosis and in the oncological follow-up in a group of subjects with breast cancer.
Material and methods -Two hundred and seventy-seven patients with breast cancer were included in this study (622 serum samples were analyzed). Metastatic disease was detected in 74 patients. Breast cancer was histologically confirmed for ali these patients. The age of patients ranged from 29 to 84 years (mean value
57.6 years; median value 59 years). The patients were divided up into 2 group:
Patients with detectable metastases resp. recidivation (n = 74). The involed metastatic sites are given in Table 1.
Patients, who at the tirne of these results had no detectable distant metastases resp. recidivation (n = 203).
Metastatic lesions were monitored using xray examinations, scintigraphy and in certain cases computed tomography. Patients with metastatic disease were treated with local (irradiation) and/or systemic therapy (CMFVP; adriamycin combinations and/or hormona! manipulations).
Received: March 9, 1990 -Accepted: April 16, 1990
Vrbanec O et al. Circulating CA 15·3 and cea values in monitoring patients with breast cancer
Table 1 -Number of involved metastatic sites
Skeleta! 46
Lung 15
Liver 6
S.n 3
Gerebral 2
Gombination 7
Patients with metastatic disease Patients free of metastases
GA15-3 (U/ml) 131.2±17.8 20.2±7.3
GEA 19.3 ± 8.1 1.5 ± 1.7
In the control group we examined 339 pre-
• sumably healthy person aged from 17 to 76 years (mean value 38.9 years; median value
39.5 years).
CA 15-3 and CEA levels were meas1.1red simultaneously in specimens of serum collected during either outpatient visits or hospitalization and frozen at-20 ° C until assayed.
CA 15-3 was measured by immunoradiometric assay (obtained from CIS, France) and CEA was determined using IRMA-MAT CEA Kit (obtained from Byk-Sangtec Diagnostica, FR Germany). CEA values above 2.5 ng/ml were considered elevated.
The results were expressed by a mean value and a median value were appropriate. Chi-square test with the correction tor continuity in 2x2 tables was used to evaluate the significance of variables. The P values < 0.05 were considered significant.
Results -In our control group CA 15-3 values were in the range from 3.5 to 39.9 U/ml (mean value 15.6 U/ml, median value 15.0 U/ml). Cut-off value was set at 26.4 U/ml, i.e.,
at percentile. CA 15-3 was elevated in 44 out of 203 patients (21.7%), and CEA was elevated in 31 out of 203 patients (15.2%) who had no evidence of metastases (chi-square 2.355, P<0.2).
CA 15-3 and CEA values were statistically higher in patients with metastases (Table 2).
Significantly more patients with metastatic diseases had elevated circulating levels of CA 15-3 than CEA (49/74 patients, 67,1% and 29/74 patients, 47.3%, respectively; chi-square 9.785,
258 p<0.002). Using CA 15-3 and CEA in combination, sensitivity (ei. at least one marker is elevated) can be increased, depending on the clinical stage of the disease. CA 15-3 serum levels in 7 4 patients with progresivve breast cancer in accordance to the localisation of metastases are shown in Figure 1.
lung combina
Table 2 -Serum concentrations (mean ±S.O.) of
0 0
o o
GA 15-3 and GEA in patients with breast cancer
CA 15-3
80-, o
o o
26 4f .2.2.0
o -+*-+.
20 fľ>O 00
000 o
Fig. 1 -GA 15-3 levels in patients with metastatic breast cancer (sites of metastatic involvement)
CEA serum levels in patients with metastases in accordance to the localisation of metastases are shown in Figure 2.
Concentration of CA 15-3 and CEA varied significantly with the stage of the disease but also in the relation to the treatment. In three patients who developed local recurencce there was no significant change of CEA and CA 15-3 levels between when they are tumor free and had evidence of local recurrence.
Figure 3 shows the response of CA 15-3 and CEA serum levels to endocrine or citotoxic therapy in one patient with metastatic cancer. This patients had her breast removed 2 weeks before the beginning of the study. The receptor status was unknown. At the beginning of the study there was metastatic bone disease praven by scintigraphy and x-ray investigation. The patients was treated with combined chemotherapy (CMFVP protokol) and tamoxifen. There was no therapy between 13-22 months because there was clinically stable disease. After month 22 there was clinical evidence of progressive disease, and the therapy was changed to medroxyp
RadioIIu90sI1990; 24:257-60.
Vrbanec O et al. Circulating CA 15·3 and cea values in monitoring patients with breast cancer
-g 600
J, C:
c'.§ 140 . 500
800 300
o 13 18 22 28 o 13 18 22 28
2!10] oo°g°o
""·: j o
2.: i-.:_
o 80
oo o
Fig. 2 -CEA levels in patients with metastatic breast cancer (sites of metastatic involvement)
1 o
lung 1 comb,nat,on
r ·
000 / O
rogesteron. This therapy caused a clinical improvement of the patient and there was an drop of the CEA and CA 15-3 levels.
Discussion -This study confirm and amplify some previous reports concerning the usefulness of tumor markers in breast cancer (9, 1 O, 11 ). Among other tumor markers, CA 15-3 have been described as clinically useful laboratory tool in monitoring patients with breast cancer. The use of CEA in the follow up of patients with breast cancer is controversial. While it was initially suggested as being a useful marker for breast cancer, not ali authors agree ( 12, 13, 14, 15, 16). In our patients we found the sensitivity of CEA to be poor, and therefore it is not itself very useful for detecting occult metastases.
The present investigation makes it clear that high frequencies of elevated serum CA 15-3 and
Fig. 3 -The relationship between treatment response and changes in tumor marker values. Between O and 13 months of the follow-up period, CMFVP protocol was used. There was no therapy between 13 and 22 months, and at 22nd month medroxyprogesteron (Depo Provera) was induced.
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:257-60.
Vrbanec D et al. Circulating CA 15-3 and cea values in monitoring patients with breast cancer
CEA concentration in breast cancer patients were seen only in cases of a disseminated disease. This finding may be used in the followup of patients, especially for early detection of recurrences and progression of disease and in monitoring of treatment success. The results also show that in patients with metastatic breast cancer, CA 15-3 levels were elevated more often than CEA levels. Thus, CA 15-3 levels were more useful than CEA for monitoring clinical course of patients undergoing treatment for metastatic breast cancer. Our results agree with those reported by others, i.e. that CA 15-3 appears to be a more sensitive marker compared with CEA for following breast cancer patients.
U serumu 277 bolesnica s karcinomom dojke odredivane su vrijednosti CA 15-3 i karcinoembrionskog antigena (CEA). 74 bolesnice imalo je metastatski tumor. Naše normale za CA 15-3 odredivali smo iz skupine koju je sacinjavalo 339 zdravih osoba. Gornja granica normalnih vrijednosti za CA 15-3 i CEA iznosila je 26.4 U/ml i 2.5 ng/ml. Bolesnice s metastatskim tumorom imale su povišene vrijednosti CA 15-3 i CEA. Odredivanje u razlicitim stadijima bolesti pokazalo je da je znatno veci broj bolesnica imalo više vrijednosti CA 15-3 nego CEA (67, 1 % prema 47,3%, p<0.05). Vrijednosti CA 15-3 i CEA znacajno su se razlikovale prema stadiju bolesti, ali i u toku terapije. CA 15-3 bio je znacajnije povezan s klinickim statusom tijekom perioda pracenja bolesnica.
Delarue JC Mouriesse H, Dubois F, Friedman S, May-Levin F. Markers in breast cancer: does CEA add to the detection by CA 15-3. Breast Cancer Res Treat 1988; 11 :273-6.
Hayes DF, Zurawski VR, Kute DV. Comparison of circulating CA 15-3 and carcinoembryonic antigen levels in patients with breast cancer. J Ciin Oncol 1986; 4:1542-50.
3. Pons-Anicet DMF, Krebs BP, Mira R, Namer
M. Value of CA 15-3 in the follow-up of breast cancer patients. Br J Cancer 1987; 55:567-9.
Vrbanec D, Lukinac LJ, Pokrajac 8, Spaventi š. Significance of serum concentrations of CA 15-3, TPA, CEA and ferritin in patients with breast cancer. Rad JAZU 1989; 447:47-52.
Beard DB, Haskell_ CM. Carcinoembryonic antigen in breast cancer. Am J Med 1986; 80:241-45.
Schmidt -Rhode P, Schulz KD, Sturm G, RaabFrick A, Prinz H. CA 15-3 as tumor marker in breast cancer. lnt J Biol Marker 1987; 2:135-42.
Tondini C, Hayes DF, Gelman R, Henderson C, Kute W. Comparison of CA 15-3 and carcinoembryonic antigen in monitoring the clinical course of patients with metastatic breast cancer. Cancer Res 1988; 48 :410712.
Kute D, lnghirami G, Abe M, Hayes D, JustiWheeler H, Schlom J. Differential reactivity of a novel monoclonal antibody (DF3) with human malignant versus benign breast tumors. Hybridoma 1984; 3 :223-32.
Tormey DC, Waalkes TP, Snyder JJ, Simon RJ. Biological markers in breast carcinoma. III. Clinical correlations with carcinoembryonic antigen. Cancer 1977; 39:2397-402.
1 O. Cove DH, Woods KL, Smith SCH, Burnett D, Leonard J, Grieve RJ, Howell A. Tumor markers in breast cancer. Br J Cancer 1979; 40 :710-8.
Pluygers EP, Beauduin MP, Baldewyns PE, Burion JA. Tumor markers tor cancer detection. 1 Cancer Detect and Prev 1986; 9:495-504.
Paulick R, Caffier H, Paulick M. Comparison Of serum CEA, PHI and TPA as tumor markers in breast cancer patients. Cancer Detect and Prev 1987; 10:197-203.
Neville AM, Patel S, Capp M. The monitoring role of plasma CEA alone and in association with other tumor markers in colorectal and mammary carcinoma. Cancer 1978; 42:1448-51.
L0thgens M, Schlegel G. CEA+TPA in clinical tumor diagnosis with special reference to breast cancer. Tumordiagnostic 1980; 1 :63-77.
Treidler J, Pompecki R, M0llerleile U, Garbrecht M, Kleeberg UR. Prognostische Aussage des Serum-CEA und therapie-bedingte unzspezifiche CEA-Verlaufe beim metastasieredem Mammakarzinom. Onkologie 1984; 7:328-33.
Lokich J, zamchek N, Lowenstein M. Sequential carcinoembryonic antigen levels in the therapy of metastatic breast cancer. Ann lntern Med 1987; 89:902-5.
Author's address: dr. Damir Vrbanec, Institute of
pathophysiology, University hospital, Rebro,
Kišpaticeva 12, 41 000 Zagreb
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:257-60.
Košorok P
Abstract-A valve tor controling the axcretion of faeces and stomatherapy of diverted bowel has been developed on the dog. The valve is installed in the terminally diverted flexure of the sigmoid colon. The inner elastic ring is inserted into the bowel and expands in the lumen of the bowel at the inner side of the abdominal wall. The greatest diameter of the inserted ring has been 55 mm, and it has been possible to continously keep the prosthesis in place tor up to one week. The bowel has not been damaged by the inserted prosthesis. In the dog the prosthesis can be changed without anaesthesia. So far the need for a new surgical technique does not appear necessary; the simple terminal diversion of the bowel is sufficient.
The success of this experiment on dogs makes it appear that the valve has been developed to a stage where it could be experimentally used in human patients with rectal carcinoma who have undergone the amputation of the rectal sigmoid and require the application of anus praeter.
UDC: 616.352-089.844-092.9
Key words: colostomy -methods, prosthesis, feces, dogs
Orig sci paper
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:261-5.
lntroduction -Patients with rectosigmoid carcinoma who have had to undergo the amputation of the rectum and installation of a diverted bowel into the abdomen (anus praeter) require special post-operative rehabilitation. Hitherto used means for such treatment have comprised self-adhesive collecting appliances with or without the skin barrier, made either in the form of a closed pouch or a pouch with an outlet. One method of post-operative care, which also enables good rehabilitation, is irrigation (self....:Clystering through the diverted bowel). This method is feasible at the terminally divertted sigmoid colon. According to the type and behaviour of the diverted bowel, various means are being constructed.
Vet, none of these treatments is perfect. Patients need to be informed about different types of treatment, since they are supposed to choose the appropriate sort according to various conditions, changes of the season, as well as periodic changes in digestion.
It was decided to test a new appliance which is not intended to be fastened to the skin. It is, rather, inserted through the diverted bowel into the very lumen of the bowel, in such a way that the inner elastic ring is attached to the inner side
Received: May 13, 1990 -Accepted: May 24, 1990
of the abdominal wall. We wanted to avoid damange to the skin, since the skin is exposed to the strongest burdening in the hitherto mentioned manners of enterostomal therapy. The anchoring of the prosthesis in the classical treatment depends on the strenght of the adhesive area and on the condition of skin. In case of skin inflammation, the adhesiveness is questionable, which causes danger of leakage of faeces to the surrounding skin, missing the pouch. Another difficulty is that the pouch may become detached; if it falls off it allows the uncontrolled leakage of faeces out of the diverted bowel.
We are suggesting a new means of enterostomal therapy consisting of a valve with an inner elastic ring which can be inserted into the lumen of the bowel. After installation, the elastic ring again expands into the bowel. The abdominal pressure attaches it against the inner side of the abdominal wall. Since the diameter of the inserted ring is larger than that of the bowel, the ring cannot fall out. In this manner, the inner anchoring of the prosthesis is achieved -thus avoiding the severe burdening of the skin which was one of the worst problems in the types of therapy used so far. In the past, the skin has be_en damaged by the mechanical burdening of
Košorok P. Testing of the valve tor controlling the excretion of faeces and stomatherapy in the experiment on dogs
the weight of the appliance, frequent stripping off the applances with strongly adhesive surface and, in the classical self-adhesive appliance, also by the steam closure, which is disables the skin to breathe.
Materials and methods -In the experiment
on dogs we applied the surgical technique of terminal diversion of the distal colon. The distal part of the bowel is blind ended.
According to the plan, we utilized the prostheses with growing diameters of the inner ring. We tried various external parts of the prosthesis, used for the retention -prevention of the slipping of prosthesis into the abdomen (Fig. 1 ). The external part of the prosthesis can be prolonged by an additional piece with an open bottom, thus achieving the leading away of the faeces to the furthest possible distance from the animal (Fig. 2}. To prevent the animal from biting off the prosthesis from the artificial anus, a safety basket was attached to its collar.
During the whole period of the experiment, the experimantal animal was fed with food containing no thick residues.
The experiment was performed on four animals; in the years 1982 and 1983 on two dog s (German shepherds), and in 1987, one experiment on a German shepherd and the other on a karst shepherd.
The experiments were carried out at the Glinic for Carnivorous Animals at the Veterinary Faculty in Ljubljana (Department of Veterinary Hospital, Cesta v Mestni log 40, Ljubljana), in collaboration with M. Se. Zlatko Pavlica, veterinarian.
In human patients, the sigmoid stoma is applied in cases of rectal cancer, after amputation of the complete rectal sigmoid.
In the experiment on a dog, the colon was discontinued at the level of the sigmoid colon, the distal part blindly sutured, and the stump left in the abdominal cavity. The terminal sigmoid colon was diverted through the trephine hole of the abdominal wall in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen. The sugery resembles the Hartman type of resection in human patients.
Results -Surgical diversion of the terminal sigmoid, as applied in patients with rectal carcinoma in which the amputation of rectosigma is necessary, was experimentally carried out in four dogs.
., ........•.. :)k. ............ ,;;..:
Fig. 1 -Different form s of the prosthetis; demonstration of the longitudinal elasticity of the rubber tube
Fig. 2 -Torsion of the elastic tube -emphasis on the small bulge of the rubber tube, which connects bolh pieces
In the first dog (German shepherd), the diversion of the sigmoid was performed in an already sacrificed animal in order to study the anatomy and the surgical technique.
In the recently sacrificed dog the colon was discontinued in the sigmoid level and the sigmoid stoma diverted through the trephine hole in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen. The distal stump of the colon was sutured in two layers and left in situ, as in the Hartman procedure (Fig. 3).
In the order dog, the identical procedure was carried out under endotracheal anaesthesia. The animal recovered in a few days; in three week's tirne we started testing the prosthesis. Here, we ran across unexpected trouble. The animal pulled out the prosthesis with its teeth; the prosthesis had to be reinstalled. During the installation, the animal was (intraveneously) sedated by an injection of Combelen.
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:261-5.
Košorok P. Testing of the valve far controlling the excretion of faeces and stomatherapy in the experiment on dogs
Fig. 4 -Valve inserted into a diverted bowel
Since the dog continued removing the prosthesis, we decided to fix the external part of the prosthesis to the skin. The operation was performed in premedication with Combelene and under barbiturate anasthesia (Nesdonal}. The external tube of the prosthesis (Fig. 4) was fixed with polidec stitches.
The animal now tolerated the prosthesis because it was sutured onto the skin and its removal would cause pain. The prosthesis remained in place for a week. Later, though, the dog managed to bite through the sutures and eliminate the prosthesis.
The third dog, a mongrel -German shepherd, was somewhat smaller. For that reason we tried to expand the terminal part of the sigmoid with a few cuttings and a surgical transformation. Unfortunately, the animal was unsufficiently purged before surgery. This provoked leakage and peritonitis owing to which the animal survived for only two days after the surgery.
The second dog -the karst shepherd was of
suitable proportions, whereupon we decided to carry out a simple discontinuance of the sigmoid and a terminal sigmoid stoma. The opreration was successful. After three weeks it was possible to insert the valve as in the primary version (from the years 1982 and 1983), and to suture the external ring onto the skin. It turned out that the inner ring of the valve was too small (35 mm). This provoked the leaked of faeces to the area around the valve. The valve remained positioned for 3 to 4 days; later the animal managed to remove and destroy it without trace.
In further experiments we installed a number of valves. The insertion was done without suturing, mainly in order to alow the attachment of the inner ring against the inner abdominal wall. A negative effect appared when the prosthesis was sutured to the skin because it was then not possible to adjust the length of the rubber tube. The prosthesis was attached to the skin while the inner ring floated loose in the lumen of the bowel. This caused leakage of faeces at the side of the inner ring. At the changing of the prosthesis, the diameter of the largest one was 55 mm, which was double the width of the lumen of the bowel in the experimental animal.
In one case the symptoms of ileus were observed. The animal vomited after feeding, yet appeared lively during the later walk.
Clinically, no symptoms of peritonitis could be observed. We removed the prosthesis and palpated the distal bowel. In the lumen of the bowel we could find a few lumps of faeces mixed with hay, which literally obturated approximately 1 O cm of the terminal bowel. The extraction of the prosthesis, digital evacuation of the hay lumps and the revised insertion was performed without any problems. The animal became lively again. With the exception of this short interruption, the 55 mm prosthesis remained installed for another day (totalling 4 days). Later, the prosthesis repeatedly fell out and was reinserted. AI together, the total period that the prosthesis was installed was one week. Finally the prosthesis fell out and could not be found any more.
Discussion -The experiment showed that the terminally diverted colon successfully witstood the dilation with the elastic ring for up to the lenght which twice exceeded the width of the bowel. It was found unnecessary to enlarge the prosthesis ov.r the double diameter of the lumen of the bowel, as the satisfactory inner anchoring could be achieved at smaller diameters.
Suturing of the external retention ring on the skin gave negative consequences. Not only did
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:261-5.
Košorok P. Testing of the valve tor controlling the excretion of faeces and stomatherapy in the experiment on dogs
this method damage the animal, it also suppressed the genuine fitting of the inner ring. Noticeable leakage of faeces at the side of the inner ring was observed.
In other prostheses which were not sutured on the skin, the leakage of faeces was not observed. Nevertheless, minor leakage might be presumed, this being impossible to estimate owing to poorer hygienic conditions. A number of external retention rings had been applied -from the simplest thin ring to the 5 cm tube. The longer tube was adequate for the adjustment of the prolongation and for the regulation of stretching of the tube. Vet, at the same tirne it provoke negative effects -it worked as a lever which luxated the prosthesis out of the bowel in case the animal lay on it.
The external prolongation, as used in our experiment, enabled the excretion of faeces in the furthest possible distance from the animal, thus avoiding dirtyng of the animal. The negative side was that it was within easy reach for the animal to puli it out with its teeth. Such a removal of the prosthesis was quite successfully avoided by installing the safety basket on the animal's collar.
A number of intresting conclusions were derived from the phase of the experiment in which ileus occurred. The obturation of the prosthesis with the hay lumps provoked a stronger dilation of the bowel than usual. The increased pressure inside the bowel pressed the ring against the abdominal wall even harder, thus raising the possibility for the forming of pressure sore necrosis. The latter had been considered the worst danger for the use of the prosthesis. The ileus lasted approximately one day. The distension of the bowel additionally aggravated the blood circulation in the inestinal wall. In spite of ali this, the bowel was not damaged at the place where the prosthesis was inserted.
From this incident we gain more insight into the experiment. The prosthesis could easily be extracted without sedative (Combelen) or anaesthetic (Nesdonal). The hey lumps were easly digitally removed from the lumen of the bowel. This brought us to the conclusion that the insertion and changing of the prosthesis was not an axtraordinarily painful and disagreeble procedure for the experimental animal; it could be expected that this would be true also in human patients.
The obstruction of the prosthesis with the
lumps implies another favourable possibillity for
human patients. The complete tightening up of
Fig. 6 -lnserted prosthesis with the collecting pouch. The puli stresses the firmness of installation of the inner ring.
the prosthesis could be desirable as a possibe way of assuring complete continence of the artificial anus.
Considering the fact that the most appropriate place for the • diversion of the bowel in_
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24:261-5.
Košorok P. Testing of the valve tor controlling the excretion of faeces and stomatherapy in the experiment on dogs
human patients is the left lower quadrant of the abdomen, we used the same location in dogs. In our opinion, a more suitable location when the operation is repeated would Qe in the median line, perhaps involving the excision of the umbilicus. So far, no need far a new surgical technique has been observed.
The performance of the prosthesis, applied hitherto (Fig. 5, 6) satisfied the set goals. It appears reasonable to pass on to the experimental use of this prosthesis in human patients. Only their observations and feelings could give us the necessary feed-back information and guidance far further adjustments, or changes of the primary construction of the prosthesis.
Only one published source which deals with the application of a similar prosthesis could be found in the literature. It is manufactured by the firm Johnson-Johnson(1 ). In the national literature, the installation of the rumen fistula in a calf, which was in use at the Institute of Psyhology of the VeterinaryFaculty in Ljubljana, far the study of digestion in the calf, should be mentioned (2).
The commercial prosthesis far the rumen fistula with the valve, used experimentally far studying the digestion in the calf is known as well. It can be installed far an optional period of tirne (3). When studying the animal digestion the permanent intestinal canilas (BrueggemannJovanovic type) (4) in open fistulas are used. Generally, the analysis of the literature which was available to the author showed no attempts to control the excretion of faeces at the diverted bowel in a similar way (MEDLARS register, Koeln).
V poskusu je bila uporabljena vrsta zaklopk za kontrolo izlocanja blata pri izpeljanem crevesu, ki smo jih vstavljali v svetlino crevesa. Zeleli smo preiskusiti ali notranji elasticni obroc more povzrociti dekubitalno okvaro crevesne stene. Crevo je ostalo nepoškodovano tudi v slucajno nastalem ileusu. Menimo, da ta izvedba proteze ne okvaria crevesa. Predpostavljamo, da bi enak tip proteze lahko poskusno uporabili tudi pri bolnikih, ki bi nam lahko dali koristne povratne informacije. Te bi nam služile pri daljnjem razvoju proteze. Slucajno nastali ileus zaradi zacepljenja proteze nakazuje še drugo možnost, ki bi bila pri bolnikih z anus praetrom zaželjena. S poklopcem na zunanjem nastavku bi dosegli kontinenco anus praetra.
Menimo, da je v tem eksperimentu zaklopka že razvita do stopnje, ko jo je možno uporabiti pri bolnikih s karcinomom rektuma, ki imajo amputirano rektosigmo in narejen anus praeter.
Johnson-Johnson. The first major advance in ostomy appliance technology in over three decades. J Enterostom Ther 1985; 12(3) :71.
Pardubsky T. Postupak fistuliranja i kaniliranja buraga mlade teladi. Vetserum 1967; 9-10:564-6.
Vatovec S. Fiziologija prebave v predželodcih prežvekovalcev. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehnicka fakulteta, 1971 ; 26-8.
Jovanovic M. Fiziologija domacih životinja. Beograd; Zagreb: Medicinska knjiga, 1984 ;300-1.
Author's address: Dr. Pavle Košorok, University Medica! Centre Ljubljana, University Department of Gastroenterologic Surgery, Hospital Dr. Peter Deržaj, Vodnikova 62, 61 000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
Radiol /ugasi 1990; 24 :261-5.
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FSH RIA for the determination of Follitropln
TSH -RIA for the determination of Thyrotropin
for the determination of Human Growth Hormone
T 3 -RIA for the determination of total Trllodthyronlne
T 4 -RIA for the determination of total Thyroxin
LH -RIA tor the determlnation of Lutropln
R I A Radiolmmunoassay
for the determlnatlon of Prolactln
(3 -HCG -RIA for the determination of Chorlonlc
R I A Radlolmmunoassay -for the determlnatlon of Eatradlol
for the determlnation of lnsulln Radioimmunoassay
DIGOXIN -RIA for the determlnatlon of Olgoxln
VE Aul3en-und Binnenhandelsbetrieb Robert-R6ssle-Stra8e 1 O
German Democratic Republic
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Cankarjev dom
Cultural and Congress Centre
Kidricev park 1, 61000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
-University Medical Centre Ljubljana, University Department of Gastroenterologic Surgery, Zaloška 7, 61000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
Telephone: 38 61 322 282, Fax: .38 61 325 760
-Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Zaloška 2, 61000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
Cankarjev dom
Cultural and Congress Centre
Kidricev park 1, 61000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia Congress Department
Telephone: 38 61 210 956
Telex: 32111 CK KKC, Fax: 38 61 217 431
The official language of the Congress will be English
Dilemmas in HPB Surgery and Medicine
Topics: HPB trauma
liver metastases
HPB malignancies
biliary stones
chronic pancreatitis
tumors of biliary tract
will be presented and discussed in:
PLENARY SESSIONS, with pro and contra lectures, round table discussion and free papers
VIDEO SESSIONS, presenting surgical and nonsurgical techniques,
POSTER SESSIONS, where the posters of the above mentioned topics will be discussed and prizes will be awarded to the besi posters.
and others
Welcome Reception Reception an the T own Hall Concerts
Tours of lake Bled, Postojna Caves, Lipica
A number of rooms -single and double -will be reserved for the Congress Participants and their Accompanying Guests at hotels in Ljubljana, all within walking distance from the Congress venue.
An exhibition of pharmaceutical and surgical equipment will be held at Cankarjev dom.
Salzburg Erlangen Bologna
Graz Frankfurt/Main Amsterdam Mannheim Innsbruck Munchen
Bad Kissingen Munchen Erlangen Hamburg Southampton K61n
Hammer J 1, Hochleitner F2, Seewald DH1, Meindl J2, Labeck W1
Abstract -Since September 1986 an lr-192 source with a high dose rale has been used for interstitial boosting of the tumor-bearing vocal cord in the organ-preserving management of larynx carcinoma. So far 6 patients with 8 vocal cord tumors have been treated. 5 patients presented with a T1 tumor, 2 of them with an in situ carcinoma in the contralateral vocal cord, and 1 patient presented with a T2 stage. AII patients except 1 underwent local tumor removal. The treatment method included external radiotherapy with a dose of 5000 cGy to the larynx. The patient who refused surgery was treated with 6000 cGy. 1 to 2 weeks after external radioll:!erap_y an interstitial
implant into the vocal cord was performed. Using two needles per cord a boost dose of 1000 cGy was given to the tumor area. T.e method of implantation and the needle set-up will be described. The median follow-up tirne is 34 months (range 44-20, calculated May 1990). So far no local or regional failures occured. None of the patient had intra-or postoperative complications. Ali patients have preserved their voice, 2 of them presen! with a mild hoarsness. Concerning the late effects, 1 patient developed a mild submental edema, 1 patient presents with teleangiectasia on the treated vocal cord. The number of patients is very low, bul the psycho-social aspects of preserving the ability to speak is of high value.
UDC: 616.22-006.6:615.849.2
Key words: laryngeal neoplasms-radiotherapy, vocal cords, brachytherapy, iridium radioistopes
Orig sci paper
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24: 269-72.
lntroduction -In the first half of our century vocal cord carcinomas were treated with Radium implantations (1, 2, 3, 4) and this method has been preferred by some radiation expert in the last 3 or 4 decades (5, 6, 7). Brachytherapy has been replaced by the introduction of teletherapy and in part by surgical procedures. Recently brachytherapy has come back into use, using mainly the isotope lridium-192. Most centers use wires with a low dose rate source. Usually radiation treatment is the initial treatment prescribed for early lesions, with operation reserved for salvage of irradiation failures. While chordectomy or hemilaryngectomy will produce comparable cure rates for selected T1 and T2 vocal cord lesions, irradiation is the preferred initial therapy. The major advantage of irradiation compared to chordectomy or hemilaryngectomy is that the voice quality is likely to be better. The voice after hemilaryngectomy remains hoarse. After successfull irradiation the voice is usually better than before therapy, a worsening of voice quality is uncommon. Hemilaryngectomy may be used as a salvage operation in suitable cases after irradiation failure. Complete stripping of the mucosa of
the cord is sometimes curative for lesions variously classified as leukoplakia, dysplasia or carcinoma in situ. In these patients early use of irradiation means a better chance of preserving a good voice. The difficulties in differentiating of carcinoma in situ from microinvasion tend to put the decision towards radiation.
There is an increasing use of the laser surgery in removing benign lesions and very early carcinomas involving the true vocal cords
Preservation of the voice and quality of life should be considered before deciding on the treatment method (9). Occasionally radiation therapy leads to a permanent hoarsness (1 O, 11 ), but in general after surgery -even after conservation of the vocal cord -a considerable reduction of the voice quality is to be expected (12). The reduction of speechability and the quality of voice results in a reduction of life quality (13, 14, 15). The results after laryngectomy and the complete loss of voice are well known: The patient retreats from his social surrounding, from his workplace as well as from the family. Often these circumstances results in
The material was presented on Synposium: »New arhievements in radiotherapy«, Ljubljana, October, 1989.
Received: June 26, 1990 -Accepted: July 17, 1990
Hammer J et al. High dose rale lr-192 implants in the treatment of cancer of the vocal cord
chronic alcoholism. Many patients are not able to continue with the treatment or to cooperate because of their low social status. After laryngectomy only a small percentage of patients are able to use the offered help, e.g. to learn the socalled esophagus speech', or to use electronic aids.
Patients and Method -Since December 1986 an lridium 192 source has been used for interstitial boosting of the tumor -bearing vocal cord in the organ preserving management of larynx carcinoma. Until September 1988 6 patients with 8 vocal cord tumors have been treated: 2 patients presented with tumors on both cords and were treated simultaneously. 5 patients presented with a T1 tumor, 2 of them with an in situ carcinoma in the contralateral vocal cord, and 1 patient with a T2 stage. AII except 1 T1 patient underwent tumor excision or cord stripping. lrradiation for early vocal cord cancer is delivered by small portals, covering only the primary lesion. Tretment fields for T1 and T2 tumors usually extend from the thyroid notch superiorly to the inferior border of the cricoid. The posterior border depends on the posterior extension of the tumour. The field size ranges from 4x4 cm to 6x6 cm. The incidence of lymp node involment is so small (0% -1 %), that elective irradiation of nodes usually is recommended only for T3 or T4 lesions, or for T2 lesions with poorly differentiated histology (16). Our treatment method included percutaneous radiotherapy with a dose of 5000 cGy to the larynx with 2 treatment portals in the size of 5*5 or 6*6 cm using wedge filters. The patient who refused surgery was treated with a dose of 6000 cGy. 1 to 2 weeks after external radiotherapy an interstitial implant into the vocal cord has been performed. Using 2 needles per cord a boost dose of 1000 cGy was given to the tumour area by means of a high dose rate lr-192 source. lts maximum activity is 8 Ci. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia of the patient. Using a Kleinsasser or Weerda device the needles were inserted by the ENT-surgeon under direct view of the cord. The distance between the needles is 1 O mm in the range of 7 to 12 mm. The dose of 1000 cGy is calculated to that isodose which covers the entire area of the primary lesion. Fig. 1 shows the combied isodose-plot of external and interstitial radiotherapy. An interoperative prednisolone i.v.dose prevents the patients from major edemas. The treatment tirne per needle depends on the actual activity of the lr-source and is usually in
the range of 1 to 2 minutes. The lr-source oscillates inside the needle and the lenght of oscillation can be adjusted from 1 to 4 cm by mechanical disk. Using the 4 cm oscillation path the tratment volume, this is the 1000 cGy isodose shell, shows a size of about 1 to 2 to 4 cm.
Until May 1990 16 patients have been treated in the same method. AII the statements mentioned above remain true concerning all patients.
Results -The median follow up tirne of these 6 patients is 32 months in a range of 18 to 42 months refferred to March 90. So far no local or regional failure ocurred. AII patients are free of
O 7000 1 6000 2 5500 3 5000 4 4000
Fig. 1 : Dose distribution of the combined plan of external radiation and interstitial therapy. lsodose No. 1 marks the 6000 cGy area, No. 2 5500 cGy, and No.
3 5000 cGy.
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24: 269-72.
Hammer J et al. High dose rate lr-192 implants in the treatment of cancer of the vocal cord
disease. None of the patients had intra -or postoperative complications. The side effects to the glottic mucosa are slight and transient. An intraoperative prednisolone i.v.-dose prevents the patients from major edemas. Ali patients have preserved their voice. 2 of 6 present with a mild horsness. No functional troubles in swallowing have been observed. Concerning the late effects 1 patient developed a mild submental edema, 1 patient presents with teleangiectasia on the treated vocal cord.
Discussion -In the treatment of T1 -T2 tumours with radiation therapy, a high percentage of disease free survival can be expected (17). The goal of radiation therapy, on the one hand, is cure with the best functional result and the least of serious complications (18), and on the other hand, is to reduce the rate of local recurrences as much as possible, both by carefull planning of the radiation and adequant dose application (19, 20). The main advantage of radiotherapy in comparison to laryngectomy or hemilaryngectomy is the preservation of the voice (21 ). In case of a local recurrence surgical operation to remove the tumor can be undertaken. A decision to perform a hemilaryngectomy or a total laryngectomy depends on the extent of the tumour. A survey by Stalpers concerning the rate of local recurrences and survival shows a survival-rate of 86% after primary radiation (in the range of 80% to 91%) and of 88% after primary surgery. The rate of local recurrences after primary radiation is 30% and after surgery 20%. The possibility of salvage surgery after local recurrences is 50% in the radiation therapy group and 30% in the surgery group. After salvage surgery the rate of persistent local recurrences in the radiotherapy group therefore is 15%. In the group of patients with primary surgery (and a 20% local recurrence rate) only 6% could be considered tumour free after salvage surgery (14% unsalvaged). These are average data from different cancer centers and clinics. It is to be noted that each individual center or clinic offers differe'nt results wich could lead to different conclusions.
Some authors report a correlation of the incidence of local recurrences, on the one hand to the applied dose and to the other hand to the size of the treatment portals dependent of the tumour stage (16, 22). Some papers indicate no noticable reduction of local recurrences with increased radiation doses (23). Accelerated fractionation seems to be successfull (8, 18, 24).
Pene (25) reports about in situ carcinomas in the stage T1 and T2 showing the same rate of local recurrences as invasive tumours. He assumes that these are not true recurrences but a new tumour deriving from the primary dysplastic epithelium. It is to be considered that along with every diagnosed in situ carcinoma other invaded areas may be present.
The number of patients in our series treated with high-dose--rate lridium implantations is very low, therefore the data are of limited value, but the psyche>--social aspects of preservation of the ability to speak is of high value. The preliminary results are encouraging: so far no local or regional recurrence have occured. It remains to be seen if a boost using lridium implantation directly into the vocal cord results in a noticable reduction of local recurrences.
Escat E. Radiumtherapie laryngee par fenestration thyreoidenne laterale. Presse Med 1921 ; 31 :1067.
Finzi NS, Harmer D. Die Radiumbehandlung des primaren Kehlkopfkarzinoms. Strahlentherapie 1929; 32:81.
Jakobi H. Die Radiumbestrahlung der Stimmbandkarzinome. HNO 1951; 2:349.
Minnigerode B. Radiumbehandlung des Stimmbandkarzinoms. Stuttgart: G Thieme Verlag, 1966.
Jatho K. Zur Radiumkontaktbestrahlung des einseitigen Stimmbandkarzinoms. Arch 0hr Nas Kehlk Heilk 1963; 182:518.
Minnigerode B, Karduck W, Bausch J. Die Stellung der Radiumkontaktbestrahlung innerhalb der aktuellen Strahlentherapie des Stimmband-Karzinoms. Tumor Diagn Therap 1983; 4:213-5.
Pfander F. Einseitige Schildknorpelfensterung und Radiumeinlage bei Kehlkopfkarzinom unter 0berschreitung der bisher ublichen lndikationsstellung. Arch 0hr Nas Kehlk Heilk 1951; 159:159.
Symposium Funktionserhaltende Therapie des fruhen Larynxkarzinoms. G6ttingen, BRD, November 1989.
Fletcher GH. Functional surqery and radiotherapy in head and neck cancer. In: Withers HA, Peters LJ Eds. lnnovations in Radiation Oncology. Berlin:
Springer Verlag 1988; 35-40.
1 O. Stoicheff ML. Voice following radiotherapy.
Laryngoscope 1975; 85 :608-18.
Stoicheff ML, Ciampi A, Passi JE, Fredrickson JM. The irradiated larynx and voice: a perceptual study. J Speech Hearing Res 1983; 26:482-5.
Harwood AR, Tierie A. Radiotherapy of early glottic cancer. II. lnt J Radia! Oncol Biol Phys 1979; 5:477-82.
King PS, Fowlks EW, Person GA. Rehabilitation and adaptation of laryngectomy patients. Am J Phys Med 1986; 47:192-203.
Minear D, Lucente F. Current attitudes of laryngectomy patients. Laryngoscope 1979; 89 :1061-5.
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24: 269---72.
Hammer J et al. High dose rate lr-192 implants in the treatment of cancer of the vocal cord
'-.;.., 41()
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C\ ('Q. '-9 . . 80 % , no radiological evidence ot distant metastases, normal renal and hepatic tunction, no history ot
The material was presented on Symposium »New achievements in radiotherapy«, Ljubljana, October, 1989.
Received: April 30, 1990-Accepted: May 17, 1990
Arian-Schad KS et al. Prelimina,x report on radiotherapy in stage III ovarian cancer pretreated by surgery and chemotherapy
malignant disease aside from basal celi carci
noma and no severe concomitant medica! iliness.
Preoperative radiological work-up consisted
of chest x-ray, CT scan of the abdomen and
pelvis, and intravenous pyelogram (IVP). lf indi
cated, ultrasound of the !iver was performed in
addition to help rule out hepatic metastases.
The surgical procedure was aggressive and
included hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy,
omentectomy and attempted radical lymph node
dissection of both the pelvic and paraaortic no
des. lf tumor showed involement of adjacent
organs or structu(es, either partial cystectomy,
appendectomy, abdominoperineal resection or
resection of parts of the intestinum were perfor
med. Exploration of the diaphragmatic surface
and peritoneal washings were carried out routine
ly .
Postoperatively the complete surgical speci
men was examined to determine stage, lymph
node involvement, tumor subtype and grade.
Two to 3 weeks after surgery systemic the
rapy was initiated with the aim to deliver 6 cycles
of a multidrug regimen containing cis-platinum
Subseqent to the completion of chemothe
rapy a complete clinical and radiological resta
ging was performed. lf blood counts showed at
least 3000/mm3 leukocytes and 100 000/mm3
platelets, respectively, radiation therapy was ini
The treatment fields were planned using a
CT-aided planning system. The radiation techni
que chosen was similar to the technique descri
bed by Schray et al. (21) with miner modifications
with regard to blocking of the kidneys and !iver,
an enlarged width of the subdiaphragmatic boost
field and the simultaneous treatment of abdomi
nal lymph nodes and the true pelvis. First, an
open abdominal AP/PA field (WAP) encompas
sing the entire peritoneal cavity was applied up
to a total dose of 30 Gy (1 .5 single fraction per
day,5 days a week). After a 2-week rest a
subdiaphragmatic boost field with 12 Gy was
added in cases with negative paraaortic nodes.
lf involvement of these nodes had been assessed
histologically the field was extended to cover the
entire subdiaphragmatic and paraaortic lymph
node region.
Simultaneously, the true pelvis was treated
in ali patients up to a total dose of 51.6 Gy with
a single fraction of 1.8 Gy per through AP/PA
shaped fields.
Blood counts were performed once a week
or more often if indicated. Foliow-up exams
. 278 were scheduled on a 3-month basis and included physical examination, blood chemistry, assessment of tumor markers, and radiological workup.
Statistical analysis -Survival was measured from the onset of surgical therapy and the onset of radiation utilizing the Kaplan-Maier product limit method (22). The Cox proportional hazard model was used tor the determination of prognostic factors correlating with overali or disease-free survival (DFS). The statistical differences between the various factors were assessed by the Mantel-Haenszel test; those included: exent of residual disease at the tirne of surgery (none visible vs :s 2 cm vs > 2 cm), histologic subtype, tumor grade, lymph node involvement of the pelvis, paraaortic region or both.
Results -Maximum cytoreductive surgery was performed in ali but 2 patients, in whom praaortic lymph node sampling was performed only. In one case partial bladder resection was done and in two cases parts of the intestinum had to be removed because of tumor infiltration into these organs.
Chemotherapy was given to ali patients ranging from 4-10 cycles (median, 6 cycles). Dose reduction in the last cycle of chemotherapy was necessitated in 6 cases, which was due to acute hematologic toxicity in 5 patients and hepatitis in one patient.
Ali cases presented with FIGO stage III carcinoma based on the presence of widespread and bulky intraabdominal disease.
In addition, histopatological staging revealed nodal involvement in 75% of cases. In 3 patients positive findings were restriced to pelvic nodes, in one case paraaortic involvement without concomitant pelvic disease was diagnosed and in 11 (55%) patients involvements of both lymph node regions were noted.
Histopatological assessment of tumor subtypes revealed 12 serous, 3 endometroid, 2 mucinous, 2 clear-cell and one undifferentiated adenocarcinoma. Grading of the tumors was almost equally distributed by 5 weli, 7 poorly, and one undifferentiated carcinoma.
Maximum debulking with no macroscopic disease visible in the abdomen was achieved in 8/20 (40%), in 3/20 (15%) tumor of equal or less than 2 cm, and in 9/20 (45%) more than 2 cm had to be left in the peritoneal cavity.
The radiation treatment was well tolerated aside from the expected side-effects of WAP
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24: 277--B1.
Arian-Schad KS et al. Preliminary report on radiotherapy in stage III ovarian cancer pretreated by surgery and chemotherapy
radiation such as inapetence, diarrhea, general f,atique and nausea. In one patient treatment was interrupted on request because of vomiting, in two others the course of radiation was not completed due to prolonged bone marrow depletion after 10 and 12.5 Gy, respectively. Five patients (29%) required treatment breaks ranging from 8 to 16 days (median 12 days) because of transient leukocytopenia or thrombocytopenia, of whom all were finally able to receive the prescribed dose.
Overall and DFS at 3 years from date of surgery for the patients who completed the full course of radiation was 69% and 47%, respectively, with a follow-up for overall survival ranging from 19 to 53 months. Overall survival and DFS from initiation of radiotherapy was 71 % and 23.8% (follow-up: 10 to 45 months).
The tirne to recurrence was 17 to 37 months (median, 20) and 9 to 29 months after surgery or onset of radiation, respectively.
Seven patients (41 % ) recurred in the abdomen alone, one failed in the left supraclavicular lymph node and another patient relapsed in both supraclavicular nodes at 20 and 38 months, as sole sites of disease. Thus, the overall relapse rate was 53% in the patients who had completed the trimodality approach.
The sites of failure were located at the dome
of the diaphragm in 3 cases, paraortic and
paracaval lymph nodes in 1 case and the pelvis
in two cases. One patient developed recurrent
disease at the diaphragm and in the pelvis
simultaneously. Recurrences in the abdomen
were diagnosed at a median tirne of 23 months
(range: 17-25 months). The interval from detec
tion of recurrent tumor and death was short,
ranging from 1 to 8 months (median 3 months).
Statistical analysis showed that among all
factors evaluated only the amount of residual
mass left after surgery significantly influenced
DFS and overall survival (none vs < 2 cm or >
2 cm, p < 0.001 ). Correlation with the amount of
residual disease at surgery over tirne showed
that survival was 100% for patients with no
visible disease, 66. 7% for < 2 cm residual and
only 26. 7% for patients with more than 2 cm
residual mass. The 3-year intraabdominal DFS
after surgery was 54.4%, respectively.
Discussion -The lack of uniformity in the treatment of advanced ovarian carcinoma makes it difficult to compare the various treatment modalities described in literature (2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 1 O, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24). This refers to more or less aggressive surgical approaches, the number of cycles and the differing drug combinations applied, the performance of pathological or clinical restaging for the evaluation of respo.se to chemotherapy, and the differing doses and treatment techniques chosen for radiation therapy.
Prospective trials randomizing postoperative chemotherapy to primary radiotherapy are lacking and little is known about the optimum sequence of the various modalities employed so far.
Although the number of patients in our series is small the feasibility of combining a maximum debulking surgery with combination chemotherapy and high-dose radiation with acceptable toxicity has been shown. The comparatively low rate of acute hematologic toxicity and severe complications with regard to bowel injury might be related to the relatively low number of chemotherapy cycles employed and the renunciation of second-look laparotomy (2, 7, 9, 18, 21 ).
Careful attention was paid to selection criteria for the patients treated with this protocol. AII patients presented with bulky abdominal disease and were not classified as stage III based on positive nodal involvement only. Prospectively radical dissection of both pelvic and paraaortic nodes was attempted in order to minimize possible residual tumor in the peritoneal cavity and to determine the percentage of paraaortic lymph node involvement. lnspite or aggressive surgery, however, residual disease of > 2 cm in 45% and less than 2 cm in 15% of cases could not be completely removed. This was particulary true when tumor was located at the right diaphragmatic surface, which occurred in 9 of 20 patients in our series.
The efficacy of chemotherapy in eradicating
macroscopic residual disease has been demon
strated with clinical response rates of 90% with
regimens containing cis-platinum -the patholo
gically confirmed complete responses (pCR), how
ever, revealed that only 30-40% of patients
were free of tumor on second-look laparotomy.
Despite of histopathologically verified tumor con
trol, up to 50% of patients have been shown to
relapse (2, 3, 8, 1 O, 14, 25, 26). Thus, the
potential benefit of adjuvant radiotherapy for
consolidation of response in this subgroup of
patients warrants further investigation.
The role of second-look laparotomy (SLL) is
controversial. SLL has praven useful in asses
sing the response to different chemotherapy
protocols and was considered helpful in selecting
subgroups of patients, in whom adjunctive treat
ment might be indicated (2, 3, 4, 9, 13, 19, 20).
Radiol lugosl 1990; 24: 2n--e1.
Ariari-Schad KS et al. Preliminary report on radiotherapy in stage 111 ovarian cancer pretreated by surgery and chemotherapy
For nonresponders, however, second line treatments showed poor results. In an attempt to alter the course of disease, secondary debulking at SLL was suggested, but the impact of such procedure also seems unclear. Rizel et al. (8) reported on 12 patients with secondary complete removal of the tumor, of which only 4 patients remained free of disease. Ho et al. (26) failed to demonstrate an impact on survival comparing two groups of patients with and without SLL.
The analysis of pattern of failures in our patient series showed, that ali patients recurred at sites of initial macroscopic residual mass. This is in agreement with other reports, which showed that the exent of residual disease left in the abdomen does correlate significantly with survival (2, 3). The specific role that either chemotherapy or radiotherapy contributed in our series stili remains unclear. In agreement with other studies, however, it seems that maximum debulking at the initial operative procedure is predictive in terms of overali and DFS regardless of aggressive adjuvant therapies available at that tirne (2, 25, 27).
Conclusion -This study demonstrated that high dose radiation is weli tolerated inspite of preceding radical surgery and multidrug chemotherapy. Based upon the relatively low number of chemotherapy cycles employed as compared to other studies in literature, and the omission of SLL, acute toxicity was moderate and serious complications were restriced to one patient in our series.
The 3-year overali and DFS rates of 69% and 47%, respectively, compare favorably to those reported in previous studies, particulary considering that only patients with widespread intrabdominal disease were included into this protocol.
However, this approach seems to be of value only for patients with no or minimal disease after surgery. A randomized study is warranted to verify the benefit of adjuvant radiation in this particular subgroup of patients.
Bruckner H W, Cohen C J, Goldberg J D, Kabakow B, Wallach R C, Deppe G, Greenspan E M, Gusberg S B, Holland J F. lmproved chemotherapy for ovarian cancer with cis--