Introduction ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2004 Vol. 47, Št. 2: 75-81 Sprejeto (accepted): 2004-09-17 Pollen grain bioassay for environmental contamination biomonitoring Biomonitoring polucije okolja z analizo poškodovanosti pelod- nih zrn Jasna PARADIŽ and Milan LOVKA National Institute of Biology Ljubljana, Večna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija; tel: +386(0)14233388, e-mail: Abstract. Pollen grain bioassay near some highways was performed in 45 plant species for identification of environmental genotoxic impact on naturally growing plants due to environmental traffic contaminants. A relationship between the duration of heavy traffic on particular road sections and the degree of develop- mental and morphological changes of pollen grains was indicated. Increased fre- quency of pollen deformation after more than 20 years of traffic influence was established, indicating the applicability of pollen grain bioassay for genotoxic risk assessment of chronic low leve! contamination impact in natura! habitats. Key Words: naturally growing bioindicator plants, traffic contaminants, pollen grain deformation Izvleček. V biomonitoringu onesnaženosti okolja zaradi prometa smo anal- izirali stopnjo poškodovanosti pelodnih zrn pri 45 vrstah rastlin z naravnih rastišč ob naših avtocestah. Ugotovili smo, da je stopnja poškodovanosti peloda na poskusnih lokalitetah povezana s trajanjem prometa na posameznih avtocestnih odsekih, povečan obseg poškodovanosti peloda je bil pri biondikatorskih rastlinah na rastiščih, obremenjenih z vplivi prometa več kot 20 let. Ti rezultati kažejo, da je analiza poškodovanosti pelodnih zrn uporabna za sledenje kroničnih vplivov nizk- ih nivojev zračne polucije z genotoksičnimi agensi in oceno ogroženosti rastlin na naravnih rastiščih. Ključne besede: samonikle bioindikatorske rastline, onesnaževanje z izpušnimi plini, poškodovanost pelodnih zrn. Environmental contamination caused by highway traffic has been identified as a serious ecolog- ical problem. Air contaminants produced by motor traffic and released along the highways and main 76 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 road connections are particularly hazardous to puhlic health and the environment. Low concentra- tions of many environmental pollutants are considered as harmless, but for the genotoxic contami- nants there is no safe