R. NOWOSIELSKI et al.: INFLUENCE OF MECHANICAL-ALLOYING PARAMETERS ON THE STRUCTURE ... 425–431 INFLUENCE OF MECHANICAL-ALLOYING PARAMETERS ON THE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 VPLIV PARAMETROV MEHANSKEGA LEGIRANJA NA STRUKTURO IN LASTNOSTI ZLITINE Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 Ryszard Nowosielski, Aleksandra Guwer * , Krzysztof Matus Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Konarskiego Street 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-12-15; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2020-02-26 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.345 The main objective of the research was to determine the mechanical-alloying conditions that ensure the fabrication of the Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8 amorphous alloy. The experimental work involved the following mechanical-alloying parameters: milling time (0.5 h and 1 h) to interval time (0.5 h), ratio of grinding medium to material (5:1 and 10:1), the addition of an microwax powder and the process atmosphere (argon). Their effect on the structure, the amount of material obtained after milling, the size and shape of the powders, qualitative chemical composition and microhardness of the investigated Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8 alloy were de- scribed. The mechanical alloying (MA) of the Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8 alloy was carried out in a SPEX 8000 high-energy ball mill. The total mechanical-alloying time of each sample was 10 hours. Each 10-hour cycle consisted of milling time (1 h or 0.5 h) and in- terruption 0.5 h. Microwax powders were added to selected samples. Finally, eight samples for testing were obtained. The struc- ture of the obtained powders was examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The chemical compositions of the prepared powders were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with EDS. Electron transmission microscopy (TEM) was used to confirmation the fully amorphous structure of the sample. Microhardness was measured by using a Vickers hardness testing ma- chine. Each of the applied milling parameters had an influence on the amorphization of the Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8 alloy. The amor- phous material was obtained in two cases after 1h of milling without adding microwax. After the TEM analysis it was found that the resulting powder is not completely amorphous. In the amorphous matrix, nanocrystallites were found: Cu51Ti14 and Cu5.38Ti3.33Zr3.29.The addition of microwax slowed down the amorphization. The highest microhardness was exhibited by the amorphous powders. Larger sample weights were obtained from the reactors to which microwax was added. Keywords: parameters of mechanical alloying, Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8 alloy, SEM, TEM, XRD, Vickers microhardness Glavni cilji raziskave so bili dolo~iti pogoje mehanskega legiranja za zagotovitev izdelave amorfne zlitine Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8. Avtorji opisujejo vpliv naslednjih parametrov: intervalnega ~asa mletja (0,5 ure ali 1 uro) v intervalu prekinitev po 0,5 ure, razmerja med medijem za mletje in materialom za izdelavo zlitine (5:1 in 10:1), dodatek prahu mikrovoska in procesne atmosfere (argon). Nadalje v ~lanku opisujejo analizo in rezultate vpliva parametrov na strukturo, koli~ino dobljenega materiala po mletju, velikost in obliko prahov, kvalitativno kemijsko sestavo in mikrotrdoto preiskovane zlitine Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8. Mehansko legiranje (MA) zlitine Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8 so izvedli v visokoenergijskem krogli~nem mlinu SPEX 8000. Celoten ~as mehanskega legiranja vsakega od vzorcev je bil konstanten in sicer 10 ur. Vsak 10 urni ciklus je bil sestavljen iz ~asa mletja (1 uro ali 0,5 ure) in 0,5 urne prekinitve. Mikrovosek so dodajali samo dolo~enim vzorcem. V celoti so izdelali osem vzorcev za testiranje. Strukturo preiskovanih prahov so dolo~ili z rentgensko difrakcijo (XRD). Kemijsko sestavo pripravljenih prahov so dolo~ili z vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo (SEM) in prigrajenim EDS-detektorjem. S presevno elektronsko mikroskopijo (TEM) so potrdili popolno amorfno stanje mikrostrukture. Mikrotrdoto so dolo~ili na Vickersovem merilniku mikrotrdote. Vsak od uporabljenih parametrov mletja je imel dolo~en vpliv na amorfizacijo (osteklenitev) zlitine Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8. Amorfni material so avtorji dosegli v dveh primerih enournega mletja brez dodatka mikrovoska. Po TEM analizi pa so ugotovili, da izdelani prah ni bil popolnoma amorfen (steklast). V amorfni matrici so na{li {e nanokristalite: Cu51Ti14 in Cu5,38Ti3,33Zr3,29. Dodatek mikrovoska je upo~asnil tvorbo amorfne mikrostrukture. Najvi{jo mikrotrdoto so imeli amorfni prahovi. Vzorci z dodatkom mikrovoska so imeli najve~jo maso. Klju~ne besede: parametri mehanskega legiranja, zlitina Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8, SEM, TEM, XRD, mikrotrdota po Vickersu 1 INTRODUCTION Mechanical alloying (MA) is defined as a high-en- ergy milling process during which particles are subjected to multiple cold welding, cracking and rewelding. The process itself is very complex and depends on many pa- rameters. 1–5 The first time the mechanical alloying pro- cess was used was by John Benjamin and coworkers in 1966. They produced a Ni-based alloy with special prop- erties in order to apply it to a gas turbine on an industrial scale. 1,2,6 The first amorphous material (Ni 60 Nb 40 alloy) was obtained in 1983. 7 Currently, MA is used to produce the following materials: 1,7 • homogeneously dispersed nanocomposites, • metallic glasses, • metal particles characterized by excellent combus- tion. Mechanical alloying provides the possibility to obtain amorphous materials that are difficult or impossible to produce by conventional methods. 2 Moreover, modern methods of sintering (for example, spark plasma sintering) make it possible to consolidate the amorphous powders without changing their structure. As a result, it becomes possible to receive amorphous materials with a Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 4, 425–431 425 UDK 620.1:621.785.616:67.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 54(4)425(2020) *Corresponding author's e-mail: guwer.aleksandra@wp.pl (Aleksandra Guwer) much larger size than when using a method like casting into a copper mold or melt spinning. 1 The fabrication of an amorphous alloy by the MA method consists of a number of factors. The most impor- tant parameters which condition the formation of amor- phous structure are shown in Figure 1. The structure of the material is dependent on the energy and the environ- ment of the process. For each alloy the MA process parameters must be selected individually. Most often, this is done experimen- tally. For example, in order to obtain an amorphous structure for Cu 50 Ti 50 3 and (Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 ) 99 Al 1 , 5 the following parameters were used: Cr steel balls of 13 mm diameter, the weight of balls to milled material ratio was 5:1, argon atmosphere, vibratory mill type SPEX 8000 CertiPrep Mixer/Mill each hour of mechanical alloying is 30 minutes of milling and 30 minutes break. The time for which the structure for the two-component alloy was obtained lasted 8 h, and for five components it was 7 h. 3,5 M.S. Al-Assiri, A. Alolah et al. 10 studied the structure of Cu 45+x Ti 50-x powders after 0 h, 2 h,4hand6h.ASpex 8000 mill was used. An amorphous structure was ob- tained with samples milled for 6 h. They used a ratio of balls/powder of 4.15:1. The weight of the powder sam- ples was 4 g. 10 In this article the basic properties of eight Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powders were examined. For the prepara- tion of the amorphous samples, different milling parame- ters were used. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART As a starting material, powders of metal of high pu- rity (99.99 %): copper, titanium, zirconium and nickel were used. All the applied powders were characterized by the same particles size, i.e, 325 mesh (about 44 μm). Each sample was prepared with 8 grams of weighed powders. The masses of the individual elements were: Cu – 3.9252 g, Ti – 2.1389 g, Zr – 1.3187 g, Ni – 0.6170 g. The powder mixture together with the Cr steel balls were placed in an austenitic crucible in an argon atmo- sphere within a glove bag. Eight samples with the com- position Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 were prepared. The exact pa- rameters for each sample are given in Table 1. Table 1: Specification of the prepared samples together with the pa- rameters of their fabrication Samples A B C D E F G H Time of milling (h) 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 Time of interval (h) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Ratio ball to powders 5:1 10:1 5:1 10:1 10:1 5:1 10:1 5:1 Microwax - - + + - - + + In order to produce the Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 amorphous al- loy, different milling parameters were used. The perma- nent parameters were as follows: time MA – 10 h, the at- mosphere – argon, and room temperature. The variable parameters were as follows: time of milling without in- terval – 0.5 h or 1 h, interval time: 0.5 h, microwax addi- tion or lack thereof, weight of 40 g or 80 g of grinding media. In summary, the total amount of milling time for each of the samples was 10 h, with two different milling intervals: 0.5 h and 1 h, followed each time by a rest in- terval of 0.5 h. The mechanical alloying was carried out in a SPEX 8000 high-energy ball mill CertiPrep Mixer/Mill "shaker" type. The mill vibrated the balls and the material inside the container. 8,9 The particles’ size and shape for the Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powders were charac- terized using a SUPRA 25 ZEISS scanning electron mi- croscope (SEM) with a magnification up to 200×. An X’Pert Pro Panalytical X-ray diffractometer was used to study the structure of fabricated powders. The wavelength of the Co-K radiation was 0.178897 nm. The data from the diffraction lines were recorded using the "step-scanning" method in the 2 range from 30° to 90° and with a 0.013° step. The time of the step was 40 s and the scanning speed was 0.084 °/s. The samples for the transmission electron micros- copy investigations were prepared by dispersing the powder in ethanol, placing it in an ultrasonic bath, then putting the droplets onto 3-mm copper grids coated with amorphous carbon film and drying in air at room temper- ature. The electron microscopy observations were made on a probe Cs-corrected S/TEM Titan 80-300 FEI micro- scope equipped with EDAX EDS detector. A 300-kV electron beam was used. The images were recorded in TEM-mode, using HRTEM (high-resolution transmis- sion electron microscopy). Selected-area electron dif- fraction (SEAD) patters were obtained. Observations in light and dark field were used. The EDS analysis was performed using a large beam current and a convergence semi-angle of 34 mrad to amplify the signal. The chemical compositions of the samples were ana- lysed by means of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The mass of the powders before and after the process was weighed on an AS 310/X analytical high-precision balance. The microhardness of the particles was measured us- ing a Vickers-hardness testing machine with an auto- matic track measurement using image analysis from FUTURETECH FM-ARS 9000. The obtained powders were prepared for microhardness testing in the form of a R. NOWOSIELSKI et al.: INFLUENCE OF MECHANICAL-ALLOYING PARAMETERS ON THE STRUCTURE ... 426 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 4, 425–431 Figure 1: Schematic illustration of mechanical alloying parameters that affect the amorphous structure of the materials 6,7 microsection. The load of the micro-indenter was 0.97 N. For each of the prepared samples, ten particles were tested. Before the measurement of the microhardness, the test powders were mounted in Polyfast resin under a pressure of 250 bar, using CitoPress_20 equipment. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microanalysis The composition of the research material was se- lected on the basis of a literature analysis. The chemical composition of the Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powder selected for testing has a high ability to obtain an amorphous struc- ture as a result of the mechanical alloying. The initial size of the powders was about 44 μm and the shape was spherical. During the mechanical synthesis the powders changed their size and shape. The average size of the particles, depending on the milling time, are shown in Table 3. In each sample, after the mechanical alloying the particles were larger than the size of the input pow- ders. Figure 2 shows the fabricated powders in the form of images taken by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) at 200× magnification. The images were displayed in the order from sample A to the powder H. As a result of analysis of the particles in the 2D image, it was observed that after milling with a higher frequency, the particles were finer (Figure 2b, 2d, 2f and 2h), than when milling which was interrupted every 0.5 h (Figure 2a, 2c, 2e and 2g). The powders without the addition of microwax were characterized by a spherical shape and agglomerates were formed (e.g., Figure 2a and 2b). On the other hand, powders which were milled with microwax were formed in the shape of a plate (e.g., Fig- ure 2b, 2d, 2e and 2g). Moreover, a greater mass of grinding medium, 80 g, resulted in a greater particle-size reduction (e.g., Figure 2a, 2c, 2f and 2h), than the grind- ing medium with a mass of 40 g. Figure 3 presents the results of the EDS analysis of the powder E, as an exam- ple. The results of the chemical analysis for all the pow- ders are shown in Table 2. The powder consisted of only starting elements and their atomic weight had moved closer to weighed mass. R. NOWOSIELSKI et al.: INFLUENCE OF MECHANICAL-ALLOYING PARAMETERS ON THE STRUCTURE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 4, 425–431 427 Figure 2: Shape and size of powder Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 after mechanical alloying from the top left to the bottom right A-H (SEM, magnifications 200×) Table 2: Results of chemical analysis from the surface of the powder Element A (a/%) B (a/%) C (a/%) D (a/%) E (a/%) F (a/%) G (a/%) H (a/%) Zr 7.71 7.92 7.15 9.01 8.79 7.27 8.13 9.11 Ag 2.02 2.13 2.09 2.18 2.15 2.07 2.11 2.07 Ti 31.04 32.41 36.14 35.91 31.58 32.67 32.14 30.88 Ni 9.12 6.98 7.05 7.56 6.77 9.42 9.64 7.11 Cu 50.11 50.56 47.57 45.34 50.58 48.57 47.98 50.83 Table 3: Amount of material and particle size obtained before and after milling for individual samples Samples A B C D E F G H initial Mass of powders before milling (g) 888888888 Weight of powders after milling (g) 4.82 4.67 6.37 6.18 4.88 4.40 6.42 6.21 x Average particle size (μm) 85×69 81×64 213×138 68×53 101×92 172×207 51×48 256×231 44 3.2 XRD analysis The XRD analysis showed that the two samples were amorphous (A and B). The diffraction pattern shows a single broad diffraction halo with the 2 range of 42° –54° from the amorphous phase only (Figure 4a and 4b). In other cases, there were peaks of crystalline phases against a background of an amorphous matrix (Figure 4c to 4h). In each case, the additive microwax delayed the amorphization of the powder (Figure 4 c, Figure 4d, 4g and 4h). The smaller amount of grinding medium in the reactor caused more peaks from crystalline phases on the diffractometer than in the case of samples in which the ratio by mass of grinding medium to the mass of the powder was 10:1 (e.g., Figure 4c and 4g). Whereas the milling time (0.5 h or 1 h) had no effect on the structure of the powders. In the case of the fuller reactor filling, more amorphous powders came from milling for 0.5 h without interruption (Figure 4d and 4g). While in the reactor, in which the ratio of balls to powder was 5:1, fewer of the crystalline peaks occurred in the powder, which was milled for 1 h without interruption (Figure 4 c and 4h). 3.3 TEM analysis TEM analysis was performed on the samples A and C. Nanocrystallites were discovered in the amorphous matrix in sample C. The following was concentrated on identifying the nanocrystallites. Recorded selected-area electron diffraction (Fig- ure 5) helped to identify the investigated phase as Cu 5.38 Ti 3.33 Zr 3.29 . Image analysis in the light and dark R. NOWOSIELSKI et al.: INFLUENCE OF MECHANICAL-ALLOYING PARAMETERS ON THE STRUCTURE ... 428 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 4, 425–431 Figure 4: X-ray diffraction pattern of Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powders after 10 hours of milling with different parameters of mechanical alloying: A–H (explanation of symbols shown in Table 1). Figure 3: SEM micrographs of Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powders E with marked area for energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS) fields made it possible to estimate the size of the grains inside the material as about 5–10 nanometers (Figure 6). This confirms the very high fragmentation of grains, which can significantly improve the properties of the ma- terial. The HRTEM images confirmed that the average grain size of the material was in the range 5–10 nm (Figure 7). They also allowed for confirmation of the very high ho- mogeneity of the test material, as well as the observed grains characterized by a uniform shape. The HRTEM image analysis allowed the implemen- tation of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) (Figure 8). The solution of the FFT makes it possible to identify the ana- lyzed grains as Cu 51 Zr 14 in the direction of [010]. In order to confirm the fully amorphous structure of the obtained powders on the transmission electron micro- scope (TEM), sample A was selected (Figure 9).Inpow - ders A there were only continuous rings on the SAEDs (Figure 9 b). 3.4 The amount of material obtained after milling In each case of milling the weights of the starting material were 8 g. The mass of grinding medium in a re- actor, about ratio the material weight to the balls weight 5:1, was 40 g, and in the reactor, in which a ratio of balls weight to the material weight was 10:1, it was 80 g. The amount of material which was obtained before and after milling for the individual samples is shown in Table 3. After the analysis of the results, several features were noted. From the reactors in which were placed 80 g of grinding medium, less of the milled material was ob- tained (more surface to deposit material), than from reac- tors with fewer milling balls. Also, a very high impact of a small amount of amide microwax (0.04 g) was demon- strated, for the quantity of the obtained weight of the powder after the MA process. From the reactors to which microwax was added, at least 6.18 g of material was ob- tained in each case. From the reactors without microwax R. NOWOSIELSKI et al.: INFLUENCE OF MECHANICAL-ALLOYING PARAMETERS ON THE STRUCTURE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 4, 425–431 429 Figure 7: HRTEM images of Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powders C Figure 5: Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern recorded from Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powders C Figure 6: a) Bright-field and b) dark-field TEM image of Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powders C R. NOWOSIELSKI et al.: INFLUENCE OF MECHANICAL-ALLOYING PARAMETERS ON THE STRUCTURE ... 430 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 4, 425–431 Figure 9: a) HRTEM image from Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powders A and b) selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern recorded from Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powders A Figure 8: a) HRTEM image from Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powders C and b) Fourier transform (FFT) Table 4: Microhardness measurements (10 for each samples A-H) and the average value of received results Number of mea- surement ABCDEFGH 1 479 563 482 522 527 630 585 465 2 536 613 523 521 539 545 517 526 3 557 571 447 447 496 512 475 546 4 559 535 479 481 503 516 510 570 5 587 523 538 575 561 497 538 550 6 630 606 557 547 524 524 596 528 7 492 514 517 517 598 532 521 501 8 541 567 532 521 537 515 499 516 9 568 547 498 528 512 532 511 551 10 592 553 542 532 472 542 574 583 Average 554 559 512 519 527 535 532 534 addition, a maximum of 4.88 g milled powders were ob- tained. The difference between the largest quantity of generated powder from sample with and without the microwax addition was 1.79 g. This represents approxi- mately 22 % of the total weight of the loaded material. However, there was no discernible effect of the break times (0.5 h or 1 h), for the amount of material obtained after MA. 3.5 Microhardness The load of indenter was 100 g. The total load oper- ating time was 15 seconds. Each of samples were exam- ined ten times. The microhardness measurements and the average values of the results are included Table 4. All the microhardness measurements were very similar. As a result of the calculation of the mean value of the mea- surements for each sample, better results for the amor- phous samples were reported. The highest microhardness was demonstrated by sample B, i.e., 559 HV. The sample A (also amorphous) showed the second highest value. Perhaps, the higher value of average microhardness was obtained for the sample B, because of longer milling time without interruption (1 h) and/or more grinding me- dia in the reactor (10:1) was used than in sample A. For comparison, for sample A the milling time without inter- ruption was 0.5 h, and the ratio mass of powder to the mass of grinding media was 1:5. This relationship is shown not only to amorphous samples. For other pow- ders the average microhardness values were also higher, in cases where interruption in milling was seldom and more balls were in the reactor. The microhardness of other samples did not differ significantly from the micro- hardness of the amorphous powders. The lowest micro- hardness was obtained for powder C, i.e., 512 HV. It was found that the addition of microwax did not have an ef- fect on the microhardness of the powders. 4 CONCLUSIONS Based on the experiences and analysis of the obtained results, the following conclusions could be drawn: • The parameters of the mechanical alloying had an in- fluence on the structure, shape and size, amount of materials after milling and microhardness the Cu 47 Ti 34 Zr 11 Ni 8 powders. • Amorphous powder was obtained for sample A and B. This is confirmed by the XRD test, and addition- ally in sample A by the TEM test. • In other cases, nanocrystallites were found in the amorphous matrix. Identification of nanocrystallites was carried out in sample C in a TEM test. • An amorphous structure was obtained using the fol- lowing parameters: the ratio of balls mass to the weight of the powder 5:1, the ratio of the milling time to the interruption 0.5 h : 0.5 h and in the second case the ratio of balls mass to the weight of the pow- der 10:1, the ratio of milling time to break time1h: 0.5 h. • The addition of microwax caused a prolongation of the time of amorphization, larger size reduction of particles, the shape of plate and obtaining greater amount of powder material after milling. • A longer milling time without interruption (1 h) fa- voured the fragmentation of grains and obtaining a higher value for the microhardness. It did not affect the structure and amount of powder after grinding. • More balls in the reactor (80 g) caused a larger frag- mentation of the particles and a higher loss of the ma- terial after milling the amount of grinding media in the reactor. 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